#Peter Strasser
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shanks · 2 years ago
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justiceb68 · 2 years ago
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biseugen · 1 year ago
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noirgasmweetheart · 8 months ago
"Casablanca" in (vomitable) color
You are not looking at a fan's armature hobbyist project, nor something AI generated. This is the official, professional colorization by Ted Turner's company, unleashed on the unsuspecting public in 1988.
I want you all to share in my pain.
The very first image we're greeted with is this lollypop logo:
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...my thoughts exactly.
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Look at the laziness of this coloring job. It's like they selected colors at random, and just covered characters' entire outfits in them. My amateur Photoshop colorizations from college had more thought put into them!
But it gets worse.
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...from Sam's "Rocky Horror" worthy suit...
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...to Captain Renault's Fruit-by-the-Foot ribbons, to...
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Ugarte contemplating whether his cheese curd suit was appropriate for Rick's Cafe.
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"Signor Ugarte, you are under arrest for wearing that...thing."
But Ugarte's not the only one who looks like a bottle of mustard. Someone in the coloring department really loved that ugly shade of Craft yellow.
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...is this Casablanca, or the Wisconsin Cheese Festival?
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Because of that one line about Ilsa wearing blue on the day the Nazis marched into France, the color supervisor decided that Ilsa should only wear blue--except of course, for her cheese blouse previously shown.
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ashes-16-al-wallpapers · 1 month ago
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homura89 · 2 months ago
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⚫Peter Strasser (Azur Lane)⚫
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albannikolaiherbst · 1 year ago
Magische Postmoderne. Bei Faustkultur wieder online: Ute Stefanie Strasser über ANHs "Aeolia.Gesang".
          → D o r t :           Siehe auch → Ralf Schnell, “Existentielle Existenz – Poesie der Existenz”, Anmerkungen zum langen Gedicht: Kurt Drawert und Alban Nikolai Herbst  
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nemonoonesuch · 2 months ago
Ergo Proxy References and Parallelisms Vol. II
Hello there and welcome back to the Compilation of Ergo Proxy's references and parallelisms with other forms of art Literature, Cinema and Music. On this volume I'll attempt to expand on other parallels between this anime and other classical works of culture.
Some interpretations here will be highly speculative, and whether the connections were intentional or no, it's not entirely clear in every case.
Further updating and editing will come soon as part of the maintenance o this post.
As always, thank you for reading.
- Meditatio XI In the White Darkness - City Lights Bookstore - Les mémoires d'un saint - Apollo et Artemis - Ophelia - 2001 Space Odyssey - Amrita - Blade Runner - Eine Klein Nacht - A Minoan Tragedy
In the White Darkness
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Meditatio XI is titled just like the interactive multimedia poem created by Reiner Strasser in collaboration with M.D. Coverley (Marjorie Coverley Luesebrink) over a 9-month period in 2003-2004. Just like the episode is an exploration on the nature between the self and the memories, and the recollection (anamnesis) of Vincent's Experieces, this visual poem explores the nature of memory, particularly focusing on the experiences of individuals with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases.
"ii — in the white darkness" was originally published in January 2004 on Strasser's website. It has been preserved using Ruffle by the Electronic Literature Lab in February 2021, ensuring its continued accessibility (LINK).
Note: This is my favorite episode of the serie, so, perhaps I'll dedicate it a disproportionately long dive in, when compared to the other episodes.
City Lights Booksellers & Publishers was established in 1953 by poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Peter D. Martin, and is an independent bookstore and publishing house located in San Francisco, California. Renowned for its commitment to world literature, the arts, and progressive politics
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On the series, is the (mental) place that Vincent visits while he is lost on Meditatio XI.
Perhaps a sort of involuntary Mental Palace for his knowledge to be guarded. But, this time, He is lost, and the books are empty.
Les mémoires d'un saint
This one I don't feel is an intentional example, but I believe is worth mentioning.
The Memoirs of a Saint is a 1960 painting made by the french René Magritte, that features a stage-like setting with three monumental curtains, the central one filled with an image of a cloudy sky, creating this self contained contradiction between the interior and exterior, alluding perhaps to the internal contemplative stage of the mind.
This introspective exercise is actually the core of Meditatio XI and as so, is echoed over and over again as Vincent Law unravel his own persona to uncover Ergo Proxy as his concealed identity, buried in his unconscious as the product of a self-inflicted amnesia.
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Yet another layer of the Blue Sky Theatre is the revelation that of the Deus Ex Machina in the homonymous Meditatio XXIII, on which even Ergo Proxy is revealed as a fabrication of the vengeful Proxy One, who sits under the representation of a blue sky (The same beams of light foreshadowed on the Proxy's Mind Theater are actually the cause of the demise of Proxy One). And with that the oneness of the individual is reconstructed and the discernment between outside and inside is disolved.
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EXTRA: A quote
JJ (JJ本屋) quotes James Alonzo Bishop
"the future is an opaque mirror. Anyone who tries to look into it sees nothing but the dim outlines of an old and worried face." Jim Bishop, New York Journal-American, March 14, 1959
APOLO and ARTEMIS... and Heraclitus
On the Library there are two marble statues:
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Apollo Belvedere
A 2nd century A.D. Roman copy of an original bronze statue created between 330 and 320 B.C. by the Greek sculptor Leochares.
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Diana of Versailles
Another partially restored Roman copy (1st or 2nd century CE) of a lost Greek bronze original attributed to Leochares, c. 325 BCE.
The "Logos" or "meaning" behind this peculiar choice of symbols requires the conciliation of opposites through the interplay of meanings and the tension of words.
Artemis and Apollo, as twin deities from Greek mythology, are rich with symbolic meaning, representing complementary dualities and a harmonious balance of opposites.
Artemis is often associated with the moon, symbolizing intuition, mystery, and the subconscious. As a huntress her instrument is the bow.
Apollo represents the sun, symbolizing clarity, superego, reason, and illumination. His light drives away shadows, suggesting knowledge triumphing over ignorance. As a musician his instrument is the lyre.
The pulsation of a string in one is a weapon, an instrument of death, and on the other is the product of the death of an animal, but an instrument of joy. Is interesting to notice that in a polysemic sense the greek word bios can express the nuances behind the symbology conveyed on this Meditatio. Biós (βιός with the accent on the O) is the Greek for "bow". Bίοs (βίος with the accent on the I), is the Greek for "life". The Greek philosopher Heraclitus was aware of this conception and used them to express his dialectical views of nature. for him, and through him, other philosophers and thinkers did too:
"The bow's name is life, but its work is death." [source]
On the same way, the secondary creator, Ergo Proxy, builder of Romdeau, is the "Agent of Death".
The irony is that the very Title of this Meditatio, "In the White Darkness", exposes this internal but revealing contradiction.
Following the previously exposed is worth noting that the solar and lunar duality of those greek deities was a motif that also appeared on previous episodes in the shape of Senekis and Kaskis, the lover proxies from the double dome of Charos and Asura. The love between them, and the compulsive strife of their forces to annihilate mutually (enabled by the Pulse o the Awakening) gave them purpose and meaning, and motivated the absurd state of war among their respective citizens. The decaying halves of a same dome was on an insatiable conflict between parts de-voided of all human-like traits: The Knights droids vs the soldiers of the last War Battalion.
In the own psychological world of Vincent/Ergo, the amnesiac dissociation of his persona that fractured the interplay between anima and animus, between his two halves, can only be resolved by the integration and recognition of himself as a whole.
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I think, therefore I am. I think therefore you are I am you. You are me
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Ophelia is the title of the Meditatio XIV. On this episode, the protagonists arrive at an abandoned dome named Ophelia, with a mall of the same name to replenish their supplies. Unbeknownst to them, the dome's Proxy, capable of shape-shifting, subjects them to a series of illusions, delving into their psyches.
On the episode there is another obvious reference to Shakespeare's Ophelia
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This is a direct nod to the Ophelia, as depicted by Sir John Everett Millais on a painting made on 1821.
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2001 Space Odyssey
On the Show of Meditatio XV, some visual references to the classic film can be drawn. For Example the reference to the use of tools as bones, and the parallels between this first and last tool:
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The Boomerang Star
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As stated on the show, the biological material that forms the proxies it's called Amrita, a sanskrit term (अमृत) analogous to the greek amaranthos (ἀμάραντος) that means "immortal", "never-dying". It is a central concept within Indian religions and is often referred to in ancient Indian texts as an elixir, is comparable to the ambrosia of the greeks that also was related to the inmortality.
Amrita Cells lacks a Hayflick Limit (the he number of times a normal somatic, differentiated human cell population will divide before cell division stops) and so, they are essentially able to regenerate endlessly.
Blade Runner Death
Both Amnesia and Dr Eldon Tyrell from Blade Runner are blinded and killed by the same way: eye crushing. Dr Eldon Tyrell is the creator of the Nexus-6 Models on Blade Runner. Amnesia is the guardian of the memories of Mosko Dome, and stores the memories of Ergo Proxy.
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On Meditatio XX, when Dedalous, Re-L and Swan are dinning, the classical piece playing is the second movement of Eine kleine Nachtmusik in G Major, K. 525, Romanza, quite popular for appearing on Alien The Eight Passenger.
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A Minoan Tragedy (Kind of...)
Daedalus Yumeno (デダルス・ユメノ) is quite and interesting choice for the name of the Welfare Bureau. Both characters are brilliant on their fields and the bold approaches they apply to their schemes.
Deep is their hubris too, and their desire to shape the world to their whims. Both the mythological character and his anime homonym defy the natural order and provide the aid with the genetic experimentation. The first is the responsible of aiding Pasiphae to get pregnant by the White Bull (act that created the hybrid now called The Minotaur), and the second one is responsible for the cloning of Re-L Mayer and the hybridization between a Re-l and Monad Proxy. Also it's the mind behind the attempt of make the inhabitants of Romdeau able to reproduce again.
Beyond the name, that, Daedalus Yumeno is also surrounded by minor minoan references, as this dolphin on his holographic aquarium that comes straight from the early minoan paintings on the Crete Palace.
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And there's also... The Thread
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On greek myths, Daedalus provides the princess Ariadna with a ball of thread to help Theseus to navegate the Labyrinth. On the other hand Daedalus Yumeno gave REAL/Monad a ball of red thread for her to make easier to find her.
Eventually, on Meditatio XXIII, REAL/Monad takes the role both of Icarus and of Ariadne, but Daedalus Yumeno don't stand her abandoning him (again) for Vincent Law/Ergo Proxy, and destroys the Dome.
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Ergo Proxy (our Theseus) then confronts his original, Proxy One (The Minotaur), and it's brought out of the crumbling dome by the now Winged ReaL/Monad.
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But as most proxies, ReaL/Monad has a fatal weakness on her design, she is vulnerable to the sunlight and the UV rays. Thus, despite the warnings of Daedalus when she attempted to fly to close to the sun, she dies disintegrated, just as when Icarus tries to fly too high and close to the sun, his wax wings melts and he falls into the ocean.
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Fall of Icarus, ca. 1588 from a series of The Four Disgracers. Engraving by Hendrick Goltzius
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ashvalentine16 · 7 months ago
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Construction Pool didn't want to give me Indiana, lmao
Wishing Well Construction Pool Extras:
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I had it set to Graf Zeppelin and Peter Strasser to help boost my Iron Blood tech points, and I got bwither of them or another German ship 😂
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John Banner (28 January 1910 – 28 January 1973), born Johann Banner, was born on this date 114 years ago and died 51 years ago today at the age of 63. He is best known for his role as Master Sergeant Schultz in the situation comedy Hogan's Heroes (1965–1971). Schultz, constantly encountering evidence that the inmates of his stalag were planning mayhem, frequently feigned ignorance with the catchphrase, "I know nothing! I see nothing! I hear nothing!" (or, more commonly as the series went on, "I see nothing, nothing!").
In 1942, he enlisted in the United States Army Air Corps, underwent basic training in Atlantic City and became a supply sergeant. He even posed for a recruiting poster. He served until 1945. According to fellow Hogan's Heroes actor Robert Clary, "John lost a lot of his family" to the Holocaust.
Banner appeared in over 40 feature films. His first credited role was a German captain in Once Upon a Honeymoon (1942), starring Cary Grant and Ginger Rogers. He played a Gestapo agent in 20th Century Fox's Chetniks! The Fighting Guerrillas (1943). His typecasting did not please him – he would later learn that his family members who had remained in Vienna all perished in Nazi concentration camps – but it was the only work he was offered. Banner himself was held briefly in a prewar-concentration camp.
Banner made more than 70 television appearances between 1950 and 1970, including the Lone Ranger (episode "Damsels In Distress", 1950), Sky King (premiere episode "Operation Urgent", 1952), The Adventures of Superman (4/5/57, The Man Who Made Dreams Come True.)Mister Ed, Thriller (episode "Portrait Without a Face", 1961), The Untouchables (episode "Takeover", 1962), My Sister Eileen, The Lucy Show, Perry Mason, The Partridge Family, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (episode "Hot Line", 1964), Alias Smith and Jones, The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (episode "The Neptune Affair", 1964), and Hazel (episode "The Investor", 1965).
In the late 1950s, a still slim Banner portrayed Peter Tchaikovsky's supervisor on a Disneyland anthology series about the composer's life. This followed a scene with fellow Hogan's Heroes actor Leon Askin (General Burkhalter) as Nikolai Rubinstein. In 1953, he had a bit part in the Kirk Douglas movie The Juggler as a witness of an attack on an Israeli policeman by a disturbed concentration camp survivor.
In 1954, he had a regular role as Bavarro in the children's series Rocky Jones, Space Ranger. Two years later, he played a train conductor in the episode "Safe Conduct" of Alfred Hitchcock Presents, appearing with future co-star Werner Klemperer, who played a spy. He played Nazi villains in several later films: the German town mayor in The Young Lions {1958}; Rudolf Höss in Operation Eichmann (1961); and Gregor Strasser in Hitler (1962). The year before the premiere of Hogan's Heroes, Banner portrayed a soldier in the World War II German "home guard" in 36 Hours (1964). Although it was a non-comedic role in a war drama, Banner still displayed some of the affable nature that would become the defining trait of the character he would create for television the following year. By coincidence, during the final moments of 36 Hours, John Banner's character meets up with a border guard played by Sig Ruman, who had portrayed another prisoner-of-war camp chief guard named Sergeant Schulz, in the 1953 film Stalag 17, starring William Holden. In 1968, Banner co-starred with Werner Klemperer, Leon Askin and Bob Crane in The Wicked Dreams of Paula Schultz.
According to Banner in a newspaper interview, before he met and married his French wife Christine, he weighed 178 pounds (81 kg); he claimed her good cooking was responsible for his weight gain to 260 pounds (120 kg), as of 1965. This helped gain him the part of the kindly, inept German prisoner-of-war camp guard in Hogan's Heroes. Banner was loved not only by the viewers, but also by the cast, as recalled by cast members on the Hogan's Heroes DVD commentary. The Jewish Banner defended his character, telling TV Guide in 1967, "Schultz is not a Nazi. I see Schultz as the representative of some kind of goodness in any generation."
After Hogan's Heroes was cancelled in 1971, Banner starred as the inept gangster Uncle Latzi in a short-lived television situation comedy, The Chicago Teddy Bears. His last acting appearance was in the March 17, 1972, episode of The Partridge Family. He then retired to France with his Paris-born second wife.
Less than one year after moving back to Europe, while visiting friends in Vienna, John Banner died from an abdominal hemorrhage on his 63rd birthday. He was survived by his wife Christine; they had 8 children
Source: Facebook
Classic Retrovision Milestones
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gasthausnostalgie · 2 years ago
Old Vienna
Der Gundelhof
(1, Bauernmarkt 4, Brandstätte 5)
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Der Gundelhof wurde nach der angesehenen Tiroler Familie der Gundlach (verballhornt in Gundel) benannt, welche 1495 in den Besitz des Hofs kam.
Zum ersten Mal wird hier 1351 ein Haus erwähnt, das dem Bürgermeister Berthold Poll gehörte und in dem sich eine dem heiligen Thomas geweihte Kapelle befand. 1422 wurde es mitsamt der Kapelle vom Stadtanwalt Hans Zink verkauft, wobei hier vom Haus, "das weilent drei Häuser gewesen sind", die Rede ist. In den Jahren 1434 bis 1461 gehörte es Peter (Lorenz?) Strasser. Die häufige Annahme, dass die Thomaskapelle erst von ihm errichtet worden sei, ist falsch, da sie bereits 1343 erwähnt wird. Es ist aber möglich, dass die Kapelle um 1450 erneuert wurde.
1607 erwarb der Bürgermeister Augustin Haffner den Gundelhof, ließ die bereits verfallene Thomaskapelle wiederherstellen und gründete eine Messstiftung. Danach wurden hier wieder heilige Messen gelesen. Über seine Gattin Barbara kam 1617 der Bürgermeister Paul Wiedemann in den Besitz des Hauses. Er ließ die Ausstattung der Kapelle erweitern und vergrößerte die Messstiftung. Am 16. Juli 1696 kaufte Bartholomäus Tinti den Hof, dessen in den Freiherrenstand erhobene Familie ihn über 100 Jahre lang besaß.
1800 hatte Erzherzog Ferdinand d'Este, der Bruder Kaiser Josephs II., den Gundelhof erworben und vererbte ihn seinem Sohn, Erzherog Franz, Freiherr von Modena. Am 20. April 1810 verkaufte dieser den Gundelhof an den Juwelier Bruno Neuling, der ihn seinem Sohn Vinzenz vererbte. Salomon Mayer Rothschild wurde am 31. August 1843 Besitzer des Hauses. Noch ein Jahr vor seinem Tod im Jahr 1855 ließ er einen Zubau errichten.
1802 wurde die erste Wiener Börse vom Haus "Zum grünen Fassel" (1, Kohlmarkt 8-10) vorübergehend hierher verlegt.
Im Vormärz befand sich hier der bekannte Sonnleithnersche Salon, der größte musikalische Salon seiner Zeit, der vor allem von Franz Schubert und seinem Freundeskreis, aber auch von Franz Grillparzer und Karoline Pichler besucht wurde.
Hier wurde bis zur Demolierung der Häuser der Gänsemarkt abgehalten (ursprünglich stand auch der Gänsemädchenbrunnen hier).Im Hof des Gebäudes standen Verkaufsbuden. Der Gundelhof schloss die Brandstätte zum Bauernmarkt hin ab, sodass diese nur durch den Hof oder durch zwei Schwibbogen vom Stephansfreithof aus betreten werden konnte.
Der Komplex beherbergte auch zwei bekannte Gasthäuser, den "Goldenen Stern" und die "Eiche" (in welcher Beethoven oft anzutreffen war).
1877 ließ die Stadtbaugesellschaft den Gundelhof, den sie 1873 erworben hatte, demolieren und durch ein modernes Miethaus ersetzen, das im April 1945 ausbrannte und 1949 neu aufgebaut wurde.
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troacctid · 3 months ago
A selection of nostalgic books and book series from my youth, ranked by how many works they have on AO3
Harry Potter, by J.K. Rowling (554,168)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians, by Rick Riordan (40,673)
Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer (13,370)
Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis (5516)
His Dark Materials, by Phillip Pullman (2567)
Animorphs, by K.A. Applegate (1881)
Artemis Fowl, by Eoin Colfer (1213)
The Inheritance Cycle, by Christopher Paolini (1018)
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams (735)
Young Wizards, by Diane Duane (733)
Bartimaeus, by Jonathan Stroud (400)
The Old Kingdom Series, by Garth Nix (385)
Goosebumps, by R.L. Stine (250)
The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas (234)
The Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum (220)
Chronicles of Prydain, by Lloyd Alexander (151)
Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card (134)
Unwind, by Neal Shusterman (133)
Ella Enchanted, by Gail Carson Levine (29)
The City of Ember, by Jeanne DuPrau (17)
My Teacher is an Alien, by Bruce Coville (11)
Bone, by Jeff Smith (10)
The Indian in the Cupboard, by Lynne Reid Banks (7)
Boy/Girl Battle Series, by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (7)
Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen (6)
Peter and the Starcatchers, by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson (6)
The Lost Years of Merlin, by T.A. Barron (5)
Magic Shop Series, by Bruce Coville (3)
Faerie Wars, by Herbie Brennan (3)
Heir Apparent, by Vivian Vande Velde (2)
Molly Moon Series, by Georgia Byng (1)
The Seventh Tower, by Garth Nix (0)
The Mouse and the Motorcycle, by Beverly Cleary (0)
Scorpion Shards, by Neal Shusterman (0)
Help! I'm Trapped..., by Todd Strasser (0)
I Was a Sixth Grade Alien, by Bruce Coville (0)
Angela and Diabola, by Lynne Reid Banks (0)
The Eyes of Kid Midas, by Neal Shusterman (0)
Shiloh, by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (0)
The fact that there is nothing at all under The Seventh Tower feels like an attack on me personally.
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biseugen · 1 year ago
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coisa2302a · 7 months ago
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noirgasmweetheart · 6 months ago
What if Donald Trump rewrote "Casablanca?"
Strasser is now the protagonist and hero
Rick's Café now serves dogs and cats as delicacies to his refugee patrons
Victor Laszlo is portrayed as a loser who no one respects, because Trump "likes the war heroes who weren't captured"
Ilsa Lund is a childless cat-lady, desperate to get Rick to return her and Victor's two Persians, named Visa and Transit Letter, before they're put into a stew
The stroy involves Detective Strasser solving the mystery of when Sam turned Black. "I remember in Paris he wasn't Black, and then in Casablanca he was Black. But it makes no difference to me, whatever he wants to be..."
Signor Ugarte, a foreign immigrant criminal, is arrested and taken to prison; the following day, Captain Renault introduces the café to Signorita Ugarte. ("Rick, I hope you're impressed with my D-cups now!")
Jan Brandel is at the Roulette wheel, trying to win a dalmatian for his an Annina's dinner. Renault is trying to sexually blackmail Annina with the promise of a fresh St. Bernard. "But will he keep his word?"
Victor Laszlo is eventually arrested by Renault as well, and boards the plane at the end as Victoria Laszlo
The film will have concepts of a plot.
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ulkaralakbarova · 8 months ago
A transfer student at a rough high school tries joining the cheer-leading squad and finds that she not only has to face off against the head cheerleader, but also against her former school in preparation for a cheer-off competition. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Britney: Hayden Panettiere Camille: Solange Brad Warner: Jake McDorman Pam Allen: Kiersten Warren Winnie: Emme Rylan Jesse: Gustavo Carr Kirresha: Giovonnie Samuels Leti: Francia Raísa Amber: Cindy Chiu Sierra: Jessica Nicole Fife Brianna: Danielle Savre Rihanna: Rihanna Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Michelle Maniscalco Tyson: Gary LeRoi Gray Tim Allen: Eric Bruskotter JoJo Wright: JoJo Wright PV Teacher: Debra Sullivan Security Guard: Steven West Mrs. Webster: Conni Marie Brazelton Student DJ: Wilke Itzin Swin Cash: Swin Cash Local Reporter: Teresa Strasser Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Sean Van der Wilt Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Blake Angiers Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Bowd J. Beal Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Casey Marlow Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Jordan Johnson Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Griffin Myers Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Whitney Lefler Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Caity Lotz Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Tarah Paige Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Shannon Stotz Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Betsey Lawrey Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Noreen Juliano Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Erin Yvonne Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Kevin Wilson Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Marty Dew Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Monica Soto Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Marquita Scott Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Alexiss Sanchez Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Dominique Domingo Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Terrance Harrison Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Alexandria Kaye Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Sal Davila Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: John Cronin Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Chester Jackson Crenshaw Heights Spotter: Jonathan Rios Crenshaw Heights Spotter: Shaun T Crenshaw Heights Spotter: Trever Love Film Crew: Director: Steve Rash Executive Producer: Armyan Bernstein Executive Producer: Zanne Devine Executive Producer: Charlie Lyons Producer: David Roessell Director of Photography: Victor J. Kemper Editor: Danny Saphire Line Producer: Jon Kuyper First Assistant Director: Jerram A. Swartz Second Assistant Director: Sonia Bhalla Casting: Roger Mussenden Casting: Pamela Lynn Thomas Choreographer: Tony Gonzales Choreographer: Eric Little Choreographer: Tanisha Scott Choreographer: Richmond Talauega Choreographer: Anthony Talauega Stunt Coordinator: Cole S. McKay Music Supervisor: Paul Stewart Music Supervisor: Paul DiFranco Set Decoration: David Pirinelli Sound Mixer: David Kirschner Sound Mixer: Glenn Berkovitz Costume Designer: Shawn Barton Costume Supervisor: Anthony Franco Makeup Department Head: June Brickman Assistant Makeup Artist: Tonie Keyton Assistant Makeup Artist: Deborah Merle Hair Department Head: Lisa Meyers Assistant Hairstylist: Fay Kelly Second Second Assistant Director: Annette Hobday Supervising Sound Editor: Trip Brock Dialogue Editor: Stewart Nelson Sound Effects Editor: Steven Avila Sound Effects Editor: Peter D. Lago Music Editor: Tony Dimito Writer: Alyson Fouse Stand In: Michelle Shore Movie Reviews: Kiarra3130: **This movie brings two female specimen together to make the ultimate cheering squad. It strays from tradition and makes something new and rules out the cliche of _”white girls” V. “black girls”_. It is a movie worth watching.** Andre Gonzales: Nice comeback on this movie compared to the 2nd movie. Almost as good as the 1st one. I didn’t like it at first till she was forced to go to a new school. Better comedy and a way better storyline in this one.
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