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florida3exclamationpoints · 10 months ago
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The man has a Type™
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alder-saan · 1 year ago
Fans of Peggy Carter, especially Carterwood fans! (Cartinelli too, even tho I don't ship it personally, it's a cute ship and I love the artworks about those two)
Fans of Dottie Underwood!
Fans of Edwin Jarvis!
Fans of Daniel Sousa, of Jack Thompson, of Howard Stark and of every other Agent Carter character!
Please, let's revive the fandom.
Interact with this post! Like, comment, repost, I want to see if there are some people out there who still care about this tv show.
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miss-carter · 3 months ago
it's good that regarless of ship the whole peggy fandom is rejoicing about her return. makes my cold, dead heart melt.
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momentofch-aos · 1 year ago
M's Marvel Thought of the Day
Daniel Sousa, now settled in the 21st century, looks up what happened to his friends from his own timeline.
Daisy had already gently broken the news about Peggy's death to him. They visited her grave site and talked about the adventures and missions the two had been on.
He read the case file on Howard and Maria Stark's death, the Winter Solider case and knowledge of who he was sending him for a loop. He'd met Sergeant Barnes once, that day when he thought he would die on the battle field. He had never been Howard's biggest fan but no one deserved that.
He read the obituaries of Ana and Edwin Jarvis, found they were buried in New York, side by side as they'd been in life. He left pink flowers - Ana's favourite colours of peonies - on their grave, and thanked them for their friendship and support.
There had been two people he'd been somewhat surprised to find out were still alive and unbelievably in the same old people's home in DC. He'd been unsure whether visiting would be a good idea but after some gentle investigating from Daisy and Mack, he found himself entering a rec room. There was various elderly people around, reading newspapers or napping in high backed armchairs. But no-one looked familiar. Daisy squeezed his hand before getting the attention of one of the nurses, who led them around the corner of the room.
As they make their approach when Daniel hears a far too familiar voice, making him stop in his tracks.
"Ha! Got you again Thompson, pay up!" Rose Roberts, with now grey hair but with the same thick glasses, smirked triumphantly across the top of the checkers board.
The older man across the table groaned. "We go through this every damn day Rose. Can we go back to Chess?" Daniel took in the older man he'd known a life time ago, hair still slicked back in the way it had always been. A cane leant against the wall behind him and he coughed after laughing at Rose's comeback.
"Chief Thompson? Agent Roberts?" The nurse asked drawing their attention. "You have some visitors."
Both former agents looked across to see Daniel standing with an indecipherable look on his face.
"Fucking hell..."
"What the hell..." Their voices overlapped suddenly.
"Hey Rose, hey Jack." Daniel said stepping forward. Rose struggled to her feet, using the table to leverage herself up.
"Chief? Is that really you?" Rose looked up at him, his arms coming up to help balance her.
"It's me. It's good to see you Rose." And he found himself engulfed in her arms, wrapping his back around her and holding her tight. "God it's good to see you Rose."
"How the hell are you here?" She said as she looked back up to him. "And who's the beautiful woman you brought with you?" She fixed him with that same mischievous look she used to shoot at him all the time after glancing to Daisy who stood off to the side. Always so invested in his love life, so he chuckled.
"I can explain everything I promise. Why don't we sit?" He helped her back to her chair, glancing across to Jack who had his hand's in fists on the other side of the table. "Hi Thompson."
"Who are you?" He demanded. "You're sure as hell not Daniel Sousa. He died in...55." He paused remembering the exact year. "We buried him. We... mourned him. You sure as hell aren't him."
"I can explain that I am Jack."
"I am 102, not stupid." Rose scoffed, making both men turn to her.
"Jack do be serious. What about Rogers? He came back to Peg did he not?"
"How can we be sure? It may be some traitor. Davey was telling me just the other day about those shape shifting aliens Fury was palling around with..." Jack started saying.
"How about this Jack? I'll prove it to you." The older man looked puzzled but let him continue. "Before you went to Russia with Carter, met the Howling Commandoes when we were investigating Stark. You tricked me in the locker room, into seeing Carter changing. You asked me to get your compass from..."
"Locker 42." Jack finished his sentence and looked Daniel up and down, his gaze resting on the prosthetic leg.
"I've still only got one leg but the future makes a better prosthetic than Stark by a mile." Daniel joked, and Jack stood at that, pulling Daniel into a hug that he was not expecting. "It's good to see you too Jack."
They sat back down, chairs pulled up for Daniel and Daisy, as they told the story of faking his death, and pulling him out of time. Of their adventures into space and the weird and wacky things he'd discovered in the 21st Century.
They told him stories from their own lives after his death, cases he'd missed out on, Howard's ridiculousness. Peggy's rise to power. The three old friends spoke fondly of her, recalling stories from throughout the time they spent with her.
Rose grilled him and Daisy on their story and relationship, telling Daisy all the embarrassing things that Daniel had been happy to leave behind in the 50's. The unlikely pair giggled and formed a friendship.
Rose told her stories of her first and second marriage, her daughter, son-in-law and grandson who would visit every weekend.
Jack had been married when Daniel died, to Peggy's lovely personal secretary Ruth who knew how to put him in his place. They'd only had a daughter the year or two before Daniel supposedly died. Jack talked about how they'd gone on to have three more daughters, now had 8 grandchildren, including a grandson who had joined SHIELD recently (Daniel promised to keep an eye out for him). Then, his Ruth had passed a few years ago and Daniel expressed his condolences.
At that moment, a young boy, probably 5-years-old barrelled into the room and to Jack's side. "Pops, Pops!"
"Hey there, Danny. How's my favourite guy?" With surprising strength for a man of his years, Jack swung the young man up till he was sat on his knee.
"I'm good! Momma's coming now." He pointed to where a pretty blonde was making her way across the room, shaking her head as she stooped to kiss Jack on the cheek and ruffle her son's head.
"Sorry Grandpa, the traffic was horrendous." She greeted Rose much the same way, passing her a package. "Fudge from that place on 4th for your Rose, Danny over there insisted." She turned to the guests who sat between them. "Hello, I'm Ruthy." She shook their hands.
"Ruthy, this is Daniel and Daisy. Daniel, Daisy, my granddaughter Ruthy and her son, Danny." Jack smirked at Sousa as his great-grandson played with the watch on his wrist.
"Danny? Huh." Was the only thing Daniel came up with as he watched an old friend acting like a goofy grandparent.
"Yeah, Grandpa had a friend called Daniel who saved his life a bunch of times when he was younger. Used to tell us stories all about Sousa and Carter and their adventures. We never believed him until we found out where he worked." Ruthy filled in nonchalantly, sitting on the opposite side of the table, digging through her bag to produce a water bottle for her son unaware of the look on Daniel's face. Jack smirked massively. "Here, Grandpa. I managed to grab that album from storage that you wanted." She handed across a large leather bound photo album to the older man, who flipped through a few pages.
"Here you go Daisy, you'll like this one." Jack smirked, that old charming smile creeping onto his face as he passed the now open book across to her, Daniel peering over her shoulder and scoffing.
"Woah." Ruth finally looked up, glancing at the photo and then back up to Daniel and back again. "Well. I cannot believe it took me that long. I knew you looked familiar. I thought it was just Quake that had me thinking that."
Daisy smirked. "You don't seem surprised?"
"Oh I've worked at Stark Industries for a long time, I'm so used to superheroes and weird tech not much surprises me anymore. You see Tony Stark walking round in Iron-Man pants one too many times and you get over stuff pretty quickly." She levelled Daniel with a look. "Time travel huh?"
"Yes. But I haven't seen these in literal years." He said his hand tapped a few photos. One from the first day of opening the first SHIELD base, Thompson and Howard Stark stood either side of Peggy and Daniel. Another of Peggy, Daniel and Rose throwing confetti at Jack's wedding. One of Daniel and Thompson with Peggy on her Wedding Day. An outtake of that one where Howard was attempting to jumping into frame and Jarvis dragging him out, while the three of them laughed lay below it.
He could still picture that party, he could hear the band playing, memories of Peggy dancing with Rogers, happy and content. He remembered how happy he was for her.
Daisy squeezed his knee beneath the table and brought him back to the present. He pressed a kiss to her temple and continued the conversation. They had coffee and cake and Rose shared her fudge. Daisy made lunch trolley roll across the room, making Jack's great-grandson shriek in delighted laughs and push it back into a position where she could do it again and again.
They left hours later and Daniel felt more settled than he had done in a long time. Daisy squeezed his hand as they drove away.
They'd return to visit every time they were in town, which was more often these days now SHIELD HQ was there, sometimes together, sometimes alone. They met all of both of their families, attended Ruth's 100th birthday. Brought presents for Daniel's namesake's birthday.
When Daisy and Daniel tied the knot, two reserved seats on the front row of the groom's side were filled my two of his oldest friends some of their families just a couple rows back. They 'snuck' them into new SHIELD HQ to see all the new tech and planes, the memorial wall that included people they'd known a lifetime ago.
Daniel loved the future, loved living his life alongside Daisy and her family. But knowing his friends were there, getting to spend time with them was an unexpected but valuable thing for him. It gave him a link to the past, someone to shoot the breeze with, with some similar experiences from the past. A taste of a previous life he was grateful for as he lived his new one.
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battleswanofciya · 1 year ago
I’m a ride or die kinda person and recently I’ve discovered this transferred over to my ships as well so fuck your canon I’ve got the real canon over here! *waves fanfiction around*
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rainintheevening · 9 months ago
Confession: I like Peggy with Daniel more than Steve.
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ivysos2001 · 14 days ago
Just finished rewatching agent carter for the millionth time so naturally I’m mad at the cancellation all over again
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incorrect-multiverse · 3 months ago
*Peggy holding hers and Daniel’s baby*
Jack: Oh God, I can’t believe one of us actually has one of these.
Howard: I know, I still am one of these.
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thatscarletflycatcher · 2 years ago
There's something that has been gnawing at me since I saw some comments on the look-how-they-massacred-them poll for Daniel Sousa -with which I didn't want to engage then and there because I really didn't want to pick up a fight with another Daniel fan, there's few enough of us, but also because the argument was very difficult to articulate.
It is difficult to explain how Daniel Sousa is screwed over by Endgame without making it look like either "he deserved Peggy as a prize" or "he was the perfect prize for Peggy", because it all begins by understanding the experience of WWII and the building of the morale of WWII. Something that Markus and McFeely seemed to perfectly understand in Agent Carter, which inclines me to believe it was specific insistence of the Russos, whose concept of narrative and storytelling is at the level of a belligerent and not very bright 4 year old, that gave us that mindblowingly stupid "happy ending" for Cap and Peggy. Or maybe Markus and McFeely are just arcane creatures, at times intelligent and at times really dumb. Anyways.
Point is that both CATFA and Agent Carter understand that for these characters, fighting WWII is a matter of "each doing their bit", of, as Steve put it in The Avengers, to lay on the barbed wire so the one that comes after you can pass on. And in the process of doing that, you have great loses and suffer great grief. The price of war is immense, and for these people the price of war is the price of freedom (yes, that celebrated Steve speech from CATWS is also sharing in that same spirit. It's kind of impressive how until that awful mess of Endgame, the perspective of Steve as a character from movie to movie is one that addresses how some 1940s things are outdated, but how many others are still relevant and inspiring. It is a surprisingly nuanced take on History, that of course the Russo "Cap is an outdated relic that belongs in the past and should stay there" brothers don't seem to have what's needed to grasp).
In that context, the most coherent tone for Steggy is tragedy. Because that is what happened to many, many, many people during the war. You meet, you fall in love fast, because there is no time. And then suddenly the other is gone, never to come back. And all the promises of youth and life and future the other person represented, are gone with them. People who lived through 2020-2022 have some idea of what it is like for projects, opportunities, and years of your life to just vanish. Now you make that five years, eight months, and to mention "just" the British, 1 out every 100 people live in 1939, dead, and over 350.000 permanently disabled. If you were 20 in 1939, your life would be practically on hold till you were 26. It's a whole lot of grief, and an intense grief, that you don't solve the way you solve a random missing connection in a romcom like Serendipity or The Lake House. Doing so is cheapening and bastardizing the grief and trauma of a whole generation of people in different countries.
So, Agent Carter. Here we have a story focused on a group of people, spies, who, in different fronts and with different outcomes, made it through the war and are now facing this new world they are living in, and all the grief of their respective losses. The focus of the story is Peggy, a woman who, like many others, was allowed a wide range of action during the war, and is now subconsiously perceived as a threat by many of her male coworkers. It's a desperate bid to "go back to the way things were before", and her presence is a constant reminder that they can't.
Sousa occupies a very similar position to Peggy's: he's also a reminder that the war happened and that there is no way back, no magic solution, no pretending. And that's why both are ignored, and displaced, and why both struggle to prove themselves in a subconscious way while living by the continued principle that they are doing their bit. That is their lifeline that keeps them sane and working all throughout s1 of Agent Carter.
That's what we mean when we say Peggy and Sousa are equals, and that Sousa is contented with letting her have the spot; not because he's her inferior or her dependant, but because he's her equal -in intelligence, in ideals, in resourcefulness, in loyalty, but also in their relative positions in the power ladder- and does not feel threatened by her because of it.
(It is in this context, btw, that Peggy's rebuke of Daniel's "rescue" of her in the first episode must be understood. Because she was once treated like any other officer/agent of her same rank, she has knee jerk reactions to both being demeaned and being protected. It's also an important theme of that beginning of the series that Peggy needs to learn to let her friends in, and that she needs their help, and that that doesn't make her too weak to protect and defend them.)
But also, in another way, when we talk about Sousa becoming Peggy's husband, it has to do with the sentiment Krezminsky expresses in the series:
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The ship of Steggy had sailed and was gone forever since the moment Steve became the legend in the ice and Peggy "Cap's Girl", this embodiment of the ridiculous damsel in distress we hear in the radio drama that plays on one of the episodes: Peggy fell in love with Steve when he was a scrawny, sickly lad, because she loved the man he was inside, but now forever for the world she is just another superficial, weak girl lusting after the handsome godlike rescuer, the picture of the eugenic dream of the übermensch. In Daniel Peggy loves and finds all the same things she found and loved in Steve, but in a different light, because Sousa is a different person, with a different life story, plus something else: they have both gone through war and its loss and grief, and come to the other side in need of rebuilding and finding new meaning in life and hope for the future.
In a world where the Dark, Tall and Handsome Hero of the Six Pack, Alpha Dominance and Endless Stamina reigns supreme, Sousa as a love interest is a remarkable and -sadly- bold statement about the things that truly matter in finding one's life partner.
So I think here is a reasonable point to start talking about Sousa in Agents of SHIELD. Because here's where someone would rationally say "well, but you see, there he's also chosen as a love interest!", and the reasons why context in AoS changes everything are multiple, so let's go there.
But before that, let me make clear that I do wholeheartedly believe the writers of AoS meant to honor Sousa, and sincerely tried to do their best with what they were given. That doesn't change what the end product ended up doing and saying about him.
Like Peggy is the main character of Agent Carter, so Daisy is the main character of Agents of SHIELD. As much as you can say all the team characters are important and get the focus, Daisy is the one which the narrative insists on making the focal point, as the arcs of several seasons hinge on her, and we are expected to sympathize with her first and foremost in any situation in which she is personally involved. But unlike Peggy, Daisy is a superpowered individual. She's more like Steve than Peggy; she's practically a demigod. She is capable of ripping Earth apart with just her hands. Where Peggy and Sousa were equals in the power ladder in-universe, in AoS the distance between Daisy and Sousa is abysmal. That imbalance is the first thing that leads to Sousa being put in the position of Daisy's Boy. The fact that he ends up in space with Daisy's last minute sister who is ALSO an inhuman does not help things.
As a side note, there's something to be said about futuristic prosthetics in AoS and how they interesect with disability. But I'd rather not get into it because it is a thorny subject and I don't feel qualified to speak of it.
In a different way, Daniel being Peggy's love interest in Agent Carter is balanced out by his having a life of his own and many interactions with other characters throughout the series. He pursues his own lines of investigation, he conducts interrogations of his own, he comes up with plans, he teams up with Krezminsky and with Thompson and in s2 he has downright made a life for himself as chief in California with a fiancé and all. There is a clear sense that he exists as a character outside of pining for Peggy.
In AoS, the opposite happens. Part of it is owed to the writers writing themselves into a corner: to take Sousa out of his timeline, they have to do it in such a way that his disappearance is inconspicuous, which means killing him. They do it the best way they can think of, honoring his alertness and intelligence, by making him realize HYDRA is infiltrated in SHIELD decades before anyone else does. But as a consequence, Sousa becomes the man out of time: there's no future for him, because he has died, and unlike Steve, he's not being brought back because he himself is required. They just save him because they take pity on him and the tragedy of his life. So he has no mission and no significant previous connection with anyone on the team. One of the concrete things in which this is evidenced the most is with the switch from being addressed as chief Sousa to Agent Sousa. He was chief, but between that SHIELD and this SHIELD there's not such a connection by which he can claim that title. There's no subordinates to manage. So he's sort of default-called agent without really being a proper agent.
So the writers choose the fish-out-of-water concept for him. Which is far fetched. This guy lived through wwii in a high spy setting where intelligence has knowledge of powerful interstellar aliens. He's most definitely not bewildered by phone cameras, guys. He would quickly adapt... if, again, you know, he was brought back for a mission. But the reality is that from a Doylist POV, he was brought in to be Daisy's love interest, and the only thing he can offer to her, in this huge power imbalance I have pointed out, is chivalrous manners and quaint WWII style references like when he tells her "Agent Johnson, we are going home"; both can be very charming to a modern woman, but they are things that highlight the cultural and psychological distances that separate them, and make it glaringly obvious that they have barely anything in common.
The series tries desperately to give them common ground in the time-loop episode, with this idea that Daisy is like Peggy because she sacrifices herself for others and to protect others all the time. Which is laughable because, again, in Daisy's condition of beloved main character that embodies the tortured, quasi byronic heroine that we understand to be the hallmark of about one half of the contemporary superhero type, the narrative and the characters in it bend all sorts of ways to accommodate her, not the other way around. Peggy's type is different because it is rooted in that WWII morale/frame I was talking about at the beginning of the post.
As a consequence of all of this, Sousa barely interacts with anyone that isn't Daisy (he has of personal scenes, what? one or two with Coulson, the scene where Jemma gives him a new prosthetic, and then he's given an idea to give to Mac in the finale. I don't remember any other non-Daisy ones), has no unique role to fulfill in the mission (specially because so much of the plan is entwined in Fitz and Jemma's rescue plan that was NOT counting with Sousa) and no personal goal to achieve, which weakens his standing as a character outside the romance plot, and when it comes to the romance plot, he has nothing in common with Daisy, and he brings nothing to the partnership other than... narratively forced love, and chivalrousness.
In the end, Daniel, who was a character and a person of relevance in Agent Carter, is nerfed and turned into a prop for the rushed happily ever after of the main character of AoS. And that, in my books, is being screwed over. That's what makes his becoming Peggy's husband and building a life and a future with her a much better and more preferable outcome for Daniel; he gets to build a life of meaning by his own significant work and significant connections, in his own time and place, with a wife who is his equal and with other people that have lived through the same collective experiences of trauma and grief he did.
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benoitblanc · 5 months ago
peggy, she broke it off with me because she thinks i'm in love with you btw. if you even care
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all-that-jazz-93 · 1 year ago
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I am hilarious
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florida3exclamationpoints · 5 months ago
Peggy and Daisy also both have a "everyone who gets close to me ends up dying" complex add that to the checklist of Daniel's Type™
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isqbelevans · 4 months ago
HERE is how marvel could’ve made steggy endgame in avengers: endgame and it MAKE SENSE.
- actually had the story planned out and always intended for steggy to end up together
Never used Agent Carter S2 to quite literally show Peggy moving on from Steve
Never have Steve move on from Peggy nor get used to the 21st century
Actually make it seem like Steve never stops missing Peggy instead of him moving on but then suddenly start thinking of her again as shown in endgame (clearly just a stunt pulled by the writers to make his ending make sense)
Also make it a detail that even though peggy did end up marrying she never moved on from steve. that was evident in ca: tws but then in agent carter she did end up moving on with daniel and moved on with her life as peggy carter and not steve’s love interest
2) Don’t pair them up with other people and then write them as if they are going to get together
(daniel sousa/natasha romanoff)
it’s actually quite embarrassing that the same writers from ca: tws that literally had steve and natasha falling in love before our eyes tried to make us believe steve hadn’t moved on from peggy in endgame (yes, they were the same writers, AND the same directors)
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3) and finally after all of that, the perfect way to end it would have been if steve went back right after the events of Agent Carter S1 which is approximately a year or so after Steve went in the ice.
Thanks for listening to my T.E.D talk.
Anyways, Steve will die next year and be reunited with his “right partner” who he had “shared life experience” with. goodnight 😘
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peggynet · 7 months ago
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It's a safe space on Tumblr for us fans to discuss and share everything related to our beloved Peggy Carter! Don't know what a Tumblr Community™️ is?
Communities is a new feature in development, currently in beta testing. Our hope is to empower everyone on Tumblr to create new, dedicated spaces to connect with people over shared interests. It’s a bit like using tags but more contained, it’s a bit like having a shared blog but with more options, and it’s a bit like a group chat except it’s slower. [x]
Check this out for more details about the Community feature!
We will keep updating this blog as normally, don't worry, but with the Community, we all can enjoy the Peggy fandom even further!
And don't forget to do as Peggy says! 💋
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captainsophiestark · 1 year ago
Jack Thompson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Marvel
Day 14 Prompt: "If you don't stop now-"
Summary: When Y/N is the first female agent allowed to work the night shift, side by side with Jack Thompson, Peggy and Daniel want to make sure she doesn't miss the hint.
Word Count: 1,108
Category: Fluff, Humor
Requested by @bandshirts-andbooks! This was so fun to write Babs lol, hope you enjoy!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I scribbled away at the report I was working on, completely ignoring the pointed throat-clearing from my friends on the other side of the desk. The workday was almost over, so if I could just block them out for a little longer-
"If you want to pretend to ignore us, that's fine," said Peggy, her voice light and teasing. I fought back a sigh. "Daniel and I can just have the conversation with ourselves. We know you can hear us."
I made a face, glancing up long enough to make eye contact with both of my friends before slowly and deliberately raising my hands to my ears and plugging them. Since I'd already decided to be this childish, I figured I'd go all out, so I stuck out my tongue too.
Peggy and Daniel shared a look, and then Daniel reached up and grabbed my wrist, pulling one hand away. I glared at him, ready to yank my hand back and continue ignoring them both, but he spoke lowly before I could.
"You know, if you plug your ears, we'll just have to raise our voices so you can hear us."
I narrowed my eyes at him, wordlessly threatening murder, but Daniel didn't blink as he stared back. Finally, after a minute, I sighed.
"Fine. I won't plug my ears. But it's basically five, so maybe you two should just head out. You know, get a jump start on the weekend-"
"And leave you alone with Thompson sooner?"
I turned to glare at Daniel. Like before, he didn't flinch.
"Y/N, listen," started Peggy, leaning forward and looking at me like she was being the reasonable one. "Everyone in this conversation is aware that you have feelings for Thompson. All we're trying to get you to hear is that, since Thompson actually agreed to let you work the night shift with him, making you the first female agent to work a night shift... he might return those feelings."
I sighed, long and hard, through my nose. I put up with so much from these two.
"Great. I've heard you. Now mind your own business, both of you."
"We've long ago made this our business," Peggy responded, an all too pleased smile on her face.
"Yeah, come on," continued Daniel. "I have no idea what you see in Jack, but you clearly like him a lot. And you didn't let up when you saw me and Peggy dancing around each other. So we're not letting this go, either. Not when you spend every minute he's in the room moon-eyed staring at him-"
"Daniel, if you don't stop now-"
"What's going on over here?"
Peggy, Daniel, and I all whirled around at the sound of Jack's voice next to my desk, like kids caught digging in the cookie jar.
"Nothing!" I answered quickly, before whirling back around and glaring at my two friends. "Daniel and Peggy were just saying goodbye before they left for the night."
"Well, then, goodbye. Now get out of here, you two are off the clock and I'm not paying you overtime."
Peggy and Daniel shared a loaded look that I didn't miss, and that I also doubted Jack missed. I rolled my eyes, then the three of us stood.
"You don't have to tell us twice to get us out of here," said Daniel, stretching a little as he got to his feet.
"I sure did," I muttered. He ignored me.
"You two have fun tonight," said Peggy, giving us a pointed smile as she turned away. I narrowed my eyes at her and Daniel as they linked arms and started heading for the doors of the agency together. They didn't look back once, the bastards.
"So... what was all that about?" asked Jack, turning to me the second our friends had cleared the agency doors. I huffed a laugh and turned to face him with a small smile.
"They're still trying to play matchmaker."
"They make any good points?"
I grinned. "Well, they did point out that you must like me if you let me stay to work the late shift with you. They really might be onto something there."
Jack scoffed. "For two of my best detectives they're sure oblivious sometimes."
"I'll say."
Jack and I shared a smile, and then he slowly leaned in until we were almost nose to nose, our breath mingling. His smile widened as his hand moved up to cup my face, and then he closed the rest of the distance and kissed me.
Jack and I had been together for a few months now. It had all started as we worked towards our mutual goal of setting Peggy and Daniel up, mostly so we wouldn't have to watch them exchange longing glances every day at work. In the process, he'd stopping being a dick to me, and I'd realized I actually really liked him. The rest was history.
To be fair to Peggy and Daniel's skills as agents, Jack and I had intentionally been keeping our relationship a secret from the beginning. It wasn't all that high-stakes, but we'd wanted to enjoy the beginning of our relationship without everyone in the office chiming in about it, to our faces or otherwise. We still hadn't told anybody, but our interactions had changed enough for Peggy and Daniel to pick up on the energy. They'd been hounding us both for three weeks to try to set us up, and for our part, Jack and I had just laughed when they weren't looking.
After a few long moments, Jack pulled back, both of us still with grins on our faces.
"So... we gonna tell them?"
I hummed in thought, hopping up to sit on my desk, swinging my legs a little as I fixed Jack with a mischevious smile.
"We probably should. It's gone on long enough that they should probably know."
"But there's still a lot of fun to be had in how we tell them. And, unless some emergency comes in that we have to deal with tonight... we've got plenty of time to figure out the best way we can think of."
"Have I mentioned lately that I love you?" he asked, leaning down to kiss my temple before taking a half step back towards his office. "Because I do."
"I love you too. Now come on, go get a notepad from your office so we can brainstorm ways to mess with our friends."
"Honey, you don't have to tell me twice."
I grinned after the swaggering form of my boyfriend, my heart singing. I really did love him. And this was gonna be fun.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @luv-ghostie @songbirdcannabe
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jennastarkhasaheart · 1 year ago
just saying both Daisy and Peggy are nicknames for people named Margaret, which is peggy carters actual name. i love these parallels, i love that it connects two of the most badass women in marvel, who are both shield agents and i love how it unintentionally plays even more into daniel having a type lmao
"some of my favourite people are people like you" uh huh
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