#Plac Defilad
scavengedluxury · 2 years
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Parade Square, Warsaw, 1964. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.  
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filmap · 2 years
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Kingsajz / King Size Juliusz Machulski. 1988
Train Plac Defilad 1, 00-901, Warsaw, Poland See in map
See in imdb
Bonus: also in this location
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gladioshocktrooper · 23 days
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July 22 of 1974 on the city of Warsaw, National Day of the Rebirth of Poland and 30th anniversary of Polish People's Republic - The Palace of Culture and Science is decorated, and a military parade is held at Plac Defilad (Parade Square)
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1234567ttttttttttt · 4 months
Przemówienie Władysława Gomułki na wiecu w Warszawie: Plac Defilad, 24 p...
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barguzin · 1 year
Plac Defilad w Warszawie. #shortsvideo #sorts
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plenumofcare · 2 years
Plenum Osób Opiekujących się na Seminarium Feministycznym
XXVII Seminarium Feministyczne "Troska. Troskliwe działania i epistemologie" 
1 kwietnia 2023, godz. 15.00-18.00 Galeria Studio, Plac Defilad 1 PKiN, Warszawa
Program Seminarium: 
- Karolina Wilczyńska Maintenance artist Mierle Laderman Ukeles jako figura „Uniwersalnej Opiekunki” w feministycznej wizji państwa opiekuńczego
- Katarzyna Lewandowska Ja? w stronę troski widoczności / intersekcjonalne strategie kuratorskie
- Martyna Jastrzębska W niemocy wrażliwie patrzę do siebie
- Iwona Teodorczuk-Możdżyńska Troska: uparte naprawianie świata
- Joanna Pawlik Inkluzywność jako troska, zindywidualizowana współpraca jako metoda kreacji zbiorowej.
- Plenum Osób Opiekujących Się  Nie widać mnie
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k-tran-cas · 2 years
Activity I January 2023
It is the time of the year again! Ice skating! Just like last year, we (my fellow schoolmates) went ice skating together. However, rather than going to the rink on plac Defilad, I recommended them to go to the one I went with VYIP. Although you have to pay a small fee, it was worth it. The ice was much smoother and nicer to skate on. Plus, its bigger and has a nicer atmosphere.
As usual, I came out from this with blisters on my feet but it was worth it. Its fun to just skate around and chat with your friends. It is also fun watching people who actually know how to skate and see them flexing on you. I could never be that. At least I did not fall :))
This unflattering picture credit to my lovely friend and schoolmate A.C
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zyciestolicy · 3 years
Stolica solidarna z Ukrainą; demonstracja na Placu Defilad
Stolica solidarna z Ukrainą; demonstracja na Placu Defilad
Demonstracja “Warszawa solidarna z Ukrainą” na Placu Defilad. Odczytano uchwałę rady miasta o solidarności z narodem ukraińskim w obliczu grożącej wojny. “Zawsze wspieraliśmy silną, niepodległą Ukrainę. Polska była pierwszym państwem, która uznała jej niepodległość” – mówił prezydent Warszawy Rafał Trzaskowski podczas demonstracji solidarności ze wschodnim sąsiadem. Przypomniał słowa Władysława…
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glosnews · 3 years
Rok temu na placu Defilad w Warszawie uzbrojony kordon policji otoczył i zaatakował pokojową demonstrację ludzi, którzy stanęli w obronie Wolności w czasie największego ucisku wywołanymi obostrzeniami. Policja użyła wobec zgromadzonych gazu. Tego dnia bezpodstawnie aresztowano około 300 osób. W środku kordonu znajdowały się osoby w różnym wieku – pokolenia, które jeszcze pamiętały fizyczną…
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wartoposluchac · 3 years
Targi Książki w Warszawie 9-12.09.2021
Targi Książki w Warszawie 9-12.09.2021
Oj wielu z nas na pewno spadł przysłowiowy kamień z serca kiedy zapadła decyzja o zniesieniu większości obostrzeń związanych z covid-19. A już z całą pewnością nowym organizatorom Targów Książki 2021 czyli Fundacji Historia i Kultura. Było wiadome, że Targi jeżeli się odbędą, a przypomnę że w 2020 z wiadomych przyczyn niemal wszystkie dziedziny życia zostały zamrożone, nie zostaną ulokowane na…
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starzec · 7 years
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International Food Plane removal (6.02.18), from a rapidly expanding story on how architecture and urban planning actually could serve as an explanation of economical and political transformation of Poland post-1989. Chapter 2: The Holy Law of Ownership.
Given the fact that a vital part of people visiting my blog are not from Poland, I’ll try to explain briefly what the fuck is happening exactly. As you might know, post-WW2 Poland became a communist country. It’s capital, Warsaw, was badly damaged during the War – to the point where Nazi officials governing Warsaw during the war considered flooding the city and turning it into a reservoir. After the war Warsaw was rebuilt from scratch, often with a lack of sympathy towards the old urban planning. The symbol of communist rule – Palace of Culture and Science, so-called gift of friendship from USSR, was built in a place now considered the city centre. What’s important, a huge part of badly damaged buildings was private-owned before the war, but so called Bierut Decree from 1945 in fact disowned those owners out of their land (but not properties), offering them some kind of gratification in the future. After 1989 this law started to be utilised by people claiming to be legal representatives of pre-war owners, actively fighting for the right of ownership of their land or financial gratification. This practice in fact led to numerous pathologies, and is now considered one of the straws that broke the former government back, as the city mayor is directly connected to some of the treasons committed, and otherwise her political bureau knew about the illegal practices that arose around the Bierut Decree cases. One of the inheritors of pre-war ownership, Tadeusz Koss, became enraged when city disabled his possibility to build anything on his regained parcel of land in the very middle of a park in a city centre, and decided to turn his land into a collection of makeshift shabby booths with oriental bistros and kebabs. Last year, the collection enlarged with a real life plane turned into a restaurant, which was considered a breach of municipal urban law. Today, it was torn down by the city, after a small turmoil during which one of the other booths was set on fire.
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Warsaw, Poland
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seventhscorpio · 3 years
Refuge in Poland for Ukrainians - resource post
ua.gov.pl - official government website with information about crossing the UA-PL border and a list of reception points along the border
official information for Ukrainians seeking refuge on the Polish Office of Foreigners website (including things like crossing the border with pets, what documents to take with you, where to seek info about a place to stay etc.)
Embassy of Ukraine in Warsaw - Aleja Szucha 7, 00-580 Warszawa
info point in the Warsaw Multicultural Center - Jagiellońska 54, 03-463 Warszawa (contact number: +48 22 648 11 11 and +48 604 932 969)
24/7 info point in the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw - plac Defilad 1, 00-901 Warszawa (contact number: +48 22 656 64 63)
post with information about the Ukrainian-Slovak border
Hungary Today article about the Ukrainian-Hungary border being open for refugees
+48 22 622 47 97 - Embassy of Ukraine in Warsaw contact number
+48 47 721 75 75  - Polish Office for Foreigners contact number
some info:
you don’t need a visa or a passport, you can apply for refuge directly at the border [1], but take those documents with you if you have them!!! it will make things easier at the border
you are exempt from the covid-19 quarantine obligatory for people entering Poland [1]
children without documents will still be allowed to cross the border to avoid separation from the family [1]
from March 2nd the Helpline for Children under the Children's Commissioner for Poland (800 12 12 12) will have an Ukrainian and Russian-speaking psychologist on duty [2]
update 12/03/22: starting Monday, March 16th, Ukrainians who want to stay in Poland will be able to register themselves to acquire Polish PESEL (personal ID number every Polish-born citizen is assigned at birth). It will allow them for easier interactions with the Polish administration, having their documents in mobile form (a mobile ID card), and getting employed legally with all benefits like health insurance. People wishing to acquire a PESEL number are encouraged not to storm the offices on Monday to avoid chaos and hours-long queues. [3]
update 12/03/22: if you plan on coming to Warsaw, I highly recommend NOT arriving at the Warsaw West Station (Dworzec Zachodni/Warszawa Zachodnia) currently. It is awfully overcrowded to the point of being chaotic, and the fact the station is currently undergoing renovation adds on to the mayhem. I was there briefly a week ago, at 11 pm/22:00, and it was already packed to the brim. This article from 5 days ago shows how the place looked like last Monday. Now I’m hearing the situation is even worse. I encourage you to choose Central Station (Dworzec Centralny/Warszawa Centralna) (though I’m hearing here the situation is also growing difficult) or East Station (Dworzec Wschodni/Warszawa Wschodnia) instead. If you DO decide on arriving at the West Station, look for volunteers in yellow vests who can guide you to the information point.
Outside the Warsaw Central Station there is a tent where you can be provided with a warm meal and water. If you need a baby stroller or crib for a little child, you can ask for it at the Warsaw East Station - many have been donated to the station magazine.
Please add to this post if you have other resources and possibly info about where to go and who to contact in other cities. If there’s anything more I can do (idk, help with translation, moving around Warsaw, how the public transit system works, whatever) don’t hesitate to DM me.
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grofjardanhazy · 5 years
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Felavatták a Tábornok kalapját
Varsót soha nem kellett félteni, ha régi épületek rekonstrukciós lépéseiről volt szó, de az biztos, hogy a sztálinista szimbólum, azaz a Kultúra és Tudomány Palotája, valamint a modern felhőkarcolók által övezett Plac Defilad környékén túl sok emblematikus újjáépítésről nem igazán hallottunk. Eddig.
Bár a területrendezés még zajlik körülötte, két év alatt végül elkészült a varsói PKO rotunda 1:1-es másolata, azaz nem teljes reanimációja hiszen bizonyos pontokban és anyagokban modernebb, de arányaiban és funkcióját tekintve hasonló újjáépítésről van szó.  A háromszintes építmény ugyanúgy Lengyelország vezető bankjának, a PKO-nak fiókja lesz, mint régen.
A „tábornok kalapjának" is becézett fiókot Jerzy Jakubowicz tervei alapján építették a szocialista realista építészeti doktrínák után végigsöprő modern városkiépítési hullám részeseként. Bár az épület a PKiN-nel ellentétben már a lengyelek által is elfogadott  jelképének számított a háború utáni modern Varsónak, ironikusan az 1940-es évek rombolásai után következő legnagyobb katasztrófa is itt történt. 1979-ben egy robbanás következtében 49 ember vesztette életét az épületben. Bár a hivatalos jelentések szerint gázszivárgás okozta a balesetet, a mai napig sok pletyka kering arról, hogy esetleg sikkasztó banki dolgozók akarták eltüntetni a nyomokat, de szó volt antikommunista terrorakcióról is. A decemberben véglegesen átadott rekonstrukcióval együtt egy emlékművet is emeltek itt, amelyen az elhunyt áldozatokról emlékeznek meg.
Lengyelországban többen hangot adtak a kritikának, hogy az épület szerkezetét hiba volt teljes mértékben elbontani 2017-ben. Eredeti struktúrát így egyáltalán nem használtak fel az építkezés során, sőt, több esetben még csak nem is az eredetivel azonos anyagokkal építették fel az emlék pontos mását. Ilyen szembetűnő elem például, hogy a régi épület füstüveges homlokzata helyett egy teljesen átlátszó, csupán finoman színezett függönyfal épült ki. 
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hardsadness · 5 years
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Palace of Culture and Science, plac Defilad, Warsaw, Poland Photo by Sebastian Kurpiel
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typo-aerobik · 6 years
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