#Pietro should have lived instead of his sister
targaryenmarvel · 8 months
Fallin' All In You (Part 3) - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: You’ve known Wanda Maximoff since you were children. She was the shy and exceptionally beautiful twin sister of your best friend, Pietro. For the most part, you two never interacted, but that changes when against your better judgment, you begin to develop feelings for the girl. 
Warnings: Cursing
Note: It's a bit late, but here's part three! It was initially longer, but I didn't want to make you guys wait too long. I hope you enjoy it, and I'll post the next part as soon as I finish editing it. Also, credit to the creator of the GIF.
Word count: 4,377
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Voices echoed through the halls as students lounged around before classes. Some were engaged in lively conversations, while others scrolled through their phones. 
The air remained charged with energy and excitement from the previous day's win, as proved by the many praises you received from students and teachers. The elating compliments usually made you smile in glee, feeding into your ego. Yet, today, you could only muster a mediocre half-smile. Fatigue overran your body as a result of a sleepless night. Thoughts of Wanda had invaded your mind with no plan of ever leaving.
How could they when you nearly kissed the girl? You had spent the night overanalyzing the situation. Initially, you thought Wanda wanted to kiss you, but you were unsure after her speedy escape. God, you were an idiot. You had ruined any possibility of her ever liking you. She probably thought you were a creep. The fact that Wanda couldn't even look at you throughout the day attested to your thoughts. Even now, as you were seated with your friends, you could sense the uncomfortable tension that had taken over before she left your car. You just wished your friends wouldn't notice anything, especially Pietro. 
"We should do something today." It was Natasha who saved you from your agonizing thoughts.
"What do you have in mind?" Steve asked, slinging his arm over her shoulder.
"Let's go to the movie theatre," she glared at you, "and you can't find an excuse not to go this time."
"I wasn't going to third wheel you and Steve," you defend yourself with a pout, crossing your arms.
"You wouldn't have to third wheel if you accepted a date from the many guys and girls who have asked you out," Natasha refuted. Wanda, who seemed to have been tuning out the conversation, instantly looked at you, causing you to feel more self-conscious.
"Ahh, you never told me this," accused Pietro, looking at you like you had just run over his cat.
Steve leaned on his elbows and playfully whispered, "She's quite the heartbreaker."
"I am not!" You snapped, feeling the heat in your upper body increase by the second. The three are stifling laughs, amused by your embarrassment. Wanda simply looked curious. "I am not, okay. I've never gone out with anyone-" you looked pointedly at Natasha, "-and you know I wasn't interested in dating."
"Are you interested now?" She provoked. When you didn't answer, she continued tormenting you. "Common Y/N, there's gotta be someone you like."
You rested your head on your arms, trying to hide from their analyzing gaze. You wanted to deny it but couldn't find it in yourself to lie, especially in front of the girl of your affections. Moreover, if the girl felt anything akin to your feelings, such denial would probably make her feel relieved you didn't kiss. So instead of answering her, all you said was a muffled, "Shut up."
Later that day, the five, along with Pietro's date, met at the movie theater and, after a majority consensus, bought tickets to the new Conjuring movie. The two couples sat together, leaving you to sit next to Wanda. You didn't know if it was a good or bad thing. However, one thing was for sure: it would be difficult to focus on the movie when there was an apparent superior sight.
You really tried to concentrate on the movie; you swear you did, but you couldn't stop yourself from noticing Wanda's discomfort throughout the film. At first, you thought you were the problem, that your presence caused her state. Then, you noticed her ragged breathing and clenched fists, or how she would seal her eyes shut during the frightening scenes. 
Despite your qualms about your relationship with Wanda, you made a bold decision. Shielded by the darkness of the theater room, you dared to slide your hand over until your pinky touched hers. Wanda's already irregular breathing stopped at the action, and you expected her to move her hand in rejection. When she didn't, you summoned the last of your courage to entirely place your hand over hers, feeling Wanda's turn intertwining with your own. 
You struggled to contain the smile that threatened to bloom on your lips, but there was no controlling your racing heart and the swirling happiness that erupted in your stomach. You held hands for the remainder of the movie, and least to say, you paid even less attention, finding more comfort in the soft feel of her silk skin. 
You again offered to drive Wanda home, considering Pietro had to drive his date home. You reasoned that it would be awkward for Wanda to third-wheel her brother. Unlike the previous day, only the sound of the radio filled the atmosphere—neither of you daring to say a word of last night's occurrence or the hand holding. Feeling the increasing tension, Wanda finally decided to break the silence. 
"Have you started the book?" She asked, fiddling with her hands, keeping her eyes on the road. 
"No." You internally cursed yourself, having already forgotten about the reading. You had been too preoccupied with preparing for the game. "I need to check if they have it at the library."
"I figured you hadn't started." She giggled, and your heart skipped at the sound, "I can lend you my copy, don't worry."
You raised an eyebrow at her, "You're already done?"
"Mhm, besides, I've read it so many times I know it by memory." Once again, you pulled over in front of her home. "Wait here," Wanda instructed, hastily exiting the car. 
You assumed she didn't want a repeat of last night. Yet, not even two minutes later did Wanda return, walking to your side of the car. 
You lowered the window, taking the book from her outstretched hand. "Thanks."
"No problem. Though I am warning you, if I see so much as a scratch or bent page, I will kill you," she threatened, menacingly pointing her finger at you.
You scoffed and chuckled amusedly, "Wanda Maximoff threatening me over a book."
She shrugged nonchalantly and justified, "My books are my babies."
"Fair enough."
You expected her to bid you farewell, but she fidgeted in place, lips opening and closing before finally whispering, "Thank you- what you did in the theatre." Then, she quickly leaned in, kissed your cheek, and took off before you could react. 
You were left flabbergasted as your fingers brushed the burning imprint her lips had left on your skin, a sigh of delight leaving your lips. Wanda certainly had a way of spicing your nights. 
You returned home, Wanda's copy of 'Pride & Prejudice' in hand, still feeling giddy and dazed enough for your mother to notice.
"You okay, honey?" You hummed distractedly before biting your lip to contain a grin. Your mother recognized the lovesick expression you wore. "What's their name?" You furrowed your eyebrows at her question, and she clarified, "The person who has you love-struck."
You froze in place. Were you really that obvious? No matter, it wasn't a conversation you wanted to have with your mother. "I don't know what you're talking about, Mom. I'll be in my room." You could hear her laughter as you went up the stairs and into your bedroom. You stayed up until your eyes could no longer stay open reading, trying to distract yourself from Wanda. 
The next out-of-school opportunity you get to spend time with Wanda is Friday. One of your teammates was throwing a victory party while her parents were traveling. You weren't much for partying, but knowing Wanda would be there was motivation enough to assist. Knowing Pietro would probably drink, you decided to pick up the twins.
The three of you decided to find Steve and Natasha upon arriving. Once you did, Natasha offered you alcoholic beverages. You only took a sip of yours since you were the designated driver, and you had work early in the morning the next day—an easy weekend job at a flower shop. You noticed Wanda was also not keen on drinking, so you got sodas for the both of you. 
The five of you remained together until Pietro's girl arrived. Then, Natasha and Steve left, leaving you and Wanda alone. 
Finally, you took the opportunity to admire Wanda fully, from the black combat boots and ripped jeans to her signature red leather jacket covering yet another band teeshirt. Though you loved her outfit, your favorite part was her bright green eyes brought out by a sexy black eyeliner. You were a gay mess, to say the least. 
"You don't seem happy to be here," you commented, noticing her pout. Damn, she had such pretty lips.
"That's because I'm not. I'm only here because Pietro bribed me with new books. Now that I'm here, I realize it's not worth it, considering he left me alone," Wanda whined, playing with her rings.
"Alone? Am I that bad of a company?" You teased, enjoying the slight panic in her eyes before bursting out in laughter. "Don't worry, I won't leave you alone."
Wanda felt grateful for your company as she wasn't one to party, especially since her friends weren't there. Shuri, Peter, and the rest of the science club had left on a trip. Monica had planned on coming until she came down with the flu. It was funny how things changed between you two. How, years before, she would have panicked at the thought of being so close to you. Now, she could only feel her chest flutter with butterflies as you rant about your thoughts on Pride & Prejudice.
Not long after, Peggy Carter interrupted you both, wanting you to meet someone. You reluctantly agreed after Wanda said it was fine, and you promised to return quickly. Peggy led you into the kitchen, where a muscular boy your age stood with a red solo cup. She introduced him as Sam Wilson, her friend from another school, before leaving you two with a mischievous smile. 
"I think she's trying to set us up." Although you appreciated the noble gesture, now more than ever, you wished to return to Wanda. 
He nodded and said, "Look, you're beautiful, but I have my eye on someone else." His eyes looked over your shoulder, and you followed his eyesight and came upon James Barnes, Steve's best friend.
"Don't worry, I do too. You should go talk to him."
"We don't even know eachother." He lowered his head, avoiding your eyes.
"I can help with that." You took his hand and led him towards Bucky. "Hey, Bucky. I wanted to introduce you to my friend, Sam."
Bucky immediately smirked as he eyed Sam. Pleased with your work, you dismissed yourself, ready to return to Wanda's side. But, much to your dread, the brunette was gone when you arrived. Maybe she was tired of waiting for you? Perhaps she had found Pietro? No, but what if it was something terrible had happened to her? 
Not willing to take your chances, you decided to search for her. You looked throughout the entire first floor and even outside with no success. You were going up the stairs to scour the second floor, your concern threatening to detonate at any moment. Then, you heard her voice.
"Get away from me!"
In a panic, you followed the voice, leading you into one of the more isolated corridors. Your sight immediately landed on Brock Rumlow, backing up Wanda against the wall. Your blood boiled at the sight, and you clenched your fist, ready to attack. Before you could interfere, Wanda raised her knee, striking him between his legs. Rumlow tumbled down as he groaned in pain.
"You bitch!" he cursed, attempting to reach her on all fours. You were sure she could handle him herself, but you were consumed with rage as you ran forward, slamming your foot into his stomach, causing him to curl into a fetal position. You were about to deliver another blow to his face, but a gentle touch on your arm pulled you away. You are met with Wanda's pleading eyes telling you it was enough. 
You lowered yourself, yanking Rumlow by the hair and saying, "No means no, you fucking piece of shit." Before succumbing to your desire to injure him further, you intertwined your hand with Wanda's and led her to the front porch. 
You sat on the porch swing, closing your eyes and resting your head on the wood. Your lips were pulled into a tight line, fists clenched, as you tried to control your labored breathing. Your mind had a different idea as it drifted about what could have happened if you hadn't been there. Wanda handled the situation well enough, but the knowledge didn't lessen the anger. For fucks sake, all you wanted was to go back in and rip him apart. 
"Are you okay?" her honey-sweet voice broke you from your thoughts, a dry chuckle falling from your lips.
"I should be the one asking you that." You glanced at her. "You're the one who that asshole was..." You had to stop to take a deep, shaky breath, "I just want to go back in there and-"
Wanda lifted her hands to your cheeks, gently turning your head so you would look at her. "I'm okay," she whispered, thumbs caressing the skin of your cheekbones. You were instantly entranced by her intense stare, soothing voice, and the addicting feel of her skin on your own. Her lips turned upward, causing you to glance at them briefly. "You know you're always saving me. First, Trent Griffin, and now this idiot." She lowered her hands, making you immediately miss her touch. 
"I won't take credit for Rumlow. You had him handled before I interfered." You smirked at her, "Perfect kick, by the way." Your compliment evoked laughter from you both, Wanda's hand falling on your own. This time, you took the liberty of interlacing your hands. 
"So, who'd you meet?"
"Huh, oh, one of Peggy's friends, Sam. She was trying to set us up."
Wanda's head whipped around so fast, you thought it would fall off. "What?" She questioned, all playfulness was gone from her tone. 
"Yeah," you responded, unwilling to look at the girl. "Total waste, though. He looked like a nice guy and all, but definitely not my type. Besides, he had his eye on someone else." Your answer quelled the uneasiness in the brunette. 
"Really? Who?" She asked, disinterested but trying to seem unaffected by your words earlier. 
"Bucky," you answered with a grin, thinking of the cute couple the two would make. You missed the double take Wanda made. 
"Really? Bucky?" She questioned, perplexed. Although she didn't know Buck that well, she was highly intimidated by the man. The way he appeared to scowl at anyone except Steve. 
You found her incredulity hilarious, but you loved teasing her even more. "Do you have something against Bucky?" 
"What? No," she hastily replied. "It's just," she sighed, looking down, embarrassed, "he's kind of scary."
You burst into laughter as Wanda pulled her hand away to cover her face. As your giggles quieted, you uncovered her face, lacing your hands again. "Wanda, don't let the mean face fool you. He just has one of those faces. Bucky is a literal teddy bear. He would dare hurt a fly unless you mess with Steve or Alpine."
"His cat. See, totally safe," you assured.
Wanda sighed. "Sorry. I'm not actually scared of him; it's just that he appears intimidating."
"He does, doesn't he," you agreed with a smile.
"Anyways, this Sam," she dragged out, playing with your fingers. "You said he wasn't your type," Wanda took a deep breath. It was now or never. She looked straight at you and asked, " Tell me, who is your type?"
You felt the wind knocked out of your lungs as you gasped for an answer. What were you supposed to say? That she was your type? That all you could think about day and night was her? Or how anyone paled in comparison to her? You didn't dare to say any of those things yet. 
Instead, you nervously laughed as you rubbed your neck. "I don't know.'
"Not, Natasha?" Wanda pressed.
Your eyes shot to her, looking at her as if she'd grown a second head. "No, no, no. That's not- No," you vehemently denied. "Nat, she's amazing, but no."
You took a deep breath, furrowing your eyebrows in thought. "Pietro, he's my best friend, and while you and I didn't speak much, I always appreciated your presence." Wanda listened quietly, yet still confused about what that had to do with the conversation. "So when the two constants in my life left, I felt lost. I didn't know what to do with my best friend. Then, Natasha came along. She's kind of been to me what you are to Pietro. Someone who grounds me and pushes me to do better. It's because of her I got into soccer, you know? She basically dragged me to tryouts."
Wanda nodded understandingly. The quiet remained for a moment.
"What about you, Maximoff?"
She shrugged, "I haven't dated either."
"Really?" You asked, surprised that the goddess before you had not dated either. However, it was cut short by her following words.
"Actually, I did go on a date with this guy in California. It didn't work out."
You weren't jealous, no. You were curious about who was the idiot who let her go. "Really? Why"
"Jarvis came from an affluent family. All that money made him quite pretentious. To tell you that on the date, he took me to his mansion to show off all his money."
"Jarvis? His parents were definitely setting him up for failure with that name." Wanda laughed and playfully bumped your shoulder. 
When your laughter died down, you were left in silence, facing forward with a hint of a smile remaining on your lips. It wasn't uncomfortable like in your car, but peaceful and reassuring. You stayed in that position until you realized how late it was.
"Let's find Pietro so I can take you home." 
It didn't take long to find Pietro and his date, Crystal. The two were engaged in a competitive game of beer pong. Only two cups were left closest to them, while four remained on the opposing side. From his intoxicated state, you deduced they would soon lose. Pietro's uncoordinated throw needed more momentum, and the ping pong ball landed inches from the red solo cup. It wasn't long before the game ended.
You and Wanda walked in hand towards her brother, only separating as you threw your arm around his shoulder. The other took the alcohol-filled cup from his hands and set it down on the counter. "Okay, buddy, that's enough. Let's go home."
"Oh, come on, guys. It's still early."
"Seriously, Pietro. It's eleven," Wanda scolded with crossed arms. 
Pietro wrapped his arm around Wanda, so you were both on either side of him. "Sistra, aren't you enjoying yourself?"
Wanda shot daggers at Pietro, and you had to stop yourself from laughing. "No," she gravely responded.
"Okay, okay, okay." Pietro squeezed you both. "We can go... after you dance with Y/N." He looked down at you with a grin. "It's a party, and you two haven't done anything fun. Come on." He released you and took Crystal's hand, leading her to dance. 
You and Wanda watched, taken aback. Wanda scoffed, but you felt humored at Pietro's suggestion. Despite the loud music filling the atmosphere the entire night, it was the first time you cared to listen. Suddenly, all you wanted was a dance with Wanda. 
 You turned to Wanda, outstretching your hand. "He's right, you know? Let's have a little fun. Dance with me?"
She glanced at your hand, hesitation clear in her viridescent eyes. Wanda was not much of a dancer; back in California, when Pietro forced her to go to parties, she spent her time in secluded corners with her friends. She regretted not accepting the countless invitations to dance; maybe she wouldn't be destined to embarrass herself in front of everyone. With that thought in mind, she picked up Pietro's discarded drink and gulped it down in one go. A little liquid courage is all she needed, Wanda thought as she dropped her hand into your own and followed you to the dancing group.
You saw the nervousness in her eyes; you won't lie, you felt in yourself. Your coordination only functioned in the field, not on the dance floor, but you didn't care. You wouldn't mind making a fool of yourself for Wanda. You had half a mind to follow her lead with a drink but held back.
You stood still among the dancing teens sticking out like a sore thumb. You were unsure of what to do with your hand. Should you hold Wanda by her hips? Would that be too audacious? Wanda felt the same, uncertain of how to proceed. Wanda found it comical that you continued to be a nervous mess despite your newfound friendship. Although she didn't mind, she enjoyed seeing the all-mighty Y/N and confident Y/N from her childhood shy because of her definite ego boost. It made up for the millions of times she had to hide away in fear of embarrassing herself when you were near. 
Wanda bit her lip, looking up at you from under her lashes, and she swears she could hear how you take a sharp breath. With foreign confidence, Wanda wrapped an arm around your neck and, with the other, took your hand, placing it on her hip.
"Is this okay?" 
You nod stupidly, flushed by the action. Frankly, Wanda's boldness turned you on. It took a few mental reprimands to let loose and get into the rhythm. The music took over your body as you moved in sync, each beat resonating in your chest. Your body came alive with the music and the electrifying touch of the woman holding on to you. Nothing else mattered as you gazed into her hypnotizing eyes.
Your body tingled as she brought you closer, locking her hands around your neck. You could feel the silk-smooth skin of her hips as your hands reached under her shirt or her fresh mint breath on your lips. You felt drunk on the feeling of Wanda. 
Similarly, Wanda felt euphoric like never before, and despite her earlier concerns about dancing, her body moved so naturally. Every cell in her body is reinvigorated by your touch and the way you slightly scratched at her swaying hips. Suddenly, she couldn't remember why she hated parties. Was it because you weren't there? It didn't matter, not when she could feel the tension building and building to a place of no return. She licked at her lips, alternating her gaze from your lips to your half-lidded eyes.
You couldn't hold back any longer as you raised a hand to cup Wanda's cheek, like water slipping through a broken dam, your restraint torn down by need. Wanda leaned into your touch with a sigh, relishing the softness of the action. At any other moment, the brunette would find it unimaginable to act in such a way, but she figured it was the alcohol feeding into her boldness.
The two of you had stopped dancing long ago as you engaged in a battle of who would make the next move. It wasn't that you weren't dying to taste her lips. In truth, the need became nearly paralyzing. Maybe if you had acted sooner, you could have saved the moment. 
As you leaned in to kiss her, a drunken stranger crashed into you, and you staggered back with Wanda in your arms. It seemed as if the universe had a vendetta against you by how it intervened. For a second time, you were deprived of her lips by the consequence of outer forces. 
The blow knocked you out of your daze, and with regained senses, you took in the frantic, inebriated man thrashing around. Wanda turned around in your arms, confused by the commotion. You protectively pulled her closer to your body and stepped back to prevent getting struck by the man as his friends tried to pull him away. The situation only got worse as the drunk man noticed a laughing group.
"That's our cue to leave," you said, ignoring the near kiss, more apprehensive about the unfolding scene.
After collecting Pietro and Crystal, you bid farewells to your other friends and made your way to your car. You and Wanda lead the way in silence, yet not uncomfortable. Though the near kiss rested heavily on your mind, unlike last time, there were no doubts. Of course, you felt disappointed in the interruption, yet some of you acknowledged it wasn't the place or time. You were sure the moment would come soon enough.
Your hand itched to reach for her, but you held back, unsure what Pietro would think. When you got your car, you rushed to open the door for Wanda, sharing a smile as you did so. Behind you, Crystal complained to Pietro about his lack of chivalry and how she needed to be more like you. 
The ride to Crystal's place was short, but the couple in the backseat made the ride feel eternal as they made out. You and Wanda looked at each other disgusted while playfully gagging. You chuckled, poking fun at the couple. After dropping Crystal off, you made your way to the Maximoff residence. The collective exhaustion became visible in the lack of conversation. Pietro's usual talkative self hummed to a song on the radio while Wanda closed her eyes and rested her head on the window.
On the other hand, you used the time pondering on your next move. Should you talk to Pietro first before asking her out?
The twins thanked you for the ride as you stopped outside their place. Wanda kissed your cheek goodbye when Pietro was distracted like the other night and left without another word. Pietro followed, but not before making plans for him to come over the next day. As they walked away, you could only stare, entranced by the brunette. She would be the death of you.
253 notes · View notes
Operation WandaNat
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Summary: Natasha Romanoff is your best friend -- a best friend who most certainly has a crush on your sister. So when she brings her sister back to the compound, you're delighted to finally get an accomplice to help the two Avengers confess.
Word Count: 2451
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff; Yelena Belova & Maximoff!Reader
Warnings: Pietro is dead, 'there was only one bed', scheming, and a very slight innuendo at the end.
A/N: This was a very fun dynamic to write, I hope you enjoy it!
»»————- ★ ————-««
“I thought I might find you two here.”
You recognise Natasha’s voice, your best friend coming to join you and Wanda, but you don’t turn to greet her. Instead, your focus lingers on the grave before you. “It’s been a year today.”
The soft tread of boots on the soil ensures you aren’t startled when her red hair invades your vision, finally drawing your attention from the grave to the flowers Natasha sets down, and eventually to the woman herself. 
“I, um, didn’t think you’d come here, Nat,” Wanda murmurs. Her bowed head could easily be mistaken as a figment of her grief, but you notice her attempts to smooth her hair and the way her eyes follow Natasha’s every move, so when her eyes catch yours, you raise an eyebrow with a hint of a smirk. She uses her unique, all-powerful telepathic abilities to tell you to fuck off. 
If Natasha notices the silent conversation happening around her, she doesn’t comment on it. Instead, she pulls a flower out of the bouquet before rising to her feet and presenting it to Wanda, “I know what it’s like to lose a sibling, through death or…otherwise. I didn’t want you to go through it alone.”
“Thank you, Nat. Wanda and I appreciate it,” you say. Wanda stammers out an agreement and almost melts when Natasha shoots her a sympathetic smile. “You should go look for her, you know. Yelena.”
Natasha smiles, but shakes her head, “We didn’t leave things on the best terms. Besides, I’ve been on TV, I live in a very public location, and it’s been years since I took the Red Room down; if she wanted to find me, she would.”
“If Pietro were still alive, I’d do anything to be reunited with him,” Wanda says, casting a sad look at her twin’s grave before she turns back towards Natasha, “I know you’d do the same, so find her.”
“The team-”
“-are on hiatus until Tony and Steve get their egos in check. Wanda and I can handle things in your absence, so please just go look for her.”
After minutes of contemplation, Natasha decides: “I’ll tell you if I find anything.” Then she runs back to the Compound, leaving just you and Wanda at your brother’s grave.
“So…” you began, “are you going to miss your girlfriend?”
“Just because Pietro’s gone, doesn’t mean you have to take his place, idiot.”
“I’m the eldest, I had that place before the both of you were even born, thank you very much. And I don’t hear you denying Nat’s your girlfriend-”
“Shut up. She’s not! Why don’t you ask yourself that; you’re the one hanging out with her all the time. I don’t even have a chance to talk to her without you hanging around.”
“Because we’re friends, Wands, and I don’t blush the second she smiles at me.” You shrug, then point at the flower she still holds, “but if you want some space to give her flowers of your own, then you should have just asked…” Wanda scowls and you worry her next move will be to chuck you across the field with her powers, something you hope to avoid. So, after one last smirk, you hurry back to the Compound; Natasha needed teasing for the affection she’d just shown towards your sister.
You’d regret it one day, when they finally get together and learn to team up against you, but that day won’t come without your intervention so, for now, you’ll keep it up.
»»————- ★ ————-««
Unfortunately, your sister never did get to woo Natasha; she planned and plotted and schemed, but when the two actually ended up in a room together, Wanda stammered out only excuses to leave.
Then, before the two had even had another proper conversation, Natasha disappeared. She told you (and only you, much to Wanda's disappointment) that she'd found a lead on her sister, then two hours later she was gone.
"Maybe when she's back," you tell Wanda in consolation, "you'll get there one day."
But that future day stretches further and further away as Natasha's leave of absence continues to extend: from days, to weeks, to two months later, until she finally returns to the Compound.
Wanda senses it first, before the assassin even steps into the building – something to do with 'feeling telepathic energy' (sometimes you regret not joining HYDRA with the twins; it seemed awful but you would have liked cool powers). Regardless, you heard her cry of "Natasha is back!" and followed her to the door… albeit at a slower, less-crazed pace.
It means you enter the foyer just in time to see Wanda stopped in her tracks by a knife-wielding blonde. "Get that knife away from her!" you yell, even if Wanda can protect herself more than you ever can. Your skills are, luckily, not tested when a familiar face enters and forces the newcomer's hand down to their side.
"You're the guest, сестра, act like it. They're friends."
"Hey again, Wands, it's good seeing you again…"
The blonde looks between the pair, her eyes narrowing and her head tilting slightly before she looks up at you. You shrug; at least someone else sees it. Then she coughs, a clearly fake 'let's break this up' kind of cough that does its job and snaps Natasha back to the present.
"Oh, right, yes, this is my sister, Yelena. Yelena, this is Y/N, and their younger sister, Wanda."
Wanda frowns slightly at the way Natasha introduces her, until you subtly elbow her side and nod towards Yelena, encouraging her to shake the Widow's outstretched hand.
"It's nice to meet you," Yelena remarks, "I've heard a lot from Natasha already."
Both Wanda and Natasha look sheepish then, and you sigh, moving to shake Yelena's hand. She possesses a knowing smirk and looks from you to the blushing pair; this time, you confirm her suspicions with a nod.
"Pleasure to meet you, Yelena, I do hope you're staying; I'm sure we'll find plenty to talk about."
"Oh I'm sure we will."
»»————- ★ ————-««
Yelena did stay, in a move that did wonders for your sanity, though she found herself growing closer to Wanda than to you, thanks to their matching ages and your already close relationship with her sister. But that didn't deter the gossiping between you two; if anything, it encouraged it.
There were no secrets within the newly formed quartet: Wanda whines to you about her crush on Natasha, Natasha whines to Yelena about her crush on Wanda, then you and Yelena meet twice a week to laugh over the new comments your sisters had made. Not to mention the teasing between both the sibling duos and the friendship duos: you messing with Natasha, and Yelena doing the same to Wanda.
It was truly against both yours and Yelena's best efforts that neither Wanda nor Natasha had clocked each others' feelings yet – you weren't subtle about pointing it out to them.
Eventually, after a lengthy conversation with Yelena, and possibly a few too many vodka shots, the two of you decide to take the matter into your own hands. While your sisters are preoccupied planning the last minute details of their mission, you and Yelena approach Steve with a plan of your own; the biggest surprise of all being how quickly he agrees.
"Are you sure this will work?" Yelena asks.
"I've seen hundreds of shows and books where it happens, trust me."
"There's always the fall back after the mission is complete; it'll work one way or another." 
"Are you sure you're okay with this, Steve?" the man had happily interjected, but you still felt like checking, "this doesn't seem like…your kind of style…"
"Meddling in relationships? Bucky and I have been doing it since '29; and now I have experience of what happens when you wait too long. I'm all in."
"Good. Then the plan's all set?"
"All ready to go; I'll keep you two informed… if your sisters don't kill me on the way home, that is."
Yelena shrugs, "I can't guarantee that they will not."
"I'll take the risk."
»»————- ★ ————-««
You waved Steve, Natasha, and Wanda off on their mission the next day; it was supposed to be fairly risk free: they would fly out and stay in a hotel overnight, then explore an abandoned HYDRA base for leads the next day. Though there was always a risk of things going wrong, it was safe enough that your… suggested adjustments were approved and set in place without Natasha or Wanda knowing, given they were the two parties involved.
The strategy was cliché and over done, but you wanted to see it play out, booking the pair of them into a room with only one bed. Of course Steve would never dream of sharing a bed with a lady, so he'd have to take the single while they share a double, possibly even confessing their feelings in the night. You didn't actually think it would work, despite what you told Yelena, but you'll take any opportunity to mess with your sister and your best friend. 
Then there was Plan B, the backup strategy you hoped for sure would work: at the end of the mission, when the base is confirmed to be empty, the two women will enter a room that 'accidentally' shuts and locks behind them, forcing them to sit and talk until Steve comes to the rescue.
And to make things even better, you don't have to wait long to find out how it goes. The quinjet touches down the following evening; Steve is the first to walk out, with a sheepish bow of his head that tells you nothing important. But Yelena sighs, and you realise that you must have missed something. 
"You got cau-"
A hand roughly shoves Yelena back, cutting off her assumption while simultaneously proving it correct. The hand was Natasha's; you only caught a moment of their exchange before your sister did the same to you, dragging you by the ear away from your ally, Yelena, and Steve, the accomplice who got himself caught.
"This was your doing, wasn't it?" Wanda chides the moment the two of you are alone. The Sokovian accent arises with her words, as it always does when her anger is prominent, and it is only then that you contemplate whether meddling had been a good idea after all.
"You have to give more information than that," you taunt further. Why? You don't know. Winding her up is just an occasional need, a familiarity that you're sure she enjoys more than she lets on.
"The one bed? The locked room? This has you written all over it; especially when I'm stuck with Tasha."
You don't miss the slip of a new nickname, but you also decide to wait until later to comment on it. Now is the time to come clean. "Well, uh… did it work?"
A blush rises immediately to Wanda's cheeks, and you realise this list of 'things to tease her about later' is growing large enough that you'll soon need a notebook to keep on top of it. Still, you wait for Wanda to confess it herself, which she does with a shy nod.
"The one bed thing, it made us talk, we were more open than usual. Then in the locked room she was frustrating herself looking for ways to escape, I told her then, to make her take a break and just talk to me."
"Sweet little Wands making the first move! I never thought I'd see the day!"
"Shut up," she groans, though you know by the restrained smile that she doesn't mean it, "I'm still mad at you for meddling."
"It wasn't just me, you know!"
"Oh I know, Tash is scolding Yelena right now and Steve's already had it. You all better be sorry."
"We did you both a service, and do we get a thanks? Nooo, reprimanded instead," you mutter with an accompanying eye roll.
Wanda catches it and glares. "I will blast you through this wall right now-"
»»————- ★ ————-««
Despite Wanda’s words, and Natasha’s faux disappointed look when she passes you later, you know neither of them hold true resentment over the incident; the amusement of acting cross displays in their eyes and in the upturned corners of their mouths, even if they hide it in their expressions. 
It only takes a day after that for things to settle back into the old routine, with only a slight difference stemming from the dating Avengers. You and Natasha go back to training together and watching movies afterwards, while Wanda and Yelena do the same – it is only when your two activities overlap, and the flirting begins between the new couple, that you exchange one assassin for another and hurry away from the scene with Yelena.
It’s a necessary move since, as the months pass, Wanda and Natasha only grow more carefree in their expressions of affection, something which comes to a head in the common room one evening, while playing a game of truth or dare:
“Has anyone ever made you scream?”
If Tony’s question aimed to draw out stories of your childhood pranks on Wanda, then it was severely misjudged; you had spent many nights comforting your younger sister as Stark’s bombs rained down on the city, and you worry for what Wanda’s reaction will be. You prepare to defend her, but then she smiles, and you think she’s getting ready to scold him herself. Wanda glances at Natasha and the assassin smirks into her drink; it’s an odd reaction, you think, until you realise what Wanda is actually going to say:
“Nat’s made me scream; almost every ni-”
“Ah stop! Stop! Enough! I don’t need to hear about my sister like that. God.”
Yelena storms out, dragging you with her by the wrist. Since you still face the group, you take this as your opportunity to fake disappointment, shaking your head slowly at the couple. You do eventually turn and walk beside Yelena, once you’re out of sight, and follow her back to her room. The two of you take the places that have become your designated spots in times such as these, and she offers you a drink.
“So,” you begin, “how long are we staying ‘angry’ this time?”
“Hour or so? The horrified sister act takes its toll.”
“We could always stop pretending.” You say with a deadpan expression; Yelena stares back with the same, until the two of you break into laughter. 
“As if,” Yelena laughs, “how do we double down next time?”Bringing Yelena home might have been Natasha’s worst mistake. She and Wanda would never be free of your scheming.
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messedupfan · 1 year
Chapter 1
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Summary: An incident occurs in Wanda's house.
A/n: Hello!! I am back with yet another series. Listen, I have been given many oneshot requests and ugh, I always want to turn them into series. Like, Comment, and Subscribe hahaha Enjoy!
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Tommy and Billy run around the house. Billy is chasing his screaming brother with a ball he’s threatening to throw at him. It was a baseball that Tommy had thrown at Billy in anger. Billy was upset but he was used to his twin's outbursts and he wasn't going to do anything about it until Tommy started laughing at him for complaining that it hurt. And claimed he was a cry baby and that it wouldn't hurt if it hit him. That their dad wouldn't have started another family if he was better at catching a ball. So, Billy picked up the ball and demanded, “Apologize!” 
Tommy was screaming that his brother couldn't take a joke and Billy asked him to apologize. To take back the claim about their father. “Gosh you're so sensitive!” Tommy screams as he stops in front of a wall. Seeing red, Billy lunges the ball at his brother. He dodges it and the ball flies through the wall behind him. 
Wanda hears the loud noise from her home office. It snaps her out of her work daze. She was in the middle of measuring the model pieces to the blueprint she had drawn up. She drops everything and runs to find out what is happening in her house. She walks in to find her two boys yelling and blaming each other. She sees the gaping hole and a broken picture frame on the ground. It was a family portrait. 
The last one before everything in her family had fallen apart. It was taken two years ago. She was a naive woman in that image. Her husband was three years deep in an affair. Shortly after this photo, he revealed that he got his teaching assistant pregnant. That he was leaving to be there for his new family. He claimed that Wanda had been cold and distant with him since their daughter was stillborn. He said that he was a man and had needs that she couldn't meet anymore. 
Wanda sighs and the boys stand still, terrified of what she's going to do and how she's going to punish them. Instead, she walks away into the garage and returns with a sledge hammer. She swings it against the wall, creating a bigger problem. She remembers when he painted the wall the color she didn't like and made her feel guilty that she didn't like it. “You never appreciate when I do nice things for you,” he complained. “You should be grateful I did it at all.”
As she whacks the wall, she hears every complaint and condescending comment her ex-husband ever made. When she's exhausted, she drops the head of the hammer on the picture. Destroying the frame further. She turns to her flabbergasted boys and offers them the hammer. “What? You don't want a turn?” The boys remain silent and Wanda shrugs and drops the tool on the ground. “Go get cleaned up, we're getting take out for dinner tonight.” She walks through the living room, leaving her kids behind to grab her things. 
A few days later, Pietro is visiting his sister as well as giving his daughter time to bond with her cousins. He sips his beer and stares at the destroyed wall. He looks at his twin and asks what that is. Wanda pops open a bottle for herself. “I’m renovating,” she says and after, she takes a long drink. 
“You know that's not up to code, right?” He says, eyeing his sister with concern. Wanda shrugs without a care. She knows all about the proper ways of construction. Their father taught the two everything he knew about construction. She didn’t need her brother’s input. He knows that, but he didn’t know how to get his sister to open up to him. It seemed that since her marriage fell apart she has shut everyone out. “Do you have a plan for it? You can’t leave that wall like that for too long. It isn’t safe for you or the kids.”
Wanda takes another swig as she stares at the broken wall. “I’m drawing something up. Don’t worry about me, brother.” 
“I am worried about you, Wands. What’s gotten into you?” Pietro asks, desperate to connect with her. 
She looks at him with empty eyes as she shrugs again. “I wanted a change so I’m making one. It’s no big deal.” She finishes her bottle and gets up to retrieve another. There aren’t any left. She sighs as she grabs her keys. “I’m going to go pick up some more drinks, do you mind watching the kids?” 
“Wanda, I don’t think–” he stops as soon as he looks at her and sighs. “Okay, yeah, I’ll wait here. Just,” he starts and fails to come up with the right words that won’t set her off. “Be careful,” he finishes and Wanda nods once as she leaves. 
She drives around a bit longer than she needed to. There is a supermarket around the corner from where she lives. But she didn’t want to be recognized by her neighbors. She didn’t want the questions of the hole in the side of her house. She didn’t want the threats of the complaints to the HOA. She just wanted to get her beer and head home. 
Wanda finds a little liquor store at the corner of some street she isn’t familiar with. She pulls into one of the parking spaces in front of the small business. She grabs her purse and keys and locks the car on her way in. She browses the market for more than she was on a mission for. She finds a few brands she used to have handy for her ex-husband and she wants to smash them on the ground. She can see herself, dropping every bottle on the ground. The glass splattering around the store. The liquid pooling around her feet and seeping through the cracks under the shelves, making it almost impossible to clean up. She would keep going until the cops are called and she has to run away. 
“Oh, please don’t tell me you’re actually going to buy that,” you break her thoughts with a disgusted look. 
Wanda looks between you and the bottle, “What’s wrong with this?” 
“Well, if you like a very bitter taste, then by all means. I just think your tastebuds deserve better.” You pick up a brand that Wanda actually enjoyed but hardly ever got to have since Vision usually made her feel bad about ever spending money on herself. “Here, try this. I’ll buy it for you and if you hate it, you can meet me back here in a week and tell me off.”
Wanda takes the bottle in her hand, “And if I love it?”
“Hmm,” you look around the store for an idea and snap your fingers when one finally comes to mind. “You can buy me a drink,” you state in a friendly manner. There didn’t seem to be some ulterior motive or red flag about you that was alarming her at the moment. But why were you being so kind to her when she looked like a mess? Did you think she needed your help? Like she was some helpless damsel? Her thoughts start to upset her as they continue to run down a very negative path. “Your choice too,” you offer, getting a little concerned by her silence. Almost wanting to take back the offer. 
All of the loud angry thoughts come to a full stop and Wanda is left with an empty head. “Um, okay, deal. This time next week?” She asks and you nod as you reach for the bottle back. She releases it to you. Knowing that she will be buying you a drink next week.
“Yes, if that works for you,” you tiptoe a bit now. She looked like she could use a friend, you weren’t sure what she was going through at the moment but it didn’t look like she was in a good place. 
“It should be fine,” she states a little softer now. You smile at her and offer your hand to shake on the deal and she hesitates before accepting. “I still need to pick up a few things to take home. So,” she looks around the store awkwardly. “I guess I’ll get that from you outside?” 
You nod, “Yeah, for sure. I have to get a few things too. But I’ll uh, yeah, I’ll see you outside.” You walk away to allow her the privacy she was clearly asking for and you grab the beverages you came here for. Your ex-wife Jean had called you in a hurry. She was making dinner for her new in-laws tonight and she didn’t have time to pick up the wine that they liked. You told her not to worry about it and offered to bring it by when you came to retrieve your daughter. She even invited you to stay for the meal so that the older couple could spend some time bonding a bit more with the little girl. It was going to be somewhat awkward but you figured that the better connected you were with this family, the better it was for your daughter in the future. 
They were very involved parents when it came to their daughter, Jean’s new wife, so that meant they wanted to be very involved step-grandparents. You were going to have to encounter them at birthdays and special events. Is what you keep telling yourself to make you feel less awkward about going. You pay for the bottles of wine and the extra purchase and grab a pack of cigarettes while you’re at it. You light one as you wait for the stranger inside. Hoping the nicotine calms your nerves even though you know Jean is going to be upset as soon as she smells you. 
“You know those things will kill you,” Wanda says as she exits the store. She doesn’t know why she said it. There is a pack sitting in her bag as well. It had been years since she had touched a cigarette but lately, she was feeling as reckless as she was in college. Why not complete the behavior with a terrible habit? She had negotiated with herself when she saw the wall of smokes behind the counter. 
You drop the cigarette and put it out with your foot and look at her. You notice a familiar label poking out of her bag and smirk. “I’ll quit when you do,” you say as you point to the box poking out. Wanda shuffles to hide it. 
“I wasn’t going to,” she says defensively, “I have kids.” 
You tilt your head to the side as you look at her. “Then why get them?” 
“Not that it’s any of your business,” she starts and you put up your hands before she can continue as the words have snapped you in your place. 
“You’re right, my apologies. It’s not any of my business.” You hold out the bag with her bottle inside. “Here you go,” you say with a smile. “I’ll see you in a week.”
Wanda is taken aback. That line has never stopped anyone from imploring more information out of her before. How is it that you have shown her more respect in the last five minutes than her husband ever showed her in their nine years together? “Uh, yeah,” she takes the bag. “I’ll see you then.” 
“Take care…” you laugh as you realize you have no idea what her name is. “I am so sorry for my terrible manners. I'm Y/n. I guess it just felt like we'd met before."
"Oh!" Wanda hadn't even realized that she hadn't introduced herself yet either. "I'm Wanda."
“Wanda,” you repeat with a kind smile. “Well, it was enchanting to meet you, Wanda.” You offer your hand for her to shake again and she does. Feeling a little flattered by your choice of words. The two of you part ways. She blushes all the way back home to her brother and the kids. You drive to a house that was once yours to your ex-wife, daughter, and the extra family you didn’t ever think you would ever have.
Chapter 2
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @evenbeingcrazy1998 @olsensnpm @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiwritesfanfics @lizziesplant @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~2.4k
Summary: Little Nat loses something important to her
A/N: First in a series of little nat stories inspired by ideas from @rianncreates
Warnings: fluff, slight angst, cuteness 
When Natalya was born, she was surrounded by her family. You and Wanda were with her, and after a few minutes in private the rest of your family had joined you two. They’d all been excited to meet their new niece, and the tired, yet happy parents carefully handed her off for one-on-one time with her aunts and uncles. They’d all bought gifts for her, and you watched happily as Wanda accepted them on Little Nat’s behalf once you were all back at your house the next day. You were still exhausted, but seeing your friends with such unfamiliar excitement was like adrenaline to you. You smile widely as Pietro presents his sister with a gift that he’d certainly had for some time. It was the only way he’d could have gotten it personalized like this.
“See, sestra? Isn’t it great?”
In a very on brand decision, Pietro had gotten his niece a onesie that said ‘My favorite Maximoff’ and beneath it is an outline of Pietro’s profile. You found it hilarious and luckily your wife was too tired to be anything but amused by it. She claimed that Natalya would never wear it, but only an hour later once she’d fallen asleep, Pietro is changing Natalya.
Bucky and Steve brought her a ridiculously soft blanket and matching pillow that you immediately want to steal from her. Instead, you let them wrap Natalya in the blanket and put her pillow on the shelf of her nursery until she’s old enough to have it in her crib.
Lastly, Yelena and Nat got your daughter a large green sea turtle toy that was almost larger than she was. It was Yelena’s idea of a gag gift since Natalya wouldn’t be able to play with this for a while, but you loved it. Turtles were one of your favorite animals, and you definitely already have Yertle the Turtle on the bookshelf in the nursery. You hug all of your friends with a grateful smile before Wanda does the same. You know that Natalya is going to treasure all of these gifts when she’s older and better able to associate them with her family.
You should have guessed which one she’d like the most.
When she was old enough to have things in her crib, you’d put the pillow, blanket and stuffed turtle with her. She’d cuddle up at night under the blanket with her turtle clutched in her arms. You found it adorable and took many, many pictures of your daughter sleeping soundly with her gifts. You sent pictures to your friends more often than not to show them how cute your daughter was.
As soon as she was able, she’d drag the huge turtle around with her everywhere she went. The first time one of the dogs grabbed it she’d cried so loudly Wanda dropped the entire pan of brownies she’d baked. She’d had to rush back and clean them up once she confirmed that Natalya wasn’t hurt, but she watched her daughter try and steal her toy back for a few seconds before you helped her out.
The dogs weren’t the only ones she didn’t want touching her toy. If you or Wanda grabbed it for her, Natalya would start to whimper and tear up. It was a little concerning how possessive she was of it, but luckily she got better as she got older.
When Natalya was nearly 2 years old, she was still bringing her turtle, who she’d dubbed Winston, to every meal. He sat in her lap as she ate and she sometimes pretended to feed him from her plate. You found it adorable until one day when Little Nat was eating ice cream, and she dunked Winston’s head in it. You’d had to clean him and you’d feared that she would be upset, but luckily, she was too preoccupied eating her ice cream to care. You smile at the sight of her humming happily and you nearly curse as you drop the turtle in the sink when you turn the water on too high.
“Oh snap!”
When Wanda wakes up from her nap, she finds you and Natalya sitting in the living room on the couch together. You’re both asleep as a Disney movie plays, and Nat is snuggled up into your side as she holds her turtle Winston under one arm. She has her thumb in her mouth and Wanda is quick to take a picture and send it to Natasha and Yelena. They’re very glad, even if a little surprised that Nat loves her turtle so much.
One Sunday morning, you and Wanda are trying to spend an extra few minutes in bed before starting your day, but the sound of crying down the hall makes you race to your daughter’s room.
“Natalya? What’s wrong?”
Wanda’s right on your heels as you push the door open and hurry into your daughter’s bedroom. You find her sitting on her bed with toys and most of her comforter thrown on the ground as she looks around tearfully. Wanda frowns at the mess but she doesn’t get to comment on it before Nat’s trying to speak through loud sobs.
You look around in confusion before you realize that the turtle is nowhere in sight. Wanda’s already starting to search through all of the toys on the floor to make sure they’re not missing anything. She looks under the bed and you focus on Little Nat as you try to get her to calm down a little.
You sit down carefully before you hold out your arms to wave the brunette toward you. She doesn’t hesitate to crawl into your lap, and you hold her close with a smile as you run your fingers through her hair.
“It’s okay, Little Nat we’ll find him. Do you remember when you last had him?”
After Wanda’s given up looking for him in here, she sits down next to you to listen to Natalya’s answer. Rogue has wandered into the room at this point and he was sniffing around as Natalya rubbed at her eyes.
“I-in bed.”
You frown slightly but figure that she means right before falling asleep. You’re sure of this because you had been tucking Winston and Nat in for over a year.
“He was here when you went to sleep?”
Natalya nods against your chest before you look to Wanda with a frown.  You’re not sure where he could have gone, but you let Nat sit on the bed watching nervously as you and Wanda search her entire room. You look back toward her after about ten minutes of searching only to see that Rogue is now sitting on her bed.
“Rogue, no. Down.”
He whines before doing as he’s told and heading for the door to try his luck elsewhere. Surprisingly Natalya jumps up and runs after him with a distressed cry that makes Wanda stick her head out of the closet. Her hair’s a mess and she’s getting frustrated by their failure to find a rather large toy.
You follow after her quickly before she can head for the stairs, and Wanda finishes straightening up the mess you both had left before continuing the search.
“Natalya, wait.”
Nat had grabbed Rogue’s tail to stop him in his tracks, and the shepherd had just turned around to lick her when you stepped out of the room. You reach down to pick up your daughter as you consider where her turtle could be. Did she take it to the bathroom last night right before going to bed? You turn around to check and you’re disappointed when you confirm your suspicions. You bounce the sniffling brunette as you head downstairs and try to formulate a plan.
“We’ll keep looking for Winston, but do you want some breakfast first? Maybe some cereal?”
Usually, Natalya would begin to bounce in excitement and sometimes even clap at the suggestion of food. Especially her favorite snack food. This time she just pouts before shaking her head and turning her face so she’s hidden in your hair.
“Not hungry.”
You and Wanda both realize this is a bad sign and you turn to your wife with a frown. What were you going to do?
In the end you continue to look around the house for Natalya’s turtle while Wanda cooks breakfast and gets the coffee started. She also feeds the dogs and lets them out before you return twenty minutes later from the den with a crying toddler.
“I’m going to keep looking, Wands. Little Nat, stay here with Mama and eat, okay?”
Natalya wants to argue, but she’s getting hungrier and the smell of her favorite is weakening her resolve. She lets you set her down in a chair at the table, the pillow beneath her lifting her up enough to reach the plate that Wanda sets in front of her. She sits down with a cup of coffee before handing you one that is mostly milk. You shoot her an appreciative smile before kissing the top of your daughter’s head with a sigh.
“I’ll find him, Nat. I promise.”
Two hours later you’ve looked everywhere possible for Winston, but he’s nowhere to be found. He’s not on the third floor in Fletcher’s corner of stolen toys, and he’s not in any of the guest rooms, your room, Nat’s or any of the bathrooms. You even ventured downstairs into the basement, and when you emerged twenty minutes later you were sweaty and covered in spiderwebs.
“I have no idea where he is, Wands.”
You practically fall onto the couch beside Wanda as you sigh in defeat. This is bad and you realize that short of finding another identical toy, Natalya isn’t going to be happy. Wanda frowns as she turns to see that you look exhausted and stressed. You had hoped that she’d just left it somewhere obvious, maybe on the couch, or that it had fallen under the kitchen table, but no such luck. You groan quietly as you close your eyes at the feeling of Wanda’s patting your leg with a reassuring look that you completely miss.
“It will turn up, Y/n.”
You don’t argue despite feeling like you’re never going to see Winston again because you’re too tired. You’re glad that Natalya is taking a nap because you don’t know how you’re going to break this news to her. You hear the low murmurs from the television, and the sound of a dog snoring nearby. You sigh as you lean against your wife and try to relax for a minute or two.
“I hope so.”
You stifle a yawn and resist the urge to snuggle closer to Wanda out of fear of disturbing the brunette at her other side. You’re almost asleep when you hear a dog shake suddenly and you jump before opening your bleary eyes with a frown. Boone is standing up and stretching as he looks around the room. When his gaze lands on you he comes over to say hello and you just smile before holding out your hand.
“Hey buddy. How was your nap?”
He just yawns before pawing at your leg with big, sad eyes. He obviously wants to get up on the couch, but there’s no blanket nearby and you’re not about to get up. You shake your head and he just whines before you scratch his head.
“No, Boone. You can’t get up here. You know what you can do though? Find Mr. Winston for your sister.”
Boone just huffs before he heads back to where his brother is still napping. You think he’s just going to lie down and pout, but instead he goes to the back door and starts to whine again. You check your watch and see that it’s not time to go out yet, but the fact that Rogue seems interested by the prospect of a walk, you have a feeling you’ll be getting up sooner than you wanted.
“I can walk them, detka.”
You turn to Wanda before shaking your head when you notice that Natalya is still curled into your wife’s side. Any movement from her will likely wake her up, and despite it needing to happen at some point, you wanted to let your daughter sleep while you figured out what to tell her.
“It’s okay, I’ll make it fast.”
Wanda just smiles and accepts a quick kiss before you let the dogs outside. You follow them and hurry to sit down on the stairs with a heavy sigh. You’re exhausted and it’s barely noon. You stifle a yawn as you look over to see Rogue is sniffing his favorite tree, but Boone is nowhere in sight. You frown before looking around for him only to come up empty.
“Boone? Where’d you go, bud?”
You stand up and start to walk around the side of the house to search for him, but you spot a familiar tail sticking out from under the deck. You frown slightly before you stop in your tracks and put your hands on your hips.
“Boone! What are you doing under there? Come on-.”
You trail off as Boone emerges from underneath the depths of the deck with a familiar green toy in his mouth. Your mouth is hanging open in shock, and you stare at your dog as he just wags his tail and brings Winston to you. He’s a little dirty, but you can’t even think about that right now. Your main concern is why Boone had taken Winston and put him under the deck of all places. You’re still speechless as Boone pushes the toy into your stomach with a grumble. You don’t take it immediately because you’re trying to push down your annoyance at having searched the entire house for this toy that your dog had taken and hidden for some reason.
“Oh my god!”
Wanda’s surprised to hear you shout while you’re outside, and she’s considering going to check on you when the dogs appear at the door. They hurry inside, but she’s more focused on you and your disgruntled expression.
You cut Wanda off as you hold up the stuffed animal that you’ve been searching for all morning. She shoots the dogs an incredulous look before you step inside and shut the door behind you slowly. You open your mouth to speak, but you glance to Natalya and change your mind last minute.
“I don’t even...”
Little Nat Adventures
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 months
Do you think Marvel should ever try to do anything with the twins, deceased cousins/adopted siblings Ana and Mateo, Weren't they also described to having some kind of powers, maybe being Mutants themselves
I assume that you're talking about this scene from Avengers #182--
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Django is recounting a memory of Wanda and Pietro's childhood, however, he is mentally unwell during this scene, and repeatedly confuses the twins with Ana and Mateo, seemingly conflating both sets of twins in his mind. It's not stated outright, but the implication is that Ana and Mateo died very young, probably as infants, and theres's no mention of them ever having powers or other supernatural qualities.
It's highly unlikely, although not impossible, that Ana and Mateo were mutants. There are no other known mutants in the (biological) Maximoff family-- Wanda and Pietro were always thought to have inherited the x-gene from Magneto. In the present day, Wanda and Pietro are not considered mutants at all, so I feel like it would be weird and kinda pointless to retroactively make their dead cousins mutants instead, especially since they died so young. The Maximoffs are part of a magical lineage-- Django and his sister Natalya both had mystical powers. Wanda, and possibly Pietro, inherited magical gifts from Natalya, so it's quite possible that Django might have passed them on to his kids, too.
Anyways, no, I don't expect these characters to ever come back as anything other than a very sad part of Wanda and Pietro's backstory. I would definitely like to learn more about the Maximoff family, especially now that we know Marya's alive, and I imagine that Ana and Mateo would come up in the process. It might be nice to know how they died, but I think it's important for some of these characters to remain.... mundane, as it were. Stories like those of the Maximoffs and the von Dooms represent real parts of Romani history and convey a semi-realistic portrait of the systematic oppression and violence that marginalized Roma still experience in Europe today. If all of these characters become fantastical beings whose lives, and deaths, are governed by magic and superpowers, we lose some of that crucial representation. I feel similarly about Magda.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
Stare into the Endless
Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
Request - I had a request. A Wanda Maximoff x male reader except the reader is like Cole McGrath from the infamous series. A bit angst because infamous is kind of dark but it ends with them getting together and living out in her cabin by the end.
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When you started to date Wanda and her brother Pietro didn't like it. You and Pietro don't get along at all but she wanted you to get along. Pietro wants you to stop dating Wanda and leave her alone. Pietro asked Maria Hill to do a background check on you and she did it. He got a lot of information about you and he went to show it to his sister.
“Wanda, you have to break up with him,” Pietro said.
“Pietro I told you, I love him,” Wanda said.
“What do you know about love? Look, Y/n is not the guy you think he is. He is a liar and... Look just read this, okay” Pietro said.
He hands over the files to her. Wanda starts to read it, she is in shock. There is a lot she didn't know about you and she feels hurt.
You went to Wanda’s apartment to spend with her. But she isn't happy to see you and she starts to yell at you.
“What are you talking about?” You said.
“I’m talking about this!” Wanda yelled.
She gave you the files and you see why she is angry.
“I can explain. I had to lie” You said.
“Why, lie to me!?” Wanda asked.
“I had to! Because if I told you the truth I thought you would hate me and I didn't want you to hate me” You said.
“You lied about everything! I don't even know if you're telling the truth right now” Wanda said.
“You two should break up for good,” Pietro said.
“Shut up! I'm not talking to you” You said to him.
“You shut up,” Pietro said then he pushed you.
“That’s it!” You yelled at him.
You have powers and your hands start to glow because of the electricity. You punched Pietro in the face and he almost fell. Now Pietro starts use speed then Pietro punched you in the stomach. You are breathing hard and you are feeling angry, you were going to use your powers but Wanda used her powers to stop you and Pietro.
“Enough!” Wanda yelled.
Wanda used her powers to freeze you and Pietro.
“He started!” You and Pietro said at the same time.
“Stop fighting or else!” Wanda yelled.
“Okay, I won't fight him,” you said and glared at him.
“Fine,” Pietro said.
You and Pietro can now move freely.
“Y/n, I think we should break up,” Wanda said.
“What!? You can't be serious. Wanda, my love for you has always been real, I only lied about my past because I didn't want to lose you” You said.
“I can't do this right now. I don't know if I can trust you. I told you before we started to date, I didn't want to lie too” Wanda said.
“Wanda, don't do this. We can work this out” You said.
“You should leave, Y/n,” Wanda said.
You felt your heart be broken into tiny little prices. Wanda is feeling hurt and her eyes are watery and you sighed.
“Fine, I will leave. But I truly did love you” You said.
“Just leave,” Pietro said.
You leave her apartment and you hold back your tears. Wanda went to her bedroom and starts to cry.
You haven't spoken to Wanda since the breakup. You hesitated to call or text her and you don't know what to do. You have been feeling sad and heartbroken, and you keep wondering if Wanda is still in love with you. You are keeping four distance from her but you hope she will give you a chance to explain. Your friend told you to take a trip with him and just have fun instead of being in your bedroom all day and night. You said yes and you left the city with him.
Wanda is still feeling sad about what happened. Pietro would try to convince her to go out and date again but she keeps saying no. Wanda would be in her bedroom all day and night and won't talk to Pietro or Natasha. Pietro thought Natasha could convince Wanda to date someone else, but that didn't happen.
“How about we go out to eat?” Pietro asked.
“I told you I'm not going to date, anyone else,” Wanda said.
“I don't get what you see in him. He wasn't good enough for you” Pietro said.
“I am mad that he lied about his past. But he really made me happy, he would make sure I would eat something. He would ask how my day was and he would send me funny pictures on my phone just to make me laugh. Y/n made me feel special and I never felt that before with anyone else,” Wanda said.
“You really felt like that with him?” Pietro asked.
“Yes, I really felt like that with him. I'm still in love with him” Wanda said.
“I don't think she would lie about that,” Natasha said.
“I’m sorry, Wanda. I really thought he was just a terrible person that didn't deserve you. I didn't see how truly he cared for you” Pietro said.
“It doesn't matter, anymore. I think he moved on with someone else” Wanda said.
“He told you that he moved on?” Natasha asked.
“I called him but a woman picked up and I just hung up. I didn't bother to ask who she was” Wanda said sadly.
Pietro hugged his sister.
✬ ✫ ✬ ✯
You and Wanda haven't spoken to each other for almost three months. You mainly wanted to give Wanda space, but you did send her a text but she didn't reply back. You were getting something to eat then Pietro used his powers, to grab you and take you to The Avengers Compound.
“What the hell!?” You yelled.
You had to sit down because everything felt out of place.
“I’m sorry,” Pietro said.
“Sorry for what?” You asked.
“I’m sorry, I was the cause of you and Wanda breaking up. I'm very protective of my sister and I didn't see that you actually made her happy. Wanda hasn't moved on because she is in love with you” Pietro said.
“I’m surprised you are apologizing to me. I thought she moved on” You said.
“I didn't move on, I thought you did,” Wanda said.
You turned around and Wanda stands in front of you and Pietro.
“Why did you lie?” Wanda asked.
“Because I'm ashamed of my past and I did some bad stuff. I thought if I told you then you would look at me differently. I had to move away because other people still think I'm no good. When I met you, I thought it was a good idea to lie about my past” You said.
“I wish you would have told me then I would make up my mind if I wanted to see you or not. Y/n, I didn't like that you lied to me” Wanda said.
“It won't happen again, I won't lie to you,” You said.
“I did see the text you sent me, but I didn't know how to reply back,” Wanda said.
“I understand. Do you want to make it work again?” You said.
“Who was that woman who picked up your phone? I called you a while back” Wanda said.
“That was my cousin, I went to visit her. She picked up my phone because I asked her to, but I was busy at the time” You said.
“I thought she was your new girlfriend,” Wanda said.
“I'm not dating new. I have been single since you broke up with me” You said.
“I do want to make it work,” Wanda said.
“Really?” You said in shock.
“I mean it” Wanda smiled.
“What about your brother?” You asked.
“I promise, I won't be the problem anymore. Whatever goes on is between you and her. But hurt then I will fight you” Pietro said.
“I won't hurt her again,” You said.
Pietro left now it's just you two alone.
“Wanda, when I left my old home I made some enemies. There's a reason why I don't have social media and if I do it would be under a fake name” You said.
Wanda gently grabbed your hands.
“Whoever comes after you, I won't leave your side and we will fight them together” Wanda said.
She wrapped her arms around you then you hugged her back.
You are staying with your girlfriend in a cabin. Nobody knows about the cabin not even Pietro and he is on good terms with you. You like waking up next to Wanda and she loves to cuddle.
You lie in bed and Wanda is on her side with her arm on your chest. She gently touched your cheek and she is smiling at you.
“I like being here with you,” You said.
“Me too. I like being away from the city” Wanda said.
She leans in and starts to kiss you. Later, you and Wanda get out of bed and went to cook breakfast together. Wanda kissed you on the lips then she sat down with you.
Later, you and Wanda head to the lake. You and Wanda run towards the water and jumped in. You and Wanda are having fun and can't stop smiling at each other.
“This feels so good,” you said.
“I didn't expect the water to be this cold,” Wanda said.
“I like it,” You said.
You and Wanda stayed in the water for a little while. Then got out of the water, and you and Wanda lie on the towels and she is holding your hand.
“I don't want to have fish for dinner,” Wanda said.
“We can have something else,” You said.
You and Wanda start to talk about what to have for dinner.
It's nighttime, you are putting more wood in the fireplace. Wanda is setting up the table and you walked toward her. You wrapped your arms around her waist and you start to kiss her. After dinner, you and Wanda sit on the porch and look at the stars.
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zipperrants · 6 months
fun little stories from my mcu dr because I have only felt motivated to go there here recently.
So to preface this I need to kinda explain things according to our living situation. We can choose to live at the tower or somewhere else and its perfectly fine you just gotta have someone check up on you every now and then as well as show up at the tower for important meetings. Well at the moment I am living in my own apartment because I go from living at the tower to living on my own on a regular basis. The person who decided to come check up on me was Pietro this time and he just decided to stay over and watch movies while I worked on my reports for Fury. Pietro ended up falling asleep and I was like whatever and left him there on my couch. I should mention I got another cat because my sister (Morgan not Zenna) found this long haired tabby cat who she wanted to keep but we found out that she is allergic to cats (Through Walter,yes thats his name.Morgan picked it out I would have went with Walthazar or something) well the thing about my apartment is I have things where the cats can get really high up since they like to be tall and one of them is behind the couch. Well at 3am I am still wide awake working on my reports when suddenly and without warning (If you get the refrence congrats) Walter decided to yeet his 15lbs body onto the couch instead of going down the stair thing I have for them. But the thing is Walter didnt land on the couch, rather Pietros family jewels which woke him up screaming in pain while I couldn't help it I was rolling fucking laughing. Pietro was screaming that it wasn't funny but it was I couldn't help but laugh. Anyways thats how Pietro decided never to stay at my apartment again
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raleighcarreras · 2 years
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Part 2: the city broke my heart
Pairing(s): wanda maximoff x black!fem!reader
Rating: M (language)
Wrd Cnt: 1k
Warning(s): none
Part(s): 1
Notes: The song is HAZE by 5SOS, someone asked to be tagged and I probably should have responded directly to them, but just letting you guys know, I don't do tag lists because I find them a bit clunky. Sorry about that!
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Got me feelin' alright when the feeling's all gone. Got me feelin' uptight every moment you're gone. Got a piece of your mind and I'm gonna hold on. It's a hell of a ride...lovin' you.
Wanda's eyes rolled at the sound of your phone dinging with another Tinder, Hinge, and/or, Bumble notification.
She of course agreed to help you out on this frivolous journey, but that didn't mean she had to pretend to enjoy every second of it.
Especially, when you guys were supposed to be having your once a week roomie time.
You had only made those profiles 2 hours beforehand and you already had like 40 matches on each app.
Wanda knew you were desirable, she had told you as much, but damn, there was not a doubt in her head that this wouldn't make your ego borderline unbearable.
With your head in her lap, Wanda could feel you staring up at her to see if she had noticed the dinging as well.
The two of you were supposed to be paying attention to the cheesy little Christmas movie Under The Christmas Tree that Wanda had found on Hulu.
Instead, you were watching each other.
She paused the movie, "Check your phone."
You shrieked in happiness and scrambled for your phone that was seconds away from buzzing right off the table.
You sat up so the both of you had a good view of your phone screen.
"What!? You haven't even read his bio yet, Wanda."
Wanda shrugged, "I don't need to, I can see his face. And his face says 'Hello, I am a loser and my bio will only prove that fact'."
You grumbled something unintelligible. Peaking at his bio, did only enhance the fact that he was indeed a loser, but Wanda didn't need to know that.
You tried to reject his like as subtly as possible. But, Wanda, ever vigilant, snickered under her breath.
"Told you."
"Yeah, yeah. Okay, how about her? She's hot, and we have a lot in common."
Wanda eyed the profile with scrutiny, "Uh-Y/N?"
"She looks like me."
You frowned and eyed the various pictures of the woman, "...No, she doesn't."
"Yes she does. Wait a minute. That is me!" Wanda grabbed the phone from your hand with a horrified huff.
"I've never seen these pictures of you before." You said slightly concerned.
"That's because they're from when I still lived in Sokovia...PIETRO!"
You grabbed your phone from her when she went to pick her own up. Undoubtedly, about to make a very heated phone call to her twin brother.
You squinted at the pictures again, sneakily saving a couple, "You should dye your head red again."
Wanda seemed to barely hear you as she angrily waited for Pietro to answer the phone.
When he did, Wanda immediately started speaking in Sokovian. You could hear him howling with laughter through the receiver.
"Why are you catfishing people as me, you little shit?"
Pietro hummed, "I'm not catfishing people as you, I was catfishing Y/N as you. She is not random people, she is our Y/N. There's a difference."
Wanda rolled her eyes, you only shrugged with a smile, starting to see the humor in the situation as well.
"This isn't funny."
"It is sorta funny, Wands."
"No, it isn't."
Wanda could practically hear Pietro's smirk through the phone when he spoke, "Yes, it is, Wands.
"You two are insufferable."
"I wasn't going to start an entire relationship like on that show. Once we matched I was just going to say 'it is me your best friend Pietro and my sister lik-'" Wanda hung up the phone, her cheeks tinged pink.
"Ha. Such a jokester, that one..."
"He just likes the attention. You know that."
Wanda only nodded along absentmindedly.
You continued to scroll and swipe on your phone.
Eventually, you put the phone down and gestured for Wanda to unpause the movie.
"When's your next shift at the bar?" You asked suddenly.
Wanda smiled, "I own the place. I don't have shifts."
"Well, when are you going in?"
"Hmm, probably around 7 tomorrow night. Why do you ask?"
"No, reason. I was just wondering."
Wanda didn't believe you, but didn't say anything otherwise. If only because the movie was starting to get exceptionally corny and good.
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Wanda found out why you. asked her schedule at exactly 7 pm the next evening.
You walked in, taking your coveted spot at the bar counter. Though, you were dressed far less casually then you were when you normally came in.
"What are you doing here?" Wanda asked, sliding you your go to vodka cranberry as if it was second nature.
Then, a hand placed itself softly on your shoulder, "Are you Y/N?"
Why would you touch someone without being sure of who they were first? Wanda followed the offending appendage all the way up to its owner's smug face. She knew that stupid, dumb face anywhere.
"Maria Hill." Wanda muttered with as much disdain as she could muster under her breath.
You stood, with a friendly smile, "That's me. Nice to meet you, Maria."
Maria leaned in for a hug.
Wanda's eye twitched. Maria was going to be charged extra for all of your drinks now.
You expertly dodged it with a handshake instead.
Wanda smiled. Your drinks were free again like they always were.
Maria ordered then excused herself to the restroom breifly.
You and Wanda both turned to each other in unison.
"Why didn't you tell me you had a date here?"
You bit your lip. Wanda wanted that to stop immediately.
"Because I knew you would say 'No' and I need your help to gauge if she's normal or not. You said yourself I tend to pick losers."
Wanda very much regretted saying that.
"She's not normal. I hate her."
You frowned in palpable disappointment, "Why?"
Wanda didn't have a very good answer. Or at least not one that she was ready to give away yet. Part of the reason she disliked Maria was because the woman was sort of like her business rival of sorts.
Maria owned the flower shop across the street and because the both of their establishment's names started with the same letter it meant they often fought for space at the local flea market where Wanda gave away samples.
Maria always got the better, bigger space. And it was mostly because Wanda couldn't wake up earlier than 8am no matter how hard she tried. But that was beside the point.
The other part of the reason Wanda hated Maria was because Maria apparently liked you.
Wanda gaped a few more seconds before answering, "Because um she owns a flower shop and she didn't bring you any flowers."
"Oh." You said quietly. You had noticed that too, "But it's just drinks. Barely a first date or anything."
Wanda shook her head, "You deserve flowers no matter the occasion."
"Thank you, Wanda." You said softly. A slight heat to your cheeks, that wasn't really noticeable.
Maria sat back down next to you, "Sorry about that. I came straight from the shop and wanted to make sure there weren't any thorns hiding anywhere."
"I understand."
Wanda handed Maria her drink. The most expensive bottle of scotch Wanda owned. Not only did she wake up at ungodly hours of the morning, she was also...rich...or something. And she had a stupid face!
Wanda moved to the other side of the bar so she didn't have to deal with that. Checking occasionally to make sure you didn't need saving.
After what felt like hours, Maria finally vacated the premises and you stayed in your seat. Scrolling through your phone.
"How'd it go?"
You shrugged, "Alright, I guess. But I couldn't stop thinking about what you said."
Wanda grimaced, "I didn't mean to-"
"No, it's okay, you were right. She talked about herself the whole time. And she didn't get all the dirt from under he nails. She also said your scotch was bad."
Wanda gasped, "That bitch!"
You laughed loudly, "Yeah, safe to say I will not be seeing her again."
Wanda resisted the urge to celebrate.
"So, does that mean you're done with this whole scheme then?"
You looked and Wanda and laughed again, "After one bad date? Of course not. I've already got another one for tomorrow."
"Yeah, see you here again tommorow, Hot Stuff."
Wanda could only stand there with her mouth agape.
She was starting to think that Natasha and Sam were right.
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girl-next-door-writes · 9 months
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The stunningly wonderful @kjs-s​ made this gif for me, and I LOVE IT!
Clint Barton's sarcastic comment echoed through the room, and though his intent was humour, it struck a nerve within you. Pietro Maximoff stood nearby, seemingly unaffected, but you just couldn't let it slide.
"Clint, do you ever think before you speak?" you snapped, surprising even yourself with the intensity of your defence.
Pietro, leaning casually against the wall, raised an eyebrow in amusement as he observed the scene, glancing at his sister.
"What?" Clint asked, clearly confused by the outburst.
Your eyes narrowed. "You’re always getting on at him. I mean, I know he can be a cocky shit at times, but he’s just trying to find his place in this team and you being a dick is not fair or helpful.”
Barton looked from you to Pietro, trying to figure out if you were messing with him. “It- it was a joke.” 
“Jokes should be funny, Barton. Making fun of his speed is just... it’s just... pathetic. He's saved our lives countless times, and all you can do is make snide remarks." You shot back, glaring at him. 
Pietro popped a piece of chocolate into him mouth as he continued to watch the exchange, confused but a little bit pleased by your protective outburst.
“You’re going to step in before any actual punches are thrown, right?” Wanda asked her brother softly with a smirk. 
“I don’t know, it’s kinda hot.” He grinned, his eyes running over you appreciatively.
"You should appreciate what he brings to the team instead of making stupid comments," you continued your tirade at Barton, your cheeks flushed with frustration.
Clint, held up his hands in surrender, trying not to smirk. "Alright, alright. I get it. No more Speedy jokes."
"Thanks for having my back there, sweetheart." Pietro said, his accent adding a playful tone, especially when combined with his grin. 
You felt your face heat, suddenly aware of the spotlight on you. "No problem. Now, if you’ll all excuse me, I’m gonna go make sure Stark hasn’t recorded all that for future blackmail purposes."
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Family Is What You Make It
Part 1 Previous Next
Pietro was tired, he had been tired for a long time. He didn't know why Wanda agreed to go with this man or why she seemed to trust him, but Pietro was too weak to argue. The doctors had decided that he was to be on a strict diet for a while, in other words, see how long it took him to starve to death. Pietro and Wanda were already malnourished, but now Pietro couldn't run. While feeling like his stomach was going to eat itself was a truly sucky feeling, knowing that it wasn't happening to his sister made it all worthwhile for Pietro. If there was one thing you should know about Pietro, it's that he would do anything so that his sister suffered through less pain than needed. On more than one occasion, Pietro had let and win their duels so that she wouldn't have to go through the torture session that happens to the loser. Pietro didn't think that the man meant to hurt them, but one could never be too sure. 
Pietro looked over to his sister's sleeping figure in the chair next to him. How can she sleep in the presence of a stranger, thought Pietro. Then again, Wanda has always been able to block out whatever she felt unnecessary. Pietro, however, couldn't stop thinking about the man.
Why was he helping them?
What was he doing at the Hydra base in the first place?
Where was he taking them?
Who was he?
When would he kill them?
There were no answers to these questions, well none that Pietro had. There were so many people out to get mutants, that it wouldn't be far-fetched to think that they were going from one hell to another. Pietro laughed at his own misfortune, just his luck to finally escape Hydra only to be killed by another mutant. Pietro thought about all the different ways that this metal-bending mutant could kill them off, shrapnel to the lung, choking them out with a necklace, curling metal around them and throwing them into the ocean, etc. In moments like these Pietro hated his overactive imagination. Sometimes he wished that he could be like Wanda (dissociate and then deny the situation until it works itself out).
Pietro sighed, what was he going to do if the man actually was trying to help them? Pietro and Wanda had no more living family left, very little education, and no documents. Pietro wasn't even sure what his age was, one tends to lose track of time while in captivity. Even if this man, Erik, really was trying to help them there was no way that he could. Of course, there was nowhere else that Pietro could run with his sister. The police would most likely deport them back to Sokovia, and into the hands of Hydra. Also, how would Pietro describe his interaction with Erik to the authorities? Was it kidnapping or liberation? 
Thinking this much was giving Pietro a bit of a headache. He hoped that Erik would give them food once they landed. Then again, how much food could Pietro's stomach handle without eating for a month? Pietro looked over and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He looked one hundred instead of... whatever age he was. Pietro thinks that the lines and silver hair makes him appear this way. He looked down at his sister, without much hair they looked almost identical. He knew that they had many different features, but they had the same nose, skin tone, freckles, and face. Where it counted they looked alike, he hated the reasons why he could see such a resemblance.
Wanda started to stir, Pietro reached out a hand and patted her back. She asked how long she was out for, and Pietro answered one hour (a blatant lie). Wanda nodded and said, "ложиться спать."***** Pietro didn't want to argue with her so he put his head against the seat and closed his eyes. He didn't know if it was a good thing that his sister had him wrapped around her finger. For some people maybe not, but Pietro didn't mind doing most things Wanda told him (she was often right anyway). As Pietro started to drift into the realm of sleep he could feel Wanda's head on his shoulder. In response, Pietro wrapped an arm around her. Nothing would happen to her again as long as he was there, he swore to himself. In a few moments, the twins were dead to the waking world around them.
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fasterthanmydemons · 1 year
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(MORE DRAMA FOR THE IKAU) pietro, before you rush into a relationship with carter after two conversations in this verse as well, there are some things you just need to know, don’t you think? in a verse similar to this one, where carter is still iron man, you die… because she lets you. yup. I know. do you believe for a second that she loves you when she literally withdraws a salvation from you and your sister? my guy, you died because carter decided so herself. screw what wanda has to say, right? it’s not like she’s your twin sister or anything. carter’s the center of the universe, always. besides… she already told someone she loved him before and it was a lie. quentin beck, an idiot, a jerk, fuck him, pretty face ugly heart, he sucks, but she still lied about loving him. if she can look at someone in the eye and lie about loving them, then carter’s not someone you can trust. she’s lying to you too. it is known she’s a compulsive liar and relationships are all about trust. and again… she would let you die in a heartbeat. just saying.
((ADDING THE DISCLAIMER HERE TOO - I do like Carter but I also like DRAMAAAAA))
{Just to clarify, I’m​ writing this as if he’s only told what is written in the ask, not as if he’s read the post, because a lot of that is inside Carter’s head, heh.}
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This… was a lot for Pietro to take in. He was quiet for a long time after reading it, his usual high energy rather sedate instead. His eyes moved around, not really focusing on anything as he mulled over all of this wholly unwanted information. Finally, he tried to answer as objectively as possible.
“Well… I don’t know how you even know all of this, but… there is lot of problems with what you say, I think. First… Carter isn’t a doctor, so how would she save me anyway, I mean… is no really up to her. But I guess if it was, the only way she knows how to save somebody is with a reactor, right? Like what she has? Listen, I wouldn’t want that,” Pietro said flatly. He shrugged and stared, as if it was as simple as that and there was nothing more to say. “That is not a life for me. Look at how terrible it’s made things for Carter. She gets short of breath and has all these heart issues… Am not saying she enjoys that or that life is a breeze for her with it, because it definitely isn’t, but for me? My whole life is being able to run and exercise and get my hear pumping. Would I be able to do that anymore without overloading something or causing side effects for myself?”
“And also… how would it work with my body? With my fast metabolism? What if it can’t work? What if I suffer? That wouldn’t be good for me or for Wanda or for Carter. Like, I honestly get why maybe Carter thinks it wouldn’t work. Or that nobody should be cursed with that. Is kindof like playing god little bit, and maybe she doesn’t want to do that. Which is second point… of Carter not being the best person to make those kinds of decisions. Am not saying she’s stupid or incapable or anything like that, but she has lot of things to deal with herself, and some of those things have been very hard and damaging to her. I don’t think is right to ask someone whose mental health is not good to save someone’s life with scary technology or not. That’s a bit much for her, don’t you think?”
“But,” Pietro lifted a finger in the air, “I will say that I am disappointed if she would not ask Wanda first. She should. Maybe I don’t want to live like that, but I would do for Wanda if she wanted. Is not entirely up to me. So Carter should definitely ask Wanda what she wants.”
He shifted where he sat and sighed. “As far as you thinking Carter is a liar for saying she loved Quentin… look. Love is weird, and so is mental heath. When you are abused, you can think lot of things that aren’t true, you can have your perspective and your truth all messed up by the abuser. People can also fall out of love, or be more in love at one time than another, or mistake other things like attachment and dependency for love. Is not until you find the real thing that you know for sure hat the other wasn’t right. I really think is unfair of you to call Carter a liar when she is doing the best she can. Maybe she did love Quentin and now she doesn’t because of what he did to her. Maybe she thought she did, but now that she’s away from him, she sees little bit clearer and realized nope, that wasn’t love. Also, you don’t know her and her life, you’re not living it. So maybe give her little bit of slack, yeah?”
“Also also, can we maybe focus on this reality and not start trying to take care of all others in the multiverse or whatever it is, because… is really confusing to me and I have enough keeping me up at night in his one.”
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shade-of-the-night · 4 years
Pietro Maximoff
Is the older twin of Wanda so obviously some of his story is similar to hers but with a different point of view and coping mechanisms. And be warned I am going to be going into theory mode and I don’t see the prelude comics as canon (because they contradict what is on screen and marvel sucks at continuity)
First I want to go into the twins ages. We are never directly told there age but by looking at the movie we can get an idea. 
At the very end of winter soldier we see the twins for the first time.
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Here Pietro looks to me like he is 20 but I not 100% he actually looks that age because I can’t see his face, and Wanda looks like a freshly turned 18 year old or just about to turn 18. So I am thinking that at the time they were 18-19 years old.
In aou we can see them clearer
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And honestly they look about the same which makes sense sense they are only a year older, but now that we can see Pietro more I think he look 19 here or just about to turn 20 and Wanda almost 19. So I still think 19-20 is their age at this time.
So that would make Wanda 20-21 in civil war and how she looks matchup.
I like Pietro because he really didn’t seem to be 100% consumed by the desire to kill Tony and the avengers. Like he wanted to but it wasn’t just ‘oh Stark was written on the bombshell that killed my parents so he was the one to fire it so I am going to kill him and all associated no matter what’ like his sister. It was more like ‘He made the bomb and I am traumatized by that so I’m going to kill the only person I have a name for and he (mabey because fakes are likely to have been) made the bomb as a means to cope’. and he never forgets about the reason why he’s doing this as he tells Ultron.
"I don't see the big picture. I have a little picture. I take it out and look at it... every day."
"The records are not the picture."
"We were 10 years old. Having dinner, the four of us. When the first shell hits, two floors below, it makes a hole in the floor. It's big. Our parents go in... and the whole building starts coming apart. I grab her, roll under the bed, and the second shell hits. But it doesn't go off. It just... sits there in the rubble. Three feet from our faces. And on the side of the shell is painted one word."
He is doing this because of his parents death and most likely because of how others have been affected as well given how he helps other homeless in one deleted scene and his liking of SHIELD.
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This is S.H.I.E.L.D.?"
"This is what S.H.I.E.L.D. is supposed to be."
"This is not so bad.”
Hell the only time Pietro was agresive and wanted to go on his own was when his sister got hurt by Clint. And that’s another thing he does whatever his sister tells him to do, like his sister is more important than his revenge. He is always watching out for her, only getting angry when she is hurt, doing really anything that will make her happy even if he is inpatient to get revenge.
So I honestly think that Pietro was the more redeemable one. He was misguided with his revenge but that was not the most important thing to him, he never forgot about his past and didn’t want to run away from it. When he sawwhat SHIELD and the avengers actually were and what they stood for he seemed like he wanted to understand it more and hell maybe even the truth about what happened with the bomb and how Obidia was the one to sell it and find out who actually sent out the bomb in the first place. He might have been a good hero that got over his misplaced hatred and help by giving his input on how to protect civilians in the chaos and aid after the fact. But...
He died so Wanda could throw a tantrum before forgetting him completely by the next movie for the rest of the mcu. Thank I hate it.
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I Slept With Your Sister On Your Bed (One Shot)
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Summary: Wanda flies home with her brother to accompany him to his high school reunion in place of his wife who fell sick. One night at a bar, Wanda has a chance encounter with a stranger who charms and seduces her. After spending the night together in Wanda's childhood home, Pietro runs into the stranger and finds out her meeting with his sister wasn't much of a chance encounter at all.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Tags: 18+ Minors DNI, top!reader, bottom!wanda, oral sex (Wanda receiving), fingering (Wanda receiving), spanking, choking, barely there anal play, hair pulling, manhandling, rough sex, mentions of bullying, social anxiety, implied cheating
A/n: Inspired by this
Wanda let out a sigh and waved her hand at the bartender who didn’t even need to ask as he took a bottle of whiskey and refilled Wanda’s glass. 
She was back in Westview for a stupid high school reunion at a school she didn’t even go to. Pietro forced her to come after his wife got sick and was unable to attend. Wanda worked so hard to get out of Westview, and even being back here for just three days was already bringing up a bunch of unwanted memories.
Her brother’s high school was having their reunion in two days, while her school was having its reunion three days after. She wasn’t supposed to be here. Even being in Westview was putting her at risk of running into her old classmates. She thought she was doing amazing now, but that didn’t mean she wanted to run into anyone from her old school. 
Her anxiety was at an all time high. The best day of her life was when she graduated high school because she was finally able to leave and have a new start. What in the world made her brother think she’d want to go back when all her old classmates would be going back as well?
At first she thought it wasn’t going to be all bad. All she had to do was stay home the entire time they were there. She didn’t have to risk going out and accidentally running into someone from her old school; that part was completely avoidable.
Then her brother decided, that night, that he was going to meet up with all his old friends earlier than they planned. What was the point of the reunion then? Now, Wanda should have just stayed back home with her parents, but they were having their friends over for a weekly game night, and she wasn’t really interested in having them force her to join them just because she was an adult now.
So here she was, sitting alone at a bar and praying to god that none of her old classmates walked in, even though Wanda wasn’t even religious.
“You look like you’re having a great night.” Wanda furrowed her eyebrows and turned to her right where the voice came from.
Her eyes widened when she saw an incredibly beautiful woman leaning against the bar with a smile that almost made Wanda melt in her seat. She didn’t think it was possible for someone as gorgeous as her to exist in Westview, because she certainly doesn’t remember ever seeing someone this beautiful when she lived here.
“Would you mind if I joined you? I heard misery loves company.” The woman asked in a sweet tone with a tilt of her head. Wanda found that she didn’t quite have the proper words to say to this woman, so she dumbly nodded her head instead of risking saying something stupid.
Though that seemed to be enough, because the woman’s smile widened at her wordless response. Her eyes looked down to the bar and she nodded at Wanda as sort of a sign of respect.
“Whiskey, huh? To be honest, at first glance, you seemed like the fruity cocktail type of person to me. Which isn’t bad, but I’m pleasantly surprised.” The woman said as she pushed herself off the bar and went to take a seat.
It was normal bar etiquette to leave at least one seat in between each person sitting at the bar unless it was completely full, but this woman disregarded that rule completely and went to sit on the stool right next to Wanda on her left.
“I’ll have the same.” She said to the bartender once she got his attention, gesturing over to Wanda which made the bartender nod and hand her a glass, filling it up with Whiskey.
The woman thanked the man and took a sip before turning to Wanda, that same charming and heart-melting smile gracing her lips. Wanda was far too taken by her beauty, which was making her stand out from the rest of the dark patrons in that dingy bar, to realize that she’s been staring dumbfounded this entire time.
“Am I distracting you?” The way her smile turned into a teasing one made Wanda finally snap out of her daze. 
She could feel her face begin to heat up in embarrassment once she realized that the woman was aware that she was staring because of her features, and she wanted to melt once more, this time six feet into the ground.
“N-No! You’re not distracting at all.” Wanda stammered in embarrassment, making the woman laugh through her nose in amusement.
“Well, I’m glad to have your attention now.” Her voice was smooth and her tone was confident, but not in a smug way. Everything from her posture, to her smile, and down to her tone; Wanda could tell that this woman knew of the effect she had on people, and she didn’t mind one bit. 
Something about that made Wanda very nervous, whether it be from intimidation or from something else entirely. The alcohol in her system and the weirdly gorgeous woman in front of her was preventing her from thinking straight, so she didn’t know what that something else was quite yet.
“Or not. It seems I distracted you again.” The woman said with a laugh that made Wanda’s heart flutter, and she had to take a sharp intake of breath to stop herself from making more of a fool of herself than she already has.
“I am so sorry, I’m being so rude right now just staring at you like you’re some object to gawk at.” Wanda rambled on embarrassedly with a nervous laugh as she reached for her drink and took a large sip. She was bad enough with regular people alone, but it’s like Wanda has completely forgotten how to interact with people now that she’s faced with someone so attractive.
“Well, I happen to find your eyes very pretty, so I don’t exactly mind having you gawk at me.” She said, making Wanda laugh because she didn’t know how else to respond.
She then froze when the woman leaned forward, their noses were practically touching from the lack of space. Wanda found herself completely clueless on what to do. She was completely still because the woman’s sparkling eyes were staring right into the depths of her soul.
“It’s a very beautiful shade of green.” The woman said before leaning back and sending Wanda a polite smile. Wanda took another sip of her drink. Though gulp was probably the more appropriate word.
“Y/n. Y/n L/n.” She said with a bat of her eyelashes as she held her hand out to Wanda. She didn’t know why she was so surprised at how soft Y/n’s hands were, because why wouldn’t they be?
“Wanda Maximoff.” A slow smile made its way onto Y/n’s face and she tilted her head at Wanda, squeezing her hand before slipping it out of her grasp, her fingers lingering on hers for a moment before they pulled away, lightly brushing against Wanda’s hand and making goosebumps appear on her arms.
“Maximoff.” She said slowly, as if to test the name on her tongue, then resting her elbow against the bar before leaning her cheek against her fist.
“I haven’t heard that name in so long.” Wanda may have been near drunk and completely allured by how slow and sultry Y/n’s voice was when she said those words, but her last functioning half brain cell still had the capability of making her confused by the statement.
“You must be Pietro’s wife then?” Y/n said, with a tilt at the end of her sentence, making it into a question instead of a statement as if she wasn’t quite sure. The comment made Wanda scrunch her face up in disgust.
“No, he’s my brother. Twin brother actually.” Wanda said and Y/n’s eyebrows raised in surprise at her response.
“Oh? I didn’t know he had a sister, let alone a twin. That explains the uncanniness in appearance though.” Y/n said, looking like she was connecting the dots in her head to make sure. Wanda could see the exact moment she was as another smile appeared on her face.
“I’m guessing you’re the prettier twin, then?” Y/n asked, sending Wanda a playful look with a slight pout sitting on her lips. The comment made Wanda momentarily forget about the fact that this stranger knew her brother as another nervous laugh left her mouth. She needs to stop doing that.
“People usually call him that.” Wanda said and a small “huh” left Y/n’s lips as the hand she was resting her cheek on went to grab her whiskey.
“Well,” Y/n said as she looked down to slightly swirl her whiskey before looking up at Wanda through her eyelashes, “People are usually wrong.” She said as she took a long sip of her wine without breaking eye contact with Wanda.
Wanda had never made anyone look so intensely at her like that before, and it made her gulp down nervously. When she finished drinking, Y/n smiled at Wanda and raised her eyebrows at her, before returning to her position from earlier with her cheek resting against her fist. Everything she was doing was so casual, but it made Wanda’s heart race and her brain malfunction.
But Wanda needed to get it together. There was still the matter of this woman knowing who her brother was even though Wanda has never seen her before in her life.
“How do you know my brother?” Wanda asked the other woman and a small smile appeared on her face.
“We were… “Acquaintances” in high school.” She talked slowly every time she spoke. It made Y/n seem sophisticated and like she was sure of everything she was saying, adding to the confident air that completely surrounded her.
“Oh, are you attending the reunion?” It would make sense why Wanda didn’t know her then. 
“Yes, actually. I thought it would be a good way to catch up with some classmates I lost touch with after graduating.” Y/n said and Wanda was about to speak again when Y/n’s hand dropped and laid itself on the bar top.
Her hand was dangerously close to Wanda’s hand; so close that Wanda was sure that if she stretched her fingers, it would touch hers. Y/n lifted her other hand and rested it on her wrist before adjusting herself in her seat so her side was leaning against the bar.
“It’s weird that I don’t know about you though. Your brother was quite the heartthrob in high school. Since you’re his twin, it’s only natural that you’d be the talk of the school. But I never heard of a Wanda Maximoff until tonight.” Y/n said, her finger tracing the wood patterns of the bar, causing Wanda’s eyes to be glued to it, her breath catching in her throat every time it came close to grazing against her.
When Y/n’s finger stopped, Wanda realized that she hadn't said anything in response to what Y/n said. She stammered for a moment and directed her attention back to Y/n. God, she was such a mess tonight. Alcohol and beautiful people didn’t mix well with her social anxiety and generally bad social skills.
“M-My brother got the scholarship to Xavier’s while I went to Midtown.” Wanda explained distractedly and Y/n let out a hum in thought as a response.
“I bet you were the most popular girl in the entire school then.” Another awkward left Wanda’s lips, but this one was weaker than the last ones.
“No, uh… Quite the opposite actually.” Wanda said, and for the first time since she sat down, Y/n looked unsure. She thought to herself for a moment before her eyebrows raised in surprise, a light chuckle of disbelief leaving her mouth while she shook her head. She leaned forward, moving her hand and carefully letting it rest on Wanda’s hand.
“Don’t tell me you were bullied.” Y/n said and Wanda inhaled deeply, moving her hand away and wiping them against her jeans as she turned her eyes to the ground in embarrassment. 
“I’m sorry, I should have phrased that better.” Y/n started with a genuine apologetic tone. “I wasn’t laughing at you.” Her tone was reserved, and when Wanda looked back up at her, the smile and warmth on her face disappeared and was replaced with a more neutral expression.
When their eyes met though, her eyes softened a bit as a soft sigh left her lips. “How could I laugh at someone who shares the same experiences as me?” Y/n asked and Wanda’s eyes widened once she realized what she was saying.
“No.” Wanda said, narrowing her eyes suspiciously at Y/n who laughed once more.
“I’m being honest, I swear.” She said in a flattered tone, but Wanda still wasn’t convinced.
“But you look so…” Wanda said as she looked Y/n up and down. No way someone like her could get bullied in high school. In fact, she looked like someone who would be a part of the group that bullied her.
“Well, I didn’t always look like this. I was a bit of a late bloomer. But if I can get someone like you to look at me like that, then things must have worked out in the end.” Y/n with a wink as a smirk appeared on her face, making Wanda’s face heat up once more.
“I really don’t mean to stare so much.” Wanda admitted in embarrassment, but thankfully, Y/n didn’t laugh or look bothered. If she did, Wanda would have died right there.
“Like I said, I don’t mind. Your staring just makes me feel better about my staring.” Wanda’s jaw slackened a bit in shock at the words, and they lowered even further when Y/n’s eyes began to roam her body, slowly moving up and down; taking her sweet time to take in every curve and dip on Wanda’s figure, not bothering to hide her blatant staring before lifting her eyes to meet Wanda’s.
“You’re exactly the type of person I would’ve had a crush on in high school. I’m starting to doubt that you and Pietro are twins, because he’s not even half as pretty as you are.” Thank god Wanda was already seated, because had she been standing otherwise, her knees would have given out and she would have fallen to the ground.
“I’ve never heard that one before.” Everyone always favored Pietro. It was only natural. Wanda loved her brother, and so did everyone else. He was charming and always knew what to say; it was hard to hate him.
He was the better looking twin, the smarter twin, the more successful twin, the funnier twin; she’s heard it all before. Wanda was used to hearing about how much her brother was better, along with the silent implication of how she was less. That’s just how it’s been this whole time. Wanda was used to living in her brother’s shadow.
But this gorgeous, confident, and charming woman was sitting in front of her, blatantly checking her out, was throwing all these compliments at her, and basically eye fucking her in the middle of this bar. Not to mention the fact that she had just told her that she thought she was better than her brother, when she probably knew him more since they literally just met.
Her brother, the one who had the super fast and expensive car, the supermodel wife, the high paying low effort job, the huge house, who has been deemed the better Maximoff twin their whole lives, was nothing to this beautiful specimen of a woman.
There were very few moments in Wanda’s life where she felt genuinely confident in herself. And it may be due to the alcohol or the anxiousness in her body that made it hard for her to think, but at that moment… She felt good.
“How about I show you instead?” Y/n said as she leaned forward and carefully inched her hand towards Wanda’s leg. She looked up at Wanda with an innocently questioning look, waiting for any sign of resignation, fear, or anything of the sort in Wanda’s features.
But Wanda was still, save for her chest which was moving heavily up and down with her staggering breath. She bit her lip slightly and stared back into Y/n’s eyes, hands twitching and fidgeting in anticipation. 
When there was no sign of protest, Y/n placed her hand on Wanda’s knee before leaning her face forward. The closer she got, the higher her hand traveled up her leg. Y/n stopped when her mouth was right next to Wanda’s ear, hand sliding into Wanda’s inner thigh and giving it a light squeeze, causing Wanda to squirm where she sat.
“...Will you let me?” What happened from that point was a complete blur for Wanda. 
She vaguely remembers nodding in response and Y/n sending her that mind blinding smile of hers before she grabbed her by the hand and dragged her out of the bar. Wanda wasn’t even sure if they had paid for their drinks, but she didn’t have room in her brain to think about that, because the entire drive to her house in Y/n’s car was spent with Wanda struggling to tell Y/n directions due to the hand that was moving up and down her thigh.
When they entered her house, Wanda let out a sigh of relief when she saw that her parents, along with their friends, were nowhere in sight. All the lights were off, but Wanda could vaguely see the empty beer cans spilling out of the trash can in the kitchen.
A gasp left Wanda’s mouth when she felt an arm snake around her waist, roughly pulling her backwards until her back was pressed against Y/n’s front. Y/n lined her face against the side of Wanda’s head and took a deep breath in through her nose. A slow and shaky exhale left her mouth from the scent of Wanda’s hair before she started peppering kisses down her cheek, to her jaw, and up and down the length of her neck.
Wanda leaned her head back, hand reaching up to the back of Y/n’s head to pull her closer while her other hand placed it over the one that was resting over her waist. Her eyes rolled back in pleasure when Y/n started sucking on her skin right where jaw met her neck below her ear, a low and guttural moan leaving her mouth. Y/n pulled away and shushed Wanda teasingly, urging her to be quiet as she pressed her body tighter against hers.
“We wouldn’t want to wake up your parents now, would we, Wanda?” Y/n spoke into Wanda’s ear, her voice low and husky as her free hand started making its way under Wanda’s blouse.
Wanda felt her breath catch in her throat when Y/n’s cold hands met her skin. Her soft hands slowly moved up from her stomach, completely disregarding Wanda’s bra and easily slipping underneath it. Her fingers spread wide before grasping onto Wanda’s breast, rolling her nipple in between her index and middle finger.
“What would your mother and father say if they came down here and saw their daughter letting herself get touched like this under their roof?” Y/n asked as she took Wanda’s nipple in her index finger and thumb, pinching hard and tugging at it while she attached her lips on the space behind her ear.
Wanda pursed her lips and shut her eyes tight, forcing her groan down but ultimately failing. It was then that she felt something pressing up against her ass when Y/n began to slowly grind her front against her back. When she realized it was a bulge, her mind was sent into a flurry, and all attempts of keeping quiet disappeared as a long moan left Wanda’s lips, turning into a gasp when Y/n thrusted into her.
Unable to contain herself, Wanda turned around and placed her hands against the side of Y/n’s face, pulling her into her until their lips met while jumping up and wrapping her legs around her waist. Y/n was quick to catch her, hands holding onto Wanda’s thighs until they moved up. 
Y/n pushed back against Wanda’s lips roughly while her hands squeezed Wanda’s ass, relishing in the way Wanda was groaning into her lips. Wanda then pulled away, hand remaining on Y/n’s cheeks while she stared deeply into those eyes that had her heart stuck in her throat despite how dark it was. 
“My parents basically fall into comas after drinking. They won’t know a thing.” She knew this because Pietro used to always bring girls over, yet her parents were convinced he lost his virginity in college. A wicked grin slowly made its way onto Y/n’s face.
“We better make the most of this then.” Y/n said, hand going to the back of Wanda’s neck and pulling her in for another searing kiss.
Wanda let her legs fall back to the ground, reluctantly pulling away from the kiss and grabbing Y/n’s hand as she started leading her over to the stairs. She barely even made it up the first step when Y/n made her turn around by pulling her back. Before she could even react, Wanda was being pressed against the wall and being pulled into another kiss.
One of Y/n’s hands was placed on the wall above Wanda’s head while the other was holding onto the side of her neck. Meanwhile, Wanda’s hands were busy running themselves up and down Y/n’s torso, taking in the shape of her body before wrapping her arms around Y/n’s neck and pulling her towards her as close as she possibly could.
Their kiss was messy, too desperate to feel each other’s lips and tongues against their skin to care about where they were aiming. With the tiniest bit of focus she could muster, Wanda started walking backwards up the stairs with Y/n following after her. Their mouths never left each other, and their hands never stopped roaming each other’s bodies despite how dangerous it was.
Proving their point, Wanda’s foot slipped on the step she took, causing her to fall backwards. Y/n was quick to place her hand behind Wanda’s head so she wouldn’t hurt herself, but she didn’t give her a chance to recover and process the fall as she leaned over her and started kissing up and down her neck.
A groan left Wanda’s mouth when she felt Y/n’s hips grinding against her, hands reaching behind her and scratching at her clothed back. Y/n’s shirt began to become untucked from Wanda’s tugging and scratching, making her hands grab Wanda’s legs from the back of her knees before pulling her against her.
Wanda gasped, her arms immediately wrapping themselves around Y/n’s neck and holding her close as she felt herself be lifted up from the stairs. She bit her lip, feeling herself grow lightheaded when the bulge in between Y/n’s legs brushed up against her core at just the perfect place, making her desperately grind against it while Y/n brought them up the stairs.
“First door… Left.” Wanda said breathlessly as she pulled back and connected her lips with Y/n. She could feel Y/n’s tongue shoot into her mouth, prodding and fighting against her own and making her moan into the kiss.
When her back pressed against the door, Wanda let her legs drop again while she reached for the doorknob. The moment her hand grabbed ahold of it, she twisted it open and grabbed Y/n by the collar, pulling her into the room with her before pushing her up against the now closed door. 
Y/n grunted as she was pushed back against the door once more when Wanda connected their lips. One hand grabbed her by the waist while the one went up from her neck to the back of her head, letting Wanda’s hair fall between the gaps of her fingers, then closing them into a fist. She pulled Wanda’s head back and attached her lips onto Wanda’s next, mouth roaming messily until she found her pulse point.
Wanda groaned, her fingernails digging into Y/n’s shoulder, only urging Y/n to suck harder. As she did though, Y/n opened her eyes and did a quick scan of the room. 
There were two twin size beds, one next to a window on the left while the other was against the wall on the right. Based on the array of trophies lined up on the shelf above the window, Y/n knew exactly which bed was whose. Her eyes hardened and the hand grabbing Wanda’s hair went down to roughly grip her shoulder.
Wanda yelped when Y/n started pushing her to walk backwards. The back of her legs met the edge of a bed, and the next thing she knew, she was being pushed down onto the soft mattress. Wanda’s eyes widened when she realized which bed she was on, and she sat up in a panic to tell Y/n that they should move.
But Y/n was already gently pushing her down by the shoulder, mouth going back to her neck while her other hand grabbed Wanda’s wrists and led them up to her breast. Her mind went completely blank with the way Y/n was sucking against her neck and Wanda let her head fall back against the pillows while her other hand went up so she could start groping at both of Y/n’s breasts.
Y/n reached down to pull her shoes and socks off before reaching up and pulling Wanda’s blouse off of her. Y/n’s hands instantly went to Wanda’s breasts, squeezing them and pushing them up while her hips thrusted against Wanda’s center. The action caused a loud moan to leave Wanda’s mouth, hands grasping at the pillows beneath her head while her back arched off of the bed.
In one swift motion, Y/n reached behind her and unhooked her bra with one hand. As Wanda’s back fell back onto the mattress, Y/n pulled the bra off of her and threw it to the side. She grabbed Wanda’s upper torso and pulled her up until her breast met her mouth.
Y/n let her nipple graze against her teeth before taking it in her mouth and sucking hard, tongue pressing and flicking the now hardened bud before moving to give attention to Wanda’s other breast. Wanda gasped and moaned, hand moving to Y/n’s hair and tugging her head up so their lips could meet.
She felt hands grab her waist before Y/n’s still clothed crotch started slowly, and painfully, grinding against her clit. Wanda gasped a moan out, trying to move her hips against Y/n’s to add more friction and keep her right where she needed her. But that only made Y/n’s grip on her waist tighten and she forced her to stay still while keeping her own pace.
Wanda’s hands trailed down from Y/n’s neck down to her shoulders, then her arms, only for her to realize that Y/n’s top was still on. Her hands went to the buttons and started attempting to get them undone, but bulge rubbing up against her clit, sending sparks up her spine, and the tongue being shoved down her throat made it hard for Wanda to coordinate her hands.
In frustration, Wanda bunched Y/n’s shirt in her hands and tore them apart, causing her buttons to fly out and her shirt to burst open. Y/n pushed herself off of Wanda and looked down at her now ruined shirt. A quick laugh of disbelief left Y/n’s mouth, her tongue clicking against the roof of her mouth as she tsk’d Wanda while shaking her head.
“I see how it is.” Y/n said in amusement as she pulled her shirt off her body and threw it to the ground, making Wanda’s heart jump in a way that excited her even further.
Y/n’s eyes had grown darker and there was a dangerous glint in her eyes that beautifully accompanied the smirk on her face. It made Wanda’s breathing become more shallow in anticipation. Slowly, Y/n began crawling over Wanda until her face was hovering above hers, hands placed right beside her head.
Y/n took in Wanda’s features in the way a predator would when assessing a potential prey, and for a second, Wanda thought Y/n was going to kiss her. Until her hand suddenly grabbed her by the jaw and pulled her up until she was right up against Y/n’s face without actually making contact with her.
“If you can’t be patient…” Y/n said through gritted teeth and forcefully turned Wanda’s head to the side, making Wanda’s heart beat faster and a pool begin to form in between her legs. 
“I’ll just give you what you want.” She whispered directly into Wanda’s ears, causing a shiver to run down Wanda’s spine.
Y/n carelessly released Wanda’s jaw, causing her to fall back roughly against the bed. Wanda was still in the middle of recovering from all that when she suddenly felt herself be pulled down slightly from Y/n grabbing the hem of her jeans and underwear before tugging them down her legs with her shoes.
When Y/n got her bottoms off, she tossed them aside and grabbed Wanda by the waist. She let out a yelp when she felt herself be flipped over onto her stomach as if she was a ragdoll. Y/n then pulled Wanda’s waist up towards her, leaving Wanda face down and ass up before her with a perfect view of her glistening pussy which was all hers for the taking.
Y/n left a quick yet hard slap onto Wanda’s ass, ignoring the yelp of surprise and pain that left Wanda’s mouth as she knelt down and ran her tongue up from Wanda’s clit up to her opening, all the while squeezing both of Wanda’s ass cheeks. 
A loud moan from Wanda ripped through the air before she buried her face into the pillows, biting down while she desperately held onto the headboard from the sudden sensation of having her sensitive center be met with Y/n’s warm and skillful tongue.
Y/n spat down onto Wanda’s opening before leaning forward and sticking her tongue inside, hand going down and pressing against her clit roughly while rubbing very slow circles against it as her tongue penetrated her insides at the fastest speed she could muster.
Wanda’s moans got caught in her throat as she desperately gasped in pleasure, eyes rolling to the back of her head from the conflicting sensations that rushed through her entire body. Every now and again, Y/n would pull her tongue out and run it through Wanda’s folds, lapping up all her excess wetness that slipped past and dripped down.
Before Wanda could fall over the edge, Y/n pulled back and wiped away Wanda’s juices that had gotten all over her face. A long and desperate gasp left Wanda as her body began to twitch. She was almost there, just a little bit more and she would have gotten what she wanted.
Y/n stood up straight and looked down at the twitching Wanda who was burying her face into the pillow in frustration. She then reached underneath Wanda’s core and pressed two fingers against her clit as hard as she could. 
The pressure against her already sensitive nub made Wanda scream, clenching her eyes shut tightly as she felt that final wave crash over her. It was embarrassing to have her cum so hard from just having Y/n hold her fingers against her clit, and it made her even more frustrated from having cum in such an underwhelming way.
Y/n watched as Wanda came undone in front of her, pressing harder whenever Wanda seemed to start to come down from her high to get her going again. Having Wanda desperately cling onto the headboards, knuckles turning white as she whined out in frustration made Y/n’s breathing become heavy.
She let go, but only so she could take her bra off to breathe better. She was in no way done with her yet. Y/n only gave Wanda the luxury of calming down for two seconds before running her fingers up her folds, taking in all the wetness and covering her fingers in them before shoving them into her hole.
Another scream ripped through Wanda’s mouth as her entire body became alight from its sensitivity being turned up to a hundred. Her upper body was being pushed deeper and deeper into the mattress with every thrust of Y/n’s fingers into her pussy, and the stinging pain from being touched right after she came quickly faded away into a pleasure that left Wanda’s mind completely blank.
Y/n clenched her jaw with each moan, curse, and plea Wanda screamed into the air for her, Her eyes stared down at the puckering hole that was slick from Wanda’s wetness that had dripped down to it. She spread her ass cheek with one hand before circling her thumb around the hole, not quite touching it, but getting close enough to cause it to twitch from the proximity.
Wanda’s back arched from the new sensation, feeling that familiar tightening in her core start to rise again. Y/n pressed her thumb fully against Wanda’s asshole, pushing in ever so slightly so the pad would enter just a bit and beginning to pulse her thumb against it while she curled her fingers from within Wanda’s pussy.
And just like that, a long and throat scratching moan left Wanda’s mouth as she felt her walls tighten and clench around Y/n’s fingers. Her hips began stuttering and her legs began shaking, about to fall from how hard the pleasure was crashing against her.
When Y/n pulled her fingers out, Wanda’s legs collapsed, causing her to fully lie down on her stomach as she caught her breath and recovered from her second climax. Y/n raised her hand up to the window to see it glistening from Wanda’s cum in the moonlight. She rubbed her thumb against it to feel its slickness while a sigh left her mouth.
She looked down at Wanda and positioned her body above her. The hand she used to fuck Wanda’s pussy went to her face, pushing her cheeks together and creating an opening for her mouth. She then shoved the two fingers into Wanda’s mouth, causing Wanda to gag and cough from the forcefulness of it.
“Suck.” All the kindness and charm Wanda was used to hearing from Y/n’s voice was completely gone, and that one word was spoken as if Y/n was speaking to a machine. 
Even then, it only made another gush of wetness to flow through Wanda’s core, and she gladly obeyed and began sucking herself clean off of Y/n’s fingers, taking in her taste and moaning when Y/n pushed her fingers deeper into her mouth. As she was doing this, Y/n was unbuttoning her pants and pulling out her strap with one hand.
She ran her hand up Wanda’s center, making the woman shiver as the heel of her palm grazed against her swollen clit. Y/n used the wetness that she had collected to lube up the dildo by taking it in her hand and slowly jerking it up and down. 
Y/n took her fingers out of Wanda’s mouth before leaning back. Her hand grabbed Wanda’s ass and squeezed it, caressing the soft skin with her thumb as she admired the view beneath her.
“Hands and knees, come on.” Y/n said, giving Wanda’s ass a light slap of encouragement. Instead of questioning her, Wanda simply pushed herself up and propped herself up on her hands and knees.
Y/n lifted one leg up and grabbed her cock in one hand while the other held onto Wanda’s waist to keep her still. She slapped the tip of her strap against Wanda’s entrance before slowly pushing it in until her pussy swallowed her cock’s entire length.
Wanda gasped out as she felt herself be filled to the brim. She’s only had two orgasms so far, and they were the strongest and most tiring orgasms she’s ever had, yet she found her body already ready for more.
She pushed herself back against Y/n and Y/n’s hands went to spread Wanda’s ass cheeks apart so she could get a better view of her cock slipping in and out of Wanda’s pulsing and leaking hole. She began with slow-paced, yet rough and powerful thrusts that sent Wanda pushing forward with each time she pushed back inside her. 
Then, Y/n let one hand slowly move from Wanda’s ass up to her spine until she reached the back of her head. When her hair was in between her fingers again, Y/n closed her fists tightly and pulled Wanda’s hair bag as tight as she could, making a loud gasp ring through the air.
She quickened her pace, the wet and messy sound of her cock slapping against Wanda’s pussy filling her ears. Y/n leaned forward, pressing her bare front against Wanda’s back as she reached below her and took one breast in her hand.
Before she could even start fondling it though, Wanda reached down and grabbed her wrist before slowly lifting it up to her neck. Y/n’s eyes widened in surprise for a quick second, but she pushed that down as her fingers wrapped around the girl’s throat.
Wanda’s moans were coming through quickly and cut up as Y/n’s thrusts became more frantic. She pushed up against her cock, wanting to feel it stuff her more than it already was, meeting all of Y/n’s thrusts half way. She could feel her head becoming light, and the only thing Wanda could feel anymore was the unrelenting pleasure coming from the cock pounding into her cunt.
“You…” Y/n started, her voice shaky and a bit breathless as she buried her face into Wanda’s shoulder while continuing to rut against her. 
“You are nothing… Nothing like your brother.” Y/n panted in Wanda’s ears and a sigh left Wanda’s mouth, eyes shutting tightly as her back began to arch and muscles began to tense.
“You…” Y/n repeated, tightening her hold on Wanda’s hair and neck. Wanda bit her lip tightly, trying to suppress the squeal begging to leave her chest as her legs began to shake and tremor once more.
“Are so much more.” Wanda cried out, her vision beginning to blur as she dissolved into complete and utter pleasure.
Strangled noises and whimpers left her mouth as her arms and legs gave out in exhaustion, and Y/n was quick to wrap her arms around her torso and waist to keep her up, continuing to thrust into her to help her ride out her orgasm as she twitched and spasmed against her.
“Thank you, goodnight.” Pietro mumbled to the Uber driver, giving him a wave before shutting the door and walking up the steps of his childhood home.
It took him a moment to stick the key into the hole and unlock it, only for him to realize that the door was already unlocked. He furrowed his eyebrows and checked the time on his watch. It was past midnight, why was it unlocked?
When he walked in, the sound of dishes being moved around in the kitchen reached his ears, only furthering his confusion.
“Wanda?” He asked, hand going to the light switch and flicking it on, lighting up the living room and reaching the kitchen. The sound of someone letting out a yelp caused Pietro to jump and shout in surprise. His hands flew to grip his chest and he stepped back, eyes wide and staring at the stranger standing in his kitchen with a bowl of cereal in their hands.
“Oh my god, you scared me.” The woman said as she let out a breath of relief. Pietro furrowed his eyebrows and stared at the woman incredulously.
Her hair was messy, her lips were swollen, and she was wearing nothing but a hoodie that was too big on her, and based on the fact that it had his old track team’s logo on it, he was certain it was his.
“Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my house?” Well, his parents’ house, but it wasn’t time for semantics.
“Wait… You don’t remember me?” The woman asked in amusement, stepping forward into the light as a smirk appeared on her lips.
“Am I supposed to?” Pietro asked while shaking his head, a second away from taking his phone out of his pocket and calling the cops.
“It’s me. Y/n L/n, from high school.” She said slowly, lifting the spoon up to her mouth and eating some of the cereal while keeping her eyes completely trained on the man standing across her.
“Y/n…” Pietro said to himself, trying to figure out why the name was familiar to him. His eyebrows raised and he looked at Y/n in surprise, leaning back as if he didn’t believe it.
“Y/n.” He said in a tone of disbelief once he was certain, and the smirk on Y/n’s face widened as she shook her head.
“Yeah, we spent a lot of time together with your friends in the halls.” Y/n said, then a chuckle left her lips. “Well, you guys were in the halls. I was stuffed in a locker.” She added and Pietro looked down at the comment in shame.
“What are you doing in my house?” He asked to change the subject. Pietro was already planning on apologizing to her at the reunion anyway, he could save it until then. Right now, he needed answers.
“What am I doing in your house?” Y/n repeated, turning around and placing the bowl on the counter before leaning back against it, hands on the counter as she stared Pietro down with a stony glare.
“I just got done fucking your twin sister.” She said with a tilt of her head.
Pietro paused. For a moment, his brain didn’t quite process what she had just said. It was just such an absurd thing to say, so there was no way it could be true. 
“What?” Pietro said with a laugh, unconvinced that Y/n was telling the truth. She was fucking with him. She had to be. But the smirk that was now on Pietro’s face made his heart fill with dread.
“I split your sister in half until she was screaming my name on your childhood bed.” Y/n said more surely, her smirk widening when she saw Pietro’s face fall.
“It is so good to see you.” Y/n said, smiling down to herself as she turned and grabbed her cereal again.
“You know, I never knew you had a twin. When I ran into her though, she did kind of look like you.” Y/n said casually as she continued to eat her cereal.
“But I didn't get a chance to see her face much since I was too busy ramming into her from behind to look at her.” She said with a shrug, looking back up to Pietro who stood there, stunned into utter silence as the mental image filled his head, causing his face to scrunch up in disgust.
“She’s very vocal. Which is weird because she’s such a shy girl. Maybe that’s why she made me choke her. Probably not used to being so loud like that.” Y/n said, then a moan left her mouth, hand going up to cover her mouth as she stared down at the bowl.
“Honey nut cheerios are so good.” She said with a laugh, nodding at Pietro who stared at her, unsure if this entire conversation was actually happening right now.
“You… You—” Pietro said with a shaky voice, hand going up and clenching into a fist which he bit down on.
“Fucked your sister? Yes, I said that already. Keep up, Maximoff.” Y/n said while snapping her fingers impatiently. 
“You’re fucking insane.” Pietro spat out and Y/n hummed boredly in response, butting the bow down once she was finished with her cereal.
“See, I’m used to hearing you calling me a whole bunch of other things, but insane’s a new one.  At least you haven’t lost your touch.” Y/n said as she grabbed the bottom hem of the hoodie she was wearing before pulling it off of her.
Pietro’s eyes widened when Y/n started walking up to her. He stammered, not knowing what to say until Y/n shoved his hoodie into his hands, making him stumble back a bit from the force. Y/n started walking once more, but she stopped when she was right next to Pietro.
“You know, I was really looking forward to meeting your wife. It’s a shame she isn’t here.” Y/n said as she lifted her eyes and met Pietro’s eyes, a devious smile appearing on her face as a dangerous glint shined through her eyes.
“Who knows what would have happened if I ran into her instead of your sister?” Pietro’s jaw clenched tightly and he was about to turn to Y/n and punch her in the face when Y/n pushed him away from her.
He stumbled backwards, almost falling to the ground if he hadn’t caught the side table to steady himself. He watched Y/n confidently saunter over to the door, a sway in her hips and her chin raised up. When she opened the door, she turned back to Pietro and smirked, raising her hand and waving with her fingers.
Pietro glared at her with a burning hatred in his eyes, and Y/n had to stop herself from laughing. She shut the door and made her way back down to her car, relishing in the sound of heavy footsteps rushing up the stairs from within the house.
“Wanda!” She heard Pietro scream from inside just as she entered her car.
Y/n pulled her phone out of her pocket and opened her notes up, going to the latest note and scrolling all the way down, to add the name “Wanda Maximoff”, erasing the one above it, before adding a strikethrough to it.
Above Wanda’s name was an entire list of the names of women with very familiar last names to Y/n.
Pepper Stark
Laura Barton
Gamora Quill
Peggy Rogers
Jane Odinson
Christine Strange
Sylvie Laufeyson
Wanda Maximoff
Y/n shut her phone off and tossed it to the passenger seat, starting her car and driving away to the sound of the Maximoff twins shouting at each other from inside their house.
It was going to be one hell of a reunion.
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messedupfan · 2 years
Make Damn Sure
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Summary: In which the Scarlet Witch gets a hold of America Chavez’ powers and sets out to have everything she feels she deserves.
A/N: this also stemmed from that one Anon request. So thank you so much anon. Special thanks to @abimess @i-am-but-a-fool @arelyitsherec8 and a couple others for helping me when I was stumped.
P.s. It's also kind of another ending to Infinity & Beyond
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You turn on your side and slowly open your eyes. Wanda is smiling while she watches you. There is a certain glow to her, it feels like a dream. “I love you,” she whispers. The words make you feel warm inside. You give her a kiss on the lips and then a kiss on her belly. She rubs your back to return the affection. “Your phone has been going off. I think they need you for a mission.” 
This makes you want to cry. You would rather stay in bed with your family than to drive all the way to the Avengers compound and have to be shipped off and gone for who knows how long. “It must be really important, I told them I’m not working until this baby is talking and walking.” You lay your head on her stomach. “I made a promise,” you mutter against Wanda. 
She takes a deep breath and strokes your hair. “I won’t be mad if you can’t keep this one, love. If they need you, they need you. I’m sure they would be calling me if we were just on a normal vacation.” You nod, it would be wiser for them to call Wanda instead of you. If she wasn’t pregnant. She was way more powerful. The phone starts ringing again and with a heavy sigh, you get up to answer the device. 
“Y/n, we need you at headquarters now,” Steve says impatiently. 
“Good morning to you too, Cap.” You reply sarcastically. “I will be there as soon as I can. Do you think you could give me a heads up about what this is about?” 
Steve sighs on his end and goes quiet. You think the call dropped but you check the screen to see that he was still connected. You call his name and he finds the words. “No, you just need to get here. Fast.” He hangs up and you sigh as you put the phone on the nightstand. 
“Guess it’s top secret,” you turn to Wanda and give her another kiss. “I love you.” You get out of the bed to get ready to go. Wanda is settling in the living room with a bowl of cereal as you’re about to step out of the door. You blow her a kiss and wish her a good day. 
When you arrive at the Avengers compound you walk into a meeting room of whispers that stop as soon as you enter. “Uh, what’s going on here?” You ask as you look at the screens to find images of Wanda. They look up at you with concerned eyes and crossed arms. 
“You might want to sit down for this,” Natasha says as she points to an empty seat. 
Once you do, Steve sits on the table in front of you and asks how you are doing and how Wanda is doing. You answer that things are fine with a confused tone as you look at every unreadable face in the room. “Has Wanda had any gaps in her memory recently? Acted a little off in any way?” He asks. 
It takes you less than a second to answer that she has but you laugh a little at the memories. “It’s pregnancy brain, I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. Why do you ask?” 
“Well, what does she do? How does she act?”
You sigh through your nose as you think of an example to give them. “Well, sometimes she gets a little teary eyed and emotional. Then she kind of forgets about it and just brushes it off.” You look around him to catch anyone else’s eyes. “Can you guys tell me what’s going on? Clearly Cap here isn’t going to let up,” you nod in the direction of your brother-in-law. “Pietro, what’s going on here, man? Is your sister in some kind of trouble? Should I worry?”
He excuses himself from the room and your heart drops to your stomach. You stand from your seat despite Steve trying to keep you seated. “No! Tell me what is happening!” You shout at them. You felt like you were about to lose your mind. Why weren’t any of them talking? Why were they just standing there, staring at you? What couldn’t they say?
“Wanda is in trouble and we don’t know if any of us can save her,” Agatha finally says. A sharp lump burns your throat as tears sting your eyes. You ask her what she means. With her magic she conjures the Darkhold. You push your seat away and everyone stands back as the book opens and images appear. “I know that I promised to never pick this book up again, but it kept calling out to me and with good reason. It was warning us,” a purple and black projection presents a clear image of a woman that looks just like your wife as she robs the powers of a young girl, effectively killing her. 
You cover your mouth at the sight, “When was this? Wanda never… I’m by her side pretty much all of the time… That might look like her but that isn’t her. I swear, she’s innocent.” 
Steve puts his hand on your shoulder, “We know, Y/n. That isn’t the woman you married. Just listen.” 
“This is still Wanda, just not our Wanda,” Agatha explains. “You don’t know this but your wife is more powerful than the world can handle. We had to make sure she never reached her full potential. But in another universe, Wanda became the Scarlet Witch,” she continues. You frown because you knew that your wife was pretty powerful as she is, to think she could be even more just sounded insane and dangerous. “She is a very powerful being and she is in a lot of pain. She is a mother with no children. A wife with no spouse. A sister with no brother. A daughter with no parents.” Agatha lists as she reads through an enchanted book. “Now she has the ability to travel through the multiverse.”
“Why is my Wanda in danger?” 
“It’s not just Wanda who is in danger,” Professor Xavier rolls through the board room. “It’s your children as well. The Scarlet Witch might even be coming for you.” 
“Me? Why me?” You wipe your eyes as you process. 
Agatha changes the floating image to produce many more images. “The two of you are soulmates, meant to be with each other in every universe. Except in the one where you die in order to help her reach her full potential.” You watch versions of you and Wanda having cute moments together until you see her visiting your grave. She looks so broken and lost, you never want her to be that way if something happened and she lost you. What you would want for her is to find happiness without you, even if the idea killed you now. 
“How did she get so corrupted?” You wish you could reach out to that version of Wanda and comfort her in the moment you are being shown, but now she is coming after your family. No matter what, you had to protect them from her somehow. 
Agatha changes the projection again, “My variant failed at containing Wanda’s powers and she has the Darkhold in her possession. She’s been studying it for years since the loss of her children. When she was finally getting somewhere in her plan, they tried to put a stop to it. They failed. Now she’s coming.” It was making sense why Wanda had these recurring nightmares a few years back about losing you. Those nightmares are what led the two of you to slow down after winning the battle against Thanos. Wanda wanted to be married and raise children with you, so you made sure every one of those dreams came true for her. To find out that everything you’ve built together was all going to be robbed from her in the blink of an eye was unfair.  
“When? Do we have time to stop her?” You ask, looking for any hope in this hopeless situation. You knew that you were grasping at straws but someone had to. Everyone in the room looked as though they had all given up and accepted fate. Then you realize. This wasn’t a strategy meeting. It was only a warning.
Everyone in the room shares a look. “Best guess is that she’ll be here when the twins are born,” Tony answers. 
Your heart picks up at the small piece of information. “We’re having twins?” You cover your mouth as you feel the tears rushing forward. “I have to do something.” You abruptly stand from your seat. “I have to protect them. There has to be a way,” you try to leave the room but they block you from the exits. Natasha and Carol try to calm you down but you blast everyone away from you. “NO!” You scream at them. “WE HAVE TO FIGHT SOME HOW!” Charles gets in your head and puts you to sleep. 
A few hours later, you wake up to Pietro serving you a cup of tea. “Everything will be okay,” he soothes you. “In the meantime, Wanda can’t know.” You take the cup and drink half of the beverage, feeling extremely parched. “And neither can you.” 
“What do you mean,” your speech slurs and you look at the cup.
“We can’t risk this being in your head, Y/n,” Charles rolls in once again. “I will unblock this from your mind when it’s time. But for now,” he puts his hands on your head to use his abilities to protect the sensitive information about your wife. 
 A Few Months Later
  You lay beside Wanda on the bed and rub soothing circles on her bump where she says one of the babies is incessantly kicking her. “Hey, little guy, give mommy a break, okay?” You speak softly against her skin. “Your brother doesn’t like it very much either,” at this Wanda groans. The two of you had just found out that she was carrying twin boys earlier that day and as excited as she was, the reality of it was worrying. 
“How are we going to raise two? We’re not even ready for one!” She covers her face with her hand. You move further up on the bed to remove her hand from her face and to hold it in yours. 
“Wanda, my love, we are ready. Okay? Even if we aren’t, we’ll get through it. We have each other and Nat even said she would help out. Clint says she’s great with kids.” You try your best to reassure her. “And since Tony gave us this nice upgrade close to the compound, we’ll always be close to them and they will always be safe.”
“Yeah?” She says in a small voice as she looks at you with her big worried eyes.
“Of course! Their parents are Avengers! They will be the most protected kids on the planet,” you promise your wife. “No one will ever hurt our boys, I’ll make sure of it and so will you.” 
Wanda nods as your words calm her down. “Yeah, and Pietro will help us too. He said he would. He is so good with Luna, it’ll be so good to have his experience.”
“See?” You kiss her shoulder. “We’ll be new at this but we won’t be alone. We have help coming out of our ears!” Wanda’s lips tremble slightly and her eyes fill up fast with tears. She apologizes and the two of you adjust positions on the bed again for you to hold her while she cries into your chest. You soothe her as you let her know that you understand. “I’m not used to this much love and support either but oh well, we have to learn how to accept it because it isn’t going anywhere.” 
The rest of the afternoon is spent comforting the hormonal witch until she falls asleep. You follow shortly after since these days you slept whenever she did and was up whenever she was. You were already feeling like a parent to a newborn but you would never tell Wanda that. Not even as a joke. You won’t make a similar mistake twice. 
This time your sleep is disrupted from feeling her move off of the bed. Through tired eyes you watch her stumble over to the full length mirror and smile as she admires herself. The lights flicker quite a bit and you excuse it to the storm that appeared to be rolling in and when there is a crackle of thunder and a flash of lightning you see a different image of Wanda in her reflection. You sit up quickly and see Wanda’s eyes go from red to normal in a flash. “What the fuck was that?” You ask with a pounding heart. Something in your body was warning you that you were in danger. 
Wanda swiftly moves back to the bed and holds your face in her hands. “Everything okay, my love?” Her touch is tender and delicate, like you’ll slip through her fingers any second. It concerns you but you lean into her and pull her against you to show her that you aren’t going anywhere. It was almost as if she was the one coming out of a nightmare and not you. That’s what it had to be right? That confusion of thinking you woke up but was still dreaming. 
“I’m fine, it’s nothing. Why aren’t you asleep? You need your rest, it’s what is best for the babies.” 
She looks into your eyes and her grip tightens ever so slightly in your arm. “I know, I just…” her words fail her at the caring look in your eyes. The last time she looked in your eyes there was nothing but fear and determination. You had to sacrifice yourself for her. She almost regrets having ever taken that damn book from Agatha when she tied her to Westview. But thanks to that book, she got to be in your presence again as she carries the boys once again. “I have a craving for your homemade cookies,” she says. 
You sigh tiredly as you lift her in your arms. She squeals happily as she tells you to put her down. “No, no, my darling, you are carrying our children. The least I can do is carry all of you to the kitchen.” She allows it after giving the tip of your nose a small kiss. You carefully place her on a chair in the kitchen before running around the area to gather everything you need. She helps you prepare everything until she almost collapses to the ground. You are quick to catch her. “Wanda? Are you okay? Wanda?” You ask with fear and worry. 
She opens her eyes and asks how she got in the kitchen. You remind her that she wanted your special cookies and she blinks in confusion, not recalling that she had made the request. Her body falls limp against you and her eyes droop shut again. When she opens her eyes again, she is seemingly back to normal. “I must not have had enough fluids today,” she says. “These twins are taking more out of me than I realized. I’ll just sit and watch you this time around.” 
You nod and grab her a glass of water as you help her to the table again. You turn on some music to assist you in entertaining her while you work and she finds the ridiculous dances that you do throughout the process amusing and endearing but confusing. When the cookies are in the oven you reach your hand out to her. “Do you think you’re okay to slow dance with me?” Your question throws Wanda off a bit. She didn’t expect you to want to dance with her, she couldn’t remember the last time you willingly danced with her. That’s when she realized that you may be similar to her Y/n but that didn’t mean you were the exact same person. There were so many differences between the two of you that she wasn't entirely aware of.
Wanda takes your hand and you hold her close as you softly sing the Sokovian love song to her. It made her think that maybe you weren’t all that different from the variant that she knew. However, she had no idea that you spent months learning the language for her after you fell in love with her. How you practiced the accent with her brother until you got it just right. She doesn’t know that the two of you didn’t get along at first. Or that she put your life at risk several times through some of the earliest missions the two of you went on together. She has no idea that you weren’t raised in Sokovia or who your parents were. She didn’t know anything about you other than you shared the same name and body as the person she loved with her whole being. “I love you to infinity,” she whispers against your neck. 
Confused, you stop singing and look at her, “Did you say something?”
Wanda feels herself choke up, she hadn’t thought about how different the relationships would be throughout the multiverse. With teary eyes she shakes her head ever so slightly, “I just said that I love you,” she gives you a weak smile. 
“Oh, I love you too,” you kiss her until the timer goes off. “Cookies are ready,” you pull away from her completely and Wanda leans against the counter rubbing her stomach. Reminding herself that all of it will be worth it. She will have her family back. “Have you thought of any names yet? I feel like a bad parent because I can’t come up with a single one.”
Wanda nods, “I was thinking Billy and Tommy.”  
You set the tray down on the counter as you consider both names. “I like those.” Your  quick acceptance makes Wanda misses the other you when was able to orchestrate a little banter over the topic. 
“I think I'm ready for bed,” she says after a couple cookies. As soon as you fall asleep holding her, the Scarlet Witch ends her dream walking session and Wanda continues to rest peacefully.  
As the days move on, Wanda doesn't have another memory gap episode and feels more comfortable allowing herself to enjoy her pregnancy. The two of you track the twins' growth as the weeks begin to fly by and spend plenty of time decorating the nursery together. The pair of you even get into reading every parenting and pregnancy book that you can get your hands on. Possibly over preparing for their arrival. People consistently stop by the house to visit. Sometimes in a weird mood telling you and Wanda how important the two of you are to them. Wanda is usually in tears from her hormonal response and you laugh as you tell them that you’re becoming parents not dying. It tends to get quiet after you state something along those lines. You and Wanda decided to just ignore it. 
As it gets closer to her due date she becomes haunted with nightmares. Losing you and losing her boys when they’re older. She would wake up in a terrible sweat and you would help ground her back to this reality. Wanda was grateful to you, she didn’t know what she would do without you and she never wanted to find out. All you could do is tell her that you were safe. She believed you each night until one.
Wanda hears her name in a whisper. She does her best to ignore it but the voice is persistent. Giving up, she opens her eyes and throws the covers off of herself. The room's angle was slightly tilted, it was dizzying. She nudges you to wake you up but you don’t budge. She calls your name and tries to move you to your side. When she does, the front of you reveals your face is missing, there is only a skull left. Spiders crawl their way out of your mouth and eye sockets and she drops your body back to the bed as she shrinks away. 
Rats and snakes scurry out of your clothing removing the shape of your body. Wanda watches in horror until she hears the voice whisper again. Startled, she follows the direction of it. When she opens the bedroom door, she isn’t in the hall space outside of it, instead she is in Agatha’s lair. The door shuts behind her with a loud bang that makes Wanda jump. Her name is called out again, this time louder. She follows it further into the lair until she finds only a book in the completely empty room. What was once a cluttered mess is now the vault for one floating book. She recognizes it as the Darkhold. The only spell book her mentor kept from her reach. 
“Agatha!” Wanda calls out. “Agatha!” She tries again, but her words only echo and bounce off of the walls. She steps closer to the book and with each step the book opens and turns a page. She begins to approach it faster out of curiosity and the pages fly with her pace. When she finally reaches the book it stops on a page. It tells her about the Scarlet Witch. It tells her about her destiny. It warns her about the fate of her family. It reveals what the people in her life have done to her to weaken her abilities and prevent her from her destiny. Before it’s done, Wanda wakes up with an angry blast of energy that throws you against a wall. 
You make a sizable crack in it with  your body before you drop to the floor like a rag doll. You’re barely able to catch a glimpse of your wife with angry glowing red eyes before you pass out. Wanda isn’t yet aware of hurting you as she storms out of the house and makes her way to headquarters. She disrupts a late night secret strategy meeting. 
The team was trying to figure out how to stop the Scarlet Witch to save their Wanda. But none of that mattered now with how upset she was. She throws the long table against the wall and looks around the room for her target. “You!” She points an angry finger at her mentor. “You lied to me!” With her magic she forces Agatha against a wall and tosses the people that dare to stop her. 
When Natasha hits the floor beside Pietro, she stops him from going towards his twin. “Find Y/n, only they can stop her. Go,” she rushes him. Pietro looks at his sister and sighs before speeding out of there. 
“Y/n!” He calls out, stepping through the open house. His sister completely destroyed the door. “Y/n!” Pietro speeds through the first floor and finds you nowhere. Then he goes up to your room and finds you unconscious on the bedroom floor. “Come on,” he lightly taps your cheek, “wake up. We need you. Wanda needs you.” 
Over at headquarters, the team is trying to convince Wanda that they did the right thing. “A lobotomy was the right thing?!” She tightens her grip on Agatha's throat. 
“It was not a lobotomy!” Charles defends. 
“What then? What did you do to mess with my head?! What did you do to keep me from my destiny?!” Wanda shouts as she interrogates them. 
“Love,” Agatha choked out. Wanda loosens her grip and asks her to repeat herself. “We gave you love and protected it at all costs.” Wanda drops her mentor in confusion. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“You have read the Darkhold before,” Carol steps in. “You almost became the Scarlet Witch.”
“It was too dangerous to allow you to harness that much power without consequences,” Wong, the sorcerer supreme, says. “You were filled with so much darkness and had no purpose other than to destroy. Y/n was the only person you wouldn't hurt and we amplified your attachment to them. They pulled you from that darkness and Professor X erased the memories of that day from the rest of the world, including the both of you.” 
“But not from the people in this room?” Wanda questions.
“It wouldn't have been in the best interest of the innocent people not in this room for us to forget,” Steve says as he holds his wounded side and props himself up against the wall. Bucky hurries to his lovers’ side with fear in his eyes but Steve assures him that he’s going to be fine. 
 “I don’t understand. I don’t understand!” As her stress levels from all of the confusion and anger rise, the babies cause her body to ache painfully as they try to make an early exit. Wanda screams as she falls to her knees and lets out an excess of power, shattering the monitors and obliterating the table. “Something is happening!” She cries out. 
Pietro speeds through with you barely conscious. “Wanda?” You ask as she lets out another scream. “Wanda!” You say more urgently as you try to reach her. But another blast of power is let out and it pushes you away. “Wanda!” You scream to get her attention as you try to get back to your feet. You call out to her again until she finally does look your way. 
“Y/n,” she says with tears flowing freely. The uncontrollable power stops and you are finally able to reach her. The moment feels familiar to you and memories try to break through the barriers that Charles had put in your mind but they don’t. They can’t. “I’m so sorry, I… I don’t know what came over me.” 
“It’s okay,” you hold her face in your hands. “It’s okay, everything will be okay.” 
The team members on the ground slowly stand up and gather around the two of you. “We’re sorry Wanda. We thought that if we were able to stop you here, then the others would as well. We didn’t realize that your life would be in jeopardy if any of the other Wanda’s became the Scarlet Witch,” Carol tells her friend sincerely. 
“Other Wanda’s? What is she talking about? What is happening here?” You ask as you frantically look around the room. Charles rolls closer to you and whispers the word remember in your ear. The amount of blocked information that comes rushing to your memory hurts your head. You let go of your wife and fall to all fours as every memory restores itself at once. It causes your nose and ears to bleed and all anyone can do is standby and watch. When it’s over, Wanda puts her hand on you as she calls your name. You shrink away from her touch at first. Recovering from the memory of the battle that took away her Scarlet Witch title. 
The hurt expression on Wanda’s face creates conflict in you. On the one hand you feel bad and want to comfort her. On the other hand, you want to get as far away as you possibly can. You don’t listen to that part as you remind yourself of the promises, no, the vows you have made to her. 
With caution, you return to her side and kiss her forehead. You look at the people in the room who are notably exhausted from the rollercoaster of a night. “Would it be possible to stop her if I sacrificed myself?” You ask slowly. Wanda’s grip on you tightens as she tells you that’s not an option, but you ask the room again. 
It takes Agatha less than a second to shut that idea down without further elaboration. However, Wong has other information. “No, what changed our Wanda was her father being the Scarlet Witch’s first and only kill. This one has killed many and it has only strengthened her bond to the darkness.” Charles flinches at the memory of losing Erik. Pietro looks away and Wanda’s grip on you weakens as she learns this new information about herself. You don’t let her go, it wasn’t her fault. “However, there might be a way for you to match her power,” he continues. 
“You mean the book of Vishanti, right?” You state knowingly. “But it was destroyed last time.” 
“Yes, but you might have the information stored in your memory,” Wong is grasping at straws at this point. You shake your head, you didn’t need to jump back into those memories to know it wasn’t going to work. This Wanda had a certain attachment to you that the Scarlet Witch doesn’t. You weren’t her version of you. The bond between the two of you would never be as strong as the one with your wife. 
“Can I match her power?” Wanda asks in a small voice. 
You are about to reject her idea when Agatha does it for you. “The darkness of that power could have a negative effect on your boys.” 
“What if I access the power after I give birth?” 
“There’s no way of knowing if you’ll have enough time. She could be in and out of here before we’re able to get the darkhold to you.” Agatha steps closer to the woman she considered to be a daughter. “I’m sorry honey, we’ve been going through as many scenarios as possible.” 
“Why us?” Wanda says through her tears. “There has to be more universes, why does it have to be ours?” You wrap your arms around her so she can cry into your chest as you do your best to comfort her. 
“Maybe it’s because we’re the only ones who can’t stop her,” you end up saying. It brings no comfort but the people in the room seemed to collectively relax. The knowledge of it being completely out of their hands takes a weight off of them. Despite how horrible that is. 
Figuring there was nothing else to be done, you gather Wanda in your arms and take her home. The two of you lie in bed, holding each other and fall asleep crying into each other. Although the memories of your battle with her make you a little on edge about being around her, you still have the memories of loving her and being loved by her. Those remain stronger than the others and you’re grateful for it. The limited time you had with her did not need to be spent being upset with her. But to be with her until you couldn’t. 
On the day her water breaks and Wanda goes into labor, an idea strikes you. As quickly as possible you gather the people you can and before you know it. Wanda is lying on the table in Wundagore mountain screaming her lungs out. A portal shows up and the Scarlet Witch steps through. She casts those who stand in her way aside until she reaches you holding Wanda’s hand through each push. 
When you let go, Wanda disappears as the illusion stops and the Scarlet Witch uses her magic to hold you in the air by your throat. “What did you do with her?” 
You smile as you signal for the sorcerers from Kamar Taj to attack. They prove to be no match as the Scarlet snaps her fingers and they turn to dust. But she was distracted enough for you to jump inside her mind. There, you search for the reason the other you had died and pull that to the surface. Wanda releases you and you fall to the ground in a coughing fit as she relives the moment over again. 
“Wanda, please, you have to be in there somewhere,” you beg. “Tommy and Billy weren’t real. But we can have our own kids. Let these people go. Please, stop this. Only you have the power to.” 
Wanda shakes her head, “No, you’ll see, we’ll have them again. We’ll be whole again.”
You look at the floating Darkhold and grip the handle of the knife that had been embedded in you through the chaos of the fight. You walked in the middle of it all. Doctor Strange had opened a portal to your home, which you stepped through once you saw Wanda in the air attacking people. She hadn’t known you were there until you were caught in the crossfire. 
Quickly, you remove the knife, “I love you to beyond,” you whisper as you run to the book and stab it through the middle. 
“No!” Wanda cries as the book is destroyed and you turn to ashes. 
Her cries carry outside of her mind as the Scarlet Witch falls to her knees. “I’m not her, Wanda.” You push her back through the portal. “I’m not yours,” she harshly flies against the walls of her throne. “My kids are real and they’re mine!” You project your words as you toss the witch towards another wall as she is still weak and vulnerable. “I am sorry that you’ve lost everything. But taking it from someone else won’t make it yours.” As you’re about to drop her to the ground and send a pointed rock through her, the Scarlet Witch gains control over herself again and sends a powerful blast towards you. 
You fly back into the wall of the temple in your universe and cause a few rocks to crumble from it. You stand up on wobbly legs as the Scarlet Witch steps through the portal again, with more anger in her eyes than you ever knew a person capable of. “To think I was going to spare your life when all the other you ever did was hold me back!” She sends a deadly ball of magic your way but you use your abilities to deflect it, firing your own. 
“If that were true,” you dodge another attempt. “You wouldn’t have been dreamwalking to be with me,” you have to barrel roll to avoid being hit by the massive one she sends but it makes the unstable mountain shake. 
The Scarlet Witch scoffs, “My you think so highly of yourself.” 
She sends a beam of energy towards you that you meet with your own. “This won’t end your suffering, Wanda.” You grit through your teeth as you struggle to hold your stance. “As long as you’re under the influence of the Darkhold,” you fall to your knees, “you’ll never be happy.” 
Back at the Avengers headquarters, Tommy is born. His cries rip through him and he is handed to Pietro to have the cord cut. Wanda sobs as the baby is taken out of her sight to be cleaned off and assessed. Pietro returns to her side to support her as she still has to deliver Billy. 
As more of the temple crumbles you lure the Scarlet Witch back into her universe to make sure her throne falls down first. You create a reflective shield, “Look at yourself! How do you expect a baby to love you and not fear you!?” The Scarlet Witch stops for a second to look at herself. The darkness in the magic was aging her rapidly and it was not the look of a mother. Wanda could not recognize herself one bit. You were right, she was a monster. “You have to stop this Wanda! Only you have the power to!” You shout as the dark magic starts to retaliate against Wanda’s release of it. 
A storm brews itself from Wanda. The witch lifts you and aggressively returns you to your universe and as she fights the demons within herself, she closes the portal. Your body slamming into one of the already unstable supports causes the entire place to crumble and come down. Luckily, Wong opens a portal that you fall through and land on the cold tile just outside the room where Billy cries as he is finally brought into the world. You smile as you hear Pietro announce it, but ultimately the exhaustion and trauma done to your body causes you to pass out. 
Once you wake up while in recovery, Wanda is rolled into the room by Natasha with two babies in her arms. “Did you really need the wheelchair?” You ask groggily as you lazily reach your hand out to caress one of the babies cheeks. 
Wanda playfully rolls her eyes, “No, but it was the only way the boys would sleep. I didn’t know if you could handle their screaming just yet.” She has Natasha lift Tommy out of her arms to lay him in yours. “This is our son, Tommy,” Wanda says to you in a soft, tender tone that brings a warmth to your heart. Ever so slightly, she lifts the second baby in her arms for you to get a better view. “And this is Billy.” 
You greet both of your boys and an overwhelming gratefulness overcomes you that brings tears to your eyes. Wanda takes your hand as she hears your thoughts and gives your knuckles a kiss. “I made it, I’m here,” you say through tears. “You’re here, they’re here.” You look at here. “Everything is going to be okay,” you promise though a part of you still holds a doubt. 
However, you never do hear about the Scarlet Witch again. Years go by and the threat never returns. You don’t know what happened to that Wanda and you might never know. The questions still hang in the back of your mind if she will return to your universe or if she went on to torment another. There wasn’t a thing you could do to find these answers out and truthfully, you didn’t want to know.
Taglist: @madamevirgo @wqndanat @thisischaismagic @artisannat @olsensnpm @evenbeingcrazy1998 @bentleywolf29 @awkwardmandalorian @agaymilflover @sayah13 @princessprudy
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Nemesis: Retribution (4)
Summary: 10 years after the Avengers had left you for dead during a mission gone wrong, you unexpectedly re-enter their lives. Wholly unrecognizable from the person they used to know and now with a new team behind you, they ask for your help to stop a chain of syndicates who were manufacturing and peddling the super soldier serum. You were determined to say no until the chance at the vengeance you had been chasing for years was added to the offer.
Fandoms: Avengers, Marvel, MCU, The Punisher, Daredevil
Pairings: Female Reader x (Frank Castle, Billy Russo, Matt Murdock, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Pietro Maximoff)
Warnings: EXPLICIT SMUT. SHAMELESS SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR (18+ ONLY. I WILL BLOCK YOU), voyeurism, exhibitionism, authority kink, praise kink, spanking, slight dom themes, polyamorous relationships, reverse harem, blatant disregard for canon timelines and events, angst, Punisher canon level of violence and gore, strong language, mentions of trauma, mentions of character death, fluff if you squint, 
A/N: Slowing it down just a bit to move plot along. Freaking out on the reblogs and comments are encouraged and will be rewarded with cookies. Seriously though, I love hearing what you guys think and use some of it to make the next chapters better. I adore you all! Have at it!
No permission is granted to repost, steal, or translate my work. Not even a credit makes it okay. Tumblr is the only place I post my writing. If you see it anywhere else please report it.
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1:4 Apple Crumble
Steve Rogers had kindly offered for you and your team to stay at the Compound. For however long this mission would take, you were all going to start running straight at it early tomorrow. In terms of the mission, he was relieved to have your help. The sooner the serum was out of circulation the better and they truthfully did need your help. This underground world was more your scene now and you could better navigate it.
On a personal level, he was glad that you were sticking around even if it was on a contract. He would take whatever opportunity he can and make the best of it. That's how he's always been and he wasn't going to change that now.
He told himself that it was because he was the Captain that he was at your door this late after you all had agreed to part for the night. It was out of consideration that he carried with him some of his own clothes to offer you in case you needed something to change into. It was out of a need to clear the tension with you now that you were going to work as a team again that he was knocking on your door.
That was all.
You opened the door a moment later wrapped only in a short towel and with your hair still dripping wet from the shower. The smile that rose on your face was sly as you leaned on the doorframe with your arms crossed and your hip cocked to one side. He swallowed.
Maybe that wasn't all.
"What can I do for you, Cap?"
He opened his mouth, but no words came out. He was far too distracted by the little droplet that rolled down from your temple to the valley of your breasts. He shook his head and cleared his throat, forcing himself to focus only on your eyes and not the inappropriate answers that sprung to mind at your question.
"I brought you a change of clothes in case you need it," he managed to say. "And I wanted to talk to you if you're not too tired."
You opened the door wider and took the clothes from him without a word, turning into the room toward the bathroom. You casually dropped your towel to the floor and Steve choked at the sight of your bare back, a small set of black panties the only stitch you wore. The breath in his chest released only when you disappeared into the bathroom, the door cracked open offering him enticing glimpses as you moved around.
Steve hurriedly closed the door behind him and as he made his way further in, he caught sight of an open go bag beside your bed with clothes clearly visible. There was also a shirt and sweats beside it, the design he knew belonged to Pietro. He felt a little embarrassed. Of course Pietro would have already beaten him to it and that your team always came prepared. Still there was a satisfaction that bloomed in him when you stepped out clad in his shirt, the hem barely reaching mid thigh and bare feet soundlessly crossing the carpeted floor until you came to sit with him on the sofa. You tucked your legs under you and rested your head on your hand over the back of the seat.
"Gotta say I like this look, Steve," you grinned at him.
He chuckled, self-consciously rubbing at his beard and pulling at the hair at the back of his collar. The light dusting of red on his cheeks didn't go unnoticed by you.
"What? You don't like the all American apple pie look?"
You hummed and took a leisurely look at him from head to toe. Rugged and imposing as he appeared, the heat on his face intensified at your obvious appreciation and the way you swiped your tongue along your bottom lip. You were biting your lip when your eyes met his again, trying to stop yourself from laughing at how flustered he was getting and how much you were enjoying it. You've always found Steve handsome and he made apple pie look damn good, but this look on him was just so dangerously delicious.
You had a type.
"I'm more of an apple crumble kind of girl. I like the texture better," you winked. "And I don't mind a little beard burn."
"Will your team mind that I'm talking to you without one of them here?"
You raised an eyebrow and held his unsteady gaze, clearly understanding he meant more than just your professional relationship with the three men.
"You're curious."
"It's none of my business. That's not what I came to talk to you about," he stammered, unaccustomed to how forward you were.
"What did you want to talk about then?"
"I wanted to apologize properly and thank you for agreeing to help."
You groaned and threw your whole body back on the seat, causing Steve's shirt to ride up just shy of completely flashing him. You sat back up and pinched the bridge of your nose, letting out a long breath. It was only the fact that it was Steve that you were even entertaining this conversation.
"You have nothing to apologize for, Steve," you firmly dismissed.
"I do, Nem. We all do."
"Fine. List down what you're sorry about. Let's go through it one by one or we can draw lots to make it interesting."
"Nem," he said, low and clear with warning yet imploring you to listen. "Can you take this seriously for one second?"
The ever present smirk on your face dropped as you sighed heavily and ran a hand through your hair. For the first time since he's seen you, your expression softened a fraction and a shadow of the person he used to know passed across your features.
"Listen to me, Steve. I don't blame any of you. I'm not angry at any of you. I honestly have no room for more anger even if I wanted to be."
In the beginning you were. There were days while you were getting tortured that you hated them while you pleaded to the heavens for them to rescue you. It had taken a decade and three incredible men for that inferno of fury to turn into a manageable bitterness.
"Do you know how tiring it is to be so fucking angry all the time?" you chuckled darkly. "It took a while, but I learned to prioritize what I choose to be angry about."
"Salvacion," he muttered and you nodded, your eyes staring blankly forward.
"I've carried that name for a decade, Steve. That asshole has to die by my hands."
Steve saw now how selfish he was for forcing the conversation with the purpose of earning your forgiveness. It was for easing his own guilt that he was doing it when instead he should have just been thanking you for what you did and had to endure.
"Why didn't you ever come back?"
"I tried, Steve. When I was recovered enough I tried to go back. Did you know my sister had a girlfriend?"
He shook his head, throat suddenly closing at the sight of absolute misery in your eyes. He regretted starting this conversation even more.
"Jill. She was amazing to Lily and she was like a sister to me too," you smiled a little, not in your usual sarcastic way but with a hint of gentle fondness before your expression hardened once more.
"I saw her and I just couldn't bring myself to face her. I'm the reason the love of her life is dead. I couldn't, Steve"
It started off with the fear that they might have killed Jill too. You told yourself you had to know, but truthfully you were trying desperately to find a connection to Lily. You found her visiting the graveyard, laying flowers on two stones and spending the afternoon sitting on the ground tearfully talking to the dead. The shame burned through you and from then on you made it your sole purpose to destroy the man who took Lily from you both. Until then you had no right to face her. You had no right to return to the life you once knew.
Steve noticed that you weren't crying although the look in your eyes was swimming with grief. He expected you to cry, but somehow seeing you with dry eyes only made you look more in pain. You only clenched your fists, your shoulders tense and your jaw stiff. Steve decided he would tell the others instead of having you go through this conversation again.
He would do that for you.
You woke up surprisingly refreshed the following morning, strangely lighter than you have felt in the past decade. You didn't expect for that talk with Steve to have such an impact on you. You smiled ruefully, remembering your many counseling sessions with Curtis before and that maybe you were finally seeing his point.
FRIDAY had directed you to the larger conference room for today's briefing session with the rest of the team. You were wearing another one of Steve's shirts paired with your usual cargo pants, a fact that didn't go unnoticed judging by the raised eyebrows and teasing smiles. Billy in particular was leaning in to whisper to Matt what was going on.
"You don't have to tell me. I can smell it," Matt chuckles, crinkles visible at the edges of his dark sunglasses. "His cologne is quite distinct."
You smacked Billy on the arm, but laughed with them as well before throwing a wink at Steve who proceeded to blush a deep red. As you took your seat, a cup of coffee suddenly materialized in front of you accompanied by Pietro's ever bright smile. You smiled gratefully and took a sip, eyes slightly rounding in surprise at the taste.
"You remembered how I took my coffee."
"I've forgotten nothing about you, little star."
You haven't taken your coffee that way in so long. It's been just strong plain black coffee lately, the lack of sugar and cream where you lived with the boys being a factor. It had seemed pointless to eat something sweet when there was a permanent sour taste in your mouth from life. Now though you couldn't seem to help taking one sip after another, licking your lips before going in for more.
Right now this tasted right.
You didn't notice that Billy was smiling adoringly at you and sharing a look of approval with Frank as the briefing began, happy that someone aside from him was spoiling you. You certainly didn't know that Matt was smirking because he heard your heart literally skip a beat at the sweet gesture.
It took hours for the meeting to wrap up, but there was still more to do before you could actually take action. A number of the Avengers were sent out to gather more intel while the rest would stay to make further preparations.
"I only really need to talk to Frank a bit more," Steve said as he approached your group. "Why don't we have Pietro show you guys around the Compound? There are some improvements I think you'll find interesting."
Your tour guide for the afternoon appeared beside you, taking your hand in his and bouncing on the balls of his feet in his excitement. He was just too cute that you couldn't help but let out a small smile. The effect he had on you remained it seems.
"A tour would be really helpful for me," Matt easily agreed.
"And I go wherever the pretty girl goes," Billy added, slinging his arm over your shoulders.
"Great. Surrender your weapons and you should be good to go," Steve asked with a pointed look at both you and Billy who groaned in answer.
Billy was ready with a string of complaints and counter arguments when the clang of metal on the glass conference table stunned him into silence. He watched in complete disbelief as you removed every gun and blade attached to your body, efficiently dismantling them and lining them up on the table.
"Is she?" Matt murmured, leaning closer to Billy.
"All of them?"
By the time you stepped back, there was practically a decent sized armory on the table. How and where you managed to fit all of it on your person was a mystery to them.
"You missed one," Billy said, snapping out of his daze.
He stepped in front of you and casually slipped his arm up the front of your shirt and under your sports bra. His fingers grazed unnecessarily close to your now hardened nipples and he simply winked when you raised an eyebrow at him. Billy pulled out two small throwing daggers soon after and placed them alongside your other weapons.
"Oh yeah. I keep forgetting about those," you chuckled.
"Do you always come armed to the teeth?" Bucky snapped, clearly bothered by the display.
"She doesn't want her team to carry extra ammo for her, Sergeant," Billy scowled at him, the obvious animosity surprising Bucky. When he turned back to Pietro, his expression was back to his usual playful one. "So how about that tour?"
Frank turned to Steve when you had exited the room. "You gotta teach me that trick, Cap."
"What trick?"
"First time in 10 years I've seen her take any kind of order without a knife fight first," he said, cracking a smile and shaking his head.
It turns out that coming back was doing some good for you and this made him more comfortable around the Avengers. He wasn't about to braid them friendship bracelets but he was less inclined to pop a cap in their ass. At least for the time being.
Walking around the Compound brought back some of that wonder you felt when you first stepped in, but it recalled everything you had lost. Sensing the sudden tension in you, Billy gripped you by the waist and pulled you into his side. He kissed your temple, a silent reminder of what you had gained.
Pietro had been an absolute sweetheart, specifically describing what was in the area for Matt's benefit and pointing out the changes to you. The training area was your last stop, the place you had spent the most time in during your short stint here. There were loud sounds coming from the area and walking in you saw fresh-faced recruits in paired off sparring sessions.
Your full attention was on Pietro as he happily listed off the new features and answered questions from Matt and Billy, the latter now in businessman mode as he thought of what he could implement for Anvil. You were having an unusually pleasant time until a familiar shrill voice demanded your attention.
"Well look what the street cat dragged in. Y/N?"
You knew that voice. A decade with torture and trauma included apparently couldn't change how much her voice grated at you. The cold smirk made a reappearance on your face as you slowly turned to face her, the three men with you were instantly alarmed at the change in your demeanor.
"Kim," you nodded.
"Thought you were dead."
"Thanks. Can't say I thought about you at all though."
"I see you're still pathetically clinging to Pietro."
"What can I say? He's really cute," you said with a wink at Pietro who seemed to enjoy the compliment.
She sneered at you, her irritation rising when you weren't backing down like you used to do. She couldn't quite put her finger on what had changed about you, but you seemed rougher around the edges and far too cocky for her liking. Luckily, she still remembered a sure-fire way to take you down a few pegs.
"I'm teaching a class on hand to hand combat. How about we show them a demonstration on what a real fight looks like?"
You giggled as your smile grew, a disturbing sight that made even Kim doubt herself for a moment. You nodded your head in easy acceptance and she looked like she was pleased at herself for getting this opportunity. Before you could step forward though, you found Matt's walking stick blocking your path.
"What? It's not assault if it's provoked," you grinned at the frown on his face.
He hated it when you found loopholes, but he relented with a heavy sigh. He was too used to this. He leaned toward Pietro and told him that he should inform the Captain.
"Get some snacks too, roadrunner," Billy chuckled, delightedly watching you strip off your shirt and walking confidently towards Kim on the sparring mats.
Pietro had returned a moment later after completing his task, actually handing Billy a bag of fresh popcorn. The smile on his face froze when he caught sight of your bare skin. So far all he had seen as evidence of your torture was what was visible on your neck and face. He had stupidly brushed that fact aside, too excited to have found you again. Now the vicious marring on your beautiful skin was a cruel reminder of their failure as your team. They had failed you.
He had failed you.
Back in the conference room, the same feelings were shared by two super soldiers. They had pulled up surveillance on the training area after Pietro's message, just in time to see you take off that shirt.
Bucky felt the air leave his lungs at the horrific sight. He was alive and you had paid a heavy price for saving him. He could barely keep his eyes on you, the shame burning through him. He didn't want to imagine the amount of pain you had to endure to sustain those injuries.
"Don't you people dare look at her with pity," Frank warned. "Those scars are a testament to her strength. She's damn beautiful."
Steve agreed. He'd caught a glimpse of your scars last night and jarring as they were, your complete lack of self consciousness to them just made you more alluring. Looking back at the screen though he was concerned that you could hurt yourself. Kim was a top agent now, high enough in the ranks to be training recruits and leading missions. She had proven herself deadly in combat, but the way you were grinning was chilling in itself.
"One question before we start," you said.
"What?" Kim scoffed, flipping her braided hair over her shoulder.
"When's your next mission?"
"2 weeks. Why?" she answered, perfect brow raised in confusion.
"Just calculating your recovery time," you shrugged. "I'm nice that way."
Kim predictably charged at you then, growling and cursing at you under her breath. You smirked, standard SHIELD movements were easy to read for you. You stayed completely still and relaxed in your stance as she lunged at you with her fist. You timed your movement precisely, sidestepping at the absolute last moment. One hand grabbed at the back of her head, forcing it down to ram against your oncoming fist with a sickening crack.
Broken nose.
Kim shrieked in pain as the blood gushed from her nose and she tried to pull away from you. You didn't let her. You pulled her down by the shoulder to bend her over before driving your knee up her midsection. She wheezed at the impact, the mat below her smattered with her blood.
Bruised ribs. Maybe slightly broken.
You unceremoniously threw her aside, letting her fall groaning on her side. You clicked your tongue, watching her struggle and turning to the class she was supposed to be teaching.
"Lesson 1, kids," you waved your hands in Kim's general direction. "Don't end up like that."
Broken ego.
You turned to go back to your boys when the glint of metal caught your eye. You tilted your head just in time for the dagger to zip past your eye line, only thinly scratching at your cheek. Your hands reacted on instinct, reaching for the small hidden pocket along the waistband of you pants. You flicked the thin blade with deft fingers, embedding on the mat and landing it purposely close to Kim's eyes that it cut through her fake lashes.
"Nem!" Steve's unmistakable voice boomed through the speakers. You had forgotten that they had FRIDAY everywhere. "We said no weapons."
You rolled your eyes and smiled cheekily at the cameras. "It's just a nail file. I don't like keeping blood under my nails."
"You call that training?" Steve groaned rubbing his eyes and turning to Frank.
"I call that anger management," Frank said, amused at how unpredictable to handle they already found you when they've barely scratched the surface. He noticed how Bucky looked furious, his metal hand clutching a little too hard onto the table. "Don't like what you see, Sarge?"
Bucky didn't answer. He didn't tell them that he didn't like what he saw because he knew he was a major contributor in what caused it. If only he had been kinder, gentler, more honest. Maybe things would have turned out differently.
He walked down the hallways much later gripping a first aid kit in his metal hand and nervously running the other through his cropped hair. The cut on your face was barely anything, but he needed an excuse to talk to you. He was afraid you would turn him away, but he was terrified that you wouldn't. He didn't know what to say to you. He didn't know how to begin to apologize for everything he's done. His palm grew sweaty and beads were beginning to form on his brow.
He was only a few steps away from your bedroom door and he was sorely tempted to turn back around when he noticed that it was cracked open and he could hear voices from inside. He should have followed his instinct to keep his distance but a high whine that definitely came from you pushed him to peak through the small opening.
What he saw made his already thumping heartbeat grow quicker. His eyes grew wide and his throat went dry. Whatever he was expecting, it definitely wasn't this.
You. Stark naked. Grinding your mound on someone's face.
You looked absolutely glorious as you wound your hips in your chase for release; head thrown, back arched, and lips in a dreamy smile. The view he had of you, facing him and deep into your pleasure, was enough to cause his pants to tighten. He couldn't see which one of your teammates was beneath you, the bedframe blocking his view. Whoever they were, Bucky was jealous. He wanted to taste you too.
He felt that stirring of longing again now as he watched you in the throes of passion with another man. He felt it the moment you stepped back into their lives. He felt it during the 10 years they thought you were dead. And he felt it when you were still in training as a recruit every time you smiled at Pietro and Steve.
You picked up your pace and he could see muscular arms reach up to grip your waist and pull you down harder. You were panting curses, your breathing turning erratic and Bucky could see your thighs begin to shake. The sight of you coming undone has to be the most entrancing thing he's ever seen.
Movement from you and your partner pulled him from the hypnosis caused by your erotic display. His face heated up, deeply embarrassed at having watched you for so long and finding enjoyment in basically violating your privacy. He was about to leave when the man whose face you had been riding, came up to kneel behind you.
He pulled your hips back against his own, sliding his hard length easily into your dripping cunt causing you to moan so deliciously that Bucky felt a shiver run down his spine. You reached your hand up to grip the back of his head, letting him bury his own in your neck as he set a languid pace with his thrusts.
Your head rolled to the side and your eyes opened, locking directly with Bucky's. You smirked and reached down to circle your swollen bud, pressing your back further against the hard body rutting behind you and purposely putting on a show. You winked at him.
He bolted out of there.
"That wasn't very nice, honey," the low voice was thick with lust in your ear. His breathing was growing labored too, finding your heat wrapping around him overwhelming.
"I don't see you stopping, Captain."
"How can I when you're gripping me so tight?" He snapped his hips earning a sharp moan from you. "Did you like that? Torturing my best pal with me balls deep inside you?"
You sighed and closed your eyes. Apple pie Steve wouldn't have whispered such sinful things to you, but this Steve could make you cum with just filthy words alone.
"Yeah, you did. Look at you clenching and soaking my cock from having Bucky watch you. You like being bad to him, honey?"
A sudden smack to your ass had you snapping your eyes open. He chuckled into your neck, biting down hard on the juncture as he felt you gripping him even tighter.
"Answer," he growled, landing a harsher smack to your bottom.
"Yes! Yes, Captain, I did."
"Good. Will you be good for me now, honey? You caused a bit of trouble today." His thrusting was still slow, making sure you felt every ridge and vein with each stroke as he drove you into a stupor. "Will you be a good girl for your Captain now?"
"Yes, Captain."
He smirked against your skin, pleased at your compliance. He was reveling in the power he had over you. Frank had said that you never took orders without a fight, but here you were being so good for him. Pliable. Yielding. He was enjoying it.
He gathered your hair in one hand and pulled, your back arching beautifully and emphasizing where his cock was buried deep inside you. With each thrust his cock came out glistening with your slick. The image made him lose control, abruptly escalating his pace to rail feverishly into you.
He had you gasping and clutching at the sheets instantly, begging for him to go harder and push you over the edge. He bent over you and reached around to rub furiously at your throbbing clit.
"Cum like a good girl, honey. Cum around my cock," he commanded. "I wanna feel you fucking drown me."
You came, lights dancing in your eyes and your head empty of all thoughts aside from the pleasure that racked your body. He followed soon after with a loud grunt, the sensation of you fluttering around him too much to resist.
He fell on top of you, spent and satisfied. Your sweat and heavy breaths mingling together as you both tried to return back to the world. You liked the heavy feel of him on top of you, strangely finding comfort in the weight.
He dragged you with him when he rolled off you, spooning you and planting kisses on the back of your shoulders that had your skin tingling from his beard.
"When are you going to put him out of his misery?"
"When it stops being fun?" you chuckled.
Steve wasn't going to push the issue. He knew that it was up to you whether you forgave Bucky or not and when that would be. It would be on your own terms how things moved. Just like what happened between you two. He wasn't expecting it, but the heated argument about the injuries you inflicted on one of his best agents had somehow escalated into him spanking you and you growing wet from it.
Not that either of you were complaining.
You turned around in his arms to face him, looking up at him with a taunting smirk. "You sure your old heart can take being in a polyamorous relationship?"
He chuckled and pecked your lips before going back in for a much deeper kiss that had you swooning. When he pulled back, he was looking at you lovingly.
"I'm known for waiting too long about things like this. I lost my shot at you 10 years ago. I'm not missing out on you again."
His words were firm and genuine. He honestly thought that he would mind having to share you with several other men. He thought that he would feel jealous and possessive. Instead, he felt reassured. He knew that wherever and whenever he lacked, someone else would pick it up and he would be the same. There was a sense of relief knowing that you would always be taken cared of by people who felt the same for you as he did.
"Well then you have some making up to do for waiting so long," you said nibbling at his lower lip.
He groaned and grabbed your thigh, hitching your leg up on his hip. Your thighs and core were still sticky and slippery from both your releases. His tongue dove into your mouth and he could feel you moan against his lips as he ran the tip of his cock against your still sensitive core. Your nails dug into his back as he sunk in, fitting perfectly inside you.
"You're running with a super soldier now, honey," he said, eyes burning with want. "I can do this all day."
A/N: Some asked about Jill and Kim so here you go, lovelies. Come freak out with me in the comments and reblogs. Thank you all for the support! More coming soon. 
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Wanda X Reader - 10 Things I hate about you - Part One
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Summary:  Pietro Maximoff is handsome and popular, but he can't date before his twin sister. The problem is that no one can get close to his sister, Wanda Maximoff. To resolve the situation, a girl interested in Pietro bribes a colleague with a mysterious past to go out with Wanda and, who knows, try to win her over. Or The one directly inspired by 10 Things I Hate About You.
Words:  6.553K  /// Read on AO3 too || Part Two
Warnings: PG, fluff, language; goth wanda is back thank god.
Notes: If English is your native language and I used slang that doesn't make sense at all, forgive me. It is really hard to translate many dialects from Portuguese to English. Anyways enjoy your reading!
You rode your skateboard to school today. Your mother was angry with you and took the keys to your motorcycle while yelling that you were difficult to raise, so you grabbed your backpack and skateboard while slamming the door on your way out.
It didn't take long to get to school, though. 
You absolutely hate this place. Sometimes you get the impression that you are surrounded by completely mental people.
You walked across the parking lot and got off your skateboard, quickly waving to your friend Carol Danvers, who was smoking leaning against the wall of the school building. You would have to talk to them later, as you had a meeting scheduled with the school principal.
Shrugging off the students as you entered the building, you ignored the stares you received and headed toward Ms. Harkness' office.
You entered without knocking because the door was already open, since she was talking to another student, and when the stranger got up she almost tripped over you on her way out. The principal raised her eyes from her notebook to you, and smiled wryly.
- Well, well, Miss Y/L/N. - she said. - I see these encounters of ours are becoming recurrent.
- I like to be around beautiful women, Miss Harkness. - You stated with a charming smile and crossed arms. The woman laughed lightly as she returned her gaze to her notebook.
- Let me see what happened here. - She mumbled to herself, probably trying to find the notes. - Wow, top nudity exhibit in the cafeteria.
You scratched your head impatiently. 
- They were melons, Miss Harkness. - You clarified. - I was making a little joke.
Harkness let out a wry chuckle as she stood up.
- How about you keep them under your blouse, huh? - She scoffed, pointing slightly at the height of your breasts and giving you a wink. You frowned. - Out!
You startled slightly, and Mrs. Harkness giggled, returning to her seat.
You blinked in confusion and turned away, mumbling wryly that she was an excellent professional before you left.
Carol was waiting for you outside the room, a few feet ahead in the hallway against her own lockers, and you greet her with a kiss on the cheek quickly.
- How did it go today? Did she say anything interesting? - Carol asked with humor in her voice. You leaned your back against the closet, letting out a chuckle.
- No way. - You replied. - She just told me to keep my breasts under my blouse.
Carol laughs lightly, while you check your cell phone. And then she touches your arm lightly. When you raise your eyes to her, she signals the corridor.
- New faces. - She nods, and you notice that it's the same girl who bumped into you in the Harkness room. Now she is accompanied by Bruce Banner, who was clearly showing her around.
- Wow, people keep choosing to come to this place. - You mock, making your friend laugh a little.Carol then checks the clock on her wrist and signals that she needs to get to her history class.  You say goodbye to her, but get distracted by your cell phone again, and then the bell rings, and you have to run to get to the literature room on the other side of the building.
You stumble into the room, and all the students turn to look at you.
- What have I missed? - you ask, trying to normalize your breathing after running through the halls.
- The oppressive patriarchal values that determine our education. - replied a girl you didn't know.
- Nice. - You grumble with a slight laugh, as you hurry to sit in the back of the room.
- You must love detention, don't you, Miss Y/L/N? This is your third delay this week. - commented the teacher as soon as you sat down. Several giggles were heard, but you didn't pay much attention. You threw your bag on the chair and tried to pretend that you were interested in whatever Professor Fury was teaching.
- Professor Fury, any chance you could ask Wanda to take her Midol before coming to class? - scoffed Pepper Potts, one of the most popular and insufferable girls at this school. You rolled your eyes at the teasing, and leaned back as the rest of the class giggled.
- One of these days Mrs. Maximoff is going to punch you in the nose, and I'm not going to do anything to stop her. - Fury replied seriously, wiping the ironic smile off Potts' face. - And Wanda, I want to thank you for your point of view. I know how hard it must have been to overcome all those years of upper middle-class suburban oppression. It must be hard. - He sneered and then started walking toward the girl who was probably Wanda. - But the next time you protest about demanding better food, or whatever it is that white kids protest about, ask them why they don't buy books written by black people!
You let out a little laugh, and Professor Fury looked at you seriously.
- Do you find something funny, Miss? 
You shrugged, straightening your posture.
- Sorry to interrupt your speech, Mr. Fury. - You say. - But you're blaming Wanda for something she has no control over. Wouldn't it be better to suggest books written by black women, instead of separating the fights?
Professor Fury blinks in irritation at you, while Wanda looks in your direction, looking surprised.
- Out. Principal office. - says the professor, and you blink in surprise. - Both of you, by the way! You pissed me off!
You grumble, and grab your backpack and leave the room, with Wanda following behind. But you don't speak to her, and when you leave the room, you go to opposite sides of the hallway, since you had no intention of seeing the principal at all.
You ended up skipping the last two classes of the day while sneaking a smoke with Carol behind the bleachers of the soccer field. 
And then you accepted the ride home that she offered you.
- See you tomorrow, troublemaker. - She said good-bye, and you just nodded as you walked toward the front door.
Your mother was at home, sitting at her computer in the living room, and you thought maybe you could sneak past her, but as soon as you closed the door she turned around with her arms crossed.
- The school called. - She said as she stood up, and you let out an impatient sigh as you threw your backpack on the floor by the door. - Are you trying to get suspended?
- Oh yeah, that's my dream. - You scoff, walking toward the kitchen.
- You're going to be grounded.
- I'm already grounded. - You retort softly, and your mother walks over to the counter. 
- You think I'm kidding? - She exclaims angrily, and then she's heading down the hall, and you're curious what she's going to do, so you follow her through the house to the garage. You look impassive as she glances around, but then she grabs a hammer and screwdriver from the cabinet and heads for her motorcycle. Your whole body tenses up, but before you can do anything, your mother is breaking your bike.
- You've gone crazy! - You shout as you run toward her, but she turns threateningly toward you with the objects pointed in your direction
- No more fighting! - she shouts. - You're not going anywhere on this damn motorcycle, do you hear me? You are grounded until college.
And then she throws the tools on the floor, and leaves the garage. You take a deep breath, trying not to break everything in front of you, and turn to your motorcycle. Some parts were broken, but you could fix them. The problem would be having the money to do it.
Tuesday started with biology. And you were really pissed off about the whole thing with your mom and your motorcycle. The professor asked the groups to dissect frogs, and the damn scalpel he handed out wasn't cutting anything. So you grabbed your knife hidden in your boot, and angrily pierced the animal. 
- You've lost your mind, put that away! - ordered Carol sitting next to you as she looked around to see if the teacher had seen. You let out an angry sigh and put the item away.
You were bored, and you smoked when you were bored. So you turned the valve on the experimental flame on the bench while putting a cigarette in your mouth, and walked over to light it.
- Girl, what's the matter with you today? - Carol asked impatiently, closing the valve and taking the cigarette out of your mouth.
You mumbled without answering, and she let out a dry laugh before going back to writing. Your gaze wandered around the room and you thought that the new girl and Bruce Banner were looking at you from the table in front of you, but they looked away quickly, so you got distracted again.
The next class was better because it kept your hands busy. Mechanics with Professor Howard Stark was interesting as he allowed the students to experiment as much as they wanted. 
At this moment you were welding a car part while trying not to burn your fingers when you heard a female voice next to you.
- Hi, how are you? - the girl said, and as you turned you realized that it was the new student. You frowned confused, you don't talk to anyone. You thought you should have an aggressive posture, because the girl's voice trembled a little, and then she quickly said good-bye and left the room. You shook your head and went back to concentrating on the lesson.
- What the hell was that all about? - Carol asked from beside you, and you shrugged.
- I told you there are only crazy people in this school. - You remarked with amusement.
- But we go here. - She retorted with a smile.
- Exactly.
Carol laughed and turned her attention back to her own activity.
In Gym class, the teacher took all the students to the outdoor field, where the rugby team was practicing. He was more concerned about the girls' performance, so he let the rest of the class do as they pleased. Then you and Carol sat down on one of the benches, while you shared a cigarette.
And you had about ten minutes of peace before Pepper Potts and one of her friends came to talk to you.
- Hey, what's up? - asked the blonde, and you looked at her with irony.
- Are you lost? - You replied aggressively, but she didn't seem intimidated.
- See that girl over there? - She said, pointing quickly toward the field. You followed her direction, and it was the same girl from literature class. - That's Wanda Maximoff. I want you to go out with her.
You laughed, shaking your head, and then took a drag on your cigarette.
- As if, preppy. - You denied it as you exchanged a look with Carol, who was grinning in disbelief.
But Pepper was not joking.
- Look, I can't go out with her hot brother until she dates. - She clarifies. - Their father is kind of crazy, he made a rule...
- Touching. Really. I'm moved. - You mock without patience. - But that's not my problem.
- Would it be your problem if you were paid a nice fee?
You let out a dry laugh, looking at her in surprise.
- Are you going to pay me to go out with someone? - you ask, and Potts has a smile on her face as she nods in agreement. You laugh again. - How much?
- Twenty dollars.
You raise your eyebrows, really considering this for a second. And then you look toward the field, and watch as Wanda fouls a girl to the ground, and you swallow dryly. This girl was going to eat you alive.
- Okay, how about 30 bucks? - Potts next suggests when she sees the foul. 
You thought about the parts of your motorcycle that you would have to buy. And you licked your lips before you spoke.
- Let's take a good look at this. - You start. - If I take her to the movies, it will be fifteen dollars. And if we buy popcorn, it's fifty dollars. I like to buy candy for the girls, so it would be about seventy-five.
- This is not a negotiation. - Potts retorts angrily. - Take it or leave it, mutt.
You let out a humorless laugh. 
- But I think it is, Potts. - You retort, smoking your cigarette again. - Or I'll go over there now and tell Wanda your whole touching little tale.
Potts blinks in irritation, and lets out a wry laugh. But then she relaxes her posture.
- Eighty dollars. - she says. You smile, throwing the cigarette on the floor and putting it out with your foot. 
- Deal, Hollywood. - You tell her, and raise your hand in her direction. Potts rolls her eyes, but takes the money from her pocket and hands it to you.
She and her friend then leave, and you settle into your seat.
- You're crazy. - Carol declares afterwards.
- Yes, I know. - You say, brushing your hair out of your eyes with your hands. - But I need new parts. It'll be harmless, it's just a date.
- I hope you're right. - She comments with a laugh, turning her attention back to the field. And then practice ends, and you exchange a look with Carol before getting up and walking toward the players' benches.
You assume your most charming pose as you approach Wanda.
- Hey, pretty girl. - You greet her with a smile as she drinks water from a bottle. She frowns in surprise, and has a wry smile on her face. - What's up?
- I'm sweating like a pig, how are you? - She answers wryly, and you smile awkwardly.
- Wow, that sounds attractive. - You reply in the same tone, watching her put the bottle of water in her backpack on the bench.
- Oh, yes. My goal in life is to look attractive all the time. - She scoffs, frowning. - But I guess it works, since I got your attention. The world makes sense again.
She starts walking toward the exit of the camp, and you are a bit taken aback by the irony, but hurry to keep up with her.
- I'll pick you up on Friday, then. - You tell her, and Wanda lets out a laugh.
- Sure, Friday. - She wryly continues walking.
- Hey, it's the night I take you to places you've never seen.
- To a convenience store on Broadway? - She replies with irony. - Girl, do you even know my name?
You laugh.
- Wanda. - You answer, but she doesn't seem impressed. - And I know more than you know.
- I doubt it. I doubt it very much. - She said ironically and you stopped following her, biting your lip as you watched her walk off the field.
Your first attempt to get a date with Wanda had not gone well at all, but you are optimistic. And then, on Saturday of that same week, while you and Carol were at the laundromat on the corner of your houses, she nodded slightly outside through the window.
- Isn't that the car of the girl you're being paid to date? - She mocked, and you sighed.
- Don't talk like that. - you said as you put the coins in the washing machine. - It makes me sound like a psychopath.
She laughed without looking at you, kneeling on the waiting couch as she looked out the window.
- I think I should look for a new rejection. - You grumble, handing Carol some coins. - Take care of my clothes while I go talk to her, please.
Carol nods in agreement as you leave the establishment. Crossing the street, you look in the direction of Wanda's car. It is nice, and you are watching the tires as she arrives.
- Are you following me? - She asks with a mixture of aggressiveness and surprise. 
- What? Of course not! - You deny it, but with the suspicious look on her face, you try to add. - I was in the laundry room, smarty-pants. I saw your car, and wanted to say hello.
She lets out a sigh, and shrugs her shoulders, heading for the door. You hurry to stand in front of her, a charming smile on your lips.
- I notice that you don't talk much. - You remark, and Wanda frowns, crossing her arms.
- It depends on the subject. - She says. - Talking about the tires on my car doesn't cause me a verbal frenzy.
- You're not afraid of me, are you? - you ask, and she looks at you incredulously.
- Why would I be afraid of you?
- Most people are. - You retort, and Wanda rolls her eyes with irony.
- Well, I don't.
You smile and move a little closer.
- Not afraid, but I bet you've imagined me naked, haven't you? - You tease and give a little wink. Wanda keeps her face almost angry.
- Wow, is it that obvious? - She retorts. - I want you so bad, baby.
She mocks last before bending down slightly and opening the car door, pushing you with the metal.
You let out an impatient sigh as you step back, and she gets into the car and prepares to leave. You stand with your arms folded trying to think how exactly you are going to make this work.
And then Pepper Potts parks her car right behind Wanda's, preventing her from leaving, while the blonde steps out of the vehicle with a smiling, arrogant posture.
- My God, is it idiots' day today? - Wanda complains from inside the car. When Pepper passes by her window, she shouts: - Do you mind girl?
- Not even a little, bitch. - Potts retorts without looking at her as she walks away. 
But then Wanda is backing the car up, and the next moment Pepper's red Cadillac has a big bump mark on the side. You laugh in surprise, not believing that she had actually hit the car.
- My God, you are completely crazy! - Potts shouts as she observes the impact. 
- Oops. - You hear Wanda scoff.
You laughed again, before going back to the laundry room. 
It was Monday again, and you were trying to have a quiet day. But while you were putting your books away in your locker, Potts approached you.
- When I pay for something, I expect results. - She says, and you close the closet to brace yourself against it.
- I'm trying.
- Watching that lunatic destroy my car doesn't count as a date. - She retorts with mild irritation. - If you don't go out with her, I won't get Pietro. Then get something soon, okay?
That girl's audacity pissed you off. 
- I just raised the price. - You tell her, and she looks at you in disbelief.
- Excuse me?
- One hundred and fifty dollars a date. - You say. - In advance.
- Forget it. - She said angrily, turning away.
- Then forget about her brother.
Potts lets out a grumble and then turns to you again, hurrying to get the money.
- Does this kid have a gold dick by any chance? - You scoff, and Potts gives you the middle finger, making you laugh.
- You better get the date, sister. - She says, and you just smile before heading off in the direction of the mechanics' classroom.
You were trying to find the correct melting point for one of the tools when you were approached by the same girl as the last time you had mechanics. 
- I know what you are trying to do with Wanda Maximoff. - She announces, and you let out a wry chuckle as you continue your attention to the tools in front of you.
- Really? And what are you going to do about it?
- Help you.
You blink in surprise as you raise a large metal bar at your eye level to identify its features.
- Why? - you ask, and it is not the girl who speaks next.
- The situation is that my friend Monica, is in love with Pietro Maximoff. - A male voice speaks, and then you look quickly to identify Bruce Banner.
- God, this kid must really have a gold cock. - You mumble with irony as you place the iron bar on the table, and take off your protective gloves.
- Believe me when I tell you that Monica's love is pure, she wants to date him. - Banner explains as you walk to another table in the room, looking for your notes. - Unlike Pepper Potts, who only wants to use him as a trophy.
- Look, I'm only in this for the money. I don't give a shit who Potts is fucking. - You respond without patience, and Monica seems to get irritated with you, but Banner calms her down.
You make some notes regarding the lesson and walk over to the table to analyze the pictures of the tools as you organize them. Monica and Banner follow you.
- Listen, Y/N, we are the ones who planned this story so that Monica and Pietro could date. - Banner says. - Potts is just the go-between.
You laugh with surprise.
- And you are going to help me win Wanda over?
- That's right. - They both say in unison. You turn your attention back to the materials in front of you.
- We will investigate what she likes. - Banner says. - You need our help.
Bruce smiled amiably, and you laughed at the posture he assumed.
- Look, we'll start here. - He began by pulling a piece of paper from his pocket. - On Friday, Stephen Strange is having a party. It's the perfect opportunity.
- Perfect for what? - you ask, looking at him.
- For you to invite Wanda. - He clarifies, and you sigh impatiently, already tired of this conversation.
- I'll think about it. - You say finally and walk to the other side of the room, and this time, they don't follow you.
It was Wednesday, and you and your friends went to a bar to play a bit of pool shortly after school. Your mother had no idea you were here, but she was working, so she wouldn't know.
You got a text message from Bruce, wanting to meet you along with Monica, and you laughed when you sent the location. They really weren't the kind of people who hang around this place.
You were upstairs, drinking some beer when you saw them come in, and nodding slightly to Carol, you went downstairs and walked over to them.
- So, what do you have for me? - you asked, leaning against a wall.
- Before we get started, I have a question. - says Bruce. - Is it true that you are on probation?
You laugh in surprise.
- What?
- Bruce, shut up. - said Monica, tapping her colleague on the shoulder. And then she turned to you. - First thing, Wanda hates smokers.
- Okay, I hate them too.
You mock, but Monica and Bruce look serious, so you sigh, and take out of your pocket your cigarette case, handing it to the girl.
- There is another problem, Pietro told me that Wanda likes pretty girls. 
They look at you for a moment and you frown.
- Are you saying that I'm not pretty? - you ask, straightening your posture.
- You are beautiful! Monica, she's so beautiful, what are you saying? - hurried Bruce almost in terror. You wanted to laugh.
Monica nods quickly in agreement, and you lean back against the wall.
- Look, I made a list. - She hastens to say, pulling a piece of paper from her shirt pocket. - Wanda's tastes are: Sokovian food, feminist poetry, punk and alternative music. And there is a list of the CDs she had in her room.
She says, handing the paper to you. You let out a sigh.
- So should I buy some soup, a book, and ear plugs for some really noisy concert?
They both shrug, smiling slightly.
- Have you ever been to the Skrull Club, west side of town? - Banner asks.
You chuckle.
- It's a nice place, but not really my style.
- Well, it will have to be. - says Monica. - Her favorite group is playing there tomorrow night.
You run your fingers through your hair, sighing.
- Come on, Y/N, it's only for one night. - says Banner. - We're sure she'll be there, Mon found the tickets.
- She also has a black lingerie set. - Added Monica and you frown with confusion.
- Why is this relevant? - You asked, and Monica looked away, looking embarrassed. You laughed lightly, but didn't push it. Then you looked at both of them. - Okay, I'll drop by.
Bruce and Monica both let out excited exclamations and then waved goodbye. You laughed and shook your head, wondering what you had gotten yourself into.
The Skrull Club was generally frequented by the punk crowd in town, many women from extremist feminist movements hung out here. But in general it was a pretty diverse crowd of rockers, punks, goths and allies. And the drink was cheap.
You received a few curious glances as you walked through the dimly lit corridors of the nightclub, but it was more because these clubs were generally frequented by the same people, and you’re a familiar face.
The place was very crowded, and you had to dodge a lot of people until you reached the main dance floor, trying to find Wanda.
You smiled when you finally saw her, in the first row, dancing with a girl who was also from your school. You thought she looked pretty, in her black dress and red jacket, plus a knee-length black stocking and dark boots on her feet. She might have looked intimidating, but she was still very pretty.
You don't quite understand why your heart races at the image of her dancing and smiling, so you think it best to get a drink, and turn toward the bar.
You sit there, trying to decide how you are going to approach her, but then Wanda is coming toward the bar, and you disguise yourself by looking the other way.
- You don't give up, do you? - She says as soon as she sees you. And walks over to where you are sitting. - If you're planning on asking me out, you can just give up!
- Do you mind? I'm trying to hear the music. - You hit back without looking at her.
-You're not surrounded by your typical cloud of smoke. -She comments after a moment, and you take a sip of the drink you ordered before answering.
- Yes, I quit. They say it's bad for your health. - You say it with a slight irony.
- Do you think so? - Wanda looks slightly surprised, and you give her a short smile before standing up.
- These guys aren't the Kree's, but they play well. - You comment on her favorite band before heading off toward the dance floor. Wanda hurries to follow you.
- Do you know who the Kree's are? - she asks in surprise.
- Why, you don't know? - You reply with irony.
She doesn't answer, looking mildly impressed. You smile briefly.
- I was watching you dance. - You comment as the band is finishing the song. - I don't think I've ever seen you so sexy.
And then the song ends exactly with your line, and the whole club hears you. Several people giggle, and you feel your cheeks heat up, but Wanda laughs too, and that relaxes you.
- Come to Stephen Strange's party with me. - You ask her. And she tilts her head slightly to the side, still smiling.
- You never give up, do you?
And then another song starts, and Wanda is coming back to the front of the stage.
- Is that a yes? - you shout at her.
- No!
- Was that a no?
It takes a second, but she shouts back.
- No!
You grin.
- See you at 9:30! - You shout to her before she disappears into the crowd. 
You're smiling all the way home.
You were early. But you were so anxious about it that you left the house as quickly as possible. 
And then you arrived at Wanda's door, but as soon as you went to knock, she opened it.
- What are you doing here? - she asked in surprise.
- 9:30. - You answer. - Yeah, well, I'm early.
- Whatever, I'm driving. - She says and then you look into the house and see Pietro Maximoff with a kangaroo baby carrier outfit occupied with a doll and frown.
- May I ask what that is? - You remark, and Wanda just rolls her eyes at the scene, then turns to you.
- My father is a little neurotic about this whole pregnancy thing. - She answers and walks outside. You both wait for Pietro.
- At least he doesn't use a real baby. - You joke and Wanda smiles. But then Pietro leaves the house, looking slightly annoyed, and you hurry to Wanda's car.
It doesn't take long to get to the party.
The place was packed. Probably the whole school was here. And as soon as Wanda found a parking place, Pietro got out and disappeared into the crowd.
You decided to accompany Wanda as she entered the house. You went toward the second floor, and you lost sight of Wanda when a girl jumped on you, completely drunk and trying to kiss you.
- Wow, slow down there. - You said, helping her sit up. You found several empty and sealed bottles of water in one of the liquor containers around the house and handed one to her. - I want you to drink it all, okay?
The girl whimpered in confusion, but you waited. She seemed better, but you handed her another bottle just to be sure.
- Hey Peggy, I found you! - said a skinny boy you didn't know, walking up to you. He frowned, slightly startled, when he noticed you.
- Are you a friend of hers? - You asked him with distrust, and he nodded, looking mildly frightened.
- Yes, he is. This is Steve. - mumbled the girl sitting up, looking like she had a headache. - Thanks for the water, by the way.
- No problem. - You say. - Are you feeling well enough to be alone?
She nods slightly as she speaks:
- Yes, yes. Steve will take care of me now. Thanks again.
And then you patted Steve on the arm, and left the two of them, walking back through the crowd.
It took you many minutes to find Wanda again, because the party is so crowded. And when you reached her, she was pouring a glass of drink into her mouth.
- Hey, I've been looking all over for you. - You announce mildly annoyed. - What the hell are you doing?
- Getting drunk! - she answers ironically. - Isn't that what people are supposed to do at a party?
- I don't know, you do whatever you want to do. - You retort, and Wanda raises her eyebrows.
- Very funny. You're the only one who says that. - She says as she turns away. - See you later.
Wanda leaves walking through the party, and you see her grab another drink glass on the way.
You think you heard someone yell fight while you were walking through the party, and then the crowd moved, but you didn't go toward the people. 
You are very angry, and impatient, wanting to be spending this evening with Wanda, but she doesn't seem interested. 
And then you were walking back the way you came, and you ran into the same couple as before, only now they were kissing. You laughed lightly, the boy looked shy. You decided to stay out of their way, and went downstairs, only to run into Wanda again.
- Hey, why don't you let me have this one. - You spoke up as you noticed what must have been one of the many glasses of booze she had taken, and you raised your arm to pick it up, but Wanda was quicker, moving the glass away.
- No! This one is mine! - she grumbled, clearly drunk, trying to push you away. But you managed to take her glass, and she let out an annoyed sigh.
As you put the glass on a small table, she walked away again, and before you could follow, Pepper was at your side.
- Girl, how did you manage to do that? - she asked, looking excited. You frowned.
- What are you talking about?
- You made a freak act like a human being. - She commented with irony, but you weren't even paying attention anymore. Your gaze raced across the room after Wanda, and then someone turned on the radio in the next room and the crowd screamed attracting your attention.
You exclaimed in surprise when you noticed Wanda dancing on a table, without the jacket she was wearing earlier. Pepper ran in the same direction, joining in the shouts of celebration from the crowd around the table. 
Walking towards the table you were a mixture of irritation, disbelief and embarrassment. Wanda was completely drunk, dancing sensually to the music, while people whistled and watched intently. She had her eyes closed, not even seeming to notice her surroundings.
And then she made a badly calculated move, and hit her head on the chandelier on the table. You were quick enough to catch her when she fell.
- Okay, that was enough. - You grumbled, helping her to her feet. - Are you okay?
- I'm fine! - she replied, but she could barely walk. You kept her from falling while grabbing the jacket she had thrown to the ground.
- Yeah, you're not fine. - You said. - Let's get out of here.
- I just need to lie down. - She mumbled, letting you hold her around the waist as you led her through the crowd.
- If you lie down, you'll sleep. - You say. - You can't sleep after hitting your head.
Wanda giggled.
- So many words. - She complained, and you thought it best to sit her down somewhere.
You reached the outside, as crowded as the house, but you managed to find a space in the garden for her to sit, and helped her to the bench. Wanda put her hand on her head where she had hit it.
- Hey, I need to talk to you. - Called Monica, walking up to you suddenly.
- I'm kinda busy. - You retorted, looking at Wanda.
- Five minutes, it's important.
You sighed, and took one last look at Wanda before walking away with Monica.
- Look, the deal is off, okay? - she said, and you blinked in confusion. - Pietro never wanted to be with me. He just wanted to have sex with Pepper.
You really didn't have the energy for that right now.
- Monica, where did all this come from now, huh? Weren't you two sneaking around together?
- I thought I was having a good time, but I saw them both at the party. - She explained, and you sighed impatiently.
- Hey, you like this boy don't you? - you asked, and she looked away, nodding. - And he's worth all this stuff you're doing?
- I thought so but...
- Yes or no?  - She swallowed hard, and you assumed a serious posture. - Listen, Pepper Potts is not half as good as you, and you never let anyone make you think that you don't deserve something. Okay? 
Monica nodded, looking surprised. You turned your face toward Wanda quickly.
- Look, I have to go. - You said as you turned and helped Wanda to her feet.
On the way out you made sure to grab one of the bottles of water you found in the barrels.
You let her rest her arm on your shoulder to keep from falling, while your arm went around her waist. You dragged her across the street, and you ended up climbing a small hill in the mansion area that ended at a playground.
- Why are you doing this? - she grumbled.
- I said, you might have a concussion. - You retorted. Wanda broke free of you and started trying to walk ahead. You kept your attention to catch her in case she fell.
- You don't even care if I don't wake up.
You let out a chuckle, stopping her from falling next.
- That's not true.
- Why not?
- Because then I'd have to date girls who like me. - You respond with humor.
- If you could find one. - She retorts, and you have a smile on your lips when you answer.
- Oh, see. Who needs affection when I get hate?
- I just need to sit for a while. - She says, closing her eyes for a moment, and you help her sit down on one of the swings behind you. She falls off balance a second after you put her there, but you are quick to help her stay seated.
- Jesus. - You sigh as you stop her from falling, and then sit down on the swing beside her while Wanda laughs lightly. - So, why do you let yourself be affected?
- By whom? - she asks.
- Potts.
Wanda looks away, shaking her head.
- I hate her.
You let out a tired sigh.
- Well, you have chosen the perfect revenge. Intravenous tequila. - You joke, making her laugh.
- It's what they say.... - She begins to speak while you are looking away, and with the momentary silence you stare back, startled to find her asleep. You get up hastily, touching her face.
- Hey, Wanda! Wake up! Come on, open your eyes! - You called out, patting her face lightly. 
Wanda blinked, opening her eyes, and you let out a sigh of relief. And then you took your hands away from her face and stood up, while she continued to look at you.
- I like your eyes. - She says with a shy smile. And you smile too, but then she throws up on your shoes the next second and the moment is broken. You laugh incredulously, but pat her on the back.
- Time to go home, punk. - You comment softly.
It takes a moment for Wanda to calm down, and you hand her the bottle of water you got. Then you walk to her car, and she hands you the keys.
Just as you are about to arrive at her house many minutes after, she speaks again:
- I should do that. - She comments still sounding drunk. 
- Do what?
- That. - She says, pointing to the radio. A rock song was playing.
- Start a band?
- No, install radios in cars. - She retorted with irony, and you laughed lightly. - Starting a band of course. My dad would love it.
You then stop the car in front of her house. 
- You don't seem to be the type to ask your father's permission to do things. - You comment as you take out the keys.
Wanda blinks in surprise.
- So now you know me?
- I'm trying. 
- People only know that I scare them.
- Yeah, I know the feeling. - You comment with a wry smile. Wanda looks at you with an intensity that makes your stomach turn. - So, your father looks tough.
- No, he just wants me to be someone I'm not. - She says, shaking her head slightly.
- Who?
- Pietro. - She answers with a frown. You let out an understanding sigh.
- No offense, I know everyone likes your brother and all, but he's a pretty shallow guy. - You say and Wanda looks at you in surprise, but then she has a little smile on her face.
- You know... you're not as obnoxious as I thought. - She says, making you laugh slightly. And then she looks at you like that again, and brings your faces together, closing her eyes. You swallow dryly, ignoring your nervousness, and look at the steering wheel.
- I think we should do this another time. - You say, and Wanda looks at you in disbelief, as you twiddle your fingers nervously. She frowns and looks ahead, then opens the car door and gets out.
You sit there for several minutes, hoping that Wanda won't be even more irritated with you than she usually is.
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