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bukimevieningi · 2 years ago
Ž. Pavilionis išvyko į Moldovą demokratijos diegimo klausimais
Liepos 24–26 dienomis Seimo Užsienio reikalų komiteto pirmininkas Žygimantas Pavilionis kartu su Ekonomikos komiteto pirmininku Kaziu Starkevičiumi su darbo vizitu lankosi Kišiniove (Moldova). Vizito metu Moldovos Parlamente bus aptarti Europos Sąjungos (ES) integracijos klausimai, Moldovos pasirengimas stojimo į ES deryboms, vykdomos reformos ir saugumo padėtis regione. Užsienio reikalų komiteto…
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beardedmrbean · 4 months ago
Thousands of opposition supporters rallied Monday in Georgia’s capital in continuing protests against the ruling party's declared victory in the Oct. 26 parliamentary election amid allegations that Russia helped rig the vote.
The protesters waved Georgian and European Union flags and gathered outside the Georgian parliament. They demanded a new parliamentary election under international supervision and an investigation into the alleged election fraud.
Giorgi Vashadze, leader of Unity National Movement Coalition, vowed that the opposition will “fight until the end.”
“Elections were massively rigged, that is why we don’t recognize election results," he said. "Our goal is new elections, our goal is to form the new government, which will drive Georgia to European integration.”
Opposition leaders have vowed to boycott sessions of parliament and hold regular protests until their demands are met.
The Central Election Commission said the governing Georgian Dream party won about 54% of the vote. Its leaders have rejected the opposition claims of vote fraud.
European election observers said the election took place in a “divisive” atmosphere marked by instances of bribery, double voting and physical violence.
The opposition has accused Georgian Dream, which was established by Bidzina Ivanishvili, a shadowy billionaire who made his fortune in Russia, of becoming increasingly authoritarian and tilted toward Moscow. It has recently adopted laws similar to those used by the Kremlin to crack down on freedom of speech and LGBTQ+ rights.
President Salome Zourabichvili, who has rejected the official results, says Georgia has fallen victim to pressure from Moscow against joining the EU. Zourabichvili, who holds a mostly ceremonial position, has urged the United States and EU to support the demonstrations.
Officials in Washington and Brussels have urged a full investigation of the election, while the Kremlin has rejected the accusations of interference.
Many Georgians viewed the parliamentary election as a pivotal referendum on the country’s effort to join the EU. The EU suspended Georgia’s membership application process indefinitely because of its passage in June of a Russian-style “foreign influence law.”
Lawmakers from several EU nations attended Monday’s rally in a show of solidarity with protesters.
“Somebody is trying to take your freedom, somebody is trying to take your democracy, your country, your membership in EU and NATO,” Zygimantas Pavilionis, a Lithuanian parliament member, said at the rally. “Don’t give up. Fight for your freedom, fight for your democracy, fight for your country , fight for your membership in EU and NATO.”
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
European lawmakers are issuing increasingly bleak warnings about the future of the war in Ukraine and the continent’s security as a $60 billion U.S. aid package for Kyiv continues to languish on Capitol Hill and the war is set to enter its third year later this month.
Since Russia’s full-scale invasion, Washington has welcomed a steady stream of lawmakers, government ministers, and heads of state from Europe amid transatlantic efforts to coordinate military and humanitarian support for Ukraine. But there has been a palpable ratcheting up in the intensity and urgency of their message. 
“You can’t help but wonder what has happened here. We seem to have drifted apart,” said Diljá Mist Einarsdóttir, chair of the Icelandic parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee. 
Einarsdóttir and a delegation of six other chairs of the parliamentary foreign affairs committees of the Baltic and Nordic states spoke with a small group of journalists on Thursday morning as the U.S. Senate voted to advance a stand-alone aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. It remains unclear whether the bill will be able to garner enough votes to pass the Senate and House. 
A bipartisan effort to combine the aid with an immigration reform package was shot down by Senate Republicans on Wednesday evening after former U.S. President Donald Trump urged his party to reject the legislation. 
“Dear Republican Senators of America,” Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, following the vote. “Ronald Reagan, who helped millions of us to win back our freedom and independence, must be turning in his grave today. Shame on you.” 
Dire warnings from European lawmakers come as Ukraine has stalled on the battlefield and Russia is making significant investments in defense spending and production. In the early days of the war, Moscow appeared to be on the back foot as its economy was pummeled with international sanctions and its armed forces struggled through a poorly planned invasion. 
But two years on, the Russian economy is projected to grow, albeit marginally, in the coming year fueled by a significant boost in defense spending. One-third of the country’s state budget has been allocated for defense in 2024, and arms manufacturers have been urged to work around the clock. 
“If we cannot manage, together with the U.S., to stop Russia in Ukraine, it’s a matter of time if it is a war against NATO in general, and that will be much higher cost,” said Aron Emilsson, chair of the Swedish parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee. 
Emilsson’s Latvian counterpart, Rihards Kols, said he was struck by the lack of urgency in Washington about the war. “I got the notion that the war in Ukraine is something very far away, distant from the U.S.,” said Kols, who noted that by comparison, Latvian public discourse had been dominated by the possibility of a wider war. 
Last month, top military officials in Sweden and the United Kingdom warned their populations to prepare for a potential war.
Zygimantas Pavilionis, chair of the Lithuanian parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, who has made several trips to Washington since the beginning of the war, said that the reception he and his colleagues get on Capitol Hill is “getting worse with every visit.” Pavilionis, like many lawmakers and officials from the Baltic states, sought to sound the alarm about Russia’s revanchist intentions long before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. “Our argument is simple: If you don’t want another Pearl Harbor, you better listen to us,” he said. 
Ahead of this week’s visit, the delegation reached out to the offices of around 20 congressional Republicans who have to varying degrees been skeptical of U.S. aid for Ukraine. Just three offices responded, Kols said.
The visit follows a trip by the chairs of the parliamentary foreign affairs committees from six NATO member states last month who brought a similarly stark message. “The reality is the U.S. also needs a wake-up call,” said Alicia Kearns, chair of the U.K. Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Select Committee, the Hill reported.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is also in Washington this week and is set to meet with President Joe Biden and members of Congress to make the case for continued support to Ukraine. In an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday, he laid out his case about the dangers of a Russian victory. 
“We have to do our utmost to prevent Russia from winning. If we don’t, we might soon wake up in a world even more unstable, threatening and unpredictable than it was during the Cold War,” he wrote. 
The United States has provided more than $75 billion in aid to Kyiv since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, of which $46 billion has been military support. Analysts have warned that a collapse in U.S. support would deal a significant blow to Ukraine. 
“We are not able to fill the gap if the U.S. pulls out,” said Ine Eriksen Soreide, chair of the Norwegian parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, who stressed that there would be wide-ranging ramifications if Russia were to emerge victorious. “If [Russian President Vladimir] Putin wins the war, it would embolden him; it would embolden China; it would embolden Iran; it would embolden [North Korea],” Soreide said. 
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partymedia · 6 years ago
Tomas Pavilionis - Ah! Mes Amis. La Fille Du Régiment by SoundsBlue Studios
Gaetano Donizetti - La Fille Du Régiment. Ah! Mes Amis. Tomas Pavilionis - Vocal Justas Čeponis - Piano Recorded at White Piano Hall, Vilnius, Lithuania 2019 Recording Engineer - Laurynas Gaidys
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globalhappenings · 3 years ago
"Follow Putin's path - you will be slaves": Lithuania called on Ukraine to get off the "gas needle"
“Follow Putin’s path – you will be slaves”: Lithuania called on Ukraine to get off the “gas needle”
The head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Lithuanian Seimas Zhigimantas Pavilionis called on Ukraine to abandon Russian energy resources / Photo: Collage: Today Lithuania managed to get off the Russian “gas needle” with the help of sea terminals for oil and liquefied gas. This was said on the air of the talk show “Right to Power” Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Lithuanian…
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chameleonsoft · 3 years ago
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Павильоны самообслуживания с CHM Software – удобное место для покупок. Легко управлять, просто контролировать Программа для кассира, в которой легко вести учет продаж и расчетов с покупателями Удобная и понятная платформа для ведения товарного учета и контроля работы продавцов Самостоятельный быстрый запуск акций любой сложности прямо из товароучетной программы без привлечения программиста Подключение к программному обеспечению любого торгового оборудования Интеграция со сторонними сервисами (для ведения бухгалтерского, кадрового учета и т.д.) Управление из любой точки мира, где есть интернет-связь. Не нужно 24/7 быть в павильоне, чтобы он стабильно работал Подробнее на https://chm-s.com/resheniya/minimarket/paviliony
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odfranty · 6 years ago
Rutina a voda, Kypr
Náš den začíná mezi sedmou a devátou hodinou. Podle chuti můžeme jít od osmi cvičit nebo na snídani. Po ní se ale vždy přesouvámě k vodě. Ráno na pláž k moři, nebo hlavnímu bazénu.
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Odpoledne trávíme téměř výhradně na molu. Před ním obědváme v hlavní restauraci, nebo ve svačinovém baru u bazénu.
Večeře začíná od sedmi, ale my v této době teprve balíme naše ležení a k jídlu se tak dostáváme až po osmé hodině. Restaurace už je plná - místa i jídla je ale stále dostatek (čtěte nesmyslný přebytek). My sedáváme na terase. Ani ne kvůli dvěma přítomným obřím grilům, ale pro klid a výhled na osvícený bazén i přilehlé okolí.
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V půl desáté je vždy večerní program na místním pódiu, které na jednom z konců areálu. Buďto jdeme tam, nebo na bar na molu. Nebo obojí.
Náš den tak končí na molu, nebo na terase. Nepočítáme jak dlouho máme za sebou a před sebou. Jen si užíváme kde jsme, s kým jsme a jak dobře se máme..
V areálu je hlavní kruhový bazén, kolem kterého se soustřeďuje většina lidí. Je zde bar i většina organizovaných aktivit (cvičení, vodní pólo, soutěže, šipky a další). Lehátka jsou často obsazená již od rána.
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Další bazén je u rodinných vilek, které mají vždy čtyři apartmány, jeden z nich pak s vchodem rovnou so vody. I ty mají vlastní bar a jsou tak docela uzavřenou komunitou.
Malé bazény mají VIP vily, tam ale ani nevidíme a známe je jen z mapy.
Nechybí pak ani vnitřní bazén s malým wellness a tureckými lázněmi.
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U moře se dá ležet na pláži, nebo na molu. Lehátek je dost a jen v několika málo řadách. Tam i tam jsou dostupné "paviliony", tedy uzavřené altánky se speciálním servisem. Pohybují se od 80ti do 120ti EUR na den. Vlastní lehátka, minibar, soukromí a obsluha. Nic moc navíc oproti standardnímu ležení...
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Moře je klidné, u mola jen trochu rozvlňené. A člověk štačí opravdu daleko. Každé ráno je zde navíc parta pracovníků, kteří sbírají z pláže a moře všechny kameny. Snad že jich je tu opravdu mnoho, snad aby byl zážitek ještě lepší.
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Servis je perfektní tady, stejně jako všude v hotelu. O tom ale zase jindy..
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weddingcentralpark · 8 years ago
Ladies' Pavilion in Central Park
Ladies’ Pavilion in Central Park
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The Ladies’ Pavilionis a lovely art deco wrought iron gazebo beside the Lake.  The closest entrance to the Ladies’ Pavilion is the one right by John Lennon’s old home, the Dakota, at Central Park West and 72nd Street.  It is a very popular wedding location, and my personal favorite, it is the where I got married. There are seats inside and it has a pretty gray slate roof and charming wrought iron…
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bukimevieningi · 5 months ago
Žygimantas Pavilionis su kolegomis iš užsienio ieško būdų, kaip sutramdyti Europos skaldytoją
Spalio 7 d., pirmą kartą Šiaurės, Baltijos, Vokietijos ir Lenkijos parlamentų Europos reikalų komitetų pirmininkai dalyvavo nuotoliniame susitikime, kurį inicijavo Seimo Europos reikalų komiteto (ERK) pirmininkas Žygimantas Pavilionis siekdamas stiprinti regioninius ryšius ir bendradarbiavimą. Susitikime diskutuota apie glaudesnio bendradarbiavimo tarp Šiaurės, Baltijos, Vokietijos ir Lenkijos…
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bukimevieningi · 10 months ago
Vilniuje – tarptautinė konferencija apie pasipriešinimą ekonominei prievartai
Gegužės 6–7 dienomis Užsienio reikalų ministerija rengia tarptautinę konferenciją „Atsparios ekonomikos kūrimas ir pasipriešinimas ekonominei prievartai“, kuria siekiama atkreipti dėmesį į padažnėjusį ekonominės prievartos naudojimą, aptarti glaudesnio tarptautinio bendradarbiavimo poreikį, politinio atsako priemonių galimybes. Pirmoji Pirklių klube, Vilniuje, vyksiančios konferencijos diena bus…
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beardedmrbean · 5 months ago
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VILNIUS – The Baltic and Polish parliamentary Committees on European Affairs Committees will urge the European Union to strengthen the protection of Poland's borders and reduce the EU's dependence on Russian liquefied gas, Z ygimantas Pavilionis, chairman of the Lithuanian committee, told a press conference at the Seimas on Monday.
"Migration within our border segment is going up by almost 190 percent. Poland is currently taking the full hit. We must stand in solidarity with Poland and it has a number of plans to reinforce this dimension during its presidency. We have agreed to prepare a joint document in which we will try to set out our arguments on this," the MP said, adding that Brussels and other EU member states "have not yet been sufficiently convinced" that increasing migration poses is a security and hybrid threat.
The committee chairs have also agreed on a joint document to draw the EU's attention to the bloc's "threateningly growing" dependence on Russian liquefied natural gas.
"Since May, Russia, not America, has been the leading provider of liquefied natural gas to the EU. And while the EU has built seven new terminals over the last two years, what good of it if they are filled with Russian gas?" Pavilionis asked.
In his words, the use of the format of the chairs of the Committees European Affairs Committees through the inclusion of the Nordic countries, Germany and the United States.
"Transatlantic relations will be one of the biggest challenges, and also enlargement, the ongoing negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, which Poland will try to accelerate, are of great common interest to us," Pavilionis said.
The committee chairs held a meeting in Vilnius on September 15-16. It was also meant to prepare for the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC) to be held in Budapest in late October.
Poland will hold the rotating EU presidency the first half of 2025.
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bukimevieningi · 4 years ago
Socialdemokratai užsipuolė Vašingtono įgaliotinį Ž. Pavilionį: ragina trauktis iš einamų pareigų
Socialdemokratai užsipuolė Vašingtono įgaliotinį Ž. Pavilionį: ragina trauktis iš einamų pareigų
Socialdemokratų partija oficialaus vizito metu Gruzijoje JAV sankcijomis šaliai grasinusį Seimo Užsienio reikalų komiteto (URK) pirmininką Žygimantą Pavilionį ragina trauktis iš užimamų pareigų. Tokį sprendimą priėmė ketvirtadienį vakare posėdžiavęs partijos prezidiumas. Socialdemokratų nuomone, į diplomatinę misiją Sakartvele tarpininkauti siųstas konservatorius Ž. Pavilionis, užuot vykdęs…
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bukimevieningi · 4 years ago
Kaip gruzinai Vašingtono patikėtinį su trenksmu išspyrė lauk...
Kaip gruzinai Vašingtono patikėtinį su trenksmu išspyrė lauk…
Priešistorė trumpai: Vienas uolus jankių pimpačkiukas Žygimantas Pavilionis nuvyko į Gruziją, kad pagrūmotų piršteliu valdančiajai partijai už tai, kad ši susidorojo su kito uolaus jankių pimpačkiuko Saakašvilio partija. Pavilionis buvo įpratęs, kad tokiose valstybėse kaip Ukraina ar Gruzija, visas duris galėdavo kojos spyriais atidarinėti, nes jis – neakivaizdinis Vašingtono DEEP STATE’o…
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bukimevieningi · 4 years ago
"Šaika", užgrobusi Lietuvą
“Šaika”, užgrobusi Lietuvą
Belaukiant, kol Lietuvą užpuls Rusija (o dabar jau ir Baltarusija. Gali būti ir taip, kad abi puls vienu metu), Lietuvos neliečiamieji ir toliau viešpatauja. Žygimantas Pavilionis per savo bukumą prasižiojo, kad palaiko ryšius su Kubos ir lotynų mafija, organizuoja perversmus Rusijoje ir Baltarusijoje, rūpinasi perversmininkų finansavimu ir neslepia, kad tarnauja svetimai valstybei, tiksliau,…
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bukimevieningi · 5 years ago
P. Auštrevičius ir Ž. Pavilionis užsipuolė Prezidento patarėją J. Neverovičių, dėl neva skleidžiamos klaidinančios informacijos apie Astravo AE
P. Auštrevičius ir Ž. Pavilionis užsipuolė Prezidento patarėją J. Neverovičių, dėl neva skleidžiamos klaidinančios informacijos apie Astravo AE
Reaguodami į Prezidento patarėjo Jaroslavo Neverovičiaus pareiškimą dėl Astravo atominės elektrinės, Sąjūdžio prieš Astravo AE nariai europarlamentaras Petras Auštrevičius ir Seimo narys Žygimantas Pavilionis kreipėsi į J. Neverovičių laišku, atkreipdami dėmesį, kad Prezidento patarėjas paskleidė tikrovės neatitinkančią informaciją.
„Šiuo atveju vienareikšmiškai memorandumo nebuvimas, naujos…
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bukimevieningi · 5 years ago
Ž. Pavilionis ir A. Ažubalis mano, kad Kinija privalo atsisakyti komunizmo ir tapti liberalia šalimi
Ž. Pavilionis ir A. Ažubalis mano, kad Kinija privalo atsisakyti komunizmo ir tapti liberalia šalimi
“Landsbergistų”  partijos užkietėję rusofobai, Žygimantas Pavilionis ir Audronius Ažubalis sako, kad užuot šventus komunistinės Kinijos įkūrimo 70-metį, geriau įsteigti Lietuvos atstovybę prekybai ir kultūrai Taivane
Praėjusią savaitę Vilniuje pasirodė plakatai, kviečiantys paminėti komunistinės Kinijos Liaudies Respublikos 70 metų jubiliejų, tačiau dėl didelio visuomenės pasipiktinimo šis…
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