#Pet Comfort
rizzoto-whump · 1 year
@juneofdoom day 4 - “Does that hurt?”
@whumpers-monthly - Pet Comfort
James loved drifting off to sleep alongside Arnold, a Kintamani dog with a coat as dark as the night, whom he had adopted during a vacation in Bali. They would share tender moments while James recounted tales from his past, stories he had been desperately trying to erase. Arnold may not have fully comprehended the depth of those narratives, but he would remain quietly attentive, a faithful companion.
However, for the past two days, Arnold had persistently barked towards the basement. James would investigate, checking every nook and cranny, but to no avail. The space was devoid of any disturbances, except for a stack of unused items gathering dust and rotting timber devoured by termites. James sighed with relief, reaching out to stroke Arnold's head, and they would peacefully doze off in each other's company.
Yet, as the evening sky kissed the horizon and James slipped off his shoes, something felt awry. Arnold was nowhere to be found.
"Arnold? Hey! Co--come here!"
No response. Only an unsettling silence hung in the air, causing James' heart to race. Panic surged through him as he mindlessly traversed the room, meticulously searching every corner, except for one area that remained untouched—the basement. The door remained closed, just as it had been when James left for work.
A deep darkness emanated from below, causing James to gulp nervously. Summoning his courage, he took a step forward, only to slip on the slippery surface and tumble down with a cry of pain. Agony coursed through his body as he lay there, tears welling in his eyes.
Then, suddenly, a flood of light inundated his vision. To his right, a familiar voice resonated, momentarily halting his racing heart.
"Does that hurt?"
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astaldis · 1 year
Four-pawed comfort
Fandom: The Witcher
Merlin the Cat & Cahir
Excerpt from Chapter 11 of “Prison Blues”: 
When the sorceress wakes up very late in the morning, at least according to her standards, Cahir is still fast asleep and not making any sounds of distress. Excellent. She can let him sleep for another hour or two before he will have to take more potions. Stretching her cramped muscles and joints and yawning heartily, she walks over to her room to wash and change out of her very crumpled robe into one that is slightly less crumpled. Then she sits down at the table in the living room and conjures up a nice breakfast. Usually she prefers real food and reserves her chaos for more important purposes, but she does not feel like interacting with other people just yet if it can be avoided. Cahir won't be able to eat anything until his tongue is fully regrown, so it will only be her and her cat this morning. Or just her as she has not seen any sign of Merlin yet. Strange. Normally he would be at home at this time of day, sleeping off his nightly adventures somewhere. He hasn't gotten lost in the unfamiliar Cintran gardens? It wouldn't be much of a problem as she can locate him easily with a spell and a few of his hairs. But still, Assire is a bit worried. Maybe she should not have let him out? However, used to coming and going as he pleases, he would not have liked that, not at all. Or is he here somewhere curled up on a chair or behind a curtain and she has just overlooked him? She lets her eyes wander around the room in search of the cat, then she checks her bedroom again, but no sign of him. Maybe he has come in through the window in Cahir's chamber while she was getting ready for the day? She scans her grandnephew's bedroom but cannot detect anything. Cahir is still sound asleep, luckily no change here. When she is just about to leave the room again, she suddenly notices a roundish bump under his blanket. She goes closer. Now she can hear something, too.
"Here you are, Merlin," she whispers, very much surprised and smiling fondly when she sees a black ear peek out from under the blanket where the cat is curled up against Cahir's chest, purring softly. Exactly where he is needed most. Very quietly as not to disturb either of the two she tiptoes to the living room and sits down at the table, still smiling. Aren't cats the most incredible creatures?
Merlin is still in the same place when Assire checks again an hour or so later. Cahir has put his arm around the cat in his sleep, his face snuggled up against the soft fur. Adorable. And truly unexpected as Merlin usually keeps his distance from strangers and especially does not like men in general. Well, he seems to make a very welcome exception here.
The sorceress sits down in the armchair with her knitting things and starts on a pair of socks the colour of the ocean on a sunny summer's day. Although she herself prefers to wear black, Cahir's wardrobe is far too dark for her liking. And any shade of blue will go nicely with the colour of his eyes. Not that it would matter much with socks. But anyhow, she hopes he will like them.
She does not come very far with her knitting project, though. Not long after the first rounds of stitches are done, Cahir's body tenses visibly and he begins to whimper in his sleep, whether from pain or a nightmare Assire does not know. With his pink, raspy little tongue Merlin begins to lick his cheek and purrs softly. Surprisingly, it seems to help. The whimpering stops and Cahir relaxes. Hardly half an hour later, though, he starts to moan again, now clearly from pain. Well, it is high time for more regrowing potions, anyway. While her cat weaves between her legs impatiently, Assire assembles all the vials that she will need on the nightstand, quite an assortment.
"Don't worry, Merlin, I'll hurry up." She quickly strokes across the cat's silky fur with one hand. "He'll be better in a few minutes, I promise." Then she gently shakes her moaning grandnephew by the shoulder. "Cahir, wake up, time for more of your medicine."
It takes quite a bit of coaxing and shaking until Cahir is lucid enough to understand what his grandaunt wants of him. He swallows the potions, this time grimacing at the bitter taste. Assire smiles, relieved. The regrowing process seems to work. Although swallowing is still a problem and involves quite a bit of coughing and gagging, Cahir does not throw up again thanks to the anti-nausea potion, or the fact that his stomach is virtually empty. Presumably both. After he has drunk up all his medicines, he falls back into the pillows with a groan. Which appears to be the signal for Merlin to hop onto the bed and start licking his new friend's face again. Cahir blinks at the black cat blearily, then, with a small smile, puts his arm around the fluffy animal, drowsily tickling him under the chin with his thumb. Which is rewarded with a loud, contented purring as Merlin stretches, yawns and then curls up on Cahir's chest. Soon they both are fast asleep. Hopefully until it is time for the next batch of potions.
Read the complete chapter on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39433770/chapters/99815649
And the companion piece Cat Comfort (Merlin’s POV): https://archiveofourown.org/works/47326381
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3starhurricane · 2 years
Who cares if one has power?
Everyone always cared about our high ranking status, as we were always expected to be on top no matter how much time and soul put into every little detail. I’ve never got to experience joy like other kids, unlike the joy I got when I got praise from my parents and family, even when I had tears in my eyes and blood on my knuckles. They looked so proud of me that I craved to see them look at me more, to look at me with a gleam in their eyes as if I was the most precious thing in the world. But I started failing, I started to get weak.. I cried every night after it all, wishing, begging for it to go away for me to be the white sheep of the family again. Yet as I clutch my fists I still won’t be able to achieve the same strength I had years ago, the family is disappointed and I’m scared. For the first time in my life, I’m scared of something and I can’t control it, it bubbles in my throat like acid and I hate it. I wish I could scream and hit everything but it never works, why don’t you look at me the same? Please just look at me! 
I- I was given a task, I laughed to myself in happiness at this opportunity, they haven’t given me one in ages. Could this be my redeeming lesson, I can make them proud again! I rush to town to seize the items they requested, but has the market ever been this dar?- Cutting off my train of thought as yelling broke through the town, “There he is! It's the traitor of the Dao family, he's here to steal your item Mr. Faolin!” What? Me a traitor as if but I have no time to defend as I am cornered like an animal, was this a trap all along. I was never supposed to make it back, was I? Chuckling to myself as tears rolled down my face, perhaps I am the fool but there's always light after the tunnel as I feel warmth. I lay on the ground with this fuzzy thing laying on me, laughing slightly as I got up. It was simply a nightmare of my past. Signaling for Rayman to climb on my shoulder as we walk around.
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How to Prepare Your Pet for Diagnostic Testing
Preparing your pet for diagnostic testing can make a world of difference in ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience. Whether your furry friend needs a dog X-ray to investigate a bone issue or a cat X-ray to examine internal concerns, understanding how to prepare them is essential. Proper preparation not only helps in getting accurate results but also minimizes anxiety for both you and your pet. In this blog, we'll share some valuable tips and tricks to help you navigate the process of pet diagnostic testing services, ensuring that your pet remains comfortable and well-cared for throughout their diagnostic journey.
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Tips And Tricks To Prepare Your Pet For Veterinary Diagnostic Testing
Here are some essential tips and tricks to help you prepare your pet for their upcoming diagnostic testing.
1. Understand the Procedure
Before the appointment, it's important to understand what the diagnostic test entails. Dog X-rays are often used to diagnose bone fractures, joint issues, or the presence of foreign objects. On the other hand, cat X-rays are typically used to identify internal injuries, tumors, or other health concerns. Knowing the purpose and process of these tests can help alleviate your worries and prepare you for what to expect.
2. Follow Pre-Test Instructions
Your veterinarian will provide specific instructions to prepare your pet for the test. These instructions might include:
Fasting: Some diagnostic tests require your pet to fast for several hours before the procedure. Make sure to follow these guidelines to ensure accurate results.
Medication Adjustments: If your pet is on medication, your vet will advise you on whether to continue or pause their medication before the test.
Adhering to these instructions is crucial for accurate results and your pet’s comfort.
3. Create a Calm Environment
Reducing your pet's stress is key to a successful diagnostic visit. Here are some ways to help keep your pet calm:
Stay Calm Yourself: Pets can sense their owners' emotions. Maintaining a calm and positive demeanor can help soothe your pet.
Comfort Items: Bring along your pet’s favorite blanket or toy. Familiar items can provide a sense of security and comfort during the visit.
4. Prepare for the Day of the Appointment
On the day of the diagnostic test, aim to make the experience as smooth as possible:
Exercise Before the Visit: A walk or play session can help burn off excess energy and calm your pet before the appointment.
Minimize Stress: Avoid any stressful situations or loud noises that could heighten your pet's anxiety.
5. Arrive on Time
Punctuality helps ensure that your pet receives their diagnostic services without delay. Arriving on time also gives you the chance to complete any necessary paperwork and discuss last-minute concerns with your veterinarian.
6. During the Procedure
While your pet is undergoing the diagnostic test, it’s important to:
Follow Veterinary Instructions: Adhere to the directions given by the veterinary team regarding positioning and restraint during the dog X-ray or cat X-ray.
Provide Reassurance: If allowed, stay close to your pet for comfort. Your presence can help reduce their stress during the procedure.
7. Post-Test Care
After the diagnostic test, pay attention to your pet’s behavior and follow any post-test instructions provided by your vet:
Monitor Your Pet: Watch for any unusual changes in behavior or signs of discomfort. Contact your vet if you have any concerns.
Follow Up: Attend any scheduled follow-up appointments to discuss the results and next steps.
8. Communicate with Your Veterinarian
Effective communication with your vet is essential. If you have any questions or concerns about the procedure, don’t hesitate to ask. Your veterinarian is there to guide you through the process and provide support.
Final Thoughts:
Preparing your pet for diagnostic testing, such as a dog X-ray or cat X-ray, involves understanding the procedure, following pre-test instructions, and creating a calm environment. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that the experience is as smooth and stress-free as possible for your furry friend. For additional guidance and support, feel free to reach out to Perky Paws Pet Hospital—we’re here to assist with all your pet diagnostic needs.
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topics-of-trend · 4 months
Revamp Your House into a Pet Paradise: 5 Vital Pointers
Hiya, pet enthusiasts! 🤗 Are you prepared to make your house the most delightful place for your four-legged friends? Just imagine it: a living space where animals can move freely, feeling secure and loved at all times. If this is something you’ve always wanted but couldn’t achieve yet — I’m here to help! 😃 Today we will talk about different ways of turning any room into an ultimate pet haven. Starting from getting rid of annoying stains left by our beloved pets and ending with creating cozy shelters for them all around the house — let’s get started! So grab a cup of coffee 🍵 or maybe even some treats for your furry friend 😊 and let’s begin!
You may be thinking “My house is already pet-friendly enough, isn’t it?” But trust me when I say that there is no limit to how much more comfortable we can make these spaces not only for us but also for them. These five essential tips will take any pet friendly home from average to amazing whether you are an experienced owner or just starting out with pets.
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The fact is that pets come with lots of things. Toys, leashes, treats — the list goes on and on… The good news? Smart storage solutions exist to keep everything in one place while still being easily accessible throughout your home. Try using decorative bins or baskets as toy boxes; designate specific areas (like hooks) where leashes should be kept along with grooming supplies nearby too. Doing this will not only help clear up some clutter but also save time looking for things when they are needed most during playtime with furry friends begging around every corner.
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We adore our pets dearly but sometimes cleaning up after them may become quite challenging especially if wrong fabrics were used in decorating furniture pieces within the living area which could easily get ruined by muddy paws or any other accidents that might happen. Therefore it is important to select appropriate materials such as leather or microfiber which are known for their durability and resistance against stains caused by pets’ activities. Another thing worth considering here would be adding washable slipcovers onto sofas — this will make cleaning much easier later on when needed most!
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Our furry friends need their own space where they can unwind and have some alone time too just like we do. Provide a cozy corner with soft bedding nearby where your pet can curl up whenever feeling tired or stressed out after playing around all day long. In addition, placing few toys along with scratching post nearby should keep them entertained while preventing from getting into trouble elsewhere throughout the house as well — remember happy pet makes happier home!
Check out this Plush Round Hooded Pet Bed for your cat and/or dog!
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As much as we love our pets being around us all the time, there are times when we don’t want them to enter some areas such as the kitchen and home office among others. Restricting access can be done by use of baby gates or pet barriers which restrict them to a particular part of the house. Alternatively, they can be trained to respect boundaries through positive reinforcement methods; this may take some time but eventually you will end up with a well behaved pet that knows its limits.
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Even though pets should be treated like members of family still safety ought to come first within any pet-friendly environment. Therefore ensure that your space is secure enough for animals by locking cabinets, covering electric cords and getting rid of poisonous plants or substances which could harm them. It is also advisable to have a first aid kit specifically designed for pets plus emergency contacts nearby so that incase anything happens you will always be prepared.
Here you go — five must-know tips to change your living environment into an animal paradise that will be loved by both you and your pets! 😊😃🤗 Arrange smart storage systems, select textiles suitable for animals, make a comfort area, set limits and ensure safety. If you do these things, the pets will flourish in this space. Therefore, come on! Develop your inner designer skills and prepare for pet-proofing your home which is going to be their sanctuary forever. Enjoy it!!! 😃😊🤗
Your cat or dog will love this soft fluffy round hooded bed!
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fabudazzlepets · 6 months
Elevate Your Pet's Fashion Statement
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Transform your furry companions into fashion-forward trendsetters by delving into the world of dog fashion at FabudazzlePets, your local pet store in Roswell, Georgia. Our pet store takes pride in offering a diverse and on-trend collection of outfits designed to pamper your beloved pets.
Learn More: https://www.fabudazzlepets.com/blogs/news/elevate-your-pets-fashion-statement
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xochimillilili · 6 months
I just want soft cuddlefucking. Arms holding me tightly, a nice slow deep fuck, kissing and praising me while wiping my tears away, fucking all the stupid sad out my head, reassuring me it'll be okay soon and that they've got me
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cowdragons · 3 months
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cows getting their big huge heads cuddled and scritched and pet and loved moodboard
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ethosiab · 7 months
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P.E.T. Postal service taking the server by storm ^_^
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kaiju-krew · 6 months
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loonybun · 24 days
living weapon who’s never been treated as anything other than an object and has never been shown a drop of sympathy or compassion suddenly falling into the hands of a carewhumper. they’re given privileges, comfort, affection.
…and it is the most uncomfortable they’ve ever felt in their entire life. this isn’t how it’s supposed to be. this isn’t what they were made for.
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kestreleve · 4 months
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ummm hi can I help you
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adarlingmess · 10 months
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lovehina019 · 5 months
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fabudazzlepets · 9 months
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Simple Knick-Knacks That You Should Get for Your Pet
A pet becomes a reflection of its owner. Whether pet owners like it or not, this is something that other people tend to perceive. Either way, it can’t be argued that it is best for pet owners to take good care of their furry friends by grabbing supplies from pet apparel in Georgia. They should do it not just to please other people but to keep their pets healthy and well. Needless to say, this is their main responsibility. Learn More : https://www.fabudazzlepets.com/blogs/news/simple-knick-knacks-that-you-should-get-for-your-pet
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xochimillilili · 14 days
Hey come here puppy, come here and sit on my lap honey, let me hold you~ That's my puppy, just lay on my chest, yes just like that my love, rest your pretty little puppy head and let all those thoughts fall out~
You've had quite a long day haven't you pup? Look at you, your eyes are all sleepy and pretty, your cute lil tired smile n frown, your hair all fluffed up from being so busy all day... it's alright my sweetheart, I've got you, I'm staying here with you all night
Let me help put your collar on baby, you're just a little puppy after all, you just focus on getting yourself comfy love~
We can do anything you like my precious pup, we can cuddle here in bed or I'll sit next to you while you're snug in your little doggie bed. I can run you a nice bath and try to rub and scrub all your worries away, even just for a bit honey. We can watch something you like, or I can tell you a story, we can nap or do some nice coloring while I brush your hair all soft
You're my precious darling little puppy love, my good puppy who I'm so sooo very proud of, I'll always want to hold and care for you after a long day, you're the one I love~
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