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i saw post on r.comedyhell, me suddenly get epiphnay
what if pataphysics horse?
so be it
pataphysics horse
horse can temporarily alter narrative, writing and show
above comment used to not have hoarse
♫♫pataphysic horse♫♫♫
collab between me and 𝓅𝒶𝓉𝒶𝓅𝒽𝓎𝓈𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁 𝒽𝑜𝓇𝓈𝑒
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paradoxguardian · 2 months
On: Dimensions
Space, and by some reckonings Time, is a structure of multiple dimensions. In your case, 'space' consists of three dimensions. These dimensions are largely Euclidean, as far as you have measured, and are joined by a single dimension of time to form the 'Space-time continuum'. This grand structure is then distorted by mass to produce gravity.
Of course, both space and time, while inseparable within your reality, are not inseparable conceptually. Spatial dimensions have two directions, no inherent motion, and need no granularity nor curvature limitations. Temporal dimensions, however, have two directions and require no granularity nor curvature, but may or may not have inherent motion. Some Temporal dimensions are 'spacelike': exhibiting no inherent motion, and in some cases having well defined granulation; whereas others are 'timelike': operating as time does in your world, sometimes with conditions.
Both of these are physical dimensions. However, there are other sorts of dimensions.
There are Metaphysical dimensions, including Pneuma, Makrinos, and Somnier.
Pneumal dimensions govern the interactions of the spiritual, where afterlives hide.
Makrinal dimensions govern the separation of worlds, often referred to as 'AUs', though this title is often mistakenly applied to structures along other dimensions.
Somnieral dimensions govern the motion of the mind away from the body when sleeping. This is a surprisingly common dimension across worlds, and yet often overlooked.
Finally, there are Pataphysical dimensions, of which I have cemented one: Narra.
Narral dimensions govern layers of 'realness'. Between two worlds, if one is Narrally superior to the other, then the second will appear to the first as fiction. Narral relationships are not necessarily transitive, nor are they really delineated in some circumstances.
Well, that's my ramble for tonight. I wish you well.
Uncle P-
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jareckiworld · 29 days
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Mario Persico (1930-2022) — The Alvi Seller [oil on canvas, 1959]
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rottingraisins · 1 year
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based on smth from a fic by my friend andrei @andrejstasiistais... men doomed by the narrative in YOUR area (the fish is only a mouthpiece, really)
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perelka-l · 1 year
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3999 | 7700 (two opposite sides of the same pataphysical coin)
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stoicmike · 7 months
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All the problems of metaphysics can be reduced to the proposition “There’s a lot of shit that we will never know.” -- Michael Lipsey
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shythalia · 5 months
SCP Wiki: We are announcing the writing contest for SCP-8000! The theme for this one is Fantasy! ^_^
SCP Community: Whoa! This means we'll have 9000 SCPs this year! *o*
SCP Foundation's Pataphysics Department: STOP WRITING MORE!!!!!
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dino--draws · 8 days
My wonderful friend tumblr user Mooseinjeans has fallen for my mental illness gambit I am thriving
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eruisapenguin · 3 months
Pataphysics Department AU
(SCP Foundation x Researcher!MC)
Sucks to be MC, huh.
CW: Reference for suicide
It was fuzzy, the memories, you couldn't remember clearly what had happened; painfully mundane it seemed, before. Then all light dimmed, edges stained with darkness. You thought you were fainting, that's fine, you were probably overexerting yourself like usual.
Then you find yourself restricted from receiving air, all oxygen taken away, panic immediately floods you. Were you being kidnapped after all?!
You tried to trash around—yet no muscle moved even an inch, paralyzed and suffocated…you wished to scream; for the whole world to listen. But you can't, you are stuck in a nightmare.
Help, please, somebody….anybody...you can't die now…you have so much to live for! Is this really the end? You don't want to die…
There's something…finally at last! Something other than an everlasting void…
It was spiral
Stretching and pulling before you.
You cannot breathe.
Your body jolted awake, trembling hand wrapped around an object—you can feel a cool metal pressed against your temple—to your shock it was a gun, what the fuck!? You threw it away, the gun clattered to silence below on the ceramic floor. What were you doing just now! Why do you have a gun, you don't remember owning one—and where the hell are you?!
It was an office, colored in white enough to drive a man insane. There are many scattered papers in front of you, on the desk. Is it your desk? Among other walls of printed text one caught your eye, a very familiar view since ever your brain rot over scp: containment breach.
The spiral gestalt.
Now hold on a fucking second—
So, from what you can gather. Your other universe's y/n is a researcher of the goddamned SCP Foundation, somehow they got a hold on D-9341—Dr. Walker’s spiral gestalt thingy and tried it on themself. Which had worked; almost entirely or not as what other y/n’s prediction.
Heck you don't even know what they intended to do with it, communicating? Save and load power?
Whatever it is, it's a mystery to you. But first, you need to get rid evidences of the experiment ever happening. You're not sure if you're even authorized to do this—hell D-9341 got demoted for it, you absolutely do not want to be a D-class or terminated.
Holy shit, could other y/n br a villain in making?
The paper was filled with ink, it was your own handwriting. Black, white, black, white, gray. Rather than the standard scp font you forgot the name of. It appeared to be quite obsessively written, the madness present even through the text. Yep, definitely a villain.
You sighed, putting it inside a paper shredder, then drenched the ruins with water inside a trash can. Now nobody will ever look twice at it. Your nose twitched at the smell of smudges of ink against your fingers.
Your other’s ID card hangs from your neck. Giving it a good look for once; the photo stares back with dead eyes, taunting. Name, age, birth year; all the same as yours.
Pataphysics department. Level three clearance, senior researcher.
How fun.
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sivavakkiyar · 10 months
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The Crucifixion, Considered as an Uphill Bicycle Race, by Alfred Jarry
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
I think macdennis as a concept should embrace being the singular exception that confirms the rule. That their mere perseverance through everything bends the fabric of time and space and genre. That they're allowed to twist the shows' essentials by throwing them off balance when they're not in harmony. That the fate of everything depends on them finding their peace in each other or bring everyone and everything down with them in their demise.
That their union is so strong they're able to bend sunny itself into an art house film/romcom just to get what they want once. That they can make up and shape their own reality together that they should've always had, or die trying.
Do Mac and Dennis go against the structure, or do they define what the structure is?
Or is their union the entire foundation on which everything stands?
Can they win against the will of the Gods themselves (RCG), can they earn this one chance to be freed from the prison of metatext? And be thrust from darkness into the light, like a baby being born, like an actor walking past the curtains?
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banesberry-anomoly · 2 months
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Falling through reality
Alts under cut
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jareckiworld · 3 months
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Hugh Weiss (1925-2007)—Delusional Course of Events [oil on canvas, 1975]
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sistersorrow · 11 months
I was surprised when I found out Placeholder McDoctorate is called that because his name was stolen by THE NAMELESS KIN OF THE WOODS BEYOND THE WORLDS cause my personal headcanon had always been that he was incomplete character that an SCP-001-SWANN entity had injected into the narrative before they'd even bothered to settle on a name for him
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phoneybeatlemania · 2 months
sometimes a girl thinks about maxwells silver hammer and
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zealthewhatever · 2 months
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Remake of an old comic of mine
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