#Photography by Daniel Goode
aefward · 6 months
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camellia-thea · 2 months
I'm curious about your thoughts for present day Armand/Daniel. How do you think starting their romance when their both vampires now changes their character arcs and dynamic? It feels crucial that Daniel was human and Armand was a vampire. Granted this is assuming the show is not doing a past version as well.
i'm so sorry, this has been sitting in my drafts for ages; this is such an interesting question, thank you! this was sent in reference to this post about book canon devil's minion. if there's anything here i can clarify on, let me know; this might be a little disjointed as i've jumped in and out of working on it for a week and a half!
i think that it's a little complicated overall, but not in a way that makes a good (for the viewer, not healthy) relationship impossible in the show! i think assad and eric both really love their characters and it's pretty clear to me that they're absolutely fighting for us dm fans. and given the recent interviews with rolin saying that everything between them has been devil's minion so far, i'm certain we'll end up well fed!
i'd love for there to be a past relationship that armand has taken from daniel, and i do genuinely think that it is a potential way they might take it. however, if we're going by the assumption that they aren't, i actually think it will work pretty well! there are obvious dynamic shifts between them, but that was never not going to happen, given the changes the show made to book canon (generally for the better! i think they've handled almost everything very well).
i think that a relationship starting between them with them both being vampires wouldn't work if it had been in the 70s, but i actually think it being old daniel works really well.
obviously the chase is a really really important part of the development of their relationship, but i can see it playing out in both directions; daniel chasing armand because 'what the fuck, man? you turn me and leave?' and on the other end, armand following daniel to keep him safe from other vampires, given he's pulling a lot of negative vampire attention towards him. i'd love for armand to appear for a night, engage in an argument or simply just appear wherever daniel is, then vanish again. i think that there is still a lot that can be played with in regards to the way that armand interacts with daniel as a fascinating creature and a step between the world and him.
i do think that this armand is a lot more in tune with the modern world in comparison to book armand, but i don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. book armand was living in a very different context; he and louis had been separated for a while before daniel was approached, and armand had essentially been drifting since then. a young man who connected with the world, as directly as daniel was trying to, was something that book armand needed. i think that now, with the wound of a very explosive separation from louis, he needs something different. someone (relatively) steady and also someone able to call armand on his own bullshit and lies. daniel has not lost his connection to the world around him, nor his nature of wanting the truth and to see the world. i'll come back to that in a minute.
i think the changes made to daniel match very well with the changes made to armand. older daniel is a lot more direct than younger daniel, and i think that young daniel, while being willing to stand for what he wants, did not have the power to set hard boundaries and expectations. older daniel, both because of life experience and because he is a vampire, comes at it with a little more equal footing. i think that he also knows how to look for armand's red flags, and i think that will help. i don't think that there will ever not be an inherent power dynamic between them, but that's part of the fun. i also think that daniel being more able to sidestep that dynamic.
but the key thing, i think, is that daniel, as he is in the show, understands how to live. maybe not well, but he has lived a full life in a way that armand has not had the opportunity to. i think that vampirism is a way for daniel to reconnect to living, and given the small snippet we've already seen of him, he's thrown himself into it. a book tour, hunting, having fun with mind-reading during interviews, i think he's reveling in what's been given to him. this is something louis was attempting to do with his photography, though the show very specifically makes commentary that he is not managing to connect with his subject matter in a way that daniel is. (i'll come back to this in a different post because it's interesting and i have commentary). armand needs that connection, this armand, book armand, both of them need a new connection to life, and i think that older daniel is a brilliant match.
i don't think armand could ever not love his fledgling. i don't think he could ever not end up obsessed with any fledgling he makes. armand loves completely, fully, and obsessively. his love consumes him enough that he reshapes himself to fit the other person. and given how significant a fledgling is to him, i don't think there could ever not be some sort of relationship there. this is doubled by the fact that armand is so unused to -- and terrified of -- dealing with loneliness, and the breakup with louis means that i think he will be actively seeking the presence of others, specifically daniel, even if that's following him at a distance.
and i'm a little sad at the lack of mind reading that will happen between them, because armand planting thoughts into daniel's head is a personal favourite from the books, but i think they have the potential to play with the sire-fledgling bond instead, which i'm curious about!
i also think it's super important to remember that the next season is the vampire lestat, not the queen of the damned, and that the devil's minion chapter takes place during the space of over ten years. while it's been confirmed that elements of qotd will feature, and i don't think they'll set daniel and armand aside, but it's still very distinctly lestat's turn in with the talking stick, as it were. and i think that it'll be a very good thing for daniel to learn more about armand; the children of darkness (or satan, in the books) is super important and i think that it'll be really interesting to get daniel responding to it.
either way, i think it's going to be good. i know assad and eric are so passionate about it, and rolin has also been very clear about its presence. i trust them to make choices that are justified with the characters, are interesting for the plot, and have good thematic influences.
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blamemma · 1 year
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Daniel Ricciardo | Silverstone GP | 8.7.23
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insleywinsley · 9 months
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old ranch house, 2023 with help from Daniel Southard.
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rwpohl · 4 months
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der sohn der komissarin, jan ruzicka 1997
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perfectday1972 · 8 months
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daniel kaluuya via instagram
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amaliatheartist · 1 year
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Happy birthday to Daniel Howell, his hair was fun to draw
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w-i-m-m · 1 year
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So I’m the only one that doesn’t like the amc iwtv series bc dialogues are boring, badly written and weirdly paced?
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heartsleevemag · 3 months
A Conversation with Leo Sawikin at the Troubadour
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photos and words by Danielle Holmberg
2021 was a strange year. Being put into lockdown took a lot of us by surprise. There was a sense of being lost and unsure floating in the air. We were scared, trying to find new ways to keep our sanity and peace of mind. Singer and songwriter Leo Sawikin was just like the rest of us. Trying to find a place to put his emotions and worries, he decided to channel them into hope with his first solo project, Row Me Away. Leo uses his way with words to create an album of flowy, melodic songs that we could all sing along to during such an off and dark time.
Three years later, he has brought that same feeling of hope and wonder with his new single, “Till You’re Somebody Else.” Leo paints a picture for us with lyrics like “There is so much more than what’s under our feet / Soon, we’ll all be gone / But, when the sun explodes a new day will dawn.” Leo transcends us into a place of curiosity and perplexity that we all go through often. We’re so stuck in the moment until we open up and see that things are always in motion, and so are we. We’re in a constant state of change and that’s a beautiful thing that we cherish.
I had the chance to sit with Leo on the first night of his tour with Jon McLaughlin at the beginning of May and talk a little bit more about his music.
D: This is the first night of your tour with Jon McLaughlin! How are you feeling? Any cities that you’re particularly excited for? L: It feels awesome! I’m really excited about seeing this part of the country. I haven’t seen much of the West Coast, other than just the major cities. But you get to see lots of nature that way, which is always really cool. I’m really excited to go back to San Diego. I was there in 2019 and it’s a beautiful city. I’m pretty much excited for all the cities. I haven’t been to Arizona before so seeing the desert part of the country will be exciting. I’m ready to see Portland for the first time. It seems like such an original place. I recorded in Seattle but never performed a show there so I'm really excited to be playing a show there as well. D: I think it’s so cool that you recorded with the producer for Modest Mouse and The Shins! Those are two of my favorite bands. I don’t know if they were inspirations for you but you can feel that vibe in your music. L: I feel like it's the producer’s process. I mean, he's worked with artists of every single genre. I feel like the thing that ties them all together is that he just knows how to get an artist to express their innermost truth in the recording process. And to be the best version of themselves as an artist. And it's through letting you make the decisions and be the driver creatively. D: Your new single is getting a lot of attention! It has 50K views on YouTube with just a lyric video. Who were you hoping to reach when you recorded that? L: I wouldn't say any particular audience.I just wanted, It was for me I think more than anything. I wanted to do the song the way that I heard it and whoever was into it would like it. I feel like that’s the best way I can put it. I wanted something that was pop-y and relatable, but that was a reflection of what I like to hear in my music, I guess.
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D: During Covid, a lot of people were making banana bread and playing Animal Crossing, but you made a whole album. How did Row Me Away come to life and how big of an impact did the lockdown have on making that album? L: We actually recorded that in 2019 right before the Pandemic. But I mean, I guess the impact was that it was a flop because of the lockdown. D: Oh man, I'm sorry. L: That's okay. There was really nothing we could do. We waited like, I want to say seven or eight months before we put out our first single. And then we tried to do a radio campaign in England and We didn't know how to really make that one work at the end of the day. And I think a lot of it was the way we were approaching Spotify at the time. We just didn't understand how to make it work. But yeah, the pandemic definitely made that album not happen so well. But It was nice that the themes on the album kind of carried over into the pandemic. When I was writing a lot of those songs, I was thinking about climate change and the other challenges that we face as a species. And all those lyrics just also applied to being in the pandemic as well. I feel that even then that message still carries on beyond the pandemic.
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D: Who or what were your inspirations when writing? L: I'd say that before this record, I was always very influenced by Brian Wilson and Burt Bacharach and the more complex pop writers of the sixties and seventies. I always wanted that kind of wrecking crew sound on everything. So we would track with a lot of musicians and I kind of was pretty consistent about that. And then after the Pandemic when I worked with Phil, I wanted to make a record that reflected some of my earlier influences and the stuff that I listened to growing up. A lot of The Cure, Smashing Pumpkins, Shoegaze, Brit pop, and all that great stuff. I'd say that was the most significant change between this most recent and Row Me Away. D: Those who follow you on Instagram know you're kind of a foodie and a cook. So what's your go-to comfort food and what's one dish you think everyone should learn how to cook? L: My go-to comfort food is probably Veal Parmesan. It’s so good. That is New York City cuisine at its finest. You can definitely do it wrong. But when it's good, it's just simple joy, Cheese, sauce, and crispy veal cutlet. It's awesome and my favorite thing to cook. I think everyone should learn how to make a simple tomato sauce. Definitely never add garlic. That’s unforgivable. D: All right, last question. What's next after the tour? L: We're just gonna keep pushing the radio stuff. After this leg, we're going out again in June and then in September with John again. So we'll be doing Asheville to Columbia and then after that we're gonna do like a northeast tour, which I'm excited for. The last show is gonna be a hometown show, which is the perfect way to end the tour.
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Check out Leo's newest single, “Till You’re Somebody Else,” here, and be sure to follow him for the latest tour updates!
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limonmelon · 2 months
One idea which I think is central to IWTV is the idea that becoming a vampire is the antithesis of improvement - stagnation. Your hair can't change length, your body will never grow, and as we know with Claudia, your hormones don't even change and you can be perpetually stuck in puberty.
But I love how this is reflected even in the vampire's art and creations throughout the show. The first song we see Lestat play on the piano is a jazz interpolation of a Bach song, his other song a piece created just to goad Louis back to him. Louis's photographs are derivative, and he has no patience to wait for his shots in order to actually capture the essence of his subjects, even if he has a good eye for art, and he drops photography quickly after one criticism. Claudia, who can't ever mature out of her teenage body, can't even make another vampire. The Théâtre des Vampires is struggling before Claudia becomes their main attraction, but it's not her acting that brings people - as we see her giving half-hearted performances to a crowd that barely seems to notice - but her exploitation. Armand had been a muse and model for other artists while alive, but he has no real motivation to make art, and he runs plays for 50 years until they're tired to a half-empty audience. He can also recognize good art, but he can't seem to make it himself. And they all have a horrible attitude towards criticism of their creations as well, sometimes even getting violent in their rejection of the words of critics or other vampires.
But you know who does create, and improves over time? Daniel. While he may have been terrible at interviewing Louis the first time, which he acknowledges, part of the reason he comes back to interview Louis again is because he knows he can do better. Over time he has become a great journalist and interviewer, winning Pulitzer prizes, writing books, working for major newspapers, even having his own Masterclass. He doesn't stagnate with technology, we see him using his laptop and talking about how his cell phone has become the great equalizer in the world or reporting. Being human has allowed him to grow and change and improve, to learn how to be better.
So I'm really curious to see how the handle Rockstar and Vampire Lestat next season, how his music is created, how in-universe critics are responding to it, etc. especially after this recent glam rock Rocky Horror-esque song has been released. I also wonder if being a vampire has changed how Daniel works as a journalist, especially now that we know his role in the next season will be him interviewing Lestat in this MTV Behind the Music documentary setting.
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azulpitlane · 9 months
just pr I ln4
pairing: lando norris x ricciardo!reader summary: after being caught hooking up with lando, you both decide it would be good for your images to fake date. too bad you hate each other. notes: been loving enemies to lovers rn🫣 masterlist
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f1gossip New WAG alert? After a night of partying, Lando Norris was pictured kissing Y/n Ricciardo outside the club! Onlookers claim they then went home together after this👀 He was seen having a private dinner with another girl just a few days ago and rumored to have brought a different girl on his ski trip a few weeks ago.
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user lando is on a streak LOL
user this is so random?!? i was not expecting this duo but im here for it HAHA
user no cause she rarely attends races but when she does shes never seen with lando?😭
user omg he better not play my girl, I love y/n
user I wanna read the family gc so bad...
user wait they would be so cute
user is he finally settling down omg
user I hope so, I lowkey see them together
user im here for it!! shes so much better than these other girls hes been seen with
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notification center
danny what. were. you. thinking. you're in so much trouble missy call me ASAP!!!
y/bff/n LANDO NORRIS?!?!? WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM BEING A PIECE OF SHIT??? girl we need to debrief last night
lando norris we need to talk
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Fucking fantastic.
Based on your notifications, you put two and two together and realized you were paparazzi'd with none other than the man you hated the most. You and Lando had a very complicated relationship to say the least. You had met when your brother, Daniel, joined McLaren and from the start he had given you the cold shoulder. You didn't know what you did wrong and tried to be kind to him, but after a while you stopped when he dismissed you like a child. You thought you would get along with him after Danny had told you about his interest in photography. You yourself were a photographer and decided to take the year traveling with your brother to capture some photos in F1, but you had figured the fame was getting to Lando especially after his breakup with his girlfriend. He was starting to bring different girls to the garage in every race and you would never see them again after.
You remember your last interaction with him in the McLaren garage in the final race of the '22 season was when the complicated part of your relationship began.
"What are you doing here, y/n? This is a place for serious professionals, not hobbyists."
"Lando, always the charmer. I'm here to photograph greatness."
"Greatness? You wouldn't know greatness if it lapped you on the track."
"Well, I'm pretty sure greatness doesn't come with an ego the size of your car."
"Watch your tone, y/n. This is a dangerous place, not a playground for kids."
"I can handle myself, Lando. Unlike some people, I don't need a helmet to protect my head."
Both your eyes were filled with hatred as they interlocked, each refusing to back down. As the race begins, y/n continues to snap photos, capturing Lando's intense focus and determination.
After the race, both Lando and Daniel were disappointed they were not able to get into the podium on their last race of the season. Your brother asked for some time alone so you approached Lando, camera in hand, knowing it would be the last time you were in the same garage as him.
"Tough race, Lando. I got some incredible shots, though."
"Don't patronize me, y/n."
"You know for what it's worth, I saw a different side of you on the track this season. It's like you're fighting not just against other drivers, but against something within yourself.
"What are you talking about?"
"I may be the younger sister of your teammate, but I'm not blind. There's more to you than the arrogant facade you put on."
After that conversation, you began seeing Lando less and less considering your brother was now racing in AlphaTauri and you were hardly at the paddock anymore. The few times you did see Lando, the tension had shifted into something different. But it was now winter break and you and Lando were both back in Monaco.
You had gone out last night and you did not believe your luck when you saw Lando in the same club with a smirk on his face. Determined to show you could rise above the tension, you decided to lose herself in the pulsating rhythm of the music. As you moved to the beat, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning around, you found yourself face-to-face with none other than Lando.
"Surprised to see me, princess?" He looked at you with a mocking smile knowing the nickname would rile you up.
"Surprised to see you alone at a club and not wrapped up with some girl? Yes, actually."
"Didn't take you for the jealous type, I like it."
Against your better judgment, you found herself drawn into banter with him. The tension between you turned into a strange kind of chemistry as you exchanged barbs, each remark escalating in intensity. A few drinks were exchanged and you slowly began to lose your guard around him and eventually ending up on his bed that night.
You groaned at the memory of last night's mistake and decided it was best to text Lando back before anyone else to get your story straight. He quickly replied saying he was on his way and you began to straighten yourself up.
"You know usually when I hook up with a girl I don't see her the next morning. Consider yourself lucky y/n."
"Still arrogant as ever, even when we're both fucked right now."
"Well you're a little more fucked than I am really."
"Just get in here Lando." You opened the door to let him in and quickly shut it afraid you would be pictured together again.
"I've got good news for you sweetheart. My team has made a plan to sort this mess out."
"Go on with it. What is it?"
"Jeez feisty in the mornings, heh? But congratulations, you are officially my girlfriend, we've been dating for a few weeks now and have kept it under wraps to figure out our feelings for each other privately."
"A fake relationship? That's your solution? No fucking way."
Lando sighed and rolled his head back in annoyance. He knew you were immediately going to shut this idea down but he had planned what he was going to say beforehand and knew what to say to convince you.
"You think I want to do this? My team needs me to do this, I haven't exactly looked like a saint these past few weeks and hooking up with my friend's sister behind his back isn't going to make me look any better."
"And what's that got to do with me?"
"Well in case you haven't noticed, this doesn't look good on your part either princess. There's some hateful people on the internet already slut shaming you and saying you betrayed your brother. If we tell people we were already dating prior to these pictures, it lessens the hate. Not only that, are you really going to tell Danny you had a meaningless one night stand with one of his friends?"
You knew he had a point. Danny wasn't going to be happy if he found out about the brewing tension between you and Lando.
"Please y/n, the internet already likes us together. This would be good for us."
"Lando Norris saying please? Wow, never thought I'd see the day." You genuinely were shocked at his desperateness for you to agree, you didn't think about how this affected him as much it did you.
"Yeah, yeah. It's only for a few months then we could go back to pretending we dont exist to each other."
"Okay fine, just for a few months. And I'm doing this for Danny, not for you." You quickly agreed not really thinking it would be that big of a deal. Just a few posts and appearances together and this would be over before you knew it.
"I knew you'd give in." Lando gave you one of his infamous smirks and planted a kiss in the corner of your mouth. "Now come on we need some pictures to make this convincing."
And so it begins.
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername and 3,294,240 others
landonorris secrets out
tagged yourusername
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user OMFG
user im actually so happy theyre so cute😭❤️
yourusername 🧡
danielricciardo on the next flight to monaco btw. maxverstappen1 yourusername ooouuu you're in troubleeee user LMFAO MAX user WAIT DID DANIEL NOT KNOW???
danielricciardo 🫠🫠
user AHAHAH he doesn't seem too happy user 💀
user am I tripping or is he holding y/ns camera🥹
user it looks like the one she always has on her I LOVE THEM ALREADY
user my new roman empire I won't shut up about them from now on
user wasn't lando just with other girls?
user he can have female friends!! its not impossible
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part two??
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cl6teen · 10 months
p-power ❀ op81
in which a tense breakup with a well known driver sparks a new beginning with an up and coming rookie
contains: social media!au, exbf!daniel, multiple time skips, heavily inspired by the lyrics ‘the pictures i seen i’m like “damn he got lucky”, take it from him and i leave him with nothin’.
note: this has been in my drafts for ages so i might has well post it anyways
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f1wagupdates f1 wag y/n l/n and mclaren f1 driver daniel ricciardo caught in a hearted argument while vacationing in new zealand for the short beak in light of a newly surfaced cheating scandal between daniel and a model during a monaco gp after party
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danielrjpg omg, so the cheating rumours were true??? i feel so bad for y/n, she was the best wag on the paddock in my opinion
iheartmclaren during the monaco gp?? she couldn’t make it to that one right?
papayaluv yeah, but she was still posting him on her story that whole weekend :(
ynstyle genuinely she’s too good for him anyways
user now that this has been brought to life can we talk about the weird ass age gap between the two??
dr3ily i love daniel but he’s 33 and she’s 22?? and they started dating when she was 20? that’s kind of icky
l.l.l.lando to be honest, i don’t think it’s true? like he doesn’t seem like the type to cheat! couples fight all the time
user yeah, monaco gp is notorious for exposing and cheating scandals that usually aren’t true, yall will believe anything
4everstappen then why did she already delete their photos together?? like all trace of daniel gone
givemedr3 but daniel still has all of their photos up, and he still follows her ?
madebymax it’s because he’s delusional LMAO, and I would be too if i fumbled someone like y/n??
user his karma will definitely come back to him, one way or another
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, and 109,345 others
yourinstagram boy bye.
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landonorris let me come visit you please
yourinstagram you know you’re always welcome down under lan <3
user lando and y/n’s friendship still holding up is so cute to me
bsfsinstagram you’re too bad for anyone in this world
bsfsinstagram whoever gets you is so lucky
yourinstagram i love you more than anything babe
drxyn waitt so they’re actually broken up 😭
luvyn tbh the post breakup glow is eating, i was crying for a month straight after mine
liked by yourinstagram
mclarenbby oh my god daniel in the likes is so embarrassing like please stop your delusion
newuser please go back to daniel y/n i loved you two together!
yourinstagram lol no thanks
k1ll4lando daniel get off your burner account LMAOO
iluvf1 y/n continuing to post like nothing ever happened and being all normal in comparison to daniel’s social media literally going black out like he’s grieving is so funny?? like the disabled comments are really the cherry on top
user i just know he has his pr team working overtime
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liked by yourinstagram, oscarpiastri, mclaren, and 1,113,242 others
f1 some surprising news from mclaren this silly season, wouldn’t you agree?
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user honestly thank god, i don’t think mclaren was daniels team, but it’s sad to see he might be out of a seat now
user the karma from cheating is literally so real
user and he wasn’t performing well at all because of it
user love that for her though
mclaren excited to see our rookie in action!
early february, 2023.
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liked by yourinstagram, oscarpiastri, and 212,444 others
lando.jpg friendly outings before the new season (ft. y/n’s photography skills)
tagged yourinstagram & oscarpiastri
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yourinstagram thank you for the photo credits on the last one lando
oscarpiastri very nice photos lando
lando.jpg always so serious oscah
papayaluv yn still hanging out with mclaren is so nice to see, she has so much chemistry with the team even without daniel
op81ln4 seeing yn get becoming friends with oscar is so funny like omg he took your ex’s seat in f1
mcl4ren honestly i think that yn is milking this whole daniel situation to still keep the attention on her, how is she still attending mclaren events?
yourinstagram please stop making assumptions about me, thanks ❤️
user do you forget that she’s been friends with lando?
user can’t lie, lando posting yn at mclaren knowing daniel follows this page is wickedddd but funny
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hey, it’s oscar from earlier :)
hi oscar! i had so much fun meeting you tonight
did you grab my number from lando?
yeah..i hope that’s alright?
i was just glad to see a fellow australian and lando suggested i have it
i really don’t mind it, i’m happy to have a new friend that i have smth in common with
i was surprised when your mclaren signing was announced, but i’m sure your rookie season will be amazing
thanks, it really does mean a lot
i wasn’t really expecting the mclaren offer in the first place but i was open, and they’d just let go of daniel cause of his performance
wait sorry i didn’t mean to bring him up
please don’t apologize, i couldn’t care less about him anymore
i see what happened in the second half of last years season as karma, im glad it’s you who’s in the seat now :)
yeah, but if you ask me what he did was an asshole move
you didn’t deserve that at all, i think he lost something good
it’s been so long now that it’s nothing important to me, but…did you want to meet up for lunch or dinner tomorrow? my flight back home leaves after that
yeah, i’d like that
and i’ll hope to see you again in australia as well?
you can count on it ❤️
april, melbourne australia.
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liked by mclaren, landonorris, oscarpiastri and 70,453 others
yourinstagram reunited down below 🧡
tagged landonorris and oscarpiastri
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ynluv it felt so nice seeing you with mclaren today !!
mclaren we second that!
yourinstagram it’s just a one time thing, i never miss a home race! but i was happy to be there!!
landonorris who’s that cool guy in the sunglasses?
yourinstagram a toad that drives for mclaren you do NOT want to talk to him
oscarpiastri missed hanging out
yourinstagram come back home more often then duh
landonorris or you can just visit us instead
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you did so well in the race today oz
P8 isn’t the best though, could have been better
lando was good
he was, but we’re not talking about lando
P8 on your third race as a rookie is amazing
take the compliment oscar 🙄
thank you for the compliment miss
ugh shut up
im glad you were here this race weekend, i really did miss seeing you
it’s not like you haven’t been texting and calling me for two months straight 😭
but that’s different
when do you have to fly out to baku?
i leave in the middle of the night on wednesday
you must want me to take you out on a date before i go?
don’t be smug oscar pisstree
facetime dates are nice but it would be nice to go on a real one again. we don’t always have to hang out with lando
i know y/n, im only teasing you
there’s no way i would be here and not think to plan one, you know me better than that
but pisstree is a little painful
i know i know, sorry
so get ready and i’ll come pick you up once i’m done with these team debriefs
oscarpiastri updated their story (15 mins ago)
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pls whatever you’re doing stop it
bestie 🧸
oh my god
i’m here
are you dying ? kidnapped?
i thought you were on your date with oscar
please respond???
how are you not responding after just texting??
istg i hate you
i was on my date with oscar
he just dropped me off
bestie 🧸
i am a girlfriend !!!!
bestie 🧸
he’s so good for you yn
however. there is one problem
he asked me to spend the summer break travelling with him
bestie 🧸
what did you say?
yes? right?
i didn’t say anything actually…
he said he’d let me think about it
bestie 🧸
okay so tell him your done thinking about it
and say yes!
august; summer break.
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, bsfsinstagram and 89,245 others
yourinstagram all types of summa lovin
landonorris you got him to wear pink ????
yourinstagram doesn’t he look yummy in it
user WHO’S HIM????
bsfsinstagram oh not you posting himmm
yourinstagram i had to let them know i’m spoken for babe
oscarpiastri what psychopath straightens their hair like that
yourinstagram the hot kind
landonorris yeah right
dannybae is that daniel in the last photo?
yourinstagram no
user was posting this after daniel said he missed you on that podcast intentional????
user that’s so embarrassing for him but at least now he’s gained some self respect and unfollowed her 😭😭
luvyn i’m so happy she’s happy, literally living her best life
liked by yourinstsgram
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liked by yourinstagram, f1wagupdates, landonorris, and 324,554 others
oscarpiastri summer
view all comments
user oscar when was this this ?????
oscarpiastri i just said this summer🧍‍♂️
landonorris 💀
yourinstagram oscar in his soft launch era??
landonorris you were the one who taught him that
oscarpiastri is that what it’s called
user not oscar getting a girlfriend over the break
oscarspastries i sort of suspected this after that story he posted after the australia gp
user omg so she’s probably from australia
op4prez the second picture kinda looks like yn
user no it doesn’t ur jumping to conclusions 😭
user she’s only friends with the mclaren boys she has her own man
user oscar literally drops off the face of the earth for the entire break and then comes back to post this??
user im severely unwell
user oscar’s already falling into the girlfriend effect of looking exponentially finer and im here for it
october; qatar.
yourinstagram updated their story (2 hours ago)
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congratulations on winning the sprint race babe <3 i knew you could do it
baby 💕
where are you?
i want to come see you
i’m in the garage with the team
are you coming with lando
baby 💕
you shouldn’t come without him
you know that people would talk and it’ll be annoying to deal with
baby 💕
i just got the first win of the season for the team
quite frankly i couldn’t give a shit what they said, i want to celebrate with my girl
oscar i want to celebrate with you too, but it might be best to wait
oscar are you there?
oscar ?
read 2 mins ago
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yourinstagram updated their story (10 mins ago)
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liked by yourinstagram, landonorris, mclaren, and 458,355 others
oscarpiastri thanks qatar
comments on this post are limited
mclaren 🧡
landonorris it’s about time you made it public
oscarpiastri i never hid it though
landonorris didn’t you?
yourinstagram you’re lucky i love you enough to let you hard launch
oscarpiastri just can’t keep you a secret
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agendabymooner · 11 months
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summary: he finally understood why she loved her shithole of a flat so much.
content warning: smut under the cut (minors dni!), use of explicit language, pwp, mirror sex, mentions of exhibitionism/voyeurism (suggestions of the grid watching), size kink, praise kink, fingering, squirting, overstimulation, my man danny ric is filthy asf
note: i blacked out while writing this so whatever i wrote in here i’ve no control over. enjoy xx
something sinful (smut) masterlist
a - n masterlist
o - z masterlist
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the ceiling mirrors were installed in her room out of pure joy. she enjoyed creative photography and had often taken photos of herself — the creativity coming straight from the mirrors as she had no one to have her photos taken of but herself. 
daniel ricciardo loved it. he loved her independence and cozy little flat — though he kept convincing her to move into a bigger place. she deserved so much more than this shitbox, but she insisted that she needed to earn more money before buying a better place. her independence was what drove him insane. 
all he wanted was to treat her like a queen— one that she deserved to see herself as. 
and that was how she ended up leaning against him, her legs spread wide open and her head leaning back against his chest. his tattooed arm kept her lightly strained while his hand held her chin up to face their reflections, gripping it gently whenever her eyes would shut close thanks to the pleasure brought by the fingers that slowly fucked her. 
she heaved a sigh, feeling too overstimulated from previous orgasms he’d given her who knows when. her body limped against him while her hand tried grabbing onto his, only for him to tut quietly and smack her cunt slightly. 
“don’t you fucking dare touch,” he warned her quietly. 
“‘s too much, danny,” she cried quietly, her eyes closing tightly as she squirmed. yet her walls clenched around his fingers when they slid back in. her moan protested against the words she just uttered. 
“but y’look so fuckin’ beautiful like this, doll,” he teased her, his mouth nibbling on her ear as he tapped her chin. watching her open her eyes, he then praised her, “see? a fuckin’ beaut is what you are. can’t believe i’m allowing you to live in a shithole like this.” 
“you deserve so much better than this, princess,” daniel continued to speak, grinning breathlessly when she squealed at the curling of his fingers. 
the sounds of squelching of her cunt filled the small space as she watched his fingers disappear inside her, partially watching in disbelief at how much he’s filling her. those were just his fingers. she couldn’t imagine how his cock looked when he’s fucking her with it. it was too big.
“‘s it because of these mirrors, doll?” he asked although she couldn’t answer anymore. her brain was turning hazy from the overstimulation, sending her to a certain state of pleasure as he continued to taunt her, “you like watching yourself touch this pretty cunt of yours, huh, baby? ‘s that why you wouldn’t move?” 
not receiving an answer from her, his dark eyes watched her reflection squirm away from his touch.
he continued to smile widely, his fingers now curling and hitting the spot as he increased his pace and began fucking her rigorously. “if you want to see yourself look all pretty getting fucked like this you could have just asked me, baby.” 
“you know that i can’t refuse my princess,” he hummed, vibrations on her back making her cry out and babble inaudibly. 
“danny, mmmm~ ‘s too much,” she didn’t even notice that tears were beginning to form, her sight turning blurry while she watched his fingers fill her hole like they were meant to be there. “too- too much, i- hah~ ngh~ fuck danny!” 
“yes, i know princess,” he cooed in her ear quietly, his gentle voice contrasting with the way he fucked her as he murmured, “you’ve more in you, baby, let it go. doin’ so good f’me. let go~” 
daniel’s eyes gleamed in excitement watching her cunt drench his fingers with pleasure. she soaked his fingers, and her sheets were covered with her pleasure as she came for the third time tonight— all from his fingers. 
her body that once convulsed reacted when his mouth slipped in his tongue inside hers, already too fucked out and sensitive as she moaned quietly. “so fuckin’ good f’me, princess.” 
she hadn’t expected him to continue on with the night as she let out a squeal, her legs being hoisted up by him as he leaned back and slid his cock inside her without a problem. 
“i- danny, want more-“ she babbled, her head tipping over to watch the ceiling mirrors as she witnessed her cunt sinking into his thick cock. she moaned at the sight, already clenching around him. she really loved the sight of him bulging in her stomach— that and the filthy words that slip out of his mouth as his hips moved up and down to fuck her.
“god! you’re so fuckin’ hot,” he growled from under her, meeting her eyes over the ceiling mirrors while he chased his climax and hers. “y’like watching huh?” 
“yes!” she cried out, his cock hitting the spot as she spoke. “love your cock, love you s’much!” 
“such a pretty girl,” daniel said, “i fuckin love watchin’ you writhing, baby— wish everyone in the fuckin’ grid can see you— d’ya know how much they wanna fuck you?” 
feeling her clench at the comment, danny chuckled and thrusted up at her, “oh- ya like that, hm? you wan’ them to see me fuck you?” 
she only uttered a moan, sinking down to meet his thrust halfway through. 
“you like that huh?” he taunted her, “maybe next time we should make them watch and have them realize that nobody can make you feel like this but me.” 
“they won’t be happy that it’s not them fuckin’ you, baby. i’m sure we can both agree that no one can fuck you like this but me— and i’ll make sure they know that.”
a queen was what she was. if daniel could only, he’d show everyone in the grid that she deserved to be treated like one— and he’d show them all how to treat her like one.
but for now, he needed to fuck her like a queen then install a ceiling mirror in his place in monaco if they both liked to watch him fuck her like this.
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perfectday1972 · 2 years
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viennakarma · 11 months
Three is a party
Lewis Hamilton x Reader x Max Verstappen
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Summary: Max hated you. He hated your pretty face, your beautiful body and your amazing personality. He hated that you were Hamilton’s girl.
Word count: 3.8k
Tags: Smut, female reader, +18, anal sex, unprotected sex, voyeurism, exhibtionism, edging, filthy, porn with very little plot, dom!lewis, sub!reader, sub!max, possibly queer! everyone, kinda polyamory situation, bit of dirty talking, pet names, not beta read
Notes: this is honestly just pure filth, you are warned. This is entering lgbtqia+ territory (for both drivers).
I’ll post this and drink a bottle of holy water or something.
God, Max hated you.
He hated your pretty face, your beautiful body and your amazing personality.
He hated that you were Hamilton’s girl.
Really, it was never his intention to look at you that way. Your paths should’ve never even crossed if you weren’t the most friendly person in the entire world. The first few times he saw you was just in passing, and he thought you were beautiful, but granted, all Lewis’ girlfriends were beautiful anyway. But then, you and Lewis became official after a couple of months, and your presence in race weekends became more and more prominent.
You soon became friends with other drivers, and Max always saw you around having a blast with George and his girlfriend, or even joking with Lando and Oscar, or helping the Ferrari guys with photography, or chatting with Valtteri or Esteban. When you even started a brief friendship with the Alpha Tauri boys, Max knew his time was coming, you seemed intent on getting acquainted with everyone.
The first time he was introduced to you, it came from Daniel Ricciardo, who was strolling with you, and Max suddenly crossed your path, trying to avoid both.
“Max!” He heard Daniel calling after him, and Max immediately froze on the spot. He managed to move and turn around just in time as you and Daniel stopped right in front of him, “This is Y/N, she’s brought everyone some cookies!”
“Hi, nice to meet you, Max!” You shook his hand, and he looked down to the box of cookies you were balancing with the other hand, “those are 100% healthy, ok? Gluten-free, vegan, low carb, all the athlete friendly stuff!”
“You made them?” Max asked, dumbly. But you laughed out loud as if he had said the best joke ever.
“Oh no, I can’t bake- or cook, to save my life!” You offered, raising the box, “go on, take one, you won’t regret it!” You said sweetly, your eyes shining in such a way that if you had offered him poison, he would probably take it willingly.
You chirped away as soon as you spotted Lando and Oscar, offering them cookies too after wishing Max a quick “good luck”.
You were always at the races, and through gossip, Max had heard you had a job only during four weekdays, so even if you had to work up until Thursday, you would always find a way to go to the races to support Lewis. You made sure to always greet every driver, wishing them luck regardless if you were rooting for your boyfriend only.
One day, Max was passing by and you noticed him, even if you were chatting with your boyfriend.
“Hey, Max!” You saluted him, and he just nodded back to you with his lips pressed in an almost smile.
He hated your ass in those jeans. He hated the way your perfume lingered behind every time you left after chatting with him. He hated the way you were always touching Lewis, not in a very PDA way, but more with soft touches, holding his hand, putting a supportive hand on his shoulder, whispering softly and giving him that divine smile of yours.
God, Max was so fucked.
Lewis invited everyone to a pre-season party at his place in Monaco. He even invited Max, who was particularly surprised, since they’re not really close. When Max texted other drivers to check if they were going, all of them confirmed, because no one would willingly miss an infamous Lewis Hamilton party. And Max decided to go because he didn’t want to be the only stuck up guy who wouldn’t show up.
And definitely not because he was hoping to see you there.
As he arrived purposefully late, the party was in full swing as soon as he entered through the door. His eyes scanned the room, dimly lit lights, loud music and way more people than he expected. He spotted you first, wearing a skimpy shimmering dress, standing between Lewis’ legs as he was sitting in a bar stool right behind you. The two of you were chatting with Lewis’ friends and Carlos, so Max did the most rational thing and walked to the opposite side, finding Checo and Charles talking over drinks.
Eventually he had to go and greet you and Lewis, since you’re both hosting the party, would be rude not to. He saw the opportunity as soon as you and Lewis were alone by the bar, whispering conspiratorially. He approached with a small smile.
“Glad to see you, Max” Lewis shook his hand as you smiled softly. It took Max a lot of restraint to not allow his eyes to rake down your body as you touched his shoulder in a friendly manner.
“Hope you’re enjoying yourself tonight, Max,” you said sweetly.
“I am, thanks for the invite,” he raised his drink politely. Luckily for him, he was immediately called over by Charles, who wanted a partner for a darts game.
He managed to let loose after a few drinks, and he didn’t stare at you as much as he did on the paddock. He drank and even met new people that Charles introduced him to.
As the party was winding down after a few hours, Max made sure Checo got to his car safely and instructed his driver to walk him inside because his teammate was way too drunk to walk on his own.
When Max got back, the amount of people still partying had lowered to half, and as he entered the room, he saw you exactly on the center of the dance floor. Reggaeton was blasting by the DJ, and you were dancing and grinding on your girl friends. And he felt like he was going insane as he went half hard just watching you dance. The way your hips moved, and the dress hiked up dangerously close to show half of your ass, and the envy he felt as he saw your girlfriends’ hands roaming your sides. He swallowed thickly forcing himself to look away, but the image of your hips moving slowly didn’t fade from his mind.
He tried to not pay you any attention, but you spent the next 30 minutes dancing, and grinding dangerously close to show your ass and you cleavage as the dress moved with your body.
He decided to go into the bathroom to calm down his mind and the hard on inside his pants. He threw cold water in his face that was red from the alcohol and the show you were giving outside. He refused to do anything about his boner other than mentally calm down. He is a high performance athlete, he could and would have the self control to command his body. He didn’t even want to touch himself because he didn’t want to cross that line.
He spent almost an hour inside the bathroom, pacing around and calming down.
As he came back to the party, he frowned, noticing that almost everyone had left, and those who were still there were getting ready to leave. Max decided that was the right course of action.
He spotted you and Lewis sitting down, Lewis sitting on an armchair and you sitting on the arm by his side.
“Hey, guys, thanks for the invite, I had a great time” Max waved.
“Do you want to accompany us for a nightcap?” Lewis suggested. Max looked between you two, confused.
“I wouldn’t want to impose,” Max said slowly, not sure if you were only being polite, or if you really wanted him to join.
“Come on, Lewis stock the good stuff in the second office,” You winked at him, which made him laugh a little, in disbelief.
He watched as you got up, strolling happily upstairs. Max wasn’t sure if you were tipsy or sober enough, because you were always this chirpy and extroverted. Lewis followed behind you, and Max trailed right after, following to the second floor.
The second office, as you had called, looked like it had came right out of a 1920’s movie with leather couch and armchairs, and a wall full of different types of alcoholic beverages.
Max sat in an armchair close to the warm lights, and Lewis sat right in front of him, strangely close, with only a small centre table between them. Max’s eyes followed you as you went to the bar area.
“Max, how do you take your bourbon?” You asked softly, aligning three glasses.
“On the rocks, please” Max muttered, still unsure about everything. Something seemed off.
“You’re one of us, right baby?” You commented with a little giggle. As Max watched you prepare the drinks, he understood what you meant, all the three glasses were bourbon with ice.
Lewis started a small talk with Max, talking about how you two were considering buying a place in Netherlands because you adored Amsterdam.
As you came back, balancing the drinks with both hands, Max helped you grabbing one and giving other to Lewis. Max swallowed as you bent over to hand him his glass, and his eyes snapped to the way your dress lowered and he caught a glimpse of your breasts. His cheeks were red and warm as you sat down on Lewis’ lap.
“Cheers!” You said sweetly as you raised your glass for him in a toast, Lewis following your lead raising his too, from behind you.
The three of you kept talking about the plans to buy a new place, and the neighborhoods you’re contemplating moving to. Suddenly, you stopped talking.
“Max, can you be a dear and help me take off my heels?” You raised one of your legs in his direction, dangerously close to raising the hem of your dress. He stared at the red bottom of your heels, the strings around your ankle in a simple knot.
Max licked his lips, unsure as he looked over to Lewis, who just nodded, as if giving permission. The Dutch just leaned forward and held your ankle firmly with one hand and pulled the knot with the other. He tried not to think about being so physically close to you, how soft your skin felt against his hand, or the way you curled your toes as soon as the shoe was off. He lowered your foot trying not to linger his touch on your skin, and waited with bated breath as you raised the other one. He quickly undid the other, and he sighed as you finally let go.
He felt like it was some sort of test, as he checked Lewis to see a small smirk tugging his lips.
“Thank you, Max.” You said, politely.
“Do you think she’s pretty?” Lewis asked all of a sudden.
“No, I- I mean- Yes, but-” Max failed miserably, choking on his own words, but both you and Lewis waited calmly for his response. Finally, Max exhaled, looking deep into your eyes, “You’re beautiful, Y/N.”
He watched as you smiled, your cheeks blushing a bit and some kind of sick pride swelled in his chest.
“What do you say, baby?” Lewis tapped softly the side of your hip.
“Thank you, Max,” you whispered.
“We have noticed you,” Lewis started, looking Max in the eyes from above your shoulders, “how you ogle my baby every time you set your eyes on her,” Max felt his chest thudding on his ears, eyes wide, he barely breathe as Lewis’ hand settled on your neck, rising until it cradled your jaw firmly, “but luckily for you, we’re putting on a show tonight. Right, baby? You can stay and watch, Max, or you can leave right now and we’ll never talk about it again,” Lewis offered and waited for Max to get up and leave, but instead, Max just flexed his fingers, eyes on you.
Max’s breath caught on his throat, and he couldn’t believe his eyes as Lewis let go of yours, settling back on the armchair.
“Go on, baby. Make yourself comfortable.” Lewis commanded you, seemingly unbothered as he went back to nursing his drink. But you didn’t move from your place, just staring at Max, as Lewis finished his drink, he set down the glass, pulling your hair on the back of your head, “you’re not getting shy right now, are you pretty baby?” Lewis said and nipped at your neck, eliciting a moan from you as Max watched, mesmerized, his own hands firmly against his thighs.
Max’s eyes were wide as he watched Lewis hands finding your shoulders and pulling down the strings of your dress, making the loose fabric pool down around your waist, and your breasts proudly poking up beautifully. Max had to stifle a moan, his blood going straight to his cock at the sight of you half naked on Lewis’ lap. His eyes went from your nipples to your eyes that looked so turned on, pupils dilated and pretty mouth hanging slightly open, he then looked to Lewis, who looked up from ravaging your neck with a smirk.
“Go on, honey,” Lewis said to you but kept his eyes on Max’s.
Max only stared as you put both feet on the center table, flexing your knees and opening your legs to give him a full view of between your legs. He groaned as you showed him you were wearing no panties under that tiny dress. Lewis helped you take the dress fully off, throwing the shimmery fabric on the floor.
“I can bet she’s glistening right now, isn’t she, Max?” Lewis said, grabbing a hold on both your thighs and opening your legs even more for Max to see your pussy, “isn’t she?” Lewis asked again, his tone showing some dominance.
“She’s dripping wet,” Max answered slowly nodded, eyes focusing between your legs, which made you even hornier as they talked so casually about it. Your pussy was clenching and dripping so much you were sure you’re going to ruin the couch between Lewis’ legs soon, “you look so pretty, Y/N” Max added, reverently.
“Keep going, pretty baby, touch yourself so Max can see how pretty you look when you come.”
You obeyed, reaching your middle finger between your legs, finding a small relief running it up and down your slit, moaning softly which made Max palm himself on his jeans. You also could feel Lewis raging hard by your ass, and you wiggled your hips a little to give him some relief too.
“Put a finger in your pretty pussy,” Lewis said, and you went along, putting your middle finger into your pussy, moaning loud at the delicious contact, even though your fingers were nothing compared to Lewis’, “make yourself feel good.”
Max only watched, hypnotized by the way you were pulling your finger in and out, moaning and head lolling back, your tits bouncing with every roll of your hips. Lewis hands caressed your sides and went up until he pinched your nipples and you cried out, your moans louder by the second. The only thing Max could do was press his own erection through the fabric, the up and down of his hand, matching your own movements. He was getting closer to shamelessly finishing on his pants, and he could assume by the way your moans were getting louder that you too were close to finishing. He followed your rhythm, attentively.
“Stop” Lewis commanded and you immediately stopped, whining from being so close to release.
Lewis hummed softly as he noticed how Max also responded to his command, stopping his hand too, fingers flexing against his thigh. Lewis wasn’t sure about anything when the two of you talked about inviting Max to watch. But now seeing how quickly he was to follow an order, how his cheeks flushed and how his mouth was open, Lewis realized he got a great deal in all of this. He never knew Max could quickly fall into a sub preference.
“Max, open your trousers, pull your cock out” Lewis kept his voice firm, no space for questioning.
Max did what he said, unzipping his jeans, lowering just enough to spring his cock free.
“Now you two can start again, slowly” Lewis said, and he watched as Max licked a wet stripe in his own hand, finally closing his fist around his cock and starting slow, immediately moaning. You also started touching yourself again, enthralled by watching Max do the same. He was still following your lead, setting the pace the same as you. Lewis watched, feeling a little bit of relief in your ass grinding against his clothed cock. You were so close again, this time both you and Max moaning out loud, quickening the movements, you pressing the heel of your hand against your clit and Max pressing his cock head firmly. You could feel the tightening in your core, close to-
You two stopped, you whining at being denied again, and Max put his shaky hand on the arm of the armchair. Max had never had no one bossing him, much less in edging, but relinquishing control was very freeing, in a way.
“You will warm my cock in your ass as you touch yourself, ok?” Lewis said, calmly instructing you. You only nodded. “Use your words.”
“Yes, Lewis.”
“Now get up, give me a kiss and show Max your pretty plug,” Lewis helped you up, because your legs were a bit shaken.
You turned around, bent over to kiss Lewis on the lips, and the position allowed Max to see your beautiful plug decorated with a pink gemstone. Lewis sucked your tongue, and you moaned against him. You wanted more, but his hands made you turn back around. Max watched fascinated as Lewis lowered his pants and freed his cock, pumping twice before spitting on himself, then pulling the anal plug out slowly, and you only moaned as he aligned his cock in your ass and started pushing softly.
You settled back on his lap, groaning at the feeling of his girth inside you, your eyes rolling in pleasure.
“Oh, Lewis! This is so good, love” You moaned, voice failing.
“You two can start again.”
You let Lewis hold your legs open, and placed your hand on your pussy again, inserting two fingers at once, needing release. Max also grabbed his cock, hand pressed against his leaking head, the view of Lewis’ cock disappearing between your legs was doing something to him.
The build up was quick for both you and Max, all the moaning mixing together, and Lewis joining you now that your ass was gripping his cock.
“Lewis, I’m going to-” you tried, moaning as you pumped your fingers in and out.
“Nuh-uh, hold it,” Lewis said, holding the sides of your hips with both hands, managing your movements as you were impaled on his cock. You kept moving, rubbing your wet fingers circularly your clit. Your eyes found Max’s, face fully red, sweat dampening his hairline. “I said, stop.”
Max was the one to whine as he let go of his cock, hips bucking searching for release. You also stopped, feeling the overwhelming need for release as your eyes teared up. Even if it was hard to endure, you loved the reward after edging sessions. Sometimes Lewis even edged you for hours, and in those occasions you came so hard you almost passed out.
“Please, please let us come,” you begged, not caring about how pathetic you sounded.
Max was only following you and Lewis, going with whatever was the flow, needy for release as much as you, but not as prone to begging as you, so he just stayed there panting as desperate.
“Sure thing, baby. Keep going now.” Lewis snapped his hips up, making you choke to the feel of him filling you up.
You nodded to Max, and the both of you started masturbating again, now more synced than ever. Lewis kept fucking into you, and the sensation only added to your own orgasm quickly building up again.
“Lewis,” Max moaned, “can we just-”
“Yes,” Lewis said with a breathy groan, with how your ass gripped his cock he knew he wasn’t lasting long either. “Max, Y/N, you can come now.”
Lewis had barely finished the sentence when you pressed your clit harder and started shaking, and he held you in place as the blinding pleasure overtook you, his cock twitching inside you as he also came with your body pulsating on him. Max groaned loud as he saw you shake, eyes rolling back and toes curling as you practically sobbed through the orgasm. Thick ropes of cum spilled down his hand and his lower abdomen, hips stuttering. He watched as you squirted, hand still on your pussy making a mess as you gushed, dripping on the floor and on the couch.
It was the filthiest view Max had ever witnessed, your tits bouncing as you came shaking, Lewis’ cock still inside you, spilling his cum down his length. Max fell back on the armchair, trying desperately to catch his breath. For a few minutes, the three desperate breaths calming down were the only sounds heard.
Then, Max watched as Lewis carefully removed you from him, putting you on the sofa, you were still all soft from coming so hard. Lewis opened a small fridge and picked two bottles of water, opening them before giving one to you, and the other to Max.
“Drink it up, Max” Lewis said and Max stared dumbly at him, but he just drank it, the cold water refreshing the heat. He watched as Lewis held the bottle against your lips, and you gulped down more than half of the water at once.
You were still fully naked but you didn’t seem really bothered by it. Lewis got up again, and this time, he went through a small door that Max hadn’t noticed before. Max tucked himself in his pants again, and he stayed silent as Lewis came back, he had a damp towel and he cleaned you between your legs.
“I’m sorry, baby” Lewis said as you hissed when he pressed the towel against your still sensitive pussy.
Over the table, Lewis handed Max the towel.
“To clean up the mess,” Lewis explained, looking pointedly at Max's hand and shirt still a little smeared with his cum.
“Thank you,” Max said, using the towel. As he cleaned, he watched as Lewis helped you put on a fluffy robe.
“Max, it’s really late so we suggest you take one of the guest rooms,” Lewis said gently as he helped you get up.
Max was still confused and also spent, but he just nodded. The party had ended long before and he really believed that the three of you should talk about it. But he could see you and Lewis were too tired for a conversation.
Lewis and you led him to the guest room that was the closest to yours, just in case.
“Just sleep, and we can talk about it in the morning, ok?” You said, smiling kindly.
“Yes, of course.”
Note: should I do part 2?
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