wisesnail · 8 months
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I swear I wanted to post something else but the heart does what he heart wants! ⸜(ˊᗜˋ)⸝
I hope you like this take on #Ambarussa 💙
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theelvenhaven · 1 year
Pretty Negotiators
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Ambarussa x Vanifinwe
2.6k Words
Vanifinwë came running down the hallway as she spied Ambarussa walking into the household, squealing with excitement as she bounced and skipped in her run. A big beaming grin on her face, bringing the two from their conversation to see her coming full speed right at them. Pityafinwë leaned down to hold out his arms and lift her from the floor. 
“Vani! It is so good to see you!” Pityo said and Vanifinwë threw her arms around his neck as she hugged her hanyo snugly. 
“I misseded you so much!” Vanifinwë said to her Pityo before pulling away from him and leaning towards Telufinwë, who reached to take her from Pityafinwë. Her arms also came around his neck to hug him close to her, and Telufinwë rubbed her back tenderly as he held her. 
They had been gone on a hunting excursion for the last couple of weeks, missing out on a lot of the excitement that was going on in the household. So had Tyelkormo but Vanifinwë had seen her Tyelko already, who promised her that Pityo and Telvo would play with her when they got home. 
“Will you guys play with me?” Vanifinwë asked, Nelyafinwë was busy with their grandfather and Atya. Makalaure was gone for a recital today, and Carnistir was particularly in a mood now that Tyelkormo was back. And Curvo… Well Curvo never wanted to play with Vanifinwë. At least, not in the ways she wanted to play. 
“Of course we will nesa! We will have lots of fun together and everything!” Pityafinwë said not thinking about what she might have up her sleeve, and they both watched as a big and happy grin spread across her face at the idea that they were going to come and play with her. 
“YAY!” Vanifinwë squealed out, clapping her hands together and the twins began to chuckle at her reaction. The little one began to wiggle out of Telufinwë’s hold, forcing him to set her down and she was quick to grab both of their hands and begin to try and drag them along. 
“What are we going to play, Vani?” Telufinwë asked her and Vanifinwë thought for a long moment as they began their trek through the halls to her bedroom. Where there the games could begin and Vanifinwë had the perfect game in mind. She needed their help with talking to Tyelkormo and she was going to make them extra pretty for the occasion. 
“It’s a secret.” She whispered out to him, as she continued to drag them down the halls, the pair only exchanged a look between one another. They had an inkling as to where this was going and she didn’t want to get rejected. Both of them sighed out softly knowing that makeup was going to be involved undoubtedly. 
They only silently continued their trek through the hallway, both of them deciding it was best not to argue with her whims and desires seeing as she had been without them for so long. Before the finally came to her bedroom door, for it to open and there they saw chaos in her room. Stuffing was everywhere, dolls were torn apart, it looked as though her room had been ransacked, and the only thing that seemed to be safe was King Rabbit that she had Nelyo put up high when she left the room this morning. Knowing this was going to happen. 
“Vani? What happened to your room?” Pityafinwë asked as she continued to lead them in before letting go of their hands and pointing to the chairs for them to sit in. Both brothers exchanged another glance between one another and sighed out moving to pick up the knocked over chairs and sitting down in them. While Vanifinwë came over to her dresser to start pulling makeup out of it, before she came over to them with a palette in hand and stopped in front of them. 
“I needs to make you pretty, so you can talk to Tyelko.” Vanifinwë said beginning her explanation as she dug her finger into a copper shade on the palette and came to Telufinwë to smear it all over his eyelids. 
“And why do we need to talk to Tyelko? What does it have to do with your room?” Telufinwë asked her as she continued- generously- applying copper eyeshadow to his lids. Vanifinwë paused and sighed as Telufinwë opened his eyes, 
“Because his puppies keeps getting in here and tearing up my stuffs.” She said to him, before she moved over to Pityafinwë and dug her finger around in a deep chocolate brown shade and Pityo closed his eyes. 
“Have you tried talking to him about it Vani?” Pityafinwë asked her and Vanifinwë began to nod her head as she drug her finger over his eyelids and smearing the brown around wildly over his eyelids. Telufinwë only began to snort at the mess she was making on his twins face, at least now people would be able to tell them apart for a short period of time, 
“Yes, and he says I should just keeps my door closed. But Amme won’t let me close my doors ‘cause I can’ts open it by myself.” Vanifinwë said to him, and pulled away to march right back to her dresser indignantly, Pityafinwë shot Telufinwë a glare for his snorting. But it didn’t last long as he began to crack up at the copper bits all over his face too. At least he wasn’t the only one who looked crazy. 
Vanifinwë marched back over with a blush brush in hand and a palette of blush… or maybe bronzer as Amme had called it before. They knew enough about makeup now thanks to Vanifinwë and what little bit their Amme used, 
“Well that’s not very fair.” Telufinwë said with a frown as he watched Vanifinwë swirl the brush into the bronzer before she started on Pityafinwë’s cheeks, applying a heavy orangey brown to his cheeks, and jaw and temple. None of it blended in so he just had spots of “tan” applied to his face. Telufinwë grinned at the sight of him and his now orange face, oh this was just too good. Even if he knew he was next, it was hilarious to see what happened to his brother at Vanifinwë’s hands. 
“How do I look, Vani?” Pityafinwë asked her, and Vanifinwë paused to admire her work for a moment. 
“Very tan.” She said simply marching back to the dresser and pulling out a different palette of blush, this time it was absolutely a true orange. Telufinwë pulled his lips into a thin line as she dipped her brush in it and approached him and it was Pityafinwë’s turn to begin chuckling at the sight of what was about to happen. 
“Why thank you, are you going to make Telvo tan?” Pityafinwë asked, and Vanifinwë shrugged dragging the brush across his nose and cheeks. 
“No just blushes. But will you guys talk to Tyelko for me? Please?” She asked as she pulled the brush away from his face and looked up at him with big pleading eyes. Telufinwë felt his heart swell before he looked to Pityafinwë and they both began to nod. 
“Yes Vani, we will talk to Tyelko for you.” Telufinwë answered for both of them, and they both watched the way that she began to smile and jump up and down with excitement. 
“Thank you hanyo’s!” She squeaked out and they both began to laugh at her excitement, and probably relief that an adult was going to speak with him. Even if they only had eighty years on her, they were still indeed older than she. Vanifinwë hurried to go and put the blush away, before she began to dig around for jewelry in another drawer. 
Both twins held still as she attached clip on earrings and put necklaces over their head, layering so many that their necks felt heavy before she hurried off to her toy bin. Still they didn’t move, simply waiting to see what she would do, before she came out with a cape in each hand.
“Here put these on.” She directed firmly and they both took a black cape from her hands. A cape that was only Vanifinwë sized, but that didn’t stop them from doing as she said.Tying the cape around their necks and making sure the little bit of it draped down their backs. 
“How do we look, Vani?” Telufinwë asked, and Vanifinwë looked at them for a moment and hummed, placing a hand on her chin as her finger tapped her cheek. Her frilly pink gown swaying as she did so, 
“Beautiful! You looks amazing!” Vanifinwë finally decided bouncing in place for a moment, before she ran over to grab their hands and pull them up out of the chairs. The twins got up from their seats and let her pull them along out of the room and down the hallway. Vanifinwë didn’t say anything as she stood between them, holding each of their hands as they began to try and search for Tyelkormo. 
It was no secret to those that worked on the estate that the Feanorian brothers were an absolute sucker for their littlest sister and let her draw all over their faces very… um well creatively. But all they did was smile and snicker as they passed them by, or got the occasional awe from the lady servants who found it so cute that they’d indulge their little sister. It really was an endearing sight even despite how crazy and ridiculous the makeup looks might be. 
Finally Vanifinwë could hear Tyelkormo talking to someone and she hurriedly began to pull them along with her right in his direction. There he stood talking to Curufinwë, his back to them but Curufinwë’s eyes landed on Ambarussa and began to look them up and down, biting back the sneer at their appearance. 
“Tyelko!” Vanifinwë said, bringing the ner to swivel around on the ball of his foot and look at his siblings, with a grin spreading across his face. Laughing at the sight of the “well dressed” twins, and Vanifinwë the little ring leader in the middle. Oh this had worked out better than he thought it would by talking Vanifinwë into asking them to play with her. 
After all those weeks of being at her mercy it was nice to see that someone else was at her mercy for a change. His scalp felt relief at the sight of them, as did his face without having to wear anymore makeup. 
“My oh my Vanifinwë who do you have here?” He chuckled folding his arms over his chest as Curufinwë took his place next to Tyelkormo. Vanifinwë didn’t smile though, she pursed her lips and scowled some at him. Making him quirk a brow up at her reaction. 
“These are my neragotiatorers.” She said seriously, and it made Pityafinwë and Telufinwë begin to chuckle at her words. Trying to look serious as they cleared their throats and stood tall, nodding their heads in unison and in agreement of the little lady. 
“Negotiators? For what? To talk to me?” Tyelkormo asked with some surprise, seeing that they were going along with it. They only waited for Vanifinwë to nod her head again, 
“Yes, and theys can tell you why.” She said matter-of-factly folding her arms over her chest, and the twins looked down at her before looking back to Tyelkormo. 
“Well?” He asked, 
“We have come to negotiate on behalf of the Lady Vanifinwë, and her bedroom.” Telufinwë was the first to speak up as he oh so delicately steepled his fingers together. Pointing them in Tyelkormo’s direction, but he only raised his brows and began to shrug, 
“Allow me to elaborate, your.. Creatures.. Are wreaking havoc on the young Lady’s room.” Pityafinwë said and then it clicked for Tyelkormo, they were talking about his dogs getting into her room. Tyelkormo began to shrug his shoulders at her “negotiators” words. 
“So close the door Vani.” But Vani only stamped her foot down angrily and looked up at him in anger, but Telufinwë placed a hand on her shoulder. 
“The Lady’s mother has prohibited her from shutting the bedroom door as it is too hard for the Lady to open it.” Telufinwë said and Tyelkormo sighed out as he looked down at Vanifinwë who was staring intensely back at him. 
“I see, that is a problem.” Tyelkormo said nonchalantly, which only seemed to get a rise further out of Vanifinwë, but the twins kept her calm and relaxed. There was an air of reassurance that they were going to handle everything. That she’d be okay and alright to not have to worry about whether or not Tyelkormo would agree or not. 
“Yes it is, and you should help out by agreeing to keep the creatures at bay. We don’t need to lose King Rabbit.” At the mention of Vanifinwë’s new stuffed animal that had saved him all those weeks ago from being at her mercy his face dropped. Recognizing immediately where this could go wrong, like he needed another one of his pups to destroy that Rabbit. Carnistir would kill him too if his hard work was torn up and their sister heartbroken again. 
“Ah a favor for not only Lady Vanifinwë but for King Rabbit too? Well why didn’t you say so? I suppose I can take extra care to make sure that the pups are confined to a certain part of the estate grounds and keep you and King Rabbit safe.” Tyelkormo said to Vanifinwë who seemed to heave out a heavy sigh of relief at his words to know that she’d not have to worry about the dogs anymore. 
“Thank you hanyo.” Vanifinwë said in her relieved voice making everyone smile, though Curufinwë’s eyes were on Ambarussa still and not their littlest sibling. He didn’t and couldn’t understand how Vanifinwë could manage to rope them into playing such games with her. 
“Just one more final thing for negotiations, you should have to help pick up her room with our help of course… To make up for the atrocities.” Telufinwë added, and Vanifinwë perked up tremendously and unfolded her arms to go and grab Tyelkormo’s hand. Who didn’t look enthused, 
“Yes! I need help! Please hanyo?” She asked with big blue eyes, and Tyelkormo sighed out heavily and relented. 
“Alright, alright. Fine. I’ll help.” Vanifinwë released a shriek of a yay and began to pull Tyelkormo along quickly, practically running and making him speedwalk. Ambarussa only laughed and then playfully bowed to Curufinwë who began to scoff, 
“Why do you even let her bother? You two look ridiculous.” Curufinwë asked, almost looking down his nose at Ambarussa in their ridiculous makeup and costumes. But it was there turn to wear a darker expression on their faces, always was he making some underhanded comment about Vanifinwë dressing them up. Neither understood why it mattered to him, 
“And? She’s happy and that’s what matters.” Pityafinwë responded defensively, and Curufinwë shrugged at his words. Pocketing a small book that he usually kept on his person, a frown still on his lips as he looked his twin brothers over and their ridiculous makeup and costume. 
“Well I can say with confidence she’s never going to ensnare me in these childish games you all indulge her.” He said with a snort, before he brushed past the both of them. Telufinwë ground his teeth at his words, before looking over at Pityo. 
“I say we find a way to change that.” Telvo said in a soft voice as Curufinwë grew out of earshot. Pityafinwë turned his head to look at his brother with a smile at this, oh that was a perfect idea. 
“Let’s bring it up with Tyelko. After we help clean up the room as promised.” Pityafinwë said, beginning to formulate a plan in his head. They’d have to talk to him when they were alone, if not Vanifinwë would proverbially spill the beans about the whole thing and ruin their chance to get back at Curvo. 
Tags: @saviorsong @lilmelily @dicksoutformtl @fandomhoe101 @celebrimbor-telperinquar @red-riding @miriel-estelwen @ta-ka-shi-ma @nerdysimpy @thegirlwithoutaname87 @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @eternalabysss @noldorinpainter
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silmawensgarden · 2 years
CH.7: When a hunter can't hunt.
Fëanorians x GN! Modern! Reader
wordcount: 2.6k Sub pairing CH7: CelegormxReaderxAmras.
Our hobbies are often things that shape how we see and process things in life. Most of us may experience an art or writers block at some point. Though as soon as that cycle breaks, we are free to create to our hearts’ content. But what of elves…? What if your hobby isn’t something you can do without consequences?
Last night was rough. Getting to know two elves that have been known to keep their feelings under lock and key isn’t easy. It’s heart warming to know that you got the privilege to see their vulnerable sides, but exhaustion is the price you pay for it.
Celegorm has been in and out of your room 50 times in the past 2 hours and hasn’t been able to wake you. He’s been complaining and genuinely been a nuisance to the whole house since he first woke this morning. You have been blissfully oblivious to it. By now the majority of the elves have managed to make breakfast on their own.
Celegorm’s more than usual annoying behavior stems from boredom. Celegorm used to spend days and weeks away on hunts alongside Oromë. Exploring new places and learning about the flora and fauna in the world. Now that he’s here, he doesn’t have this privilege. He’s managed to pick apart your grandfather’s garden from head to toe, and he isn’t satisfied with the restraints set on everyone regarding leaving the house. The restraint was necessary due to the dinnerplate sized eyes and stares from the villagers last time you attempted to take anyone out of the house.
Most of the Fëanorians have made themselves at home in your grandfather’s house. They’ve found things to do to entertain themselves. For now at least. Unfortunately it wasn’t the case for Celegorm and Ambarussa. This trio is outdoorsy and prefers nature over modern confinement. As such, there have been a few cases of disaster.
One of these minor disasters was when the trio decided to hunt down a decent sized bird and release it INSIDE the house. The shaken bird was quickly and a little reluctantly released by them soon after.
Celegorm and Ambarussa were having a blast adding random forest creatures to the house without warning. Last week the Ambarussa managed to find turtles that were afterwards kept somewhere in the house. They were only discovered after a raging Caranthir started fuming in the living room about how some of his work had been fully soaked and slimy. Many colorful words were spoken that day, they are best not repeated.
It’s become painfully obvious that Celegorm isn’t happy with the sedentary lifestyle he has right now. He needs some form of energy expenditure or it’ll only get worse. Amras has been looking a little bleak as well. He’s been spending the majority of his time during the day out in the garden. Chipping away at some wooden sticks or going over the same row of plants, checking if anything needs to be done. Amrod has been non verbal for the past 3 days, and hasn’t been leaving his room much aside from the occasional food trip.
By the time you woke up it was already 16:05 pm. Quite late in the day. The elves had already eaten lunch too. They have kept a portion of both breakfast and lunch aside for you, as you might be quite hungry once you wake up. Maglor and Maedhros have come to check on you a few times, they’re not used to people sleeping so long.
You felt groggy and a little flushed, it was still hot out and it didn’t seem to have any plans to subside. You got up out of bed and sluggishly dragged yourself downstairs. As soon as you stepped through the living room door you were bombarded with noise. It sounded like a horde of elephants on the run from a predator. Luckily there were no elephants involved , only an elf, guess who.
You turned your head in the direction of the commotion and saw an increasingly frustrated Celegorm who was currently losing his mind against Curufin. They seemed to be in a heated argument about something.
“I don’t give a damn Tyelko! We’re in this house as guests and y/n laid out rules that we mustn’t go out without them or else we might be in danger! Haven’t these rules been clear to you?” Curufin yelled.
“Yeah I heard you but I will not sit here any longer than I already have! I am sick and tired of sitting on my ass all day everyday unable to even go beyond the perimeters of the house ONCE. I want OUT of here! I can’t live like this, I am suffocating in this sedentary snob lifestyle of yours!” Celegorm yelled back. He nearly screamed his throat to shreds with the power he’d laid in his statements.
His face contorted into an ugly snarl. He was serious about getting out of this house, even if it meant he got caught by these “authorities” you had spoken of earlier. He’d risk getting caught by hobo’s for five minutes of freedom in the fresh air.
You were completely stunned by what you heard. His outburst had also effectively woken you up further. You didn’t know that Celegorm was so deeply affected by the restrictions you put down. You knew of his hobbies but weren’t sure how to help him yet. You did remember that there was an archery club in the city, but that was far away and would require legal documents to be signed. Documents that he obviously didn’t have.
Suddenly the room fell silent. Curufin had noticed you and turned his attention towards you in greeting. Celegorm followed his brother’s gaze and noticed you as well. A minor wave of shock crossed his face before it returned to the scowl he had previously. You had heard, so now you knew. What would you do about it?
You stared ahead of you blankly, stuck in a whirlpool of thoughts on how you could possibly avoid disaster. Then it hit you. This village still functions partially as it would have a few centuries ago. There were wood workers, smiths and other guilds still active. Many of them having received the craft through their parents or grandparents. This meant that you could have bows and arrows made for Celegorm as well as the Ambarussa! The forest you go to occasionally is also fairly safe territory. You felt sheepish for not thinking of this sooner.
“Celegorm, Ambarussa, I’d  like to talk to you about something.” You said.  “I understand now that you have been feeling unwell in these circumstances and need time outside more than any of us. I know of a woodworker who may be able to help out. I can commission him to make some bows and arrows for you so you can practice archery in the nearby forest if you’d like.” You explained to them.
All three of them looked up to you in surprise. They hadn’t expected you to come in with this idea to resolve the issue. It wad fairly practical too.  “And how would you have this woodworker make us bows if they don’t know our height and skills? It is crucial to be aware of this if you are to make a bow fit an individual perfectly.” Amras explained.
He has a point…. You thought. “If you guys are willing to cooperate with me on this, then we might be able to handle that.…We’ll have to come up with a way to cover your ears. Oh and you can’t mention anything from your world otherwise we’ll have a problem…” You were thinking out loud by now, but it didn’t matter much since it got the point across to the trio.
“When will we be able to do this y/n?” After 3 days of being non verbal, this was the first thing out of Amrod’s mouth. He looked hopeful at the prospect of being able to do something in the woods.
“Tomorrow morning. I’ll go out personally to ask him about commissions and if he agrees we’ll go there together for measurements and other things. Is that okay..?” You asked. 
The trio agreed, some finally having a smile on their faces again. It made you feel warm, seeing the Ambarussa and Celegorm look happier and relieved even.  You were now thinking about how you could catch Alexander tomorrow morning. He’s very skilled in his craft and loves taking on new challenges. This might be one of those things he’d like to do. You could also ask Mishka, but she was a bit more nosy and over the top mother-henny with you. So it might be harder to get her to agree straight away. She was also a fair bit older than Alexander, having nearly 46 years of experience compared to Alexander’s 25 years. Both stared their craft young and are capable of amazing works.
Celegorm seemed to have gone back to his usual annoying self. Amras was hyper and bouncing around the room in excitement. Amrod only smiled and talked about wanting to explore the woods first to find a clearing. The rest of the Fëanorians looked relieved to no longer have to deal with their brothers’ outbursts and nagging.
Night fell and everyone went to bed. All of you were exhausted by the events of the day and hoped for a brighter tomorrow. Even the trio went to bed without problems. Probably because they wanted tomorrow to come sooner, it did mean that they would be one day closer to getting their gear. Soon the house was as silent as the dead. You could hear a needle drop if it did.
Of course peace and quiet never lasts long with the company you’re in. Soon enough it was morning to a particular group of elves and if it was up to them, you would be acknowledging this hour as morning too. It was 4:45 am and your peaceful sleep would soon be compromised.
As the clock struck 5 your door flew open and slammed into the bookshelves behind it. Celegorm waltzed his way into your room in a way that would be considered quiet for him. As stealthy as he is, he obviously doesn’t give a damn once he’s excited about something. He stood before you and awaited a response. The response never came because you were hellbent on ignoring his trespasses.
Celegorm noticed that you woke up, but decided to let you believe that he didn’t. He sat down on the edge of your bed, as close to you as possible. He grinned knowing that he would get an earful after what he was about to do. But maybe it would be worth it if your face looked funny enough.
He leaned further inward, nearly draping himself over your shoulder, close to your ear. He allowed his weight to press you further into your mattress, since you so desperately wanted to stay there, you could. He had tied up his silvery hair into a ponytail earlier, but it was still long enough to drape across your face. He smelled like cedar wood and petrichor. To any nature lover it would be intoxicating.
“You look so lovely when you are sleeping little songbird. Perhaps I should come watch you sleep more often. “ he whispered. Despite the fairly sweet words he was saying, his facial expression was that of a prankster trying to rile up his poor unassuming victim. And with his incoming royally intricate descriptions it was starting to work on you too. You were painfully aware of the crimson blush spreading across your cheeks.
You were able to keep yourself together so and so until he actually made contact with your cheek. That’s when it started to become too much.  You shot up out of bed and effectively knocked Celegorm onto the hardwood floor. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” You shrieked.
“Ohh so you were awake this whole time? My my, did you enjoy my affectionate display so much to pretend to be asleep?” Celegorm had the biggest shit eating grin on his face. He was quite full of himself for someone who got thrown on the floor.
Not a moment later Amras materialized in the doorway. Asking when we’d leave for the village centre. It took him a moment to take in the scene in front of him before he burst out laughing. Celegorm was on the floor and you were clutching your blanket close to your body for dear life. You looked frustrated and were red in the face. “Get out! Both of you!” you whisper yelled, remembering the rest of the elves might still be asleep.
Luckily they obeyed your wish without complaint and left to wait for you downstairs. It was 5:50 am now so it was likely that Alexander was awake. It would take 30 minutes to walk to the village so you’d be right on time and one of the first people at the door. In this case that meant you could take it somewhat easy. Somewhat only due to three very impatient elves waiting for departure.
You got out of bed and got dressed. It was already heating up quickly outside so you threw on some light layers to avoid heatstroke. You went downstairs and were immediately greeted by the three elves. “Let’s go already! I want to be able to explore the woods after we go to the village.” Said Amras.
“You don’t want any breakfast?” you asked. The group shook their heads in a collective no. You sighed and walked out with them. You kept a small distance away from Celegorm. After the joke he pulled on you this morning you felt the need to stay clear of his funky self. You did have to admit that he had a nice scent, or maybe it was cologne. It was pleasant either way. Unlike what some people imagine him to smell like; mud and wet dog…..
You arrived at Alexander’s work station, you were right about being one of the very first to be there. There was only one other person aside from your group. And it seemed that they had already received what they wanted. 
“Hey y/n! Long time no see! What brings you here?” Alex asked. “I’d like to commission a few bows and arrows for my friends if that’s possible. I’ve brought them along with me in case you need any information from them.” You said.
Alexander agreed to make the bows and arrows. He thought it would be a nice challenge and a good opportunity to bother his smith neighbour who’s been grumpy as of late. He’s going to need someone for arrow points after all.  Measurements had been taken and information exchanged. You got lucky that Alex gave you a discount because fashioning bows isn’t easy work. It would still cost a bit, but you knew you’d get impressive quality in return.
Satisfied with business the four of you went home. Some of the other elves had woken up as well and wondered where you had gone off to.
The rest of the day was spent lounging in the garden and later keeping an eye on the trio while they explored the nearby woods. They were your favorite woods and you loved them to bits. And you hoped it would make the same long lasting impression on the Ambarussa and Celegorm.
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"Amme! Amme!" The small voices of two toddlers called as they ran on unsteady legs to grab at her with chubby little hands. Clearly the Ambarassar were not happy to have had their mother leave them for the first time and were trying to clutch her tight so she could not walk out the door again.
˚ ₊ ·          ⠀                     
         ⠀                             ˗ˏˋ​ ​ ​​ ​――  𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑙 . . . ​ ​​ ​ ​❞
Nerdanel laughed as her twins held her hostage.
“Oh my, it seems I have been held on by two mighty warriors,” Nerdanel stated dramatically, with a hand over her head, “whatever must I do!”
From the sounds of their laughs Nerdanel knew their grip had flattered and she quickly swept down to pick up her boys, holding one at each hip.
“But unfortuntely, my darling boys, amme must go to work now,” she said, looking at the both of them while she spoke.
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kosmic-autokrat · 1 year
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horrifying quick textpost redraw
original by @heathcliffgirl2002 here
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polutrope · 1 month
hello, I read your amrod and amras post with interest (I actually did have it the wrong way around in my head…), but now I’m wondering which one of the two is the one with darker red hair? I remember reading somewhere that one of the twins’ hair darkened as he aged, but I don’t have the shibboleth (which I’m guessing this is from), and would like to get this correct in the future.
The twins remained alike, but the elder grew darker in hair, and was more dear to his father. After childhood they [?were not be] confused.
And yes, it's from the Shibboleth of Feanor, in Christopher's commentary on the legend of Amrod -- where (as you now know!) Amras is the elder.
Now, I got this detail about the hair wrong in my own fic about Lightly Toasted Amrod. Oops.
I should emphasise that I don't think there's an objectively "wrong" version here because we're mixing up canons. In your and others' defense, Tolkien Gateway for a while had Amras as Telufinwe, etc. -- but I see someone has updated that! There's now a great breakdown of their names there. Thank you to whoever heroically submitted that edit. (Alas my brain is too saturated to figure out how to edit the wiki. I really should learn.)
In revisiting this passage, I've been reminded that it seems Tolkien reversed their birth order specifically because of this story that he invented to explain the name Ambarto/Amrod. So it was clearly meaningful to him that Amrod was the baby in this version. I assume Christopher chose to keep the previous birth order (Amrod, Amras) because he did not choose to integrate the ship-burning death of Amrod in the Silmarillion (a choice I applaud - wrote a bit about how hard that would have been here).
Thanks for the ask!
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matbaynton · 1 year
tagged by @baynton thank u, bff!! 💙
Relationship status: single 👀👀👀👀👀
Fave color: purple 😈
Song/s stuck in my head: the opening instrumental from high school musical 2 for some reason?????? it goes hard
Last song listened to: just re-listened to 3.01 of reluctant persuaders so.. the joe starling and his best friend teddy beech song
Last googled: next full moon (i’m not a werewolf, unfortunately, i swear)
Dream trip: ANYWHERE cold, i would like to FREEZE my juicy ass off rn
Anything I want now: a hug, preferably from mat but i’m not picky <3 and for it to not be summer, they’re both tied
tagging (as always no pressure, feel free to ignore): @larryrickard @karura @reysorigins @robbiedaymonds @hannamarins @bejeweledantihero @sticktoyou @captainsjack
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lotr-bitches · 11 months
unhinged Fëanorians AU headcanons
idk if this is even an AU or if they’re just like this
Nelyo: - Loyal - The diplomat - Actually goes fucking crazy after Thangorodrim - Gives off genuinely the most terrifying energy - Calculating af - Will manipulate the shit out of you - He doesn't look insane but then you get to know him and... - Lowkey a cult leader (??) - His followers are also ✨batshit✨ Kano: - Lowkey the most powerful - When he sings you think 'avenging angel' - Not as dramatic as you would think - Has a conscience - 'I will make them in my image' energy with Elros and Elrond - Surprisingly cunning - Has a smile that will make your skin crawl - Gentle hands, cruel words Tyelko: - Filled with rage pt 1 - Ruthless - Backstabbing is fun for him - He loves seeing that face of realization - His laugh shouldn't make you feel so unsettled - Cult leader pt 2 - By the end even Oromë is scared of what he's capable of - Impossible to wrangle (even by Nelyo) Moryo: - Spiritually identifies with Pityo - Smart af - People try to use ósanwë on him but his mind is like a fortress - Greed(TM) - Arguably the least scary - Rumors spread that he wasn't an elf and was actually a dragon - Fëanor anti pt 1 - Used a massive fuck off axe in battle - Fox-like Curvo: - Unsettling pt idek - Conniving bitch of a man - Vaguely antisocial - Talks way less than you would think - A good father for like 10 minutes - Obsessed with lightning storms - (Has been struck by lightning) - Moves like a panther - Raises one eyebrow - #1 dad supporter Pityo: - Lightly crisp - Didn't actually die at the burning of the ships - Can no longer speak because of the scar patterns - Feral af
- Hates that Nerdanel gave him and Telvo the same name
- Would (and has) punched several of his brothers and cousins
- Spiritually identifies with Moryo
- Everyone swears he’s invisible sometimes
- Slightly better hunter
- No mercy
- Filled with rage pt 2
- Also feral
- Dad always mixed him up with Pityo so they switch places sometimes
- Fëanor anti pt 2
- Slightly more diplomatic
- Develops sign language for Pityo
- Uses ósanwë to talk to Pityo
- (Also they use ósanwë to swap bodies)
- Vaguely terrifying
- Gives off creepy twin energy
- Telvo is the more unsettling of the two
- When you meet him you think he’s surprisingly normal
- Eyebrow raise pt 2
- Distinctly unimpressed constantly
- Lowkey thinks it might be fun to be evil for a minute
- Sometimes filed his fingernails into points for the vibes
- Filed his canines so they look like fangs
- Elros and Elrond are his favorite cousins
- Always stealing shit
- Sleight of hand ✨king✨
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firinaira · 1 year
Tumblr media
Pityo after brother's death (with Telvo's horse)
Do not use without my permission, please
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There was a post going around for a while about how kana means chicken in Finnish, making Kanafinwe = chicken Finwe. The thing is, a lot of Quenya names have te reo Māori meanings or can have funny meanings when transliterated into te reo. I've made a little list.
The most important thing to know is that 'wh' is pronounced 'f' in most dialects. Also, I took several liberties with the transliterations - when there were multiple options, I picked the one whose meaning I liked the best.
Maitimo: Māītimo means sour gardening tool. (Māī = sour, timo = a tool used to dig up sweet potatoes.) But if you're willing to mess around with the vowel sounds a little ... Māī-iti-mau [my-ee-tee-mo]* = to be a little sour to be captured.
*'au' is usually pronounced like the o in no.
Kanafinwe: Kana = wild stare / to stare wildly, making him Wild Stare Finwe.
Kano: either 1) colour or 2) bean.
Turukano: tūru means chair, so Tūrukano means chair bean
Ingo means desire, yearning, wanting. (Ingoldo becomes Ingoroto, a desire/yearning within.)
Amarie: Amārie = of peace, tranquility.
Arafinwe: ara means the waters breaking in childbirth. It also means path, but the first option is funnier.
Arakano: path bean
Angamaite: anga = to face, māī = sour, and tē = fart.
Curufinwe: Kuru has a lot of meanings including to hit/punch, to be tired, a piece of greenstone jewelry, or a mallet. So I guess that makes his name Tired Finwe, Ornamental Finwe, Mallet Finwe, or Punch Finwe. The last one would be in the imperative, making it a command.
Moringotto: we have to take out one of the t's to make this Mōringoto. It means either 1) intense unimportant person or 2) unimportant person to penetrate.
Feanaro: The best transliteration would be Wheanaro, which is pronounced the same as in Quenya. But my favourite interpretation is Whaea-ngaro; mother lost/missing.
(Edited to add that 'ng' is a soft sound pronounced like in sing. I'm cheating a bit here, because it's actually the equivalent of the Quenya ñ, not n like in Feanaro.)
Nelyo: We don't typically have l or y sounds. My preferred option for this would be Ngērō, meaning to scream inside.
Nelyafinwe -> Neriawhine or Nerawhine. Nera can mean nail (as in a metal nail) or to nail. Whine [fee-neh] isn't a word in most dialects, but in some very small areas it's the word for woman/women.* (In most areas the word is wahine.) So uhhhhh interpret that as you will, but this may be the single most ironic name on the list.
*Another possible transliteration of Finwe would be Whinewē, meaning woman liquid. This is physically painful to me so I'm sticking with Whine.
Findekano: In the same vein, Whinekano means bean woman or woman bean. If you prefer Whine-te-kano or Whine-tē-kano, the former means Woman The Beans and the latter means women fart beans.
Turko is Tūrukau: chair cow / nothing but a chair.
Makalaure could become Makarōre. Maka = to throw/fling and rōre = lord, making the full name Yeet Lord. A prophetic mother name.
Tyelkormo would become Terekomo. Tere= swift/fast. Komo... um. This is mostly used to describe putting on clothes. But it can also mean to thrust or insert. So basically the same as the Quenya
Moryo = Mōriau, a firm unimportant person / a howling unimportant person.
Curvo: if written as Kuruwau, in certain dialects it would mean hit me.
Pityo would be Pitiau: defeated smoke/mist.
Findarato: rātō means western, so Whinerātō = western woman.
There are also names that are pronounced the same in te reo Māori as they are in Quenya but have no Māori meaning, e.g. Anaire or Curumo.
Take this whole thing with a pinch of salt, because obviously we don't usually make word-for-word translations of transliterated names. Like I said, I've also taken some liberties with the transliterations. But to the best of my knowledge, all of these are accurate translations.
It's the House of Finwe uwu smol beans
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papita474 · 3 months
A spider is killed (BEFORE UNGOLIANT)
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 3 months
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elentarial · 6 months
Fëanorian Week Day 1-Ash
It isn’t until the moment he realizes he cannot tell Ambarto’s bones from the rest of their dead that he knows the meaning of loss. The concept is still foreign, despite Alqualondë, despite finding Grandfather Finwë on the steps of Formenos. 
Even as he stares at the charred, soaked remains, it all feels like some cruel nightmare. It is said that the Fëanturi possess a terrible sense of humor.
The body only looks like Telufinwë in the same sense that a half-finished painting looks like its subject. His freckles stand out against the bloodless pallor of his cheeks in a way that isn’t right- where the flush of adolescence has always lent his skin a certain rosy sheen. It looks nothing like the waxy wanness of death.
Now, his body is lost in the flecks of ash that float up from the burning ships, and all they have left of him is drowned in frigid seawater and an angry, disillusioned mirror image who calls themselves their brother. Nelyo breathes ash and a sense of dissatisfaction.
There is a part of him that can not accept his youngest brother’s death.
He finds himself expecting Telufinwë to come bounding up the shore at any moment, bow in hand, wild-eyed like he’s never been gone at all. He can envision him apologizing to their father, wincing with the same sheepish embarrassment any of them can muster whenever they disappoint Atar.
He finds himself frustrated, seeking out Telvo’s face among the crowd of their followers.
He finds himself wanting to comfort the twins when difficult questions arise, but there is no longer a set of twins, only a singleton.
He notices his absence more than he ever realized he would, and with every passing day that the loss doesn’t grow more real, his gut begins to creep lower and lower with the realization of how deep his affections run for his younger brothers.
Sometimes, he lays awake, composing conversations, even entire scenes in his mind.
He envisions Telufinwë responding to Atar’s death- the shock way his mouth would slip open, the fall of his eyebrows, the sorrow in his tree-bright eyes. He sees his lips turning up hesitantly, fearful but also hopeful.
“What now?” he’d ask, face full of uncertainty, “You are Noldoran. What do we do now?” 
He tells Telufinwë about how they should try and deceive Morginotto and hears all too clearly his skepticism.
Telufinwë would question Atar’s word as well. He’d be nervous, yes, but never afraid, bold in a way only the very young can be.
He knows Telufinwë would stare over Curvo’s head with his eyebrows pinched together because it is strange to have to look down to meet the eyes of his superior, even if Curufin is only one step closer to the throne.
In his mind, he watches Telufinwë imitate Tyelko’s crude language and even cruder behavior, although he looks over his shoulder still as if their mother might be watching. He laughs aloud at the thought of it, startling awake Kano.
He pictures Telvo smiling at him when he finally loses his temper with Curvo’s scheming, sees him turn to his twin with a giddy smile and whisper,
“That took long enough, didn’t it?” 
and then laughs softly when Pityo’s sharp smile matches his own.
He sees and hears and feels his youngest brother respond to so many new things in Beleriand.
There is so much left to say, but ashes are all that remain of all of them.
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A second gift was left, this one from Pitya, a new pair of deep red leather gloves, but the insides were lined with the softest of fur.
˚ ₊ ·          ⠀                             ˗ˏˋ​ ​ ​​ ​―― 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑙 . . . ​ ​​ ​ ​❞
Nerdanel raised one her strikingly red eyebrows as she spotted yet another gift. She bend down to pick up the deep red leather gloves. The redness matched perfectly with her ruddy skin and auburn hair, and she realized this was definitely from Pityo.
Of course, she should have known, if one of her twins was upto something, the other one simply won't sit out on the fun.
But without a second thought she slid her hands in, smiling at the feel of the finest fur touching her skin. She smiled proudly at the gloves, how easy they fitted onto her hands; the perfect size for her.
“Hmm, I guess they have put me in a good mood.”
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carmisse · 6 months
Fëanáro and his sons-(and daughter) in-law.
X : Rank your children's spouses or partners from one to ten.
Fëanor : ...
Fëanor : I've been waiting for this moment since Maitamo was in diapers!
Fëanor : Findekáno is an eight. He was the first one and I really came to see the fact that he and Maitamo would get married when they had the chance. He is quite nice though because of him I have to see Ñolofinwë's face on weekends at the family dinner. Other than that, it's stranger not to see him at home, I got used to having him there, he's good company.
Fëanor : the first time I met Makalaurë's wife she punched me in the jaw. She is sassy and not afraid to express her displeasure with anyone plus Dae is really very talented, she is also the only person who can manage to shut Káno up, she sings too well, a ten, she is my favorite.
Fëanor : Tyelko was always a free fëa, that's why I didn't expect him to settle down, not even with Irissë and even less with Oromë. That's why Dior was a strange surprise, I don't really know the history of those two and I haven't dealt much with him, he's usually serious, and I don't blame him for that. A seven.
Fëanor : Turukáno reminds me too much of Ñolofinwë; he openly hates me and I respect him for that; but he also makes Moryo smile more often than usual, his mood changes when he's around his husband. Besides they have been together for too long, they never told anyone but Aracáno and I suspected it. He is an eight.
Fëanor : I'm not sure if Findaráto counts, he and Curufinwë have been divorced for a long time, however they also kiss a closet when they think no one sees them. He and Curufin made me grandfather, although at the time there was yelling and a couple of broken things, he took responsibility, and like Findekáno his company is pleasant. He's a solid nine, plus Arafinwë is easier to stand than Ñolo.
Fëanor : Pityo has no husband, wife or partner; unless it's secret, I can't score this time.
Fëanor : Telvo on the other hand, well. He leaves Arakáno, the son, I mean. I must say that the two of them are really adorable, if somewhat disastrous, you don't want to know what an argument between them is. Frankly they are the healthiest relationship I've seen in a long time. Arakáno are a nine.
Plus : Telperinquar's husband.
Fëanor : Annatar is an annoying little shit, I am offended that you think I accept him, if it were not for Tyelpe I would throw him into the void with his ex-husband.
Notes :
Daeron is trans, she is an elleth. When he and Maglor met, the son of Fëanor fell in love with her, he proposed to her a few days after they met for the first time. A hundred years pass before she accepts him, they marry with only trees as a witness, they drifted apart after Doriath.
She was upset for a long time, with her husband and her brothers-in-law.
They meet in Imladris, Elrond is the one who brings them together (he locks them in a room until they talk) Maglor apologizes and she accepts them even though she knows it will take time to heal. Finally, they sail to Valinor accompanying Elladan and Elrohir. Regarding her name, he doesn't really mind Daeron. But her family in-laws call her Dae, Maglor nicknamed her that when he met her, this with her permission.
Amrod has no interest in anyone, he is very tired of everyone.
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