#Period fanfiction
brideofhantengu · 1 month
A Famished Heart: the collected diaries of GYOTENGU human!au
TW mentions of mental health, homophobia, drugs and ed/ana.
New York City, 1980 - After being tried before a jury on his alleged role in the breaking and entering of an older woman's home, Hantengu's mental state and physical condition (and endless excuses for his actions) call for a two-year involuntary rehabilitation. There, he is poorly treated for his kleptomania, health and behavioral issues but feigns his wellness in an attempt to be released. The year is 1982 and the unstable Hantengu has been released from the institution he has spent the last two Christmases in. He still suffers from disordered eating and dissociative identity disorder until he crosses paths with Gyokko, an ex-bouncer who frequents queer nightclubs. Gyokko wants to help Hantengu, but the relatively recent HIV epidemic stands between them as society struggles to accept their relationship. These are the recovered pages of their journals.
January 12th, 7:08 pm.
Run. Even if it hurts, run and keep running. If you can't move your legs, use your head. Run away from anything and everything that hurts. This pain does not belong to me, this pain was caused by others who wish nothing but to harm me. 'I couldn't possibly have committed such atrocities,' I say but no one ever hears me. Instead, I reassure myself of my purity until the past becomes a blur. Fuck. My knee's gone out. I can't stop here, I have to keep going. I won't get caught. It's not my fault. My entire life I've been a loyal servant of God. Each finger tip that I glide over each cold, bronze lock and every blade I caress with my thumb to test its dullness, is done in favor of my own self-defense. I've spent my life unwanted, orphaned at a young age. My mother claims she couldn't handle me and suggests I saw a psychiatrist. My father beat me until my mind went blank. I've never been much to look at, then again neither as my mother. I haven't seen my own reflection in years, so a clean, sharp knife is always a surprise. And a delight. But you didn't hear that from me, no. In fact, you didn't hear that at all. You're unsure of what you've just been told and I think I'd like to keep it that way. "Innocent until proven guilty," they say. But I know the truth. Since the day I was born into this accursed world, I've not once uttered a lie. Despite my plight, I'm a virtuous weakling. But no one ever gives me any sympathy!
*knock knock* "Uhh, Han-...Tang-Go?"
The staff always gets my name wrong.
"His name is Han-teng-gu."
"Thank you doctor, er, Hahn-teen-goo? You're set to go. You can collect your things at the nurse's station."
That's it? Just like that? No questions asked?
Until today, they'd fed me nothing but a paper cup of undisclosed medications the size of golf balls and about a drop of tap water. They must have heard I was stubborn 'cause they made me lift my tongue each time to prove I'd swallowed them. This isn't my first time in the madhouse, I've had my run-ins with the law throughout my youth, but my mother and father always swore up and down that I was in desperate need of help. Any mere second of my life spent in an establishment within this city is absolute punishment. For what, I can't be sure, I'm no criminal... But something about the idea of getting to do almost whatever I please and all I gotta do is hide my face and sob in front of a judge and say outlandish shit to get by is pretty liberating. Now I'm no spring chicken, I've got joints that snap, crackle and pop about as loud as a bowl of Rice Krispies when I stand, and my hair's surprisingly maintained it's shade although I'm partially balding, but come on, everyone's got their vices right? Everyone's got a deep-pitted and insatiable hole they gotta fill, don't they? For me, it's this unbearable craving for adrenaline. Even if it's for a fleeting moment I need it real bad.
I've hit just about everywhere these parts at night and it seems a lot has changed while I've been in the rooms. The streets are filled with garbage as they usually are, and the papers read of endless tragedy. Every day a young man dies from this auto-immune disease that eats away at their minds and bodies, painfully consuming them until they die, in this case, dropping like flies all around. Some are saying it's because of the queer but most are blaming it on dirty needles and prostitution. I've got no use for the red light district anyhow, I get my rocks off on the pity of others. Maybe it's because I felt neglected my entire life or maybe it's because I'm truly a sick bastard, but the sight of people clutching their chest as I grovel and cry and beg for mercy gives me enough pleasure to not need sex for weeks or even months.
I've never been a sexual person, as a boy I occasionally reached a hand below the waist line here and there but I can't tell you what my thoughts were that accompanied my self-awareness. Sometimes now, in my socially private moments which have become fewer and further between, I jack myself off to the thought of blood. The idea of picking locks and weaseling my way into the homes of unsuspecting victims just to creep through their halls like a filthy rat and pocketing whatever I can, no matter it's value, makes my heart pound with fervor and lust. My cock stiffens as I throw their possessions in my bag and sometimes when I'm caught, I simply throw myself to the floor and force myself to shake, evoking a sense of forgiveness in my victim. Victim. What an ugly word for the evil. If anyone's the true victim, it's me! I'd like to think of them as 'participants' in my schemes.
As I walk along the jagged sidewalk, cold wind gnawing at my skin pulled taught over my cheekbones, I quickly slip my black raybans on and pull my black trench coat shut. I hold my hat to my head as the wind blows hard, desperately trying to keep myself upright. The thin, deep red button down worn beneath lays like a thin sheet of paper over my chest, not enough to protect me from the elements. The sky is as black as the ace of spades, I gotta find somewhere to stop awhile where I won't be questioned. I shuffle my way quickly down a dark alley to my left, but not enough to look suspicious. I see some distant lights pulsating in the blackness and some fog emitting from the mouths of two male strangers outside a door. I take heed as I approach them, the sign above in hot pink saying "The Fish Bowl." I think I've heard about this place before, a homosexual patient disappeared one day after telling us stories in group about his "illness." The epidemic had him scared shitless that "God's wrath had come upon the gay community", so towards the end of his life he made numerous attempts to get "saved" in rehab, attempting to take his life numerous times, but tragically to succession before Christmas with a shoelace that was somehow sneaked inside.
Suddenly a pale, muscular man barrels out of the big steel door, shouting at the two men and wrapping each arm around their necks. He has two beers in his hands, spilling their foam all over the place. He's clearly inebriated, pushing an assortment of boundaries both profane and unintentional, boasting some illegible tangent about his days of being a body guard for the "Pink Flamingoes" club back in the day, before it became "The Fish Bowl."
January 12th, 9:05pm
The ground is moving beneath my wobbly feet and my world is spinning around me. Suddenly, I spot this strange and older gentleman, dressed in black with a studious, sickly form. "HEY!" I shout, "MiSteR 'I wEaR mY sUnGlAsSeS aT niGhT' GUY!"
Oh, crap! He's looking my way! Or so I think, behind those dark ass shades... "C'mere!" I take my arms back and extend a hand, offering him a beer. "I got TWO BEERS HERE, and ah, *hiccup* well, I want you to-well I wonder if you'll have one of 'em." The dark man just stands there, hesitant. Is he judging me? WHO IS HE JUDGING, BECAUSE I KNOW IT ISN'T ME! "What?! You some kind of beauty critic or something? Come on, it's a nice gesture! Take it!"
Fuck! He's coming towards me! I panic briefly wanting to make a good impression of myself but I'm piss drunk and covered in sweat and beer. "I won't bite. Promise!"
He took it! He actually took it!
"You cold? Come inside, you'll LOOOOVE iiiittt."
I should have held the door for him but I was so fixated on putting one foot in front of the other I practically let it shut on him. I glanced over my shoulder and saw him catch it with his hands, which looked knobby and frail like a ghost! "Hey, I'm sorry! I just- *belch* couldn't wait to get a new face in here." "HEY BARNEY!" I yell at the bartender, "MEET MY NEW FRIEND, HIS NAME IS... what's your name?" "Hanmurumurmur..." "WHAT?" "My name is humhmuhmhm..." "I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THE MUSIC, WHAT DID YOU SAAAY?" "Nevermind." "NEVERMIND! MEET MY FRIEND NEVERMIND! Wait, that's not what you said..." after enlightening my new friend all about my budding art career and RICH history as a BOUNCER, I finally got the courage to ask him about himself. "Why don't you take those peepers off? The strobe lights bothering you or something?" He looks kind of old from what light catches his structure, maybe he has cataracts or somethi-
Oh. Oh my god.
His eyes.
THOSE HAVE TO BE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND HYPNOTIC EYES TO EVER GRACE MY OWN! They're this stunning hue of red circled by a ring of an even deeper red, encapsulated by GORGEOUS dark and sunken sockets. His skin is tan and tight, thin wrinkles peppered in each curve. "I-iii-uhhhh," come on, Gyokko! This is no way to act! I'm a fisherman's son! I may be estranged from my family but I know how to navigate turbulent waters! Fuck! I knocked my beer over. I quickly get up to lean forward and wipe the table with a handful of napkins, noticing my new (and beautiful) friend's coat has become drenched. He notices and stands, quickly pulling it off and tossing it over the table, using it to soak up the rest. I slowly raise my head to look up at him and my eyes are met with a body just as or if not MORE beautiful than his face. He's remarkably thin, but certainly not helpless looking, not at all. His arms and legs are strong, adding an even further sense of mystery to his aura. The top buttons of his shirt are undone, showing off his collar bones and Adams apple freely. I begin to salivate as my eyes fall down his torso, landing on a black leather belt that seemed as if it was latched into it's slimmest size. "What's the problem? Catching flies, or something? You can't stop staring at me."
"Oh! Oh, I didn't realize."
What. The fuck.
I'm stronger than this, far more confident and sure of my surroundings! How could I let myself display such weakness! This is not how any artiste should act! This man might be my magnum opus! Oh, if only I could have him...get him into bed... No, he won't do that, not with this disease wiping out young men by the hundreds..."
"Look, um... I know we just met and all and I probably shouldn't trust you but then again, you probably shouldn't trust me considering we just met and all, but, ahh..."
What is he asking me WHAT IS HE ASKING ME!?!?!
"Do you happen to know anywhere I could crash for the night? Somewhere safe, at least?"
"HYOOOO! As a matter of fact, my roommate just moved out and I've got a bed and everything you can use in my apartment! I hope you'll happily oblige, dear friend! I could use the company."
"You sure? I mean you seem like a great guy and all but-"
"ABSOLUTELY! Come on, you can wear my jacket until we get home."
I took him to the back wall with me to grab my coat, I couldn't leave someone as delicate yet so handsome as himself all alone. Just my luck I'd have returned and he'd be saddled up on some other man's lap! Truth be told, I've been holding my piss this whole time in fears of him being swept away!
He flashes me a funny look as I pull my purple rabbit fur jacket off the hook. He shrugs and accepts my offer and we side step each other awkwardly as we decide on whether or not I help him or he puts it on himself. He finally just turned around and let me guide it on him, and god did he look cute! What better clothes to frame a beautiful man than my beautiful taste in outerwear! He turns around to face me and he looks so damn adorable with that fedora on. "How sublime, how sublime!" I grab my keys actually remember to hold the door open for him this time. The attraction I had for this stranger was intoxicating, but the adrenaline of taking him home so easily sobered me up.
"I didn't quite get your name, what did you say it was, again?"
"Hantengu. That's a lovely name. Truly sublime!"
We walked in silence, my rapid cycling thoughts drowned out the sound of sirens and traffic. We arrived at my complex, a bit rundown on the outside. "Now I know it's not much but, it's mine and I can express myself freely here, so." We entered and moved throughout the lobby, headed for the elevators when Mary Ann the crackhead called out from along the graffiti laden wall, "Hey, hey, honey! You got any change you can spare, even a nickel?" "Not today, Mary Ann, I'm kind of busy right now." "Oh that's alright honey, who's this?" She scratches at her neck, "This your new boyfriend?" We keep walking, "Nope, just a friend who's staying the night." "I feel you baby, but do be careful! That H-I-V be takin' all kinds of folks around the neighborhood." "Yeahhh," I reply, "can't be too careful, right?" I continue as she lights up a pipe shared by the emaciated and skin-sore covered man beside her.
I had to press the elevator button multiple times to get it to work, which caused Hantengu to look a little uncomfortable. I don't want to worry my handsome guest so I reassured him it was normal and never once failed me. He spoke to me in a trembling and anguished tone of voice, "Tragedy follows me everywhere I go..." This caught me off guard as I've never made a good therapist friend, for I lack that sense of communication since it's never really been shown to me, so I just guide him into the elevator and give him space to speak. Naturally, I'd have changed the subject about now to something that peaks my own intrigue, but I truly felt a connection to this guy and really wanted to take things higher, even if by a single decibel. The lights flickered in the lift, and I almost felt compelled to put my arm around Hantengu to keep him calm, but physical touch could easily blow it should that be something that causes him to spaz. We follow the corridor past some punched holes in the wall and the skunky smell of pot assaulted our nostrils and FINALLY arrive at my door. I fuck with the lock to get us in and the first thing he does is look around sort of amazed. "Whoa... these all yours?" He points to my collection of vases. "Yes, those are mine, how could you tell? The sheer glory of their handicraft and careful precision in each pattern?"
"Well I mean you're...colorful."
"Colorful?" I chuckle.
"Yeah, you know. Look at this jacket, I mean, come on. You've got style."
My heart soared at Hantengu's observation. I always felt the world needed more color in it, so I accepted the position of delivery to that vibrant and exotic touch the planet needed so! "Sit, sit! Make yourself comfortable. Want me to take your hat for you?"
"Um, no, I think I'll keep it on."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I feel weird without it."
"I respect your wishes but just know I won't judge."
I removed the bandana around my head and shook my purple hair out, tying it up into a half bun before rolling up my sleeves and opening the fridge. I think the sight of my hair loosened him up a bit because I saw him lean back in the corner of my eye and adjust himself leisurely. He spread his legs in a masculine way, which was turning me on but I didn't say anything. Instead, I cleared my throat and offered him something to gnash on. "You hungry, Hantengu? Can I fix you something to eat?"
"Oh, uh, no. No thanks."
"You sure?"
"Y-yeah, I'm...I'm sure."
I closed the fridge after grabbing a slice of cold pizza and brought it over to my sectional couches with me. I sat on the loveseat parallel to Hantengu who was seated on the full size. I'm sure it was impolite to eat before him, but I wasn't in the habit of being fully aware of my approach towards others. "Where are my manners," I sighed and shook my head before I continued chewing and spaced off. I noticed Hantengu was getting sort of agitated across from me, readjusting his legs and tapping his fingers on his knee. It looked like he was trying to cover his nose with his other hand, which made me wonder if the smell of the neighbors pot was bothering him. "Hantengu you look a little unwell, are you sure I can't get you something to eat?" Hantengu just stared at my pizza, glossy eyed. "HYO! Someone's contact high and got the munchies, huh?" What a dumb ass thing to say to my guest. What a way to make him feel welcome.
12:37 am
Some time passed of us just shooting the shit about the local news and drugs, and I noticed him yawning. I offered him the guest room but he insisted on sleeping on the couch, which I found quite odd but I understood his concern. My body was fatigued from a breaking myself into a sweat at the club, but something inside me felt so alive and giddy. I laid out a palette of old knitted blankets on the sofa and made sure he was comfortable before I took myself to bed.
January 13th, noon.
No idea how long I slept but the first thing I did was jump out of bed and go check on my company. The blankets were folded neatly in a stack and I couldn't resist the urge to look around and call out for him. "Hantengu?" "Han- oh my." I accidentally walked in on him taking a piss in the bathroom, to which he reacted shyly at first but then calmly as he flushed and swiftly walked past me. I felt my face go flush and my body froze completely. I thought to myself, 'Did I just... see his penis?" I ran back to apologize to him and he explained it wasn't entirely his sex he felt exposed over, but the fact that he didn't have his hat on! Silly me, I didn't even notice because my perverted eyes were fixated on his cock. It took a second for me to realize but his insecurity was the fact that he was balding, and had a rather large protrusion on his forehead. It almost looked something like leprosy or even some kind of tumor, even. Yet, the way his black wavy hair looked tucked behind his ears, his defined and angular jaw and tendons peeking through each muscle's movement took my breath away; something that only happens when I see my own reflection and finished artwork. "So are we not gonna talk about the fact that I totally just...saw you take a piss in my toilet? Orrrr,"
"Why, do you want to talk about that or something?"
"What! No, I mean,"
"Well do you?"
Hantengu stood up and tucked his shirt into his slacks, and spoke in a very straightforward manner, "Look, I appreciate you letting me stay the night. Take care, ok?" I wanted to saw my ears off at the sound of his take-off. By reflex, I jumped in front of my door and stuck my arms out at my hips, blocking him. "I'm sorry? What's going on here."
"WAIT!" I exclaimed. "Don't go. Not yet."
Hantengu sat down silently and looked down at his feet before he folded his arms and leaned back. "I don't know what your deal is here, but I gotta go." "Where." I demanded an answer. "Where do you have to be that's so important."
"Listen buddy, that's none of your bu-"
And like a total fucking goofball, I charged towards him and grabbed his chin, directing his gaze up towards mine. "Nowhere. Because if you did, you wouldn't have asked to stay."
Silence. He said nothing.
I noticed his eyes make some sort of triangle shape at each eye and at my lips. Something about the way he inspected my face put the world in a stand-still and all I knew at that point was, no matter how dangerous it may have seemed, I needed to kiss him. I leaned down to press my lips into his, and he didn't really react at first until I felt him part his thin, dry lips to invite my mouth deeper onto his. He stood up and took my face in his cold and wrinkled hands, covered in liver spots and veins. Each bulbous knuckle that bent ever-so-lightly at their joint, each hair on the back of his head that graced his narrow shoulders, each line and sharp angle of his face... I was beginning to admire him. This man was my muse from the moment we crossed paths. Star-crossed lovers, so to speak? Whatever it was, I was falling in love and knew I couldn't let myself be ashamed of it.
~End of part one~
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ginervacade · 1 year
I rewatched Top Gun Maverick and then Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.
You’re getting two more top gun period fics once the sun is up here.
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pancake-lovy · 2 years
the good doctor fics
Does any of you know some good "the good doctor" imagines where reader is having period? Like, period comfort imagines and stuff Because I need that, but there's none in my sight
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bunnis-monsters · 5 months
You certainly love your poor himbo!vampire lover, but he’s definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Like all vampires, his saliva has healing properties so his victims don’t bleed out during his feedings. Because of this, he’s taken to freaking out when you get injured and immediately licking the wound, planting a soft kiss on it after.
He smells your blood, and he gets nervous. The man adores you, he’d be lost if you died!
So when you woke up to the soft ache in your cunt being combated by the pleasure of your boyfriend sucking on your clit, you were quite confused.
As you rubbed your sleepy eyes, you heard your boyfriend choking on his sobs, tears rolling down his pale cheeks as his hands held onto your thighs.
“Y-you’re gonna be okay, angel. Going to… going to make it better…” he blubbered, your blood dripping down his chin before he moved back to your aching cunt.
He sniffled as you reached out a hand to cup his cheek, gently swiping your blood from his lip. “I’m not injured, I’m just on my period.”
Your lover blinked, his eyes going wide, and you could tell if he could blush his cheeks would be a bright red with embarrassment.
As he pulled away, you grabbed him by the hair and guided his lips back to your pussy. “But you’re still helping, sweet thing.”
His eyes softened and he settled back down between your thighs, his cheek resting against your belly as he softly nuzzled against it. “Then I’ll take care of you… I’ll always take care of you, my angel…”
So you sat back and relaxed as he fed, making sure to gently push you over the edge and ease your pain.
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sansfangirl24 · 22 days
Imagine Bakugo during your period
Like him just gently laying on your stomach cuz he's basically a human heating pad and getting your favorite snacks and cuddling
And if you have to go out he makes sure your in the most comfortable clothes ever and he plays your favorite music in the car without complaining and he makes sure you don't have to talk to anyone
But also knowing to back off when your ticked off. He lets you pout in bed and just knocks on the door ever few minutes to drop off snacks and drinks for you and after like an hour or two he'll come see if your in a better mood so he can cuddle you again
I need him so bad
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tacticalprincess · 4 months
cw blood kink, period sex🩸
könig who doesn’t just not mind period sex, but craves it. he’s overbearing and doting at the slightest inkling of a wince from you, at your side with chocolate and offers of massages for your back-aches. he really should be desensitized to all kinds of blood at this point, though you feel like he can sniff out yours from a mile away. the knowledge that you’re bleeding underneath your comfy clothes has his cock stiffing up in his pants, puppy dog-eyeing you until you convince him to let him fuck the cramps away. he flushes when you complain about how gross he is for liking it so much.
gets so engrossed in the sight of your sloppy, warm cunt coating his hard shaft in a pretty crimson sheen that he forgets this is supposed to be for you. loves how your face pinches up adorably in a mix of agony and pleasure while his cock knocks into your shedding, cramping uterus. you’re extra wet and docile for him - knees to your chest - the glide of his swollen shaft slippery and noisy, large hands pressing down on the bulge of himself in your tummy while he grinds deep inside your sweltering heat. you feel him twitch inside you every time your cramps make you clench around him, walls clinging to every protruding vein lining his thick meat. the notion of being inside you at such a vulnerable time has him shooting off inside you prematurely, but seeing his pearly cum leaking out alongside thick clumps of blood is enough to make him chub up all over again, ready for another round moments after pulling out.
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ovaryacted · 4 months
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PAIRING: Jackson! Joel Miller x afab! reader || WC: 1.2k
SYNOPSIS: Your cycle is ruining your mood, and what better thing to do than get a free massage.
CONTENT/WARNINGS: MDNI/18+. NSFW. Suggestive content. Titty massage. Slight daddy kink. Established relationship. Joel being a little bastard. Ambiguous age gap (Joel is in his 50s, reader is in their 20s). Mentions of menstrual cycle and female characteristics about the chest. Banter and teasing. No use of y/n.
A/N: Alright, I'm kinda on a Joel Miller streak and I was just thinking about getting my tiddies rubbed by a man with strong & rough hands and this happened. Don't look at me like that okay, this is self indulgent and I just had to alright. Hopefully this is relatable for some of y'all lol. Shout out to everyone who has to deal with periods, you are stronger than the marines. Anyways, likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated! Dividers by @saradika-graphics.
➣ TLOU was created by a zionist and is based off of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Please refer to this link to learn how you can help the Palestinian people.
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Another month. Another week of unruly irritation, mood swings, and uncomfortable reactions to anything that breathed too hard or moved too fast. In the hecticness that was your current reality, dealing with the devil’s wrath was supposed to be something that slipped past your mind. Yet, in the efforts of your survival, having a menstrual cycle still took you off guard every time it came punching through your gut.
Tossing and turning in bed, you tried to get in the best position to ease your cramps by curling up in a fetal position. You thought it would make things better, but instead, the discomfort you felt all over your body pissed you off even more. A frustrated grumble filled the bedroom, flinging the sheets away and furrowing your eyebrows at the lack of relief.
Where the fuck is he?
Throwing on a pair of slippers you luckily claimed on a supply run, you shuffled down the creaky stairs of your home and wandered about until you reached the living room. Joel was hunched over his seat on the couch, currently messing with his guitar strings, aware of your presence the moment you hit the base of the stairway.
“Somethin’ wrong, sweetheart?” He questioned you as he took in your features and noticed your pout. You were upset; that was obvious when he found you in bed earlier today instead of somewhere else in the house. Simply kissing your forehead and letting you rest as best as he could, he expected you to come down to talk to him eventually when you had the energy to do so.
Joel didn’t say anything as you came closer to him without uttering a word, slipping your legs over his thick thighs and pressing your face into the curve of his neck. He put his guitar to the side and wrapped his strong arms around your waist, hands instinctively digging into your lower back where you felt the most sore. He could tell from the way you clung to him that it was that time of the month, already having gotten used to your changes in demeanor to see the signs.
“Uncomfortable?” Joel asked again, trying to get a better read on your emotions, but he only received an annoyed grunt in response. “Guess we’re just gonna sit here then.”
He ran his fingers up and down your spine, trying his best to lessen the strain you felt. He could snag some herbs to make you tea later if you were in the mood for it, but right now, a massage is what you could handle. His touch made you sigh with alleviation, focusing on the pressure points along your shoulder and backbone. Even with his attempts, the front of your body continued to ache.
“My boobs are fucking killing me.” You declared out loud, a deep rumble of a chuckle escaping from the back of his throat.
“You need me to massage them?” Joel offered, and his intention of doing that was purely to make you feel better. Though, you couldn’t ignore the slight flutter in your belly at the idea of having his hands elsewhere. 
Giving him a nod, you sat straighter on his lap, holding his gaze as he slipped his hands underneath the flannel you wore and made a beeline for your chest. Joel didn’t flinch at the fact that you weren’t wearing a bra, being told once or twice how freeing it was not to have to deal with the constant friction of clothes against your heated skin.
He palmed both of your breasts and squeezed, his grip just strong enough to calm the throbbing of the swelling from your change in hormones. Your eyes closed as you focused on his touch, allowing Joel to do whatever he wanted with you, what he knew best.
“Feelin’ better?” You heard him ask, humming out in reply. He grinned at your reaction, the hum sounding close to a purr as he pawed at your chest.
Taking his hands out from underneath your—his shirt, you whined, a smirk tugging at the corners of Joel’s lips. Lifting the top of the flannel to rest on your collarbone, his attention went back to your breasts, looking at them with a mix of desire and affectionate pity.
“Poor baby. Hormones got my girl all cranky and upset.” He said, placing a soft kiss on the top of each breast before handling your body once more. You don’t know whether or not he was deliberately teasing you when you were the most vulnerable, but just hearing his voice was doing wonders to soothe your nerves.
You’ve always been fascinated with Joel’s hands since you met him, watching how he’d hold the handle of his gun or insert ammo into the magazine before reloading. His palms were rough, and his fingers were rougher, representing a man who’s lived a long life, who’s done unspeakable things to survive and get to this point. To most, they’d dislike the feeling of having so much of a contrast, but to you, the difference of his skin against yours was almost euphoric.
Joel squeezed with more purpose, focusing on tightening his grasp along the sides where the pain was the most prominent. One harsh thumb came to stroke at your sensitive nipple in gentle circles, pulling a breathless moan from between your lips. The smile on his face widened when his ears picked up the sound, moving to do a combination of deliberate squeezes and circles on the exposed nubs.
The warmth of his touch morphed into something else, need coiling in your stomach and clawing up your throat. As discretely as you could, your hips shifted further into his, craving much more than what he was giving you. Joel couldn’t help himself and brought you closer to him, grinding his hips up into yours. That got your attention, looking into his hazel eyes to find his pupils narrowly dilated.
“If you need me to rub somethin’ else, I can.” Despite the years worn on his face, he still had a certain boyish charm that jerked at your heartstrings when he flirted with you. Or, maybe it was just his southern gentleman persona, ever so willing to tend to your needs no matter what they may be.
“You’re annoying.” You mumbled to him, stubbornly refusing to outright beg for his affection, regardless of how badly you craved it.
“And you’re moody.” Joel kissed you tenderly, drawing away and snickering when you leaned forward to chase his lips for another.
“Let daddy make you feel good. Alright, darlin’?” You nodded dumbly at the proposition of getting something more than your tits massaged.
His eyes flashed with lust, making quick work to peel off the flannel and toss it to the ground. Already growing hard at the thought of having his way with you, he tilted towards you, kissing the column of your neck and letting his beard tickle your skin. You released a shaky exhale, fingers running through his graying hair and tipping your head back to grant him more access to your skin.
“Atta girl.”
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©️ ovaryacted 2024. Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI. Support your fellow creators by reblogging, commenting, and liking!
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konigsblog · 5 months
cw: pregnancy. 🍼
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when you complain to könig, he's more focused on finding a solution for the problem at hand.
so when you came to him complaining about your period aches and hormonal pains, he had thought of the best solution to fix that issue.
you were nervous. your legs thrown over his broad shoulders, uneasy and anxious if this was the best decision. you had always used protection and contraceptives to prevent pregnancy, but this time, könig wasn't wearing anything. you sucked in a sharp breath, watching as he rubbed his bulbous, swollen cock over your soaking cunt, teasing your tight hole while reassuring you.
his tip was already sticky, pearly beads of his creamy stickiness oozing from the head of his lengthy cock, and his eyes shut tightly at the familiar warmth and wetness. he began to ease inside slowly, looming over your figure and hunching over your form, running his calloused fingertips down your soft, wet cheeks. tears slowly began rolling down your face. even if he didn't impregnate you, sex was good for your period; it would distract you from the tight, stomach-churning cramps that always managed to leave you in agony.
könig's thrusts started off slow and sloppy, his balls slapping against your rear with each gentle thrust, and the thickness of his cock stretching your pussy. your gummy, smooth walls pulsed around his veiny dick, his breathing beginning to quicken and fasten at the sudden tightness. a wave of pleasure rushed through your body, leaving your eyes half-lidded and accepting every inch of könig's large, hung cock. 
you could already feel him beginning to lose control. he was still gentle; his grip was more firm, his fingers kneading with the flesh and fat on your hips and thighs. he took in the scent of your arousal, filling his nostrils and driving him utterly insane. könig ploughed into your soft folds, each thrust causing your moans to come out choked and stuttered, looking into his eyes with tears, causing your vision to become blurry and foggy. you could feel each vein rub against your velvety walls, your back arching with euphoria rushing through your weak body.
könig couldn't hold himself back. he spurted ropes of his milky, white arousal, his thrusts relentless as he fucked his load deep into you. your fingers were nestled in his locks of hair, and your eyes shut tightly at the sensation of his sticky cum filling your cunt.
at least you wouldn't have to worry about having a period for another nine months.
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in-som-niyah · 7 months
Attentive!Jason who feels you toss and turn away from him in the night, signalling that something was wrong. He didn't know what, but upon feeling you curl into a ball, holding your stomach, it clicked.
Attentive!Jason who turns on his side to pull you back into his chest, hoping the warmth would soothe you enough to go back to a deeper sleep. Sighing sadly, he realizes that this time might be worse than he thought.
Attentive!Jason who kisses your hairline and slowly untangles himself from you in order to get up. He goes and puts the kettle on, fills a glass of water and brings your painkillers of choice, making a mental note of buying you more the next time he's out.
Attentive!Jason who sets the glass and painkillers on your nightstand, then slowly makes his way back into bed. Gently, he wakes you with kisses and firm strokes on your back, soothing some of the ache.
Attentive!Jason who, upon gently waking you, helps you to the bathroom to get cleaned up and take a hot shower.
Attentive!Jason who kisses your lips every time you try and apologize for ruining the sheets followed by a "no more tears querida, just let me take care of you"
Attentive!Jason that fills up your hot water bottle and a cup of herbal tea with extra honey just how you like it, and brings both items back to your room. He wraps the hot water bottle in a thin, fuzzy blanket, as to not burn you.
Attentive!Jason who puts your towel and clean pyjamas in the dryer for 5 minutes to warm them up for you before you get out of the shower.
Attentive!Jason who helps dress you when your shower is done, but leaving you to do what you need to privately. He just wants you safe and comfortable.
Attentive!Jason that guides you back to bed, not in a smothering and demeaning way, but just to make things easier on your aching joints.
Attentive!Jason that bundles you up snugly after you finish your tea, and reads to you to help you fall back asleep. The painkillers seem to be working, and he knows his voice soothes you.
Attentive!Jason that kisses your forehead and presses the hot water bottle to your sore abdomen once you begin to stir again, in effort to ease the tension.
Attentive!Jason who will, no matter what time it is, get up to get what you need. This boy is so madly in love with you, nothing you could ever need is too much for him. It doesn't matter if he just came back from a gruelling patrol, a fight with Bruce, or recovering from his own ailments. Jason Loverboy Todd is going to bring you tea at 4am. No complaints. No questions asked.
Attentive!Jason who secretly researches new ways to help you when you're hurting, always wanting to learn and improve.
a/n: answered this ask that disappeared for some reason???? it was from some general attentive!jason hcs when reader was on their period/cramping but i genuinely have no idea where it went....
anyways time for bed its 2am
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talaok · 9 months
Movie night
Summary: Peter's coming over for your weekly movie night, and you’ve decided you wanna confess your feelings for him, but as it turns out, he has similar plans
Warnings: Smut| unprotected p in v sex, praising, soft!Dom Peter
a/n: thanks to this request I might go back into my Peter Parker era honestly. Also, @wtvbabes (this is not the person that made the request)
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It was time for the weekly movie night with Peter, 
You had been doing it for so long that you didn't even remember how or when it started, it was now simply a part of your routine.
Every Friday night, at 6 o'clock you went to whatever house was free, ordered pizza, and watched a movie each of you had chosen.
It was routine, so you shouldn't have been nervous... except that this time, this time wasn't gonna be like the other times, this time you had made a promise to yourself that you were finally gonna come clean, that you were finally gonna confess your feelings.
You had been keeping it a secret for way too long, and you were tired... god, were you tired, it was exhausting pretending like you didn't want more, like you didn't wanna kiss him and hold his hand every time you were together, and perhaps it was the holiday spirit surrounding you, or perhaps it was the fact that Gemma, your other best friend, had given you a 30-minute talk about how you should just "stop being a little bitch and tell him already" after you had started your usual ramble about how perfect and great Peter was,
But you had made peace with yourself, if this was gonna ruin your entire friendship, if you were gonna lose him forever, then so be it, because at the end of the day, if you couldn't have him like you really wanted to, then there was no point in having him at all.
And just then, when you were repeating your script to the mirror for the thousandth time, the words coming out of your mouth not even making sense anymore, he knocked at the door.
For some reason, a gasp fled your throat, but after the familiar "hey, it's me" from the other side of the door all you could do was take a deep breath and fix your dress.
It's all gonna be ok, it's all gonna be ok
"hi" you smiled, opening the door
Your anxiety must have been all over your face because the way he frowned at you told you everything you needed to know.
"hi" he said, coming into the house as he inspected your face "is something wrong?" he asked "Please don't tell me your sister changed the password to her Netflix again"
You forced a smile to your lips "no, no everything is fine- let's just... sit down"
"ok..." he frowned, following you as you sat on the couch "did something happen, or-"
"no" you shut him down "I-I just wanted" You shook your head as you regretted your choice of words "no actually, I need to- uhm- to tell you something"
You watched his eyes widen slightly, but out of all the things he could have said, he chose the only one that made you even fucking more anxious.
"Really?" he smiled "That's funny 'cause I do too"
You swore you felt your heart stop beating.
What could he ever need to tell you?
Your voice didn't even sound like your own, it was just fear and stress finding a way to come out of your body.
"yeah" he nodded, watching you closely "so... you wanna go first or..."
"no, no, you go first" you spit out, making him chuckle
He still didn't get why you were acting so weird, but to be perfectly transparent, he was kind of freaking out internally himself, so he didn't really have the brain capacity to investigate further.
"Alright" he laughed "I'll go first"
His eyes focused behind you for a moment as he prepared for whatever was coming, and just then, did you notice that perhaps you weren't the only nervous one.
What is it?
Did something happen
Oh god, did he find a girlfriend?
Your heart was beating out of your chest and then just like that, he came out and said: "Y/n I like you" with a hopeful smile on his face, while yours completely stilled.
Actually not just your face, you as a whole went completely still, frozen at the words that had just come out of his mouth
Did I just imagine that?
Am I dreaming or something?
What the actual fuck is going on?
That was supposed to be my lin-
"y/n are you there?"
He was talking to you, you realized.
"w-w-what?" your eyes were wide open in shock 
"I know" he smiled, scratching the back of his neck, "I know it's out of the blue, and I really really hope this won't ruin anything, but... I've been feeling like this for a long time about you, and I just- I needed to tell you"
And then you could do nothing, absolutely nothing but throw your arms around him, hugging him so tight he probably couldn't breathe.
"y/n?" he murmured, hugging you back, but before he could say anything else you leaned away, still holding onto him as if he were a life jacket, and smiled like an idiot.
"I like you too Peter-" you grinned "I really really like you"
The smile on his face now matched yours, as his eyes sparked with joy
"you do?"
"of course I do!" you almost yelled from the excitement "that's-that's what I wanted to tell you! I can't believe this"
You looked into each other's eyes, both incredulous and unbelievably happy altogether, 
you were so close, but an inch between your faces, that what happened next was inevitable.
His lips were on yours, 
his lips were on yours and they felt every bit as good as you had spent hours and hours imagining.
And then for a moment, you both leaned away, looking at each other as soft silly laughs fled your throats.
"i can't believe this is real" he breathed, melting your heart right into a puddle
"I can't either"
And then his lips were back on yours, but this time... this time he was hungrier.
His tongue was exploring your mouth, and his hands were one holding your face, while the other started roaming your body, pulling soft whimpers from you as your arms remained locked behind his neck, your left hand gently playing with his hair,
And then in no time, without a clue of how or when, you were lying on the couch, and he was on top of you, his legs parting your thighs.
And you didn't need to know when it had happened, because all you knew was that you liked it, god you really fucking liked it.
His whole broad and strong body was engulfing yours, his scent was all around you, his hands were everywhere, and his mouth... his mouth was simply heavenly.
As embarrassing as it was, you couldn't control your body as you started grinding down onto his leg to try and relieve some of the need pooling between your legs.
"please" you pleaded, whimpering softly into the kiss.
"I like it when you beg, sweetheart"
And if you wanted him before, you now needed him
His lips moved to your neck, starting a slow trail from just below your ear, down until he found your shirt as an obstacle.
You didn't need to be told twice and helped him take it off of you in a second.
Your bra wasn't far behind.
"god, you're so beautiful" he praised, making you blush 
he bent down to take one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking on it while his other hand played with the other one, making you lose your goddamn mind as you shut your eyes in ecstasy.
"oh my god" you moaned, one of your hands going to his hair as he switched up the breast he was taking care of.
Your panties were completely drenched
He continued his work as his hands traveled underneath your skirt, caressing your thighs in a way that was turning you into a putty mess in his hands.
His fingers gripped the edge of the fabric, and with the help of you raising your hips, only the sheer fabric of your panties divided him from where you begged for his attention
"Peter" you called, stopping him as he had seated himself in between your legs
"yes, sweetheart?"
"I-I've only ever done this once"
His features softened and one of his hands traveled to your face to cup your cheek as he left a soft kiss on your lips
"don't worry, I'll go slow," he promised "I'll take care of everything, you just relax, ok?"
"ok" You nodded softly "I trust you"
He smiled at that, kissing you again "Thank you"
And no more than a few seconds after that, you were completely bare before him.
"you're perfect sweetheart" he murmured "fucking perfect"
He left a kiss on your pussy, making you moan, before his lips were on you again, and you were more desperate than you had ever been.
Your hands gripped the fabric of his shirt, frantically trying to get it off of him.
"Peter please take this off"
He didn't need to be told twice.
His shirt was on the floor with the rest of your clothes in no time, and then came his pants.
He went back to kissing you, the kiss now a heated mess between your moans and his hunger.
"baby please" you whined, your hand going to his boxers 
"what do you want sweetheart?"
"you, please, all of you"
Your voice was so thin and so breathy it was almost incomprehensible
"what about me?" he asked, his mouth next to your ear "You want my cock sweetheart, is that what you want?"
"yes" you moaned, as his hand played with your clit "I'm begging you, please, I need you inside of me"
He freed his cock from the confines of his briefs, as he kept kissing your neck
"you're gonna be good?" he asked, his tip now collecting all your juices and making you squirm uncontrollably "you're gonna be good and take all of it?"
"yes" you breathed "yesplease, yes-"
And without so much as a warning, he had started to push into you
"told you I like hearing you beg"
You moaned so loud you surprised even yourself, and then he retracted his hips and pushed another inch of himself in you, and you were just about ready to die.
"O-oh my god, P-peter" you moaned
He made the same motion again, and you couldn't help but look down at where your bodies were meeting, and that's when you noticed,
"fuck you're so big" you breathed, watching as he thrust only half of his dick inside of you
"it's ok" he purred, kissing your neck sloppily "Just be a good girl and take it" he ordered, pushing in again "Take it all inside this tight little pussy"
A high-peached moan fled your mouth again, as your pussy stretched around him,
"just like that," he said, his hot breath fanning over your skin "That's a good girl"
He was now fully inside you, by some miracle, he had made himself fit, and he felt absolutely perfect.
"fuck you feel so good" he groaned, picking up his pace "so tight" he grunted, feeling your walls squeeze him better than anything ever before "like you were made for me" his thrusts somehow felt deeper now, resulting in even more moans and cries coming out of your mouth
"O-oh god" you whimpered, feeling him hit and hit and hit again that perfect spot inside of you.
"You're taking me so well sweetheart"
The couch was now shaking with each of his movements, while your brain had stopped working and all you could do was cry out as he brought heaven to you.
"look at you" he murmured, kissing your mouth "So beautiful" he praised "so fucking pretty" he groaned, as your walls tightened around him "squeezing me so good" 
His thrusts were so fucking deep you could feel them in your belly, and your orgasm was inevitably approaching
"such a good girl"
A louder moan left your throat at that, and he definitely noticed
"you like it when I call you that?" he asked, smirking devilishly "You like hearing that you're my good girl?"
Again, another cry, followed by a frantic nod now.
Your ability to talk had been lost a while ago.
"It's just what you are" he purred in your ear now "You're my good girl y/n, only mine"
And that, that sent you definitively over the edge.
A series of cries and moans resembling his name came out of your mouth as the best orgasm of your life took over your body completely.
He waited for you to come down from your high before he pulled out of you, spilling his seed all over your belly not a second later.
"fuck" he muttered, his head falling to the crook of your neck
You stayed there for a moment, waiting for your heartbeats and breathing to calm down,
And only then, only after you spent five minutes in the most comfortable silence, did he lean away to look at you.
"I love you, Peter"
You couldn't stop yourself from saying it, it was just the truth
And not a beat had passed, that he had already answered
"I love you, y/n"
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ellecdc · 2 months
okay then consider this a request!! for poly!marauders or just remus/james/sirius, whatever you prefer, for a reader with excruciating period cramps (self-indulgent because mine are horrible, but whatever!!) if you could do it that would be awesome ily!
ok I'm sorry I really made this very much self indulgent in maybe the worst way ever lol. I've been having a lot of fun with chef!Sirius lately, and had briefly discussed this idea with @maladaptiveescapism a while back so it felt fitting. I've also gotten a lot of period fic requests before and have never been all that interested in them which is so strange seeing as I'm a person who experiences period's and they're really popular? WOW sorry, what a tangent. TL;DR, thanks for your request, sorry if I ruined it a little, I probably won't ever write a period fic again lol
chef!sirius x mixologist!reader who calls in sick to work because of her period [2.9k words]
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
CW: period fic, reader has PCOS, brief allusion to Sirius' shitty childhood, trans!Reggie agenda 'cause I can, Sirius worried reader won't be accepting of his trans brother (spoiler alert, we are because we love our trans homies), Sirius being the worst (positive & affectionate)
Sirius was on his best behaviour today.
Honest to god, hand to his heart, best behaviour.
But there was truly only so much one bloke could do when they had a Jeffery to deal with.
“I’m going to need one of your staff for the evening.” Jeffery said without preamble; standing half-in the kitchen with the swinging door to the floor propped open as if he wanted to ensure there were witnesses to this conversation should it go sideways.
“Jeffery, do you wake up every morning and smoke a bunch of crack before you come to work, or are you really just this dense?” Sirius spat as he dropped his pan in front of him and fought the urge to turn and give the floor manager a withering glare. 
Jeffery, well seasoned to Sirius’ theatrics, bit back an eye roll as he carried on. “We need someone to cover the bar.”
Sirius did turn at that, but his withering glare fell somewhere between aghast and bemused. “The bar?”
“The bar.”
“I need coverage for Y/N.” Jeffery explained with a sigh, clearly growing tired of Sirius’ line of questioning.
“Where is she?”
“She has called in sick, chef.”
“Sick with what?” Sirius continued, causing Jeffery’s brows to furrow as he stared at Sirius bemusedly. 
“I’m not exactly privy to those details, chef.” He explained slowly as if Sirius were some fussy toddler. 
“I just find it hard to believe that the same woman who left the hospital after getting her shoulder reset to come work a full eight hour shift would call in sick.”
Jeffery offered him a shoulder shrug (and a concerned look up and down that Sirius pretended he didn’t notice) before pilfering one of the kitchen staff for the evening. 
Sirius would worry about hating Jeffery later; he was more focused on figuring out what the hell was wrong with you and why you weren’t coming to see him to work. 
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Sirius had his phone wedged between the side of his face and his shoulder whilst he juggled the many go-bags he had in his hands as he stood awkwardly outside of the door to your flat.
He admittedly knew where you lived only because he had driven you home after numerous closing shifts.
Fortunately, the intercom system in the anteroom of your building gave away your unit number.
Unfortunately, Sirius still had his hands full with the various go-bags.
Fortunately, an elderly lady was coming in at the same time and let Sirius into the building. 
Unfortunately, she insisted on chatting his ear off the whole lift ride up and actually held the door open to continue conversing even after they had arrived at her floor.
Sirius’ saving grace came in the form of the lift alarm buzzing for having kept the door ajar too long, and she was forced to bid him farewell. 
Which brought him here; standing outside of your flat like some kind of stalker as he waited for you to pick up your phone.
“Hey, open your door.”
“Well hello to you too, chef.” You snarked at him again. 
“Yes, yes. I said hey, didn’t I? Open your door.”
“Because I’m standing on the other side of it.” 
There was the sound of a quick exhale and rummaging. “Why?”
“Listen, I’d love to play 20 questions, but do you think you could let me in first?”
You muttered something that sounded an awful lot like a swear before the line ended.
He allowed his phone to slip out of its place and into his awaiting hand when you flung the door open unceremoniously.
Now, Sirius could tell you’d not been expecting any company today; you were in the same clothes you’d likely slept in, your hair was perfectly rumpled from whatever position Sirius had just disturbed you from, and you looked more than a tad embarrassed to see him standing here.
He had sort of hoped you would look like a troll; make this raging flame he carried for you burn a little softer.
But no.
You just had to look ethereal and perfect and lovely and kissable.
Damn woman. 
“What are you doing here?” You finally asked, interrupting the both of you from staring at one another. 
You made a breathy W sound - as if you were going to ask “what” or “why” but the words died on your lips as you took in Sirius’ many bags. 
“What did you bring?”
“I’ll show you everything if you just let me in.” He muttered as he motioned towards one of your nosey neighbours who had shoved her head out of her door when she first heard Sirius in the hall.
You peered around your doorframe and narrowed your eyes at her before allowing Sirius entry. 
“Finally.” Sirius teased as he moved to place his bags on your kitchen island. 
Sirius had never seen the inside of your flat, but if he had simply stumbled into your space by accident he would have known it was yours immediately. 
There was something so intrinsically you about your space that Sirius immediately felt at home too, even just for having stepped inside. 
“Sorry.” You chuckled somewhat awkwardly; bringing one of your hands to the back of your neck as you considered Sirius and all of his bags. “We’d just been watching some shows.”
Sirius immediately felt his heart fall out of his arse.
Had he read this completely wrong? Were you seeing someone? Was your home not simply yours, but one that you shared?
He found himself suddenly feeling quite defensive over your flat; it was too lovely, too wonderful, too comfortable for simply just anyone to enjoy.
“We?” He asked suddenly; tone taking on a bit of an edge he didn’t intend or consent to.
You cocked an eyebrow at him and pointed behind you with your thumb; Sirius followed your gesture to a little tabby cat perched on the back of your sofa, tilting its head at the two of you as if it, too, was confused by Sirius’ sudden intonation. 
“You were watching shows with your cat?” He clarified; his voice now breathy in relief. 
“Birdie loves shows.” You countered defensively. 
“You named a cat bird?”
“No.” You argued. “I named my kitten Birdie. Do you not like cats?” You asked then, a teasing smirk growing on your face. 
“I like cats fine; where can I put this?” He asked instead; hoping to god you didn’t notice the blush heating up his face. 
He started unloading the many take-away boxes he’d prepared for you at the restaurant before skiving off the rest of his shift.
“What is this?”
“Sirius, why did you-”
“I asked what helped.” Sirius explained. “You said food; I brought food. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed yet dollface, but food is kind of my thing.”
“That too.” He replied with a wink, moving to put the desserts in your fridge. 
“Did you seriously come all the way over here just to bring me food?” You asked disbelievingly as you joined Sirius at the counter and peered into the bags.
Sirius had to tamp down the giddiness that threatened to consume him at how sweet and domestic this felt; you clad in your comfies as you helped him unload groceries. 
“I didn’t come all the way over here just to bring you food…I brought other stuff too.” 
“‘Course you did.” You muttered quietly, looking at Sirius with a look in your eyes that he couldn’t quite decipher.
“Go lay down.” He ordered instead as he went about plating your food - opening cabinets at random until he found what he was looking for. “I don’t hear laying down!” He sing-songed when he saw you still  standing in his periphery. 
You harrumphed before acquiescing; picking up your cat who made a little brrp sound as if to second Sirius’ directions. 
Finally content with his efforts, he moved to stand in front of you with a glass of water and some pasta he brought from work. 
You made an appreciative hum and sat up, which seemed to displease Birdie greatly. “God, maybe I need to find myself a personal chef.”
“Oi! Don’t go replacing me now.” Sirius scolded as he perched himself on your coffee table - perhaps a little casual for being a first time (uninvited) guest in someone’s home - but you didn’t seem to mind.
“Oh the job is so yours chef; you’re welcome here anytime.” You said around a mouthful of food. And even though Sirius knew you were joking, he couldn’t help the giddy fluttering of his heart at the sentiment. 
“This is really good, Sirius, and super thoughtful; thank you.” You offered earnestly. 
“So I guess you don’t have any room for dessert, then?” He asked teasingly; his taunting smirk melting away immediately at the excitement that took over your face before he ran to retrieve it for you. 
“Why is she doing that?” Sirius asked after a while, gesturing towards Birdie with his chin who was rubbing her head against the leg of his pants.
“Why’s she doing what?” You asked bemusedly as Sirius fought every urge to wipe the little bit of chocolate from your upper lip. Unfortunately thankfully for him, you licked it out of his sight. 
“Head butting me; seems quite rude.” Sirius murmured as he watched the cat in bemusement. 
“That’s basically a cat hug, Sirius; she’s hugging you, or saying hello.” You chuckled at him.
“Get out.” He scoffed in disbelief. 
“Cats have little scent markers in their cheeks; when they rub against something, they’re affectionately claiming it as their own.”
“So like a dog pissing on trees?” He deadpanned.
“Affectionately claiming you as their own; offer her your hand, Sirius.”
“But what if she-”
“Chef, offer her your hand.” You barked at him with no heat. 
Sirius narrowed his eyes challengingly at you but did as he was told; pleasantly surprised when the cat moved the rubbing from his trousers to his hand. 
“Have you never met a cat before?” You asked as you considered him.
“No…I have.” Sirius offered slowly, admittedly enjoying the velvety soft fur of your little companion. 
“Could’ve fooled me.” You teased as you placed your now empty dish on the side table. 
“My family had a cat growing up; a horrid thing. I swear to god my mum taught him how to attack me. Loved my brother though, but was nasty as all get out to anyone else.” 
“Really? Was he a stray before he lived with you?”
“Nope.” Sirius offered with a pop of the p. “Raised that fucker from kittenhood. Lived a god awful long time too, just to spite me; I wished every year on my birthday that it would die.”
“I’m not joking! My brother and I would sneak cupcakes up to my room and he’d light a candle for me and tell me to make a wish. One of them was always ‘please for the love of god let Kreacher die before me’.” He didn’t think now was the time to admit that his other wish was always ‘please for the love of god let us make it out of here alive’. 
“That’s awful; you’re awful.” You laughed. 
“No, Kreacher was awful; I was but a boy.”
“I can’t believe you got after me for naming my cat Birdie when you had a cat named Kreacher.” 
“I didn’t have a cat named Kreacher, my brother did.” He responded haughtily. 
“Who named him?”
“I did.”
“Why?” You laughed again. 
“‘Cause he was a tiny, awful, hateful little gremlin and needed a name that said as much!” 
The two of you laughed until your hands migrated to your abdomen and you began massaging into your skin; a small divot appearing between your brows.
“What is it?” Sirius asked quietly then.
You tried to shake your head and offered him a tight smile. “S’okay.”
“Is it cramps?”
“Lie back.” He instructed as he stood from his seat on the coffee table - his mother would be rolling in her grave if she’d seen him with such a lack of manners.
“Sirius, really, you’ve-”
“Lie back.” He whispered again, one hand on your shoulder as he gently guided you so that you were lying along your sofa with your head propped up on the armrest.
Stealing himself for perhaps embarrassing himself completely and making this whole precarious situation between the two of you go tits up, he finally shucked off his jacket and boots before rolling up the sleeves of his shirt and lowering himself onto the bottom half of your couch.
You watched silently as Sirius situated himself between your legs so that his shoulders and head rested on your abdomen as he weaselled his arms under your back, placing both of his palms up against your lower back.
“You’re tense as shit, doll; relax.” He murmured as he rested his cheek against your stomach.
You let out a breath and sank further into the couch as the two of you fell into comfortable silence.
“Thank you.” You whispered after a few moments.
“You already thanked me.” He whispered back.
“No, I-” You cut yourself off as you gathered your thoughts; a tentative hand absentmindedly making itself at home in his hair as you found your words. “Thank you.” You settled on.
“You’re welcome.” Sirius offered.
“Where’d you learn this?”
Sirius propped his chin up so he could at you; your hand pausing as your eyes flit to it as if you were only now realising what you’d been doing. “Learn what?”
“The pressure? The body heat. The…helping, with cramps?” You asked tentatively, and if Sirius didn’t know better, he’d think you perhaps looked a touch bashful at your questions - your eyes seemingly incapable of meeting his. 
And once again, Sirius found himself taking another jump, or rather, a complete leap of faith that could very well have this thing the two of you had been building crumble and fall before it even had a chance to start.
“Uhm, it was my brother, actually.” He admitted quietly.
Your eyes did finally meet his at that, where they narrowed a touch in confusion.
“You learned this….from your brother?” 
Sirius nodded as he swallowed nervously. “Right. He uhm, well, it often helped him with his cramps and such, so…yeah.” 
It was apparently his turn to be incapable of meeting your eyes as he moved his head so that it was resting against your stomach again.
“You’re a good brother.” You finally offered.
“Well of course I am.” Sirius offered through a breath of relief. “I’m good at everything I do.” 
“You’re a git.”
“I’m good at that too.”
You gave a disciplinary tug at Sirius’ hair which made him think of several sinful things he’d like to be doing with you whilst you did that next time, but he simply chuckled and sank further into you.
“I didn’t exactly sit like this with him, mind you.”
“No? What does that make me, then?”
“I guess so.” You breathed out through a chuckle. “Coming over on your day off just to spoil me.”
“It wasn’t my day off.” He responded without thinking, tensing when he felt you suck in a breath.
“Mhm?” He offered in faux nonchalance.
“You left work for this!?”
“For you?” He asked as he considered you. “Absolutely.”
“For gods sake, Sirius. I bet Jeffery-” 
But he never got to hear what you thought of Jeffery as he let out a very petulant and dramatic groan and lowered his forehead to your stomach. 
“Babe, I know this isn’t exactly the same thing, but generally a man does not want to hear the name of another bloke when he’s in between your legs, yeah?”
You barked out a laugh and swatted at his shoulder. “You’re awful.”
“The worst.”
“Absolutely horrid.”
“Giving Kreacher a run for his money.”
Sirius’ head shot up at that as he levelled you with a warning glare. “Too far.”
“I’m sorry.” You laughed, not sounding particularly sorry at all.
“You better be.” Sirius grumbled as he lowered himself back down. “Now be a doll and play with my hair again; it’s nap time.”
And there was an equal chance that you were going to laugh, swat at him, or downright tell him to get his arse back to work.
But Sirius was admittedly overjoyed when you simply placed your fingers back into his hair and began to massage until you fell asleep; him not much longer after you.
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skyrigel · 2 months
Think about Simon working on his bike, the garage is open, allowing penetrating hot rays of sun inside and then there's you, with little princess jus' woke up hair and a cute pink dress, barely reaching your knees. You are carrying a tray with a glass of gleaming slushie, a cute grin on your face as you step in his work space. “Look at you, working so hard, my baby.” you settled the tray on the desk, already covered with screws and nuts. It was an inside joke and you relished in the way Simon looked back at you, raising a brow in warning, like he was really saying, you want that Mrs.Riley, here ? You raked your gaze to his squatted thighs, watching his groin with your shameless eyes, he noticed it too, smirking as he made a show of getting up, “Good morning lil' dove, why do you have to so sweet, huh ?” he smiled, kissing your cheek as he took the glass, his lips bright in the sun as his throat bobbled, like thrusting, each coil rolling within his skin and your mouth was suddenly too dry, you can already feel yourself getting wet just at the sight of your husband, a remarkable sight indeed, he's not wearing a shirt and his vest is completely drenched in his sweat, allowing you to see through, his abs are so breathless and it doesn't matter how much you had admired his body, he just gets more slutty, “Well couldn't let you work hard and then no reward, phew.” reward, You made a show of walking to his bike, the very beloved bike that he took you home after your second date, and also how things heated up, right there on this leather, oh — you were dripping by now, juice coating your inner thighs and you knew Simon knew it too, he was glancing at your ass like a punky teenager who's never been laid, a feral way that makes you squirm and want him more, and ofcourse you were a naughty-naughty girl, you had earned it, mewling like a proud cat when he called you, “You never taught me riding.” you huffed, jumping on seat from one side and letting him see as you sprawled your leg on the other, leaning back, your back against the tanker, a full display for your already hard husband, you could make out his big dick through his pants, your mouth watering. “Huh?” no offense, but he looked so hot when he got nonsensical like that, he wasn't even pretending, he looked at your pussy and raised a question at you, gawking you deliberately. “You never taught me how to ride—” you pouted, “—your bike.” Simon's breath were already panted, he was sweaty and hot and so needy, sitting upright in front of you and pulling your thighs so you were closer to him, almost pressed, his cock rubbing against your clothed pussy, stiff as a rod, “I think I had before.” he had, his nose nuzzling in your sleepy warm body, “You had ? I don't remember.” You whined, wanting the friction that he was making you crave, wanting him to fuck you so hard, you didn't care if your garage was open, didn't care if Mrs. Wilson might be watching, it just turned you more hot, can you want him any more because you just can't get enough of him, no matter how much he fills you up with cum you're already begging for more, a naughty-naughty girl indeed. “oh, don't worry, you will remember it now for days.” and you'd be a liar if you won't, smiling as your dress rode and his greedy hands and mouth were everywhere, chasing you, good luck Mrs.Riley, because you signed up for it.
Teheeeeee period wooshhh
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brnesblogposts · 6 months
His sweet girl
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bucky barnes x reader
bucky taking care of his best girl! (drabble)
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Why must women suffer? That’s what you’re thinking as you’re curled up with your knees to your chest trying to get rid of the cramps currently assaulting your abdomen, it hurts too much to get up to get painkillers, you’re also so tired but can’t sleep because of insomnia, something you experience around your cycle.
“Doll?” A quiet soothing voice breaks you from your thoughts and a gentle hand is placed on your back “What’s wrong?” Bucky rubs your back as he asks.
“Cramps” You mumble out, you feel like you could cry, not even just the pain but at the fact it’s consistent and discomforting. Bucky lets out a soft sigh, glad it’s not something more serious like your appendix- Still he feels empathy seeing you laying there in pain.
“I’ll be right back okay?” He says softly, leaving a kiss on your temple as he gets up and leaves your line of vision. As quickly as he left he returns.
“Here baby” He holds out two pills and a glass of water and you sit up slightly and down the meds before resuming fetal position.
“You think this will be more effective than curling up like that?” He’s holding out your hot water bottle and you could cry because of how thoughtful and kind he is, he didn’t have to, but yet he did. You nod and take the bottle from him pressing it against your stomach.
“Thank you” You say quietly as you start to well up which causes your boyfriend to furrow his brows in concern.
“Why’re you crying dragă?” He sits on the edge of the bed.
“You’re so nice to me” You feel stupid for crying but you blame the hormones. Bucky smiles at this finding it so endearing, he scoots up the bed laying next to you opening his arms silently asking you to snuggle into them and you do.
“Моя милая девочка” (my sweet girl) Bucky coos as he presses a kiss to the top of your head where it lay on his chest “you’re too sweet for this world” He whispers.
The hot water bottle is surely heating bucky up as well but he doesn’t mind, as long as it’s helping ease your pain.
“Thank you for caring for me” You say sweetly in your emotional state.
“Always dollface, always.” He’s stroking your arm as you start to feel drowsy now that the hot water bottle and painkillers have helped with the pain. Before long you’re sleeping peacefully in Bucky’s arms.
“Sleep well pretty girl” Bucky whispers as he hears your breathes even out, there’s nowhere else he’d rather be.
reblogs appreciated!!
this is me avoiding the WIP in my drafts! anyways reply to be on a permanent bucky tag list ! :)
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justaz · 3 months
when merlin asks arthur for things, the king is usually inclined to give him what he wants but it is not always guaranteed such as when his emotions cloud his judgement. but merlin’s surefire way of getting arthur to give in? he steps into his space, lays a gentle hand on his arm, and says “arthur, please” and he folds like a house of cards.
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maelialuv · 1 year
A Farmer's Friend. a Bridgerton fanfic <3
part one: A Chance Encounter
Summary: division brings unity. secrecy creates infatuation. a king's venture into the real world reveals desire.
Warnings: slow burn! strangers to friends to lovers! (Charlotte does not exist) smut! cold showers are on me.
Wordcount: 3.4K
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The country side , to you, was heaven on earth. The far roaming hills, the deep valleys. The wide expanse of nothing but lush green fields. There was truly nothing more beautiful.
Your father's farm, to you, was the most beautiful of all. Located at the farthest edge of the county, miles and miles away from the city of London, it was a haven of tall grass, fruitful crops and rich orchards. That is where you spent most of your time, perched between the trunk and wide branches of a tall apple tree in the deepest part of your family's gardens. Far away from the bustling farm house, the uproar of live stock and the erratic, but loving, nature of your home.
From the moment the sun rose over the hills and danced across your face in the morning, to the moment it tucked itself into the valley at night, you were out in the fields. Tucked away indoors, you found yourself claustrophobic. Cased in, stir crazy and a tad hysterical. From a young age, your parents had to heard you inside at the end of a day much like the sheep dogs would heard the lambs back into their pens. It was no different, even as you approached adulthood.
You had your back to the trunk of a tree, a book clutched in one hand and an apple - freshly plucked from the branch above you- in the other, when you caught sight of one of the stable boys chasing after your father in the field ahead of you.
A man of great strength and pride, your father took his work in the fields very seriously. Even after the death of his own father, he was back shearing sheep after just two days. This is why it confused you ever so much , brows furrowed in a frown, to see your father drop his shears at once in front of the stable boy and clutch his chest. The pair raced down the field, sprinting in the direction of the house with the dogs trailing behind them in a flurry of brown and grey and white.
You took a pensive bite of the apple, crunching deliberately. 'Whatever is the matter?' you thought. 'What is the meaning of such fuss?' You tried desperately to get back to your book, the words of the author falling on distracted thoughts as your mind pondered such a reaction from your father. You snapped your book shut with a huff, annoyed and now positively rabid with curiosity.
John, an Orcher in his late fifties, was plucking apples from a tree just next to yours. You peered your head over to him. "John," you called, "have you any reason for father's fuss with the stable boy?"
John's face paled, almost frightfully white, at your question. He took his cap off with the type of remorse one shows with deep apology. "I'm terribly sorry, madam. I thought all the children were aware." You quirked a brow at his words, irritated that the farms people still saw you as one of the children despite being the eldest daughter in the house. His voice was gruff and gravely, years of shouting at yardsmen wearing on his vocal chords. "There is to be a royal visit, madam. Today."
Your eyebrows shot up so fast , you wondered for a moment if they were still on your face. "A royal visit? Here?" The Dowager Princess had not been out in the country since the passing of the late King. Your brows furrowed in deep confusion. "Whatever for?"
John shrugged his shoulders earnestly.
"Lord knows but I, madam. Some sort of review of the farmland, but that's between the King and his advisors."
"The King?" you squawked. You hiked your skirt up, throwing your legs over the branch and jumping down. You stalked to the bottom of the ladder John was standing on. "The King is coming here?"
In all your eighteen years, you'd only ever seen one monarch. Even so, it was a painting of His late Majesty. All you knew of the current King was that he made no visits to the towns, nor galas or balls. He had been labelled somewhat a recluse of a man. You wondered how that could be healthy for such an old person. At least, you assumed he was old. The previous king had died aged seventy and two, so this king must have been creeping into his late fifties now.
"Yes, madam." John said. "Your father has been called now, to prepare. He is due to arrive soon."
Your feet sprang into action, galloping down the aisle of the orchard at lightening speed as you raced toward the direction of the house. You never cared for pompous displays, or the royal family as a whole, very much at all. But today was different. The king himself was visiting your home. Your fields, your valleys and your hills. You felt oddly protective. As if this inspection was to be one with an insulting conclusion. You reassured yourself that they would see the beauty in your home. In the sway of the grassy hills in the wind.
Knowing your mother would not let you close enough to see even the Royal carriage make its way through the wooden gates of your home, you rounded the corner of the brown farm house and clambered your way up the large oak tree in the middle of the drive way. From high above in the branches, you would not be seen by your mother - as she so preferred. She yearned for a daughter more like the ones her sisters had. Lady like and proper and ones that smile at every pleasing farmer their mothers set them up with.
Your mother was disappointed in the lack of girlishness in you. She was displeased in your fascination with reading, and your taking to the outdoors. She was put off by the closeness between you and your father, finding it strange that the two of you could be friends as well as father and daughter. She found your desire to spend all day outdoors odd, and you found her desire to marry a farmer whilst hating farms to be odd in return.
You gripped on to the tallest branches, peering through leaves in the hopes of seeing the gleams of gold as the carriage approached. You saw your father and the farmer boys line up in front of the door below, and your mother and younger brothers waited just behind them. In the distance, you heard a low thrumming sound. It got louder, and seemingly closer, as more seconds ticked by. You realised, as you heard the clop clop clop noise, that it was the sound of horses' hooves on the dirt tracks as the carriage came into view.
The carriage halted in front of your door, and your father outstretched his hand to an older gentlemen in a plush blue suit. Though your fathers clothes- an old grey shirt and black trousers- were not as elegant, he looked just as regal as he shook hands with the stranger, who you assumed to be the King. He had greying hair, curled into ringlets by his side. There were several other men beside him, ranging from young to old to very old.
You craned your neck to hear their voices, a chorus of low hums and stiff lipped compliments from the old man you saw to be the king. Several minutes ticked by, boredom creeping in as you swung your legs back and forth over the branch, before the group of men finally split to tour the farm land with your father. You rejoiced, a grumble in your belly making any words they said inconsequential. You began your decent from the tree.
With scraped palms and knees, you made it to the ground with a thud. A successful spying , you thought as you wiped your hands on the skirt of your dress. Your monologing was interrupted by the stifled chuckle of a man behind you. You whipped round, narrowing your eyes at the man. Dressed in a simple white shirt and the same black field trousers as your father, he looked to be a fielder himself.
"Hello," he said, voice even and light. He stood with his hands behind his back, polite and effortlessly straight. He was young, younger than the rest of the group you assumed he had been standing with. He must have been no more than three years older than you, as his cheeks still had the faintest roundness to them.
"What are you doing?" he asked when you did not say anything.
You knew your eyes were wide, those of someone caught. There was no use in lying , nor excusing. This man had watched you climb down the tree, from where you had spied. You outstretched your hands, as if stating the obvious. "I was climbing down. From the tree."
"From the tree?"
"Yes, from the tree."
"From that tree?" the man asked, voice teasing and smile irritating as he pointed to the tall oak you had previously been perched in.
"Yes, that tree."
"Whatever for?" He placed his hands behind his back once more, slowly pacing around you in a circle.
"I was hungry, you see." You deadpanned.
"Ah," he affirmed, "and you did not bring food when you climbed up the tree." He was enjoying teasing you, as the smirk on his face grew larger at your squirming. "Or simply not enough."
"Well," you trailed off, waiting for the man to introduce himself to you.
"Forgive me," he said, outstretching a hand. "I am George."
"Well George," you continued. "Usually the trees I climb have some sort of fruit or such for me to eat while I climb, or lounge, or read. This is not my typical tree to climb." You explained.
"And I suppose you have a typical tree?" His face was oddly gleeful, as if this conversation with you - a stranger- was the best part of his day. His smile was wide, showing teeth.
"Yes, I do."
"Which is?" He asked, stepping closer toward you. His smirk was a teasing grin now.
"The apple tree," you stated, that protectiveness creeping back into your tone. "at the farthest end of the orchard."
"Now," he said, voice lilted with mock impress, "I must see this tree, that you so fondly and regularly climb." His voice was a stage whisper.
"Alas, I cannot." You teased back, some what enjoying the banter yourself. "I do not simply show my tree to strangers."
"Ah, but I am not a stranger," he said, closer again now. "I am just George." He stuck his hand out again, waiting for you to shake it. Hesitantly, you did. "I would be honoured to see your tree."
"Do you not have business to attend to?" You asked, gesturing in the direction the other men and the Royal herd had walked in. George shook his head, waving off your remark.
"They are fine themselves. They have no use for my agreements here and questions there." He said. "And even so, if I were to re-join them now," he took another small step closer to you, eyes searching in the distance, "my mind would think of nothing but this apple tree at the farthest end of the orchard."
You smiled at the man as he looked down at you, and felt the strangest urge to lead him by the hand to your sacred reading spot. Something about George made you trust him, utterly and completely, as if you'd known him your whole life. As if you'd run through the fields with him as children, and he knew where the tree was already.
"All right, just George."
A bright, down right contagious smile etched itself on to his face. You couldn't help but smile just as brightly.
The two of you strode side by side through the back field of the farm, chatting idly as you lead him to the orchard. George told you he was a keen farmer himself, but his family bound him to the city. "Why don't you just leave them?" you asked as you opened the large wooden field gate for him.
George paused, leaning on the gate with both arms crossed. "It is not that simple," he said, his face contort in a frown. "I am obliged to stay there. It is a duty, of sorts." He looked around at the tall grass, the wild flowers that bloomed in the field at his feet. "If it were up to me, I would spend all my time in the country."
You felt immensely sorry for him. The thought of being away from the country for more than a day put a nasty pit in your stomach. Gently, you placed your hand on his arm. He looked up at you with glum eyes. You gave him your best reassuring smile as you squeezed his arm lightly. He smiled back at you.
You fell back into stride with one another after that. George asked about your family, and you told him about your father and your three younger sisters. He asked where they were, and you let out a haughty laugh. "They cower at the sight of mud. They are cooped inside with my mother, embroidering or learning the pianoforte or some other nonsense."
"You see no value in these tasks, then?" George asked with a small smirk.
"I see no point, given where we live. What use have I for musical impress or intricate sewing when I spend my time outdoors?" You paused your walking, gesturing to the cows grazing near by. "Any man I encounter in these parts will be as impressed by my pianoforte as those cows."
"Ah, I see." George chuckled to himself. "You are to be a spinster then." You whipped round to face him, annoyance turning your brows into a tight v shape. George laughed again.
"For a stranger you are certainly bold."
"I do not hear a defence."
"No, I am not to be a spinster." You crossed your arms, uncrossing them when George cocked his head to the side slightly. You must have looked ridiculous, like an petulant, spoilt child. You huffed.
"I am not to be a spinster. At least not by intention." You both began walking again, rounding the corner to the long aisle of the orchard. "There," you said, pointing to your tree at the very end.
You turned when George remained silent. His mouth was agape slightly, brown eyes wide and almost honey in the mid day sun. "Beautiful," he sighed out.
It caught you off guard, the strange desire to lead him by the hand to your tree and show him the very best branches. The way he looked at your favourite spot with such awe made you near desperate to share it with him. You had to restrain yourself from reaching out and touching his hand that was inches from yours at your side. You shook your head slightly, as if a jitter would rid of of such peculiar feelings. "Come along, then."
George walked obediently at your side, keeping perfect pace with you. As you walked, he couldn't help but notice the sway of your hair in the light breeze, the way it framed your face so gently. Or the patches of freckles that spotted the bridge of your nose, or the subtle fullness of your bottom lip, how it was slightly larger than the top.
"You said you are not to be a spinster by choice," he began as you reached the foot of the tree. "Whatever do you mean?"
"What I mean is," you said as you reached up to a near branch, pulling yourself up with little struggle, "no man here is in need of a wife, and I am in no need for an elderly husband." You frowned when George laughed again. "You must stop that!" You cried.
"Stop what?" He smiled through his teeth again.
"Laughing at me!"
"I am not laughing at you, forgive me." He said, reaching up to the same branch and - just as you had- hauled him self up with ease. "I simply find it hard to believe no one here is in need of a wife."
"Everyone is already married, or too old, or far too young." You deadpanned. "I do not want to marry a frail old man."
"Let me rephrase," George began. He reached across you, and for a moment you thought he was going to touch your cheek. You sucked in a nervous breath. He plucked an apple that was hanging just above you ear. "I find it hard to believe no one here wants you for a wife."
You found it hard to form words, stuttering over a response. George bit into his apple , smugness radiating off of him in reams.
The two of you sat in peaceful silence for a moment, your backs leaning against the trunk of the tree while your legs stretched out next to each other. "Do you sit out here all day?" George asked softly, turning his head toward you. His breath fanned over your face slightly. You nodded.
"Most days," you sighed contently. "I am usually the one that goes into the towns if needed. Otherwise, I am left alone to sit here as I please." You looked out as the sheep roamed the field ahead of you.
George rested his head back against the trunk of the tree.
"I am envious of you, truly." He said, looking at you from the corner of his eye. You turned your head to face him. Your shoulders were brushing against each other with every breath.
"You are welcome to come here," you said, in an uncharacteristically soft voice. "You can bring a book, and you may sit here for as long as you like, whenever you please. Whenever your family allows you to be in the country."
This close to him, you noticed the flecks of gold in George's eyes. The small freckle above his eye brow. The rosiness of his cheeks. His words echoed in your head.
'I find it hard to believe no one wants you for a wife."
In the distance, you heard the ruckus of the men returning to the front of the house. George shot up. You shot up with him.
"I must go," he said hurriedly. He swung his legs over the branch and jumped off. As you moved to do the same, you saw him waiting on the ground with his hands outstretched. He was helping you down. You reached a hand out to him, and he pulled you down. Expecting a thud, you noticed he had steadied you with a hand on your waist. "I wish I could stay longer, I truly do. Alas, they will run like chickens without heads if I am not back soon."
You wished to find some poetic goodbye, but all you could muster was a soft sigh. "Will you be back?" His hand was still gripping yours.
George chuckled breathily.
"Of course," he said, as if it was obvious. "I must bring a book and see if this really is the best spot for reading."
The voices in the distance got louder, calling George's name now. He looked over his shoulder, then back to you. "I am back in the country in two weeks time. May I see you then?"
You smiled at his politeness, hoping your hasty nod came across as friendly and not desperate. "Of course."
He brought your hand to his lips then, placing a gentle kiss on the top of your knuckles. "It has been a pleasure, madam." He said with a gentlemanly bow.
He turned to walk away then, and you felt as though the wind had been knocked right out of you. Your feet were glued to the ground, unable to move you from that same spot.
"Oh," George called from a distance. "The inspection went fantastically. Your farm shall have a wonderful review." He grinned, all boyish and joyful, before turning back and sprinting in the direction of the loud voices.
His words only sunk in after he'd rounded the corner gate, and you nearly collapsed onto a log.
Not only had you spent your afternoon with a total stranger, telling him your deepest thoughts and secrets, scandalously close should a gossiping eye see it.
You'd just spent your afternoon with the King of England.
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star1ight0 · 6 months
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader "Warm Hands". Period comfort!
I died today exams are coming up and my body decided that I must suffer, endometriosis is no joke. PERIOD COMFORT.
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Katsuki was never one for comfort, partly because he never really got it himself so giving it was like standing in cold water. The first time you and Katsuki were together during your period you kept to yourself not wanting to bother him with your mood swings.
He quickly caught on blowing it off as you having an off week. The second time around he was a little more observant noticing how you got more upset over simple work and how you seemed to always have a stomach ache in class.
One Ill fated day you ran out of pads quickly running to Momo giving her a knowing look, she handed you her bag as you ran off. That was only the start of your shitty day. The pills you took to kill your cramps had worn off so now you're suffering in class. Things took a turn for the worse after lunch when whatever the cafeteria food seemed to kill your stomach.
Back in class holding your stomach you left for the bathroom holding your stomach as your lunch betrayed you. After a few minutes of suffering on the bathroom floor, apparently Aizawa felt the need to send Momo to check on you. She helped you up and to recovery girl, not that she could do much but let you rest.
After class Katsuki made his way to the nurses office, seeing you curled in a ball with a bottle of pain killers next to you "The hell happened to you?" He spoke in a rather mean tone but you could still feel the sincerity of his words "Cramps" you said sitting up wrapping your hands around his waist. After a few minutes you grab his hand and get up.
He walks you back to your dorm letting you lean most of your body weight on him most the walk there. Not having any food in your system you felt your body weaken using what little energy you had to lay down. Katsuki watches you curl in a ball a soft yet concerning look still ligers. "I'll make you some soup. Don't die while I'm gone" he says gruffly placing a kiss on your head
When he returns he has a tray with soup, some warm tea and chocolate? You look up at him a bit confused "Why the chocolate?" You say still slightly dazed. "Im not a complete moron.. plus I ran into Momo and she told me" he says the second half is almost incoherent.
You look up at him with a smile holding his rather warm hands to your cold ones. The blissful moment is rudely interrupted by the feeling of a cramp in your lower stomach. Clenching your stomach holding back the tears that had been compiled caused by the many cramps and stress of the day.
A slight groan manages to escape your lips as you feel the side if you bed sink in next to you. Not saying anything you feel your boyfriend pull you towards him. "Where does it hurt" he says avoiding your slightly confused gaze you place his hands on your lower stomach leaning into his touch.
One main up side of Katsuki's quirk was his body radiated more heat then the average person, more so in his hands. "Thank you" you say slowly dozing off.
When you awake you feel your boyfriend's hands still wrapped around you. You walk to the bathroom taking care of yourself. When you come back Katsuki is still asleep so you crawl back on the bed laying in his lap.
The day continues with one similar to the one before.
Sorry this one was a little weird and shorter than I wanted. I'm tired, sick and sleepy but wanted to write this.
Requests are open!
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