#Pearl Matthews
s6spiria · 1 year
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˚  ✦ . .  ˚ . . ✦ ˚  . ★⋆.
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an embroidery piece I made inspired by Hosea Matthews
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Arthur can overhear him say this line to Dutch early on in the game. You can hear a sadness in his voice, especially since he sounded so determined and angry beforehand (as if he's getting used to Dutch no longer valuing his opinions)
Hosea's care for the gang is genuine & heartfelt during the events of RDR2. He sees the road of destruction that they're headed down and does his best to stop it in the way he knows how - with charisma and words. Arthur can listen to him arguing with Dutch more and more often as the game progresses, and you can even overhear him trying to convince Abigail to leave. However, between his loyalty to Dutch and the the thin line they're always walking with the law, his success is... limited 💔
As for the flowers: one of the first interactions we have with him is teaching Arthur about some useful plants, so I tried my best to make black-eyed Susans and yarrow, which are both plants known to have medicinal uses (yes I know they look like sunflowers & carrot blossoms I'm so sorry 😩)
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ranna-alga · 6 months
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"Do the Evolution" - Pearl Jam
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fadeintoyou1993 · 1 year
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tai voice happy wife happy life......
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bluebell-lace · 1 year
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“There’s nothing like a mad woman”💌
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That is the most specific dave matthew’s opinion i’ve ever seen anyone have
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Now this begans the tradition of talking about photos or paintings that we don't get to see, besides Will's wonderful headshot. -Rider 
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supakixbabe · 1 month
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Ahem, Matthew… if you’re still lurking on Tumblr… 👀😂
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zackmartin · 10 months
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color palette meme → riley matthews + lavender love
happy birthday @partiallypearl 🎁
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homesickpiranha · 11 months
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Pearl (2022)
"I never wanted you to feel jealous. It's an awful feeling like a rot the way it just twists and turns at your insides. I know that aching so well. I feel it.. whenever I see others whose lives come easy because.. the truth is I'm not really a good person."
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“The world needs bad men. We keep the other bad men from the door.”
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Matthew and them pearls
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yoosmekihyun · 9 months
Conversations in the Dark (pt. 1)
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Summary: After a series of major personal events, you decide to move to New York (in part) so you can have a relationship with your newly discovered half-sister, Karen Page. Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson become additional important figures in your life as you navigate new relationships and figure out how to live your life.
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut (eventually), we run the spectrum of emotions here
Warnings: mention of death, grief, anxiety, drinking, pining (so much pining), self-deprecation, chapters with sexual content will be marked with their own warnings, violence or attempted violence (i.e. Daredevil related), more possible warnings in the future
Author’s Note: This is pure wish fulfillment and written for my own joy. I haven’t put out anything in at least five years and this is the first time I’ve written something multi-part. I’m not sure how this will go, how long it will be, or how often I will post/update.
Word Count: 1.9k
Part 1
The remnants of summer still lingered in the warm September afternoon as you stepped out of the cab in front of the coffee shop. Glancing at your watch, you realized you were still a little early but that’s how you preferred it. This would allow you to order your drink and calm your nerves a little before she arrived.
When your turn came at the counter, you took the barista’s suggestion of the monthly special and moved to wait for your drink. Looking around you noticed the little pieces of fall décor another employee was putting up around the shop giving it a cozier vibe. Once the barista called your name, you found a small empty table in a corner that would allow you to watch the door and enjoy the city street chaos through the large window next to you.
This shouldn’t have been as nerve racking as it was but while you had spoken with your half-sister several times over the last year, you hadn’t seen her in person since your father’s funeral a little over a year ago. You prayed this was a good idea. You needed a win after the heaviness you had dealt with over the last few years. You needed some joy and connection, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity but now you were second guessing yourself.
Just as you were beginning to spiral and doubt your decision for the umpteenth time that day, you heard the ding of the door and watched your half-sister, Karen Page, rush in searching for you. The moment she saw you, she broke into a huge smile and hurried over to envelop you in a hug.
“Y/N! I’m so glad you made it safely! I hope you weren’t waiting long; I told Matt and Foggy I needed to leave sooner but they’re drowning in a sea of paperwork for a case, and we lost track of time.”
“Don’t worry about it! I’m usually early and you’re only a couple minutes late. No harm, no foul.” You released her from the hug and in that instant, you knew you had made the right decision. You didn’t realize how much you needed a hug from family until that moment and you felt more settled than you had in weeks.
“Do we need to postpone so you can get back to the office? Are you on a time crunch?” you asked.
“Oh, hell no, we are not postponing! They’ll be fine without me for a little while. I want to caffeinate while I hear about how you’re feeling now that you’re here!”
Your biological father may have been a world class asshole, but at least he had the decency to tell you and Karen about each other before he died. It was weird growing up as an only child to find out as an adult that you had a sister, especially when you had so desperately wished for one when you were younger. For her part, Karen could have decided she didn’t want a sister, but she welcomed you into her life with open arms. Admittedly, you struggled some, not because you were unhappy to find out about her, but because the news came during one of the worst times of your life.
If you had a terrible biological father, then luckily, you had the most amazing mother you could have asked for. When you and Karen found out about each other, you had just received news that your mother had been diagnosed with cancer for the second time. This time, it was late-stage and had spread with abysmal survival rates. This news alone meant your plate was beyond full. The idea of figuring out how to grieve the parent who didn’t want you while struggling to accept the awful news about your mother was overwhelming. It was nothing to say of the struggles to cultivate a new relationship with your sister under your poorly hidden sorrow, but Karen had been lovely and understanding. She did so much of the early legwork to develop your relationship, checking on you when she knew you were focused on your mother and often reminding you to do basic tasks to take care of yourself.
When your mother passed in the late spring, you were understandably devastated. She had been your sounding board your entire life and, without her, you felt unmoored. Thankfully, Karen had been there. She hadn’t been able to come to the funeral, but she called you every day for the first couple weeks after to make sure you were eating, hydrating, and showering. She listened to your stories and cried with you when the grief threatened to eat you alive.
During a conversation expressing your untethered feelings, Karen raised the idea that led you to the coffee shop in the midst of Hell’s Kitchen.
“Hey, I know you’re not sure what to do but…what if you moved here? Maybe a big change of pace and scenery will help you move forward.”
If you were being honest, moving to New York was an idea you had for a long time. You had applied to Columbia and NYU in your final year of high school but a full ride to a local university secured your undergrad path. Despite this decision, you never let go of the idea of New York. When Karen tentatively suggested the idea, it was like your mother was holding a huge neon sign for you, telling you to get off your ass and GO! A light burst into life within you, and you scrambled to make the arrangements so you could move as soon as possible.
Once Karen had her coffee and settled into her seat, you relayed some of your travel mishaps and your ideas and loose plans for her input.
“Honestly, I can’t really believe I’m here. It’s all still so surreal. But I’m hoping the apartment hunting will help ground me a little and once I can actually get my things here, it’ll start to sink in.”
“That makes sense. I imagine it’ll feel more like a vacation until you have your things around you. I’m so glad you’re here to experience fall in New York! I think you’ll love it,” Karen gushed, beaming at you.
As you grinned at Karen, you felt a peace and a warmth spread in your chest that you hadn’t felt since before your mom passed. You reached across the table and grasped her hand. “Thank you, Karen, for everything. I don’t know what I would have done without you this last year. I’m so grateful you’re my sister.”
Karen’s eyes started to well up as she gripped your hand in return, “I’m grateful you’re my sister too.”
Shocking you both out of the moment, Karen’s phone buzzed, and she rolled her eyes once she saw the caller ID. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. He knows I’m with you so I’m not sure why Foggy’s calling.” You waved her to answer it, unbothered by the interruption as it gave you a moment to reign in your emotions a little more. You didn’t need to start sobbing in the middle of a coffee shop; you’d have your bigger emotions in private later.
You took a sip of your coffee as you heard Karen’s exasperated tone, “Yes Foggy I know it’s a big deal. YES, I know we need the revenue. Okay, okay but you both know why I took an extended break and who I’m with…Seriously?? Now? Ugh, fine. You both owe me AND Y/N for interrupting.”
Karen sighed as she ended the call and looked at you apologetically. Before she could even say anything, you started, “Let me guess, they need you back ASAP because they don’t know how to function without you?”
She chuckled and confirmed, “Basically. He also asked me to bring back coffee. They’re losing steam fast. If you’re not too tired, do you want to walk back with me? You can meet them, so you know who to look for when we get drinks at Josie’s tonight!”
“Wait, what’s Josie’s?”
“It’s this local dive bar that Matt and Foggy love and they want to welcome you to the city! We planned on going tonight if you felt up to it, but we can do another night or somewhere else if that works better for you?”
You could tell Karen was a little nervous. Whether it was encouraging you to meet her co-workers and friends so quickly or having you go drinking your first night in an unfamiliar city, you didn’t know but you wanted to start living your life, not hide away in a hotel room.
“That all sounds great! I love a good dive bar, sounds like my kind of place.”
Fresh coffees in hand, you and Karen made your way back to her office making small talk about the neighborhood and places to consider when you went apartment hunting the following day with a recommended broker. You wanted to be near Karen, not necessarily in her building, but within walking distance so it would be easy to see each other when you wanted.
You nearly missed the sign “Nelson, Murdock, and Page” until Karen directed you to the door next to it. Once you made it to the interior door, you could hear the loud voices before Karen opened the office door.
“I come bearing caffeine. If you want it, stop arguing and get out here so you can meet my sister!”
You heard chairs scraping right before you saw a tall, blonde man with a huge smile step out of a side room. Holding out his hand for you to shake he said, “Hi! I’m Franklin Nelson but you can call me Foggy.”
Unable to hold back your grin, you took his hand for a quick shake and replied “Nice to meet you, I’m Y/F/N Y/L/N.”
The sheer happiness and light that shone out of Foggy reminded you of your mother. You knew this man was going to be your friend, come hell or highwater.
Behind Foggy you could hear a shuffling sound and you peered around him. Once you saw the other man, you nearly forgot to breathe. Your heart stuttered in your chest as you gazed at easily the most beautiful man you had ever seen in person. Like Foggy, he had his sleeves rolled up to just under the elbow and the top button of his shirt was undone along with a loosened tie. His red reflective glasses did nothing to distract from the sharp jawline and days-old stubble. His dark hair was slightly mussed, as if he had recently been running a hand through it. As beautiful as he was standing before you, you were most distracted by his mouth. It was lush and soft while still looking deliciously male and it was quirked up on one side like he was in on some kind of joke you had missed.
Loudly, someone cleared their throat and shook you out of your stare. You realized you had missed something as Karen looked at you with a raised eyebrow and a smirk and Foggy was shaking his head while rolling his eyes.
You gave a little embarrassed chuckle as your cheeks flushed, “Um, sorry, what did I miss? I’m a little out of it, all the excitement and travel today.”
The beautiful man gave a full smile and you nearly stopped breathing again. He stepped forward and with one hand extended, he repeated,
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N. I’m Matt Murdock.”
Copyright © 2023 by yoosmekihyun. All rights reserved.
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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A24 has released a retro-style Pearl fine art print for $50. Shipping by November 30, it measures 24x36 and is limited to 1000.
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bpdbeehive · 2 months
Characters I think have BPD part 2
Marika Tachibana fp Raku (Nisekoi)
Matthew Patel fp Ramona (Scott Pilgrim)
La Signora (Genshin Impact)
Lute fp Adam (Hazbin Hotel)
Vox fp Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Dot and Bette (American Horror Story)
Ken fp Barbie (The Barbie Movie)
Homura Akeni fp Madoka (Madoka Magica)
Nagito Komaeda fp Hajime (Danganronpa)
Bojack Horseman (Bojack)
JD fp Veronica (Heathers)
Oswald Cobblepot fp Edward (Gotham)
Sibyl Vane fp Dorian (Dorian Gray)
Elsa (Frozen)
Pearl fp Howard (Pearl)
Pearl fp Rose (Steven Universe)
Annie Wilkes fp Paul (Misery)
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lynnospen · 1 month
You're a majorwood artist too, right! Ohhh my god they're my favorite they're my muse omg omg omg Scott pilgrim majorwood au would be so awesome. Scott's 7 evil exes... Jimmy, sausage, pearl- all of Scott's exes are so nice! Making them evil would be really funny, idk, what are u thinking :3
hey so I'm not saying anything but pearl as roxie richter
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