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aiiaiiiyo · 5 years ago
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My dad (right) in 1987, age 22, when he first came to America 33 years ago to learn the basics of auto repair from my cousin's dad to live the American Dream! Check this blog!
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chaitanyabharatnews · 5 years ago
कैंसर को बढ़ावा देते हैं नॉन स्टिक कुकवेयर और प्लास्टिक के बर्तन
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चैतन्य भारत न्यूज आजकल हर किसी के किचन ��ें नॉन-स्टिक पैन या कढ़ाई, एल्युमिनियम के कुकर जरूर नजर आएंगे। ऐसे में अगर आपसे ये कह दिया जाए कि इन बर्तनों में खाना पकाना आपकी सेहत को नुकसान पहुंचा रहा है, तो क्या आप मानेंगे? दरअसल ऐसे बर्तनों में आप खाना नहीं बल्कि धीमा जहर अपने शरीर में घोल रहे हैं। (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); जी हां... विशेषज्ञों के मुताबिक, डब्बा बंद फूड और पैक्ड ज्यूस में बेंजोएट होता है। जो कैंसर का सबसे बड़ा कारण है। इसी तरह नॉन-स्टिक कुकवेयर में टेफलॉन कोटिंग होती है। खाना बनाते समय इन बर्तनों में स्क्रैच लगता है और यही कार्बन खाने के साथ हमारे शरीर में चला जाता है। यह भी कैंसर का बड़ा कारण है। विशेषज्ञों ने बताया कि, नॉन-स्टिक कुकवेयर की इनर कोटिंग में पॉलीटेट्राफ्लूरोएथिलिन (PTFE) का इस्तेमाल होता है, जिसके कारण इन बर्तनों में कम तेल या घी इस्तेमाल करने पर भी खाना चिपकता नहीं है और इन्हें साफ करना आसान होता है। हालांकि इसी PTFE को कई स्टडीज में सेहत का दुश्मन भी बताया गया है। पॉलीटेट्राफ्लूरोएथिलिन को आमतौर पर टेफ्लॉन कहा जाता है। इसके निर्माण में PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) का इस्तेमाल होता है, जो एक जहरीला प्रदूषक है। विशेषज्ञों का कहना है कि, प्लास्टिक के बर्तनों को भी घर से बाहर कर देना चाहिए। प्लास्टिक के साथ रिएक्ट कर खाना या पीना कैंसर का कारण बन जाता है। इसलिए मिट्टी या लोहे के बर्तन में खाना बनाएं और खाएं। फास्ट फूड छोड़कर परंपरागत भारतीय खाना खाएं। विशेष ध्यानार्थः यह आलेख केवल पाठकों की अति सामान्य जागरुकता के लिए है। चैतन्य भारत न्यूज का सुझाव है कि इस आलेख को केवल जानकारी के दृष्टिकोण से लें। इनके आधार पर किसी बीमारी के बारे में धारणा न बनाएं या उसके इलाज का प्रयास न करें। यह भी याद रखें कि स्वास्थ्य से संबंधित उचित सलाह, सुझाव और इलाज प्रशिक्षित डॉक्टर ही कर सकते हैं। ये भी पढ़े... दिल की बीमारी से बचने के लिए मदद करेंगे ये सुपरफूड, जान लें इनके फायदें तनाव और थकान को दूर कर देंगी ये रिलैक्सेशन टिप्स वैज्ञानिकों का बड़ा खुलासा- बातचीत के दौरान तुरंत जवाब कैसे देते हैं हम? Read the full article
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empressempathidi · 6 years ago
😒😒😒😒🌎 Me side-eyeing the world cuz TRASH. 😒😒😒😒 . Knew about the meat, rice, & cheese-- I only eat nice-cream now, but ROCKS in the BABY FOOD?!! DONE. . So who's going to be baking their vitamins tonight though? . #fakefood #plasticrice #plastic #rice #chemicals #greedy #food #industry #foodindustry #fdaapproved #synthetic #natural #vitamins #lemon #bubbling #washing #powder #icecream #chemical #cowpus #cheese #gravel #babyfood #glue #meat #fortified #calcium #liestheytell #PEOPLEoverPROFIT #youvebeenwarned . Reposted from @themelaninshadesroom - Who else bout to start a farm with me??? . . Credit: @blossom https://www.instagram.com/p/ByL4eYDH8DK/?igshid=hdxw5cli3g3e
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ebrattray · 6 years ago
#chinesfood # chinese #food #health #fakenew #plasticrice chinesefood #supermarket https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx01bdCh2uW/?igshid=15bmgzadfd2ad
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madbajan · 8 years ago
So wait wait.... Everybody else and deh mur got chinee #plasticrice and #bajans got shite in a rice bag??
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kalepwa · 8 years ago
#PlasticRice again! she claims #iberiajasminerice is made of plastic #cooking #recipes #ricecooker #jasminerice #rice
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mojeedoladipupo-blog · 8 years ago
Read why plastic rice is detrimental to human health
Read why plastic rice is detrimental to human health
The National President of Polymer Institute of Nigeria, PIN, Professor Paul Hamza, has advised Nigerians to “avoid eating anything that would endanger their lives, despite the excruciating hardship they are passing through now.
Professor Hamza, who made the special appeal while responding to Vanguard inquiry on the alleged importationof plastic rice into the country, also warned that the product…
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yimbyarts · 5 years ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwyoDzxa7ss Visit us at https://yimbyarts.org!
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sabkuchgyan · 5 years ago
सावधान मार्किट में बिक रहे है प्लास्टिक चावल , ऐसे करें पहचान
सावधान मार्किट में बिक रहे है प्लास्टिक चावल , ऐसे करें पहचान #plasticrice #health #plastic #fake #chinese #harmful
चौथी पीढ़ी जिसे 4G कहते हैं, सुनने मे बड़ा अच्छा लगता है लेकिन बढ़ती हुई तेजी से तकनीक का कहीं न कहीं गलत इस्तेमाल भी हो रहा है, चावल बड़े चाव से खाया जाता है, जिसके कारण खपत ज्यादा हो रहा है, खपत ज्यादा होगी तो डिमांड ज्यादा होगी इसीलिए अब बाजार मे प्लास्टिक के चावल बेचे जा रहे हैं। बड़े व्यापारी लोग कमाने के लिए ये काम बेखोफ कर रहे है। चाहे किसी की जान जाए चाहे किसी को बीमारी हो इनको कोई फर्क…
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automatismoateo · 6 years ago
Witness to a disturbing bit of Christian Irony today.. via /r/atheism
Submitted December 01, 2018 at 09:41AM by PlasticRice (Via reddit https://ift.tt/2Q2YYWZ) Witness to a disturbing bit of Christian Irony today..
Today, I was running some errands and lo and behold, I get out of the car and walk a few steps to find what looked like a homeless man out front near the Walmart parking lot. Ouch, I feel for the guy.
But not just any homeless man, but one currently being embraced by another person. They were somewhat further down the parking lot; I just kept walking towards the Walmart entrance, eventually passing near by them within earshot to hear what they were saying.
'And Lord, I hope that you help this man--' the non-Homeless guy said as he embraced the homeless man.
Ah, that explains it. I noticed the pocket bible the guy was also holding in one of his hands, as if the holiness from the paper would leak into the homeless man's back, somehow also curing his hunger.
What I witnessed was so ironic that, in a way, it was disturbing. The irony that killed me the most was seeing the juxtaposition between this wealthy, clearly upper-class man donning expensive, tens-of-dollars top and bottoms, hundred-dollar shoes, shiny watch, combed hair (and he probably smelled good, too). How could this man from right out of a shaving commercial be praying to some ghost in the sky to help the homeless man, when clearly, he has more than enough funding or resources to do the job himself? Did he genuinely care for the homeless man's well-being, or did he care more to convert him by showing a little disingenuous compassion? If his well-being was genuinely that important, I'm sure Mr. Designer Shirt+Pants could afford to show more compassion than a sandwich off of the dollar menu and a prayer in hopes to make the man's hunger and misfortune go away permanently for the rest of his life (because, Jesus Magic!)
Sometimes, I think it's nice to share a little prayer with someone who doesn't know better. Not for blatant religious reasons, but to give them hope (maybe prayer would be a misnomer). It's not like someone can spare an hour and explain Dawkins to them instead; for some people, a short, stout little prayer comes a long way, giving others less fortunate a little light. But, that stark contrast I witnessed between someone who probably wipes his ass with golden toilet paper and someone who probably can't afford to wipe his ass at all, where the former is asking for a Higher Being to help out the latter instead? Yeah, no thanks.
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its-uniquegallery-blog · 6 years ago
कहीं आप भी तो नहीं खा रहे प्लास्टिक के चावल ? #प्लास्टिकचावल | #PlasticRice
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topofreddit · 7 years ago
/u/PlasticRice discussed with a man who claimed to be divorced and homeless. Heartened by his story, the former gave the latter enough money to be able to move to Baton Rouge. /u/sphinctersayhuh turns in and reveals the homeless man was actually a conman.
Original post | Reddit thread
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healthpediaa · 8 years ago
Be Careful ! China Is Making Plastic Rice ( Here’s How to Recognize It) We will need to be quite cautious when selecting the food that we eat, as it's the significant effect on the health. However, the contemporary age caused numerous dangers, on account of the several toxins and substances in processed foods, in addition to the pollutants from the atmosphere and soil. Apparently, the Chinese have invented something much more disgusting and frightening: plastic rice! This imitation rice is made from potatoes, sweet potatoes, and artificial resin or plastic, all blended together in grains that seem like rice. Therefore, ensure that you read these pointers that will assist you discover if your rice in your home is imitation. -- If you boil it, if it creates a thick coating on the surface, then it is plastic. -- Cook a cup of the rice and move into a container. Shop it at the counter top and leave it for a couple of days. Then, if you see mold on the rice, then it's organic, and when there's not any mould, then the rice is imitation. Thank you for viewing, please like , comment , and do not forget to talk about with your friends and family. #plasticrice #plasticricefromchina Please Subscribe Our Channel :https://goo.gl/uyxulU Also Check Out Our Social Media ✅Facebook:https://goo.gl/XMvzai ✅Twitter:http://twitter.com/Healthyfoods90 ✅Google Plus:https://goo.gl/8j4xHH 🙂Thank You For Watching🙂 ✅Knowledge Gain From https://authoritynutrition.com/ http://www.wikihow.com/Main-Page https://www.wikipedia.org/ http://en.newsner.com/ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page🙂🙂
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koradanews · 8 years ago
ప్లాస్టిక్ రైస్ గురించి ఆందోళన చెందుతున్న వారికి శుభవార్త..!
facts-behind-plastic-rice #plasticrice #fake #civilsupplies #telangana #hyderabad #meerpet #koradanews
ప్లాస్టిక్ బియ్యం.. తెలుగు రాష్ట్రాల్లో క��కలం రేపింది. ప్రజల గుండెల్లో రైళ్లు పరిగెత్తించింది. మనం తింటున్నది ప్లాస్టిక్ బియ్యమా? అని అంతా కంగారుపడిపోయారు. ఇక అనారోగ్యం పాలవడం ఖాయమని, ఆస్పత్రుల చుట్టూ తిరగకతప్పదని వర్రీ అయ్యారు. ప్లాస్టిక్ రైస్ తింటే క్యాన్సర్ వచ్చే ప్రమాదం ఉందని చెప్పడంతో.. జనాలు మరింత టెన్షన్ పడ్డారు. అయితే, ఇకపై ఆందోళన చెందాల్సిన అవసరం. ఎలాంటి బెంగ లేకుండా గుండెల మీద చేయి…
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taylaandre · 8 years ago
The fake rice has reached #Haiti people,after being uncovered in parts of #WestAfrica and #Jamaica. So far the fake rice has been coming from Chinese companies. Please let your loved ones know to buy homegrown rice and be wary of any rice coming from China. ◇ ◇ There are ways to know if your rice is fake: 1.So far the fake rice has been found in two forms, a plastic material and a paper/clothlike version.They say that when washing it, it will float. Still unsure? Try rolling it into a ball and throw it to the ground. The fake rice will stay together, and may even bounce back up, while real rice will break up . 2. There is another simple process. Just take the rice and simply burn the rice by lighting it on fire. The smell and way it Burns will tip you off. You could also just take some rice and drop into some real hot oil. The fake rice will form a kind of melted sludge at the bottom of the pot. 3. You may also check the rice after boiling it. Simply take the boiled rice in one bottle then just leave it like 2-3 days. If rice has plastic then it will not get fungus’s otherwise same as it is. Because plastic does not affect whether or temperature or any seasons. Plastic will remain same. 4.You can also identify fake rice while boiling time. Just observe rice during the boiling time. Because if there is a plastic then it will become start forming a thick layer at the top of the pan. ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ #fakerice #Nigeria #Ghana #Jamaica #Haiti #Ayiti #China #plasticrice ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
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spanky606 · 8 years ago
@Regrann from @problkthought - #Reposting @el_tigrenegro with @instarepost_app -- The fake rice has reached #Haiti people,after being uncovered in parts of #WestAfrica and #Jamaica. So far the fake rice has been coming from Chinese companies. Please let your loved ones know to buy homegrown rice and be wary of any rice coming from China. ◇ ◇ There are ways to know if your rice is fake: 1.So far the fake rice has been found in two forms, a plastic material and a paper/clothlike version.They say that when washing it, it will float. Still unsure? Try rolling it into a ball and throw it to the ground. The fake rice will stay together, and may even bounce back up, while real rice will break up . 2. There is another simple process. Just take the rice and simply burn the rice by lighting it on fire. The smell and way it Burns will tip you off. You could also just take some rice and drop into some real hot oil. The fake rice will form a kind of melted sludge at the bottom of the pot. 3. You may also check the rice after boiling it. Simply take the boiled rice in one bottle then just leave it like 2-3 days. If rice has plastic then it will not get fungus’s otherwise same as it is. Because plastic does not affect whether or temperature or any seasons. Plastic will remain same. 4.You can also identify fake rice while boiling time. Just observe rice during the boiling time. Because if there is a plastic then it will become start forming a thick layer at the top of the pan. ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ #fakerice #Nigeria #Ghana #Jamaica #Haiti #Ayiti #China #plasticrice ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ - #regrann
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