#Patton Sanders x Reader
aliensubstance-xxx · 4 months
Sanders Sides x GN!Reader HC (& some General ones)
ahhh forgive me if this is a bit clunky! I don't usually do stuff like this but I need to get it out of my brain hah
What they're like kissing you:
Logan is by far the best kisser of the bunch! He starts off a little robotic or unsure, but after a while he starts to experiment, figuring out what you like most and getting good at it.
Prepare to be completely breathless and kiss-drunk and for him to just stand up properly, readjust his tie and go about his day. He's got a schedule to keep, after all.
Patton is a very silly kisser, he likes to press kisses to any and all bare skin (and covered!) he can reach, and will grab hold of you and just smother you in kisses :)
Be wary if he goes anywhere near ticklish spots- he will blow raspberries there
Roman is so dramatic when he kisses you- it's all big gestures, like dipping you or picking you up and pinning you to the wall etc. He kisses you so deeply you could swear you hear a musical crescendo in the distance.
Unless he's feeling more mellow, in which he'll still kiss you deeply, but just...quieter and softer, tipping you up by the chin and just breathing in your space.
Virgil is, obviously, quite a nervous kisser. He'll never settle his hands- he wants to have them all over you at once, on your hips, on your shoulders, clutching your hands to his chest, in your hair, anywhere. He gets flustered quickly too, he'll kiss you deeply and then bury his face in your shoulder (You can feel the heat of his blush even through you clothes) until he can kiss you again.
Oh, and he's a biter. Don't be shocked if you manage to spend some time making out with him and you end up in teeth marks and hickeys (and sore lips)
Remus is...sloppy is probably the best way to describe it. He's passionate and enthusiastic, so much so that your kisses will be all teeth, tongue and spit.
He will also lick you. sorry.
Janus is actually quite the reserved kisser- he's a little embarrassed about his snake mouth when it comes to kissing (He'll never say it out loud.). He does want you to enjoy kissing him as much as possible, so maybe after some snake themed compliments he'll take off his gloves and pull you in by the hips.
Catch him by surprise with chaste kisses as much as you can- he'll make a pleased little rattle/hiss (like a purr?) out of surprise. It's very cute.
General HCs:
Small TW for, minor angst & mention on injury, innuendo and reference to genital piercings on the last one.
Despite being identical, they all actually have very small differences! That being said (and totally making sense)
Logan has the biggest hands- noticeably. Man's hands could wrap around your entire being with ease. ahem sorry. Moving on.
Roman is slightly more muscular (still chubby though. good lord), and has one or two scars he got while in the Imagination and decided to keep!
Janus, obviously, has his scales and his eye. His scales go cross his shoulders, elbows, hips and knees- he's also got a little forked tongue and a glottis under said tongue. (The glottis is what snakes have a the back of their throat- it helps them breathe while swallowing large prey...and in Janus' case-)
Virgil has two tattoos- a ring of thorns around his right finger (Right ring finger for individuality, thorns for hardship and struggle) and an earthworm on his left forearm (Rebirth, especially to do with the life cycle. and he thinks it looks cool. He wanted to get a spider but he didn't want to frighten Patton.)
Patton gets a little cut right under his heart whenever Thomas is genuinely heartbroken- he has a little collection of scars there.
Other than their lobe piercings, Virgil, Janus and Remus all have other piercings!
Virgil has an industrial on his left, his secondaries, and two conches on his right ear.
Janus originally had snake bites (when Thomas was a teen. Janus wasn't always as refined as he is now) and one helix piercing.
Remus' has however many piercings he wants on any given day- he takes them out every night and re-pierces however he sees fit every morning. (This includes his frenum piercing. On his willy. look it up but be warned for penis.)
That's all for now! If you liked my stuff and want to request something (minific, or more hcs) feel free to shoot me an ask :) hope you enjoyed.
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I always see things for the reader stealing *their* clothes, but what about the sides stealing the *readers* clothes? How would they react?
Anon I love this idea so freaking much omg
The Sides stealing the reader's clothes
Warnings: fluff, Roman angst (sorry), suggestive stuff for Logan and Remus
Patton couldn't find his cat cardigan anywhere (and no, it wasn't around his shoulders, he checked)
He'd taken it off and set it down for just a second, but when he went to put it back on it wasn't there
Unfortunately, you weren't in your room when he checked to see if you'd let him borrow something to wear
He didn't like taking things from you without getting your permission first, but he needed something to warm him up
Spotting a scarf hanging up, he gently took it down and wrapped it snugly around his shoulders (or "cold-ers", as he often called them), making a mental note that he should do something nice for you in return so you wouldn't be too upset with him taking it
After he left, he wandered downstairs to find himself a cookie to eat, and maybe even a second cookie if he was feeling dangerous
You were already in the kitchen, wearing the exact same cat cardigan Patton had been looking for earlier 
When the two of you saw each other in the opposite one's clothes you both burst out laughing until your sides hurt
"So that's where my cardigan went!" Patton exclaimed, trying to catch his breath
"Sorry for just sorta taking it, I always thought it looked really cute on you and just wanted to try it on"
"Well, I'm sorry for taking your scarf without asking, I had to keep my cold-ers warm somehow"
You giggled before holding up a plate with cookies on it. "Want one?" You offered
He smiled before picking one up. "Cookies may be sweet, but they're no where near as sweet as you." He kissed your cheek while you blushed
Roman was devastated. He'd tried out for an important role in a play he really wanted to be in earlier that day, and to say he blew the audition was an understatement
His ego was bruised, and his heart was hopelessly crushed. There was absolutely nothing that could ever make him feel happy again... except for maybe spending some quality time with his devoted and loving partner, that is
He went to search the house for you, hoping you'd be there to give him some words of encouragement (and also cuddles), but when he couldn't find you he got even most frustrated and upset
Had his beloved darling somehow found out about his awful performance and decided that because of it, they were going to leave him for good?
Wrapping himself in one of the jackets he'd stolen from you ages ago, he collapsed on your bed in a fit of tears, sobbing into your pillow until he eventually tired himself out and fell asleep
You ended up finding him still lying there later that day after you'd gotten back from helping Patton shop for groceries
Walking over to the bed, you sat down next to him and began gently stroking his hair until he woke up a few moments later
Upon seeing that it was you, he wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tight, tears threatening to spill out of his eyes yet again
Having known about what had happened from Logan, you hugged him back, gently consoling him the best you could
"It's okay, my sweet prince. Don't worry, I'm here"
He was able to calm himself down a lot quicker than before, simply by you just being there
You hugged him for a bit longer before asking, "Roman, is that my jacket that I thought I lost a couple weeks ago?"
He hesitated before letting out a muffled "Maybe" as a response
You chuckled, holding him close. "It's alright, you can keep it. It looks good on you"
Logan woke up that morning to find you curled up next to him, fast asleep after the previous night's, ahem, activities~
The sun hadn't quite rose yet, and since he didn't want to run the risk of waking you up he decided he'd just get dressed in the dark. I mean, how hard could it be?
Very hard, as he would find out just moments later after he'd managed to put both shoes on the wrong feet and his button up on backwards (twice)
Once he finished dressing himself to the best of his ability, he went downstairs to put on a pot of coffee, making sure to leave some behind for you when you woke up
You made your way to the kitchen not long after, yawning loudly as you shuffled down the stairs
"Good morning, Star," Logan greeted you affectionately, giving you a kiss on the forehead before handing you a cup of coffee made just the way you liked
You hummed at the nickname, leaning into his kiss before going to sit down at the kitchen table
It wasn't until after you'd gotten up for a refill that you noticed something you hadn't be awake enough to spot when you first came down
"Logan, did you inspect your outfit closely enough this morning when you got dressed?"
He furrowed his brow, confused by your unusual line of questioning. "Well, considering I did most of it in the dark so as not to wake you, no, I didn't. Why?"
"Because you're wearing my pants, that's why." You gestured towards the lower part of his body with your coffee cup, watching with a bemused look on your face as he realized the mistake he made earlier when picking out his clothes
"I- I am so sorry, I had no idea-" Logan stuttered, cheeks tinted pink at his obvious embarrassment
"Oh, honey, don't worry, I'm not upset," you reassured him, setting down your coffee on the counter. "In fact-" you made your way over to him, playing with the end of his tie in a teasing fashion, "I think it's kind of hot, you wearing my clothes and all"
Safe to say neither one of you were seen again that day until some time after lunch
Virgil had spent most of the day at your house hanging out with you
When it came time for him to leave, he found himself not wanting to, so he was ecstatic when you offered to let him stay the night and then go home the next day
Until he remembered he didn't have anything to wear to sleep in
I mean, sure, his everyday clothes were pretty comfortable, but he really didn't want to spend the night in a pair of jeans
You let him borrow clothes before in the past, so he figured you wouldn't mind if he grabbed a pair of sweatpants to sleep in
He had just slipped them on when you came out of the bathroom, toothbrush still in hand from where you'd been brushing your teeth
"Are those my Tim Burton pajama bottoms?"
He froze upon hearing your voice, afraid you'd be upset, but when he looked up to see a slight smirk on your face he realized you were just messing with him
"Oh, uh, yeah, they are. I didn't have any other clothes on me, so I decided to borrow yours. I hope that's okay," he said sheepishly
"Don't worry, it's totally fine," you reassured him. "Besides, you look cute wearing my clothes"
You gave him a wink before going to return your toothbrush to the bathroom, leaving behind a very flustered emo boy
If there was one thing Janus hated, it was cold weather
Since he was part snake, he was cold blooded like reptiles, and therefore unable to regulate his body temperature properly, causing him to be particularly drowsy and out of it on colder days
Luckily they lived in Florida, so it was pretty much always warm, but that didn't mean there wasn't the occasional cold front that passed through
Usually he'd have his cape wrapped him on chilly days like this, but unfortunately for him Remus had gotten a strange combination of glitter glue and what he hoped was mayonnaise on it the day before, meaning it had to be washed
He'd been sulking around the house looking for something warm to wear, glaring at anyone who dared to hold his gaze for too long when he spotted one of your sweatshirts laying on the back of the couch
Now, he often found sweatshirts and such to be quite unrefined, and therefore unfit for such a sassy, stylish snake boi such as himself to wear, but he was desperate at this point, and he would do almost anything to feel warm again
Making sure he was alone, he slipped it on, feeling himself become all nice and toasty almost immediately
He'd felt so relaxed and comfortable he hadn't even heard you come down the stairs, looking for the exact same sweatshirt that he happened to have on his body
"Janus, what are you doing?"
He nearly jumped out of his skin at the question, slowly turning around to see you standing at the bottom of the stairs, watching him with an amused look on your face
"Well, I totally didn't steal your sweatshirt because I was cold," he remarked slyly, trying to keep himself from panicking at having been caught
You playfully rolled your eyes at him. "Uh huh, sure. But next time you get cold and you need something warm to borrow, just ask, okay? I don't mind sharing. Plus, I'd hate for my favorite little snake boy to freeze to death"
It was now his turn to roll his eyes, jokingly scoffing at you while you gave him a small boop on the nose
You were in the shower when Remus popped up in your room like he normally does when he gets bored
He was upset you were taking so long, and while he was tempted to pull a Psycho on you (with a fake knife, of course) he remembered that last time he did something like that you had threatened to shove a bar of soap down his throat if he ever tried it again
While he didn't want to face your wrath for the second time around, he also desperately needed to be entertained, or else he felt as if he might combust
Seeing the pile of clothes you'd been wearing earlier that day lying on the floor gave him a rather naughty idea for a surprise he could have for you once you were done in the bathroom
When you got out of the shower a couple minutes later, you were immediately suspicious to how quiet it was
Usually Remus used your shower time to pull off some sort of crazy, elaborate scheme he could never get away with under your supervision, so complete silence couldn't be a good thing
You hesitantly walked into your bedroom, towel wrapped around you as you quickly scanned the area, trying to see where he might be hiding
"Boo!" He said, jumping out from your closet wearing only a pair of underwear, which to you was nothing new. Until you noticed it was yours, that is
"Remus, are you- are you wearing my underwear?" You asked in disbelief as he paraded around your bedroom, clearly proud of himself
"Yup! And I must say, they fit perfectly," he said flirtatiously, giving you a wink
"Good to hear. Now, take my clothes off, and put your clothes back on. I need to get the dirty laundry together so I can wash it soon"
"If you want them back so badly, why don't you come over here and take them?" He taunted, wiggling his hips
You let out a sigh. It was going to be a long day
(Also I feel kinda bad because Virgil's isn't as long as the rest but I didn't want to rewrite his section so 😭 it is what it is ig)
Sanders Sides masterlist | 🏷 taglist: @iloveentrapta
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My name is Roe, I go by He/They pronouns. This account is a side blog for @idontreallyexistyet so if you want to see my shitty artwork and random reblogs please head over there.
At the moment I only feel comfortable writing headcanons not full length fics since this blog is being made to help me get back into writing. Thank you for your understanding
At the moment I only have three groups that I feel comfortable writing.
1.Sander Sides— at the moment I will only write for the sides, I don’t feel comfortable writing Thomas or Character Thomas.
2.SBI+Chuckle Sandwich— this does include Technoblade, I feel it honored his legacy to continue writing for him.
Keep in mind I WILL NOT write any NSFW or Pedophilia of any kind. At the moment I will ONLY be writing ‘x reader’ but requests are open!.
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adalwolfgang · 1 year
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Added orange cuz why not?
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Sanders Sides - How they would comfort you during a panic attack
Authors note: I miss my favorite boys and got motivation to write for some reason so lets gooo.
⚠TW!⚠: Mentions of panic attacks, fluff, prob a little angst ig if you squint
-Roman would be his dramatic self (bc of course he would be) but at the same time would think up of ideas on the fly on how to help as you have your panic attack
-Would probably BOMBARED you with questions as he tries to figure out his best on how to help until he figures out that you wont be able to answer all too well in your panicked state
-If you indicate that you want to be held, he will hold you against his chest firmly so you can hear the comforting sound of his heart beating
-If not, he will simply sit and/or lay next to you until your panic attack is over, affirming you that he’s there for you
-Afterward, he will shower you with all sorts of comforting words -in both english and spanish- and shower you with acts of service (Bringing you some comfort items, making sure you’re comfortable, ect.)
-If you like physical affection, he will cuddle with you and pepper kiss all over you. Your face, your hands, your neck, your arms, your shoulders, ect.
-Like, literally no part of your body is safe from his onslought of kisses if you let him
-Don’t like physical affection? No worries he will simply keep you company but that won’t stop him from complimenting you every chance he gets
-He will compliment your eyes, your laugh, your humor, literally anything and everything he can think of. Which is a lot considering he’s creativity
-If it makes you feel better, Roman will bring you to his mind palace and create stuff specifically for you 
-Being that he is the most logical side and doesn’t do well with emotions, he will obviously try to go about it the logical way
-Will most likely know what to do already since he has helped many of Thomas’ friends from panic attacks and has helped Virgil before in the past
-Logans definitely the kind of person to just sit close to you while trying to give you space at the same time, not wanting to overwhelm you even more
-If you ask to be held, know its gonna be kind of a stiff hug at first since Logan isn’t used to physical affection (Patton tries to surprise hug him from time to time due to that reason)
-After a while though, seeing that it’s helping you calm down from the panic attack, he definitely melts into the hug. Even after you’ve calmed down he still won’t let go (someone give him a hug please he needs it)
-If you don’t like physical affection or just don’t like hugs, he’ll probably hold your hand through your panic attack as he guides you through breathing excersises 
-You’ll both just sit or lay in silence, enjoying each others presence for a while before one of you breaks the silence and you both just talk about random things
-Just small, light hearted things to lift the mood. “You’re so cute.”   “Objectively, I’m actually considered average looking.”   “You call yourself ‘average looking’ one more time and I’ll put salt instead of sugar in your coffee.”    “....”   “Exactly.” 
-Omg Patton goes into full on DAD MODE the minute he knows your having a panic attack. He might be able to see if before it even happens bc he just has that kind of, caring-for-others-more-than-himself-mode built in him. 
-Kind of like Roman and Logan put into one because he will ask if theres anything he can do to help and sort of knows how to deal with a panic attack but isn’t too sure
-Sooo, he just looks it up on his phone real quick. Once he understands what to do, he will help you through it with a kind and comforting voice
-I feel like his voice will definitely help ground you more than anything because its just so cute the way that he says “everythings ok” and “I’m here for you, kiddo” and just things like that
-Patton literally gives the best cuddles I dunno what to tell you other than you will most likely fall asleep if you cuddle each other
-And will most definitely give you forehead kisses
-Don’t like to be touched? No problemo because he WILL make you something to eat and drink, especially if its your favorite/comfort food. I’m not even joking he will probably start baking a cake right there and then if thats your favorite treat
-He just loves to show you his love through his food overall
-Once you’ve calmed down he talks rambles about anything that will make you feel better once you’re all calmed down
-My poor emo boy definitely knows how to handle a panic attack but has only ever dealt with panic attacks by himself so when he sees you having one
-He kind of freezes. 
-Once he snaps out of it though, he’s definitely panicking a little bit too with you as he attempts to think of everything he can to help you
-He’s kind of a guy who hesitates before doing anything because he just really isn’t sure but starts to calm down after seeing you calm down too
-If you indicate that you want to be held through your panic attack, he will be a little stiff at first but not in the way Logan is stiff
-Stiff as in he’s not sure if he’s doing this right and hopes that this actually comforts you
-Dont wanna be held? He’ll just offer you some comforting items kind of like a crow and its so cute that it really helps you calm down
-Once you calm down, he will constantly be checking up on you to make sure you’re ok 
-”You comfortabe?”  “ Need anything else?”   “I can get something for you if you want.”
-He’ll probably offer you his sweater too and once you put it on its smells so much like him and its absolute heaven
-You’ll def make him blush if you take a deep breathe of his scent on his sweater
-He’ll put on your favorite movie and chill with you in the living room for a while to make you feel better
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slytherin-ghost · 1 year
Hello would you mind writing a story on how the sides would react to a reader coming out as nonbinary to them (platonic or romantic)
Thank You,
Hi, Instead of a story I made headcannons for each side.
Sanders Sides x Platonic! gn reader
Trigger Warnings: two mentions of being misgendered
Coming out to Logan would be easy
"Nonbinary? So you would use They/Them pronouns correct?"
Is very helpful at explaining what pronouns to use/ educating people on the topic
Definitely the type of person read everything they can find on the topic
"Logan what are you doing?" "Reading about being nonbinary, so I can help others understand it when you come out to them."
He would be so supportive
Buys a bunch of nonbinary pride things
"I got this nonbinary flag for your room!"
Will murder anyone if they disrespect your pronouns
"Y/N is nonbinary so it will be great if you would respect their pronouns."
Roman would be the one to go to if your feeling sad about others not being nice or respectful to you
This man will squeal because he's happy for you
Is literally your #1 comfort person
As soon as he knows he'll start making nonbinary dad jokes
Will 100% try to throw a coming out party for you
Overall, is a supportive person and will 100% help you with anything you need
He would be so supportive
Like the others sides would think he wouldn't care
No, he is so happy that you came out
" Good for you!"
He would be nervous about accidentally calling you the wrong name or saying the wrong pronouns
If he accidentally ever did misgender you. He would lock himself in his room.
For once he would be truthful with you when you came out
I feel like besides Logan he would be one of the most understanding of the sides
He would never stop supporting you
Asks how you have been since you came out
Is also supportive
He 100% comes up with dirty nonbinary jokes
He is not trying to be offensive with them it's just Remus being Remus
Like Roman, Remus goes all out when it comes to pride parades
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simp-forl0gic · 2 months
halloooo! question you didnt cover in your intro: are ships okay? mostly asking for the sanders sides fandom
Ofc they are!!!
As long as the request isn't NSFW or something like that! I am a multi shipper :3
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bookloover35 · 1 year
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Virgil Sanders x fem reader-Snowman.
Yns Pov:
Yes it's snowing it's finally snowing i have to wake up all the others.
So we can all have a snow day.
We can have snowball fights, make snow angels and we have to make a snowman and after we do all that we can go in and watch a Christmas movie and drink hot chocolate and eat cookies.
I ran out of bed and started to wake up everyone else then I went and woke up my brother Patton he opened his bedroom door with a warm smile which was always the best thing about my brother his warm hugs and smiles.
Patton: Good morning my dear sister,  What makes you so happy this morning?
Yn: Patton, it's snowing outside so dress warm because we're going to have a snow day.
Patton: Yeeeey how fun, ok let's do this you go wake up Virgil and I'll just go quickly and change then I'll go get the others and we'll meet outside.
I laughed at him and ran towards Virgil's room and first I knocked on his bedroom door but I got no answer so I tried knocking again.
Yn: Virgil are you awake?
Huh no answer i opened his door and walked over to his bed and sat on his bed and looked at him and couldn't help but think how cute he is.
I could sit like this for how long, I know it sounds very unpleasant but I really can't help it he is so very cute.
I removed the bangs that were hiding his face and as I did so Virgil started to move a little, I put my hand on his shoulders and started trying to wake him up.
Yn: Virgil wake up.
Virgils Pov:
God I just want to sleep today I don't want to get up or I'd rather try to sleep but it seems someone else has some other plans for me.
It must be Patton or one of the other guys I opened my eyes to tell them to leave me alone but when I saw Yn I didn't say anything.
Virgil: Yn what are you doing?
Yn: It's snowing outside and we're going out for a snow day so get up and jump and put on something warm.
Virgil: Snow days and having fun aren't really my thing.
Yn: Please Virgil it will be a lot more fun if you join please for me.
Virgil: Okey okey, I'm with you on your snow day.
Yn: Yeeeey, I'll just run back to my room and change into warmer clothes and I'll see you out there.
She told me and hugged me then she ran to her room.
It's strange I usually don't like it when people touch me but when she touches me it feels like my whole body gets warm and I get happy what does this feeling mean?
Yn: Virgil come and help me build the snowman I've started with.
Virgil: Um I've never built a snowman before.
Yn: It's easy, I'll show you how.
Yn showed me how to do it and luckily she had already rolled all the balls to their correct sizes and I have to admit this was a lot of fun.
And now we were standing in front of the half finished snowman all that was missing was a nose.
I looked at her and saw that she was holding a carrot that we were going to use as the snowman's nose.
She turned her head towards me and held out the carrot and smiled at me as she told me.
Yn: Would you like to have the honor of giving our dear friend a nose.
Virgil: Um okey.
I took the carrot from her hand and walked over to the snowman and put the "nose" in place, so now it was completely ready.
I turned around and saw a very happy Yn.
She is so very cute, and before I could say anything I was tackled in a hug by Yn and I hugged her back and while we were standing there it started to snow even more.
She looked up at me and gave me a small light kiss on my nose.
Yn: I'm so glad you chose to come out with me.
Virgil: Me too.
The end.
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simpofmanymen · 2 years
Prompt: It’s Valentine’s Day and she’s never received any cards or messages from anyone…until now.
(was listening to This is what falling in love feels like- JVKE and needed to write this, also Janus is funner to write lying all the time, beside when he's trying not to)
{Ships: poly sander sides x g/n reader}
Valentine's day, I never really had any opinions on it. I've never really been with anyone on it, or gotten anything, of course in elementary but, you were made to give those out. I mean I've never gotten anything that means something, i don't hate it i just have never gotten the chance to feel anything. So when I woke up that morning to my boyfriend Patton cooking pancakes I didn't think much, but. The heart shaped pancakes did throw me off, “you ready for today?” he said as his bubbly self, “ Is today special or something?” that earned me a gasp from everyone, “it's valentine's day!!!” “ah..” roman looked at me confused, “my dear y/n do you not enjoy valentines day?” I gave a breathy chuckle, “I don't really know how i feel about it” “agreed y/n, just another holiday” “JUST ANOTHER HOLIDAY'' everyone started yelling at Logan, me and Virgil laughed softly. I had finished my breakfast after a couple refills and decided to go over to the couch, a snake decided to join us walking down the stairs, “hi Jan” “horrible to see you this morning” he respond, I smiled softly before turning the TV on to set up my F/S that I need to finish. When I heard a roman run in and snatch my phone (we lost the real remote..) “no no no, romantic movie my love” I sighed softly looking over to Janus with an annoyed face, he rolled his eyes back at me. Everyone started to pile in. I ended up being cuddled by Patton, cuddling Virgil, Remus in my lap, and sitting in Logan's lap. Roman was sitting next to my leg, Remy with a blanket around him and laying his head on Thomas who were both sitting on Patton's side of the couch. Roman put on some romance I've never bothered watching. I layed back more on Logan and gave him a peck on the jawline, a mistake. “Hey babyyyy i wanna kiss to!” Patton looked up at me saying, “me tooooooo” Remus says, before then everyone (who would say it) was chiming in wanting a kiss too. I groaned and grabbed onto the Logan, “nooooo im comfyyyyy, Logan save meeeee” “THAT'S MY JOB” roman said crossing his arms like a child. I giggled into Logan's neck. He had his arms wrapped around me, his chin on top of my head, jealous noises everywhere. {time skip} after the movie was over I ended up mostly in the same cuddle position as before. Me, Jan, Logan, and Virgil were the only ones awake at that point. So comfortable, I woke up Remus softly (he was on my legs nnefneufiuefibfb) he ended up waking up everyone. Patton and Logan got up to make lunch, I finally got to my F/S, “lunch!” Patton half yelled, we all sat around the table, roman and Patton stood up. “We have something special for all of you!” roman said, “WE MADE CARDS!” Patton said. They passed out cards with everyone's logos, yours and Thomas's just had hearts with your F/Cs. you opened yours “you make us all smile, we love you, we love your laugh, your insecurities, we love your face, we love everything you hate, we love you so much. Thank you for coming into our lives.” butterflies <3 just butterflies <3 Happy tears? Yes. I started softly giggling as tears streamed down my face. Patton walked over and hugged me, are you ok? Are you good? Could be heard throughout the table, a lot of us got emotional from our messages. I gave Patton a kiss, and nuzzled him softly. We all ended up finishing lunch and going back to cuddling on the couch. I think I’m going to like Valentine's Day from now on. 
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th3w00ds · 7 months
Hey I saw your requests were open? If that's still the case then I'd love to request a Natemare x reader that has some sanders sides fic where the reader has been dating Mare for awhile so the reader decides to finally introduce Mare to there best friend of many years, Virgil. If that's possible, please and thank you.
Of course!!!
I Lie Inside Myself for Hours
Title From: Imaginary by Evanescence
Fandom: Youtuber Egos + Sanders Sides
AU: None
Content Warnings: Not proofread
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As you were standing in front of the Sides house, it occurred to you for the fifteenth time that day that Natemare, your boyfriend, had never met the Sides. You didn’t know if they’d even get along.
The reason you were here other than introduce him to your friends was to see your best friend of many years, Virgil. He was an anxious guy, but somehow you were closest to him out of the Sides rather than one would probably expect your best friend to be, like Logan or Patton.
But Anxiety was the one who you were closest to. You’d known Virgil for around five years, since Thomas had invited you over saying that he “wanted you to meet a few people.” It turned out that those people were parts of himself. 
You sighed, and knocked on the door, then turning to Mare. “It won’t be that long, usually Roman- Creativity gets the door within a few seconds,” 
“Yeah? Wellll, I can’t help but notice it’s taking a few more than that, isn’t it Y/N?” He said sarcastically, looking around the outside of the house. Oh yeah, he’d for sure get along with Virgil. 
Around ten seconds later Roman opened the door, and he smiled at the sight of you. He called out to the other Sides, “Y/N IS HERE!!!”
Then he looked back at you and his eyes turned to Mare. “Ohh, who is this now? Your lover? What’s his name? How did you meet-“ 
“Roman!! Shut!!!” You said, interrupting him. That man never stopped with his romance questions if he figured one was interested in it. 
“Awww… fine, I’ll save them for later. But do I at least get to know his name?” Roman said.
You looked over at Mare, and he smiled.
“I’m Natemare, but if you want you can call me Mare,” He told Roman, shaking his hand. 
“Well.. come in! Virgil will be happy to see you, Y/N!” Roman said, moving out of the way. 
“Who’s Virgil?” Mare asked you as you both walked into the house.
“He’s my best friend,” You answered.
“And you’ve never introduced me to him? Shame upon you,” He said jokingly, “How dare you not introduce me to everyone you know.” 
“Shut up,” you said, laughing a little. 
“Hmm… no!” He replied. “Y’know, I am curious as to who the other Sides are. Roman was certainly a… character,” 
“That’s just how he is,” you said. You then saw Logan, Patton and Janus hanging out in the living room, playing some kind of board game.
Patton looked up first, and pretty much shouted in excitement. “Y/N! You’re here! I’m so happy, it’s been way too long,” 
“Patton, it has been two weeks since Y/N has last visited.” Logan said, placing a piece on the board. Janus looked at you, slightly smiling, and then he looked at Mare.
“Oh, great, there are two emos here now.. I’m so thrilled,” He said, and he rolled his eyes.
“You remind me of my younger brother,” Mare said to Janus. 
“Amazing,” Janus said flatly. Patton then went up to Mare.
“What’s your name? Are you human? Also, I’m Patton, Thomas’s Morality, Logan is his Logic and Janus is his… Deceit,” He said. 
“I’d suggest stopping with the rampant questions, Patton, he’s already been questioned enough by Roman,” Logan said.
“It’s okay. I’m Natemare, and no, I’m not human. I’m a siren,” Mare answered Patton. 
“Like the beings that lured sailors to their deaths in Greek Mythology?” Logan asked. 
Mare nodded, “Exactly. Most people I meet get scared when they hear that, so it’s kind of new that people aren’t.. you know, trembling and backing away just because of that.” 
“It wouldn’t be nice to judge you based on what you are!” Patton said, smiling once more. 
“Hypocrite,” Janus quietly said with anger while out of earshot of Patton. Which was true. Out of all the light Sides, Patton was the one who judged the dark Sides based on what they were the most. 
“That’s nice. It was nice meeting all of you, Y/N has mentioned all of you once or twice,” Mare said. 
“You did?!” Patton said happily. 
You nodded. “Yeah. Also, Patton, do you know where Virgil is?” You asked. You hadn’t seen the emo nightmare yet, which was odd. Usually he was one of the first to come talk to you when you came over. 
“Yes, where is that raccoon? He disappeared right when you showed up,” Janus said. 
“He’s downstairs,” Patton replied, “Probably on the couch, poor kiddo. I wonder what’s up with him today..” 
It might be the fact a new person is here. Virgil didn’t like new people, he never has. It took him a while to trust you, and even more time for him to open up to you. 
“Thank you! We’ll go check on him,” You said, walking down the stairs with Mare.
“So.. if the Sides represent things about Thomas, then what is Virgil?” Mare asked you. 
“Virgil is Thomas’s Anxiety,” you answered his question. “He’s not really a people person,” 
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Mare said. You two reached the bottom, and entered into a second living area. 
You looked around for your best friend, and then saw him on the couch, like Patton said he might be.
He was on his phone, probably scrolling on Tumblr, with his hood up and his headphones in. The music was loud, so loud that you could hear it. It was “I’m Not Okay (I Promise)” by My Chemical Romance, which was Virgil’s self proclaimed “theme song” and one you two often listened to together. 
Well, if listening is counted as screaming the lyrics to it at 3am, then yes, you listened to it together. 
You went up to him and tapped his shoulder a few times. “Virgil??”
He paused his music and looked up, not taking off his hood. “What?” He said with an annoyed tone. You were stunned for a moment. He hadn’t been this blatantly annoyed with you since before you were best friends.
“Uh- I want you to meet someone,” You said, gesturing to Mare. Virgil sighed, and finally took off his hood, taking out his headphones as well. 
“Who?” That was all he said. “Don’t tell me they’re like Roman… or worse, Remus,” 
“Oh, no, he’s not like them at all. This is Natemare, my boyfriend,” You said. Virgil moved to look at Mare, looking him up and down. 
“He’s your boyfriend? Huh. Wait, first of all, WHEN did you get a boyfriend? You’ve never mention this to me before,” he said, his annoyance slightly going away. 
“We’ve been dating for six months,” Mare answered for you. 
“Six months??? Y/N, you’ve been over here  eight times in that time and you’ve NEVER mentioned this??? I would’ve thought that you would tell me whenever you got a partner, since you’re, you know, my best friend!” Now the annoyance was back. Virgil did seem mad, as he raised his voice slightly.
“Hi.. I don’t want us to bother you, we can leave if you want,” Mare said. “Also.. were you listening to MCR? They’re one of my favorite bands, and I’m Not Okay is a good song.” 
Virgil was silent for a few moments, and then spoke. “No, you guys can… stay if you want. I want Y/N here at least,” He said.
“Alright,” You said. “Can I sit next to you?” You asked. Virgil simply nodded, and moved so you could sit next to him.
You sat down, and Mare sat down too. You moved closer to him, and Virgil sort of.. glared?? Does he think that just because you have a boyfriend, you’re going to abandon him or something?
“Virgil.. I’m not going to leave you, and I’m not going to stop being friends with you just because I have a boyfriend,” You said, trying to reassure him due to his unspoken feelings. 
“Who said I thought that? I wasn’t saying that,” He said. Mare laughed.
“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna steal your best friend from you or something,” 
Virgil… actually laughed at that. That was a good sign. 
That was probably the quickest time he laughed at something someone he just met said, even when you had first met him.
You could tell they’d get along great. Eventually. 
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warcats-cat · 9 months
*materializes into existence*
Hey, my wonderful moot :D
(if this is a duplicate, ignore it; wifi is picky, so idk if it sent already or nah)
I heard you felt lonely, so I got summoned cause I am your MOOT and I care goddamnit. All the affections for you (/p).
I saw ya like FNAF (specifically Sun & Moon's lines in Help Wanted 2), so: what was your fav lines from the Daycare Jesters? I call them that cause, ya know, the sillies.
Also: I don't remember well, but I think you also like Sanders Sides (correct me if I'm wrong). If ya do, have you seen the newest Asides? If so, I wanna hear about your fav parts. The funnies, the 'lore' (angst) parts, any sort of theories, or even just gushing about your fav pairings or characters.
Infodump about whatever!! I love hearing ya thoughts on things and such <3
Lastly: moths. I fuckin love moths. And tardigrades. And spiders and beetles and- okay, so I just really love bugs and insects.
Anyway, have a good day and hope this helps the loneliness not be so lonely :D
Hewwo Oatmeal Friend! I love you too 💜💜
I have to say my favorite lines are the new lines for Sun's arts and crafts section because they're straight up hilarious. "I should turn the lights off myself" killed me. Someone please give this robot some Prozac and a teddy bear.
My interest in FNAF Sun/Moon is kinda the fault of Bamsara (who I won't tag because I'm not cool enough to interact with them) who has a fanfic called Solar Lunacy which is *chefs kiss* really fulfills my shameless need for x Reader content 💜 ((seriously if I could find familial TS Patton x Reader content I would print it out and hang it on my wall))
Yes the robojesters are very silly and I have to say I'm seeing the FNAF fandom leaning on the head canon that they may have not originally been child-care robots, but on-stage actors, and we're just given child-care programming later which makes me 👀 I love them being doting kiddo caretakers but also the idea of a dedicated thespian being throwing into a pile of wailing children and told to figure it out is absolutely hilarious to me.
Also yes!! I love me some Sanders Sides!! Love my boys. No one is surprised but Patton's bit with the tinier and tinier boxes absolutely was my favorite part. My parents did that when I was like ten and it started off with this GIANT box and I think there were at least six I had to go through before I found a plush of Snoopy and tickets to go to Camp Snoopy at Knott's Farm (forever salty that it was bought by Nickelodeon). I still have that plushy somewhere in my room 💜 and entire book of pressed pennies from Camp Snoopy.
Anyway I actually genuinely enjoyed the new Asides! I miss so much the original format of videos that were one-off and shorter, the conflict being self-contained and generally light hearted. And the interaction between Logan and Virgil was so adorable 💜
Tell me about moths 👀 I love moths and butterflies and BEES😍 (I'm lame, my favorites are the Lunar moth and the Rosey Maple moth. My fairy-sona's outfit is themed to a crossover of the two, though it was more lunar moth like when I first put it together. It's evolved a lot over the years.) Spiders and I have a love-hate relationship rn; the fuzzy ones make me want to cry (pos) and the spindly ones make me want to cry (neg). There's a colony of tiny spindly ladies living in my basement bathroom that I don't know how they got there and I don't know how they keep reproducing because there are no bugs down there.
I don't know what a tardigrade is .....
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kormenhq · 2 years
Fan Fiction Requests!
I am bored! Help me write stuff to post on Ao3!
Request Rules & Characters
- DON’T JUDGE MY WRITING, if you don’t think i’m a good writer, that’s your opinion. I may not be the best writer but I am trying my best.
- I will write about any gender! If you do not specify, I will write it as gender neutral (I also write trans ftm reader (not mtf as I am not mtf)
- Want some polyamourus stuff? Go ahead and I ask! I am happy to write about it!
- Please no Teacher x student or anything of the sorts I don’t want to write illegal stuff.
- I write emotional/romantic/platonic relationships (this includes smut though that’s very rare for me to write, you can still ask if you would like though.)
- Hurt/Comfort fics are welcome and encouraged!! I put trigger warnings anywhere I think it is needed, so please be sure to read the warnings under each title/on each post.
- I have every right to disapprove or not take your request.
- I will NOT write characters being abusive whether it be physical, emotional or anything like that. (lying to fulfill a scheme doesn’t count), but I would be more than happy to write about them helping you get OUT of an abusive relationship.
-I only write for the characters not real people.
Characters I write for::
- Any Markiplier ego (I MEAN IT I LOVE THESE GUYS)
- Any Jacksepticeye ego (Love these guys as well)
- Loki (Marvel)
- Gillion Tidestrider (Just roll with it)
- Chip (Just roll with it)
- Jay Ferin (Just roll with it)
- Spider man/Peter parker
- Oliver Swift (Dialtown)
- Randy Jade (Dialtown)
- Karen Dunn (Dialtown)
- Norm (Dialtown)
- Phonegingi (Dialtown)
- Ranboo (DSMP)
- Slimecicle (DSMP)
- Jack Manifold (DSMP)
- Jschlatt (DSMP)
- Philza (DSMP)
- Quackity (DSMP)
- Tommy innit (DSMP)
- Wilbur soot (DSMP)
- Red Guy (DHMIS)
- Duck (DHMIS)
- Yellow Guy (DHMIS)
- Nagito (Danganronpa)
- Kokichi (Danganronpa)
- Any fanon Creepypasta (I will refuse canon (they are murderers)
- Janus (Sanders sides)
- Virgil (Sanders sides)
- Remus (Sanders sides)
- Roman (Sanders sides)
- Patton (Sanders sides)
- Logan (Sanders sides)
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How the Sides would comfort a trans reader who's feeling dysphoric
A/N: this is gender neutral so it can be read by any of my fellow trans peeps who's dysphoria has got them feeling down ✌✌
Warnings: talk of dysphoria, Remus in general lol
Patton gives you all the hugs, kisses and cuddles ever in order to cheer you up
He's very proud that you decided to tell him how you feel rather than bottling it up because he knows from personal experience that repressing your emotions does nothing but makes things worse
He's not the best at cooking but if you have a favorite go to comfort food that makes you feel better then for you he'll definitely try
He ends up wrapping you up in a ton of blankets and pillows and just lays with you on the couch for awhile
At first, Roman vows to vanquish the beast that's upsetting you...until he realizes it's not a physical threat you're facing, but a mental one
He tries to take your mind off it by telling you stories of his daring adventures, or by putting on your favorite Disney movie, whichever you prefer
He'll call you an enormous plethora of gender affirming pet names until you're basically begging him to stop, and even then he still refuses until you cave and admit what he always believed, that you're perfect in every way
Logan uses logistics to combat your insecurities by reassuring you that nobody has the power to tell you what gender you are or aren't, regardless of how you present
He makes to sure look up plenty of coping mechanisms and suggestions for how to deal with dysphoria ahead of time so he has ample knowledge and understanding for how to make you feel better
Not the best at comforting you if you happen to get emotional but he might give you a hug or something if it's clear you need one
As a conscious being made up of anxiety, Virgil notices your panic and distress as soon as he sets foot in the same room as you (that's probably what urged him to seek you out in the first place tbh)
When you panic, he panics, but he tries to keep it together so you won't notice and get even more upset
He has several tried and true methods that always work to calm people down, so once that happens and you can explain to him what's up he understands almost immediately
If you want to talk about it, great, if not he's content to just listen to music with you and hang out until you feel better
You being upset, especially over a topic that's so serious, is not something Janus takes lightly
It may appear as though he doesn't care all that much at first due to his stoic expressions, but that's just because he's trying to think of the right thing to say
He may be the literal physical embodiment of deceit, but if you're upset he'll try his best to be honest with you about how much he cares
Brings out all six of his arms so you can have the most amount of cuddles and physical affection all at once
Remus's comforting skills leave a lot to be desired, so unless you can deal with him making the most random outrageous sex jokes in an effort to cheer you up it's probably best that you just spend some time alone for a bit
He's incredibly clingy however so it won't be long before he comes begging to you for attention, on literal hands and knees might I add
If you do let him stay with you when you're upset you should make it clear to him you're not in any sort of mood to deal with his shenanigans
He'll actually listen for once and the two of you end up pranking the other sides together until you eventually get bored and decide to watch some horror movies instead
Sanders Sides masterlist | 🏷 taglist: @iloveentrapta @feralwenis
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fictitious-fluff · 2 years
[as of 23 Aug 2024]
Eyo! Welcome to my blog!
I write mostly tickle fluff, and the occasional angst. Decided to make a side blog to post my fics when I do write them since my main is non-tickle related.
Feel free to drop an ask and say hi :D I don't bite XD
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Posted Fics
Brush the Stubbornness Away - After falling into some paint, Sans is too lazy to get up and clean himself up. Papyrus puts it upon himself to help Sans change his mind.
Eight Plus Two makes Ten - While studying together, Sans finds out that monster and human skeletal structures are different. Frisk wants to comfirm that discovery for herself.
Loki x Reader
(coming soon)
The Bright Sessions
(coming soon)
Sanders Sides
The One and Only - Logan believes he's immune to tickling. However, a small accidental brush from Patton says otherwise.
Dear Diary... - Noelle discovers something interesting lying on Susie's desk
The Amazing Digital Circus (TADC)
Unusual Comfort - A little situation left Pomni alone and down in the dumps. Kinger wants to help.
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Fandom List
Currently writing
Loki x Reader (Platonic/Romantic)
The Amazing Digital Circus (TADC) (excluding Bubbles and Kinger. I just can't write them.)
The Bright Sessions
The Owl House
Fandoms I'm familiar with
Cookie Run Kingdom (CRK)
Doki Doki Literature Club (DDLC)
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (DHMIS)
Gravity Falls
Jujutsu Kaisen
My Hero Academia (MHA)
MLP: Friendship Is Magic
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) [some parts]
Spy x Family
Sanders Sides
TMNT 2012
Wild Kratts
Your Name / Kimi no Na wa
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mold-ridden-heart · 10 months
I’m Vex (or William), or my user, mold-ridden-heart! I write, do headcanons and fanart!
I’m a lithromantic NB autistic artist + fanfic writer just enjoying fandoms :D
- Pressure
- Doors
- Gravity Falls
- Monster prom
Alt blogs:
- @v0x-0ff14l
- @alastors-bl0g
- @bl00d-0f-a-l4mb
Please no NSFW, hate, bullying or bigotry!!
Ur loved, and if there’s nobody to love you I will! >:D
I’m ready to adopt online children <3
Devian art: https://www.deviantart.com/v3xxxxxxx
Lots of Luvbug,
Tea Time (Alastor + Reader fluff) late night lightning (Sir Pentious x reader fluff
Thumb war (drunken somewhat platonic Radioapple // request)
Mistake number two (Logan x patton platonic fluff //request)
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Fic idea: How might the Sides help with writer's block?
Authors note: I wrote Janus and Remus for this one!! Which is why this took a tad longer than usual lol
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️: Remus making dirty comments
👑 Roman 👑
-Oooh writers block with Roman is ALMOST non existent
-He’s creativity after all so he would come up with the most extravagant things
-Would definitely use this as an opportunity to spend time alone with you in the Mindscape place and create whatever came to mind to help inspire you
-He’ll do EVERYTHING to help you beat writers block, which also gives him an excuse to be as dramatic as possible
-Aww I also feel like the moment he has an idea he doesn’t even say anything he just rushes to the nearest writing utensil and writes it down before he forgets
-Just know asking for Romans help with writers block will have you both exhausted but happy
-exhausted mainly because of all the running around and happy that you both got to do all that together
-You definitely got an idea about what to write
💙 Logan 💙
-Obviously calm and collected on the outside but on the inside he is so darn happy
-It just makes him feel very important and will take it very seriously
-He’ll research various topics with you, look at art/pictures, take notes of things, etc.
-Expect so. much. info dumping.
-But hey it really does help with drumming up some good ideas
-By the end of it, you’ll have like more than 5 pages worth of notes to help you with your writers block
-He’ll somehow even throw out MORE ideas as he helps you write whatever it is that you’re writing
-Literally a human grammarly so he’s always pointing out where you can improve your grammar
-Likes to compliment certain parts of your work in order to keep you motivated tho
-If you drink coffee, your both probably buzzing off of the amount of caffeine you guys drank during the reasearch
🍪 Patton 🍪
-At first he’ll ask, “what’s writers block?”
-Once you explain it tho, he’ll try drumming up any ideas on how to help
-I feel like his idea of getting you inspired will be stuff like, talking a walk to maybe help clear your head or baking/ cooking something for you
-Probably takes you to his room hoping that all the nostalgic stuff he has in it will help
-He’s trying his best lol
-He’ll probably get distracted with the things in his room and has to be constantly reminded of the task at hand
-Somehow that helps?? Like seeing him organically do stuff and not trying to help you get inspired, helps with the writers block
-With Patton it just really depends if he does or says something that somehow triggers inspiration
-Gives you cookies and milk as you work once you get past writers block
💜 Virgil 💜
-Once you ask him, you both probably sit on his bed trying to think of something
-Till Virgil suggests you listen to some music that will help you
-He puts on ALL his favorite albums
-Puts on Paramore, MCR, Evanescence, and probably the soundtrack of his favorite musicals/movies
-Probably suggests watching some movies to hopefully get inspired
-Tries not to panic when it doesn’t seem to work
-But it does work since you both end up talking in depth about the movies and songs
-It ends up being a veryyyyy long conversation since he’s very passionate about his interests
-And you love listening to him
-Once you sit down and get to work on the thing you wanna write, he’s there sitting with you to help bounce ideas off one another
-Kinda like Logan, will be vibrating from the amount of coffee he’s drank
-Once you asked him to help with writers block, he helped you through the whole day
-And I mean, the whole day
-You’re just both very relieved you finally got through writers block
🐍 Janus 🐍
-“You must be truly desperate to come to me for help.”
-Ok Loki nobody asked for ur opinion
-Will reluctantly help (he would love to help he’s just being janus. he’s actually jumping with joy on the inside that you asked him for help)
-He’ll probably try telling you stories that are completely made up to hopefully get ur creative juices flowing
-Yes he goes through the effort to make up stories to tell you
-Probably will take you to the library to help research various topics
-Why not just look it up? Bc he likes the quiet atmosphere
-Not at all bc he wants to put actual effort into helping you
-He’s gonna be a diva about it tho
-Surprisingly is very keen on helping you get motivated and when you think about giving up, he simply won’t allow it
-He gets you up and running
-Probably promises to get you something as a reward for getting through writers block
-One of the few times he’s not actually lying
-Once you do come up with an idea, he’ll probably make little sassy remarks about your work
-Know he doesn’t actually mean it, he just says it on instinct
-Oh and your reward? He can’t bring himself to give it to you in person so he just leaves it somewhere he knows you’ll find it
💚 Remus 💚
-Oh gosh, you almost regret asking him for help with writers block
-Bc he will go into gremlin mode and just do the most out of pocket things ever
-“To help your creative - and other- juices flow!!” he says
-Immediately gets hit upside the head for that little comment
-But, anyways, if you need help writing some messed up stuff or something; he’s the best guy for the job
-Just imagine him being as extra as Roman but much more…disturbing
-He won’t stop making dirty jokes/comments through the whole thing
-But he surprisingly does a good job at helping you out with writers block
-Of course you both will most likely get sidetracked bc Remus is being Remus
-Just know you you’ll be both disturbed but entertained when it comes to asking Remus for help
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