#Paul Vromen
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Transformers - "Hidden Signal"
Originally posted on May 13th, 2012
Story - Wout Jut Art - Sören Peeters Edits - Paul Vromen
wada sez: This strip ties into the present-day plot of “Chaos”, after Megatron deliberately allows himself to be captured by the Autobots. See below for a Dutch translation.

#Transformers#Transformers Mosaic#Maccadam#IDW Transformers#unpublished#Wout Jut#Sören Peeters#Paul Vromen#official creator#Megatron#Shockwave#Starscream#Soundwave#Optimus Prime
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Another comic rerelease is out, for anyone interested--this one my oldest, and horror, collecting three different tales.
Afterlife Tales Written by Niels van Eekelen Drawn by Sergio Carrera, Paul Vromen and Rodrigo Stella Not everyone makes it out alive. But then, not everyone starts out that way… An anthology of horror stories about life, death, and everything in between. In "The Morality Play" two spirits ponder the worth of a life. Is a man defined by his sins, or are they but a small part of him? In "Life Tragedy" a girl ends her own life, and the afterlife confronts her with the consequences of that choice. In "The Feat of Clay" a man cannot accept the way his girlfriend died. Her death was wrong, and he will have her back, regardless of the cost or the truth. (Contains 28 pages of actual comic.)

So if you’re interested (or even if you just want to support me, hint hint), please go check it out, either on my own website, or on my pages on Itch.io or GlobalComix directly. (Amazon may follow, they were being difficult.) Signal-boosts also much appreciated!
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[Rambo V - Utolsó vér “Teljes Film-2020 [MAGYARUL] .Indavidea .Online
[Rambo V - Utolsó vér “Teljes Film-2020 [MAGYARUL] .Indavidea .Online

⚠ FILM LINK | ᐅ https://bit.ly/32K2IBv
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Bevezető John Rambo békésen próbálja élni a mindennapjait arizonai farmján, bár háborús múltjából felbukkanó belső démonaival továbbra is viaskodik. Egy nap azonban házvezetőnője, María unokáját elrabolják. Rambo felveszi a harcot a kegyetlen szex- és drogkereskedő mexikói kartellel, amely több lányt is fogságban tart. Segítője a halálos küzdelemben Carmen, aki a húga után kutat.
John Rambo legendás alakja ötödik alkalommal tér vissza a filmvászonra az elnyűhetetlen Sylvester Stallone (Rocky-filmek, Menekülés a győzelembe, Tango és Cash, Cliffhanger – Függő játszma, Szupercella, Creed: Apolló fia) alakításában. Az 1982-ben indult sorozat utolsó epizódjához érkezett, a félelmet nem ismerő vietnámi veterán ezúttal a mexikói drogkartelek ellen száll harcba. A forgatókönyvet is részben Stallone jegyzi, a film rendezője Adrian Grunberg (Börtönregény). Stallone mellett a főbb szerepekben Paz Vega (A szex és Lucia, Spangol – Magamat sem értem, Jobb, ha hallgatsz), Yvette Monreal (Simlis spinék) és Sergio Peris-Mencheta (A Kaptár: Túlvilág, Országúti bordély) látható.
Alkotók Rendező: Adrian Grunberg Forgatókönyvíró: Matthew Cirulnick Sylvester Stallone Producer: Avi Lerner Steven Paul Kevin King Templeton Les Weldon Executive Producer: Christa Campbell Jeffrey Greenstein Lati Grobman Ariel Vromen Jonathan Yunger Zene: Ryan Nowak Operatőr: Brendan Galvin Vágó: Carsten Kurpanek Todd E. Miller
Tessa és Hardin különös kapcsolata válaszúthoz érkezik. A lány ráébred, hogy talán minden hiábRambo V - Utolsó vérló volt, és mégsem kellett volna a vonzalomnak engedve mindent felaDnia. Egyértelműen vesztesként kerül ki a küzdelemből. Hardin továbbra sem tud semmit felmutatni, egyedül Tessa elvesztésétől kell tartania. Egy dolog biztos csupán, hogy a történtek után semmi sem lesz a régi. Tessa úgy gondolta, hibáival együtt képes elfogaDni Hardint, még a keménysége felett is szemet hunyt, de amikor újabb információk birtokába jut a fiú korábbi tetteiről és kapcsolatuk kialakulásának valódi körülményeiről, elbizonytalanodik. Már egyáltalán nem biztos benne, hogy valóban ismeri a fiút, az élete zRambo V - Utolsó vérrossá válik, úgy érzi, becsapták. Szeretne mindent hátrahagyni, de nem tud szabadulni az együtt töltött idő emlékeitől. Ugyanakkor abban is biztos, hogy megunta a szószegést, és az előtte álló ígéretes jövőt sem szeretné veszni hagyni. Komolyan fontolóra veszi, hogy kilép a kapcsolatból. A látszat ellenére Hardin is gyötrődik, talán most először érzi igazán, mekkora hibát követett el. Küzdeni akar a szerelmükért, de kétséges, hogy egy ember valaki vagy valami kedvéért tud-e teljesen szakítani régi énjével.
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Tomorrowland Drops Full 2020 Lineup
As promised, the complete Tomorrowland lineup has just dropped all at once with no phases or teases! There are six HUNDRED artists playing this year across both weekends!
Pretty much name a DJ, and there’s a significantly good chance they’re playing this year. Use “Find In Page” to easily locate below any DJ you’re curious about, and get ready for one (or two) of the best weekends of your life!
The Belgian & Worldwide Presale begin tomorrow, Saturday, January 25 on www.tomorrowland.com. General ticket sale begins February 1.
&Me 2ManyDJs 3 Are Legend A Local Hero A-Trak A.R.T. Act of Rage Adam Beyer Adaro ADIN Adriatique Afro Bros Afrojack Agents Of Time (live) Ahl Iver Airod Airwave Al Twisted & Rob Da Rythm Albin Meyers Alesso Alle Farben Alok Alwys Late Aly & Fila Aly & Fila b2b Paul Thomas (UV set) Amare Ame Âme b2b Rodhad Amekmar Amelie Lens Andhim Andrea Damante Andrew Rayel Andromedik ANDY SVGE Anfisa Letyago Angemi Angerfist Anhatema Animal Holocaust Animato AniMe ANNA ANOTR b2b Toman Ariel Vromen Armin van Buuren Artbat Astrix Atmozfears Audiotricz Axel Haube Axwell Ayahuasca b2b ChaosX B Jones B-Front B-Kay Bakermat Bart & Baker Basement Jaxx Bass Modulators Bassjackers Bassjackers vs Quintino Basstripper Basswell Becky G Becky Hill (live) Bedouin Belben & Arnaud Boatpeople Ben Klock Ben Nicky Benny Benassi Berg Billx Björn Grimm Blaster Blastoyz BLVCKPRINT Bonzai All Stars Boris Brechja Borokov Borokov Bram Delux Brian Cross Brian Cross vs Jerry Davila & Pelos Brohug Brooks Bruno Martini Bryan Kearney Bubba Butch Camelphat Capoon Carl Cox Carlos Bayona Caspar Caspar & Don Cabron Cat Dealers Cellini Cemode & Mr Grammy Cham Chica Gang
Chime x Franky Nuts x Oliverse Chocolate Puma Chris Lake Chris Stussy b2b Prunk CID Cirez D Claptone Cloonee Comrad & Yves V (& Friends) Conro Coone COSMIC Cosmic Gate Crack-T Crankdat Curtis Alto D-Block & S-Te-Fan D-Nox & Beckers D-Sturb D-Wayne b2b Vito Mendez D.O.D Da Hool Da Tweekaz Daddy K Danger Hardcore Team (DJ Set) Daniel Busser Danny Avila Danny Howard Dark-E Dash Berlin Dave Lambert Dave Lambert & Tach Crémer David Guetta Dax J b2b Kobosil De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig De la Pena & Brossi Delafino & Luna Fino Delafino vs Gee Demi Kanon Dennis Cruz Destructive Tendencies Deterrent Man Detest Detlef Deuxfwa Devin Wild Diego Miranda Digital Punk Dillon Francis Dimatik Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Dimitri Wouters Dino Lenny Disco Dasco Discobaar a Moeder Dixon DJ Allures & A-Tom-X DJ Flash DJ Ghost DJ Isaac DJ Jan DJ Kat DJ Licious DJ MIMI DJ Policy ft Burd & BeatFox DJ Rino DJ Seinfeld DJ Tom & Saxy Mr S DJ Ward DL Dom Dolla Don Diablo Donelly & Seelen Dope D.O.D live Dosschy Double Pleasure Double-U Dr Phunk DRIGAO & IAMGUNZ DRS Duck Sauce Eats Everything eDUB EDX Einmusik Ekali Emanuel Satie Endymion Enrico Sangiuliano Eptic Eric Prydz presents HOLOSPHERE Estasia Estiva Evil Activities Excision Fabio Marcs Faisal & Hakim Farrago Fast Distance Fatima Hajji
Fedde Le Grand Feder Federico Feest DJ Lucki Luc Ferreck Dawn Ferry Corsten Ferry Tayle vs Dan Stone (Fable Set) Fideles Firaga Fisher Fjaak Flava D Footworxx Militant Crew Four Tet Fox Stevenson Frank Mellemans Franky Kloeck Franky Rizardo Fré Frederico Frequencerz Funkhauser Furax Furyan Fuzz Gareth Emery Gary Beck Geuzz Ghost Rider Gian Varela Gianluca Vacchi Giuseppe Ottaviani – LIVE 3.0 GLXY Goetia Goldfox Gonçalo Goose Gorgon City Grant Greg Dela Greg Lamore vs Jay Lee Hudson Greg S Grum GTA (Latin set) Gunz For Hire Habstrakt Hangar Soundsystem Hard Driver Hatred Hayden James dj Headhunterz Heckman Helena Hauff Henri PFR Hermanos Hernan Cattaneo Herobust b2b Spag Heddy Himperson Hiraeth b2b Shire DnB Holy Goof Horse Meat Disco Hosted by: Steve-D Hot Dub Time Machine Hugel Human Rias Hush Hush Hefner Icicle Ida Engberg Ilan Bluestone Ilario Allicante Iljac Ilkay Sencan Illenium Infected Mushroom – Retro Live Set J. Roots & Hakimm Jackless & The Fox James Marvel Jamie Jones Jan V Jan Vervloet Jan Wayne Jasper Fioole Jauz & NGHTMRE Jax Jones Jebroer Jelle DK Jeroen Meertens b2b Diatonik Jeroen Visser Jesse JNXD Johan Gielen b2b M.I.K.E. Push John O’Callaghan Jones & Stephenson Joris Voorn Joyhauser Kapibara Kas:st (live) Keinemusik (&Me & Rampa & Adam Port) KELTEK
Kenn Colt Kevin de Vries KEVIN KOFII Key 4050 Kill The Noise Kill The Noise b2b Feed Me Kimman Klangkuenstler Klaps Klaudia Gawlas Klingande live Kobosil Kölsch Konstantin Sibold Koven Køzløv Krankenhaus Selektion Krewella Kris Kross Amsterdam Kryder Kungs Kurt V La Fleur Lady S Laidback Luke Laurent Wery Les Mecs Eclectics Lethal MG Lexx (on) Lexx & Christian82 Liquid Soul Locked Groove Lost Frequencies Lost Frequencies (live) Lovra Low Steppa Luk LunaKorpz M-22 M&T Maceo Plex Macky Gee Mad Maxx Magnificence Makasi Mambo Brothers Man Outta Space b2b Double U Jay MANDY Many Moore Marcel Dettmann Marco Bailey Marco Carola Mark with a K Mark with a K & MC Chucky Markus Schulz MaRLo – Tech Energy Marshmello Martin Garrix Martin Solveig Masai & The Roots Mathame Mathy MATTN Maxim Lany Maximo MC Da Silva Mc Lowqui Mc Mota MC Pyro Meduza Melvo Baptiste Mh!mz Michael Amani Michael Bibi Michael More Milo Spykers Mind Against Mindmistake MistaJam Modestep Monika Kruse b2b Bart Skills Monta Montell 2099 Morten Mosoo Mr E Mr. Pig & Le Twins Murda Beatz Murdër b2b savagery Murdock Naethan Neelix Neophyte Nervo Nervo vs W&W Netsky Nick Bril Nicki Sanchez Nicky Jam Nicky Romero
Nico Morano Nicola Zucchi Noisecontrollers Nora en Pure Nur Jaber NWYR Oguz Oliver Heldens Oliver Heldens vs Tchami Olivier Giacomotto One87 Oneted Ophidian Optimo Outsiders Pan-Pot Paris Hilton Partyshakerz Pat B Patrice Baumel Paul Denton b2b Liam Wilson Paul Elstak Paul Kalbrenner Pegassi vs Elenore Pegboard Nerds b2b Tokyo Machine Peter Luts Pfirter Philip Lake & Alec Philippe El Sisi & Omar Sherif Phill Da Cunha & Smith Davis Phuture Noize Pierre Pixel Terror Pola & Bryson Pretty Pink Psyko Punkz PTTRN b2b Haissem Purple Disco Machine Q-dance presents 20 Years of Hardstyle Que 9 Quintino R3hab Rachel Green Radical Redemption Rakesh aka Blackjack 9000 RAKKA Ramon Tapia Ran-D Ranji Raw District Reality Test Reaper Recondite live Red Axes Redfield Refuzion Regal Regard Regi Regi b2b Wolfpack Retrospect Revival Reygel & Peri Rezz Richie Gee Riggi & Piros Riot Riton Robbie Rise Robert Abigail Robert Falcon Robin Schulz Rodg Rodhad Roma Ronny Retro Rotterdam Terror Corps Ruben de Ronde Ruben de Ronde & Rodg present TogethRR Rudimental Rusko Ruthless S.P.Y Sakso Sam Divine Sam Feldt Samyn Sandro Silva b2b SaberZ Sandy Warez Santini ft Quatretemps (live) Scooter Sebastien Leger Sefa Sem Thomasson Senses of Mind Seth Hills Severe SHDDR Shei b2b Mastachi . Shimza
Simon Dunmore Simon Patterson B2B John Askew Skazi Slushii Snelle Sol & Sura Solardo Solarstone Somnia vs Synsun Sonic Solutions Soulcity Sound Of Tomorrow winner Sound Rush Spencer Brown Steam Team Crew Stephan Bodzin Steve Aoki Steve James Sub Zero Project Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano Superstyling (Ravenous & Skyve) SVDDEN DEATH Sven Väth Swift Tale Of Us Tchami Team DAMP Technimatic Tha Playah Thang The Bobmeister The Darkraver The Knightriders The Magician The Noble Six The Opposites The Prophet The Satan The Shapeshifters The Subs The Thrillseekers b2b Factor B Thierry Wonderwarth Thim Tiësto Tijana T Timmerman Timmy Trumpet Tom & Collins Tom Cosyns Toman Track-Thor Trikk Tweekacore Two Pauz Unclesand UNEAK Unicorn on K Used Vandal Vato Gonzalez Victor Ruiz Villain Vincenzo Firenzo Vini Vici Vinny Vintage Culture Vishcale Visionobi Volunt Barbati Vynx W&W Wade Wanton Ward vs Da Rick Warface What u on about crew Whipped Cream Whiteno1se WhoMadeWho Wildstylez Wilkinson Will Sparks Winterclubbing Allstars Wndrlst Wolfgang Sucks Wolfpack Wout X-Ian & Joeri Yamo Yannick Thiry Yellow Claw Young Marco Yves Deruyter Yves V Zany Zatox Zeen & Myer Zfilio & Tim G Zonderling Zyce
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Tomorrowland Drops Full 2020 Lineup
Tomorrowland Drops Full 2020 Lineup published first on https://soundwizreview.tumblr.com/
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Tomorrowland Drops Full 2020 Lineup
As promised, the complete Tomorrowland lineup has just dropped all at once with no phases or teases! There are six HUNDRED artists playing this year across both weekends!
Pretty much name a DJ, and there’s a significantly good chance they’re playing this year. Use “Find In Page” to easily locate below any DJ you’re curious about, and get ready for one (or two) of the best weekends of your life!
The Belgian & Worldwide Presale begin tomorrow, Saturday, January 25 on www.tomorrowland.com. General ticket sale begins February 1.
&Me 2ManyDJs 3 Are Legend A Local Hero A-Trak A.R.T. Act of Rage Adam Beyer Adaro ADIN Adriatique Afro Bros Afrojack Agents Of Time (live) Ahl Iver Airod Airwave Al Twisted & Rob Da Rythm Albin Meyers Alesso Alle Farben Alok Alwys Late Aly & Fila Aly & Fila b2b Paul Thomas (UV set) Amare Ame Âme b2b Rodhad Amekmar Amelie Lens Andhim Andrea Damante Andrew Rayel Andromedik ANDY SVGE Anfisa Letyago Angemi Angerfist Anhatema Animal Holocaust Animato AniMe ANNA ANOTR b2b Toman Ariel Vromen Armin van Buuren Artbat Astrix Atmozfears Audiotricz Axel Haube Axwell Ayahuasca b2b ChaosX B Jones B-Front B-Kay Bakermat Bart & Baker Basement Jaxx Bass Modulators Bassjackers Bassjackers vs Quintino Basstripper Basswell Becky G Becky Hill (live) Bedouin Belben & Arnaud Boatpeople Ben Klock Ben Nicky Benny Benassi Berg Billx Björn Grimm Blaster Blastoyz BLVCKPRINT Bonzai All Stars Boris Brechja Borokov Borokov Bram Delux Brian Cross Brian Cross vs Jerry Davila & Pelos Brohug Brooks Bruno Martini Bryan Kearney Bubba Butch Camelphat Capoon Carl Cox Carlos Bayona Caspar Caspar & Don Cabron Cat Dealers Cellini Cemode & Mr Grammy Cham Chica Gang
Chime x Franky Nuts x Oliverse Chocolate Puma Chris Lake Chris Stussy b2b Prunk CID Cirez D Claptone Cloonee Comrad & Yves V (& Friends) Conro Coone COSMIC Cosmic Gate Crack-T Crankdat Curtis Alto D-Block & S-Te-Fan D-Nox & Beckers D-Sturb D-Wayne b2b Vito Mendez D.O.D Da Hool Da Tweekaz Daddy K Danger Hardcore Team (DJ Set) Daniel Busser Danny Avila Danny Howard Dark-E Dash Berlin Dave Lambert Dave Lambert & Tach Crémer David Guetta Dax J b2b Kobosil De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig De la Pena & Brossi Delafino & Luna Fino Delafino vs Gee Demi Kanon Dennis Cruz Destructive Tendencies Deterrent Man Detest Detlef Deuxfwa Devin Wild Diego Miranda Digital Punk Dillon Francis Dimatik Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Dimitri Wouters Dino Lenny Disco Dasco Discobaar a Moeder Dixon DJ Allures & A-Tom-X DJ Flash DJ Ghost DJ Isaac DJ Jan DJ Kat DJ Licious DJ MIMI DJ Policy ft Burd & BeatFox DJ Rino DJ Seinfeld DJ Tom & Saxy Mr S DJ Ward DL Dom Dolla Don Diablo Donelly & Seelen Dope D.O.D live Dosschy Double Pleasure Double-U Dr Phunk DRIGAO & IAMGUNZ DRS Duck Sauce Eats Everything eDUB EDX Einmusik Ekali Emanuel Satie Endymion Enrico Sangiuliano Eptic Eric Prydz presents HOLOSPHERE Estasia Estiva Evil Activities Excision Fabio Marcs Faisal & Hakim Farrago Fast Distance Fatima Hajji
Fedde Le Grand Feder Federico Feest DJ Lucki Luc Ferreck Dawn Ferry Corsten Ferry Tayle vs Dan Stone (Fable Set) Fideles Firaga Fisher Fjaak Flava D Footworxx Militant Crew Four Tet Fox Stevenson Frank Mellemans Franky Kloeck Franky Rizardo Fré Frederico Frequencerz Funkhauser Furax Furyan Fuzz Gareth Emery Gary Beck Geuzz Ghost Rider Gian Varela Gianluca Vacchi Giuseppe Ottaviani – LIVE 3.0 GLXY Goetia Goldfox Gonçalo Goose Gorgon City Grant Greg Dela Greg Lamore vs Jay Lee Hudson Greg S Grum GTA (Latin set) Gunz For Hire Habstrakt Hangar Soundsystem Hard Driver Hatred Hayden James dj Headhunterz Heckman Helena Hauff Henri PFR Hermanos Hernan Cattaneo Herobust b2b Spag Heddy Himperson Hiraeth b2b Shire DnB Holy Goof Horse Meat Disco Hosted by: Steve-D Hot Dub Time Machine Hugel Human Rias Hush Hush Hefner Icicle Ida Engberg Ilan Bluestone Ilario Allicante Iljac Ilkay Sencan Illenium Infected Mushroom – Retro Live Set J. Roots & Hakimm Jackless & The Fox James Marvel Jamie Jones Jan V Jan Vervloet Jan Wayne Jasper Fioole Jauz & NGHTMRE Jax Jones Jebroer Jelle DK Jeroen Meertens b2b Diatonik Jeroen Visser Jesse JNXD Johan Gielen b2b M.I.K.E. Push John O’Callaghan Jones & Stephenson Joris Voorn Joyhauser Kapibara Kas:st (live) Keinemusik (&Me & Rampa & Adam Port) KELTEK
Kenn Colt Kevin de Vries KEVIN KOFII Key 4050 Kill The Noise Kill The Noise b2b Feed Me Kimman Klangkuenstler Klaps Klaudia Gawlas Klingande live Kobosil Kölsch Konstantin Sibold Koven Køzløv Krankenhaus Selektion Krewella Kris Kross Amsterdam Kryder Kungs Kurt V La Fleur Lady S Laidback Luke Laurent Wery Les Mecs Eclectics Lethal MG Lexx (on) Lexx & Christian82 Liquid Soul Locked Groove Lost Frequencies Lost Frequencies (live) Lovra Low Steppa Luk LunaKorpz M-22 M&T Maceo Plex Macky Gee Mad Maxx Magnificence Makasi Mambo Brothers Man Outta Space b2b Double U Jay MANDY Many Moore Marcel Dettmann Marco Bailey Marco Carola Mark with a K Mark with a K & MC Chucky Markus Schulz MaRLo – Tech Energy Marshmello Martin Garrix Martin Solveig Masai & The Roots Mathame Mathy MATTN Maxim Lany Maximo MC Da Silva Mc Lowqui Mc Mota MC Pyro Meduza Melvo Baptiste Mh!mz Michael Amani Michael Bibi Michael More Milo Spykers Mind Against Mindmistake MistaJam Modestep Monika Kruse b2b Bart Skills Monta Montell 2099 Morten Mosoo Mr E Mr. Pig & Le Twins Murda Beatz Murdër b2b savagery Murdock Naethan Neelix Neophyte Nervo Nervo vs W&W Netsky Nick Bril Nicki Sanchez Nicky Jam Nicky Romero
Nico Morano Nicola Zucchi Noisecontrollers Nora en Pure Nur Jaber NWYR Oguz Oliver Heldens Oliver Heldens vs Tchami Olivier Giacomotto One87 Oneted Ophidian Optimo Outsiders Pan-Pot Paris Hilton Partyshakerz Pat B Patrice Baumel Paul Denton b2b Liam Wilson Paul Elstak Paul Kalbrenner Pegassi vs Elenore Pegboard Nerds b2b Tokyo Machine Peter Luts Pfirter Philip Lake & Alec Philippe El Sisi & Omar Sherif Phill Da Cunha & Smith Davis Phuture Noize Pierre Pixel Terror Pola & Bryson Pretty Pink Psyko Punkz PTTRN b2b Haissem Purple Disco Machine Q-dance presents 20 Years of Hardstyle Que 9 Quintino R3hab Rachel Green Radical Redemption Rakesh aka Blackjack 9000 RAKKA Ramon Tapia Ran-D Ranji Raw District Reality Test Reaper Recondite live Red Axes Redfield Refuzion Regal Regard Regi Regi b2b Wolfpack Retrospect Revival Reygel & Peri Rezz Richie Gee Riggi & Piros Riot Riton Robbie Rise Robert Abigail Robert Falcon Robin Schulz Rodg Rodhad Roma Ronny Retro Rotterdam Terror Corps Ruben de Ronde Ruben de Ronde & Rodg present TogethRR Rudimental Rusko Ruthless S.P.Y Sakso Sam Divine Sam Feldt Samyn Sandro Silva b2b SaberZ Sandy Warez Santini ft Quatretemps (live) Scooter Sebastien Leger Sefa Sem Thomasson Senses of Mind Seth Hills Severe SHDDR Shei b2b Mastachi . Shimza
Simon Dunmore Simon Patterson B2B John Askew Skazi Slushii Snelle Sol & Sura Solardo Solarstone Somnia vs Synsun Sonic Solutions Soulcity Sound Of Tomorrow winner Sound Rush Spencer Brown Steam Team Crew Stephan Bodzin Steve Aoki Steve James Sub Zero Project Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano Superstyling (Ravenous & Skyve) SVDDEN DEATH Sven Väth Swift Tale Of Us Tchami Team DAMP Technimatic Tha Playah Thang The Bobmeister The Darkraver The Knightriders The Magician The Noble Six The Opposites The Prophet The Satan The Shapeshifters The Subs The Thrillseekers b2b Factor B Thierry Wonderwarth Thim Tiësto Tijana T Timmerman Timmy Trumpet Tom & Collins Tom Cosyns Toman Track-Thor Trikk Tweekacore Two Pauz Unclesand UNEAK Unicorn on K Used Vandal Vato Gonzalez Victor Ruiz Villain Vincenzo Firenzo Vini Vici Vinny Vintage Culture Vishcale Visionobi Volunt Barbati Vynx W&W Wade Wanton Ward vs Da Rick Warface What u on about crew Whipped Cream Whiteno1se WhoMadeWho Wildstylez Wilkinson Will Sparks Winterclubbing Allstars Wndrlst Wolfgang Sucks Wolfpack Wout X-Ian & Joeri Yamo Yannick Thiry Yellow Claw Young Marco Yves Deruyter Yves V Zany Zatox Zeen & Myer Zfilio & Tim G Zonderling Zyce
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Tomorrowland Drops Full 2020 Lineup
source https://www.youredm.com/2020/01/24/tomorrowland-drops-full-2020-lineup/
0 notes
15 filmes inteligentes para ver na Netflix

A Netflix possui um grande acervo de filmes e séries, mesmo assim, decidir qual título assistir nem sempre é uma tarefa fácil. Afinal, a classificação por gêneros: comédia, horror, drama, não é suficiente para usuários indecisos. Pensando nisso, a Bula vasculhou o catálogo do serviço de streaming e selecionou alguns filmes bastante elogiados pela crítica e que conseguiram conquistar popularidade entre os espectadores. Os títulos têm em comum roteiros inteligentes, com tramas surpreendentes e bem arquitetadas. Alguns destaques são: “Mecânica das Sombras” (2017), de Thomas Kruithof; “Pastoral Americana” (2016), de Ewan McGregor; e “Os Agentes do Destino” (2011), dirigido por George Nolfi. Os filmes estão organizados em ordem decrescente, de acordo com o ano de lançamento.
Anima (2019), Paul Thomas Anderson

Para assistir esse curta musical, a indicação da Netflix é aumentar o volume. O filme experimental segue os passos de Thom Yorke, vocalista da banda britânica Radiohead, que encontra a bolsa de uma mulher no trem e embarca em uma jornada pela cidade de Londres para devolver o item à sua dona. O curta acompanha o lançamento do terceiro álbum solo de Thom Yorke, também intitulado “Anima”.
I Am Mother (2019), Grant Sputore

Após a extinção dos humanos, um robô chamado Mãe é designado para renovar a humanidade. Em um bunker, Mãe cria uma criança, conhecida apenas como Filha, evitando que ela tenha qualquer contato com o mundo externo. Ao ouvir uma mulher ferida pedindo ajuda, Filha a acolhe dentro do bunker. A mulher diz à garota que existem outros humanos na Terra, mas os robôs são uma ameaça perigosa a eles. Então, Filha passa a desconfiar de sua mãe.
A Noite de 12 anos (2018), Álvaro Brechner

Na década de 1970, três militantes Tupamaros, grupo que lutava contra a ditadura militar no Uruguai, são presos e encarcerados junto a outros nove companheiros, sendo proibidos de conversarem entre si. Trancados em pequenas masmorras sem luz ou comida, eles travam uma batalha para escapar dessa triste realidade e sobreviver à tortura. Um dos presos era José Mujica, que se tornou presidente do Uruguai em 2010.
Cities of Last Things (2018), Wi Ding Ho

Zhang Dong Ling, um detetive da polícia de Taiwan, decide tirar a própria vida. Seguindo uma linha cronológica inversa, o filme acompanha acontecimentos fatídicos na vida de Zhang que podem tê-lo levado a tomar essa decisão: a separação de sua última esposa, a partida de sua filha, o encontro com uma jovem prostituta, a traição de sua namorada e uma prisão por roubo, ainda na adolescência.
O Anjo do Mossad (2018), Ariel Vromen

A trama conta a história de Ashraf Marwan, genro e conselheiro especial do presidente do Egito. Quando seu sogro morre, o vice Anwar Sadat assume o governo e deseja fazer uma aliança com a União Soviética em plena Guerra Fria. Marwan é contra o acordo, mas sua opinião é ignorada. Por isso, ele resolve agir sozinho contra Sadat. O filme é baseado no livro “The Angel: The Egyptian Spy Who Saved Israel”, de Uri Bar-Joseph.
The Spy Gone North (2018), Jong-bin Yun

Na década de 1990, o agente Suk-young Park é recrutado como espião pelo Serviço Nacional de Inteligência da Coreia do Sul, e recebe o codinome de “Black Venus”. Sua missão é se infiltrar em um grupo de altos funcionários da Coreia do Norte e obter informações sigilosas sobre o programa nuclear do país vizinho. Aos poucos, ele ganha a confiança dos inimigos e consegue entrar em uma instalação nuclear secreta.
Mecânica das Sombras (2017), Thomas Kruithof

Duval está desempregado há dois anos. Graças à indicação de um amigo, ele consegue um trabalho incomum, mas que paga muito bem. Seguindo uma rotina rigorosa, Duval fica responsável por transcrever chamadas telefônicas interceptadas ilegalmente. Em uma das ligações, ele acaba testemunhando um crime. Assustado, Duval tenta pedir demissão, mas acaba se envolvendo em uma perigosa trama política.
A Garota no Trem (2016), Tate Taylor

Rachel está sofrendo pelo fim de seu casamento. Alcoólatra e deprimida, ela pega o trem para Londres todas as manhãs e vive fantasiando sobre a vida de um casal aparentemente perfeito que ela observa pela janela do trem. Um dia, Rachel testemunha uma cena chocante entre o casal e logo descobre que a mulher está desaparecida. Certa de que possui informações importantes, ela recorre à polícia e se envolve na investigação do caso.
Jackie (2016), Pablo Larrain

O filme apresenta Jacqueline Kennedy, primeira-dama dos Estados Unidos, durante os quatro dias que sucederam o assassinato de seu marido, John F. Kennedy. Apesar do luto, ela deve consolar seus dois filhos, planejar o funeral do marido e se preparar para deixar a Casa Branca. Em uma entrevista para a revista “Life”, Jackie fala sobre seus dias conturbados para o jornalista Theodore H. White, ditando o que pode ou não ser publicado.
Nuestros Amantes (2016), Miguel Ángel Lamata

Carlos é um escritor frustrado e triste. Ao visitar uma livraria, ele encontra Irene, uma jovem sonhadora e desempregada. Ela se aproxima de Carlos, mesmo sem conhecê-lo, e propõe um jogo: Eles se divertem juntos, mas sem dizerem seus nomes ou endereços. Além disso, é proibido se apaixonar. Carlos topa o jogo e, com o passar do tempo, se apaixona por Irene.
O Homem nas Trevas (2016), Fede Alvarez

Rocky, Alex e Money são três amigos delinquentes que ganham a vida invadindo casas em Detroit e vendendo os itens roubados. Money fica sabendo sobre um veterano de guerra cego e solitário que ganhou 300 mil dólares em um acordo judicial. Pensando que o homem é um alvo fácil, eles decidem roubá-lo. Mas, durante a invasão, os assaltantes ficam presos dentro da casa e descobrem que o ex-soldado é muito mais perigoso do que pensavam.
Pastoral Americana (2016), Ewan McGregor

O filme se passa na década de 1960 e acompanha a vida de Seymour Levoi, um ex-atleta famoso na cidade de Nova Jérsei. Herdeiro de uma grande indústria, ele se casa com Dawn, uma miss da cidade. Ricos e felizes, Seymour e Dawn parecem levar uma vida perfeita, até que Merry, a filha do casal, começa a se envolver com grupos políticos extremistas, participando de atos terroristas durante a guerra do Vietnã.
Os Agentes do Destino (2011), George Nolfi

David Norris é um famoso congressista que está concorrendo a uma vaga no Senado. Depois de um encontro casual com a bailarina Elise Sellas, ele começa a ser perseguido por desconhecidos que se intitulam como “os agentes do destino”. Esses homens dizem a David que ele não deve ver Elise novamente, pois o romance poderá atrapalhar o futuro de ambos. Apesar disso, David já está apaixonado e fará de tudo para driblar o destino.
Match Point (2006), Woody Allen

Chris Wilton é um ex-jogador de tênis que trabalha como instrutor em um clube da alta sociedade. Carismático, ele logo faz amizade com o milionário Tom, que lhe apresenta sua irmã, Chloe. Chris e Chloe começam a namorar e se casam. Tudo parece correr bem, até que o tenista se envolve com a sedutora Nola, que acaba engravidando. Interessado na fortuna de sua mulher, Chris tenta encontrar uma maneira de dispensar a amante.
Garota, Interrompida (1999), James Mangold

Em 1967, após uma sessão com um psicanalista que nunca havia visto antes, Susanna Kaysen é diagnosticada com Transtorno de Personalidade Borderline, caracterizado por grande instabilidade de humor. Susanna é enviada por sua família para um hospital psiquiátrico, onde fica internada por dois anos. Lá, ela conhece garotas que possuem outros transtornos psicológicos e faz amizade com Lisa Rowe, uma sociopata que manipula todos a sua volta.
15 filmes inteligentes para ver na Netflix publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
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Ryan Rodney Reynolds est né le 23 octobre 1976 à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique, au Canada. Son père, James Chester “Jim” Reynolds (1941-2015), était un grossiste en alimentation, et sa mère, Tammy, est vendeuse au détail. Il est d’origine irlandaise et a été élevé dans la tradition catholique romaine. Il est le plus jeune d’une fratrie de quatre frères. Ryan Reynolds est acteur et producteur.
Il a incarné le personnage de Billy Simpson dans la série “Hillside” (1991), mais également Michael Bergen dans le sitcom “Two Guys and a Girl” (1998-2001), ainsi que des personnages des Marvel Comics, Hannibal King dans “Blade: Trinity” (2004), mais également Wade Wilson / Weapon XI dans “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” (2009), et le personnage titre dans “Deadpool” (2016).
En outre, il a interprété le personnage Hal Jordan, le super-héros de DC Comics Green Lantern dans le film de 2011 du même nom. Ryan Reynolds a également joué dans des films tels que “Américain Party” (2002), “Amityville” (2005), “Un jour, peut-être” (2008), “La Proposition” (2009), “Buried” (2010), “Under Pressure” (2015), ainsi que dans “La Femme au Tableau” (2015).
En 2005, on retrouve Ryan Reynolds aux côtés de Melissa George et de l’excellente Chloë Grace Moretz dans “Amityville” de Andrew Douglas, un film d’horreur où un couple est terrorisé par les forces démoniaques après avoir emménagé dans une grande maison qui a été le lieu d’un meurtre de masse un an plus tôt.
En 2010, Ryan Reynolds joue le personnage principal dans “Buried” de Rodrigo Cortés où il interprète Paul, un chauffeur de camion américain travaillant en Irak. Après une attaque par un groupe de rebelles, il se réveille en prenant conscience qu’il est enterré vivant dans un cercueil. Avec un téléphone cellulaire, il entre dans une course contre la montre pour échapper à ce piège mortel claustrophobe.
“Échange Standard” sort en 2011, Ryan Reynolds donne la réplique à Jason Bateman. Cette comédie raconte l’histoire de Dave, un homme marié avec trois enfants et une épouse aimante, et de Mitch, un homme seul qui est à l’apogée de sa vie sexuelle. Une nuit fatidique alors que Mitch et Dave sont en train d’uriner dans une fontaine, la foudre s’abat sur eux et chacun se retrouve dans le corps de l’autre.
En 2012, Ryan Reynolds donne la réplique à Denzel Washington dans un film de Daniel Espinosa, “Sécurité Rapprochée“. L’histoire raconte comment un jeune agent de la CIA est chargé de s’occuper d’un fugitif dans une maison secrète. Mais quand la maison sécurisée est attaquée, il se retrouve dans une course-poursuite afin de mener à bien sa mission.
En 2013, Ryan Reynolds fait équipe avec Jeff Bridges dans “R.I.P.D. Brigade Fantôme” de Robert Schwentke. L’histoire raconte comment un policier récemment tué rejoint une unité de police de morts-vivants qui travaillent pour le Département Rest In Peace afin de neutraliser les morts qui refusent de quitter la Terre.
On retrouve Ryan Reynolds dans “Renaissances” de Tarsem Singh en 2015 dans lequel un magnat de l’immobilier qui va bientôt mourir, transfère sa conscience dans un jeune corps sain, mais rapidement, il constate que ni la procédure, ni la société qui a effectué ce transfert, ne sont tout à fait ce qu’elles semblaient être …
En 2015, on retrouve Ryan Reynolds dans “Under Pressure” de Ryan Fleck et Anna Boden. Une histoire qui tourne autour d’une rencontre entre deux addicts aux jeux qui se lancent dans road trip à travers le sud des États-Unis dans l’espoir de se refaire.
“Deadpool” de Tim Miller sort en 2016. Ryan Reynolds interprète le personnage titre, soit un mercenaire avec un sens de l’humour morbide, soumis à une expérience qui lui offre des pouvoirs de guérison accélérée et qui part en quête de vengeance.
Toujours en 2016 sort “Criminal” d’Ariel Vromen, dans lequel Ryan Reynolds tient un petit rôle. L’histoire raconte comment, dans un dernier effort pour arrêter un complot diabolique, les souvenirs, les secrets et les compétences d’un agent de la C.I.A décédé sont implantés dans un condamné à mort dans l’espoir qu’il achèvera la mission de l’agent.
Voici la liste des films auxquels Ryan Reynolds a participé et dont nous proposons une critique sur ce blog :
“Criminal” (2016)
“Deadpool” (2016)
“Under Pressure” (2015)
“Renaissances” (2015)
“R.I.P.D. Brigade Fantôme” (2013)
“Sécurité Rapprochée” (2012)
“Echange Standard” (2011)
“Buried” (2010)
“X-Men Origins: Wolverine” (2009)
“Amityville” (2005)
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Criminal: Un espion dans la tête (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
Under Pressure (2015)
Renaissances (2015)
R.I.P.D. Brigade fantôme (2013)
Sécurité rapprochée (2012)
Échange standard (2011)
Buried (2010)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
Amityville (2005)
RYAN REYNOLDS Ryan Rodney Reynolds est né le 23 octobre 1976 à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique, au Canada. Son père, James Chester "Jim" Reynolds (1941-2015), était un grossiste en alimentation, et sa mère, Tammy, est vendeuse au détail.
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Transformers: Multiverse #1 - "Cy-Gon"
Originally posted on September 15th, 2012
Story - Rob Queen Art - Paul Vromen Colours - Eman B. Zubia Letters - HdE
deviantART | TFW2005 | BotTalk
wada sez: Did you think I was done? My torments never end: I’m doing all of Transformers: Multiverse too! A direct continuation of Mosaic spearheaded by a few contributors, Multiverse is literally just more of the same. Indeed, this first strip was originally created for publication as a Mosaic; you can see the version with the original branding below. Right off the bat, we’re hit with a blisteringly collar-tugging story which appropriates a brief one-panel cameo in Last Stand of the Wreckers of Marvel UK character Flame during the Aequitas trials to provide thinly-veiled allegory on the Vietnam War. The title of this strip, a location invented for this story, is a bastardised reference to Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam. Look, I’ll admit that I know next to nothing about the Vietnam War, so I’ll leave justifying this strip to the original author, Rob Queen, who posted a lengthy commentary on deviantART explaining the inspiration, which I’ve now mirrored below. Queen implies he asked Nick Roche to draw this strip for him, but was turned down. Notice the cameos for Vector Prime and Alpha Trion on the board! Multiverse mastermind Brandy Dixon did her own take on the colors for this strip, which you can find below.
You have no idea how much i means to me to get this up. A couple years ago, a friend of mine needed some research help for a paper she was doing on the Vietnam War. As I was doing my research, I stumbled upon something interesting.
Ngo Dinh Diem was supposed to be a puppet. His charge was to rally the people of Vietnam to Democracy. Situated in the Democratic capital of Saigon, he quickly proved to not only be unmanageable but ruthless, uncompromising, and bloody. It was not long before he was put into power that his masters, the USA, realized that they may not have found the best individual for the role. Too late to save the cause, President Kennedy had Ngo Dinh Diem assassinated. Some feel that it was the President's inability to establish a worthwhile (read: successful) war regime that led to his own assassination shortly following Ngo Dinh Diem's.
After I slowly reread the bludgeoningly amazing work called "Last Stand of the Wreckers," I saw the single panel of Flame. In Aequitas. Standing trial for his atrocities. "How could this possibly have gone down?" I asked.
And then I knew.
He was a puppet that cut off the hand up his ass.
But unlike Ngo Dinh Diem, Flame was a tragedy because he was too loyal to the cause.
When Nick Roche said that he couldn't do this, I started a search to bring this image to life. When I saw Paul Vromen's art, I knew only he could do so the way I wanted it. The care, attention, and detail he put in continues to blow me away. I love how evil Xaaron looks in Panel 7. I love the subtleties of his work. I love how uncompromising Flame is, how stoic Prowl manages to be. The angles... everything.
Paul's frequent collaborator of hue is Mr. Zubia, who has impressed me as a wonderful talent that I will eagerly approach for more pretty colors in the future.
Apologies, on the other hand, go out to the enigmatic HdE. There was simply too much that I wanted to put in here. Too many words. Too many details. Too many words on the screens behind Flame. I am eternally grateful for his editing judgement, his guidance, and little lessons like "Less words! Less words!" (paraphrased, of course).
In spite of how much I love this, it's not done. I can't help but feel that this one panel can only scratch the surface of the story I want to tell. I would love to make this a real story. By real story, I mean 6 issues. Published by the Idea and Design Works. Anyone think a petition could get Mr. Barber's attention?
Finally, a last apology. I apologize to everyone - American, Cambodian, Thai, Vietnamese, etc. - who was involved with the American Vietnamese War. This includes families, survivors, and all who did not receive a hero's welcome. Not only was the war a failure, but if we look at Vietnam now, we will see that the USA did, in fact, win. It just a lot longer than anyone expected. We won through a means that bloodshed could never have: through diplomacy, success, and a few well-placed products. On behalf of everyone who was forced by fear into that terrible disaster - and unlike the puppet-master Emirate Xaaron - I am sorry.

#Transformers#Maccadam#IDW Transformers#Transformers: Multiverse#Rob Queen#Paul Vromen#Eman B. Zubia#HdE#official creator#Flame#Xaaron#Tyrest#Nightbeat#Prowl#Mainframe#Alpha Trion#Vector Prime#Megatron
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Transformers: Shattered Glass Comics - "All About Trust"
Originally posted on May 13th, 2012
Story, Letters - Wout Jut Art - Koen Luyten Colours - Caroline Richard Edits - Paul Vromen Posters Colors - Tomoko
wada sez: After ditching Optimus Prime in yesterday’s strip, Elita-One falls in with Megatron. See below for full-scale versions of the “wanted posters”, along with both the preliminary and final colors for the strip.

#Transformers#Transformers Mosaic#Maccadam#Shattered Glass#unpublished#Shattered Glass Comics#Wout Jut#Koen Luyten#Caroline Richard#Paul Vromen#Tomoko#official creator#Elita One#Megatron
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Transformers: Shattered Glass Comics - "Farewell"
Originally posted on May 12th, 2012
Story - Wout Jut Art - Rui Onishi Colours - Philip Knott Edits - Paul Vromen, King Wrench
wada sez: Get ready for a week of Wout Jut comics! These one-page strips were collected on deviantART with a mockup cover based on this strip. Only one of them was actually published as a Mosaic, but I expect most of the others were intended for the project before its cancellation. Shattered Glass Elita-One repurposed the Cybertron Override GTS figure; this strip gives her an original aerial mode. See below for tons of ancillary material for this one.

#Transformers#Transformers Mosaic#Maccadam#Shattered Glass#unpublished#Shattered Glass Comics#Wout Jut#Rui Onishi#Philip Knott#Paul Vromen#King Wrench#official creator#Elita One#Optimus Prime
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Transformers: Generation One - "Brothers In Arms"
Originally posted on May 13th, 2012
Story - Wout Jut Art - Mike Ackerman Colours - Lisa Sky Edits - Paul Vromen
wada sez: Hey, this ain’t a Shattered Glass story! Apparently, Wout Jut wrote it on request from Ackerman. Overkill’s Universe toy was a redeco of Classics Grimlock, so there’s a direct connection between the characters; you may recall “Upgrades” similarly riffed on that idea. Clean inks below.

#Transformers#Transformers Mosaic#Maccadam#original continuity#unpublished#Wout Jut#Mike Ackerman#Lisa Sky#Paul Vromen#official creator#Overkill#Grimlock#Ironhide#Bumblebee#Kup#Springer#Optimus Prime
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Transformers: Multiverse #9 - "The Day To Day"
Originally posted on January 2nd, 2013
Story, Letters - HdE Art - Paul Vromen Colours - Eman B. Zubia
deviantART | BotTalk
wada sez: Imagine having this kind of crush on the most boring man alive. Per a note on the strip, this one’s set between All Hail Megatron and The Transformers. Sideswipe and Tracks are drawn as their Universe and Reveal the Shield toys respectively. HdE left a comment on deviantART to explain why Sideswipe is reading the newspaper: “I'd actually considered that detail about the TFs having access to superior tech when writing the strip. The first arc of the IDW ongoing has it that the Autobots don't have access to the energon they once had, so I conceived this whole episode (partly) around the idea that they may be willing to use other data-collection methods as they try to preserve their resources. It's also my intention to suggest that Sideswipe's visit to the diner is a somewhat individual action on his part - his own particular 'ritual' as he puts it. It's hinted at there in panel 1's dialogue. It may truthfully NOT be an efficient method for recon - but it could work. Imagine the discussion Sideswipe will have with Prowl if there IS something funky going on in Colorado - I can see Prowl, open mouthed, saying 'you found out about this HOW???' Ever since reading 'Infiltration', I've liked this idea that Transformers may be using these kinds of surveillance and reconnaisance techniques. It's ripe ground to explore story-wise.” See below for a look at the raw pencils for one panel.

#Transformers#Maccadam#IDW Transformers#Transformers: Multiverse#HdE#Paul Vromen#Eman B. Zubia#official creator#wada recs#Tracks#Sideswipe#Prowl
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Transformers: Mosaic #573 - "The Servant"
Originally posted on January 17th, 2011
Story - Thomas Stakenborg Art, Letters - Paul Vromen Colours - Eman B. Zubia
deviantART | Seibertron | TFW2005
wada sez: Readers were left baffled by this strip, leading Stakenborg to post a lengthy response on deviantART: “A little clarification for those points that are not quite yet clear: First off - this mosaic is one part of three. There will be a prequel to this and there will be a sequel to this. Second - Why this timeline? Well, this is the part that immediately grabs the attention. Also, the first part would be too slow to be entertaining by itself and the last part would be even more confusing to start with. Third - the plot makes no sense? Ok, there is only so much we can do in one page, but thanks to Paul's help, we've kept the best parts on the page. There is some 'close' reading required here as each sentence serves a purpose. The servant here is the underground AI that Megs and Starscream find. As the AI itself says, it is there to control tunnel and defensive measure access. Needless to say that more mobility and firepower for the Decepticons is a bad thing.... And yes the other parts will complement the story, still some 'reading between the lines will be inevitable as we can only do so much with 3 panels. Fourth - We're keeping this as close to the G-1 cartoon episode style as we can. So we're not here exactly to really add new things to the characters, just make them be who they were in the original cartoons we so dearly loved as kids. As such, the AI that Megs makes his servant is a plot device, not a character to be fully fleshed out. And the idea of machines giving orders to less sophisticated machines has its allure. Fifth and final - [quoting user MaximusRevolver]: ‘Megatron continues his quest to make everything his bitch’ This. Just this.” Reader, you will not at all be surprised to learn that the prequel and sequel to this strip never materialised. Sketches and clean pencils below, along with a preview of tomorrow’s strip!

#Transformers#Transformers Mosaic#Maccadam#Sunbow Transformers#Thomas Stakenborg#Paul Vromen#Eman B. Zubia#official creator#Megatron#Starscream
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Transformers: Mosaic #593 - "The Bigger Picture"
Originally posted on April 14th, 2011
Story - Josh van Reyk Art, Letters - Paul Vromen Colours - Sara Guyon-Gellin
deviantART | Seibertron | TFW2005
wada sez: This strip is a sequel to "Forgive And Forget", and is another Spotlight: Stunticons tie-in. Sara Guyon-Gellin had intended to add some SFX to the panel where Motormaster punches Wildrider, and Vromen said he’d upload a corrected version of the strip, fixing the “bare witness” typo as well—but he never did.
#Transformers#Transformers Mosaic#Maccadam#IDW Transformers#Josh van Reyk#Paul Vromen#Sara Guyon-Gellin#official creator#Motormaster#Bluestreak#Prowl#Breakdown#Wildrider#Drag Strip#Flame#Megatron
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Transformers: Mosaic #559 - "Forgive And Forget"
Originally posted on November 25th, 2010
Story - Josh van Reyk Pencils - Paul Vromen Inks - Jake Isenberg Colours - Sara Guyon-Gellin Letters - HdE
deviantART | Seibertron | TFW2005 | BotTalk
wada sez: Following on from “Hail To The King”, we have another Stunticons strip from Josh van Reyk presumably tying into his fanproject Spotlight: Stunticons. This specific plotline would later be revisited in "The Bigger Picture". While it’s not exactly made explicit, the burning city is probably Praxus, home to both Bluestreak and Prowl following a series of retcons. Bluestreak’s original profile had originally established that his then-unnamed home city had been destroyed by Decepticons, which is presumably what we see here. The Autobot scientist Flame comes from the Marvel UK comics. See below for the clean pencils and some Prowl artwork.

#Transformers#Transformers Mosaic#Maccadam#IDW Transformers#Josh van Reyk#Paul Vromen#Jake Isenberg#Sara Guyon-Gellin#HdE#official creator#Bluestreak#Prowl#Drag Strip#Motormaster#Dead End#Wildrider#Flame
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Transformers: Mosaic #625 - "The Freelancers"
Originally posted on November 7th, 2011
Story, Art - Paul Vromen Colours - Eman B. Zubia Letters - HdE
deviantART | Seibertron | TFW2005 | BotTalk
wada sez: Vromen talked about this strip in the deviantART comments: “I must admit that the invention itself got to fall a bit by the wayside during the development of this one. It's a CR chamber, which you can just barely make out on panel 8 (though you need to see it without text I guess). The punchline is that Swindle convinced the Autobots to distribute this new technology across the planet. And naive/lazy/caught up in bureaucratic chaos as they are, they leave all of it up to him. So we KNOW this doesn't end up where it should!” CR chambers come from Beast Wars, and like Beast Wars, this strip isn’t too concerned with exactly which version of G1 continuity it fits into—but Wheeljack’s vanlike Cybertronian alternate form comes from the Sunbow cartoon. I can’t tell if Ratchet being drawn with a made-up substitute for the Red Cross logo was a question of legality/ethics, or if Vromen just thought it wouldn’t make sense for him to have it on Cybertron. See below for tons of behind-the-scenes material and character models.

#Transformers#Transformers Mosaic#Maccadam#original continuity#Paul Vromen#Eman B. Zubia#HdE#official creator#Wheeljack#Ultra Magnus#Ratchet#Swindle
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