#Peter Vincent fanfic
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myveryownfanfiction · 1 year ago
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prompt from @scealaiscoite
prompt: "please, i'm begging you. don't make me watch the nightmare before christmas again."
tags: @illiana-mystery, @fangsandroses, @onedirectionlovers2014
warnings: swearing, drinking
“Peter!” I yelled as Charley and Amy curled up on the other couch. “Get your ass in here!”
“give me a second asshole!” Peter yelled back, making the other couple laugh. “You’re making me carry all the fucking food. Least you could do is help!” Laughing, I stood up. Amy laughed as I slowly started to walk to where Peter was. “Fina-fucking-ly.” Peter laughed when I appeared on the doorway. I flipped him off as I grabbed the drinks and what I could of the food.
“Damn. Those kids sure eat a lot.” I laughed as we carried everything to the living room. “Alright. Foods on the table don’t kill us trying to get it. AH!” I screamed as charley lunged for the popcorn bowl, making amy laugh as she grabbed a drink from the other pile. “Fucking piranhas.” I muttered as I sat down next to Peter. He laughed as the younger couple settled in.
“what are we watching?” Peter asked.
“nightmare before Christmas.” Amy said, earning an eye roll from both males. Charley and Peter shared a look before turning towards their respective partners. Charley was talking to Amy in a hushed tone while Peter raised his eyebrows at me.
“darling, I love you. You know I do.” He took my hands and rubbed his thumbs over my knuckles. “But please, I’m begging you. Don’t make me watch nightmare before Christmas again.” I smiled softly at him.
“Pete, it’s not for me. Amy has never seen it and this is her pick.” I explained. Peter looked over at the other couple arguing and nodded. “After that you can pick whatever you want. I don’t care if it’s the bloodiest, most violent movie ever made. But please. Let her have this.” Peter nodded again.
“alright.” He whispered. “But this is the last time. After this, you have no excuses.” I nodded and Peter looked over at the younger couple. He whistled to get Charley’s attention. “Hey chuck! Drop it. We’re watching it.” Charley opened his mouth to say something but Peter gave him a look that made Charley nod. Amy looked over at us and smiled in thanks. “You know you owe me for this right?” Peter whispered in my ear as the movie started.
“yeah.” I whispered back. “That slutty Halloween costume you wanted me to wear to the hard rock party? How about I wear it just for you?” Peters eyes lit up and he nodded before kissing me.
“that’ll cover your debt.” He smiled at me before settling in to watch the movie.
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denaliwrites · 1 year ago
Parade of Dancing Skeletons
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Peter Vincent x GN!Reader
Summary: Peter takes it upon himself to scare the kids that come to his door for trick-or-treating. The kids aren't impressed -- and you find this hilarious.
Soundtrack: The Greatest Show Unearthed by Creature Feature
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Jumpscares. :)
You opened the door to see a little Batman, a little wizard, and a little vampire waiting patiently on the other side. "Trick or treat!" they said (mostly) in unison, holding out their little pails and bags.
"Oh, aren't you the cutest," you said, kneeling down on your haunches to be eye level with them and holding out the candy bowl for them to make their selections.
From behind you, the sudden sound of a loudly growled "RRRRAAAAAA!" exploded from the dark. Instead of fear, though, the kids simply looked up, looked at each other, and giggled.
You turned to throw a brief amused glance over your shoulder before your attention returned to the kids.
"Happy Halloween!" they all said together.
Smiling, you gave a gentle wave as they started pulling away. "Happy Halloween!"
The door closed with a soft click behind you. Peter was waiting for you just a pace or two back, holding his "terrifying" werewolf mask in his hands.
"Why aren't they scared?" he asked dejectedly.
You pulled him into a loving kiss, though there was no getting rid of the smirk you wore at his expense. "Have you considered, Peter, that you're just not really all that scary?"
"What?" he asked in mock offense. "I -- I'm terrifying! And the mask -- scariest thing I've ever seen."
"Babe, it's the only piece of the costume you bought. The rest of you looks like a totally normal guy. That's not scary -- to anyone. Let alone kids."
He was about to protest but was interrupted by the doorbell.
"Hold that thought," you told him as you turned to the door. You heard him slinking back into the shadows as you opened it, heard the creak of your floorboards as you knelt down to talk to the kids, heard the big roar from behind you as the kids laughed.
He sighed and tore the mask off again while the latest batch of children walked away. "Maybe you're right."
"Only maybe?" you challenged, throwing him a look over your shoulder.
"Okay, fine, you're absolutely right. Better?"
Your smile was very self-satisfied, but you were prevented from saying anything by the sound of tiny footsteps on the front steps.
A little girl, barely older than five (if that, even), toddled up and gave you a big smile. "Trick or treat!"
"Why, hello Princess Jasmine," you greeted her as you held out the candy bowl for her. You heard Peter creeping up behind while she dug around for a candy she liked, and before you could warn the poor thing, that roar ripped out of his throat and she jumped so hard you thought she might burst out of her own skin.
Fat teardrops pooled in her eyes, and both you and her parents rushed in to provide some comfort. You were closer, and even after taking the time to set the candy bowl down your hands were still wrapped around hers comfortingly before her parents had even made it up the steps.
"Oh, you poor thing," you cooed, "that wasn't very nice, was it?" She shook her head as she sobbed. "Don't mind my boyfriend -- he's mean. See, he doesn't like princesses," you told her conspiratorily.
This caught her attention enough to stop the wailing, though you could still see some silent tears falling. "He doesn't? Why not?"
"Well, he used to be in love with a princess," you continued, leaning in close, though you made sure he could hear you. "But she loved someone else. So now he hates princesses, and he scares them any chance he gets as revenge."
It wasn't the smoothest story, but luckily it didn't need to be to capture a five-year-old's imagination. Her Disney-filled brain easily accepted the explanation and probably even filled in some gaps with princess movie cliches along the way. Her eyes were wide as she looked up first to you, then to Peter, still lurking by the door, and finally her parents.
"Here," you said, letting go of her hands to pick up the candy bowl again. "If you take two or three candies, he'll be so mad that he'll disappear."
The girl gleefully accepted this, grabbed, by your count, six candies (not that this was a problem, she probably didn't know how to count and you had plenty either way), and went on her way.
You closed the door with a sigh and moved to stand. As you turned, Peter pinned you to the door, a thoughtful look on his face.
"You're good with them," he finally said, tilting his head.
"The kids. You're good with them. I just... I didn't expect it. You've never mentioned... kids."
You blinked. "Oh. Er. Yeah. I guess. Kids are cool, sometimes. Their excitement for Halloween is infectious..."
"Do you want kids?"
You weren't really prepared for this line of questioning and blinked up at him with owlish eyes. "Er... I mean, I guess, maybe? Someday? I never... thought about it."
He hummed thoughtfully before pulling away. A moment later, the doorbell rang. "I'm gonna go grab us something to eat. Should be past curfew by the time I get back."
"Pumpkin chocolate milkshake?"
"Yeah, yeah," he said with a kiss to your cheek. "And two orders of fries."
"Thanks, babe."
"When I get back we're watching a scary movie," he said, pointing to you. "You promised."
He opened the door, and was immediately greeted by a small army of children crying "Trick or treat!"
The look on his face as he tried to wind through them was priceless.
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cemeteryangel725 · 2 months ago
Once Bitten, a GOmegaverse fic by CemeteryAngel725
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This has been a weird couple of days in this fandom, but boy, am I glad that we're all here supporting each other and cheering for the all the creativity and diversity in the way we think about these characters!
I've been working on this longfic for a few months and I'm so happy to share it with you today. It rose out of my grief and anger at the current state of the world, and so the themes are a bit darker than the ones I usually write (please mind the tags!). But ultimately it's a story about triumphing over your past, finding love even when the odds are against you, and learning to be seen and to push back against societal injustice. Hope you'll give it a chance!
Rated E, 88,454 words (complete)
Beauty. Power. Wealth.
There was once a time that Anthony Crowley had it all. But after his relationship with Luke Morningstar ended in disaster, he was forced into hiding, each day more tedious than the last. Desperate and alone, he's sure he'll never trust another alpha again.
But then a mysterious lycan crash-lands onto his roof, and suddenly Crowley has to rethink every single thing he thought he knew.
Crowley stepped forward one more time, and the moonlight must have fallen over his face, for the lycan gasped, covering his hand with his mouth.
“I know you! Aren’t you —”
“No!” Crowley barked, but it was too late.
“You’re Morningstar’s omega. I would recognize your face anywhere.”
“I’m nobody’s omega,” Crowley rumbled. “Not anymore.”
Read more on AO3!
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charliedawn · 1 year ago
Hey not to be to tmi or trauma dump but I have hade a shit week and just want some Hannibal family or Sinclair brother fluff and maybe even a bit smuty. I work as a nurses and is so fun to relax and read your post. I love the story lines you have going.
Sorry for my bad grammer and speling. I have dyslexia and English is not my first language.
Ohh and if you do add smut can the S/O be more of the dom. Cuz I want more of that stuff but its like no one does that stuff. But again no presure. Love your work and heres a cookie đŸȘ
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Vincent was usually the one taking pictures of you to carry with him. He was surprised when you suggested that you’d be the one taking pictures of him this time around. He hesitated since Vincent doesn’t like his appearance, but after a little of persuading, he finally yielded and gave you his precious camera for you to take pictures.
And then, you started taking rather innocent pictures of him at first.
You would take random pictures as he worked or made wax figurines. You would also take pictures while you were on dates and then
You had the idea of taking pictures of Vince without his mask.
Of course, he refused at first.
But, he eventually agreed since he couldn’t refuse you anything. You hence started taking pictures
lots of pictures. You even asked him to take poses for the picture.
And he blushed when those pictures would involve him taking off his shirt and you bombarding him with pictures just to have sexy pictures of him.
You *grin before taking Vince by the chin to have a better look at his face.* : "Do not move, love. That’s a good boy
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Bo worked at the gas station next to the hospital you were working at and you usually ran into each other after work. And you would walk back home together since you weren’t living that far apart from each other

You *smile and wave when you spot Bo*: "Hey, Bo ! Wait up
Bo looked back at you and smiled.
"Oh, hey there, darls. Did you finish early today ?"
You nodded and you then started walking next to each other. Bo had tried multiple times to ask for your number, but he never seemed to gather the nerve to ask you. And you didn’t seem all that interested so he had decided to just give up
But then, he was surprised when you asked:
"Hey. Wanna come to my place tomorrow ? Maybe
Have dinner with me or something ?"
He was speechless before he finally grinned and chuckled.
That sounds good to me. What should I bring ?"
You smirked before replying:
"Your sexy ass should do just fine
Bo almost choked on his own saliva.
"Sorry, darls. I think I didn’t hear ya quite right. Could you hum
say that again ?"
You chuckled before glancing back at him.
"See ya tomorrow, handsome."
And with that, you started walking away with a swing to your hips and Bo would be lying if he didn’t say his eyes hadn’t followed those hips until they were out of sight. He then grinned before chuckling and whistling.
"See ya tomorrow, darling !"
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You were in the truck with Lester when you decided to come up with a plan to tell your boyfriend that you needed him
You were discreet at first. You took off your vest and scooted a little closer to him in the truck. He didn’t seem to notice at first. It is only when your hand ended up on his leg that he glanced at you—but didn’t say anything. You squeezed and poor Lester almost let go of the wheel.
B-Baby. Hum
Whatcha doin’ ?"
You smirked and didn’t say anything. He sighed and decided to start the car again. He drove for a little while before your hand ended up on his leg again
but higher. You felt him tense up, but he didn’t say anything. You could even see a small smile draw on his lips.
You shouldn’t distract the driver, Y/N."
He said after a while, but didn’t push your hand away. It was only when you squeezed again that he snapped his head towards you and grinned.
"Really ? Right now ?"
You nodded in confirmation and he didn’t need to be told twice. He parked the truck and pulled you on his lap to kiss you

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Hannibal Jr. saw you come back from work and saw that you were upset. He didn’t say anything at first, but frowned a little as you collapsed on the sofa in the living room. He closed his book and slowly made his way to you.
Long day, my dear ?"
You wordlessly nodded and he sighed before slowly caressing your hair.
"Do you wish to talk about it ?"
You shook your head negatively and Hannibal Jr. nodded understandingly.
"Very well. Anything I can do to make your day better ?"
You were about to answer negatively when you suddenly had an idea and looked up at him with a small mischievous smirk.
Since you offered
There might be ONE thing."
Hannibal Jr. raised a quizzical eyebrow at you before he seemed to understand and smirked back.
"~Oh. I see."
He then leaned down to whisper in your ear.
The handcuffs are in the drawer to the right."
And with that, he wordlessly stood up and went to the bedroom. You smiled before quickly grabbing the handcuffs and joining him

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You and Morgan worked at the hospital, so you would often see each other at work. However, your fiancé seemed to not be paying attention to you and be absorbed by his work. So, of course you had to remind him sometimes to pay attention to you

That’s how you decided to find him and drag him to an empty room to have a
Him *smirks* : "What is it about, my darling ?"
You *smirk back* : "You know perfectly well what it is about
Him *sighs and leans back* : "Fine. I admit having neglected you. I apologise."
You *chuckles* : "Oh no no no. You aren’t getting off the hook so easy. You are going to have to do better than that."
Him *tilts his head* : "Really ? And what do you suggest ?"
You : "
Surprise me."
Morgan took your hand and kissed the back of it.
Him : "Your wish is my command
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It was a day when Kevin had been particularly mean to the family and you decided it was time to teach him a lesson
You hence walked past him and whispered.
"You. Come with me. Now."
And of course Kevin followed you. When you were both in the bedroom, Kevin was ready to plead his case and talk
but you shushed him.
"Darling. I love you. But, you talk too much. It is time we do something about that loud mouth of yours
" You told with a smiled before pushing him on a chair.
I am going to teach you a lesson, and you are going to be a good boy and stay still, alright ?"
Kevin didn’t know what you were about to do, but he smiled nonetheless before whispering.
"Do your worst."
Kevin is and will always be a brat.
You smiled at his reply before tying his hand and covering his mouth with a soft cloth.
"Here we go. Now, the game is
no matter what I do. You have to keep quiet. Can you do that ?"
Kevin didn’t reply, but he nodded and you smiled.
Now, let’s start
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Peter is a sub. In all the possible ways. One word from you and he’d be on his knees for you. That boy doesn’t know how to say no.
Him *cuddling you* : "
Are you okay ?"
You *sighs* : "Yeah. Just had a long day
Him *nuzzling your cheek* : "
I don’t like you having bad days."
You *smile and hug him tightly before kissing his cheek* : "It’s okay. As long as I got my good boy to cheer me up."
Him *smiles happily and pulls you closer to him while you stroke his hair.*
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inezrable · 5 months ago
The relationship between my aspec identity and fictional characters (ramble under the cut)
(This is rushed and stream of consciousnessy as Hell. I'm sick and caffeinated rn and half of this is voice to text so wheeee) The thing is I think I like the idea of fictional characters but like I don't want to be in a relationship with them. Even with characters that I think objectively attractive and hot. I could never read an x reader fic for them especially anything rated above a T. Even G rated stuff can make me quite uncomfortable sometimes if it's shippy. I have tried writing some but don't enjoy writing kissing like that. I thought it was because I just didn't know how to write that stuff in second person or I was embarrassed. I looked at the Thirteenth Doctor/Reader tag (And I would say that in theory I am at least vaguely attracted to her) but I just couldn't read anything. I sort of thought that it was bc none of the fics were the exact thing I wanted but maybe I just like the idea of her. Crowley and Aziraphale, same thing. They are both very hot. And I can read about them doing all sorts of stuff if you catch my drift without being uncomfortable. But only with each other. Add "me" (The reader) into the equation in some very specific scenarios in my head? Sure. But normally I see it in 3rd person, especially if it's not something I'm into. And sometimes it's not even me in my imagination! It's just some vague, faceless OC! Maybe im aegosexual but i dont think that label quite fits, though thats probably to do with having to explain it and being asked "so you just read porn?" Or "So you're fictosexual? That's not a real thing." (Bullshit.) And so on. I definitely identify as aspec and am not attracted to real people but where on the asexual spectrum I am is a mystery to us all. I'm almost definitely aromantic too. I only ever have platonic crushes (squishes) and if I feel like I want "more" as the allos would say, I think I actually just want more physical contact with my friend or to be able to say "I love you" unironically without it being "weird". But yeah just because Peter Vincent in Fright Night (2011) makes me feel things in theory doesn't mean I actually want to date/fuck him in practice. Anyway if you read all of that for some reason, have a nice day
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vampirebloodie · 1 year ago
àȘ‡àŹ“ Request Rules and Masterlist àȘ‡àŹ“
𐙚 Most of my stories contain adult, violent and nsfw themes. If you don't like, please don't read.
𐙚 English is not my mother language. You can correct me, i will be grateful!
𐙚 I write only female reader.
𐙚 I don't write anything containing ddlg/age play, but i write some "taboos" like non-con/dub-con smut.
𐙚 I write for: The Boys characters (Homelander, Billy Butcher and Soldier Boy), Saw characters (Adam, Amanda, Mark, Lawrence and Peter)
𐙚 I don't write with underage characters, male, ftm/mtf, neurodivergents (its not prejudice, but i feel like im not the ideal person to write something delicate like this.)
𐙚 Please, feel free to give me all of your ideas! The box is always open!
𐙚 Nightmares (Fluff)
𐙚 Curiosity (Smut 18+)
𐙚 Cat and Dog (Smut 18+)
𐙚 Little Help (Smut 18+)
𐙚 Playing Dangerous (Smut 18+)
𐙚 Jealous jealous jealous boy (Part 1 - Angst, sad)
𐙚 Jealous jealous jealous boy (Part 2 - Smut 18+)
𐙚 One Piece For Each (Smut 18+ - Threesome with Strahm)
𐙚 Secrets ( Angst, fluff, sad)
𐙚 You are enough (Fluff)
𐙚 Best Thing In My Life (Fluff)
𐙚 Roomates (Smut 18+)
𐙚 Nocturnal Panic (Smut 18+)
𐙚 Mama's boy (Smut 18+)
𐙚 Careless Whisper (Fluff)
𐙚 Sweet Mouth (Fluff)
𐙚 Headcanons 1 (Fluff)
𐙚 What are they like in bed? (Smut 18+)
𐙚 Rough Lovers (Angst, Smut 18+)
𐙚 One Piece For Each (Smut 18+ - Threesome with Hoffman)
𐙚 Vought Party (little smut 18+)
𐙚 Caught (Smut 18+)
𐙚 Midnight Date (Smut 18+)
𐙚 Doctor Y/N (Smut 18+)
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dtfanzine · 2 years ago
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Have you just found out about this project? Or are you still on the fence about applying?
Are you an artist or a writer (or both) who wants to participate in a fan anthology of David Tennant’s works?
Wait no longer, applications close in one week!
Art by @anaquariusfox and @fritzmetzger.
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nastasya--filippovna · 1 year ago
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My Pinterest Dash has a mind of it's own.
Maybe it's trying to tell us things.
@ofpineapplesanddawns AU maybe?
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ericcarrsworshipper · 1 year ago
Please comment some Sad/Angst (this includes hurt - no comfort trope too) for the KISS band. Can be based on real or non real events. Just need some ideas for some blurbs/imagines/shirt stories.
It can be minor friendly or 18+ (in terms of topics included. If 18+ feel free to put it in the submit box/asks.
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regheart · 2 years ago
hate to see how the harry potter fandom treats unattractive characters (and most of all, fat characters) so similarly to jkr
crabbe and goyle are always on draco's side but you'll find more fanfiction in which his best pals are theodore nott and blaise zabini despite the fact that he interacts with them maybe twice on canon
peter pettigrew gets excluded from many many marauders fanfics and fanarts but barty crouch jr who is his biggest ally in resurrecting voldemort gets attention and even redemption
beauty is not something to hold up as reward for morality
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theflyingchair-mhj · 1 year ago
Kinktober 2023
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Week Two
Prompt: Sex toys
Pairing: Peter Vincent (Fright Night 2011)/GN!Reader
Warnings: Mild D/s undertones
Word count: 2.5k
Peter and Y/N play a game of hide and seek, but with a twist.
Sub!Peter Vincent/Dom!GN!Reader, Sex Toys, Kinktober 2023, begging, wall sex
(fic below the cut)
“Peeeeeter! Wherever you're hiding, I will find youu!” Y/N yelled cheerfully as they roamed the penthouse, a riding crop hanging loosely off their wrist. In their other hand was their cellphone, a particular app open on it: it was pink and white, and had an ON/OFF switch as well as a slider with numbers ranging one to ten.
Y/N smirked, and set the slider to three before hitting the ON button. Then they just stood and waited, listening carefully. Pretty soon they heard muffled panting coming from the bedroom, so they went there with a smile.
Peter was hiding under their shared bed, careful not to make a noise. However, this proved incredibly difficult when the vibrator Y/N had put inside him suddenly buzzed to life at a medium speed. He wholly wasn't expecting it, so he immediately clapped his cuffed hands over his mouth to not whimper out loud. The condition of their game of hide and seek was simple: Peter would hide, and if Y/N found him they'd get to do whatever they wanted to him.
Peter was eager to see what Y/N had in mind, especially after they had bent him over the bed and put a new vibrator inside him. He wondered where the ON button was, but when they showed him that the toy was remote controlled he became just slightly afraid, though he didn’t show it.
‘Okay. So it won’t be easy,’ Peter thought, but he didn’t say it out loud. However, when his hands were cuffed he voiced his concern about fairness, but was quickly silenced by the shiny, new riding crop Y/N had bought recently landing sharply against his bare thigh. They’d ordered it along with an array of other toys they wanted to try on and with him, but they did mention that they were somewhat partial to a large, thick, rectangular, black, leather paddle with a heart-shaped hole in it. It looked like it stung, but Peter couldn’t help how alluring the idea of being completely at Y/N’s mercy was. The mental image of himself getting mercilessly spanked, the paddle leaving heart-shaped marks all over his bottom and thighs as he whimpered helplessly over their lap, instantly gave him a hard-on, which he couldn’t even hide because of being stripped of his clothes.
The rules of the game were fairly simple: Peter had two minutes to hide anywhere (except for the panic room) and once that was over Y/N would have fifteen minutes to try and find him, and if they did they'd get to do anything they wanted to him and he'd be at their beck and call for the rest of the day. If they didn't find him, however, he'd get to play with himself with whatever toys he wanted, and Y/N would have to watch him without being allowed to touch him.
So there Peter was, tucked away underneath their bed, trying so hard to be quiet as his prostate continued to get abused by the low-intensity vibrations of the toy inside him. When Y/N happily sauntered in, Peter tightened his grip over his mouth and curled in on himself to become as small as he could to avoid being seen. But it was of little use, because Y/N, being hypersensitive to smells, could sniff his cologne throughout the entire penthouse, and all they had to do was follow the sweet scent to where he was. Peter knew this, so he didn’t really make an effort to hide at first, but as the gane progressed and he watched Y/N’s feet walk past a few times without being found, he found that the thrill of feeling like he was being hunted was incredibly arousing.
Now Y/N was standing right in front of the bed, and they weren’t showing any signs of leaving, so Peter retreated deeper underneath the bed in hopes of not being found. However, Y/N was smart. They knew perfectly well how to get Peter to come out, so they switched off the vibrator, and what they did next startled him so much that he couldn’t help the whimper that escaped his lips; they struck the bed with the riding crop, hard. Peter gasped, then immediately shut his mouth, eyes wide as he waited. Y/N smirked, then they deliberately knelt down and tapped the crop against the edge of the bed frame. Peter did his best not to gasp again, but it was useless: Y/N had found him, and it'd been barely seven minutes. Peter had lost the game, which meant he'd be completely at Y/N’s mercy for the rest of the day. He wasn't exactly scared, but he did certainly think that emptying their whole toy chest and displaying everything on the bed was slightly intimidating.
“Peeeeter, I found youuu,” Y/N whispered as they leaned down to look underneath the bed with a twisted smirk on their lips. Peter slowly crawled out from his hiding place, a slightly scared expression on his face as he finally managed to get out. He would've stood, but Y/N stopped him, putting the tip of the riding crop underneath his chin when he was on his knees and slightly tilting his head back to make him look up at them.
“Hello, Peter,” Y/N purred, their smirk widening as they traced his jawline with the crop. Peter shuddered at the contact, his boxers struggling to contain him as his aching cock pushed hard against the fabric.
“Hi, Y/N,” Peter replied as he looked up with big eyes, getting the memo and staying on his knees.
“You stayed in here this whole time? Clever,” Y/N praised as they traced Peter’s chest and neck with the riding crop, relishing the shuddering whimper it elicited from the man.
“Th- thank you, Y/N
” Peter panted, undeniably aroused by the whole thing. Y/N’s smirk widened slightly as they walked around Peter like a circling shark and ran the tip of the crop over his naked back, in between his shoulder blades and along the back of his neck. Peter shuddered, his cock throbbing with arousal.
“Mmm, what will I do to you first? I could spank you, or break out that new flogger I bought you, or maybe I should just fuck you,” Y/N mused, though they were eyeing the brand new paddle with the heart-shaped hole, obviously considering their options.
“I’ve made up my mind: we’ll do all three! Isn’t that exciting?” Y/N gushed, sitting on the corner of the bed and patting their lap to invite Peter to go over it. Then they grabbed the famous heart hole paddle and, when Peter bent ove their knees, gently rubbed it against his barely clothed bottom.
“Actually, I have an idea,” Y/N purred, and grabbed their phone. Then they opened the pink and white app and set the slider to six before hitting the ON switch. Peter gasped as he felt the vibrator go off inside him, and instinctively grabbed the bed for support.
All of a sudden, Peter felt his boxers being taken off and turned to look at Y/N with scared, pleading eyes as they bared his bottom. He was genuinely scared now, but also so, so enticed by the idea of being paddled on a bare bottom, especially since he had a toy vibrating inside him as well which they’d never tried before. He loved Y/N’s adventurous nature and their knack for trying new things because there was never a boring night with them. He smiled happily and arched his back, offering more of his nude bottom for Y/N to strike with the paddle.
“Aww, what a good boy,” Y/N cooed as they aligned the paddle with Peter’s backside, gently tapping it to warm him up before playtime and alternating between tapping and rubbing. Peter whimpered at the light contact, wiggling his hips as a silent plea for more. When his bottom was nice and warm, Y/N finally raised the paddle higher and swung it hard against Peter’s bottom.
Peter gasped as the first swat landed across his bare backside, whole body jerking forward in surprise. He bit his lower lip and whimpered, the swat leaving a lovely stinging sensation in his already warm bottom. When the second swat came he whimpered, his body reacting positively to the feeling of the paddle as well as the vibration of the toy inside him.
“A-ah! Mhh, that feels so g-good, Y/N, don’t- don’t stop,” Peter moaned, his entire body shaking in pleasure as he continued to be paddled, bottom increasingly hot and pink as two heart shapes formed on it.
After about ten minutes, Y/N paused the paddling, switching to rubbing the paddle against Peter’s hot, reddish skin. Peter moaned and squirmed, writhing in pure delight over Y/N’s knees as the toy inside him kept vibrating, relentlessly stimulating his prostate and bringing him closer and closer to climaxing.
 pleeease, I need- I n-need you,” Peter gasped as he felt the pressure of his orgasm building in his pelvic area. That was exactly when Y/N grabbed their phone, and switched off the vibrator. Peter whined in frustration, since he was so close, but Y/N was quick to silence him with a well-placed swat of the paddle on his upper left thigh. Peter yelped, the sudden sting much more intense than when he was being paddled on his buttocks, but he took the hint and stayed quiet.
“Ah ah ah, not yet, darling. We can't have you finishing too soon, can we? Plus, we've yet to try that new flogger I bought you,” Y/N purred, fully aware of what they were doing to Peter. Peter whined again, and again he was shut up by a particularly forceful lick of the paddle, this time on his right thigh.
“Aww, babe. I know, I know you really wanted to finish, but we’ve yet to do basically anything. Alright, dear?” Y/N cooed as they gently rubbed the paddle over Peter’s bottom and tenderly scratched his head. Peter smiled at the attention and nodded, also wanting to try more things. He stood up and waited for instructions, which were simple; stand facing the wall with his legs apart and his palms on against the surface of the wall.
Y/N swiftly grabbed the new flogger, a gorgeous, black, cowhide mop flogger with a hand-turned, cherry wood grip, and approached Peter. When they were close enough, they lightly touched the flogger’s falls to Peter’s back before leaving a trail of kisses across his shoulders and neck, relishing the shudder it elicited before taking about two steps back.
Peter gasped when the flogger landed lightly against his naked upper back, but when it struck him properly he couldn't hold back a moan as a pleasant warmth spread across his shoulders. When the falls of the flogger landed on his back a second time, this time on the small of his back, Peter panted, incredibly aroused by the attention.
This went on for a while, and soon there was a lovely pinkish hue blooming all over Peter's back, him panting and moaning with each lick.
“God, you've no idea what those pretty whimpers of yours do to me, Peter. I just want to fuck you up the wall right now,,” Y/N growled, and with that they tossed the flogger to the side and closed the distance between them and Peter, spinning him around and pinning him to the wall before beginning to make out with him, entangling their hand in his hair and roughly pulling his head to the side to start kissing and biting his neck.
Peter moaned, his whole body reacting with goosebumps all over as Y/N’s free hand traveled lower and lower, from his chest to his stomach, and found its way to his throbbing erection. When Y/N grabbed it very un-gently, Peter squeaked, the sudden feeling of their hand tightly wrapped around the base of his aching cock surprising him more than a little.
When Y/N finally started stroking him, Peter could weep from happiness. He could barely hold back his moans anymore, and he was quickly approaching the edge of his climax. He was already very close from the spanking and the flogging, so it took no time for him to get closer.
As Y/N continued to work their magic on him he was brought right up to the edge, and soon he could barely hold back. He silently pleaded with Y/N, but he knew that it wasn't enough: he'd have to ask out loud.
“Y- Y/N- P-pleeease- hah
m-may I- may I c- come, pleahse,” Peter stammered, overwhelmed by the pleasure. When Y/N finally, finally nodded yes Peter felt like he could cry. He was finally being allowed to finish after waiting all night for it. He just couldn't hold back anymore, so with one final wail, he came all over Y/N’s hand, body shaking violently against the wall.
When he finished he slumped forward, his body spent, and fell right into Y/N’s arms, who was right there to catch him. He tried to mumble a weak “thank you” but Y/N quickly shushed him as they carried him towards the bed.
They gently laid him down on the bed, moving several toys out of the way in the process, and headed to the bathroom to wash their hands. When they returned, Peter was shakily trying to tidy up the bed. They swooped in just at the right time as Peter's legs gave out and he stumbled backwards. Luckily, Y/N caught him and gently laid him back down on the bed before gently “scolding” him for over exerting himself.
He smiled at them lovingly and mumbled something about them being too protective, before finally deciding to just lay down and let them pamper him. Which they loved doing, no doubt, as they had a huge smile on their face as they tossed the unused toys back in the chest.
“Oh, I almost forgot! Roll over, baby, you still have that vibe inside you,” Y/N suddenly remembered. Peter lazily flopped over on his front and spread his legs to give Y/N more ease of access. They gently pulled the butt plug out of him, and stamped a kiss on his thigh before taking the plug to the bathroom and washing it.
Once it was clean and dry, they put it back in its pouch and put it away back in the toy chest with the rest of their stuff. Peter muttered that he loved their adventurousness, and Y/N responded with a tender kiss on his forehead before joining him on the bed. They hugged him from behind and kissed his neck, and like that they fell asleep.
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denaliwrites · 1 year ago
Fixed Up to the Nines
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Peter Vincent x GN!Reader
Catch & Release Prompt: "Tie"
Summary: Peter needs a little help with something.
Soundtrack: Suit & Tie by Justin Timberlake
Requests: Open!
Warnings: You're gonna be disappointed.
You weren't really sure how Peter figured out you knew how to tie a tie, but you supposed you couldn't blame him for coming to you for the task.
It wasn't like he wore fancy tuxes often (or at all), and his Fright Night costume didn't really leave much room for ties. In fact, his whole general aesthetic didn't leave room for them.
It was just his luck, then, that he'd gotten invited to a fancy charity gala, to be held in the same hotel he did his show in. And it was just his luck they'd require formal attire -- even going so far as to specify that he could not show up in costume... or in leather.
So there you stood, already dressed and ready to go, with Peter grumbling and glaring a hole into the back of your head through the mirror behind you.
"Stop fidgeting," you admonished him gently, fingers losing their hold as he jerked away from them. "I can't do your tie if you keep moving away, asshole."
"Oi, don't call me an arsehole, bitch."
"Then stop fucking moving."
He was a wiry man, not really designed for stillness. He managed it when you asked -- or, really, demanded -- but even as you quickly and masterfully worked to do his tie, you could feel his tense energy building up.
"I am almost done," you growled in warning, shooting him a look.
"I'm not even doing anything!"
"I can feel you practically vibrating."
He made a noncommital noise in the back of his throat, but you could still feel his antsiness underneath your fingers.
After what felt like a decade but was realistically only a minute at most, you finally finished up his tie. Almost instantly, Peter was a blur of motion, only just waiting for you to be done before he tore away, practically bouncing with all the pent-up energy of the last minute.
"God, that was torture!" he all but shouted as he hurried to the bar.
You sighed and followed him. "Don't drink too much -- there'll be champagne and cocktails at the event."
"Oh, I know."
You groaned, face dropping into your hands. "Peter, please. This is for charity."
You barely heard his approach, but definitely felt his hand on your hip, giving it a light squeeze. "Fuck charity," he purred, taking a swig of his Midori with a wink. "But for you? Fine. I can lay off for a bit."
You were confused because getting him to do basically anything for you was a struggle. But you were also relieved and weren't about to look this gift horse in the mouth.
"Are you ready, then?" you asked.
He threw the rest of the Midori back and nodded. "As I'll ever be, darling."
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lokittysmischief · 4 days ago
When the hyperfocus kicks in and you whip out a 2 page scene depicting a nightmare, wherein character A has to kill character B because they've failed them so horribly, watching them turn into a monster, and they get to experience every horrid, vivid detail, as they die in each other's arms.
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khikhi-kiara · 1 month ago
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"A Stage For the Twin Flames : The Sinners' Waltz" (a draft for my in-progress StaticRadio Human AU fanfic)
Vox's hand stayed on Alastor's cheek for quite a while, as his eyes locked into Alastor's, hooked him into his soul.
"I've told you, haven't I?" Vox lowered his voice, letting its vibration touch the ears, as smooth and cold as the echoing cello strings in an orchestra. "I would do anything for you."
"And here I thought I'd end my life all by myself." Alastor held Vox's shoulders, ready to fall into his embrace if he starts to lose his consciousness--or whenever he feels like it. His thumb brushed Vox's red-stained lower lip, slowly, as soft as if he touched a rose petal. "Do you really want to burn the world with me?"
"I do," Vox answered, bold and clear.
"Do you want to go with me in a pile of bones, drowning in a pool of blood?" Alastor continued.
"I do."
"Do you want to hold me through the purgatory, as I hold you from your nightmares?"
"I do, Alastor. I do."
"Do you..." Alastor held his breath. "Do you want to go to Hell together with me... Vincent McGahan?"
Vox's answer didn't change. "I do."
Alastor gave a faint giggle, astonished and awed.
"Now, Alastor Peters..." It was Vox's turn. "Do you want me to take your hand, let you tread the road of Hell with me, and make our whispers, tears, and laughter immortal?"
Alastor grinned, his eyes glimmered. "...I do."
Vox's voice went bolder. "Do you want to stand by me under the thunderstorm of judgement?"
"Yes, I do."
"Do you want to... stay with me until eternity?"
Alastor's chuckle turned into a relieved, blissful laughter. His face got closer to Vox. "I do. Oh Vincent, I do!"
Under the cold, dark woods and stones of the old church, smeared by the scent of iron wind, the two sealed a kiss.
With the symphony of blessing and curse, the mortal sinners were holding hands. Through the crescendo, they danced a waltz on the bloody floor, stepping, moving, twirling slowly but lightly.
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tennant-the-tigger · 1 year ago
Tag Game
Thanks for tagging me, @randomfoggytiger
Favourite painter: Vincent Van Gogh, when I look at his work, I can feel what he felt. Also J.M.W Turner, I love his use of colour and texture. Not a painter, but Kishimoto's fisheye lens/ use of perspective, landscapes, and character design are top-tier.
Favourite writer: I confess I don't read books, But all you fanfic writers out there, you guys are my writers. If we're talking comic books, I do like Tom Taylor's run of Nightwing and Peter J Tomasi's Super Sons.
Favourite band: I have many, below are my on repeats, links to check them out if you're curious!
K-Rock - Day6 (x) (cc for eng subs)
J-Rock - One ok Rock
Western Rock - Sum41, Weezers and Boys like Girls.
Favourite meal and drink:
Neoguri Spicy Seafood Ramen
Seafood, Oysters, Crab, Prawns and Lobsters.
Drink: My special mix of Sprite, frozen Blueberries with ice
Favourite outfit aesthetic: Black. Hoodies and Jeans, platform converse. It's just easy and comfy.
Favourite singer: (s) - Stray Kids, all of them but here's one of them and This one! soo good! (I recommend u to watch this whole video) eating CDs in the studio. I love them because they write their music and have genuine, emotive voices. Powerhouses here!
Favourite item I own: My Wacom Cintiq 27qhd - my first ever big purchase I made from saving up all my art commission money.
Favourite possession: I'll copy randomfoggytiger I'll turn this into a quality I possess- Is the ability to endure, to find solutions to make the best out of bad situations.
Favourite perfume: YSL Opium Black - I love the scent so much, Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Eau De Toilette is super nice too, it's fresh smelling so I use it mainly in summer.
Tags (if you want~): 
@shackle-foes @cocohook38 @colinoeyebrows @justice-for-queequeg @stevesbipanic @wildwildtarget @tinyydinosaurr @unclewaynemunson @valenight @anannua @cat-sophia @slippinmickeys @calimanc @nimlurks @jemmacdraws @disjointed-art @pizzaqueen
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rose-of-pollux · 8 months ago
Hi! I hope that you're doing well. For the Fanfic Writer Ask Meme, would you like to answer ❀, 🩋, 🔼, and 📚? Thank you!
Doing well, thank you!
What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic? This bit, from one of my earliest MFU fics--
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Which character is your favorite to write? Toss-up between Vincent Van Ghoul, Napoleon Solo, Doc Brown, Peter Newkirk, and the Ghost Host, for varying reasons--you've got a warlock, a secret agent, a quantum physicist, a petty thief/stage magician-turned-reluctant soldier, and a ghost who loves scaring people but is really a nice guy deep down. They all lend themselves to a variety of shenanigans that are very fun to write about--and the one thing they all have in common is the ability to be either a sharp snarker OR absolutely Extra, depending on the situation
Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block? Don't fight it. Seriously, don't try to force it, because then it becomes a chore and no longer fun. Your muse will come back on it's own.
Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend? @belphegor1982, whose fics I've been following since the Hogan's Heroes fandom heyday
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