#Payment on dates
obsesseddiary · 10 months
Minha ideia de relacionamento saudável
Pra mim, no relacionamento, a ideia de "dividir a conta" a cada encontro não faz sentido. Acredito que quem convida deve ser responsável pelo pagamento. Se alguém não está em condições de arcar com isso, é preferível não fazer o convite. Eu só acho que é uma situação chata, tipo, alguém te chama pra sair, mesmo você tendo dinheiro, você espera que a pessoa pague, ela que te convidou.
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puddleslimewrites · 1 year
Prompt: Hero or Villain attempts to sue the other for damages or something :P
Court Order (1)
"Suing?" Villain asked incredulously. The paper in their hands crumpled in their grip.
Hero stared back at them, unaffected by the reaction. "That's what the document says, yes."
"What? How? Is- Is this even legal?"
Hero pointed to the official looking signature at the bottom of the page. "It is, yes."
Villain grit their teeth, seething. As much as they would love to snap at their enemy, they needed information. "And what, dear Hero, am I being sued for?"
Hero took the paper back, smoothed it out, and pointed to the fine print. Villain had to squint to read it. "For stealing...your heart?"
Hero folded the paper neatly and handed it back to Villain. "Precisely."
For a moment Villain simply stood there, stunned.
"...Could you not just ask me out like a normal person?" they said faintly once they finally found their voice again.
Hero turned to go, but not before their stoic expression gave way to a tiny smile. "Save the date, Villain. I'll see you in court."
Alternate Answer Here
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sadaveniren · 4 months
Fun facts about Maya’s new book!!
She doesn’t have a publishing deal (yet?)
However do you know this Sada? You might ask. Well it is quite simple dears. First: she didn’t list any publisher, which is a difference from how -say - Lottie announced her new book.
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There is also nothing that comes up when you search for Maya or the book, and there’s nothing in any trade magazines about her book being picked up.
On top of that, her illustrator? He only made his IG account 6 hours ago. He is in fact a real artist but the account she tagged is brand new.
Just some fun facts 🤗
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pastafossa · 1 year
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Thank god for payment plans
I bit the bullet on it and just ordered it. 😩 Hot Toys are the lambos of figures, and it looks JUST like him, like the stubble and perfect mouth and EXPRESSION, it's GORGEOUS, They're also insanely pricey trying to get them 2nd hand and I will NOT miss out again like I did with red suit Matt in 2018 when he sold out not me having hunted for him for years and only ever seen him at 700. HE IS MINE, HE WILL BE MINE, HE CAN STAND NEXT TO MY S3 SOOSOOTOYS MATT, HAPPY 2024 BIRTHDAY TO MEEEEE
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the little mermaid but it's kanera
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braywashed · 6 months
sending an extremely karen email because my power company that said i didn't need to worry about anything because their whack ass bill was being corrected has now, without notice, put a SHUT OFF WARNING ON MY ACCOUNT THAT I ONLY SAW BECAUSE I LOGGED INTO THEIR WEBSITE TO SEE IF IT WAS CORRECTED YET SINCE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BY NOW
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girlcrushau · 3 months
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#me? about to use tumblr as a diary again? in 2024? unfortunately:/#but here have a waterfall i saw on a hike last week as payment#i am sO tired and exhausted emotionally after dating#there's this guy that i fr thought was going to last and be around for a long time. we spent like every moment together that we could for 2#months straight and if we werent physicaly together we were texting or calling or on ft . just every part of our day had the other in it#not once did i ever feel unwanted undesired or uncared for. not once did i feel that i wasnt sure of his intentions. i felt safer with him#in those 2 months than i ever did with any one else i could think to compare to.#until one day he just didnt think it important to communicate any more. after 3 days of nearly nothing .. hardly any talking . i asked if#he was ok if we were ok. what was going on in his head. he said some ive just been with my buddies and family and havent been on my phone#and just. immediately thats heartbreak yanno. thats :// thats what they say when theres a new girl. but there'd never been a reason to think#there was another girl so i was like ok we're gonna trust bc this dude has been So good in every way. so i said imy but i understand. enjoy#your time with your buddies and with your fam -- i cant wait to hear about it (and hold you)#and i havent heard from him in the 3 weeks since. just randomly#so last night#i send the dreaded 'i miss you' text.#i dont expect to hear back and i accept the hurt that will come with that and the confusion that i've felt settles deeper into my heart#until this afternoon i hop on ig and see a hard launch that was posted an hour after my text was sent#that shit kinda hurt different. but also sent me into a bit of a delirious state where all i could do is laugh bc are you for fucking real#did she see my message? i know it. bc i know him and i know that he wouldnt hide anything from the person he's giving his heart#and his softness to. i can almost imagine how he showed her and promised her theres nothing to worry about#and there really isnt anything to worry about because he genuinely is the type to give his all to the relationship he's in#which feels silly to say after what happened w us. like no there wasnt a title ever#it sucks to call it a situationship because a month ago we were laughing in bed together about how we could never bc we were all in.#just the timing of the hard launch makes me giggle. did my text push them to have a conversation about what they are. was she really the#reason that he went away on me.#im trying not to blame myself . trying not to think about the phone calls i didnt answer. about what i could have done differently. trying#not to think about where we would be if i didnt let my anxieties hold me back. if i wasnt scared about what he'd think of the parts of me#that i keep hidden just a little bit longer than the rest.#and at the same time im trying not to put him on a pedestal. but that pedestal is just where i wholeheartedly believe he belongs#he set the bar for me. he set the standard. i was never too much. i was never too little. he made me feel perfect just as i am
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abbaswift · 4 months
daily searching for taylor tickets on ticketmaster and axs, trying not to remember when i almost got two centre middle bowl tickets for the price of one nosebleed resale ticket 💔💔
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kozidraws · 2 years
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Commissions are open!!
-Payment in USD and via ko-fi
- No overly detailed characters please
- 3 Max characters
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So frustrated. Tried to go on a weekday date last night, got home an hour and a half after usual mealtime. Aspen refused dinner while we were out, then threw up 10 minutes after we got home.
Now we’re starting to think it’s an anxiety issue. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has separation anxiety—given that he was crated and alone 50% of the time before he came to us then spent the first year with us around 90% of the time because of the whole global pandemic—but I was really hoping it wasn’t. I really don’t want to medicate him if we don’t have to.
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fooltofancy · 1 year
goes to pay a Rather Large Bill only to find out it autofilled and didn't overdraft me
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blue-unifox · 2 years
Coming to a fandom late is sad bc you search up all the fanfiction or fanart and have so much fun but all the blogs that were active are either dead or have moved on and all you are left with are reminders of what's been years ago 😭
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szczek · 1 year
jesus, lady told me i have time till 16.10 to send back the documents and she just contacted me today asking if i’m resigning since i haven’t sent it yet…. scaring the sit out of me!!!!
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dirt-grub · 1 year
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I paid more for insurance than it cost me to get the fucking car
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sassmill · 1 year
Our patrons do not deserve the excellent customer service that I provide them with
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fakeoutbf · 10 months
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