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xulingkelley · 1 year ago
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jonathanbyersdeservesbetter · 10 months ago
jancy in journalism
jancy would be such a powerhouse couple in the journalism field bc both already went through so much shit that dangerous things just don't phase them anymore. exposing hawkin's lab? that was just the first of many. they would be the first people on the scene getting stories, taking photo evidences and making sure that the media and powerful people don't get to cover it up. Nancy, with her extreme sense of justice (that sometimes it's dangerous to both herself and others) would do anything to get these stories out so victims would get justice. she ensures that every bit of relevant detail is recorded on audio, paper, photos, and video if possible and makes multiple copies and stores it in various, obscure places that she only tells a select few so that if one is destroyed or stolen, she has back-ups. if plan 1-3 falls through, you can bet she has back-up plans for back-up plans. nancy numbers her plans because the alphabet only has 26 letters.
jonathan climbing to dangerous places and getting up close and personal so he'd not only get the best shot, but the most accurate and showing people evidence of what happened. since this would be the late 80s-90s, photoshop isn't really a common thing yet so photos and videos are really the irrefutable evidence. nancy is so proud of jonathan whenever he publishes his photos because while written words can be fake, photos can't (at that point in time). he takes up video-recording as well, and spends a lot of his time improving his skills on taking the best photo/video in record timing so nancy's efforts in contacting victims, getting them into these exclusive but dangerous opportunities are not wasted once the time to get the word out comes.
at first, jonathan wasn't willing to go through this with nancy. he wanted to do rock photojounalism, he wants to listen to music and learn about the bands he interviews because they are what got him through life all these years. music was his only escape for so long and he wants to know why, why does he love it so much? why do they love it so much to make it their lives? but then jonathan thinks about el and her lost siblings, about will and his mom, about himself, that if only they received that kind of support and voice to get help for themselves, and maybe they wouldn't even be in hawkins at this point. maybe el would've been jane and moved away with her mother and they would've never met, and the upside down would've never seeped into hawkins because el never opened the gate. while in the grand scheme of things, a poor family from a small town abused by the man in the house wasn't the most tragic thing in the entire world when you think about the upside down or those in war-ridden countries who may not even make it the next day, but then jonathan remembers those days he went hungry because joyce got sick and couldn't work her regular hours and he gave his food to will, who was so small and sensitive and got sick often. or when what hurt the most wasn't when lonnie beat him or burned his cigarettes on him, but it was seeing him joke around with the officers when joyce finally got her courage to call 911 just for them to laugh at her and call her crazy, that maybe she was the one who put those bruises and just didn't remember.
it was this kind of corrupt power that seems to get into the hands of the worst people that jonathan thinks maybe he can understand a little bit. that maybe he wanted other people to not feel this way or go through this anymore. he got out, so why can't they? if they need just a bit more help, why not? after all, they've all got shared trauma, what's a little more?
their families and friends are worried for them as they travel to dangerous places because unlike the upside-down, these are humans. they're powerful, power-hungry people that would do anything to keep their position, and they're human, unpredictable and have done more evil things than eating people. they're people who can turn an entire country against two 20-somethings from hawkins, indiana, and most importantly, their families and friends can't be with them if that happens. they can't fight through this with brute force because it's the military, it's words, it's power and politics and who-knows-who. no one from hawkins has that kind of power no matter if they saved the world three times already, no matter if they did more for the world than these wannabe leaders that only care for themselves.
anyways jancy as a power couple not only in hawkins but the WORLD. i always thought nancy would make a great investigative or political journalist that won awards and almost die a good handful each year because have you seen her??? and jonathan would tag along bc he admires her ambition and secretly always wanted to help others and make good changes in the world even if he acts aloof and timid. but then i thought closer about it and ofc why wouldn't he???? he's felt powerless all his life and was controlled by the societal circumstances that perpetuates poverty and abuse, and jonathan thought he'd continue the cycle in s4 because that's the only thing he can do with the resources he thought he has. but he just doesn't realize he doesn't have to be stuck! he has a loving family, friends, and hush money from the government definitely helps a lot now. s4 jonathan is a a different person in a different position from s1 jonathan. so he realizes this as he got older and then upside down was finally dealt with and gone, and he's like, wow! i can do something about my life AND other's life! i only got to this point with support, and if i can do it it, others can do with a little help. also, nancy is ambitious and smart af and has so much righteous anger in her small little body that all she needs is a supportive partner. if that partner shares the same values as her and is willing to put in the world, what's changing the world compared to saving it?
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luiznalves · 5 years ago
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IV MOCOTÔ DO BOIADEIRO SEU LUA BRANCO -TÁTA KANAMMBURÁ ( ANDRÉ FIUZA). BRASÍLIA - DF. Ògan Luiz Alves/Projeto Oníbodê. #photojounalism #photooftheday #images #journalism #photography #photography #photography #galeriaolhodeaguia #faststone #photoreligion https://www.instagram.com/p/B3n14G_Fzgg/?igshid=1y54exavmtmd
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raynerpenar · 3 years ago
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Niños juegan en una casa con la estructura debilitada por las lluvias, el 29 de junio de 2022, en un barrio de Petare en Caracas (Venezuela). El suelo y las paredes crujen, la inclinación se vuelve natural y la humedad es la regla. Así son las casas frágiles que habitan cientos de ciudadanos en favelas de Venezuela que fueron declaradas en riesgo, pero nunca desalojadas, y ahora se hunden ante el abandono del Gobierno, aseguran sus habitantes. EFE/ Rayner Peña R. - Children play in a house with a structure weakened by the rains, on June 29, 2022, in a neighborhood of Petare in Caracas, Venezuela. The floor and walls creak, the slope becomes natural, and humidity is the rule. Such are the fragile houses inhabited by hundreds of citizens in favelas in Venezuela that were declared at risk, but never evicted, and now they are sinking due to the abandonment of the Government, say their inhabitants. EFE / Rayner Peña R. #Venezuela #Caracas #Petare #lluvias #rain #collapse #photooftheday #colors #onassignment #vzla #everydaysocialjustice #documentary #assignment #fotoperiodismo #photojournalist #photojounalism #streetphoto #efesiempreestá (en Caracas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfpQ60xPj9w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thegutterjournals · 6 years ago
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gustavobasso · 3 years ago
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[Eng Below | Link in Bio] Maria Rosélia Rocha, pequena criadora de gado na zona rural de Uberlândia, em três momentos. “Em 60 anos do meu marido vivendo aqui, só parou de minar água quando uma empresa produtora de ração animal furou um poço 1 km acima; e desde então foi secando, até que agora temos esse chorrinho de água que não aguenta nem lavar a louça”. A superexploração do lençol freático e aquíferos se soma à falta de chuvas desde o inverno passado para agravar a situação da pior seca já registrada no centros-sul do país • Maria Rosélia Rocha, a small cattle raiser in rural Uberlândia, in three moments. "In 60 years of my husband living here, the water only stopped running when a company that produces animal feed drilled a well 1 km up; and since then it has been drying up, until now we have this little puddle of water that can't even wash the dishes". The overexploitation of the water table and aquifers adds to the lack of rainfall since last winter to aggravate the worst drought ever recorded in the center-south of the country • • #onassigment #yahoo! #fotojornalismo #photojounalism #burndiary #yahoobrasil #nurphoto #seca #crisehidrica #drought #everydaybrasil #everydaylatinamerica #nikonphotography (em Uberlândia - MG) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSpMvbqnwkU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bria-mai · 7 years ago
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Udaipur India
Brianna Schwartz Photography
follow me for more / instagram
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weatheredandshorn · 7 years ago
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Potential on the wall.
by Clary Estes
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classic8media · 5 years ago
If silence is violence, the residents of Oakland have an answer for that; art. Throughout Saturday artists of all ages and ethnicities took their paint, paintbrushes and spray paint to claim boarded windows in Downtown Oakland as forms of beautiful expression. To read more, view the photo gallery and watch the video, check out the post:
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rgerrity · 6 years ago
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Today I photographed friends of Rick Axelrod. Tony Rodriguez took Rick for his last ride along the harbor in the Atlantic Highlands. This is just one of many friends that came to pay their respects to Rick. Ride in Peace Rick, I know you were watching!! . . . . . . . . #wherelumixgoes #lumixs1r #photographingamerica🇺🇸 #lumixambassador #changingphotography #firefighter #portraits #photojounalism #bikerlife #lumix #panasonic #usa #uniquesocial #westscott (at Under My Skin Tattoo Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByyU92vnUoV/?igshid=3do224b67zt2
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desbyrnephotos · 8 years ago
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Photo on Grafton Street Dublin few years back...John Pilger article. ..#protest #greece #Dublin #Ireland #Instgram #trioka Photography #Street #greek #photojounalism
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excalibur-summers · 6 years ago
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yahoonewsphotos · 8 years ago
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'A Day Without a Woman' protests across the U.S.
American women stayed home from work, zipped up their wallets, wore red and joined rallies across the country to demonstrate their economic clout Wednesday as part of International Women’s Day events around the globe.
The Day Without a Woman protest in the U.S. was put together by organizers of the vast women’s marches that were held coast-to-coast the day after President Donald Trump’s inauguration.
School districts including those in Prince George’s County, Maryland; Alexandria, Virginia; and Chapel Hill, North Carolina, canceled classes because so many teachers and other employees were expected to be out. In Providence, Rhode Island, the municipal court closed for lack of staff members.
Rallies were planned in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Washington and Berkeley, California. Some businesses and institutions said they would either close or give female employees the day off. (AP)
(Photos: Matt Rourke/AP, Kevin Lamarque/Reuters [3], Lucas Jackson/Reuters)
See more images from the protests on Yahoo News.
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gustavobasso · 3 years ago
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[Eng Below | Link in Bio] Faz cerca de três anos que as comportas da Usina Hidrelétrica de Emborcação, maior da estatal mineira Cemig, abrem as comportas do vertedouro apenas para teste e manutenção. Os níveis baixos descartam a necessidade de abrir o "ladrão" da represa, focando toda a água na geração de energia. Ainda assim, ela vem gerando 25% da sua capacidade, na tentativa de conter o esvaziamento • For about three years now the gates of the Emborcação Hydroelectric Plant, the largest of Minas Gerais state-owned company Cemig, have been opening the spillway gates only for testing and maintenance. The low levels rule out the need to open the "thief" of the dam, focusing all the water on energy generation. Even so, it has been generating 25% of its capacity, in an attempt to contain the emptying • • #onassigment #yahoo! #fotojornalismo #photojounalism #burndiary #yahoobrasil #nurphoto #seca #crisehidrica #drought #everydaybrasil #everydaylatinamerica #nikonphotography (em Uberlândia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSh0O0AnBLO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nyurootsandbranches-blog · 8 years ago
Our Magazine Preview Is Out!
We are so excited to give you all a first peek at what Roots and Branches has to offer! 
Click on this link above to see our original writing, art, music, and photojournalism.
To help support Roots and Branches, heart and reblog this post! Email us at [email protected] if you want to share your thoughts, comments, or questions.
Thank you all for your support!
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francescabra · 8 years ago
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Barber from Bihar. While Indians have lived in Burma for many centuries, most of the ancestors of the current Burmese Indian community emigrated to Burma from the start of British rule in the mid-19th century to the separation of British Burma from British India in 1937. During British times, ethnic Indians formed the backbone of the government and economy serving as soldiers, civil servants, merchants and moneylenders. #myanmar #Burma #photojounalism #reportage #photooftheday #women_photography #avventurenelmondo #natgeotravel #love_travel #jj_people #people_infinity #wow_travel #wow_planet #wow_people #igw_people #igw_planet #igers_asia #vsco #travel_blog #travelgram #people_and_world #travelphotography #natgeotravel #almost_perfect_seasons #endless_summer #travel_captures #travelphotography #igw_people #igw_planet #ok_people #travel_blog #travelgram #instatravel #travelgeopic #travel_captures #travel_ph #travelingram
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