#Peter gets adopted by a kitten
(pls and thank you)
kitten contention.
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synopsis : peter surprises you with a new addition to your little family, one that you, of course, welcome with open arms.
pairing : bf!peter parker x reader
wc : 929
warnings : none ! this is super fluffy, has a BUNCH of domestic fluff, and will make you smile hehe
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a/n : hi nonnie !! thank you so so much for this request <3 :) hope you enjoy it, special thanks to @strawberrystarcake for editing this for me and @/toms-gf + @/parkerpeter24 for the name ideas :)) !
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“peter, you can’t be serious…” oh, but he was. you follow him to his room, and that was when you saw the cutest little kitten.  "oh my god. she’s adorable.” you practically sprint towards the cardboard box placed in the corner of his room. the kitten was both black and white, green eyes, and was barely any bigger than your hand. she was asleep, so you decided on leaving her alone for the time being.  “i found her in the alley i usually change in. i’ve been bringing her food every night since, and i thought it was about time that i brought her in.” he smiles fondly.
“have you named her yet?” you see the kitten move just a little bit, and you were immediately alarmed. had you talked too loud? 
peter noticed your expression and chuckled softly before saying, “hm, no, not yet. i thought we could think of a name together?” he moves closer to you, and he simply adores you as you watch the kitty in awe. “gosh, i’ll have to think about it." you stop talking as soon as you see the kitten slowly rise, “peter! peter! look, she’s getting up!” you tap peter’s shoulder repeatedly and he chuckles.
 “be careful with her, she can be a little shy.” he warns as you reached into the box to gently pet the little creature. luckily, she warms up to you just fine, and before you realize, she’s rested in your arms, slowly falling asleep yet again.  - “okay, okay, i’ll put her right here, and if she goes to you first, i owe you ten, deal?” peter smirks mischievously. he looked a little too confident.
you were in the living room, and somehow, you two had argued over which one of you was the kitten’s favorite. "easy.” you had an equally competitive expression on your face, and you were determined to walk away with ten bucks. 
“3… 2… 1… go!” he quickly paces to sit at your side, and the game begins. 
“c’mere sardine!” peter couldn’t help but find your baby voice adorable, but he snaps right back into it. (and yes, you two had settled on the name sardine, after countless nights of arguing over the name, you finally found a name you were both happy with, he honestly found it hilarious, honorable mentions did include twix and miso.)  "c’mere girl, i know you want my cuddles!” peter says. the poor kitten is extremely confused as it looks at the both of you.  “oh, but you want mine more, don’t you?” you tease, playfully glaring at peter. but what happens next is what you least expect. 
sardine walks away and heads to her bed in the corner of the room.  you and peter stare at her, then each other. “that… changes nothing. i’m still her favorite.” you scoff. peter was slowly giving up, but he felt the need to put up a fight. 
“i found her first! and i’ve taken care of her for longer.” he crosses his arms, which you couldn’t help but laugh at.
 “we’ll just have to try again.” and just as quickly as it left, that mischievous expression of yours was back.  -  after a long day, you and peter had decided to have a stay-at-home date. you two were cuddled up together on his bed, watching whatever you found interesting on television, exchanging small whispers and little pecks like passing notes in secrecy. the silence was comforting, and so was peter’s warmth, it was almost like you two were soaking in each other’s presence.  but, of course, the little one couldn’t help but interfere.
 sardine slowly crept onto peter’s chest, and as you two noticed, you shared happy glances. sardine was kneading right on top of peter, right before she laid down atop peter’s chest, the sight was too cute to handle. 
and of course, you documented it.
 “babe! say hi to the camera.” peter turns to look at you, revealing his delighted smile. he waves at the camera.  “oh, you’re such a good girl!” he whispers, gently petting her. clearly ignoring the fact that she had broken quite a few things around the house, which peter had ended up taking the blame for when may confronted him about it. 
“yeah, you still owe may two months worth of chores.” you joke, and peter chuckles, “it’s worth it though.”  - “pete… you’re not gonna believe what i ordered online!” you walk into his room, the biggest smile on your face as you held a small sealed package.  "ooh! what is it?” his interest quickly piqued as he patted the space beside him, gesturing for you to sit down.  “look!” you opened the package, revealing a small green sweater, and peter beamed after realizing who it was for.
 “this… is PERFECT!” he excitedly searches the room for sardine, and as soon as he saw her, he picked her up and brought her to you. “okay, let’s try it on.”  you gently put the sweater over her head and let her arms through the holes of the sweater. 
“oh my god, where’s your phone?” peter asks, you handed it to him, and he began his own little photoshoot for the kitten. you threw in some praises for her here and there, and it seemed to be working, she was posing like she knew all the attention was on her.  "peter… i have a couple more outfits.” you say, pulling out a mini suit along with a mini necktie.
that was when you both knew that you’d be here for a while.
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taglist : (send me an ask to be added hehe !) @live-laugh-lovejoy @tomsholland2412 @parkerpeter24 @herpeanutzombie @toms-gf
a/n : tysm for reading :) pls reblog to support your writers hehe, requests are open !
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ziggyzolch · 3 months
Headache Ⅴ (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
Summary: After 2 months at the compound, you finally get some good news. Warnings: nothin really Previous Chapter
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“Got it?” You were bouncing in your seat as Steve concluded the meeting. “Yes!” Jumping up, you speed towards Wanda’s room. You hadn’t used your speed much aside from training since you’d gotten here, but you couldn’t contain your excitement. The meeting had ended 10 minutes ago, actually, but Steve asked you to stay back to tell you something you’d been waiting to hear for ages. ‘Blablabla…allowed on missions…blablabla’.  The stress of your upcoming exam was dulled by your excitement for your first, real mission.
“Jesus! Can’t  you knock?” Wanda yells as you burst into the room, holding a towel up to her chest. With a yelp, you slap your hand over your eyes, rushing back out and closing the door, waiting patiently for her to finish up with a light blush on your face.  Wanda seemed to ease up on you after the Ouija incident, even confessing that she controlled the whole thing. You seemed to be growing on her, despite the teasing. She’d even occasionally buy you coffee, something she randomly started doing after a month of you living at the compound. She had noticed how stressed out you were about all your assignments and upcoming exams, and figured it’d help.
 “Don’t mention it.” She’d roll her eyes and say when you thanked her with a kiss on the cheek. 
 Leaning back on the door, you get lost in your thoughts. Your first, official, mission. After 2 months of training, Steve’s finally letting you go on a mission. Your time at the Avengers Tower so far wasn’t the most exciting. Wake up, train, eat, and study until you pass out on Wanda’s desk. Things were finally about to get interesting-
Wanda watches you fall backwards into her room as she opens the door, laughing at your glare. “You need to stop leaning against the door,” She offers you her hand, which she yanks back just as you were pulling yourself up. “Cunt.” You mutter under your breath, pushing yourself off the ground. 
“What’s got you so excited, speedo?” Wanda asks as she dries her hair.
“Nothin’ much; just that I’m going on my first mission!” You jump up and down..
Wanda raises an eyebrow, “Huh. When? What kind of mission? Are you ready-”
Taken aback, you raise an eyebrow, “Uh, Steve said it was soon.” You scratch the back of your head, “ I don’t know much else, just that it's happening.”
Wanda gets lost in her thoughts as the conversation dies out, walking into the bathroom. You ignore the sudden change in her demeanor. 
The excitement fades as you glance at the pile of books at your desk. College was kicking your ass. School was never an issue for you, being a straight A student up until you graduated, so struggling at your studies was foreign to you and all the stress had been piling up. That, plus your overwhelming homesickness, had been bringing you down the past couple of weeks. Your first exam was in a week, and you felt completely and utterly unprepared. 
A meow coming from under the couch brings you out of your thoughts. You coo, picking up your cat and spinning around, “My baby, my baby. You’re my baby say it to me,” Adjusting your hold on him, you start swaying back and forth. You found him as a kitten shivering under a dumpster towards the end of high school. You were skipping with Peter when you found your adoptive son, and you kept him hidden in school until you could take him home. Your father was not pleased. “My baby, my baby- Ah!” A familiar laugh startles you. 
“Did you birth him or something?” Tony jokes, putting his hands out as you hand him your baby, “I might as well have, he’s my son.” You pout, watching the cat climb onto the man’s shoulder. “What’s his name, anyways?” He asks, bending his arm awkwardly to pet your son.
“Wesker, but my father nicknamed him ‘Little shit’” 
“Like mother like son, amiright?” Tony puts the cat down, scratching his little chin for good measure.
“Ha. Ha. What did you come in here for?”
“Well, speedo,, I heard from a little, 6’2, jacked, bearded birdie that you were going on your first mission soon,” He walks towards the door, urging you to follow him, “I’d like you to help me design your suit-” Tony’s interrupted by your squeal “Yes!” You clear your throat, “I mean, yes of course I’d like to help.” 
“Great. Maybe after this mission I’ll let you have your own room.”
Tony pauses at the door to his lab. He leans in to type in the code, before glancing back at you and putting his hand up to cover the screen. You roll your eyes, he must’ve installed it after your failed heist. 
“Alright, let’s start.”
“That looks like shit.” Wanda deadpans as you show her the design you came up with. You and Tony discussed the features you’d want for your suit, but he left the aesthetics to you. “What the fart! This is the third one I’ve shown you.” You whine, Wanda raises an eyebrow, “‘What the fart’? Are you 6?” You roll your eyes, “You wouldn’t get it.” The witch chuckles, pushing aside crumpled papers and taking a seat next to you.
“Why is the suit fully green, wouldn’t black make more sense?” 
“I’m not trying to look goffik.”
“Never mind.” You have to make her read ‘My Immortal’ later.
The door being pushed open interrupts your conversation. Steve walks in, acknowledging Wanda with a curt nod, before placing a file with ‘CLASSIFIED’ plastered on the front on your desk. “Mission details.” He says before turning and walking out. “Uh, okay…” You mutter, picking up the folder and skimming through.
‘Abandoned Hydra facility, low security. Pick up leftover documents, blueprints, etc. Limited to zero engagement.’ 
Seems easy enough, if not a little boring. The mission was taking place a day before your exam. You probably should’ve mentioned the fact to Steve, but you could deal with it. You can feel Wanda’s presence behind you, reading through the document as well. Wanda mutters something under breath before walking towards the door. “No wait! I still need your help- and she’s gone.” You sigh, pushing yourself off the couch and moving towards the desk. 
Putting your glasses on, you crack your knuckles and stretch your neck. You’re locking in. 
You’re awoken by a nudge on your shoulder. Lifting your head up, you look at the ruffled papers and pens, your biology textbook on the floor by your foot. “Hey sleepyhead.” Wanda teases, ruffling your hair and placing a cup of coffee next to your laptop. “Hey, thanks.” You lean up, giving her a peck on the cheek. “Don’t mention it.” She smiles. 
You groan, holding your head in your hands. “What’s wrong?” Wanda glances back at you as she takes off her shoes. “This shit is kicking my ass.”  She approaches you, flipping through the various worksheets.
“All the lectures I missed are catching up to me.” You had studied the material at least 5 times by this point, but you still don’t feel like it’s enough.
“Aren’t they recorded?” She picks up your textbook, placing it on the table.
“Yeah, but I can’t focus with videos.” 
“Huh, I never expected you to care about school so much.” She mutters, “Maybe I can help?”
You raise an eyebrow, ignoring the subtle jab, “How?”
“I could quiz you, or something. Maybe research some new studying methods you could try?”
“Oh, yeah. Smart!” You light up, “But later. My eyes are starting to cross.”
Wanda giggles, patting your shoulder and walking towards the couch.
“I’m joining the mission.” Your eyebrows shoot up at Wanda’s statement.
“Why? Is it more dangerous than I thought?”
“No, no. Nothing like that, just wanted to see how you’d do, and maybe make fun of you if you mess up.”
“Oh. Okay,” You don’t think too much of it, having been used to her teasing by now, “Who else is going?”
“Bucky and Natasha, maybe Pietro. Steve won’t be there, so Natasha’s in charge.”
You nod, standing up and pulling out the spare blanket and pillow. Wanda stops you before you can place them on the floor, “You can sleep on the couch, if you’d like.” Your eyes widen, “Really?” The witch rolls her eyes, “Yes, idiot.” Picking them up, you place them onto the couch, “One day, those eyes will roll back so far they’ll never come back down.” She lightly punches your shoulder, “Don’t make me take it back.” You put your hands up in surrender as Wanda walks towards the window. You always take a nap around this time. Wanda thinks that if not woken up, you could sleep till judgment day. 
She sets up an alarm for you to make sure it doesn’t happen. You never asked about it, figuring she set it for herself and that you happened to benefit from it. Before you could tuck yourself in, Wanda asks, “I found a polaroid of you and your father in the drawer. How come you never talk about him?” You sigh, turning away from her, “Nothing really. Just distance.” 
Wanda knows there’s more to it, but she won’t read your mind to find whatever information you left out. The witch closes the blinds and picks up your worn out teddy bear from the floor, placing it next to you and walking towards the door. Turning, she glances at you, snuggled up on her couch, already asleep. Maybe sharing a room with you wasn’t all that bad.
Next Chapter
A/N: hello again. kinda long authors note but i got a lot to say.
i went back and changed a few minor things in the other chapters, mainly grammar and spelling errors.
one major thing i changed was becca to kate bishop. It felt out of place for her to be there tbh, figured itd be better to have an already established character.
also in the last chapter i accidentally left in ‘quinn’. She was another character that i put in that i ended up scrapping, but forgot to remove that mention of her.
Also, I know a lot of my followers came from my regina fic, so if you guys are reading this and want a new regina fic, give me some suggestions!
Sorry for the super long wait. Summer break started so new chapters coming!
Also, is there any character in particular you guys would like to see? Or any already introduced character youd like R to interact more with? Tell me bout it. tbh i’d love to hear any suggestions you guys have for the story.
Comment if you'd like to be added to the tag list. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
Tags: @sgm616 @gabby-duhh @le3-r1n @unicorniusfallapatorius @ayoungexwife @anaaam
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inkdemonapologist · 10 months
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YESSSSSSSSSSSSS YES ITS TIME!! Cthulhu AU's Beans is a proud mama!!!!
to anyone who noticed all the little comments about Jack's cat Beans hiding away more often and getting a lil bigger and thought "I wonder if Beans is pregnant" -- CONGRATULATIONS! there's baby beanses now...!!!!! we've been calling them THE BEANITOS while talking about kitten headcanons because I saw this word on a package of chips and lost my mind at how cute it was
A couple extra scribbles and specifics/names/kitten headcanons under the cut; most of these were developed by Mochi and the relevant adoptees:
The lil calico pattern kitten who takes after her mom is Lentils, named by Jack; he'll be keeping her. She is a Vicious Hunter!!! and a bit of a little gremlin
The white kittens are Grace and Gavin! Grace will be adopted and named by Susie, and is the one who keeps stepping on her brother. Gavin is named and adopted by Peter, who talks to him like he's a coworker and his meows are helpful feedback on work. Gavin also might steal ties.
Spark is Joey's name for the little black-and-white tuxedo ("a spark of inspiration"), whom he is DEFINITELY not getting attached to, no way!!! Spark, on the other hand, has absolutely chosen Joey as his Person.
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Before picking names for them we just referred to Spark as "wobble kitten" -- the little kitten Joey saved has turned out to have a mild case of Wobbly Cat Syndrome, which means he'll need some extra care and will worry Jack sick -- but it's nice, for once, to have a scare that turns out to be perfectly okay; Spark is a determined lil guy who cannot be stopped!! (if you haven't seen a wobbly cat before, internet cats Breakfast Sandwich and Tumbleweed are real life examples)
And lastly, Quill (named for a writing quill, which fits as the beanitos' tails become more floofy and feathery) is the lil grey tabby, named and adopted by Henry, who brought the kids over to Jack's to see the kittens and was not supposed to come home with one of them but, oops. Most of the beanitos are loud meowmeowmeow kittens but Quill is more quiet and sleepy and just wants to be purring on a lap or a shoulder. She is a good girl but she is VERY pampered.
Bonus: grown up
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emhasthoughts · 11 months
Gertrude and the cat-avatars
Summary: Gertrude let one cat in. Said cat has a habit of bringing in other cats.
A/N: During @dcartcorner's stream the topic of avatars as cats came up and I decided to write a little something for it. I have another part with the Distortions that might be posted later. Also worth noting: I do not own a cat, never have, I'm horrible with cat breeds, so I've tried to describe Simon/Peter/Elias through this art and Mike's look is taken from this
Lastly: Not beta read by someone else, just me and my lil google document.
Pt 1, You're here! / Pt 2, Michael and Helen Distortion, Agnes / Pt 3, Annabelle, Jude, Oliver / Pt 4, John, Jane, Maxwell, Manuela / Pt 5, Jon, Martin, Sasha, Tim / Pt 6, Melanie, Daisy, Basira, Georgie / Pt 7, Jared, Gerry, Nikola / Bonus, a visit to the vet / Halloween bonus!
Simon was the first cat she actually adopted. It had been one of her coworkers who had wanted to get rid of him due to their financial situation and asked Gertrude about it. Claiming that he was old and an inside cat, easy to take care of. She had agreed. Thinking it would be easy and that, in the worst case, Simon would not live for long after getting him. She could not have been more wrong.
Sometimes he could have passed as a kitten. Rather small for what he was meant to be, thin despite the amount of food he ate, his gray fur was not fluffy enough to hide how thin he could look. Despite it all, the veterinarian had claimed him healthy. He was also not that much of an indoor cat. Sometimes, whenever he felt like it, he would wander out of the house, sometimes gone for days. Gertrude did not mind it that much. He was a rather loud and talkative cat after all.
Simon also had a habit of getting more cats to her doorstep. 
One day she opened the door to see small Simon standing proudly in the middle of two new cats. One looked nearly ridiculous next to him. Light beige and at least three times bigger and fluffier, with yellow eyes that sort of made it look like he did not want to be there. To the other side was a mainly brown cat, who seemed to be in a perfect middle of size and fluff. A bit of white around the eyes, nose, stomach and paws. He looked at her with judgemental green eyes and for a moment she worried if a cat could actually see into someone’s soul. Since they kept coming back she had named the two Peter, the fluffy cat and the other Elias.
Peter came and went. Similarly to Simon, he could be gone for days, maybe even weeks. Whenever he was home he was with Elias and/or Simon, being quiet and calm. Elias was probably the most judgemental cat she had ever come across. He was not really loud or overly talkative, but he could spend hours in a corner just looking at her without blinking. It was a bit creepy and sometimes it felt like he was secretly planning to kill her in her sleep.
Four months ago Simon was gone for a week, only to come back in with a very disgruntled cat. Looking rather similar to Peter, though smaller, thinner bit of brown around the eyes, paws, tip of ears and tail, including a branching scar most visible on the back. Despite the cat not being a small kitten, Simon still managed to drag them there. The cat had seemingly accepted its fate, making Gertrude question how far from home they were.
She had taken the cat to a veterinarian the day after. It was a male, named Mike, who had once belonged to a couple that passed two years before in a house fire. The scar was older, though it had gotten infected over the two years. She had gotten more of a rundown of everything that was wrong with Mike and she planned to simply let him up for adoption, except Simon did not seem to leave Mike’s side. So, Gertrude accepted Mike in. If only until he was healthy again, by then Simon would hopefully be over it. 
Since then Gertrude had tried to throw Mike back on the streets while Simon was away. Except the pair kept coming back. Which caused her current situation. Sitting on her sofa, trying to watch TV, except she found herself staring at Mike, who had made himself comfortable on the shelf next to a vase, glaring back at her. His paw slowly raising towards the vase, never breaking eye contact. Gertrude narrowed her eyes. Until -
There was no crash. The vase was no longer on the shelf but it was also not shattered on the ground. Her eyes did not leave the falling - flying? - vase. It did not really stop the small cat from glaring at her. 
Gertrude had no real clue how long it was like that. The vase floating on the spot, her looking at the vase and Mike glaring at her. Like a picture, frozen in time. At least until -
Well fuck.
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soulofapatrick · 2 years
Changes for the Better - Peter Hale
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Summary: Derek sees his uncle find love in the most unexpected person 
Words: 600 
Warnings: none I think
Derek Hale's POV:
A monster that hunts virgins in Beacon Hills, just fucking great. What next? Something feeding on kids? As a pack we decided it was best if Y/N wasn't involved because he's... he's a virgin and as the emissary he's at a greater risk than any of us. We've been avoiding the boy for weeks now as we try find the creature and get out of here and it's horrible. He's been to the land the burnt out shell of the Hale House multiple times a week and I have had to hide every single time because the boy cannot get tangled up in this mess of a situation.
I thought he'd given up after a five or so days of him not coming to find me but then that familiar scent wafts towards me through the breezing and I'm running, taking perch in a tree near the edge of the clearing like a fucking twilight character stalking whatever her name is.
"I can't fucking take it!" Y/N screams from where he's come to a stop on the what is left of the doorstep. He glances around as pure rage and sadness pheromones waft my way, my heart aching to help him but I can't. It's safer if I leave him be. It's safer for him not to be near any of us.
The splintering of wood drags me from my thoughts as Y/N has grabbed a plank of charred wood and is smashing it against any part of the house he can reach while he yells angrily about how the pack have abandoned him and how he feels so alone. There's a slicing of skin as the wood goes flying from his grip leaving splinters but Y/N doesn't seem to notice as he just goes on to punching and kicking the house until his knees give out and he's sobbing into his now bloody and probably broken hands.
"I'm sorry Derek, I can't not do anything," My uncle - Peter's - voice reaches me from somewhere in the woods before he's emerging into the clearing and making his way towards the adopted Stilinski. I can't do much except watch how the ex-alpha makes his presence known before sinking down beside the heartbroken boy, pulling him into his arms.
"Peter?" The Stilinski asks in a broken voice and Peter just shushes him softly, pulling the boy closer to him and resting his head on Y/N messy cinnamon hair. My eyes widen as I see faint black lines skittering up my uncles' arms because from what I remember Peter Hale did not care enough to take anyone's pain let alone do it without thinking like he is now, "Why...?"
"Shhh, I've got you Sweetheart," Peter whispers, pressing a kiss to the smaller boy's hair before adding, "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."
"Can I see the kittens?" My pup asks softly, letting Peter gently manhandle him into his car but in the passenger seat. The only word I can use to describe Peter's actions towards my pup is lovingly.
"Of course you can," The ex-alpha smiles lovingly at Y/N as he settles in the driver seat, the pup's bottom lip trembling a little when he smiles back. When Peter leans over and presses a loving kiss to Y/N’s lips and Stilinski doesn't pull away I almost fall from the tree because they're... Peter Angus Hale is in love with the younger Stilinski? He's loving towards the younger Stilinski. Him and Stilinski...
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patchiko · 8 months
how would jason react to seeing an abandoned box of kittens
He brings them home assuming this is nighttime when he found them and on his patrol. Feeds them something, if their too young he goes on a midnight run to the grocery store to make them milk. In the morning he either gives them to a no-kill adoption center or walks around and hands them out to trustable looking individuals after getting them checked out at a vets office (teenage girls, middle aged white women, lonely scrawny awkward men, but not too awkward, like peter parker awkward, and 70+ y/o men and women)
literally jason todd handing out kittens is just some sketchy guy in a red hoodie and leather jacket carrying around a box of fluff balls with a red blanket inside
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crownedghostprince · 1 year
Peter Maximoff x Goth!Reader Headcanons
Peter Maximoff x Goth!Reader Headcanons
Fandom: X-Men.
Some fun headcanons of what I think it'd be like to date Peter/Quicksilver, being a goth person.
Requests: Closed. Requested: no.
Warning(s): None! <3
Note: Enjoy! If I've written anything inaccurately, please correct me! Also reader's gender is unspecified but I do talk about 'Feminine' and 'Masculine' clothing styles.
Word Count: 1,017
[Second Person Perspective]
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(Picture reposted by " Four Alignments " tumblr from 2021 and original poster deactivated their account).
♡ Peter loves your style so much. All the layers of clothing, the matching colours, how any colour you add matches the black you often prefer to wear.
♡ He loves all of your accessories and will watch you create your own and sometimes even steal you some materials for you to use.
♡ If you make pop-tab chains, necklaces, button pins, bottle cap pins, etc; he'll gift you pop-tabs from the cans of soda he drinks during his free time and bottle caps he finds laying around the place.
♡ It's always fun to see him speed around a corner, put a pop-tab or bottle cap in your hand with a smile and then zoom off again.
♡ A bit like 'Penguin Pebbling'.
♡ If you make him any jewelry or accessories, or button pins, he'll absolutely wear them.
♡ You once made him a 'Bauhaus' button pin and he's never taken it off his jacket unless he has to wash the jacket.
♡ He also borrows some of your spiked belts (basically belts you added the spikes to yourself) and wears them.
♡ You borrow his band tees, belts and occasionally his jackets when he lends you them.
♡ If you love making your own clothes and fixing them, when his clothes get old and raggedy (like about to be thrown out) he'll give them to you first so you can take the threads and use it to fix other clothes. (Or so you can cut out any patterns on it you like).
♡ Speaking of clothes, you fix any tears and rips in his shirts or pants that he often gets when speeding around bushes or exposed nails.
♡ As a date you both painted a pair of your sneakers to your liking and then coated them in paint protector until they were finished and safe from being weather ruined.
♡ If you love going to goth concerts and parties he'll 100% go with you to some of them and bop with a drink in hand.
♡ He carries hair ties on his right wrist in case yours break, safety pins attached to his jackets in case your button pins come undone and eyeliner in his pocket in case your makeup messes up.
♡ He'll paint his nails black with you and adopt any black kittens you find on the streets.
♡ If you find a stray dog he'll definitely raise the dog with you and name it something incredible like "Trucker".
♡ He'll tie your shoelaces when they come loose, hold your hair back when you're doing your makeup, help you put your necklaces on and help pin any slightly too big skirts.
♡ You and him have constant dance sessions together in his room and your playlist is a strange mix of his music and your music.
♡ It'll jump from 'Us and Them' by Pink Floyd straight into 'Spellbound' by Siouxsie and The Banshees.
♡ Going to skateparks together and having a lot of fun just messing around and trying new tricks. He loves when you pull off a kickflip or cross-over turn (depending on what you skate).
♡ You'll both celebrate Halloween by watching spooky movies and setting up fun decorations and treats. You both go candy shopping and leave them outside for trick-or-treators.
♡ Once you matched outfits as two vampires in love and another time you both dressed up like super fancy 1920s villains.
♡ Another time you both went as Morticia and Gomez Addams.
♡ He took you to see 'Scream' when it first came out in the cinemas. You two also saw 'Halloween' at a drive-in cinema.
♡ If you play in a band he'll help you practice and be your biggest fan and supporter.
♡ If you struggle to get a note when singing or learning a song on an instrument, he'll pull down one of his guitars and practice the song beside you.
♡ He loves getting drunk with you near a beach and just dancing under the stars as a radio plays beside you both.
♡ Speaking of beaches, he always carries sunscreen for you if you burn really easily. If you surf or swim professionally he'll practice beside you and you'll teach him some things you know.
♡ You taught Pete quite a few surfing tricks and he's never forgotten since. He's a naturally fast learner and surfs really well.
♡ If your favourite band has a concert and you don't hear about it he'll sneak a couple tickets behind your back and give them to you as a surprise.
♡ Also, it's certainly strange to see a goth at a Pink Floyd concert, but you still attend. They're a very welcoming community that don't mind your appearance, they're just enjoying the performance.
♡ You definitely feel less out of place at a Nirvana concert with Pete though.
♡ When he first got his license y'all immediately drove through many different cities just to listen to smaller goth bands play in bars as you both got food and soda.
♡ If you can ride a motorcycle, you definitely take him on long sunset drives through safe and beautiful back roads right beside the forests and small creeks.
♡ If y'all shoplift or graffiti because someone was horrible and y'all are getting your revenge? He'll 100% speed you both out of there the minute you grab an item or finish some graffiti art.
♡ Whilst on graffiti art, if you love it then you'll both take long walks under bridges, through alleyways and abandoned buildings and skateparks to admire the graffiti art and take photographs.
♡ If you need a model for your photography he'll pose in photos for you. During sunsets, concerts, beach days or when in a new state, you take a picture to remember the date with.
♡ You have a small scrapbook with little bats decorating the spaces between the photos as well as some press-dried roses.
♡ If you have any 'unusual' hyperfixations, or special interests, (or hobbies), he'll love to listen and learn about them with you.
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dogmanincorrectquotes · 6 months
Do You do headcanons if so what are your headcanons. Some of mine(mostly for petey cause hes my spirit anime) are: peteys an aroace level 1 autistic,Molly definently bullys little kids on roblox,flippy and petey would def be drinking buddys,petey has insomnia that keeps him up all night were he questions his life's choices,dogman has the mine of a dog and isn't capable of human consent whichi why I don't ship him with anyone,lil petey can draw hands,sarah and yolay are dating
Those are some interesting ones! Thanks for sharing them, def going to accept some of those (especially the Petey insomniac one)
Here are some of mine below the break:
- Petey can swim, but Li’l Petey can’t. The former learned how to swim soon after the vaccum cleaner incident (from the first book), but only because he didn’t want to nearly drown again.
- ‘Molly’ is a nickname. Her real name is Margaret, but she hates that ridiculously long name with her guts.
- Grampa wanted to name Petey after himself, but Grace argued for for the name "Peter", with Petey as a nickname. Even after, Grampa still calls his son Junior because of resemblance.
- Big Jim and Petey are very distant cousins. (I've had this hc long before Scarlet Shedder released)
- Sarah and Zuzu met in passing after the latter bumped into the former during the Mutt-Masher scene in the first book. Sarah took a liking to the poodle, and then adopted her in the next book.
- Melvin used to keep a list of all his siblings’ names, and cross each one off the list when they got their first timeout. (He was ecstatic when the last one was crossed out)
- Adding to the above, Molly got her timeout after the infamous Chip-Dip Incident; afterwards, Molly made the frogs swear they’d never speak of it again. Because of said incident, Flippy no longer buys chip dip for the frogs.
- Even though Knight would screw up a lot in Chief’s presence, they were close friends before the former’s death - rip :’(
- There is a Captain Underpants cartoon (possibly TETOCU?) existent in the universe - this stems from the (canon!) fact that LP learned to draw from cartoons, saying this while doodling CU.
- Molly came to Petey lab in Mothering Heights with the intention of working on Squid Kid and Katydid with LP (and they actually did - whenever they took a break, they made song parodies)
- As an anthropomorphic cat in the DM universe gets older, they lose some fur, especially around their paws. So Li’l Petey actually does have fingers/an opposable thumb; they're just covered by mass amounts of fur.
- Both Officer Knight and Greg had heterochromia, the former with blue-green and the latter with brown-blue. (By extent, doggy man has it too)
- Petey used to be quite the doodler as a kitten, until something involving Grampa happened (screw you Grampa >:/)
- A bajillionth reason to hate Grampa; the motor brain was Petey’s idea, but it was a blueprint when the former raided the latter’s house. Grampa had changed most of its design so he couldn’t be sued. (That doesn’t mean he won’t be sued though haha)
- Grampa found Grace’s ukulele while raiding Petey’s house. Since he didn’t want it, he stuffed it somewhere Petey wouldn’t think to look, which is why Petey thought he lost it.
- Frida (who was noted to have designed the frogs in Baby Frog Squad) designed CC after Molly, at the latter’s suggestion.
And a wholesome one to close out: both of the Peteys love strawberry ice cream :)
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Puppies and kittens and adoption, oh my!
Or, Bebe, Bernadette, and their lifelong commitment to animal welfare.
VOTE HERE: Bebe Neuwirth vs. Bernadette Peters
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In 1995, founders Mary Tyler Moore and Bernadette Peters began what would become an annual event to promote animal adoption in the Broadway community. Broadway Barks brings some two-hundred adoptable dogs and cats to this star-studded event each summer in the hopes of finding them a forever home. Since it began, this event and the organization at large has placed thousands of pets (both young and old) with loving families.
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As Broadway's foremost cat lady, Bebe has been a staple of these events. Owing to her involvement, Gotham Coffee Roasters (owned by Chris Calkins, Bebe Neuwirth's husband) has an offshoot company called Little Cat Coffee? 100% of the profits go towards animal shelters and rescues, and they frequently collaborate with Broadway Barks.
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Produced by BC/EFA, Broadway Barks has seen many a Diva cross the stage with a heart-meltingly adorable animal in tow. Most recently, Bernadette has brought her beloved event overseas to the first ever West End event entitled "West End Woofs."
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As staples of the Broadway community, Bebe and Bernadette are inextricably intertwined by more than just dog leashes and balls of yarn. These two curly-haired Divas may not have a shared show, but they've done more than a few collaborations, including the "New York, New York" single recording in the wake of 9/11, and many a Joel Grey birthday.
Recently, arranged in a super secret group chat consisting of Bebe, Bernadette, and Donna Murphy (and how do I get on that chain?), the three Divas cooked up a surprise event in Times Square for Joel Grey's 90th. And these photos are truly some of the greatest gifts we've ever been given.
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I had a dream about this trio directly after this happened, but now is not the time to elaborate.
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The Boy Who Broke His Own Heart [Part Four]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauders Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Jasmine Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Marlene McKinnon, Lily Evans, Mary MacDonald, Euphemia Potter, Filius Flitwick, Fleamont Potter,
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 5511
Summary: Sirius would rather break his own heart than hers.
Tags/Warnings: James Potter has a sister, Self Loathing, Commitment Issues, Friends to Lovers, Kissing, Smut, Angst, Fluff, Smoking, Accidents, Harm, Marauders Era, The War is Not Happening in this,
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Jasmine Potter was doing fine. In fact by the latter half of term she had managed to put Sirius Black out of her mind. She was barely fazed by his angelic laugh, his dazzling smile or his perfectly styled hair. She hardly thought of the way he’d make her insides flutter by a look or how just one touch would make her melt into a puddle. She’d even managed to be civil with him whenever they were around one another, something she was trying to do more often so that James wouldn’t question her absence around him or worse try and pry.
The only thing was that she wasn’t sure how she was doing so well, especially given how awful she’d felt those first few weeks of term. Maybe it was just that she’d found other things to make her happy like her friends or her school work. Maybe it was that she didn’t have time to dwell on the feelings anyway as seventh year piled on projects and essays like someone shovelling coal onto a fire. Maybe it was the fact that she had a new project partner and friend, Theodore Scamander, who was sweet and kind to her, not to mention easy on the eye.
Then again maybe she was just getting over it. Healing.
Although as much as she welcomed it that idea scared her. Because Sirius moving on was one thing but her moving on meant that what had transpired would be stuffed in a memory box, never to see the light of day, never to be acknowledged or revisited. And she wasn’t quite sure she wanted to do that just yet, even if Theo was extraordinarily handsome and watching her as if she was the Mona Lisa instead of doing his homework.
She could feel his gaze on her now, those dazzling azure eyes that still seemed bright in contrast to his complexion even if his summer tan had started to fade. Yet even a tan wouldn’t hide the blush that was liable to cross his face if she looked up and caught him watching her. And though she was doing well her mind couldn’t help but flit to Sirius. Sirius wouldn’t blush, no, Sirius Black was not a bashful, shy boy who stared at pretty girls and blushed when they caught him. Sirius Black might catch you looking at him and if by chance he did he’d smirk, that Sirius Black smirk, and go back to allowing you to marvel at his beauty. And with that thought she decided not to embarrass him and spoke before she looked up giving him a chance to pretend he’d been enthralled in charms homework.
‘Are you checking on Finn tomorrow or me?’ she asked, peeling her eyes from her book at the very last moment.
‘Oh, er, I can,’ Theo said, looking as though he’d forgotten they even had a project [a baby kneazle called Finn] to check on even though that was the reason they’d become friends in the first place. Since they’d begun at NEWT level their care of magical creatures class had dwindled quite significantly leaving only a few stragglers behind. Because of this Professor Kettleburn had entrusted them to do some bigger projects, the first of which was hand rearing a Kneazle from a kitten to full grown, where they’d then be adopted out as pets. Jasmine had been looking forward to it until he’d announced this would be a joint project for two and given that she spent the majority of her class with James, Lily and Sirius she’d been panicked. If James chose Lily there’d be no reason not to go with Sirius and given James had more reason to keep his girlfriend happy rather than his best friend she hadn’t waited for them to make the decision for her and immediately locked onto Theo, who’d seemed surprised but was easy going enough he didn’t really question it.
‘If you’re busy I can do it it's no bother,’ she said, ‘I just didn’t fancy trekking all the way out to Hagrid’s hut in this weather.’
‘Oh, well yeah I can but maybe we could do it together,’ Theo said, adding as casually as he could, ‘maybe we could head into Hogsmeade after, warm up in The Three Broomsticks?’
‘Don’t you have any plans?’ Jasmine asked. She could feel him skirting around the edges of something but she wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about it just yet so she decided to see if he was going to be brave enough to do so.
‘No, but don’t worry if you do,’ he said.
‘I don’t,’ Jasmine said, pursing her lips before she let the words come out, ‘would it be a date?’
‘If you wanted it to be,’ Theo said, ‘or it could just be as mates.’
‘A dates fine,’ Jasmine said, surprising him and herself though she managed to keep her expression less wide eyed.
‘Brilliant,’ he said, unable to stop beaming a smile, ‘how about we go over that bit on wordless incantations now?’
‘Yeah, why not,’ Jasmine said, a smile on her own lips.
Given it was a Saturday afternoon The Three Broomsticks was crammed full of patrons either because the wind outside was biting, inviting Christmas shoppers in from the cold, or because students were still revelling in the freedoms this side of the academic year offered, the deadlines and exams feeling still far away with the buffer of a holiday. Nevertheless, it was hard to get a seat which the marauders and Lily found out as they hurried in from the cold only to find nearly every sittable surface taken.
‘Shut that door, it's freezing!’ Lily said, making Peter who was bringing up the rear of the group kick it closed behind him with a thud.
‘Warm in here though. I’m sweating already,’ James said, tugging off his red and gold thick woollen scarf.
‘I’m not surprised there’s a million people here,’ Remus said, craning his neck to see if he could spot an open table.
‘Yeah I’m not seeing any seats,’ Sirius said, doing the same though the crooked layout of the pub made it hard to discern if there were any gaps.
‘Yeah ‘cos everyone else didn’t send the morning running drills on the quidditch pitch,’ Lily grumbled, pulling her coat around her tighter as the warmth of the bodies and fires hadn’t quite removed the chill that had settled in her by sitting in the stands for a ridiculously long time.
‘You could’ve stayed in the castle, not my fault you like watching me fly,’ James said, elbowing her with a grin that made her roll her eyes. Then their attention was captured as Remus said, ‘oh there’s Jas!’
‘Oh good, we can sit with her,’ James said though as he attempted to head in her direction Remus said, ‘maybe not she’s with someone.’
‘So?’ James said.
‘So it looks like a date,’ Remus said, jutting his head towards where Jasmine was sitting. The table she was at was small, just room enough for two, and though she could be spotted through the crowd it was hard to tell who was sitting opposite her unless you were benefited with a height like Remus’. Without thinking James, Peter and Sirius all careened onto their tiptoes to spy a mop of blonde hair. James’ brow furrowed, ‘who’s that?’
‘Theo Scamander,’ Sirius said sourly.
‘Well they're just project partners I bet they won't mind,’ James said though as he attempted again Lily grabbed him by the arm and yanked him back, earning a confused look as all eyes fell on her.
‘They’re not just project partners…it is a date,’ Lily said awkwardly.
‘Why didn’t you say?’ James frowned. It wasn’t that he particularly wanted to be involved in his sisters' love life, that was just asking for trouble, but he would’ve expected Lily to keep him in the loop even if Jasmine didn’t. Then again he supposed he shouldn’t be shocked none of them knew what was going on, James felt like he hardly knew her these days though he didn’t know why. Lily however didn’t appear to have any sympathy for his predicament and said, ‘because I’m not a gossip! She’d tell you if she wanted you to know.’
‘Yeah, Lil’s right. Best leave them to it,’ Remus said, ‘c’mon let’s go to The Hog’s Head.’
‘Fine,’ James said, glancing over at his sister one more time before he headed for the door, tucking his scarf back on as he went.
As they ambled out one by one chatter slowly started to resume yet no one noticed the absence of input from Sirius, who was trailing behind quietly. He hadn’t said much since he’d spotted Jasmine, that familiar ache in his stomach at the sight of her, one that was always worse when he didn’t have a pretty face by his side to distract him. In fact as they sat in The Hog’s Head, sipping on butter beers and chatting about Christmas and quidditch Sirius couldn’t distract himself at all. Instead, his mind focused on her and more importantly, the way her hand had been interlaced with Theo’s on the table.
Much to Sirius’ disappointment James’ worries about his brotherly duties surrounding his sister’s relationships all but disappeared. Admittedly their first meeting with Theo in his new capacity as Jasmine’s boyfriend was a tad awkward but had ultimately ended with James declaring to his friend’s that Theo was a ‘sound guy’. He didn’t even waiver when Sirius had joked about his extreme niceness or perpetually happy mood responding to every barb with a ‘well it’s not me going out with him is it?’
Sirius reasoned James didn’t really like him and he was just happy Jasmine was electing to spend more time with them. Sirius was happy she was hanging around more too even if her bright eyed, goofy smiled beau came as part of the package now.
He knew he had no reason to hate the bloke. He knew he had no right to begrudge her moving on but he always reasoned that it was different for him. The girls he’d dated didn’t mean anything, not really, they didn’t make him laugh or giggle. They didn’t whisper sweet nothings in his ear when snuggled up in a common room armchair. They didn’t make him light up whenever they came into the room. Theo did that for her. He knew that because he watched every moment of it, wishing so deeply it was him even though he knew it never would be. Even if James had come to terms with Jasmine having a boyfriend it wouldn’t be the same if it was him. Theo was sweetness and light. Sirius was, well, a black sheep. Not even good enough to stay in a horrible family. No, James wouldn’t be as accepting if it was him because he knew, like Sirius did, that Jasmine could do better.
So that’s why he watched. He was watching them now though he was supposed to be playing a game of chess with Peter who was sitting cross legged on the floor of the common room, his chess set balanced on the corner of the coffee table between him and the chair Sirius was in. Chess with Peter never required much thought because there wasn’t much point in doing so, Sirius had only ever beaten him at once and even then he wasn’t sure how. So he didn’t bother, allowing the other boy to agonise over every move whilst he shifted his pieces lazily around the board and spent the rest of his time discreetly eyeing Jasmine.
She looked pretty today, her dark hair down around her face which she only did once she was switched off for the day, the unruliness of it making it fall down into her eyes whenever she was writing or rushing about. He was surprised it hadn’t fallen now given she was looking down, focused on the book in her hand. He used to love it when she’d read to him. As a child he used to be an avid reader, as there wasn’t much else to do in his house, but his mother had forbidden all non-magical books or works of fiction. Jasmine favoured muggle fiction books, reasoning that books about magical creatures and daring characters weren’t particularly interesting when raised on stories from family friends like Alastor Moody. Her books were all about everyday people and the heartaches and challenges they faced and yet listening to her voice’s gentle lilt as she played with his hair made him feel more exhilarated as all the knights and dragons ever could.
That must be how Theo felt now as she read to him, a gentle whisper that got lost in the chatter of the common room not that she needed to speak any louder as she was intertwined with him, her legs draped over his as his arm rested behind her on the back of the chair.
‘Your turn,’ he heard Peter say, snapping his attention back to the board once more. He glanced at it and noticed no matter how he played it the other boy would have his queen in two moves, three if he was lucky.
‘Knight to E4,’ he muttered, watching as his piece moved to safety if only for a couple more minutes. Thankfully he didn’t feel the crushing blow of defeat as James appeared not a moment later, a gleaming smile on his face as he leapt over the back of the couch and bounced down near Sirius causing Jasmine to look up at the clatter.
 ‘Careful!’ she said, shuffling closer to Theo.
‘Sorry Jas,’ he said, ‘a little over excited.’
‘What else is new,’ Jasmine said, rolling her eyes though Sirius got his meaning immediately.
‘You managed it then?’ he said, abandoning their chess game altogether as James leaned forward and nodded, ‘tested it on the portrait of the old woman and the baby up on the sixth floor. Miles away from anything so no chance anyone could set it off accidentally.’
‘And?’ Peter asked eagerly.
‘And every word triggered it and I tried every counter charm I could think of to stop her and none did,’ James said smugly, ‘so the teachers shouldn’t be able to either.
‘Not right away at least,’ Sirius said.
‘Hopefully not before Moony feels well enough to leave the hospital wing,’ Peter said.
‘I called by on my way back,’ James said, glancing around to make sure no one was listening before he continued, ‘he’s still not feeling great but his wounds are healing. Might be in another day or two so I figured we do it tomorrow night after quidditch practice and he’ll reap the benefits before we break up for the holidays.’
‘Good idea,’ Peter nodded. Sirius nodded too though as he thought about it he became unsure. From the first year to now they’d curated many pranks, this even one of the tamer ones, but they’d always done it as a team. Anything that needed planning and coordination like this needed the four of them and with Remus out of action they’d struggle to get an entire castle's worth of portraits charmed without help.
‘What is it?’ James asked, noting the worry in his friend's face.
‘It’s a lot of ground to cover just the three of us,’ Sirius said. James pondered it for a moment and then nodded, glancing at Jasmine who was still sat beside him but back enthralled in her book, her brother's disturbance not hampering her enjoyment of her story.
‘Why don’t we ask Jas?’ James whispered as he looked back at the boys.
‘Think she will?’ Peter asked just as quietly.
‘Yeah, sure she will for Moony,’ James said. Sirius allowed himself a glance at the girl oblivious to them all talking about her. A flutter ran through his stomach.
‘Yeah but just her don’t want anyone getting wind,’ Sirius said, hoping his stipulation sounded reasonable. Even if five bodies would be better than four he didn’t want Theo Scamander anywhere near him. Fortunately for Sirius James agreed not to include his new found friend too and nodded.
‘Morning,’ James said the minute Jasmine stepped off the spiral staircase into the common room, startling her and earning himself a swat on the chest.
‘Merlin you scared me then!’ she sighed, readjusting her bag which had fallen down her arm.
‘Sorry,’ he said, ‘I’ve been waiting for you.’
‘Why?’ she said, her eyes narrowing as she looked at him.
‘I need a favour,’ he said, offering his pleading smile. Jasmine rolled her eyes and started walking, ‘oh come on Jas.’
‘What kind of favour?’ she asked as they headed through the portrait hole in the direction of breakfast.
‘Help with a prank,’ he said, making her stop and raise an eyebrow.
‘That’s not very ‘Head Boy’ of you,’ she said mockingly.
‘It’s for school morale,’ he said, adding, ‘don’t tell Lil?’
‘What is it?’ Jasmine sighed. I
‘We’re going to charm all the portraits in the castle to sing Christmas songs when they hear certain words,’ James said. Jasmine pondered it for a minute and then said, ‘no.’
‘Oh come on, don't be such a grump,’ James grumbled.
‘Why can't you four just do it?’ she asked. Even though she’d started acclimatising herself back to the boys she wasn’t gung ho on getting involved in some hare-brained scheme.
‘There’s only three of us with Moony in the hospital wing so it’s too big an area to cover,’ James said.
‘I don’t know,’ Jasmine said.
‘Please? It’s for Remus, we wanna cheer him up. It was Pads’ idea,’ James said. Jasmine could feel her resolve weakening. She wasn’t particularly keen on the idea but she often felt for Remus. His condition was horrible and though she admired him, and his friends for sticking by him every month, she worried about him. Especially as James had informed her that this month he’d gone rogue from their little group when they were out on the full moon and had gotten into a centaur’s path leaving him beaten and bruised and therefore longer recovering. She also felt her resolve waning at the mention of Sirius, not because she wanted to spend time with him but because even if he had not acted right by her his fierce passion and love for his friends always shone through. That she had to admire.
‘Go on then,’ she grumbled.
‘Brilliant!’ James beamed, pulling her in for a side hug. Jasmine pulled out of it quickly, attempting to smooth down her now ruffled hair as they walked on.
‘So what’s the plan?’ she asked as they made their way down the steps towards the great hall. Hearing the bustle of students James stopped just short of the doors and lowered his voice just to stop anyone overhearing.
‘Well we thought we’d split it in two halves. One team on the west with the map and the other on the east with the cloak,’ James explained.
‘Me and you can have the cloak,’ Jasmine said, ‘give Sirius and Pete the map.’
‘Actually Pete is helping me with some quidditch drills after dinner so it’s probably better if we team up. If we get caught we can just say we’re walking back and didn’t realise it's gone after curfew,’ James said. Jasmine felt her stomach drop. Sirius’ hare-brained scheme she could cope with if she didn’t have to be with Sirius himself but god knows how long with him walking the halls of the castle, she didn’t know how she’d cope.
‘Why isn’t Sirius practicing with you?’ she asked casually hoping she could steer the plan back to how she wanted it without arousing suspicion.
‘He’s got detention,’ James grumbled, ‘I thought you could meet him after and start in the west half. He’s still got the map anyway, not that he used it otherwise he wouldn’t have got caught after curfew with Maggie Alstrop last night.’
‘Right,’ Jasmine said, ignoring the knot in her stomach at just how he’d got himself in trouble. She didn't care after all she was with Theo. She thought about it for a moment. She didn’t particularly want to spend one on one time with him but she did want to do something for Remus. And at least having the map was better than being smushed together under her father’s cloak.
‘So you’ll do it?’ James asked.
‘Yeah, I’ll do it,’ Jasmine said.
‘Thanks Jas,’ James beamed before strutting into the great hall to find his friends. Jasmine however floated over the Hufflepuff table and sat with Theo.
If she was going to spend time with Sirius Black, it wasn’t going to be longer than she had to.
The seventh-floor corridor was deserted when Jasmine arrived there which wasn’t surprising given not much happened on this level and most students would no doubt be headed back to their respective houses as curfew neared. Sirius was perched on the edge of a stone plinth that held up an ornate statue of a knight on horseback but he looked up as he noticed her dot on the map coming towards him.
Even if he had not explicitly asked for James to pair them up he had hoped it would be her based on the fact he preferred her a lot more and that he and Peter often ended up squabbling when joined up for a task. She however didn’t seem as thrilled as he was, a reserved smile on her face as she padded up to him and muttered hello.
‘Where’s James?’ was all he could think to say and it evaporated her smile almost immediately, a sour look replacing it as she said coolly, ‘he sent me instead.’
‘Right,’ Sirius said, not helping the matter though he opted to breeze past it and ask, ‘so he’s been over the-’
‘Charms, yeah,’ she replied, ‘he explained everything and gave me a list of the trigger words. Just one per painting right?’
‘Yeah, if it’s variable it’ll be harder for the teachers to pin down and stop it,’ Sirius said. When Jasmine didn’t respond an uneasy tension settled between them. One he hadn't felt before though he realised since summer they had never been alone, just the two of them, first by his design and now just because they’d never had a chance given she was always with Theo. Sirius cleared his throat, ‘right well I figured we might as well work top to bottom. It’ll be easier to get back to the tower that way.’
‘Yeah fine,’ Jasmine said unenthusiastically.
‘I’ll do right, you do left?’ he asked.
‘Yeah sure,’ she said and without a word she headed to the first painting and pulled out her wand, pulling the list of trigger words out of her back pocket before she cast the singing charm and the chosen trigger. The sleeping portrait of a wizened old man disturbed as the charm hit the frame but then went back to snoozing.
Sirius checked the map, noting that none of the teachers or Filch were anywhere near their operation and set to work himself. Other than the mutterings of the incantations it was quiet for the majority of their time working, the silence only made more noticeable as the castle started to wind down, students disappearing from the corridors as curfew fell. Sirius kept a check on the map periodically though he found these breaks always coincided with taking a glance at Jasmine, who kept her back to him most of the time.  As they finished another long and winding corridor and climbed aboard a set of stairs to the next level Sirius decided to be brave and risk a conversation for the first time that night.
‘Having fun?’ he asked, as they meandered down the staircase waiting for it to latch onto its destination so they could climb off.
‘Tons of fun,’ Jasmine said sarcastically.
‘Better than homework though I suppose you wouldn’t agree,’ Sirius said.
‘What?’ Jasmine asked. The staircase had stopped now, allowing them to step off but she kept her eyes on him rather than their destination as they walked out onto the third floor.
‘Well, you’ve been busy studying right? I guess it just feels like you’ve hardly been around these days,’ Sirius said, feeling sheepish as her eyes narrowed. Her disconnect from the group was something he was still getting used to as was the way she eyed him these days, with scorn and irritation.
‘It’s seventh year,’ was her curt reply.
‘Yeah, yeah, I guess,’ he said. Jasmine nodded and moved towards a painting of a young girl with outrageously long French plaits tending to a flock of sheep. However Sirius didn’t follow her lead and instead tried to continue the conversation.
 ‘So how is revision going?’ he said, forcing her to look away from the painting.
‘Fine,’ she said, ‘you?’
‘Yeah fine,’ he muttered, ‘be better if I had a good study partner.’
‘Maybe pick someone other than James to study with and you might get a bit further,’ she mused. Sirius grinned, ‘yeah probably…I’d ask you but you’re fully booked right?’
‘What?’ she asked, her smile fading as she lost the thread of his meaning.
‘Well you and Theo are study buddies right…now that you’re dating,’ he finished, the last of the sentence feeling awkward in his mouth and even more so as Jasmine scowled.
‘So, I guess I just didn’t see you two as going together. I mean you weren’t really friends before,’ he said.
‘What’s that got to do with you?’ she asked curtly, folding her arms across her chest. Sirius straightened up.
‘I didn’t say it did,’ he replied indignantly.
‘Well good because it's none of your business,’ she snapped.
‘Alright, fine if you don’t want to talk about it,’ he said, raising his hands in defence.
‘I don’t. Actually I don’t want to talk about anything with you,’ she scowled. Sirius scowled back.
‘We can just do this prank in silence then can't we,’ he retorted.
‘Fine by me,’ she huffed.
‘Fine,’ Sirius grunted.
Yet as he turned to his painting to start his side he heard the creak of a hinge and looked to find the flash of a tail pushing back through the door towards the staircases. Sirius grabbed the map and looked to where Mrs Norris was bounding up a staircase towards Filch just a floor above them. Jasmine looked at him worriedly.
‘What was that?’ she asked.
‘That bloody cat!’ Sirius grumbled, ‘Filch is right around the corner.’
‘Right, okay,’ she said, already starting to think of a plan but Sirius didn’t let her finish because he could see Filch charging down the stairs towards them. Instead he grabbed her by the arm and tugged her along to the end of the corridor and into a broom closet, wincing as she shouted, ‘what are you doing! Sirius get off me! Get off me right-’
Jasmine fell silent as they got behind the wooden door but only because his hand was now clamped firmly over her mouth preventing her from speaking any further even if the blaze in her eyes spoke volumes. After a heated silent conversation Sirius relented to move his hand thanking the stars that she stayed quiet, if thoroughly annoyed. Not that it helped matters though as Filch came directly towards them, pacing the area near the broom cupboard as he said, ‘come on out. I know you’re there; Mrs Norris told me so. So come on, whoever it is, show yourself!’
Sirius glanced at the map which was hard to see in the darkness of the closet and even harder to focus on as Jasmine leaned into that they were inches apart, her voice causing goosebumps on his neck as she whispered, ‘what do we do?’
‘Ignore him,’ Sirius said. It wasn’t ideal but he was sure the caretaker would yield eventually. Jasmine didn’t look convinced, even less so as Filch declared, ‘come on now! I know you’re here. Show yourselves.’
‘He’s not going to go,’ she said quietly.
‘It’ll be fine,’ Sirius lied.
‘I’m gonna go,’ she said.
‘Jas,’ he protested, placing a hand on her arm and trying to ignore the way his skin felt as though it was on fire when she moved it off.
‘Just stay here until we're gone,’ she smiled weakly, ‘and don’t make a noise.’
And before Sirius could stop her she slipped out of the cupboard and out of Sirius’ view. Jasmine could feel her nerves bubbling inside her as she stepped out into the stone corridor and found herself face to face with their bedraggled caretaker. She’d never liked getting in trouble and since her first couple of years and a natural navigation away from James and to her own friends she hadn't really fallen victim to it. And yet now in her seventh year on the verge of being a grownup she was standing in front of an authority figure thinking of how she was going to wangle her way out of trouble.
 ‘I knew there was someone here,’ Filch said, a malicious glint in his eye, ‘what's your name.’
‘Potter, Jasmine Potter,’ Jasmine said, ‘look I’m sorry.’
‘You know it’s past curfew,’ Filch said, with a hint of glee that signalled to her he was enjoying the power of it all. The only problem was Jasmine didn’t feel like letting him have any power. After her argument with Sirius something had stirred in her. She didn’t much feel like letting men get away with anything tonight. Sirius questioning her relationship. James and Peter getting away with a prank that was their idea whilst she got in trouble. Filch getting off on his power trip. So, she yanked it all away and broke into a fit of hysterics.
‘I’m so sorry I didn’t realise! Oh, please don’t tell McGonagall. I’ve just been so upset,’ she blubbed, trying not to smile as Filch's face turned ashen, ‘everything’s a mess! I’ve just got so many exams and deadlines. I fell asleep in the library because I was working so hard so I didn’t realise curfew had already come-’
‘It’s okay,’ Filch said hurriedly.
‘I can't do anything right these days my friends say don’t worry but it’s hard not to especially when you're on your period-’
‘Right, right, okay,’ Filch said, flushing deep crimson at the mention of a menstrual cycle, ‘no harm done just get to your house.’
‘Really?’ she sniffled, ‘oh thank you so much Mr Filch! You’re so lovely!’
‘Yeah,’ Filch said, clearing his throat awkwardly as he went even redder, ‘well off you go.’
Jasmine offered him one last smile before she skipped off towards Gryffindor tower, happy that for one shining moment of this year she’d got her way. Sirius would be left baffled; she wouldn't be in trouble and Filch didn't get to dine out on his punishment. 
Yet as she walked back to the tower she found her happiness fading. The common room was empty and though she had every right to head to bed she couldn’t bring herself too, waiting nervously on the sofa until the three of them made it back. She reasoned that it made sense to, that way if Sirius didn’t make it back she could send James and Peter to look for him. She was just about to as James and Peter came through the portrait hole first, looking perplexed to see her alone. But then he walked in, beaming a confused smile at her that made her heart flutter, even if she had spent the majority of the night arguing with him.
‘Where’ve you been?’ James asked as he appeared.
‘Got caught by Filch,’ Sirius said, looking at Jasmine as he said, ‘what happened? I couldn’t hear properly but he walked off in a right old huff.’
‘He let me go,’ she shrugged.
‘How did you manage that?’ James gawped, the amount of run ins he’d had with the caretaker ending up less than an even split in Filch’s favour.
‘Filch can't handle crying girls,’ she said, ‘got him all flustered when the tears came.’
‘Bloody nora,’ Peter grinned. Jasmine smiled, before she turned her attention to Sirius, their uneasy tension now petered out as she asked, ‘did you manage the rest?’
‘Yeah just not the floor below this,’ Sirius said.
‘Maybe we can hit that tomorrow before quidditch practice,’ James said with a yawn.
‘Good shout,’ Sirius agreed, looking at Jasmine. He was just going to suggest she join them but she backed up and said, ‘well I’ll leave you to it. Night boys.’
‘Night Jas. Thanks again,’ James said, giving her a one-armed hug before he took to the settee with Peter. Sirius lingered behind as an awkwardness settled.
‘Night,’ she said.
‘Yeah, er, night,’ he agreed though as she turned he said, ‘good job Jas. Really.’
‘Thanks…I um, I had fun,’ she said.
Sirius smiled, ‘me too.’
Sirius Tags
@caitlin1996 @imthebadguyyy
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ask-larspinfield · 4 months
Where I’ve been (again).
First off, for those that were asking, I do now have a cat. Two actually. Kittens. Khoshekh (black tabby) and Gretchen (grey tortoiseshell). I might post a photo of them. We shall see if they remain in one place long enough for me to take one.
I ended up getting a cold at the very end of April. Then the day after the post about possibly getting a cat I had to fly back home because of a family emergency. No I will not give details, it is a private matter, just know that everything is fine. 
My flight landed at JFK on Thursday and I got the cats on Friday. Technically I’m fostering them but I will be adopting them as soon as they’re old enough. Spent all of yesterday catching up on what I missed at work.
Apparently we have a new intern starting tomorrow. There will definitely be chaos in the lab and lots of complaints from me. Mostly in the form of me yelling on Tumblr because letting that live in my head is not a fun experience. 
@ask-peter-venkman I apologize in advance but I have a feeling I might be stealing from the cart of courage by the end of the week. You know how the early days with new interns go...
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fanfic-corner · 5 months
Irondad Kidnapping pt2
To celebrate me finishing my own addition to this trope, I thought I'd share some more of my favourite Irondad kidnapping fics <33 Once again, please make sure to check the tags on all of these!
Deadpool's Guide To Accidental Kidnapping by inkinmyheartandonthepage (1.6k)
Tony flew as fast as he ever had. When the vet came into view, Tony didn’t bother slowing down. He barged through the door, flying through the lobby until he came skidding into the back room with a bang.
“Don’t shoot!”
Tony held up his hands, chargers charged and ready to fire without hesitation.
“Awww crap,” Deadpool groaned, head tilting back dramatically. “I forgot to call the dad.”
Open for Business by opal_earrings (3k)
Jake likes his night shift at the gas station in the middle of nowhere because nothing ever happens. The only reason he took the job is because nothing ever happens.
But then something actually does. A teenager comes in covered in blood and asking to use his phone, and somehow that’s not the strangest thing that's going to happen during his shift tonight.
Or: Peter using a stranger's phone to call Tony for help, from the (very confused) stranger's perspective
i'll be there for you (cause you're there for me too) by MotherKarizma (4k)
Afterwards, Tony made a steadfast habit of carrying that old-school mobile phone, with one purpose and one name in the contacts, around with him wherever he went. He let it burn a hole in his pocket; let it glare at him, accusatory, as he grabbed it from the nightstand each morning.
He couldn’t bring himself to leave it behind. Not only because he might, in a few, specifically dire scenarios, need to call upon Steve Rogers. Tony lied to himself when he claimed there was no part of him that would want to pick up on the off chance that Steve needed him.
It was a truth Tony hated to acknowledge but deep down knew all the same: he owed him one.
reese’s pieces by toast_boy (4.2k)
“The dinosaurs are going to get suspicious, you know,” Tony says.
“I know.”
They’re both quiet for a bit, then Peter looks up. “Should we… Do we tell them?” he asks. “Or do you want to hit me in the face to keep up the illusion?”
Tony blinks. Once. Twice. “You can’t say shit like that, kid.”
“I’m just trying to come up with solutions, here,” Peter says. “We could stage a kidnapping. We’ll get Happy to dress up as a goon and rough me up a little and then you all swoop in and save me. I bet Happy would love to punch me a few times.”
“What? You know it’s true.”
Pizza, a Movie, and...an Attempted Kidnapping? by Pogokitten (4.5k)
“Tony. We’ll be fine,” Peter tells the man for what must be the tenth time in the last half hour.
Peter’s sitting on the couch of his and May’s apartment and building Legos with Morgan as they both watch their father’s methodical, yet anxious, pacing. He’s dressed to impress, as is Pepper who is watching the scene slightly exasperated.
“Are you sure? We can ditch the gala, kid. Just say the word,” Tony offers, halting in front of his kids.
Or: Tony and Pepper leave Peter in charge of Morgan while they go to their first gala since the third snap. Peter is expecting a calm night in with his adopted sister, but some thugs throw a wrench in his plans.
countless ways to say i love you by hopeless_hope (5.2k)
“You really love him, don’t you?”
Tony’s first instinct is to shy away from the strong word and shake his head. But then Peter turns his face into the palm of Tony’s hand, like a kitten seeking out the soothing touch, and Tony nods.
“Yeah,” he admits, swallowing thickly at the sudden swell of emotion in his chest. “I do.”
Over the years, Tony says a lot of things to and about Peter.
Atlas by polaroid15 (5.7k)
Peter and Tony are kidnapped by a psychopath with a particular interest in Greek mythology. Good thing Peter is used to holding up the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Secrets to keep and bullies to save by wolfypuppypiles (7.1k)
First Flash had punched him in the face for no reason and he got detention, then they were kidnapped from said detention. How could his day possibly get any worse?
5 Times Peter Slept Where He Shouldn’t by punkybunny (13k)
(+ 1 time Tony did!)
Peter has a tendency to fall sleep in places that he probably shouldn’t be sleeping in, whether he means to or not. Cue Tony, who is becoming increasing distressed as he tries to keep his kid safe and get him to finally sleep in an actual bed.
Whatever it Takes by sparksaam (21k)
Peter froze suddenly, his heart practically leaping into his throat. His eyes had made contact with the man in the front seat, only to realize that the person gazing back at him was not Tony. Instead, a tall, gruff-looking man with a hoodie and a red bandana over his mouth occupied the place where Mr. Stark had been sitting just minutes before.
“Don’t move,” the man grunted forcefully “or we’ll blow Stark’s brains out.”
Tony Stark is abducted. Peter Parker just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
look closer (c l o s e r) by GalaxyThreads (23k)
"Tony wants to scream.
He wants to yell and shout and rip apart these non-teachers, demanding to know what happened, who hurt his kid, what the heck is going on. How this stupid field trip turned into a nightmare from hell and Peter is bleeding and scared and Tony doesn’t know what to do. How to fix this."
AKA: the field trip to SI from hell, because it's not a good thing an entire high school knows Peter (allegedly) works at SI.
5 times peter clung to tony by parkrstark (27k)
...and the one time tony clung to him.
what it means to be a person by LinaRai (62k)
Nearly a year after the spell that erased Peter Parker, he finds himself chained to his old mentor. Literally.
Tony Stark has been running from his memories of Thanos for two years, burying himself in work and spending time with the family he nearly lost. But when a cunning new villain kidnaps Spider-Man to get to him, they’ll have to work together to escape with their lives.
But Spider-Man is just a kid. A kid who seems to have the answers to every hole in Tony’s memory. And he’ll do anything to protect the one person who might finally let him rest.
(forgive me for putting my own fic on the list, I couldn't help myself <33)
So Still and Discreet by SpaceCowboysFromMars (63k)
Tony's world crumbles around him when Pepper dumps him, Steve rallies the other Avengers against him and dips off of the face of the planet, and Rhodey stops answering his calls after everything that went down in Germany. He doesn't expect all of this to change when he discovers a super-powered teenage boy in the basement of a HYDRA camp in rural Poland, but it could be a lot worse.
Things get complicated when Tony starts to care about the kid more than he ever intended to.
The Iron Forge (Whumptober 2019) by Assayist (163k)
(A cohesive story written to the 2019 Whumptober prompts.)
Peter didn’t think his name deserved to be on the patent next to Mr. Stark’s. And he definitely didn’t think taking the wrong drink at the celebration party would end up involving allergic reactions, surgery, poison, kidnapping, some weirdo calling himself the Forge Master, and his very own version of Mr. Stark’s Afghanistan.
Will Peter turn out to be half the inventor Mr. Stark was or will he need to wait for Mr. Stark to come save him? And what will happen when Mr. Stark is threatened and it’s up to Peter to save them both?
I hope you enjoy them all as much as I did. If there are any other kidnapping fics you enjoy, pretty please send them to me!! And otherwise, I hope you all have a lovely day <3
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batimcthulhu · 9 months
The S3-S4 INTERLUDE IS COMPLETE! we have finished uploading all the interlude RP chapters and are hoping to begin Season 4 soon... 👀 We try to keep the rp chapters optional reading, so the most important stuff WILL be mentioned in the session summaries when we can, but if you enjoy that sort of thing and want to binge them all, they start here on Chapter 38! There's a bit of plot, a lot of character development, and some are just fun.
If you just want to know what happens in each chapter, there are TL;DR recaps for each chapter HERE (mobile-friendly) and HERE (desktop only) that boil each chapter down to about a paragraph, so you can get the good content in a smaller form!
And if you just want a brief overview of What Developments There Were as the boys wrapped things up for a few months, here's an overview under the cut:
[[INTERLUDE]] (July - October 1934): There's a lot of loose ends to wrap up after the cartoon's successful premier, and a lot of harrowing experiences to recover from, but fortunately, the rest of the year remains calm enough to do so. Joey secretly meets with Mr. Y and establishes a superficially friendly understanding that they will stay out of each other's hair. Susie gets caught up to speed on all the others' supernatural adventures so far. Peter moves back to NYC to try a relationship with Jack again, and Jack and Sammy and Joey have to Actually Talk About Their Relationship with great emotional difficulty, as Sammy and Joey both struggle with the idea that a real relationship is something they're allowed to have. Joey confesses to Jack that he'd like to settle down with them… which might mean closing the studio. The Prophet reaches out to his lord for direction and gets a vision about "finding that which the Phantom seeks" when the time is right -- but apparently, so does Joey, when he meets with the Masked Messenger to bargain, offering to create something sufficiently entertaining for the elder god if he will leave the rest of them in peace. Henry realises that a version of him from one of the loops in Haiti showed up when he used the scythe spell, so he and Sammy both have "other selves" to figure out. Henry's worried this more violent person might hurt people, but Linda is sure that person is Henry, too, and the Other Henry insists he is here to protect those they care about. Sammy, meanwhile, learns to communicate directly with the Prophet and "switch" without ink… he decides against merging, wanting to keep the Prophet's company, even though accepting the Prophet's cosmic memories leaves him permanently disoriented. Susie and Joey enjoy finding a relationship where neither of them have to be in love to have fun. And with Joey and Jack's blessing and encouragement, Sammy admits his feelings to Susie -- he'd love something more with her, if she's okay with his complicated situation -- and she's all for it. Jack's cat, Beans, has kittens. Literally everyone except Sammy adopts one. And the following year also passes in relative peace…
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oldmemoria · 11 months
No matter what Miguel’s fate is in btsv just rest assured he gets the happiest ending possible in my warrior cats x spiderverse AU
Since it still follows the events of atsv but it’s a little different because it’s adjusted to the warriors universe I can just
lay it out here
he (Reclusestar) ends up retiring from being leader of SpiderClan and goes to live in a cozy cottage outside of the forest his clan used to reside in with a lesbian couple that takes in cats to foster them to later be adopted. He’s a permanent resident (along with Jess, Peter, Xina, and Mayday, who’s now a young adult cat), meaning he gets to help cats, young and old, adjust to house cat life and generally have a better living situation than before (most of them either being dropped of from owners who can’t take care of them or former street cats)
and yes, that means he gets to help out and play with plenty of kits. All of the kits love him. He basically adopts every kitten that crosses the door. He does cry when they get adopted but he knows that he’ll either get to see them around the city/neighborhood (he’s allowed to wander) or that they’ll remember him as a good father/mentor figure and take his teaching to heart.
he also gets to wear a cute little red and blue bandanna because why not.
the humans end up naming him muffin… yk… if you care.
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crisispider · 6 months
♣ + spideydevil :)
[ ◉¯] ✧˖° → @blindbastard + send me ♣ + a ship and i’ll tell you…
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✧˖° → WHO IS THE BETTER DANCER? Everyone knows Peter can't dance. It's just common knowledge, sure he will say that he can and he will give it his best WHITE GUY go of it but like at the end of the day if there is to be a better dancer it isn't Peter.
✧˖° → WHO LIKES THE OUTDOORS MORE AND WHO LIKES THE INDOORS MORE? See the thing is they are both new york boys, and like I would argue that they both like being outside in their city a fair and maybe equal amount, maybe Peter a little more than Matt if that's not exactly his full thing.
Now if we are talking full on camping/hiking/fishing/sports that sort of thing? See that's hard to say. Peter is very much a city boy he had no interest in any of that ans is very much an indoor boy.
✧˖° → WHO'S A CAT PERSON AND WHO'S A DOG PERSON? I feel like they are both definitely CAT BOYS, because like I mean... look at them. So clearly what I am hearing is that they need to adopt a kitten together.
✧˖° → WHO'S MORE SOCIAL? Mhmmm going off what I know of Matt (and I could be wrong so tell me if I am!) I would imagine that Peter is the more social one of the two of them. Peter loves making friends and is all about community when he isn't in a depression spiral.
✧˖° → WHO MAKES THE BED EVERY MORNING? Matt would have to do a whole lot of SWEET TALKING if he wants Peter to make any bed, he thinks it's the silliest thing in the world... buuuut sometimes you can convince him to do it.
✧˖° → WHO LIKES TO KEEP THE HOUSE COLD AND WHO LIKES TO KEEP THE HOUSE WARM? Peter struggles with temperature regulation to the point that it can even effect his mood, so he tries to keep it at a really comfortable temp a little chilly but not too chilly. He is occasionally a time to put up with Matt.
✧˖° → WHO TAKES LONGER GETTING READY? See the thing is they are both heroes and needing to be able to get in and out of costumes and lightening speed but Peter is also full of ADHD so when he isn't trying to race off to fight crime or avoid getting caught in his costume it takes him forever to get out the door and he is often late to pretty much everything even when it isn't because of superheroing.
Okay so here is the thing. Peter is just an all around movies person. He loves pretty much any genre of film too. He loves the adrenaline rush from a really good scary movie. (Or the giggle of all the outrageously bad ones.) He loves romances and comedies and dramas that make him cry. So it would all depend on if Matt happens to have a favorite genre that he prefers.
I mean... one of them kinda IS a bug. (yes we know that spiders are not bugs but shhhhhh) So I can't really imagine either one of them are the type to really scream about a bug in the house, and Peter tends to live a pretty big 'capture & release' policy for pretty much all living creatures.
See.. here is the thing, I would argue it's technically Matt, but only because Peter is a genius who literally builds his own web shooters and gear more often than he doesn't.
Have you met Peter B. Parker? Obviously it's him.
I would make an argument for either one of them, they both have a lot of unresolved trauma and need therapy. Nightmares happen. But I feel like they both have cute ways to help comfort the other when it happens.
Peter is the living embodiment of ADHD most days. It's obviously him, but it's never done on purpose, he is just... forgetful.
I would say... Matt? I don't know if I would say he LIKES it, but he is a lawyer and there is so much suit wearing happening on a daily basis, as to where Peter would like to actively avoid suits at all cost.
Matt. He does tie one every day after all, but Peter is desperately trying to learn to do it better so he can do it for Matt in the morning. ( I have a million and one headcanons about how helping your partner get dressed in the morning or for bed and having established domestic routines like that is just Peter's jam.)
It's both of them, because if Matt isn't involved the message is absolutely going to be the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever heard. Peter can't do anything at a CHILL level.
I would say... Peter. He is a hopeless romantic, and when he tries? Oooo that boy can be so smooth. (In an awkward dorky kind of way.) He loves, love. He loves being in love? and he loves Matt. This isin't to say he doesn't mess up, because we all know that he does. He misses important dates, and he is always late, but I think because both of them are superheros they would find this lovely little balance that could be so cute and sweet? Thing of the patrolling dates!
Peter. He has a lot nerdy shirts. Don't judge him.
Peter. Peter has such a fucking sweet tooth that sometimes you really should be treating him like a child.
It's hard to say, I wouldn't really classify either of them as really drinkers persay... but I do know that Peter is way more of a stoner and prefers a high to a drunk any day.
Again I say, have you met Peter Benjamin Parker? He finds ways to make jokes in literally EVERY situation. It's what he does.
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cassiaallen · 1 year
The Jily Wedding post, which includes how I imagine their wedding has looked and what happened to them (and the rest of the marauders) afterwards.
Jily Wedding
Proposal 31.03.1979
Wedding 31.08.1979
(I tried to attach pictures of the venue, engagement and wedding rings, bridal/maid of honour/bridesmaids dresses, Lily’s hair, the reception, groom/groomsmen/best man’s tuxedos, but tumblr kept messing it up)
After the wedding
-Dorothy & Robert Evans die in a car crash two days later (on their way home) 02.09.1979
-burial in Little Whinging 07.09.1979
-Petunia and Lily each inherit half of the house and money, but Lily leaves it all to Petunia as she (Lily) lives in the Wizarding World
-"honeymoon" late October
-31.10.1979 Sirius organises a Halloween party for the Order (the making of HP+NL)
-Lily finds out she’s pregnant a few days before Christmas
-she tells James by gifting him a onesie that says "I love Daddy"
-last big mission for the Order 08.05.1980
-Voldemort shows up (because Peter started leaking information), Order + Voldemort duel (third defy) [it was meant to be a harmless mission + he finds out Lily is pregnant, making the Potters potential Prophecy subjects]
-15.05.1980 Prophecy
-the Potters as well as the Longbottoms go into hiding
-Harry James Potter is born 31.07.1980
-Death Eater meeting in August informs Voldemort of the birth of the two boys
-by the end of the month he decides Harry is The One™️
-Snape pledge August 1980
-Euphemia + Fleamont visit Jily in September 1980 and meet Harry for the first and only time
-they also give them a baby book
-Jily find out V officially targets their son in October 1980
-E&F become ill with Dragon Pox
-because of his generally bad health, F dies 28.10.1980 and E dies 30.10.1980 largely because of heartbreak
-funeral 01.11.1980 (the last time Jily leave the house/they have the whole Order to protect them for this - the reason this is the last time is because they are marked people and the Order has other things to do and can’t always have everyone take care of them)
-Fidelius Charm (with Sirius as Secret Keeper)
-family bliss
-horrible vase 🏺 25.12.1980 (they adopt a kitten [Crookshanks])
-the war worsens
-little excursions
-Prewett brothers' death May 1981
-Dumbledore confiscates the Cloak
-Harry’s first birthday 31.07.1981
-McKinnon death 05.08.1981
-Peter visit 08.08.1981
-Letter to Sirius 12.08.1981
-early October 1981 Sirius is on an Order mission with the Bones’ during which they die and Sirius barely survives
-Sirius decides that him being SC is too risky, so he, James, and Lily decide to give the role to Peter
-switch happens 26.10.1981
-Peter thinks about the Betrayal for 3 days
-Peter tells Voldemort about the Potters' whereabouts 29.10.1981
-Voldemort decides to attack them on Halloween because symbolism
-31.10.1981 🖤💔
-Peter-Sirius confrontation 01.11.1981
-Jily funeral 04.11.1981
-Harry wakes up around 7
-James gets up, changes Harry, puts him in a pumpkin costume and makes breakfast with him for Lily
-they have breakfast at 8:30
-Jily put up a few Halloween decorations
-Sirius comes by for lunch, telling them about the Order in general and Remus' mission in particular
-he leaves in the early afternoon after some Halloween fun and taking a picture of the Potters
-James puts Harry down for a nap
-Lily writes in her diary
-Jily sit on the sofa and talk about the war and other things (including how much they love each other)
-Lily gets Harry, takes him downstairs and they have family play time
-Harry gets fussy, so he and Lily snuggle while James makes dinner
-they have dinner and Harry spits up on his onesie, so Lily cleans him up and already puts his blue pyjamas on
-Jily finish dinner, James goes to the living room with Harry and plays with him for a bit while Lily cleans up (she leaves her wand in the kitchen)
-puffs of coloured smoke
-Lily watches them for a few seconds through the door which is slightly open
-she fully opens the door ("I think I’ll put Harry to bed, James.")
-James kisses Harry on the head and Lily on the lips
-stretching, yawning, wand on sofa
-door bursts open, J runs into the hall ("Lily, take Harry and go! […]")
-V kills J
-Lily screams, V laughs again and goes upstairs
-Lily places as much furniture as possible in front of the door and picks Harry up to give him one final kiss
-V opens door and Lily drops him into the crib ("Not Harry, not Harry, please not Harry! […]")
-V kills Lily
-Harry stands up, clutching the bars of his crib
-attempted Harry murder and rebounding curse
-destroyed house and screaming Harry
-Dumbledore finds out about the broken Fidelius Charm because his wand shoots bright sparks and makes a noise
-Dumbledore sends Hagrid to the Potters
-Hagrid encounters Sirius who gives him his motorbike
-D gives H a portkey to his office, so they could talk about what should happen
-D explains to H that Harry needs to stay with Petunia + Vernon
-Harry stays in Hogwarts overnight, mainly to check if he’s ok
-D moves Jily's bodies and provisionally seals the Potter Cottage
-Harry stays in D's office with Hagrid + occasionally Madam Pomfrey who checks on him
-McGonagall watches the Dursleys in her animagus form
-D takes care of things all day (Potter and school business) and tells Hagrid to meet him at the Dursleys at ca. 22:00
-when the time comes, Hagrid isn’t sure how to travel, so he takes Harry, wraps him in the blanket and takes the portkey which already took him to D's office the previous day
-he arrives at the Potter Cottage, finds the motorcycle and rides it to the Dursleys
[canon events]
Simultaneously (Sirius POV)
-after Hagrid leaves, he sits down on the stairs and thinks
-he realises Peter’s betrayal and, filled with rage, hatred and grief, decides to go after him
-Sirius finds Peter in a muggle street [S remembers a piece of information about P that leads him there] and starts a fight (verbally) that starts to draw a crowd
-P pretends to be sorry, while secretly taking his wand out
-P loudly accuses Sirius of betraying Jily, casts the Blasting Curse, cuts his finger off, transforms into a rat, and disappears into the sewers
-Sirius starts laughing hysterically in sheer desperation
-aurors appear, Sirius is captured and imprisoned
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