#Percival answers
static-sulker · 7 months
Omg fellow traditional tma artist! Love ur Jon. Do u have any other tma s1 designs?
Yes! I currently just finished the series so im drawing them now :D I just finalized Sasha's design :)
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Percy please arrest me
"Are you one of those 'simps'? One of the other officers told me about those. I still don't know what it means."
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thefabledpheasant · 5 months
I’m very curious to see the people’s favorite ship outside of the big one 🤭
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sketalya · 3 months
✨The Narrow Gauge & Mr. Percival full ref's ✨
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And of course some of my headcanons about them ;3🌹
(This is a little longer than before but I hope you like it :D)
1) Skarloey | 39 y.o | 165 cm
• One of the oldest on the railway, he was like a big brother to all the young narrow gauges.
• Extremely close to Rheneas, always talking about Rheneas everytime he wasn't around.
• Of course besides always talking about Rheneas, he likes to tell a lot of things and sometimes Rusty joins him for that. He's been on the Skarloey railway longer than anyone so he knows all the secrets and stories.
• Likes inviting his friends to drink tea together, sometimes inviting Mr. Percival for that even though he doesn't come often because of his busy schedule. Skarloey also likes to invite Edward just to chat casually and Edward always likes it when he comes to the Skarloey Railway.
• Afraid of thunder and storms but actually he is afraid of loud noises that startle him. He always hide in his room when that happened. He is also afraid of heights.
• People always thought he was wise but Skarloey himself always thought that Rheneas was wiser than him. Whenever he had a problem he would always ask Rheneas for advice.
• Everytimes the young narrow gauges were causing trouble, Skarloey was too tired to deal with it so he mostly told Rheneas about it and Rheneas is the one who will always handle that.
• He also considered Nancy as his best friend and he always allowed her to help him polish his engines.
2) Rheneas | 38 y.o | 165 cm
• Another big brother figure for the young narrow gauge. Always wants the best for the Skarloey Railway so sometimes he can be a little strict about it.
• And because of that, Sir Handel and Peter Sam liked to joke about him acting like a mother. Sometimes he was deliberately called mom by them whenever Rheneas advised them and it always annoyed him.
• Doesn't like it when his name is misspelled. Especially when Duncan and Sir Handel deliberately misspelled his name as "Rhene-ASS". But sometimes he's called "Remy" by Skarloey and he's okay with that.
• Has a pretty tough past and Skarloey is the person he considers his first friend. Doesn't like to talk about it except with Skarloey.
• Swear police number one. Always trying to cover Luke's ears whenever Duncan starts swearing.
• He can become overworked and even get sick because of it. He will really appreciate nap time.
• He never knew he could see ghosts and he always thought it was just a hunch, Rusty was the one who noticed it. Once accidentally saw Rusty talking to Boulder (FYI Boulder in my AU is a giant rock ghost where he will look like an ordinary large rock to the human eye but Rheneas can see its true form just like Rusty)
3) Sir Handel | 27 y.o | 163 cm
• Is the type of person who is unpredictable. Always think that he is the coolest among the others and will say it out loud.
• Wears shoes with wheels that can be lowered whenever he wants to use them. Rheneas and Skarloey always tried to warn him that it was dangerous to wear rollerskates on the railway but he never listened and he always to show it off.
• Always complaining if there is something doesn't go as he expected, it can make him act a bit rude.
• Sometimes makes trouble for his friends because of that, and he will feel sorry for that. (Still cause problems after that)
• Can be very competitive and vindictive.
• He considers Peter Sam as his brother. Peter Sam and Duke sometimes calls him "Falcon".
• When Luke officially joined them, Sir Handel was the one who was most happy about it. (That's because he's no longer the shortest one among them)
• Secretly loves romantic novels and always hopes that he is the main character. He also has a diary book that he keeps very secret.
• The reason why Mr. Percival always prefers to use his bicycle or ask Thomas to take him whenever he needs to go somewhere. (This is quite funny actually, maybe I'll tell you about this another time)
4) Peter Sam | 27 y.o | 170 cm
• The definition of looking like a cinnamon roll that will actually kill you. Always try to act good in front of Skarloey, Rheneas, and Luke but he can be such a troublemaker when he's with Sir Handel and Duncan. (Still a cinnamon roll)
• Whenever he was bothered by Sir Handel, he would always call him "shortie" to shut his mouth. (It works)
• Sometimes called "Stuart" by Sir Handel and Duke.
• Has a scar on his neck because of the trucks incident.
• Always acts like he doesn't like fairy tales or something but actually he likes them and always listens whenever Skarloey and Rusty start telling stories.
• One of the people who has met Proteus besides Rusty. But he forgot about it because Rusty erased his memory about it through his dreams.
• He really likes to eat and he always brings a large bag of food to work. He cooks it himself and doesn't mind sharing it with others. Sometimes brings snacks for Luke.
• Always confused about making decisions for himself so he's the one who always asked Skarloey, Rheneas, and Duke for advice very often.
5) Rusty | 25 y.o (Fake age) | 169 cm
• One of the most reliable on the railway, he can always fix anything so his friends always ask him for help with it and he doesn't mind helping.
• Just like Skarloey, he always likes to tell lots of things and his favorites are horror stories. He likes to scare Duncan and Peter Sam with it.
• He really likes relaxing classical music and sometimes he will borrow Duncan's headphones to listen to some music.
• He wasn't originally human, he was a ghost before and then being given a second chance to become mortal by Lady and Proteus. Narrow Gauge didn't know about this. And of course he can see ghosts.
• Has a special ability given by Lady and Proteus and that is dream control. He can make dreams and make it seem real when people are asleep, actually given this ability to help Lady and Proteus but sometimes he likes to use it for fun.
• Likes to experiment with it by giving dreams to his friends, although sometimes he accidentally gives them nightmares. The first person to know about his abilities was Skarloey but without them knowing, Sir Handel and Peter Sam overheard about it and of course because of that all the narrow gauges knew about his abilities even Mr. Percival. But they all thought it was cool and promised to keep it between themselves.
• At first he was afraid of Boulder's existence but then he got along quite well with it after that incident.
6) Duncan | 25 y.o | 172 cm
• The tallest among the narrow gauge.
• Worse than Sir Handel, he can be really stubborn and rude. Even Skarloey and Rheneas had quite a hard time dealing with his attitude. But somehow Rusty and Mr. Percival are patient enough to deal with it.
• Always acting tough but actually he can be soft without realizing it.
• Afraid of heights and of course ghosts. He really doesn't like it when Rusty deliberately tells him horror stories. He could have nightmares because of that.
• Has many piercings on his face and ears which are considered cool by Sir Handel and Luke.
• Really loves rock and heavy metal songs, always listening to them through the headphones he always carries. But Mr. Percival wouldn't let him use it while he was working because it will make it difficult for him to stay focus and it could cause problems.
• Very close with the twins Patrick and Pansy. Every time Mr. Percival took them both, he would play with them.
• Very adventurous, he will force Rusty to come with him whenever he finds somewhere interesting to explore.
• He liked to take Sir Handel and Peter Sam to race on the rail track with their engines.
• Also another reason why Mr. Percival always prefers to use his bicycle or ask Thomas to take him whenever he needs to go somewhere. (This relates to how unfocused Duncan can be if he has his headphones on while doing something)
7) Duke | 54 y.o | 167 cm
• He was the mentor of Sir Handel and Peter Sam. Highly respected by both of them and has been considered like a father figure to them.
• Even though he was very old, he refused to retire and decided to continue working on the railway.
• Called "Granpuff" by Sir Handel and Peter Sam. In fact he was still called that by other narrow gauges after moving to the Skarloey Railway.
• Always knows how to deal with the mischievous behavior of his two students. He never falls for any of their pranks and may even be the one who always beats them.
• The Duke actually has connections with the Lady and Proteus. When he was declared missing, he was not asleep for a long time but was actually helping Proteus with something and that because of Lady's request. (There's lore I made for this and it's related to my AU so maybe I'll tell you more about it another time)
• He was the one who gave the diary book to Sir Handel and taught Peter Sam how to cook.
• In his spare time, he really likes to ride around the railway and enjoy the beautiful views. It was really calming for him.
• Never take his glasses away from him. His view completely changed to 144p without it.
8) Luke | 22 y.o | 157 cm
• The youngest and also the shortest among the narrow gauges.
• Literally a cinnamon roll. She's so innocent, a little timid, and too kind. He was always treated like a little brother by the others which was quite cute.
• Having a phobia of the ocean, he actually tried to face his fear but was still unsuccessful due to his trauma.
• Whenever he had free time, he would go to the Steamworks to meet Victor, and because of that he became close friends with Kevin as well. Luke also still often meets Thomas and his best friend Millie.
• Has a deer as a pet and will sometimes take it with him to work.
• It's still quite difficult for him to trust people he just met, but it's different with the narrow gauge, he really trusts them with all his heart.
• Luke was very happy when invited to drink tea by Skarloey, take care of his deer with Rheneas, try roller skating with Sir Handel, eat snacks made by Peter Sam, going on an adventure in a dream made by Rusty when he was asleep, doing Rock n Roll with Duncan, listening to many stories from Duke, and even helping Mr. Percival is out of work.
9) Mr. Percival | 34 y.o | 185 cm
(Ok, this one is actually quite difficult for me because I didn't get much information about him either from ttte eps, wikifandom, and tumblr. So all of this is purely my imagination and how I view him. I hope it doesn't sound so ridiculous :D)
• If Duncan is the tallest among the narrow gauge then this man is much taller than Duncan. And that's why he likes to imagine the narrow gauge as 7 dwarfs. (But of course not to Duke because he respects Duke)
• Not like Sir Topham Hatt. Because his age is not much different from narrow gauge and even younger than Duke, Skarloey, and Rheneas. Mr Percival is also seen as a friend by them outside of work. And he really appreciated that.
• When he heard that Rusty could control dreams, he didn't believe it at first and he even challenged Rusty to give him nightmares. And after Rusty actually does it, he regrets his own request and then believes it. (He even asked Rusty not to tell about his dream to the others)
• Just like Duke, never take his glasses away from him. He would literally go blind without it.
• At first he seemed like a strict person but after being with narrow gauge for quite a while, he was actually quite a chill person. He even casually asked Sir Handel and Peter Sam to be in charge while he is away. (Even though he actually knew they would mess up)
• He doesn't have a hobby that he really likes so when he's not busy and bored, he likes to hang out and have fun with the narrow gauge. He thought that they were very random but that was part of the fun.
• Swear police number 2 after Rheneas, he will glare at Duncan when he starts swearing. He would even keep an eye on him when Duncan played with the twins.
• He always keeps his words professional and polite. But he won't hesitate to be sarcastic when he's annoyed or talking to someone he doesn't like.
• Personally, he doesn't really like driving by car and would prefer to use a bicycle. (And that was made worse after the incident that happened when he asked Sir Handel and Duncan to drive his car. Truly the worst decision he ever made)
• This man has a large collection of bicycles at home and even his children are like that because they follow their father. His wife Polly was doesn't surprised by it and couldn't do anything about it.
• He really doesn't like being seen as that stereotypical nerd just because people assume that he looks like that. Once Sir Handel and Duncan said that he looked like an "emo nerd" just because he wore glasses and always wore black. That really triggered him at that time.
• Has a pet dog which he named Perri, but she (the dog) hates him and only likes Mrs. Polly and the kids.
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justaz · 3 months
somehow for some reason the knights take on a spell that lights up the scars that litter their bodies. arthur has the most with leon as a close second. gwaine and percival and pretty much tied for third though gwaines are much smaller - from more brawls than battles. elyan and lancelot have their fair share but less that the others. that is until they turn to see merlin lit up like a goddamn glowstick. the others (bar lancelot) had been expecting maybe a few nicks from being on the outskirts of battles or mishaps from working on a farm back in ealdor, not……this. the light (which shines through their clothes as if the fabric isn’t even there) is practically blinding on merlin, covering every inch of skin. more so than even arthur. lancelot prompts them all to move on and everyone does, holding themselves back from asking the questions they desperately want answered
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ivyllamauwu · 2 months
If this isn’t them somewhat discussing Tristans disappearance I’m going to cry.
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starving-mimi · 1 year
Could you draw Triumphant! Wilson in Terrorbeak form?
I imagine it’d be even more unholy than before
Love your don’t starve art this fandom is by far my favourite <3
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i actually have old doodles of it but since they're old i made a bunch of new ones
technically it wouldn't make any sense for a triumphant terrorbeak wilson to exist but heyy still fun and he's slightly more spikier
hh original paper version :
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percydedragon · 1 year
Sorry to bother you but do you think you can make a Percildan dragon au picture please thanks 😊 love your work
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gethoce · 1 year
Can we see the heights of the GSA orbs pls pls pls pls
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Ordered from smallest to tallest, hair and armor not taken into account. ~
Have some explanations under the cut as well because why not.
Sir Galahad: While Dream Matterbond are known to be the second largest variety of Matterborn on average, Sir Galahad spent most of his adult life unable to dream, missing out on valuable dream energy to help him grow, thus he is currently just a tiny bit shorter than Sir Percival. They used to be the same height and Sir Galahad loathes the fact that he is shorter now.
Sir Percival: He is about standard size for a Heart Matterborn. They come in third when it comes to average height in their species.
Sir Arthur: Don't let the tall helmet and hair fool you! He is just a tiny bit larger than his son Sir Falspar and that's it. Still average height for Heart Matterborn, nothing out of the ordinary.
Sir Lancelot: Dark Matterborn are usually the largest. Sir Lancelot didn't get to absorb much dark energy until he reached adulthood, otherwise he definitely could have grown a lot taller.
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winterlogysblog · 6 months
What are your own headcanons on the percy platoon?
I have one i need to say percival shows affection to others(Anne,Nasiens, Donny, Lancelot) by giving physical touch from kisses, hugs etc.. and telks daily that he loves them and mean everything to him.Percival feels like that type person. Lol😚💕 what they reactions will if Percival doses this?
I do agree with your own headcanon, Percy does seem like the type of person to have physical touch as their love language. As for the others reactions I would say they would reciprocate it especially Donny, Anne thought he's being clingy at first but loosened up to it, Lancelot would give him headpats at most and Nasiens is left a blushing and stuttering mess all the time.
For the Percy Platoon Headcanons I do have a couple lol
During the time that Lancelot is known as Sin the fox, he would often climb on Donny or Nasiens' shoulders to rest cause he gets quite uncomfortable walking on all fours. In most cases he would fall asleep on Nasiens' shoulders reason being he finds his scent soothing and relaxing. Now he knows why it's like that.
Lancelot's HATES it when his hoodie gets dirty. Donny said it's his own fault because the hoodie is mostly white, he got a death glare from Lance right after that remark.
One the day of Percival's resurrection, King asked Sixtus to bring Anne, Donny and Lancelot over so that the first people that Percival would see when he wakes up are his friends.
When Percy woke up, it's a heartwarming scene. Everybody cried and they fell into each other's embrace. They stayed in the Fairy Realm for a while just have some peace and quiet while they catch up on what's been happening with everyone.
The conversation about Nasiens' true origins is a heartwarming and funny one. They're all supporting and happy for Nasiens and excited to meet his family but the moment their names are dropped all hell breaks lose. Donny didn't believe it at first, Anne freaked out, Percival got even more excited and Lancelot smiled through it all and with a pat on the back Lancelot welcomed Nasiens to the family, the team is confused for obvious reasons and that's when he told them about his family for the first time and things got even more chaotic after that.
Nasiens would sometimes ask Lancelot things about his family, in a way he wants to know them in a much personal level which he didn't get the chance too during his stay there. Lancelot didn't shy away from it and told him stories every chance he gets.
Percival gets drunk quite easily, he's not a lightweight per se he just doesn't know his limit. They often shy away from giving him too much and resort to just giving him non-alcoholic drinks.
Donny and Anne's alcohol tolerance is pretty average, they learned how pace themselves really well. It's mainly due to Lancelot's high alcohol tolerance and Nasiens' incapability to get drunk, they don't want to make a fool of themselves while those two are still sober. In the end, it's a race on who gets drunk first.
Anne and Lancelot have the best sense of style out of the group. Nasiens was once a part of this club but his card got revoked because of his chosen hair style. He'll get it back don't worry.
After an unfortunate incident with a poisonous mushroom that Donny accidentally ate, every single ingredient needs to pass the 'Nasiens is this poison? Test'
Anne is quite handy with a needle and thread.
Lancelot knows how to braid. He would braid Anne's hair when he's bored. Just don't ask him how he knows how to do this or he'll stop leaving your hair with an unfinished braid.
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poisonedfate · 4 months
i can't believe merwaine got divorced between s3 & s4 and we didn't even get to see it
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static-sulker · 6 months
Apologies for spamliking and reblogging your art it’s just so cool:D
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THANK YOU SM! I love seeing people like my work. Heres my Dnd pc, Karlos, as thanks :D
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You are non-binary goals!
"Why, thank you very much, Anon."
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saintsenara · 4 months
I really love your ship metas!! That last ask has got me thinking about Oliver Wood/Percy Weasley, thoughts?
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
perciver has become a moderately popular ship recently - for a rare pair, at least - and i love that for all of us.
we don't see percy and wood ever actually interact in canon - although, of course, they were roommates... which is a hot premise in and of itself.
and they’re each probably the only people of their acquaintance who would be satisfied by a relationship in which they spent their evenings sitting on the sofa chattering away about their special interests - cauldron bottoms and quidditch manoeuvres respectively. everyone else they know thinks this is oppressively dull [i.e. the light canonically leaving ron's eyes when percy starts explaining his cauldron report], but that doesn't matter - perciver love and support each other's passions.
it is actually a legal requirement for the adhd girlies [gender neutral] to support our autistic siblings [which lots of the adhd girlies could do with remembering...], and so i am obligated to stan.
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larissa-the-scribe · 5 days
✨️ Percival Stanton for the OC ask game, please?
He has something of a crow's knack for finding Shiny Things. But his particular Shiny Things are usually small objects he thinks other people would like, or that make him think of people. For himself, Shiny Things are typically books, poetry, music, plants, and various creechur-related things (I've been calling them "monsters" but that's not really the best/most accurate term).
He has, however, somehow trained himself to be able to resist buying/acquiring all the Shiny Things he sees (he probably has some kind of philosophy about how it's still precious even if he doesn't have it because it causes him to see beauty everywhere) and be at peace about it. I hope to be him when I grow up/j
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elisedonut · 1 year
Another ship chart thing I decided to do yesterday but only just sat down to do
i was tempted to just do flintley or perciver but ended up convincing myself to just do both on one sheet
but anyway it was fun even though thinking is so hard lol
this chart was made by junnie133
i think stuff like this is fun if anyone else decides to do a Percy based one id love to see it and compare!
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