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rickie-the-storyteller · 7 months ago
I did the Author Type Test!
Link here.
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I'm basically right in the middle.
Makes sense... I mean, I never knew whether to call myself a plotter or pantser, since my approach has always been a good mixture of both. I like having a plan and basic idea of where I want my stories to go, but I also put a lot of emphasis on developing my characters, and what they want to do isn't necessarily what I plan for them to do lol. I tend to just write what feels the most right for them in the end, even if it doesn't line up with what I had in mind to begin with.
This is so interesting, though!
Tagging some people to try this next if they haven't already (but this is also open for anyone to try out if they want!): @mysticstarlightduck, @jay-avian, @beginning-of-wisdom, @winterandwords and @kaylinalexanderbooks.
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authorkarajorgensen · 2 years ago
Planning for Pantsers
This week's blog is about how to plan your work when you are naturally resistant to plotting, a discovery writer, or a pantser.
I fully admit that I am a pantser by nature. I love to dive headfirst into writing and figure it out as I go… until it stops working and I hit the wall bug on a windshield style. Over the years, I’ve tried to devise a way to balance out my discovery writer side, which I need to be enthused about writing, with my need to know where I’m going to avoid creating a colossal, unsolvable mess. I like…
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mercurial-thrills · 2 months ago
I got a unique tip from a pantser friend that I don't see people talking about very often.
What she told me was that she read books like Save The Cat, and studied story beats to understand plot formulas.
It's unique in that, while she didn't write down what would happen, she would use the ideas she came up with to follow a story structure she had memorized... and I think that's pretty neat.
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just-polls · 2 years ago
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ladyazulina · 2 years ago
Would you be interested of be a tester for my new writing course?
So, yeah, hello.
I had this idea of making a course, or workshop, to help people, writers, to… ✨ write their stories ✨ Or at least help them ground some idea and develop it in, first, a three-part story.
It's a four-part course/workshop.
First, three points: the start, the middle, and the ending.
Second, the character(s).
Third, we dive into the three points to turn them into eight. Two to analyze the starting conflict, four to find the pieces to make the story, and two to close it.
Finally, we break all of that into tiny pieces to make an outline, writing the story step by step.
That's basically it.
I know it sounds great for plotters and plantsers kinds of writers, but I would love to try it with pantsers too. I want to find a way to help every kind of writer with their process, but for that I need experience. I'm a plantser myself and this is my first year plotting and outlining a story (honestly, my first year taking any real conscience about my writing process, I don't know how I did it before), so I can only offer what I know, but I'm open to trying to help everyone.
Anyway, I'm almost sure I will have no traction, but if you're interested, let me know and I will build it somewhere for you to ruin it.
Oh! It's intended for new story projects, but if you just started yours or want to try it with an already-in-the-making story, you can do it too!
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cartersvilleareawriters · 4 months ago
CAW Term of the Week - Plantser
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dontdenymeshakespeare · 1 year ago
NaNo 2023 Wrap-Up
I “won”. I finished on a 10k day, I reached 130k for the project and I didn’t still finish my project. There’s a part of me that’s disappointed that I didn’t finish it, but I’m close, progress was made and I was deep in the depths of experimentation. Scriptwriting isn’t something that comes naturally to me, it does require more thought and I always knew that finishing the project was going to be…
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allnovellas · 2 years ago
Crafting a Story: Plotting vs. Pantsing
In the world of writing, there’s an age-old debate that continues to divide authors: to plot or to pants while telling your story. The term ‘pantsing’ comes from the phrase ‘flying by the seat of your pants,’ meaning to proceed or work by feel or instinct, without a formal plan. On the other hand, plotting involves meticulous planning of the storyline, character arcs, and key events before the…
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adagissimohno · 1 year ago
true plantsers for the win
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I would say I'm a neutral panster with bits of chaotic planster
@harleybeaumont @karahalloway @alj4890 @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @dcbbw @bebepac @jerzwriter @lovealexhunt @liaromancewriter @lizzybeth1986 @peonierose @cariantha @petiteboheme @tessa-liam @kristinamae093 @twinkleallnight @queenmiarys
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maddilynmuse · 2 years ago
Out of curiosity, how many of us actually plan ahead?
I wrote Book 1 mostly by the seat of my pants, but I’ve got better ideas for Book 2 at least. I’d still call myself a Plantser at best tho: got an idea of some plot beats but characters just vibe ^w^
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onepageofmisery · 2 years ago
From panster to…something else…
Been having an epiphany recently when it comes to writing. When I started writing actively as a teenager, I was a major pantser. I hated structure and wanted to get experimental, and I thought outlines were conformist and interferes in the creative process (Plus, what if certain elements needed to be changed?) and kept on going the pantsing route. All my early works featured on Amazon were made…
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duckprintspress · 5 months ago
I suspect this one'll end up normal distribution, but I'll own I'm curious anyway. I've seen some people talking about this recently so it's been on my mind.
(reblog for sample size, all that jazz, you know the drill)
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mini-and-mighty · 1 year ago
Making NaNoWriMo memes > actually finishing my outline
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 10 months ago
sometimes to make the words go you have to get out a sketchbook and an obnoxious marker and let yourself be as dumb as you feel on the inside
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unfortunately sometimes this leads to Plot Points™
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loxosceleslolo · 5 months ago
Actual footage of my outlining process:
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I like to do broad strokes, then narrower plot beats, then maybe I'll break down chapter by chapter
How do y'all do yours?
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marypsue · 2 years ago
Have I proselytised lately about My New Best Friend, Outlining? I feel like I haven’t done enough proselytising lately about My New Best Friend, Outlining.
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