#npc; anton baranov
noblehcart · 2 years
random hcs: for anastasia verse and modern (multimuse)
1928: anton baranov always makes the coffee. its not that he doesn't like the way the secretaries make it, but he likes making the first batch. he's very much a kitchen man and loves passing out cups amongst the staff though stefan generally frowns on that.
modern: if liesel is making a reference to gleb its generally in the form of 'oh this military guy and i sort of dated for a bit, but he was reassigned and I didn't have the guts to ask him to stay' or ALTERNATIVELY its an ongoing crush and she's referencing to this guy who jogs by her shop and on the RARE occasion will pop in to get a coffee and she's a mushy mess but never gets the guts to ask him out.
1928: gleb vagan.ov is suuuch a clean freak. he is insanely picky about his apartment being neat and clean which is the same for his uniform. he destresses by doing the washing and the polishing. during the whole anya situation he was insanely immaculate except EXCEPT for his hair. that was always a mess because he was always running his hands through it (probably lost a lot of hair too)
1928: you cannot tell me that anya can't do a ridiculous amount of pull ups. the girl has amazing arm strength in both the musical and animated film because 1) she sweeps for work and her arms are so damn strong come on and in the movie 2) she hung off that bridge for an INSANE amount of time. so she can absolutely do a surprising amount of pull ups.
modern: stefan and ruslan DO make references to their brothers in arms (anton & gleb), but stefan tries to keep that life separate from his current life. stefan was much closer to anton and gleb during his military service because ruslan was an american soldier, but their teams frequently collaborated and somehow he wound up befriending ruslan more. eventually he just sort of cut ties with anton and gleb till one christmas ruslan invites anton to come visit london for the holidays which very much annoys stefan for over protective brother reasons.
1928: liesel takes absolute pride in her multilingual-ness and is thrilled when she has assignments in dealing with foreign diplomats and other work where she gets to use it. she absolutely absorbs every bit of information she can get about the world beyond russia while still remaining steadfast loyal to her country that she hopes will start thriving again.
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noblehcart · 1 year
Current Muse(s) Statuses
Open / Active
The Roma.novs (Nicholas II, Alix, Olga, Maria, Tatiana, Anastasia, Alexei) **Historical/Musical/Animated influenced
Gleb Vag.anov (Anastasia musical)
Kim Pos.sible (Kim Possible)
Inej Gh.afa (Netflix’s Shadow & Bone / Six of Cro.ws)
Matthias Hel.var (Netflix’s Shadow & Bone / Six of Cro.ws)
Dr. Henry Mo.rgan (ABC’s Forever)
Molly Hoo.per (BBC’s Sherlock)
Liesel Ivanov (OC)
Stefan Ivanov (OC)
Nina Ivanov (OC)
Ruslan Essen (OC)
On Request
Margu.erite St. Just (The Scarlet Pimpernel)
Cassian (ACOTAR)
Gwyn Ber.dara (ACOTAR)
Christine Cha.pel (Star Trek)
Issa.c the Kaylon (Orville)
Eric Chapm.an (Wooden Overcoats)
Private (closed / exclusive to-)
Pa.ul Chau.velin (The Scarlet Pimpernel w @lordofthestrix)
P.ercy Blak.eney (The Scarlet Pimpernel /ACOTAR w @aigonakru )
Nest.a Arc.heron (ACOTAR w @aigonakru)
Luka Mikahilov ( OC w @sentmail & @emberglowed )
Marle.ne Wallace (FFVII w @sentmail &@holyguardian )
Luda Dmitrievna (Nfx’s Shadow & Bone w @summonshadcw)
Possible removal MIGHT be moved to NPC status
Rook.heeya Khan (Susan Kay’s Phan.tom)
Anton Baranov (Anastasia OC)
Lucy Harris (Jekyll & Hyde)
Christine Daae (Phantom of the Opera)
Jason Todd (DC Comics)
Gabby Christensen (DC Comics)
Ireena Kolyana (Curse of Strahd)
Lucien Castle (The Originals)
Aleksander Ivanov
Kaz Brekker (Netflix’s Shadow & Bone / Six of Cro.ws)
Azriel (ACOTAR)
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noblehcart · 2 years
drabble: a walk home author's note: again another 1927 era drabble cause i never get to write this npc and i've been dying to work out his personality. he is SUCH a doll.
"-and what are you doing here still?" anton baranov thought the majority of the office had left already as the evening hours crept in and the building slowly fell quiet. to his surprise he found general vaganov's petite secretary standing in the coat room shuffling her bag and what looked to be her brother's coat.
"waiting for my brother...or i suppose, general vaganov at least, but they haven't come out from their offices?" he forgot that he never saw her leave the office without one or the other escorting her out. it was amusing to him that for men who so strongly believed in men and women's equality that both insisted that liesel not walk alone. he supposed in his own way he could see why. a strong enough winter wind seemed like it could blow her away and unfortunately not all men thought the way they did in regards to a woman's rights and capabilities. nor have the obvious affection towards her as he knew they had. which was why a faint grimace crossed his features as he delivered the unfortunate news.
"ah, gorlinsky pulled them into a last minute meeting. it didn't sound like a short meeting either." soft brow furrowed on her features as she took in the information then began to shift her brother's coat in her arms again tiredly.
"i see. i guess i'll be waiting for a while then."
his hand once rubbing at his neck, tired from being bent over paperwork, moved to brush the faint stubble on his jaw thoughtfully. "why don't i walk you home?"
her head snapped up, surprised by the offer. "i don't want to take up your time, general baranov. i'm sure you're tired and ready to head home yourself."
"anton, please." his head tilted towards her as a soft smile followed. "and it's not a problem. those two have their hands full and ...-why keep you sitting here? besides i'll walk back and let them know you're home safe and sound."
Already he turned and reached for his coat as he continued with a light laugh, already figuring he could also stop along the way to the butcher. His cabinets were beginning to look dreadfully low and unlike that befitting of an officer of his district. "Besides i could use the fresh air. The desk work is a bit... stifling."
liesel could only laugh quietly alongside him before pressing again. " general vaganov says just the same, but are you sure?"
"absolutely." was the firm response as he shrugged on his coat and waited for her to hang her brother's again then readjust her own. it was only moments of quiet before they were on the street walking side by side as she spoke up.
"thank you again, anton, for walking me. stefan is so protective i've told him so many times i could walk home alone, but he is a worrier."
"of that i know for sure." anton grinned recalling how stefan had driven him up the wall regarding reports that needed to be written, turned in and filed. he was close to crossing words if it wasn't for ruslan stepping in to distract him and lighten the tension brewing in the office. "besides one can't be too careful. we're a new country still learning to embrace some of these new ideals. it doesn't hurt to take some precautions."
"i guess you're right." she smiled shaking her head at how right he was. she realized it was the first time she had ever actually been alone with anton baranov. somehow she had always been around him in the company of...well anyone. she had been around luka, gleb and ruslan alone plenty of times, but some how never with anton. she supposed it was always a good time to get to know one another as they did work together. what little she knew of him she had overheard from others. he had served with general vaganov in great war and joined the red army. still the relative new officer after luka. he was charming, supposedly had gone out with a few of the office girls, but nothing serious or long standing. he and ruslan acted almost like brothers at moments with sparing and laughter shared, but he was still much of a mystery to her.
thoughtful and kind were some new adjectives she could use to describe him at least. "you and general vaganov served together, is that right?" she questioned gently as he looked to her still rather amused.
"same division, yes, during the war. we weren't what you'd call close, but i wouldn't have any other man leading a unit."
"the war sounds horrifying." liesel cringed, shoulders rising slightly to her ears before she wrapped her arms around herself. it wasn't as though things at home were any better though.
he hummed, dark eyes pensive for a moment before shrugging. "it was. but worth it, if it means russia can have a better future."
"where were you stationed after the war?" she asked turning her gaze up to him as she stepped to the side to let an elderly couple pass between them.
"believe it or not, moscow. that is how i met your brother."
"really?" she asked incredulously wondering why stefan had never thought to mention him before. her life in moscow was a quiet one as her brother let her work on her writing and publishing while still grieving for her father. now that she thought about it he didn't mention much of his division.
"for a while, i was in one of the lower district offices, but i got a promotion. then i was transferring into your brother's division when he was leaving for here. he recommended i transfer to leningrad once i got my feet wet in his old office."
"i see. just passing each other by then?"
"-seems like it."
the young woman turned thoughtful as she considered life in moscow to life in leningrad. very different cities. much of the same problems though. "are you glad you transferred?"
"to leningrad?"
"mhm." she hummed with a nod as he cracked a grin then reached up to lift off his hat to enjoy the cooler breeze cutting through at the moment.
"absolutely. " he stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, his boot scraping against stone as he looked to her. "are you glad to have transferred here?"
her face flushed as she realized the possible impertinence she had implied at. questioning a general. her superior. however any moments of fear were washed away as he smiled and dark eyes seemed rather warm. "its absolutely fine by me if you're not. believe me, we're outside the office. you don't have to regurgitate any patriotic drivel. moving isn't easy especially when you're happy somewhere else."
still flushed she managed a shy, rather embarrassed smile before considering her answer as they continued on their way. "it was hard at first." she admitted. "a new city to adjust to. starting a new job, but i'm glad to be here now. i do sometimes miss moscow, but i love the people i work with. you, ruslan, misha, luka and...general vaganov. it makes it worth it."
"good, good. i'm glad to hear that." he nodded having already noted how she had paused on one name and started to see why office rumors circulated the way they had. he stayed on the silent end of things, but somethings were rather obvious and others took a bit more time to see. now he could see the interest.
a soft sigh sounded from the secretary however before she quietly spoke. "although, i'll admit you're the first to ask me that."
"its nice to be asked." was the gentle remark earning him a smile from the other.
"it is." the small building was not one of the newer constructions, but it was a better one than most could afford. she was grateful that her brother let her stay with him as officers were granted better living quarters. she didn't want to consider what it would be like living with ten other families or the chaos that ensues with that. she took a step towards the walkway with him at her side before a soft gasp escaped at a sight.
"your sleeve is ripped-" it was a flashing glance. his button glimmered in the sunlight peeking through dark clouds, which drew her gaze to the tear in his sleeve. he frowned, lifting his arm to glance before sighing.
"right. i thought i had caught it on something earlier today. i'll have to find a seamstress i suppose-"
"don't be silly." liesel shook her head as she shifted her purse on her shoulder. "give it to me. i'll stitch it up tonight and bring it tomorrow. i stitch my brother's rips and tears its no problem to handle this one."
"are you sure?" he asked concerned about her taking up the task despite her head shaking at him and hand extended to take his uniform coat.
she beamed as he shrugged out of his jacket. "absolutely."
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noblehcart · 3 years
RANDOM FACTS: anton baranov
he is literally everyone's best friend.
has adopted three mutts.
drink of choice is martini
has two little sisters
sweetheart, but heartbreaker combo
good fighter but can still get his ass handed to him by ruslan
he's the best shot in all of leningrad.
just as much of a flirt as ruslan but more charming and has more restraint.
worked medical when needed in WWI
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