#Philza isn't the worst parent
factorialsotherfandoms · 11 months
The eggs are asleep, and finally Philza and Missa can catch a moment to themselves. Unfortunately, catching that moment means admitting to the injuries they have been hiding from their children - fussing over scratches while having arrowheads lodged next to your spine is the duty of a parent on Quesadilla Island, but an exhausting one.
Missa's quick fingers manage to pull said arrowhead from Philza's back, the momentary flash of pain causing him to nearly drop the iodine solution. He doesn't, though, just a little stain on the floorboards, and so he continues applying it to the wound in Missa's leg.
He barely notices the scratch of a needle against his back, but Missa cannot help but whine as the gauze is pressed against his wound.
"I hate it here," Missa manages, thankfully in English as Philza is in no position to twist and see his translator. "Why is everything trying to kill us?"
"The island fucking hates us, is why," Philza grouches, reaching over for a bandage. He's managed to get Missa's leg to stop bleeding, but it should still be covered. "Enjoy the island my ass."
Missa giggles a bit, even as he tapes a dressing in place over the arrow wound. He says something in Spanish which is definitely too fast for Philza to parse; he tries to turn and look, only to be gently pressed back into position.
"It's nothing," Missa assures him. "But the skeletons! Why are they so bad?"
"The skeletons aren't even the worst of it," Philza groans back. "If you ever see glowing eyes and nothing else? Run."
There's a long pause, and Philza hopes that Missa understands the severity of his warning - a Nightmare Stalker is exactly that, and Philza knows Missa is not nearly equipped to handle one. If he struggles as he does, he doesn't want to think about how his partner would suffer in his stead.
"It's okay," Missa pats his shoulder a few times, leaning around his wings to do so. "I'm good at running. It's my special talent!"
"You're good at a lot of things," Philza promises.
Missa doesn't reply; this time when Philza turns, he is allowed to. His entire body aching he sits himself up and twists himself around, taking Missa's face him his hands.
"You are so good," he promises. "So, so good. There's nobody else I would want to raise my eggs with."
There's more on the tip of his tongue; Philza quashes it as Missa closes his eyes, rest of his expression hidden by his mask.
Philza can see Missa struggle with his words for a bit - he's always amazed how someone can make themselves understood in two languages - before eventually receiving, "you are the best egg father."
"We have the best egg child," he retorts.
"We do!" Missa's entire body language perks up. "Chayanne is the best egg child, and he is ours. We are so lucky."
"We really are."
Philza isn't sure when it happens, but eventually he realises that he has leant forward, his forehead resting against Missa's mask. He closes his eyes and savours it, feeling as Missa loosely places his arms across his bare back - Philza needs his for support, one either side of Missa's hips and taking his weight, but otherwise he would do much the same.
The two of them stay in silence for a while, savouring each other's presence. The pain is still there, from protecting their children, and yet... In a simple house of oak and glass, for a moment it is all peace.
"Run away with me."
This is not how Philza had ever meant to bring it up, but the words slip out of their own accord.
Missa startles, eyes wide and spine straight as he blinks himself out of the peaceful haze, "qué?!"
"Run away with me," he shifts so he can see all of Missa's face, taking both of his partner's hands in his own. "Take the children, and run away. Find a way off this island, and to another world - one where the skeletons are the /only/ thing to worry about. I'll build you another house and we'll make it a home. Any colour you like, with a fence and walls and real bedrooms and a kitchen for Chayanne and gardens for Tallulah... You can have your own music room and kick Wilbur out for trying to steal your guitar, and we can sit on the roof in the moonlight and you can sing and I'll dance with the children asleep beneath us and no risk of zombie horsemen on our tail."
"But how-" a small whine catches in Missa's throat. "How do we get away? They said we cannot leave."
"There's always a way to leave," Philza says. "We just have to find it."
There's hands in his wings, and Philza startles.
"Your wings are so big... If they healed, you could fly away," Missa says, something wishful in his tone. "Up and up and far, far away, so far they could never catch you."
"And leave you behind?" he asks.
"You'd come back for Chayanne. And I... I could follow you then?"
"Even if something happens to Chayanne, I'd come back for you," Philza promises. "I won't leave you here, not in this hell."
"You wouldn't leave anyone here, if you could help it."
"Probably," Philza admits. "But I wouldn't come back for them, not if I didn't know I could escape again - I'd come back for you."
"I'll wait for you," Missa seems almost to melt in Philza's touch, whimpering as he curls in on him. Philza isn't even sure what he said wrong, just that his egg partner is clinging to him, whimpering.
"We might not always be together," he tries to reassure. "But I will always come back for you - I'll always find you. There's no point in running away if we don't run away together; if some day I /can/ fly away, I'd only do it to come back with help."
The whimpering turns to sobbing, and Philza adjusts his position to hold Missa properly. The hands in his feathers dig deep - one finger catches on some tape holding one of the litany of dressings in place - but Philza just holds Missa and worries.
Why this reaction? Was it something he said?
He stops talking just in case; Missa clearly wants a hug, so he just holds him, understanding only odd words of the broken fragments of Spanish between the sobs.
Eventually the tears slow; Missa pulls away, still sniffling.
"And... Spreen can come?"
"He can live next door, if he wants," Philza promises; it'll be a little hard to negotiate with Fit, but interpersonal drama is just a part of life. "A whole new town for /everyone/ - all of the islanders, and all of our friends. Maybe if we let his ex in Forever will even stop hitting on me."
That earns a laugh, if a bit of a wet one.
"I want to dance with you," Missa says.
"With no zombie riders," Philza promises. "Maybe tomorrow we could dance a bit at the Favela? But, one day, we'll do it somewhere safe."
"On the roof, under the moon?"
"I'll make a roof specially designed for it."
The tears slow some more, and Missa drops to actually lie on the bed.
"Do you really think we'll escape?" Missa turns to Philza and asks. "We broke the Wall, and the Federation-"
Philza moves to lie beside him - on his front while Missa is on his back - and takes a hand. "We will. I promise."
"Someone cleverer than us will work it out," he smiles to Missa. "We've just got to survive while they do."
"And if they don't?"
"Then I'll burn the Federation to the ground."
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mcytshippystuff · 1 year
(/rp, not irl!) OKAY SO! What i think about q!Phil, q!Missa, and q!Forever's relationships in the QSMP;
In my head, q!Philza and q!Missa started out as just co-parents when they were assigned each other to take care of Chayanne. Then they became more like, platonic husbands but I wouldn't say queerplatonic? Like, they felt getting married was just easier but didn't really have the relationship or level of commitment/care a Queerplatonic or romantic relationship would have. Then they started caring for each other, spending time together and having fun, and entered a weird in-between state of tbh they could go either way ya know?
Then Missa started catching feelings. He didn't mean to, honest! But just, the way Phil would worry and cared for him and their son, the time they spent together, how could he not fall for the Death touched Angel? But he wasn't ever sure how to broach it, sometimes he felt as if Phil felt the same but other times it was obvious Phil didn't so it was just a mess, and he wasn't willing to ruin what they had.
(More about Phil's feelings and Forever's part in all this under the cut, its long sorry not sorry lol)
Meanwhile Phil is both Oblivious and very in denial about any feelings, or people trying to point out there may be feelings at all. I'm unsure if id stick q!Phil on the Ace Spectrum or romance just isn't a priority (or if he's just resistant to the idea of it for whatever reason), but either way he cant fathom the idea that people have actual feelings for him, nor that he might have them himself, so he doesn't really look too deep on his feelings and often brushes them away if he's presented with the idea that it may be real.
So what if being with Missa feels like they were the only people in the world? If the way Missa takes care of their son gives Phil light fuzzy feelings in his chest? If having to say goodbye for who knows how long felt like a hole was punched in his chest, and when he came back Phil suddenly felt like the weight of the world was lifted? He cares about his friend, his platonic husband, that's it! Its def not anything romantic pssh that would be ridiculous...
Meanwhile q!Forever, oh poor Forever.
Admittedly in the beginning it was mostly a joke. The resemblance to Brunim, while at first glance, may be strong but to Forever they didn't look alike at all once you got close, in all the small ways that mattered most really. It was funny to tease and poke and get attached to the lookalike but then oh, oh how it stopped being a joke. (Forever refuses to think about there's a good reason why him and Brunim are apart, for both their own sakes)
And maybe, just maybe, for a while it was becuase how much Forever missed Brunim that he got attached to q!Phil, that he started to feel feelings for the man, but if you look close you can see those feelings started to become real, he honestly and genuinely started to fall for Philza. No more mirror images to chase, no, now Phil felt like standing in the heavy rain, every drop stinging but it was so so cleansing, healing, refreshing. Every time Forever got him to laugh felt like a personal victory he'd ride the high of for days, and every sharp, hurtful word was taken with a forced laugh or fake smile and it would linger and haunt his mind.
Forever tried, he really did, but it felt like nothing he could say or do would convince Phil of his real feelings, often slipping up or saying the wrong things and it was Forever's own damn fault, nobody to blame but himself. And maybe he didn't handle this all the best, maybe got to obsessive or said things that went to far but to be honest Forever didn't really know love any other way and was trying to unlearn the worst parts of himself the best he could. It didn't help Forever is really prone to self-destructive behavior when things are going good. And he tried to leave it be, he promises he tried to give up, to let go but the blond Angel had rooted himself, utterly and entirely into Forever's heart and he couldn't bring himself to cut his love for Phil out.
And q!Phil? Well, it was complicated becuase he did genuinely like the man. Forever was funny and for the most part the "crush", if he could call it that, was amusing at best and just annoying at worst times, and even if Forever was annoying or often went too far, Phil knew there was a good man there. He saw it when Forever gave it a rest and they'd have conversations that would last forever. He saw it when Forever would make him laugh until he couldn't breathe or when Forever took care of the eggs as fiercely as Philza did and when the man cried becuase he was so upset at even the idea of loosing any of the kids, and every lose hurt personally. And though he didn't often think to hard on it, sometimes when the other blond would smile or laugh, Phil felt like he was being shone on by the sun, warm, bright, burning, piercing, overwhelming. The quiet moments when Forever would drop all pretenses and masks and just let himself be, in happy, soft, or sad moments made Phi's chest sing.
But Philza couldn't ignore how the fact he was just a stand in hurt in ways Phil wasn't able to explain and to be honest didn't understand why it bothered him so much, it was never a big deal until it suddenly was. Every time Forever assumed something about him or didn't bother to figure out just was another stab in the heart and Phil just got so angry at the fact that Forever tried to say otherwise, but ultimately his affection wasn't real, and he didn't like being played with. Sure he didn't think Forever was doing it maliciously but he just wanted Forever to just stop! Stop how it hurt, how confused it made Phil. He just wanted it to stop being so confusing, to stop questioning these feelings buried deep within his chest. Plus even if wasn't so complicated, some part of him recognizes he also cares deeply about Missa and since they're married, even if its just platonically, its a commitment Phil is committed too so it feels like a betrayal.
Someone tell this man about the wonders of Polyamory!
Meanwhile Forever and Missa are mostly cautious but also a bit hostile towards each other at first, becuase that's competition in their eyes, a threat of their loves, but in the end they chill becuase they realize its neither of their choices and also the other isnt... bad per say. Maybe they even have a understanding becuase they recognize they both love and care for Phil. Maybe they even come to like and even care about the other in the future, who knows.
So, tldr;
Phil has feelings for both Missa and Forever, some more complicated then others, but he both refuses to admit it to even himself or even fathom he could like someone, let alone two people, and his view on Forever still only liking him becuase of his ex made it a lot more complicated becuase he feels hurt. But he has two hands, that's important to remember!
Missa is very in love with Philza but is both too hesitant to say anything, lest he ruin their relationship they have now, and becuase he's been away so much. He really didn't like Forever, both becuase of the "he just likes me becuase I look like his ex" becuase it clearly hurt phil, but he chilled a bit when he realized Forever wasn't a bad person, just complicated and did really love and care for Phil as well, and being hostile towards each other just made Phil more upset. Now they're cool, if not a bit sure about each other, and maybe even come to like or care for each other too later but who knows.
Forever originally liked Philza becuase he looked like Brunim as a joke, and maybe even some of his infatuation started becuase of it too, but he really did come to see Philza as his own person and come to care and even fall in love with Phil for real. However Forever recognizes he's messed up a lot and often still does, but he's trying so hard to both be better and give Philza space but he cant stop loving Phil no matter how hard he tries. Same as above for him and Missa, its complicated but Forever has chilled and is trying hard to work on his jealousy issues. He thinks Missa isnt that bad and might even come to like or care for each other too later but who knows.
Later on, once they all work out their issues and Phil both stops being a oblivious fuck and realizes that Forever really does honestly and truly love him for him, they end up in a polyamory. Its Philza dating them both but maybe end game has Missa and Forever dating too idk lol.
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kai-the-person · 9 months
(sorry about this mainly having examples involving Philza, I mainly watch his streams)
I hate it whenever characters (and fans) see the worst in each other's actions.
BBH was the villain for a lot of people in purgatory. But he was told by Dapper, his son, that he needed to win. To run over anyone in his way. That, added with the fact that the watcher said that there was a cursed team, what was he supposed to think?
He was doing what he thought needed to be done to save his son. To save as many eggs as he possibly could. By all intents and purposes, he was the hero in his own story.
I see this a lot with Sunny, Phil, and Tallulah. Everyone assumes that Phil and Tallulah despise Sunny and that they are just being blatantly and maliciously cruel to her. That's just not the case. It's a series of misunderstandings on Phil's part, the trauma Tallulah has, and the need to belong on Sunny's part. There are many things that they all could've done differently. But none of their actions were malicious.
I see this in the way the fans treated bbh (or anyone who wasn't Bolas) during purgatory. The understanding was that anything goes and the admins tweaked everything as they went along. The only thing he did that was blatantly against the rules(that I know of) was when he was shooting Charlie(I think Charlie) and Jaiden even after the spawn box had been placed. And he almost got killed by a cat in a witch hat for it.
I also see it in the way that Tubbo is immediately talking about killing Forever. He sees the absolute worst in him, I get why, but it should give him pause that everyone around him trusted him with their kids. That Phil, one of the most paranoid people when it comes to the safety of his kids, trusts forever. There is a reason he was elected president. But Tubbo was immediately ready to kill him.
Tubbo has reasons for this. To protect the daughter he just barely got but still loves with all his heart. But he isn't framing it as eliminating a threat. He is framing it as forever just going off the deep end.
Everyone has reasons for doing the things they do. I wish more people would take that into account.
Baghera and Cellbit were brainwashed by the watcher and that's why they're killing everyone.
Etoiles talked with the codes, has heard their side of the story and is understanding.
The Watcher has seen Charlie go after all the eggs, Quakity go after Chayanne and try to kidnap Tallulah, saw Bagi and Cellbit's mess of a relationship, saw parents abandon their kids. To him, the Islanders were sinners who needed to be tested and shown the errors of their ways.
The federation has been making advances in science far quicker then if they went about it ethically. They are literally trying to make the perfect place to live to erase suffering. You got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette after all.
Everyone has their own motivations for doing what they're doing. And in their mind, and told from their side, it makes sense.
I'm sorry for the rant. I'm just sick of everyone assuming the worst of everyone else.
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I found a really old fanfiction I wrote about the dream SMP more specifically C!Tommy. And I wrote one chapter so here it is
Found family
This story starts off with a boy named Tommy. He is a blonde boy with curly hair and a white streak. His hair was long and put in two small spiky pigtails in the back. He wore a big comfy blue sewn sweater with a ruined red and white shirt peeking underneath it. He had long baggy tan pants. He had a devil tail peeking beneath his sweater. He had small red horns. His face was covered in scars and on his cheek was a smile.
“ELLLO?” He called out his tone was a bit weak and scared. The voice that answered was not recognized by the young boy. The voice shouted “hello” . It almost sounded like a young adult. The boy was startled and jumped. He then looked at the person "Who are you?” said the blonde boy.
“Hi, my name is Wren. What's your name.”
The person now known as Wren was a young adult presumably female but it was hard to tell they were reasonably tall they had a bandana over their hair and it looks like little goat horns poking out from underneath they had go to ears and hoofs which were nicely paired with a with cargo shorts and a cardigan a yellow cardigan with a black t-shirt underneath.
The blonde haired boy quickly tries to think of a fake name “My name is…Uhh…Umm. My name is…Uhh, Jack.”
“It's a pleasure to meet you Jack,” Wren said with a smile.
Tell me was cautious he has to be cautious he gone through so much already he couldn't risk it after dream killing him bringing him back to life having people portray him in going through wars and going through so much he couldn't risk meeting a stranger in them taking advantage of him he was just so tired and so sick of it and didn't know what to do. He missed his parents but his parents had been nothing but garbage to him ever since he was born. Philza had treated him well but those are now distant. Having to kill his own son was brutal and traumatic for the entire “family”. But now he couldn't go to phil, he couldn't go to anyone they were either dead or were betraying him or had replaced him entirely, he was just alone and he didn't know what to do and he didn't want to open up to a random stranger at least not immediately, he didn't know them yet.
“Are you planning to kill me?” the kid bulleted out
Wren immediately steps back very surprised by the sudden question
“Why on bloody Earth would I do that!” they responded in shock and also slight fear.
“My bad…I have just had some…not so great experiences with people and I am a bit…um…you know.” He shrugs and looks away. “I've been through shit.”
“Are you going to therapy like, at all?” Wren asked, quite worried about this kid's mental health and physical health at that matter.
Tommy nodded, explaining how he goes to Puffy's for therapy whenever she is free. But most of the time he bottles of his emotions and doesn't burden them on anyone else unless they pri.
“I'm glad you're going to therapy but please “Jack” don't bottle up your emotions. It's a stupid way of coping and it doesn't work. It just leads you to a bad mental state where you fall apart, not a fun time.”
Wren does this whole little speech on how bottling up your emotions is bad and you should talk to people you trust and she just they just kind of get into the zone on talking about this mental health issue and Tommy's just there watching it listening and realizing that this person is genuine and probably isn't a piece of shit.
Tommy sighs, takes deep breath in and decides to tell them about all of the not very fun things that he's done and he's had to go through and just tell someone because if someone's going to go throw this trouble until you why you shouldn't follow up your feelings you have to make them regret it by trauma dumping.
“Well…um…you see….”
The boy sighs and mumbles.
“I’m a child soldier.
“Oh honey, “Jack” I'm so sorry”
“No need to apologize…” He says quietly. “The worst has already happened to me…nothing worse can happen…”
“That’s what I tell myself at least…”
“It still means you went to shit that's not good like that's rough and really sorry you had to go through that and are still going through that” Wren looks over at the boy with empathy and compassion, desperately wanting him to have a good childhood and wanting to give him a good life.
He shrugs and smiles awkwardly.
“Well…it’s my life.” He mumbles and sighs.
“Not much I can do about it…I just…it is how it is I guess.”
“Can't you just leave?” Wren asks
He laughs and says. “Where am I going to go? I have no money, no education and no way out of where I am.” He chuckles and shrugs. “You think people would just let an orphan child soldier just get away that easily?”
“You could pick a direction and just keep going, find a nice spot where you have access to fresh water and Good soil and start making a home. I guess I don't know. You just shouldn't need to go through that shit, just leave that to the adults you shouldn't have had to go through that. You shouldn't be going through that when you're a kid it's not okay” Wren tries to convince him to just leave this behind and get a good life free of pain.
“So you want me to make a home alone in the woods? And what? Eat berries?” He laughs nervously and shakes his head. “First of all, I don’t have the survival skills to live off of what I can find around me and second of all, I am still wanted by the army. I was not supposed to get out and they are looking for me.”
Wren looked at the blonde haired boy with so much desperation and love and just wanting him to be okay Wren had barely known the kid and they'd already got an emotional attachment to him.
As Wren stared at Tommy, Tommy stared back. Tommy didn't take Wrens staring as a threatening thing more as a vague interest. Tommy was starting to feel a little bit uncomfortable with the staring thing, he felt like Wren was looking at him and trying to pick apart his trauma and how his brain worked. Almost like a science project that no one bothered to finish.
“Umm are you ok with hugs? It's fine if you're not. I don't want to set off a trigger or anything. I just thought that you might have wanted one.” Wren explained
The boy shrugs. He doesn’t mind not getting hugged.
“I appreciate it anyway…uh…can you promise me one thing?”
“Sure, what do you need me to promise?”
“Can you please not tell anyone where I am?” He is serious and seems to be begging.
“Of course, I'm not going to tell any of the information you tell me to a third party. I know I sound like a government official or something but like I swear I won't tell us all unless you want me to because I don't want to make your life worse.” Wren explained.
The boy smiles. “Thank you.”
Then he seems to be thinking of something.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure what is"jack”?”
“How old are you?” The way Tommy said it was very abrupt and to the point it was not jumping around the topic it was very direct and immediate in the way he said it it was slightly drawing to Wren but they did appreciate the forward nes.
“Oh, umm 20-21 ish. I kind of stopped keeping track a while ago." Wren says this with a smile and a shrug.
“Hmm…” The boy thinks.
Then he asks with a serious tone.
“Did you have a normal childhood?”
“Well damn straight to the important questions it is then my gosh. Not that I mind it just shocking how forward you are. But all in all yeah I would say I had a pretty good childhood compared to yours. Because what you went through is horrible and I'm really sorry.”
“Can you…can you explain what it was like?” He asks. “I don’t understand what a normal childhood is supposed to be like….” Tommy looks sheepishly to the ground trying not to make eye contact and more interested in my feet now because hooves.
“…I can't… I don't it's hard to describe what a good childhood is like it's complicated all childhoods are different and what you may see is good can also it's everything's a mix that and no matter if you have good or bad there will always be ups and downs of the best I guess the best way to have a good childhood is least what my childhood at least I had to parents loved me and it was nice then there was other things that can't control like non-family people and illnesses and there's always things that will make something shity and will endorse trauma or a bad memory at least there's never a perfect child there's better ones but yeah at least kind of want my childhood was like if that made any sense.”
As Wren says this they start to tear up a bit just thinking about all of the shit that the kid in front of me had to go through for his childhood damn he's still in his childhood the things he's going through just broke wren's heart.
The blonde haired boy just nods kind of taking in what Wrens saying and also kind of not his family is chaotic and messy and not necessarily blood and it's just hard to relate for him so he's just kind of sitting there for it standing there trying to take in what he can and understanding what they're saying. He thinks back to Phil and what it was like when they were all together with Wilbur, Phil and techno. It was nice and his eyes but nice it was comfortable not necessarily perfect but comfortable he missed those days he missed when everything was comfortable not necessarily perfect but he didn't always fear for his safety and scared as he could shot in the heart with an arrow or blown up or beaten to death again. he missed those days. Then he thought about mothers. He had never known a mother, at least not a mother who cared about him enough or one that stuck around long enough.
He sighs and smiles and says.
“thank you for the insights….. Can I ask you a question?”
He seems a bit nervous and whispers.
“What’s…um…a normal relationship between a mom and a child is supposed to be like…?”
It's it's kind of like you look up to them and they look up to you and it's kind of this weird sense of loving both ways of and you can get upset at them but they stop and talk you through what's happening and you have each other I am sorry about the bad explanations”
Wren starts to tear up a bit again.
The boy seems a little shocked by their answer and stares down at the ground.
“I never…I never had that. My parents were…not the best to say the least. I probably should be more specific I do mean my birth parents not my family”
The boy sighs and asks. “Do you think my parents loved me…”
Wren was cut off guard by the sudden question. they were more trying to process the thing that they said before about not having great birth parents but then this kid hit them with that bombshell! When the two were shocked to speak for a second just trying to compute all of the information that they had just been given.
“I-i don't know your parents so I can't make a good judgment on their character. all I can say is did you feel loved?”
Tommy shakes his head looking at the ground.
“From the little bit I know about your birth parents I don't think they may have loved you but it didn't show through and so and if you're not in touch anyway you should give them any time of day it's your childhood was shity and I'm sorry that you had to go through tons of trauma and are still going through more things. I'm so sorry because it's shity and you don't deserve that.”
The boy looks down and mumbles.
“Do you want a hug?” Wren offered
The boy pauses and then looks up at you.
“Yes…please…if that’s okay.”
Wren open star arms in an embrace with a warm smile on their face.
The boy walks into the hug.
He was shaking a little bit.
“Thank you…”
“You're welcome kid.”
He starts to sob a bit.
“I…I thank you…this is…really comforting…”
“You can stand my arms as long as you need. Can I ask you a question?”
Tommy teary eyed Wren's shoulder muttering something along the lines of “yes” through his tears.
“Is Jack your real name? Or is that just the name that you picked so you wouldn't have to tell me your real one?”
The boy goes silent. After two quiet seconds he says.
“No…Jack is not my real name….”
“Can I know your real name or is that too much?” Wren asked.
The boy looks at them with a bit of fear before quickly shaking his head “No…I…I can’t tell you.”
Wren sighs and then and then says “that's okay I'm here for you.”
His shaking slows and he mumbles.
“Can we not talk about my past anymore?”
Wren just nods not wanting to pry into the child's trauma.
The boy sighs and says.
“Thank you…uh…and thank you for letting me hug you…you are very comforting.”
Wren starts to sway while holding on to him trying to lull him into sleep.
The boy closes his eyes.
In a soft voice he mumbles.
“I like this, I've never had this before not for my parents or anyone really”
Wren just continued to sway, basically rocking him into sleep like a baby. thinking over things whether to say stuff or not eventually they decided to ask something.
“Hey kid, do you want a new parent?”
Tommy stops. There was a long break after that
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nomsfaultau · 8 months
After yet another comment vowing to die for Rhodes Bannister…
Rhodes Bannister: Old lawyer/farmer who raised Tubbo and then joined the Hivemind and became their unbudging moral compass. Holds cute mock-trials for bickering kiddos. Kinda tortured Tubbo that one time, but grows from that. A very sweet old man.
Rosalind Parra-Cardozo: A naive Foundation employee who tried to help Tommy and Tubbo escape, and instead was subsumed into the Hivemind. Mom-friend, fell for Foundation propaganda that really needs to get sorted out. Called Tommy a child (clearly delusional).
Lawrence Lethe: He killed Ranboo and Rosalind, and yet somehow he has people rooting for his redemption arc. Which he's going on reluctantly, because he's a bitter guy. Helped Charlie, Halo, Skeppy, Philza, and some others escape I guess. If he wins I stop writing Fault.
Dr. Blake: She's kinda the worst but that's because people hate to see a girlboss winning. And by winning I mean giving Tommy PTSD, cutting off Tubbos' hand, and manipulating anomalies into becoming the monsters the Foundation wants to see. Fully believes she's the vulnerable victim just doing what she must to survive.
Webb: Gaslight king. On the minimizing/deflecting side of the manipulation spectrum. Has a weird rivalry thing going on with Philza. Amnesticized Philza so thoroughly that he forgot his own children even existed (and did a lot of murder about it). Just an alcoholic divorced bisexual trying to protect humanity.
Jasmine Fletcher: The five year old Little in the Hivemind. She’s compassionate and sassy. Her favorite color is ultraviolet! She likes dinosaurs and flying and not being shot by her parents!!!
Chad Bowinger: My favorite tbh. He's just a hyper-competent and respectful body guard turned Foundation goon. What more do you need? Currently living off the grid with Charlie, Halo, Skeppy, and Maureen + wife in what I'm sure is a delightful sitcom.
Anderson Corvin: An archeologist that discovered a dinosaur named Philza. Had a cute wholesome suburban life with Philza, prone to things like rambling about history and getting shot in the head. Had 2 (two) murderous rampages in his honor. Yay...?
Maureen Johnson: A body guard just trying to make the world a little safer for her wife. Willing to trust anomalies, but attempted to thwart escape efforts. Did not appreciate Charlie slime puppeting her body for some reason?
Willow Haynes: An annoying teen conspiracy theorist who discovered fairies are real! Teenage Tubbo was less thrilled about her 'discovery'. Had a Shane + Ryan dynamic with Tubbo. In reality, she noticed Tubbo was lonely and was trying to convince them anomalies existed so they could find someone to relate to.
Morgan: Okay Morgan isn't in Fault. Sue me. They're a shy Foundation Observer who tries to warn employee!Philza not to be obviously attached to the cute new Tommy anomaly. Scared into being loyal to the Foundation. They didn't sell Philza out, but were also a coward.
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x-pair-o-dice-x · 1 year
ojay okay okay crafty creations au (love that name btw) questions!! >:)
tommy's parents! any traumatic disappearance, or what happened exactly?
where's phil at? has he passed on? /hj lmaoo but is he still around at all?
since phil made all the stuff in the store by hand, did phil make twinsduo with the intention of them being hostile? if so why? ooor like are they hostile 'cause they're protecting the place?
i.....have to bring it up at some point: noms. do thyey happen? in what situation? wnat's it like?
thtss it for nowiam tired brain but i looooovelovelovelove this au so far i am so in love with techno's design :DDDD
— brick
- ngl i have not thought too hard about the parents. they just fuckin' died i guess. don't think they were the best parents to begin with, though? certainly not the worst, but they definitely weren't getting any medals or anything.
- phil is certainly around! he's not that old yet,,, dkdndknsksn. though, he hasn't been seen much since the workshop closed......
- they aren't really hostile, they're just.... aggressively enthusiastic. think like the puppets in mfn! they're a bit starved for human interaction,, it's been a while since they've been around kids — even if those kids are a bit older than their usual demographic. so... they may be a bit excited. the fact that the kids keep running away isn't really helping things.
(that's not to say they can't be hostile — the workshop's "animatronics" were fairly eye-catching, though when the place went out of business, philza refused to sell them to anyone... not to mention any other valuables that could possibly be hidden inside..... so, maybe a few crooks tried their hand at breaking in and nabbimg what they could...
they always come back empty-handed, scared out of their minds.)
- they happen :]. that's all i'm willing to share in the matter <3.
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cat-mentality · 9 months
YOUR WRITINGGGG honestly that's part of why I would love this arc!! The fics, the arc, the character analyses would go so hard!! Tbh that's one element that I miss from purgatory, the outpouring of creative works from the fandom during that time was absolutely amazing 🔥
And I agree, the fact that they have two canon lives is imo what would make this arc possible, getting rid of an egg completely would be way too heartbreaking and I doubt it would be allowed (thank god) but an egg losing one canon life isn't too out there I think.
I would love to see how it would shake up relationships on the island, the relationships you mentioned plus the potential for conflict between the parents that have shared custody of one egg (richas's parents especially, i can definitely see them disagreeing with each other). And maybe this would force more interactions between ccs so that they coordinate being on the server together, I miss that!!
And speaking of forever I've heard theories of him potentially planning a canon death... 👀
Thank you anon ❤️
Yes!!!! Omg some of the best pieces of character analysis and just overall writing that came from Purgatory just the amount of angst the Bolas?!?! Mains managed to create..... Honestly take me back, I did enjoy the event a lot especially by how creative the fandom got (and the ability to block people helps immensely!), I genuinely enjoy when big plots like this happen (Happy pills was so fucking good too, Forever's lore go HARD)
I love the little munchkins too, it would be different if the egg could actually die (I wouldn't exactly be opposed to it but lmao I would be a huge ass hypocrite and hope it would be the eggs I care less about 😭) but yeah, an egg death will be super fucking sad and we will probably cry but story wise it will be perfect to showcase how dangerous this threat truly is without taking away one of the kids from us.
I'm really curious about who exactly could be the chosen kid. Like most of them make sense in their own ways don't they? Like i think that if he does kill an egg it will be a deliberate choice, he will either pick one or make them choose among themselves and I feel that whoever dies will affect A LOT in how things will play out and how they will deal with the whole possession thing
Like killing Chayenne will not have the same effect as killing Sunny, since Philza and Tubbo have drastically different approaches to this situation.
I saw some theories about that too and just...... Becoming president was really the worst thing that ever happened to Forever wasn't it? 😭
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missycolorful · 2 years
It's so sad, hearing that c!Fundy is completely pushing away any attempt at being close to the adult figures in his life. The damage c!Wilbur had done in the past is just too great, further emphasized how other figures like c!Schlatt have had... complicated relationships with him. And his father being back only brought back unpleasant memories for c!Fundy, made clear by his drastic actions at the end of the last lore stream with Wilbur. He seems to just... not want to further any bonds with anyone, especially adults who could be parental figures for him. Even though there are people out there who are available to be there for him.
Despite what c!Fundy said, c!Phil and him have started healing their damaged relationship, which was forged from betrayal and other pain. It's strongly likely that if Fundy and Eret were to go up to Phil, he would assist in the adoption process (well, idk if he'd bring up c!Wilbur or anything, since Fundy is his son, but anyway). But because c!Phil did not sign the document, Fundy assumed the worst and thought Philza didn't care.
Which, firstly, Fundy didn't sign it either. c!Eret had missed the adoption day, so neither of them never had the chance to. Also, when Fundy told his grandfather that Eret didn't show up, c!Philza felt bad, even taking Fundy fishing to help him feel better. Yes, this was before the Butcher Army situation that made Phil cut ties with him, but he really did want to be there for him. While they will never be super close, they have made up; Phil outright mentioned he wanted Fundy to be safe. But because c!Fundy is so damaged by his experiences with his father, as well as what happened in the last lore stream, he assumes the worst out of the people in his life who genuinely care and have shown that in the past, via other, more negative moments with these people that hold a greater magnitude in the present.
Like, we all know that c!Eret absolutely wants to adopt him. Regarding missing the day of Fundy's adoption, ignoring the meta context, c!Eret simply wasn't available that day. There was no ill intention, like how Phil not signing the adoption papers weren't out of malice. It was just something beyond anyone's control ("We never found the time"). While Fundy may think that means they don't care, that's far from the truth; Eret has always cared. Despite missing an important moment, after everything, even after all of this time, they haven't changed their mind one bit about the adoption. This isn't even up for debate. We see them run through the room and into the rain when they see chat saying "adopt him!" And we can tell because we can see how much Eret cares about Fundy. Saying how he'll always have a home with them. It's all there.
But Fundy does not see her, nor does he hear her kind, loving words; he logs off before that happens. He completely dismisses the idea. Whether it's because his father is still around. Whether it's because he still thinks about how she didn't show up that day. Whether it's because time and time again, parental figures have hurt him, turned their backs on him, et cetra. No matter these reasons, Fundy allows his brain to let these depressing thoughts win out, that "nah, it's been too long. it doesn't matter. who cares?"
Except people do care, Fundy. They care so fucking much. You just need to talk to them, let them in. Even if it's scary, even if it's hard, it can be okay. You just need to give them just a sliver of trust, and I promise it will be worth it.
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eli-elien · 2 years
I know I said thos on twt but god the fuckn urge to make a novel length fic abt c!techno's past like brrooo
Ok so my ideas would be introducing what his life is like rn as a wee lil lad of age 10 then blamo doing a Bruce Wayne and have his parents die
He tries and tries to find a family but isn't really accepted bc hes like idk thought of as a curse and is human hybrid so they're kinda iffy but some bastions will give some resources to survive better bc omg that is a child
He somehow finds his way to a portal and decides to just "leave this crummy dimension" best and worst decision ever made
Bc hes half human he isn't affected by the effects of turning into a zombie piglin so that's nice.
But lil like now 12 y/o techno is all "woah this is neat wtf is that bright yellow ball in the sky looks like something from my parents old books what?"
Anyways he wanders a bit and bc hes absolutely baby and doesn't know that like his world there are monsters and gets spooked by the darkness a spider and creeper cuz he's so used to those just those giant boars and fellow viloent piglins he doesn't know what to do so he just stays in a nicely lit cave near lava, something that hes familiar to (and can touch!)
He comes out of the cave and wanders around waving around his wooden sword. He comes across a village but just hides in the shadows bc hes so scared but ye.
Anyways hes there for awhile (maybe stealing some food) when he gets caught oh no! But a mysterious kid with a wooden mask and green cloak beats up the guard and help him run into the forest
They hangout alot until the two are 14/15 and go on their separate paths due to a pack of monster hunters chasing the two down-specifically the masked boy.
The path that techno leads now wasnt by choice and now he had to fight in an arena as a gladiator.
He escapes bloodily at 20 and is bleeding out
He then finds that hes in a pitch black void with a cheeky smug voice calling him forward
She tells him shes the blood god and if he becomes her avatar, her patron, her saint he can have another life and then another and another.
Hes afraid of death and what's beyond that and accepts
He finds himself at the same age as before as his life has now just passed him and hes on a pristine white dragon he now remembers naming him floof, and burning up a castle.
Then another flash and he wakes, now with pink hair instead of his brunette hair in a cozy cottage clearly in the heart of a forest.
And is now given soup from a kind blonde black winged stranger who introduces himself as philza craft and his son; Wilbur soot craft
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factorialsotherfandoms · 11 months
TW: references to canonical egg deaths. But nothing on screen, just people being sad.
It's a cold night, but Forever doesn't mind. Richars is already in bed - most of the island is - but he stays up, and awake, and working on his base. He likes working like this, even if it is a little lonely.
He hums to himself as he places the materials, missing the sound of the warp as he keeps himself company.
A tugging at his trousers is the first thing he notices.
Forever looks down, a little confused, to see Chayanne standing there, unusually still.
"Chayanne?" he asks, a little teasing. "What is it? Did you come to fight me again?"
The tears stops when he sees the tears well up, sees Chayanne struggling to write on the newly placed sign.
"No, no," Forever says, kneeling down by the egg. "What's wrong? Can you show me?"
Chayanne turns back, holding out his hands. Confused, Forever takes them, automatically running his thumbs along the scars.
Philza is an amazing parent, he does his absolute best, but with an island constantly trying to kill the eggs, such things are inevitable. Everyone has some, and the eggs scar so much easier than most.
Chayanne tenses up a little, then relaxes, then takes one hand away and puts it on his chest.
"A heart hurt?" Forever asks, shifting a little closer. "Come here, tell me about it."
Forever is honestly surprised when Chayanne does so, crawling into his lap. He wonders why Chayanne came here, before remembering Philza is once again away - that he said, while he was gone, to look after Chayanne and Tallulah. Tallulah would have been the more expected child to come to /him/ not Bad, but... Here Chayanne is.
He wraps the boy in a hug, and lets him write.
'I miss them' is written on a yellow sign.
There's a lot of people Chayanne could miss, for such a little egg so many things have happened. Forever pats his head, and smiles at him, and picks one.
"Your dads will be home soon," he promises, though he can only really speak for one of them. "You'll see."
Forever gets punched in the leg. He winces, but keeps hold of the boy.
His dedication to holding him seems to be right, because Chayanne slams down another sign.
'Bobby' is all it reads.
"Oh Chayanne," and Forever is so very out of his depth, so very very far from his expertise - especially as Tilin and Trump and JuanaFlippa's names also appear. "I'm sorry."
He genuinely has no idea what to say, but more signs appear before he can work it out.
'What if I fail again?' he writes. 'What if someone else gets hurt?' 'dies' 'I'm the eldest' 'isn't it my job to look after them?' 'I failed and now they're gone' 'I miss them'
Chayanne shakes with the pen trailing on another sign, face to the floor. Gently Forever turns him back around, finding his face.
"It's not your fault," Forever does his best to promise. "It's for the adults to look after you, and we will. You didn't fail them."
'You don't know' 'You weren't here.'
Forever wasn't, it's true. But he can feel the echoes of the eggs across the island, and he also knows it could never have been Chayanne's fault.
The best and the worst of his father, no? A strong, brave boy, who blames himself for being too weak against the woes of the world.
"I know if there was anything you could have done, you would have."
Forever isn't expecting Chayanne to curl up and cry in his lap, but he holds him tight anyway. He's a little bigger than Richars, but Forever sings him the same songs. They're not ones Chayanne knows, or can even understand, but it's all Forever can think of in that moment - and, see? He's inadequate too.
Eventually Chayanne pulls away, popping down another sign.
'He only said he was going exploring. He never came home.'
"Sometimes things go wrong," Forever doesn't know how to explain this to a child. "Accidents happen, and its nobody's fault. It just... is."
Another pause, another shiver, another pause.
Another sign.
'What if dad also never comes home?'
Forever holds Chayanne a little tighter.
"He will," Forever promises. "He will."
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factorialsotherfandoms · 10 months
blip bloop bitching below. keeping this out of the tags as I need to scream but don't want it to travel.
I hate so much that I genuinely dread days when Philza and Tubbo interact. Because they're friends and should be able to just hang and stuff! And it can be fun to watch! But it seems every time they even go near each other the Philza tag becomes full of crap, then people kicking back, and its /worst/ now Sunny is here (I love her, mostly, but it makes it so much worse). The post about Sunny being scared of Philza with the screenshots was at the top of the Philza Tag (by how I access them at least) for 3 days. It always defaults to top before I flip it to most recent. It wasn't tagged as discourse or neg or anything - it was just screenshots after all - but the bitching which came out of that was so much, and every time I saw them it bought the bitching to mind, and half of that wasn't tagged either (on the original posts, in the tags, where I like looking for fic and meta and fanart and check my top 4 tags each morning).
And, yeah, a 30-off year old streamer probably not even on tumblr doesn't need defending online. BUT the shit and the way those posts talk and the things they shit on him for... a) its very much cc!Phil not q!Phil no matter what people say, because he talks in the same way even on the fucking pumpkin carving stream and more importantly b) mirrors very real bullying, discrimination and hate I and a lot of other English people have experienced. (yes of course its worse if you're an ethnic minority or have a Scottish accent or any number of other things, but just because other people have it worse doesn't mean it isn't a genuine axis of discrimination).
And sometimes I need to fucking defend not him but myself, because I feel like I'm going mad.
You might not see it, you might not even know about the north-south divide and English class politics, but its embedded into near every fantasy movie you've watched, accent wise at least!
Just personal shit... I have a southern parent and a northern parent. I grew up in the south-east. As a kid I could switch accents at will. Using my mother's northern accent (slightly more natural to me, as she was home more often) I would get marked down in class for being aggressive and argumentative and other kids would think I was angry with them. My father genuinely suggested I switch which I spoke with, and it was effort but doable, and guess what? My marks went up and I was seen as friendlier than the other children. It still wasn't the accent for the region - where I grew up has a very distinct one even for the south - and yet I was treated better for it.
Which. Could have seriously messed up my future if my grades kept being marked down and I kept getting into trouble for behaviour over stuff in another accent nobody bat an eyelid to.
[I had a section here too about different treatment while getting bra fittings, but given it involved members of staff literally hurting me as a literal child only when speaking one of the two accents, I removed it. Minor hurt, but hurt.]
And that was just personal experience! Of being read as aggressive or scary or like I didn't care for sounding northern.
And of fucking course this is only ever about fucking Tubbo, the southern who logs in regularly, this shit always starts. The southerner, whose accent is on the respectable side of this not-quite-a-class-divide.
And you know how deeply routed the north-south divide is? Sociologists generally date it back to /1066/ and the north being massacred for causing trouble for the new king. Economically and in terms of reputation, the north has never actually recovered from that. Even when it was major industry, even when major ports, its /always/ been behind the south.
Not just in terms of money going around, but things like life expectancy and education expectations. Rich northerners still have a harder time than their southern peers.
(Honestly, Sunny having 'verbalised' being scared of him for his tone of voice and not other adults who treat them older than they are [because yk its impossible to tell with an egg model] also kinda rubs me the wrong way, because of that sort of treatment of me as a kid. If I was aware of more fear towards other adults she doesn't know as well it'd be easier. Yeah he's a bit intense, and he should maybe be more delicate with a kid, but heaven knows he's not the only character that is. Maybe as more people drift back we'll see it more, I don't know, the admin probably isn't English either, but dear god. The daughter of a southerner telling her daddy that the northerner is scary is such a fucking classist trope. And a really offensive one at that. And shit which actually happens irl, which sometimes leads to the police getting involved.)
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