#Pirate Fantasy
c-rose2081 · 2 months
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Pretty things…
“The King and his men….stole the Queen from her bed…”
“And bound her in her bones…”
Guys I’m thinking about them 🫣
I really need to figure out how I want to proceed with Sweet Indulgence for ya’ll, I got so many amazing comments asking for more 🙏 I promise it’s on my mind, I hope to have something to give soon.
Does Hook x Bridget have a ship name? Lmk down below cause I don’t know it. I guess we could just call them Brook lol, but I’m looking for something more interesting than that XD
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wyked-ao3 · 2 months
WIP Introduction
Y'all voted so here it is I decided to do both since they were close in the results plus sketching takes forever when I can not decide.
The pirate king of deaths redemption
(book one of the pirate's cursed god series)
Where to find it? Once it's finished I'll post it on ao3
Genre: dark fantasy, kinda enemy/rivals to lovers, queer, drama, secrets, (might have what some would consider horror elements not sure if there will be enough to add the genre)
Tag to find it by: TPKODR or TPCG usually I will also add the longer name to the tags but not always
Status: wip editing.
Triggers: Torture,Violence, Death, past sexual assault, trauma, PTSD, phycological horror.
Tags so far: pirates, fae, found family, violence, betrayal, secrets, gore, darkish fantasy, gay romance, slavery, human sacrifice, lore
warning:There will be increasing darkness levels as the series goes on.
The next book gets into the political aspects of the kingdoms and pirate culture and the third gets into the assassins and religious aspects of the world
Current summary: needs work because the romance is a subplot and the rest the stuff going on is the main plot but I really suck at summary's lol (perhaps it will come to me when the story is done)
pirate king Daimhín Heorot: has been targeting Tarak fleet vessels mostly leaving the cargo vessels alone so long as they do not fire at them. He lets a vessel go only to run across it in trouble many moons later.
Tarak fleet captain Oisìn Mallory: has a past he is haunted by and a distrust for royalty. Has to accept aid from a pirate and to make it worse it's not any pirate but the pirate king of the bioluminescence sea. secrets revealed, royals exposed and something dark stirring in the shadows.
Will they survive the manipulations of a seer with good intentions?
(Was the first summary that I could come up with lol)
series summary: (at the moment It needs some work) the gods of old are still interfering in the world. One is trapped within the shadow realms will he be set free or will he die? The fae royalty are not quite what they seem. Will the pirates find out about their cursed god and change the world or will it burn to ashes?
Other Charaters with a intro: prince jade, Morana, Braith, Amon, Galen
World tour tag game.
Snippet I'm just going with the opening scene below the cut
Pirate king and captain of the ship Death's Redemption, Daimhín Heorot was looking out across the dark reddish wood that made his ships deck, at the small fleet they were approaching. The Jolly Rogers flag with crimson blood stained on it from the last fight they had been in a few days prior, flying high in the sky warning of their imminent arrival.  Eric hadn't gotten to cleaning the flags yet as he had other repairs to get to first. 
Daimhín said to Galen, his second in command and quartermaster of the ship, “They are skittish.” Watching as the crew of officers aboard the other ships started to panic. They were running around the decks gesturing at them. It was rather amusing to watch. They were still a little ways out but the larger Tarak Fleet ships had little chance of escaping them. 
Turning to face his second in command, he saw that Galen had forgotten his hat again so his brown hair was flying around in the wind crazily.
 Shaking his head he held out a leather band to pull it back. 
“Ay, they be scared, it not be everyday that ye see a king ship.” Galen reminded him with an amused look in his brown eyes as he pulled his hair back into a ponytail. 
He asked, “Is it that noticeable?” He didn't think that they stood out all that much from the other pirate vessels. Perhaps he was wrong. Assumptions were a pirate's enemy after all, Daimhín mused. 
 “Nay, their captain be the one who noticed us.” Galen answered as he moved to grab a spyglass from the helm.
He raised an eyebrow. It had been a while since  anyone had realized that this was the king ship, most people kept their mouth shut after a run in with them. Wondering what exactly gave it away to the other Captain or rather how he had known, perhaps they had been aboard the ship before. 
He gave an order to the crew, “All hands to battle stations. Recon team help the crew down below until the signal is given.”
@the-letterbox-archives here's the intro post
Updated TAG list + @bookwormclover let me know if you want removed
@thatuselesshuman @gioiaalbanoart @lychhiker @goth-automaton
@thecomfywriter @evilwriter37 @saebasanart @the-golden-comet
@mauannacreates @kind-lion @alinacapellabooks @kuebiko-writing
@kaeru483 @differentnighttale @theink-stainedfolk @unstableunicornsofasgard
@mysticstarlightduck @demon-sneeze @dnd-and-insanity @smellyrottentrees
@honeybewrites @pheonix358
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brownwoodship · 4 months
Hey, you have just found a chest on a desolate planet
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Open it>>>>
Your Loot:
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astarionsdurge · 10 months
OK hear me out - why can't I find any male siren x female pirate books/fics?
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Like I came across this on insta and now I need this🤭
Dm for credit/removal
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A Shadow’s Tale
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Azriel x Pirate female!reader
summary: A new arrival to Velaris, aboard of your ship are presumed human legends. After the dead of your father, Captain Hook, who was allied to Hybern, you make the choice to break those bonds and ally with the High Lord of the Night Court in the upcoming war. However, it is easier said than done, for the distrust is big and you must prove yourself worthy of an alliance.
word count: 1200+
a/n: first time writing ACOTAR fanfic, characters do not belong to me except for the FMC, everything else is based on the book series by Sarah J Maas, however this is inspired only, does not relate directly to the actual story!
warnings: none
“As your second, I’m supposed to warn you they will not accept you that easily” Bonny said while pacing in front of your desk, “The High Lord is known to be relentless, and after all your father was an ally to Hybern.” 
“My father’s poor decisions is what led me to do this.” You spoke standing up and resting your hands on your table, “Hybern left us with nothing, but we do have something that even the High Lord of the Night Court can’t say no to.” 
“If he even lets you in his court, what do you think he will say about the fact that pirates do have magic?” Bonny came closer and whispered, “Stolen magic.” 
“How would they know? There’s zero knowledge about our kind and even if there were, it’s most likely rumors created by foolish humans.” 
“What if—“ 
“Enough! Bonny… We should be arriving soon, and I expect your discretion about any private issue regarding our… abilities.” You straightened and adjusted your jacket. Bonny only nodded with a frown and I smiled. “Great, I’ll do the talking, keep your eyes open. I’m sure they already know of our presence in their shores.” 
Navigating through the wards of Velaris was somewhat exciting. You couldn’t help the giddy feeling. Hybern destroyed your family and stripped you of your riches and your life, but gave you something that was by far more important. A way through wards, spells and concealments. Which is how you and your crew entered the City of Starlight through the sea between the mountains. You got a glimpse of the city buildings in distance. The weather was warm and the sky was blue with very few clouds. Two blurs in the sky got your attention and that’s when you knew it was time. 
You went into your cabin and grabbed your hat and tighten your boots. Two thumps were heard outside followed by a couple shrieks and you smiled to yourself. You walked out finding the Highlord’s General and Spymaster with drawn swords pointed at Bonny and Sebastian. Your mates were kneeling on the floor, unharmed, their hands up in surrender. Exactly how you had instructed. Harmless. That’s how everyone should appear to the Night Court. 
You had left your sword back in your cabin as well. You didn’t want to seem like a threat. 
“Where’s your captain?” The long hair general asked with a tone of authority and you simply smiled kindly at him opening your arms. 
“You’re the Captain?” A scowl from the spymaster and you raised your eyebrows at him.
“How did you cross the wards?” The general asked and you smiled at him once more. “Do you not speak our language? How did you—“ 
“I understand you just fine,” you said with your best silky voice, “however I did not invite you to my ship nor do I recall making introductions.” You stepped forward and they directed their swords at you making you stop and lift your empty hands gaining a small chuckle from you. 
“What’s your name and what are you doing here?” The general asked and you noticed the red gems from his suit glowing brighter. 
“I will disclose my name to your Highlord seeing as my business is with him.” 
“You first respond to us, then we decide if you get so much as a look in his direction.” You scowled at them shaking your hand. 
“I’m not armed, my men are not armed, I present no threat to any of you and yet, you doubt my intentions.” You stated innocently.
“These wards have been up and reinforced by every powerful highlord for millennia, you want us to believe you come here with such power to break through and not consider you a threat?” The spymaster’s turn to question you and you blinked. 
“I suppose you have a point, but let me propose a bargain.” You smiled, “I will anchor my ship on your shores while you announce my arrival to your Highlord, request a meeting with him on my behalf, and I shall wait for a response. I will not come near your little village until further notice and we all can be civil.” 
They looked at each other and the general laughed, actually laughed! Your smile fell away. 
“Azriel,” a command from the general to the spy master and a blur of shadows surrounded you tying your limbs close to your body. You grunted and fought against the restraints but to no avail. 
You saw Bonny and Sebastian getting up to attack but you shot them a pointed look that said to stay down. You looked at the two gigantic figures. 
“Is this really necessary?” 
“My men will collect your crew. You’re coming with us.” No laughter left on his voice, another shared look and you thought you were going to fly but the spymaster came close and the next thing you saw was a mist of darkness as he lightly touched your arm. Then you felt yourself falling to the floor your knees and hands hitting cold concrete. 
You didn’t say a word as you saw the spymaster looking at you from the shadows through the bars of a cell. You looked around noticing the cot and the a bucket. You tried to get to your feet but your legs gave out because of the months at sea. You heard Azriel scowling and you shot him a glare. 
“Find it funny do you?” 
“Yes actually,” he said darkly coming closer to the bars looking down on you, “You seemed so sure of yourself in your little boat and now you can’t even get up,” he sighed “it seems to me you’re all talk.” He purred and you crawled to the cot and pushed yourself up sitting on it. 
“Yet you still feel the necessity to keep me in a cell, behind iron bars, while  keeping your distance.” 
“I don’t gamble with my prisoners.” 
“You must be the life of the party then,” you joked. 
“I don’t party either.” He said and you saw a glimpse of amusement on his eyes.
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” You tilted your head and you waited for his response, he only scowled and went back into the shadows. “You could at least tell me where I am.” 
“In the dungeons.” He deadpanned. 
“Oh really? And here I thought this was your five stars hotel?” You put your hand over your heart and rolled your eyes, his gaze on you. 
“You talk too much.” 
“You talk too little.” 
“I assure you you will be regretting asking for more on my part.” 
You laughed loudly. 
“What? Are you going to whip me or something?” You noticed him smiling darkly and you swallowed hard. “You wouldn’t…” 
He raised his eyebrows and you only stared as he came closer, you didn’t even noticed when he walked through the bars as if they weren’t even there. You staggered back in the cot and he lowered himself putting each of his hands on either side on you. His face a couple inches from yours. You stayed very still, your eyes not leaving his. His gaze was dark and intimidating as he said: “It will depend on how willing you are to talk.” His breath was cold on your face and it smelled of morning breeze and a hint of cherry. 
You smiled a little eyeing his mouth and then his eyes. 
“You have a taste for cherries,” you noted and his brow furrowed. 
Something shifted in his gaze and you swallowed again. It was probably a terrible idea to flirt with this male. After all you knew of the stories of his tortures. But you couldn’t help yourself as you felt his walls coming down a little.
He was about to reply when a darker presence filled the room and he walked away from you going back to the shadows. The cold gaze back on his face. The cell became colder than it had before and your heart was beating wildly as you felt darkness and talons trying to rip at your mind. 
Your breaths came faster and you were painting when you heard his voice. 
“I do not take lightly unwelcome guests in my Court, Miss Hook.”
Next Chapter
Let me know your thoughts and based on those I'l either continue or just pretend this never happened lol <3
If you wanna be tagged on the next one also let me know :)
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genteel-rogue · 26 days
2021 vs 2024
Sometimes it's really satisfying redrawing an old dnd character💙 meet Atlas Fairchild, dashing rogue and incautious pirate💙
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slutty-teen05 · 1 year
what is your deepest darkest sexual fantasy?
hmmmmm i’m really into kidnapping and being kept as a slave to serve a group of men.
i’d like to imagine i’m a poor girl working in a tavern by the docks in the 1700s. maybe a pirate would take a fancy to me and simply gag me when i try to say no, then he’d take me away on his ship to be kept as a sex slave for his whole crew, using my body as a cum dump all day and night.
they’d treat me like the whore i am, as nothing more than a set of holes, using me as a sex toy, keeping me tied up and gagged. my only interaction would be when they would plough into me until i’m screaming, using my holes as nothing more than a set of cocksleeves. i’d be kept naked at all times, forced to crawl around on all fours because i am less than them. all my food would be served with a garnish of cum to remind me that i am just a dumb little bimbo cumdump.
although i would cry and protest and try to escape this treatment at first, eventually i’d learn to love my new life, realising that my place in the world is at the feet of men, to be used solely as they want.
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nopoodles · 3 months
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Not The Fainting Kind
A Single Letter Should Not Be So Damning...
Okay, I'll do a real promo post soon, but Not The Fainting Kind is officially available for pre-order (follow link to blurb and to buy links, scroll down from Not The Fighting Kind— my links don't show it on Amazon but it is on Amazon too, I will fix that I'm just busy being on my anniversary break rn)
It comes out on 17th September 2024
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saggernooseai · 4 months
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been in the mood for sexy pirates
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c-rose2081 · 1 month
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Sweet Indulgence…
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You guys have been so supportive of my work and really wanted me to continue the Hook x Bridget one shot, so I’m happy to provide. If you like what I do, please kudos and comment so I know! I love hearing from you guys. This is where all the chapters are gonna live when I update :3
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abby-art-12 · 1 year
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Hello everybody! As promised the drawing before the end of the week! I truly hope you all will like it, enjoy!
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important communication
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Hello Tumblr!
So, I’ve been disappearing here - but it’s for a good reason, I swear.
It’s a fantasy novel with pirates, lgbt community, found family, enemies to lovers, set in summer on a pirate ship, with trained assassins, strong women, amazing people and everything a reader could wish for!
And I’m very proud to tell you that Kill the Sun - The Justice of the Fools will be out August 2023.
(the plot is in the comments)
This is the link to my author page, in case you want to give it a look and discover a little more (you can find me also on tiktok under the same username!)
This is a massive step for me, literally a dream come true, so I really hope you’ll enjoy it and will feel free to give this little baby al the love they deserve <3
Thank you for your support - I’ll be back soon with some cool stuff.
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brownwoodship · 6 months
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altheasagewritesstuff · 9 months
"Maybe love was just their way of tearing each other apart." From the novel Kill the Sun - The Justice of the Fools by Beatrice Barel
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A Shadow’s Fale — Chapter Four
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Azriel x Pirate Female!Reader
Word Count: +3,700
a/n: I'm sorry for posting so late, I had a few rough weeks! Hopefully I'll be posting more regularly soon! I hope you enjoy this!
Warnings: Mention of scars, drinking
You had been called for a meeting at the River House the next morning. You were pretty sure it had to do with what Azriel had found out about you. 
Azriel. The most confusing male you’ve ever encountered. 
He was hot and cold. Fire and ice. His constant mood changes giving you whiplash. 
You had not seen him after your encounter the night before. Nor Elain. You had no idea what he meant and you were even more confused about what kind of relationship those two even had. No one seem to take notice or even talk about it. 
Rhysand had flown you back to the House of Wind and then requested this meeting you were about to have. He didn’t say anything else about it and you were anxious enough already as it is. 
“Are you okay?” Cassian asked still holding you as you flew together. 
“Hmmm?” You answered distracted. “Yeah… Yeah, I’m fine.” He laughed. 
“You’re a terrible liar.” You narrowed your eyes. 
“Can I ask you a question?”
“If I have the answer,” He smiled. 
“Are… Azriel and Elain mates?” 
Cassian gaze seemed to unfocus a little and his lips tightened in a line. The usual smirk gone as he became suddenly serious. 
“No.” He took a look at you as you nodded, then you were reaching the grass in front of a big mansion by the river and Cassian was putting you back on your feet. 
“Wow,” you looked around in awe, “This is beautiful… and huge.” 
“Y/N…” You looked at him once more, “Don’t mention it.” You blinked in understanding. 
“I won’t.” He gave you an apologetic smile and made you to follow him inside the house. 
You felt the wards as you walked through the door and you looked at the paintings on the walls, admiring. You knew that the High Lady was into painting but you had no idea she would be this good. 
“Are they all hers?” 
“Yes,” Cassian said simply, the smile, almost prideful, again on his lips. He guided you to a corridor that led to a set of double doors at the end. 
As he opened them he let you in and you inhaled deeply to see the people waiting inside already. 
Rhysand, Feyre, Mor, the female with the piercing grey gaze and… Azriel. 
“Welcome to our home, Y/N.” Rhysand’s voice boomed in the silence that was heavy in the air. “I believe you haven’t been formally introduced to my second, Amren.” He pointed to the female and you swallowed hard in recognition. 
“Amren, as in the horror bed time stories?” You spoke almost in a whisper and you saw the little grin she gave you. 
“I guess we’re both the same if we follow that logic girl.” She spoke, her voice a soft purr. “Except we are from two different sides of the spectrum. A pirate you say?” That made you chuckle. 
“I guess it depends, if the children really like Peter Pan they might resent me a little as well.” This made a few chuckles from the people around you and Amren simply sent her head back in laughter. 
“I like you, girl.” You gave her a grin as she saluted you with her glass on wine. It was definitely too early for wine but she didn’t seem to mind. 
“Now that introductions are done, we have serious business to talk about.” You nodded, “Y/N, you claim to have in your possession dread troves that were lost at sea,” You nodded again, “I allowed you and your crew to stay, shop and eat in my city, just like you asked, now I want to see them.” 
You looked around the room taking a deep breath. 
“I asked for an alliance.” You crossed your arms over you chest. 
“I’ll make you a bargain then,” He said darkly, his hands resting on the table in front of him. “You give me the troves, I let you and your crew go.” You snorted a laugh shaking your head in disbelief.. 
“No,” You replied and he narrowed his gaze as you mimicked him. “I’m going to fight in this war Rhysand, now you must decide if it’s with you or against you.” 
Silence fell once more in the room. 
“You sure have balls girl.” Amren said from your left but you kept the High Lord’s gaze.
“Are those your terms then?” Rhysand asked and you nodded. “I’ll send word for you when I make my decision then.” 
“You can’t possible be considering this.” Azriel’s voice came from you right. 
“Can I go now?” You asked ignoring the spymaster’s words as it somewhat hurt you. 
Rhysand waved his hand in dismissal. “Feyre, darling?” You watched as they clearly communicated something in their minds and then she walked over to you smiling. 
“Will you join me for a walk before you go?” You simply nodded leaving the room with the High Lady in tow. 
Rhysand might’ve told her to change your mind about this, but your mind had been made up ever since your father’s death. Hybern was your destiny to destroy. And no High Lord or Lady would take that from you. 
You walked alongside Feyre through the gardens of the house and stopped in a gazebo by the river. She sat on one of the benches and you followed suit. 
“I never knew happiness before I came to this place.” She said on a sigh and you looked at her intently. “I think if it wasn’t for him, I would be in a very bad shape by now.” 
“You mean Rhysand.” 
“Yes,” She was now looking at you, “Rhys is… a very good male, he doesn’t want you involved in this war with Hybern.” 
“Rhys,” You spat, “Doesn’t know me, or how much I need this, to fight them, to make them pay for what they’ve done to me, to my crew, to my…” You cut yourself off shaking your head. “I will not back off on this.” 
“I understand,” She said reaching out for you hand and giving it a squeeze. “I lost my father to Hybern too,” She smiled sadly, “During that first war, when we had to face them and we had lost all hope, my father showed up, sailing, bringing an army with him, he saved us somehow in the end… And yet, he was killed before we could even say thank you… or goodbye.” A stray tear fell on her cheek and you nodded in understanding. “I spent so much time hating him for not showing up… For not fighting and in the end he did… I know your father wasn’t the best of men… I’ve heard the stories but I also know you miss him… Even if only the good parts of him.” 
She knew exactly how you felt, clearly better than anyone else. You had bonded in a way you hadn’t expected. When she reached out to you cheek you didn’t even realize you had starting crying. 
“Hybern took way too much from us both, and I will talk to Rhys, we will fight this war, together.” She said pulling you into a hug and you welcomed it fiercely. 
A friend. In the midst of darkness you had made a friend.
“If she wants to fight, then let her fight. She clearly knows the risks.” Mor said and taking a sip of her tea. 
“They are not trained, and let me not even start on, they are humans.” Rhysand said exasperated, “I’m not going to be responsible for their deaths.”
Azriel was staring at the tiled floor, lost in thought when Amren said. “What is it shadow boy? The people in the city can hear your brooding from miles away.” 
“Nothing.” He replied fast and Rhysand gave him a look. 
“What do you know?”
“It’s not certain yet, give me a couple days.” 
“What is it?” The High Lord insisted and Azriel adjusted himself on his feet. 
“I think they have some sort of magic… But I’m not sure how.” 
“Magic?” Azriel nodded.
“From what I saw, elemental.” Rhysand’s gaze turned dark, the inner circle members held their breaths waiting for orders on this new revelation about their guest. 
“Find whatever you can about it.” He took a deep breath thinking about his wife alone with the pirate. “Don’t tell anyone else about it, this stays between us.” 
“Feyre?” Mor questioned. 
“Not yet. If Y/N learns we know, she might turn on us. For now we play by her rules.”
“Until when?” 
“Until the troves are ours.” 
Azriel left the meeting room going outside. He found her as easily as taking a breath. She had this beauty about her that made him flustered. That would make him think such ungodly thoughts he so deeply wished he could act on. 
But the rational part of him was screaming trouble. A human with magic? Why would she hide it from everyone if it was just regular fae magic? There’s history of half-fae, when humans and faes mated. Was that it? Was she embarrassed of her lineage to hide such a big part of it? 
Azriel wasn’t sure mentioning it to Rhysand had been a wise choice. He saw it as some sort of betrayal, and that’s why Azriel had been fighting himself over it. Was she a danger or a powerful weapon? 
“Penny for your thoughts?” Feyre approached him taking him out of his thoughts and he gave her a little smile and a tilt of the head. “What do you think about her?” She nodded towards Y/N who was still sitting in the gazebo looking at the Sidra.
“She’s trouble.” 
“I think she’s misunderstood.” Azriel cocked his head at his High Lady and she gave him a small smile. “Ever since she arrived everybody just assumed things about her… Yet, no one took the time to hear her out.” 
“You think we should ally ourselves to them, then?”
“I think they… she deserves a chance.” Feyre gave him a knowing look, “We all were given one.” She patted him in the arm and disappeared inside. 
Azriel took a deep breath looking at the female in the distance. She had her eyes closed and the sun was shining in her skin. She adjusted her hat in her head as she took a breath and then opened her eyes. Her gaze met his and her smile fell. Something inside him sank at that. Please don’t stop smiling. He wanted to tell her.
Realizing this he took a step back before disappearing into the shadows. 
He felt himself falling, not in the literal sense, but in the sense that would bring you to our knees and tear you to shreds. 
“We have a bookclub, me, Emerie and Gwyn, you should join us.” Nesta said encouragingly and you gave her a small smile. 
“I don’t want to be a burden.” 
“You are not! Meet us at 10 in the library,”  She said walking away into her rooms and you laughed shaking your head. 
You reached your own and entered taking your jacket, boots and hat off. You felt him before even seeing him. 
“Sure, you can come in.” You rolled your eyes as you turned locking eyes with the High Lord. 
“I gave this house to Nesta and Cassian but it is still mine, so I think I’m entitled.” 
“Sure,” You raised your eyebrows, “What do I own the pleasure of your visit Your Highness?” 
“I accept your terms,” He said, hands in his pockets, you furrowed your brows. 
“Just like that?”
“Feyre spoke to me, I understand you better than you think I do.” He let out a breath, “Do you wish to tell me more about it?”
You took a deep breath, Feyre had told him, or showed him, your conversation. So he knew your intentions, and you wondered if you were wrong about him altogether. If he was willing to accept your terms and let you fight alongside him, to finish Hybern, maybe you could trust him with the whole truth. 
You thought of Azriel, why hadn’t he mention it to his High Lord about your magic? Surely they would’ve confront you by now. Maybe you should hold on to that kernel of truth a little while longer… Just to be sure. 
“Feyre was very understanding… It felt… Nice, to have someone actually hearing me and not… Judging me, for wanting pay back.” You said carefully, he eyed you carefully. “My intentions are not malicious Rhysand, I only want my life back. I want to end them, I want to be free of this… Rage.” You shook your head not allowing your emotions to take over you. You felt your magic tingling beneath your skin and you took a few breaths controlling it. He looked you over curiously and you silently hoped he didn’t notice it. 
“Okay…” He said after a minute of silence. “When shall we retrieve it then?” 
“I’ll meet with my crew, we can do it in two days time.” He nodded in agreement and then disappeared. 
You took a shuddering breath and fell sitting on your bed and you cried. You let the emotions of the past few days take over and flow freely. 
You woke up abruptly from a dream about Hybern and your father. You sat up on your bed panting, a hand in your heart trying to calm yourself down. You had burnt the sheets around you and embers flew around you. 
The darkness outside told you it was way past 10, you had missed the bookclub with the girls. You felt so exhausted and you couldn’t focus on that right now. You looked around the room and screamed when you spotted Azriel in the corner of your room. Quickly covering your mouth and getting up from the bed you walked quickly towards him. 
“What are you doing here?” You scream whispered and he cocked a brow lookin you over. 
“I need to speak to you,” 
“It’s the middle of the night, can’t we talk in the morning like normal people?” You were flustered and a chill went through your back, the wind coming from the open window. You then realized that half your sleeping dress was gone and you quickly grabbed a robe to cover you better. 
“It’s important,” He insisted ignoring your panicked covering. 
“What could be so important that it can’t wait?”
“I want to know about your powers.” There it was. You swallowed and then let out a chuckle. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“You know I know, and I know you know I know.” He purred coming closer to you. 
“Then if you know why are you asking me about it?”
“Are you half-fae?”
“How did you acquire magic?”
“You just told me you weren’t half-fae.”
“It’s… complicated”
“Try me” 
“Fuck…” You shook you head, “It’s stolen… alright?” 
“How?” You looked at him considering your options… Truth it is… 
You took a seat in one of the leather chairs and it did the same across from you. 
“A long time ago, my ancestors made a bargain with some high fae, they wanted immortality just like the fae. We had some elemental magic because of our side of witchcraft ancestors, however no immortality… The fae offered it to them but under conditions.” You took a breath licking your lips, “The conditions was that pirates had to stop stealing the sea and land treasures… However after the bargain was stroked, my ancestors broke it not long after… The high fae then cursed them, us, they took our access to our magic. My father found a plot hole when he allied himself with Hybern…” You got up and started pacing in front of him, “Pirates started stealing magic from the death… When fae die, their magic still remains in their bones… WIth a binding spell you can bind their bones to your skin and magic will transfer…” You took a shuddering breath removing the robe you had just put on. 
You then proceeded to removed your night dress standing in front of him only in your panties. He didn’t say anything. He had gone very still taking in what you were showing him. There were four scars, two on each side of your ribs. Ugly and salient, like they hadn’t healed properly. 
“He wanted his daughter to be his most powerful weapon… He didn’t want anyone to know until time was right…” 
“Your father did this to you?” His voice was so low you barely heard the pain in his voice. 
“They are the bones of four very powerful high fae who had elemental magic, air, fire, water and earth…” A tear escaped you and Azriel picked up your robe covering you up. 
“He deserved his death.” 
“I know.” Then Azriel hugged you and you sobbed in his arms as he held you tight. 
You knew by walking into the living room of the town house that the news had spread. Rhysand had accepted an alliance. However you did not expect to find you whole crew perched in the couches and drink and hanging out with the rest of the inner circle. You have a little smile as Bonny hugged you tightly and whispered in your ear how excited she was about all of this. 
“Your people sure know how to drink Y/N” Cassian chimed in making you laugh. 
“Well, yes, of course, but the real question is, can you keep up?” You winked at him making some of them chuckle. 
“Is that a challenge?” 
“Maybe,” you smiled and you heard Nesta mumbling ‘Mother helps us’ 
Soon enough Sebastian, Lobo and Ledo were face to face with Cassian and Mor. 
“We need one more to be fair,” Mor said eyeing the people around the room, “Az, come on” 
“Absolutely not,” He rolled his eyes and you looked at him amused. 
“You need to learn how to have some fun… Az.” He glared at you. 
“I don’t need to get drunk to have fun.” 
“You don’t need to get drunk at all, you just need to join, after all you are going to loose either way.” He looked at you with the challenge in his gaze and he took a seat next to Mor. 
“We don’t loose.” He simply said and then it started. 
Pint after pint of ale they all chugged it down. Your eyes were wide taking in Morrigan chugging it down with an easy you knew to not be natural. She clearly loved her drink and the amusement crossing her face told you she also loved the challenge. You took a look at your team as they emptied mug after mug. The score was tight and when Bonny called it time, your crew had lost for 5 pints. 
Cassian got up whooping in contentment picking up Nesta over his shoulder making her yelp and laugh. Morrigan was cleaning her lips with a victory smile and Azriel… He was smiling! Grinning more like it, but his mask was definitely slipping and his eyes… they were bright and set on you. You found yourself grinning back at him. 
After the talk and you calming down the night before, he left without another word. His demeanor felt… Heavy, confused and angry. At you or your father, you weren’t sure. But you knew anytime now the High Lord would know… and maybe you should come forward first, but as you eyes found his across the room, directly behind the spymaster you decided against it. 
Rhysand clapped him in the shoulder catching his attention and they exchanged a few whispered words. Azriel demeanor turned back into that familiar darkness and you looked away only to find Elain coming in your direction and settling down next to you. 
“Hi,” she spoke softly and you smiled a little at her distracted by the interaction.
“Feyre told me you will be going back to you ship tomorrow to retrieve some things… I still would love to come visit.” She asked politely taking you by surprise. 
You were still embarrassed by what she had seen. Not that you and Azriel were actively tangled but you could definitely understand the heated discussion could’ve been easily mistaken by something else… And even if nothing happened between the two of you… You knew something was up between the two of them, and it just made things so much awkward… 
“Uh… sure” you finally replied and she beamed. 
“Ah! I’m so glad!” She put a hand on your arm making you look at the contact point and giving it a squeeze. “I think we will be great friends!” She said and left you alone, confused. 
“Tell me everything,” Rhysand’s voice boomed darkness as he settled down on his study. Azriel kept his back straight, sobering up fast from all the alcohol he had ingested. 
“I think we were wrong… About them.” 
“How so?” 
“Let me show you,” Rhysand only nodded easily entering the spymaster’s mind as he showed his the conversation between him and Y/N. 
“You sure?” The High Lord questioned. 
“I didn’t feel any deceit from her… And the scars,” He swallowed hard with disgust thinking back on them. On how they looked awful and distorted, painful. How they reminded him of his own torture. “You can’t fake those…” 
Rhysand nodded lost deep in thought. “What do you think I should do then?” 
“Let her fight.” 
“I’ll decide after we retrieve the troves… Only then I’ll be sure.” 
“I think you should stay away from her…” 
“You are feeling too much for her Az,” Rhysand stood up walking towards his friend, “She will only break you heart.” 
“I don’t… Have feelings for the pirate.” 
“You forget my gifts Azriel,” 
“She’s just a pretty face, I care for her as much as I care for the girls in the pleasure hall.” Azriel said coldly, pushing his true feelings away. Guarding himself, protecting his own heart. Not again. 
A gasp. They both turned their heads to door only to hear running steps. Azriel jaw locked in rage as he took the calm look on Rhysand’s face.
“You knew.” 
“It’s for the best Az…” 
Azriel shook his head in disbelief and turned stomping away. Trying to find her. Trying to find Y/N and explain… But what could he say? Nothing would change the fact he couldn’t do this right now. 
With a roar of rage he took the skies and flew, away. 
I'm sorryyyyyyyy!!! Oh my, oh my, please let me know your thoughts!!! Rhysand is playing the devil here a little bit... What is going to happen???
Next Chapter
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ftmboi-hooters · 5 months
I had a dream.
I was visiting my hometown, strolling through the streets, when I decided to swing by my old school.
When I walked through the gate I was stunned by the amazing outfits everyone was wearing. Very dark, very alt. I entered the building and met eyes with some more very stylish students. One of them stood out to me. He was climbing around on the bleachers, his outfit was pirate-y, his one hand was stretched out into the walkway right in front of me. When I passed him I playfully grazed his fingers with mine.
He grabbed my hand and spun me around. Suddenly we we're standing face to face in a closed position. As he slowly lets go, he starts singing. It follows a performance that reminded me of Jack Sparrow. Mesmerized I watched him until he finished the last lines lowering his voice, stopping again right in front of me.
I laughed awkwardly. He somehow enchanted me and stole my voice. When I figured out how to speak again, I stumbled over my words trying to compliment him appropriately. He got so flustered, we we're just stuttering back and forth. At some point the only word I could get out was "Wow!" while vaguely gesturing at him and the surrounding area.
Nothing really happened after that, but he hasn't left my mind.
Oh to be seduced by a pirate... Tie me to the mast and dance around me with your sword...
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