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Le bio di Twitter non sono pagine di un blog: non si può scrivere in modo completo, ma è necessaria una sintesi. Il perché l'account sia gestito da un analfabeta funzionale è spiegato nei tweet stessi di quell'account, e riportato su siti esterni.
Le prove a riguardo non mancano.
#Voceirriverente#@voceirriverente#argomentare#Patriam#@Patriam20#analfabetismo funzionale#analfabeta funzionale
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Love how they to put a disclaimer to tell us: "PLEASE remember that this is FICTION! This relationship is NOT heathy like AT ALL they're literally obsessed, like these guys are not okay in the head, they're MESSED UP! DO NOT take their example!"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
#king of patriam: outlaws#qotd#books#book tumblr#bookblr#romance books#book rec#book recommendations#book
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Un nuovo me.
Dato che mi sono comportato da bullo su Twitter, ho deciso di dare una svolta alla mia vita, e mi sono rifatto l'account.
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Our Teen Rebellion TTRPG
Thrilled to have finally managed to publish something in a Jam after so long! In the end, I turned one of my 500-character games into a ~600-word game for @binarystargames's minimalist jam.
You are a small group of teen rebels defying the unjust government of your planet, Patriam
You fight guns with swords, lies with songs, and numbers with valor
Introduce yourselves and share what is most precious to you Create a bond with each other and tell what is their vibe
State a problem and its challenges (1-5) Volunteers may take 1+ to match it - Dim their vibe - lose too much - lose what is most precious to them - Become a memory in songs Narrate what unfolds Repeat if needed
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Deus, Patriam, Rex, Sanguis
Fanart for the newest album by Opeth. It's phenomenal.
#art#digital art#my art#digital painting#concept artist#concept art#fan art#fantasy#dark fantasy#fanart#opeth#the last will and testament
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At Ignoge in excelsa puppi stans, saepius inter Bruti brachia in extasi collabitur, fusisque cum singultu lacrymis parentes et patriam deserere conqueritur: nec oculos a littore avertit, dum littora oculis patuerunt. Quam Brutus blanditiis mitigans, nunc dulces amplexus: nunc dulcia basia innectit; nec coeptis suis desistit, donec fletu fatigata sopori submittitur.
"But Ignogen, standing on the highest deck, kept swooning in Brutus's arms, and sobbing in a flood of tears she mourned to leave her parents and homeland; nor did she turn her eyes from the shoreline as long as it remained within her sight. Brutus soothed her with endearments, bestowing now sweet caresses, now loving kisses, and did not give up his efforts until, the flood being spent, she fell asleep."
-Historia Regum Britanniae
#the last several pages have been full of battle strategies so I'm melting a bit over this#historia regum britanniae#galfridus monumotensis#history of the kings of britain#geoffrey of monmouth#arthuriana#medieval literature#latin#my translation
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Il n'est pas vraiment nécessaire de préciser ce que nous entendons aujourd'hui par une "personne pieuse". On pense à une attitude plus ou moins humanitaire, sentimentale — "pieux" est presque synonyme de compatissant. Dans l'ancienne langue latine, la pietas appartenait en revanche au domaine du sacré. Elle désignait la relation spéciale que le Romain avait avant tout avec les dieux, et ensuite avec d'autres éléments du monde de la Tradition, y compris l'État lui-même. Devant les dieux, cela signifiait une attitude de vénération calme et digne : un sentiment d'appartenance et, en même temps, de respect, de préoccupation attentive, voire de devoir et de loyauté : une forme intensifiée du sentiment évoqué par la figure austère du pater familias (d'où la pietas filialis). Comme déjà mentionné, la pietas pouvait également se manifester dans le domaine politique : la pietas in patriam signifiait la loyauté et le devoir envers l'État et la patrie. Dans certains cas, le terme prend également le sens de iustitia [justice]. Celui qui est étranger à la pietas est injuste, presque impie, et ne connaît pas sa place — la place qu'il doit occuper au sein d'un ordre supérieur qui est à la fois divin et humain.
Evola, La Décadence des Mots
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Audi famam illius.
Solus in hostes ruit
et patriam servavit.
Audi famam illius.
Cucurrit quaeque tetigit destruens.
Audi famam illius.
Audi famam illius.
Spes omnibus, mihi quoque.
Terror omnibus, mihi quoque.
iuxta me.
Ille iuxta me.
Socii sunt mihi,
qui olim viri fortes
rivalesque erant.
Saeve certando pugnandoque
splendor crescit.
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hi! idk if the slots are full yet but if they're not, my sun and rising are scorpio and my moon is capricorn and id love to own my own little bakery/cafe
btw did you ever get my ask with the cookie photos or has dumblr been eating my asks again lol
Region: Mondstadt
Vision: Geo
Position: Innkeeper
Constellation: Patriam
Weapon: Sword
Type: Support - Healer, when you do your skill small geo things shaped as cupcakes appear on the ground. When your character goes steps them, they disappear and the parties HP is increased.
Ideal Team: Albedo ,Itto, Gorou
Scale: DEF%
Best Artifact Set: Two Piece Husk of Opulent Dreams, Two Piece Ocean-Hued Clam
S/O: Albedo
Signature Weapon: Kneipier Könnete - a bright sword with a copper handle with inscriptions lining the blade.
About: One of the most popular innkeepers in Mondstadt, whose cooking in praised throughout all nations. Their popular inn decides near Mondstadt’s seaside port, north of the city.
#yes I did get it I’m sorry I just missed it in a few other messages#they looked great!#hope you enjoy#•🍯• syrupy—
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PATRIAM CROATIAN *********************************** Dipl.-Ing. Dražen Katić mr.sc.: Technical Regional Forum - "IncTe the change: How the IT sector can transform the local economy?"
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Indictment by Si Foote
Book Stats:
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐(4.25/5)
Spice Rating: YA ❤️
Tropes: Muti-POV, Chosen One, Love triangle
Publisher: From the Vines Publishing
*Thank you so much to the author and From The Vines publishing for sending me a free copy of this book in exchange for a honest review! it means a lot you trust little old me!*
Considering how much I liked the first one, I had high expectations for Si Foote's next novel and boy did it not disappoint! Indictment lefts off right after the first novel in the Elementalists series, Incomplete where the Council is fighting Tyr Slattory and HISS to protect their people.
The book is action-packed. Plenty of battles, fight scenes, and military drama. That being said, there were enough slow scenes to really help balance it out. The pacing was kind of perfect.
I also really loved the use of P.O.V. In this book, we actually get to see everybody from the council and get to know the characters way better and see a much different side from them all together. I also love that we really get to see more of the dynamic between the other characters as well. The council is giving me major found family vibes.
The romance subplots? had me kicking and screaming my little feet all over the place. That being said, I really love how the author worked them in. It didn't take away from the main storyline at all, they were just subplots. So, even if your someone who enjoys si-fi, but not romance, I wouldn't let sway you from picking this up.
I know I said it in my last review, but Si Foote is amazing at worldbuilding. Seriously made me want to fall into the book and explore the world of Elementōrum Patriam. I wish there was a little bit of a recap, as it's been a couple of months since I read the last novel, but neither here nor there. I was a little confused, as there are so many different characters to keep track of, but honestly are you even reading a dystopian book if you aren't confused have the time?
Honestly, If you liked Divergent and Six of Crows, and the war scenes in Red Queen, this book may be perfect for you. Si Foote seriously has a amazing series here that I think any dystopian fan would enjoy.
#book quotes#book review#bookish#books#books & libraries#booklr#books and reading#bookstagram#bookworm#book of the month
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(Amaral Bringhenti)
samba, bolero, rock, funck
samba, bolero, rock, funck
3 de julho de 2024 às 21:37
Lyrics: [intro]: [orquestral, violini, violae, celli, piano, adagio]: [Deus benedicat praesidi nostro, Et ignoscat peccatis suis, menti eius. Ut inveniat sapientiam et iustitiam in actibus suis, Gubernans patriam pactis firmis.] [verso 1]: [cordae suaves, piano moderato, baritone vocals]: Deus benedicat Supremo Tribunali, aequitate, Ut gubernent cum integritate. Deus benedicat Alexandrum de Moraes, Ut decisiones aequas et iustas ferat. [refrão]: [coro maiestuosus, orquestral completus, moderato]: Deus benedicat politicos Brasilianos, Ut populum servent cum honore et studio. Deus benedicat unumquemque civem, Nobis ducens in futurum unionis. [verso 2]: [cordae suaves, piano moderato, baritone vocals]: Deus benedicat corruptos ut inveniant redemptionem, Ut gubernent cum honestate, sine exceptione. Deus benedicat familias regentium, Ut sint felices, sine peccatis errantibus. [ponte]: [piano introspectivus, solae violini, andante]: Deus benedicat gubernationi nostrae in missione sua, Operans pro bono totius nationis. Ut iustitia et veritas semper praevaleant, In unoquoque corde et mente. [refrão]: [coro maiestuosus, orquestral completus, moderato]: Deus benedicat politicos Brasilianos, Ut populum servent cum honore et studio. Deus benedicat unumquemque civem, Nobis ducens in futurum unionis. [outro]: [orquestral completus, magna crescendo, adagio]: Deus benedicat Brasiliae nostrae, nationi nostrae, Cum honestitate et felicitate in singulis actionibus. Ut pax et prosperitas hic regnent, In futuro splendido et iusto aedificando.
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PATRIAM CROATIAN *********************************** Dipl.-Ing. Dražen Katić mr.sc.: Znanstveni skup "Škrinja povlastica - povijesno-filološke refleksije"!
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PATRIAM CROATIAN *********************************** Dipl.-Ing. Dražen Katić mr.sc.: Zagrebački Hackalthon 2024!
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PATRIAM CROATIAN *********************************** Dipl.-Ing. Dražen Katić mr.sc.: Energetski sektor - prilike i izazovi!
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