#Pdf shrink sheets to same size
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Pdf shrink sheets to same size

Shrinking the balance sheet: the case for keeping it simple Although some shrinkage of the balance sheet will likely occur at some point, there’s no need to rush that process. I’m arguing instead that, whatever pace of tightening the FOMC chooses, it’s best implemented in the near term by increasing the short-term interest rate. To be clear, in this post I am taking no position on the appropriate pace of overall monetary tightening. As I’ll explain, under reasonable scenarios only a moderate amount of balance sheet reduction may ultimately be needed, reducing any urgency to begin the unwinding process. Second, before beginning to shrink the balance sheet, the FOMC should have a clearer idea of what its ultimate size should be. But since the effect of balance sheet reduction on broader financial conditions is uncertain, it is prudent not to begin that process until short-term interest rates are comfortably away from their effective lower bound, leaving the Committee room to offset any unanticipated effects. In particular, once the runoff of the Fed’s assets begins, the FOMC should proceed on the assumption that it will not be halted. I’ll make two main points:įirst, policy communication will be made easier and the risk of market disruption minimized if the shrinkage of the balance sheet, once it begins, is passive and predictable. As I’ll discuss in this post, the case for deferring action on the balance sheet until short-term rates are meaningfully higher remains at least as strong as it was when the FOMC’s strategy was first devised. Has the Fed’s approach to balance sheet normalization actually changed? At least until I hear otherwise from the FOMC’s leadership or the Committee as a whole, my guess (and hope) is that it hasn’t. However, recently, a number of Fed officials have begun talking about plans for shrinking the balance sheet, leading market participants and other observers to speculate that first steps in that direction may take place sooner than expected. The FOMC has been clear that its current tightening campaign would ultimately involve shrinking the central bank’s balance sheet, but it has also said that will not begin that process until “ normalization of the level of the federal funds rate is well under way.” In short: rate increases first, balance sheet reduction later. Since then, it has kept the size of its balance sheet constant, buying just enough to replace maturing securities. The Fed stopped buying large quantities of assets in October 2014. The policy of so-called quantitative easing (see here and here) expanded the Fed’s balance sheet from less than $900 billion before the crisis to about $4.5 trillion today-including about $2.5 trillion in Treasuries and $1.8 trillion in mortgage-related securities. government-backed, mortgage-related securities.
I am still stuck with preposterously huge vector PDF files.To help stabilize the financial system and promote economic recovery, starting in late 2008 the Federal Reserve purchased large quantities of financial assets, primarily Treasury securities and U.S. I have also tried converting to/from SVG, PS and EPS. That, however, does not work, since it only applies to raster images. I cannot use image compression, since these pages contain only vectors.ĮDIT: I have already tried Ghostscript with various -dPDFSETTINGS=/ settings. This is a problem, since I cannot easily e-mail 10 of these documents to someone quickly.Įxporting a page with around the same amount of text within LibreOffice results in PDF files at least 10 times smaller. A 2-page PDF is easily 800kb, and three pages are well over 1MB. However, these "printed" PDF's are enormous. However, I need to distribute those printed pages electronically, and thus I installed the printer-driver-cups-pdf package, which gives me a PDF printer, and thus I can distribute PDF's to my team members. I have a niche Java app that I use extensively (since it's Java and thus basically cross-platform, and since it can cater to my needs), and its job is to produce a printed page with text on it.

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Instructions on sewing a basic face mask*
*Dutch-language instructions and patterns are recommended by the Belgian Government’s Federal Department of Health and have been translated by me, who has a master’s degree in translation for this language combo.
1.You make a very simple rectangular mask with pleats. 2.You make that mask again but you add a lip inside. 3.You sew those two masks together along the top and sides, but not the bottom. If you run your finger downwards on the interior or the exterior, your finger should not catch on the pleats (see image). 4.You add long ribbons to every corner of your two-layer face mask (not elastics!) so you can tie the ribbons away from your mouth. 5.Because you added a lip inside to insert a disposable filter through the bottom, e.g. a filter cut out of a vacuum bag.
The focus of the design is safety, ensuring: - a tight, secure fit to your face (covering nose, mouth and chin). -the possibility to insert filters of various width and density.
Follow the instructional video in English:
Do not use this face mask to approach a known infected person or to take care of a known infected person. Use it to keep from (accidentally) infecting others!
(see below the cut for specifics)
-two bandanas or tea towels for the face mask -loooong ribbons made of non-stretchy fabric so your hands stay away from your mouth -vacuum bags or a third bandana/tea towel for the disposable/washable filter -scissors, needle and thread
REMEMBER TO BE HYGIENIC: sterilize before and after sewing sterilize at least daily by washing at 90C or 195F store the mask in a zip bag when you’re not wearing it
Extended version of (translated) instructions and where to get the patterns below the cut.
This simple pattern is based on a design of Dr. Chen Xiaoting, a Taiwanese anaesthetist.
This translation does not include the actual patterns, only the translated instructions. To print the patterns, you will need to print the pages 7-18 of this file or copy-paste https://maakjemondmasker.be/pdf/Mondmasker_patroon_en_handleiding_20200318_v2.pdf into your browser. The patterns available are Large Adult, Small Adult and Child. The face mask should be big enough to cover your nose and mouth and to go underneath your chin. You may need to do some comparing to really understand the marks written on the Dutch patterns. For ease of reference, I will include a translated template of the child’s face mask (not to size). Note that especially the seams and placement of the pleats differ from size to size. Template of pattern marks, translated (not to size!) :
-Sterilize your equipment before cutting and sewing For the love of god, don’t thread your needle by licking the thread, just cut the end with sharp scissors.
-This face mask is a washable fabric casing, which allows it to be reused, combined with a disposable filter. --Sterilize/ wash the mask at 90°c/195f when it’s finished --Dispose of the filter at least daily --Sterilize/wash the mask (and cloth filter) at least daily
-Always wear the same side of the mask. --Visually distinguish interior from exterior by using different colour fabrics or mark the sides with a big I or O. --Generally, the lightest colour is worn on the inside. If you’re making a mask for vets or -god forbid if necessary- for medical personnel, preferably use a light colour (white, beige) for the inside and a darker colour (blue) for the outside.
-Only wear the mask when necessary -Don’t wear the mask around your neck: either you’re wearing it in front of your nose, mouth and chin, or it is stored away in a sealable freezer bag
Print the pattern on A4 paper sheets (NOT US Letter Paper). Always print at 100%, do not scale the pattern up or down!
Measure whether the test square on your printed page is indeed 5x5cm or 1.96inx1.96in.
For the sizes Large Adult and Small Adult, you will need to:
1. puzzle the correct halves together,
2. cut out the vertical sides of the paper in order to properly align the pattern,
3. tape the parts together.
Pair the pattern pages (they have an orange number in upper corner) like this:
1 & 2 (introduction) 3 - 9 (large adult ext.)
4 - 10 (large adult int.) 5 - 11 (small adult ext.)
6 - 12 (small adult int.) 7 & 8 (child ext. and int.)
The seam allowance IS included in the patterns on the pdf. You don’t have to add these yourself when cutting the pattern.
-For the exterior of a Large Adult mask: one piece of fabric of at least 20cm by 20.5cm (7.87inx8.07in). This fabric must breathe well and should not absorb moisture easily. Use a synthetic fabric (polyester) if possible, but cotton may also be used. -For the interior of a Large Adult Mask: one piece of fabric of at least 20cm by 20.5cm (7.87inx8.07in). Ideally you should use polypropylene (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonwoven) but cotton may also be used.
· Ensure that both pieces of fabric have a clearly different colour. This way you can be sure to always wear the same colour to the inside.
· Do not use stretchy fabric. This way the mask would not fit securely. Stretchy fabrics are also harder to work with when using a sewing machine.
· You could try to wash your fabric in advance so that it does not shrink too much during its first (very hot) sterilization wash.
-The ribbons should be long enough to tie and untie the mask easily at the back of the head (e.g. 50cm or 19 inch each). This way the mask can be taken off with the hands at a safe distance from the face. -Materials to make a disposable filter (a vacuum bag, a charcoal filter, even just another layer of fabric if your fabric is really thin) that you can cut to the size of the face mask. -A standard needle and synthetic thread are fine for this project.
The paper pattern includes the seam allowance. You don’t have to add these yourself when cutting the pattern.
· 4 ribbons of at least 50cm / 19.68in each.
· the fabric for the interior (fabric 1).
· the fabric for the exterior (fabric 2).
· the locations of the pleats and folding direction.
· the seam lines.
· the “nose” edge.
If your fabric is more floppy than stiff, you may need to extend the lip on the fabric for the exterior.
Fold the pleats on both pieces of fabric, on the ‘right’ side of the fabric:
· Following the paper pattern, place the black dotted line on the red full line in the direction of the arrows.
· Pin into place.
· Do this for every pair of red/black lines.
· Double-check the pleats are in the right direction (see the cross-section). The lip is folded upwards into the ‘wrong’ side, the pleats are folded downwards on the ‘right’ side.
After checking, press the pleats down with an iron. This may be easier one pleat at a time. You can bast the edges of the pleats down into the short side’s seam allowance.
Fold the small seam on both fabrics inwards into the ‘wrong’ side and hem the seam into place with a straight stich.
· Go for a straight stitch of 3mm, or, no smaller than 1/8 of an inch.
Fold the lip on fabric 1 inwards into the ‘wrong side’ and press down with an iron.
You can bast the edges of the lip down into the short side’s seam allowance.
Put both fabrics down with their ‘right’ sides (pleats) facing up. Align the fabrics so that their long edges are connected:
· The edge “nose” of fabric 1 is touching the edge “nose” of fabric 2.
· The edge of fabric 1 with the lip (on the ‘wrong side’) is the furthest long edge away from you.
Sew along the edge “nose” and attach the fabrics together into one.
Pin a ribbon to every corner of fabric 1:
· the lengths of the ribbons currently point to the insides of the pattern.
Fold the seams of the short sides inwards over the ribbons and press into place with an iron.
Fold the mask along the seam “nose” with the ‘wrong’ sides out:
· You can check this easily by the seam of the short edges (the sides are not hemmed yet) and the lip on the top fabric (the long edge now closest to you).
Sew the short edges together along the seam allowance:
· Make sure to secure the ends of the ribbons as well as the edges the pleats and the lip with these side seams.
· Use a lockstitch if you can. You secure the ends of the thread by going back and forth at the beginning and end of sewing the short edges, making the thread pull itself tight.
Take care not to catch the length of the ribbons into the side seams!
Turn the face mask inside out by the open edge (where the lip sits).
· The pleats etc. of the mask should now look like the cross-section.
You can now cut some filters more or less the same size of your mask out of vacuum bags.
Sterilize the mask:
· Wash it in a washing machine with a program at 90°C / 195F.
· Then store the mask in a sterile bag or container (e.g. freezer bag), or wear immediately afterwards.
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Moose’s Adventures in D&D 5e - Session 1
So I started playing 5e (I usually play 3.5 and Pathfinder, but 5e has been fantastic) with my amazing friend Jacky and her boyfriend. We’ve played three sessions so far, and let me tell you it has been a doozy. So I’m going to go over the highlights/summary of the first few sessions, which is easy ‘cause we’ve had three. For now, session 1. First bit is we used a character background randomizer book/PDF. From that, thanks to a series of dice rolls we got: A dragonborn bard who worships the Goddess of the underworld and writes ballads in her name. His girlfriend was kidnapped and his ultimate quest was to get her back. A demigod tiefling rogue, daughter of aforementioned Goddess of the underworld, who - thanks to a long series of unfortunate rolls - experienced...
her birth being in the medical tent just outside a raging battlefield
being born with glowing violet eyes that have heat vision
moving to another country during infancy
having to witness the first of her two younger half-sisters be killed by a werewolf
having her own throat gouged out by said werewolf (this makes it painful to talk and she sounds like a fallout ghoul if she talks without something to sooth it)
developing lycanthropy
her skin turned to a pitch black color
her other younger half-sister being taken away and dying of an unknown disease
the first half-sister now haunts her and attacks her every 50-something days (I don’t have my character sheet for the exact numbers)
being forced into a child marriage
a war starting within her country
being blamed for starting that war, thus being thrown into prison and branded on the back of the next as a traitor
less than three years later being let free when they realize she didn’t do it
the government making amends by helping her home village become more prosperous
but that doesn’t mean jack-shit since she can’t stay in one town for more than a year and a day
a distant family member died and gave her their private island in their will
every lover she has meets their untimely demise after 3 months (I think)
also she’s a pyromaniac
And this is all before she turned 18! I’d give more details on the dragonborn, but I arrived near the butt-end of his background rolls lol Now, the world is a magical, mostly rebuilt post-apocalyptic Earth, specifically America, and more specifically Philidelphia. Or was they call it, Phil-e-del-fiya. Technology that exists include phones that were modeled after Nokia phones (you know the one) and the means to make ice cream.
So our first session begins! Ayl (my teifling) and the dragonborn (I can’t remember his name at the moment)(played by Jacky’s boyfriend) don’t know each other. They’re both just people for hire. Ayl came into town about a month ago, just doing her nomad thing, while the dragonborn had been there for a while, looking for clues about his missing girlfriend. There’s a guy named Jeremiah (I think) who owns a bar that also sells ice cream. Ayl loved the ice cream as it soothes her throat long enough to allow her to talk for about 20 minutes, and the dragonborn played for the bar when he didn’t have other work. Well a job was posted and Ayl and the dragonborn agreed to team up after a series of increasingly frustrated gesturing from Ayl. They split off to get supplies and to meet at the bar around noon. Ayl takes like 5 minutes to get her stuff, writing it down and handing it to each shop owner. When passing the dragonborn, who had perusing the shop for like half an hour at that point, Ayl even deals with the pain of talking just to say “Git gud, scrub” when passing him with her collection. Fast forward a while to the magic shop, where Ayl didn’t bother to go to (she’s a rogue with heat vision, she sees no reason for magic doodads), and the dragonborn is still taking his time. Ayl goes to look for him, ice cream cone in tow. She’s more chatty now, of course, and doesn’t sound like she’s been a smoker for the last 500 years. The shop owner, with a deck of many things, is enticing the dragonborn to use it. He does. And so does Ayl. As a result (and these aren’t in order soooo)...
the dragonborn got three wishes from a card he had to use within half an hour. One wish was for his girlfriend to be returned to him safely, the other was to learn what a pizza was after reading about it in ancient tomes, and the third was for an item that would grant him more wishes. So he got a magical wish granting Magic 8 Ball
Ayl’s card forced her to fight what was equivalent to a lowgrade grim reaper
the next card for the dragonborn made him shrink down to like a foot tall
then the dragonborn drew a card that got him a weapon called “The Dragonslayer” which was super awkward
the dragonborn also got long, luscious black hair that he can’t get rid of from a card
We then turned to the Magic 8 Ball cause things were getting too random for the cards. Wishes included for the dragonborn to be normal sized, and for Ayl to meet her mother...Which lead her to be transported to the underworld where we learned reapers kinda have an office vibe going on, complete with talking while sipping coffee from novelty mugs. Ayl made her way to her mother’s chambers, where the WORLDS MOST AWKWARD FAMILY REUNION took place. Like holy shit it was uncomfortable. Meanwhile the dragonborn asks to know where she went, which causes him to be transported there too, where he eagerly plays a ballad for his deity, and learns the snarky pain in his ass he just met today was her daughter. Ayl gets a bell that can allow her to contact her mother if she needs help, which she stashes in her boobage, and they’re sent back to the sorcerer’s shop. By now Ayl’s noticed she’s been eating the same ice cream cone for like two hours now and it’s not gone anywhere. It’s not melting and not matter how much she eats, it’s still the same amount. She quickly figures out the sorceress she’d been flirting with while they’ve been dilly-dallying in her shop was the cause, and also learns if she lets go of the ice cream, it’ll just float and follow her around. They decide to take a break and reconvene the next day, since the dragonborn had to get reacquainted with his girlfriend, and both of them had to meditate with their new weapons to better use them. And that ends SESSION 1!
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A Busy Year Ahead
Fed Watchers have had it “easy” the past few years. They have all been hyper focused on just one aspect of monetary policy: “to hike or not to hike rates”. The details were relatively “straight forward”. The direction for the Fed Funds rate was clear (higher), the magnitude of hikes (25bps) was accepted as a “given” and the timing was limited to essentially four opportunities per year (the other four non-press conference FOMC meetings were generally accepted by investors as off the table). This year will be different for a variety of reasons. The first relates to the business cycle and the current economic backdrop. The recent tightening of financial conditions in Q4 2018 has given the Fed the opportunity to take a “patient pause” conveniently at the same time in which they have reached the lower bound of their estimates of neutral for interest rate policy. This perceived inflection point by the market has now increased the pricing of tail risk rate cuts – a new consideration compared to years prior.
But beyond the standard economic considerations, the Fed has also voluntarily (and involuntarily) added to their already busy agenda of which we will discuss more below. So buckle your seatbelts because we will all need to adapt to a Fed that will not only be communicating more in terms of volume but also in terms of number of topics discussed and variables considered. Chair Powell will need to walk a fine line as he attempts to keep the US economy growing and inflation stable while addressing longer-term monetary policy issues and communicating with the market more frequently.
Press conferences will occur at all eight FOMC meetings.
We will get our first taste of this additional venue for Chair Powell to communicate to markets on January 30th at the Fed’s next FOMC meeting. Although the markets are not currently pricing in rate hikes over 2019, press conferences at every meeting do open the door to an “off-cycle rate announcement” – a new interesting twist that will move us away from our quarterly comfort zone.
The Board of Governors has formally announced 2019 to be a year of review for the Fed’s strategies, tools and communication.
In November 2018, a quietly published press release indicated that in 2019 the Fed “will review the strategies, tools, and communication practices it uses to pursue its congressionally-assigned mandate of maximum employment and price stability”[1]. Part of the announcement included information about a new research conference on June 4-5, at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, where findings and research will be presented.
So, what types of topics will be discussed? A variety of alternative monetary policy frameworks will likely be deliberated relating to how the Fed defines and attempts to achieve their dual mandate. For example, while the Fed currently targets 2% headline PCE, a variety of other strategies have been socialized in the past such a price-level and nominal GDP targeting (see my blog from February 2018 for more details)[2]. While research shows these types of strategies benefit most at the zero-lower bound, the real possibility of a formal shift to one of these alternative strategies would have implications for monetary policy in the here and now and markets may start to anticipate this.
Balance sheet deliberations, research findings and maybe even a decision.
Let’s break this up into two sections: the short term and the long term. The short term agenda is arguably more complicated because the Fed has attempted to separate its balance sheet from the stance of monetary policy (ie how restrictive or easy policy is). Currently, the Fed views the stance of policy to be primarily influenced by their interest rate agenda. The FOMC will likely attempt to continue to keep balance sheet policy separate from interest rate policy. However, the building market narrative around balance sheet likely means that they will be encouraged to, at the very least, do more research. Any further discussion of this topic in addition to any research findings published is likely to add to market volatility as well as influence the market narrative. Nevertheless, Powell has expressed in a variety of forums that he is not convinced that the recent market volatility in Q4 was driven by the balance sheet.
Either way, the Fed needs to start getting the public comfortable on where the balance sheet is heading. As we all know, the balance sheet will not be shrinking indefinitely – as our economy grows, currency demanded by the public increases and the balance sheet naturally grows in size to accommodate this. So here are a few numbers: the total asset size of the balance sheet is ~$4 trillion and total reserves are around ~$1.7 trillion (both required and excess) as January 16th. A recent survey done by the Fed called the “Senior Financial Officer Survey” indicates the lowest level of reserve balances respondents (which represented two thirds of all bank reserves at the time of the survey) would be comfortable holding in aggregate amounts to ~$620 billion. This would suggest the lowest level of reserves for the whole banking system would be around $900 billion – $1 trillion[3]. However, there is an even wider range of estimates across primary dealers, investors and economists for the right level of total reserves ranging from $750bln all the way to $1.5 trillion. Therefore no matter how you slice it, we are closer to the end than the beginning of normalization and the markets will need clarity on how this process will proceed. Even if the surveys are correct and we have some amount further to go before we reach a level in which reserves are scarce, the Fed may prefer to keep some buffer of reserves to allow them to continue to control interest rates through the current “floor system” which uses IOER to influence other short-term rates. The other option would be returning to a “corridor system” where rates are controlled by open market operations and reserves are scarcer.
To add even more to this discussion: in the longer run, once the run-off ends, the jury is still out on the composition of the balance sheet. Any follow-up on the surprise mention in the December FOMC minutes of “very gradual” sales of remaining agency MBS in order to get closer to all Treasury portfolio will have implications on that market[4]. So will the decision to stick with the current policy of investing across the Treasury curve versus returning to a portfolio of only bills and short-term Treasury notes.
Additional appointments to the Board of Governors mean more viewpoints and speeches.
President Trump has appointed Chair Powell as well as three new Governors (Bowman, Clarida and Quarles) since elected however he still has two more spots to fill. A few nominees have come and gone without being confirmed including more recently Marvin Goodfriend and Nellie Liang. While the President’s picks have all been mainstream so far, Trump’s increasing criticism of the Fed could increase the risk of a more alternative candidate.
All told, 2019 will be a year of transition for the Fed and therefore for the market. This transition period will likely be accompanied by volatility as the consensus among both Fed members and market participants shifts and evolves as the year progresses. With this in mind, we are viewing the New Year as an opportunity to be more tactical in the US rates and inflation markets as the Fed’s strategy appears to be even more fluid then in the past.
[1] https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20181115a.htm
[2] https://blog.jpmorganinstitutional.com/2018/02/is-the-fed-moving-the-goalposts/
[3] https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sfos/files/senior-financial-officer-survey-201809.pdf
[4] https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/fomcminutes20181219.htm
The post A Busy Year Ahead appeared first on http://blog.jpmorganinstitutional.com/.
from Surety Bond Brokers? Business https://blog.jpmorganinstitutional.com/2019/01/a-busy-year-ahead/
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Week 1 - Project 2
~ Experimentation of the code/logistics, followed by experimentation into other forms of design and other artists attempts of similar processes. ~
I was first brought to the idea by looking at a demonstration in the lecture space of the example making hundreds of pages to create a book. The code is as follows;
Once I saw the presentation I was immediately drawn to a memory of my childhood. I had a teacher who would paint rocks of each student's name so that it would help her remember each student's name. So in turn I think this would be a really neat variation of that where a teacher could enter their classes names and then there could be there very own unique book covers. Each cover could have its very own individuality, by it colour, hobbies, favourite shapes, etc. I then played around with the code and added notes about what changes what. I initially tried adding a single name to each page and then changing the name from one to the next for each student. This proved harder than I initially thought and I Googled, "How to run a floor loop through an array." Coincidentally we will be learning how to do this in next Week's class. So I can further elaborate on this process next week. My elaboration of the code thus far looks as follows;
I also added the recommended 'Key Search Terms' for inspiration.
Digital Fabrication = Digital fabrication is a type of manufacturing process where the machine used is controlled by a computer. The most common forms of digital fabrication are: CNC Machining: where, typically, shapes are cut out of wooden sheets.
Data Visualization = Data visualization is a general term that describes any effort to help people understand the significance of data by placing it in a visual context. Patterns, trends and correlations that might go undetected in text-based data can be exposed and recognized easier with data visualization software.
Parametric = Parametric statistics is a branch of statistics which assumes that sample data comes from a population that follows a probability distribution based on a fixed set of parameters. Most well-known elementary statistical methods are parametric.
Generative = • Denoting an approach to any field of linguistics that involves applying a finite set of rules to linguistic input in order to produce all and only the well-formed items of a language. • Relating to or capable of production or reproduction.
I have done some research on other current means of Childrens School Book Covers, and not a lot of results were similar nor what I had in mind. So the first example bellow;
Demonstrates a simple example of how a child's book cover may be covered so that it is recognized against all the others kids' books. However instead of guessing whether or not another child had the same Batman book cover as you, you KNEW that yours was going to be one of a kind. I think the idea of the code producing you your own book cover that is completely unique would be a very good way for each book to be distinguished amongst the rest. This could also give the teacher of the class a very good way to learn each of the kids names a little easier as each book will have their name and own pattern too. I looked for book covers for children generated by code and absolutely nothing of relevance come up. This would be one of a kind and once completed, a very versatile program that could defiantly be used in the market. I then went to look for book covers which have been generated by code and I found as follows;
As you can see in the image above the book cover is ever so slightly different by the white pattern in the middle of the front page. I assume that each time the printer is run, the code generates a slightly different image to print on the front page of the book. This is similar to what I had in mind, however it is nowhere near as personalized as what I had in mind.
Printing Process: Developing/ Printing these works will not be as technologically advanced as some other processes at it largely only requires a stock standard printer. I could choose to develop the process to be more advance however I want to keep it readily available to the public so that most (if not all) could access this program and use it on their own terms. So for accessibility purposes I will keep it on basic printers. It is as easy as running the program on your computer and opening the PDF file created. From here, you can print it to any printer available to your computer. At this point in time the files is set to an A4 size and this about the basic size of a child's book. However you can shrink or stretch the PDF file as you please. This can allow for larger or smaller outputs to fit all sizes. Lastly use "Ctrl + P" and proceed to check the printer!
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