#Peugeot emblem
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rayhaber · 5 months ago
Paris Otomobil Fuarı 2023: Öne Çıkan Modeller ve Yenilikler
Paris Otomobil Fuarı’nda Öne Çıkan Modeller RENAULT, Embleme adını verdiği çarpıcı konsept otomobiliyle geleceğe yönelik alternatif enerji yaklaşımlarını sergiliyor. 160 kW gücündeki motoruyla dikkat çeken Embleme, hem tamamen elektrikli hem de hidrojen yakıt hücreli bir model olarak öne çıkıyor. Renault standının diğer önemli modeli ise 4 E-Tech oldu. DACIA, Renault Grubu’nun CMF-B platformu…
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captainsquare · 10 months ago
That car emblem ask, I have no idea when you sent it other than within the last week or so, never showed up on desktop was there when I looked on mobile though, was answering it and wanted to add a image for the emblem with the weasel on it so I stuck it in my drafts and it went poof again not on desktop or mobile so.
that one looked like it could be the Peugeot lion but with other things going on that I can't recognize as anything from automaker emblems.
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the way they're positioned is pretty much identical though
It does look similar, but with an ermine instead of a lion(?)
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Hermelin is German for ermine
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ailogomakerr · 11 months ago
Century-Old Logos that Remain Iconic to this Day
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In the modern world of design and branding, there are only a handful of brandings that endure the test of time. These classic designs have definitely surpassed generations, establishing their relevance and branding identity in an ever-changing world. If you’re looking for an inspo to opt for on your logo-making journey, here are some of the oldest logos that continue their legacy up to this day. Take note that these familiar logo designs have been relevant far longer than you realize, so if you’re up for a challenge to make a unique logo for your branding in the making, prepare to get schooled!
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The iconic batwing logo was first introduced 138 years ago! Since 1886, Levi has been a hallmark of the American denim industry. The logo boasts a dynamic design that features the iconic “batwing” shape carrying the company name alongside two horses. A great representation of Levi Strauss’ dedication to high quality in detail.
While it is evident that the old branding logo went through several iterations through the years, Levi’s distinct batwing shape somehow made a comeback and remains iconic to this day!
Talking about the timeless significance of these brandings and their logos reveals a compelling appreciation of their legacy. If one looks through its visual appeal, these logos did more than dominate their respective industry, they also serve as cultural touchstones. Levi Strauss & Co.’s batwing logo is a testament to that. The branding’s logo becoming synonymous with the long-standing denim culture in America. The presence of their logo on millions of jeans is proof that Levi’s jeans had a significant role in shaping trends in the fashion industry for well over more than a century.
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Twinings, a crowd-favorite and popular tea branding holds the record of being the oldest logo in use of all time! With the branding’s debut way back in 1787, the branding continued to become as relevant as it was before for nearly 240 years. The elegant crest shows the Twinings family name, a sight recognized on millions of shelves across the globe. It goes to show how simplicity and elegance are always a safe bet!
The royal-looking embellishment on the logo made Twinings an emblem of superb tea craftsmanship. Going for a century-and-a-half-long journey of comforting tea lovers worldwide.
You gotta give it to Twinings for their consistency and unwavering decision to stick to their roots and revise their 236-year-old branding as subtly as possible. I mean, there’s not much to tinker with if it’s already perfect, right? Twinnings family branding really made it into the legendary classics by embodying the definition of the word itself!
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The renowned lion symbol was first introduced in 1858. This iconic logo is the epitome of strength, automotive prowess, and durability which is what the branding is all about. Although Peugeot’s lion went through several iterations over the years, it still retains its original silhouette from its oldest logo, which makes it one of the most iconic old logos of all time.
Peugeot’s lion symbol exudes strength, durability, and automotive prowess, reflecting the branding’s engineering excellence and reputation for reliability. Additionally, nothing says “top-notch” more than a stamp of Peugeot’s iconic lion symbol! One can argue that the branding’s old logo has not been particularly used since its last revamp with the upright lion. But if you look closely, the logo still has the touch of its roots with how the lion’s head silhouette can still be recognized even in its most latest rendition. That’s on keeping up with modernity while preserving the legacy.
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1868 was the year Nestle’s iconic logo was introduced. The simple yet impactful design features a nest with a mother bird caring for its young which mimics the feeling of trust and reliability the branding has established for itself in the food and beverage industry. The timelessness of the logo reflects the branding’s commitment to quality and nourishment.
Nestle perfectly captured the exact imagery of nourishment and care with how the mother bird seems to deeply be in touch with her young.
But we all have the same question surrounding the logo evolution of the branding; what happened to the third little bird?
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General Electric was established in 1892 and its simple yet impactful logo is a testament to the company’s legacy of innovation. The interlaced letter “GE” symbolizes the connectedness of the branding despite the diversity of its electronic products. The same symbol still being relevant to this shows how forward-thinking the branding is. Not just in technology and engineering, but to their branding identity as well.
Just like most old logos that remain iconic, General Electric went through several visual updates. As you can see, the said updates were quite intricate!
Kidding aside, it was probably the best for general electric to not make major changes with its branding logo. Conquering an industry with a two-letter branding name sounds quite impressive! But packing the branding identity through the tiny logo using as few elements as possible? That’s probably something only General Electric can pull off!
To Sum it All Up
These old logos are the very reflection of excellence and innovation. It can easily be said that these design choices were purposefully done to echo the branding’s identity. The way these brandings are extremely recognized and successful to date is a profound reminder of the power of how well-crafted logos transcend time and leave lasting impressions, not just for the generation it was crafted in, but onto the next ones too.
In conclusion, these century-old logos serve as enduring emblems of excellence, innovation, and heritage. They remind us of the power of design to transcend time and leave a lasting impression on the collective consciousness. As we continue to innovate and create. When building a logo of your own, you cannot go wrong with drawing inspiration from these venerable marks. Call it a form of honoring their legacy while forging new paths in the ever-evolving landscape of branding and design.
This blog is from Ailogomakerr.com
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 4 years ago
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What a difference 171 years makes juxtaposition of Peugeot emblem, 1850 & Peugeot emblem, 2021. It is only the 11th update to Peugeot’s lion brand since 1850. What is interesting about it is the similarity to their 1960s logo (as seen on the 404 cabriolet & coupé brochure) which was the last time the roaring lion’s head appeared inside a coat of arms. The new logo has been created by the Peugeot Design Lab
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usafphantom2 · 4 years ago
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The port nose art, just behind the cabin, shows a greatly enlarged version of the unit emblem, while the nose on this side also carries eleven mission marks, represented by bomb silhouettes. A crescent moon just below the cabin reflects his night attack mission during World War II. The opposite side (stiboard) is more moderate and does not carry the squad emblem, but has the mission markings and a large ’86’ in yellow just behind the cabin.
Another USAF T-1A Jayhawk that recently appeared in Heritage colors is the 94-0128 ‘VN’ operated by the 3rd Flight Training Squadron ‘Peugeots’ of the 71st Flight Training Wing at Vance Air Force Base, Oklahoma. He was received back to the unit on June 10, after being repainted in a black and white scheme, with a large pirate flag with “skull and crossbones” painted on his tail. Named the FAIP edition, the painting was dedicated to the T-1A pilots of the First Assignment Instructors Pilots (FAIP) at the base.
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afewmarvelousthoughts · 6 years ago
Stay Ch. 9
Master List: @afewmarvelousthoughtsadmin
Pairing: Natasha X Reader (Female)
Summary: You have a gift, the ability to see other people’s innermost secrets. For years you used it to gather intel for the highest bidder when you take on The Widow. After she becomes more than a mark the two of you spend years stealing moments. Post snap you wait in your designated meeting place, look back on the sordid past you share with the woman you love and hope against everything that she’s still alive.
Warnings: Physical violence, crime(?), SMUT
A/N:  This is the longest chapter of Stay I’ve done but I just couldn’t bring myself to break it up into two small chapters. I’m just gonna come out and say that after the cut is just a chunk of smut, sweet sweet smut (I’m still feeling some kind of way about the smut I write but whatever it’s fun). And don’t these two deserve some smut?! 
I hope y’all are still enjoying these ladies as we kind of go on this winding journey with them. This one is so different in pace from my other stuff, that it kind of throws me a bit and I worry I’m not building enough up here. But -shrug- Oh anxiety how I love you making me question literally EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN THING I DO. 
Still I’m so happy this happens to be my last fic post of 20-GAYteen (I mean I pushed this to today just to make sure it was lol). Gay smutty and emotional. Perfect ending to a stressful year lol.
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@mywinterwolf  @disagreetoagree @breezy1415 @peachthatdrinkslemonade @5aftermidnight  @jeromethepsycho @daniellajocelyn @marvel-randomness @katecolleen  @yanginginthere @buckysstar
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You don’t care about the money. Sure it was the biggest payout you had ever agreed to, yes the money would be a great cushion, hell you could stop working for a bit. But you had been in enough tight spots throughout your whole life that you knew when to cut and run.
Back in your hotel, you throw your things into your bag, double check the few weapons you carry, and leave out the back formulating an escape plan as you go. A car would be the best option, the airport was too risky, too visible. So you head to the closest car park and plan to jump the shittiest car you can find.
As you jimmy the door of an old Peugeot you sense someone approaching you, the vibe distinctly making you think of that Brock fuck from earlier. You spin and a knife just misses you. Grabbing your bag you run. At the edge of the lot he catches you and slams you into the brick wall you face scraping against it.
“You know,” he growls in your ear, his breath hot and damp, “Pretty girls like you really shouldn’t be out alone at night.” You push back against him testing his weight and stance and he presses harder, “This is really going to be much easier for you if you just play along.”
He can’t see the sly smile that curls your lips. This wasn’t the first man to think he could easily get the drop on you. Before you could have defended yourself well enough, but now… Thanks, Honey, you think as you kick his feet from under him and slam your elbow into his face as he falls. Just like Natasha showed you.
He is, however, tough. In an instant he’s up, nose bleeding, “Oh, I’m going to enjoy fucking you up now.”
“I bet,” you drawl you lip curling up in disgust. He lunges at you and there’s the perfect moment for you to use Natasha’s headlock. It’s as satisfying as you anticipated. You don’t have to try to knock him unconscious though. Thighs squeezing his throat you rest your hands on his head. Initially, your intention is to do to him what you had done to the merc in the warehouse, completely rupture his brain, but he slams you both onto the hood of a car before you’re able. Not before you can do just enough to render him unconscious though.  
He slides down the hood from between your legs and you try to get breath back into your lungs and fight the spinning in your head from slamming it into the car’s windshield. There wasn’t time to gather yourself though. You had to assume he wasn’t alone. Grabbing your bag you sprint toward the nearest populated street.
People seem to think it’s best to stick to the outskirts when you went on the run but really the more people around you the better your chances. Especially when dealing with someone who obviously wants to stay off the radar.
In front of a busy touristy restaurant, you note a valet. Perfect.
You felt bad about knocking the kid unconscious, and a Mercedes wasn’t exactly low-key, but right now it was run or be killed, or worse… captured.
As you drive, you try to sort through the images that sunk in from this Brock. No other personal information but his first name had come to you but you saw training that didn’t look to be U.S. military, a fleeting glimpse of an emblem that looked like an octopus, and some sort of ceremony that made you think of videos you had seen of Nazi Youth rallies. You were certain that he was still a lackey. Just a pawn sent by someone to collect you. Because he had said ‘fuck you up’ not ‘kill you.’ Those were two very different things.
Then there was the emotion you gathered from him, conviction. This was something beyond just some crime syndicate. No. That level of devotion was fanatical. He enjoyed hurting you, he was enjoying it because he thought there was some deeper purpose he was serving by doing it.
Every part of you wants to warn Natasha. Be able to tell her something to signify that things have gone very wrong with this gig. Sadly, the two of you hadn’t thought that far ahead. Right now the only thing you could do was get the hell out of Turkey, head into some nondescript European city and wait for her call.
- Post Snap -
You run your finger around the edge of your crystal tumbler, making the glass sing. While you hadn’t gone to your room you had switched to a corner booth. A few tables down a man is on his side on the bench, curled up, weeping softly.
You envy him. Other than a few stray tears weeping hadn’t come to you. Falling apart couldn’t happen, not yet. Even when you saw your team turn to fucking dust you hadn’t cried, just stared in horror. Shock maybe. Or maybe at this point in your life, you were just too broken to show quite that much emotion. Who knew?
Brock. the name rolls around in your head. Brock fucking Rumlow. If only you had gotten his last name then. Maybe if that had come to you so many things would be different… better… maybe then you wouldn’t be sitting in this hotel bar at the end of the world wondering if you were too broken to properly mourn.
Rage, red and hot begins to fill you. Not just at him but at them all… everything and everyone who seemed determined to make your life hell. You shake with the emotion, the energy from it welling inside you, making the space between your brows ache.
The bartender, leaning on the counter and staring into space, suddenly looks in your direction. Instinct telling her what her other senses can’t. That someone or something here is very… wrong. A threat she can perceive though she can’t tell what it is or why she’s feeling this. You force yourself to take a deep breath, quelling the anger inside you just a touch. She seems to relax once you’re no longer flinging your emotions into the room.
Once again you turn your thoughts back to your memories. Something to ground you so you didn’t send the room into a frenzy on accident.
Dublin, that was where you landed after Turkey. A part of you had wanted to head back to the states but that fucker was obviously American and you wanted to be close enough to get to Natasha quickly.
Thankfully, her time in the Red Room was short and you were only there for a few weeks before the message came through to meet her in Prague.
- February 2005 -
You sit at the bar of the mid-range hotel Natasha chose sipping on a Makers. You’re on edge, had been for weeks ever since your run in with Brock. All your digging had brought up nothing but dead ends and cold leads. However, three days ago, the agreed payment had been deposited into one of your accounts.
You didn’t touch it. Still weren’t sure you would. All efforts to backtrack the transaction led nowhere. Whoever that employer had been they were a ghost now. It left the worst taste in your mouth that even the Makers couldn’t drown.
You sense her before seeing her. Her aura louder than a siren. Your heart skips a few beats and a smile fills your face. Spinning on your bar stool you look to the lobby. Her sleek black trench conceals her figure and large sunglasses hide much of her face, still, she has the presence of a stunning woman. Your woman.
Natasha’s eyes light on you and it feels like you’re caught in the best kind of electrical storm. All your hair is on end your skin tingling just by her looking at you and smiling. Damn.
She nods toward the elevator and walks away. You leave a tip on the bar and follow her.
Just to be safe you don’t acknowledge one another at the elevator. Well, no more than two strangers would. Just smile and nod while looking to passersby that you’re standing in companionable silence. Nothing gives away the fact that the air between you is on fire with emotion. The doors slide open and somehow you maintain composure on the ride up.
It’s the longest elevator ride of your life. The wait as you were bleeding from that stab wound was less intense. When you finally close the door to the room nothing in the whole damn world could keep you from one another.
Immediately you press her against the wall, desperate to taste her kiss. Gripping her shoulders you press your lips to hers. It feels like the first breath you’ve taken in weeks. Her body melts into yours immediately. Reaching up you pluck the sunglasses from her face and toss them away.
Emeralds peek from beneath her lashes. The circles under her eyes only making the color all the more striking. On her right cheekbone is the ghost of a bruise. Tenderly you press a kiss to it. Without a word she opens the memory to you, a woman’s swift backhand cracking over her face. It didn’t matter. You had her now.
Pulling back your hands find hers. Gently you tug her to the bed. At the foot, you slip your fingers into the knot of the trench coat belt and undo it before sliding the garment to the floor. She takes your chin in her hand and pulls you into another kiss and you slide your hands around to the back of her skirt tugging the zipper down.
As her skirt slides down her hips you do the same, slowly sinking to your knees before her. You hook your fingers into the lace of her underwear and pull them to her ankles, holding her gaze. Her nails dig through your thick curls and scratch your scalp, sending tingles through your body as you bring your mouth to her, sucking a bit, teasing.
When the small moan of pleasure tumbles from her, you grab her hips and push her back onto the plush bed. Surrendering she tumbles back, with more grace than should be allowed, her legs tangled in her heels, skirt, and underwear dangle from the edge. Freeing her of the skirt and underwear, you slip the killer heels from her feet and run lingering kisses up her legs.
Goosebumps cover her creamy skin and her breathing is ragged. A part of you wants to tease her, drag this out, take time ridding her of blouse before having her but you’re not that strong-willed, unfortunately. Your lips press gently against her folds, tongue just barely tracing the outline of her.
“Fuck,” she sighs as her sips lift and her fingers tangle in your hair. When your tongue flicks across her clit she cries out just a little and the burning in the base of your abdomen ticks up a notch.
Yes. This is what you both need. Forget everything else. Right now there’s just this. Just the taste of her, the sound, her fingers in your hair. This was everything.
You suck at her clit, your nails digging into her thighs and she shudders with pleasure. Sliding two fingers into her you can tell she’s already on the edge, thighs shaking, breath ragged. Yes. You plunge as deep as you can, fingers curling just a touch, rolling her clit under your tongue.
“Y/N!” She cries, “Please baby. Oh, fuck!” Her hips buck up and you press them down hard with your left forearm holding her steady.
Her orgasm crashes into the both of you like a fucking hurricane. Holding your head steady her body practically convulses and you feel her walls contract against your fingers as you fuck her through it. Beyond the physical her emotions and pleasure curl into your body setting you on fire. This is very new and absolutely fucking incredible.
“Natasha,” you breathe out. You feel almost drunk as she guides you onto the bed.
Your head hits the pillow and you watch her slip the woven white blouse over her head revealing a lacy bra. You were so used to seeing her in tactical dress that it takes your breath away.
“You’re fucking beautiful you know,” you drawl taking her in. She smiles and lowers to your face kissing you deeply as her hands unbutton your jeans. Releasing the kiss she works them off you. You lean up and tear your tee off, desperate to feel her body pressed to you. Hovering over you she smiles as she presses her right thigh against your center, already slick. Your eyes flutter closed, the mix of emotions coming from her truly intoxicating.
“I say,” she whispers before kissing you, “we don’t leave this room for 24 hours.”
That was the best idea you’d heard from her yet
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skillstopallmedia · 2 years ago
Peugeot 5008: it already adopts the new logo in China
Peugeot 5008: it already adopts the new logo in China
Inaugurated by the Peugeot 308 and now affixed to the recent 408, the new Lion logo is gradually appearing on the rest of the range. The 208 should integrate it soon during its restyling, while the 2008 should logically follow. For the 3008 and 5008 SUVs, we will have to wait a few more months… But not in China, where the large 7-seater SUV is already receiving the modernized emblem! Photos of…
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carsymbols · 3 years ago
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Peugeot Logo PNG Peugeot is a French brand of car manufacturer, which was established in 1810 by Emile Peugeot. Today it is a part of PSA Peugeot Citroën Group, and is the second largest automaker in Europe (after Volkswagen). Meaning and history Peugeot logo dates back to 1847, which makes it the oldest car emblem.
If You Want to More Information, please Contact Now:👇👇👇 Click Here : https://carsymbols.com/peugeot-logo/
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 7 years ago
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Peugeot Spinner, 2049 (2017). Curiously the flying cars in Bladerunner 2049 are branded as Peugeots. Officer K (Ryan Gosling) uses the vehicle extensively in the film and in one scene (I couldn’t find a still) there is a close-up of the Spinner’s front in which the PEUGEOT name is clearly seen, it is also attached to the car’s rear though I didn’t notice the Lion emblem 
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939asg · 4 years ago
Peugeot emblem
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spanky606 · 7 years ago
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@Regrann from @w.i.t.c.h.royalty - The Jaguar is The King of the Jungle. To the #Olmecs Jaguars represented: * Royalty * Rulership / Kingship / Authority * An astronomical constellation (both in the sky and in the spots on its fur) * Elemental Animals: Earth 🌎 - Tropical Rainforest and desert like terrains, Water 🌊- swimmers and water predators, 💨 Air- takes prey up into the height of tree branches to feast on it, 🔥 Fire- strongest bite force of the feline family, powerful and represented the spirit * Night creature, therefore it was mysterious * A raw representation of the Supernatural World that controls the Universe Jaguars are the largest cats indigenous to the Americas. Lions are slightly bigger (not all) than jaguars, but jaguars have sovereign power, better feats, and reigns as a one cat army. Most of the prey lions take down are due to group efforts. The lioness is more so the "king" since they are the bread winners of the family and actual rulers of their land. For the most part, Lions live in the savanna, not jungles which is obvious. So how did we get comfortable with saying they were the Kings of the entire "Jungle"? Jungle where? #braincheck Are we PURPOSELY being distracting from what really is? The point is, I just find it interesting that many people sleep on or by-pass the knowledge of the Americas (on purpose for some) while capitalistic corporations market it for profit. 🚘 The "Queen of the Jungle", holds her importance only in those who really know the truth about us, our ancient symbols and even animals of the ancient melanated ones of this hemisphere. Knowing the animals is what connected us to different aspects and ownerships of the land. Europeans in Britain made and named a car after the Jaguar, and it is an internationally sold vehicle. There is a brand of cars named "Peugeot" who have a lion as their logo meaning "little hill", which is only sold in the UK. What's interesting is that ones who created the Jaguar used an ancient american hieroglyph of a #Jaguar head as the emblem on the steering wheel (bottom center image). Jaguars are no where near indigenous to Europe or anywhere else as far as the so called eastern hemispher
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qohow · 4 years ago
the 10 automotive news not to be missed this summer
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Didn’t follow the automotive news this summer? As the automotive world has not stopped spinning over the vacations, here’s a quick catch-up session to bring you up to speed before the recovery.
Gilles Vidal went from Peugeot to Renault
Mercato is not only in soccer. In the automotive industry, too, talent goes from one team to another. One of the surprises of the summer is the transfer of Gilles Vidal. He has been at the head of Peugeot’s design department for 10 years, with many successes to his credit, such as the 3008 II, and has decided to leave PSA. He will join Renault in November! At the same time, the Losange has also taken on the services of the former design boss from Seat.
The scrappage premium has changed
A victim of its own success, the generous scrapping bonus put in place to boost sales after containment ended at the beginning of August. The government has reverted to the old system, which reserves the best aid for the lowest incomes. However, one novelty of the exceptional bonus has been kept: all French people can be helped by scrapping a pre-2006 gasoline or pre-2011 diesel.
Mitsubishi ready to leave Europe
At the end of July, Mitsubishi announced that it was freezing the introduction of new models in Europe. A decision that took the French network by surprise, which will gradually see the vehicles disappear from the range. This is already the case for the ASX and Eclipse Cross, then it will be the turn of the Outlander and the Space Star. In 2021, only the L200 pickup will be left! Before a total disappearance?
Nissan, Opel and Toyota change logo
This summer, several brands reviewed their identity. On the side of Toyota, this only concerns communication, with a new “flat” logo. At Opel, it is the emblem on the cars that has changed with the arrival of the new Mokka. The evolution is subtle, with a refined lightning bolt and a refined disc. Nissan redesigned everything when it introduced the Ariya electric SUV. The logo for communication has been oversimplified, and this minimalist aspect is found in the Ariya’s grille, in a luminous version.
Frenchman Takes the Lead in Jaguar Land Rover
To run Jaguar and Land Rover, Tata, owner of the British duo, called on a Frenchman. The Frenchman was Thierry Bolloré, who had been unceremoniously ousted from the position of CEO of Renault in October 2019. Bolloré’s task looks set to be a tough one, as Jaguar and Land Rover are in great difficulty, impacted in particular by the drop in diesel sales.
BMW Announces M3 Touring
In the fall, BMW will unveil the new M3 sedan. We specify sedan because there will soon be a station wagon! The manufacturer confirmed it itself, before scoop hunters tracked down the first prototype, which ventured onto open roads a few days ago. However, you’ll have to be patient if you want to have a more practical M3, since it will be marketed in 2022.
Gendarmerie: the Cupra Leon ready to replace the Mégane RS
According to our colleagues of La Revue Automobile, the Gendarmerie is looking for a replacement for the Mégane RS. And after tests, it would have chosen the Cupra de la Leon. Advantage of the Spanish: a station wagon variant. 17 station wagons have been ordered and should join the rapid intervention brigades in the coming months.
Audi unveils the new S3
New products have become rare this summer. The brands are waiting for the new season! Among the few models presented this summer were the Nissan Ariya, the BMW iX3, the Mercedes-AMG GT Black Series and the Audi S3. Already shown in Sportback and sedan, the S3 gets a 310 hp 2.0 TFSI.
The Smart factory for sale, Ineos ready to take it over
Thunderclap at the beginning of summer. To everyone’s surprise, Daimler announced its intention to sell the Smart plant located in Lorraine. One candidate for the buyout quickly made itself known, namely Ineos, which plans to manufacture a new adventurer, worthy heir to the Defender! Ineos should ensure the continuity of production of the Fortwo for a few years, and maintain almost all the jobs for a while.
BBS files for bankruptcy
The rim manufacturer BBS is in trouble again. Since 2015, the German company has been owned by a South Korean company (Nice Holdings Co), which no longer wishes to provide financial support. A positive outcome is hoped for this big name in the automotive industry.
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otomotifterbaik · 5 years ago
Cara Mudah Rawat Emblem Mobil Agar Tetap Kinclong - Merawat emblem atau logo mobil jadi satu hal yang tidak bisa terlewatkan. Sebab, bagian ini juga kerap terpapar sinar matahari dan hujan yang membuat tampilan menjadi kusam dan kotor.
National Technical Advisor Astra Peugeot Samsudin menerangkan beberapa langkah mudah perawatan emblem atau logo yang berada di grill dan buritan belakang.
Pertama siapkan, produk All Purpose Cleaner (cairan pembersih mobil serba guna).
SUMBER: https://www.otomotifterbaik.com/2020/05/cara-mudah-rawat-emblem-mobil-agar.html
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123designsrq · 5 years ago
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Founded in March 1919, Citroën originates a lengthy way… and also to celebrate a century of boldness and creativeness in the service of freedom of motion, Citroën revealed a factor of sheer beauty, the idea 19_19, a Citroën concept car that embodies their vision on the way forward for travel. Disclaimer: It’s electric, self-driving, seems like a “living room on wheels”, and takes cues from aviation design. The car’s exterior combines the look of an aircraft’s fuselage, combined with the transparent bubble-esque cockpit of the helicopter. Sensors that aid the car’s self driving nature are created pretty apparent with how they appear externally around the car’s surface, and when we’re analyzing details, exactly how should we your investment Citroën emblem occurring itself around the edge-lit headlights and taillights! I honestly can’t get an adequate amount of them! The vehicle practically seems like a magic carpet ride, because of Citroën’s Progressive Hydraulic Cushion Suspension system, which enables the wheels to maneuver individually on rough terrain, maintaining your cabin absolutely still. This ethereal experience can also be reinforced through the massive 30-inch tires designed together with Goodyear. The tires, rather to be hollow and air-filled are porous, similar to memory-foam, letting them absorb impact in addition to seem, providing you with the sensation of gliding on air. The 19_19 has a daring interior too, which Citroën claims is made to seem like a family room inside. Since living spaces contain a mix of seating types, the interiors from the 19_19 have different seats too. The leading seat near the driver resembles an appropriate chaise-lounge, giving its occupant the opportunity to truly unwind and relax (shotgun!) Seats behind make use of an innovative weave for headrests, mimicking the strain of fabric one will get from laying on the hammock. Citroën’s vision for the future of transportation is fully electric, and it is self-driven, however with a choice of getting an individual take reins from the vehicle (the 19_19 has a cockpit). The 19_19 has a top speed of 200 miles per hour as well as an acceleration of -100 miles per hour in five seconds. The car’s fully electrical power-train provides the 19_19 a variety of 800 miles whilst improving the car’s comfort when you are incredibly quiet, providing you with a peaceful enjoyable experience, much similar to sitting in your family room! The 19_19 concept vehicle can make its official debut in the VivaTech event in Paris on 16 May 2019. citroen concept car 2019 citroen concept gt citroen concept 2019 citroen survolt citroen karin concept cars citroen cxperience peugeot concept car Read the full article
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uae7515060-blog · 5 years ago
An evaluation of the MG 360 2019
There emerge as time while sedans have been considered a standing symbol and as a end result, highly-priced. For customers seeking out their first car, hatchbacks were the extraordinary way to transport. All this modified with the appearance of the compact sedan phase. Compact sedans provide customers most of the advantages of proudly owning a sedan, with none of the financial burden that got here along with one. Soon enough, most of the big game enthusiasts in the marketplace jumped at the opportunity and provided at least one model. However, even though this phase picked up steam, folks that had an terrific tighter rate range can also moreover need to however not find out the cash for a sedan.
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The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about Dubai Trip and Tour how to manage transport or Dubai Car Rental. Don’t worry just go to Rental Cars UAE and find out a suitable package. Rental Cars UAE provide all kind of Monthly car rental or rent a Car in Sharjah Services in Dubai. Moreover, you can get a 30% discount on all packages. Furthermore, if you are looking for Three Days deal on Car lease? No worries! Cheap Car Rental Dubai is here to assist you with the best packages that are the most suitable and cars are available at very affordable rates on three days. 360 AED is the three days package. Do not miss to grab the chance to drive in Dubai.
This is whilst the Chinese stepped in with the brilliantly-priced and decently engineered MG 360. Morris Garages, below the ownership of the Chinese, provided prospective customers with an all-new product that undercut a whole lot of its most critical fighters. The MG 360 made its first worldwide debut in 2015, and shortly made its manner to impactful markets which includes the United Arab Emirates. In a aggressive marketplace collectively with this, the 2019 MG 360 competition a few nicely-established game enthusiasts inclusive of the Hyundai Accent, Mitsubishi Lancer EX, Renault Symbol, and Peugeot 301.
Despite its lessen-throat pricing and a few brand-identity disaster, the 2019 MG 360 is honestly now not that awful-looking a car. Its styling will absolutely no longer trap humans with delectable tastes and an eye fixed regular for fashion, however on the other hand, that’s lacking the entire issue. I suppose the layout of the MG 360 is modest and most importantly, inoffensive. The unassuming the front fascia of the 360 wears a ‘smiling’ grille with a few chrome finish and an ‘MG’ emblem, large sweptback projector headlights, and a chiseled bumper with extensive air intakes and skinny LED sunlight hours-strolling light strips.
The trouble profile of the MG 360 homes enough creases and capabilities to characteristic a few taste, however now not enough to dazzle. The gently-developing shoulder line seems neat, and so does the 16-inch alloy wheels with their mildly-flared fenders. In evaluation, the lower again cease seems drab and stupid, and it looks as if almost no layout attempt become made to spruce it up. It does get a massive boot and three-D-format wrap-spherical once more lighting fixtures with a thick chrome bar within the center. As for its dimensions, the 2019 MG 360 comes in at 4.579 meters in duration, 1.804 meters in width, 1.490 meters in pinnacle, and capabilities a wheelbase that’s 2.660 meters prolonged. Its sizeable shipment capability isn’t the high-quality, however the 360 can hold a respectable 482 liters of luggage.
In stark evaluation to its outdoors, the interior layout and styling of the 2019 MG 360 is honestly quite first-rate. The twin-tone dashboard with a few fake wooden trim treatment seems best. The perceived notable of the trim quantities and textures is proper at the coins, despite the fact that the real feel of the said surfaces is brittle and feels reasonably-priced. However, given its competitive pricing, I can neglect about that and so should you.
The 2019 MG 360 comes with a long manner flung keyless get right of entry to, electric powered door mirrors, parking sensors with rear digital digital camera, cruise control, leather-based-based totally-based totally absolutely-wrapped multifunction steering wheel, an eight-inch touchscreen, and a four-speaker Bluetooth-enabled audio gadget. Its safety nannies embody twin airbags, ABS with EBD and brake assist, and balance manage.
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Engine and standard performance
Powering the 2019 MG 360 is a 1.Five-liter four-popper with 109 hp and 135 Nm of torque. It’s paired to an antiquated four-pace automobile and drives the the front wheels. This MG is quite sluggish, taking 13.7 seconds to 100 km/h, at the equal time as top tempo is 100 and seventy km/h. However, its gas financial system parent of 6.Three L/one hundred km is right.
The 2019 MG 360 fees from AED 39,500 to AED 42,500, and coverage charges between AED 1,848 and AED 1,920.
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bluemagic-girl · 6 years ago
Renault cuts revenue goal as car industry misery spreads
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PARIS (Reuters) – Renault warned revenue may possibly decline this calendar year, scrapping a previous aim, immediately after to start with-50 percent earnings was strike by weakening motor vehicle desire and an earnings collapse at alliance partner Nissan in the wake of the Carlos Ghosn scandal.
Net money slumped by additional than fifty percent to 970 million euros ($1.08 billion) in January-June as income fell 6.4% to 28.05 billion, the French carmaker said on Friday. Working financial gain also dropped 13.6% to 1.65 billion euros.
“Given the degradation in need, the team now expects 2019 revenues to be shut to last year’s,” Renault mentioned – abandoning an previously pledge to boost earnings before currency results.
A broad-primarily based car product sales downturn has rattled the sector, prompting gain warnings and compounding issues for Renault and Nissan as they struggle to change the web page on the Ghosn era. Their previous alliance boss is now awaiting trial in Japan on economical misconduct rates he denies.
Renault’s base line was hit by an 826 million-euro drop in earnings from its 43.4%-owned partner. Nissan is chopping 12,500 employment globally after an earnings collapse that it is eager to blame on Ghosn’s leadership.
But Renault’s possess efficiency – mirrored in an working margin that declined to 5.9% from 6.4% the yr prior to – compares fewer favourably with domestic rival PSA Team. The Peugeot maker bucked the downturn with a file 8.7% earnings margin unveiled on Wednesday.
Alliance tensions flared after Ghosn’s November arrest, worsened when Renault experimented with in vain to merge with Nissan then Fiat Chrysler, and may perhaps be affecting operational general performance, investors fear.
Citi analyst Raghav Gupta-Chaudhary flagged a lessen-than-normal 258 million euros in joint acquiring price savings for Renault. “We believed this would be weak in light of the well-documented troubles with the alliance,” he stated.
Renault blamed falling profits in France, as effectively as Turkey and Argentina, for a 7.7% earnings drop at its main automotive enterprise, whose profit margin slid to 4% from 4.5%.
The emblem of French car or truck producer Renault is seen at a dealership of the business in Bordeaux, France, June 12, 2019. REUTERS/Regis Duvignau/Data files
Running totally free funds circulation also endured, coming in at a damaging 716 million euros as expenditure jumped by 742 million euros to 2.91 billion.
Renault, which is counting on design launches which includes a new Clio mini to strengthen performance in the 2nd fifty percent of 2019, nonetheless reiterated pledges to provide beneficial entire-12 months income move and a margin near to 6%.
Renault shares ended up down .5% at 52.02 euros as of 0800 GMT in Paris, immediately after in the beginning slipping as much as 2.7%. The inventory remains almost 19% down below its level on the eve of Ghosn’s Nov. 19 arrest in Tokyo.
Reporting by Laurence Frost and Gilles Guillaume Modifying by Sherry Jacob-Phillips and Mark Potter
Our Requirements:The Thomson Reuters Rely on Principles.
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