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ezezfolio · 2 years ago
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Embrace the love! 🐭💕 Check out this trendy poster featuring an adorable mouse with the words 'I love you' – a charming fusion of cuteness and affection!
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thepipsqueakery · 3 years ago
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Josie the Groundhog is taking a nap, so I took a nice picture of her teeth for rodent education time! 🦷🦷 "Rodent" is Latin for "chisel tooth" and you can see how they got that name in this photo. Our teeth are covered in hard enamel with a softer dentin core. But rodents only grow enamel on the fronts of their teeth. That way the back always wears away faster leaving them with their sharpened chisel shape! Our rodent friends don't have super special bite strength compared to some champion biters out there such as canines and crocodiles. But the special shape of their incisors lets them pierce, cut, and destroy objects in a way that cone-shaped predator teeth don't. I'd like to see a wolf sit and open 50 walnuts in a row! You of course know those teeth are also famous for growing continuously. And you may have heard that our friends need hard/tough toys and food to keep them worn down. This is actually a partial myth! Rodents maintain the shape of those incisors by rubbing them together. You can sort of see in the picture how Josie might slide her teeth across each other to maintain that sharp point. But chew toys DO seem to serve the purpose of exercising the jaw muscles and maintaining fine muscle control. "So what's the difference?" you might ask. If a rodent has an issue that affects the symmetry of their jaw muscles such as a bad ear infection, chew toys may not be enough to keep things straight. Learn how to check on those incisors, and seek your vet's help to reshape any problems using a diamond burr rotary tool. (Way safer than any kind of clipping!) Most pet rodents will let you simply push their cheeks back with your fingers while holding them to get a good look. Also everything I said applies to rabbits! Sorry for the wall of text! This is why I'm bad at TikTok! #rodents #petrodents #bunny #rabbits #rodentistry #rodentdentistry #rabbitdentistry #animaltrivia https://www.instagram.com/p/ChIbd2_uv1h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pigglepotatoes · 2 years ago
Snuggly dexter 💓 💕
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rattymajiggies · 6 years ago
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Dobby giving the watermelon some tentative nibbles 💕
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cozycrittercribs · 3 years ago
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Happy New Year to everyone and all the critters! I can't thank you enough for all the support in 2021. I never would have imagined my shop taking off as quickly as it has. I have made 350+ sales, have 100 amazing reviews, and had my first craft show and got to meet so many small animal lovers. Excited for a busy and successful 2022. Keep cozy, critters! --Kristen #etsy #etsyshop #etsyseller #handmade #handmadewithlove #handmadegifts #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #smallbusinesssaturday #womanownedbusiness #womanartist #rat #petrat #petfancyrats #petrodent #rodents #guineapig #chinchilla #sugarglider #ferret #rabbit #rabbitlove #houserabbit #degu #hedgehog #smallanimalsofinstagram #smallanimal #critters #cozycritters #cozycrittercribs https://www.instagram.com/p/CYNDo5Puj_K/?utm_medium=tumblr
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zerogate · 3 years ago
The interpretation does provide a fragmentary clue to one element of the parable — that concerning stony ground. His sudden uneasiness about the twelve brings to mind his renaming of Simon, which seems to have been rash. The Greek word in this sower parable for stony ground is petrodes — metaphorically, the home of Petros. Simon belongs on stony — or rocky — ground, the matter out of which he is formed.
When Simon the fisherman was called to follow, he heard the word with joy. But the forewarning is that he has no roots, so the moment there is stress, or fear of persecution, he will wither.
Outsiders, blind by definition to the mystery, deaf to the word, will stumble. On rocky ground, men stumble. They return to the horizontal, as they were in the beginning. He had hoped that the first among the twelve would be a rock, firmly placed, a sure support for himself and for others; but he is, in reality, stony ground. The Greek verb for stumble, skandalizo, contains the further thrust of ‘offend’, ‘outrage’, and ‘scandalise’. The heat of the sun is an offence to those with frail roots.
The quick-flourishing seed on stony ground shrivels up the moment the sun comes out. It cannot take heat. Mark had earlier recounted that at Simon’s house the teacher had once taken the mother-in-law by the hand — for she was fevered — lifted her up, and restored her. This was no act of mercy or confirmation of family ties, but a sign of Simon Peter’s future. Fever is fire in the wrong place. It is a cue that his family has a diseased relationship to fire, or heat. Fire will grow in metaphorical significance as this story unfolds, becoming light.
-- John Carroll, The existential Jesus
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tarlokkumarphotography · 5 years ago
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Selfie - The Guinea Pig. My cousin's pet. #guinea #guineapig #guineapigs #pocketpet #pocketpets #cavy #cavia #tinypets #tinypet #tinypetrodents #petrodent #cute #funny #whistlingpet #eatingmachine #tinyeatingmachime #fluffy #fluffypets #little #littlepets #adopt https://www.instagram.com/p/B21m547pYjf/?igshid=1bwu44y9zw3xb
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wherestheseriousman-blog · 6 years ago
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Mello posing... #petphoto #cutepet #hamster🐹 #hamstersofinstagram #love #lovehamsters #mello #namedfromdeathnote #smallanimal #petrodent #rodent #animalphotography #skull #takingphotos #indoors #mypet #blackandwhite #lovedpet https://www.instagram.com/p/BuO1fy8BUPs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ucspnptba847
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poefrands-blog · 8 years ago
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Do you have a pet rat, mouse, hamster, etc. that you can’t help but brag about? Would you like to be able to brag without feeling bad about it? Well, you’re in luck because we’re looking for submissions for our upcoming series “Poe Frands’ Frand of the Week”.
Each week we’ll be highlighting your lovable pets and sharing their unique stories. Your pet will also be featured on our Instagram @poefrands. 
All you have to do enter is send us a picture and blurb about your pet via the submission section. 
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Follow us on Instagram (@poefrands) for more pictures and videos of our fancy lil frands! 
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heatherdavissayshi · 7 years ago
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#rats #ratties #ratfriends #ratbuddies #ratbuddiesforlife #petrats #petrodent #petrodents #rattiesofinstagram #rattiegram #rattiegram🐾 #ratsmakeamazingpets #ratsrule #ratsofinsta #ratlove #cute #cuteanimals #animalfriends #animals_daily #animalphoto #petphotography #petphotographer #ratphotography #ratsarentscary #ratsarentalwayspests #ratscanbecutetoo https://www.instagram.com/p/BnqgnkEFj_H/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=184kyy8m54w0o
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ulyssesbuell · 5 years ago
PROMENADES EN BUELL DANS LES HAUTS DE FRANCE et un peu plus loin.... PROMENADES A MOTO dans le Brabant Wallon 12 Juillet 2020 Rue de Virginal à Ittre,  monument à la mémoire de soldats français tombés en Mai 1940. Marcel Bertin Jean Bonhomme Guillaume Cerutti Henri Cordier Alphonse Dubreuil Marius Girardon Marcel Giraux Pierre Giroux Ivangel Ibanis Emile Louis Jean Malmedaine Eugène Marguin Claudius  Chaux Charles Hottelart Paul Joulia Jean Masson Léon Oliger Pierre Porticliati Auguste Queuvin Jean Rigot Jules Roumieux Robert Soupizet André Vial Jean Vidalene L. Lacroix Roger Petrod
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dakaractu · 5 years ago
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Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse Dakar 2022 : CNOSS / PETRODIVE signent un accord de partenariat. http://j.mp/2M0c57o http://j.mp/2M0c57o
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energonarrows · 7 years ago
Roddy chitters softly in protest before settling back down in sleep. Dreaming of treats and animals. Eventually a petrodeer appeared in his dreams. He chased after it and played.
Before Roddy even know what was happening. He had disappeared in some smoke before coming out chirping curiously. Where was he? This isn’t home! Little Roddy was getting more upset as he realizes he was abandoned by his creators.
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uniteordie-usa · 8 years ago
Grant Williams: The Death Of The Petrodollar, And What Comes After | Zero Hedge
http://uniteordiemedia.com/grant-williams-the-death-of-the-petrodollar-and-what-comes-after-zero-hedge/ https://uniteordiemedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/petrod-5-600x340.jpg Grant Williams: The Death Of The Petrodollar, And What Comes After | Zero Hedge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEwuGHFF7qE Grant Williams, author of “Things That Make You Go Hmm…” offered the most comprehensive analysis yet of the rise and inevitable fall of the petrodollar (and implicitly US hegemony). In the following presentation, from Mines &...
Grant Williams, author of “Things That Make You Go Hmm…” offered the most comprehensive analysis yet of the rise and inevitable fall of the petrodollar (and implicitly US hegemony). In the following presentation, from Mines & Money Conference in London in December 2016, Williams focuses on gold’s performance in 2016, the reaction to Donald Trump’s election and joins a series of dots that may lead to the end of the petrodollar system and a new place for gold in the global monetary system.
The Dots So Far. Fall of the Petrodollar From: Get it? Got it? Good. http://ttmygh.com/
The story begins in the 1970s when Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon struck a deal with the House of Saud — a deal which gave birth to the petrodollar system.
The terms were simple The Saudis agreed to ONLY accept U.S. Dollars in return for their oil and that they would reinvest their surplus dollars into U.S. treasuries.
In return, the U.S. would provide arms and a security guarantee to the Saudis who, it has to be said, were living in a pretty rough neighborhood.
Read More: www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-02-09/grant-williams-death-petrodollar-and-what-comes-after
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wherestheseriousman-blog · 6 years ago
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Balance in life. Best friends Mitzy and Roly. #petmouse #hairlesspetsofinstagram #hairless #hairlesspet #petsoftheworld #smallpet #smallanimal #petrodent #rodent #rodentsmakegreatpets #rodentsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #instadog #dogsmatter #animalsmatter #animalphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/BtblT1WBLby/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9u0ogdnk7nsc
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wherestheseriousman-blog · 6 years ago
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Mello #syrianhamstersofinstagram #syrianhamster #hamster🐹 #hamstersofinstagram #love #lovehamsters #smallpet #smallanimal #petrodent #rodentsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BrNpOJQFhVx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v630jdlzlb9u
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