#date and documents are till today
szczek · 1 year
jesus, lady told me i have time till 16.10 to send back the documents and she just contacted me today asking if i’m resigning since i haven’t sent it yet…. scaring the sit out of me!!!!
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todropscience · 1 year
The second week of July 2023 something extraordinarily beautiful happened, the findings of 3 new species of sharks for were announced
A new angel sharks species was identified, from the western Indian Ocean on the Mascarene Plateau and off southwestern India in 100–500 m depths, the Lea’s angel shark Squatina leae, was recognized to be different genetically and morphologically distinct from its congeneric species Squatina africanae, following unique morphological features.  This species was first detected in 1988 after finding  three unusual, small sharks, but till today was completely understood. The angel shark is named after one of the author’s fiancee’s late sister, Lea-Marie Cordt.
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-  Squatina leae, adult male, in dorsolateral.
Angel sharks are “flatter sharks”, possesing distinctly broad, dorsoventrally flattened bodies, a short snout with large mouth and nostrils, eyes on top of the head close to the large spiracles, very large pectoral fins, and a lateral caudal keel. They've evolved to be ambush predators, they lie in wait for prey to pass closely overhead before attacking.
Reference (Open Access):  Weigmann et al., 2023. Revision of the Western Indian Ocean Angel Sharks, Genus Squatina (Squatiniformes, Squatinidae), with Description of a New Species and Redescription of the African Angel Shark Squatina africana Regan, 1908. Biology 
From North Australia, another species of hornshark is described based on six whole specimens and a single egg case. The painted hornshark Heterodontus marshallae was previously considered to be the same with the zebra bullhead shark another well know bullhead shark from the central Indo-Pacific from Japan  to Australia, but genetic and morphological analyses indicated the sharks were different, but looking alike. The painted hornshark is endemic to northwestern Australia and occurs in deeper waters, at 125–229 m below surface.
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-  Lateral view of two mature female painted hornshark Heterodontus marshallae showing small differences between individuals
The painted hornsharks is named in honour of Dr. Lindsay Marshall www.stickfigurefish.com.au a scientific illustrator and elasmobranch scientist who expertly painted all the sharks and rays of the world for the Chondrichthyan Tree of Life Project.
Reference (Open Access): White et al., 2023 Species in Disguise: A New Species of Hornshark from Northern Australia (Heterodontiformes: Heterodontidae). Diversity.
And from an unidentified shark egg collected from the deep waters of northwestern Australia, in 2011 recently helped researchers identify a new species of deep water cat shark. Called ridged-egg catshark Apristurus ovicorrugatus after its eggs, it was collected in the earlys 90 but remained unknown to date. This sharks presents white eyes, and is small in size, reaching less than a half meter in length. .
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- Lateral view of female Apristurus ovicorrugatus before preserved. Photo by  CSIRO. 
Egg cases belonging to this species had been documented as early as the 1980s, but could not be matched to any species of Australian shark until recently scientists examined a shark specimen of previously uncertain identity in the CSIRO collection.
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 -egg cases of Apristurus ovicorrugatus. Scale bar is 10 mm
Reference (Open Access) White,et al., 2023 What came first, the shark or the egg? Discovery of a new species of deepwater shark by investigation of egg case morphology. Journal of Fish Biology.
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fictionalmenxyn · 1 year
She’s the Lieutenants girl
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Summary: Y/n is a nurse for the military especially Task Force 141 and lucky for her that’s Ghost’s team. After a small injury with a new recruit and that recruit being flirty. What does Ghost make him do?
Tw: mentions of small cuts/ injury and mentions of knives
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Y/n had always known that working as a nurse for Task Force 141 about how dangerous your job was. But you loved the thrill of the work and knowing that you was helping your country in your own way. What made it even better was that your boyfriend, Ghost, was also a part of the squad. You were sitting at your desk catching up on filling out documents and files for any injured people and what medication they may have needed to take. You were just about to move onto the next file when there was a knock at your door. You beckoned “come in!” The person was actually Ghost. Looking up you saw the man that you had been waiting to see today. He spoke “Hey love, how’s work?” You nodded “alright so far.. what have you been up to?” He answered “me and Soap have been helping out and training the new recruits” you smiled and asked “how has that been?” You got up out of your chair and walked over to him and gave him a hug. He smiled under the mask and spoke “alright till Johnny was placing the knives back and had cut his hand.. that’s why we are both here” you looked behind to see Soap walk on over. You smiled and spoke “hey Soap, how bad is it?” He answered “not that bad maybe butterfly stitches at most” you nodded and walked over to the medical cupboard and started to clean Soap’s wound. After finishing up Ghost spoke “we are planning on going to a near by food place, Soap mentioned it and we were wondering if you wanted to join after your done?” You smiled at Ghost and spoke “I’d love to join, I only have about fifteen minutes left so I won’t be too long” Ghost spoke “ok, me and Soap will wait out here for you then.” You nodded and went on your tippy toes to give Ghost a kiss on the cheek as you walked back over to your desk. It’s now been a few minutes and it’s been a bit too quite. But as you were putting away all the files you managed to finish; there was a knock at your door so you beckoned them in. Turns out it was one of the new recruits Ghost is mentoring. You spoke “so how can I help you?” The young boy replied “I’ve got a cut in between my thumb and index finger.” He jokingly added “those bloody throwing knives are lethal” you chuckled and ushered him over to the small bed and said “once you first use them it’s hard but once you get the grip and stuff right, they are really handy to use” you was now taking care of a new recruit who had just got injured during training. You were cleaning up his wound when you heard a knock on the door. You knew it was Ghost and he must have come to check if you were finishing up. But before you could finish dressing up the wound, the recruit started to flirt with you. You tried to be polite and kept your distance, but the boy kept flirting. "So do you have a boyfriend?" the boy asked. "Maybe," you replied, knowing where he was going with this. The boy then asked you out for a date, but you politely declined, telling him that you were already going on a date that afternoon. He asked “with who?” As if on cue, Ghost spoke from behind you, "I am, aren't I, my love?" Y/n smiled, feeling relieved that Ghost had arrived at the right time. The new recruit was shocked and asked “wait are you two together? Like dating?”. Y/n jokingly asked Ghost, "hm? Are we, Ghost?" Ghost smirked under his mask and replied, "Last time I checked, we were." The new recruit knew he had overstepped his bounds and quickly apologised “I’m so sorry Lieutenant sir I didn’t know she was yours”. Ghost then told him “no need to apologise to me but you will be apologising to her and your squad since you are going to do some laps on the track outside and a chat with me in my office tomorrow” the boy looked at you and spoke “sorry” you nodded and ushered him over to the desk. After he left, Y/n got ready to leave with Ghost and Soap for some lunch at a nearby food place. As they walked away, Y/n couldn't help but feel glad to have Ghost by your side and help you when he knew it was needed.
Hope you all like it! if you have anything you’d like me to write make sure to message or request it!
Have a good day/night!
(Also if you’d like a update on me as the author which I don’t think most would want but I’ll do one cuz you never know. Well I’ve been well doing my exams soon I have a Welsh speaking one Thursday which I’m dreading cuz I hate speaking Welsh. I have joined a rugby team which I’m playing my first game tomorrow and I’m so hyped! If you cared to read this I appreciate it have a good day/night!)
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penny-anna · 1 year
i bought a flat this week.
was off work sick last thursday/friday with what turned out to be the beginnings of a bad cold but at the time i was just like 'oh no why am i so tired is this the return of the Mystery Fatigue'
let's backtrack for a second!! back when i had the offer accepted on my flat my solicitor suggested october 6th as a move in date and i was like sure that works (this was around the beginning of september). then i didn't hear anything from them for many days and then i started getting major dry eye problems that became all consuming so i didn't get around to chasing them.
anyway!! tuesday last week i get an email from my solicitor like 'hi are you still able to complete friday' and i did not have the headspace to deal with it so i didn't reply
Wednesday my solicitor calls like 'hi. we need to know if you want to complete friday'. i'm like 'actually i'm really not feeling well this week, could we postpone'. she calls back a few minutes later like 'they cannot postone'. at this point i'm still thinking that if i get a decent night's sleep i'll feel better so i tell her i'll deal with it in the morning.
Thursday i feel spectacularly worse. have to get up to go to an appointment with my optometrist. almost start crying in their office bcos i'm just so exhausted. (he seemed weirdly unfazed by this?? looking back i wonder if he thought my eyes were hurting or something and didn't realise that i was holding back tears gfhglj) call out sick from work.
plan is to take a nap and then look at the documents my solicitor sent over but she calls me again like 'hi. sorry to bother you i know you're sick but can we complete today' so i'm like ah shit ig we're doing this now. please walk me through exactly what you need me to do here. 'we just need you to send us the money'. yeah i can do that. i've never made a payment this big before tho.
(i'm buying w money inherited from my mother so even for a flat purchase it's an unusually large amount of money)
'oh yeah you won't be able to that online. *pause* are you well enough to go to the bank?' i am tired enough that going to the bank will suck but not so sick i cannot go to the bank.
i had gone fully back to bed. spurred on by sudden wave of adrenaline, get out of bed and dressed and get the bus into town to the bank.
my bank closes at 3pm weekdays and by the time i get that it's about 1:45. explain the situation. turns out that to make a payment this big you need a sit-down meeting with a member of staff and they are booked solid till 3. 'can you come back tomorrow at 9:30 when we open' *dying inside* yes. i can come back tomorrow at 9:30.
go home. remember that i'd told my manager that i'd call her at 9 to let her know if i'm going to be working (i will defo not be working & she knows this) which will be tricky if i have to leave at 9 to go to the bank. have a pretty interminable IM conversation via microsoft teams about this wherein i suggest i message her first thing and call a bit later and she isn't going for it. eventually agree to call at 9 just so i can end the conversation and go to sleep.
Friday morning end up calling my manager from the bus. get to bank. whole thing takes a full 30 minutes so yeah i can see why they couldn't fit me in thursday afternoon ghfdljkfhdj. i'm so so tired. they have to go over a whole fraud prevention statement with you. 'you should be aware that scammers can pretend to be your solicitor'. me, exhausted: okay what if just this one time. a scammer is pretending to be my solicitor.
make the payment. go home to sleep finally.
later in the afternoon get another call from the solicitor. 'hi we have the keys you can come get them whenever'. oh yeah i'd been so caught up in trying to get them the money i'd kinda forgotten about. actually getting the flat.
(side note at no point was i planning to move in on 'moving day', an advantage of being a first time buyer is that i don't have to & i want to redecorate the place which is easier while it's empty)
initially say i'll come in next week but then realise that ideally next week i'll be back at work (i am not but anyway) so i might as well go now. it's pushing 4pm so will need to head out ASAP.
eyes are very dry and itchy from sleeping all day but fortunately i just (on a recommendation from my optometrist) bought a thing called a facial sauna which is a very weird contraption but does work extremely quickly.
pack my eye drops and also a peanut butter sandwich to eat in my new flat (why not) and go get the keys.
arrive at the flat. on inspection realise that the envelope i've been given seems to contain the most random assortment of loose keys. eventually identify an actual set of keys.
put my key in the lock of the flat door. abruptly hear a cat meowing, somewhere very close by.
previous owner had cats (plural) (i know this bcos i saw them when i was viewing the place). have a sudden moment of panic that i've somehow wildly misunderstood the whole situation and that she and her cats are still in residence.
look down. there is a very large, very fluffy white cat standing next to me, looking up at me as if expecting to be let in.
'you can't come in. this is my house.'
make my first mistake: think that if i open the door i will be able to prevent the cat from entering.
cat goes straight on into my flat.
i'm now pursuing the cat from room to room saying 'hey! hey you can't be in here! this is my house!'. the cat doesn't give a shit for obvious reasons (it is a cat)
i might have considered just shooing the cat outside and shutting the door but have arrived at an IMO not unreasonable concern. cat seemed very determined to enter this flat in particular and is now roaming around as if looking for something. previous owner had multiple cats and moved out AFAIK today. i have heard stories about people accidentally leaving cats behind when they move.
at this point it's 4:55 on a Friday. call my solicitor and explain the situation. ask if she could pass on a message to the seller's solicitor. unfortunately they have already closed for the week so it will have to wait till Monday but she will do her best.
decide the next course of action is to see if the cat has any ID. the cat is wearing a harness & collar so might have a tag with an address. make my second mistake: pick the cat up.
the cat does not have any ID on the harness. the cat does NOT like being picked up. cat gets very squirmy and then begins scratching me. cat manages to break my skin through a hoodie.
i put the cat down. the cat hisses at me. this is very rude considering that it is in my house.
head across the landing to see if the people opposite are missing a cat or, failing that, know their neighbours well enough to recognise the cat. there's no answer.
however!! i hear a voice down in the stairwell that sounds like it could be someone calling out a cat's name. 'hi!! is someone down there looking for a cat?' no answer.
look down the stairwell. on the ground floor there is a very large fluffy brown cat wearing a harness. !!!!! that is my cat's friend!
retrieve the cat from my flat (fortunately it just follows me out) and head downstairs. am met partway up by the cat's owner.
'oh thank god is this your cat'. it is her cat. apparently she had opened her front door to let them out into the garden and it had wandered off. 'i just moved in today it came into my flat'.
she is very apologetic. cat is unrepetent.
go back inside. call my solicitor's office. 'hi was it you i spoke to just now about the cat' (I told 2 people about the cat) 'no i just answered the phone because it was ringing. what cat.' 'can you tell *solicitor's name* that i have found the cat's owner. she will know what you mean'.
problem solved!! time to eat my peanut butter sandwich. :)
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starwarsbean · 4 months
Love Against the Odds
-Pairing: Tech x F! Reader
-Warnings: Fake Dating! Modern Universe! Slowburn! Smut & Fluff! Sexual Tension! NSFW.
- A/N: Hi to those who read this! Sorry for the delay but here’s the next chapter. I miss the bad batch and the finale was amazing. The next chapters will be more detailed. 18+!
-Summary: Tech is a successful CEO of a technology company. His commitment to his work has given him success in his career. However, he is not interested in trying love. Tech neglecting the important parts of life. His brothers urge him to give it a shot, as they believe finding a romantic partner will make him happy. Tech comes up with a brilliant idea to fake date to trick his brothers.
Chapter 5
Being so productive at work had put a lot of strain into your day. Loads of paperwork and never ending gossip in your workplace. Digging through loads of files and documents finding that one piece of information you needed. Your own thoughts drift off to him. Tech. His honey comb brown eyes. The way he would half smile would turn in a curve full smile. It made you weak in the knees. The way his figure looked in his outfits. His shoulders and arms were a very nice tone of muscle. How were you suppose to not fall for him? It was such impossible concept of separating yourself in this situation. After losing concentration on trying to find the document you needed for work. A loud buzz came from your cell phone. Checking it quickly to see to see if it was him. Your heart starts beating faster, you break into a smile
“Today marks the start of a new opportunity progress for us to be able to make this work. I look forward to seeing you later.”
After rereading Techs message with a smile. you realize you haven’t responded back yet. Unsure of what to say. You didn’t want to mess this up or even scare him off. Taking a deep breath to figure out to say.
“Looking forward to seeing you too Tech.” You quickly put your phone down after hitting send. After a few minutes you back into work mode on your computer. As a couple minutes go by receiving another message from Tech.
“Would you like to come to my place for dinner tonight after work? I am planning on making roasted bantha filet, a classic Mandalorian dish, paired with a side of crispy mashed potatoes and glazed vegetables. Please let me know if you are available and if you have any dietary restrictions or preferences. I look forward seeing you.”
Reading his message brought a smile to your face. He was sweet and sincere asking if you had any restrictions. Seeing him tonight was now the highlight of your day. Looking at the time seeing you get off in 10 minutes. Quickly cleaning up your desk and organizing papers for the next day. You signed off and headed out the building. Pulling out your phone to respond back to him.
“Yes, I can make it. I just got out of work.” After hitting send the excitement hit you that you were going to see him. Walking to your car, you see another message from tech with the address of his place. After sitting down you message back giving him a heads up you’re on your way.
“Drive safe cyar'ika.”
After reading his last message got you confused. You never heard of this word before. What did that mean? Maybe it was a typo or some type of error. Pushing this thought away to focus on the road. Being so impatient to arrive. Driving to Techs place you realized he lived in a nice neighborhood.
Once you arrive to his place. You park and sit in your car debating to go up to the door or to text him you’re here. As you battle your unsure thoughts you decide just to go up and knock.
As you get to techs front door. You’re about to knock till Tech opens the door right away. You laugh softly to yourself. Finding it cute how he opened the door before you even got the chance to knock. Tech clears his throat and offers you to come in with his hands. Looking around his place was a nice clean place. You could smell the fresh pine of his home. Giving it right away he just cleaned up his place. Pictures of it seem like his family. A cute photograph of it seems to be a girl with blonde hair and four other guys.
“Those are my brothers and that is my sister.” Tech says interrupting your thoughts.
“She’s very pretty. What’s her name?” You ask looking at him.
“Omega is her name. Her curiosity and empathetic nature have made her an incredible part of our family.” Tech says while he pushes up his goggles.
“She sounds very lovely.” You say following him to the kitchen.
“She is. You will meet her and my brothers as it is part of our agreement.” Tech pulls out a chair for you to sit. Giving him a little thanks. As you sit you look to see where Tech went.
“I am serving us. Do not worry I got it under control.” He says a bit , but you can hear a bit uncertainty. Smiling as you see him struggle a bit plating the food nicely.
“You know I can help you.” Giggling a bit as you watch him. He looks up at you and shakes his head.
“Nonsense. You are my guest. As a host I have to make sure everything is perfect.” He says determined to plate it nicely. You roll your eyes at his determination. Standing up from your chair to walk over to him. The mess of the food cut up into pieces. Tech struggling to plate the mash potatoes neatly. The glaze vegetables still weren’t finished yet. You look at tech and softly chuckle.
“Here let me help. I think we’re both very hungry after work.” You say grabbing the rosemary and thyme. Giving him a soft smile.
Tech looks at you and nods. Giving you a soft smile. “Very well then. I must check on the glazed vegetables.”
Placing the thyme and rosemary on the bantha meat. Tech walks over to the glaze vegetables. Lifting the lid from the pan the steam fogs up his goggles. You laugh as the fog blocks his view. He lifts up his goggles to let the fog pass. He tries not to laugh as he’s a bit embarrassed. You see him without his goggles on making you quiver inside. A perfect view of his eyes. He catches you looking at him for long. Quickly moving your attention to the meat.
“I should’ve known that was going to happen.” He says stirring the glazed vegetables. You chuckle at his response.
“All that matters is the food isn’t burnt.” You say taking a bite of one of the carrots on the cutting board. Tech looks at at you with amusement.
“Right. How was your day?” Tech says playing the glazed vegetables on two plates. It was a bit out of no where that he asked. You smile and sigh.
“Well it could’ve been better. I just had lots of paperwork. I couldn’t find this particular document I needed. So, it was okay.” You say cutting up pieces of the bantha meat.
Tech stares at you as you cut up the bantha meat. He admires your honesty into giving a bit of detail on your workday. He walks over to you. Placing his hands on top of yours to help you cut up pieces of the bantha meat. Your heart flutters as his hand tops your hand. You look up at him seeing his brown eyes behind his goggles looking down at you.
“Am I cutting it wrong?” You ask softly not breaking eye contact with him.
“Uh well yes, however it’s okay. To cut up bantha meat, you first need to properly prepare the meat by removing any excess fat and trimming any tendons. Then, use a large, sharp knife to cut the meat into desired portions, such as steaks, chops, or cubes, depending on your recipe and desired serving size. You can also cut the meat into smaller pieces for tenderizing it.” He info dumps while helping you cut the meat in the correct way. You listen to him but can’t help as to laugh.
“I apologize if I overshared information and overwhelmed you.” He says pulling away and placing the food on the plates.
“It’s okay I really don’t mind. It’s actually really good information to know now! Hey, now I know how to properly cut up bantha meat.” You say giving him a wink while smiling.
Tech just looks at you with a smile and nods. He finished plating the food while walking to the dinner table. Following behind him you take the chair to sit next to him.
“Would you like red wine with your meal?” Tech ask as he walks over to his cabinet
“Actually, I’ll be fine with just water.” Tech nods as he walks to get you a cup of water. Grabbing both water cups he hands your cup. Thanking him as he hands your water. Tech takes a seat next to you.
“The food smells fantastic. You did a great job Tech.” You say taking a bite of your vegetables.
“Of course I did, but I did have your assistance.” He stares at you while taking a small bite of the bantha meat.
Taking a sip of your water and having a nice quiet moment. The silverware hitting the plates as you both dig into your delicious meals. You clear your throat and break the silence.
“Tech, tell me a bit more about your family. What should I know when I meet them.”
Tech eyes widen a bit behind his glasses. Almost forgetting this was not an actual date.
Tech sighs. “My family is not like most families. I have four brothers named Wrecker, Crosshair, Echo, and Hunter. Along with a sister named Omega. Once you meet them you’ll see their own personalities.”
You nod listening to him. Trying to remember all their names. “Okay that’s good to know. Is there anything specific I should remember about them?”
Tech swallows his food before talking. He thinks for a moment pushing up his glasses. “Wrecker enjoys cooking and coming up with new recipe ideas. Hunter and Crosshair enjoy being out in nature. Omega has a great range of games she enjoys playing. While, Echo enjoys communicating with others and attending conventions.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad to remember.” You say taking a bite of your food.
“It is not hard. I rather you just be yourself around them.” Tech says glancing at you.
You smile at his response. “I know just wanted to get an idea of them.”
Tech looks back at his food. “Of course. If this is hard for you. I understand.”
“No it’s not. I could handle it.”
Both of you go back to eating your meal. Tech looks at you realizing he hasn’t asked much about you.
Tech gets a bit nervous on what he should. He takes a sip of his drink. Then looks at you. “How are your family like?”
You smile drops at the sudden question. Your eyes scan the room unsure of what to say. Not wanting to make eye contact with him. “I don’t really get along with my family much. It’s sort of complicated.”
Tech sees you’re not making eye contact. He feels a bit guilty for asking such a personal question. Before he could say anything you interrupt.
“I moved out here to be on my own. I talk to my family once in a while. We just aren’t close. People don’t stay in contact nor even want to try to stay connected. So, I came out here to see what opportunities I could find for myself.” You say taking a sip of water.
Tech nods and gives you a soft smile. “I’m glad to hear you took the risk of being on your own. It can be quite a challenge. Life does requires us to take risks even if doesn’t go as planned. That’s the beauty of it.”
You look into techs eyes. As he’s already staring into your eyes. You did not expect to hear this coming from him. The smile that appeared on your face was obvious you were falling for him. The heart flutters in your chest. You swear your pupils could turn into hearts if they could by the way you looked at him. Catching yourself off guard you clear your throat.
“Thank you Tech that was rather well sweet.” You say softly looking at him.
Techs eyes having a bit of a different shade as he’s making eye contact with you. He turns away and looks down at his plate. You could swear he was acting a bit shy. Tech palms were becoming sweaty. His heart beating faster than usual. He was confused on why it was happening.
“Of course. Did you enjoy your meal?” Tech ask still not looking at you. He takes a sip of his drink. Trying not to drop the cup as his palms were sweaty. You chuckle a bit.
“Yes it was delicious. Thank you for inviting me over for dinner.” Grabbing your plate as you stand up. Tech quickly puts his drink down and stands. He grabs his plate and your plate from your hands.
“Here I insist I take the plates. You can stay put.” He says grabbing the plates and quickly placing them in the sink. You sit back down while watching him rinse off the plates. Pulling out your phone you realize the time. It was late and you both had work the next day. Tech sits back down next to you as he notices the time on his watch.
“I should get going. It’s pretty late and I don’t want to keep you up.”
Tech looks down at his watch and nods. “You wouldn’t necessarily be keeping me up. I rather stay up doing work.”
You could imagine him staying up late doing work. His head buried into his technological thinking. It would be hard to distract a busy man like him. Chuckling at his response it made you think he wanted you to stay. Oh I believe that. It sucks I have to work tomorrow.”
Tech slightly frowns and nods. “Oh yes. you should be heading home. I will schedule us another day to discuss more information about our fake relationship.”
Tech walks with you to the car. Comfortable silence between you both. As you both walk you look up at the stars. Tech looks at you wondering why you stopped. His brown eyes gazing upon your face. The way your eyes sparkled looking into the night skies. The wind blowing your hair which made your hair cover a bit of your face. Your fingers pushing a piece of your hair behind your ear. Your soft smile as you were focused on the view. Tech realizes how hard he was staring at you. He looks up at the stars. For once Tech doesn’t say anything as he’s just enjoying the moment with you.
“I had a great time tech. I’ll see you later.” You say as you wave at him. Tech gazes at you as he watches you get inside your car.
You felt as if tech needed to say something. You pulled down your passenger window
“Perhaps you could text me once you’re home. As I will know you made it home safely.” Tech says a bit softly as he’s still standing from the sidewalk.
He was thoughtful and that’s one thing you enjoyed about him. “Will do. Goodnight Tech.��� You say as you finally drive away.
Tech watches you drive off as he makes sure you drive off first. He walks back inside as his mind is set on you the entire night.
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worldswithoutendings · 11 months
Eye for an eye [Michael Langdon] pt. 3
here i go, here i go, here i go again. what i my weakness? michael fucking langdon.
part 3! I've never published a series before so I am lowkey, highkey really nervous to continue this series. so I hope you all enjoy this part <3!
pairing: Michael Langdon x female!reader
warning: abuse (for a little bit, Michael doesn't hurt you btw)
summary: just, Michael being nice for a chapter I guess? but also sassy
AN: p/n means pseudonym, you're drunk alter ego.
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Julie left at midnight, even though you begged her to stay at least 4 times. You really didn’t want to sleep alone tonight, the whole day felt like a haze. Up until Julie showed that Michael's number was out of order. After you brushed your teeth you watched how your new phone shined under the LED light in your bathroom no I should just text him, maybe it was a wrong digit she used?
Hey, are you up?
Maybe he’s asleep, who knows. Why were you feeling this way? Your breathing also becomes quicker as your heart starts to beat faster with fear. Buzz buzz
Now I am. Yes.
“oh thank god” you gasped out, cradling your phone like a newborn.
Shouldn’t you be sleeping? It’s 3 in the morning y/n.
I can’t fall asleep, sorry. I have this weird feeling in my body
well, you can’t die now. I haven’t given you the link to my perfume yet.
you change into your pajamas and lay down in your bed as you look at the conversation you're having with Michael. Weirdly starting to feel attached already to this man but you sigh deeply “No, no, y/n. what if he is exactly like all the others? Just needing me for the apocalypse and then leaving me to die” you mumble towards yourself “damn why are you always so insecure” the laugh you let out echoes through your bedroom. Strangely falling asleep with your phone in your hand.
Waking up to the faint alarm of your phone you groan loudly. As you unlock your phone you see you have 3 unread messages from Michael
I hope you’re asleep and not dead
Oh, you’re asleep that’s good! Hope you have a nice sleep
Why don’t we go on a date today?
“such a weird dude” you sigh as you get out of bed to go downstairs and make breakfast
Can we meet up tonight? I have to work till 5.
You don’t have to work.
Yes, I do?
You double-check your agenda and it is indeed Monday and you still have an hour to make it to the office.
Take the day off, one day won’t hurt, right?
As much as I would love that, I have to take care of some documents today so I really can’t meet up till 5. Mr. Langdon
You really can’t skip today, you have to admit your final documents of research you’ve been doing for work and the documents are important to Mr. Robinson. He has been bickering about it, especially last week. After you get ready you walk to the car, only to see Michael waiting there “Good morning y/n” Michael smiles and you sigh “Mr. Langdon I really can’t meet with you right no-“ “-show me where you work” he says as he fidgets with the door handle “you really want that?” you snicker and he nods.
Walking into your office together with Michael felt both weird and empowering. You thought that it would be hard to get him into the office but a few glares from the spawn of Satan himself and he got in without a problem. He followed you like a shadow for the entire day “y/n? Do you have the documents for Mr. Robinson?” mr. Robinson's assistant May said when she arrived at your booth and you nodded “Yes, I will bring it to him immediately” you say as you stand up. May looks at Michael like a fresh piece of meat “Shoot it may” you glare and she immediately walks away with a huff. You crawl over Michaels's long legs that take up your entire booth and he smirks “Do I need to walk with you?” he asks and you gulp “Mr. Robinson can sometimes be an ass so n-“ Michael stands up immediately as he hears the word ass “let’s meet this Robinson figure” he says  
The walk to Mr. Robinsons' office felt extra long today, making your hands more clammy and your throat drier “damn this must be some figure” Michael says as he puts his hands on both sides of your arms and you nod “I hate him” you mutter under your breath when you stand in front of his door to knock “you’re late y/n” His screeching voice makes you bite your lip. You hear Michael sigh softly as he opens the door “Oh you took an intern with you as backup, how cute” “this is not backup sir, and here are your documents” You drop the documents on his desk and Mr. Robinsons grabs your wrist “smiling could get you a long way. y/n” Mr Robinson says as Michael takes a step forward. Flaring your nostrils as you try to get out of his grip “I would let her go immediately if I were you” Michaels's voice sounded strong through the office “Oh what are you? Her little tiny boyfriend. Cute” Mr. Robinson says as he only tightens it, hurting your skin and you gasp as you try to pry his fingers open “Mr. Robinson you’re hurting me!” panic courses through your body until Mr. Robinsons starts to gasp for air, loosening his grip on your wrist and Michael pushes you back towards his chest “she quits” Michael says to Mr. Robinson who just nods as his airway is still close to cut off.
Shakingly you walk back to your booth with Michael behind you as he holds your wrist. You put your stuff in a box and May comes running to you “Did you fail?” she smiles “Shut. The. Fuck. Up. May” you sneer at her, making her actually scared “You can get my booth, whatever. I won’t come back” Michael grabs the box when it’s full and you walk with him out of the office. Only then realize what happened in the office “How the fuck will I get a job now?!” you gasp as tears start to flood your eyes. Michael puts the box in your car and turns towards you as you sit down on the curb “I need to pay rent, I need to get myself food. I-“ Michael shushes you as he holds you close and you start to cry.
Thankfully he holds you till you’re crying out and says nothing, it’s just you, him, and your ocean of tears “Sorry” you mumble as you wipe your tears away with your sleeve and Michael shakes his head “you’ll be fine, I can get you a job at Kineros. No more documenting, it’s an artificial intelligence cooperation run by me. You’ll be fine y/n” he puts his hand on your warm, reddened cheek as you sniff “now, let’s go home and get you some food okay? Take a nice walk or something” Michael helps you stand up and you furrow your brows why is he so nice to me all of a sudden “Hey, you’re going to be my future wife probably. I need to be nice to you” he winks making you laugh “yeah, you wish” this time, Michael brings you home in your car. First, you were very sceptic of him driving but he is actually pretty good “Wait, if you are not a, like you stated ´tech guy” why do you own an artificial intelligence corporation?” “I’m just the owner, the rest is run by Mutt and Jeff. That’s it” You nod once as you see your house in the distance and you sigh happily, happy to be home after all this mess.
Michael made you throw out all of the clothing you had just for your office job “You don’t need to wear those ugly grey pencil skirts anymore, they also don’t flatter you” Michael says as he throws them all in a bag so you can donate them “jeez, thanks for the compliment mr. antichrist” you blow and Michael takes one look at you as your standing in jeans and an oversized sweater “you wear this daily?” “If it’s cold, like today. Then yes” “I need to give you a whole new wardrobe” he sighs and you frown “A Versace, Dior, prada-filled wardrobe?” you laugh and he nods immediately “Yes! Exactly! Like what you wore to the cooperative meeting” Michael roams through your closet to find the black dress you wore that night. he holds it out and looks at it to also immediately get your size in his head.
An unknown ringtone filled your bedroom as you checked your phone, but it wasn’t yours. It was Michael, he hung the dress back into your closet as he picked it up “Michael, Rosalie.. yes.. no.. no I can’t meet you for dinner tonight I have plans… no…..okay…sure” he hung up and you can’t help but feel jealous, you almost totally forgot about Rosalie’s existence till the phone call “hey, you can meet up with her if you want to I mean.. you’re in a relationship with her” your voice gets a bit croaky at the end but Michael shakes his head “she’s not my priority now” he puts his phone back in his blazer as you play with your sleeves “here, wear this tonight. It looks pretty” he puts a red glittery dress in your bed making you giggle as you get filled with memories “what’s so funny?” “Nothing, this is actually my going out dress, so this is drunk y/n,” you say as you put the dress in front of you “Well more like p/n, she comes out when I’m drunk” you mumble oh stop acting like a fucking idiot in front of him please.
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forgottenroderick · 4 months
The Boy King: A Prelude
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excerpt from GOD'S OWN CHAMPION by Dr. K. Aa, a stunning new biography of Roderick the Terrible, himself. Armed with the recent discovery of a trove of letters sent to and from the emperor's court during his fabled reign, Dr. K. Aa has published her much-awaited new biography on the most controversial emperor in Astairan history. Available wherever books are sold. Preorder your copy, today!
roderick's early life, in terms of the history annals, would appear to be a relatively quiet affair in which a little-known second son received a sterling education. in the years to come, there would be much speculation about roderick's childhood, with some historians claiming that he was undoubtedly his father's favorite -- how else could the boy have emerged w such confidence as to topple so many nations? others would cite quiet determination as his mindset -- a humble beginning overshadowed by the spectacular future, but fewer would be those few who would hit upon the truth.
the records of roderick's elder brother were detailed, drenched with near-obsessive care for a father whose favoritism would prove extreme. For this firstborn son, the finest tutors in the world were shipped from across the continent to instruct the young prince, his tutelage ranging from warcraft to statescraft, with individual scholars cultivated to instruct him in philosophy, science, alchemy, falconry, oratory, art, history, and every other pursuit a young royal might anticipate. what is less sure is the education of the heir apparent's younger brothers. did they, too, benefit from the scholastic training heaped upon their elder brother and, even, upon their elder sister?
a recent cachet of letters gives us, perhaps, a touch of insight upon the question. dated from the early part of her reign, roderick's second of many queens writes the following to her brother, godfrey of hanthom. "...and when i asked my husband whether he should suffer one man to give instruction to both his sons, when the time came for edmund and arthur to be educated, he replied that any crafty man may learn from his brother's tutors, if he cares so to do..." while the document is fragmentary, this retort does give some insight into the mind of the emperor. it seems he had already thought carefully about mining a brother's instructors for information, suggesting he may have gleaned something from his own experience of the kind.
nonetheless, the question cannot at present be known for certainty. what is certainly fact, however, is that roderick's own education, while certainly planned to be much the inferior to his brother's, was quite well attended as well, with roderick's tutors (though of less quality), instructing him on a similar variety of subjects.
this very early matter of education is the first openly observable rift between the two families of roderick's father, for it was not only lines of gender, as might be persumed by the culture in which roderick was raised, that lesser tutors were engaged: it was upon the matter of mother, for roderick and alaric were born to the old king's second wife. yet, for all the care put into his half-siblings' studies, the truth is that the surviving children of the original dynasty were all gotten on the king's second queen.
there has been much speculation upon the relationship of roderick with his father, but with the recent discovery of his body and the CT scans run over it, it seems many of the tales -- long relegated to the status of mere myth by scholas -- may indeed be true.
most readers will already be familiar with the colorful tale of the king beating his young son half to death, each blow bloodying the child till, at last, the horrified monarch gathered his comatose boy in his arms, shrieking and wailing for what he had done. most scholars have been quick to dismiss the lurid tale as nothing more than propaganda meant to drum up some scientific explanation for the horror that would follow -- yet, it may prove just that. according to the story, the boy was comatose for three days and, when he at last awakened, was never quite the same afterwards.
his remains indicate that this may, in fact, be true, his skull itself wearing the marks of his trauma. says dr. bonespert, "There is very clear evidence of brain and skull trauma from a very young age written here in the bones, badly healed over fractures showing damage to a growing child. did the king truly knock down his own child and bash his head repeatedly against the marble floor till it ran red with blood and he wept his remorse over the boy, like the stories say? who can really know? but something terrible did happen to this person in his teen years: its right here in his bones. that much we can see for certain."
there is another story, as well, that might perhaps account for roderick's childhood injury, though source materials say that he was in his twenties at the time, already king and beginning his bid for empire. according to sources, roderick stood before a cheering crowd, arm raised as he made a speech upon the glory of empire. writers of the time note how his eyes shone, his voice booming with certitude: this, they said, was the very image of a king in his prime.
all, however, did not agree, it would seem, for one amongst the crowd leapt upon a ledge with bow and arrow and shot at the young king. for a moment, the writer notes in horror, the young ruler stood staring at his attacker before raising his arm and pointing one finger towards him even as blood coating roderick's whole side. "he looked an angry god," writes the witness. "and next he looked nothing at all." next thing anyone knew, the king stumbled back, collapsing from the parapet. the would-be assassin was signed and hanged, drawn, and quartered for his transgression, with the ailing young king rising from his bed to witness the execution. this was to be only the second of a series of assassination attempts, with the king's -- soon to be emperor's -- ferocity only growing with each attempt.
the first assassination attempt against his own person (as opposed to one of the many poisoning schemes perpetrated in his view against his father) was, in fact, a more intimate affair. it was roderick's first campaign following his father's death, a hard-fought war against roderick's late stepmother's home nation of antilla*, almost immediately following the death of his father. roderick, himself, had gone to the front with his first wife and future empress where they stayed in a tent together. one night, an agent tore inside, threatening roderick with a with a scimitar. fortunately for roderick, he kept a knife beneath his pillow and was awakened by his wife's scream just in time. the two men fought with roderick ultimately defeating his opponent and slaying him on the spot, but not before the assassin slashed roderick across the chest.
according to legend, realizing that the assassin's blade had been poisoned, his queen quickly sucked the wound clean and spat out the poison, saving his life, only -- the legend nearly always states -- for his neglect of her ultimately to doom her mere years later. had she doomed the rest of the world in saving his life?
but whether any of this is so cannot be said: his bones bear scars enough but where each might have originated cannot be said...
*placeholder name
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ellelans · 6 months
congrats on the kiss!! i have never seen 911 but i absorb it thru ur posts on the dash and im so happy yall got ur canon bi!
Awwww thank you so very much hon!💖💖💖Like we always knew he is bisexual,you know?Its nothing new for us,there were too many hints through the seasons (there is that ''mankisser'' gifset somewhere on my dash if you scroll down enough) but to see it not only confirmed - but done as well as it was and as a beginning of a meaningful arc?It was mindblowing! We got a bisexual Buck,a fantastic queer character in Tommy and we are at the very beginning of a much bigger buddie arc.Because yes we have been shipping buddie for years,its well documented on my blog lol-but we now have a date when buddie became an absolute reality and its when 7x04 aired.We are now done with will they/won't they and its just a question of when. Buck just found out that he is bi,just wait till he figures out he has feelings for Eddie and has been basically dating him for years.So yeah today is beyond exciting for the fandom!
And also it was personal for me-to see a man in his early 30s figuring out something so important,so life changing with that soft incredilous look on his face after Tommy kissed him? Like something wonderful just happened and everything finally made sense?! Buck was happy. And it reminded me a lot of my own experience,I was 20 when I figured out I was bi and it was one of the best days of my life.So to see this onscreen was something else.
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Imperial Crown of Russia or the Great Imperial Crown is one of the most outstanding examples of ‘regalia.’
Regalia is referred to as the emblems or insignia of royalty that survived through history.
It is a precious cultural heritage treasure — a well-documented and well-dated piece of jewellery.
Regalia jewellery pieces offer historians great insight into the gemstones used, their historical market values, and occurrences.
It also helps gemologists and jewellers to know how the gems were named and set on the piece of jewellery.
While royal crowns were usually made for individual rulers and later broken up, some of this royal regalia could be found in museums today.
Here are some interesting facts about one such royal artifact, the great Imperial Crown of Russia.
The Great Imperial Crown was made for Catherine the Great’s coronation, as the Russian Empress in 1762 AD, by Georg Friedrich Eckart and Jérémie Pauzié.
It is set with 4936 diamonds with a total weight of 2858 ct, 75 natural pearls, and a large 398.72 ct red spinel, historically known as “balas ruby,” which is among the largest ever reported in the literature, most probably from Badakhshan (today’s Tajikistan).
Imperial Crown of Russia was first worn by the Russian empress Catherine, followed by the subsequent seven emperors of her dynasty.
This royal regalia has remained a permanent fixture on the royal head.
This priceless artifact has been passed on to eight members of the Romanov family:
Catherine II, Peter III, Paul I, Alexander I, Nikolai I, Alexander II, Alexander III, and Nikolai II.
The Romanov dynasty survived till 1917, yet the crown publically appeared for the last time in 1906 at the opening ceremony of the first State Duma.
The crown was estimated to be worth $52 million in 1920.
The stones that the royal regalia comprises were sold off by the Bolsheviks and replaced in 1985.
Later in 1998, the crown was moved to the fund of Kremlin’s Diamond. Subsequently, it was declared to be priceless in a literal sense.
📷 : A modern replica version of the Imperial Crown was made in 2012 by Kristall-Smolensk, as part of the Jewellery project "Creation of Imperial Crown of Russia in Modern Interpretation" to celebrate the 400 years of the Romanov Dynasty and the 250 years of the Imperial Crown, as well as the 50th anniversary of the diamond industry in Russia.
Using white gold (original used silver) and 11,426 russian diamonds (original crown had 4,936 diamonds) from Alrosa with a total weight of 1180 ct, including 74 cultured pearls and a 384.71ct pear-shaped double rose cut purple tourmaline on top of the crown.
The spinel in the replica was replaced with a unique natural red tourmaline with a mass of about 400 karats.
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One Drink (Paper stars 8)
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Content: all the usual stuff, hangovers, alcohol mentions,
A/N: Short chapter, i feel like im shadowbanned but whatever
Paper stars masterlist
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    The consequences of Joel’s actions hit him like a bucket of cold water. He massaged his temples as he sat up from the couch where he had crashed onto the night before. The smell of alcohol clouded his senses and made his head spin more. Joel reached for his phone, letting out a sigh before he plugged his phone into the charger on the counter. Joel stumbled ever so slightly to the kitchen to pour himself a cup of water. He opened the cupboard and closed his eyes to try to focus on something else other than the pounding pain in his head. That’s when he caught sight of the post-it note stuck onto the cupboard. 
   “Off to school. Just a heads up, we ran out of ibuprofen.” a note from Sarah. 
   He was just down on his luck to have ran out of ibuprofen today. 
   Joel emerged from the shower, feeling slightly more refreshed than before but still sluggish. He leaned over the counter, picking up his phone. Joel flinched at the sight of the notifications that flooded his screen. 
    “You crashed pretty hard huh?” 
    “Took the day off you for you, seems like you need it.”
    Tommy. The rest of the messages were from you. 
    Messages that made him sit down, messages that weighed heavily on his conscience. 
    “Where are you?” 
     “You’re so buying dinner, you’re 15 minutes late.” 
    “Joel, I’m getting worried.” 
    “Did something happen?”
     “The restaurant’s closing. I’ll head home first.” 
     The multitude of missed calls from you too. He ran his fingers through his hair, wincing at the thought of you sitting at the restaurant by yourself. He didn’t mean to stand you up, it was just supposed to be one drink. 
      “Tommy, I gotta go somewhere.” Joel brushed his brother’s invitation off. Tommy rolled his eyes, “It’s not a blind date.” Joel grunted, “Please, just one drink. And I’ll let you off.” Tommy pleaded. “Another day Tommy.” Joel stuffed the documents into his bag. “Come on, I promise you can go by 8” Joel stared at Tommy. “One drink.” Tommy grinned triumphantly, swinging his arm around Joel as he led him out. 
     One drink, Joel thought to himself as he ordered his usual whiskey on the rocks. Tommy was awfully cheery today, his eyes darting to the entrance every so often. Joel noticed of course, but he had learned over the years to mind his own business when it comes to what Tommy was up to. If this was another scheme of Tommy’s to get him a partner he might just burst a vessel right then and there. “My treat, drink till you're full brother.” Tommy stated confidently. Joel raised his eyebrows skeptically at him, “Did you win the lottery or something?” Tommy smiled, “Something along those lines.” Joel swirled the whiskey in his hands, “Great, you can start with paying more for the rent for the office.” Tommy hummed, Joel was sure he hadn’t heard what he had just said and merely agreed, if he knew he would probably be whining like the younger brother he always was. Joel’s thoughts eventually drifted to you, he fumbled with the necklace around his neck. He looked down at his outfit that he had changed into after work. He had made reservations at a restaurant and had bought a bouquet of flowers that he was due to collect in a few minutes time. Joel was going to do what he didn’t get to do in the last decade, he was going to make his feelings for you known. As soon as that thought left him, he chuckled to himself, taking a sip of his whiskey. He was a man turning 30, a single father, his health was declining and he wasn’t even confident enough to call himself financially stable. Not to mention, it had only been months since Tommy and he decided to leave the small carpentry company he had worked in, his first job, to start their own carpentry company. The business was slow and their projects were time-consuming he had no choice but to pull long nights due to the lack of manpower. This date with you, it sounded terrible now. Who in their right mind would choose someone like him? You are smart, have a job that pays well, and a series of opportunities awaiting you. A future that no doubt is brighter than his. 
    Joel did what he did best then, overthinking. A habit that he had picked up and hated with all his heart. Sure, that habit made him more rational and probably helped him make more good decisions than bad but he sometimes wished he was as impulsive as he was when he was younger. When he could do something without going too much into the specifics of the consequences. He downed the whiskey, drowning those thoughts away.     Was he being selfish? 
    Joel raised his empty glass to Tommy. His index finger raised to remind his brother of the promise of one drink. Tommy’s eyes widened, taking the glass from him as he gestured for the bartender to fill it up again. “Please. I swear it’ll be worth it.” Tommy pleaded, giving Joel a look that reminded Joel of a younger version of Tommy. It was the same look that he had used to dazzle and charm multiple women into doing favors for him and also the same look he had given to his own mother when he was a child, begging for a toy in a toy shop. Joel hated that he had a small and tiny soft spot in him for Tommy’s stupid look, he really should be immune to that by now. Joel sighed, taking the glass again from Tommy. He did need the liquid courage if he wanted to go through with his plan. He glanced at the watch on his arm, hitting it when he realised it had jammed again before giving up and checking the time on his phone instead. He still had some time to spare. 
   Tommy was practically bouncing in his seat, he was quieter than usual. Too busy looking at the entrance for someone to busy himself with a conversation with his brother. Unfortunately for Joel, today was one of the days Joel wished he would distract him with a conversation and not leave Joel to his own devices. Joel couldn’t shake the feeling that he was making a bad choice, what if you had to give up opportunities for him? Because he was in no place to leave right now. His thoughts went back to how you mentioned wanting to work at a studio that was located in New York. Could a long-distance relationship with his already hectic schedule even work out? Would the both of you even work out? He didn’t want to lose you again over some stupid relationship. Unknowingly, Joel had downed more than just two glasses of whiskey. 
    Joel debated on telling Tommy about his plans for tonight. Not wanting to be mocked by Tommy or see Tommy’s shit-eating grin Tommy’s dreams of the both of you getting together was becoming true. He wanted it to be a surprise if the plan worked out smoothly. If it didn’t and you rejected Joel, he would act like it never happened and move on, he didn’t want the words of consolation from Tommy.  Upon realizing that he may just explode from the doubts that were forming in his head, he decided that maybe telling Tommy and getting advice from him who knew you better than he did would do him some good. 
     “Hey, you know… later I’m meeting with-” He started, words slurring slightly from feeling a little tipsy, but Tommy hopped off his seat before Joel could say anything. 
    Tommy came back with a woman on his arm. The woman had shoulder-length hair as she waved shyly at Joel. “Joel, my older brother. This is Maria, we have been dating for a few months now.” Tommy smiled shyly at the last part. Joel’s jaw dropped, he had never realised that his brother had found himself someone. He cleared his throat before extending his hand out. Joel should have nursed his tipsiness if he knew who was coming, he figured that being in a tipsy state was not necessarily the best first impression. 
   Maria is a fantastic listener. A contrast that complimented Tommy’s talkative nature. She was friendly and easygoing, she had a comforting aura that made Joel willing to open up about the worries he had for the date that already seemed to be spilling over. A keen eye noticed that Joel was nervous about something, Joel almost felt like a kid again. A kid whose mother was scanning their body language. That was how Joel found himself talking to Maria about the date, how he downed a few more glasses of whiskey, how Tommy butted in when he was practically out of his mind with another topic of conversation. The date and time just slipped his mind and soon his consciousness it seems. 
    When he lifted his head from the counter again. He looked around groggily. “Hey, you’re up.” Maria’s voice woke him. He smiled, sleepily wiping his eyes. “Not for long” he muttered. Maria laughed. “Tommy went to get the car. Said he will meet us out front, he was planning on helping you back because of.” She gestured at Joel’s state. Joel leaned closer, finding difficulty in hearing her because of the loud music blasting. “Sorry?” Maria repeated herself patiently, gesturing for the bartender for a cup of warm water for Joel to sober up. Joel thanked her, drinking the warm water in his hands. He didn’t even realise Maria had patted his back to better help him, or maybe she was just afraid that he might just puke all over the counter. The nauseous feeling seemed to make that scenario a possibility. 
   It was all a blur from then. He only briefly remembered dropping onto his couch and knocking out. 
   Joel shuffled into the pharmacy. Wincing at the sight of the bright lights in the pharmacy. He made his way to the usual section, where the hangover cures and pills sat. That’s when he spotted you. His throat grew dry, he needed to apologize for yesterday, for standing you up, but he was hesitant to do so, unsure of how to phrase his words. You walked past him, your eyes were swollen, your right hand was on your left shoulder, massaging an ache. He noticed the ibuprofen in your hands too. Were you nursing a hangover too? Your eyes were in a daze, your earphones dangling from your ears.  A blank look in your eyes, too into your thoughts or whatever is in your mind. Your feet tapped softly to the beat that he assumed was playing in your ears as you paid for the pills. His eyes followed you anxiously as he waited for the cashier to finish the transaction. When the cashier handed him his pills, he took off running. Apologizing to the pedestrians who he had to push past while his eyes followed you. He sprinted as he watched you cross the road. 
     Joel waited at the other side of the road, clutching onto his knees as he panted from running after you. He glared at the red light in front of him. He had tried calling out to you but you didn’t hear him because of the earphones. He had called you through the phone too but it had gone straight to voicemail. Joel hitched a breath when his eyes met yours from across the street. A look of realisation dawned upon you before it darkened, you bit your lip, your eyebrows furrowing at the sight of him then you looked him in the eye. Joel’s blood froze in his veins as he noticed the look on your face. Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to bite back the frown that was forming on your lips. The look of disdain and disappointment that you had shot him before you increased your pace. He never wanted to be greeted with that look again. He couldn’t help how his whole body stilled and froze. 
    Joel had messed up. Real bad this time. He was never someone who was good at not messing up, but he was one hell of a fixer.  He would go to the ends of the earth for you, he had to make this right. The question was how? 
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I'm not a kpop fan. I found your blog through your anime suggestions in the tag and liked them all. So I looked at your blog. I've spent the last 2 days going through it and can I just say, you've made me rethink everything I thought I knew about kpop. Not trying to jump the gun here but now I want to dig more into this group. I want to get into BTS. Can you suggest some of their music for BTS beginners? I'm a 33 yr old enbie and my music taste is classic rock like Bowie, The Strokes, Pearl Jam, Pink Floyd, Nirvana. Your masterlist has critical opinions of the music industry and BTS but can you suggest where to read about this comprehensively of their personal views? How can I learn about BTS is a fully comprehensive way? I don't know where to start but I'll keep following your blog for more.
Hi Anon,
Now, this is a pleasant surprise. Less the curious about BTS part and more the music taste part - it's very similar to mine though I also listen to a fair bit of hiphop and folk - so this will certainly be fun.
I haven't done something like this in a long while and since you're a complete k-pop noob Anon, I'll start with terminology of two things:
I'm a fan of BTS therefore I'm an ARMY (plural: ARMYs). The fandom is comprised of millions of people who voluntarily organize and curate a lot of content about the group. Most of the resources I'll link to will be fan-made as this is media that synthesizes what BTS is about in an easily accessible and digestible way.
BTS is an acronym for Bangtan Sonyeondan which roughly translates to Bulletproof Boy Scouts, and since 2017, BTS has also meant Beyond The Scene.
Some resources starting out with the group to get a comprehensive idea:
A Guide to BTS Members by Taylor
(I think this is the most up-to-date guide video)
To understand the history that has shaped both the group and fandom, check out: BTS Hardships by xCeleste
To understand the songwriting styles and influences of the members in the group, check out: The Writing Styles of BTS by Mera
A fellow Namjoon-biased ARMY, @leepacey has compiled a nearly exhaustive list of everything good and bad BTS has ever done. Every controversy, scandal, etc. It's not updated for the last couple of years I think but still shows the evolution of the group in terms of their personal actions since debut till their more recent iteration as BTS. Linked here.
(I have my own opinions about BTS and many of these events (and events that have happened since) but the beauty of a fandom as big as ARMY is that there's variety of thought)
BTS has been around for a decade and the group is one of the most extensively documented groups in history going by filmed footage by the members themselves, the company, and other media sources, as well as in written resources. It can be daunting to get through it all. The Rise of Bangtan series on youtube helps compile it into a chronological timeline for 'BTS beginners' as you put it, follow along.
Now for song recommendations, I'll list three songs.
You got to know my blog through my anime recommendations so I assume you're an anime fan. I'll start with a Japanese song by BTS - it follows a chord progression similar to that typical of many Japanese tracks (IV - V - III- VI) so it will be familiar to you, and because this song showcases some of BTS's best choreography. One thing that sets BTS leagues above many groups in k-pop, is their performances. So the song I'm starting with is Let Go.
(Lyrics translation linked here)
The second track I'll suggest checking out is Dionysus. It's rock and grunge-heavy, and as is typical for BTS, filled with interesting and complex metaphors (lyrics translation linked here). I'll link the dance practice to the performance (done in 2019 and hasn't been topped by anyone in any genre since), because it hits different seeing them perform it while hearing the track for the first time.
(The dance break towards the end of the video includes callbacks to their earlier tracks like N.O. and BTS does such callbacks very often)
The third track I suggest checking out is Dis-ease. It's my favourite track off their BE album (2020) for many reasons: the lyrics, the old school hiphop influence reminiscent of BTS's earlier sound, the bridge written in 3 minutes by Jimin - my favourite vocalist in the group, the production and songwriting by Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi - my favourite members in BTS.
One more song that I think best showcases the current era of BTS, dubbed Chapter 2. Since June 14, 2022, BTS is in a stage where after a decade of prioritizing group expressions of their music, they've switched to exploring their own individual art and music, and to make room for other obligations as they mature. They've not slowed down but switched gears, and no song best shows this than RUN BTS.
A complete guide to BTS's entire discography linked here.
I'll be here if you have questions. :) 💜
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cmitimesnews · 1 month
NEET UG Counselling Round 1 Results to be Declared Today; Documents Required for Admission Process
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NEET UG Counselling Round 1 Results: The consequences of the first spherical of NEET UG 2024 counselling Round 1 could be declared by the Medical Counseling Committee (MCC) today on August 23. Candidates who have been allocated seats must file to their respective colleges among August 24 and August 29, 2024, for file verification and admission techniques. Candidates have to convey all of the necessary files to make certain that the verification and admission method runs smoothly.
After the reporting stage, the facts of the appearing applicants may be tested through the respective university. After that MCC will percentage this statistics between 30 and 31 August, 2024. This step is vital in finalizing the admission system, making sure that each one seats are allocated as it should be.
To test the Round 1 results, applicants can follow these steps:
Step 1: Visit the legitimate internet site- mcc.Nic.In.
Step 2: Click at the “UG Medical Counselling” phase.
Step 3: Enter credentials NEET UG roll wide variety, password, and safety pin.
Step 4: Access the end result click on Seat Allotment Results” link.
Step 5: View the result, down load and take a print the end result.
Step 6: Report to allocated university (if allocated), among August 24 and 29, 2024, with vital files.
Candidates need to assessment the legitimate statistics brochure provided by way of MCC, which details the steps to be accompanied after the result assertion. These encompass reporting to the allotted colleges with the desired files.
Documents Required for Verification and Admission:
Candidates are required to give the following files for the verification and admission process at the time of reporting.
Allotment letter
NEET UG admit card
Date of start certificate (if date of birth no longer included within the tenth Certificate).
Class 10 and 12 mark sheets
Passport-length pictures (equal as affixed on the NEET UG application form).
Proof of identification (Aadhar/PAN/Driving Licence/Passport). If relevant, applicants ought to offer extra certificates consisting of SC/ST Certificate, OBC-NCL Certificate, Disability Certificate, and EWS Certificate.
It is usually recommended that candidates verify the precise requirements of the allotted university, as extra documentation may be essential.
NEET UG Round 2 Counselling Registration:
If you had been no longer allocated a seat in the first spherical or want to upgrade your seat, registration for Round 2 of NEET UG 2024 counselling will begin from September five and could keep till September 10. Eligible candidates include the ones who've no longer got a seat. In Round 1, folks who have been allotted seats however did now not document, and people searching for improve.
MCC will behavior four rounds of counseling for NEET UG 2024, protecting 15% of the All India Quota seats along side seats from imperative universities, AIIMS, JIPMER and other scientific institutions across the u . S . A .. This procedure is designed to make sure that every one eligible applicants get an opportunity to steady a seat in the medical college.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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13th February 862 Kenneth MacAlpin who united the Picts and Scots in one kingdom, died at Forteviot. 
 His reign is given in the Pictish Chronicle as twenty eight years, considering the violent uncertain times I think it was a lengthy, successful reign.
When posting about history this far back it is difficult as there was nothing written down about it back then, well  not much of it, in the sense of a written contemporary record of the foundation of the country that we now call Scotland, and there is certainly no Scottish record of any kind dating from the court of the early kings in the ninth century. The chroniclers that I like to quote tio fill up posts with contemporary information did not start till much later. So with posts like this I am sometimes scrambling between many sources, which in truth  really don’t know the facts, so if you disagree with the story I am just going to shrug my shoulders and say- okay then.
If we ask the question who was the first king of Scotland, most folk with a bit of knowledge might say  Kenneth MacAlpin, and in the oft-reproduced regnal list of Scottish kings he is named as Kenneth I. Except that his name was not Kenneth but Cinaed mac Ailpin – which is why I scored out the name, anyway we will call him Kenneth to avoid confusion – and there is no contemporary Scottish written account of his kingship.
That may be due to several reasons, for example written records were not kept because of the oral history tradition of the peoples who occupied what is now Scotland in the eighth, ninth and 10th centuries. Various predators such as the Vikings and the English invaders of later times – notably Edward I, as we know Longshanks ordered the destruction of Scottish records – plus the loss of church documents over the centuries and especially at the Reformation mean that we have precious few writings about the facts of the foundation of the Kingdom of Scotland, and most of those are by English or Irish chroniclers or Scots writing unreliably some centuries after the events of ‘facts’ which in many cases are just legends.
Wikipedia says that Kenneth “was a king of the Picts who, according to national myth, was the first king of Scots.”  Wiki is as ever unreliable, because it mentions a “national myth” when we do know that there was almost certainly a king later identified as Kenneth and that he apparently did unite the kingdoms of Dalriada and Fortriu into a kingdom.
Quhen Alpyne this kyng was dede, He left a sowne wes cal’d Kyned, Dowchty man he wes and stout, All the Peychtis he put out. Gret bataylis than dyd he, To pwt in freedom his cuntre!
The short verse above is taken from Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland by the 15th-century author Andrew of Wyntoun, it is one of the earliest accounts of Kenneth’s noble deeds. Most of what is known today has been pieced together by historians.
Kenneth was born sometime between 800 and 810 AD. His father was King Alpin II of Dalriada (Dál Riata), a Gaelic kingdom founded in 500 AD by Irish invaders led by Fergus Mor. At the time of Kenneth’s birth, the Gaels were dominated by the powerful Pictish Kingdom. Kenneth’s mother was, according to legend, a Pictish Princess of extraordinary beauty. Alpin II was ultimately beheaded by the Gaels for fighting on the behalf of a Pictish King, the second most hated enemy of the Gaels (after the Vikings). Little is known about Kenneth’s parents but there is reason to suspect that Alpin abandoned his comrades for love of the unnamed Pictish Princess, an act that cost him his life.
Around the same time that Alpin was killed in the battles between the Picts and the Gaels, the Viking raids became increasingly frequent and ferocious, perhaps because they knew many of the land’s men were otherwise engaged.  By 839 AD the Pictish kingship was almost entirely wiped out by Viking warriors. It is here that Kenneth enters the story. Many fighters sought to fill the vacuum of power and become the next king. Kenneth sought to claim the Gaelic and the Pictish throne, both of which he had some right to. However, according to legend, he was challenged by the seven royal houses of the Picts, especially the Pict Drust X.
Caught between the Gaels and the Vikings, the Picts knew that they needed a strong leader so a great meeting was called at Scone at which all of the claimants to the Crown were to attend, including Kenneth. The story goes that “the alcohol flowed freely at the meeting. Then, in what has since been referred to as Mac Alpin's treason, Drust and the Pictish nobles were all killed by the Scots: allegedly (and improbably) by having their booby-trapped benches collapsed so Kenneth's rivals plunged into pits in the floor and impaled themselves on spikes set there for the purpose” (Undiscovered Scotland, 2016).
This probably did not happen – the engineering feats alone seem hard to believe – but Kenneth most likely did kill, one way or another, all of his rivals to the throne. “What is fairly clear is that at some point between 839 and 848 AD Kenneth (with blood claims to both thrones) claims the kingdoms of the Picts and the Gaels”
Kenneth became the first king of the House of Alpin, named after his father. His lands included the Pictish Fortrio region and the Gaelic Dál Riata kingdom. Kenneth dubbed his new kingdom Scotia (in Gaelic, Alba). Yet, just because he was now the undisputed king did not mean peace was anywhere near in sight. Young Scotia was surrounded by hostile enemies: to the north were the highlanders, called the Men of Moray; to the west were the Irish, lying in wait to reclaim Fergus Mor’s conquest; to the south was the Anglo-Saxon realm of North Umbria; and at all times in all places, especially on the coasts and the islands, there was the threat of a Viking invasion.
It was this last threat that was most worrisome for King Kenneth MacAlpin. Legend has it that a huge fleet of 140 Viking ships was headed toward Dál Riata, intend on destroying the Gaels once and for all. With surprising speed and foresight, Kenneth order to Gaels to collect all of their religious relics (including the treasured remains of St. Columba) and move them to the safety of the interior Pict lands, once enemy territory but now unified. Scotia’s ecclesiastical capital was thus transferred from the coastal Iona to the interior Dunkeld. At this time, “Dál Riata vanishes from the chronicles and we only hear of Pictland from this point” 
The Gaels took a risk in trusting the Pictish king and Kenneth made certain to reward them for their faith in him. He distributed among his Gaelic supporters’ lands that had been taken from his defeated rivals. The Pictish commoners may have resented their new Gaelic landlords but Kenneth did not give anyone the chance to rekindle old ethnic rivalries. What was needed now was unity, “something the Picts and Gaels had in common, to define them as a single people, and, as is so often the case throughout history, this came in the form of a common enemy” (BBC, 2014). Fortunately for nascent Scotland, Kenneth had this in spades. He rallied his people to fend off the Viking attacks and even launched raid or two of his own across Hadrian’s Wall into Anglican North Umbria.
Kenneth died in 858 A.D. of natural causes (most likely a tumorous cancer). He was buried on the island of Iona and succeeded by his brother, Donald I. The Kingdom of Alba lasted until 1296 when the English invaded.
The historians say Kenneth was the  34th great-grandfather of the current King “Charles III”
My friend Colin asked about sources I used, I don’t normally post them all, usually one is suffice, but I will post a few this time 
BBC. "Kenneth MacAlpin (Cináed Mac Ailpín)." Scotland's History. BBC, 2014. Web. http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/history/articles/kenneth_macalpin/
Patin, James Fred. "Kenneth I Mac Alpine, King of the Picts." Mac Alpine. Geni Family Tree, 18 Nov. 2016. Web. https://www.geni.com/people/Kenneth-I-mac-Alpine-King-of-the-Picts/6000000001041559796
Royal Family History. "King Kenneth MacAlpin." King Kenneth MacAlpin. Royal Family History, 2016. Web. 30 Nov. 2016. http://www.britroyals.com/scots.asp?id=kenneth1
Undiscovered Scotland. "King Kenneth I: Biography on Undiscovered Scotland." Undiscovered Scotland. Undiscovered Scotland, 2016. Web. http://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/usbiography/monarchs/kennethi.html
Then there is a great article  here on Kenneth from The National.
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breakableaeden · 2 years
My top surgery journey
Hi! My name's Aeden, and I'm a non-binary transmasc individual. I'm from Italy, and I'm studying arts at the Fine Arts Academy here in my hometown, Naples. And I need your help.
I knew I wasn't just as my pairs with their gender assigned at birth since I was 6 or so; I always loved dressing neutral, with big clothes and all kind of colours. I didn't quite understand all the gender's stereotypes, and all sorts of things regarding that. But my family didn't know at the time what "non-binary" means, and also me.
When I was 14/15, the most-known forms of sexual orientations were introduced to me: I learned I could love a person without boundaries, and so I stopped questioning my feelings. I identified first as queer, then as pansexual, and I dated two wonderful girls, the first one in 2016 and the second one in 2018.
One day, I was on vacation with my parents, and by an accident I used the equivalent of he/him pronouns while talking about me, and it didn't feel wrong to do it. I started using them with my girlfriend at the time, then a small group of friends. I even thought I was genderfluid, and started to learn more. But I wasn't mentally stable at the time, and with COVID-19 and all its complications in my personal life I pushed away those feelings and invalidated myself.
Then June 2021 arrived: with more researchs behind my back, I came out to my girlfriend and friends as a non-binary individual. Then, the person I dated for 3 long years decided it was time to part ways, and we broke up. I was devastated: I couldn't eat, sleep, I spent my days crying and wishing to end it all. This state of mind forced me to come out to my mom, who was very understanding of my feelings. So, this disaster of a Summer passed, and I was officially out to everybody as non-binary. I chopped my hair, bought some binders, and started dressing more alligned to what I was envisioning in my mind.
So, what changed today? An year passed, and I'm closing my journey at a public counselling centre for LGBTQIA+ folks. I'm getting a document I'll need to proceed here in my country with all the medical procedures I'll need, and also legal changing of documents and stuff. And that's why I'm asking for your help.
 I'm not a wealthy person, and legal procedures themselves will cost €1.500. Adding to that there'll be medical expenses, legal ones, recovery supplies, and stuff like that. I wanna achieve this goal because I can't see everyday the person I wanna be in the mirror, and I lived an year already struggling with a strong gender dysphoria and physical/psychological issues. I was depressed for a while and under meds, and I don't want to stop and fall again into bad habits and thoughts.
I hope you'll be interested in helping me: if you don't have so much money to spend, don't worry! You can also buy a subscription to my Twitch channel at https://www.twitch.tv/asayuna. Any kind of support, such as likes, comment, and shares, are gladly appreciated and more than enough.
I wish you all the best, and thank you for have read 'till here.
Here’s the link to the GoFundMe
Deeply grateful, Aeden
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iluvstudyin · 1 month
hello everyone. this is me starting a blog to document my self improvement journey.
my aim is to create a place where i can see my progress, the ups and downs in my journey and take inspiration from it to keep improving.
although this is a public blog, my main intention is not to gain likes and followers. it is to create a study log, a journal, kinda which motivates me to work harder. but i would be glad if anyone else finds motivation from it too. 🤍
i will be posting
study updates
daily reflections
habits I'm tracking
random snaps from my day
and occasionally some poetry stuff
i want to improve
and spiritually
For my studies, i will be joining the 100 days productivity challenge although i dont know if i should call it that because i acknowledge that some days wont be productive at all so i want to call it 100 days of self improvement ig. also, i want to continue this journey till my BIG exam date which is more than 100 days away so i will be counting the days backwards till that date and today is D-259. yes you had heard that right, 259 days of self improvement.
now that I've modified this challenge to be a completely different one altogether, i can start my journey.
see ya! ✨
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boldcompanynews · 3 months
ITBP Tradesman Recruitment 2024, Eligibility Criteria, Age Limit & Form Date-recruitment.itbpolice.nic.in - Notice Today Web - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/itbp-tradesman-recruitment-2024-eligibility-criteria-age-limit-form-date-recruitment-itbpolice-nic-in/?feed_id=132556&_unique_id=669538483f92c ITBP Recruitment 2024, Tradesman Vacancy Notification Out, Apply Online: ITBP Tradesman Recruitment 2024 has opened the way for government jobs for many candidates. Under this government recruitment, the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBPF) has released various vacancies for the post of Constable (Tradesman Trailer and Cobbler). If you are also looking to secure a government job, apply for this ITBP Recruitment 2024. All eligible individuals can apply for the ITBP Constable Tradesman Application Form 2024 from 20th July 2024. Read the further article to know the complete details on ITBP Tradesman Notification PDF 2024.ITBP Recruitment 2024ITBP is going to supervise the ITBP Constable Tradesman Recruitment 2024 to appoint eligible candidates for the Trailor & Cobbler. ITBP has released a total of 51 vacancies for male and female individuals. Individuals who are interested in the ITBP Constable Vacancy 2024 can fill out the online application for which the ITBP CT Recruitment 2024 Last Date will be 18 August 2024. The Recruitment includes several rounds of selection which will be organized at the various test centres.Selected participants will be paid at Level 3 in the pay matrix of Rs. Rs 21,700 – Rs. Rs.69,100/- including other government allowances. Read the article till the end to know more about the ITBP Tradesman Recruitment 2024 Vacancy Details, eligibility criteria, selection process, important dates, steps to submit the application form, application fee etc. Indian Army Recruitment 2024Railway TTE 8000+ Posts RecruitmentIndia Post Office GDS 30041 Recruitment 2024IAF AFCAT Admit Card 2024ITBP Constable Recruitment 2024 HighlightsName of RecruitmentITBP Tradesman Recruitment 2024Recruitment BoardIndo-Tibetan Border Police ForceCountryIndianRecruitment TypeSarkari BhartiPost NameConstable (Tradesman Trailor and Cobbler)Total Vacancies51ApplicableBoth Male & FemaleITBP Constable Application Date 202420 July 2024 to 18th August 2024Selection StagePET PST Document Verification Written Test Medical ExaminationPay ScaleRs. 21,700 – Rs. 69,100/-Official Sitehttps://recruitment.itbpolice.nic.in/rect/index.phpITBP Tradesman Vacancy 2024 Category WiseYou can check the released vacancy details in the following table which has categorized Vacancy Details of ITBP Constable Tradesman 2024.CategoryMale Constable TrailorFemale Constable TrailorMale Constable CobblerFemale Constable CobblerTotalUR7115326SC00101ST719219EWS20305Total16228551ITBP Constable Tradesman 2024 EligibilityOnly eligible candidate is allowed to fill out the application form for the ITPB Tradesman 2024 Recruitment. You can check the ITPB CT 2024 Eligible Criteria through the below-mentioned points.Applicant must be an Indian Citizen.The minimum age of the male and female individual should be 18 years and the maximum age should be 23 years.Applicant must be 10th class qualified from a nationally recognized education board.Applicant should have at least 2 years of experience in the same trade or have a year certificate from ITI / vocational institute in trades or two years diploma in ITI in Trade.Age relaxation criteria are also there for other categories which you can see in the table given below.CategoryAge RelaxationSC5 yearsST5 yearsOBC3 YearsITBP Selection Process for Constable TradesmanIndo Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBPF) follows various stages to recruit eligible candidates which follow several parameters for the post of ITBP Tradesman or Constable (Tradesman Trailer and Cobbler). Under this section, you will learn about the selection process for trailers and cobblers. Read it carefully.Height Bar: First of all, the candidate’s height will be measured for the tradesman post.
PET: After that candidates will have to go through the Physical Efficiency Test under which the candidate’s physical efficiency will be evaluated through the race, long jump, high jump, sit-ups, push-ups, and squats.PST: Next, shortlisted candidates will have to participate in the physical Standard Test and under this, the physical efficiency of the candidates will be measured to know whether they are eligible for this post or not through the chest expansion, visual ability etc.Trade Skill Test: After this, there will be a skill test for the shortlisted candidates for the post of Trailer and Cobbler.Written Test: After this, a written test was conducted in which the shortlisted candidate’s General Awareness, elementary mathematics, Analytical aptitude and Hindi and English language understanding were evaluated.Medical Test: Finally, shortlisted male and female candidates will have to undergo a medical examination which will be conducted in the presence of medical experts and professionals.ITBP Recruitment 2024 Constable Tradesman Height ParameterYou can check the height parameter of all ITBP Tradesman Trailor and Cobbler 2024 Candidates who belong to different categories in India.CategoryHeight CriteriaMale ST Candidates162.5 cmsFemale ST Candidates150 cmsFemale Category Candidates who are Kumauni, Dogras, Gorkhas, Garhwali, Marathas and belong to the state of Leh & Ladakh regions of J&K, Tripura, Sikkim Nagaland, Meghalaya, Himachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur.165 cmsFemale Category Candidates who are Kumauni, Dogras, Gorkhas, Garhwali, Marathas and belong to the state of Leh & Ladakh regions of J&K, Tripura, Sikkim Nagaland, Meghalaya, Himachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur.155 cmsMale Candidates of other States and Union territories170 cmsFemale Candidate of other States and Union territories157 cmsITBP Tradesman Recruitment 2024 Important DateUnder this section, you can check all events and their dates for the upcoming days.EventDatesNotification Release Date13 July 2024Application Window Open Date20 July 2024 (from 1:00 PM)Application Window Close Date18 August 2024 (Till 11:59 PM)Admit Card Release DateTo be AnnouncedPhysical Efficiency and Fitness Test DateTo be AnnouncedDocuments Verification DateTo be AnnouncedWritten Exam DateTo be AnnouncedResult DateTo be AnnouncedMedical Examination DateTo be AnnouncedFinal Result DateTo be AnnouncedRequired Document for ITBP Transman Recruitment 2024 ApplicationYou will be required to scan copies of some important documents at the time of submitting the application form. Here I am mentioning the document name for your reference.IAF AFCAT Admit Card 2024IBPS RRB Officer Scale I Admit Card 2024UPSC CAPF Admit Card 2024KPSC KAS Hall Ticket 2024 Aadhar Card10th Marksheet12th Marksheet (if applicable)Domicile CertificateCaste CertificateWork Experience LettersAny other relevant documentsITBP CT 2024 Application FeeWhile submitting the application form you will also need to pay the application fee amount to the recruitment board. The ITBP Tradesman 2024 Application Fee can be paid online mode with the help of a debit card/ credit card/ UPI ID/ NEFT etc. All applicants have to pay application fees of Rs. 100/- through online mode only. Females and Ex-Servicemen and candidates who belong to SC and ST categories have to pay no application fee as there is exempted from the government.Steps to Apply www.recruitment.itbpolice.nic.in Tradesman 2024 ApplicationThe application process on the ITBP official website is simple and quick. You can follow the below-mentioned steps one by one to submit the ITBP Tradesman 2024 Application Form.Go to the formal site of ITBP at recruitment.itbpolice.nic.in.First, complete the registration on the official site.After this, after logging into the website, search for the TTP Tradesman 2024 Application Form link.By clicking on the link, the application form will appear on the screen.Fill out the Tradesman Application Form 2024 with all the requested information.
Now attached all the scanned copies of the required documents along with the application form.Next, click on the submit button.Now a fee payment window will open, here you need to select the payment mode and pay the application fee.After that, a receipt will reflect on the screen.Download the receipt and take a printout of the application form for future reference.My name is Rahul Sihol. I graduated in Information Technology from the College of Engineering & Technology in Bikaner, Rajasthan. Since my college days, I have enjoyed blogging and writing. Today, I am proudly self-employed and lead a team of five members.ITBP Tradesman Recruitment 2024, Eligibility Criteria, Age Limit & Form Date-recruitment.itbpolice.nic.in #ITBP #Tradesman #Recruitment #Eligibility #Criteria #Age #Limit #Form #Daterecruitment.itbpolice.nic.inSource Link: https://tswreis.in/itbp-tradesman-recruitment-2024-recruitment-itbpolice-nic-in/ITBP Tradesman Recruitment 2024, Eligibility Criteria, Age Limit & Form Date-recruitment.itbpolice.nic.in:ITBP Recruitment 2024, Tradesman Vacancy Notification Out, Apply Online: ITBP Tradesman Recruit… #GLOBAL - BLOGGER ITBP ... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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