frentique · 7 months
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chemitos44 · 2 years
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decadentpuppytiger · 1 year
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lo-100to · 2 years
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ikisekerlicay · 2 years
Anlatma bana atları!
Sabahın yerden kesilmiş tarlaları ve çığlık
Çığlığa suları gibi gök yarığından atlayan
Kanatlı Pegassos! Gençliğim benim, oğlum!
Delirmiş bir zamandı, yas, ölünün öcü, gövdesiz kuş,
Kırılan yıldız, unutulmuş bir günün yarısı.
Tohumsuz küçük göller ölüm anıtı gibi yükselen,
Ve giysisiz boşluk, yılgın uzay, o bitmeyen
Koşu...Atlar, atlar.Yaşlananı görmedim hiç.
Kimi yelesiyle devirmek ister burçları,
Kiminin eşeler toprağı hala toynakları.
Anlatma bana atları!
Yüreğim kaldırmıyor düşündükçe vurulup
Vurulup yerlerde yattıklarını, anlatma,
Anlatma bana, görmedim Troya savaşını
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3-ndy · 2 years
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6scar · 3 years
Pegasso - Yo Comence La Broma
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lostinyourears · 5 years
Arena Mexico New Values Report! 07/09/2019
Yago & El Cholo vs. Robin & Sonic
Who’s who?
Yago in black with dreads coming off his mask, Cholo the only maskless guy.
Robin in black/white and Sonic in gold. 
How’s the match?
Good, again Robin is in a pretty unremarkable tag team match. At least he is making shows, I suppose. Cholo probably shouldn’t be getting on these shows. I’m not sure why CMLL is using him, other than I suppose you can’t book Raziel/Cancerbero or Grako/Coyote on every show.
Super Astro Jr., Pegasso & Stigma vs. Espiritu Negro, Espanto Jr. & Akuma
Who’s who?
Astro in silver mask, Pegasso in blue and Stigma in black/red.
Negro without shit, Espanto in black mask with white cross and Akuma in facepaint, all 3 rudos in black.
How’s the match?
Very good, it gets that instead of a good simply because Super Astro Jr. doing the blind leaping tope off the apron would make me okay with watching any match. Great move, that I can’t wait to see be pulled out for a torneo cibernetico sometime down the line. Pegasso/Stigma were solid as always too and Akuma/Espanto have formed a fine rudo duo.
Rey Cometa,Blue Panther Jr. & Black Panther vs. Kawato San, Dark Magic & Polvora
Who’s who?
Cometa in facepaint, Blue in blue, Black in black.
Kawato in blue/silver, Dark Magic in red maskless and Polvora in black wearing the only mask on the rudo side.
How’s the match?
Good, but was very much a match about building heat more than blowing it off. So we didn’t see as much as we could have. Post match Blue Panther Jr. challenges Polvora who unmasked him. Rey Cometa chimed in too, and it seems we may be building a Polvora/Kawato vs. Blue Panther Jr./Rey Cometa tag team apuestas match, but that might be too early to call. 
Negro Casas, Felino & Tiger vs. Soberano Jr., Angel de Oro & Niebla Roja
Who’s who?
Negro Casas in black, Felino in black/orange and Tiger the only masked Casas.
Soberano in white masked, Angel in white too & Roja in red.
How’s the match?
Great, again it’s always a pleasure to see Negro Casas and it’s a rarer treat to see him teaming with his brother and nephew Tiger. Good action from the Casas family as the rudo crew here. Soberano Jr. and Casas feud, but Casas shared the love when it came to chopping the tecnico team. Can’t wait to see who Casas is facing at Anniversary. 
Gran Guerrero, Euforia & Templario vs. Volador Jr., Caristico & Flyer
Who’s who?
Volador Jr. in white, Caristico in gold/white & Flyer in black.
Gran/Euforia/Templario all in red with Euforia in full pants and Templario having a black cross on his mask. 
How’s the match?
Very Good, it’s nice seeing this formation of LGL. Ultimo wasn’t even on this show tonight, but likely worked Arena Coliseo or some other venue this night. Flyer feels above his station here, but is probably tagging along with Volador Jr. An okay match, but nothing too surprising here. 
Dragon Lee vs. Barbaro Cavernario
Who’s who?
Lee masked, Barbaro not.
How’s the match?
Great, Barbaro and Lee have great chemistry and again that leads to another great match in their rivalry. Last year Barbaro won Leyenda de Plata and I could see him making the finals this year, but vs. Dragon Lee. That would be a great way to up the stakes on this rivalry and give them something to fight over that isn’t their respective belts. 
Highlights :
Arena Mexico New Values Highlights 07/09/2019
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rikatatsumi · 6 years
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guyincognitojr · 3 years
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devdas5z · 3 years
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Elsa Hosk for Pegasus Pegaso Fall 2020
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kintoo-un · 3 years
Old cumbias are good for the soul and well-being
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maximumthrill · 7 years
Positive Pro Wrestling: CMLL Friday Super Viernes
Because sometimes I want to say nice things about pro wrestling
That’s an official link to the show replay from CMLL’s youtube page.
Super Viernes is kind of the Monday Night Raw of CMLL, the big weekly show. Every match is 2/3 falls unless it’s a “Relampago/Lightning” Match, then it’s one fall with a 10 minute time limit (clock displayed on the tron). To score falls in tag matches, one team has to beat both members of the other team. To score falls in trios matches, Captains Rules are in effect: each team has a captain, if you beat the captain, you auto-win the fall, otherwise you have to beat two wrestlers on a team. It is VERY different from Japanese wrestling, American wrestling, and even Lucha Underground, but I love the style, it’s my second favourite promotion in the world behind New Japan.
CMLL is the oldest surviving promotion in the world, and has working agreements with New Japan and Ring of Honor right now. It’s a very conservative promotion, relying more on promos (I can’t speak Spanish) and in-ring matches (even more PG than WWE, no hardcore matches, blood or gimmick matches) to tell the story than soap opera storylines. Masks and Hair are the most important things, with Titles coming in third. CMLL has a ton of championships, like 25 or 26 recognized titles (some are specific to buildings, some are secondary titles). The CMLL Trios titles are probably the most important, and historically the Middleweight or Welterweight Titles might be the most important, but really the man makes the title, there is no one “World Champion” (not even the CMLL Heavyweight Title is considered the most important). It’s not important to keep track of them, they’re only defended a few times per year anyways, and title-holders are mostly just holding the Championship so they can have a big feature match once in awhile. Title reigns can last a years in CMLL (the current longest reign is mini-wrestler Electrico with the Mexican National Lightweight Title at nearly 4 years) but usually a few of them change hands over the course of a year.
I usually skip the first few matches on CMLL shows, but Viernes has been putting on pretty good undercards the last little while.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-hvQClBpro&t=1478s - 2/3 Falls Trios Match: Fuego, Pegasso and Esfinge vs the Casas Dynasty (Tiger and Puma) and Raziel. Badass flippy shit and moves
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-hvQClBpro&t=3160s - 2/3 Falls Trios Match: Titan, Soberano Jr and Drone vs The New Dynamite Brothers (Sanson, Cuatrero and Forastero). The Dynamites are sneak becoming my favourite Trios unit in lucha.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-hvQClBpro&t=4829s - Lightning Match, Stuka Jr vs Hechicero. I love Hechicero. He’s so different from most other wrestlers. He’s jacked and looks like a brawler or power wrestling, but he’s surprisingly technical and agile, has a few cool strikes (that rising knee in the corner!) and has a cool entrance where he does fire tricks and summons demons or whatever Evil Mexican Sorcerors do. I think he’s underrated.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-hvQClBpro&t=5738s - 2/3 Falls Trios Match: Blue Panther, El Valiente and Diamante Azul vs Los Ingobernables (Rush and Pierroth) and Sam Adonis. Rush is my favourite CMLL guy so I watch whatever he’s in. Not a great match, but crowd reaction, man. Sam Adonis has recently started doing the Pro-Trump thing and he’s probably the most hated heel in the company right now (which is usually reserved for Rush and Pierroth). You can sort of see that he doesn’t totally know how to handle it (witness Rush gesturing him to get on the announce booth and pose at the fans for maximum heel heat, because Rush loves being hated), I’m hoping he embraces the hate but maybe he wants to live a few more years. Adonis and Blue Panther have a Hair vs Hair match incoming. I feel like Blue Panther is gonna win... but man, if I’m booking, Sam Adonis wins and then you put him against a younger babyface in a mask vs hair match and print pesos (though with how crooked Mexico is, CMLL probably does that anyways)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-hvQClBpro&t=6970s - 2/3 Falls Trios Match: Caristico/Mistico I, Mistico II and Niebla Roja vs Los Guerrreros Laguneros (Ultimo Guerrero and Gran Guerrero) and Mephisto. Always dig the Misticos teaming up. I think Niebla Roja was pretty forgettable up until this feud. He was kicked out of Los Guerreros Laguneros and looks a lot better and a lot more noticeable as a good guy. The big push doesn’t hurt, he’s beating a lot of guys he normally wouldn’t. I can’t quite tell if they’re going Mask vs Hair with Ultimo Guerrero or Mask vs Mask with Gran Guerrero eventually.
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cerneterydrive · 4 years
mfs will just be releasing anything huh
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drumrguy75 · 5 years
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Vol. 6 - Andariego  -  1986
Track 1  -  Andariego
Track 2  -  Llévale
Track 3  -  Tres Palabras
Track 4  -  El Mecatito
Track 5  -  Eres
Track 6  -  Ya Lo Decidí
Track 7  -  Agua Clara
Track 8  -  No Te Olvidé
Track 9  -  Mi Sentencia
Track 10 -  Janie
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lostinyourears · 5 years
Arena Mexico Super Friday Report! 07/05/2019
Super Astro Jr. & Robin vs. Hijo del Signo & Espanto Jr.
Who’s who?
Astro in silver & Robin in green.
Both rudos in black, with Signo maskless. 
How’s the match?
Great, might be too high of praise for this match in some people’s books, but luckily this blog is my own book. I LOVE Super Astro Jr. and he really brought it here. Loved this big dive he did with an assist from Robin. It’s throwing caution to the wind, which is what all the best dives do in my opinion. 
Rey Cometa, Pegasso & Star Jr. vs. Virus, Polvora & Okumura
Who’s who?
Cometa in facepaint, Pegass/Star in blue, with Jr. having red accents/no top.
Virus in facepaint, Polvora in red flamey mask & Okumura the older asian guy. 
How’s the match?
Good, tecnico team is always fun to watch. Virus too is normally pretty good. Okumura isn’t my favorite, but I do have a soft spot for him. It’s nice to see him return after being away for a long while injured. The ending to this match hurt it as does having like 4 of the guys in the 6 man match be pretty unmoving midcard staples who aren’t going to be doing much of note in the coming weeks. Cometa/Virus being the two who might do something of note. 
Atlantis Jr. vs. Hijo del Villano III in a Lightning Match(?)
Who’s who?
Atlantis in white mask and Villano in black. 
How’s the match?
Great, often times a heated rivalry can produce great matches, even from green/new talents. That was the case here. These two having a built in rivalry thanks to their father’s legendary lucha de apuestas from nearly 20 years ago. I could see some hating this ending, but I think it leaves the door open for another match... so I’m pretty on board with it. 
NGD(Sanson, Cuatrero & Forastero)(c) vs. La Excelencia Tapatia(Titan, Triton & Esfinge) for the Mexican National Trios Championships
Who’s who?
NGD boot code : Sanson in black boots, Cuatrero in white and Forastero in gold.
Titan in orange mask, Triton in black & Esfinge in gold.
How’s the match?
Fantastic, another classic NGD title defense. They have become some of the biggest stars in CMLL and thus Mexico in the last 3 years or so and it’s in great part due to these matches they continue to produce. I love seeing them as a unit and both Sanson/Cuatrero have proven they can go in singles action too. I’ve been wanting to see this matches for ages too... as Titan/Triton are two of my favorite tecnicos on the roster. This was not only one to go out of your way to see, but should also be on the short list of suggested matches for anyone who wants to see the best action Lucha Libre has produced this year. 
Ciber The Main Man, Mistico & Rey Bucanero vs. Gran Guerrero, Soberano Jr. & Euforia
Who’s who?
Ciber in black cl4n shirt, Mistico in white/black & Bucanero in facepaint.
Gran/Euforia both in red with Euforia in full pants, Soberano in blue. 
How’s the match?
Great, have really enjoyed watching Soberano/Euforia team up. The first time being just a month or so ago in Copa Dinastias. The two being father and son, but of different alignments. Euforia being a rudo to Soberano’s tecnico. They teamed here, because it’s an off pairings trios match. With Mistico too being a tecnico teaming with two rudos. Honestly want to see more Soberano with Euforia, but not sure if that trigger will be pulled... because one of them would have to turn. Ending is a little deflating and strangely the follow up for Ciber unmasking Gran is next week Ciber vs. Ultimo... so not sure how much sense that makes. 
Caristico, Volador Jr. & Valiente vs. Gilbert El Boricua, El Terrible & Bestia del Ring
Who’s who?
Caristico in white, Volador Jr. in white/red & Valiente in Metallic blue. 
Terrible/Bestia in black/yellow with Bestia having western boots and Gilbert in black. 
How’s the match?
Good, a bit by the numbers and it’s either the least interesting match of the night, or 2nd least interesting below Cometa. Just not much to really pop for here. Valiente/Caristico/Volador Jr. are all great as are the rudos, but nothing here seemed like it was very important. A forgettable main event, for a pretty great overall show. 
Highlights :
Arena Mexico Super Friday Highlights 07/05/2019
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