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ratliffwaller20 · 1 year
The Frozen Luminary of the Cosmos: Rimehart
In the far-flung reaches of the unknown, amidst the grand tapestry of the cosmos, resides a frozen jewel glistening with the brilliance of a thousand stars - the planet Rimehart. A world of ice and snow, where glaciers carve grand monuments across its sprawling surface, and towering mountains stand as frozen sentinels overlooking a seemingly desolate landscape. Yet, beneath the eternal frost, Rimehart pulses with a unique vibrancy and life, harboring a wealth of secrets and tales that sing of endurance, adaptation, and the indomitable spirit of life.
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Physical & Historical Features
Rimehart, a planet slightly larger than Earth, is a study in contrasts. From a distance, it appears as a pristine, blue-white marble against the obsidian backdrop of space, its surface dominated by expansive glacial plains and icy mountains that touch the cloudless azure sky.
Yet, a closer look reveals the planet's lifeblood - its vast network of subterranean geothermal caves, where the icy silence of the surface gives way to the warm, pulsating hum of life. Over millions of years, Rimehart's potent geothermal energy has carved an intricate labyrinth of tunnels and caverns, allowing a myriad of life forms to flourish in defiance of the inhospitable surface.
Climate & Geography
Rimehart's climate is decidedly polar, with the surface temperatures rarely venturing above the freezing point. The poles are colder still, with temperatures that can plunge into unimaginable lows.
Nevertheless, the subterranean ecosystem thrives, fueled by geothermal vents spewing nutrient-rich water into the labyrinthine cave systems. These ecosystems have given rise to countless life forms, each adapted to the planet's unique conditions.
The planet's geography is divided between its frozen surface, dominated by glaciers and ice-mountains, and its subterranean regions teeming with life. The surface, while uninhabitable to most life forms, houses vast deposits of ice-crystals which are a crucial part of the Rimehartian economy.
Rimehart's population consists predominantly of the Rhime - a humanoid species evolved to survive the planet's extreme conditions. Their semi-translucent skin, reminiscent of the ice-crystals found on the surface, is capable of absorbing heat and nutrients from the geothermal springs, granting them an ethereal luminescence.
The Rhime reside mostly in subterranean cities, built around the largest geothermal vents, their structures harmoniously integrated with the natural cave formations. However, they are also known to venture onto the surface for their livelihood, thanks to their technologically advanced cold-resistant suits.
Rimehart's economy is primarily driven by the mining and export of its ice-crystals. These rare, luminescent crystals, formed under unique planetary conditions, serve as an advanced power source in other worlds. The Rhime are adept ice-miners and traders, with a portion of the population working on the icy surface to ensure a steady supply of crystals.
In addition to mining, geothermal energy plays a significant role in the Rimehartian economy, powering their subterranean cities and contributing to the development of their sophisticated technology.
Society & Culture
Rimehartian society is built on the values of cooperation and communal living - a necessity in the harsh conditions of their planet. This cooperative ethic extends to their system of government, a form of participatory democracy where each member has a voice.
Their history, rich with tales of survival and endurance, is etched into the very ice walls of their cities, preserved in intricate murals that shimmer under the glow of their geothermal lights. Rimehartians have a deep reverence for their environment, their religion, and philosophy centered around the spiritual bond between them and their icy world.
Education is highly valued in Rimehartian society, with a special focus on scientific and technological disciplines. From a young age, children are taught the essentials of survival, mining, and the intricate workings of their geothermal technologies.
Science & Technology
The Rhime have developed advanced technology powered by the very ice-crystals they mine. From sophisticated climate suits that enable them to traverse the frozen surface to complex geothermal energy systems that power their underground cities, Rimehartian technology is a testament to their adaptability.
Their communication systems use a combination of light and sound, utilizing the unique acoustic properties of the ice and crystal structures. Travel within the subterranean networks is facilitated by magnetically levitated trains that glide silently through the ice tunnels.
Parting Thoughts...
Rimehart stands as a testament to the tenacity of life, a world that echoes the indomitable spirit of its inhabitants, the Rhime. It is a place of beauty and resilience, a frozen jewel in the vast expanse of the cosmos. Though the icy exterior may seem hostile to outsiders, beneath the frozen facade lies a warm world, thriving with life, culture, and an enduring spirit of survival.
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hypergnomesimblr · 5 years
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✨🌌Glitter Galaxy! -  1K+ Followers Gift!🌌✨
Ahh! Thank you guys so much for your stellar support! It means the world to me. You guys make me feel like a star sometimes. I am cosmically happy to see you guys enjoy my content. Here’s a little space-themed gift to show you my gratitude of astronomical proportions! Thank you for always popping by my little Sims universe. Puns aside, though. I really appreciate all of you. Thank you so much for putting up with my goofy Simblr all these years. 🌠 🌠 🌠
More info and download links below the cut~
Galactic Glitter Dress:
Child Only | Feminine Fashion Choice | All Occults | 28 swatches​ | Average polycount, all LODs | Disabled for Random and Situation | Full Body-->Short Dress | Base game-compatible | Custom CAS Thumbnail
Planetary Rings Bangles (SP01 aka Luxury Party Conversion):
Child Only | Feminine Fashion Choice | All Occults | 9 original swatches​ | Average polycount, all LODs | Disabled for Random and Situation | Body Accessories-->Bracelets | Base game-compatible | Custom CAS Thumbnail
Sparkly Stardust Tights:
Child Only | Feminine Fashion Choice | All Occults | 8 swatches​ | Standalone Recolors | Disabled for Random and Situation | Body Accessories-->Tights | Base game-compatible | Custom CAS Thumbnail
Moonwalk MJs:
Child Only | Feminine Fashion Choice | All Occults | 28 swatches​ | Average polycount, all LODs | Disabled for Random and Situation | Shoes-->Flats | Base game-compatible | Custom CAS Thumbnail
Sparkle’n’Shine Earrings:
Child Only | Feminine Fashion Choice | All Occults | 4 swatches​ | Average polycount, all LODs | Disabled for Random and Situation | Head Accessories-->Earrings | Base game-compatible | Custom CAS Thumbnail
���Known Issues: Wearing the Galactic Glitter dress, you Sim takes a seat, a small part of their thighs will clip through the skirt. It does not occur when your Sim is standing or walking, only when they are seated. I tried my best to minimize the clipping as possible. But if cut the thighs anymore, it would leave a gap in the mesh. This minor issue shouldn’t cause your PC to spontaneously combust. TL;DR: Minor clipping issues occur when Sim is seated.
Feel free to recolor or edit! Yep! You can include the mesh, too! I have a very lax TOU. I don’t even think I should consider it a TOU. But feel free to check it out if you like reading the boring technical stuff.  
A list of CC, Mods, Programs, and Resources I use a lot can be found HERE.
Questions, WCIFs, or anything?  Feel free to hit that Ask button! I don’t bite. ;o)
And as always, if you encounter any problems with my CC, let me know!
Much thanks and love go to the brilliant minds behind Sims 4 Studio, the wonderfully talented individuals whose CC and mods I use, and of course, Maxis! Otherwise, I don’t think this post would’ve ever existed. XD
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📁Download Links:
Sim File Share | OneDrive
PSDs For Recoloring: Sim File Share
The Planetary Rings Bangles and Sparkly Stardust Tights do not have a PSD. They already contain white swatches in the package in which you can export for recolors.
Issues accessing the links above? PM me!
I do not use adfly, or anything like that. My links will always take you directly to the download source. :3
From Crystal, with love!
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Star Wars Alien Species - Pau'an
Utapau was a remote and rocky planet in the Outer Rim Territories' Utapau system that was covered with enormous sinkholes. Its native inhabitants were the Pau'ans and the Utai, though tribes of Amani also immigrated to the world. It was the location of the Battle of Utapau during the Clone Wars. The majority of Utapau's Amani lived deep underground. Bands of Sugi also lived on the planet.
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It was believed that settlers traveled to Utapau hoping to find a hospitable world to colonize after the destruction of their homeworld. Some created homes in the sinkholes, while others lived on the surface. Over time, the species changed genetically, becoming the Pau'ans and the Utai, two species with many differences but some similarities. Researchers from the University of Sanbra discovered evidence supporting the theory that the two species were related, although exact specifications were not certain. Eventually, a climate change, causing severe winds, forced the Pau'ans underground, into the sinkholes. The Utai welcomed the Pau'ans, and over time, the two societies merged together to live in a mutually beneficial civilization. Timon Medon was the Pau'an responsible for this, and he was held in high esteem by Pau'ans for his actions. Following the merging of the two cultures, they split into several different groups, forming sinkhole cities scattered across Utapau. Tion Medon, Port Administrator in 19 BBY, was named for Timon Medon.
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Due to trade restrictions placed on them by the Trade Federation, Pau'ans were unable to import many goods such as weapons or starships, and were forced to create their own technology. As Utapau was located in the distant Outer Rim Territories, few independent traders ventured to their planet; although many ventured there around 49 BBY after hearing rumors that the waters on the planet had miraculous healing properties. There were even claims that Utapau was the original home of the Jedi, although these reports were not new; they had originated millennia before. Though the Pau'ans did not want to draw attention to themselves for fear of meeting more powerful cultures who might try to conquer them, they eagerly welcomed visitors who wished to experience the healing for themselves. However, once the water was proven to be nothing more than ordinary water, most people forgot about Utapau, once again leaving it alone.
During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems sought the planet. Despite this, the planet remained neutral. Late in the war, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi were sent to investigate the death of Jedi Master Tu-Anh. This led them to locate a massive kyber crystal that the Confederacy was attempting to acquire. They were able to destroy the crystal before it could fall into Separatist hands.
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Within months, the Separatists invaded Utapau with thousands of battle droids. Later, a number of key Separatist leaders were stationed on the planet, but were moved to a mining complex on Mustafar prior to the battle on the orders of Darth Sidious. General Grievous remained on Utapau to oversee the battle, but met his end at the hands of Jedi Master Kenobi. Unfortunately for him, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine issued Order 66 shortly thereafter. Because of their behavioral modification biochips,Kenobi's clone troopers turned on their Jedi General and shot him down into a sinkhole. However, Kenobi survived and escaped Utapau. After the end of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Empire occupied the planet.
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Following the liberation of their planet by the New Republic, they joined the new galactic government, hoping to avoid further enslavement and poor treatment at the hands of the leaders of the galaxy. Following the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Utapauan Committee elected to join the Galactic Alliance, holding democracy as vital to the preservation of the galaxy. When the Sith Lord Darth Krayt took control of the Galactic Empire, Utapau sheltered Admiral Gar Stazi of the Galactic Alliance Remnant late in the war after having providing the GA fleet shelter throughout the conflict.
Condemning the genocide wrought by the Sith on Dac, Port Administrator Telan Medon of Pau City agreed to harbor Stazi and his wounded men deep in the labyrinthine caves that pocketed the capital. Unbeknownst to the Pau'ans, Sith scientist Vul Isen had established a laboratory on the planet, conducting illegal experiments on the natives. Located within plain sight in one of Pau City's main precincts, the lab's function was to provide Isen a space to concoct a deadly virus that would wipe all life from Utapau indefinitely. Before Isen could unleash the deadly plague, Jedi Knight Cade Skywalker infiltrated the lab and cut Isen down, securing the toxin and saving the Pau'an race from extinction.
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Below Utapau's surface was the massive "world-ocean," a huge subterranean body of water. This water contained many powerful currents created by the tidal forces of Utapau's moons. These currents eroded the underside of the planet's crust and caused the formation of Utapau's many sinkholes and chasms, which, when combined with numerous storms, served to make the planet's surface inhospitable. One of Utapau's "continents" was more stable that the rest; for that reason, most Utapauns lived on that stabilized continent.
Because of the lack of timber on the planet, Utapaun architecture was primarily constructed out of the bones of deceased animals. The bones of nearly all of the planet's fauna were used in construction, which later developed into a unique form of architecture known as ossic architecture. The skeletons of the huge animals that roamed the lower sinkholes and ocean had huge enough bones to be used as beams; other fossil bones were mined in caves. The Utapauns' fresh water was extracted from machines that purified the seawater and also separated any valuable minerals from the ocean. Eventually, it was determined that the world-ocean contained a number of valuable substances that the planet began to export.
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The Pau'ans fulfilled most of the governmental and administrative duties on Utapau, as the Utai did not desire such work, serving as laborers instead. Most Pau'ans served as leaders early in their lives, often managing teams of Utai laborers. This gave them experience that would be used later in their life. Pau'ans were kind leaders, and sympathetic to their subordinates. Each city on Utapau was controlled by a Master of Port Administration, a hereditary title reserved for Pau'ans. These administrators were assisted by advisory councils for making important decisions about their city, turning to the Utapauan Security Force when necessary. Each Administrator served on the Utapauan Committee and oversaw planetary governance. However, the committee rarely made crucial decisions, as the cities were able to function on their own most of the time.
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Despite the many differences between the Pau'ans and the Utai, the two species were able to co-exist peacefully, although inhabitants of the different Utapaun cities often had conflicts due to philosophical differences. Still, these conflicts rarely developed into bloodshed, and it was more common for the cities to ignore each other. Each city had its own culture, and competition was fierce between the groups. However, they were able to cooperate when the situation necessitated it.
Pau'an society was a blend of a variety of styles and cultures, borne from the ancient merger with the Utai. Built into the sinkhole walls, Pau'an settlements such as the Pau City spaceport were divided into different areas, each a mix of architectural styles and other-worldly design. They liked art, and enjoyed studying sculptures and finding ways to incorporate different artistic styles into their architecture. Pau'ans developed an industrial society, despite their seemingly primitive and natural image, though the Utai were the ones who actually did the hard work. The Utai did not mind, however, and collectively much preferred labor to positions of leadership.
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They were able to power their city by wind, harnessing it through massive windmills. Over ninety-nine percent of the planet's power came from these windmills.
Most Pau'ans rode living beasts like varactyls and dactillions instead of speeders. Pau'ans, as well as Utai, were known for their love for Podracing.
Pau'ans represented 30% Utapau's total population.
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Taller than most Humans, Pau'ans are bald and have gray, wrinkled skin. Their sunken eyes and sharp teeth give them a slightly monstrous appearance. Pau'an, Utapaun or Ancients, as they were sometime called, have sunken black eyes in red eye sockets and jagged, fang-like teeth used for tearing into raw meat, as they were carnivores. Members of the species were able to see well in darkness. Pau'ans had five fingers and toes, but were more mobile than they appeared. They often wore elaborate clothes intended to heighten their impressive stature.
A typical Pau'an stands at 1.9 meters or 6.2 feet tall and weighs 70 kilograms or 154 pounds.
Pau'an age at the following stages:
1 - 16 Child
17 - 30 Young Adult
31 - 400 Adult
401 - 500 Middle Age
501 - 700 Old
Examples of Names: Timon Medon, Tion Medon, Lampay Fay.
Languages: Most Pau'ans spoke both Utapese and Basic. Their native language once had several different dialects.
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copperforge · 5 years
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About to finish up those dudes! Minimal things left, like goggles and cables.. may I introduce:
The Heirs of Lorelei
Led by Vincent Barka we have the first nine Gangers of House Orlock of Meradon Hive.
The only mentionable export of Kalidar IV are the psychically active Lorelei crystals. That means, who controls the mines, controls the Hive!
Barka slowly built up the monopoly by grabbing hold of one mine at a time, bringing his Gangers in as foremen and other leading personnel. Through him House Orlock controls virtually all of the Underhive, the planetary trade and with Road Gangs even parts of the Kostoval Flats and Vorsanii Aridity.
With one House at the top of the Underhive, and even able to force negotiations with the Imperial Government, House Orlock is practically asking for trouble. And rumors are - House Goliath wants a piece of the pie..
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cassatine · 7 years
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1. Overview of Force-related sites (post here)
2. Observations
Okay here comes the actual meat, which is a series of notes from my in-progress whills meta, made semi-legible. With more maps but of the really ugly kind. 
So let’s start with talking spheres of influence, like the really glaring one - the Jedi’s, approximately but beautifully delimited in map (1):
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..I stress that this is a tentative map. Also I was kidding it’s ugly af. Anyway - in white the conservative estimate, in grey the less conservative one 
If we look at the non-green dots in that sphere - 
Kuat’s involvement with the Zealots of Psusan is yet to be confirmed, and we know squat about them, so we can just about forget Kuat for now
Bardotta is a cultural enclave and kept away from the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order; the Dagoyan Order seems to be a local tradition, not exported and not proselytized.
So nothing to oppose the cultural hegemony of the Jedi here.
Now if we look to where that sphere of influence ends, it’s pretty worthless to try and trace it - best look at what we could call areas of friction, represented here on (1b) with some amazing orangeish scribbles:
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Looking rimward towards the Unknown Regions we have the remote Jedha / Jakku combo in the Western Reaches (i.e one of the back-ends of the GFFA). 
Jedha’s link to the Jedi is of the mysterious kind but it clearly goes back to sometime around the dawn of time, and nothing hints to their having maintained a strong presence there. 
Nothing on Jakku hints to Jedi influence either; the similarities in the beliefs of the local tradition of anchorites and some of the core tenets of the Jedi philosophy can either hint to ancient contacts or to there not having been any, considering the lack of competitive traditions in the Jedi’s sphere of influence could mean they’ve come to subsume those over the centuries. As to the Church of the Force, it settled there only after the fall of the Jedi Order.   
Moreover, that way lay the unmapped Unknown Regions, where the Jedi’s only interest is Ilum, which is pretty much in the other direction anyway. The Jedi sphere of influence ends there because it’s a natural limit. 
Rimward again, to the south, we have a cluster made up of
The Anoat Sector, who has its own tradition of Force users, the Advisers
Isda Naha, origin world of the Clan of the Toribota
Mustafar, where the ancient Sith at least had a foothold
(Dagobah doesn’t belong to the cluster because it was uninhabited. A Jedi hiding there for two decades doesn’t make it a Jedi world either)
It’s noteworthy that we’re in the Outer Rim, also known as The Other Back-end of the GFFA, which the Jedi Order wasn’t particularly known to care about. 
Still rimward, our final cluster:
Dathomir, which is not known for being welcoming to Jedi
Yavin IV, with its ancient Massassi temples
(Lorrd, who may be the origin world of the Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance) 
(Ninn, who may be the origin world of the Ninn Orthodoxy)
(Atollon doesn’t count because it’s only home to the Bendu)
Two Sith worlds, Malachor and Moriband.
So here we’re again in the back-ends of the GFFA, with worlds in the Outer Rim, but two of those are Sith so at least we’ve got attested conflict. More on that later.
There’s Durkteel and its Phirmist temple left, but it’s not exactly in the Core either. The overall picture is that indigenous Force traditions tend to survive better in the forgotten fringes of the galaxy. We can explain that by the fact by looking at the historical context; the end of the expansion era of the Galactic Republic defined those galactic fringes, and Jedi never grew as influential there because they simply were never as present, the Senate rarely having reasons to send them outside of actual Republic territory. 
Bardotta and Kuat, depending on the data we’ll get, may allow us to make a case for a second scenario, in which richer Core worlds also cling to their own traditions, forming small enclaves in the greater sphere of influence of the Jedi. 
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Going back to the attested conflict part, we know a few of the ancient Jedi  / SIth battlefields - there’s not many stars on the map yet, but I think it’s enough to get a picture of the war of old. We’ve got Takodana and Ruusan, standing for ancient Sith attempts to extend their dominion corewards. Coruscant, which seems to have changed hands a few times, stands for how far they got, and Malachor, a Sith world basically stands for Jedi efforts to push the Sith back in those unpopular fringes of the galaxy. 
I’d like to make it Yavin IV-Ossus-Lothal because of the map to the Ordu Aspectu clusterfuck, but there’s a Hidalgo tweet about the Massassi having been enslaved by the Sith somewhere. probably should have put a red dot on Yavin IV actually.
Another thing: the GFFA as a whole is pretty far from church and state separation. 
The Jedi Order serves the Galactic Senate but its Council acts as advisors for the Chancellor. It’s become the top dog Force tradition and pretty much believes it has a Force-given right to the mysteries of the Force, as well as to Force users themselves.
The Sith were the product of a schism within the Jedi Order and pretty much believe they have a Force-taken right to the mysteries of the Force. Pre-Banite Sith built at least one Empire and although it’s never been that clear because they always were easily distracted by mayhem and hellfire, Sith seem to be about galactic domination as much as they’re about Jedi killing.
The Dagoyan Order is a religious order but they also have seats in the Bahk-tov Council and before that the Frangawl Clan was in charge.
The Advisors, as far as I can figure, are an organization of Force users literally dedicated to the protection and continuation of the Anoat Sector aristocracy.
From what we’ve seen of the Ordu Aspectu, another Jedi Order splinter, Rur was both temporal and spiritual authority.
With Jedha we start on the unclear cases, but the Disciples and Guardians of the Whills seem to have had a certain preeminence.
The caveat is that many of the Force traditions currently known are not tied to a specific planet or system or species. And there’s just not much data yet. The Jedi Order worked on a bigger scale, and so did the pre-Banite Sith but still, currently the pattern is that Force traditions strongly linked to local culture and identity at the planetary level tend to exert both temporal and spiritual power.
Another point of note, although there’s not much to say, is that the known sources of kyber crystals are dispersed and all relatively far from the Core. Jedha’s the most coreward and coincidentally, it’s the one planet whose crystal were formed through a cataclysmic event rather than natural growth (as far as we know). I know jackshit about the subject, but I guess we could make up something about specific conditions to the formation of the kyber crystals. 
...Aaand that about wraps it up. For now. 
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solarpricingxbvy328 · 4 years
Cost Of Solar Panel
Residential Solar Panels Cost
Table of ContentsHow Much Does It Cost To Install Solar On An Average HouseCost Of Installing Solar PanelsWhat Is The Average Cost Of Solar Panels?Cost Of Solar Energy2021 Solar Panel Costs - Average Installation Cost CalculatorA Guide To Solar Panel Installation Costs 2021Solar Systems CostCost Of Solar Panels Complete Guide To Financing SolarHow Much Does Solar Panel Installation Cost?Weighing The Costs And Benefits Of Solar PanelsSolar PricingAre Solar Panels Actually Worth It? A Cost AnalysisCost Solar PanelsAverage Cost To Install Solar PanelSolar Panel Pricing Per WattSolar Energy Can Save Your Business Money
The planetary system rate you get must cover all elements and activities essential to have actually the panels installed and functional (solar power cost per watt). Ask your solar contractor if the following expenses are covered: Solar panel and part shipments Taxes, work authorizations, and affiliation charges A total solar deal likewise includes a savings estimate with the anticipated kilowatt-hour output.
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Solar Panel Roof Costs
The solar deal with the lowest cost per watt will not always be the one with the best performance (solar panels for homes cost). Solar power offers an attractive return on investment for property owners, however the upfront cost can be high. However, there is no need to assume the full expense at when. Lots of banks use solar panel financing alternatives, which bring several advantages: The in advance cost is covered by the bank's money.
How Much Is Solar Panel
This approach works best if you have access to favorable loan conditions, such as a low rates of interest and a long repayment duration. High-interest funding choices such as credit cards are not practical if you desire a photovoltaic panel installation to pay itself. If you are reluctant to take a loan to install a solar power system, leasing is likewise a feasible choice.
When picking in between solar loans and leasing, think about the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative. solar panels for homes cost. Loan financing lets you claim the solar tax credits and rebates, considering that you own the setup. However, you are completely accountable for system upkeep and element replacements. On the other hand, a solar http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=solar power lease makes the supplier responsible for upkeep, but you lose the ownership benefits.
The Cost Of Solar Panels
Nevertheless, it can not replace an expert evaluation. There are lots of site-specific aspects that impact the cost of a solar power system. The expense varies by state, so that is also something essential to think about.
The quantity that you'll pay for a new solar energy installation varies based on the size of the system, which depends upon the preferred goal. Although the national average invested in solar energy is around before rewards and rebates, and the majority of pay in between (solar system price). Some house owners begin with a smaller system to power their a/c unit, variety, or clothes dryer, because these devices utilize a good deal of electrical power.
Average Solar Panel Cost
Systems connected into the electrical "grid" or local power system are likely the most expensive initially however the most hassle-free. In this setup, you can utilize electrical power from the grid when weather are not ideal or after dark when you don't have batteries (solar system prices). In some areas, you can tie into the local grid and sell unused power to the electrical company.
The most inexpensive planetary systems, nevertheless, work off-the-grid and are not hooked into the regional electrical power system at all. This set-up is not as hassle-free without a battery backup. Backup batteries for a photovoltaic panel system cost in between, not counting installation and the necessary equipment to hook those into your system, such as inverters to manage use, and converters that supply 240 volts to dryers and varieties, while the rest of the home runs on 110 volts.
Cost Of Installing Solar Panels
On the other hand, batteries designed to deal with the regional utility supply are less costly but need a certified electrical contractor to set up, and there might be limitations by the energy company (the cost of solar energy). There are three standard types of photovoltaic panels for use in property systems monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and photovoltaic (PV).
Knowing the incentives and property tax exemptions for each will save you money as well. This method is the most efficient and needs the least area; and for that reason, it is the most pricey. This approach utilizes premium, near-pure silicon to convert the sun's rays into electrical energy. These premium panels are lasting, need 65-100 square feet of area, and are warrantied for 20-25 years.
Solar Calculator: How Much Do Solar Panels Cost?
These blue crystal panels are less efficient than the monocrystalline. Nevertheless, these are commonly cheaper and use up less space. These cost, require 85-100 square feet of space, and the warranty is typically around twenty years. PVs are the most typical and least pricey technique of producing electrical power with solar cells that transform the sun's energy into electrons through a photovoltaic impact. Life time energy output Yearly energy output will be offered by your solar specialist. Bear in mind that the system will degrade by0. 5%/ yr. The chart below programs the LCOE of solar panels vs grid linked electrical energy for a normal domestic system. The error bars are due to the large range financial and energy possibilities for solar in addition to the unidentified cost escalation of electrical power with time.
The more electricity price escalates overtime, the larger the gap between solar and grid LCOE will be. In other words, the more costly electrical energy is from the grid, the more beneficial the investment in solar panels ends up being. Purchasing photovoltaic panels is basically buying 30 years' worth of energy up front, hedging versus the increasing prices of grid energy and the associated fees. average cost of solar installation.
How Many Solar Panels Do I Need? Solar Panel Cost Calculator
In Alberta, your expense has 4 primary components the energy charge ($/ kWh), the transmission charge ($/ kWh), the circulation charge (fixed rate and$/ kWh), and other fixed charges (admin cost, local access cost, rate rider, CEO retirement fee etc.) The energy charge may be fully scaled to$ 0. 00/mo if your solar panels supply 100% of your energy.
The distribution charge has two parts to it, a fixed charge and a variable charge. The repaired charge is generally examined per day or per kW of demand that you need solar power can not reduce this portion. The variable charge is based off the number of kWh you needed solar power will straight decrease this part.
Solar Panel Pricing Per Watt
Energy from photovoltaic panels will straight decrease the transmission charge also. A clear breakdown of these costs is revealed below from ATCO Electric. The numbers are accurate since January 1, 2020. Various sellers will have different breakdowns based upon their service area. Energy Rate Arrange Breakdown from ATCO Electric, 2020Various energy merchants (such as EPCOR, Get Energy or one of the numerous others) may have different service breakdowns, however the idea will be similar to the above.
For instance, Saskatchewan provides a single tiered billing based upon kWh usage, internally considering distribution and transmission charges. Saskatchewan's rate plan resembles Alberta in that solar power utilized offsets a greater rate (Energy + D&T in Alberta) by giving a credit at a lowered rate for energy offered back to the grid versus purchased from the grid.
What Will Solar Panels Cost Me And Will I Really Save Money?
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Power Home Solar Cost
If a home utilizes more than a limit value of energy (roughly 1,350 kWh per 2-month cycle), it will be charged roughly 50% more for those kWhs. BC Hydro recently put in place a new schedule to pay out accrued annual credits (for credits existing after 12 months) at roughly $0.
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How Much Does Solar Energy Cost?
04/kWhThis BC structure extremely incentivizes one to minimize their energy usage and offers that a lot more reason to install photovoltaic panels. To precisely compare grid electrical energy to solar power, we must examine how much these rates will cost to install solar panels on house increase over a 30-year span. The Alberta Electric Systems Operator (AESO), whom manages and operates the provincial power grid, is expecting all charges to steadily increase over the next 20+ years (big surprise, right?).
Cost To Install Solar Panels
AESO predicted electricity and transmission price escalation, 2014 Transmission Rate ProjectionAfter dissecting the numbers, the AESO was predicting an increase in costs as follows: Energy Charge from 2016 to 2035 ($ 40. 99/MWh to $107/MWh) Transmission Charge from 2016 to 2035 ($ 31. 91/MWh to $48. 42/MWh) The circulation charge has actually not been particularly recognized by AESO, but a 1% to 3%/ year increase is a reasonable presumption thinking about previous escalations.
To illustrate the contrast let's appearance at an example of a solar power system in Alberta. The copying shows solar power economics on a house in Alberta based upon the ATCO pricing cited earlier. The scenario will differ a little if you were to take a look at photovoltaic panels in Edmonton or Calgary.
Cost Of Solar Panels Per Square Foot
8. 0kW system (approximately typical size solar system) 2. 30 Year analysis period3. Total set up expense = $2. 00/W +gst (no refunds consisted of) 4. O&M Expense = $100/yr 5. Client usage = 9,000 kWh/yr6. Generation = 8,600 kWh in year 1( 1. 07MWh/kW; 20% Exported) 7. Destruction = 0. 5%/ yr8. Grid Energy = $0. 070/kWh + 4.
This escalation leads to a grid energy price of $0. 12/kWh in 15 years. 9. T&D = $0. 038/kWh + 2. 0%/ year (conservative escalation relative to AESO estimate). This T&D escalation leads to service charges of $0. 051/kWh in 15 years. 10. Discount Rate = 1 (solar panels cost per watt). 5% You may discover that non-energy associated charges are not consisted of here.
Estimate How Much Solar Panels Cost - Understand Solar
If the charges aren't impacted by solar energy, then they hold no bearing on your ROI or payback period. Repaired and unrelated charges are irrelevant to the financial results, but lots of people fall under the trap of believing they are. The LCOE will look very near to the LCOE chart above with solar being more favourable than leasing electricity.
LCOE is just one piece of the pie. Photovoltaic panel will produce energy which minimize your month-to-month electrical power expense. These savings will continue for 25+ years. If you do not set up solar panels, then you will have to pay for that same quantity of energy. If you outline those two, that is, the balanced out against electrical power (cost savings) vs the cost of acquiring that same amount of electrical power, an extremely telling chart is illustrated.
Average Cost To Install Solar Panel
The final comparison to consider for the value of a solar energy system is the - residential solar panel cost. By 'worth' I merely suggest the total costs and profits from solar panels vs the general expenses and profits from using the grid (there is no revenue from grid electrical power). The system will spend for itself in roughly 19 years however you will reach the very same point in cashflow in The variety of watts produced will vary throughout the day: at noon, with the sun shining directly on the panel, you'll get complete power. When the sun is lower, you'll have less power. Your solar professional will calculate how much energy you require based upon last year's energy usage and after that determine a proper system size.
That number differs depending upon the age of your house, your energy practices, and your area. Are you boiling in the desert of Arizona? You'll likely require more energy to power your cooling and hence more photovoltaic panels - cost of home solar power system. You also may be interested in using flexible thin-film photovoltaic panels, which are generally utilized in industrial set-ups.
Solar Panel Cost: Estimate Solar Cost For Your Home Online
50 and $1 per watt, but installation may be more pricey, specifically as it may be challenging to find a skilled domestic pro. As an example, Clayco Electric and Solar recently set up an 8. 2 kW photovoltaic panel system including 28 295-watt panels on the roofing of a 3,000-square-foot home.
At some time, you may be faced with a decision: to conserve some cash and buy "more affordable" photovoltaic panels, or invest a little more for the higher-quality photovoltaic panels. In the brief term, it might be appealing to save some cash and choose the more economical alternative. Nevertheless, the quality of solar technology matters a lot (prices solar panels).
How Much Does An Acre Of Solar Panels Cost?
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Solar Installation Cost - How Much Does Solar Cost?
If you choose to invest a bit more money upfront in greater quality panels and materials, you'll see a higher return on your investment in the long run. Likewise, more expensive panels may also be more effective which means you'll require less
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midseo · 4 years
Helical Gear Boxes, Mini Planetary, Planetary Belt Conveyor Drives, Manufacturer, India
Helical Gear Boxes, Mini Planetary, Planetary Belt Conveyor Drives, Planetary Creep Drives, Planetary Crystallizers, Planetary Geared Motors, Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter, India.
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astrovidhi-blog · 6 years
What is Opal Gemstone Ring? Benefits, Effects and disadvantages
What is Opal Gemstone?
Opal is an attractive gemstone which has gained a wide popularity in recent years due to its beauty, the play of color and benefits it bestows upon the wearer. It is the birthstone of October borns.
Opal or Opal gemstone is a semi-precious gemstone which is a substitute to the diamond. As per Vedic Astrology, the gemstone represents planetary body Venus (Shukra). This gemstone is found in abundance in Australian country and is available in varieties like White Opal, Fire Opal, Black Opal and many more.  All types of Opal stone have advantages and disadvantages.
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Advantages of Opal Gemstones-
1.    Opal is the gemstone for ruling planet Venus.
2.    It has the power to enhance charm, passion for love, beauty, joy and wealth.
3.    It absorbs the positive energies of the planet and bestows upon the wearer. Therefore you notice drastic changes in your life in terms of happiness, wealth, prosperity, attraction, love etc.
4.    It increases love and enhances mutual understanding between couples.
5.    Those who are involved in tourism, export/import, and travel business can get maximum benefit and success out of it.
6.    This gemstone has the power to bring luxury and riches to ones life.
7.    Opal is very helpful in relieving stress and brings mental and physical peace.
8.    You get an attractive personality.
9.    It helps in clearing debts and financial litigations.
10.    You get socially active and good reputation in society.
11.    Urinary system and endocrine system gets improved after wearing an Opal.
12.    It is a positive crystal for creative living and intellectual thinking.
Disadvantages of Opal Gemstone-
The following effects may take 2 to 3 months to show after wearing an Opal-
1.    If it doesn’t suit you, you might get lazy and feel cold.
2.    Your skin may become pale yellowish and will become dry.
3.    You won't be able to concentrate on your work and mental stability will be weakened.
4.    You will feel more thirsty than usual.
Make sure that you avoid cold and bitter foods if you are wearing an Opal gemstone. Donate an Opal gemstone if you are facing problems in your marital life and there is lack of understanding and misconceptions between you. Donate one if you are physically weak and your body is prone to illness.
Precautions While wearing an Opal Gemstone Daily-
If you are wearing an Opal daily you need to take care of it and follow the right procedure and take necessary precautions.
First, as Opal is a soft gem you need to stay away from harsh surfaces that can damage your Opal because even a scratch on its surface can cause a major impact on your life.
Secondly avoid contact of stone with water, sweat, and cleaners. As this can dull the luster of the gem. Opal is also affected by heat so remove the ring when you are doing any activity involved.
Who can wear Opal Gemstone?
Opal is the birthstone of October born people and if you worry about your future or Lord Venus is your ruling planet and you want its blessings you can go for Opal. If you are stuck in any debts or business litigations then this gemstone is fruitful for you. The one who has confidence issues should also wear this.
The procedure of Wearing Opal Gemstone Ring-
Always consult an astrologer first. Get it mended in silver or gold ring or pendant and wear it on Friday at Shuklapaksha in the middle or ring finger of your right hand. But before you wear it get it immersed in a bowl of a mixture containing 1 spoon of Gangajal, honey, Tulsi leaves, curd and ghee for 10 minutes and chant following mantra-
Opal Gemstone for Ring
For gaining maximum astrological benefits Opal should be more than 4 carats and should be worn in the index finger of right hand. It is a very good substitute for diamond and has similar benefits. It can be worn in pendant, bracelet or rings. Although rings are preferable and White Opal is suggested. It should be certified and should not possess and cracks or dullness as it efficiency is affected. Australian Opals are considered premium so you can buy one. Although it is advisable to always consult an astrologer and if you have any queries you can talk to our experts.
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kurahieiritrjio · 7 years
A Gift for my Writer Pals
I started compiling this world build close to a decade ago, and have merged so many things into a master document that it is impossible to not have a very complex and intriguing world in using this whole crib. I spent a lot of time working on societies and the like too. So I hope this is a well rounded enough crib that anyone can use.
Generalized Outline- World Building
Astronomical/geological Section:
Planet Name:
Planet Class:  Moon, Super Terrestrial, Terrestrial (Earthlike)sub-jovian, Jovian (Think Jupiter) Sub-terrestrial (Think Venus or Mars For Size):
If Terrestrial; Is it Like Earth Now, or Past or Futuristic:
How Is This Planet The Same or Different From Our Planet?
Type of Atmosphere?
Geography: Mountains/deserts/plains/woodlands/ Swamp/ Oceans, Etc. Physical Features Include Size/ Gravity/atmosphere/ Moon (S)/ Sun Class (F5 Lower Strength White Through F-9 Lowest- to G Class Yellow (Our Sun I in This Category= G1 to G9 (9 Is Weakest)or K Class (Red Dwarf’s Which May Be Close to Death =Plot Added Drama/ And Constellations of Note:
Maps: Get Graph Paper and Build Your Own Maps or Buy Some D&d Type Maps and Then Do Mental Alterations or Chop and Pastes onto Larger Sheets to Create a Map to Help You See Where Your Characters Are Going to and Coming From! No Matter What Genre You Are Writing, So Pace and Time Laws Do Not Change and Therefore You Will Have to Give Space and Time References to Build a Good Story
What Natural Resources Exist (Such as Mining Resources to Build Technology from If Applicable)?
How Are These Resources Utilized by The Dominant Species Specifically?
Climate: Distinct Seasons; Summer/winter/spring/ Fall/dry/wet/ & Types of Weather Patterns: Ie. Snow, Rain, Arid, Humid, Tropical:
Temperatures Expected Average During Each Season:
Flora And Fauna Section:
Food Sources: What Do People And Animals on Planet Eat?
Domesticated Animals: Types of Livestock For Work or Food Can Your Planet Support Based Upon Geography And Climate?
What Types of Companion Animals or Pets Does Your World Have, If Any?
Wild Animals:
What Kinds of Animals Does This Planet Support Naturally? How Do The Main People And Animals From The Wilderness Regions Interact? Are Wild Animals Carnivores, Omnivores or Herbivores, or Some of Each Type? What Is The Food Chain Like? Ex: Herbivores Need Plants in Large Numbers to Eat So The Carnivores Can Eat Them And The Omnivores Eat Both Meat And Plants Aka Like Humans Do:
Are Any of These Wild Life Animals Intelligent Like Your Dominating Species Is Intelligent?
People or Races Section:
Population Size:
World Population:
City Population: (Only Those Needed For Story Line):
Town Populations:
Village Populations:
Specific Race (S) of Note:
In What Ratios? (I. E.  30% White Skin, 15% Black Skin, 12% Blue Skin, 65% Green Skinned )
Culture And Society:
Villages or Cities, Rural or Suburban, Inner-city Versus Outer-city (Think New York With Brooklyn And Other Suburbs For Inner Outer City Concept)
Language(s) Spoken:
Specific Cultural Aspects: (Hunter Gatherer/ Farmer/ Industrialized?)
Holidays, Celebrations, Rites of Passage, Family Traditions?
What Are The Most Important Festivals And Holidays?
How Important to Culture Are These Rituals And Holidays?
Behaviors Frowned Upon?
Behaviors Approved Of?
Word or Phrases Specific (Idioms) to The Region in Question?
Any Known Origins to The Words or Phrases Used by People of This Area?
Significance of Following Cultural Enrichment Forms:
Leisure Activities:
What Forms Do These Items Take?
Gender Roles:which Gender Is Dominant or Is There No Dominance at All?
How Does Society Enforce Those Gender  Roles Through Education, Through Expected Conformation of Roles Between The Two Genders?
Family Structure:
Who Raises And Teaches Children?
Who Cooks Meals by Tradition?
Do Extended Families Live Together or Is it Parents And Children Only in Each Dwelling?
Are There Different Types of Food Eaten in Different Social Classes or Unified to Region (Japanese Eat Stir Fry/ Americans Eat Steak And Potatoes as Example)
Social Class: Warrior/spiritual, Wealthy/working/poor/middle Class Etc:
Where Do Each Class of People Live And Do Their Dwellings Vary From Class to Class?
Do Clothing, Personal Items Such as Jewelry or Fashions Vary Based Upon Class And Wealth?
Do Hairstyles And Similar Things Vary by Class And What Types Are There? (Long or Short Hair? Beards or Mustaches Etc Go Here)
Genealogy: Build Bloodline Maps For Visual Bloodline Traits And Such For Future Reference, Even If Not Mentioned in The Story Per Say, They Can Be Great Ways to Add Tension Based Upon Race And Other Background Hints You Don’t Go Into in Depth And They Make For Very Interesting Characters!
One God or Many? Name Some And Denote Genders Implied:
Spiritual Philosophies:
Beliefs About Birth, Death, And Afterlife ?
Does Culture Condone Burial or Cremation, or Something Else?
Who Is in Charge of Places of Worship?
Does This Place Have Magic Practices And If So How Does That Affect The World on a Planetary Wide Basis as Well as Locally?
How Does Religion in General Impact The World?
Will it Have Relevance in The Plot Line of The Story? Or Will it Simply Be a Low Key Element That Helps Define Character Behaviors in Story Line?
Do Different Races Have Different Gods?
Does Technology And Religion Co-exist Peacefully or Are There Strong Conflicts Between The Two Factions?
(*myths from Religions Alive or Defunct/ History / and Politics Are Always Relevant to the Shaping of a Character’s Behavior and Actions!)
What Levels of Education Exist on This Planet or in a Specific Area?  Give List of Educational Expected Forms Such as Home School to High School and College If Possible.
For This Group, who trains under which hall (This Is The Term For Schools Based Upon Highly Specific Technology, Medicine, Textiles, Political, Police, Computers or Space Travel in My Sci-fi Series Which Means Trained to become  a Journeyman Level For The Particular Trade... It’s a Guild Based Trade Society Kind as You Can See....If You Choose Hall Style, Is Training Off Planet, or Planet Sponsored (For Home Planets With Resident Halls)
Give List of Halls And What They Train Help Insure Plot Consistencies And Add Details to Plots.
What Forms of Specialized Education Systems Exist If Any?
Time Section:
What Calender or Other Methods of Measuring Time Exist? Include Clocks And Time Pieces, or Sun Dials, as Well as Give Some Form of Indication as to Whether or Not This Society Is Aware of Months And Years Passing. (All Technology Using Species Will Have Both Clocks And Calendars For Certain as Will Any Medieval Societies Have at Least Calender's If They Have Oceanic Shipping And Trade With Outside Races And Nations)
Technology Section:
Technology, Science And Jobs Section; Is Technology Eco Friendly or Industrial Pollutants Generating? Large City Complexes With Factories & Refineries, or Smaller Information Dominant Social Structures That Have Pleasant in Home Offices, Smaller Scientific Designated Areas Versus Agriculture Regions.
What Levels of Technology Exist on This World (Horse And Carts/ or Cars And Planes/ Space Ships And Higher?)
Communications Systems Include Mail, Phone or Other Forms of Vocal/written Communications. Are There High Tech Telephones or Is There a Mailing System? How Does it Work For Sending Info Like ‘Help, We’re Being Attacked! Send The Militia!’ How Does it Work If Calling Home to Say, “Hey Mom And Dad I’m Getting Married Next Week, or I Got That Great New Job!”?
Is Technology The Same Planet Wide or Only in Specific Regions?
Is Technology Distributed Based Upon Racial or Economic Factors or Equally Shared?
Is There a Technological Aspect That Will Have Significant Impact Upon The Story?
What Is The Major Forms of Transportation? (Horse And Carts/ or Cars And Planes/ Space Ships?)
How Does Technological Advances Shape These Forms of Transportation?
What Level of Technology For Weapons Where Applicable? (Forges/  Assembly Lines/robot Workers as Examples)  
Are There Any Weapons Restrictions, And Are Those Restrictions Important to The Plot Line?
How Has The Technology (Or Magic) Helped to Build up or Destroy The Society That Uses It? Is it Still Helping to Build, or Destroy Its Users?
Medical Section:
What Level of Medicine Exists?
Who Does The Healing?
What Technology Is Involved, If Any? (Shamans And Witches And Magic Users Would Use Herbs or Crystals)
If Technologically Advanced What Types of Medical Care Is Available to The People (Hospitals And Insurance Company Concepts  Go Here)
What Types of Diseases And Illnesses Are Common?
Are They Curable, or Lethal?
Who Cares For Sick Family Members With Non Lethal Colds?
Governmental Questionnaire:  
What Kind of Government(s)  Exist in This World? (Story Relevance Specific) (Politics Is Always Relevant to Some Degree in Every Story Line!!!)
Does Your Planet Have More Than One Government?
Sovereigns = King Queen, by Birth With Dukes And Lords
Democratically Elected= President And Congress as Example Elder’s Council,
Land Holders Council, Dictatorships, Ogliagarchy, Parliamentary (Limited Sovereign- Must Get Elected Groups Agreement to Do Certain Things) Militant (Yes it Is Different From Tyranny, A.k.a. Dictators), Cooperative (A Lot Like Ogliagarchy (not Oligarchy as that’s a type of tyranny), But a Smaller Group Making The Decisions),
How, & Why Did This Government Come About?
Diplomatic Corps) How Many? Any Special Training required?
How Are Relationships Between Countries? Are Any Currently at War With Each Other? If So, Why?
How Does it Work? Purchases Taxed Only, Land, Paychecks, Possessions, Birth Fees?
Taxes and Regulations upon Imports & Exports Where Applicable. Community Based Trade Without Taxation Such as a Village Would Be Seen as Normal. Trade? Name Some Imports, Exports (Look at Geography for Natural Resources to Come up with These Items- a Farming Community Will Trade Grain and Food Stuffs with More Industrialized Areas for Things like Forged Metal Goods Etc)
Are There Taxes on Imports and Exports?
Trade Section/
Large Mass Goods or Specialized Goods. Example, Are They Like Corroscant From Star Wars.. Must Import Food And Water to Survive.. Or Like Mon Calamari... Lots of Exports, Lesser Imports Due to Self Sufficiency. Export Raw Materials or Finished, or Refined Goods.  
How Are Goods Imported and Exported? (By Ship/truck/train/caravan/plane Etc...)
How Is Local; Trade Carried Out? (Barter May Exist in Local or a Credit Ledger You Pay off When Harvest Time Is Done as Example)
What Types of Currency Is Used? (Money And Coins/ Credits or Plastic Cards/ or Implanted Chips/ Gems or Barter Forms (A Chicken For a Bag of Grain Example) Currency? What Are Denominations in Credit/ Money Forms For Your Planetary or Nations? Driads For Coalition as Example. If You Have Major Ports of Call Built Into Your System, You May Have a Star Grouping Form of Currency Such as Example Star Wars Driad, as Well as an Internal Set of Indigenous, or Planetary Specific Currency. Are the Monies Based on Metals, Papers, Fabrics, Jewels and Crystals, Microchips, Cards, or Barter?
Is There More than 1 Monetary System to Be Considered for this Story Line?
In Depth Judicial System: What Rules For Theft or Does This Species Idolize It? Violence (Warrior Species Will Probably Have Ritual Battles And Other Forms of Accepted Violence And Laws That Uphold Forms of Ritualized Violence)are There Laws For or Against Sex Crimes? Or Any Other Form of Judgement Ruled System Such as Divorce, Wills/probate, And Drug Slave Trade Laws or Bans Etc. And Who Enforces... Military <Militant Rule Government System> Private Security Groups (Hired by Government?) Regulation Trained Police or Law Enforcement Agency That Is Government Backed. Embezlment, Fraud/perjury, Domestic Situations: I.e. Traffic Tickets/ Monetary Disputes., Lawsuits, You Get The Idea.
What Level of Law Enforcement Exists?
Is There a Structured Legal System Such as in America With Lawyers And Courts? Or Is it ‘Caught And Hung Same Day’ Variety (Antiquated/medieval) System?
Who Makes And Upholds The Laws of The Region?
What Are The Laws And The Consequences For Breaking Them?
Basic History:
Any Major Wars? Inter-species to Interplanetary?  More Than One Country/nation And Governmental Styles Will Have a Past War History. First Space Voyage, Famous Treaties or Constitutions With Who Signed And Why? These Are Good to Make Obscure References to in Novels That Take Place Elsewhere If Only to Remind The Reader of The Exotic Setting Without Having to Bash Readers Over The Head. Major Holidays, Interplanetary And Galactic? Design a General Interspecies Calender, or National Holiday Calender Depending on The Genre Writing. History World and Local
Wars of Significance?
Treaties of Significance?
Major Discoveries That Have Altered History
Natural Disasters, and Other Events That Have Altered History?
Are These Histories Directly Affecting Your Story Overtly, or Simply Shaping Character Behaviors (Same as Religion)
If Important to Main Story List Some Ways it Will Affect the Characters and Story Line Potentially.
History of Interactions Between Different Societies?
Important Historical Figures That Influence a Culture or Society? In Example: Religions Created By, Governments Designed By? Laws That Make Differences? Metals Found and Forged for First Time? (You Get the Idea Here)
Military.. Draft Based or Volunteer Corps? Paid a Good Wage/ Poor Wage? Does This World Have Sets of Treaties to Provide Troops in Time of Crisis in Example  Coalition Sponsored or Local Provisions Such as Lord Calling on Vassals, or Do They Have Full Time Experienced And Trained Army or Similar Liberation Intentioned Forces? Example : Major Ports And Military Platforms Paid For by Coalition Agreements in Return For Skills Such as Tech Support, Housing For Warriors, Docking/repair Platforms in Space Etc...(Sci Fi Examples)
For Fantasy Only Section:
If There Is Magic on this World Is There More than 1 Type of Magic (Type Is Healing or Warrior, or Holy Relic Making, or Getting from One Place to Another in Examples)
How Does Magic Work in Your World? Cast and Get Immediate Results or Cast and Wait, or Perhaps You Need a Power Object to Do Anything at All.
What Are the Limitations of Magic? (Example Magic Might Not Work to Resurrect the Dead, but it Might Be Able to Recreate an Arm If You Lose One in a Fight)
What Magic Taboos Exist? (I.e. Creating a Frankenstein Would Be a Taboo in Many Cultures)
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woodlanereserved · 7 years
Beginners Guide to Solar Panels
The sunlight is an important resource of renewable resource, and also making use of photovoltaic panels to harness its power returns great deals of advantages, consisting of cost-free power and also totally free cash! Continue reading to figure out just how solar energy jobs and also just how you could make use of the federal government 2015 photovoltaic panel gives.
Exactly what is solar energy?
Photovoltaic panel are teams of photovoltaic or pv (PV) cells which, when subjected to the sunlight, transform light into electrical power. This is a numerous, eco-friendly resource of power which also operates in the grey old UK, as photovoltaic panels do not require straight sunshine to operate– fortunately for us!
The kind of photovoltaic panel you see on roof coverings are practically called photovoltaic or pv photovoltaic panels, (additionally referred to as solar PV). These panels are composed of great deals of solar batteries which could transform sunshine right into electrical power, which is after that fed right into the structure on which the panel is set up.
Exactly how do photovoltaic panels work?
A planetary system is composed of numerous parts, consisting of a panel of solar batteries, an inverter and also a generation meter. Each solar battery includes 2 thin layers of silicon crystal in addition to each other. The leading layer has actually been dealt with to make sure that its atoms are unpredictable and also it has a lot of electrons, while the bottom layer has actually additionally been dealt with, yet this moment has also couple of electrons. The electrons intend to removal from the top layer to the bottom, however they cannot up until the cells are subjected to sunshine.
When light hits the leading layer the electrons end up being ‘thrilled’ and also begin to relocate to the bottom layer, and also as soon as electrons relocate with each other parallel, electrical power is produced. 2 steel calls are put on either side of the silicon layers to develop a circuit.
Electrical energy created by photovoltaic panels is straight present (DC), whereas the power utilized in structures is rotating existing (Air Conditioning), so the electrical energy needs to go through an inverter prior to it can be fed right into the structure.
Can I obtain photovoltaic panels on my house?
Most of UK residences appropriate for solar, yet the most effective residences are ones with south-facing roof coverings with a pitch of 30-40 levels. We would certainly discourage mounting on a north encountering roof covering yet you may discover that an eastern or west-facing roof covering still functions well, although anticipate to produce 25% much less power..
Your roofing likewise should be solid sufficient to house the panels and also you’ll require area in your loft space (or comparable) to house the inverter. Obtaining a certified installer to inspect your residence prior to making any kind of choice is a must!.
Just what is the Feed-in Toll?
In April 2010 the federal government presented the Feed-in Toll (FIT) where the federal government pays you for the power you generate.
There are 2 components to the Feed-in Toll. There’s the ‘generation toll’, where the federal government pays you a collection quantity for each device (kilowatt hr or kWh) of power that your solar panels produce, whether you utilize it on your own or not.
The 2nd component is the ‘export toll’, where you could offer any type of added devices you do not utilize back to your power distributor. You’ll make around 5 dime each and also you could offer back up to fifty percent of the systems you produce (the specific quantity you’ll obtain is reliant alter every single time a brand-new toll is presented, which can be approximately every 6 months).
There are 2 economic motivations for having solar panels– not to point out the cash you’ll conserve on power costs. The cash you obtain is free of tax, as well as repayments will certainly climb according to rising cost of living – AMAZING!
Just how much will photovoltaic panels conserve me?
The specific quantity you can make will certainly depend upon a selection of variables, consisting of the dimension of your solar installment as well as the means you utilize the power you produce. The plan makes an application for Two Decade when you have actually subscribed.
The estimations can be a little bit challenging, however allow’s think that the ordinary UK house has a 3.5 kW setup on its roofing. This will certainly set you back around ₤ 5,300 (although anticipate to pay even more if you have any type of ‘challenging’ setup concerns or desire a larger system). We approximate that a 3.5 kW panel in southerly England will certainly return regarding ₤ 640 to your hip pocket in the initial year as well as you’ll settle your financial investment in around 8 years..
The quantity you conserve will certainly depend upon where you reside in the UK (i.e. the quantity of sunlight your residence obtains), the Feed-in Tariffs you are qualified for, just how much produced power your house will certainly take in as well as what does it cost? you presently spend for electrical power. It’s a little bit difficult however lots of carriers provide calculators to establish a quote. Photovoltaic panel last for approximately Thirty Years so they’re a terrific financial investment!
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smashthatcraft · 7 years
Eridanus Culture Guide
For my OC based off William Joyce’s Golden Age
Name: The Eridanus Empire People: Stellarus (ruling species), Eridanus (general name), other species and people Languages: Stellius, Celestial, local dialects Currency: Bartering (internal affairs), Gold Coins (external affairs) Political System Stratocracy Capitol: Hmmna (teal), Ang Suba (Celestial); Uumina (teal), Sa Ubos (Celestial) Current Leaders: Iota Eridani Emblem: Two gold stars on a light blue background with wavy dark blue stripes (Constellation), A red spear through a gold star on a field of black (Acting Empress) Motto: Walay kauswagan kon walya inantusan (There is no success if there is no sacrifice) Songs: Real Life Inspiration: Constellation Geography & Environment: The habitable planets of Eridanus are largely made up of planets with high levels of water. A number of these planets are covered completely in water, while others have marshes and island for land dwelling species. The surface of the capitol planet of Ang Suba (translated for Celestial ease) is 75% water. What land is present consists of mangrove swamps and small mountainous islands. Ang Suba is apart of the Ulo solar system. The Ulo solar system orbits around the Cursa star and has the highest number of military bases in the empire. The ruling species of Eridanus, the Stellarus, originated from the planet Ang Suba. The other capitol planet, Sa Ubos, orbits the star Archenar in the Dolang solar system. Sa Ubos boasts some of the largest museums in the Empire; including the Great Historical Museum which covers ⅓ of Sa Ubos’ third moon, Isda. The driest habitable planet in the constellation is the planet of Na which orbits the star Rana. Na originally created the crystal coins used within the constellation today. As that technique is lost, Na is now responsible for the minting of new coins for intergalactic trade. The Eridanus Supervoid is found near the stars Angetenar and Pi Eridani. The Supervoid is nearly 1 billion light years across. Planets near the supervoid are heavily fortified and have some of the most advanced military bases and armories in the Empire. Planets orbiting Angetenar and other nearby stars also hold the only slave trade found within the constellation. All trade is heavily monitored and is only allowed on planet and by registered citizens. Politics: Eridanus is a military run constellation. High ranking members of the Empire are military officers, oftentime members of the Stellarus, the ruling species of the Empire. The rules and regulations of the Empire, as well as military movement, is decided by the ruling Empress. The role of Empress may only be filled by the strongest of the Stellarus females with extended life expectancy. The Empress is accompanied by a council of officers. These officers are some of the most powerful and respected generals in the Eridanus military. These generals act as advisors to the Empress, though the decision is ultimately hers to make. The Heiress of the empire has varying ranking based on age and where the acting Empress places her in the ranks. The Heiress is a female Stellarus with extended life expectancy, usually related to the acting Empress, who is personally trained by the Empress or her council and is next in line to rule. The Heiress is the second most powerful officer in the constellation unless otherwise stated by the Empress. The Empress may not exile or persecute the Heiress in any way without due cause. The Heiress is one of the most well traveled individuals in the constellation and is often accompanied by her own council. This council is typically smaller than that of the Empress’ and can consist of 1 to 4 officers. When the Heiress takes power from the acting Empress, this council will often replace some or all of the former council. The constellation is divided into regions and within each region, there are a set number of fortresses. Captains and ranks higher that command these fortresses are also required to rule over the surrounding planets. Commanding officers rotate through the fortresses based on need. Some may only stay at an outpost for a few months while others will stay for several years. These commanding officers are only allowed to enforce Stellarus law. Local laws are to be enforced by inner planetary governments. Involvement in local politics is strictly prohibited unless it goes against Stellarus law or is otherwise stated. Involvement with local politics will result in the striping of rank, removal from the military, and, up to and including, imprisonment. All members of the Eridanus Empire are required to participate in two years of military training upon reaching adulthood. Exceptions to this rule are individuals expecting offspring, are raising offspring too young to be left unattended or offspring that do not have proper supervision during the expected training period, and individuals who are crippled or ill. Those who may later be capable are expected to complete the training at the nearest availability. Individuals who refuse to participate in training are considered traitors to the empire and will be punished, up to and including capital punishment. Those who chose to remain in the military beyond the initial training period have the opportunity to reach the rank of captain and may receive rewards similar to that of Stellus captains. At any given time, members of the Eridanus Empire are expected to fight and possibly give up their lives to defend the Empire, if not for the sake of the Empire itself then for their home and the protection the Empire provides. Economy: The Eridanus Empire has two major methods of exchanging goods. The Empire produces a certain number of gold coins every year for the sole purpose of trade outside the Empire’s borders. These coins are stamped with the Empire’s emblem as well as the current Empress’ emblem. As the constellation imports very little, these coins are made sparingly. Items that may be imported include: Broken glass, scrap metal, and other small trinkets. These items are considered a luxury for high ranking members of the military and are often used to build and embellish buildings created by the Stellarus. Common exports include: weaponry, military power, sculptures, and exotic sea food. The Stellarus make an incredible amount of 3D art each year which is highly coveted by museums and art collectors throughout the Golden Age for it’s unique use of shape and color. Within the constellation though, the gold coins are practically worthless. Instead, the people of the Eridanus Empire still rely heavily on a bartering system. It is much more common to see goods being traded between individuals rather than coins. The Empire has enforced a standardized currency throughout the constellation, for ease in large purchases and for foreign visitors to use. Instead of using metal however, they used crystal coins. These coins were created by the people of Na even before the Empire formed. These crystals are artificially processed from real crystals that grow on Na. The process creates sturdier crystals that will not break or dull over time. The crystals are sliced into thick cylinders and rods. Originally, the crystals had the Na emblem carved onto one side, however, since the unification of the Empire, the Empire’s emblem has been added as well. These coins are no longer produced as the crystals used to create them were depleted. New crystals are being found today, but are still illegal to harvest until such a time as the planet has created enough to be able to sustain manufacturing again. As a result, there is a set number of coins within Eridanus. This means there is also a very high exchange rate for visitors who wish to use these coins and they may only be acquired through normal trade or through the Stellarus Imperial Bank. Smuggling coins outside the constellation is a punishable offence. Different planets may also have other forms of currency used only on that planet, however the coins will be accepted no matter where you go. Culture: The culture within Eridanus is very diverse as planets within the constellation are allowed to keep their traditions. There are no two planets within the constellation that observe the same customs. One idea that is shared between several of the planets within the constellation is the religion Modagadiism. This is the belief that all life flows along The River. When one joins life, they become a part of The River and serve a purpose within The River. Some are meant to clean The River of harmful bacteria and debris. Others are meant to maintain the population within The River so that all have something to eat. Other still are meant are meant to live as parasites within The River and keep the predators in check. While it is not always considered the most kind way to observe the world, it is used to explain the way individuals act as well as how to world works. Believers of this faith don’t see any roll as less than another. If The River only has bottom feeders, there would not be enough food. If there were only predators, The River would clog with algae and parasites. It is the duty of all within the river to fulfill their roles within The River so that it may flow healthy and uninterrupted. Only The River knows an individual’s role and it is up to the individual to discover what that role is. Tragedies and trouble are simply debris within The River to ensure that those who live within it are strong. And when someone passes on, they are simply moving on to a new role within The River. This religion has made people within the constellation compliant with the Stellarus rule. They believe the Stellarus hold a powerful role in maintaining The River and respect them for that, especially since the Stellarus allow them to continue their believes and customs relatively uninterrupted. As the Stellarus are the one who formed the Empire, they are also the most widespread species within the constellation. The Stellarus have an interesting culture themselves as their society is not built on family bonds as most other societies are. Instead, the Stellarus culture is held together by pride. Members of the Stellarus are typically xenophobic in a very prideful manner. They often times view members of other species as lesser lifeforms or simply just stupid. As a result, they are not very well liked and tend to be very private in their culture and what they do. If they don’t understand something within another culture, they typically won’t try to unless they believe something is to be gained from it. They have been known to use the bonds between members of other species to their advantage before, whether it is ensuring loyalty from the members of the Empire or using pack bonding instincts to protect explorers while out on missions. Since the species lacks the ability to bond with each other, it can sometimes raise the question of why the species lives together and how they created such a powerful empire. The answer is very simple: need. The Stellarus are neither large or powerful predators on their home planet. They are slow in the water, smaller than almost all the predators that prey on them, and have few defences beyond their camouflage ability. As a result, the Stellarus tend to stay together as it makes them more powerful, both on their homeworld and within the Golden Age. Their xenophobic tendencies only tie them closer together. Also because of their inability to bond, they have close to no concept of loyalty. Instead they value strength. While they would never bow to a member of another species if they managed to overpower them, they also will not follow a leader of their own kind if they believe that leader is weak or stupid. The Stellarus desire to be the most powerful within the Golden Age, or at the very least be strong enough that no one will mess with them without thinking twice. To achieve this, they must remain together where they have the most power in numbers. The only loyalty they have is to their empire and to the strongest member of their species, the Empress. Outside of that, the Stellarus have a bright and vibrant culture. Face and body painting is a very common practice, for a variety of reasons. In the military, face paint is used to identify members and to define rank. Ranks are often painted beneath the right eye (or closest equivalent). All members of the military must wear this face paint, regardless of species. The only members of the military allow to go without this face paint is the Empress and the Heiress as these two have other identifying markers during battle. Among the Stellarus themselves, it is used as decoration to embellish features, similar to makeup used by other peoples. The paint is also used to indicate where a Stellarus has been hurt in battle. Thanks to their regenerative abilities, the Stellarus do not scar. Instead, they paint themselves where they were injured as to commemorate their victory and show off their prowess in battle. In more recent years, the paint has taken on more uses than just looks. Thanks to Stellarus exploration into nanotechnology, specialized paint is created to increase certain aspects, such as one’s ability to feel vibrations underwater or to hear what a member of another species is saying. The paint used by the Stellarus only comes in two colors and is actually a very thick paste that can be applied in or out of water. Gold is used for the Stellarus themselves (primarily for its reflectiveness in water), while black is reserved for members of other species. Non-Stellarus individuals may be allowed to wear gold paint if it is a specialized paint to help with communication or other factors between the Stellarus and that respective species. Despite the production of advanced technology by Stellarus scientists and engineers, this technology is not used by many Stellarus. Technology is typically only used in the workplace if it is needed. Most homes owned by the Stellarus do not have electricity. Members of the artisan class often do not use any technology in making their creations even though it could increase productivity. The largest class that does use technology on a daily basis is the warrior class. The military has access to all the most advanced technology, though it is only used while on duty. Scientists and engineers meanwhile are in almost constant contact with technology. The more respected a scientist or engineer is, the closer they are to their respective labs. While their homes are often without electricity as well, all science workers have access to their labs 24/7 and it is not uncommon to see a scientist swimming to work in the middle of the night. The most respectable members of the science community may live at their workplace full time. This class is also the only class to have their meals brought to them as it is not uncommon for scientists to spend months on end without leaving the lab. It is still common practice to hunt for food rather than grow or raise food as other civilizations do. It is considered far more respectable and honorable to catch one’s food rather than kill it off after it has been domesticated. As a result, while there are some farmers among the Stellarus people, they are largely looked down on by the rest of their society. The Stellarus have very little by way of culinary traditions. Table manners and dining etiquette is non existent. In the rare instances in which a Stellarus must host a member of another species, especially one that does not hunt as they do, either there will be no food offered, all food will be raw, unseasoned fish, or they will borrow another culture’s culinary habits to satisfy their guests. When visiting another constellation, it is very rare to see a Stellarus eat even when their dietary needs are accommodated. If pressed, they may eat a bite or two but nothing beyond that. Meanwhile, being invited to join a Stellarus hunting party is considered the highest honor a Stellarus can offer as hunting parties are only comprised of those who work together very well. Music is also very important within the constellation. Drums, harps, chimes, and other instruments are commonly used in their music. The size of these instruments are also much larger than those used by other cultures as the larger sizes create lower sounds that the Stellarus and other members of the Eridanus constellation can hear. The primary source for materials in making these instruments come from a large air-breathing creature found on Ang Suba. Vocal cords from this creature are used to make large harp like instruments. The hide of the animal is specially cured and used to make special drums. The bones are often used to make the bodies of each instrument. Parties of musicians, regardless of what they play, will often go out together to catch and break down this animal. Apprentices are expected to make their own instrument at the end of their apprenticeship. Thanks to the size of these animals, they are in no danger from over hunting for the resources they provide. Typically, only one or two is killed each year and a large number of instruments can be made from the carcass. One of the more notable instruments found in the Stellarus culture is a large instrument called an Ubos. The Ubos is built on site by the apprentice and is carved into large branches of coral or crystal. This is the only instrument in which a master may help the apprentice in making as it is incredibly difficult to make. Each branch must be cut to a specific length then carved from the inside out to make a tube. The thinner the walls of the pipe are, the higher quality the instrument is. Some made of carved crystal are transparent. This instrument requires at least two musicians when playing and masters may partner with each other depending on the song. These are also constantly being built as the instrument does not hold up well to its surroundings. For those who cannot hear the music played in the Eridanus constellation, there is often a visual show performed at the same time. Sometimes the music is accompanied by a story and other times there is a more abstract performance. The Stellarus have a particularly colorful performance. Artists will dress themselves in a specific color and use specialized ink to create shapes and designs above the crowd. The ink is weighted and can be moved independently within water. Every color of ink is also weighted differently so that they can be mixed and later pulled apart during a show. The artists who perform using this technique specialize in an alternative form of the primary fighting style found in Stellarus culture. They also tend to use only one color of ink throughout their career. Apprentices of this art form are expected to practice for years in technique and color theory before being allowed to use or even make the ink. Large performances can consist of over a hundred different artists at the same time. Sometimes it is a hundred different artists using the same color and sometimes the performance can consist of over one hundred different colors. Unfortunately, these large performances are rarely seen or heard by visitors from outside Eridanus as they are primarily performed underwater. Regardless, each performance takes hours of preparation and practice before coming to the stage. Another musical tradition is performed by the other species found on Ang Suba. This species relies heavily on oral history and hold celebrations to tell their history. Some of the largest festivals can consist of several days of almost non stop singing, music, and dancing and attract members of their own species from all corners of Eridanus as well as cultural enthusiasts. Of all the art forms, architecture is the most popular among the Stellarus. Even when young, the Stellarus create sculptures and buildings. Sculpture gardens are very common in Stellarus cities, regardless of what planet. Even the lowest ranking Stellarus and prisoners build these gardens as much as possible. Statues are build with whatever is available including rocks, broken shells, and up to concrete and expensive baubles. Building supplies are very easy to come across throughout the constellation. Young Stellarus will often build their own homes, and may even build more than one home as they grow older. As a result, there are numerous unoccupied buildings throughout Stellarus cities. There may be large unoccupied areas within the city before more coming to a highly populated area. Some of the larger cities sell statues left behind by deceased members of the society and cause controlled demolitions to clear out the unused buildings. It’s unclear why the Stellarus engage in this behavior as none of the species is actually taught to make these structures. Young Stellarus learn unaided through trial and error and most Stellarus are arguably master architects by the time they die. As a result, every building in a Stellarus city is completely different and there are no two statues exactly the same. The Stellarus encourage architectural experimentation in other cultures within the constellation and will often help rebuild in disaster areas regardless of their occupation. Though, the residents might not like the building styles the Stellarus use. The Stellarus are very visual people and all lessons are taught through visual learning. The history of Stellarus is recorded on a large winding wall found only on Ang Suba. This wall is completely covered by mosaics which illustrate the history of the Stellarus in detail. There are no written letters on the wall. The wall is also under constant construction as parts are constantly being restored and newer parts are being added. It is not uncommon to find other large mosaics in cities throughout the constellation illustration the history of that specific city. Scientists and members of the military are also known to leave mosaics behind if they feel a specific event is important enough to be remembered throughout history. Miscellaneous Information: The Stellarus are renowned for their language, which is nearly impossible to learn unless a member of the Stellarus. This is because the Stellarus language is largely nonverbal and instead relies on their color changing ability. Shifts in color and gestures are their primary form of communication; sounds produced by the Stellarus are helpers for the language but are often dropped by users of the language. This is seen as an advantage by many Stellarus as it allows them to communicate soundlessly on the battlefield and prevents other species from understanding them without a translator. Thanks to physical disadvantages, it is incredibly difficult for a Stellarus to learn another language. Some who are around other species constantly may learn how to read lips but that’s typically as much as they can do. There are two main reasons that they cannot learn another language. The first is their hearing. The Stellarus can only hear sounds far below the hearing of an average Celestial Human. Since they cannot hear what another species is saying, they cannot replicate it. Even if they could hear the sounds produced by another species, they would not be able to create sounds loud enough for the other species to hear. Sounds created by Stellarus are created by a large swim bladder in their bodies. Muscles around the swim bladder make the organ vibrate which produces the humming tones used by the Stellarus. However, due to the size of the swim bladder, these sounds are very low and often times quiet as well. To combat this problem, the Stellarus have produced very sophisticated translators. Visitors to the constellation are required to wear these translators at all times unless alone or meeting with members of their own species. The translators are still a bit less than ideal and sometimes mistranslate things depending on the wearers dialect but they work well enough nine times out of ten. The Stellarus also have translators that high ranking officials may wear when attending events outside of the constellation. These translators may be turned off while being worn while translators given to visitors of the constellation may not be. Translators come a variety of sizes to fit all sorts of species. The Stellarus also have a written language, which while it can be learned, it is not very easy to do so. The written alphabet consists of only ten letters, however, over 30 colors are used when writing it and each color changes the meaning. The written language was only recently developed for use in battle situations in which their ordinary means of communication is not applicable. Only high ranking officials and most scientists know and use the written language. Another interesting aspect about the Stellarus is the ranking system within their people. This is because the hierarchy is only divided into four levels. Empress: At the top of the hierarchy is of course the Empress. The Empress is the one and only ruler of the entire Empire. The Empress’s word is law. Everyone within the Empire is expected to show her the utmost respect in whatever way that is shown in their culture. Failure to do so may result in punishment, however that is up to the Empress and her personal preference. Military Officers: Directly below the Empress is the officers. Only those who have achieved the rank of captain or higher are granted respect by other Stellarus. This ranking is not dictated by the Empress. Instead, it is given by the people as a sign of respect for what they have done. Everyone Else: With the exception of a few, all other members of society fall within one category. Artists are not seen as less than a scientist and merchants are not worth more than a private in the military. The Stellarus show an incredibly respect for another’s career choice. Young Stellarus who may comment negatively comment on the skill required for a specific job are often scolded by older members of the species. The Stellarus are surprisingly intolerant of any disrespect for members of their own species. Criminals & Farmers: The few who fall outside of this respect are criminals and farmers. Farmers are often seen as less of a Stellarus for their farming. Other Stellarus see the practice as weak and will treat farmers with a certain level of disdain. Criminals meanwhile are seen negatively because they are believed to be unable to control themselves properly, which means that to many Stellarus, they are no better than animals. Criminals often times consist of female Stellarus who have survived mating season. There are a few exceptions to this ideology. Serial killers are often viewed with some level of respect, if only for their strength and ability to kill as many fellow Stellarus as they did. These kinds of criminals are often granted an opportunity to return to society through a series of three special Challenges. First against a guard at the prison, then against the warden, and finally against a member of the military while the Empress observes. These are one of the only Challenges in which neither opponent is allowed to kill the other. Should the criminal kill his opponent during these Challenges or commit a murder after freedom has been granted, they will be executed within a short amount of time. Those who betray the Empire through espionage are also granted a certain level of respect. This is because the Stellarus have an incredibly hard time lying because of their color changing abilities. These kinds of traitors may be given a certain level of respect in the short period before they are executed. Within the Stellarus culture, Challenges are incredibly important. Challenges are fights between two Stellarus that take place at a designated area and must be observed by at least one other member of the species. These fights are used to resolve certain issues and are fights to the death. Challenges are primarily used by the military to resolve issues within the military. Unless discharged or returning to Ang Suba for mating season, this is the only way a Stellarus can move up within the military beyond the rank of Seaman. Challenges within the military often occur when the higher ranking officer issues orders that a lower rank disagrees with. Challenges are taken very seriously however and it often takes more than one occurrence for a Challenge to be issued. Should the lower ranking Stellarus win during a military related Challenge, they hold the right to appoint their replacement themselves. Outside of military use, Challenges are also used to solve territorial disputes or if a Stellarus feels as though another member of the species is cheating him in some way. In these instances, Challenges must be brought to the appropriate personnel to be approved. If the Challenge is not approved, the situation will be solved for them by the personnel contacted. If a Challenge is not approved, does not have the appropriate witness, or one opponent is cheating, it is considered murder and is punished accordingly. Challenges must take place underwater in an arena or closest available area. Neither opponent is permitted to wear anything indicating rank nor are the allowed weapons of any kind. Other than that, there are no rules. Opponents are allowed to fight as dirty as they wish and it is understood that how they fight may reflect on how peers see them. Once the Challenge is completed, the winner will receive medical treatment if needed and the results will be reported to the next highest ranking officer. Anyone may Challenge anyone. This even means that the acting Empress herself could be Challenged by an artist. It should be noted that no one has been dumb enough to do that yet. The largest observed Challenge is that between the Empress and the Heiress. The Heiress is granted only two chances to defeat the Empress. The first Challenge often goes unnoted as the Empress is not allowed to kill the Heiress. This is because typically the Heiress is young and cocky and does not fully understand what the Challenge means. The second Challenge has a three day wait period before the fight actually takes place. During this time, the news is spread and Stellarus, and even other members of the constellation, travel to Ang Suba from all over. Often times high ranking officers will leave their posts for a short time to watch the Challenge while those beneath them cover their post. The Challenge takes place in the Palace Arena which is actually too small for the crowd that gathers most of the time. Challenges in which the Heiress was under prepared often only last a few minutes. If the Heiress has had adequate training, the fight can last up to hours. The longest lasting Challenge was recorded to last 18 hours before a winner was decided. Members of the crowd will often take bets and cheer for their favorite of the two. If the Heiress wins, the results are then released to the rest of the Golden Age to let them know that the head of the Empire has changed. Not only is this the largest Challenge witnessed, it is also the largest event within the Eridanus Empire. Warning: Mention of Slavery The Eridanus Empire does allow slavery within its boards and is one of the few constellations within the Golden Age to do so. However, the slave trade is contained to only two planets within the system. Due to distance from the capitol, these planets have been the only planets within the constellation allowed to continue the practice. However, there are strict rules in place to ensure that slaves found on the planet remain in good health and keep certain basic rights. Slaves must be paid a certain rate for the work they do, the price of freedom is not flexible and may not be raised or lowered. They must be fed a specific number of times per day depending on species requirements and must have the appropriate food. There is a set number of hours that a slave may work and punishments are strictly outlined depending on crime. Punishment may not be issued by owners. Slave trade must only take place on planet and may is only allowed by registered citizens with a permit to own slaves. Permits are given sparingly and each applicant goes through a thorough background check to ensure that they will be reliable, rule abiding owners. All slave related operations are overseen by Stellarus officers. These officers undergo some of the most intensive training in the constellation. Those who break the rules are punished severely. The Stellarus officers who oversee cases hold the right to take away anyone’s license if they feel the need to. Slaves of those who have their license revoked are relocated to appropriate housing where they will stay while their owner is under investigation. If the owner is proven guilty, they may either pay the price for freedom in which they will be given temporary housing after being released, or they will be returned to the slave trade after a set amount of time. The Stellarus have been attempting to ease these planets out of slavery for the last several years and have been slowly lowering the price of freedom and giving the slaves more rights. However, a fear of internal conflict has prevented them from taking stronger measures. Warning: Sciency reproduction stuff A very important time during in the Eridanus constellation is the Stellarus mating season. The mating season takes place once every three years and takes about a year to complete. During this time, trade with outside constellation slows and Ang Suba is closed off from all outside visitors and a number of planets within the constellation as well. At this time, all members of the Stellarus who have reached the age of 50 are required to return home immediately. This is for the safety of the Stellarus as well as others. Those who are required to return to Ang Suba are replaced by closest available Stellarus ranked beneath them. This caution is due to the fact that the Stellarus do not reach sexual maturity until the age 50. When they do, they begin displaying erratic and irrational behavior. Both males and females will begin to behave more violently, males even more so than the females. Males will often attack unprovoked and become highly territorial during this. In the past, Challenges were once common practice during the mating season, resulting in a large number of deaths between Challengers. Since the current Empress, Iota Eridani, came into power, Challenges are now strictly prohibited. Killings between sexually mature individuals are allowed, however, if an immature Stellarus is killed, the perpetrator is charged with murder and punished accordingly. For the first six months of the mating season, males will pursue females and present them with genetic material. During this time, males will neglect to eat and sometimes sleep in order to pass on as much genetic material as possible. The males must respect boundaries set by females however. Failing to do so could result in them being badly hurt, killed, or sometimes even eaten. The females will store material given by the male to be picked at a later time. At the end of six months, the majority of males have died from starvation or have killed each other. Those who are still alive are typically weak and killed by the various predators that live in the oceans of Ang Suba. The females then travel to a special nesting spot far from their home city to lay the eggs. These spots are large expanses of poisonous coral that grows in shallow water close to shore. Spots like these can be found all over the planet. The journey to the takes three months to complete when swimming non-stop as the adult females do. Eggs are laid in crevices found between growths of coral and then fertilized. Once this is done, the females turn around and begin the three month trip back. Along the way, many are picked off by predators or die of starvation. The few who successfully return to the city will often eat anything they can get their teeth into, including the scavengers found around the city which are typically not on the menu. The few remaining females are allowed to live within the city but are no longer permitted to exit the planet. If they were apart of the military or were formerly a scientist, their rank is stripped though they may be allowed to practice some habits from their former jobs. When the eggs hatch two years later, the young Stellarus are immune to the sting of the poisonous coral and use the area as hunting grounds until they are strong enough to make the trip back to the nearest city. It takes the fries (young Stellarus) roughly a year after hatching to return to their city where they join society. The exception to this is the members of the royal family. Mating females of the royal family are sent to a private coral patch. Here, each egg in marked with a tracer after fertilization. When they hatch, the fry are then tracked and monitored until they return to the palace. It is not the first one to hatch that becomes the next Heiress, but the first female to return to the palace. After an additional six months to see how that individual is adapting to palace life, the female then has a surgery to prevent her from ever becoming sexually mature. This not only effectively sterilizes her but also removes the majority of hormones that would impede her judgement later in life. At this point, she is technically neither female nor male and other members of the Stellarus can tell the difference by smell. This allows her to be immediately recognized by all other Stellarus regardless of what she looks like or wears. The surgery also allows her to live much longer than other Stellarus as she will not display erratic or irrational behavior as other members of her species does. It is this fact that dictates that only those who have gone through the surgery may be allowed to rule as the Stellarus Empress. Side effects can include growth impediments, abnormal tentacle growth, abnormal or lack of natural skin patterning, and/or malformations found non-essential internal organs.
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The solar offer with the most affordable expense per watt will not always be the one with the very best performance (cost to install solar). Solar power provides an attractive roi for homeowners, however the upfront expense can be high. Nevertheless, there is no need to presume the full expense at when. Lots of banks use solar panel finance choices, which bring numerous benefits: The upfront cost is covered by the bank's money.
How Much Does It Cost To Install Solar Panels On An Rv?
This approach works best if you have access to favorable loan conditions, such as a low rate of interest and a long payment duration. High-interest funding alternatives such as credit cards are not feasible if you desire a photovoltaic panel setup to pay itself. If you hesitate to take a loan to set up a solar energy system, leasing is also a viable alternative.
When selecting between solar loans and leasing, think about the advantages and disadvantages of each choice. photovoltaic panel prices. Loan financing lets you claim the solar tax credits and rebates, considering that you own the installation. Nevertheless, you are completely accountable for system maintenance and component replacements. On the other hand, a solar lease makes the supplier responsible for upkeep, but you lose the ownership benefits.
Solar Panels For House Cost
Nevertheless, it can not replace a professional evaluation. There are numerous site-specific factors that affect the cost of a solar energy system. The cost varies by state, so that is also something crucial to think about.
The quantity that you'll pay for a new solar power setup differs based upon the size of the system, which depends upon the preferred goal. Although the nationwide average spent on solar power is around prior to incentives and refunds, and the majority of pay in between (solar power house cost). Some property owners start with a smaller sized system to power their air conditioner, range, or clothes dryer, given that these home appliances utilize a lot of electrical power.
How Many Solar Panels Does https://solar-panels.hollenbarg.nl It Take To Power A House
Systems connected into the electrical "grid" or local power system are likely the most costly initially but the most hassle-free. In this setup, you can utilize electrical power from the grid when weather condition conditions are not ideal or after dark when you do not have batteries (prices on solar panels). In some areas, you can tie into the local grid and offer unused power to the electric business.
The most affordable planetary systems, nevertheless, work off-the-grid and are not hooked into the local electrical power system at all. This set-up is not as practical without a battery backup. Backup batteries for a photovoltaic panel system cost in between, not counting setup and the needed equipment to hook those into your system, such as inverters to manage usage, and converters that provide 240 volts to clothes dryers and varieties, while the rest of the house operates on 110 volts.
How Much Do Solar Panels Cost To Install?
On the other hand, batteries created to deal with the regional energy supply are less costly however require a licensed electrician to set up, and there may be constraints by the utility business (solar electric cost). There are three standard kinds of solar panels for use in residential systems monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and photovoltaic (PV).
Knowing the incentives and real estate tax exemptions for each will save you money also. This technique is the most effective and requires the least space; and therefore, it is the most costly. This method utilizes top quality, near-pure silicon to convert the sun's rays into electrical energy. These high-quality panels are long-lasting, require 65-100 square feet of area, and are warrantied for 20-25 years.
Solar Price
These blue crystal panels are less efficient than the monocrystalline. However, these are commonly cheaper and use up less area. These expense, require 85-100 square feet of area, and the guarantee is normally around twenty years. PVs are the most typical and least expensive method of producing electrical power with solar batteries that transform the sun's energy into electrons through a photovoltaic impact. Life time energy output Annual energy output will be offered by your solar professional. Bear in mind that the system will deteriorate by0. 5%/ year. The graph below shows the LCOE of photovoltaic panels vs grid connected electricity for a common domestic system. The error bars are because of the wide varying financial and energy possibilities for solar as well as the unidentified rate escalation of electrical power over time.
The more electrical energy price escalates overtime, the larger the gap between solar and grid LCOE will be. In other words, the more costly electricity is from the grid, the more beneficial the financial investment in solar panels ends up being. Buying solar panels is essentially buying 30 years' worth of energy up front, hedging against the increasing costs of grid energy and the associated charges. how much is solar power.
Cost Of Solar - Solar Panel Cost - Cost Of Solar Installation
In Alberta, your bill has 4 primary components the energy charge ($/ kWh), the transmission charge ($/ kWh), the distribution charge (fixed rate and$/ kWh), and other fixed charges (admin cost, regional access cost, rate rider, CEO retirement cost etc.) The energy charge might be totally scaled to$ 0. 00/mo if your solar panels supply 100% of your energy.
The distribution charge has two parts to it, a set charge and a variable charge. The fixed charge is normally evaluated each day or per kW of need that you need solar power can not reduce this portion. The variable charge is based off the number of kWh you required solar power will directly reduce this portion.
How Much Do Solar Panels Cost Per Sq. Ft.
Energy from photovoltaic panels will directly lower the transmission charge as well. A clear breakdown of these costs is shown below from ATCO Electric. The numbers are precise since January 1, 2020. Different merchants will have different breakdowns based on their service area. Energy Rate Set Up Breakdown from ATCO Electric, 2020Various energy sellers (such as EPCOR, Get Energy or among the many others) may have various service breakdowns, but the idea will resemble the above.
For example, Saskatchewan provides a single tiered billing based upon kWh use, internally factoring in distribution and transmission fees. Saskatchewan's rate strategy resembles Alberta because solar energy utilized offsets a greater rate (Energy + D&T in Alberta) by providing a credit at a decreased rate for energy offered back to the grid versus bought from the grid.
How Much Does A Solar System Cost These Days?
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How Much Do Solar Panels Cost? 2021
If a house utilizes more than a limit value of energy (around 1,350 kWh per 2-month cycle), it will be charged approximately 50% more for those kWhs. BC Hydro recently put in location a new schedule to pay out accumulated annual credits (for credits existing after 12 months) at roughly $0.
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Solar Panels For Home Cost
04/kWhThis BC structure extremely incentivizes one to reduce their energy intake and provides that a lot more reason to install solar panels. To accurately compare grid electrical energy to solar power, we must evaluate how much these rates will increase over a 30-year period. The Alberta Electric Systems Operator (AESO), whom handles and runs the provincial power grid, is expecting all charges to steadily increase over the next 20+ years (huge surprise, right?).
Solar Power Cost
AESO anticipated http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=solar power electrical power and transmission price escalation, 2014 Transmission Rate ProjectionAfter dissecting the numbers, the AESO was forecasting an increase in prices as follows: Energy Charge from 2016 to 2035 ($ 40. 99/MWh to $107/MWh) Transmission Charge from 2016 to 2035 ($ 31. 91/MWh to $48. 42/MWh) The distribution charge has not been particularly identified by AESO, however a 1% to 3%/ yr boost is an affordable presumption thinking about previous escalations.
To highlight the comparison let's appearance at an example of a solar power system in Alberta. The copying highlights solar power economics on a house in Alberta based upon the ATCO prices cited earlier. The circumstance will vary slightly if you were to analyze solar panels in Edmonton or Calgary.
How Much Do Solar Panels Cost To Install?
8. 0kW system (roughly typical size planetary system) 2. 30 Year analysis period3. Total set up cost = $2. 00/W +gst (no rebates included) 4. O&M Expense = $100/yr 5. Customer usage = 9,000 kWh/yr6. Generation = 8,600 kWh in year 1( 1. 07MWh/kW; 20% Exported) 7. Destruction = 0. 5%/ yr8. Grid Energy = $0. 070/kWh + 4.
This escalation results in a grid energy price of $0. 12/kWh in 15 years. 9. T&D = $0. 038/kWh + 2. 0%/ year (conservative escalation relative to AESO estimate). This T&D escalation leads to service charges of $0. 051/kWh in 15 years. 10. Discount Rate = 1 (rooftop solar cost). 5% You might observe that non-energy related costs are not included here.
Solar Panel System Cost
If the fees aren't impacted by solar power, then they hold no bearing on your ROI or payback period. Fixed and unrelated charges are unimportant to the financial results, however many individuals fall under the trap of thinking they are. The LCOE will look very close to the LCOE chart above with solar being more favourable than renting electrical power.
LCOE is only one piece of the pie. Solar panels will
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