#natural selector
hatefulwrath · 18 days
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⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆ PEKKA-ERIC AUVINEN ⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆
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darknessillumina · 13 days
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sua hora vai chegar...
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malicesaintoverseer · 16 days
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Tcc. 👀
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seat-safety-switch · 6 months
Everyone in my town has been 3D-printing dogs lately. Even though although the local shelter isn't particularly happy about it, I've never seen my neighbours so cheerful. It turns out that all we needed to stop obsessing about our inevitable glum oblivion from ultra-capitalism is a button you can press to make a puppy come out.
Sure, a lot of houses are up to their metaphorical yin-yangs in dogs. Who can blame them? The most intriguing thing in our lives is the "new." What colour of puppy will come out next? What happens if I spin the breed selector with my eyes closed? Can this thing print food for the several dozen very hungry animals now occupying my workshop area?
I'm not the kind of person to neglect anything. Well, except for my cars, house, yard, health, employment status, and environment. Dogs, though, I'll take care of them no problem. So I've been going around to the neighbours and scooping up their unwanted, extra dogs. What am I doing with them all? Horsepower. Er, uh, with dogs. You know what I mean.
I got the idea when I watched one of those nature documentaries. Some dude up north was using a bunch of dogs to pull his sled through the snow. It seemed a little dorky to me, but it also greatly appealed. You see, I didn't have any running cars. The last of my Diplomats was busy bleeding out on the driveway, with a hole punched in the engine about the size of a grocery store budget coconut.
Sure, the puppies don't have much pulling power individually, but if you put about sixty of them in front of the car, then you can get perilously close to breaking the playground-zone speed limit. And yes, there isn't much in the way of control: they're young, they haven't been trained, they incessantly yap, and there's a lot of poop on the front of my car now. In terms of getting to work on time? I also don't do that. When I do show up, though, everyone is so happy to see the puppies that they barely notice when I turn around and immediately start heading home after feeding my canine propulsion units the contents of the break-room fridge.
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basedhighsenberg · 7 months
I'm not convinced the "male loneliness epidemic" isn't just a majority of un-date-able (see: porn addicted) dudes missing the point and getting 'natural selected' out of reproduction. I'm also not in disagreement that women are the "natural mate selectors".
However, assuming both of these points are true, ladies: the "single mother epidemic" means you're doing a shit job of selecting.
Watching the modern dating scene in the west is a rip: you have a bunch of dudes who are perpetually single, never get any action or dates; and on the flip side you have all of these single mothers who all claim they can't find a good man but still have sex with and bear the children of ostensibly unworthy men- in some instances they're doing this with multiple men.
If you want to point fingers back at men for not "stepping up" that's fine- but again the question of "why did you select them to reproduce in the first place" still comes up. We can all agree, sex is not an entitlement. However if you're going to beat that drum, you have to actually abide by the rhythm.
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sunderingstars · 2 months
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✩ ‧₊˚ ⌞ EIDOLONS ⌝
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sampo analysis m.list
— what the stars reveal: interpretative analysis, heavily aha!sampo
— word count: 3k (can you tell i'm an english major? :3)
— overview: (as of 2.3) hello and welcome back to sampo theory time! this time, i’ll be looking at his eidolons, their names & art, and how they might factor in to his overarching identity and story. there will be a few conclusions i reference in this post (like eidolons progressing in a linear narrative), so if you want more on that, i highly recommend reading my eidolon names as narratives and eidolon art as facets of character posts first! it’s not required reading though (god i sound like a professor) — otherwise, enjoy!
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To begin, I would like to humbly say this post will likely be the most nerdy thing I’ve ever posted in my life. I have written entire paragraphs about two singular words for this. Two words. And I have even more I can say about them! But anyways, just a heads up, this is the type of thing you’d probably see spoken by a stereotypical “nerd” archetype in a high school movie. But without further ado, let’s get started!
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(Yes, I am sad that I still only have him at E2 despite pulling every time he’s on a banner. And both of these are from event character selectors :))
My main thesis for this analysis is that Sampo’s eidolons follow a similar narrative structure to other eidolon sets in that they start with his backstory and progress to the present (and open-ended future) of where we are in the story; additionally, the placement of these names with the facets of his eidolon art add to further implications for his personality and development. This can lend itself to multiple of my theories — the main ones I will be interpreting for are Aha!Sampo, Emanator!Sampo / Functional Aha, and Dual Consciousness!Sampo.
✩ ‧₊˚ ⌞ AHA!SAMPO ⌝
Starting with Aha!Sampo, I interpret these eidolons as beginning at his “rise” to Aeonhood, then following through to him “spending” some kind of cost in the present/future for whatever his plans are. 
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“Rising Love,” his E1, has two important components — “rising” and “love.” “Rising” seems the most obvious to me, as Aeons have been referenced to “fall” before, so it makes sense that they would also be able to “rise.” Additionally, Himeko has explained that Aeons “ascended from the form of intelligent beings” (Parlor Car Dialogue); beyond “ascend” being a direct synonym of “rise,” this shows that Aeons can come from physical and perhaps even humanoid beings. In fact, Aha’s lore in the data bank, while not explicitly stating that Aha used to be mortal, implies the “climbing” of the tree of existence and laughing, which is a very human act. (However, it is good to keep in mind that this is a parable told by the Masked Fools, and given the nature of Elation factions may not be entirely truthful.) In this way, “ascend” and “rise” may be interchangeable, and the “birth” of an Aeon could also refer to the “rise” of a mortal to Aeonic status.
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Next is “love.” For this we need to think not as followers of a Path, but as an Aeon Themself. While it may be easy to think “If he’s Aha, it should say rising elation” — 1. That might be a bit too obvious from a writing standpoint and 2. From an Aeonic perspective, Aha may very well view “Elation” as “love.” They may view spreading Laughter throughout the universe as the ultimate form of love, and as such “rising love” could refer to the rising of a being capable of dispersing “love” (Elation) on a wide scale throughout the universe.
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After the ascension, or “rise,” to Aeonhood comes Sampo’s E2, “Infectious Enthusiasm.” This is one of the more obvious ones in my opinion, as “infectious” implies a status capable of imposing itself on others — influencing them in ways that are perhaps beyond mortal comprehension — and “enthusiasm” is closely linked to “Elation” both in wording (starting with the letter E) and in connotation. “Enthusiasm” and “Elation” are both high-energy words, carrying the idea of excitement and even mania. I would view this as “Aha proper,” in which Sampo has come into his full identity as an Aeon and is thus capable of dispersing “infectious enthusiasm” onto others (Pathstriders). (Aha is also directly described as having “infectious enthusiasm” in the Simulated Universe!)
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“Big Money!”, his E3, is particularly interesting to me because it seems like an intrusion — a departure from the other, more grounded names. The exclamation mark especially lends itself to the exact kind of “infectious enthusiasm” present in his E2, to some kind of encroachment on his previous mortal existence. This ties into my compulsory existence theory, in which Aeons by nature live in a sort of compulsive state, needing to adhere to their given “concept” just by virtue of existence; this is heavily influenced by the game’s discussion of “Primum Mobile”s, or the idea of “restrictions” that come from existing as an Aeon. Aeons that ascend from mortal beings would experience the brunt of this, as their previous state would essentially be overwritten by this eldritch, compulsive concept. 
I think “Big Money!” could symbolize such a change in Sampo. After ascending to Aeonhood from a potentially mortal form, intrusive thoughts of Elation encroach on his very being — the feeling of momentary thrill, of “Big Money!” — likely leading him into his next state: “the deeper the love, the stronger the hate”.
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I’m not going to lie, I’m absolutely in love with the name for Sampo’s E4. It links back to so many aspects of his character in a way that sets up an amazing juxtaposition between his outward appearance and inward feelings in so few words! For me, “The Deeper The Love, The Stronger The Hate” highly relates to compulsory existence. As we see in Aha’s splash art, the smiling masks — the Elation, the “Love” — are always at the front in the spotlight, while the frowning masks — the sadness, the “Hate” — tend to be obscured in the background by shadow. 
In a compulsory existence, I can’t imagine how horrible it must be to constantly be forced into performing a singular emotion or concept. In all likelihood, these negative emotions are barely able be felt at all, leading to extremely repressed layers of fear, anger, sadness and, yes, “hate.” “The stronger the love” — the stronger the Elation — means more repression, more hiding, a stronger fermentation of despising one’s own existence lingering in the background like shadowed masks — “the stronger the hate.” In this way, I believe Sampo’s E4 may convey this dual existence, of an existence where one side is so deeply, powerfully out-of-proportion with the other that any emotion from the other side is left to fester unchecked below the surface. 
(Note: The name could also be referencing the talent level-up, which would show the self-aware aspect of his character. This would apply to his E5 as well.)
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This hate, of course, is then covered up by “Huuuuge Money!” (E5), because we can’t have those feelings swirling around in a being of pure Elation, can we? they must be taken out with the trash, overshadowed with yet another encroachment of exclamation marks and the thrill of sudden gains. After Sampo’s rise to Aeonhood, it must’ve been a constant battle between these underlying negative feelings and his compulsory, Elated existence — and given the linear progression of most eidolons, this must’ve been a pattern that repeated for millennia, over and over and over again, one he can never escape or solve. Perhaps it still is. 
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Which is why, in his E6 “Increased Spending,” I believe Sampo may be “paying a cost” to try to alleviate this issue. Whether by becoming mortal, sectioning off his power to others, passing along his title, or any other number of potential solutions I don’t know, but I feel like he is turning his compulsive nature of Elation to the thrill of the “cost” in the hope of changing some part of this ever-chaotic, ever-stagnating existence. Either that, or it is to further a master plan we the audience don’t know about.
Overall, in terms of Aha!Sampo, I interpret these eidolons of tracking his rise to Aeonhood through his compulsory existence and fermenting self-hatred, all the way to “increased spending” trying to find a way around this problem.
Now, let’s take this a step further and add his eidolon art into the mix. This is where I’ll start to get into some of the conclusions I discussed in my eidolon art as facets of character post.
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E1 (Rising Love): Keeping in mind “rising” as potentially referring to the rise of an Aeon and “love” as potentially referring to Aha’s idea of Elation, I see this figure as an ascending or untouchable silhouette; “walking” (or perhaps more aptly, climbing) into a new role. It also creates a distance between a potential “past” mortal form and a “current” Aeonic or ascended one.
E2 (Infectious Enthusiasm): I find it so interesting that “Infectious Enthusiasm” was chosen for the eye-centered eidolon. Since “Infectious Enthusiasm” is so, well, Aha-coded, this matches with the conclusions of first impressions and inciting incident from my eidolon art post. I believe this eye is meant to represent the first true “glimpse” of Aha people get — it is very close to the face without being too personal. It also spotlights Sampo’s unique facial features, mainly the almost condescending furrow of his brow. However, the eye itself has deep shadows, most likely referencing the dual hate within his being. This would be the “inciting incident” of Sampo in his Aeonhood proper, at the height of his power.
(Note: “Infectious” + the focus of an eye may further imply the presence of a “gaze” and the ability to distribute power in an Aeonic way.)
E3 (Big Money!): E3s are by far the most character-specific eidolon, with each character interacting with an important object to them. I feel like money is only fitting for Sampo, since it matches both the eidolon name and his obsession with making money. It very much leans into the “con-man” aspect of his character, and would make sense as the way acquaintances or those he keeps at arm’s length would view him (probably his customers).
I also find it extremely interesting how he is looking down. We see this a lot throughout his mannerisms and idles, with him always seeming to have a condescension that looks “down” on others below him. While this could be just another facet of his character, it also matches up with the way an Aeon may view the mortals around them — no matter how close They get to someone, that someone will always be “below” Them. It’s not even a conscious decision, just a natural byproduct of Aeonic existence, much like casting Their gaze down to bestow power on Pathstriders. Whether Sampo has become truly mortal at this point or not, it’s probably a bad habit to kick regardless. (I would also love to point out how him looking down at the money is also reminiscent of this (albeit more nostalgic and “loving”) face he makes towards Sparkle, a whole human being:)
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E4 (The Deeper The Love, The Stronger The Hate): Here, we zoom in even more on his personality. Beyond the superficial impressions people get from seeing him at a glance, we have now entered a more complex emotional understanding — his eye, unlike in his E2, is more faded and shadowed, the hand scratching his head and his smile pointing towards a sort of “act” he puts on for others. This shows multiple dimensions of him: both the charismatic, smiling con-man, and the hatred lurking beneath that façade’s surface. This would be in a more present timeline, highlighting his “fake” and mysterious nature as well as how he is portrayed to people who know him better like friends. It shows a clear dissatisfaction with the façade he has to put up; whether the “love” is also a true emotion to him is up for debate, but either way this eidolon has him balancing between these two sides of his being (potentially balancing between an eldritch and mortal consciousness, or dealing with the aftermath and residual power of a past Aeonhood). (He also seems to be looking down at the spot the masks would match up with if the silhouette was looking down in Aha’s splash art — it is possible that this “hate” refers to the hate he has for his power or the power of the masks. Or, perhaps, this looking down is a general way to symbolize a being of higher power looking down on those below them like Pathstriders.)
E5 (Huuuuge Money!): This eidolon is more casual and comfortable than the others — there seems to be no dual-sided hate, nor does there seem to be as prominent of a focus on obsessive moneymaking in the art itself (the name is a different story). Instead, the main focus is drawn to Sampo’s outfit, the moniker of his existence in Belobog. The upper half of his face is still cut off, but the art seems to be hinting at a potential comfortability in Belobog, as well as the future mystery of his true identity (and if he will choose “Sampo Koski” as his real self). I actually love this combination, because it shows how Sampo may be at his most casual in Belobog; it’s clear he’s made real connections with the people there, and regardless of his motives, it seems to be a place he deeply cares about. This would be his appearance to close friends, most likely those aforementioned connections in Belobog like Natasha or Seele. (However, the looming encroachment of “Huuuuge Money!” still hangs in the air, perhaps signaling a bigger issue with Aeonic consciousness persisting despite his best efforts.)
E6 (Increased Spending): Finally, we get to the core essence of Sampo’s being. This is him at his most vulnerable, his appearance to only a select few special people. His head is tilted, his neck bared, showing clear trust and confidence in this position. The main thing of note here is the similarities between E6 and Aha’s splash art — the same pose and build with a different tilt.
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This would mean that Sampo’s identity as Aha is his most vulnerable form of being — the fact of others knowing who he truly is, of wading through his personable exterior to reach the truth at the core of him, is a privilege only a trusted few get. This most likely points towards the “cost” implied by “increased spending,” the idea that, for whatever reason, Sampo’s true identity being revealed at the wrong time or too soon would put him in a less-than-ideal situation. As such, it is something he holds close to his chest (at least in Belobog) either willingly or unwillingly. (Note: This could also reference a past identity as Aha, it does not necessarily have to be something he experiences currently.)
It also shows that the silhouette in the splash art is the “core essence” of either Sampo, Aha, or both. Beyond the masks (much like Sampo’s façade) lies a deeper, truer version of who Aha is. The true Sampo is not the masks or the smiles or the laughs, but the shadowed figure beyond them, the silhouette that holds the hidden emotions of an Aeon.
I would also like to point out that, on the whole, Sampo’s eidolons (and kit in general) focuses on damage over time. Interpretations can be varied, but I personally like to think this further references the idea of “cost,” and that staying in mortal form as Sampo may be hurting him over time just like his DOTs affect others!
Overall, the art for these eidolons paired with the names create a fuller picture of who Sampo might be and what he might be hiding. There are a lot of hidden clues and implications that can be applied to several different interpretations, and I tried to account for multiple in my analysis! The standouts for me are his E2, E3, and E6, but that’s just because of personal preference. Before I conclude, I want to briefly interpret these eidolons for some non-Aha!Sampo theories.
There are other interpretations to be had, namely Emanator!Sampo and Dual Consciousness!Sampo. Many of the points I made for Aha!Sampo can be applied to Emanator!Sampo, as we know Aha is both capable and willing to give others entire mastery over Their path for shits and giggles. It is possible that Sampo, as either an Emanator or a “functional” Aha or both, could have a similar “rise,” “infection,” and compulsory existence as a result of Emanator status. Additionally, any kind of dual consciousness where Aha is trying to impose Their will on Sampo could contribute to the constant push-and-pull of two schools of emotions — even minds. We could read this as a more literal encroachment of Aha on Sampo’s mindspace, quite literally trying to force Elation into his brain while Sampo’s consciousness fights back. In this way, the “love” and “hate” mentioned could refer to more of Sampo’s feelings towards Aha as a separate or encroaching entity, rather than himself or his own existence.
(Note: This could also work for Aha!Sampo where Aha’s power & status is passed down or won like a sort of crown or title — a “mask” if you will — and Sampo is the latest inheritor/receiver of it. The eidolons would then track from a more recent experience of receiving power and dealing with the encroachment that comes with it. I think it would also lend to much more fear and confusion as this new existence would be a stark departure from Sampo’s previous mortal life.)
(Note 2: Electric Boogaloo: This could also work with a “transformation” theory where Sampo’s more human form and his eldritch-Aha counterpart have two distinct mind spaces, and the “encroachment” of “Big Money!” and “Huuuuge Money!” could be indicative of the literal mental change that happens when he transforms, leading to increased spending (or the “cost”) of him trying to stay in human form as much as possible because he doesn’t like what he becomes when he changes.)
(Note 3: I promise this is the last one: It is also possible that Aha has sectioned off these feelings of “hate” into a separate being — i.e. Sampo — and “The Deeper The Love, The Stronger The Hate” shows that how despite being separate physical beings, Aha and Sampo share an emotional space in which the “love” of Aha directly influences the severity of the “hate” in Sampo. Just a thought.)
Anyways, I find these eidolons super cool! I love how Sampo flips through his bills in his E3 and how his E6 mirrors the silhouette in Aha’s splash art. Even if the Aha! or Emanator!Sampo theories don’t end up being true, there’s some really cool psychological stuff going on that could speak broadly to his relationship with money, gambling, and his own self-image.
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖ જ⁀➴ if you read this far, thank you for doing so! it means a lot to me when people take the time to listen to my silly little theories, so yes, thank you! if you have anything else you want to add or if you just want to talk about these theories (which i am happy to do at literally any time) my askbox is open! hope you enjoyed my nerdy rambling :3
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© analysis by sunderingstars. do not copy, repost, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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bygeto · 2 months
I finished Dungeon Meshi
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And I forgot to do my little unsolicited opinion segment
I randomly realized that there were more Senshi pantyshots than is appropriate for a grown man
Elf Senshi!!! Baby was FEELING himself. All he did was sit there and be a pretty princess as he should
I appreciate all Marcille's hairstyle changes, pretty girl
Dog Laois was so cute. He thought he was a big bad wolf. Laois COME ON have you seen yourself
I genuinely don't know how to feel about tall man Chilchuck
I saw someone on tt call Chilchuck, Chilfuck pls
The shapeshifter ep, I was almost as hopeless Laois. Maybe worse.
Who tf sees Marcille as always mewing?? It's probably Laois
Senshi opened his heart out to the gang and shared his deepest secret that haunts him and Laois was like... Let's eat! I almost cried. Is eating monsters the solution to everything, boy??But it made sense after he explained so yeah
Kabru is a little entitled. Who tf does he think he is? Who made him the king selector? But I still love him though melanin king
Young Senshi was such a cutie patootie and seeing a little of his backstory explains why he's so obsessed with feeding kids.
Chilchuck go back home your family needs you tf
Those elves that Kabru and that guy who's in love with Falin Shuro met were so pretty
Marcille in that pretty dress!! And like does Marcille like Laois or is she easily flustered?
I was so happy seeing Izutsumi in the intro! Locked all the way in
Chilchuck beefs with almost everyone
Marcille and Laois saying Chil has a mean look in his eye. You guys thought he was pookie bear coded?
Laois is dangerously optimistic. Is he oblivious by nature or is it a defense mechanism of sorts?
I do love the Tolden siblings
I keep dozing off so I'll stop here. Patiently waiting for Season 2. I love this show sm
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theskoomacat · 7 months
i want to plug Pacific Drive real quick. i had a free day yesterday so i spent it in its entirety glued to the screen. i'm not proud. check out this game!!!!!!
it's kind of like a mix between STALKER and Firewatch (by vibe. in my head). (the Impact of Roadside Picnic on our society!) idk the official genre tags on the game but at its base it is a survival game with looting and crafting.
but. you're doing all that to spoil your beautiful princess (your maybe sentient cat that maybe will kill you eventually). you spend 80% of the time in your car, it's your defense against the elements and the Zone. the gameplay loop is fairly simple - you drive, you listen to scientists bicker over the radio, you loot, you lose half your car, you HAUL ASS, you get home.
the game offers a HUGE variety of stuff to explore, from anomalies to weather conditions to biomes to the weird flora/fauna to lore. there's SO much lore, idk who decided to write a blurb for every type of paint. huge game for people who love to collect stuff. and collecting stuff is sometimes a puzzle on its own because you need different tools (which are often interchangeable, thankfully, with varying efficiency).
and driving is very fun. i have a special condition called "Played Skyrim in formative years", so the mountains are a challenge to me, not a barrier. i enjoy the fact that driving being the focal point reshapes the world significantly (from the gamedev pov), because it is built to accommodate driving instead of just running around. the roads are the main focus of all the anomalies due to that, so frankly running around would be easier than dodging the roadblocks, but also you would fucking die. it's actually funny that i regularly find the roads by the concentration of anomalies instead of like. the road itself.
the game is pretty. the GIANT walls/lab megastructures blow my mind, they're so fucking huge. BUT. one problem i have is that there are too many nights. i have already toggled "Shorter nights" on, and still it feels like 60% of rounds take place at night (maybe i'm doing something wrong idk). yes, it is a challenge, but also i wish i could see the game?
the world itself is pretty fun. i have already mentioned STALKER, which is a very fair comparison since you're in a Zone filled with Anomalies. except this time the Zone is not a strictly "natural" occurence, which mixes this genre with the "fucked up mid-20th cent american science->military complex" genre. it is really interesting to see many different opinions on what the Zone is doing in the lore. and you can draw your own conclusions from interacting with it. it is as likely to harm you as help you, and most of the time it just Fucks with you (LIM shield ilu).
what hasn't i mentioned yet? the characters are fun, an old jaded scientist lady who's entombed herself within her creation, her ex-colleague and his bf/husband who stayed in the Zone to hunt cryptids, all lovely. the music is mostly good, but unfortunately there aren't too many tracks, so some get old really quick (i WISH i got tired of DOCTOR JUICE). but do check the radio from time to time, there are cool transmissions you can catch there.
idr if there was a difficulty selector anywhere, but you can make the game easier at will in the settings - keep inventory, restore the car when back home, etc. i wish i had known about these settings when i "died" at the EXACT moment i moved to another zone, because i both lost half my inventory AND was forced to continue my run due to that lmao. the game is Not easy tbh. the first time i was in the city with a hole in the center i couldn't climb out of there because it was pitch dark and my car was so so broken, it actually made me super frustrated. but when you learn all that stuff and actually plan for it and outfit your car with it mind, it all becomes manageable and enjoyable. it is decidedly not a horror game, but it Is unsettling at times. dense fog+bigfoot weather conditions made me SO paranoid, although i didn't actually see anything lol
so yeah, i totally recommend the game if you enjoy survival games. here are also some tips for people trying the game out for the first time, aka what I wish I had known:
In the beginning doing more runs (=bringing in more anchors) will be more benefitial than turning over every rock in every zone because a lot of good stuff is locked behind upgrades. One exception - quest zones with Perpetual Stability, you can explore and loot there for an hour if you want
Shorten the nights. It's not fun to stumble around blindly, especially not in the beginning while you're still learning
Hold T to teleport your car out of sticky situations and use Y to sort inventories. idk why they don't tell you that
PLAN. Look at the resources in each location has before launching and bring extra instruments/raw materials in accordance
Invest into better batteries and renewable energy, it gets more and more important as you progress. You don't really need to upgrade the gas tank until you've upgraded the engine, unless you spend 50% of the time trying to crawl up a mountain with summer tires (off-road tires are the shit)
Skip the crowbar, the impact hammer and scrapper can do everything it does
Dying is not super scary aside from losing progress, you just lose your inventory and maybe some attachments, but you will get an opportunity to find the wreckage of your car on a different run (orange tombstone? icon) and to loot it
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bladeweaver-if · 8 months
Small Update Announcement
Hi all,
This is just an announcement that I'll be putting out a (very minor) update to Bladeweaver's demo later today, mainly to push an accessibility feature I wasn't aware of before.
I'll be including an option at the start of the game to toggle all of MC's appearance selectors, which are currently cycling links, to either dropdown menus or cycling links. This will also apply to any other links of this nature I include later down the line.
Primarily, I'm doing this for those who may use screen readers and can't see the cycle links so well, and to provide the option for those who simply prefer a dropdown with all of the options laid out.
As for the content *in* the update, it's not going to be very substantial, perhaps an additional 10k or so. I'm still working on the rest of Chapter 2, but this is the content I've refined and gotten to a good place, so I thought I might as well push it out there as a thanks for your guys' patience with me taking a while to get anything else out. I still have plans to release a large update sometime in March however!
See you soon!
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blazehedgehog · 1 month
How is progress on your Ghostbusters RPG?
Almost dead, unfortunately. I think about it from time to time but I haven't done any meaningful code work since my Mom died. At some point in the last year I decided I'd write out the entire game script, since I was coalescing around a story idea.
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With making an RPG in Clickteam Fusion, planning ahead is your best friend, so knowing every story beat ahead of time would give me a clearer picture of what needed to be coded on the back end.
But naturally, the opening to the game is going to be the most text heavy, outside of the ending. I wrote about three chapters, encapsulating a teaser and a recap of how the original Ghostbusters ended, and have been too distracted with other things to write more.
The general gameplay flow I was gravitating towards was something like Metal Max. Not long after starting this GB fangame, I watched somebody stream all of Metal Max NES and the bounty system in that was really interesting. Basically, over the course of the story, you'll hear rumors about special creatures and bandits roaming around the overworld, and if you can kill them, you earn a big reward by turning in the bounty.
If you ignore bounties, it cuts the gameplay length in half and you lose out a lot of level ups and gear. Taking/ignoring bounties almost ends up being kind of a difficult selector. Like doing a three heart run in Zelda.
For a Ghostbusters RPG, all of this just made sense, and it'd make it easy to reuse areas. You get calls about ghosts to catch, and you can either go catch the ghost (your bounty) or you can follow the story. Maybe the bounty is along the way to the next story event, maybe it's in a previous dungeon. It's up to you where you go.
I dunno if the game will ever get finished, but I'll let you peek on what I'd decided story-wise:
So it bothers me that a lot of recent Ghostbusters movies are kind of hero worship. Ghostbusters Afterlife is all about how these four guys were total legends that saved the world, and what a tragedy it is that they've been forgotten. "omg you kids don't know who the ghostbusters were? let me, paul rudd, educate you on the coolest, strongest and most epic titans to ever dress like sweaty service industry workers."
That's dumb. The Ghostbusters are working joes. They stumbled into this job, and saved the world kind of by accident. They are barely heroes and could have ended all life on earth as we know it just as easily. They just wanted a paycheck and were looking for a niche to fill.
And in the wider view of producing the first Ghostbusters movie itself, that too was kind of an accident. The movie got rammed through production, the script was an unfinished mess so they adlibbed a lot of it, and basically nobody expected it to do as well as it did. It is the very definition of lightning in a bottle, and it hasn't really been replicated.
So I wanted to push in on that. These guys aren't looking to save the world. They aren't actually that strong or cool. They don't have a sense of duty. They're just regular people, and they can (and do) make mistakes.
When Egon says crossing the streams is like "all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light", I imagine that means it's more than just a really big explosion. Ray calls it "total protonic reversal", which makes it sound more like the creation of a black hole, or something.
When the Ghostbusters crossed the streams and directed that into the doorway to Gozer's world, in my story, they effectively collapsed an entire dimension. Erased it, and whatever it inhabited.
I wanted there to be consequences for that. It was an impulsive action they made out of desperation to save themselves, and though it worked in the short term (sealing the door, almost certainly killing Gozer) I wanted there to be much worse long term consequences. They more or less punched a hole in reality, and there's really only two things that happen with holes:
They get bigger and deeper
They get filled in with debris
Ultimately I wanted to say that when the Ghostbusters crossed the streams, it was a mistake. They didn't know any better. They were messing with forces vastly beyond their comprehension. And the thrust of the game would be them figuring out what they did wrong and trying to come up with a plan to do a better job at fixing it.
But they don't know if they can do it. What happened with Gozer was a happy accident (that turned out to be not so happy). The scale of this problem literally dwarfs them. They are so small that they are barely even specks of dust. This is a supernaturally cosmic issue.
To me, The Ghostbusters are screw-ups that were in the right place at the right time and did the wrong thing. But not maliciously, just ignorantly. And the decision to take responsibility for that mistake is the grease that turns the gears of the narrative.
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machine-saint · 1 year
a while ago when I was working on a robot game, I had the idea to have a gender selector with the only options being 'electron', 'dual', 'array', and things of that nature. neopronouns only. no 'men' or 'women' here.
i wound up scrapping it in favor of having the protagonist be a robot girl but I still wanna use that sometime
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itsbenedict · 1 year
Alright, Google is zero help with this (every variant of what I'm asking for just floods me with SEO-optimized results for exactly the opposite of what I'm looking for), so...
In my day job, I'm a web developer, mainly. I've got a good deal of experience working with HTML/CSS/JS for front-end UI development, so when I decided to build a content management system for my game project- which is going to be a bunch of pages and menus and buttons and selectors and stuff- it seemed like a natural choice to just build it as a web app, using those skills I already have. It wouldn't be hosted anywhere- the idea would be to just load index.html on localhost and work from a local browser window offline- but I figured I could prototype it pretty quickly with good old-fashioned divs and CSS.
Eeeeexcept I can't do that, actually. The purpose of the app is to manage a directory full of a bunch of structured custom content files- maps, units, sprites, yada yada yada, and lots of small individual changes will happen to a lot of different file resources. Browsers are bad for this, because they rightly have a lot of security protections against webpages accessing the user's filesystem. While I thought the File System API would just let me prompt the user for access to the content folder, and then just work with those files freely from there, that... is apparently a very experimental feature that Firefox doesn't support yet. Seems like a bad choice of thing to rest the entire functionality of the app on.
So what I'm looking for is... is there a framework somewhere for building desktop apps (so I can access local files easily) that uses HTML/CSS/JS for front-end UI development? Something like a browser that's not a browser and doesn't have those inherent security protections to get around?
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darknessillumina · 9 days
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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ payton gendron and vlad roslyakov ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
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revolverheldd · 2 months
me and @natural-selector-89 just had a accidental romantic experience. i'll never eat bbq chips again.
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thekingofgear · 1 year
hey man, i've been wondering about les paul style pickups i can get to install in my guitar to replicate jonny's smile tone. any ideas that are relatively cheap?
alternatively, how would getting p90s be in comparison to that?
The Gibson Humbucker is probably the most popular and most replicated pickup of all time. Officially, there was just one model from its introduction in 1957 until the 1990s. But Gibson made some tweaks over the decades. Jonny’s Les Paul looks to be from 1977-1978, so it probably has what are known as “T Top” humbuckers.
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Jonny playing his late-70s Gibson Les Paul Standard in natural finish, from during the recording of Junun at the Mehrangarh Fort in Rajasthan, India.
Compared to the average late-50s “PAF” pickup, the 70s "T Top" is said to have a slightly more aggressive sound. That said, the difference isn’t dramatic. A T Top still has the warm, rich sound that we associate with a vintage PAF. It’s not like a 70s hot-rodded humbucker, let alone a modern rails humbucker. And it's worth remembering that 50s PAF pickups could themselves vary noticeably in sound due to inconsistent winding.
Jimmy Page’s circa-1959 Les Paul originally had PAF pickups, but, when the bridge pickup malfunctioned on tour in Australia in 1972, he replaced the 50s PAF with a 70s T Top. Page kept the T Top in the guitar for the rest of Led Zeppelin’s career. That should suggest how slight the differences are between the versions.
So if you’re really picky, you could track down a T Top replica or reissue. There are plenty available at nearly every price point. If you’re less picky, grab one of the countless PAF replicas and reissues. If you're on a budget, perhaps consider the the Seymour Duncan '59 (a PAF replica): it's extremely popular, and thus pretty cheap on the used market.
Unless you've got the exact same amplifier as Jonny with a mic in the exact same position on the grill, then I wouldn't worry too much about the subtle differences between various vintage Gibson humbuckers.
For a comparison of P90s and Humbuckers, I’d recommend searching other sites and forums, it’s an extremely well-trodden topic.
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Jonny playing his Les Paul during Open The Floadgates on KEXP (youtube). This was from a brief period of a few shows when the pickup selector was taped in the bridge position — presumably the neck pickup had some issue. Jonny can't stick picks into the pickguard of the Les Paul (as he does with his Tele), so he has a Dunlop 5005 pick holder velcro'd to the guitar.
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newaprilia · 2 years
Welcome to VIVARIUM (v1.0)
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After weeks of hard work, it's finally ready.
VIVARIUM V1.0 - Official Release
Vivarium is my first attempt at sharing my weird stuff with the world, in the shape of an inhabited custom neighborhood for TS2.
It's inspiration comes from the movie of the same name, "Vivarium", as well as the popular TS4 100 Baby Challenge.
It was also born from my annoyance with Family Aspiration sims and their constant wants for MORE children. So, I did what any sane person would do, and pitted them against their own nature.
Essentially, the matriarch, Ms. Violet, plays the role of Birth Mother to an entire town of male baby daddies, except there's a twist! One of the baby daddies has alien ancestry. The player successfully wins the challenge if:
They reach the 100 baby mark, using whatever means necessary (except adoption, of course)
 They have an alien baby and therefore find out who the alien baby daddy is.
It is meant to be played like it's TS4 counterpart, with minimal tweaks to the rules. Kinda like, 100 Baby Challenge meets a Find The Alien in Disguise Challenge. The baby mama is also not allowed to have any sort of income, asides from child support! 🥵
50 lots that look exactly the same, for insanity purposes. All baby daddies have the privilege of owning one, as Mr. Jack here is keen to demonstrate.
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One very neat birthing station mommy homestead home for Mrs. Violet.
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Including a real neat tree house in the back for your kids! Clearly, the children aren't the prisoners of this hellish experiment.
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There are a total of 50 baby daddies in this challenge, 37 of which are normal sims, 3 are warlocks, 3 are werewolves, 3 are plantsims and 3 are vampires. It's up to you now to find out who the alien is!
Rules of the Challenge:
Please refer to the spreadsheet!
Mods & CC:
There are a number of Necessary Mods for this neighborhood to work. You will run into errors if you don't have these in your downloads folder. These are:
Custom Skintone Selector - You just have to keep this in your Downloads folder. It keeps the alien in his disguise.
No Sim Loaded
Smarter EP Check
Anti Redundancy
No Stray Respawn
No Townie Regen (search for "notownieregen.zip" to find it in the list)
The Necessary Mods in order for the challenge to be played, unless you want to play the challenge your own way! These are:
Child Support Controller v3.A - So that your birth mother can have a source of income while popping out all those babies
TeenStar PC / PC Omega 3000 - A PC that allows teens to move out on their own
Last Name Chooser (Baby) - So that you can choose the children's last name to be their father's. Note: Last Name Chooser seems to conflict with two Mods by TwoJeffs: "No Smart Milk Drag" & "Same Sex Marriage"
The following mods are Optional / Recommended, as well as some buy-mode cc included in the lots.
Hereditary Supernaturalism
Autonomous Casual Romance / ACR
More Realistic Genetics
Lot Imposter Lights
Thirstiest Bath Mats + Recolors
Maxis Match Wall Cabinets
I've also taken the liberty of including a spreadsheet for easy note-keeping.
Without further ado, happy birthing!
Please feel free to approach me regarding any issues you may find, here on tumblr or through discord @ yanna.psd
And keep me posted on the happenings of your save file!
Have fun, and enjoy.
- April / Yanna
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