#Pidge Ship Week
marinsawakening · 10 months
I saw a post that reminded me of this which is why I'm talking about this out of the blue but whenever I see the 'do canonically male characters you headcanon as trans girls count as female characters' debate pops up I remember this one event from the Voltron fandom where an f/f ship week banned genderbending and people lost their SHIT about it, SPECIFICALLY because the mods were like 'we want people to actually focus on the female characters and not submit already popular m/m ships but genderbent'.
This was years ago obviously so standard 'my memory may be fuzzy' disclaimer, but while I believe part of the reasons the mods banned genderbending was bc they believed it to be transphobic (which you could actually argue against and is a stance I don't agree with), and ppl were using that as leverage to argue, but that's not what ppl were actually angry about. Also, I believe the event was run by antis, who had a 'no age gap ships' rule in place, and people were mad about that, but like. The only f/f ships at the time with even kind of an age gap were ones involving Pidge, (which, again, for the record, I never personally gave much of a shit about), and yeah I do believe those were banned and ppl were pissy about that, but most of the ppl arguing with the ship restrictions were doing so in combination with the genderbending restriction, bc what they were mad about wasn't actually about a major female character being banned from the f/f ship week for Ship Discourse Reasons.
What they were angry about was specifically being told their genderbent m/m ships didn't count because they did not, in fact, contain female characters. Arguments were made that, because it was genderbent, it was now f/f and should be allowed in the f/f ship week. The mods went no, those are still canon male characters and popular m/m ships, and we're trying to run a week about the female characters and f/f ships because they don't get enough attention. The mods were fending accusatory and argumentative asks for ages and told people to create their own f/f ship week if they didn't like how theirs was run, which. People did.
A counter f/f ship week was organized but with less restrictions, specifically the restriction on genderbending was lifted. Now, I never followed Ship Week B, because I don't care about shipping and I was there to see more attention given to the female characters, which allowing genderbent m/m content seemed pretty anathema to. But I did check in on it out of curiosity, and to no-one's surprise, Ship Week B contained very large amounts of mostly genderbent sheith, with some shiro/lance and lance/keith thrown in. Like, I'm sure there was also actual f/f content (I remember there being some Pidge/Allura specifically), but I remember very little of it.
And as I alluded to in the large Nuance Disclaimer paragraph: yes this was the Voltron fandom, yes the Disk Horse was involved and made everything far more explosive than it probably would've been otherwise, and also, if the mods hadn't explicitly put the genderbending restriction in the rules list they probably would've gotten maybe a few genderbent m/m submissions tops. It's pretty obvious that a large motivation for Ship Week B was spite, and as someone whose username is literally spitecentral on AO3, I can confirm there is no stronger motivation for fan content than spite. I don't actually think that genderbent m/m is such a major problem in f/f spaces that it needs to be explicitly banned to avoid having it overrun ship weeks.
But even taking all that into account, this whole thing was completely fucking bonkers. Regardless of your opinions on the mods' opinions on genderbending and the Disk Horse, asking ppl not to submit genderbent m/m content on account of it not containing canon female characters is completely reasonable, and the fact that people got mad enough about it to create a whole seperate f/f ship week SPECIFICALLY to allow genderbent m/m content is insane. All the f/f ship week asked was for people to pay attention to female characters for once, and people threw a fucking tantrum about it and not only point-blank refused, but created more content for the male characters out of spite.
So yeah that was kind of a formative fandom experience to me that taught me:
People will take any excuse possible to avoid paying attention to female characters.
People will make literally anything, up to and including female character-centric fandom events, about men.
And that's what I think about any time I see people get offended when others point out that headcanoning a canon male character as a trans girl isn't the same as engaging with female characters.
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moonkoiluv · 4 months
Do you ever think Lance gets insecure about being "too much"?
Too loud, too excited, too passionate, too - everything? People are constantly telling him to quiet down and relax, that he's being too much and just needs to stop. Eventually, he starts to quiet down and reel it in a bit but constantly feels sad he has to cover it up.
Then there's Keith who's haunted by the quiet. After his Dad died it was just always quiet. People didn't talk much around him, left him alone, kids didn't play with him. There was always just an uncomfortable quietness around him.
Now they're in space, trapped together in the castle of lions, which really isn't that big once you've been pacing for weeks, months.
Lance wanders off on his own after Pidge kicks him out of the lab and Hunk kicks him out of the kitchen. He walks for hours just talking to himself and being loud since there's no one around to see. No one to tell him he's too much.
Keith also wanders off on his own. Everyone on the castle-ship thinks he just likes to be quiet, so they usually leave him alone. Shiro is a bit of an exception, but there's only so much time he can spend with Keith before he needs to do something important for the war effort or whatever. So Keith wanders. He ends up stealing a pair of headphones from Pidge and listening to music while he walks, it's one of the only times he let's his guard down because it's the castle-ship. It's so big there's no one around to see him or judge him, he can just exist.
One day, Lance walks along, laughing to himself about some alien pun he made (that really isn't that funny). He decides to take a different turn today. Why not? After a while he hears something, a slight twang of an old country guitar and a deep voice. He goes to investigate because who would be out here and who would listen to that?
He rounds the corner, and there's Keith, headphones blaring, eyes closed, walking in time with the twang of the guitar. Lance hides back behind the wall, scared that Keith would see him.
Keith's completely in his own world, the voices of Jane Carter and Johnny Cash ringing in his ears. Jackson is a great song, he hums along every time it plays. One of Keith's favorites from his Dad's old records, it's a miracle that he could get it digitized and out here in space. He lets his eyes drift open as he rounds the corner, and suddenly, he's face to face with Lance.
"AHH- Lance, what the hell?!" He shouts, why was Lance out here? He's walked this hall a hundred times before and never heard the other boy.
"I didn't do anything! Don't yell at me mullet-" Lance leans into Keith's face with a scowl, "I have every right to be here is that a problem?"
Keith frowns for a second and pauses his music, his mood spoiled anyways. "No that's not a problem. You can be anywhere I don't care, just why here? No one ever walks here."
"I just decided to go for a stroll. What do you OWN this hallway?" Lance leans back but his face is still in a fixed frown. It seems that's the only face he ever gives Keith.
"No Lance I-" He sighs, "you were hiding around the corner. Why were you hiding?"
Lance stutters over his words for a second before answering, "I just heard something and thought the castle could be haunted again-"
Keith scowls, "Lance that-" he sighs again "nevermind." He puts the headphones around his neck, the phone in his pocket and turns to leave.
"WAIT!" Keith turns around, "what uh- what were you listening to? I didn't know you listened to anything other than the sounds of- of- ... emo-ness" he looks so proud of himself while Keith just rolls his eyes.
"Johnny Cash."
"Johnny who?"
Keith pauses for a second. Lance could make fun of him, laugh and leave him on his own again but Keith knew deep down the other boy wouldn't do that. Out of everyone, Lance was the only one who actively sought him out to talk. It may be mostly teasing and half-assed insults but it took away that heavy quiet.
So Keith hands over the headphones for Lance to listen. That's how it all starts. The next day they happen to bump into eachother again, Keith shows Lance a new song and Lance talks about the music he grew up with. Every day they have a routine, they bump into eachother and walk together.
Lance hops around from topic to topic, and Keith opens up about things a little bit at a time. Lance was never too much for Keith, and Lance took away that quiet.
They take walks every day together on the far end of the castle-ship while they're in space. Just to pass the time. No matter what the team sees or thinks, Lance and Keith are a lot closer than they know.
They're never too much for eachother, it's never too quiet or too loud. It's just right.
Note: this ended up being SO MUCH longer than I thought it'd be 😅 please let me know if you like this and want more cause I actually enjoyed writing this 👍
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anonymouszephyrus · 6 months
Keith's really smart but doesn't fully understand humor so he'll pretend not to know some pop culture thing or extremely essential piece of knowledge for the bit and everyone takes him seriously and now everyone on the ship thinks he not only doesn't know what Legos are but also didn't know the difference between blue and green until Voltron.
Now... At first, I couldn't whether this was supposed to be a request for me to write until I actually started reading it and my little brain processed the damn thing. So here it is <3
(I may have gone way too off the script but oh well. I really liked it NFKJAN It's short but oh well, whoever wants to use it- go ahead. Have fun!)
Lance stared back at him with a perplexed, almost offended look in his eyes. The red paladin was almost tempted to stop the act and laugh in his face at how gobsmackingly stupid he looked right now. "Don't be fucking with me right now."
The blue paladin looked so serious and so utterly cute as he stared down at Keith on the floor, "What?" Keith answered, tilting his head a bit as he looked up at Lance.
"Are you colorblind?" He asked, moving closer to him, "Or just actually clueless?"
Keith couldn't help but give out a small chuckle, "I'm not colorblind, Lance. I'm quite sure of that."
It had been just a few weeks since the 'reveal' that Keith didn't know what Legos were.. that was fine, apparently. Not everyone had the option of having those little foot-breaking blocks... no, the thing Lance was so offended and disgruntled by was the fact that Keith mistook his blue lion for Pidge's. Not only were they different sizes, but Lance was so offended that his beauty of a lion was being compared to Pidge's snarky and "know-it-all" one. No offense, Pidge. He said before.
He might have chalked it up to Keith being slightly colorblind or his Galran heritage having something to do with the way he sees color... but the red paladin have proved before that he did know the difference between the two lions.. and now, Lance was utterly convinced he was just doing it to fuck with him.
"You're such a bitch." Keith laughed at his reaction, the very nerve!
How could he just sit there and laugh and look so beautiful?! It seemed as though Keith took pleasure in tormenting him, mocking him with his laughter and leaving Lance feeling foolish and inadequate. The audacity of that little shit...
This infuriatingly bossy, annoying, devious, stubborn, hot-headed, irresistible-
The blue paladin stared at him. Stared at how Keith laughed, realizing he didn't do it very often. He sat there and stared at him, for a long time he now realized.
With a sudden gesture, Keith waved his hand in front of Lance's eyes, jolting him out of his daze. Lance's gaze locked onto the red paladin, realizing that Keith had stealthily closed the distance while Lance was lost in his thoughts. As Lance stared back, mesmerized by Keith's captivating eyes—a mesmerizing blend of swirling black and purple, sprinkled with specks of dark blue—he couldn't help but think how stunning Keith looked up close. However, Lance's mind abruptly snapped back to reality. Wait.
Oh dear.
Oh no.
Oh fuck.
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prev chapter
One thing about fights that are fought in their lions, at least, is that they always feel safer. They’re still life-threatening, of course. And in fact they lost Shiro for months in a lion-fight. But there’s still something innately more comforting about being surrounded by an armoured war machine, and said war machine offering a comforting mental presence in the back of your head, compared to fighting face-to-face with people three times your size who have a penchant for blood. 
There’s the added bonus of difference, too, that’s helping Keith calm down. He’s still pretty high-strung, and he still keeps a carefully eye on Lance and Red, but there’s enough of a visible difference between today’s mission and the mission in his nightmare that he feels slightly less like he’s going to throw up. 
“Head in the game, Mullet!” Lance crows, startling the hell out of him. “I’m beating you 32-20! What, are you shooting with your eyes closed?”
“That would be a pretty good score, in that case,” Keith says, and for the first time in hours and hours a smile tugs on his cheeks. Figures, that Lance is the one who can put it back on his face. 
“Oh, yeah right. Pay attention, dork. Or don’t. If I smoke you again then I’m the winner this week, and you are beholden to me.”
There’s a scoff over the comms. “Yeah, I’m sure he’ll be so sad about that.”
“Can it, Pidge,” Keith snaps, scowling. God, nothing like an annoying sibling to take your mind off everything. 
Lance laughs, though, and it wipes the grouch right off Keith’s face. “Mhm, he is kind of obsessed with me, huh? Loves to give me special treatment. I’m simply that irresistible, aren’t I, Samurai?”
“The only part of me that is irresistibly attracted to you is my fist to your face.”
“Okay, dearest. Whatever you say.”
Keith rolls his eyes, face still flushed, and refocuses on shooting ships out of the sky. He manages to shoot one seconds before Lance’s laser hits it, filling his comms with angry Spanish cussing. 
“What’s wrong, Sharpshooter?” Keith taunts. “Not fast enough?”
“Eat my bullets, you doo-doo head!”
“Doo-doo head? Are you seven?”
“Seven seconds away from astral projecting into your lion and smacking the shit out of you –”
“Alright, Luke and Lorelei,” Hunk says drily, “I’d love it if we could maybe focus on killing space Nazis and not on whatever the hell you two are doing.”
Keith can hear the pout in Lance’s voice. “Mean. You ruin all my fun, Hunky.”
“Yeah, yeah. Focus.”
They do cut the banter, though. Slowly but surely, they reduce the swarm, picking off the fleet ship by ship, driving them away from this planet for the first time in what’s probably been centuries. Keith really starts to feel light, finally. The nightmare is already fading to the vestiges of his mind, Lance is fine, and they’re wrapping things up. Maybe tonight he and Allura can spar. There’s nothing like getting his ass beat concave to get his mind off any possible stress.
The worst part about it is that no one knows exactly when it happened. There’s space for banter on missions like these, of course there is. They’re not sitting in miserable and stressed silence unless it’s real bad. But they’re also focused on their own shit. Shooting lasers really isn’t as easy as it looks. One second they’re clearing the last few dozen ships. Then Hunk is calling out a warning for a Zaiforge cannon. Then they hear it fire. 
It’s – Keith doesn’t look. He’s spent the whole fucking mission with a half-eye on Lance, terrified, but the Zaiforge cannon fires and he doesn’t look? He doesn’t fucking look? 
“Fuckin’ – finally,” Shiro mutters. “God, they do not give up. Everyone good?”
“Ugh,” Hunk groans. 
“I’m going to sleep for nineteen hours,” Pidge agrees.
“It wasn’t too horrible,” Allura tries.
“No, it sucked,” Keith says, finally allowing himself to collapse back into his seat. He waits for Lance’s inevitable teasing, his agreement with Allura – he always agrees with her, especially when she disagrees with Keith, because he thinks he’s funny – but it…doesn’t come. 
Keith sits ramrod straight. “Lance?” he shouts, and there’s no masking the desperate fear in his voice. “Lance, come in!”
He hears a choked noise come over the comm. A wave of déjà vù is so intense it’s like a bucket of ice water dumped over his head. 
He ducks his head, bowed, chin trembling.
He’s never prayed before. Not once in his life.
“Please.” A chill ripples down his spine. “Please,” he begs, choking on a sob. “Please, please, please.”
When he finds the strength to look up, into the space in front of him, littered in debris from their fight, he sees Red.
Parts of her. In pieces. Her leg, a claw, her jawbone. 
There’s not even a body for them to recover.
next chapter
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violethowler · 2 months
Timekeeping in the Voltron Universe
This post is a guide of all the information that I’ve discovered or calculated over the course of writing my various analysis posts about the VLD story on how the intergalactic timekeeping units that are used throughout the series compare to those of Earth. I've been putting this together for a while as a resource for me and anyone else who intends to write VLD fics so that those who plan on incorporating the differences in time measurements into their stories can have a baseline to build off of.
(I'm aware that others in the fandom have made similar posts, but I haven't seen any that have done the math on some of the time comparisons)
Ticks are established early in the show as the equivalent of seconds, and the Let’s Voltron podcast actually timed the team’s little ticks vs seconds comparison from S1E06 Taking Flight and found that a tick is 1.399 seconds.
Dobashes are the equivalent of minutes. How many ticks there are in one dobash is not something than any official sources have provided any indication of.
Vargas are the equivalent of hours, and S3E03 The Hunted implies that they are very close in length. When the paladins are pursuing Lotor’s ship at the start of the episode, Pidge says “At our current rate of speed, we’ll be in attack range in an hour.” When we cut to Lotor’s ship barely a minute later, Acxa says “the lions will be on us in one Varga.”
While the number of dobashes in one varga is unknown, it at least gives us an indication that the amount of time elapsed is still about sixty minutes in Earth time.
Quintants are the equivalent of days, and the show actually tells us how many Vargas are in one day. In S2E08 The Blade of Marmora, the path to the Blade of Marmora’s base is said to close for two Quintants once Keith and Shiro reach it. When we cut back to the Castle of Lions in the middle of Keith’s trials, it’s been “roughly ten Vargas” according to Coran, and when Allura asks how much longer they have to wait, Lance correctly estimates “thirty more Vargas.”
This means that 2 Quintants is the equivalent of 40 Vargas, meaning that one Quintant is 20 Vargas long.
In Earth time, this means that a Quintant is only about 20 hours compared to the 24-hour days of Earth. Dividing 20 by 24 to find the percentage establishes that 1 Quintant = 0.833 Days
Movements are the equivalent of weeks, and while it’s never explicitly confirmed, Coran’s mention of the paladins forming Voltron “six times a movement” in S1E02 Some Assembly Required implies that there are 6 Quintants in a Movement.
Since Quintants are only 20 hours, six of them would be the equivalent of five 24-hour Earth days.
Phoebs and Deca-Phoebs
Phoebs are the equivalent of months and Deca-Phoebs are the equivalent of years. The Deca indicates that there are 10 Phoebs in a year, and I actually managed to figure out the comparison to Earth years while crafting my second VLD timeline guide.
When Shiro and Allura are detected during their infiltration of a Galra cruiser in S1E10 Collection and Extraction, the computer identifies Shiro as “Fugitive prisoner 117-9875.”
The format of his prisoner ID number indicates the year on the empire’s calendar that Shiro was captured, meaning that the Galran calendar places the beginning of Season 1 in imperial year 9876, since the discovery of Voltron occurs a year after Shiro’s capture.
Initially, I thought this meant that the references to Altea being destroyed “10,000 years ago” were a generalization and that it wasn’t exactly 10,000 years.
However, Coran’s insistence on correcting Hunk that the Castle of Lions is 10,600 years old in S1E01 indicates that it was indeed exactly 10,000 years between Altea’s destruction and the return of the Blue Lion.
So, dividing 10,000 by 9876 to compare gives me the math of 1 Deca-Phoeb = 0.9876 Years.
Since 1 year on Earth is 365 days, 365 times 0.9876 gives me 360 days in a sincle Deca-Phoeb.
And since there are 10 Phoebs in a Deca-Phoeb, 360 divided by 10 gives us approximately 36 days in 1 Phoeb. Since 1 Quintant is 0.833 days, 1 day is the equivalent of 1.2 Quintants. 1.2 times 36 gives me approximately 43 Quintants in a Phoeb.
This means that there are a total of 7 full Movements (or 5 7-day Earth weeks) in a Phoeb with one extra Quintant at the end, and 1 Deca-Phoeb is approximately 430 Quintants.
Final Time Comparison Chart
1 Tick = 1.399 Seconds
1 Varga = 1 Hour
1 Quintant = 20 Vargas = 20 Hours = 0.833 Days
1 Movement = 6 Quintants = 5 Days
1 Phoeb = 43 Quintants = 7.167 Movements = 36 Days = 5.14 Weeks
1 DecaPhoeb = 430 Quintants = 71.67 Movements = 360 days = 51.4 Weeks
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deconstructing-klance · 3 months
The Hypocrisy of the Klance & Plance Age Differences
I'm a Plance shipper. I think Lance and Pidge are perfect together. I'll get into that a different day, though.
The main gripe I hear from Klance shippers about how Plance is "creepy" and "doesn't work" is because there's a 3 year age difference between the two.
Alright then, let's look at ages.
The VLD timeline is convoluted at best. I literally spent about 3 hours one night trying to figure out the timeline and eventually came to one that I think works out pretty well. A HUGE shoutout goes to Greg Tyler who wrote several blog articles about this confusing conundrum.
The ages of the Paladins when they leave in the Blue Lion:
Keith - 18
Hunk - 17
***This is where I demonstrate someone can have their own head canon but still respect canon when it comes to official VLD issues. I personally believe his age is really 18. Hunk is listed as being 17 with his birthday is in January. Due to Hunk's looks, size, and maturity, I don't think the year they left in the Blue Lion he turned from 16 to 17. I think he turned from 17 to 18. So in the VLD fan stuff I create, Hunk is older than Lance, not younger. But we'll go with what the creators said and also because Hunk's age is 17 in the guidebook.***
Lance - 17
Pidge - 15
***Pidge's age has been disputed over the years, with some incorrectly saying she's 14. The guidebook states she is 15. I think some of the misinformation is spread so people can look down on the Plance shipping.***
To keep the mathing simple, let's assume Keith was born in the year 2300. Birthdays will be thus:
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Again, the year is arbitrary to make mathing easier. I still can't figure out what year VLD takes place.
In S1 E1, there's a calendar on the wall in Keith's shack that has the number 2 on it. Assuming Keith kept up with his calendar, we know the Paladins left in the Blue Lion on the 2nd.
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Picture courtesy of Violet the Howler
I go with Greg's timeline, because he's pretty much a Voltron scholar of all the different Voltron branches. Greg worked out that the Paladins left in May, which looks accurate from the scenery.
Note: I live in the desert, and yes, there is a difference between Spring and Fall. The sun light in S1 E1 looks much more like Spring light than Fall light.
So, the Paladins and Shiro left Earth in the Blue Lion on May 2nd, 2319.
Seasons 1-6 take place roughly throughout the rest of 2319 and I believe into 2320.
This is where things get complicated.
By December of 2319, these are the Paladins' ages:
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Going along with the timeline, Keith does his two year age jump in the Quantum Abyss sometime in the first half of 2320.
So, the first half of 2320, the ages are:
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And at the end of 2320, the ages are:
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Take a good, long look at those ages for the second half of 2320.
Most people will be hung up on the fact that Lance is 19 and Pidge is 16. It's a 3 year age difference.
But what is Keith's age minus Lance's age? 22-19?
3 years.
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Let's repeat that.
22-19 = 3.
Keith is 3 years older than Lance due to his two year jump in the Quantum Abyss.
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Now before y'all come at me, finish reading the entire post.
Pidge and Lance are only 2 years apart for roughly 3.5 months, from April - July.
Lance and Keith are only 2 years apart for roughly 3 months, from July - October.
Thus, because of Keith's time jump, Lance and Keith are as far apart in age as Lance and Pidge.
Actually ... Pidge and Lance are technically closer in age by roughly two weeks.
"But 22 and 19 are better than 19 and 16 because 22 and 19 are adults!" I can just hear some of y'all screaming this at the computer.
Here's a fun little fact:
Just because someone is 18 and a legal adult does not necessarily mean it is okay for them to date another legal adult.
Someone at 19 can still be in a very predatory relationship with someone who is 22.
Klancers who are saying that their ship is more "moral" are just wrong.
It's not more moral. Either Klancers don't know how to math or they're willing to look the other way when it comes to what they want.
And before my words are twisted and taken out of context, I'm not saying Keith and Lance would have a predatory relationship. But the logic that their three year age gap is better than Lance and Pidge's because it's "more moral" doesn't hold any ground and is flawed.
Do Klancers honestly think a story with a 23 year old Pidge and 26 year old Lance is worse than a 23 year old Lance and 26 year old Keith?
Make it make sense.
If Pidge having a crush on Lance when she's 15 and he's 17 and then turns 18 is bad, then no one should have celebrity crushes - or just crushes in general. Ever. Until they're at least 21.
Do you really think a 19 year old Lance would date a 16 year old? I don't think so. Where are your morals if you think Lance would do that? And, quite frankly, neither of them are ready to date at the end of the series (before we get the 5 year in the future photo). Lance is still mourning the loss of Allura and Pidge is focused on improving the Garrison.
Not to mention all of the trauma and therapy everyone needs to go through. They need time to process and work on themselves. But I can see a Pidge and Lance in their 20s connecting with each other. They're a perfect balance of each other.
But, again, that's another post for another day. Don't worry - it's coming.
Right now, though, I'm gonna go water some Plance - I mean, plants.
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saturn-valleys · 1 year
The last time I was this optimistic and 100% positive about a ship going canon was back in 2018 with Pidge and Lance from Voltron.
With that information, I might either be 100% crazy, or 100% correct.
We'll see the outcome next week.
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I'm not sure if you only do x readers but if you do ships could you please do headcanons for klance when keith is away at the blade of marmora?
feel free to ignore it if you don't like klance or don't do ships that's completely fine :)
I love your writing btw!
OMGGGG THANK U SM UR SO NICE 😘 AND YES KLANCE OWNS MY WHOLE ENTIRE HEART. I’ll do pretty much any ship as long as the characters aren’t far apart in age. Ah little space boyfriends 😩 ENJOY~
Klance- When Keith is way with the blade of marmora
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First of all, Lance is sooooo annoying when Keith is away. Bro will not shut up about his super hot grumpy emo boyfriend. Keith’s name leaves Lance’s mouth at least 199 times a day, if not more.
Second of all, Keith is the complete opposite. He gets really really quiet, more quiet than he normally is. He doesn’t mention Lance at all but his name never leaves Keith’s mind. He only really gets talkative around Lance so without him, Keith doesn’t talk unless he has to.
THEY TOTALLY SWAP JACKETS BEFORE KEITH LEAVES EVERY TIME!!! Keith has literally turned around and come back to the castle just to get Lance’s comfy green jacket. Keith likes Lance’s jacket bc it smells good and actually keeps him really warm. Lance likes Keith’s jacket bc it’s small and scuffed up and worn but he prefers to hold Keith’s jacket close to him rather than actually wear it all the time. He’ll just walk around the castle with the red jacket thrown over his shoulder or clutched tightly in his arms.
When Keith is only gone for a couple days, Lance gets sooooo excited when he returns to the castle. He goes running through the halls with red cheeks and the biggest grin to meet Keith in the hangar when he arrives.
“KEEF!!!” “I told you to stop calling me that.” “I missed you! Did you miss me? Oh my quiznak, you totally missed it! Pidge caught a piece of equipment on fire yesterday. It was so crazy and-“ Cue Lance talking Keith’s ear off while he just smiles and nods along.
If Keith is gone for longer than like a week, bruh it’s so dramatic when they finally reunite. Just picture a teary-eyed Keith on his knees, still in his blade suit, clutching a happy crying lance in his arms. They just miss each other sooooooo much.
The whole team is like 🥹🥹🥹
Pidge specifically is like “I’m not crying, you are…”
Pretty much every time Keith is traveling back to the castle, he’s exhausted. There’s a lot of pressure on him, a lot of weight on his shoulders right now. He’s always on high alert, super tense and barely getting sleep. BUT when he finally sees Lance again and hears his voice and feels his embrace, he gets a sudden rush of energy. Now he wants to pull another all nighter just to catch up and spend time with his bf.
Oddly enough, Lance spends a lot of his time in the training room when Keith is gone. No one’s really sure why but Shiro thinks is bc Keith is always training and so being in that room makes Lance miss him less, ya know? Pidge is like 99% sure it’s bc he wants to actually practice so he can impress Keith with a super cool new move he learned when he gets back. Pidge is correct
If Keith has any down time while he’s away, he likes to just daydream. There’s not much else he can do so he stares off into the distance and gets lost in thoughts about his tall dreamy boyfriend and the last time they made out and how he can’t wait to feel his thin arms around him again and how he misses the smell of his nightly face masks and the sound of his voice and the texture of his hair and the freckles on his tan face. I could go on for days.
The second Keith leaves, Lance begins planning 😈 He racks his brain with cute date idea and nice things he can get/make for his bae. Every time Keith returns, after the initial hugging and kissing and excited smiles and small talk, Lance is giving Keith something nice or trying to take him out for a space picnic or some sappy shit like that.
Pretty much every time a date is planned, it never happens. Keith first complains that he’s too tired to go anywhere and then convinces Lance to makeout cuddle with him in bed instead.
But Keith does get really flattered and smiley and red when Lance gives him a pretty rock he found on a planet close by or a stuffed animal from the space mall or something like that. He just feels so special and he thinks Lance is just way too cute and pure for this world. He’s like ‘aww he was thinking about me’.
While Lance runs his mouth all day about missing Keith and anticipating his return, the night time is different. Lance cuddles Keith’s jacket or pillow in bed and lays awake for a while wondering exactly what he’s up to at this very moment. Is Keith thinking about him right now too? Is he safe? When will be be back? Poor baby boy is stressed about the love of his life.
Lance often has nightmares when Keith isn’t in bed beside him. It’s almost the same bad dream every time, just slightly different. It’s always Keith is on a mission with the blade and ends up hurt or lost or…worse. And Lance wakes up in a cold sweat every time. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if Keith never came back to him.
Keith will never mention it to anyone ever but he has bad dreams when he’s away from Lance too. He often dreams that he returns to the castle to find the whole team gone, Shiro Lance Pidge, everyone. It scares the hell out of him, he loses sleep over it a lot.
That’s why they’re so intense when they reunite after a long time away from each other. The longer they are apart, the more they both worry about the other and the more these terrifying dreams occur. So when they finally see each other again after like a two month mission, they’re so overwhelmed with happiness and relief that they are both brought to tears.
When they finally sleep beside each other again, OH MY GOD THEY BOTH SLEEP SO GOOD. They feel so comfy and content and safe.
Keith snores pretty much every night but when he comes back after a long mission and finally gets to fall asleep next to the love of his life, his snoring can be heard from Earth probably. He’s just finally relaxed enough to get some good sleep again, he can’t help it. Lance thinks it’s cute and he knows it’s bc his poor baby is sleep deprived.
Long story short, these two are so deeply and madly in love. I don’t think two people have ever been this in love before. Throughout this entire space war, the thought of each other is what really keeps them both going. They’re fighting for the safety of the universe…but they are each other’s universe 💙❤️💙❤️
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kidge-planet · 1 year
Krolia ships Kidge krolia: Ok son, now that war is over, you've got to find yourself someone to procreat.
keith: tooooo whaaaat now?!
krolia:you are a man and you are 23. Don't waste more time.
keith: hold on, what age did you had me?
krolia: that is not important. now, you've got to know that galrans are having kids has soon as they can. generally, galrans have huge famillys but unfortunately, war destroyed that aspect. I couldn't have more kids. but now that you can, im pretty optimist. what do you think of axca? she is a beautiful woman, a great fighter and she is half galra, just like you! plus, you two seem to have a thing!
keith: EWWW! what!? me and Axca?! no thanks! she is sure all you said but not my type! she is just a friend I guess and I had never had a talk that wasn't involving war with her. plus, she seem pretty pessimist and too serious. not my cup of tea!
krolia: Ok! so you want someone that is optimist.. WHAT DO YOU THINK OFF ROMELLE?!
Keith: Romelle? are you serious? I mean, she is nice and everything but do you really see me with her ?! I know I said the opposite before but I would like someone more serious then Romelle. like, someone that know when to be serious and when to not.. also,I think that I want someone smarter then Romelle. Not that she is not, but you knowwww... I feel like she is still a child in her mind somehow. I think I'd want someone that is smart enough to know what they want and where they're going. you see what I mean? like, someone mature enough.
krolia: serious only when the situation involves it ....smart... knows what they want and where they're going.... mature enough... I don't know anyone like it.
krolia: WAIT.
krolia: What do you think of Katie!? Colleen told me that she wanted grandkids too! keith, she is exactly coressponding to your descriptions! She is pretty and smart! perfect to have beautiful and smart babys!
Krolia: MOM, YES!
colleen: KATIE, HONEY! I HAVE GREAT NEWS! pidge: What is it? colleen: you are getting married next week! we've got to find you a dress and everything! IM SO EXITED!!!! pidge: WHAT THE QUIZNACK ?!?
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esile-pr23 · 1 year
secret dating klance but one of them is kidnapped or some shit but the rest of the team doesn’t know so the remaining one is losing their mind and either completely despondent or enraged. think like s1-3 vibes and bonus points if Keith, mr. impulse control issues himself, is left behind and forced to sit by and wait.
And imagine lances captors are sending video proof he’s alive, each transmission showing him more bruised and bloody than the day before and it’s been weeks but he still snarks his kidnappers. eventually they have enough of him and just fuckin stab him or something on video and he’s screaming and Keith just goes ballistic. And he’s yelling and throwing shit and pidge and hunk are terrified and shiros frozen and corans trying to calm him down. And the video and lances screaming cuts out and suddenly it’s quiet Keith just starts sobbing and he’s still trying to fight, trying to do something, and shiro rushes up to him to restrain him and he just. falls apart. and the teams never seen him like this before and they have no idea what to do.
and later the team starts to pick up on Keith’s feelings too; pidge finds Keith staring out the window of the observatory, lances blanket around his shoulders, and she just knows. And she sits next to him for a while and then says, “you love him, don’t you.” And Keith kinda freezes bc he really didn’t wanna do this w/o Lance, they were gonna tell everyone together so he’s abt to say some shit abt how ofc he loves him, he loves everyone on the team-
“don’t even try to deny it man, you’re literally wearing his shirt right now” and Keith kinda stutters but starts to laugh a little and says “yeah i really do” and they go back to looking out the window.
fast forward to them finally getting Lance back. the team rushes to meet him in the hangar and they see him emerge from the ship on shaky legs, arm around shiros shoulders, and him and Keith see each other and the tears immediately start pouring. Lance shakes off shiro and he’s walking to Lance and Keith’s running and they crash together, sobbing and clutching at each others clothes and Keith takes lances face in his hands so gently and presses their foreheads together and whispers “I love you I missed you so much” over and over and over
anyways that kinda got away from me WHOOPS
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dawnrider · 10 months
32 kidge ❤️💚
#32 is Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye. My first reaction when I saw the song was "Oh no..." because obviously the song is not exactly about a happy couple. But I persevered! Some Voltron Keith x Pidge for you, my dear @flannelfangirl (This ended up longer than I planned. 😅)
It had been months. Keith knew it by the ache in his chest. He clutched the vid screen in his hand desperately as he moved through the ship that had been sent to collect him. Finally. He had been assigned quarters in the back end of the ship. The noise from the engines was welcome after the near constant silence during his assignment and the isolation would help him reacclimate to being around other people.
The screen whined faintly as he turned it on in the privacy of his own room. He waited impatiently for it to “load” his profile, including his messages. Of which there were many. It took him ages to scroll back until the first one that arrived after his deployment. From Shiro. He skimmed it and marked it to read later. A few from Hunk, another from Shiro… Then the ones he was looking for. Hoping for. Pidge had obviously been unsure of what to say at first. Her messages were almost perfunctory. Awkward. But then she seemed to relax, telling him about her days working in the lab, teasing him about how she’d have to kill him for telling him about her projects.
There were moments where he could feel her longing, the fact that he hadn’t responded making her doubt what she was doing. What they were doing. Keith felt his breath catch when he got to the first message from after he was first supposed to return. Her tone was anxious, questioning. He completely understood. He had been thinking about her constantly, and when the day came and went with no signal from the retrieval team, his first thought had been worry that she would think something happened to him.
The messages after that became less frequent, and stiffer. Someone had obviously communicated to her that he was still on assignment but neglected to tell her why or what was happening. At the time, he hadn’t known either. Another few weeks and it was clear that no one had told her anything. It was protocol, he supposed, but it also meant that as far as Pidge was aware, he had chosen to stay incommunicado. It was around the time he had finally learned that someone would be coming to get him that he saw the change in her responses completely.
Sadness. Loneliness. She regretted trying to make “this a thing. Whatever it was.”
Keith felt his chest squeeze so hard he almost couldn’t breathe. He was punching buttons and desperately waiting for the response on the other end. Nothing. He hit the vid screen version of “redial.” Still nothing.  Had she disconnected her line?
Through eyes he didn’t realize were so blurry, he looked again at the screen and realized that in his panic, he’d hit something wrong. Taking a sharp and shuddering breath, he cleared it and started over.
Or the subspace equivalent, anyway. 
“Keith?” He let out a gust of air, immediately rushing to apologize, to try to explain.  “Hold on, hold on. Are you alright?” her voice was gravelly over the distance, but he realized that on her side of the planet thousands of lightyears away, it was something like three in the morning. “I thought maybe you were…” She couldn’t say it. He wouldn’t let her.
“No. No, I’m alright. My extraction got delayed because another team’s mission went sideways and they needed out. I’m sorry I couldn’t let you know what was going on.”
There was a long pause. The light in her room flicked on as the view changed. He realized she was sitting up now. “Keith… I… I can’t handle…” She took a breath, her lower lip quaking. “After Matt and my dad.” Another breath. “Not knowing what happened to you was more than I could take.”
Keith swallowed hard. He had been thinking about it for the last few weeks while he was stuck in his assignment and unable to do much else. “I’m coming back to Earth.” Pidge blinked at him. “I told Kolivan when they picked me up that I was done. This mission was one too many times I got stranded.”
“Keith… this isn’t something you just… quit.” He shook his head. He explained how long and hard he’d been thinking about it. How little he felt the Blades needed him anymore. It was time. Had been time. It was just that much cleared now, when he was faced with what he stood to lose. What he may already have lost…
“I’m on my way back now. It will take me a couple of days, but I’ll be there.” He took a fortifying breath. “Can we talk about it again when I get there?”
The video quality was not the best, but he thought he could see her nose screwed up in thought. Her shoulders fell slightly. “Alright. Yes.” Keith nodded in relief. She stared at him hard for a long moment and he waited for her to decide what she wanted to say. “You sure you’re alright? You weren’t hurt out there were you?” Not this time. He wouldn’t tell her about the many other times. Yet. Once they figured things out again. Once they got the chance to talk. Then he would come clean about how dangerous his work had truly been.
“Get some sleep. I’m sorry I woke you.”
She smiled a little. “It’s like I’m a whole different person now, huh? Sleeping at four in the morning. Who woulda thought?” He couldn’t help a relieved chuckle at her teasing. She was both the person he used to know and the one he had grown to love. The one who might actually make Earth feel like home again.
“You’re Pidge, Katie. That’s what matters to me.” She grinned. “Good night. See you in a few days.” She nodded, wiggling her fingers at the screen in farewell.
Keith collapsed back on his berth, a sigh leaving him. Bone tired and yet boneless, he fell asleep.
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shatterinseconds · 2 years
Klancemas ‘22 day 24
It’s their first holiday season away from Earth—or so they assume it’s the holidays back home; Lance actually has no idea what month or day it is on Earth right now. But earlier in the week they landed on a snowy planet, and while it didn’t conjure up any holiday memories for Lance, being from lovely, warm, bright, sunny Cuba (and not a place with cold, unforgiving snow), it had for Pidge. Which in turn made Lance homesick for his own Christmases with his family, celebrating Nochebuena with everyone no matter how far apart they were scattered, with Lance and Veronica at the Garrison and his oldest brother married and moved to the States permanently. Now he’s too far away to even video chat.
Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t difficult to get everyone on board with the idea of throwing a grand holiday celebration. Even Coran and Allura got involved, adding in their Altean solstice festivals to mix. They exchanged presents earlier in the evening, a hologram of a Christmas tree illuminates a corner of the room, and a makeshift menorah resides on the main table for Hunk. Altean music echoes from the Castle-Ship’s comm system. Coran even put up a mistletoe for fun after Lance spent hours educating him on all the Earth holiday traditions.
And so maybe Lance has been standing near the hanging plant, quietly sipping the Altean version of eggnog which contains no eggs but still has that white, creamy rich texture—Lance refuses to ask what it’s made of; he learned his error the hard way last time he sampled another Altean delicacy. As they say, ignorance is bliss. People have passed him by to chat, but no one has looked above them—not that he’d be interested in kissing either Coran or Pidge, so really, it’s a blessing on all accounts. Besides, there’s really only one person he wishes would get caught up in it. But that would take a Christmas miracle.
“Have you been standing here all night?” Lance startles at the sound of Keith’s voice and turns to find him leaning against the doorway, right above the mistletoe. 
Think of the Mullet and he shall appear.
“No,” Lance mutters as he takes a sip of his drink, trying to appear as casual as possible. It really is not all a lie; he only started hanging around for the last half hour or so.
“It looks like you’re waiting for someone.”
“I’m just casually standing here.” Lance tilts his head, glaring at Keith. “You’re the one that decided to engage.”
“I did,” Keith easily agrees. Before Lance can even ask what exactly Keith is doing here, Keith braces a hand on the wall beside Lance’s head and leans in to kiss him. Lance almost drops his eggnog. Keith’s lips are incredibly warm and slightly chapped, and after the shock wears off, Lance returns the favor. He snakes his hand into Keith’s hair to keep him close, and Keith wraps an arm around Lance’s waist. If possible, Lance could stay like this forever. He wants to, desperately.
“Merry Christmas, Lance,” Keith whispers close to his lips as he starts to draw back. He smirks when Lance finally opens his eyes.
He leaves Lance flushed and fuming for the rest of the party. Merry Christmas, indeed. He’ll get back at Keith on New Year’s Eve, just you wait.
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adobedragon · 2 months
Tumblr media
Thirty minutes into the flight from Onlar to the nearest teleduv, the smell of feces grew too overpowering to ignore. Lance had been ignoring the faint whiffs of shit because he suspected the cause was somewhere in the cockpit and something he should deal with immediately. Not just immediately, but lethally.
But Lance was in a great mood. In just a few hours, after a week away from home, he’d be back on Mars, back in the little apartment he shared with Pidge and Keith, getting some much-needed cuddles with his favorite people in the universe. He didn’t want blood on his hands, even if said blood was purple and belonged to a glorified space rat. Or several of them. Holy shit, what if there's more than one?
He slumped forward in the pilot’s seat, elbows on the control panel, and rested his forehead on the palms of his hand. Maybe he could just keep ignoring the stench. Maybe all he needed was a snack. Sitting up, he reached for the gear box, which, in addition to containing the usual tools for emergency repairs, contained his stash of garlic knots. Made by his mom and shipped to Mars, they were now a little on the hard-tack side of stale, but comfort food was comfort food, even if it took a jaw-breaking amount of chewing.
With a tap to the glowing purple lock switch—like everything on the Blade of Marmora ship, the cockpit was a dreary shade of gray with bright motes of purple lighting—and the box’s main drawer slid open.
“Holy crow!” His hand, already reaching into the box, jerked back in surprise. A small pair of yellow eyes stared back at him. “Shit!” Lance stared at the chabbit, the source of the reek. “Shit, shit, shit.”
This one was tiny and fortunately alone. A baby.
“Shit.” The expletive was also a descriptor as the infant varmint had done just that; shit prolifically in the box, with the added insult of piss. It had also devoured the garlic knots.
Blade of Marmora policy was clear: “Any chabbit found on board a Blade vessel shall be eliminated by any means necessary.” Chabbits, native to the Galra homeworld of Daibazaal, were warm-blood reptilian rodents. Fully grown, they were the size of a very small cat, had two short tusks that delivered a mildly venomous bits, ate absolutely anything and had opposable thumbs. In just a few short years since the restoration of the Galra homeland, they had managed to spread throughout the universe and were a reviled pest species.
The Blade of Marmora flight manual also included instructions for the most efficient and safe ways to dispatch of the creatures. Lance, however, had always made himself scarce when his parents slaughtered a chicken or some other livestock on the farm. Though he’d done more than his share of killing as a Paladin of Voltron, chucking a helpless living thing out of an airlock (Option A) or snapping its neck (Option B) was more than he could bear.
Lance stared at the little animal. It stared back.
He shut the drawer.
Long minutes passed. Through the cockpit window, the faint cyan glow of the approaching teleduv facility grew larger, a spot of color in the otherwise black with a net of stars, chiaroscuro expanse of space.
Lance’s stomach rumbled.
He stabbed angrily at the purple door latch and as the drawer opened, snarled, “Why’d you have to eat my garlic knots? Why?”
The chabbit cocked its tiny rectangular head and chirped.
“Yeah, well, I’m hungry too. And I’m the one flying this boat. If the captain ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” He glared at the creature. “I have to kill you. It’s nothing personal. Well, yes, it is. You ate my garlic knots.”
The chabbit, who’d been huddled against the back of the drawer, chirped again and hopped toward the front of the rectangular space. With another hopeful chirp, it rose, wobbly on rabbit-like haunches, and grasped the edge of the drawer with its four fingered hands.
Lance leaned back, eyed the creature for a second and then closed his eyes. “You’ve got two seconds to escape. I didn’t see you. Shoo.”
The sound of claws scrabbling on metal and bits and bobs of tools followed, then silence. Lance opened his eyes expecting to find the varmint gone. Instead, it was cleaning itself, purple tongue lapping at a foreleg. And it was still in the drawer.
Steeling himself, he reached out his (fortunately gloved) hand and grabbed it firmly behind the neck and yanked it from the box. This was supposed to be the safe way to catch a chabbit as it prevented the animal from biting. It didn’t stop it from frantically clawing at his hand and arm with sharp little claws. His armor protected him from that, but it did nothing to shut out the piteous noise coming from the baby. Although this chabbit was no bigger than his hand, its wails were filling the cockpit.
Desperate to end the heartrending racket, he dropped the thing. It fell in his lap, and Lance made no move to catch it, hoping it would flee.
Falling onto its side, it slid between his thighs, wiggled about and righted itself. With an indignant chirp, the tiny chabbit turned a baleful eye on him.
“Do you have a death-wish? Go!” He waved at it. “Otherwise, it’s lights out.” He drew a finger across his throat for emphasis.
The chirp turned sad, and yellow eyes filled with reproach.
Lance lifted his gaze at the teleduv. According to the instrument panel, they would reach it in thirty doboshes, a little over thirty minutes, Earth time.
At the next chabbity chirp, Lance scooped the beastie off his lap, this time gently. The chabbit didn’t resist and nestled happily in the palm of his hand.
Lance’s heart melted. Not the most unlikely event as his heart was probably composed of something like wax and he was a notorious softy. But this was a chabbit, an illegal alien species on Mars and elsewhere. Not the mention, he was breaking Blade of Marmora regs by not killing it. (Though on that count, he had an out as he was extra cozy with one of the Blade’s head honchos.) He grimaced. “Keith’s not gonna like this.” Pidge probably wouldn’t be amused either. Their other roomie, Kosmo, Keith’s cosmic wolf would probably eat this little critter.
As though sensing his indecision, the chabbit chirped. Lance grasped it carefully, flipping it over to study its underbelly. It was hard to tell, but it seemed to be male. “You look like a Rogelio.”
Upright and back on Lance’s palm, Rogelio eyed Lance worriedly.
“Shit,” said Lance as he stroked a finger over Rogelio’s bony eyes ridges.
Rogelio purred and rubbed his snout on Lance’s finger.
“It’s okay, buddy. We’ll work this out.” Just the act of petting the little chabbit made him feel calm inside. “It’s okay. You’re with me now. Safe and sound.”
(Backstory for Three Paladins, a Wolf and a Chabbit)
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sable-skies · 2 months
QUICK -while that Anon is incapacitated from being hit with TWO Voltron mentions- TALK EVEN MORE ABOUT VOLTRON!
Your biggest issues with the show! Wasted potential! And of course the biggest piece of Drama; SHIPS?!?!??
We will never get proper closure. We all share Voltron trauma ✌️😔
the people yearn for a five hour video essay talking about why voltron sucks. (I've literally wanted to make one for Years about it but alas, life happens)
i cant do that yet because of my schedule, but I will give you a snippet on some of my thoughts
Forgive me, for I am about to yap like I'm a fucking professor in the subject, got my master's years ago and all it did was give me fandom trauma (/lh, but there's a reason why I don't join fandom discords anymore or anything like that!) so strap in my brother (gender neutral)
I WILL ADDRESS THIS FIRST: Ships. I actually never shipped anything in VLD! No offense to Klance, but I never really got the appeal? And obviously there's that Other Super Popular one that I'm not gonna name because it's fans are gonna kill me, but I didn't like that one either.
For Klance; I think I never got it because I just. never considered them love interests? Like I would see people losing their minds over it and my (at the time, unknown) aroace ass would just slow blink at them like "yeah man i guess. what?". Could it have been good? Maybe, but it was never the horse I backed personally. I will say, some of the content that came from that ship was absolutely phenomenal though, never doubt what yaoi-obsessed teenagers can do.
I won't say much more on the fandom tbh, but trust me I saw some shit. This blog wasn't around back then but I witnessed some things. Remember the socks? I do.
Moving onto the actual show itself, I actually rewatched at least the first season (and half of the second) because a few friends and I were talking about it again and I wanted to try and get some notes for that video essay I'm totally going to do, and I realized that from the get-go the show was absolutely fucked worldbuilding wise.
I'm a big worldbuilding nerd, I never share my various insane projects but I literally make a new google document every week with ideas for various stories I would love to tell. Worldbuilding is such an essential part to telling a good story and having a believable world, and upon rewatching at least season 1, there's some loose foundation set but then completely butchered by season 3.
I will be honest, people always say that season 4 was the worst, and I will agree it did suck, but in my opinion season 3 was the worst for me. I absolutely hated that they started to switch lions, which I understand is a reference to the original 80s show, but it completely disregarded one of the lines in the FIRST EPISODE about how a bond between a lion and it's pilot is scared, cannot be forced, and is a rare thing. only for that to get thrown out the window. AUGH.
I'm a firm black paladin allura believer personally, I think that would have been so much fun seeing her step into the leadership role she pretty much had from the start alongside Shiro! (Never shipped them for anyone worried, they're just really good friends)
Speaking of friends; I don't think the show really established the team's overall bond well enough. Looking back, there's nothing in the show that promises found family friendships and all that, but the showrunners said that would be the case, and I think they were the biggest reason the show failed. (more on that later)
Sin Squad once said in one of their videos that everyone on the team felt more like co-workers and honestly? I still agree on that sentiment. I can believe that Pidge and Hunk are friends, I can believe that Keith and Shiro have a familial bond, I can believe that Hunk and Lance are friends. But Keith and Pidge? Hunk and Shiro? Hunk and Allura? There are so many potential really good friendships that are completely ignored in favor of other established bonds, and I think it makes the whole "we gotta work as a team!" message a lot weaker because of it. They're all co-workers at best, "strangers forced to be friends under the worst circumstances" at worst (shout out to keith for that line, he was actually spitting)
Additionally, and this is just because I'm still a big Keith head at heart (when I was 15 I wanted to go by that name because I was so attached to him. its funny looking back), I really dislike how they treated his character? In season 1 he didn't get much development, but we got the hints of him being half-galra, and I loved that! Season 2 really built on him and S2 E8 "Blades of Mamora" is still my favorite episode. I love that one with my whole fucking heart. Oh my god.
But then season 3 hit, forced him into a leader positions I don't think he ever grew into, and then his. mom. came back. Don't get me wrong, I love Krolia (big fan of women), but all of Keith's angst being cured by spending a few space whale years with his mom continues to completely disregard the bonds he made with his team. And Keith isn't the only one who suffers from this, everyone does.
I understand family is an important bond (despite the fact that I keep many of my personal family members at arms length, for reasons) but every character only got a "complete" arc or ending when they were reunited with their blood family, not the "found family" that the showrunners promised. Pidge's only arc was finding her family, sure there was the stuff about nature and coding being similar but that was for a single episode. Hunk only got development again post season 1 when it was about his family being enslaved. Lance only ever wanted to see his family again, and then he never got an arc past that except for his dead space girlfriend. Shiro never even got an explanation for his family past his totally-boyfriend Adam.
I will say that I disagree with the fandom's opinion that the entire show queerbaited with Klance. I think you had to have Klance-sized glasses on to see that. The show truly did queerbait with Adam though, with promoting and hyping him up for season 7, only for him to barely get a minute of screen time. Actually such a waste of time, and such a waste of an interesting character. Voltron writers and showrunners when i GET YOU.
A final note I'll make because I'll never stop writing otherwise: there was some discussion about whether or not the show's failure was the writers, showrunners, or executives fault. I personally think it was the showrunners who were at fault here. She-Ra came out the same year VLD ended, and it soared in terms of worldbuilding, storytelling, and queer representation.
For She-Ra to come out around 2018, I imagine these shows started development around the same time (Did you ever realize VLD only had a 2 year run time? 75 episodes in 2 years? I did and it made me upset.) They were probably working with same executives, under the same people, same deadlines, etc. She-Ra succeeded (i think), and VLD fell apart and crashed at the end. Hell, in the final year it was airing they were STILL in the storyboard process. I think the showrunner's either majorly mishandled the production of this show, or they were given shit terms and didn't do anything to make something of it. Either way, Lauren Montgomery and Joaqium Dos Santos I will remember your names forever because of it
(On a serious note, I don't actually dislike or hate them. I'm just disappointed in what happened is all)
Anyways that barely like. scratches the surface of many more issues I have with the show, but those are some of the major problems I saw in it!
And for some more positive notes: I love the ost of the episode where Allura's AI-father dies, it still sticks with me even now. (i ugly sobbed at that episode I'm sensitive to parental death), and Keith is still my beloved meow meow, I love him so much I miss him. Steven Yuen the GOAT. I also loved the concept of these bio-mechanical lions, they could've gone a bit more cosmic horror eldritch with them, but it's still good regardless.
shoutout btw to my friends who sat in call with me as I typed this like a madman.
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marzsbarsz · 1 year
the rhythm of the rain keeps time
💿 a klance tattoo parlor x floral shop au
🛼 a/n ; first fanfic ! it’s klance,,,, in 2023,,,,
in my defense , it was a cute little activity my friends and i did ! they gave a ship + a trope , and we all wrote a little fanfic within about twenty minutes.
but i enjoyed this so much , i might just write more klance ,,,,
enjoy !
warnings ; none ; klance in 2023 😞
words ; 1062
ding! the bell on the door rings, signaling a new customer. “same ones?” keith’s monotone voice asked. “yeah, and they’re once again, addressed to you…” shiro responded. “mmm… and there’s no name on it?” “no. it says its sent from anonymous, but the tag reads “lion floral shop”. “always the same damn shop. just toss them there.” tossing the flowers onto a nearby vacant table, shiro sweatdropped. “shouldn’t we at least send them a thank you card, or something?” keith scoffed. “we don’t know who sent them. they could be a creep for all we know,” the several previous bouquets in the trash.
“you don’t even know this guy. why are we putting so much hope and effort into him?” pidge questioned. as lance’s best friend, pidge was naturally protective over him and, as a result, suspicious of this new man catching his eye. “yeah, man, i get he’s pretty and whatever but you’ve never even spoken to him.” hunk added gently. “guys c’mon! this is me shooting my shot. have you even seen him? he’s gorgeous. his sharp eyes, his piercings, his tattoos, his hair, oh, and his muscles….” lance rambled on and on and on, his soft brown locs falling in his face as he rested his head on his hand, sighing dreamily. sighing, pidge and hunk forced themselves to accept their friend’s new crush, albeit with caution.
three days later.
“another one?” keith asks, sighing exhaustively. “yeah, looks like these are tulips this time,” shiro said. “weren’t the last ones, what… lavender?” “…yeah?” “and the last ones were what, orchids?” “yeah.” “hm. just throw ‘em.” hesitantly tossing the tulips onto the table, shiro raised his eyebrow. “so you do remember the flowers sent here. you do care.” keith, toying with his earring, muttered a soft “yeah.” smiling softly at the man shiro grew to consider his brother, shiro pat keith on the shoulder. “if you want to try and figure out who this mystery person is, just let me know. i’ll be glad to help.” keith smiled softly, softly placing his pale hand onto shiro’s larger one. “thanks man.”
throughout the next two weeks, keith’s tattoo parlor received flowers every three days, all with the same label. “sent from: [blank]. addressed to: keith. and in baby blue elegant script, “lion floral shop.” and with every bouquet, keith’s face would turn a dusted pink, his soft expression contradicting the rest of his look: black baggy ripped jeans, a graphic tee, his old, worn doc martens, and glimmers of silver adorning his neck, wrists, and face, with sleeves of tattoos, and finally, a name tag hanging off his chest: “voltron tattoo parlor. name: keith k.” sighing at the bouquet of roses on the table, keith sighs softly.
knees collapse on a rain pattered cement ground.
crying softly, lance wipes away his tears. “why did i bother…? why am i so upset? i don’t even know him.” chuckling humorlessly, lance takes another look at the tragic sight in from of him before he bursts into tears. a pile of dead bouquets, next to the garbage disposal belonging to a certain “voltron tattoo parlor.”
“wha- hey, man, you good?”
his head shooting up, lance turns to see the one and only keith behind him, and despite his dark circles, despite his messy hair, despite the ink stains adorning his pale skin, he still looks so beautiful. and so worried. for him. lance bursts into tears again.
this man. his brown hair and captivating eyes. his smooth tanned skin. his charming blue button up, and his adorable converse. and despite his tear stained cheeks, despite his sopping clothes and hair, despite his trembling form, he still looks so beautiful. and keith stops in his tracks, before realizing this beautiful, beautiful boy is crying. this boy is upset. and it makes his heart clench.
“hey, you alright there? what’s the matter?” keith lays his hand softly against lance’s back. “i-if you didn’t w-want my flowers, you didn’t have to… th-throw them out like this…” lance sobs, his hand flying up to cover his mouth. keith’s eyes widen. this is his admirer. a beautifully crafted boy. an angel. and suddenly the memories of his actions, his carelessness, his dismissiveness, it all comes back to him. and keith tears up too. he can’t help but wrap lance in a hug. “i’m sorry. i’m so sorry. i didn’t mean to do this to you. i just… i never knew who they came from. and if i knew it was you, i never would have discarded them like this.” keith knew his excuse was pathetic. he knew that lance probably took great pride in his flowers, just as he took pride in his tattoos and piercings. lance couldn’t help but desperately grasp onto keith’s now soaked graphic tee, sobbing. “i picked out the best flowers just for you. just for you.” “i know. i know. i’m sorry.” keith whispered. pulling away from keith’s chest, lance looks up, causing them to make eye contact. lance’s eyes widening, keith’s hand subconsciously landing on lance’s cheek. “you’re freezing. let me take you inside.” still slightly trembling, lance nods, a blush taking over his cheeks as keith lifts lance into his arms.
wrapping lance in a towel, the two talk. they talk, talk, talk, and suddenly it’s evening. glancing at the clock, lance says, “shit, it’s late. i gotta get home.” “do… you have a ride? can you get there safely?” keith asks, his head tilting slightly. “a-ah, i’ll be fine. i can drive.” slightly disappointed that he can’t spend more time with lance, and then disappointed in himself that he’s already so enamored with this man, keith sighs. “okay. get home safe.” lance’s eyes land on a sharpie. “wait, hold on!” grasping the marker, lance scribbles his number on keith’s wrist. “text me, okay?” lance nervously asks. “of course.” keith responds with a soft smile. walking him to the door, keith places his soft lips on lance’s cheek. both men flushing red, keith stutters out a “get home safe.” unable to get out a proper response, lance simply nods eagerly and stumbles his way across the street to his own shop, getting into his car.
“so, you’ve finally done it.” whipping his head around, keith spots shiro in the back doorway, smiling softly at him. keith smiles back. “yeah, i did.”
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
OC x Canon Week
I wrote for myself for once. I did the @theocxcanonweek
Marco x Ray x Ace
TW: Nightmares, injury, polyam, age differences
Prompts: Tending to an injury - "Forgive me." - Mythical
Art by @ // donivanessdoodles
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The sea was calm as a soft breeze helped the large ship bob across its seamless surface. Stars twinkled across the darkness that encompassed the world below. The window was ajar, the sea breeze kissing the exposed shoulders of the two pirates cuddled in bed. 
Both were fast asleep, limbs tangled under the sheets. Ray curled up against Ace who draped an arm lazily over his body. Ace nuzzled his nose into the silvery strands of hair, pulling Ray closer against his chest, a sigh as his brows furrowed.
The dreams that rolled across his subconsciousness grew turbulent, nightmares prickled beneath the surface as the waves of his mind turned. Ace felt the self-doubt and negativity that his partners helped to keep away pulling him below the waves. Ray and Marco weren’t in here to tell him he was loved, to hold his hand, to remind him he was worthy of their love.
Nightmares clung to him, a storm chased away the warmth of dreams from moments ago. Like the night chasing the sun across the world, drowning it in the horizon, buried under a sheet of darkness. The nightmares found Ace, pulling him in every direction.
Bright blinding fire, explosions and screaming. He could hear the deafening sound all around him before a ringing in his ears took it away. He saw the small boat sink, he could see Luffy’s lips moving but couldn’t hear a sound. 
Loss, overwhelming loss clutched his chest even as he slept. His grip on Ray was tighter, fingers digging into plush flesh as he whimpered. He whispered Sabo as the nightmare morphed from flames painting the indigo night with misery, feeling the heat from where they stood, watching helplessly.
All the things people had said about him got louder and louder as the darkness flashed into light. The bright blinding light caused him to flinch in the real world. He watched as unimaginable scenes played out in his mind.
Losing his new family, his friends, and his crew. One after another he saw them slain, saw them dying to protect him. Tears ran down his face as he began to thrash. He was so alone, everything was taken away from him right before his eyes and he couldn’t do anything to stop it. 
The rage, sadness, and frustration burned him up. 
Trapped in his nightmares, unaware his body started to burn up. His hands grew hot, hotter, as hot as fire. Before flame could erupt from his hand a loud scream pierced the air and caused his eyes to open, confused and blinking his eyes as he grabbed Ray harder and heard him sobbing. “Ace! Fuck Ace!” Ray shrieked and elbowed him.
Ace then realized his hand, the hand that had grabbed Ray in a desperate attempt to anchor himself in the stormy waves of his nightmares was glowing. He retracted it as if he’d been burnt and that was when the sobering of the situation hit Ace like a bucket of ice-cold water.
Ray was crying, tears running down his face as he balled himself up. A big angry red handprint on his thigh. Nervous feathers prickled down his arms as he sniffled, grey iridescent feathers growing in number, his arms almost becoming wings, showing his distress.
The door to the bedroom swung open, Marco stood in the doorway, eyes wide and blue flames dancing across his shoulders as he stared at the two. Ace looked guilty, freckled cheeks wet from crying as he reached out for Ray.
“Pidge, I’m so sorry, I’m so, so sorry. I swear I didn’t mean it! Marco, please do something.” Ace begged and tried to pull Ray against him, trying to shush him. Ray fell against his chest, trying to catch his breath as Marco took in the situation.
“Please forgive me..” Ace whispered against Ray’s hair, stroking his trembling hands through the strands. 
Marco moved, able to assess the situation, and placed his hand on the angry red mark on his boyfriend's thigh. “Shhh little bird, shh.” Marco cooed softly as he used his cooling flames on the taut and burning skin. He watched the redness fade but clicked his tongue against his teeth.
“It’s going to scar, a burn this deep and bad, I didn’t get here in time for it not to be permanent yoi.” Marco caught the look on Ace’s face at the news. Ray was still whining in pain but was seeking comfort wrapped in Ace’s arms.
The three sat there on the bed as things started to calm down. Ace felt a pain in his lip, he’d been biting down on it, trying to keep from falling over himself in apologies again. Marco had an arm wrapped around Ray, rubbing his shoulders.
“I’m sorry, Pidge,” Ace sighed. “I forgive you, I know you didn’t mean it. I’m not mad, I promise.” Ray smiled, leaning up and kissing his cheek, Ace felt some relief in his reply but still felt awful for the hand-shaped branding he’d caused.
“I’m not mad either Ace, but I think it’s back to sleeping in seastone for you,” Marco said and Ace nodded. “Yeah.. I think so..”
“Does it still hurt yoi?” Marco asked, the blue healing flames danced at his fingertips as he traced the painful-looking burn. Soothing the skin once more. “Only a little, thank you.” Ray sighed.
“Well, I think we are all well and truly awake, how about I go make us tea? Maybe there’s some dessert left over we can have to calm our nerves.” Marco suggested and chuckled when both his boyfriends looked up at the same time at the mention of a midnight snack.
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