#gndw gif drabble
girl-next-door-writes · 10 months
Characters: Steve Harrington x reader
Summary: It’s 3am and Steve allows himself to feel a little comfort in the midst of all the madness.
Word Count: 500 words
Prompt: ‘You’re my new pillow’
A/N: This is for the amazingly wonderful @band--psycho and their drabble celebration. This was difficult to keep under 500 words!!!!
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It was late, and nothing good ever happened at 3am. He felt like he was always the last one for the penny to drop, always a few steps behind everyone else mentally, and he worried that if he closed his eyes for a second that something terrible would happen.
Sitting in the Wheelers basement, surrounded by the gentle snores and occasional shifting of his sleeping friends, he allowed himself a second to just breathe. His gaze drifted in the gloom to you, leaning against him with a peaceful expression, and his heart ached. You had never really been his, but that didn’t stop his heart leaping into his throat every time he saw you. Not that he had ever told you that. Steve knew he was not good enough for you, you deserved the world, but he wanted you to be happy, to get through this nightmare as unscathed as possible. Part of him wished you’d never been dragged into all this, and another part was grateful you were by his side.
Maybe one day, the stars might align, and you would see he was sitting here simply waiting for you, but until then, he was content to just be in your orbit. He shifted slightly, laying back against the arm of the sofa causing your head to rest against his chest. Steve froze as you let out a deep sigh and then snuggle into him, your hand coming to rest by your face, softly rubbing his chest. A goofy smile played on his lips as he looked down at you with a lovestruck expression he knew would result in mercilessly teasing if witnessed. Things were crazy, and he was so afraid he wouldn’t be enough, but right in this moment he allowed himself to feel something else, something lighter.
You let out a soft groan and your eyes opened slightly, taking a moment remember where you were. A soft smile pulled at your lips as you realised you were snuggled up to Steve, assuming he was asleep. Sneaking a glance up at him, your eyebrows rose when your eyes met his warm chocolate one.
“Hey.” You whispered, voice still thick with sleep.
“Hey.” He hummed back, the rumble in his chest vibrating beneath your hand.
“You comfy?”
“Yeah. You?”
“You’re my new pillow.” You grinned sleepily and Steve felt his heart explode at just how adorable you looked right now.
“Any time.”
“Careful, Harrington, I might just hold you to that.” You murmured as you snuggled into his chest once more, already feeling sleep calling you back into its depths.
“Good.” He whispered, wrapping his arm around you, and letting his own eyes close. The weight of you against his body was reassuring, a reminder that he wasn’t alone, that he was just a nineteen-year-old kid, and it was okay not to have his whole life together. He placed an absentminded kiss to the top of your head and allowed himself to drift off and get some well-deserved rest.
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For @perpetual-exhaustion21. It's been a hot minute since I wrote anything for my lovely Star Trek boys but I am on the look out for plot bunnies.
This was not how it was meant to be. He wasn't even supposed to be on this stupid mission in the first place, but then you'd offered and he'd be damned if anything happened to you on his watch. Not that he would ever admit to ANYONE that was the reason he was here. Especially when he knew the looks he would receive from Kirk, the teasing, the pushing to tell you how he feels only to be rejected and have to deal with the humiliation. Nope. Never going to happen. He had decided to keep a safe distance, only stepping in when he felt the overwhelming need to keep you safe.
Of course, right now you were safely tucked away fixing the battered ship while he was standing here, with Spock, about to die. They were surrounded and unarmed, things were not looking good at all. He wondered if there was anything the Vulcan regretted, anything left unsaid or undone. McCoy had a list as long as his arm, and at the top was knowing he would never get to hold you.
Of course, he longed to do more than just hold you, but holding you had always seemed somehow attainable, barely crossing any lines. He had been working up to it, waiting for his moment when he could pull you into his arms. Some rocks shifted along the side of the ravine, indicating their assailants were getting closer.
"Well, at least I won't die alone." He half joked, feeling the reassuring pressure of Spock leaning against his back for a moment, and then it was gone. Spinning around, he saw that Spock had vanished! "Well that's just-"
His words were cut off as he found himself beamed aboard the broken ship and before he could gather his thoughts you had launched yourself at him, holding him so tight he wasn't entirely sure if it was restricting his breathing. He was aware of you mumbling something against his chest, fear and panic in your tone. Leonard frowned and wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling your hair as he whispered, "It's okay, darlin'. I'm okay. We're gonna be okay."
He felt your grip on his shirt loosen a little, but you didn't pull away. Maybe it was the near death situation, maybe it was wishful thinking, but Leonard couldn't help hope he had a shot at a little more than just holding you. Perhaps he would see if you wanted to get a drink after all this was over. One thing he knew for damned sure was that he didn't want to be staring down death and regretting not taking his shot with you.
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Hello sorry it took me so long to find a gif! (this is disadvantage2caring btw 😊) I love Mycroft but I don't see enough Hux stuff either so I went with this one. Who doesn't love a confused Hux lol. Thank you so much and I can't wait to read this drabble ♥
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Well worth the wait!!! Oh man! Confused Hux is wonderful. Let's see what I've got rolling round my mind for this one.
"I just cannot comprehend the rational behind it." Hux sighed with frustration. This conversation was supposed to clarify things for him, help him get to the bottom of his current dilemma.
"Is it completely beyond the realms of possibility that someone, and by someone I mean the Lieutenant in question, could be physically attracted to you?" Phasma asked with a raised eyebrow that Hux felt rather than saw due to her helmet.
"W-what? That's no- That is certainly not what this is. This is yet another attempt by Ren to torture me." He frowned, his fingers flexing by his side of their own volition.
"Ren? Ren would have gone to all the trouble of finding an attractive Lieutenant and what? Forced them to nice to you? Threatened them to defend you against Pryde? I don't think that man has the patience to pull off something like that." Phasma smirked, knowing exactly why her friend was having such difficulty accepting the inevitable truth.
"Defended me against Pryde?" Armitage asked, confusion etched onto his face, "When was this? Where?" His body was practically vibrating with panic now. If you had done something so bold on his behalf then there would surely be consequences and the thought of you being hurt sent a pain through his chest akin to being hit with a blaster.
"Third deck holding last I heard." Phasma said casually, watching Hux almost trip over himself to leave, perhaps to be your saviour in this matter. She didn't have the heart to tell him you were perfectly fine, that she had stopped you from saying something that would get you into trouble, but she knew he wouldn't acknowledge his feelings for you if he didn't think he might never get the chance to. Maybe this little shove in the right direction would give him the chance to find something that could make him happy.
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Leonard McCoy, please? Thank you!
Oh, I am enjoying writing my grumpy medic once more. I hadn't realised how much I missed him.
Shore leave was always an 'occasion' due to it being so rare! It was definitely strange seeing people out of uniform, the professional lines now officially blurred as rank melted away for the next 24 hours. Everyone was excited, but Leonard McCoy's smile had a different reason behind it.
"Hey, you coming?" Kirk asked his friend, nodding towards the door. They plan was to go for drinks and then find somewhere to eat in the vain hope it would soak up some of the alcohol.
"Yeah, just waitin' for..." He trailed off as he spotted you out of the corner of his eye. His smile grew as he turned towards you, watching you scan the crowd until your eyes fell on him and a smile of your own lit up your face.
"Ah." Kirk smirked knowingly. He had been trying to set the two of you up for what seemed like an age, but it looked like maybe the good doctor had finally grown a pair and asked you to join him.
"Hey." You grinned as you jogged over to join them, and it was in that moment both men realised you thought this was a group activity rather than a date. "Ready to go?"
The pained look that flashed across Leonard's face both amused and pained his friend, but there was no way Kirk was about to make this situation easier for him.
"Let's go. You look lovely by the way, I'm not sure anyone's told you that yet." He shot a pointed look at McCoy who simply rolled his eyes.
"Beautiful darlin'." He agreed, noting the shy smile that appeared at his compliment. Perhaps this wasn't a total lost cause after all.
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For @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek I'm sorry this got away from me a little.
The British weather was somehow fitting this morning. Warm enough to leave the house without a coat and yet temperamental enough to burst into sudden heavy downpours without warning. The bottom of his trousers were sodden, the raindrops bouncing up and embedding deep into the expensive fabric, a reminder for the rest of the day as it took its time to dry. The ash from the tip of his cigarette threatened to tumble onto his sleeve, but he didn't care. So what if he ruined his suit with small scorch holes and water damage? What was the point?
John stomped his way through the rain towards the figure beneath the umbrella, anger bubbling within him. He had left you back at your place after crying yourself to sleep. Your friend had been by your side all night and now the reason for your tears had the audacity to summon him!?! Oh, he was going to give Mycroft Holmes more than just a piece of his mind.
Mycroft turned as he felt John approach, a wan smile on his lips as he dropped his cigarette on the floor and stubbed it out with the heel of his shoe. A deep sadness emanated from him, causing Watson to pause before he launched into his pre-prepared rant.
"I need you to give this package to my brother." Mycroft said simply, he didn't trust his voice to say more. He didn't ask if John had seen you, it was obvious he had. He didn't ask if you were okay, it was obvious you weren't. He didn't ask if there was any chance at all you would see him, that he could explain, that he could take it all back and tell you he was just scared. Terrified of his feelings for you. Afraid that you would really see him and be as disgusted as he was himself. His heart ached as all the unspoken questions hung between him and Watson.
"I'll make sure he gets it." John took the package and nodded curtly before turning and stalking away through the rain, leaving Mycroft to his self-made melancholy.
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I present to you, my dear, sweet man: Steven Grant for the gif drabble. Thank you~! 💖
Oh, I just want to wrap this man up in a blanket like a burrito and feed him beignets.
It was Saturday. Saturday morning. More specifically it was the Saturday morning of daylight savings, which meant you got a whole extra hour added to your night! This was one of your favourite days because it meant a whole extra hour with Steven, and that was why you woke up at stupid-o-clock like a child on Christmas morning.
You had let him sleep, he clearly needed it, and had created a breakfast banquet as well as preparing a picnic for todays adventures. It had been your intention to wake him in about an hour, but your excitement had bubbled up and as you danced around the kitchen you hummed to yourself. That was what woke him.
Sitting up in bed, he looked around blearily, his eyes taking in flashes of you dancing around in one of his shirts. You seemed even more sunshiny than usual and Steven immediately began to panic. What day was it? Was it an anniversary? Birthday? Obviously it was something special because you were radiating joy like never before but he couldn't for the life of him figure it out.
"Darlin'?" He called, pushing himself out of bed and padding over to the kitchen, running his fingers through his unruly locks. "What's with all the food? Not that I'm complainin', love your food and you looking after me and all that. Just wonderin' is all."
"Hey." You grinned, sliding over and placing a soft kiss to his cheek. "Happy daylight savings day! We get a whole extra hour together today, or tonight? Not sure how it works, just know we need to sort out the clocks before bed." Pressing another kiss to his jaw, you whirled away to pour him a coffee leaving him standing there shaking his head, a soft, affectionate smile on his lips. You we a little insane, but he liked that about you. Your enthusiasm was infectious, especially when he realised what you were really happy about was an extra hour with him.
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Hi darling, I am sending you this gif for the drabble. If it's not showing properly I can resend it or send another. I made this gif for you so If you like it feel free to use it. Thank you
I adore this gif so much and that is the only reason this has taken me so long to write.
There were so many reasons to love Steven Grant. He was kind and sweet, thoughtful of everyone. He was a genuinely nice guy with a quirky sense of humour and encyclopaedic knowledge of his hyper fixations. Ever since this handsome, dishevelled man quite literally fell into your life, you had been fighting the growing affection you had towards him. Steven was your friend. A friend and nothing more.
"Morning gorgeous." You could hear the smile in his voice as butterflies cascaded around your chest at the innocent endearment.
"Good morning handsome, you sound like you might actually have gotten a little sleep last night." You checked your bedside clock, turning off the alarm before it could sound. It had become a daily thing, the last few weeks, a 'goodnight' call and a 'good morning' from your dear friend.
"I did actually. All good here." You could hear him moving around his apartment, trying your best not to think about him still in his pj's, hair messy from sleep. Or maybe just a towel! Padding around after a morning shower. "Morning Gus, my little one-finned wonder." You couldn't help but smile as you listened to him greeting his flatmate.
"Tell Gus I say good morning too." You say brightly, your smile growing as you hear him chuckle.
"You hear that, mate? You just got a 'good morning'! Careful though, don't want you stealing 'em away from me. I'm still your favourite, right?" There was a hint of insecurity in his tone that you were quick to soothe.
"Always, Steven. You are and always will be my favourite in the whole world." You chuckle, heading to your kitchen to make a drink.
"The whole world? Wow. That's a lot of people. You sure I'm your favourite of everyone? What if you meet someone better? Someone less mental?" This caused you to pause and then carefully put your cup down.
"Steven, everyone's kinda mental, just in different ways. You are my favourite human being on the planet, so you're just gonna have to deal with that knowledge because I'm not changing my mind. Gus can be my favourite fish if he likes." You wait for a response, needing him to know just how much he means to you.
"Yeah." He said quietly, and you could have sworn you heard a slight sniff. "Yeah, I think we'd both like that. Hey, wanna go to the National Gallery today? I think they've got some new exhibition thing going. Might be fun."
"Sounds like a plan. Give me an hour and I'll come round to yours. After all, I need to see my favourite fish before we head out, don't want him getting all jealous that you get me all to yourself for the day." You giggled and mentally began putting together an outfit for the day.
"See you in an hour then, gorgeous." His grin was evident in his voice once again and you felt your heart skip. "Laters gators."
"In a while, crocodile." You responded before hanging up and hurrying to get ready. A whole day with Steven Grant, that sounded pretty close to heaven.
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@kjs-s how could I possibly resist? It's Dean and a dog! Look how happy he is!
You checked your watch again, only just refraining from tapping your foot as you continued to wait. It wasn't like them to be late. Dean ran everything on military time when hunting was involved, so part of you began to worry something had happened to them. Surely they hadn't gone in without you? No, they wouldn't do that. Maybe they needed to stop for gas?
A million possibilities ran through your mind as your eyes frantically scanned to see if you could spot them. In all honesty, you heard Baby before you saw her. Relief flooded over you, which turned to confused amusement as they rounded the corner and you saw Dean hanging out of the window with a dog?!? He had a dog in the car!
As they pulled up, Sammy shot you an apologetic look and you smiled softly in acknowledgement before turning to the elephant in the room, or rather the dog in the impala.
"New teammate?" You asked Dean who was beaming like a five-year-old on Christmas morning.
"Isn't he great! He follows commands and everything."
"Great, so you're gonna be sitting in the back with him then." You said pointedly, barely holding back a laugh as you watched the conflict play across Dean's face.
"I mean... yeah if, if you don't wanna... he's a good boy though, won't get in your face or anything."
"Your dog drools on me and you do my laundry for a month." You call out as you move to climb into the back.
"Deal." Dean grinned, sitting back and bouncing in his seat. This was a good day for Dean, he had his dog, his girl and the open road. What could possibly go wrong?
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So a 3rd option arised. Sammy for the win this time
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I was expecting Dean or Clint... YOU SENT ME SAMMY!!!! *swoons and falls to the floor* Okay, okay, now I've gathered myself to type, here's a little something for your kind offering.
Gabriel was flirting with you, again. You were never entirely sure how you were supposed to take his not-so-subtle advances. Should you be amused? Flattered? Irritated? Right now you were sucking on a lollipop, perched on the edge of the table, watching the angel with a look of sheer bewilderment.
"I can be whatever you want me to be, sugar." Gabe smirked, producing a dozen roses out of thin air. His eyes darted over to make sure Sam was watching all this, wondering what line he'd have to cross before the BFG got up off his ass and told you how he felt. Gabe only hoped that would happen before you caught feelings for him instead of Sammy-boy.
"Whatever I want? Then you wouldn't be you, and surely you want me to love you for you, right?" You asked thoughtfully, pulling your lollipop from between your lips.
"Well, what do you want, and we can see if that's me." Gabe suggested, moving to stand between your thighs, causing Sam to frown as he pretended to be engrossed in his book rather than your conversation.
"I want a guy who is tall." You grinned, laughing lightly as Gabe pulled himself up to his full height. "Okay, kind, thoughtful, who will protect me but will also let me protect him. Someone interesting, must read books..." Gabe's eyes drifted over your shoulder and met Sam's, raising his eyebrow suggestively.
"...a little bit of a geek, would rather stay in and watch a movie than go out to a bar, someone who will let me borrow his clothes, even though they are massive..."
"Someone who is like a best friend?" Gabe asked, still looking at Sam.
"Yeah, exactly. A best friend who I want to kiss all the time." You agreed, and Sam felt himself growing warm.
"Maybe someone who you think looks good with a beard, even though his brother was mean and convinced him to shave it off?" Gabe grinned, your eyes widening as you realised exactly what he was implying. Your nerves definitely not helped by the chuckle of disbelief behind you.
"Yeah." You said rather boldly, whatever game this was that Gabe was playing you would be damned if you let him win.
"Well, sugar, that definitely does not sound like me so I shall take the shattered pieces of my broken heart and maybe go mess with Deano for a bit to cheer myself up." And with that, the cheeky angel vanished.
"Did- did you really like the beard?" Sam asked tentatively, getting to his feet and coming to sit beside you on the table.
"It may have played into my manly lumberjack fantasies." You say as you bump your shoulder against his arm.
"If you give me a few days, maybe I can help you out with those fantasies of yours." Sam suggested with a nervous smile on his lips, a smile which only grew when you looked at him with a mixture of shock and amusement.
"You're gonna have to at least take me to dinner before I let you in on all those scenarios."
"Okay." Sam grinned, happiness radiating off him. "Go get your jacket, I'm taking you for dinner."
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@kjs-s I have decided to write both. Both are very good. So, here's your first little ramble for the LOVELY Steven with a 'v'.
This was insane. Like, certifiably insane! If you hadn't seen it all with your own eyes then you would have been concerned that Steven had finally completely lost it. Though maybe it was you who was headed for the looney bin.
Standing there, eyes wide, you tried to process the scene in front of you. Several incredibly dangerous looking men sprawled throughout the alley way, you totally unharmed, a rather suave figure entirely in white with Steven's voice watching you carefully.
"What. The Hell. Was. That?" you managed to huff out, your heart still racing.
"Well, kinda a long story really. I mean, we could start from the beginning, though I'm not sure where the real beginning is. Maybe with Marc? Maybe before that, really, I mean it's not like there haven't been other avatars and stuff but..." He trailed off when he realised he was rambling and you definitely weren't following his erratic train of thought.
"Steven. Did you really just take out six guys?" Your eyes ran over the bodies once more, doing a headcount.
"Didn't really seem fair, did it? Them lot all against you, figured I'd even the numbers a little." He was growing more nervous, uncertain that you would ever want anything to do with him again after all this.
"Even it up? You came out of nowhere, like Batman! Though you outfit is rather more conspicuous." Your eyes roamed over him, taking in every detail of this elaborate costume.
"Well, I do look sharp though." He fixed his tie, not sure if he liked this comparison to the caped crusader of comic book fame.
"True." You smirked and he felt his nerves dissipating a little. "Still, it's not my favourite look on you. I can't see that gorgeous face of yours. I would rather like to look into the eyes of my hero and thank him properly." 
"Oh, well, I can manage that." Steven grinned as he stepped forward, his mask disappearing as he placed his hands on your waist.
"There you are." You hummed, not quite sure how you were going to match up your mild mannered, loving boyfriend with the kick ass ninja warrior you'd just witnessed.
"Here I am." He said softly, resting his forehead against yours, just glad that you were safe, that he had arrived in time. In the back of his mind he heard Marc warning that this wasn't over. Steven knew he was right, but he just wanted a moment with you, a calm pause before he truly introduced you to the craziness his life had become.
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The fabulous @witchygagirl was one of the winners of my Reblog Mini-Draw last week and THIS is the gif I received to drabble. Just take a moment to look at it. It's a gift. Anyway, here's something I wrote about it.
"I do not have a thing for her." Dean huffed, keeping his eyes on the road as the rain fell harder. This was a 'discussion' he and his brother had with increased regularity over the last few months and it was becoming difficult for him to deny. Of course he had a 'thing' for you! You were brilliant, brave, smart, sexy, fun... how could he not be completely smitten? Of course, Dean being Dean, he knew that there was no way those feelings were reciprocated, that you deserved so much better than anything he could provide.
"You definitely do." Sam grinned, glancing at his brother, "You go all soft when you speak to her. She makes you happy."
"Pie makes me happy. The open road and good music makes me happy. She-" his words were cut off by his phone ringing and he answered it as soon as he saw your name flashing up on the screen. "Hey sweetheart. Everything okay?" he asked, panic gripping him until he heard you chuckle and tell him you were good, you just wanted to check in with him.
His body relaxed and he nodded to himself, the hint of a smile on his lips. "We're good, just on the way back... Sammy, she says 'hi'."
"Tell her hi back, and that you loooove her and want to marry her." Sam teased, definitely loud enough for you to hear him.
"Shut up." Dean hissed, unable to hit his brother as that would mean letting go of the steering wheel entirely. "No, not you sweetheart, Sammy's just being a dick. Where abouts are you? Still in Alabama?... oh! Yeah, yeah of course, you can crash at ours any time you like." His heart was hammering in his chest and his foot may have pressed a little harder on the accelerator. You would be there at the bunker, waiting for him when he got back. That thought definitely made him feel a little soft around the edges.
"Nah, Sammy will be fine with it. Hey, you want me to pick up something to eat on the way back? Don't mind stopping by that little burger place you like, the one with the real thick milkshakes. Yeah? Okay, guess I'll be seein' you in an hour or so." As he hung up, a wide smile had appeared on his face.
"Told you, you go all soft." Sam smirked, this time earning him a punch in the arm.
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girl-next-door-writes · 11 months
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One more Sammy
"Should we go help him?" You asked Dean, amusement lacing your voice as you watched Sam being flirted at.
"I don't know, he's gonna have to learn to deal with these things at some point." Dean shrugged, smirking, knowing full well Sam was trying to be polite because the woman had information but didn't want to lead her on.
"I'm going over."
"Spoilsport." Dean chuckled, knowing full well you couldn't help but intervene.
"Hey, sweetheart, I lost you for a moment there." You beamed at Sam, slipping an arm around his waist before turning to look at the woman innocently. You'd successfully conveyed that Sam was taken and now there was no possibility of her getting anything more from him, she gave up the information and you could all go on your way.
"Thank you for that." Sam said softly, his arm still draped over your shoulder as the two of you walked over to the Impala.
"No problem big guy, I figure it's part of my role, being the fake significant other to whichever Winchester needs it." You patted him on the ass and then climbed into the car.
"Fake... yeah..." Sam said softly to himself.
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For the gif Drabble
Dean just couldn't help himself. Seeing you bent over Baby that way gave him all sorts of thoughts he really shouldn't be having. He'd been half joking when he said you needed to wash his beloved car after getting her all muddy on a dirt track when you and Sam 'borrowed' her. Maybe he had blown his stack. Maybe he had been a little lost in the red mist at the time. But what had you expected? You had taken Baby!
He'd actually been feeling bad about the way he'd blown up at you, after all, you'd taken good care of her despite the mud bath. He had been making his way to apologise when he had stumbled upon a fantasy he hadn't even realise had been lurking in the back of his mind. Soapy water had soaked your shirt and as you leaned over the hood to reach a spot he had to bite his lip to hold back a moan. Fuck. Maybe he should 'punish' you more often.
"You come to inspect my handiwork?" Your voice pulled his gaze back to your face and his cheeks flushed a little.
"You didn't really have to do this, you know that, right?" He looked at you a little guilty, only for you to laugh and toss a sponge at him.
"Fuck, Winchester! Let me just apologise for taking your ride without asking. No need to make it this big fucking deal. I got her dirty, so I'm cleaning her. This isn't about you having a tantrum, so don't get your panties in a bunch."
"Who told you I'm wearing panties?" He smirked, bending over to pick up the sponge.
"Well, a pair of my black ones have gone missing and I'm fairly certain Sam's huge ass couldn't fit in them. Yours on the other hand..." You squealed as Dean ran over and picked up the hose you'd been using.
"Not sure if you just paid me a compliment there or not, sweetheart. Maybe I should be flattered you've been paying that much attention to my ass. On the other hand, you did just accuse me of stealing your underwear so..." He splashed you with water only to have a full bucket of soapy water tossed over him in retaliation.
Sure, seeing you bend over Baby had been a very good sight, but seeing you drenched and laughing made his heart clench. Shit. There was a very good chance he was catching feelings, but he could ignore that, right? Right now, he had a water fight to win.
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girl-next-door-writes · 11 months
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More Sammy
Sam sat in the library replaying every moment from the last case. He had been so convinced that you wanted a guy like Dean that he found himself emulating his older brother, and that had caused some terrible situations.
Sam was not Dean, not even close, and as he sat in the darkness he couldn't help but cringe, running his hand over his face. Dean was a leader, a soldier, a man of action. Sam... he knew he had other strengths, but what did they matter when the one person he wanted to look at him like a hero was too busy looking at his brother?
"Hey. I thought you were in here. Why you sitting in the dark?" Your voice cut through his moping and Sam looked up to see you leaning on the doorframe, the light behind you illuminated your form but hid your face from him.
"Yeah... just thought I'd have a moment, you know?"
"Want company? Or is this an 'alone' kind of moment?"
Sam considered for a moment before using his foot to slide a chair out from the table for you.
The two of you sat in silence for a while and he could sense you watching him.
"I'm okay. Well... as okay as any of us can be in our profession." he said softly, wanting to reassure you.
"You know you're not alone, right? You can talk to me about anything, Sam." He felt your hand rest on his, your warm skin sending goosebumps up his arm.
"I know." He said, his voice breaking slightly.
"Don't tell your brother..."
Sam tensed, expecting a confession of your feelings for Dean.
"... but you're my favourite Winchester."
The whispered confession in the darkness of the library had his heart racing and his cheeks heating. Maybe there was hope for him yet.
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girl-next-door-writes · 11 months
If you’re still accepting them…
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Dean couldn't help it, he couldn't have stopped it even if he'd tried, and there were times he wondered if he should have tried to stop this. His heart beat the same as it ever did, only now it seemed to fill up the emptiness inside him. Maybe it was best he didn't fight this, because it would kind of be like putting out the fire that was keeping him alive in the depths of a blizzard.
He hadn't acted on his feelings, but he was very aware that Sammy sensed something was going on. He'd picked up on the way Dean lit up whenever you were around, how he kept you close to him, even unconsciously. Sam was fairly sure that if you asked Dean to give up this life, to walk away from it all, his brother would go, although Dean would tell his little brother that was crazy, that he wouldn't give up everything for someone.
Dean was so afraid to be in love, to acknowledge that this was what he felt for you. It was terrifying to feel this much for one person, and even more petrifying to think about you loving him in return. He knew he was a difficult person to love, that he was broken and flawed and not the best at communicating, but in the moments you would hold him he couldn't help think that you might just see past that.
It had been a long day and the team had reconvened in the motel room.
"Here, picked you up a little something." You tossed a box across at Dean who looked at you with confusion. Opening it up, he couldn't help but grin and look over at you to say 'thanks'. He had managed to crack the screen on his phone during a fight a couple of days ago and not only had you bought him a replacement but you'd also bought him a protective case featuring his favourite cheesy horror movie monsters.
It was little things like that which made his chest fill with warmth. You had noticed his phone, noticed the small frown that pulled at his brow each time he'd looked at it, and then you'd gone out of your way to make him feel better.
Dean watched you riffling through your bag with a soft lovesick smile on his face. You made him feel so much, but the best feeling was that he felt whole. Somehow, you pushed together all the fractured pieces of him and he felt like he wasn't on his own. He loved you, and there was nothing he would rather be than a boy, in love with the most amazing person in the whole world.
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girl-next-door-writes · 11 months
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This bit of Mycroft is for the lovely @theweepingvulcan91
It was in this moment that you realised the depth of Mycroft Holmes true feelings for you.
Sherlock was explaining why he needed his brothers help due to your 'incompetence', blaming you entirely for the way things had gone so wrong so quickly, even though you would argue he was equally to blame for your current predicament. After a solid five minutes of Sherlock listing each and every one of your failings as a human being, you looked up and caught this look on Mycroft's face. His jaw tensed, his eyes flashing a warning towards his little brother, his grip on his umbrella a little too tight. You tuned out what Sherlock was actually saying, beginning to suspect he was trying to find the right combination of insults that would unlock whatever he was after within his brother.
That was when you realised that Sherlock had discovered a weakness in his brother he could potentially exploit, and that weakness was you.
"Enough, Sherlock." Mycroft's clipped tone rang out in the room, venom practically dripping from those two words.
This reaction caused Sherlocks face to light up with a broad smile, his hypothesis suddenly proven in his mind.
"I am sorry," Sherlock now addressed you, surprised to see you appeared upset, "I simply needed to confirm my brothers pressure point. You are... you are a trusted friend and I am sorry if my words were a little harsh."
"You're an arse, Sherlock, but I am strangely used to it." You gave him a half smile, trying not to take what he had said personally, even though it had cut quite deep.
"I shall leave the two of you to discuss how you are going to deal with this. After all, brother dearest, it will only be a matter of time before your enemies come to the same conclusion as I have. So find a way to protect your goldfish and then we can return to our case." Sherlock winked at you as he turned and strode out of the room, his coat billowing dramatically behind him.
"Have you Holmes boys always been so bloody dramatic?" You asked softly, watching him go with a shake of your head.
"I am rather afraid we have." Mycroft hummed, uncertain how to proceed.
"Well... as long as you aren't going to burst into some intricately choreographed musical number, I think we'll be okay." You smirked, trying to ease the tension a little.
"No, no musical number, but... perhaps you would join me for some tea?"
"That sounds perfectly lovely."
You had no idea what would happen between you and Mycroft, but it did feel rather nice to know that possibly the most powerful man in the country felt the need to protect you, even from his own brother.
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