#Breaking: #PatrickTurner will act as a focal point for #NATO’s engagement with the #Ukrainian authorities in #Kyiv.
Secretary General @jensstoltenberg announced the appointment of a Senior Representative to lead the #NATO Representation in #Ukraine (NRU) . Patrick Turner will act as a focal point for #NATO’s engagement with the Ukrainian authorities in Kyiv. bit.ly/3zVxYQL Source: NATO
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Author's Note: I can't believe this story has 10 chapters! I never thought people would like this fic as much as they do and I am so grateful to each of you who take the time to read and comment on this fanfiction. You're all amazing! Anyway, happy reading and please - if you have time - drop me a comment to let me know what you think! :D x
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djciscoradio · 5 years
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#INDIEROCKMONDAY Tune in Now!!! BREAKING INDIE ROCK NEWS!!! Tune in Right now!!! Tonight is "Indie Rock Monday" and we have a great show lined up. Tonight kicking things off for "Indie Rock Monday" is the "Balcony Show" with Ft. Guest #PatrickTurner "Patrick Turner" on DJC Radio Global. Tune in at: Chat Room & App: http://mixlr.com/djc-radio-global Main Site: https://www.thedjciscoradioshow.com The Tune In App: https://tunein.com/radio/The-DJ-Cisco-Radio-Show-s261467/ Tonight on The Balcony Show we feature Alt/Rocker Patrick Turner! Patrick stops by to share some insights on his latest project "Ghosts". The Million Reasons are in our Spotlight with Emily Noel with their latest single , Gabriele Saro Artist is our MadTrax with none other than MADCAT Mark Capone. Bo Sommer is in with another great Pro Tip! All this and some really great music and fun! #bakernot Indie Rock Monday's Every Monday at 8 Pm Est. Call in live at (347) 352-8625. Tune in and enjoy :) DJC Radio Global (The New Mainstream) #DJCRadioGlobal #ProjectUNityTour2019 #SmoothRnB #TalkThatTalkLadiMiz #CiscoInTheMorning #DJCRadioGlobal #IndieRockMondays #CiscoInTheMorning #GospelMusicSundays #IndieArtistGospelMusic #DJCradioGlobal #RKelley #MichaelJackson #DJCRadioGlobal #CiscoInTheMorning #HipandRnBShow #DJCiscoTheIndieArtistKing #HipHop #Rock #Pop #RnB #HipHopandRandBShow #KingKafele #TeamChemistry #America #Germany #NewYorkCity #Brooklyn #Bronx #Manhattan https://www.instagram.com/p/B9iSoprp20d/?igshid=14dn25mwkbsel
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“i got on the boat the day after his funeral... wherever i go next, you’re coming with me”
even though there was so much more going on in that episode with the lady taking the contraceptive pill and sadly dying from a blood clot that had travelled up her body, Shelagh having her son and having Sister Julienne be her midwife, Tom and Barbara getting married with Barbara asking Phyllis to be her bridesmaid and Reggie coming back, these in turn made me feel every emotion a human could possibly feel. i went from happiness to sadness and then back to happiness all over again
Patsy and Delia made that whole episode for me. they may have only been on screen together for all of a minute, but you could see the longing and heartache they both had felt for each other during the time they had spent apart. the way Delia had also not known if Patsy was coming back but Patsy had always known she was going to come back for her and saying that she would take Delia wherever she was going to go next because she didn’t want to be apart from her was so lovely, the kiss in the alcove under the bridge was the icing on the cake for possibly one of my favourite on screen couples. 
Another one of my favourite parts of the episode had to be when Shelagh was in labour and Patrick was pacing around outside the bedroom and could hear Shelagh beginning to sing, then after a while he began to join in and they had a marvellous duet. it was beautiful
Tom also buying a Ferris Wheel for Barbara with the money he had won was so lovely too. 
the series as a whole has to go down as one of my favourite series’ of this show, and there have been many other fantastic episodes in previous series’. roll on the Christmas special and series seven not long after, so that i can find out what Poplar and the time era changes has in store for the nuns and midwifes of Nonnatus House
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CTM Anticipation
I am both gleefully excited about the CTM finale and absolutely dreading it at the same time. Once it airs, that's it... We'll have to suffer an agonizingly long wait until we get a new episode. Tell me fellow CTM obsessees, how are you going to deal with the CTM absence after the roller coaster series six that we've received?
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mammamias · 6 years
hi, i want to clear through all of my saved urls, so please message me if you want any of the following and i’ll hand them over right away:
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starrygazer08 · 8 years
So I may have written a story.... any reviews/tips/advice would be greatly appreciated!
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snoopctm · 9 years
OK, after a long time of working on this, here it is! I haven’t written anything quite like this before, tone-wise, so I wanted to get it right, in the spirit of the happy, flirty atmosphere of the scene I wrote about in my Week 23 Turnadette Tuesday post. This is Shelagh’s POV. There’s a little bit of fluff here, and a hint of implied steam. I hope you enjoy it!
Editing this to add there was a typo in the title! I’ve fixed it on ff.net. The title should be “The Joys of Discovery”.
Thanks as always to anyone who reads this, and anything I write. Reviews and comments are always appreciated! 
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Turner baby
I am suprised no one has drawn a pregnant shelagh yet
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Author's Note: I am so sorry that this has taken so long to go up, it's just that I've not had much motivation for this fanficton recently and school has been so time consuming, so I haven't had much time to sit down and write. I hope you all enjoy this chapter though, and please review to let me know what you think! x
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So here's chapter 6! This chapter - I feel - does tug on the heartstrings a little, but I hope that you all enjoy it and that you will review so that I know what you all think! Thank you all once again for your support! x
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Please enjoy and please (if you have the time) repost or leave a comment to let me know what you thought of this chapter, hehe! xxx
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 I know that it has been quite a while since I last updated this fanfiction and I apologise for that, but I hope you're pleased to see a new chapter! This fanfiction is still not over by a long shot, so I hope you all think that that's a good thing! As always, I hope you enjoy and that you'll leave a comment to let me know what you thought! Happy reading!
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Author's Note: Chapter 7 is here! Arthur doesn't appear in this chapter - he is mentioned at the beginning but that is all we have of him here (yay!) - but even so, I'm afraid that I'm going to have him pop up again a couple of times before this story reaches its conclusion. I don't see this story reaching its end any time soon at the moment though, so I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, haha! I'll shut up now and let you get on with reading the chapter, but I hope you enjoy and that you'll repost or comment to let me know what you think! Thank you all for your support! xx
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Turner Family Fanfiction - The Alphabetical Turners
O is for Overwhelmed!
Her tears trickled slowly over the curves of her cheek as she was leaning against the wall at the back of the Parish Hall on the afternoon of the clinic and her nails dug fiercely into the warm flesh of her palm, her head pressed back against the bricks as the soft gasps that accompanied her silent sobs filled the air. Sister Bernadette knew that it was wrong for her to have such strong feelings towards Doctor Turner, that if her Sisters were to find out how she was feeling then it would come as a great shock to them, but she knew deeply within her heart that she wasn't meant to spend the rest of her life wearing her habit and headdress. She wanted to know what it felt like to wake up against Doctor Turner's chest and to have him hold her in his arms whenever she was distressed or unhappy. She longed to know how it felt to stroke Timothy's soft dark hair as he drifted off to sleep in the evenings, knowing that he depended on her to fill the void that Marianne had left when she had passed away several years ago. She desperately wanted to feel as though she was of some value to someone. That she was cherished. It wouldn't be so difficult for her if she knew Doctor Turner didn't return her love, but he did return it. And it was painful.
The door squeaked open a few moments later, as she had been expecting, and Doctor Turner slowly began to make his way over to her after closing the door behind him. Her eyes were red and sore when he stopped in front of her, the pale skin of her cheeks streaked with tears as she gazed up at him and the two of them remained in silence for a time. It wasn't until he slowly brought his hand up to her cheek in order to wipe away a solitary tear that she finally allowed harsh sobs to take over her, Sister Bernadette covering her face with her hand as her body trembled violently. She felt his hands come to rest gently upon her waist a few moments later, but did not pull away from him, allowing him to bring her into his arms and hold her close to him while her sobs wracked her body. Doctor Turner sighed lovingly into her headdress as he cradled the back of her head through the material, brushing his thumb against the white fabric as he felt her tears beginning to soak through his shirt and making it stick to his skin. Was it of any concern to him that he was going to go back inside the Parish Hall a short time later with tear stains on his freshly ironed shirt? No. He loved the gentle woman in his arms, and he would be there for her.
It was a short time later when Sister Bernadette's sobs had ceased and she was now leaned against his chest as she sniffed softly every few moments and his arms remained around her, a gentle sigh leaving her when she pulled away from his warmth and removed her glasses momentarily to wipe away the tears that had gathered on her lower lashes. 'You're so beautiful.' He spoke gently to her as he stroked the backs of his fingers against the softness of her cheek a few moments later and she cast her gaze down to his shirt, a slight blush rising in her cheeks as he continued to caress her skin. 'I'm so tired of having to pretend that I don't have feelings for you.' She slowly lifted her gaze to his at his words and she felt her heart race as his hand came to rest upon her hip through the black material of her habit. 'May I ask you something?' She remained silent for a few moments before nodding slowly as she found it impossible to tear her gaze away from his, his warm and intense gaze making it ten times harder for her to hold back from brushing her lips against his. 'Do you have any idea of how difficult it is for me to get you out of my head?' He stroked her hip gently. 'To focus on anything but you when we're around each other?'
She hesitated for a moment as a small smile tugged upon the corners of her lips and she slid her hand slowly up his chest towards the side of his neck, his gaze dropping from hers, down to her lips and back up again before she rose up onto her tiptoes and blessed him with one of the softest kisses that he had ever received. 'Yes.' She whispered when she allowed herself to drop back to her mediocre size and her eyes sparkled as she sucked her lower lip gently, his hand sliding around to her lower back. 'I know exactly how difficult it is, Doctor, why do you think I had to come out here? It's been so hard for me not to tell you how I've been feeling, and being unable to tell anyone about all of the emotions building up inside of me has felt as though I'm stood in the middle of a room, screaming at the top of my lungs but no one even looks up.' She gripped his shirt gently as she willed herself not to allow anymore tears to fall. 'I'm not meant to live the rest of my life in the convent and I'm not meant to spend my life wearing this habit day in and day out.' Doctor Turner ran his hand slowly along the curve of her side. 'I want to be able to call myself your wife and to be able to give Timothy a mother figure Doctor, if you'll allow me to.'
The next thing she was aware of was Doctor Turner covering her mouth with his own as he held her by the waist and pulled her flush against his chest, her palms settled upon his torso through the soft fabric of his shirt as their lips caressed languidly and he slid his arms slowly around her slim waist. 'I've always wanted to know what it would feel like to wake up to you sleeping in my arms, your head laying upon my chest as my arms are around you and I know you're safe.' He admitted between tender and chaste kisses shared with the perfect woman who had just voiced her desire to become his wife, his soft hands splayed out along her spine as she hummed against his lips. 'But there's one condition that I need you to accept if we're to go through with this.' He brought her away from him a moment later before holding her face in his hands and brushing his thumbs over her cheeks. 'You have to agree to call me Patrick from now on instead of "Doctor". At least when we're alone, darling.' She smiled up at him as she giggled.
'Only if you accept my one condition.' She stroked the tips of her fingers against his jaw, her heart racing at the perfect smile he afforded her with. 'You have to agree to call me Shelagh instead of "Sister".'
'Deal.' He smirked before pulling her close to him once more. 'Now come here, you.' He then pressed his lips back to hers in a slower and tenderer kiss than the one they had shared previously.
Those conditions were a small price to pay for a future that would be completely filled with unending laughter, love and happiness.
That was for sure.
Author's Note: I don't know what I think of this one, but I hope you all liked it a little! Please Review, I love them so much!
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Turnadette Family Fanfiction - The Alphabetical Turners
J is for Julienne!
Ever since Shelagh had arrived at Nonnatus House on her first day as a postulant on July 1st 1948 she had seen Sister Julienne as more of a motherly figure than that of a superior one, considering the Sister had taken her immediately under her wing and made sure that she felt safe and content with the other residents of the house. It hadn't taken Shelagh and Sister Julienne long to build a strong bond with one another, the two of them confiding in and comforting one another as a mother and daughter would. That was why nobody, aside from Nurse Crane, was shocked when Shelagh had asked Sister Julienne to be her midwife when the time came for her baby to arrive. Sister Julienne knew more about Shelagh than anybody else ever could, aside from Patrick, perhaps, which was why Shelagh felt so safe and secure as she was held protectively in the arms of the woman that used to be one of her fellow Sisters. 'That's it, Shelagh, breathe your way through it.' Sister Julienne's voice was warm and comforting as she held her waist in her hands, Shelagh bracing herself upon her shoulders as she breathed deeply through the agonizing contraction that felt as though it was tearing her insides open. 'You're doing brilliantly, good girl.'
Shelagh's warm brown hair was clinging to the perimeters of her face where the sweat was beading upon her skin as she trembled through the agony, her eyes tightly closed as she sucked softly on her lower lip and her nails dug into Sister Julienne's shoulders. She wasn't scared, of course, because she knew exactly what her body was trying to tell her through the pain, knowing that it wouldn't be long until she'd be a Mummy and would be able to cradle her baby in her arms. The thought of being able to kiss her newborn's tiny face and hands was her motivation to keep pressing on. 'I can't believe I used to dream of this!' She groaned as she fell against Sister Julienne's shoulder and the elder woman rubbed her spine soothingly as she nuzzled into her hair, Shelagh feeling her warm breath against her skin as she sighed. 'It's like a nightmare!' The ache of the contraction soon began to wear off as she nuzzled into the side of Sister Julienne's neck and felt her begin to stroke her hair soothingly, her eyes fluttering closed as she felt the sister begin to sway slowly with her in her arms. 'I always dreamed I'd have my mother beside me if I were to have a child.' She admitted. 'Having her rub my back and tell me that things were okay.'
Sister Julienne remained quiet for a moment as she felt Shelagh snuggle further against her and she tightened her arms around her waist as she pressed her cheek to the sweaty skin of her forehead. 'You do have a mother beside you.' She spoke softly into her ear as she stroked her cheek warmly and a small smile formed upon her lips, her thumb brushing against the soft skin that rested below her thumb. 'Ever since you arrived as a postulant all those years ago, I knew that there was something different about you. I felt more of an urge to keep you safe than I did with the other postulants and you always had such a sunny disposition that it was impossible for anyone not to love you.' Shelagh giggled sleepily as she cuddled further against the Sister and smiled when she felt her nuzzle the tip of her nose against the soft skin of her hairline. 'When you told me that you were leaving to marry Doctor Turner, I was selfish towards you and I know it hurt you when I became distant, and for that I am so sorry. I shouldn't have had such a selfish attitude; it was just because I felt as though I was losing you. I was losing one of the most important people in my life.' Shelagh pulled away slowly from her shoulder, then, furrowing her brow.
A pain traveled up the length of her spine and she whimpered softly as her eyes fell closed, her breath slow and controlled until the deep throbbing passed by. 'You could never lose me, Sister, not after you'd gone to so much trouble to shape me into the woman I am today. Choosing between the religious life and my desire to marry Patrick was the hardest decision I had ever made, because I loved being a Sister and I loved the family that I was a part of. My love for Patrick proved to be stronger than my desire to remain a Sister, though, and I knew that I couldn't fight the feelings that I was experiencing toward him any longer. I never intended to hurt you or anybody else by leaving, and I was in the wrong for avoiding you and the Sisters for so long after I and Patrick became engaged, so I feel like I should apologize to you.' Sister Julienne tucked a strand of sweat-soaked hair back behind Shelagh's ear, hearing the laboured breathing coming from her as she continued on. 'It was wrong of me to be that way, and I'm sorry.' Shelagh's hold tightened upon her shoulders as another contraction began to build up, her legs almost giving way below her from the intensity of the pain as she gasped gently. 'I'll be glad when this is over.'
'You're doing better than you think you are.' Sister Julienne sighed as she reached for the gas and air when Shelagh cried out gently and she held it over her nose and mouth, protectively cradling the back of her head as she encouraged her to take deep and slow breaths as she groaned loudly into the mask. 'I think it'll be time for you to push soon, so as soon as this pain's over I'll give you a dose of pethidine so that we can get you settled on the bed. If your waters haven't broken by then, I'll have to do it myself.' Shelagh nodded through deep and long groans of discomfort as she continued to take in the gas, a soft whimper escaping her as she leaned into the comfort of Sister Julienne's chest. 'That's a good girl, use all of the contraction.' The Sister praised as Shelagh finally let out a loud groan and rested her forehead upon her shoulder, her nails biting into the warm skin at the back of Sister Julienne's hand as she continued to hold it. 'There we go.' Julienne soothed as she brought Shelagh's head to lay upon her shoulder, Shelagh keeping hold of the mask as she breathed with it and allowed her eyes to flutter closed as she settled into Sister Julienne's warmth. 'We're getting there now, Shelagh, I promise.' She soothed softly.
It was a short time later when Shelagh was settled against the pillows of her bed and Sister Julienne was sat in front of her after she had managed to break her waters, the newspaper now in the waste paper bin beside her vanity as the contractions came much closer together. 'I want Patrick.' Shelagh whimpered as her head fell back against the pillows after another long contraction had come and gone, the tears falling quickly down her cheeks as her chest rose and fell heavily. 'I need him to hold my hand, Sister, please.' The pain and fear was clear in Shelagh's eyes when Sister Julienne looked into them with a kind smile, the elder woman standing from the bed in order to make her way over to the door and allow Patrick to enter with a tender smile towards the woman that had completely stolen his heart. Shelagh burst into tears as he got onto the bed beside her and pulled her to his chest for a cuddle, her face burying into his shirt as she sobbed through the discomfort. 'I'm sorry.' She whimpered. 'I tried.'
'Don't you dare apologize to me.' He growled gently into her ear as he held her close and Sister Julienne sat down slowly on the edge of the bed, Shelagh trembling in his arms as he left warm kisses across her cheeks and over her face. 'You have been so brave all afternoon, and I'm here now. You can do this, my darling, I promise.' She nodded shakily as she pulled away from his chest and gripped the warm fabric of his shirt in her hand, his hand settled upon her hip. 'Do you have any idea how much I want to kiss you, right now?' His voice was rough and gentle so that only Shelagh would be able to hear him. 'How much I want to brush my fingers through your hair as I press my lips to yours?' She gasped softly as she pressed her forehead into his chest, allowing him to bring her gaze back up to his with a sigh. 'Come here, beautiful.' He drew her close by the chin until he was able to take her lower lip into his mouth and kiss her warmly, not even caring that Sister Julienne was sat on the end of the bed, her hand resting upon his torso through his shirt as they kissed slowly and he ran his hand along the curve of her back. 'Are you ready now?' Shelagh nodded before sitting up and allowing him to settle behind her.
'Alright.' Sister Julienne smiled as she carefully moved Shelagh into the position that she required. 'Let's have this baby.'
She couldn't stop her own tears from falling down her cheeks as she watched Shelagh cradle her son close to her chest later that evening, the young woman sobbing gently as her husband nuzzled into her hair with a beaming smile upon his lips. Sister Julienne knew how deeply Shelagh had longed for a baby of her own since leaving the order to become Patrick's wife, and she had prayed for a miracle for the two of them every evening, her heart swelling with love for Shelagh when she had announced that she was expecting a baby after she had returned from South Africa. She felt extremely honoured that she had been the one to deliver Edward Patrick Turner that evening, knowing that Shelagh was going to make an incredible mother with all of the love inside her, and she knew that she'd never adored Shelagh more than she did in that moment. Seeing her sob with happiness as her husband held she and their son in his arms, made Sister Julienne's emotions run wild. She had never seen her so joyful and happy.
Shelagh drew her eyes away from her son a few moments later and gazed over at the elder woman with tears sparkling in her gentle blue irises, a tearful smile upon her lips. 'Thank you.' She whispered as she felt Patrick nuzzle his face against her neck, Edward grizzling softly in her arms from the cold before she covered him slightly further with the soft blanket he was wrapped up in. 'I wouldn't have gotten through all of that without you by my side, and I'll never be able to thank you enough for being so patient with me.' Sister Julienne reached out to stroke Shelagh's cheek lovingly, smiling when she nuzzled into her palm. Shelagh turned to her husband with a small smile upon her lips a few moments later, Patrick nodding silently with a kiss to her warm temple. 'We were wondering...' Shelagh began while she settled back against her husband's chest, her gaze meeting with that of Sister Julienne's once again. 'Hoping,' She giggled sweetly. 'That you would do us the honour of being Godmother to Edward, Sister.'
Sister Julienne's mouth almost fell open as she processed Shelagh's words.
'You've always been like a mother to me, and Patrick and I couldn't imagine having another woman as Godmother to Edward.' Shelagh admitted as she stroked her thumb against the warm skin of his arm.
'What...' Sister Julienne began as her heart pounded slightly. 'What about Granny Parker?'
'She's already Angela's Godmother, Sister, and we wanted to do something to show you how thankful we are for all the help you've provided us with.' Patrick smiled as he stroked Shelagh's hair soothingly.
'Please, Sister?' Shelagh smiled. 'It would mean the world to us.'
'If you really mean it, then of course I will.' Sister Julienne's voice was choked with tears. 'It would be an honour.'
And oh, what an honour it was.
Author's Note: Thank you all for being so patient whilst I went through writer's block, and thank you all for reading this chapter! It may not be the best, but at least it's now complete! I would be so grateful if you would leave me a review and tell me what you thought! Next Chapter: K is for Kiss! (Pure Turnadette fluffiness to come!)
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