#Pharmaceutical Batching
sgsystemsglobal · 2 months
Optimizing Pharmaceutical Batching: SG Systems Global's Superior Solutions
SG Systems Global excels in delivering top-notch Pharmaceutical Batching solutions. Our advanced technology optimizes batch processing, guaranteeing accuracy, efficiency, and adherence to industry norms. Through customizable workflows and live monitoring, we enable pharmaceutical manufacturers to boost productivity and uphold strict quality standards. Our software seamlessly integrates with current systems, providing a user-friendly experience and extensive reporting features. Rely on SG Systems Global for pioneering solutions that refine your pharmaceutical batching procedures, enhance batch precision, and foster operational excellence in the pharmaceutical sector.
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processxe · 9 months
Unlocking Efficiency and Compliance with Electronic Batch Records
The requirement for simplified procedures and strong regulatory compliance has never been more crucial in the ever-changing environment of the manufacturing and pharmaceutical sectors. Electronic Batch Records (EBRs) arise as a game changer, revolutionizing how enterprises manage and document their manufacturing operations. In this blog, learning about what they are, how they work, and how they're changing the future of manufacturing. Development of Batch Records
Batch records were traditionally paper-based documentation that documented the phases of a manufacturing process. These records were not only difficult to handle, but they were also disposed to to mistakes, inefficiencies, and compliance problems. It was a difficult undertaking to keep these records up to date, retrieve past data, and ensure compliance with changing regulations. Electronic Batch Records: A Switchover
Introduction of Electronic Batch Records signaled a revolution in how industry managed their production operations. EBRs replace stacks of paper with digital records, which has various advantages.
EBRs remove the risk of human mistakes associated with manual data entry, resulting in increased accuracy and efficiency. Data gathering and validation methods that are automated ensure that information is correct and up to date. This results in fewer manufacturing mistakes, less waste, and more efficiency.
With EBRs, you can monitor manufacturing processes in real time. This not only allows for speedier decision-making but also gives significant insights into the manufacturing workflow. Managers can quickly identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies and implement remedial actions.
Compliance with industrial rules is of the utmost importance. EBRs make compliance easier by automatically recording each stage of the manufacturing process, ensuring that all necessary data is gathered and securely preserved. This makes audits and regulatory inspections easier.
EBRs make it simple to retrieve past data. This is extremely useful for tracking product quality, investigating issues, and continuously improving. It also makes it easier to generate batch-related reports.
Collaboration across teams in various places is frequent in today's globalized environment. EBRs provide remote access and collaboration, allowing teams to collaborate effortlessly regardless of their geographical location.
Implementing Electronic Batch Records
EBR implementation necessitates careful planning and technological investment. The following are important goals in the implementation process:
Choosing the Right Software: Select EBR software that meets the demands and regulatory standards of your sector. Scalability should be considered to support future expansion.
Training: Provide training to your workers to guarantee they can utilize the EBR system properly. This involves knowing how to enter data, monitor operations, and fix problems.
Transferring data from paper-based records is referred to as data migration.
Process XE is web based, flexible and user-friendly software solutions for Business process automation.
For more details on MES, Contact our sales team. <Book A Demo>
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loudlittleecho · 10 days
Too Late to Save Them: Frozen in Time
Part 4
Nathan was ecstatic. Somehow his dad had found this once in a million asteroid on the farm. It was ice, unmelting ice, and his dad was clueless on how to use it. 
Nathan knew how to use it. 
Quickly, he chipped down. It always grew back to its original size, so why not see how far it went?
. . . That. That was why.
Nathan put in parameters. Only so many inches to be chipped. GO NO FURTHER.
He didn’t want his workers, his investors, ANYONE to see what was in the center of the ice.
A child. 
Probably a meta. 
A black haired, pale blue, (hopefully) dead child whose body continuously created unmeltable ice. 
Ignore it. Create the company. Make millions. 
. . . 
Tim Drake-Wayne was dealing with a broken arm. Again. Bernard had been very sweet though, and asked him to check up on this company, saying that the company was “hiding something.” 
Tim figured it was Bernard's way to distract him, but. . . Bernard was right. Things weren’t adding up. 
Forever Ice. Started as an insulated cup company, but quickly went to pharmaceuticals. And jacked up their prices, citing its difficulty to produce and its limited quality per batch. 
Did Tim like this? Well, if Forever Ice did what it said it did, yes. But Tim believed in the saying: “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.”
Tim did what he did best. Researched.
Forever Ice didn’t have a patent for their material. Well. They ‘did’, but Tim’s cursory glance recognized the bullshit inside the patent. 
He easily bought one of the cups, broke it (it specifically had a warning on it. To dispose if seal is broken) and checked the innards. 
Broken bits of the icy insulant were embedded in the double insulation, and was cool to the touch- COLD to the touch, even through his gloves.  
Tim carefully pulled a piece out and tested it. 
Whatever Forever Ice was, it wasn’t originally from earth. 
It’s cellular structure was. . . well, it wasn’t quite there. Even the bat computer couldn’t pick it up. 
Tim stretched in the computer chair. He may have been benched from crime-fighting, but no one said anything about good old detective work. 
- - -
Mrs. Freeze- Nora grimaced at the name. She needed to think of a better moniker. She was FREE. no more sick little Ballerina. No more frozen sickly wife. No more. 
Victor. . . she had loved him. They were happy. But when she got her diagnosis, Victor had started looking for a cure. Nora wanted to live the rest of her days happy. 
She had told him NO. 
She thought he had let it go. . . 
But their last dinner together, before she woke up as. . . this. . . 
He had drugged her meal. She had been aware enough to watch him gently hold her face and promise her. He would find a cure. 
He brought her to that horrible machine.
Victor had found a cure. It made her like HIM. Requiring a sub-zero temperature suit to live. 
And after he cured her, he wanted them to retire! He had LIVED. She had been suspended. Frozen in time. Before, he’d been two years older than her. But now decades of life had passed her by in that cursed cryo chamber.
Victor had lived, and changed, and aged. 
Nora hadn’t. 
And apparently during her frozen slumber, Victor had gotten an idealized version of her in his head. 
The Real Nora and the idyllic Nora had some similarities: Ballerina. Wife. Illness. Loving Victor. But they were different. Nora was a ballerina, yes. But that wasn’t her only interest. She was a wife, but she was also a daughter. A friend. An enjoyer of pasta. She had been sick. But she had a life! She had been given a timeline, and she had made a list of things she had wanted to do. She wanted to LIVE with the time given to her. And she had loved Victor. But the two of them weren’t perfect. They had their good days, and their not so good days. They worked through their communication and she had hoped to grow old with him. Before the diagnosis they had thought of. . . 
The past was the past. 
She had woken up, and she had been angry. Confused. The man in front of her didn’t look like Victor, but sounded like him. He was blue. She would be too. They needed money.
He gave her a weapon and taught her how to fire. How to fight.
This wasn’t the Victor she remembered. 
She followed him along, and as they went on their “crime spree”, she began to feel ALIVE again. 
And then Victor said they didn’t need to do this anymore, that it was time to retire. Time to find a sweet little place to enjoy the rest of their lives together. 
She argued back.
He told her she wasn’t thinking straight. It must be something with the formula. But not to worry, he would fix her.
Nora didn’t think it was the formula. She was angry, and she had a RIGHT TO BE!
Victor hadn’t understood. He wanted to make her pliant. submissive. Into the Idyllic Nora.
She shook herself out of her memories. It was over. 
She wasn’t proud of herself, but she had harmed Victor. To her, it was the only way. 
He had proven himself in the past that he would take away her autonomy. 
It was the only way to be free.
. . . 
Nora wasn’t a scientist, but she wasn’t stupid. The suit Victor had made for her wasn’t self-sustaining and she wasn’t going back to his workshop.
Not while that. . . Batman was around. 
But while she was in hiding, she had heard of this Forever Ice. 
Perhaps she’d stolen someone’s thermos. Tested it out. 
She would be able to replace the bits of her suit with this Ice and then finally, be truly, honestly, free. 
Able to make her own decisions. Be freed of Victor. Self-Reliant.
She just needed more.
Part 5
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
URGENT: if you are taking injectable testosterone (testosterone cypionate) please check the batch number on your vial, there is a recall due to bacterial contamination (July, 2022)
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check the batch number on the box the came with your vial if you still have it, if you see HAC3427A with an expiration date of 08/2023, please contact Sun Pharmaceuticals at 1-800 818-4555, and your prescribing doctor as well as your pharmacy if you're able to! please stay safe, everyone, thanks for your time. try to help warn your transmasc & gnc siblings if you know they take injectable T
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marshmallowprotection · 11 months
The scene in the secret ending where the doctors are reading off the elixir ingredients is so insane to me. You’re telling me this whole time Saeran was on MUSHROOMS? METHANOL?? PEYOTE CACTUS???
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Yeah, and those are only the ingredients that we know about. The elixir is a pure cocktail of drugs. These are the only ingredients that are mentioned to us by name.
I imagine the list of what is being pumped into it is never the same and I know that is true for a damn fact, anon. The formula is never the same because they make it in large batches with whatever they can get their hands on. That is revealed in Another Story by Ray himself. He knows the formula, and not only that, he is able to make something that looks exactly like it and relatively tastes close enough that nobody would say a word about it in a desperate situation.
It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they not only develop new batches but they test it on believers that are being cleansed. I mean, there's really only one surefire way to figure out what happens to the people who take it. You have to physically test it on people and nobody's going to be willing to do that. One of the first people to suffer through the elixir is Saeran himself. He wasn't the first person but he was one of the first to be inducted in that way.
Not only is he taking medication that is never in the same concentration all the time, he was a guinea pig for it in the first place. The sad reality in his after ending when he isn't affected by the elixir at all like everybody else is due to his tolerance that he's built up to the sheer overwhelming concentration. Like, we don't even know all of the ingredients in the elixir but what we do know lets us know how harsh it is for your body. Rika knows a lot of information about "herbs". She put it to use in the name of experimentation.
Let's not even try to figure out how she was capable of manipulating people during her time in the RFA to not only gain the financial backing for this process but how she made connections with the right people in the pharmaceutical industry. That would have taken a lot of work because she's not doing that by herself.
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the-silver-chronicles · 6 months
Music Monday + "What Are You Doing Here?" Quiz
Tagged by @g0dspeeed and @inafieldofdaisies
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @derelictheretic @shallow-gravy @strangefable @strafethesesinners @josephslittledeputy @purplehairsecretlair @deputyash @afarcryfrommymain @depyotee @voidika @onehornedbeast @softtidesworld @snake-in-the-garden @nightbloodbix @adelaidedrubman @wrathfulrook @chazz-anova @cassietrn @jacobmybeloved @henbased @carlosoliveiraa @ladyoriza @minilev @vasiktomis @neverthesameneveranother @thewanderer-000 @corvosattano and @vampireninjabunnies-blog
Here's three songs for my other Far Cry The Silver Chronicles stories, known as the following; Call To Arms duology starring Nadi Sinclair, Ain't It A Joy? staring Alexander Khaos and finally No One's Safe At Home starring Gavin Turquoise. The Quiz will be for an OC who appears in A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore (a Fallout fanfic series). The quiz can be found here.
The Call To Arms fanfic duology of the Call Of Duty Modern Warfare games (at least only one and two, both taking elements from the original and reboot) starring Nadi Sinclair, a sharpshooter and recon for Task Force 141, fighting off terrorists like Makarov alongside her brothers (and sisters) from other misses and misters. This will only be a few years before she eventually leaves and joins the Project at Eden's Gate in Montana, Hope County.
"Come on
Come on, people Stand tall for the beast of America Lay down like a naked dead body Keep it real for the people workin' overtime They can't stay livin' off the government's dime
Stand tall for the people of America Stand tall for the man next door We are free in the land of America We ain't goin' down like this, come on, now
Come on, people Come on, people Come on, people Ha!
Come on, people Come on, people Come on, people Ha!
I will be right to you I will be right to you I will be right to you And together we can stand up to the beast."
Ain't It A Joy? is a modern-ish fanfic adaption of the We Happy Few game, starring Alexander Khaos as the main protagonist, as he finds out the lies behind Wellington Wells, the self-proclaimed happiest city of England which is closed from the rest of the country, is in fact nothing more than a cult stuck in a perpetual state of drugged bliss with the inhabitants believing they're clean of atrocities and stuck in a 1940s/60s mindset while being taken advantage of by a pharmaceutical tycoon, Crawford Klaus, as he replays old videos of a TV personality named "Uncle Jack" and supplies the next batches of "Joy"... and the newest variant called "Glee".
"A brilliant day is dawning A million smiles are forming Our shimmering isles are all enthralled No, there's nothing like conforming
Perish the thought of mourning Did you ignore the warnings? All negative thoughts abhorred "My Lord! Did you take your Joy this morning?"
Ask anybody in Wellington Wells They'll tell you it's terribly swell Delirious denizens swell where there's nary a speck between heaven and hell
They say that the empire fell "Oh, but you never could tell!" You say you remember it well? "You'd better forget it or else!"
Why try to better yourself? Reach for the medical shelf Just take your medicine, death and the pestilence melt into pleasant locales
Another rebellion quelled Dust off your suspenders and belts It's horrendous to dwell, so remember how splendid it felt to surrender yourself The roses we grow have a terrible smell
It's a Joy! It's a Joy (it's a Joy) It's a Joy (it's a Joy) To be among we happy few It's a Joy It's a Joy (it's a Joy) It's a Joy (it's a Joy)!"
No One's Safe At Home is a fanfic set in the Welcome To The Game universe, where the inner circles of "the Ministry" run their illegal activities behind the dark web as it reigns at the top, with constant murder, kidnappings, trafficking of all kinds and the most vile corruption persist in a world where morals are a joke. Until Gavin Turquoise starts going to great lengths in his intent on wiping their repulsive stain out of society and rigging the Game in his favor. In his crusade, he finds a strange child with... the most abnormal abilities. I can't help but laugh at the irony that this feared vigilante eventually becomes a lawyer in Hope County, being a bane to the Project at Eden's Gate and John Seed's existence.
"As Property Manager, my job is sorting the utilities Disposal of the garbage and the laundering facilities Why would I compile a full report on your activities? I'm just a standard landlord, "Glory to the Ministry"
Lock the doors and close the curtains, hold your breath lest you should speak your sins But you can't keep a secret from the building that you keep it in Befriend your fellow tenants, show a smile and keep it pleasant But know everyone's a friend until you need to turn some people in It's the breathing on the phone, hiding just beneath the tone It's the things that shift when no one's home Well, you may be on your own, but you'll never be alone Yes, we all live here, but it's no one's home
("They're here!")
To get through the day It behoves you to play by the rules and behave Do the state preapprove all the tunes that you play? When alone in a room, well, to whom do you pray?
Assume that your neighbours are moving away When the black van comes in the night And you're numb to the sight Of another fumbling for somewhere to hide As their wife just runs for their life 'Fore the ones with the guns can arrives And they're gone 'fore the Sun can arise To a government provided bunker for some realignment It's just fine, you can trust it's a wonderful time
Just go about your business normally No one's following, I'm not recording Your paranoia is awfully boring According to all of your friends that talk to me
Most importantly, please speak clear when you're broadcasting Your honest thoughts on the law or economy My provided mics are tiny And I can't transcribe properly Should you ever behold Me with my peepers pressed to a keyhole You can trust I'm just checking the tumblers for rust I'm a custodian, not a Ministry mole
Settle in for a night on the couch No questioning what that red light is about Now bleeping on your ceiling since the time you were out It's just a little gaslighting, put aside any doubts
You're fine in your house, so you confide to your spouse any crimes carried out Any tiny amount of new ideas found just a mite out of bounds 'Cause I'm writing them down in a timestamped account
What's it matter, every night or two? If I sneak in, have a rifle through? But depending what I find, well, You'll be faced with another kind of rifle, too
Privacy is the cry of the defiant to compliancy But grease my palm and I might not see Those books they banned from the libraries What do you mean, that's not yours? It appeared one night in your cabinet drawers? I have to report it, I regret But, of course, I could forget
Societal ideals are reliably pliable So the rise of a tyrant becomes entirely viable You will find that the spying is really quite justifiable Why are you crying when it's your blind eye that's liable?
Handy landlord here to fix your ventilation whistling Too many questions and it's not the air that needs conditioning That telephone's not tampered with Of course it isn't listening But were it, it prefers the words: "Glory to the Ministry!"
And last the results from the quiz! From my character:
Ortega "Ore" Brantley (A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore, a Fallout fanfic series)
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Ore has this "hope" that he carries with him. Despite the Wasteland he walks in, just as his sister Ress does, unlike her and their father, he can't help but focus on the beauty that has thrived even after the destruction. He's no fool, the world he lives in is dangerous, and as powerful as he is being a half-human, half-magical-creature-from-another-dimension, there are beings like his father, Arcane Urias, and his lackeys, like Aggravor, who can and will kill him if given the opportunity. Ress is hopeful... hopeful that with his efforts, the Wasteland can heal. That the people he's bonded with can live long content lives. That his sister can appreciate the lives of who she views as "weak" and see the strength these folks have despite the disadvantage they have against the likes of the Super Mutants, Synths and the Occult Urias founded. To see the responsibility to protect these people that they as the "strong" must carry. He hoped he could have seen the day where him, his sister and their companions could just lay down underneath the blue sky one day and just share with each other without the burden of death and destruction hovering over them in a moment of peace. Though he himself never lives to achieve this vision, he at least was glad to look at his sister and reassure her one last time before Aggravor's curse cut his long life short.
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okay but imagine silverash + size difference kink. hypergryph let me sit on that giant man’s lap please
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wc — 1424
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" (Name), look at me." No way, if you look at him now, you'll absolutely short-circuit whatever's left of your brain. And you need your brain; you're the Doctor dammit, you can't afford to lose whatever brain cells you have left. And—
You flinch when Silverash suddenly prys away your arms from your head, forcing you to look at him in all his handsome glory. The fluffy ears atop his head flicker and straighten up, as if honing in on a hidden treasure calling out. He seems to shiver at the sight of your flushed, panting face, and you feel something hard rub up against your thigh.
"(Name)." Silverash says your name with such burning fervor that you can almost feel the imaginary flames licking across your skin. He says it as if convincing himself that this is real, you're under him, this is happening. This is not one of his many filthy fantasies or dirty dreams that leave his pants a bit too tight.
He's really about to fuck you.
How did it come to this? How did you end up tangled in your sheets with Silverash himself, spreading your legs apart and pumping his big cock against your lower belly? He looked too eager, too much like a predator about to sink his fangs into his helpless prey. And to add to the pile, why were you letting him do it?
You were supposed to be reviewing the most recent documents concerning a batch of pharmaceuticals to Karlan Trade that required your attention. Nothing too serious, just the usual reports of the amounts of packaging and shipments that Silverash had insisted on discussing with you, for whatever reason.
He'd always done that ever since he came to Rhodes Island, and it had warranted a visit from Dr. Kal'tsit and Amiya who'd warned you of the chairman's motives. The former especially, seeing as how she was so openly opposed to trying to make any further contact with him. Then again, you were quite interested in what benefits Silverash could bring to your company, so you'd ignored their concerns and welcomed him with open arms.
But you didn't think that one of those benefits would be him towering over you in all your naked glory, about to push his impossibly big cock into your hole.
You're shivering like an operator on their very first mission, panting so much that Silverash considers kissing you and swallowing up your breath to calm you down. A part of him wonders if you might be a virgin, since you look downright fearful at the sight of his erection. It makes sense, since you looked so worried andー
" -an't, s'too big.. i-it won't fit!"
Ah, so that's what you were so worried about. How cute.
" Shh, it's okay, it'll fit, it'll fit." He'll make it fit, even if he has to reshape your insides to do it. Enciodes may be a patient man, yes, but that doesn't mean he can't be greedy and utterly ravenous now and then. Though he'll do his best to keep his selfishness at bay for now. He wouldn't want to scare you off, now would he?
Just like the man himself, his cock is sturdy and thick, with a flushed pink tip drooling excessive amounts of pre-cum. It's twitching so much, shaking with so much arousal that you're impressed by how much patience he truly has. And you're sure that you can see barbs at the base of the length. You audibly gulp as your heartbeat pounds hard at the back of your throat. Th-they won't scrape your insides, will they?
If you weren't so frazzled and, frankly, scared out of your wits, you'd have begged him to shove it and fuck you like a whore. You may be inexperienced, yes, but you're no sweet little angel.
"Then," your brows furrow as Silverash leans above you until his forehead is flush against yours and so close that you might faint. " Just look at me. Don't look anywhere else, just focus on me, (name)."
He's doing it again, that shiver that rakes his body every time he says your name. You wonder how long he must have been waiting for this to happen for him to have such a flushed reaction. The thought makes your thighs clench up, and before your mind becomes any hazier, you call out.
" Enciodes." he smiles at that adorably confused expression of yours as he whispers his first and true name. "Call me by my name. I'm sure we're far past formalities at this point."
You stay quiet for a moment, before nodding slowly, your head feeling more light at time flows on. You can't lie, you've always found Silverash to be quite attractive and desirable. And he was so much bigger than you, towering over you with muscles that must have taken years to achieve, only added to your burning desire.
The idea of this intimidating and imposing man using your small body, however he wished, was something that had been plastered into your mind.
" A-alright," you quickly snake your arms around his neck before you have time to think and regret it. " You can put in now.."
" Is that an order, Doctor?" The use of your title, here and now, leaves you feeling blindsided. He's smirking at your embarrassed expression.
" God, yes." You wheeze, an annoyed expression on your face though you feel anything but. " Shove it in before I change my mind."
" As you wish, (name)." He presses a kiss to the bridge of your nose before he moves his lower half forward.
You suck in a shaky breath as the thick head burrows into your hole, stretching you open far wider than you had anticipated. The rest of his length soon follows, inching in with precise patience. Silverash whispers sweet nothings, reminding you to breathe and focus on him, and only him.
You can feel each and every push and pulse of his cock inside your walls as he inches his way inside. The sting reminds you just how damn big he is, and you wonder if he really will fit all of his cock inside.
He's practically crushing you at this point, his body so pressed up to yours that your bodies might really become one. He's so big, so overwhelming right now, but it feels so good. Enciodes Silverash might really envelop you and all that you are, and you don't even care.
And through it all, you keep your focus on him, moaning his name as his hips finally press up against yours.
" O-oh god, i.. it's in. I.. I think I'm gonna burst.."
" Shh, you did well, (name)." Enciodes pulls away from your, admittedly tight grasp, to admire his handiwork. And he must say, he's rather proud of himself. You're a wreck, drooling and sobbing with the entirety of his cock nestled perfectly snug inside your walls. It's cute, really.
Well, Enciodes always thought you were quite cute before this, but he must say, you look cuter plugged up with his cock. He might really become a sex-addicted maniac if this is how he feels each time he'll get to fuck you. No way that this will be a one time happening; Enciodes will make sure of it. He'll leave you wanting more and craving him, just as he craves you.
" E-enci-"
" I'm here, I'm here. Just keep looking at me. Keep calling my name, darling." Enciodes' crescent-like smile only grows wider as you comply, oh so perfectly. You chant and mumble his name through the burning pleasure, softly at first but soon more blatant, as he still hadn't bent down and stayed close to you. In due time, he just needed to savor this.
He's wanted this for so long; to truly and finally have you and not just wisps of intoxicating fantasies and dreams that only leave him wanting for more. To know what your affectionate smiles looked like, what your soft kisses felt like against his lips, and now, how good your body felt enveloped around him. He wasn't one to waste such a bountiful opportunity; now he could finally claim your heart and body.
" Now then, shall we continue? I may be a patient man but," Enciodes rasps, finally feeling the effects hitting him like a train and battering his senses. Every last one is assaulted with nothing but you, overwhelming and possessing him to have his fill of you until he's finally claimed you as his.
" I can't wait to see how you look screaming my name."
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© latimeriafellfromheaven
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iatrophilosophos · 10 months
"regulation means criminalization means punishing people for expressing autonomy" If you consider poisoning diabetic people with substandard insulin 'an expression of personal autonomy,' then youve completely lost the plot, and I would consider their families killing you in vengeance to be their turn of 'expressing autonomy'
...you do realize I'm talking about disabled people making medicine for themselves and their friends and family, as a prediabetic person, right?
I'm very sorry that the western medical industrial complex has taught you that people receiving medicine inherently have no choice in the matter and that you can't even conceptualize a world where disabled ppl have agency around what they put in their bodies but like...come on.
P sure releasing huge lots of tainted medication and causing massive harm is...what pharmaceutical companies do now 🙃🙃 y'know given the number of recalls that have happened this year alone. So, not exactly a problem with regulation is it? Most of these recalls r also related to issues with megascale production; contamination that gets missed in large batches made in huge factory spaces; problems with shipping and storage that leads to spoilage etc...not really the same kind of concerns we might have about small scale production.
Also again: tell me how insulin gets made and what the actual, precise risks involved are and then we can talk bc right now afaik you're just handwringing about a problem you made up. Maybe start with reading about openinsulin's work?
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bighermie · 11 months
BOMBSHELL: Spokesperson Admits During Australian Senate Hearing that Pfizer Employees Were Given Special Batch of Vaccine, Different from What was Distributed to Public (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft
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writingisawildride · 9 months
I know I'm barely here anymore
But unfortunately the Ritalin shortage in Summer caused me to become hyperfixation on Overwatch, Gabriel Reyes/Reaper in particular (AGAIN), against my very will.
But I'm here to make it everyone else's problem again and have been challenged by @wildissylupus to post my Martina Reyes HCs (or basically character summary at this point)!!!
(Please note I am Filipina, not Mexican or Latine at all, I'm trying my best to research, but please correct me if I'm wrong)
- 1st of all, for me it is Dr. Martina Nuñez-Reyes, women in STEM, iconic
- Born and raised in San Diego, in particular in or by Barrio Logan!
- She is specifically Nahua Mexican with family in Guerrero, Mexico. She has learned a lot of Precolonial History and mythology, both in school and from her family. She also speaks Nahuatl fluently, as well as Spanish and ASL.
- Sweet, nurturing, professional, good tempered, graceful, makes lots of bad puns (she and Winston got along great), but occasionally slips in some "joking" sadism and morbid curiosity.
- Loves perfume even though she can't wear it often due to her work in laboratories and hospitals, will wear even just a little bit even at home to enjoy it.
- joined a ballet folklorico troupe up until High School, but still remembers the moves well. Specializes in Guerrero style folklorico!
- Excellent cook, amazing baker. Loves to adapt recipes to include lots of spices. (This will come back later)
- Interested in the medical field, specifically medicine itself, after learning about how advanced Mesoamerican civilizations were medically.
- Martina was a regular prodigy, attending an advanced secondary school academy in Mexico City, before continuing on to get PhDs in Medicine, Chemistry, and Pharmaceutical Science by age 24.
- By age 26 she had already made strides by synthesizing and creating medicine that was able to do things like naturally accelerate healing in the body.
- That's also when the Omnic Crisis began. She was inducted by the United States Military among swathes of other skilled doctors to create the Super Soldier Serum for the Soldier Enhancement Program (SEP) at a hidden facility.
- Six months, they managed to get it to an acceptable loss rate of 25%, and test it on 100 Soldiers. She was in charge of overseeing the injections of 20 of the 100 randomly assigned under her, which included Soldier 24, Gabriel Reyes, and Soldier 76, Jack Morrison. It was also done in doses, not all at once.
- She and Gabriel were attracted to each other but didn't act on it for quite a bit, due to the taboo nature of a doctor and a patient. They didn't flirt either, but had moments of "Oh fuck they're hot" before shaking it off.
- After the second round of doses, she lost her first soldier, which made the risk of SEP all the more apparent to her.
- Remember when I mentioned she's good at baking? She stress bakes because it helps make a zen sort of ritual of following steps/regaining a small sense of control. The reason Gabriel loves cookies? It's because he woke up at 2AM catching her stress baking a batch of Chili Chocolate Chip Cookies. It's where they had a heart to heart about Gabriel and the other Enhanced Soldiers trusting Martina and the doctors no matter the risk because they know they're liable to die in the Crisis anyway if they can't make headway.
- As the Crisis gets more dire, the General orders the doctors at the SEP facility to also go through basic military training, which Martina disliked, so she never really went past a machine pistol.
- 33 Soldiers make it out, and she sent with them on missions to retake cities across America. She wouldn't always be an active combatant, but she could hold her own if she had to.
- When Gabriel Reyes and Jack Morrison were selected to the elite Overwatch core team, she helped lead their medical support team. Also yes during this whole time, Gabriel and Martina still were attracted to each other but still sort of afraid to act because not only is she still his Doctor, he's now her commanding officer.
- Also during this period she helps treat a young Angela Ziegler during the bombing of Zurich.
- After fighting alongside Inti Warriors (Specifically Illari's dad) to help retake part of Central and South America, Gabriel almost died, which caused her to go full BAMF, and save him.
(Jack: "... can someone please tell me why our medic is rushing in alone, guns blazing?")
- They have to repair ships and stuff, so they decide to take R&R in reclaimed Guerrero, where Martina shows Gabriel around, and they end up dancing together. It's where they finally give in and end up in a relationship.
- Get married the last year of the Omnic Crisis, and have a son a few years later named Izel (who is the grown man with a family in my heart and soul in the Reflections Comic)
- Dr. Martina Nuñez-Reyes is the first Head of Medicine in Overwatch's Golden Age because goddamnit someone had to have that position before Angela.
- She's also Angela's mentor and sort of like an adoptive mom, Angela absolutely idolized her
Here's where my Canon deviates hard, because Blizzard's timeline makes no sense
(Fun fact this next part exists because I misread Code of Violence and thought that the ash and burning was from Gabriel's memories of Echo Park and not where he was so I straight up thought Martina was fridged a whole ass year before I heard the voicelines and reread it for clarity, but she's not fridged. Just stay with me.)
- On Izel's 6th birthday in Echo Park, there was an attempted assassination via explosions that caused Izel to lose his left arm and replace it with a prosthetic (the man in the Reflections comic has his left arm in his pocket)
- It also very nearly kills Martina, who is 6 MONTHS PREGNANT WITH THEIR DAUGHTER, Graciela
- The family lives, and Graciela has to be c-section delivered prematurely
- This ofc enrages Martina and Gabriel who, after recovery, hunt the motherfucker down to kill.
- It is not a quick death. Martina synthesizes POISON to make that fucker die screaming. (Basically I wanted to flip the Dead Wife trope where the wife lives and is FUCKING PISSED AND JOINS HER HUSBAND ON A ROARING RAMPAGE OF REVENGE)
- Oh yeah and that triggers the birth of Blackwatch lmao.
- Gabriel brought Cole Cassidy home for Christmas where she immediately enfolds Cole into the family.
- Martina and Gabriel also help Cole get his GED.
- Oh yeah Blackwatch
- So Martina supplies the poisons for coercion, torture, and assassination (and torture) to Blackwatch under the table for super covert missions, basically even people at Blackwatch didn't even know about. Ma'am was committing war crimes to keep the world and her babies safe. All while keeping up the sweet, dedicated, professional facade for like 14 years.
- Gabriel tries to get her to make another super soldier serum so he can be stronger, she refuses, they argue, him calling her a hypocrite, and it looks bad, UNTIL
- Shit happens and she accidentally lets a poison slip that gets reverse engineered and kills a lot of people, causing her to retire and Mercy steps up. Gabriel keeps her secret and they end up staying together
- HOWEVER, once the Venice Incident happens and Izel disowns his father, she chooses to not back up Gabriel's choices, whereas their daughter Graciela does, causing them to be separated but still married.
- Gabriel considers leaking her secret, but loves her too much to/wants the kids to have at least one parent they don't detest
- After the Swiss Explosion, Martina and Graciela mourn very badly, Izel rekindled his relationship with his mother but not Graciela
(Izel needs his own post probably lmao)
- Martina tries to move on, but finds she can't.
- listen once a man is willing to cover up war crimes for you, it's a very hard standard to meet
- She rejects the recall initially but to avoid this post from being even longer REASONS, Graciela goes with/gets kidnapped by (it's complicated) Talon, which is how Cole finds out Gabriel is Reaper
- Joins in to get her daughter back, and to redeem herself because she realizes how much destruction she caused even if people deserved it... lowkey she even doesn't fully regret it depending on the person she killed
- Her abilities are she got a CPR glove that can shock people in one hand that can pull Medicated/poison grenades out of a storage and a Pistol in the other and she can inject peeps with medication close quarters.
- She's like 63 currently also (in my Canon, Gabriel got a significant age bump with a bunch of other characters, he is 67 but is technically frozen at age 58)
- blizzard if you read this and wonder why I turned this nameless, possibly faceless character into someone that's committed war crimes, I don't got a fucking clue either
- wildissylupus I'm so sorry for subjecting you to this, like how I will subject my friends to a PowerPoint presentation about my character lore and alternate overwatch timeline on my birthday
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(Posted July 29, 2022) Several batches of testosterone cypionate manufactured by Sun Pharmaceutical Industries inc. are part of a Class II recall, notably lots HAC4337A (Exp.11/23), HAC1974A (Exp. 6/23), HAC1978A (Exp. 6/23), and HAC3427A (Exp. 8/23). This recall is due to manufacturing errors and concerns about sterility.
If you have one of the affected batches, the FDA recommends you not use it and to call your doctor. If you aren’t sure whether or not you’re part of the recall, you can call your pharmacist.
FDA link NDC list
Additionally, there is also a current Class II recall for several lots of testosterone (multiple types and batches) and estradiol (batches 10202101A1-12022126A1) manufactured by Tailor Made Compounding. This is also due to a lack of assurance of sterility. The affected medications can be found here, from the California state board of pharmacy.
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sgsystemsglobal · 8 months
Unlocking Precision and Efficiency: Pharmaceutical Formulation Software
In the realm of pharmaceuticals, precision and efficiency are non-negotiable. Pharmaceutical Formulation Software stands as a technological marvel, revolutionizing the way drugs are developed, tested, and brought to market. This innovative software solution streamlines the complex process of drug formulation, ensuring accuracy, consistency, and compliance with stringent regulatory standards.
Key Features and Benefits:
1. Precision in Formulation:
Pharmaceutical Formulation Software allows researchers and scientists to create precise and optimized drug formulations. By providing tools to experiment with various ingredients, concentrations, and manufacturing processes, this software empowers pharmaceutical professionals to fine-tune formulations for maximum efficacy and minimal side effects.
2. Accelerated Research and Development:
Gone are the days of laborious trial and error. This software expedites research and development efforts by simulating and analyzing formulations in a virtual environment. Scientists can swiftly assess multiple scenarios, saving valuable time and resources while expediting the journey from lab to market.
3. Regulatory Compliance:
Meeting regulatory requirements is paramount in the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmaceutical Formulation Software ensures that formulations align with regulatory guidelines. It aids in documentation, tracking, and reporting, simplifying the compliance process and minimizing the risk of regulatory hurdles.
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4. Cost Optimization:
By refining formulations in a virtual space, the software helps in optimizing raw material usage. This not only reduces wastage but also lowers production costs, making drug development economically viable without compromising on quality.
5. Quality Control and Assurance:
Pharmaceutical Formulation Software facilitates stringent quality control by enabling real-time monitoring and analysis. It ensures that formulations maintain their integrity throughout the production process, resulting in consistent, high-quality pharmaceutical products.
6. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing:
This software fosters collaboration among researchers, scientists, and stakeholders. It allows seamless sharing of data, insights, and findings, enhancing collective knowledge and encouraging collaborative problem-solving. In conclusion, Pharmaceutical Formulation Software stands as a beacon of innovation in the pharmaceutical industry. Its ability to enhance precision, accelerate research, ensure regulatory compliance, optimize costs, and maintain quality control makes it an indispensable asset for pharmaceutical companies. As drug development becomes increasingly sophisticated, this software plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of healthcare, ensuring that patients receive safe, effective, and meticulously formulated medications.
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processxe · 10 months
Automation and paper elimination in pharmaceuticals with electronic batch records
Batch Records Software
Process XE batch records software workflows are 100% configurable. No coding required.
What is a Batch Record?
A batch record is a record of the history of a manufactured product. It comprises processing instructions to assure its safety, quality, and GMP compliance.
As a result, pharmaceutical businesses choose to use Electronic Batch Record (EBR) in order to streamline production and reduce the potential of mistakes seeping in. This article demonstrates how the system facilitates document generation in the pharmaceutical industry, from bulk to packaging processes.
What is Electronic Batch Records all about?
The pharmaceutical business that wishes to apply innovative solutions in manufacturing is concerned with more than just the digitization of forms. The EBR system is also designed to reduce the time necessary to fill out form fields and eventually lead to automatic form completion by gathering data directly from machines. Data collection directly from equipment such as scales, pH meters, and conductivity meters is frequently required as well. Furthermore, the organization wishes to avoid mistakes and track deviations from the standard that occur during the manufacturing process.
The deployment of the Process XE system results in more than just efficient documentation digitalization. Operators are directed through the manufacturing process, which includes changeovers, quality, logistics, and maintenance. Process XE is being compiled using GMP by the system.
This greatly simplified the process of creating or changing forms. However, this still necessitates the use of authorized individuals; only those with the necessary access may make modifications to the forms. All of this is done to avoid mistakes or inappropriate processing.
What does the Process XE solution offer for Pharma?
Process XE provides an all-inclusive solution that includes machine data collecting, hardware, ERP integration, and infrastructure. This method also allows you to create MBR templates. Clients can develop Master Batch Record (MBR) templates by arranging all actions in the system in the correct sequence and assigning responsibility for each role. Each activity may be customized with several reporting data kinds such as numbers, text, and data retrieved from automation, among others. These results can subsequently be checked against the system's quality limitations.
Fields in forms that have been implemented include whether or not an action has been done. A production value column and information about when a given activity was begun or stopped, as well as a computation of the time spent on it, are also among the modifications. There is also an electronic signature placed on the form and comments or remarks made by the responsible person among the implementations.
What does a paperless procedure in the pharmaceutical sector look like?
The paperless process includes digitally directing the operator through particular portions of production, beginning with the activity display - the production to-do list. It also contains changeover information and documentation for each production phase (picture, text, and video). Using Forms, all paper documentation from production are digitized.
All sheets, tables, and reports are immediately fielded with data from current shifts thanks to Process XE. The system monitors and alerts the operator when the task must be finished. Any modifications or deviations are tracked using an audit trail.
To be released, each batch must go through the Process XE system's approval procedure. This relates to the workflow aspect. The persons who notify certain positions in the organization must sign each step with an electronic signature. If the current step in the workflow is allocated to a certain role, notifications are issued. People with the necessary rights may observe where the batch release process has halted and track KPIs for the time it takes to finish each step.
Digital Records Management with Electronic Batch Records
EBR works because of all of the criteria mentioned above. This provides digital documentation management throughout the manufacturing process. The system ensures that the essential data is entered into the stages. EBR generation yields a PDF file with finished reports and signatures.
What are the benefits of this for the pharmaceutical business?
To begin, the system reduces batch release time by 35% owing to workflow and automatic data collection. Material validation, frequent quality inspections, and step-by-step digital teaching also result in 15% reduced mistakes and waste. It also delivers a 7% boost to OTIF.
The use of EBR also facilitates speedier communication between business divisions, contributes to the removal of paper from the manufacturing process, and allows for round-the-clock monitoring of current batch release statuses.
Process XE provides the solutions your pharmaceutical company need to improve workflow efficiency and environmental friendliness. Please contact a member of the team for more personalized help.
Process XE is web based, flexible and user-friendly software solutions for Business process automation.
This Digital, Smart Manufacturing process automation is principally developed for Pharmaceutical, Life science and Healthcare industries to simplify their manufacturing execution system of various processes such as data capture, batch information exchange, batch production management, data security maintenance, data integrity and report production, ensuring compliance to cGMP requirements.
For more details on MES, Contact our sales team. <Book A Demo>
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Day 28: "No... not like this"
@febuwhump prompt: "No... not like this"
Fandom: The Bad Batch Characters: Hunter, Phee, Tech (mentioned) Set after Season 2, as part of the AU outlined in this post Content Warning (SPOILERS): discussions of pregnancy & abortion Word Count: ~1485 Click here to read on AO3
Synopsis: Hunter and Phee receive some unwelcome news.
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“Phee?” The doctor reached out a hand as she entered with her clipboard, which Phee gracefully shook. “I’m pleased to say that there is no malignant cause for your recent stomach trouble.”
“Well that’s a relief,” said Phee with an eye-roll, tossing her bouncy curls and leaning back in the chair.
“So what’s causing the sickness?” Hunter asked roughly, arms folded across his chest. His impatience was clear in the way he loomed behind Phee, glancing at the exit.
“That’s the good news.” The young woman was positively beaming. “Let me be the first to congratulate you. You’re pregnant!”
A moment of silence. Phee remined expressionless. Hunter’s attention whipped to the doctor. Then, “Congratulate?” said Phee slowly, disbelief dripping from each syllable.
And, “Pregnant?” echoed Hunter, a hollow resignation to the way he said the word.
“I’m sorry,” said the doctor in confusion. “Is this… not good news?”
“Hah!” Phee barked a humourless laugh. “You could say that.”
She turned to face Hunter, her expression guarded. “You knew,” she said with quiet accusation.
“No,” Hunter protested, but he looked wretched. “I… suspected.”
“Your super senses tell you that?”
“Yes.” There was no point lying. “I wanted to be sure.”
Phee threw her hands up in the air, spinning the chair back to face the young doctor whose smile had turned brittle with the tension in the room. “Well, this sure is an unsatisfactory situation!” Now it was her turn to fold her arms defensively, fixing the medic with an arch look. “What are my options, doc?”
To her credit, the doctor recovered her composure. “I… I’m sorry if this comes as difficult news for you,” she apologised. “Of course, nobody will force you to continue with the pregnancy if that isn’t right for you. Is… is the father not around?” She shot a glance at Hunter, and it was almost possible to see the mental recalculation as she corrected her assumption that he might be that figure.
“You could say that,” said Phee, whilst Hunter buried his hands in his pockets and concentrated hard on the floor.
“Okay.” The clip-board flipped open as the doctor consulted her notes. “Unfortunately you are past the stage for an early pharmaceutical intervention. It would have been better if you had come in as soon as you missed your period–”
“Hang on,” said Hunter, reluctantly taking an interest. “This is the first time her menstrual cycle has been disrupted.” When Phee glared at him he gave an apologetic shrug. “Sorry. I… can’t help noticing these things.”
The doctor frowned. “That can’t be right. The abdominal scans show clearly you must be about twelve weeks pregnant.”
Phee’s eyebrows shot up, face scrunching in disbelief. Behind her Hunter let out a relieved gasp.
“So it can’t be Tech’s.”
Phee spun and punched him in the shoulder. “I get that you guys were sheltered,” she admonished, “but I assume you at least know how babies are made. The normal way,” she added sarcastically. “Believe me when I say it can only be his.”
Hunter leaned towards the doctor, one hand resting on the back of Phee's chair. "Can you give us a minute?" he asked, in a way that wasn't really a question.
"Of course," said the young woman, shooting a sympathetic glance at Phee. "Take all the time you need. I'll be right outside." She gathered her papers and left.
Once she was gone Hunter circled the table and took the chair she had vacated. For a moment he dropped his head, bone-weary, then looked back up to meet Phee's uncompromising gaze. For her part the treasure hunter kept her lips pursed in disapproval, waiting for him to speak first.
"You're telling me there was no-one else," he said slowly, testing the words out loud. "No-one before Tech."
"I think I'd know," she retorted, sassiness unaffected by – or perhaps increased because of – the situation. "No, there was no-one else.” She shot him a suspicious look. “How'd you even know about us anyway?"
"I told you,” groaned Hunter, "I can't help noticing these things."
"Geez, he wasn't kidding when he said there's no privacy aboard that ship."
Hunter grimaced. "I try and stay out of their personal lives. I never asked about it."
"Alright, my turn to ask a question, soldier-boy." Phee leaned forwards, resting her forearms on the table. "Tell me how I can be twelve weeks gone when it's only been a month since he and I–"
"Clone genetics," said Hunter quickly, glancing away. "Accelerated growth. Most clones grow at twice the rate of a normal human."
"Most?" said Phee astutely. Hunter squirmed.
"We... Clone Force 99... our ageing is even faster."
Phee settled back, crossing her arms again. "Just how old are you boys?"
"Me and Wrekcer are nine," said Hunter quietly. "Tech is... was... ten." He looked lost. "Echo's a bit older. He's thirteen."
"Geez," said Phee with a ghost of a smile. "I knew I was cradle-snatching but I didn't realise quite how big the age gap was."
Hunter stared at her incredulously. "How can you laugh at a time like this?"
"What am I supposed to do?" she snapped back, eyes flashing dangerously. “Weep elegantly into my ‘kerchief and hope for the best?” She shook her head, sighing. “So you’re tellin’ me this baby’s gonna grow double-time inside me?”
“I don’t know. Maybe. Seems that way,” said Hunter helplessly. He scrubbed a hand over his face and then sat straight-backed, dropping his hands to his knees. “So what do we do now?”
Phee looked at him sceptically. “We don’t do anything,” she said. “I decide what to do next.”
Hunter frowned in confusion. “What do you mean, decide what to do?” Then, with an uncertain waver, “You’re keeping the baby.”
The words were half-question, half-plea. Phee gave Hunter a long, steady look before shaking her head.
“I don’t know that,” she told him. “I can’t raise a kid by myself! Let alone one that’d grow up twice as fast because of whatever funky deal you specially engineered soldiers have going on.” She waved her hands, a gesture that encompassed Hunter and the rest of the room. Seeing Hunter’s stricken look, she softened a little. “Why does it matter so much to you, anyway?”
“That…” Hunter trailed off, then tried again. “That’s Tech’s kid,” he said quietly, voice raw. “It might be the last part of him we ever have.”
“You know that’s not a good reason to have a baby.”
“But… but Tech…”
“Tech isn’t here,” said Phee firmly, but with sympathy. “Don’t get me wrong. I liked your brother. Liked him a whole lot.” She leaned back in her chair, a sad smile on her face. “Hells, I’d imagined what it would be like if you guys stopped on Pabu,” she said wistfully. “Joined me in the treasure-hunting business. Maybe I thought about the pitter-patter of tiny feet on my ship. Little brown-eyed babies running round.” She stopped, reading the devastation on Hunter’s face. “But not like this.”
“No…” echoed Hunter numbly. “I guess… not like this.”
Silence lingered like a vortex between them, both trapped in their own thoughts. Eventually Phee spoke.
“You understand why I can’t keep the baby.”
“We’d help,” said Hunter immediately, instinctively. Phee looked at him in surprise as he leaned forward in his chair, reaching over the table towards her. “I’d help. You wouldn’t be alone.”
“You’ve got your hands full tryin’ to find Omega,” said Phee. Hunter flinched at the reminder, looking away. “I appreciate the thought, Hunter, but you’re not in a position to make that promise.”
“But… it’s Tech’s kid,” repeated Hunter, dazed and hopeless.
Phee sighed. “Go get the doctor. I’m ready to go home and sleep on it.”
They were back at the clinic the following week, watching the little bean wiggle and dance on the ultrasound.
“Well I’ll certainly give credence to the theory that the foetus has inherited the accelerated growth genes from the clone parent,” said the sonographer with surprise. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”
Hunter stood at the head of the bed beside Phee, gaze riveted on the black-and-white image of his niece or nephew.
Phee turned her face up to him, lips pursed in thought. Then, “Y’know, that Hemlock guy never seemed that trustworthy to me.”
Hunter glanced down at her in confusion.
“What I’m saying is, I wouldn’t take his word at face value,” Phee continued, a tight smile coming onto her face.
Hunter blinked, guarded hope dawning in his eyes. “You mean-”
“I mean you’d better go find out what really happened to your brother.” She looked back at the screen, to the recognisable shape waving tiny arms and legs. Her fingertips crept to the edge of her belly, brushing the skin beside the sonographer’s gel.
“Find out if he’s still alive, and if he is, bring him back to me.”
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meiieiri · 3 months
Could you tell us more about working in labs? What types of study are necessary and what is your daily life like? Do you like what you do? (Asking because I'm very interested in this type of area😞) Thanks😸
hi, lovely! I love this question, and it’s so nice to hear you’re interested in lab work! 🩵 and yes, i love what i do, but you know, from time to time, i think of what life would have been like if i pursued fashion or writing instead, but i’m pretty happy where i am right now yea~ means so much to me that you asked 🥹
well, as an undergrad, i took up pharmaceutical sciences (currently finishing up my masters 😭), but most of my colleagues typically graduate with degrees in biology, biochemistry, chemistry, or even, statistics.
as for my daily life…
if i’m not working on my master’s thesis or having my fave meal of chicken nuggets and iced coffee to keep me awake, i mostly spend my time in an quality control assay laboratory. the company i’m working for sends finished products and i help determine the label claim of random drugs from different market batches (say, a painkiller, and the packaging claims it has 400 mg of the active drug, i confirm if that is indeed true by subjecting it to different tests, if it ain’t, we have to get manufacturing to fix it) or more preferably, i determine the identity of unknown compounds in prototype drugs using instrumental methods like infrared spectroscopy or nuclear magnetic spectroscopy. it’s kinda similar to how a forensic scientist maps out dna samples and fingerprints!
i rambled *hehe*~ this was such a nice question and i really loved answering it. 🥹🫶🏻 thank you, quenn!
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vezlayfood1 · 1 month
Economic Benefits of Vegan Food Products: Saving Money and Health
The shift towards veganism is often associated with health benefits and environmental sustainability, but it's also important to recognize the economic advantages. Choosing Vegan Food Products can lead to significant savings both in terms of grocery bills and long-term healthcare costs. This article explores how adopting a vegan diet can be financially beneficial while enhancing overall health.
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Cost Savings on Groceries
Affordable Plant-Based Staples
One of the most compelling economic benefits of a Vegan Products is the affordability of plant-based staples. Foods such as beans, lentils, rice, potatoes, and vegetables are generally less expensive than meat and dairy products. These staples form the basis of many nutritious and satisfying vegan meals.
Seasonal and Local Produce
Buying seasonal and locally-sourced produce can further reduce costs. Seasonal vegetables and fruits are often cheaper because they are abundant and don't require extensive transportation. Shopping at local farmers' markets can also provide fresh, affordable produce.
Bulk Purchasing
Vegan staples like grains, legumes, and nuts can be bought in bulk, which is often more economical. Purchasing these items in larger quantities reduces the cost per unit and ensures a steady supply of healthy, non-perishable foods.
Reduced Food Waste
Vegan diets often lead to less food waste since plant-based foods typically have longer shelf lives compared to animal products. This can save money by reducing the frequency of grocery shopping and minimizing food spoilage.
Reduced Healthcare Costs
Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases
Adopting a vegan diet can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. Preventing these conditions can lead to substantial savings on medical expenses, medications, and treatments. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes promotes heart health, helps manage blood sugar levels, and provides protective antioxidants.
Weight Management and Related Costs
A plant-based diet can aid in weight management, which reduces the risk of obesity-related conditions such as hypertension and joint problems. Maintaining a healthy weight can decrease the need for weight loss programs, medications, and surgeries, leading to significant healthcare savings.
Lower Pharmaceutical Costs
By following a vegan diet that prevents and manages chronic diseases, individuals can reduce their reliance on medications, which can be expensive over time. Lower pharmaceutical costs can significantly impact an individual’s overall healthcare expenses.
Meal Preparation and Eating Out
Cooking at Home
Preparing meals at home is generally more cost-effective than dining out, and vegan cooking can be particularly budget-friendly. Simple, wholesome ingredients can be transformed into delicious meals without the need for expensive meat substitutes or specialty items.
Affordable Dining Options
Many restaurants now offer vegan options at competitive prices. Fast-casual and ethnic eateries often have vegan dishes that are both affordable and flavorful. Exploring these options can provide budget-friendly dining experiences without compromising on taste or nutrition.
Meal Planning and Batch Cooking
Planning meals and cooking in batches can save both time and money. By preparing meals in advance, individuals can avoid the temptation of ordering takeout and ensure they have healthy, affordable options readily available.
Long-Term Financial Benefits
Increased Productivity
A healthy diet can enhance overall well-being, leading to increased productivity and reduced absenteeism at work. By staying healthy, individuals can potentially avoid lost income due to illness and maintain higher levels of performance in their professional lives.
Longevity and Quality of Life
Investing in a healthy diet can contribute to a longer, more active life. Reduced medical expenses and the ability to enjoy life without the burden of chronic illness can provide significant financial and personal rewards in the long term.
Retirement Savings
With lower healthcare costs and improved health, individuals can potentially save more for retirement. The financial savings from reduced medical expenses can be redirected towards retirement funds, providing a more secure financial future.
Environmental Savings
Reduced Environmental Impact
Vegan diets have a lower environmental impact, which can translate to economic benefits on a broader scale. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions, lower water usage, and less deforestation associated with plant-based diets can lead to cost savings in environmental conservation efforts and healthcare related to pollution and climate change.
Sustainable Food Systems
Supporting plant-based food systems can promote sustainability and resilience in agriculture. This can lead to more stable food prices and security, benefiting both consumers and the economy as a whole.
Government and Policy Impacts
As more individuals adopt plant-based diets, there may be shifts in agricultural policies and subsidies. Governments might redirect funds towards sustainable farming practices, leading to broader economic benefits and support for eco-friendly initiatives.
Personal Financial Management
Budget-Friendly Lifestyle
Adopting a vegan lifestyle can simplify budgeting. By focusing on whole, plant-based foods, individuals can avoid the higher costs associated with processed and convenience foods, leading to better financial management.
Reduced Spending on Supplements
While some nutrients may need to be supplemented in a vegan diet, the overall need for supplements can be lower if the diet is well-balanced and diverse. This can reduce the spending on various health supplements often needed in less balanced diets.
Ethical Investments
Choosing vegan products can align with ethical financial practices. Supporting companies that prioritize sustainability and animal welfare can lead to more conscious spending and investment decisions, promoting long-term financial health and social responsibility.
More information about vezlay foods:
Name: Vezlay Foods                
Phone No: 7011736463
Address: A1/1, Nathu Colony Chowk Shahdara, New Delhi - 110093, INDIA
Website: https://vezlay.com/blog/list-of-vegan-food-products-in-india/
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