#Picky Stefan
late-to-the-fandom · 2 years
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In which Prince Renathal and the Maw Walker hook up for the first time after an unusual Ember Court. Rated M for sexual scenarios (but, you know, the classy kind). Read here on Ao3 for triggers and tags
Takes place before the imprisonment of Denathrius, prior to “The Harvester of Dominion”
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The trading of rumours via note was a long-standing tradition in Venthyr courts. A whispered word could be overheard, but a note... 
They were slipped from hand to hand and hidden up sleeves, subtly read while sipping from a glass, then passed on for the next guest to peruse. It was a practice as old as Revendreth itself, and one Prince Renathal detested. And this rumour - his eyes widened as he read the note's contents - this one left a particularly sour taste in his mouth.
Have you heard the latest about the Prince and the Maw Walker? It is said they're-"
Renathal dipped the scroll idly into the nearest candle flame, held it out, away from himself, watching as it burnt to ash. And then began seriously to brood.
Had the Maw Walker seen it? Of course she had, she had brought it to him, but had she read its contents first? Her demeanor as she slipped him the folded paper left no indication one way or the other, her face as expressionless as always. Renathal was getting better at reading the little tells in her smooth, lavender face - a blink, a tilt of the head, a quirk of the mouth - but it was still occasionally difficult. Venthyr faces were always expressive, if rarely sincere. Reading the Maw Walker was a challenge, and one he usually relished. But now...
Turning casually, as if contemplating the offerings of the terrace, Renathal searched for the Maw Walker's purple glow, something he found himself doing often during Ember Court sessions. There she was - refilling the Countess's tea cup at the furthest cliffside table, her face as generically pleasant as ever. No discomfort could be detected at this distance. He watched as she attended the table's guests: the Countess, her coterie of fashionable Venthyr socialites whose names escaped him, and 'Picky' Stefan, chatting away in a voice loud enough to carry across the terrace. "Ah yes, the fragrance reminds me of my many years in the Banewood! Have I told you-"
The Maw Walker had just straightened, turning as if to leave, when the Countess murmured something Renathal could not hear under Stefan's chatter. The two females debated between themselves for a few seconds before the Nightborne nodded politely, filled another cup, and took the seat at the table behind it.
Instantly, Renathal's hackles were raised. A scandalous rumor and the Countess present at the same court? He knew this Harvester of Desire too well to believe it a coincidence. If the Countess had not written the note herself, she had certainly encouraged one of her entourage to do so. And now she would try to trick the Maw Walker into giving the truth away.
Not that there was any truth to it. Which bothered Renathal almost as much as the existence of the salacious rumour itself.
He had been grappling with his growing feelings for the Maw Walker for several weeks, debating the various practicalities and possibilities of initiating a more... intimate relationship with her. Bedding the realm's champion did hold the potential to complicate his rebellion, but Renathal had decided he could overlook this. Partly because he really wanted to, and partly because he trusted the Maw Walker completely. She was practical and loyal - and therefore unlikely to abandon his cause if their hypothetical affair ended poorly - as well as exceptionally private when it came to her personal life. 
Which was exactly why a rumour such as this might offend her, before he ever had a chance to make it a reality.
Renathal glanced again at the Maw Walker, searching for potential clues. She was listening to Stefan wax on about the tea, while the drink in her own hand remained untouched. She leaned against the high-backed chair, seeming, for the moment, entirely relaxed. Hardly the posture of someone incensed by slander, but then, the Maw Walker was generally unflappable.
Renathal sighed. There was only one way to find out what she knew and what she was thinking and that was to ask her directly. He glided over to the Countess's table at a carefully dignified pace.
"My friends, I do hope we are all enjoying ourselves?"
The Maw Walker glanced up at Renathal's approach - but it was only her familiar, focused look that indicated she was assessing his mood, determining whether anything was amiss. He made sure to comport himself entirely at ease.
"Oh, assuredly," replied Stefan, to whom the question was really the least addressed. "I always appreciate the opportunity to slow down and savour the moment. The last two courts have been far too full of chaos and mess for my taste."
"There is certainly truth to that," Renathal acknowledged. "But our Maw Walker proves once again she is capable of anything, including arranging a most relaxing soiree for a change."
"Oh, it is … quite relaxing," the Countess inserted languidly. "Possibly too relaxing. One might even say... dull." She dropped the word delicately into the air like a fallen parasol she fully expected someone else to pick up. And sure enough...
"Dull?" The Maw Walker perked up instantly, setting down her undrunk tea. She did take the discontent of Ember Court guests as something of a personal insult, thought Renathal fondly. "And what might be done to liven it to your taste, Countess?"
"Hmm... well, let me see..." The Countess tapped her chin with a finger, feigning thought. Renathal was not remotely fooled. "Well... Kassir could not stop talking about the dancing that went on the last time he attended the Ember Court. He said it was lively enough to rival any castle ball..."
"I remember that," chimed in Stefan. "Yes, quite fun, I'm sure. I've never been one for dancing myself but certainly entertaining to watch. I'm afraid the refreshment at that court was not quite-"
"I was told," the Countess cut in smoothly, "that our own Prince and the Maw Walker made a particularly striking pair dancing together."
The Countess turned her head minutely as she spoke to observe Renathal's reaction, but he had spent too many centuries with this harvester to be caught off-guard. His face was a mask of impassivity to rival the Maw Walker's.
"Ah, yes..." Renathal said slowly, as if dredging up this memory from some deep recess instead of replaying it behind his eyes every night....
The way the Maw Walker had leaned into him as they moved together, allowing him to lead her through the crowd of dancers, surrendering herself entirely to his grip on her hand and waist. The dress she wore to court revealed far too much flesh to be appropriate for Revendreth, but Renathal had appreciated the chance it gave him to stroke his fingers over the warm, bare skin of her lower back. And the way she shivered deliciously when he had, canting her body closer to his as if on instinct....
"Yes... I believe I remember the court you refer to," Renathal continued thoughtfully. "As I recall, we were all of us rather caught up in the delightful music. The Lost Chalice Band can have that effect on the soul."
"The Lost Chalice Band?" queried the Countess. "Why, they're here today, are they not? And yet they do not play! Your guests are forced to entertain themselves as best they can with tea and" - she cast a haughty glance at Stefan - "the dullest of conversations."
Stefan, for whom self-awareness was never a strong suit, missed the insult entirely. He set his own cup down as if anticipating a change of venue. "Why, I'm sure our Maw Walker can easily arrange for dancing to be added to the Court’s offerings. She is always so resourceful."
Renathal's eyes glowed briefly at the prospect, but he checked himself before the Countess could notice. Was there any harm in permitting it? It was obvious the Countess had orchestrated the conversation to ensure this exact outcome - subterfuge was always her special gift - but surely it would be more suspicious to refuse now a precedent had already been established?
Additionally, it would make a perfect excuse to speak to the Maw Walker privately without seeming too obvious; determine whether she had read the rumour and establish how she felt about the idea. And, the truth of the matter was, Renathal had been itching to dance with her again for weeks now. Holding her against him for those few minutes had been a pleasure the likes of which he had not encountered for over an age, and he wanted more. The thought of indulging his craving was too good to pass up. 
"Of course, Countess, if it would make the Ember Court more enjoyable for you," Renathal said magnanimously. "Maw Walker, would you kindly inform the Lost Chalice Band their services are required? I shall make the announcement to our guests."  
Renathal allowed his eyes to meet the Maw Walker’s, forgoing a wink lest the Countess should catch it, but allowing a spark of humour to shine in their amber depths, as if the whole thing was a joke between the two of them. The Maw Walker, on the other hand, looked strangely … nervous? Renathal could not be certain. It was gone in an instant, replaced by her carefully bland smile.
“I don't think that will be possible, your Highness, Countess.” She nodded at them each in turn. “I’m afraid Chiu has misplaced her lute, which is the reason the band has not played today."
Renathal raised his eyebrows before he could stop himself, but the Countess - busy watching the Maw Walker - did not see.
"Oh, she's always losing it,” commented Stefan. “One would think musicians would take better care of their instruments.”
“One would think,” the Maw Walker agreed.
"But surely they can manage without one player?" said a Venthyr socialite seated beside the Countess. "How essential can the lute be?"
"Apparently extremely," answered the Maw Walker, a note of finality in her voice. "And a band of only two could not hope to create the proper ambiance for a dance. Perhaps next time." She rose smoothly from her seat before anyone could protest further. "This has been a most invigorating rest, but I'm neglecting the court's other guests. Please excuse me."
She gave a small respectful nod to the table at large, then adjourned as quickly as propriety allowed in the direction of the ramparts, sparing Renathal not the least half-glance on her way.
“How unfortunate,” declared the Countess in affected dismay. “I am most disappointed.” A statement very much at odds with the glitter of triumph in her beady eyes.
"Your disappointment is a crushing blow, Countess," said Renathal idly, frowning after the Maw Walker.
The Countess, much more conscious of subtle undercurrents than Stefan and highly affronted by the insincerity in Renathal's tone, rose from her own chair haughtily and flounced away, followed dutifully by her entourage. Renathal knew he ought to have been more careful with his reply, ought to care more about garnering the Countess's favor; after all, her medallion was still outstanding. But he was too preoccupied with more personal concerns.
The Maw Walker had never denied a guest's request.
Renathal had seen her go to great lengths to please even the least important Ember Court attendee. He knew for a fact she and Temel had taken extra care with this particular court's preparation, conscious as she was of the Countess's potential to help or hinder the rebellion's efforts. And while it was certainly true the Lost Chalice Band misplaced their instruments with quite unwonted frequency, the Maw Walker had always managed to locate them before. Renathal did not believe for a second she had simply resigned herself to failure this time, not with such a high-profile guest on the line. So why had she chosen not to? He could think of only one reason.
That bloody rumour....
The Maw Walker's distinct lavender outline could no longer be seen from the refreshment tables, so Renathal began a slow glide around Sinfall's center, stealing occasional side-long glances up at the ramparts. Clearly, she had read the note. It was the only explanation for her uncharacteristic refusal to accommodate a guest, and the obvious distance she was keeping from Renathal himself. Usually, they met toward the end of a court to compare notes on guest satisfaction and determine whether or not to let a session run long. Instead, the Maw Walker had purposefully removed herself from him as far as the space of the courtyard would allow. But ... was it to keep guests from reading some truth into the rumour, or because she was now uncomfortable in his presence?
Gliding up the steps to the tribute stage, Renathal surveyed the empty dance floor gloomily, remembering how very different he had felt in that exact place weeks ago...
…at the end of their dance, when he met the Maw Walker's eyes and held them, watched their blue-white depths go oddly dark. She had released his hand almost reluctantly, dropping her gaze to hide a violet flush, and anima surged to his core as he smelled on her the distinct scent of desire...
In that moment, Renathal had been so certain the Maw Walker was as drawn to him as he was to her. But... perhaps he had misinterpreted. She was so damnably hard to read.
He cast a final glance around the courtyard, distinctly unhappy with the way this evening had played out. Being denied something he wanted was still a relatively new experience for the Dark Prince of Revendreth, and while he was sometimes able to appreciate the freshness of not getting his way, other times it was simply irritating. This was certainly the latter. In a fit of pique, he decided he would end the court early without consulting the Maw Walker, since she had not seen fit to reappear. He adjusted the drape of his coat, cleared his throat and opened his mouth, just as a scream echoed chillingly from somewhere behind him.
It was not the shriek of delighted fright that occasionally rang through court when nobles got too close to attacking manifestations or when sheltered socialites were surprised by the sudden appearance of Ardenweald fauna. This was a scream of genuine terror, and Renathal knew, with a sinking in his stomach, what he would see even before he whirled around.
The sky above the ramparts was moving darkly toward Sinfall, as though storm clouds raced in their direction. But Revendreth did not have those sort of clouds, and the shadowy mass held the glint of red eyes and sharp steel. The Stone Legion.
Renathal groaned; fortunately, the sound could not be heard over the courtyard's sudden swell of noise and chaos. Honestly, what else could go wrong today? he thought dismally, as he summoned his own magic and hastened toward the Bridge of Banishment. Rumours and the Countess and now the Stone Legion ... this was turning into the worst Ember Court yet.
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Renathal's mood had not improved much even hours later; standing at the table that served as his catchall desk and, currently, valet stand, cleaning the dust, debris, and drops of anima from his armor. He could have ordered a dredger to do it - there were enough of them wandering around Sinfall now - but he was restless, and needed something to do apart from pacing the room pointlessly, possibly kicking the scant furniture. It was a distinct and embarrassing possibility. Just at present, Renathal felt very much like a petulant child beaten at a game.
He supposed it had ended as well as any assault could. The Venthyr volunteer defenders, in a surprising twist, held their positions well, driving back the Stone Legion before they had a chance to claim a foothold. Personally, Renathal suspected the Legion's orders had been to sow chaos rather than carnage, but he kept his thoughts to himself. Let the defenders congratulate each other on a job well done, he had decided as he adjourned to his quarters. It would be wrong to force everyone else to feel as disgruntled as he did.
As he finished polishing the breastplate, Renathal paused, listening intently. After a moment's attention to the unbroken silence outside his room, he sighed and began brushing down one of his greaves, salvaging what anima he could from it and returning the metal to its properly shining green and gold.
And he had thought the Ember Court was doing so well... thought he was doing well. So many new contacts and support from other realms, and more Venthyr nobles each week. Renathal had been proud - perhaps too proud - of having the Maw Walker's power and unwavering loyalty at his disposal, not to speak of her affection. And now...
Denathrius had stripped him of his Court, and it appeared that stupid bloody rumour may have cost him his Maw Walker.
Renathal paused again, straining his ears to catch the sound of quiet footsteps making their way down the stone passage toward his rooms. But there was nothing. Not even an echo of the action he knew must be happening in Sinfall's main hall above. Whether the walls had been enchanted to prevent sound carrying, or the stone was just that thick, the noise of the other floors did not seem to reach to this deep corner of the structure, which was one of the reasons Renathal had requisitioned it. Usually he appreciated the privacy, but now it made him feel alone and cut off from the rebellion's metaphorical life. And it also meant he could not hear if the Maw Walker had come down from the courtyard.
It had been several hours since the Stone Legion's forces had been routed from Sinfall, but the Maw Walker had not yet appeared at his door to report, as she did almost every evening. Nor had he seen her during the battle. Renathal was beginning to seriously worry she was avoiding him, a thought which bothered him even more than his dashed hopes of a second dance, or the tantalising thought of more. All his fantasies of future possibilities aside, the Maw Walker was a friend. A close friend. Dearer to him than many of the Venthyr he had known for millennia, and the closest thing to a confidante he currently had. Everything seemed less terrible, more hopeful, in the light of her soft, lilac glow.
In a sudden indulgence of temper, Renathal slammed the greave he was polishing down on the table. It was too well made to be damaged by the wood, but it did send a shockwave of momentum up his arm hard enough to make him wince.
This was exactly why he so detested rumours, thought Renathal, rubbing angrily at his elbow. They manufactured momentary excitement out of someone else's far longer lasting distress. And if his comfortable relationship with the Maw Walker had been permanently altered by that damned note, he would find whoever had written it, Countess or otherwise, and have them condemned to a crypt for an epoch.
"Really, it wasn't all that terrible." 
The Maw Walker's voice behind him made Renathal jump. He had been so busy brooding he had not heard her arrive. Dropping his still-sore elbow, he straightened, trying his best to swallow his agitation before facing her, despite the display of temper she had already witnessed. It was not difficult. Just hearing her voice had already eased some of the tension in Renathal's neck and shoulders.
She was not avoiding him after all.
He made sure there was nothing on his face to reveal any of his former concern or his current overwhelming relief before he turned to her... and started.
The Maw Walker was an absolute mess.
Renathal had seen her battle weary before, but always in the heavy robes that functioned as her armor. Today, she had been forced to fight in the rather skimpy dress she kept insisting to a tearful Lady Rovinette, the Ember Court clothier, was considered a ball gown in her home of Suramar. Reduced to even less material than usual, the tattered ruins of the dress revealed nearly the entire length of both long, smooth legs; much of the midriff was missing, as well. The pale, swirling tattoos shining faintly against the skin of her thighs were brand new information for Renathal, and he had a sudden, powerful urge to trace his fingers over them. 
"Everyone is accounted for," the Maw Walker continued, oblivious to - or ignoring - Renathal's open stare. "No losses. Only six injuries of note, even those mostly minor. And none of them guests, so no harm done really."
She crossed the threshold into the spartan chamber that served the fallen Prince as office, study, and drawing room, kicking the door half closed behind her with a completely bare foot - she appeared to have lost her shoes somewhere in the fight - and limping to the dark velvet chaise she usually sat on when reporting to Renathal of an evening. Though, she did not usually bleed on it.
Renathal cleared his throat.
"And do you count yourself among that number?" he asked, now inspecting her leg more in concern than appreciation.
The blood was dripping from a shallow cut down the side of one completely bare thigh. It did not look particularly serious, but the limp had not escaped Renathal's notice.
The Maw Walker's face twisted in annoyance.
"No." She glanced down at the cut with a grimace and tried vainly to hide it from sight with a torn bit of skirt. "That's nothing, hardly worth healing. The worst damage to me was from those ridiculous shoes. Trust the Stone Legion to attack the one time I let Lady Rovinette talk me into wearing heels. I tripped over my own bloody feet and twisted my ankle."
For some reason, Renathal found her ire over something so trivial supremely funny. He positioned a faux-thoughtful hand across his mouth to hide the hint of a smile. The Maw Walker did not seem particularly upset with him, but he preferred not to press his luck by laughing at her when she was so clearly annoyed.
"Anyway," she continued, pulling stray pins from the remains of her elegantly arranged hair. "The courtyard is a bit of a disaster, and the decorations will all have to be replaced. But I've told Boot it's top priority and I'll gather the supplies myself. So, we should have it all fixed up by next week."
"Next week?" repeated Renathal absently, watching her tuck hair pins into some secret place in what had once been the bodice of her gown and was now strategically arranged shreds of gauzy, purple fabric.
Noting his distraction, the Maw Walker stopped and turned her full attention on Renathal for the first time since entering the room.
"For the next Ember Court," she explained.
Renathal blinked in surprise.
"My dear friend," he said slowly, "I fear we will have to discontinue that particular venture."
A few seconds of confusion ticked past as each looked at the other as though they were the one not making sense. It was the Maw Walker who finally broke the silence.
"You have to ask?" Renathal lifted his hands, allowing his distress to manifest as elaborate gesticulation. "Who in the realm will wish to attend after today's events? Now the nobility know Sinfall cannot shield them from Denathrius' forces most will certainly decline their invitations. And as the Ember Court exists largely to gain their support, it is ... hardly worth the effort." He dropped his arms, abruptly drained. "No... Denathrius set out to prove to the people of Revendreth that we ... that I ... could not protect them. And ... prove it he did."
Renathal lowered himself wearily onto the chaise beside the Maw Walker and felt the now-familiar tendrils of despair snake around his chest. It was a feeling he had never known before the Maw, and it was proving far harder to escape. It lingered at the back of his mind, waiting for setbacks such as today's to weaken his steadfast resolve, allowing an opening for despair to creep in and taint all his other thoughts. He rubbed his temples fiercely as if the action might push the feeling back to his subconscious.
"I disagree," said the Maw Walker. The simple pronouncement made Renathal look up. "You did prove yourself to Revendreth. You proved Sinfall can withstand Denathrius' forces. You drove them back, you protected your guests. No one was lost, or even seriously injured. What more could they ask of you?"
Renathal gave her a grateful smile that did not meet his eyes and shook his head.
"I appreciate the show of support, but I am afraid-"
Her use of his name sans title made him lift a startled eyebrow. Renathal had long ago granted her the privilege, but she rarely exercised it.
"This was always going to happen eventually," the Maw Walker continued. "We can't hold court under Denathrius' nose and expect him to never strike out. We knew he would test his strength against us at some point. But...that was part of the reason for the Ember Court, wasn't it? To show people the strength of Sinfall, of the rebellion as a whole, and of you as its leader."
The Maw Walker reached out to grasp Renathal's hand where it lay limp against the chaise. Her tender touch ... the soft earnestness in her voice ... they were enough for Renathal's mouth to hang open slightly as she plead her case.
"The Ember Court has always been about displays of power and confidence, as well as hospitality. Tonight merely proved we can stand behind those claims. And with no casualties, the stories that spread about tonight will be about Sinfall's victory. Trust me, this time tomorrow the whole realm will be talking about how exciting a court it was. In three days, socialites will be bragging about being there, and everyone else will wish they were. You'll have Venthyr queuing up to attend the next court. To cancel it would be a serious mistake."
Renathal wondered if hope, like intellect, was a spell the Maw Walker could cast with her touch. Already, he could feel the despair evaporating, unable to exist in the same place as the heat she sent rushing through him as she gently squeezed his hand before releasing it.
"Besides," she added with a wry smile, "if you cancel the Ember Court, you will have to break the news to Temel because I certainly won't."
Renathal's small snort of laughter was weak but genuine.
"That would be a fate nearly as terrifying as the Stone Legion," he joked darkly, and she giggled, a brighter sound than Renathal's and one which raised his spirits considerably.
Making the Maw Walker laugh was - he had discovered - something of a rare talent, and Renathal relished his ability to conjure the sound more often than most. He sat up straighter, angling himself to face her more directly.
It was not unusual for them to sit here together. Many evenings, when their talk had drifted away from business, had found them both settled comfortably on this overlarge piece of furniture, probably intended for Denathrius.  Although, noted Renathal as the Maw Walker shifted, she was usually much more fully clothed. He was conscious of how very easy it would be to brush against her smooth, bare leg and have it seem an accident.
Something of his dark thoughts must have shown in his face because the Maw Walker cocked her head at him and said, “What is it?”
Renathal wondered if he dared broach the subject still nagging at him after such a thoroughly inauspicious day. Clearly the Maw Walker was not uncomfortable around him, whatever her actions during court might have indicated. Perhaps the status quo was best simply maintained. But ... that urgent longing to have his hands on her again, to feel her lean into him, trust him to lead her body through exquisite movement... it echoed through him like a song he could not forget.
“Oh... it is nothing. Merely…” Renathal drummed his fingers against the arm of the chaise. “It was a shame that Chiu's lute could not be found today. Quite unusual for you to be unable to locate it..."
The Maw Walker blinked at him.
"Well, obviously, I could have found it if I looked. I thought it best for the band not to play today while a certain rumour was making its way around court."
Renathal met her eyes swiftly.
"So ... you did read the note?" 
"Of course," she confirmed. "I brought it to you, didn't I? I know your feelings on rumours, and seeing how this particular rumour might catch fire the more we were seen together, I thought it prudent not to give it any additional fuel."
It was such a practical, obvious explanation, Renathal silently berated himself for ever considering any other possibility. The Maw Walker was always so attentive to everyone's wants, especially his own. She had simply made the assumption he would take greater satisfaction in a rumour being extinguished than in dancing with her; which was a fair one, if incorrect.
"I see," he said carefully. Glad as he was to have the mystery settled, it still bothered Renathal inordinately to have the moment he wanted stolen from him.
The Maw Walker's eyes narrowed.
"Did I make a wrong choice?" she asked. "You seem..." - she cocked her head again- "...unhappy."
The way her eyes picked apart each piece of his face in turn, it was as though she were translating Renathal from another language, and it occurred to him abruptly that they were two different species, however similar their basic body structure may be. Not that such a thing bothered him. Personally, he found the Maw Walker all the more attractive for how unlike him she was. But she was not obligated to feel the same.
"No, no." Renathal shook his head. "I am sure you acted for the best." He swallowed. It was a gamble, but… "Only ... I was rather looking forward to another dance. And to be robbed of something so pleasurable on account of a rumour ... I confess, I was disappointed." 
Silence met this admission. A silence of a few seconds, but they were impossibly long to Renathal who could not bring himself to lift his gaze until-
"So was I."
-her simple words ignited a hope like a candle flame in his chest. He met the Maw Walker's eyes, hers intent but unfocused, as though contemplating something. Before Renathal could think of the proper response, she stood up.
"Come." The Maw Walker held out her hand, lips quirked in amusement. "I don’t want to be accused of robbing the Prince of Revendreth of any sort of pleasure."
It took Renathal a moment to understand. By the time he had, the Maw Walker was already grasping his wrist, pulling him to his feet. Anima pounded a rhythm in the most sensitive parts of him as she placed his hand on her waist and hers on his shoulder, resting more weight on him than last time - and Renathal remembered her ankle.
"What about your injury?" he asked.
"What injury?"
Renathal had half a foot of height on the Maw Walker, more without shoes, and she had to lift her chin to look him in the face. Her eyes sparkled with barely restrained mirth when she winked. Her high humour sparked life in his own, so sadly subdued all day. 
“And... how shall we dance with no music?” 
“Hmm ... that is a quandary...”
The Maw Walker assumed an expression of exaggerated thought, then took a deep breath through her nose and began to hum loudly. Renathal could not help laughing, and she smiled around her slightly off-key song. He waited a moment to catch the beat before tightening his grip and beginning to move her across the stone floor in slow, easy steps.
It could only generously be called dancing. Between the Maw Walker's limp and her attempt at musical accompaniment, it fell to Renathal to support nearly all her weight. Fortunately, they could only go a few strides in any direction without hitting an obstacle - the chaise, the table, the scattered bits of rubble - so there was no room to attempt any more complicated maneuvres. Twice the Maw Walker tripped on a torn length of her own skirt, interrupting her humming with peals of laughter, and everywhere she limped, she trailed drops of red blood from the still-dripping cut on her leg. Renathal was sure they looked ridiculous and was equally sure neither of them cared. 
"What is that song?" he asked, when her humming drifted away.
"Oh, just ... something from home. Suramar," she clarified as though Renathal might have forgotten. "It was popular when I was very young, played often at courts. I quite liked it. It always made me wish I had someone to dance with."
Her voice grew thoughtful, and Renathal held his breath. Whenever conversations turned to her homeland or her past, the Maw Walker tended to find an excuse to leave. This time, she merely sighed softly and settled herself more firmly against Renathal's chest. He was suddenly very aware he was dressed in only his shirt sleeves and trousers. 
"Surely, you did not lack for partners?" 
The Maw Walker huffed a little soundless laugh.
"I was always rather selective about my partners."
She tilted her chin to meet his eyes again. Hers were now several shades darker, and the surge of anima at the base of Renathal's spine made him certain he was not imagining the double meaning in her words. His lips parted as he searched for the best way to ask the question burning a hole inside him, but he only managed to say her name before -
"Maw Walker? Are you down here?"
Both of them jumped. The voice echoed from the hall outside Renathal's rooms, and now footsteps were audible, rapidly approaching the door. It was Sinfall's ceaseless refrain. Someone else with a task for the Maw Walker, calling for her aid, seeking her out no matter the time. And she always answered. 
The footsteps stopped outside the cracked door, and Renathal grimaced, the idea of losing this moment almost too much to bear. He groaned quietly, relinquishing his grip on the Maw Walker's waist, and was shocked when she tightened hers in return. She glanced up at Renathal's visible confusion, mouthed Shhh, then waved her free hand in an arc in front of them. Instantly, the same blue mist she had conjured in the Maw sprang into existence, shielding them from sight. 
The sparkling, opaque light made it difficult to see the door as it slowly creaked open, or clearly identify the Venthyr who stood on the threshold. But it was obvious, as the intruder turned from side to side to inspect the room’s corners, that whoever it was could not see the Prince and the Maw Walker standing practically on top of each other in the center of the room.
After a few moments, and another call of her name, the unknown Venthyr retreated back into the hall, shutting the door behind them with a muted snap. The Maw Walker maintained her spell for several more heartbeats - that Renathal could feel with the way her chest was flattened against his - before allowing the blue light to dissipate.
"Shirking your responsibilities?" he asked, but there wasn't the slightest reproof in it. For the Maw Walker to choose him over others, over her work throughout the realm, made him giddy.
"Not at all," the Maw Walker replied, replacing Renathal's hand on her waist and peeling herself from his body enough to comfortably move her feet without stepping on his. “I just think I'm best suited here at the moment."
She squeezed his hand, reminding him to move, and Renathal resumed their makeshift dance, now without any semblance of music and barely any discernable rhythm. It was no more than an excuse to stay touching one another, and Renathal was sure she knew it as well as he.
"Oh?" he asked, his voice pitched deeper.
"You need this." When she caught sight of Renathal's raised eyebrow, the Maw Walker continued, "You carry the weight of an entire world on your shoulders. You need to shrug it off sometimes. You deserve a moment to just ... enjoy something. And if this is what you want, and I can give it to you, then you shall have it."
The Maw Walker's voice was forthright, her tone business-like and unemotional, but there was an invitation there, Renathal was certain. It was in the rapid beat of her heart as it pulsed against him, and the way she shivered when he trailed the hand supporting her back slowly down her spine. He could feel his growing need for her, wondered if she could feel it too with how little clothing separated them.
"And what of you?" His voice was a low rumble, and the Maw Walker lowered her head to try and hide her violet flush, forcing Renathal to speak against her dark hair. "You hold the fate of the entire Shadowlands. All of reality relies on you. Surely, you deserve to enjoy yourself as well." 
The Maw Walker's hmm communicated disagreement. Renathal was unsure what she meant by it but that was a mystery for another time. At the moment, all that mattered was that she was wrong.
"You do."
He pronounced the words like an edict, and they held a distant echo of the power of dominion, his for so many eons. Not even the Maw Walker could broker an argument. Renathal ended their stilted perambulation and removed one of his arms from around her. He tilted her chin up with two long, careful fingers, forcing the Maw Walker to meet his gaze as he uttered her name.
"What would you most enjoy?"
"Honestly ..." She closed her eyes as she admitted, "Being here ... with you. This is the most I've enjoyed myself in ... in a very long time."
The Maw Walker exhaled deeply as if the confession were a weight from which she had been freed. And Renathal could sense it distinctly on her again: the heady perfume of desire. He would know it anywhere, but from her it was flavoured differently.  Whether because of her race or her arcane magic or the fact that it was filtered through her mortal body, he was not sure - but he knew he wanted to drown in it. He leant down until his face was close enough to hers to feel her warm breath.
"I also enjoy your company. Immensely. I should … like to enjoy it more."
Renathal spoke as plainly as he could, mirroring the Maw Walker's forthright approach to truth he so admired. It made her smile.
"I would be amenable to that," she replied.
Her eyes flicked to his lips. And she was still smiling when Renathal kissed her for the first time.
It occurred to him again after their lips met - tentatively, exploring - that the Maw Walker was not Venthyr. Her lips were soft, her mouth as warm as the rest of her, her taste heady and unfamiliar. Renathal wondered what he felt like to her. He would be so much colder and sharper, he knew. But this wary train of thought evaporated as the Maw Walker's kiss grew more eager. Her hands crept delicately up his chest, skimming his face, threading their way through his long hair, and he allowed himself to sink into her. 
Renathal was a master of control, but this was a temptation the likes of which he had never faced. The Maw Walker's warmth suffused him, starting at his mouth and leaving trails of thrilling energy everywhere she touched. He could not stop his hands clutching at her waist, canting her hips closer to him as she stood on tiptoe, trying instinctively to feel her heat against every part of him.
And if he thought he would be content with a dance, a kiss, Renathal had gravely underestimated the depth of his own desire. He needed all of her. Everything.
"Would it be considered ... bad manners if I asked you to stay?" he asked, voice ragged, when she broke for air.
"At this point," said the Maw Walker breathlessly, "I think it would be worse manners not to."
She tried to smile at her own witticism but it came out hungry, and Renathal could only growl his approval.
It was hardly the graceful seduction Renathal had been imagining. There was a rough scramble to remove clothes; her hands tugging at his shirt, his claws ripping off the remains of her dress. Every movement was full of an open desperation that would usually mortify him. Sex was as much an art form as anything else. And while he may not have the illustrious reputation of others in Revendreth, he had never allowed himself to be anything less than perfect in his various conquests. 
But Renathal could not remember his body ever feeling so on fire. Was this how it was for mortals? Primal and necessary? The sensations were all-consuming at the cost of his focus. But if the Maw Walker was disappointed at the relative inelegance of his movements, she hid it extremely well.
Any further fears she might be uncomfortable with how different Renathal was from her own kind - the cold of his skin, the points of his teeth, the sharp edges of his nails as he dragged them down her naked legs wrapped around his hips - were soothed by her exquisite cries. He was shocked at the variety of sounds he could draw from the normally recalcitrant Maw Walker as he pinned her to the chaise and explored her body.
The nuance of expression ... the generosity of volume ...
Renathal had expected to have to work to discover what she liked. Every other aspect of her was always a challenge, and one he enjoyed. But here, underneath him, the Maw Walker abandoned all fight. She surrendered herself to him completely, giving his hands and mouth free reign of her body. It was so exhilarating, Renathal could not bring himself to hold back for more time, could not resist the way she opened her legs and offered herself to him. He could only give himself to her with equal enthusiasm.
Thought intruded just once when a sharp cry as he entered her made Renathal worry she might be hurt. He shook back his long white hair to inspect the Maw Walker's face with concern, but there was no indication of pain. Just open, panting lips and eyes, wide and desperate.
"Don't stop Renathal please," she moaned all in one breath, pronouncing his name like a prayer.
It made Renathal's head swim, his eyes cloud over in anima-fueled lust, but he mustered enough self-control to pause for a few seconds. The Maw Walker arched her back, crying out in exquisite anguish at the lack of friction, but this was essential.
Renathal leaned down to speak his words against her lips like a kiss: "Do not let me hurt you." And he could taste the smile around her own laboured breathing as she whispered back, "I'm not ... so delicate." Her legs locked around his hips as her body pleaded with his for more, and Renathal vigorously granted her request.
It had been centuries. Or more. Renathal could not recall precisely when he had last done this, and he knew however long ago it was it had never been quite like this. Which must be why he could not control his frantic rhythm ... why he could not contain himself any longer when she suddenly sobbed his name against his ear ... why he felt so entirely sated and pleased with all of reality when he finally sat back against the chaise, letting the dregs of swirling anima settle in his limbs. And why he felt almost immediately ready for her again as he watched her naked form roll off the chaise beside him and bend to pick up the remains of her gown. 
Some of Renathal's general good feeling ebbed when he realised the Maw Walker was dressing - or rather, wrapping the shredded fabric strategically around herself to meet the bare minimum for modesty. He sat up straighter and cleared his throat, immoderately pleased when she stopped her work to let her eyes wander his own bare body distractedly. He stretched out an arm to drag her back to him and she complied, sitting astride his lap, moaning softly when she felt how much he still wanted her. 
"Stay," Renathal ordered gently, tracing her pale, swirling tattoos. The Maw Walker shuddered at his touch. 
"Surely tempting others is a sin."
Renathal chuckled, low and gravelly, and buried his face against her throat, speaking into her lavender skin.
"Not if it is an offer made sincerely."
The Maw Walker ran her fingers tenderly through his hair, and Renathal groaned softly. It had been an impossibly long time since he had known any touch so sweet, so careful.
And there were reasons for that, he reminded himself. But he refused to dwell on them now. She was not Venthyr, she was not of Denathrius. She was something entirely outside the Sire's control. And she would never betray him. 
"I can't stay, and neither can you," said the Maw Walker, breaking through Renathal's thoughts. “People will be looking for us in earnest by now, and it wouldn't be wise to worry them." Renathal reluctantly lifted his head, and she smoothed the hair of his goatee back into place with a smirk. "Unless you'd like the next rumour to be about how the Maw Walker absconded with the Prince."
"Mmm..." Renathal hummed unhappy agreement, tracing her teasing smile with his thumb. "Practical as ever."
With a small kiss to his palm, the Maw Walker pulled his hand away, withdrew from his lap, and drew him to his feet. She bent to fetch his clothes for him where they had fallen, smoothing them out with a wink, and Renathal knew she was trying to force him to smile, knew she did not want to leave him melancholy once again. He tried his best to look as relaxed as she did.
Renathal knew she was entirely correct; they had been unaccounted for far too long. It was actually shocking no one had interrupted them since he had neglected to do anything so sensible as locking or barring the door. Although, he supposed, as he fastened his shirt, would either of them have noticed if someone had entered? He eyed the door suspiciously, still working at his buttons. It would not be a good idea for their tryst to become common knowledge in Sinfall - especially after all the Maw Walker's work to quash the rumour - but at the moment Renathal was finding it hard to care. All he was concerned with now was what came next.
The Maw Walker clicked her tongue in mock dismay as he missed the same button for a third time. She came to his rescue as always, moving his hands out of the way and fastening his shirt with quick efficiency. Something about the domesticity of it touched Renathal deeply, in places that had been abandoned for many ages. He fought the sudden instinct to draw her to him again, to refuse to let her leave...
He swallowed hard, and tried to mirror the Maw Walker's amusement instead.
"Thank you." Renathal gave his words an ironic edge and an accompanying mock-formal nod.
"Thank you," she replied with a wink. "This was exceptionally pleasant. We should do it again sometime."
His eyes widened slightly, and the knot forming inside him unraveled. Again. That was exactly what he needed to hear. For whatever reason, the Maw Walker had awakened something in him he had either forgotten or never fully known. An all-consuming hunger, a desperate need. And this moment, as blissful as it was, had barely whetted his appetite. Renathal had not had his fill of the Maw Walker, not by half.
The Maw Walker gave him a chaste kiss on his sharp cheek by way of goodbye, but Renathal snaked an arm around her waist to stop her. With the promise of more to come, he could feel his good mood and dark humour returning.
"Consider this part of your regular duties, then," he said with an arch smile, adopting her business-like tone of address. "After all, we are both very important, very put-upon leaders." He punctuated his words with a final kiss of his own, not quite so chaste, drawing out the time before he had to release her lips. "I believe our mutual satisfaction will prove quite important to the war effort."
The joy in the Maw Walker's full-bodied laughter continued to ring through Renathal like the echo of a bell for a long time after she finally left. 
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Read Part 4: Interrupted| Visit the Masterpost
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averseunhinged · 8 months
klaroline fic rec friday #1, i guess? meant to start this up for months, but i'm verbose, and time management is hard.
fine china and dull silver by @yespumpkindoodlesthings
in my dotage, i've been less into the constant hardcore angst consumption of my youth and have pivoted slightly toward fluff. but i'm super picky and it can't be fluff for fluff's sake. like my favorite characters are usually some level of The Worst, and if they're going to gently bake a cake, it has to be a murder cake. if you know what i mean.
this is one of my favorite secret good blorbo fics in this fandom, as well as being a secret good season six. pumpkin doodles is great at a lot of things, but they're especially good at maintaining a certain level of assholery even while fluffing up the place. klaus and caroline are very sweet together in this, but they're still klaus (a complete dick, but he's trying) and caroline (anxious and overcompensating, but she's learning). they're filled with a lot of love, even as they power through some of the major plot points of s6.
it jumps off from friendsgiving, which was the point where i too was like oh fuck this show. it just felt like such a regression to s2 for caroline after her s5 character arc. she came so far and learned so much and suddenly we're back to the menfolk discussing whether she deserves to be loved despite her sin of, like, having some level of expectations for the people in her life.
as for klaus, his TO storylines are cleaned up pretty tidily at the beginning in a way that feels relatively natural without putting anyone through all of that. you understand his problems aren't gone, but having caroline around, someone whose moral compass he actually trusts, goes a long way with him.
and the rest of the ensemble is great, too. everyone still has their foibles (elijah is stiff, damon is irreverent, hayley doesn't care about anyone who isn't designated as pack/family, stefan lacks self awareness, etc.), but it's easy to swallow. everyone is still awful in their own ways, but it feels pleasant to read.
it also touches on the idea that caroline could be devastated that stefan would abandon her without having romantic feelings for him. he's her best friend. he saved her from all the people she should have been able to trust, but who wanted to kill her for something that wasn't her fault. he had faith in her and she put her faith in him. and the previous two times he disappeared off the face of the planet, it was because he was actively being harmed and came back all the worse off for it. it would be soul crushing to find out he gave up on her while she worried about him constantly. that's a much more interesting story,imo, than the watered down side romance it became.
small spoilers under the jump
my favorite part is when caroline figures out that she can't follow through on the impulse to turn her humanity off, because there's someone in her life who very much needs her to be present, who loves her and is notorious for holding onto the people he cares about so hard it can crush them.
“I can tell when you’re actually terrified,” she said. “You want me to stay because if I go off the rails, you go off the rails?”
“Something like that,” he said, noncommittally. He wasn’t going to tell her that he thought it would be uniquely dangerous if both of them abandoned Caroline’s moral code.
“Which makes me responsible for your behavior,” Caroline said. 
“Someone has to be responsible for me,” he said. “Elijah’s really given up--and you’re so much more talented and energetic than he is, really.” She started to laugh and then her laughter turned to rough sobbing. He pulled the car over and wrapped his arms around her. 
“I’m your tower of strength, huh?” Caroline said, through tears.
“Yes,” Klaus said quietly. “I need you.”
“I didn’t think anybody really needed me,” Caroline said.
he won't abandon her and he needs her to not abandon him, even when it would be easier, maybe even kinder in a way to let her turn it off.
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hassedah · 8 months
Hi are you still here? If so can I ask you, what do you think about the vampires? What do you like about them? Or don’t like? What are their qualities? Just something fun if you wanna do it
Thank you for all the hcs and writing you’ve done, I loved every single one of them. Hope you have a nice autumn 🍂🎃🫶🏼
Hi! How are you? I hope you are well! ^^
I'm back! ^^ I'm glad you like my headcanons ^^. I hope autumn is going well for you too. Autumn is my favourite season, along with winter. I'm just sorry that the trees haven't got their orange-red leaves on yet this year. Well, at least my cat finally thinks that the weather isn't good enough to stay out until five in the morning, so I can sleep safe in the knowledge that she's at home ^^'.
These are interesting questions and I'll try to be brief. Which isn't always easy for me as I love vampires ^^'.
The first vampire book I really enjoyed was Dracula. I'd read other vampire books before, such as Twilight, Stefan's Diary, The Vampire Diaries and Comment se débarrasser d’un vampire amoureux (I think the English title is Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side, but but having read the French translation I'm not sure of the original title.) and Comment sauver un vampire amoureux ((Jessica Rules the Dark Side in English, I think) (my third and second favourite on the subject).
I'm not really picky when it comes to vampires themselves. If I had to give an example, the fact that vampires shine in the sun in Twilight doesn't bother me in the least. What I'm really going to be looking at in a story with vampires is the ability of humans to be able to kill them and so that's what bothers me about Twilight because humans can't do a 1VS1 against a vampire and come out on top and to me that makes the story horribly boring. I want to be able to integrate my human and vampire hunter OCs, if I can't then I get bored quickly (plus, for Twilight I didn't like either Edward, Jacob or Bella, which is rather problematic when they're the main characters… )
Another thing I really regret about vampire films/manga/series/books is the lack of really badass female characters. I want a female vampire who saves the poor little human man from the vampires who want to kill him, I want the female vampire hunter who protects the male vampire who clearly doesn't know how to fight and spends his time hiding in the face of danger. I want epic lesbian romances where an ordinary young woman falls madly in love with a big, powerful, brave woman vampire who is prepared to fight to protect her.
Generally speaking, what I like about vampires is the atmosphere. If I could, I'd dress like Vladimir or Raphael to go out and it would be wonderful.
I love old manor houses lost in the middle of the woods, the slightly spooky atmosphere, the fog, the peace and quiet, the old furniture, living at night rather than during the day.
If I were a vampire, I'd be the cliché vampire, dressed in old clothes, hiding in his manor, hating visitors and daylight. I'd be depressed about my immortal life, writing and reading, and at the same time I'd be hoping with all my heart that one day a nice human would come along and steal my heart away. At first, I'll be a bit cold with her, but kind, just cold and anxious like someone who's not used to social relations. Then, little by little, she would discover that my coldness in the face of strangers was just great social anxiety. We'd fall in love and live forever in my manor. And we'd dance the waltz in the moonlight in a beautiful garden, that's another important detail I'd like in my romance.
As far as Moonlight lovers are concerned. My two favourite characters are Vladimir and Raphaël, with a slightly stronger preference for Raphaël. The one I like least, I hesitate a lot maybe Aaron or Ethan. But I like them all the same, I just don't think I'd have much of a chemistry with them. The route I think is the best is Beliath's, Vladimir's is really good too, but I have problems with the positive ending. The worst route is Ivan's, without the slightest hesitation and yet I like Ivan, he's not my favourite, but I like him.
What I really like about Vladimir is that his character is a bit like me… I don't go out much, people who meet me for the first time see me as cold, I like 19th century English men's fashion, I like gardening, I've had several depressions and I don't like change. And also, he totally fits the vampire cliché and I really like the melancholy vampire cliché.
Beliath, if I forget that I adore Vladimir and Raphaël, I think this is the road to play. The only time he really annoyed me was in chapters 1 and 2, but for the rest he was quite nice and I'd make him my friend, even if he is very exuberant. He's more the cliché of the seductive, flirtatious vampire, a cliché I'm less interested in as it's not really what I'm looking for, but as Beliath is rather nice, that would be fine.
Ivan, I don't like him in his own road, but I like him in the other boys' roads. He's not the clichéd vampire type, sad and melancholy that I enjoy the most, but he's not mean. What's more, I don't really get the impression that the other boys are helping him much. I mean, Ivan seems to have very little self-confidence and Ethan's constant bullying is clearly not helping him regain that self-confidence.
Aaron, he's not my favourite. But I like his character traits, I like the fact that he writes poetry. I really like his loyalty, he's quite protective of those close to him, so again, he's the kind of guy I'd like to be friends with. Maybe I'm just mad at him for not wiping his feet on the carpet when he gets home, we learn that he does that in chapter 3 of Beliath. And I'm sorry Aaron, but I really want to shout at people when I've spent my morning washing on the floor and someone allows themselves to leave mud everywhere when they come home, Vladimir wouldn't be the only one shouting at you, I'm sure I could be worse than Vladimir at that.
Raphaël is my favourite. He's sweet and romantic. I couldn't ask for more. What's more, he's a fencer, with a rapier, it's just a magnificent sword, I love rapiers. And his clothes are wonderful, really. He's sensitive and not ashamed of it, which I love. He can play several musical instruments and he's cultured (well, they all are, but I'd probably find it easier to talk to Raphaël and less afraid of being called stupid). He's typically the kind of person that I, a shy person, would approach without being too scared. Of course his bad ending is rather peculiar but it fits Raphaël so well that I'm just (Yes, logical. Coming from someone who would probably find the death of Romeo and Juliet more romantic than tragic, I can't expect anything else…)
Ethan, I find the most difficult to write. I like him, but I know that in real life we wouldn't get on at all. After that, like Aaron, he has qualities that I really like, he's intelligent, like Aaron he's protective and loyal, even if it's not as visible, and he knows how to remain calm in difficult situations. I also like the fact that we see a softer side of him in his route, because if I had to do his character solely with Ivan's route, for example, it would be really complicated to make him sympathetic.
Neil, the cliché of the powerful vampire. Strangely enough, I like it. I'm worried for him in his bad ending, given that he pairs up with an 18-year-old Eloise who has knowingly decided to kill people she's been close to for several months. Every time I think about this ending, I say to myself "And are you sure about your choice, Neil? She still decided to coldly murder several people at just 18, people who had done her no harm, just to keep you and a mansion all to herself. She quickly became powerful for a young vampire. Do you seriously think she'd let you go without consequence if you ever wanted to leave her? I have my doubts and as you've just murdered potential allies you may have just coupled up with a yandere and that's not a good sign at all." Anyway, I hope the bad ending isn't too bad for Neil, because I'm not worried at all about Eloise in this ending. In my opinion, she's going to live her best life as a powerful vampire.
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bunnyblooded · 9 months
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Send me ❤ on anon and I’ll compliment someone at random!
(❤️) @saltzitivo is a wonderful Josie and I'm looking forward to dad Stefan because it's what we deserve. I'm not generally interested in Legacies characters, but given that I refuse to acknowledge Stefan's death, I can happily look forward to exploring what life would have been like with the twins.
(❤️) @petrovawitch is such a fun oc and I'm extremely picky about those, especially when they're related to or have a big impact on canon. She's a lovely mun who knows her stuff and has put a lot of effort into Vik which I appreciate so much and I'm excited to do things!
(❤️) @langdhon plays a character that is complicated and nuanced and none of that matters because he gives Stefan bad vibes and he doesn't like him. They are very different from one another but that hasn't stopped us from having them interact and I imagine it will always be interesting, even if they never become friends or find any common ground. A super talented mun whom I enjoy interacting with and talk to ooc.
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little-elena · 1 year
Random headcanons I have and most of them arent even for my muse
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Caroline's music taste is very misleading once you get past her top 40's pop there is an unreasonable amount of punk and screamo music like hawthorne heights and a day to remember
Elena can also draw reasonably well but she never did anything with it, choosing to focus on her writing instead, leaving all the artistic stuff to Jeremy
Bonnie is actually unreasonably good at math and she doesnt even like it.
Carolines favourite disney character is Marie from Aristocats
Jeremy's favourite band is Linkin Park
Jenna and Jeremy have the same taste in music Jenna just has a broader selection
Damon actually prefers Mexican food over Italian
Elena is a picky eater
Caroline has ADHD
Bonnie has generalized Anxiety disorder
April used to have a crush on Elena
Damon's taste in music is whatever is generally most popular on the radio hes not all that picky, most of his playlists he stole from Elena
Stefan never learned how to ride a bike, which is weird because he has a motorcycle
Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, and Damon all play Pokemon Go.
Matt and Jeremy have played CoD competitively on line and actually won cash for it
Elena can play Halo, and Mario Kart those are the only games shes good at besides pokemon stadium and the mini games.
Caroline will no longer play pokemon stadium because Elena wont let her win anything
Caroline has and continues to trip Elena when shes drunk because its really funny
Matt has been arrested three times for fist fights with his mom's boyfriends
All of the Mikaelsons play magic the gathering, Elijah has literal stocks in the company, no one wants to face Elijah's decks because they are so unreasonably ruthless and actually worth thousands of dollar each.
Rebekah hates most modern music and pretty much has the taste of fallout's pipboy radio stations
Katherine can sing, so can Elena just not as well (its carolines thing)
Bonnie's favourite animal is a falcon, and shes actually gotten to hold one several times
Bonnie found an abandoned baby bird once and raised it herself till it was old enough to fly away.
Katherine is terrible at math and will avoid doing anything Math related like its Klaus
Tyler has low key always had a crush on Caroline
Jeremy has a crush on Matt he denies till the end of time
Tyler has never thought of Elena as anything other than a friend, he doesn't even really think shes attractive because he just does not see her as anything other than almost like a sister.
Jeremy and Elena have gotten into fist fights and Elena's had to get stitches. Jeremy called her dramatic for bleeding so damn much, while their dad stitched her up.
Caroline has a Scene phase, so did Elena
Elena's go to for music was Avril's let it go album when it came out. It really spoke to her angsty little teen heart. It remains one of her fave and go to albums today.
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malka-lisitsa · 9 months
You say Katherine is bi, but I only see you shipping with men. Weird. Looks like you're doing it for show to me.
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Hi. This is quite possible, the dumbest anon I've gotten yet.
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First of all yes the MAIN ship on this blog is steferine bc guess what... I write Katherine and she has a type- its stefan. Second of all the SECOND MAIN SHIP ON THIS BLOG IS APRINE- KATHERINE AND APRIL. SO???
On top of that she also has a verse where shes dating Freya? If you'll notice theres actually NOT that many TRUE ships on this blog because Katherine is picky as shit. She has a lot of pets which mind you most of them are girls? So like.... Idk what your issue is. If Katherine wasn't interested in your muse thats not my fault lmfao.
Katherine runs this bitch not me. Shes pretty relentless when she wants something and shes equally avoidant when she doesnt.
So that being said- this is absolutely ridiculous bc i can instantly name three girls off the top of my head Katherine is shipped with so. If youre gonna send me anon hate you probably should look at my blog first or something. Idk. Have a nice night.
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mrforkins · 5 months
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And another character list
- The scowling grumbler
-Trains a trainee of his own volition and now he's suffering for it.
- Sudden paternal instinct
- Friendly and naive
- Trained by Brutus
- "He tried."
- Unpredictable and hyperactive
- Aggressively trying to become
employee of the month
- Frantically waiting for a promotion
- Serious and strict
- You rarely see her for an ordinary calm conversation, she is terribly picky
- She seems very lonely because of her sometimes short-tempered nature
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astone2292 · 1 year
My first-ever story, "Love in the Shadows," has been massively updated. Much thanks to my editor for being a picky asshole (a compliment, and he knows it) and teaching me how to simplify sentences. If you enjoy reading paranormal m/m romances, give it a shot! I can finally be proud of this story, now that it's clean and easier to read. As always, my work is free to read at gayauthors.org
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Mason, an alpha lycan shapeshifter, discovers that a young mage, Vincent, is his destined mate. While Mason attempts to woo him, Vincent continues to develop his magical power, and hunt down his parents' killer. Together, these men will build trust for each other, create everlasting memories, and track down the dangerous mage, Stefan.
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godlyaffection · 1 year
I would love to participate in your matchup event!
I'm requesting for Arcane, I go by Stefan and cy/cyb/cyber/cyberself pronouns (in case you don't do xenopronouns I am also fine with he/him). I like art, science, nature and bad puns and I love robots! I can't stand bigger cities or crowds of people and I absolutely hate when other people interfere with my routines and systems. A perfect date would definitely include food! Can be takeout, can be a fancy restaurant, I'm not picky in those matters. However I would value spending time with each other far above anything else. I'm considerably loud and demand a lot of attention. Around the people I like I'm often sarcastic and love teasing them, but I get easily genuinely excited about the things I enjoy. I've grown a habit of "adopting" my friends.
It would be cool if you would not include anything like teasing about height, it gives me pretty bad dysphoria!
Big thanks in advance!
The Man Of Your Dreams Is . . .
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Silco needs someone like you in his life. You are exactly the type of person he needs.
Silco would treat you so well. Making sure you have all sorts of nice things, making sure no one ever bothers you or your routine, just making sure you are well taken care of.
He would not have taken it very well if you had rejected him when he confessed to you. But he didn’t have any doubts about his feelings for you, but he also was pretty confident you felt the same way for him.
He would get you the best food the undercity could provide. He’s not the best at taking a break, but when he does he makes sure it’s spent with you making you happy. and he knows good food makes you happy.
He’s not the best and giving you the full force of his attention like you deserve, but he’s happy to let you sit with him while he does work.
If you think he can’t deal with loud and in need of attention you’d be wrong. He’s actually very good at dealing with it considering he has both you and Jinx.
Silco adores when you are passionate about things. He loves to hear you excited and you can always catch a small little smile on his lips when you’re excited about something.
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“Silco?” Stefan’s voice echoed in the large empty office.
The man in question lifted his head up from whatever papers and things he was looking at in front of him. Locking eyes with Stefan he beckoned cyb over to him. Stefan walked cyberself over to the man as Silco spoke.
“What is it darling?”
Stefan leaned down to kiss Silco on the lips, and Silco cupped cyber’s face. Basking in the small little moment they could have together.
Stefan never answered Silcos question, Silco never minded.
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fastcrthanfast · 2 years
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Task 25-
Nina is the second eldest daughter of the McQueen clan but Fran’s first-born. She was born to Fran but adopted by Monty early on in her life. She enjoys being the princess that she is but she is the most compassionate one in her family and due to her powers, very in tune with her siblings. Her powers are what encouraged her to go into Psychology so she could help as many people as possible.
birth name.      Nina Elizabeth McQueen nicknames.         Nin, Principessa date of birth.        January 1 age.       25 gender.          female pronouns.          she/her powers.           telepathy  species ( if not human / mortal ).         sexuality.       lesbian place of birth.        Elias, California current residence.     Elias, California occupation.       psychologist
height.       5′5 build.         slight hair colour/style.     red/wavy eye colour.        brown piercings.        Ears tattoos.       matching tattoo with her siblings notable markings.    small scar on her fingers from helping reign in horses glasses/contacts?      No faceclaim.        Madelaine Petsch  voiceclaim.   Madelaine Petsch
physical ailments.      None allergies.        none sleeping habits.   the best sleeper always gets her 8 hours eating habits.        not picky but definitely likes fancier foods body temperature.         she’s always cold dominant hand.        right drugs / smoke / alcohol?     no / no / socially
positive traits.      kind, loving, communicative, patient, empathetic, open-minded negative traits.      impulsive, materialistic, anxious, bossy, clumsy usual mood.       cheery likes.      her Andi, cats, horses, dogs, shopping sprees, traveling, helping people in any way she can, sunny beaches, the italian riviera, having tea parties, sweet treats, her siblings dislikes.    mean people, overpriced necessities, rainy days, arguing, soap operas, cleaning bad habits. shopping when she’s stressed, keeping her own emotions inside
parent. Francesco Bernoulli father.   Monty McQueen siblings. Dante, Elise, Caspian, Athena, Enzo, Seraphina, Stefan children.  none yet  birth order.   Middle child, 3rd out of eight significant others. Andromeda Hawkins  closest friends.      hmmmm, this could be you?? 
zodiac sign.     Aquarius  mbti.      INFP temperament.       phlegmatic hogwarts house.    ravenclaw  moral alignment.     neutral good        
Skills and stats
Languages spoken.  English, Spanish, Italian drive?    Yes jump start a car?       Yes change a flat tire?         No ride a bicycle?       Yes swim?      Yes play an instrument?       No play chess?         Yes braid hair?       Yes tie a tie?       Yes pick a lock?        No sew?        Yes
compassion.          10/10.
empathy.          10/10.
creativity.          7/10.
mental flexibility.          10/10.
passion.          10/10.
luck.         5/10.
motivation.  10/10.
education.          7/10.
intelligence.          7/10.
charisma.          10/10.
reflexes.          10/10.
willpower.          10/10.
stamina.          10/10.
physical strength.          5/10.
battle skill.          3/10.
initiative.         10/10.
restraint.          3/10.
strategy.         8/10.
team work.          10/10.
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late-to-the-fandom · 1 year
7 Snippets, 7 People
Rules: Post seven snippets (however long or short as you want) and tag seven people.
Thank you @tisiphonewolfe for the tag. I struggle with games like this with no structure for what to post so I switched the rules a bit and posted 7 snippets of an OC in conversation with 7 different people. Feel free to add that little extra challenge!
Tagging: @shipping-through-eternity @mousterian-writes @fluffleforce-mysdrym @diaryofomellas @sam-glade @mrsmungus @veresiine
Snippet 1: Renathal & The Countess (From An Ember Court to Remember) “How unfortunate,” declared the Countess in affected dismay. “I am most disappointed.” A statement very much at odds with the glitter of triumph in her beady eyes. "Your disappointment is a crushing blow, Countess," said Renathal idly, frowning after the Maw Walker. The Countess, much more conscious of subtle undercurrents than Stefan and highly affronted by the insincerity in Renathal's tone, rose from her own chair haughtily and flounced away, followed dutifully by her entourage. 
Snippet 2: Renathal & Draven (from Rebellion) "It was a doomed venture from the start." Renathal winced. The room in which he had chosen to tend his wounds was deep within the belly of Sinall, away from what was rapidly becoming the main thoroughfare above. It afforded a necessary privacy, but the echoes of Draven's voice reverberating off the dank stone did nothing for Renathal's massive headache. And the General's words did nothing for his still smarting ego. "That perspective," said Renathal drily, attempting to fasten his shirt over his bandages without moving his left side, "would have been more useful yesterday."
Snippet 3: Renathal & Theotar (from A Spilled Tea) "Our Maw Walker has quite the refined palate, does she not?" Theotar mused. "But, I have not yet discovered her favourite blend. Has she mentioned a preference to you, my Prince?" "I am afraid not," said Renathal, still following the Maw Walker's purple glow as it approached the refreshments area. She was quickly hailed by "Picky" Stefan and stopped to attend his many comments - or complaints - resting her still-full cup on the nearest table. "She seems to appreciate all things equally." Theotar gave a small tsk of disagreement and turned back to his tray of assorted teas. Tubbins, underneath it, struggled to keep his balance as the Duke began shuffling jars. "Oh, everyone has a favourite, your Highness. And I must discover it!" Renathal watched the Maw Walker excuse herself from Stefan and wander away to greet another small cluster of mock-guests. "If she mentions enjoying a particular brew, you will tell me, won't you?" asked Theotar. Renathal eyed the Maw Walker's abandoned teacup with growing suspicion.  "I will make it my top priority," he replied.
Snippet 4: Renathal and Rendle & Cudgelface (from Cicatrix) "Well? Do you think you can manage it?" Renathal asked the two dredgers anxiously. Rendle exchanged glances with Cudgelface, the nuance of their muddy expressions beyond Renathal's ability to interpret. "Well ... I don' know as just the two of us could do it." "Yeah, you need maybe for'y to move summit that big outta the tower." Renathal sank delicately back in his chair, allowing himself a brief pang of mourning for his failed plan. Hardly a plan. Really, just a minor lark, an off-hand wish. But still... "Wiv a couple a bigguns, though..." "Yeah, that'd do." Renathal perked up. "Would you know any who might be willing?" "Oh yeah, Boot owes us a favour," said Rendle confidently. Cudgelface nodded eagerly. "We'll get it fer ya, your Tallness, no problem." Better sense warned him not to get his hopes up. Renathal ignored it. “Your assistance in this matter is immensely appreciated,” he said, standing and nodding deeply enough to almost count as a bow. It made the two dredgers scuff their feet bashfully before bowing themselves out of his rooms.
Snippet 5: Renathal & The Curator (from Mortal Reminders) Only the Curator, absently patting the Accuser's arm, was her usual, half-dazed self. "Renathal," she said mildly. "You’re yelling." "This feels like an appropriate occasion!" continued Renathal at the exact same volume. ... "Now really, Renathal, that’s hardly fair," chided the Curator. "Harriet couldn't know this would happen. The Maw Walker said she simply had to atone for something before she could face Denathrius, and this is the standard ritual for atonement." She surveyed the Maw Walker's posture of unwilling penitence in polite half-interest. "I suppose since her soul is trapped within a mortal body, the ritual must be taking place inside of her instead." The flame in Renathal's eyes as he stalked toward the two Harvesters was a mirror to the sanctuary’s menacing, crimson light. "That supposition would have been infinitely more useful before you allowed a mortal to undergo a ritual meant for damned souls!"
Snippet 6: Renathal and The Accuser (from Mortal Reminders) The Accuser sat back hard on her heels.  "I ... apologise," she said, her mouth twisting awkwardly around the unpleasant admission. "Whatever for?" asked Renathal with merciless sarcasm. "You have managed to postpone our assault and, consequently, extend your leisure time with your own lover, and punish me for her sorry condition in one effortless blow. It is a plan even the oldest of Harvesters would envy. You should be suitably proud." He spat the words like broken glass, and the Accuser bristled at the open attack.  "I begged the Maw Walker not to do this, but you know too well what she is like. She was adamant she could not face the Master with this sin still hanging over her. She feared to fail us. To fail you." Earnestness rattled the Accuser's vocal cords unnaturally. "I know the trial of watching the soul you ... love ... struggle against their own mind. I would not inflict it on even the vilest of souls. I did not intend to inflict it on you." Renathal's eyes found his fellow Harvester's, and, for the first time in their existence together, understanding settled hesitantly between them. "I am sorry, Prince Renathal," she said, pronouncing his title with solemnity. "I take full responsibility for this error in judgment. And will put it right if you permit me." "No,” Renathal said again, but the flame in his eyes had dwindled to a gentler, amber smolder. “You cannot do this. The Maw Walker dislikes intrusions on her past at the best of times. I am the only one from whom she might possibly endure it, and the only one to whom she is likely to listen. You understand.” It was a statement, not a question. And the Accuser, who trusted the care of the Curator to no one else, whose voice alone had the power to call her soulbind's mind back from madness, nodded. 
Snippet 7: Renathal & The Archon (from The Threads of Fate) "The Maw Walker? Stay in the Shadowlands?" said the Archon, and Renathal suppressed a wince at her incredulity. "None of the mortals are to stay once the Jailer has been defeated. That has already been decided. Their inevitable interference in our eternal responsibilities cannot be sanctioned. The Maw Walker must finish out her mortality like every other soul, and return to the Shadowlands in the proper time." "The Maw Walker," announced Renathal into the cavernous space, "is something of an anomaly. By some power even the Eternal Ones have not yet fathomed, her soul is unable to be sundered from her mortal body, rendering death an impossibility." Silence echoed loudly; Kyrestia and the other Eternals apparently waiting for one or other to find fault with this incredible fact. When no refutation came, the Archon summoned a second argument. "And why would the Maw Walker choose to spend her ostensible eternity in Revendreth of all realms?" "Ours is the covenant to which the Maw Walker has bound herself," Renathal explained with unimpeachable patience.  "A dangerous partnership," Kyrestia countered darkly, "considering Revendreth's inglorious history. If the realm were to fall to corruption once more, it would have a most inequitable advantage." The Archon stared over Renathal's head as she pronounced this; a reminder, perhaps, of the being who ought to have stood there, or how little space the Prince occupied in comparison. He straightened to his greatest possible height, but let the accusation pass uncontested. A fight with the Firstborne would do the Maw Walker's petition no favours.
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noblehcart · 2 years
random hcs: for anastasia verse and modern (multimuse)
1928: anton baranov always makes the coffee. its not that he doesn't like the way the secretaries make it, but he likes making the first batch. he's very much a kitchen man and loves passing out cups amongst the staff though stefan generally frowns on that.
modern: if liesel is making a reference to gleb its generally in the form of 'oh this military guy and i sort of dated for a bit, but he was reassigned and I didn't have the guts to ask him to stay' or ALTERNATIVELY its an ongoing crush and she's referencing to this guy who jogs by her shop and on the RARE occasion will pop in to get a coffee and she's a mushy mess but never gets the guts to ask him out.
1928: gleb vagan.ov is suuuch a clean freak. he is insanely picky about his apartment being neat and clean which is the same for his uniform. he destresses by doing the washing and the polishing. during the whole anya situation he was insanely immaculate except EXCEPT for his hair. that was always a mess because he was always running his hands through it (probably lost a lot of hair too)
1928: you cannot tell me that anya can't do a ridiculous amount of pull ups. the girl has amazing arm strength in both the musical and animated film because 1) she sweeps for work and her arms are so damn strong come on and in the movie 2) she hung off that bridge for an INSANE amount of time. so she can absolutely do a surprising amount of pull ups.
modern: stefan and ruslan DO make references to their brothers in arms (anton & gleb), but stefan tries to keep that life separate from his current life. stefan was much closer to anton and gleb during his military service because ruslan was an american soldier, but their teams frequently collaborated and somehow he wound up befriending ruslan more. eventually he just sort of cut ties with anton and gleb till one christmas ruslan invites anton to come visit london for the holidays which very much annoys stefan for over protective brother reasons.
1928: liesel takes absolute pride in her multilingual-ness and is thrilled when she has assignments in dealing with foreign diplomats and other work where she gets to use it. she absolutely absorbs every bit of information she can get about the world beyond russia while still remaining steadfast loyal to her country that she hopes will start thriving again.
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2forbes · 14 days
rules and guidelines
♡ my blog is for adult eyes only, do not follow if under the age of twenty one ! dead dove do not eat. trigger warnings are as follows : violence , mentions of torture , gory vampirism (i.e blood, guts, beheadings, body horror) imagery of dogs and wolves, and more . my whole blog is on an ask to tag basis, please keep yourself safe. i am going into the dark and gory parts of caroline's vampirism, as well as her trauma responses to being tortured throughout eight seasons.
♡ i am looking for LONGTERM partners who want to make a cohesive story together. i am an active partner, i love to write, and i am looking for something similar . this being said, my blog is selective, private & i can and will be picky who i follow due to previous experiences. i do not want to be just a number in a follower count, i want to be your writing partner. if you do not see us writing together ever, do not follow me. if you do not have any writing on your blog at all, i will not be mutuals with you. i am not interested in zero substance dynamics or threads.
♡ i would like one thread going to stay mutuals. reply speed does not matter to me, just as long as we are writing.
♡ i am a plot oriented blog that is writing focused and not aesthetic focused. my writing style is novella and usually 3+ paragraphs per response unless doing one liners or quick threads. you do not have to match me, but please give me something to go off of. i prioritize character development along with equal collaboration on both sides. i get very excited during conversations out of character and love talking about headcanons and our muses together ! i am not very good at winging it, but i do like to be challenged. i am mostly iconless, but i have three face claims that i use loosely. my default faceclaim for caroline is her actual actress, candice king.
♡ i write in third person present tense, single spacing with three spaces between sentences, and small text. please do not interact with me if you write in first or second pov, as it’s disorienting for me to read, or if you overly format your posts with multiple spaces inbetween words your replies. i don’t mind if you do it for others, but please keep it minimal when interacting with me. i am also not a fan of stuttering through writing unless given proper warning.
♡ as of 5/24/24 i will not be writing on discord unless i approach you. i tend to forget about servers and that’s not fair to anyone who waits on me. plotting and ooc talk is completely fine.
♡ i ship chemistry. just because it’s canon doesn’t mean that it’s canon or endgame here , i love shipping caroline, she is easily shippable and very fun to ship with. as far as canon pairings go, my main ship for caroline on this blog is forwood. i do not recognize her relationship with stefan, and will only be open to writing steroline if it happens naturally within threads. i dont like how stefan treats her in canon just like i dont like how matt treats her. i am a mattoline anti and that will not change. if you are not a fan of klaroline this is not the blog for you either, because next to forwood they are my favorites and i love them.
♡ i am duplicate friendly on this blog, and encourage caroline and caroline interactions. i would love to do some character building work together if you are also a caroline writer !! all portrayals are good portrayals !! i am multi ship and multi verse.
♡ i do not recognize legacies canon for my caroline unless we have explicitly plotted.
♡ i mostly write au’s. i’ve already seen the show 6 billion times, canon compliance is not what i’m interested in unless we are exploring a scene deeper that we didn’t see on screen. i love placing caroline in different period settings as well as portray her with multiple jobs throughout her vampiric existence. if you are unsure how caroline and your muse can fit together, please reach out to me and we can plot something !
base icons by brightlighttm
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sentenceme-leni · 27 days
Day 60. Thursday. Minimum 4 sentences.
News of the Dark One's incarceration had travelled fast through the Enchanted Forest.
"Regina's little stepdaughter sent heralds to every court," Maleficent explained. When everybody turned to her quizzically, as not even good-natured Snow White would send a messenger to the Forbidden Mountains, Maleficent made an airy hand wave. "I still have ears in Stefan's court, of course."
At least she didn't mention the princess by name, Belle thought. The less people aware of that unlikely alliance, the easier it would be to keep it.
Dark sorcerers, Belle had learned, fought tooth and nail against painting their reputation as anything but the most vicious of plagues. Tug at their heartstrings with enough patience, though, and they would settle for being seen as selfish and mercurial.
Even here, where all present were welcomed guests, Jefferson and Anastasia kept as much distance from the Mistress of Evil as politeness allowed.
"You should see Ella." Anastasia huffed. "Her Highness is strutting around like she caught the Dark One with her own hands."
Belle sipped at her tea, unwilling to comment. She had liked Ella upon meeting the younger girl, but despite being warned, the girl had rushed on to sign Rumpelstiltskin's contract.
Then just as thoughtlessly, she had whined about the consequences.
At least Anastasia kept her promises.
"So, milady." Jefferson sat up straighter in his seat, twirling his hat meaningfully. "What do you think of our little plan? You can have Rumple back for dinner."
"Only if you want to," added Maleficent with a careless shrug. "We wouldn't blame you if you've grown attached to his absence."
The look Belle sent her made Maleficent smile knowingly.
"All right, then. We can bring your man back, since you insist."
Anastasia's eyes widened, but when she looked around and noticed that neither Jefferson nor Belle reacted to the insinuation, she was smart enough not to challenge it.
Meanwhile, Belle was thinking as fast as she could. This was such an awkward situation!
Between Maleficent's power, Jefferson's hat and Ana's standing invitation to the Charming's castle, there was a real chance to free Rumpelstiltskin.
He, of course, would not be thankful for the intervention. He had been very clear that he need to be in a position of apparent defeat for Regina to accept his deal.
"I thank you for the offer," she started truthfully, "but I do believe Rumpelstiltskin can fend for himself." That got her varying levels of pity directed to her. Who would believe that Rumpelstiltskin, vain and picky as he appeared, would willingly stay in that dank dungeon? She had to distract her friends before they decided to do her a favor anyway. "My father says the ogres are gathering again. Surely they've hear the news as well."
"So you want us to squish them?" Maleficent asked eagerly.
Belle shook her head. "Of course not."
Jefferson and Anastasia looked understandably relieved at that.
"However," Belle said with a smile, "a show of force to prove Avonlea is not undefended... That would be so helpful!"
Her three guests started discussing the options; plans to rescue Rumpelstiltskin set aside for the moment.
Belle sighed in relief, and joined the conversation.
The End
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finitevoid · 6 months
soren hates everything but he tolerates las palmas like the good pittsburgh resident he is. almedha only cooks goldoan food and he hates that MOM HE WILL ONLY EAT SANDWICH WITH FRIES IN IT AND LAS PALMAS TACO!!!. one day to make her son happy she goes to las palmas to buy her son tacos and waits next to stefan in line and shes like youre my sons friend who tried to shoot up the school right? and he tries ignoring her but then shes like I respect you for taking direct action. its like something i would have done with my ex husband but for a good cause. stefans like Im glad you think so. as soon as he spends his life savings on like three tacos he runs for his life (he has been in therapy for 2 months). almedha (therapyless): He acts exactly like my son :)
FANTASTIC. AMAZING. Without the malnutrition tragic backstory soren becomes a picky eater that’s hilarious. Also stefan . Can you imagine your friends mom being like I think it was morally correct if you to try and shoot ip the school :) I should’ve shot my ex husband. Oh she’s insane she’s crazy
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kiddbegins · 7 months
What OTP in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Most disliked arc? Why?
Unpopular character you love?
Okay I’m gonna do two parts to this: over all answer and then one chicago bc ik most people follow me for that
Overall: delena, klaroline and stydia will NEVER make sense to me. Ever.
OC: brettsey. I will never understand them or how they have shooters im sorry but they’re just rehashed dawsey storylines.
Overall: I’m not a HUGE fan of the sperm donor storyline from 911? Bc I feel like it didn’t fulfill what we had wanted or expected it to? Idk.
OC: idrk ? I think rn all I can think of is Sylvie and that baby bc it is literally like gabby and Louie except Sylvie gets a happy ending? Like it’s very much a repeated storyline. Tbh, I think for the most part I’m not like picky on storylines for these shows bc they always seem to work?
Loved character
Overall: okay these won’t be like major bc I dislike more characters that are usually hated but I guess Kira and Malia from teen wolf, Stefan from tvd? Like I always see hate for these characters so ig them?
OC: same here like will, matt, stella, hailey, shay, violet, gabby, they’re all pretty loved? I guess I’d say gabby because I do see a LOT of hate for her for literally no reason so.
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