#Per Kristian
jolikmc-stuff · 2 years
Doom… Except I Can Possess Dead Monsters by Jo Li KMC on YouTube
Sometimes, it's not enough to wait for the forces of Hell to turn on itself. Sometimes… you've gotta be a spooooooky ghost that makes then turn~!
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henk-heijmans · 5 months
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"Not red but green" - by Per Kristian Nygård (1979), Norwegian
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deathwhoregutfucker · 2 months
Mayhem catboy + dogboy headcanons
sigh. i had to. i just. had. to do it. i did a dsbm catboy + dogboy hc, so its only right if i do one for mayhem (and some extras)
Pelle - catboy
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CATBOY 100%. no question about it man. and it's ironic since he hated cats, but he is such a catboy it's absolutely insane. i don't even know if i need to explain this one. he would always be sleeping and going out in the woods for days and come back into the house as if nothing happened, always bringing back dead animals.
he would also scratch people all of the time.
Øystein Aarseth - catboy (dogboy vibes kinda??)
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i feel like he's half and half if that makes sense. but let's just say he's a catboy for the sake of this. i feel like he'd be a little hyper, but not too much. and he would love to mess with varg.
Varg Vikernes - wolf/dogboy (alpha?!?!?!?1//1/)
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i mean, his name translates to wolf in english, of course he's a dogboy.
he and Øystein would be at each others necks alllll of the time, like it's not even funny. they'd have a love hate relationship (see? varg's holding him in the picture and look how pissy they look!!) and they would always end up spending time with each other.
also, varg would have a majorrrrr biting problem. he wouldn't scratch that much, but he'd be a biter.
he would hate cuddling, but sometimes he'd let Øystein lay down with him, sometimes, but only when they got cold. nothing gay about that, right?
he would also slip catnip into food just to mess with him.
Necrobutcher - dogboy. end of story
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look he's even pissing outside!! such a dogboy. he's such a dogboy it's not even funny. he'd have a biting issue, but it wouldn't be mean like varg. he would bite when he gets excited. he's also best friends with hellhammer too.
i mean, is this man not a lapdog??
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like if he sits i'll give him a treat!
Hellhammer - dogboy
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had to include that last picture because i just love a man on his knees
but anyway, total dogboy, best friends with necro. i feel like he'd be pretty calm though, he wouldn't cause any trouble. i feel like he’d be superrrr clumsy though, he'd always be knocking shit over left and right. but just look at him. he's just too cute.
he'd also be super clingy too. he'd always try to befriend varg, and varg wouldn't like it at first but he'd get used to it after a little while. but of course, necro is his number one bestie.
Manheim - catboy
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do i need to explain?? i mean just look at him and euro being kitty cats together. little cuties!
Faust - CATBOY
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catboy all the way. besties with fenriz too, probably has a crush on varg (repressed homosexuality)(also he's in my warewolf!varg fanfic i'm writing soooo yayyyayayay but he's a wolf but for the sake of this he's a catboy) BUT ANYWAYSS. i feel like he'd be pretty friendly unless you got on his nerves. god i just wanna give him catnip yknow?
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the literal goodest boy in the entire world, no question about it. he'd be super hyper and clumsy. he'd go insane for treats too, like, you couldn't even spell the word treat without him losing his everloving shit. and varg would always tease him with them too.
doggy fenriz is adorable.
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artesostenible · 9 months
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Per Kristian Nygård - The Garden
Constant. Decay. Elgsetergate 30b.  1 oktober - 2 november 2013.
w: perkristiannygaard.com
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ofmdrecaps · 20 hours
09/20/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Call To Action: David Jenkins; Samba Schutte; Con O'Neill; Hugo Pierre Martin; How To Help; Other Cast & Crew Sightings: Rhys Darby; Rosie Carnahan Darby; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Leslie Jones; Guz Khan; Damien Gerard; Kristian Nairn; Hugo Pierre Martin;
Well folks. It sure is wonderful to be honking loudly with you again! (Clown or Goose, however you prefer to consider it!). This morning, David Jenkins started us all off with a very specific tweet that set off a chain reaction!
= David Jenkins =
It APPEARS that David is telling us, the fans, that OFMD is "available", and that Netflix is the streaming service to woo. Now, does that mean it's just being bought and streamed? Or perhaps being picked up by a Season 3? There has been some discussion that Netflix sometimes likes to stream a cancelled show before they greenlight another season-- and well, who knows, maybe that's what OFMD is in line for!
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Source: David Jenkins' Instagram
= Samba Schutte =
Then a little later in the day... Samba started us up with a new #, #supnetflix!
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Source: Samba's Instagram
= Con O'Neill =
Con joined in on the sharing!
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Source: Con's Instagram Stories
= Hugo Pierre Martin =
Our "one-line" friend, Hugo Pierre Martin is back at it! He's supporting OFMD in every way he can!
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Source: Hugo's Twitter / 2
The fans took David and the Crew's call to action by starting up a tweet storm! Our friends over at @adoptourcrew also kept the momentum going by putting up prompts!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
Some of our crewmates reminded us, and Netflix, we had the numbers :)
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Source: Florence aka single_cat_mom on Twitter!
As of the time this post was put together, the trends got up to the following! Thank you to APurplePatch on Twitter for captureing them!
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Source: APurplePatch Twitter
And a little schadenfreude for today's festivities! Thank you Ashley!
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Source: Ashley aka Seven_Sugars on Twitter
Well there we are-- great job today crew! Sure is feeling good in the fandom today! If we can, let's keep the momentum up through tomorrow! Are you excited about the possibility of an s3? Well, feel free to join in the manifestations from our friend @xray-vex!
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Source: Xray_Vex Twitter
== How To Help ==
I can't believe I'm saying this again-- but hey! Wanna help out with the renewal (or at least selling OFMD) effort? Please consider some of the following!
Sign the Petition if you haven't already! (Change.org DOES clear out non-confirmed via email signatures every once in a while, so be sure to check your email.)
Request Our Flag Means Death on the Netflix form!
If you're interacting with social media, use these hashtags: #OurFlagMeansDeath #supnetflix #AdoptOurCrew #SaveOFMD
== Other Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Rhys Darby =
New Bill Napier Weather Update from Rhys today on his Substack! There was even a shout out to some of our crewmembers you might recognize! Give it a listen!
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Source: Rhys' Substack
= Rosie =
More Kitten Content from the Darby Household! (why yes, I will use my one movie allowed per tumblr post to add kitten content, I regret nothing).
Source: Rosie Carnahan Darby's Instagram
= Taika Waititi =
Taika's back to his "influencer" phase again!
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Source: Taika's Instagram
= Damien Gerard =
Damien's finally getting to get some relief! Congrats sir!
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Source: Damien's Instagram
= Kristian Nairn =
Kristian catching up with one of his old co-stars, Issac Wright!
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Source: Kristian Nairn Instagram
= Samba Schutte =
I realized I shared Samba's pics last time, but didn't say much about the new campaign! Samba's new Shop Stands campaign is benefiting the LA Regional Food Bank! First up, you can get a hoodie version of the Crew For Life T-Shirt! - Crew For Life Hoodie
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Next up-- Samba is back with another cooking class! This time it's Death By Cheese! Death By Cheese Class
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Source: Shop Stands
= Guz Khan =
New season of Man From Mobeen! Not sure if there's a date yet...but looks like Guz is sharing some pics!
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Source: Guz Khan's Instagram
= Leslie Jones =
Leslie was on the Jennifer Hudson Show a couple days back!
Source: Jennifer Hudson's Instagram
= Hugo Pierre Martin =
In case you haven't heard, Hugo is doing a Spotify Audio Series! Wanna check it out? Visit: Spotify
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Source: Hugo's Twitter
== Articles ==
Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Alright, lovelies. I have so many things to say and yet no stamina to do so. I'll try to pick up tomorrow-- I just wanted to send this your way, I hope you find the ones who make you feel like you're basking in warmth and love, like the sun.
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Source: StayCloseToYourself_ Instagram
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
05/11-12/2024 Weekend Recap Pt 1
TLDR; Basingstoke Comic Con; Rhys, Con; Vico; Kristian; AdoptOurCrew Coverage; Days 1-3; We're Wolves News; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
Hey Lovelies, this weekend became huge in terms of content because of Basingstoke, so I'm gonna do these in parts to try and fit everything in. Extremely long post is long.
== Basingstoke Comic Con - Rhys/Vico/Con/Kristian ==
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Sources: Vico's Instagram / Stories / Con's Instagram / Basingstoke Comic Con Instagram
= More Rhysie at his Panel on Day 3 =
Our crewmate Nikki (@bookknobsandbroomsticks) was kind enough to allow me to share their photos of Rhys here! Thank you hon!
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Source: @bookknobsandbroomsticks Instagram
= More Pics from all 3 panels =
Another of our absolutely amazing crewmates @cosmosart-s was kind enough to share their pics as well!
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Source: _cosmosaarts_ on twitter
== Merstede Getting out of the Pool ==
One of the questions at the con as you can see was about how Rhys got out of the pool.
Source: @MattRooksTaylor on Twitter
== AdoptOurCrew Coverage of Bazingstoke ==
Our friends over at AdoptOurCrew Team was kind enough to transcribe several questions and answers from the cast on all three days of the con! If you have access to Twitter, they have lots and lots of videos and content, please visit it here. I tried to screenshot the written transcriptions best I could below-- but if you have access to twitter, please go interact with their twitter!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter Some more pictures from the first panel from ourvery kind and generous @cosmosart-s! Thank you so much dearie for sharing these with us!
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Source: Cosmosa Arts Instagram
== Second OFMD Panel ==
This panel featured Vico, Con, Cooper, Kristian, and Rhys! Thank you again to AdoptOurCrew for the highlights! AdoptOurCrew's Twitter Thread
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Img Src: Basingstoke Comic Con Instagram
== Third OFMD Panel ==
The last panel was with our dear captain. Once again, thank you to Adopt Our Crew for providing coverage! Technically pictures and videos were allowed, but as you can imagine, we're pirates. What else were they expecting? Running out of image space, some great shots were taken by @ofmd-ann. You can see them here. If you'd like to see the video in the screenshots below you can visit Cree's Twitter (Sorry, only one vid per post and so I need to grab permission first before posting here so I'll see if I can reach out to Cree about sharing it on Tumblr).
Screenshots below: Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== We're Wolves News ==
So after the panel and Rhys mentioning he wanted to see We're Wolves made, @ Starqueenie4eva on twitter decided to tweet Jemaine, and well, he responded. He didn't say "no" he said it "has been delayed" 👀
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Source: Jemaine Clement's Twitter
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
I was gonna put these at the end like normal in Part 2 but I couldnt find them again because tumblr search sucks! So here we are.
Gifs courtesy of the fabulous @neverswungonswingingstars and @wastingyourgum!
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blogforfauna · 2 years
Crocuta crocuta
Although they have some dog-like traits, hyenas are only very distantly related to canines. They’re more closely related to cats. Their closest relatives, though, are actually mongooses (mongeese?) and civets.
Also known as laughing hyenas, spotted hyenas are the largest of four hyena species, weighing up to 140 pounds (63.5 kg)
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Hyenas have a bad reputation. Although hyenas in some areas do kill livestock, this infamy is mostly due to myths and legends about them. They are believed to be “grave robbers,” or prone to digging bodies out of graves, as well as being stupid and cowardly. Spotted hyenas are even seen as demonic do to their wild laughing vocalization. The Lion King definitely didn’t help their case either, with spotted hyenas playing the role of dumb antagonists.
Another myth about hyenas is that they are hermaphrodites, meaning the species does not have distinct males and females. They do, but it’s almost impossible to tell them apart since both sexes have male genitalia. The females, which are more dominant than males, likely have male genitals due to high levels of testosterone.
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Hyenas are extremely social animals, forming close bonds and living in clans that can reach huge sizes, some with over 100 individuals. They are considered to be some of the most socially complex animals in the world and are highly cooperative with other hyenas, scoring higher than primates on tests that involve working with others.
This cooperative behavior is how they hunt (or steal). Large animals like wildebeest, zebra, antelope, and impala are targeted by groups of hyenas. Hyenas also get food by using large groups to steal prey from other predatory animals like lions, leopards, and African wild dogs. Every part of these stolen carcasses can be eaten, including the bones. This is thanks to extremely powerful jaws that give the hyena a bite force of 1100 PSI (almost as much as a grizzly bear).
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Hyenas also make some of the best parents in the animal kingdom. They have up to four cubs per litter, all of which are all born jet black, and they care for them for over a year. The mother also plays with them for hours at a time. They sometimes have to leave their cubs for long periods of time in order to hunt, but their extremely rich milk sustains the cubs through this time. Hyena milk is higher in protein and fat content than any other terrestrial carnivore.
I rate the spotted hyena 26/10 I love them so much I don’t even know what to say
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Photo credits:
(1) Will Burrard-Lucas (2) Unknown (3) Kristian Sekulic (4) Carole Deschuymere (5) Keith Connelly
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soapbubbles511 · 2 years
My two cents on the S2 trailer/premiere date because the fandom keeps hyping itself up at least once a week over some imagined drop date. Jenkins is not going to release the promo this week on Kristian's insta live. The trailer is not going to premiere at the next convention in a couple weeks or any other special date picked by fandom. Jenkins has no control over when it's released. This is completely on HBO's schedule.
HBO puts out a general trailer for upcoming shows once per quarter. OFMD had like 2 seconds of old footage in the January one. The next one should be early April. I'm expecting OFMD to feature more heavily in that one and with new footage.
The cutoff for this year's Emmy eligibility is the end of May. I don't think they'll want to skip a year of eligibility. My bet is on S2 premiering sometime mid-April to early May. So I do think the trailer will come out soon-ish. But like sometime within the next month soon-ish.
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sf-images · 5 months
Earth Day 2024
April 21, 2024, update: . . . " the average global temperature on Earth has increased by at least 1.2° Celsius (1.9° Fahrenheit) since 1880 (it increased 0.4° Celsius since 2016). There is only 0.3° Celsius of increase left before we hit the first tier of cataclysmic thresholds, according to environmental scientists.
According to an ongoing temperature analysis led by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), "the average global temperature on Earth has increased by at least 1.2° Celsius (1.9° Fahrenheit) since 1880 (it increased 0.4° Celsius since 2016). The majority of the warming has occurred since 1975, at a rate of roughly 0.15 to 0.20°C per decade. . . . . The data reflect how much warmer or cooler each region was compared to the base period of 1951-1980. (The global mean surface air temperature for that period was 14°C (57°F), with an uncertainty of several tenths of a degree.)"
Adding to this is the growing number of methane sinkholes, each releasing several gigatons of gas per day. This growing phenomenon is changing all the current climate projections. Indeed, we might already have reached the climate tipping point.
There was a time when we believed that we were the center of the universe and that we should have dominion over the Earth. But then Copernicus came along, who asserted that the Sun is indeed the center of our solar system, the Moon being the only body that revolved around the Earth. I'm sure you know that this resulted in a bit of an uproar. As for the dominion idea, our use of resources, overhunting, and factory farming of animals has contributed to climate change and the current sixth extinction. Watch Marvin Gaye's video, Mercy, Mercy Me (The Ecology), released in 1971.
The following two photos show a contrast between Greenland's Tunu Glacier in 1933 and 2013. This melt-back is characteristic of ice all around the world, though melt-back varies widely, depending on location.
The Greenland Ice Sheet - 80 years of climate change seen from the air.
/ Bjørk, Anders Anker; Kjær, Kurt H.; Larsen, Nicolaj Krog; Kjeldsen, Kristian Kjellerup; Khan, Shfaqat Abbas; Funder, Svend Visby; Korsgaard, Niels Jákup. 2014. Abstract from 44th International Arctic Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, United States.
It wasn't so long ago that Carl Sagan and climate scientists started sounding the alarm that we were going down a dangerous path. Subsequent climate data has revealed that those early projections vastly underestimated what was happening, since we now know that climate change is not a linear but an exponential process. That is, it happens faster and faster over time.
Via Voyager 1 (click to enlarge)
The now famous photograph of Earth as a pale blue dot was taken on February 14, 1990 by the deep space probe, Voyager 1, from a record distance of about 6 billion kilometers (3.7 billion miles). The more recent
Via Cassini
photograph was taken by the deep space probe, Cassini. Though more striking with Saturn in the foreground, it also shows how Earth is but a spec in the cosmos. As Sagan said in his book: Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. (Carl Sagan, The Pale Blue Dot, 1994)
People often say we have to save the Earth. Not so! The Earth will go on just fine without us. The issue is preserving the current biosphere that supports us and the other higher vertebrates. There will always be life on the planet so long as there's liquid water. As I present every year, here is my fictionalized account of our worst scenario. Let's do better!
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anobjectshowguy · 9 months
My favorite thing right now has to be speech synthesizers!
If I don’t talk about them I’m going to EXPLODE, sorry to anyone who follows me for this long post but…
I’ve loved speech synthesis for a really long time! I think they’re really cool for a machine that was first invented in 1939 (That’s 84 years ago).
A bunch of companies made them back in the day, but the two shown here are the DECtalk Express (1994) and the Dolphin Apollo 2 (I couldn’t find when it was made, the copyright is 1998).
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You may know speech synthesis like Siri or Google, but the first ever speech synthesizers made and recorded was VODER who was detected by Homer Dudley at Bell Labs in 1939. There were many other speech synthesizers after VODER.
IBM 704 7094, for example, was a speech synthesizer known for their performance of Daisy Bell (1961), they were the first ever man-made computer to sing!
(Video by Computer History Archives Project)
Another example would be tsi s14001A, also known as Otto.
(Video by Plogue Art et Technologie, Inc)
Anyways, here are some videos of the more modern speech synthesizers:
Video by Guido Lehwalder on YouTube
Video by Living Computers: Museum + Labs on YouTube
My two favorite video of these amazing machines, however, is by Per Kristian Risvik. This one has not the Intex Talker (not sure of the model) and the DECtakl Express.
And this one with the Dolphin Apollo 2 and DECtalk Express
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curiositasmundi · 8 months
A Cortina hanno fretta di abbattere i 500 larici secolari a Ronco dove, secondo le intenzioni del governo, dovrebbe sorgere la nuova pista da bob “Eugenio Monti”. Infrastrutture Milano Cortina 2026 (Simico), la società che ha come commissario straordinario Luigivalerio Sant’Andrea, ha assegnato a tempo di record l’appalto per tagliare gli alberi, in vista dell’apertura dei cantieri. I lavori saranno effettuati dalla società di Luca Ghedina (è il fratello del campione di discesa libera Kristian), un imprenditore diventato famoso per aver ripreso e inseguito in auto quattro lupi nella notte. Il filmato fece il giro dei social, ma per aver disturbato gli animali, venne condannato con decreto penale del Tribunale.
Simico non ha perso tempo, dopo aver assegnato i lavori alla Pizzarotti di Parma, che il 19 febbraio dovrebbe recintare e prendere possesso dei quattro ettari di bosco. Utilizzando la procedura dell’affidamento diretto, ha chiesto un preventivo a un solo operatore economico “di comprovata esperienza nel settore” per il “servizio di taglio alberi, ivi compreso il trasporto e l’accatastamento del legname”. Si è rivolta a LGB forestal service srl di Cortina, l’acronimo sta per Luca Ghedina “Brocco”, il nomignolo con cui è conosciuta la famiglia. Il fratello del campione di sci ha presentato un preventivo per il taglio del bosco, compresi il trasporto e l’accatastamento del legname, nonché lo sgombero della neve necessario per accedere ai luoghi di lavoro, l’allestimento dei tronchi da sega e la sramatura.
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snarkleharkle · 4 months
You are very ignorant of Norwegian history and should read up before you criticise an entire nation. There’s a reason Jews fled from Norway to Sweden and it’s because we were invaded by Germany. We were just as much victims of WW2 as any other nation who was seized. And thousands of Norwegians gave their lives to smuggle Jews across the border. How dare you.
Seriøst? Nei? Mens Danmark reddet så godt som alle sine Jøder, var Norsk politi med å arrestere de Norske. I et land hvor Jødeparagrafen ble avskaffet i 1851. Ta av de rosefargede brillene dine og lær egen historie.
Og gutta på skauen som tok seg godt betalt for å frakte dem til Sverige, og ikke alle kom frem.
Foreslår du lærer litt historie.
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head-post · 6 months
Australia fails to meet climate target by 2030
According to Oxford Economics, Australia’s carbon dioxide emissions are not declining fast enough to meet its climate target by 2030, as renewable energy adoption is taking longer than originally expected, Bloomberg notes.
In its analysis on 18 March, Oxford stated that Australia might not meet the target in a couple of years, while the country aimed to achieve emissions levels of 43% lower than 2005 rates by 2030. Kristian Kolding, head of consulting for Oxford Economics Australia, claimed:
“The roll-out of renewable energy is taking longer than expected. But more worrying is the fact that we don’t currently see a path to meaningfully decarbonising hard-to-abate industrial sectors and electrifying the vehicle fleet will take decades.”
In 2023, the world experienced the hottest year on record, exacerbating the need for countries to meet their emissions targets to decelerate climate change. Australia, one of the world’s largest per capita emitters, has legislated its commitment to achieve zero emissions by 2050.
Read more HERE
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deathwhoregutfucker · 2 months
𝖁𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊 𝕻𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖊 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘
BITER! He bites just about everyone
He turns into a bat whenever he’s pissed off so he can sneak up and bite people without them noticing
He bites a lot but he doesn’t actually drink everyone’s blood unless he’s in love with them (cough cough Varg cough cough Euronymous…)
Whenever he would like someone, he would use mind control and essentially brainwash them into being in love with him
He would also just fuck with people and make them think that they did things that they didn’t do
He’s sick and tired of being alive, very suicidal
He would eventually bite Øystein and turn him into a vampire too
Just imagine them flying through the night together and falling asleep under a tree
It would be a struggle to get him outside during the day
He’d get a sunburn no matter how much sunscreen he’d put on
And Varg would keep an assortment of wooden stakes in his room and he’d threaten to kill Pelle whenever he would bite him (only because of his internalized homophobia, he would probably jerk off after it lmao)
But he would turn Varg into a vampire too, he’d make sure of it.
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artesostenible · 10 months
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Per Kristian Nygård - Post Ad-hoc
Escultura de tubo de acero. Altura: 0,94 cm. Diámetro aprox. 6 metros.
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bootstrapparadoxed · 6 months
12 and 20 for the ask game?
12. give three songs or images that fit [character].
I'm gonna give 3 songs for Kristian, the protagonist of FrankensteinWIP since I already have a moodboard for it.
Imagine Dragons - Shots
If We Were Vampires - Chester See
Doctor - Truslow
(picked from my Spotify list of liked songs based off of vibes,,,)
20. where do you begin a WIP? ex: a mood, a scene, a certain character dynamic, etc. does this differ per project?
My style of working on novels have changed quite a bit from novel one to now (novel, uh, four or five I think?) - I used to be a pure pantser, now I'm much more of a planner. But I feel like, in either case, I usually start with seeing specific scenes very clearly in my head and then I kind of work around that. So I start with setting, genre, mood, etc, and then everything else like characters and specific plot coalesce around it. Basically it's all vibes in the beginning and then I work backwards from a pitch and some scenes I can imagine very clearly in my head.
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