#Phoebe Ash-Seed
deputyash · 1 year
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Dove Ash (FC5) | Phoebe Ash-Seed (FCND)
Vivian Wells (FCND) | Evie Rivera (RDR2)
Valerie "V" (CP2077) | Kara Whitlock (DH1) | Lyla Blackwood (DH1)
Tagged by @cassietrn and @chazz-anova to do this picrew! Thank you! :D
Tagging: @strafethesesinners @harmonyowl @derelictheretic @teamhawkeye @purplehairsecretlair @peachyaliien @ri-a-rose @redreart @statichvm @shellibisshe @glowwormsmith @fuckin-nancy @wrathfl @cobb-vanthss @jacobsneed @adelaidedrubman @blissfulalchemist @direwombat @jacobseed @schoute @v0idbuggy
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derelictheretic · 1 year
Heyo!! @deputyash and I signed our Single Parent Crossover AU up for @group-oc-tournament and here is why you should vote them when the polls come out!!
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Dove and Dean are single parents who have overcome many trials and tribulations, it takes a lot to raise kids on your own, even before the County they live in fell under the rule of a religious cult.
Said religious cult took interest in both of them and their kids, which made a horrible situation all the more stressful. When they first ran into each other they were both on guard, Dean's oldest son Caleb standing in the middle of them being what ultimately diffused the tense meeting. It wasn't easy deciding to stick together, but with the looming threat of their kids being taken or hurt they agreed being allies would be beneficial.
So the little group formed, on a dark night with a shaky handshake and weary eyes. They found an abandoned house with a bunker and made base in it, Dove and Dean reinforced and barricaded it to the best of their ability and it's served them well since.
The kids, Phoebe, Caleb, Charmeine and Ace got along much quicker than their parents. As an only child Phoebe was ecstatic to be around them and Charmeine was happy to have another girl her age to play with.
Charmeine and Phoebe became a sort of glue for the group, the two becoming best friends and sharing their secret stashes of candy and pins. Their ability to remain optimistic makes the chaos more bearable for their parents.
Caleb, Charmeine and Ace warmed up to Dove very quickly, appreciating her motherly presence and seeing her and Phoebe as welcome additions to the family. Dove of course cares about them in turn, especially as time went on on and she took care of them when Dean was out trying to help rid the County of the cult.
Dean naturally takes care of Pheobe like she was one of his own as well, sneaking her any candy he finds while he's out.
Time passes and while tensions rise with the cult their little group only grows closer, Dove and Dean opening up to each other and even sharing tips they've learnt over their years of parenting. They become pillars for each other, the normalcy of being able to swap recipes and funny childhood stories much needed in the insanity they were living in.
In conclusion they are a sweet little found family in the midst of a holy war and they keep each other sane and safe and deserve your vote!!
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khakirnelm · 4 months
snippets of a fic i've been working on for like three months and i'm nowhere close to finishing. (I still need to get working on another project T-T)
Melody stays. Somehow, she stays. And when the matchbox scatters, vanishes into thin air, Melody turns to look at her, eyes empty, lost, lips parted, and scowl forming. Obfuscation swallows her. Weariness. Woe. Slips through open mouth and lodges in between lungs. Annihilator of elation, it taints her blood and organs until it is all that remains. Eyes darken, by light or nought, aqueous blue to earthy brown, solid as the ground beneath her feet. Solid as pale hands and jawline on which Phoebe has thought to drag trembling hands. Solid, Melody remains, opposite to the vaporisation Phoebe foresaw. Dreaded. Ambivalence holds her in place, shoulders tense, and brain disseminated, thawed into ashes. How ironic, being that who she cremated for no longer burns.
Pomegranate seeds, crosses Phoebe’s mind. Short-cut to staying in the underworld. I’d consume them if they were you. Red smearing lips and chin alike, juice spilling like blood from a wounded animal. Drip. Drip. Drip. Rubies for teeth, hands wrapped in molten magma. Phoebe wouldn’t hesitate to traverse the Fields of Punishment, having cradled paradise—Melody—in cupped hands and inextricably acquainted herself with the curve of her bangs and the sharp edge of her eyes. To her detriment, it’s a forbidden fruit. To her detriment, insouciance pilots her. “Phoebe?” her mother calls. Claws sliding across a tree, shredding bark and exposing the cambium, detaching fingers from tangible wrist and severing the nonsensical monologue she entertained. Melody is already out the door when Phoebe turns her gaze back to her.
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derelictlovefool · 1 year
Safe & Sound
Character(s): Dove Ash & Phoebe Ash-Seed (@deputyash), Caleb Sinclaire, Ace Sinclaire, Charmeine Seed & Dean Sinclaire
Summary: Dove gets a call that Dean has been captured and Caleb overhears it.
Warning(s): Cult mention, references to death
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The static from the radio cuts off, Dove switching it off and putting it down on the kitchen table with her brows knitted together. Having Jerome inform her Dean had been captured by John's chosen was not how she'd planned her morning going, the knowledge spiking fear in her mind. He had been skirting the line these few months, pushing harder against the cult and no doubt irking the Herald to no end. It seemed he'd reached his limit and finally sent people after her friend and despite Dean's usual ability to evade them he'd failed this time.
A creak pulls her attention to the kitchen doorway, two wide, watery brown eyes stare back at her and she straightens up in her seat in surprise.
"Caleb," she reaches a hand out as the teens shoulders begin to shake, it was a shock to Dove's system. Caleb hadn't cried once in the whole time this mess was going on, at least, not in front of her. He seemed to be as strong as his father, always smiling and joking despite the circumstances they were all in. But right now he was shaking, holding onto the door frame with a death grip and sucking in shallow breaths.
"Hey, it's okay." She tries to soothe the boy, standing and slowly stepping towards him as his gaze falls to the floor along with the tears now streaming down his freckled cheeks.
"Are they gonna kill my dad?" He sobs, voice cracking as Dove gently rests her hands on his arms, pulling him away from the door and into a firm embrace. Her heart hammers in her chest, the same question swirling in her mind now fighting with what to say to Dean's son. She couldn't possibly know the answer but she didn't want to stress him more than he already was. 
"No. He's gonna get out of there, you know why?" She says, tone hushed to avoid the shake that would be there if she spoke any louder. Caleb's shaking hands cling to the fabric of her flannel and he can't seem to get any words out through his sniffles and sharp sobs.
"Because he knows you're waiting for him and he always comes back to you doesn't he?" Dove runs her hand through his short hair, wiping away the tears on his cheeks as he looks up at her. His face is red and eyes already puffy and he sniffles as she fixes his hair.
"Yeah… He does." He says weakly and Dove offers a reassuring smile. She tugs him into a tight hug, hoping more than anything she was right. They'd know by tonight, either Jerome would call or Dean would walk through the door. She really hoped it would be the latter. Caleb's breathing evens out after a few minutes of Dove rubbing comforting circles into his back and his grip on her shirt loosens by a small fraction.
"This isn't fair." Caleb whispers and Dove can only nod. It wasn't fair, nothing that was happening was, but it was complicated and there wasn't much they could do differently.
"Why can't he just stay here with us?" He asks, looking up at Dove and her mouth hangs open as she tries to think of a good enough answer.
"We need him more than everyone else does," Caleb continues, voice straining as tears well up in his eyes again. He bows his head and Dove sighs, resting her forehead against his brown hair. She felt helpless here, she couldn't leave them and go get Dean herself that would be irresponsible. But waiting for any news on Jerome's planned rescue was going to be agonising. For both of them.
"He's doing it for you Caleb, so you and your siblings can have your lives back. I know it's unfair but he's going to come back… And you can duct tape him to a chair then if you really want." Dove chuckles gently, trying to lighten the mood even if just a bit. Caleb giggles weakly and nods, offering a thankful smile up at her.
"Thank you… Will you tell me if…" He trails off, lip quivering at the mere thought of what he was implying and Dove squeezes his shoulders comfortingly.
"I won't have too because he'll walk through that door tonight safe and sound, okay?" Dove says firmly and Caleb stays silent for a moment before that shining resilience sparks in his eyes and he nods.
"Yeah, okay." Caleb lets go of her shirt to wipe his tear stained face and Dove walks to the sink to dampen a tea-towel. She walks back over to him and dabs at his flushed face, petting his hair as the last of his sniffles die down. As Dove puts the tea-towel away Charmeine and Phoebe bound into the kitchen, words incomprehensible as they grab at Caleb's hands and start dragging him out of the room.
Dove considers telling them to leave him be, thinking he might need the space, but the smile that blooms onto his face as they usher him out convinces her to leave it. Maybe the distraction would be good for him, she could use one of her own honestly. The quiet of the kitchen quickly gets to her, she walks out into the living room and smiles at the sight of Ace on the ground drawing on the spare paper Dean had brought back last week.
She walks over to him and sits across from him, the four year old offering a bright smile as she joins him.
"What are you drawing, hm?" She asks with a gentle smile.
"Bubba beating up the bad guys!" Ace replies, holding up the drawing for her to see. It has a crude stick figure of Dean in his uniform kicking a red blob of a figure in what Dove could only assume was its head. Her heart swells at the adorable drawing and she feels tears prick at her eyes as he goes back to colouring it in. 
"Your daddy is gonna love it."
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Hours ticked by and there had been no sign of Dean or call from Jerome.
Charmeine and Phoebe had kept Caleb distracted by helping them build a fort in their temporary bedroom while Dove tried to distract herself by drawing with Ace. After the sun started to set and her hand began to shake from the growing anxiety however she had to step away, taking the radio with her and going up to the roof. She got a clear view of the road from there and she kept her eyes peeled for any sign of the other deputy.
Every second made her thoughts fly out of control more and more, the possibilities of what could be going on and what would happen if Dean didn't come back not letting her have any peace. She'd take care of the kids, there was no doubt about that, she cared about Caleb, Charmeine and Ace and she wouldn't leave them no matter what. But without their father they'd be wrecks and the County would be down one deputy. 
And without Dean hounding the cult, Dove had no idea how long it would take for the Seeds to hunt them down like they'd threatened all those months ago. And she'd lose the confidant she'd gained, the one person who understood the hardships of being a single parent and all that came with it. Her heart sank for all of the reasons combined, her hands clutching onto the radio and willing it to come to life for any kind of news. Just anything.
The distant sound of an engine catches her attention and Dove stands, grabbing the rifle she'd taken up to the roof with her and clipping the radio to her belt. She readied the gun just in case whoever coming down the road wasn't who she had been waiting for this whole time. Her amber eyes locked onto a quad as it came around the bend of trees, frantically trying to identify the person hunched over the handlebars.
Familiar brown eyes meet hers and relief floods through her, tense shoulders sagging as she sighs. She hurries to climb back inside, rushing down the stairs and moving the barricades to fling open the front door just as Dean stops in front of the porch. He was soaked from head to toe, covered in bruises and scratches but otherwise he looked fine. He was fine. 
Caleb rushes past her, knocking her off balance for a moment as he flings himself into his father's arms. Dean drops to his knees as he wraps his arms around his son, burying his face away in his shoulder and holding onto Caleb tightly. Dove tries not to cry as she walks over, kneeling down to rest her hands on Dean's shoulder and Caleb's back.
"I thought you weren't coming back." Caleb sobs and the sound is raw and painful, Dean's face twists into one of remorse. Obviously distraught that his son had to have such a worry. 
"I told you he would though, didn't I?" Dove says hushedly, squeezing Dean's shoulder and hopefully conveying how glad she was to have him back with them. Dean smiles at her before pressing a firm kiss to Caleb's head, pulling him back to wipe his face and press their foreheads together.
"Nothing could keep me from coming home to you, hear me? Nothing."
Caleb nods, crying freely as Dean presses another kiss to his forehead, pulling him back into the hug and grabbing onto Dove's hand to give it a thankful squeeze.
"Daddy you're back! Why are you wet?" Charmeine rushes out to join them, Phoebe close behind her with Ace holding onto her hand. Dove steps back to let Charmeine take her place, Dean wrapping his free arm around her and pulling her into the hug as well. 
"Just went for a swim in the river honey," Dean says gently and Charmeine nods, seemingly accepting the answer but her blue eyes watch Caleb's shaking shoulders with growing confusion.
"Were you fighting the bad men again?" She asks quietly and Dean shares a look with Dove, one they'd shared many times over the run on months. It was hard explaining to the kids what was going on, Charmeine and Phoebe were only seven and there was no way they could fully understand the threat they were all facing. Ace even less so.
"Yeah I was, but I had some friends helping me this time." Dean answers, brushing his daughter's hair out of her face and watching her process the information. She nods and reaches out to her brother.
"Daddy's okay Caleb, he beat the bad men!" She smiles and Caleb nods weakly, breaths riddled with hiccups and sniffles. Dean hooks his arms under his knees and hoists him up as he stands, holding him close as he walks up to Dove on the porch. Charmeine hot on his heels and Ace grabbing onto his pants when he was in front of the doorway.
"Thank you for taking care of them, are you okay?" He asks, voice gentle as Charmeine walks back inside with Phoebe.
"I'm fine, are you okay? What happened?" Dove asks and Dean lets out a strained chuckle.
"Been better… I'll tell you later, I think we could all use some rest right about now."
Dove couldn't argue with that, she was emotionally wrecked and she could only imagine how Caleb was feeling. She follows Dean back inside, closing and locking the door behind her and shoving the heavy drawer back in front of it. She follows Dean and the kids up to the playroom, smiling gently as Charmeine and Ace usher him into the crude pillow fort and he lays down with Caleb latched onto him with no intention of letting go.
"Come on mom, you can sleep next to me!" Phoebe grabs her hand and pulls her to the other side of the pillow fort, laying down beside Charmeine and motioning for her to follow. She does so and tucks Phoebe under the fleece blanket they'd stolen weeks ago. She smiles at her daughter and glances over to Dean, his eyes remained open and staring at the ceiling and she knew whatever had happened hadn't been good. When was it ever?
But he was back and for now he was alright and that had to be enough.
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writing-the-end · 4 years
LoL Chapter 30- Shadow Fox
A Wizard Hermits tale (AU, designs, ideas belongs to @theguardiansofredland)
Doc, Zed, and Scar have made their way to the city of Foresta, deep in the forests where animals are going missing and the nightmares grow worse daily. Meeting with a local shepherd, they find allies in the most unusual ways.
“Oh, yeah, watch it with the Zhenniao, their spit burns like mad.” Zedaph crows as he 
pets the soft white feathers of a Caladrius, the two having a conversation about their favorite seeds. 
“Uh… is this thing supposed to have three legs?” Scar leaps back, narrowly avoiding the corvid. He laughs though, and preens the beast’s wing. 
“Yep! Yatagarasu are born with two legs, but the third one grows when they learn to fly!” Zed sets the Caladrius back. As much as he loved the insightful debate he held with the bird, it’s not the kind of help they need. Besides, it would bring as much attention as an alicanto. “What about it, you three legged birdy? Want to join our team? Phoebe can teach you all the best ways to get letters to us- and the best places to peck at the hermits to get them to wake up.” 
“I swear to god I don’t want to have to build another eye.” Doc sets the acid spitting bird down, and waits for Zedaph to respond. But the blond hermit was always having a thousand different conversations at once. On their way here, he had a whole horde of forest creatures following him. 
The city of Foresta was open, patches of grass and trees older than the kingdom sprouting between houses and wide streets. Between the throngs of people, creatures of all shapes and sizes wandered down the dirt paths. Satori swing from the horns of a chimaera, leaping over the massive bodies that create the baku. Birds of all shapes, sizes, and different heads fly through the high canopy, fluttering to stop on the stone tower of the postal office. It’s here where the hermits are searching for another carrier bird. Poor Phoebe can’t do all the work herself, especially with so many hermits off hunting down reports.
And that was the other reason they were in the city of Flora and Fauna. Sent here to discover the whereabouts of missing familiars and family beasts. Carrier birds, farm beasts, even a family’s own cerberus have gone missing in the past few months. While Doc had his suspicions of their fate, Scar and Zedaph wanted to confirm his beliefs. 
“Alright, so that’s two more feathery friends added to the family.” The Zhenniao jumps from Zed’s shoulder, pulling on a tassel of Scar’s outfit. 
“I’m sure Grian will make fast friends with them, he already has Phoebe wrapped around his finger.” Scar chuckles, holding the bird close. “But what about the missing familiars? Did you get any information on who we could speak to?” 
“Actually, yes. A very talkative pegasus told me that a few streets down is where a whole herd of shleep went berserk a few days back.” 
Doc doesn’t waste another second. Marching down the street, eyes set on the direction Zedaph pointed. His gaze so intimidating, even a brigade of baccas part to stay out of his way. With one bird holding onto Zed’s hair, and another clasping Scar’s elongated ear, the other two give chase, Zed yelling turns to the marching beast that is Doc. He only halts in his tracks when he hears Zed yell “Stop! We’re here!” 
Screeching to a halt, Doc is left standing in an open field, sunlight blazing on the bright grass. Dotted with white patches of flowers, the pasture is empty. Unlike the busy city, even the parks in Foresta, this moorland was empty. 
Mostly empty. A young boy, laying beside a three headed sheepdog, is weaving dandelions into a flower crown. One for each head of his friend, and one for his own. Doc trains his mismatched eyes on the boy, and makes his presence known. 
Unfortunately for Doc, his presence is impending at best, downright terrifying at worst. The boy opens his eyes, and squeaks like a mouse at the sight of the hermit. He curls up, hands raised. “Please, just take my money I don’t got anything else!” 
“I’m not here to rob you.” Doc growls, rolling his eyes. Years of being a hardened criminal never really fades off his face. “Are you the shepherd?” 
“I’m sorry the shleep have been acting up lately! I don’t know how to make the nightmares stop, they’re still alarmed from the attack the other night.” The cerberus nuzzles one head beneath the boy’s arms, while the other two growl at the intruders. 
Until Zed steps up, a smile and a soft cooing voice turning one head from foe to friend. All it takes is one scratch of the ear, and he’s got the sheepdog wrapped around his finger. “That’s actually why we’re here. We came to help.” 
The boy lifts his head, looking at the unusual troupe. Two innocent, smiling faces surround the hardlined scowl of the hybrid hermit. Scar nudges Doc in the stomach, and the puppeteer sits to his knees. Looking much less impending when he’s not towering over the shepherd. “We heard that some unusual things have been happening in Foresta. Familiars going missing, pets getting lost left and right. Do you know anything of what’s causing that?” 
“What’s your name, kiddo?” Scar chuckles, plopping down next to the shepherd and beginning to weave his own flower crown. 
“I-Isaac.” He twists a blade of grass in between his fingers. “I...yeah, yeah I’ve seen a lot of it happen. When you’re a shleep herder, you see all manner of things happen in the night. But no one believes the boy who cries chupacabra. Or bakunawa, or ‘oh gods the neighbor’s cactus cat is suddenly an ash monster’!” 
“We’ll believe you. We came here just to hear those stories.” Scar chuckles. He looks over, and sees Doc’s expression start to soften, and the puppeteer reaches out to help Isaac finish the knot of his flower crown. Doc hates to admit it, but they all know he’s very good with kids. When he’s not being a hardass. “What have you seen?” 
“I...I’ve seen these critters, sneaking through the streets at night. All kinds of critters, actually, but...different from the normal. They look like they’re falling apart, like a cherry tree’s bark.” He runs his hands over his arms, attempting to find flakes of his own skin as proof. “They scare the shleep every night, and disappear into the city. And then I see more, and more. They drag other critters out of their homes and barns, and turn them into more flake monsters.” 
“Husks.” Doc whispers, his suspicions confirmed. Dark magic has even made it into the depths of the Evernight forest. But Isaac is hardly listening. Like any child, he has more story to tell. 
“The other night, those flake critters went after my herd. A chupacabra. But...I thought they never went after shleep! Shleep aren’t tasty- I don’t think so, at least. They’re all cosmic wool and gristle.” 
“Husks aren’t exactly looking for a tasty meal.” Zed whispers, “They’re looking for magic, and shleep are full of them.” He would know, he was once a shleep farmer when he was young. It’s how he honed his magic. 
“They come every night, stealing more critters. Soon, all that will be left is shleep causing nightmares and those husky things.” Isaac shakes his head. “Foresta won’t be much fun without all the critters here.” 
“Don’t worry about it, kiddo. Us hermits are here to stop it.” Scar announces, grinning and tossing his short brown locks of hair over his shoulder. Trying to look as heroic as he sounds. 
The shepherd giggles. “Hermits? But you aren’t alone, you can’t be a hermit!” 
“Ask Hypno why we’re named that.” Doc laughs as well, even though he knows the story full well, it’s still funny every time someone points it out. “Don’t worry, kid. By the time we’re done here, you’ll all be having sweet dreams again.” 
“You’re the coolest bad guy ever.” Isaac whispers, and places the flower crown on Doc’s tangled mess of hair. 
He refuses to take it off. Even as the sun falls and the city goes quiet, only nocturnal creatures lurking among the streets, he keeps his flower crown secure on his head. All three hermits watch the ruminants bleat and make their way around the town, cosmic wool spinning with stars and galaxies, entire worlds for their fur promising night rest. Wisps of the shleep’s fleece dance into the damp, warm air of Foresta. But it’s dancing in the air that the soft mist turns to harsh dust, slipping through open windows and under closed doors. Delivering nightmares to the people. 
In the distance, Scar frowns at the sound of someone crying. Waking up from the bad dream. It’s not the poor shleep’s fault, they can’t control their own magic. They’re just sleep sheep, it’s the husks that have them all bothered. If the hermits can stop the husks, the shleep can be happy again and the entire city can finally get a good night’s rest. 
Doc waves to Isaac, walking out with the last shleep from the pasture. Zedaph opens his eyes, blinking away the embers of magic. Oddly enough he feels the desire to chew grass now. The shleep are scared. Scared of the creatures that lurk in the dark, bodies lacking souls or even life. Just corpses- husks- forced to move by dark magic. One ram told Zed they were never afraid of the creatures of the night, their fellow nocturnal beasts, until that chupacabra turned on them. 
Doc and Zed share a quiet conversation about the information they’ve gathered, and Scar lays back in the grass. Watching leaves shadow the sky above him, stars twinkling in the same way they glimmered on the shleep’s coat. The distant titter of dyads among the trees, the soft hoots from various birds in the post office sound like music to Scar’s ears, and he closes his eyes to bask in the quiet night. Hunting dark magic isn’t that bad, if it leads to quiet, serene moments as well as exciting action. He feels himself dozing off, figuring that Doc or Zed will keep an eye out for some creepy dark beast. 
He’s alone. Sitting up in a dark alleyway, the sound of yelling echoing from his parents’ silk shop. Something warm pools on his cheek, burning along his very namesake, mixing with saltwater. Scar raises a hand to try  and staunch the blood, and discovers his hand is covered in mud, adorned with gemstone rings of gold. 
“You’re not a farm boy, Forest.” The words spit out in his father’s voice, but the lips that speak them are none other than the Magistrate’s. “Stop playing in dirt, this magic of yours is a disgrace as it is. You’re going to ruin the family image. And you’re clothes.” 
“But I like my magic.” Scar whispers, turning his hand over. The mud changes color, dripping through his fingers into pools of blood. 
“You should have let your magic wither away, or better yet- give it to me.” Dolios grabs Scar’s wrist, dragging him into darkness.
Dragging him from his nightmare. But while Dolios was a dream, something tugging on his wrist was very real. Scar leaps to his feet, retreating from the creature that is pulling his bag from his clutches. “Hey, no that’s my stuff! My snacks!” 
Scar stumbles to his feet, kicking Doc on the way up. “What the hell Scar?” 
He doesn’t look back, chasing after the black furred monster. As dark as a husk, with white glowing eyes and all. He can’t see the creature’s form, just the illumination of white light from it’s eyes, Scar’s purple bag swinging from it’s mouth. He needs to catch up, get his stuff back. Rather than scooting around a fallen tree, he makes the ground rise from beneath him, flinging him over with a much less graceful landing. “Get back here you little cretin!” 
Behind Scar, Doc and Zedaph stumble through the forest. Tripping over roots and twisting their ankles in holes, they lose sight of the terraformer as moonlight is engulfed by the trees of the Evernight forest. The only light is the soft glow of bioluminescent mushrooms, moss, and leaves. At the interface between Foresta and the Evernight, the glow was indistinguishable. But Zed knows the deeper they go, the brighter the bioluminescence should get. 
But it never brightens. He continues to get caught in roots, eyes never finding enough light to see where he’s going. A stone halts Zed’s forward momentum, and he tumbles to the ground. “How can Scar keep up such a pace?” 
“Because he’s Scar, how does he do half the things he does?” Doc sighs, collapsing to his ass and looking around. The darkness of the forest is endless, leaves stitched together to be a roof that blocks out all light from the sky. He toes a mushroom, watching the fungi glow weakly. Shouldn’t it be brighter this far in? 
“Oh, Doc, look!” Zed slaps Doc on the shoulder, harder than he realizes, pointing in the direction opposite of where Scar went running.
“What, I can’t see shit.” Doc growls. 
“Perytons!” Zed crawls forward, light appearing under one arm. “They can help us, we just have to make friends with them! They’re very skittish cre-” 
In one swift motion, Doc casts his magic. In one blink, he’s watching Zedaph crawl through the mossy floor, the next he’s grazing on a nearby tree branch. The Peryton gave almost no resistance, and now Doc can control the beast. See through it’s night-adjusted eyes. Lo and behold, Zedaph looks stupid no matter what eyes are watching him. Zedaph sits up, pouting. “Well that’s no fun.” 
Doc can’t answer him, not while he’s in control of the Peryton. Stepping his hooved feet over Zedaph and fluttering iridescent green wings, he takes care of his own body standing still as a stone. One eye remains glassy, as if looking through a lens, but the red oculus of his other eye has disappeared completely. He can see the glow in the metal of his arm emanating from the deer creature, as he picks up his body with his rack of antlers and places it on his feathery back. 
By the time Doc has cared for his vulnerable physical form, Zedaph has cast his own spell. Such similar results, but completely different magic. Zedaph shepherded the mind of the creature into helping him- Doc just took full control. Either way, the two are able to follow the direction that Scar disappeared. Deeper into the forest, away from the city. 
Zedaph notices that the bioluminescent of the Evernight Forest is missing, no matter how deep they go. The darkness remains, clinging to the branches and bark like a tapestry slung across the forest. He’s not even sure where Scar could be at this point- this wilderness expands on for thousands of hectares. 
Until he hears the spluttering mix of a laugh and a whimper, the noise so uniquely Scar that both Doc and Zed turn in the direction it arose from. Even through the eyes of the Peryton, it becomes almost impossible to see around them, darkness consuming everything around them. 
Because that’s what it is. Returning to his own body, Doc stumbles to his feet and rushes to light up a torch. A few paces ahead of him, Sca has trapped himself in a bramble bush, a tiny shadow fox dangling his bag just barely out of his reach. “Come on little guy, I’m sorry I mistook you for a husk. You’re cute, I promise! It’s just with your eyes and coat, you looked like a darkness monster.” 
“Need some help, or have you learned from Zed?” Doc snickers, pulling Scar from his thorny trap by the collar. The shadow fox chirps, ears turning to the side in joyful mischief. It approaches the hermits, dropping Scar’s bag at his feet. Glowing eyes, bright as sunshine, cast the shadow that creates the fox’s body. Zedaph can’t help but reach down to pet the shadow creature either way. 
“She guided us here. To...this.” Scar whispers, feeling the tension on his body already. The weight in his lungs, watching the light from the fox’s eyes and Doc’s torch be consumed by the black cluster of crystal. 
“This is what’s making the husks in Foresta. Just like in Gildara, it’s draining the forest.” All of the light, Limal’s creation with the goddess of death, vanishing as Dolios’s thirst for power drains the forest of life. Doc shakes his head. “We can’t let it continue. Scar, why don’t you…” 
Scar is gone again. Disappeared from between Zed and Doc, though not as far gone as before. Just a short distance away. Being attacked by another creature. This one, however, isn’t aiming for Scar’s bag like the thieving fox. 
It’s aiming for his throat, naked tail and matted fur thrashing and foam snarling from scraggly teeth. But unlike the shadow fox, the monster’s body is flaking and breaking apart with each movement, tufts of fur turning to smoke and ash. Zedaph sighs, more tired than before. “Great, now we got a ROUS to deal with as well as a creepy crystal.” 
“Massive rat first, please!” Scar cries, snapping his boots up and digging the spurs into the massive beast’s stomach. He rolls away, gnarled roots and dirt barricading him and the ROUS. 
Doc and Zed look at each other, then the ROUS before them, the darkness-crazed animal clawing through the barrier. It has a taste of Scar’s flesh, and he tastes sweet. Alive. Neither of their magic can work. There’s no soul to shepherd. Dark magic is already controlling the ROUS. They have to resort to another method. 
A much more combative, cutthroat method. One that Doc knows well. Grabbing the bone handle of his knife, dark metal and nicked, toothed edges of kaber blade pulling free of old leather. “Scar, can you try to pin it down?” 
“I'll add it to the list.” A startled squeak harmonizes with the viscous growl. The muzzle of the ROUS reels back, spittle glistening and falling from ivory white blades, and snaps. Scar rolls out of the way and slams his hands down on the ground once he’s been freed. The dirt erodes into sand and water, a pit of quicksand opening it’s maw beneath their feet. Scar scrabbles backwards, the mud water attempting to pull him in as well, gasping for air. With another wave of his hand, the ground resolidifies. The naked hands and feet of the enormous rodent are trapped in solid ground. 
Doc wastes no time. Freeing the body of the ROUS from the claws of darkness, his blade cuts through the empty body like he’s cutting fabric. The darkened for withers away into dust, and Zedaph kicks it away from the pile for good measure. 
The three boys sit on the silent, blighted forest floor. Ignoring the angry crystal, or the darkness consuming around them. Scar is panting like he ran a mile, Zedaph petting the soft shade ears of the fox that led them there, and Doc twirling his own knife. They just need a moment, a second to recollect themselves. Doc looks at his blade, forged in False’s fires. No matter what, no matter how strong a mage can be, sometimes they have to resort to the same tools as every other person. “Alright, enough sitting down. Let's put this crystal to ruin and let Isaac and his shleep finally get some peace.”
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sweet-marie · 5 years
things i listened 2 a lot in 2019
head like a hole / nine inch nails
season of the witch / donovan
moonflower plastic (your here) / tobin sprout
the only thing / sufjan stevens
feel good inc. / gorillaz
among the leaves / sun kil moon
i wanna be yours / john cooper clarke
we will commit wolf murder / of montreal
sheetkickers / guided by voices
sin triangle / sidney gish
first love / late spring / mitski
half a person / the smiths
what’s next to the moon / mark kozelek
going nowhere / elliott smith
riders on the storm / the doors
what do you want me to say? / dismemberment plan
kb / tall friend
pissing / low
bankrupt on selling / modest mouse
femme fatale / tracey thorn
dreamy / tracey thorn
my life in art / mojave 3
plainclothes man / elliott smith
pink rabbits / the national
up jumped the devil / nick cave & the bad seeds
my my, hey hey (out of the blue) / neil young
you missed my heart / mark kozelek & jimmy lavalle
you missed my heart / phoebe bridgers
these days / dr. dog
roadhouse blues / the doors
skate ramp blues / tall friend
immigrant song / led zeppelin
immigrant song / trent reznor, karen o
right where it belongs / nine inch nails
goodbye horses / venus infers
ivory coast / pure bathing culture
everybody cares, everybody understands / elliott smith
loverman / nick cave & the bad seeds
somebody told me / the killers
dancing in the dark / bruce springsteen
die / carissa’s wierd
trouble / yusuf (cat stevens)
trouble / elliott smith
people / silver jews
sunshine in chicago / sun kil moon
snow is falling in manhattan / purple mountains
slice of life / bauhaus
needle in the hay / elliott smith
harvey / (sandy) alex g
chicago new york / the aislers set
christian brothers / elliott smith
sandy / (sandy) alex g
when it’s over / sugar ray
indian summer / the doors
lord can you hear me? / spacemen 3
bluest glass eye sea / oranger
southern sky / (sandy) alex g
what difference does it make? / the smiths
the white lady loves you more / elliott smith
the trip / still corners
snowstorm / galaxie 500
400 lux / lorde
24 / red house painters
lies / low
mis / (sandy) alex g
mesmerise / chapterhouse
a passing feeling / elliott smith
ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space / spiritualized
a bathtile green / carissa’s wierd
don’t panic / coldplay
somewhat damaged / nine inch nails
go by / elliott smith
ashes of american flags / wilco
teardrop / massive attack
poor places / wilco
gentle hour / yo la tengo
bulletproof / la roux
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obsessive-dreamer · 8 years
sails: describe your perfect partner.
Gender doesn’t matter. They can keep up a conversation even when my shitty conversation skills can’t. We both enjoy the same music and we’d listen to it as I fall asleep in the weirdest places because I swear I have some form of narcolepsy. They’d go with me and look at cute plants and maybe buy some seeds for me because feeding my obsession is the best thing to do. Urban Outfitters, man. 🙏🏻🙏🏻 We could go to an animal shelter and get a cat and name it something weird like Lasagna so I’ll always want to eat lasagna (not the cat). Idk, dude. This is difficult.
voyage: what are your favourite names?
Oh boy. You just opened a huge can of worms 😂I don’t know if you want to go there. I have a list of over 100 names on my phone. This is dangerous territory my dude. Here’s all of them in case you’re really interested.

Place Names (10)AsiaKenyaIreland / Eyra / Eirin AfricaArcadia / AcadiaAtlantaFlorenceFranceItaliaMali
Number Names (2)SevenNine
Names for Either Gender (8)HilooAiooshAldiss/ AldisAstridFarin/Faron/Fernan/FerenJudeKippQuincy
Nature Names (8)AspenBlossomBranchIrisLichenScenic/Seanic/Seanix/Sol Twig
Boys Names (~57)AlfieAnaximanderAnderAshArlen / ArlynArlo BellamyBenedictCashelCastelleCastleChatlieChetClarenceClydeColm ConradCullenEamonnEdwinEinríElonEmmettEnnisEvanderFalconFinnFoleyGreydonGriffinGuillaumêJackKeegan / KeaganKlausLaertesLeoLincolnLutznerMarcellusMathis MaverickMerlinMichael (My-Quell 😂)MiltonOrloOttoRiaan RoganRonanSoter TheoTomiTrennanTrentTuringWarrenWinston
Girls Names (~92)AbbieAcarinaAchara ( Ah-chuh-rah )AdauzeaAileyAislin / Aislinn / Aislyn AkariAliceAlfie/ AofieAlveyAmeryAmiraArletteArmelleArtemisAvrilBeatriceBrenna Bria CalistaCarissaCarlin CatCatleeCatriona Chatlie (Chatlee)ClarkeCoreenCorissaDelphi/Delphi(phinium?)De Malsia DrikaEleanor(e)Ellen / Elen / Elyn / etc. (you get it)EloiseElsieEvaEvayse FleurGaiaGrettaGwendolyn (Gwen)Hattie/HattyHedaIcelynIndraJaphiaJunoKillakeeKirrahLeonaLüeLuna/LounaMabel/MableMae/MayMaileeMatildaMayleeMayraMerileeMildredMinervaMyra / MiraMoanaMoiraMolli (weird spelling)MonaMoyaNessaNomiNoraOctaviaOlivePenelopePhilophrosynePhoebePrudencePrueRawinaRheaSagaSaudiaSoteriaTheaTzo-E (Zoe)VictoriaVioletWrenZeldaZitaZolaZora
0 notes
deputyash · 1 year
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Dove Ash (FC5) | Phoebe Ash-Seed (FCND) | Vivian Wells (FCND)
Noah (FC5) | Herald Dove Seed (FC5) | Genesis Eve (FC5)
Evie Rivera (RDR2) | Monroe (RDR2) | Wren Mitchell (RDR2)
Valerie "V" (Cyberpunk 2077) | Vireo "V" (Cyberpunk 2077)
I included some little descriptors for them under the cut cause I saw some other people do it and thought it looked fun. :3
Phoebe, princess of New Oceania, with a little crustacean friend.
Vivian stirring up some trouble with her mermaid powers.
Noah, a young merman warrior, caught in the depths.
Herald!Dove defending her treasures from outsiders.
Genesis, a mysterious siren who pops up when you least expect it.
Evie, a scorned mermaid, looking for revenge against the pirates who killed her father.
Monroe using her musical abilities to charm her human lover.
Monroe using her musical abilities to charm her human lover.
Wren, a mermaid looking for adventure and mischief.
Valerie traveling uncharted waters to complete her missions.
Vireo, a charismatic merman, looking for riches and a new life.
Tagged by @strafethesesinners to do this meiker! Thank you! :3
Tagging: @harmonyowl @derelictheretic @teamhawkeye @purplehairsecretlair @peachyaliien @ri-a-rose @redreart @statichvm @shellibisshe @glowwormsmith @fuckin-nancy @wrathfl @cobb-vanthss @jacobsneed @adelaidedrubman @blissfulalchemist @direwombat @jacobseed
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deputyash · 1 year
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Dove Ash (FC5) | Dove Ash (Herald AU) 
Dove Ash (Vampire AU) | Dove Ash (Angel AU)
Doll!Phoebe Ash-Seed (FCND) | Demon!Vivian Wells (FCND)
Demon!Valerie “V” (CP2077) | Vampire!Evie Rivera (RDR2)
I was tagged by @adelaidedrubman @direwombat @blissfulalchemist and @cassietrn to do this really cool meiker! Thank you! :D
Tagging: @harmonyowl @derelictheretic @peachyaliien @strafethesesinners @teamhawkeye @ri-a-rose @redreart @statichvm @glowwormsmith @fuckin-nancy @shellibisshe @wrathfl @cobb-vanthss @purplehairsecretlair @dumbassdep
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deputyash · 1 year
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Dove Ash (FC5) | Phoebe Ash-Seed (FCND)
Wren Mitchell (RDR2)  | Evie Rivera (RDR2) 
Vivian Wells (FCND) | Valerie “V” (CP2077)
I was tagged by @direwombat to do this meiker. Thank you! :D
Tagging: @harmonyowl @strafethesesinners @derelictheretic @teamhawkeye @purplehairsecretlair @peachyaliien @ri-a-rose @redreart @statichvm @shellibisshe @glowwormsmith @fuckin-nancy @wrathfl @cobb-vanthss @dumbassdep @adelaidedrubman @blissfulalchemist 
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deputyash · 1 year
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Dove Ash (FC5) | Phoebe Ash-Seed (FCND)
Vivian Wells (FCND) | Genesis Eve (FC5)
Valerie “V” (CP2077) | Evie Rivera (RDR2)
Tagged by @direwombat to do this picrew! Thank you!
Tagging: @strafethesesinners @harmonyowl @derelictheretic @peachyaliien @teamhawkeye @glowwormsmith @ri-a-rose @statichvm @cassietrn @shellibisshe @radiojamming @adelaidedrubman @cobb-vanthss @redreart @jacobsneed @jacobseed
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deputyash · 1 year
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Dove Ash (FC5) | Phoebe Ash-Seed (FCND) | Vivian Wells (FCND)
Valerie “V” (CP2077) | Vireo “V” (CP2077)
Evie Rivera (RDR2) | Monroe (RDR2)
I was tagged by @strafethesesinners and @derelictheretic to do this picrew!
I might do some more later, but I did my main lovelies first! <3
Tagging: @harmonyowl @teamhawkeye @peachyaliien @ri-a-rose @fuckin-nancy @glowwormsmith @redreart @radiojamming @direwombat @statichvm and @shellibisshe
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deputyash · 1 year
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Dove Ash (FC5) | Phoebe Ash-Seed (FCND)
Vivian Wells (FCND) | Valerie “V” (CP2077)
Evie Rivera (RDR2) | Wren Mitchell (RDR2)
Tagged by @direwombat to do this picrew! Thank you! <3
Tagging: @strafethesesinners @harmonyowl @derelictheretic @teamhawkeye @purplehairsecretlair @peachyaliien @ri-a-rose @redreart @statichvm @shellibisshe @glowwormsmith @fuckin-nancy @cobb-vanthss @jacobsneed @adelaidedrubman @blissfulalchemist @statichvm @jacobseed 
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deputyash · 1 year
Which Greek Gods are your OC’s parents?
Tagged by @strafethesesinners​ and @blissfulalchemist​​ to do this quiz! Thank you! :3
Tagging: @harmonyowl​ @derelictheretic​ @teamhawkeye​ @purplehairsecretlair​ @peachyaliien @ri-a-rose​ @redreart​ @statichvm​ @shellibisshe​ @glowwormsmith​ @fuckin-nancy​ @wrathfl​ @cobb-vanthss​ @jacobsneed​ @adelaidedrubman​ @direwombat​ @statichvm​ @jacobseed​ @v0idbuggy​ @wrathfulrook​​
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Dionysus & Persephone - 
Oh, sweet child of wine and flowers! Your father stands of pleasure and madness, and your mother the Queen of the Underworld. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by revelry, happiness, and compassion. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of honey and art as you grow into your power.
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Poseidon & Nemesis - 
Oh, sweet child of the sea and revenge! Your father guards the borders of the sea, and your mother the punisher of mortal sin. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by emotion, heartbreak, and retribution. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of sunken ships and tidal waves as you grow into your power.
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Dionysus & Persephone -
Oh, sweet child of wine and flowers! Your father stands of pleasure and madness, and your mother the Queen of the Underworld. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by revelry, happiness, and compassion. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of honey and art as you grow into your power.
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Ares & Eris -
Oh, sweet child of battle and strife! Your father is the untamed idol of war, and your mother the vengeful sewer of discord. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by power, bellicosity, and chaos. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of wrath, destruction, and revenge as you grow into your power.
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Zeus & Mnemosyne - 
Oh, sweet forgotten Muse! Your father was crowned king of the gods, and your mother a Titaness sworn to Olympus. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by strength, self-assurance, and intuition. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of your sister Muses, study, and the arts as you grow into your power.
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Atlas & Eris - 
Oh, sweet child of penance and strife! Your father eternally holds up the skies, and your mother is the vengeful sewer of discord. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by endurance, rising, and chaos. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of vengeance and earthquakes as you grow into your power.
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Apollo & Athena -
Oh, sweet child of the sun and law! Your father is the radiant oracle of truth, and your mother crowned of wisdom and war. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by honor, bravery, and logic. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of tournaments and oaths as you grow into your power.
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Zephyrus & Persephone - 
Oh, sweet child of the wind and flowers! Your father ushers in the soft western winds, and your mother the Queen of the Underworld. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by warmth, gentleness, and compassion. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of spring and dandelions as you grow into your power.
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Hypnos & Athena -
Oh, sweet child of sleep and law! Your father dwells in the Underworld among the poppies, and your mother crowned of wisdom and war. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by calmness, decision, and logic. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of unconsciousness and justice as you grow into your power.
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Dionysus & Eris - 
Oh, sweet child of wine and strife! Your father stands of pleasure and madness, and your mother the vengeful sewer of discord. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by revelry, self-indulgence, and chaos. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of hunger and intoxicants as you grow into your power.
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deputyash · 1 year
What Art Motif is your OC?
Tagged by @direwombat​ to do this quiz! Thanks! :D
Tagging: @strafethesesinners​ @harmonyowl​ @derelictheretic​ @teamhawkeye​ @purplehairsecretlair​ @peachyaliien @ri-a-rose​ @redreart​ @statichvm​ @shellibisshe​ @glowwormsmith​ @fuckin-nancy​ @wrathfl​ @cobb-vanthss​ @jacobsneed​ @adelaidedrubman​ @blissfulalchemist​ @statichvm​ @jacobseed​ 
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A Lonely Person: Though you may be quiet, your heart is full of longing. You spend much of your time with your own mind, and that may very well be a beautiful thing.
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Snowy Towns: You have the ability to see the greatness in the mundane, and it's beautiful. You would just like to live your life, and love all its things.
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Burning Houses: Your heart flies wild and free. You have the mind of an artist, spilling with ideas and dreams.
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Dappled Sunlight: You see all the beautiful things in life. You're always looking to learn and be better, especially from the world around you. Thank you for believing so strongly in goodness.
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Blood in Religious Depictions: You think in violence, but not necessarily antagonism or hatred. It is more just in the physicality, the vulnerability of it all.
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deputyash · 2 years
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Dove Ash (FC5) | Phoebe Ash-Seed (FC5/FCND)
Genesis Eve (FC5) | Noah (FC5)
Vivian Wells (FCND) | Lane Carter (FCND)
Evie Rivera (RDR2) | Wren Mitchell (RDR2)
Valerie “V” (CP2077) | Vireo “V” (CP2077)
Tagged by the dearest @strafethesesinners to do this picrew! Thank you!
Tagging: @harmonyowl @peachyaliien @teamhawkeye @tommymillers @ri-a-rose @derelictheretic @cobb-vanthss @shellibisshe @radiojamming @weekend-writer @glowwormsmith @krenee1drful @wrathfl
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