#Pendant Audio
pendantaudio · 4 days
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Tilly's Trans Tuesdays episode 83: Grab your Tillyvision goggles, it's time for more "I Saw the TV Glow" trans allegory goodness! This week we talk losing access to our femininity, seeking out community, and the horrible things society tells us about ourselves. Lilah Sturges returns to discuss Hamlet and Chekhov's Egg!
Hosted by Tilly Bridges and Susan Bridges. Sound mixing by Jillian Morgan. Available on Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Samsung Podcasts, and more!
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marinecorvid · 2 years
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cursethrower · 1 year
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decadentindustries · 1 year
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Cleveland U-Shape Mid-sized traditional u-shaped seated home bar idea with an undermount sink, flat-panel cabinets, and brown cabinets. The countertops are brown granite, and the floor is medium tone wood.
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taxi-davis · 1 year
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thekinkymadscientist · 4 months
Kind of sad that there is no evidence for sleep learning, or any other substantial effect of audio played while a subject is asleep.
But I have a better idea, one which would work quite well.
All I have to do is dangle a lovely pendant in front of your eyes as you're sleeping, and gently wake you up.
Before you're even fully awake, you'll be focusing on the beautiful crystal, hearing my gently commanding voice telling you to float into trance for me. It's so easy for you to obey even when you're wide awake -- your half-asleep brain won't have a chance to formulate a single coherent thought before you're deeply hypnotized.
And then, sitting on the bed with you in the middle of the night, I can guide you through wonderfully intensive brainwashing. You'll blankly repeat new truths, feel my words seep into your mind, feel any little seeds of resistance or independence swept away so thoroughly you can't even remember they were there.
And once I've moulded your mind to my liking, I'll tell you it was all just a dream, an unimportant dream you can barely remember anyway. And with a tap on the forehead I'll send you back to sleep.
So each morning, there will be new things you believe, or old programming reinforced. New truths that you always believed. You always wanted to be owned and controlled. You always felt this way.
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dom-guilfoyle · 5 months
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By now you may have already heard, at long last, what a man with a voice like honey and chocolate and coffee all at once.
Turns out, it sounds like David Ault!
David (he/him) is a voice actor from North Yorkshire, UK. He started voice acting with Darker Projects in 2005, moving through The Byron Chronicles, Pendant Audio, Colonial Radio Theatre to modern day antics with Fool & Scholar, the NoSleep Podcast team and Shadows at the Door: The Podcast. He’s a big fan of tea, ghosts and astronomy, and can be found online @DavidAult on Twitter, or www.davidault.co.uk
Great to have you on board, David!
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Ok. Ive finished what we have for cantripped, and so here are mine and Rev @itsafablefolks thoughts/theories. Small disclaimer, I’m bad with spelling on a good day and this is an audio medium. Things will probably be spelled wrong. Long post with Spoilers and theories for cantripped below!
1. We know a lot about Kerian’s deal already. My main question in that area is about Eudora. I don’t know if they’re a god or just a powerful entity or if it really matters, but she’s trapped, presumably in the pendant. Our initial thought is that whatever this Fae magic nonsense that’s on the dagger (and Neph is also related to) is related to how (why??) she got trapped, but that’s us taking shots in the dark.
2. Dan’s scared of fire, has survived one before, referred to his sister in the past tense (in the three fun facts), and is hunting the forsindicated. Connor also mentioned that Dan’s having a bit of an identity crisis (in the downtime ep), and so my thought is that he lost someone/thing in a fire, and then became this Daniel Thorns folk hero to a)make sure that other people don’t go through what he did and b)get the people who did it in the first place (mayhaps? I’m spitballing here), but got caught up in the persona and now is having a Time about it.
3. Rowan’s the person whose backstory is gonna cause us the least like…physical problems. We don’t know a ton right now, but here are my thoughts. I think Rowan while growing up probably had an affinity for magic. Maybe she was really curious about it, and learned a couple of easy wizard spells (in the downtime ep, Beck said she wasn’t really learning the new spells, but remembering them). Then, maybe her parents, people in her village, start seeing this and being like oh, you’re gonna go and be a wizard, you’re gonna do big things, and she hates it. She left the hayloft conversation as they were talking about learning to become a leader and like…following what you’re supposed to do, and Rowan seems like she hates being constrained in any sort of way. So she packs up and leaves, teaches herself how to play the lute, and becomes a bard.
3b. Also, I have no clue why the dagger immediately attuned to her. Maybe she’s immortal. Maybe there’s other magic fuckery. Who knows.
4. In contrast to Rowan, Neph’s backstory is gonna absolutely cause us Problems. We know that he grew up with a family of orc rangers, and then somehow got roped into the Estalera (spelling??? The fae kingdom) palace with this prince Zanden, and persumably learned how to be Fancy^tm then. He also at one point got unfairly arrested because of the forsindicated. It’s unclear whether the forsindicated are connected to the Estalera royal family, but it’s a possibility? Either way, he’s running, and we don’t think for very long, because he’s just now started having these hide and seek dreams. If the forsindicated and the Estalera are connected, it could be because of the whole breaking Dan out of prison thing, but again, we can’t make any solid judgments on that yet. But about the spell, our thought is that every time he loses a game, he gets more runes, and eventually something bad happens. Zanden can track him now? Neph gets possessed? Who knows. But something bad, definitely.
Those are our thoughts! This is what happens when you listen to all of it in like…three days and have all the info in your brain at once. They’re just theories, and we’re probably Way off the mark on some points. But we’re having fun, and I cannot wait to listen to more.
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yourstrulynameless · 3 months
Dr. Vincent Shaw
-aka scp-963 || class: safe || level: 4
“Mistakes were made”
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> Position: Site Director
> Location: Site-19
> Note: Not again.
> Addendum 963-a
> Transcript of Site announcement speaker audio on ▉︎▉︎/▉︎▉︎/▉︎▉︎.
“In 10 minutes, at exactly 14:39, scp-76 will breach containment. All security guards get into position, this is not a fucking drill! Contact MTF immediately! All personnel untrained in combat get as far away from wings, east, east west and west of floor 14- actually just get off the fucking floor entirely! I repeat, this is not a drill!”
> Addendum 963-b
> Interview transcripts between Dr.Shaw and Dr.Oglin.
Dr.Oglin: How did you get access to the speakers?
Dr.Vincent: Well, I mean, emergency buttons are everywhere.
Dr.Oglin: True, but you need a level 4 keycard to actually use the speakers. Everyone heard your voice, not the prerecorded ones.
Dr.Vincent: Dr.Mandrake dropped hers in the hall. I used that to make sure everything would go smoothly.
Dr.Oglin: You must be aware that using other keycards is prohibited, yes?
Dr.Vincent: Sir, this was a life or death situation, you gotta understand. If I didn’t act, Abel would have gone AWOL and killed at least three wings! Not to mention the amount of damages and breaches of other scps—
Dr.Oglin: So how did you know? You haven’t been seen nowhere near his cell.
Dr.Vincent: Okay. You gotta believe this then.
[He holds up scp-963 by the pendant]
Dr.Vincent: Every time I die, I wake up at the start of the day. I’ve only had it for today so if I don’t know all the gimmicks— This is the farthest I’ve gotten without a loop because you keep killing me. Well, not you specifically, but just any of you! You always want to test it out and prove it which sends me back to morning and I gotta repeat eeeeverything again and I’m tired of it so don’t you fucking dare! Just at least let me pass this day— Also, if you need more proof? Megan is cheating on you, check under your fucking bed she has another guy’s pair of shorts there. Check the cameras while you’re at it! You’ll see I’m nowhere near your living quarters and the only reason I know this is because of a previous loop. Sorry to use your relationship to prove my fucking point but honestly why are you dating in the Foundation anyway, we all know that’s a dumb idea.
> The rest of the interview has been expunged.
> Addendum 963-c
> A collection of test results according to Dr.Vincent. All deaths are either shots to the head dealt by Foundation standard pistols or by lethal injections.
Control Group
Test: Killed once a day for 7 days straight while subject does not deter from standard path.
Result: Subject waking up exactly when he woke up for the first time of that day. He was able to predict exactly how the day goes.
Test: Subject rolls a dice and is then killed. Subject lives through day again and rolls dice once more.
Result: First roll resulted in a 1, second roll resulted in a 6.
Test: Kill subject while asleep at night.
Result: Subject wakes up previous morning.
Test: Kill subject after subject takes mid day nap.
Result: Subject still wakes up in morning.
Test: Kill subject after subject has not slept in over 24 hours.
Result: Subject returns to start of last day experienced at exactly 12:00am.
Test: Patient takes off scp-963.
Result: Day restarts.
Test: Patient wears necklace with another subject at the same time. Subject b is killed and then subject a.
Result: Subject b has no recollection of the day while Subject a goes through standard results.
Test: Subject kills self.
Result: Standard.
> Addendum 963-d
> Following test was not authorised and was done by Dr.Vincent alone.
Test: Destroy scp-963 with a hammer.
Result: Day resets.
Congratulations! For scrolling through allat you get his playlist!
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pendantaudio · 11 days
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Tilly's Trans Tuesdays episode 82: "I Saw the TV Glow" in Tillyvision continues! This week we get our first true exploration of our own transness, and with it comes learning about transphobia in all its forms. Comic writer Lilah Sturges returns to discuss viscous liquids! Everybody do a little dance.
Hosted by Tilly Bridges and Susan Bridges. Sound mixing by Jillian Morgan. Available on Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Samsung Podcasts, and more!
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lineffability · 8 months
the serpent files (teaser)
[clears throat] "Let’s get your statement, then. Do go on as coherently as possible, please. It will all be… it will all be tickety-boo, I’m– I hope. The sooner we record this, the sooner we can try to, to look into it, to help you. But to help you, I really need to know what happened, Crowley. Please. I do so want to help. You’re a… friend.”
[audible inhale] “Okay. Okay, I’ll try. [laughs nervously] Tickety-boo?”
“Alright. Let’s begin again. Statement of Anthony J. Crowley, regarding strange occurrences in relation to an ouroboros necklace with a sword pendant. Original statement given May 31st, 2019. Audio-recording by Az Fell, Head Archivist of the Eden Institute, London. Statement begins:”
“Okay. So. It all started a month ago. Boss gave me this assignment – well, not directly, he sent Hastur and Ligur.”
“Full names, please.”
“You think I know their full names? This is a crime ring, not a family. I mean, I know my boss as Lucifer Morningstar, but I really don’t think that’s his real name.”
“Doubtful. Fair enough. Full names wherever possible, please.”
“So Hastur and Ligur called,  wanted to meet up. In this stupid graveyard of all places, just their style. They’re the kind of people who, dunno, lurk? Like some kinda wannabe villains. Professional lurkers. Is that a thing? Lurking contests? Dunno. Well, it’s the only thing they’re actually good at. Uh, were. Suppose. I keep forgetting. Weird, because I also can’t forget at all. Fucking haunting, actually. But back then they gave me this package, said they had a job for me. Assignment, that’s what we call it, for some weird culty reason, I guess. Then Ligur said something like ‘Ciao, Crowley, wow you look so cool, why are you always so cool and impeccably dressed? I’m so jealous of you Crowley, I wish I could–”
“That’s not what he said, is it.”
“Perceptive, angel.”
“Uhm. Az Fell. Angel, Azfell, tomato, tomato. Mumbling, bad habit. No, it’s not what he said. Was trying to, mh, lighten the mood. You look so nervous.”
“Me? I’m not nervous. [pause] Crowley, it’s normal to be troubled by all this. [shuffling noises] I understand. [long pause] Ready to go on?”
“Y- yeah. Uh. Thanks.  I’m okay, really. Not like I cared about them or anything. But what happened… talking about it, remembering, reconstructing, it’s a bit like looking where the furniture isn’t. Like, like chess pieces on a board without black and white squares."
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hydrangeyes · 11 months
love language
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
Edit: So shuffling through my docs It's been brought to my attention that wattpad (who I use as backup) Cut a lot of my fics in half??? anyway I'll be trying to fix that also
lego monkey king character love languages
- It's physical touch
- like come on it's so obvious frfr this man is emotionally constipated
- that and gifts of any kind
- one day you get a shiny rock the next he's giving you an ancient and precious golden pendant or something
- more times than not you can find each other cuddling and sun bathing on his island or temple
- if he's feeling particularly soft or something that is when he speaks up, pulling you aside to play with your fingers as he nervously asks if you know just how much he loves you. (This def feels more constant after the lbd deal)
- at first it was sweet but towards the 3rd hour of him describing everything you basically kiss him silent
- work out around him and all that goes through his head is "buddah I'm so very gay, gay gay gay, my mate is so fucking hot."
- I whole heartily believe he would recite that audio of spike saying "I love a person who can beat him up, I want it to get embarrassing." Just towards you and it's so fucking funny.
- He's vocal and physical.
- vocal in a round about way but def the type to fuss when you have to get up from the cuddle pile for even a sec
- feel like Mac would recite poetry or lines from a play
- will beat someone up for you, a single frown and he's already plotting murder
- in turn melts when you give him a kiss anywhere
- his favorites are on the cheek
- anyway, he wouldn't give you gifts unless its during festivals and such, very much a practical use gift giver
- he doesn't want there to be any doubt that he loves you and knows you love him, and if there's a smidgen of doubt he's blunt in asking
- Besides sandy idk why but probably the most to be very hands down "communication is key" in the relationship
- idk why but he likes hanging or being on your shoulders, whether your short or talk my dude, he's on your shoulders in some way
- I head canon he's demi on all accounts cause I want too, so everything starts as friendship
- as time goes he starts dragging you about to his fav places to eat or snack
- seems like the type to bring you back really good food
- he can't cook for shit but he just found this new food place and thinks you might like it
- in a non yandere way keeps tabs on everything you enjoy
- so I guess also a gift giver
- the gifts are food (I would say folklore books but I feel like that's more something you give him and you both read it together)
- hard to say what else as I've convinced my mind that tang is happily married (platonic or not) to pigsy and then both dating sandy, speaking of which-
- everything, he's a giver
- cuddles, gifts, kisses, cooking you meals, talking
- sandy I feel is very loving, just a big old cheese ball
- Just imagining him waking you up with a kiss on the forhead and the smell of your favorite tea and breakfast, mo purr on the bed as you guys talk about what to do today
- I def wanna say he's definitely a "look at my awesome handsome boyfriend/fiancee/husband/partner!" Will Smith pose style
- leaves stick notes of love letters and I love yous everywhere when he is in a rush for work or helping the gang somewhere
- Easy
- he cooks you meals, he's great at it and it's something he's most confident in
- not just any but handmade and usually family recipes he doesn't make for the shop
- Spending time to show you how to make his family recipes
- a "Why would I buy you chocolates when I can make you chocolate from scratch for sweethearts day?"
- the calmest around you, not that you mind when he's being passionate (about hobbies and a new recipe he's thought of)
- his secret taste tester, before tang he let's you try all the new meals he has planned
- he tries to flirt but he sucks at it, you are kinda into that, it's cute
- He's very vocal but nervous when it comes to affection but gives it in abundance
- the way he proposes is asking if you wanna help parent mk
- if you ever fight (usually on work and taking breaks), you both give each other the silent treatment; pigsby usually caves first (hes hot headed but once he cools down its liek why was i even mad???) and goes to talk things out, usually the shop is closed next day and you both are on a date
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equipe · 8 days
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ernestinee · 10 months
La douceur de vivre, en ce moment.
- Avoir choisi d'intégrer des petites touches slow dans notre vie et voir que ça fonctionne bien :
- Le poêle de masse, qu'on commence à mieux connaître, qui nous réchauffe la maison pendant 12 à 24h avec 6 bûches de sapin
- La cocotte qui cuit doucement nos repas, dans le four du poêle de masse.
- Le pain sans pétrissage, qui lève 12h avant d'être cuit dans la cocotte.
- Les panneaux solaires qui produisent + que ce que l'on consomme.
- Retrouver et réparer un truc qui lit les cassettes audio, acheter des vieilles cassettes pour presque rien
- La sensation d'être plus connectée à ma vie, ne pas regarder l'heure mais prendre des points de repère par-ci-par-là. C'était un objectif pour l'année, d'ajouter un peu de slow, et ça fait beaucoup de bien.
- Changer la disposition du salon vu qu'on quitte le poêle en fonte, et donner moins d'importance à l'immense TV. Avoir un tapis jaune sur le sol, tenir bon quand je trouve qu'il est bof (on passe d'un tapis brun et une table blanche à un tapis moutarde et une table en bois foncé) et finalement trouver qu'il illumine la maison.
- La petite plongée dans l'enfance, les routes connues par cœur, les jolis paysages rassurants et régressifs comme une tartine grillée à la cassonade, revoir mon cousin.
- Découvrir aujourd'hui par hasard une librairie pas loin de chez moi et savoir qu'elle va devenir mon endroit préféré, prévoir de partir plus tôt le jeudi quand je vais chercher l'ado à l'école pour y passer du temps.
- Retrouver instantanément l'envie de lire en entrant dans cette librairie, fortement, puissamment, profondément dans mon cœur, et être émue de cette sensation.
- Avoir quelques nouveaux patients qui me mettent des challenges.
- Faire des plans pro sur les 5 ans, arriver à la fin de l'immense vague qui m'a presque submergée de boulot depuis septembre, avoir enfin du temps pour penser aux nouveaux projets, écrire les prémices d'une formation pour adultes, avoir de nouvelles idées de matériel pour les patients.
- Trouver l'ado épanoui, le voir enfin prendre du poids, penser à ses affaires et prendre des décisions.
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loup-venant · 4 months
Quand les portes s'ouvrent, les voyageurs attendent en foule devant, empêchant en partie ceux qui descendent de s'extraire des voitures aisément. Les quais ne sont pas particulièrement étroits ni bondés. C'est en retrait que Léa observe cette inclination individuelle de plus en plus prononcée.
Une balade audio lui glisse dans les oreilles depuis son casque. Elle s'empare des tensions que la situation provoque dans son ventre. Léa ferme les yeux un instant. Une guitare, une voix douce, un hautbois, et des percussions modestes forment ensemble un air qui lui inspire un chemin sous les arbres l'été, entre forêt et champs. Une discussion entre amis qui vient de finir, qui laisse place au silence précieux, celui qui ouvre les portes des nuages ou des étoiles. Une véritable couverture de douceur, pour construire des forts ou rester au chaud devant les flammes.
Quand Léa rouvre les yeux, son agacement s'expulse dans un soupir profond. Le monde revient, sur le quai, dans le train. Les pas pressés des uns, les rires des autres. Elle s'aligne derrière un groupe de jeunes adolescents. Ils n'ont pas loins d'avoir son age, à une dizaine prêt. Ils se serrent les uns contres les autres, s'accrochent à ce qu'ils peuvent, le sac de leur copain de devant, la rampe verticale à l'entrée de la voiture, l'épaule de celui à coté. Un nuage dense comme un orage, prêt à s'engouffrer en un éclair dès que la route sera dégagée.
C'est au tour de Léa de s'avancer pour rentrer, elle a la main sur la rampe, son pied prêt à décoller quand quelqu'un lui passe devant. Un homme qui ne lui adresse aucun regard. Il est monté comme si l'escalier lui appartenait, et qu'il y vivait seul. C'est au moins ce qu'on peut lire sur le visage circonspect de Léa qui s'est reculée inconsciemment, par automatisme, malgré elle, pour éviter tout accident. Elle ne se permettrait pas de bousculer quelqu'un, le dépasser dans une file. Elle n'a pas été touchée, mais ça fait quand même mal.
Autour d'elle, elle n’aperçoit rien d'autre que des regards qui semblent lui demander ce qu'elle attend pour monter. Elle avale sa rancoeur, et se hisse dans le train, défaite. Dans le couloir entre les sièges, elle ère à la recherche d'une place seule. A première vue, ça ne sera pas pour aujourd'hui. Elle passe le groupe d'adolescents. Ils se sont entassés sur deux fois quatre place et continue de se pousser, de rigoler. Plus loin, une femme avec une valise au moins aussi grande qu'elle et deux sacs utilise également quatre places. En face, deux gars qui ne parlent pas mais qui s'étalent aussi loins qu'ils le peuvent la regarde passer.
C'est après eux, à coté d'un petit vieux avec une casquette et sa canne à laquelle il accroche un sourire imperturbable que Léa s'assied. Après, s'aurait été trop dangereux. C'est là que le gars qui lui est passé devant s'est assis. Elle souhaite éviter la prison tant qu'elle peut.
Le petit vieux regarde par la fenêtre pendant la quasi entièreté du trajet. Parfois, Léa a l'impression de lire des histoires dans ses yeux qui semblent s'accrocher à tous les détails des paysages qu'ils traversent. Son coeur s'apaise en l'observant. Il incarne la balade dans les bois à lui tout seul. Quand il se lève à son arrêt, c'est après un échange intense avec les yeux de Léa. Ils brillaient comme une flamme prête à s'éteindre. Fragile, et si belle à la fois.
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Concept Art - Something of the Wolf
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Sonic Screwdrivers
Both of Thete’s Versions (1 and 2) are based off of Eighth Doctor versions. The first Version is the one seen for the first time in the 1996 movie, the first Sonic created for the show since the prop was blown up in the Fifth Doctor serial The Visitation. The second Version is the prop created for the Big Finish Audio series Dark Eyes, and is the version most often seen being carried by Paul McGann at Cons.
Rose’s version is based heavily on the “make your own Sonic Kit” that allows you to mix and match three different heads, three different bodies, and three different bottoms - the style used is the most popular combination. The colors are my own decision however.
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Psychic Paper Billfolds
If you asked the Doctor, he’d just tell you a billfold is a billfold. But Rose insists that even the smallest thing has to have flair. Both are pure leather.
The Doctor’s billfold has a faint embossed hatch pattern and oak leaves with acorns.
Rose’s billfold has braiding and embossed flowering.
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The Bonding Pendants and the Wedding Rings
The Bonding Pendants both are made of polished red Gallifreyan stone was beveled Circular Gallifreyan carved into it that reads “House of Tyler.” They have clasps and rings made of gold-titanium alloy, and the cords are made of leather from Earth. Both the Doctor and Rose usually wear their wedding bands on the leather cords hanging right next to their pendants as well, but occasionally they wear them on their ring fingers in special occasions.
The Doctor’s Ring is a mix of red Gallifreyan stone with Cadonwood Inlay and gold-titanium alloy inlay. It is a flat simple band.
Rose’s ring has a red Gallifreyan stone with Cadonwood inlay band and a setting made of complex gold-titanium alloy leaves and posts. A single stone, a Gallifreyan White Point Star Diamond, is in the middle of the setting.
Both the pendants and the rings were hand-carved and welded.
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