#Pekka-Eric Auvinen
antihumanist · 3 months
Random Trivia/Facts About Pekka-Eric Auvinen:
He liked to go swimming, taking walks, and riding his bike for exercise
He never knew how to drive a car
He originally wanted to get a Glock but the police rejected his application because they thought a 9mm was too powerful for a starting firearms owner
He wrote in his diary he hoped to use a shotgun but obviously he never obtained one
He had been interested in things like history, political ideology, philosophy, etc since he was about 12 years old
When 9/11 happened, he was sad that it happened because at that time he admired America. He was still playing with Legos and would rebuild the twin towers over and over again
In the summer of 2006, he found a job working at a farm, but he left this job as soon ad summer ended. He also worked there with a friend from school if I remember right. It's not known what exactly he did at the farm
He was afraid in 2007 to find work because of his anxiety
Since a young age, he dressed formally/dress-like, which was one reason why he would get bullied at school. It's not clear if he wore things like button-up shirts and slacks because he wanted to or if his parents made him wear them.
He took school seriously, and wanted to try his best in all of his classes at Jokela High School. He usually got average to above average grades and was said to have been in above average intelligence compared to his classmates
When he was 14 years old, his social studies/history teacher remembers he was really opinionated about left wing and right wing ideologies, which was something he had never seen before In a student
When he was 17, in 2006, for a class discussion about North Korea, he told the class he thinked dictatorships were good because human beings didn't deserve rights at all
Even his parents say he was opinionated and stubborn, his mother said if you would try to convince him of an idea/ideology/viewpoint, he would go the opposite way of what said idea believes in
After graduation in 2008, he said he planned to go to a university to study either history, philosophy, or social psychology
He admired Hitlers leadership abilities and how he made the Third Reich a superpower, but he did not agree with Hitler ideologically
He hated racism and thought racism was stupid
In May of 2007, he and his English class watched a documentary about the Columbine Massacre (it's not known which documentary), classmates remember he was smiling and enjoying the documentary, he had already knew about Columbine by this point
He once asked his mother to go the library to get him a Finnish translation of the Unabombers manifesto Industrial Society And It's Future, but the library did not have one
In the few months leading to the Jokela Shooting, his grades had been dropping and was attending his classes less often
He got his computer in 2005 (iirc)
He took Lexapro but gradually stopped taking them by the time of his death
Whilst he may have had a few friends at school (although there is some debate of whether his in person friends were "true friends"), he probably felt he could relate and bond more with his online friends, so in a sense he was still a loner
He would blush whenever girls would say hi to him at school
Girls however, would sometimes take part in his bullying too
He once was a member of a forum called "SovietEmpire.com" but the site has since shut down
On the day of the shooting, he was supposedly seen on a supermarket CCTV riding his bike to the school but it was never released to the public
He had a knife on him, but he never used it. It was given to him by his grandfather
He was sad about the death of his grandmother
He had a mentally handicapped uncle, whom he cared about and loved
He had been accused of being a Nazi and a communist by his classmates
Somewhere around the ages of 8 to 12, he introduced himself by his name and that he loved democracy to his class on a first day of school
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parabellum--72 · 2 months
Was Pekka autistic? 🤔
(some researcher thought so)
Well, possibly..? I mean, I've been thinking about it as well. Like, he ticks some boxez... High, very high possibility. Would explain some thingzz....
If you start looking at it more clozely, he definitely had traitz. Judging by what he waz like. I mean, those researcherz probably weren't entirely wrong...! He definitely could of been on the spectrum.
I feel or have come to the conclusion, that he kind of had some resistance to change, restricted interestz on Pekka's case iz extremely obvious, don't ya think..? Whenever he was into something, he devoted his own persona to it.
Pekka seemz like an individual with.. Uh, kind of compulsive behaviour... I mean, he seems like a person who'd have something like that... Eh?
Anyways.. Splinter skills, when you come to think about how Pekka was quick to learn to play instrumentz for an example. By ear I've heard...
+ difficulties with social-emotional exchange etc.. Intense fixationz... That last one cost him hiz life, sad innit...? :(
Uh anyways, it would be interesting to have a long chat about Pecker's possible awwtysm with his parents.. Oh maybe only with mama bear... Wonder and theorise about the whole thing. Mama Bear probably knew Pekka the best in the end even though hiz actions came as a surprise... <\3
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hatefulwrath · 18 days
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⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆ PEKKA-ERIC AUVINEN ⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆
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cuntaindew · 4 months
i have a fetish for depressed white men who make debatable decisions
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fransfilth · 17 days
post your braindead takes with these pls
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ryanreload · 9 days
just a dude trying his gun
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au-hemeanssomething · 3 months
There’s nothing more pathetic then looking through a mass shooters life and thinking
“God, I miss him”
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blumewusten · 5 months
World of Delusion by Naturalselector89
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b0rnt0bebeheaded · 23 days
I think about this every day
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anthraxoddity · 17 days
Eric and Dylan in Tomodachi life.
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antihumanist · 5 months
List Of Criminals And Killers, Crimes/Cases That Pekka-Eric Auvinen Knew About:
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (Columbine High School Massacre)
Robert Steinhauser (Erfurt School Massacre)
Jeff Weise (Red Lake Shootings)
James Oliver Huberty (San Ysidro McDonalds Massacre)
Ted Kaczynski, The Unabomber
Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma City Bombing)
Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech Massacre)
Eric Rudolph (US domestic terrorist)
Ted Bundy
Jeffrey Dahmer
Franz Fuchs, The Austrian Unabomber
1995 Tokyo Subway Sarin Attacks
Charles Whitman (1966 University Of Texas, Austin Tower Shooting)
Jack The Ripper
Graham Young, The Teacup Poisioner
Dennis Rader, The BTK Killer
Eugen Schauman (Assassin)
JFK Assassination
2002 Moscow Theatre Siege
2004 Madrid Train Bombings
Halabja Massacre (Also known as the Halabja Chemical Attack)
Sebastian Bosse (Emsdetten School Shooting)
Waco Siege
Assassination Of Julius Caesar
Jack Gilbert Graham (United Airlines Flight 629 Bombing)
Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln
Assassination Of Leon Trotsky
Assassination Of Mahatma Ghandi
RFK Assassination
Woo Bum-kon (Uiryeoung County Massacre)
According to his mother, she was worried her son would also end up like Petri Gerdt, perpetrator of the Myyrmanni Bombing, It's likely Auvinen was aware of this case.
She had also talked with him about school shootings in America.
Auvinen had also debated with his mother whether if violent crimes were justified if given the right motive.
These are all that I know of to the best of my memory, if anyone has more please comment.
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parabellum--72 · 26 days
Did Pekka have a type? Like what kind of people was he interested in a romantic way?
Hmm.. To be frankly honest, I do not remember correctly at the moment.. If it waz mentioned, it iz surely out there..
But take a guess. Obviously he took a fancy towards the Princess. So that waz one of the type he liked romantically..!
And for a second guezz, he most likely liked intelligence, girliez who were into same music perhaps..? Ahem, girliez who were open to be submissive, into BDSM most likely for sure. And for some wild guessez, natural looking (he hated the glorious finnish pissis-culture)..? Hmm and he might of valued the fact that the girl would of had similar values of life than he had..
There, lazy answer but still an answer...! Have a cookie 🍪
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hatefulwrath · 18 days
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pekka 🔥
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calvingabrielchan · 2 months
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pekka and evil pekka ig
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fnrel · 6 days
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doomwadz · 1 month
im curious n i wanna know what the majority of people wanna pick…🤷🏼‍♀️ (despite them not liking u…😟)
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