#Pest Infestation
“The cockroach and bedbug infestations in Tammy Brown's Hamilton apartment have all but destroyed her life, she says.
Roaches have taken over her fridge and stove, contaminating her food and making it impossible to cook for her two adult daughters, one of whom lives with a disability, and her four-year-old grandson……Brown has called the city four times in under a year, begging for it to order the landlord at 221 Melvin Ave. to fix the pest problems.
She said neither public health nor bylaw has ever responded……There's a reason she hasn't heard back. The City of Hamilton isn't enforcing its own pest control rules — and hasn't for over four years, staff told CBC Hamilton……. according to public health manager, there's little evidence to suggest rats, cockroaches and bedbugs carry pathological diseases, and the idea that residents could experience negative mental health impacts is a "novel, developing notion"…”
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dailymtgflavortext · 2 years
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A thousand years of history undone by one juvenile prank. 
-Pest Infestation
Spiritual successor to Release the Gremlins.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 months
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"JOB FOR PIED PIPER IS OPEN IN WESTON," Toronto Star. May 15, 1934. page 8. --- Rat-Infested Dump Decreases Adjoining Property Values, Claim ---- Weston. May 15. - "This town needs another pied piper," commented Councillor H. W. Sainsbury, when complaints were made to council last night that rats infested a dump at the south end of Weston.
"The town has not used the dump in two years." he declared when F. A. Silverman presented a protest on behalf of P. Harris that the value of the latter's nearby property had decreased. "Some industrial firms have lately littered the dump with dirty rags which catch fire and smoulder for days."
The clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Harris that the town disclaims responsibility for the alleged objectionable condition of the dump.
A new system for tax sales was recommended by Town Clerk Musson and unanimously accepted. Under the new plan whole lots will be sold when put up for sale to realize taxes. The practice of bidding down land will be abolished in future.
Tax collections for this year show an increase of $6,816 over those made last year to the same date. A total of $128.869 is still outstanding as compared with $113,166 for the same date last year.
A request for assistance from the Weston Silver Band will be met by a partial payment of a $500 grant. the balance to be paid later. A grant of $250 was authorized to the Victorian Order of Nurses. The library board will receive a grant of $2,700.
Following the recent request of the council to the board of education that that body make a substantial reduction in its budget, such action was taken involving a cut in the original budget of $3,000, council was informed. The present budge calls for a total of $17.500 for public schools and $12.850 for the high and vocational schools.
A petition from the Master Barbers association asking that a varying schedule of closing hours be put into force, was given consideration but referred back to the association. The petition requested that their closing hours be 8 p.m. every night except Friday and Saturday.
Deputy Reeve Gordon Harris reported that seed had been supplied to citizens working community garden and that work was progressing.
Tenders for road oiling will be called for at once. The property committee was also authorized to call for tenders for next winter's coal supply.
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goldtermites · 5 months
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kimmiliah · 5 months
7 Reasons Homeowners Are Seeking Temporary Rentals
Why would homeowners need to look for furnished short term rentals when they already have a house? This might come as a surprise for many. Temporary rentals come with a myriad of advantages, from flexibility in lease terms to the convenience of fully furnished accommodations. Here are the top most common reasons why homeowners are opting for temporary rentals: source 1. They found cracks in the…
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swagcasta · 1 year
How Much Does It Cost to Repair Termite Damage?
Pest infestation aftermath can be highly severe. Termites are one of the categories with the most capabilities of extensive destruction. Reportedly, they damage roughly 600,000 homes in the United States yearly. Read more
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betapestsussex · 1 year
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likesdoodling · 6 months
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This is a celebration of finally getting my laptop pen back.
Ye. Besides. I wanted to draw something Merlin related. :D
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happynewyear-99 · 6 months
if. your still doing fusing stuff. can you do infected and pest
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sorry this took me a while, i was working REALLY HARD on makign it look right and decided to scrap the robloxian look
anyway he's a bitchy loser who can break his limbs and clip into himself on command and will glitch back to normal after a bit
normal name would've been ratty mcratson junior the 3rd
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plantanarchy · 8 months
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My variegated lemon tree is blooming in my greenhouse and I hand-pollinated some flowers today. Citrus trees are one of my least favorite plants to care for but somehow this one hasn't annoyed me too much yet.
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dustbon · 11 months
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The morning after the Harvestfest dinner, this happened. Jack, please, take us away from this pest infested place :')
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darkmoonravewolf · 1 year
I bet when in the human realm, there was a spider and before Luz or Camila could do anything about it, one of the witchlings grabbed it and ate it and Camila was just sitting there disgusted as Luz tried to explain their "interesting" diets again
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savagechickens · 3 months
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The Liquor Cabinet.
And more marketing.
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jgracie · 5 months
i had the most random thought in the car earlier abt travis being a taxi driver and letting his payment be a kiss cause reader forgot her wallet or smth and i thought of YOUU
STELLA THIS IS SUCH AN HONOUR OMG 😭😭😭😭😭 but ur SOOO right he totally would it would be one of his many side jobs to save up money for ur cute gifts
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pagesofscales · 1 year
Glue Traps and Why They Suck
⚠️ CW: Animal Cruelty and Death ⚠️
I saw a terrible video a few hours ago. Throughout the video, five or six mice and a snake were stuck to a glue trap and died a very slow, painful death over the course of a few days. It was horrible to watch but what was worse to see were all the comments cheering for it.
Glue traps are an incredibly inhumane type of pest control. They work by using a very sticky glue that traps animals such as rats, mice, snakes, bugs, and other small critters. The animals don't die immediately. Instead, they suffer and die a painful death of starvation and exhaustion. There have even been cases of them chewing through their own limbs in an attempt to escape.
These traps also end up trapping many animals other than the intended targets. There have been cases of harmless snakes being caught in traps intended for spiders, birds being caught in traps intended for insects, and even some threatened and endangered species being caught.
With all these awful consequences, you'd think that the traps would have to at least work well. Nope. Glue traps have been proven to have little to no affect on infestations as they don't target and address the source of the problem. People have also reported being bitten by some of the animals stuck to the trap while trying to dispose of the traps.
If you do have a problem with infestations or pests, there are so many better options out there. You can call a local professional to relocate animals, use humane traps that don't kill the animal, or even those that offer a quick death. I'm against killing animals as a general rule but at least a quick death would be better than these cruel and inhumane contraptions.
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kimmiliah · 1 year
What Is The Best Way to Get Rid of Ants?
Ants are one of the most common pests around. They can quickly take over a home or business, and it’s important to know the best way to get rid of ants. This article will provide an overview of what is considered to be the best way to eliminate ants from any environment. Entomologists have studied this pest for many years in order to find solutions that offer effective results with minimal risk…
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