#Perfumare Amalgam
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pirunika · 1 year ago
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I know its v early in the works but more I read about the next Perfumare game by @pdrrook more I shipped Ela and Flavio and had to sketch them hugging.......
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jpriest85-blog · 1 year ago
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After learning that @pdrrook has a Perfumare sequel coming up and the Shapeshifter MC is friends with Marco, I started wondering how such a friendship dynamic would work 🤔. In my Shapeshifter MC, Gloria Jardin's case, I picture her friendship dynamic with Marco being similar to Gina and Jake's from Brooklyn 99. So, I redrew a scene from B99 featuring them both.
Marco, getting up from the bar: I gotta go.
Gloria: Aren't you forgetting something?
Marco, confused: Uh...
(Marco awkwardly approaches Gloria to give her a brotherly four head kiss, then leaves)
Gloria: No! Pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
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pdrrook · 1 year ago
With Valentines Day approaching soon, I can easily picture a scenario where either the Perfumare Avulsion and/or Amalgam MC decide to celebrate the holiday by preparing a sexy surprise for their LIs. They dress up in something sexy like lingerie, a costume, or even just some strategically placed ribbon along with some flowers, candles, or whatever to help set the mood at the LIs home or workplace. MC poses to greet their lover when they hear someone at the door only instead of the LI it's a friend or coworker. Cue surprised screaming, and a second later, the intended LI does show up to see an embarrassed MC trying to cover up and the 3rd party who accidentally walked in on them. How do the various LIs react to this situation, and how much trouble and/or traumatized is the person who unintentionally learned way too much about the MC×LIs sex life? You can choose whoever it would be funniest to accidentally ruin MCs' surprise.
Omg asdasd okay, MC2:
Alan would be mad at the ‘intruder’ bc ‘that’s why you should call before you show up uninvited,’ basic manners you know 😂 but out of the ppl who’d actually show up at his place, I think that’d be only Colton or Reed. Colton might flirt with MC2, Reed would NOT.
Nino’s would be amused, privately, but she’d go for her gun like so so fast 🙈sparing Flavio if he’s the poor goober, Laurent too bc he’d be just like:
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Flavio depends on MC’s reaction, like if they were freaked out, he’d be worried about soothing them. Generally tho a situation like that would be funny to him, but if it involved MC it’d be the opposite.
Reed also depends on MC, bc if MC was embarrassed/sad/etc he’d be foaming at the mouth, but if MC was fine with it, laughing etc he’d be fine, bc he does like to show them off in a clear ‘look at *us* but keep your hands to yourself’ way
jewel just... dying internally like:
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Laurent goes into his helicopter parent mode even if MC isn’t distressed tbh, and just like he once banned coffee from the office, now visiting him at his apartment is also banned 👋
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stephschoices · 4 years ago
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colored the drawings in my mobile header !
my mc1 & mc2 from perfumare avulsion & perfumare amalgam by @pdrrook ~
natalie (left) is on reeds route and lexie (right) will be on flavious route uwu
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edmunderson · 4 years ago
Finally got around to trying out artbreeder, figured i'd try making my (currently unnamed) mc2 from @pdrrook 's perfumare amalgam. (He's gonna smooch flavio. Someday..........)
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• jk his name is now river
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jpriest85-blog · 1 year ago
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I fell in love with @pdrrook Perfumare VN and IFs. While I'm still looking forward to seeing the rest of the story in Perfumare: Amalgam. I also got excited learning about the sequel Perfumare: Amalgam and came up with some concept art and info for my Shapeshifter MC, Gloria Jardin. I'm kind of jumping the gun ik, but I couldn't help it! I'm not sure how things will play out for Gloria, so I'll probably wind up having multiple routes saved like I did for my Allure MC, Liz Morren. Here's my info for Gloria so far. I'll probably wind up changing things once the sequel is officially released.
Name: Gloria Jardin
Animal form: Swan
Pronouns: she/her
Preferences: Bisexual
Birthday: January 24th
Height: 5ft10”/177.8cms
Appearance: A tall ethnically mixed woman, in her late twenties with a chestnut complexion and a dancer's build. A square shaped face with a cleft chin, full mouth and brown almond shaped eyes, her natural hair is black and coily, but as a Shapeshifter she can change her hair and eye color whenever it suits her mood. As does her fashion sense, and she's collected a pretty eclectic wardrobe over the years, depending on her mood and the occasion. From sleek suites paired with colorful avant-garde accessories to more theatrical clubbing outfits that could rival a Las Vegas show girls costume. Although she usually wears some sort of accessory or stylistic touch that has feathers or resembles swans.
Notable Features: A little gap in her front teeth, and long toned legs.
Personality: Gloria comes across as a classy, confident, intelligent and vibrant woman. Although it would surprise people to learn she went through an “ugly duckling” phase as a child. Considering the expectations put on her by her family growing up, she always felt like she never quite fit. In a way her childhood was similar to Laurent's trying so hard to be the “dutiful child ” to meet expectations and approval, and yet she was miserable. Although being away from her family ment Gloria finally got a chance to do things for herself and learn who she was as a person. Discovering she was Tier 4 Shape Shifter was kind of a relief actually. Well mostly she's still under watch from the government considering higher tier Shapeshifter's can potentially impersonate important people like government officials ect.
Although despite the fact that her gift is often associated with subterfuge and misdirection, Gloria herself tends to be a pretty honest person. She's wasted so much of her childhood trying to be what others wanted her to be, and it made her miserable. She's done with that bs, and she's not going to apologize for existing anymore! Although she does have enough class to recognize and apologize if she hurts someone. Even unintentionally by saying something thoughtless or blunt. Also, she still keeps enough social etiquette to show restraint when necessary. Although this does make her appreciate the fact she can take an animal from more. For Gloria, being able to turn into a Swan is cathartic, as she's not bound by the same rules as polite society if even for a little bit. She can fly, swim, and even bite people who piss her off.
Many people are often surprised to learn that she's friends with Alois Becker aka Marco and considers him like family. While Gloria did have a party girl phase and often went out dancing with Marco, she usually tries to keep him from doing anything too reckless that could get him seriously hurt. Although Gloria is fully capable of causing her share of havoc, she just prefers to be more discreet by Shape shifting into her swan form. While swans are very elegant and graceful birds, they have a huge wingspan and have been known to bite, so she can still do some serious damage if so inclined.
Thankfully, she's usually not as aggressive and reckless as Marco, although she sometimes feels more like an older sister/ young stepmother just trying to keep him from accidently getting himself killed. Although Marco will sometimes complain about Gloria becoming less “fun” as they've gotten older he appreciates the fact she cares enough to try, and the fact she's the only person who's always honest with him. Even though it means he usually gets roasted for being an idiot.
Headcanons & Additional info
Her name is a reference to a brand of perfumes, specifically Gloria Vanderbilt's Jardin à New York, which has a Swan debossed on the bottle. 
When it comes to her personal scent preferences, Gloria likes to use classic floral perfumes, particularly ones that smell like Gardenia.
Her Swan form is based on Mute Swans. Although she has been known to also take the form of Cygnet, since baby swans are so cute and fluffy. Perfect for when she wants others to lower their guard or needs to squeeze into smaller spaces. 
Gloria has always been fond of dancing and even took ballet lessons for many years. It's actually how she first met and befriended Alois/Marco. They were enrolled in the same dance class and performed well together when partners. Even during Gloria's party girl phase, she often helped choreographed dance routines for the clubs that made them both the life of the party. 
This also unfortunately fed into some of those “gold digger” rumors about her. Alois/Marco always likes to make an entrance, and what better way to ensure an audience than to show up with a tall, gorgeous woman who could pass for a model. Even though he only sees Gloria as a friend and sister figure, he's more than happy to play wingman, and likewise, Gloria is sociable enough to introduce him to actual super models. He can also act as protection in case drunken creeps try to hit on Gloria and don't take rejection well, which is sadly often. Alois/Marco's efforts to keep Gloria safe wind up unintentionally damaging her social reputation. Since many of these creeps also come from well-off families and don't get the fact that Gloria prefers Alois/Marco's company because he's her friend and respects her personal boundaries. They just assume she's only with him because he's got more money and/or his family owns the club.
Since Shapeshifters often have to thoroughly study an animal before they can take its shape, Gloria winds up developing an interest in swans and other birds. She has become a bit of an amateur Ornithologist and can even accurately mimic bird calls.
Gloria also has a love of learning and academics and in addition to being taught French by her family, she's become fluent in speaking, reading and writing many classical languages as well; Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Latin and Sanskrit.
She probably winds up getting a job in an academic field, which can be exciting for Gloria because she gets to learn so many new and fascinating things and earn new doctorates. It also means she struggles to be taken seriously since she's a lot younger than others in her field, not to mention it's difficult to get resources for research unless she's studying a subject that already has government funding, or wealthy patrons deem profitable. Not to mention her reputation for honesty means she often butts heads with higher ups on things like censorship and propaganda. 
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pdrrook · 1 year ago
I've been playing your game(s) on a non-stop spree since it first came out; I love the characters dynamic in Perfumare sm 😩 that I want to hide them in my pockets (they're serotonin boost to my life). You can totally ignore this if you want, but how would the ROs in Pfm react if the MC just straight up ✨smooch✨ them to make them stfu when MC is losing badly in a friendly debate or can't make any come back to what the ROs said, and then MC runs away cuz they're suddenly embarrassed.
I could imagine half the reactions already 🤡🤡 (with Laurent's "he was too stunned to speak" face).
I am glad to hear you're enjoying PFM! 🥺😚
For Reed making out>winning an argument, so he’d just go with it every time. He might even argue harder to make MC kiss him lol
Laurent yeah, and then he’d be like ‘what did we even talk about I forgor’ 
Nino, same as Reed, except she rarely ever argues, she usually just throws punches, so with MC she’d avoid an argument by disintegrating herself so they both can cool down
Ha! So generally in a relationship, Flavio would avoid arguing bc he thinks that way he can have the relationship last even a lil bit longer (🤡) BUT since his relationship started as enemies, him suddenly trying not to argue would be pointless bc MC already saw all his ‘bad’ sides. That said, depending on the argument, kissing might or might not work, but the fact that MC would run away after would send him ����
Jewel would try very hard to stay mad, and then have a convo about how kissing is not the answer to an argument, ‘kissing is for after! AFTER!’ 
Alan would find it hilarious, but he’ll also go after MC to continue the agreement 
*for the new peeps btw even if I use ‘MC’ for short it’s implied that for Amalgam RO’s MC=MC2 (we be mathing ey!) not Avulsion’s MC1
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stephschoices · 4 years ago
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“Are you a bad person?” “Depends on who you ask.”
my mc & mc2 from perfumare / perfumare: amalgam by @pdrrook (x) 
if you haven’t played perfumare yet i highly recommend it i love it so much! it lives rent free in my mind these days. avulsion doesn’t even have a demo yet but i had to go ahead and come up with my mc uwu
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pdrrook · 5 years ago
Wait I’m a missing something six ROs WHERE I only know 3 also send help I may Develop a heart attack
3 ROs in this game (Perfumare I mean): Jewel, Reed and Laurent 
3 ROs in the ‘sequel’: Nino, Flavio and Alan
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pdrrook · 2 years ago
Hello, it's me again. Asking for more ♡ from the Perfumare cast. Today's request: When the LI's are in a bad mood would they rather spend it with their SO or by themselves. I feel like Reed would immediately start sulking to us🤭
Yeahasdsada Reed would blow up the smallest inconvenience out of proportion just to have MC baby him 😩
Jewel gets temperamental when she's mad, so while she'd like to stay near MC, she'd just go for a walk
Now Laurent tho, he's used to dealing with his moods by himself and other ppl just walking around him on eggshells, but having MC to vent to he'd feel super spoiled asdsad he's so low-maintenance 😂
Nino's bad mood are volatile but short, she knows that, so she usually just goes to spar with someone. I actually had this went scenario written as Amalgam's preview for her on Patreon, but she basically barks at MC to go away, then gets mellowed a second later when they decide to stay
Alan's yeah solo time with his telenovela, he needs to cry it out guys 😅
Flavio aha he's kinda like a sick dog hiding in a hole, because he hates letting people know he has negative feelings at all🥴 he'd still stick to MC tho, pretending he's peachy until MC confronts him
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stephschoices · 3 years ago
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picrews of my mcs 55/? ((link to picrew used))
natalie  (perfumare: avulsion , @pdrrook ) , lexi (perfumare: amalgam , @pdrrook ) , delia (larkin , @larkin-if )
jazmine (blood moon , @barbwritesstuff ) || wren (attollo , @attollogame ) || annie (conspiracy in emerson , @emersonfreepress )
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pdrrook · 3 years ago
Sorry if this has been asked before :( but in Perfumare: Avulsion are Nino, Flavio, and Alan going to be the only routes? Is Laurent, Jewel, and Reed only for the demo?
So, I fixed the FAQ, and it should work on mobile now I thiiink 🥴 but:
Perfumare: Avulsion is the full version of the demo, so Jewel, Reed, and Laurent are the only ROs.
Perfumare: Amalgam, aka the sequel is a different story with a different MC, and the ROs are Nino, Flavio, and Alan.
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pdrrook · 3 years ago
Hi! I was just curious the order you're working on the games? Perfumare(VN) -> Avulsion -> Amalgam? thanks i love you bye
Heya! Yup yup, it' been decided that the IF (Avulsion) is first, and the 'sequel' (Amalgam) comes second 😁
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pdrrook · 3 years ago
Rookie.... is there a love triangle for MC2 and Alan + Nino/Flavio??
I can feel the angst going over 9000! 😫💔
I love Perfumare, but I love you more, please marry me 💍
Since I am not actively working on Amalgam, I can't say how the routes will end up looking like. Atm tho, I was thinking that choosing to be exes with Alan, but doing one of the other 2 routes would automatically result in a break-up with him? Which, technically it would be an LT, but in practice, it'd have a scripted end to it? Idk yet but it'd for sure be dramatic
😳 Adadasd you know what, if you can get me outta this fcking country I will pledge my troth right this instant😘✌️
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stephschoices · 4 years ago
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picrews of my mcs pt. 39/? ((link to picrew used))
juniper ( the exile , @exilethegame ) || hani ( obey me )
natalie ( perfumare , @pdrrook ) || lexie ( perfumare amalgam , @pdrrook )
maya ( ofna: birds of a feather , @ofna ) || wren ( attollo , @attollogame )
~ about my characters ~
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pdrrook · 3 years ago
the link to perfumare: amalgam in your pinned post isnt working! jst thought i should lyk!
Blesssss you! I think it's fixed now but who knows, with my skills I could have made it worse 😂
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