#Passed english innit mate
Why did my dumbass think brackets were called ellipsis
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vampirevatican · 1 year
Heart Don't Stand a Chance
a record player starts, and the countess opens a book. “tonight, you'll hear the tale of two strangers growing closer. i hope you enjoy, delulutober!”
pairing - hobie brown x black! fem reader
genre/tags - MDNI, friends to lovers, unrequited/unconfessed love, smoking weed, extremely touch starved/cuddly but "we're just friends", smut, oral, groping, p in v sex, mating press, foreplay, teasing
summary - he talked you up from the club all the way to your place. you shared blunts, thoughts, and feelings, but somewhere along that road from strangers to friends something started to grow.
notes - 2.5k words, i heard this song. i thought about hobie bc as chill as he is, he carries himself like he's hot shit and even with that there is a depth to him. attempt at his british slang pattern, or bbe (black british english)... mighta blew my best work in the first half, ye.
Tonight was a clubbing kind of night. After the week you had it was crucial to go out looking the baddest and having a night on the town. You couldn't get carried away on drinks, had to drive yourself home, and didn't feel like dealing with ignorant men trying to get you wasted. Infact, you weren't gonna tolerate any nigga that tried to shoot his shot tonight. Yes you were the finest thing out here but that didn't mean you had to suffer their bullshit. Then he showed up, tall, dark and handsome.
"Hey there peng ting," and his voice, "thought I could chirps you for a bit." You let him, but find yourself rolling your eyes. "Alright boy, what's ya name?" You take the bait and with that cute accent of his he says, "Hobie, Hobie Brown. Yours?" Your heart, or something else, was already dead set on how hot he is and if the conversation went nice this exception would be worth it. It was, because he spent that night just talking to you. Sure he flirted but it felt more like a teasing banter than him being desperate for you to be in his bed.
He would've been drinking but decided to hold off for you, "Who needs Vera Lynn, when you're here, I'm already bein' entertained." You laughed and he swore he'd never hear a more beautiful sound. "So where's your ends, would've spotted a pretty bird like you a while ago." Hobie could feel that you were trying to stay guarded but you hadn't pushed him away or backed off. "Islington," She answered and took a sip of her drink with those shiny lips, "From outta the country for a bit. Call it a vacation and business trip." Her voice was like music to his ears and he couldn't get enough, "Ah, you're my neighbor then. Islington a straight shot to London, innit? If you're doing business, what's your business here then?" Basic small talk but he had gotten all the info he needed out of you then and there. Name, Occupation, Intrests and a couple other base line things along with hearing that lovely laugh.
It was far too long for the both of you to have felt such a spark and comfortability between another person. Sure he had his 'bredrin' but something about this was different, it was like there was more to it. The night flew by and even though the club was packed it felt like it was just you and him.
"So you usually frequent pubs like this?" You asked him and he simply shrugged, "A bit of a pass time. I see you've caught up with some of the slang, what do you get up to?" The conversation stayed like this, shooting questions back at each other, "When I ain't busy, I stick to my own. Foreign place and I'm not trying to get in no rubble." Occasionally flirting, "You're looking dench, ya always dress that sharp or is it just for me?" You ask and he compliments you right back. "Got pretty nice garms yourself. If you want it to be just for you, go ahead." He said, not shooting down your advances either.
With a drink or two, low in alcohol, for the both of you he offered to take this night out on the town with him as an escort. Both of you leaning against the bar and looking out at the sea of people he leaned down next to you and said, "Like a suitcase in here. Should head on out if we want the privacy." Something about that didn't sound like a terrible idea, so you agreed and let him hitch a ride in your car. Sharing playlists together on the ride back to your place, since he didn't really mind where he woke up and unbeknownst to you he was looking out for your comfortability and safety.
That was your first night in the UK you didn't spend alone. Yeah you had made some friends over here and sometimes there were sleepovers that consisted of binging shows, doing each other's hair or makeup. Some indoors and sometimes outdoors fun, but this was vastly different. His fine, lanky ass was waltzing through your apartment like he owned the place before plopping down dead center on the couch. Man spreading and arms outstretched on the back of the couch.
"What?" Hobie simply asked when he caught you staring. It wasn't like he minded it, infact he thought it was cute and it gave him time to stare when those pretty brown eyes focused somewhere else. It felt like you were tracing the outline of his body, sketching down the details instead of stripping him bare. " 's rude to stare, leng." He said, propping his hands behind his head and putting his boots on the coffee table, closing his eyes for a second before catching your gaze to see you try and hold back a smile as you rolled your eyes and shook your head. "You're bare brown, a damn mess." The way she mixed his slang and hers was cute too, 'We should mix like that...' he thought but shook it off as he picked up the remote to put something on the TV. Meanwhile in your room you decided to go ahead and unwind because, you're back home, it's late, and you'll be damned if you don't wash your face and get into something comfortable.
Hearing your footsteps he didn't even turn his head to address you at first, "Almost thought you'd leave me he-" He was cut off by a huge bonnet smacking him in the face. "Dumbass, it's my flat and if you spending the night; like i expect you to," you said muttering that one bit of expectations, "then put that on, no need to fuck up those nice locs when we skin folk." He obliged and felt you settle in beside him. It couldn't have been the drinks, so it had to be genuine, because looking at you in your bonnet and a huge sleep shirt was enough to make his heart skip a beat. She was definitely still leng without the makeup, fancy dress or accessories. "A bit rude to stare, innit?" and that beautiful voice.
Since that night you two have had smoke and jam seshes, movie nights, youtube, and streaming binges. You had gotten his number and address and would swing by anytime you could if he couldn't because you were 'neighbors'. Some nights he'd stay and spend some of the morning with you, and vice versa. Other times he had other things to do and so did you, or was it being petty? You weren't sure and couldn't quite understand it either. Though thinking on the nights before, as the sun rose, whenever you got in the shower or took a bath it felt like washing off glitter. Cleaning off the sparkle and shine his very presence filled you with, it was like any other mundane task and life returned to normal, until he came along again. Nights of watching some thing and laying your head on his shoulder, laying down in his lap, being held in his arms. Flopping down on your bed you let out the biggest sigh. If you loved him, it would be too much to handle. He couldn't feel the same way back, he's just really comfortable with you, right?
Tonight was just like any other night but the days before weren't. Each morning or late-night goodbye was reconciling with the thought of something more. Hobie couldn't get you out of his mind and every time you hung out he couldn't stop overthinking exactly what you thought of him. If it wasn't that it was focusing on you. How your soft brown skin felt against him, how you looked up at him, your lips either glossed over or baren, the shape of your body, the way you got more and more comfortable with him. Your head on his shoulder and watching the TV as you both commentated over a show you've seen more than once now. "Hobie?" your voice pulled him out of the trance you had always put him in, though the thoughts of fucking you didn't stop and they were just stronger now with you being so close. "You wanna take a hit or nah?" He could only nod and took the blunt from you, 'I am... way too horny to talk to this woman right now...' This was definitely true but from your perspective, it seemed like any other day, until you went to lay your head on his lap, and in an instant you were sitting on his lap.
You could feel just how hard he was through his sweatpants and now you were both just staring at each other. Brown eyes locked in a staring contest, waiting for a first move while drowning in each other's gaze. His hands slide up and down your sides and settle at your hips and you feel a shiver down your spine. "H...hobs," your voice was like a whisper as he got closer to you, "Yeah?" He broke his stare by looking at your slightly parted lips, and without another word, he kissed you. His kiss trails from your lips to your neck as he makes a low groan from you rocking your hips and wiggling ever so slightly. His hips slightly buck upwards as a whine leaks out from his lips, while he nuzzles your neck and whispers, "This has been on my mind, all day." Both of your grinding stops for a moment as your hands go to cup his face and force him to look at you directly. "Hobie, if you feel the way that I feel... then I trust you." With those words, he felt instant encouragement and a softness in his heart. He kissed you once more, just as passionately but it felt more intimate instead of heated.
Squeezing your hips and caressing your thighs brought the both of you back to your previous activities, and you continued to rub upon his grey sweatpants that had started this mess. Breaking the kiss once more, you rest your forehead on his shoulder and moan out to him. "Hobie, please... more." His hands were playing with the waistband of your shorts and hearing your plea he pulled them down, along with your panties, with your help. Now, straddling him you go to pull at his sweatpants, "Closed mouths don't get fed, if you want me to join ya just say so." He teased and you rolled your eyes, getting up off of him and then getting on your knees as you pulled off his sweatpants. His cock sprung out and you licked your lips, he could've sworn his heart skipped a beat. Stroking him and kissing up and down his shaft, maintaining eye contact you tease him back, "Hm? What is it Hobie, did you want more." You say before licking slowly from the base and up to his tip, feeling his hips shudder and another whine escape his lips. He didn't need to ask, feeling your mouth take him in before he could say anything. His hands gripping the couch cushion he was sitting on as you sucked him off, stopping for a moment and taking one of his hands and placing it on your twists. "You can touch, like I said I trust you." Feeling the long twists in his hands and stroking your head he smiled, "Thank you." Taking his length back into your mouth you hummed in approval, continuing where you left off.
Just as he was about to cum you stopped and he let out a laugh and groan, "What now baby?" Hearing that pet name made your heart soar as you stood up and sat on his lap again, taking off your shirt and bra, back pressed to his chest as you rested your head on his shoulder again. "You're either gonna fuck me hard or reciprocate, Id like both though." Your breath against his ear gave him goosebumps, and he swallowed hard. His hard-on slightly twitched from your words and you slid your slit up and down his shaft, the slick spreading across him.
Without saying a word he started to rub circles into your clit, the right amount of pressure that made you hips chase his hand while still grinding on him. His other hand made it's way to one of your tits as he kissed and licked at you neck. Your moans filled the room and after enough foreplay you guided him into your hole and started to ride him. Hips rolling back and forth as he thrusted upwards and kept you steady on him by holding your hips.
In the moment you turn to look at him and his gaze was focused on where you swallowed him whole, he looked as entranced as any other time you caught him just looking at you. You whisper in his ear, "You fit so good inside, filling me up just rig-ht!" Your voice becomes a slight screm of surprise as he turns you around and picks you up, standing, with him still inside. Feeling you clench around him he chuckles and you drop your head on his shoulder. "Aw, you were close huh?" He coos to you as he moves to your bedroom and lays you down on the bed. When he slides himself out you can't help but let out the most desperate whine, but it's then replaced with some silence as you feel him lift your legs. Knees pressed to you shoulders,"Don't worry, gonna fill you right up again." Your heart beat quickens and your skin feels so hot that only standing in a freezer could cool you down, after hearing those words against your ear. He slams himself back in and sit for a second drinkng in your loud scream and you falling apart on his cock. He then rode you through the mid point of your orgasm, riling you up all over again.
You woke up the next morning with him by your side, your limbs tangled with eachother. Neither of you left eachother that morning and when he had to go he kissed your forehead. The next week that followed was radio silence on both ends and from that night you couldn't deny it anymore. It was more than just the sex, it was his prescene alone in any context that put you on cloud nine. A feeling like this was few and far inbetween and you couldn't resist when he offered to hang out again, this time at his house boat.
Laying side by side on his mattress, looking at the stars through the sun roof, you didn't cuddle up to him like you usually did. "What's wrong?" He simply asked and you looked over to find his gaze lazer focused on you. "You love me right?" Is all you could manage, word vomit, a ridiculous question but he didn't think of it as such. Pulling you closer to him as he wrapped his arms around you and stroked your hair, still in those long and pretty twists. "Of course I do, and I promise I ain't going no where."
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dasillypacowaco · 10 months
First met.
So, Pim and Hobie actually met 3 times before they start getting to know each other so we're gonna go through all those times bc I'm bored.
The sound of people chattering and doing their things filled the spider society HQ. Pim just got recruited a week ago and was already overwhelmed by how much spider-people there actually are, and he was a bit scared as well.
Pim walked around the HQ, trying to find his way around with confusion when he bumped into someone, or maybe that someone bumped into him, he wasn't sure. But what he sure was that he fell onto his butt while hearing a deep male voice with cockney accent said,
"sorry, mate, my bad."
Pim looked up, but the person seems to be gone already, leaving him puzzled and a tiny bit upset.
An hour and a half... it's been an hour and a half since Pim has been tapping his foot furiously, grumbling and walking around in circles as he waited on something. Or rather someone.
"ugh, where the fuck is that guy!?"
Pim was on a mission, a mission that Miguel has assigned him on with another spider-person. He doesn't know who they are but he knows one thing, he already hated them. Who leave their co-worker waiting for an hour and a half on a mission!? They better have one hell of a good reason.
Then, the sound of portal coming from behind Pim making him jumped slightly as he turned around and ready to see what kind of person made him waited this long.
Jumping out from the opened portal was a tall, lanky Spider-Man with punk style clothing and spikes everywhere. Pim was...intimidated, to say the least. In his universe it was a slight cyber-punk world with an entire different fashion, so seeing some dressed like that was not an usual thing.
"Let just get this over with, yeah?"
The punk guy walked pass Pim. His voice was deep and his accent was thick. Pim, being a none native English speaker, barely made out what the guy said.
"Hey! Do you know how long I've been waiting for you!? Where were you!??"
"I don't believe in time."
...what? Pim was confused, upset, frustrated, and hated this man's gut.
After the mission (which was not a pleasant mission) he found out that the guy he just went on a mission with was Hobart "Hobie" Brown from E-138. He made sure to remember his name and tell Miguel not to pear him up with that guy ever again or he'll quit.
Pim jumped out of the portal, into HQ with a tied up anomaly in his arms and Gwen Stacy, or Ghost-spider by his side. They just finished a mission together and surprisingly, they've become a really good friend despite the fact that they went on only one mission together.
After dealing with the anomaly, Gwen leaded Pim through the HQ to meet her friend. She wanted them to be friends as well since they both are really good friends to her.
"So...Pim, this is Hobie. Hobie, this is Pim!"
Glaring. The only thing Pim gave Hobie was an intense glare. He didn't expect this, and didn't like this at all. Though, he couldn't deny that Hobie was...kinda attractive without his mask but that's not the point.
"Ay! It's you, lad! Little grumpy mate! Been a while, innit?"
Pim decided that he can't deal with this today. He turned around instantly and walked away from the two. Gwen was confused, but Hobie seems to be amused as he scoffed and watched Pim walked away.
"wait- you guys know each other?"
Later date on, Gwen tried to convince Pim that Hobie wasn't as bad as he thinks and to give the man a chance. So Pim started to hang out with Gwen and Hobie, and also Pavitr more. He still hate Hobie's gut though, but admir how he stands up for what he believes in and how he cares about his friends.
If the grammar was messed up or wrong please don't attack me, English is not my first language I'm so sorry
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disappointingyet · 1 year
Rye Lane
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Director Raine Allen-Miller Stars Vivian Oparah, David Jonsson UK 2023 Language English 1hr 22mins Colour
Top-notch romcom that strolls the streets of SE15 and SW9
The test I (probably unfairly) apply to anything filmed somewhere I know well is: does the geography make sense? If, for instance, the characters buy takeaway food and then the next time you see them, they are in the park, is that park somewhere you would logically walk to from the market you were just in?
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The Ritzy, innit?
Rye Lane passes that test again and again. For anyone who has spent a lot of time in Peckham and Brixton, there are bountiful moments of familiarity, generally unpunctured by the thought ‘Hang on…’
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But we’re here to figure whether this works as a film, not just whether it appeases pedantic locals. The huge pleasing news is yes: it’s extremely funny and fantastically likeable.
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It all starts in the non-gendered toilets of a Peckham art gallery, where Dom (David Jonsson) is sobbing and Yas (Vivian Oparah) is trying to have a piss. A few minutes later, they formally meet – he’s a friend of Nathan (Simon Manyonda – getting maximum value from limited screen time), the photographer exhibiting, she’s a mate of Cass, Nathan’s girlfriend (Poppy Allen-Quarmby). Dom and Yas leave at the same time, and at some point, they go from walking in vaguely the same direction to deliberately walking together, and this turns to into a long, and eventually incident-packed day together.
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Although much of is shot in real places, the filming style is not realistic. There’s frequent use of fisheye lenses, and there are things such as Dom giving his account of something that happened at a cinema, that being reconstructed for us on screen, and then when we get back to them talking, Yas has a box of movie popcorn in her hand. 
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The film has a distinctive look, with lots of bright colours in the costumes and around the place.
Some things I think it’s worth saying about Rye Lane. The first is that this film isn’t here to dismantle the rules of the romcom. It stays within genre lines – but manages to make most of that stuff feel fresh again.
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The second is that this is a film with a black director and predominantly black cast that mostly takes place in Peckham and Brixton, two of the flashpoints of the gentrification debate. That’s not a debate this film gets itself involved in. There are absurd white Peckham hipsters on show, but there are also absurd black hipsters too. This is not, repeat not, a criticism of Rye Lane – just a clarification of what it is and what it isn’t. (If that’s the film you are after, try this.) Instead, we get a mixture of young folk having fun with occasional warmly affectionate portraits of family life.
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Thirdly, the film is not straining to be a snapshot of the culture right now. It’s not dense with this month’s slang, and the two songs and one album-on-vinyl that get key moments in the film are from the late 1980s and early’90s – ie before the characters were born and thus safely timeless.
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I think Rye Lane gets the crucial things right: it’s properly funny, the characters make sense, the sense of place is terrific. It’s good enough to do the transport-related romcom ending without making me too grumpy. I love movies with two people walking around chatting, and this is the best I’ve seen in a long time.  (PS: not sure how it's doing elsewhere, but it's still seems to be in most South London cinemas a month after its release, so the locals are loving it.)
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runningtwiceasfast · 3 years
I’ve Never Not Wanted You
This is my contribution to the Hinny Ficfest organized by the wonderful @clarensjoy - Thank you for organizing and for the fantastic contributions. I haven’t published a fic in awhile and this one is very not proofread and rough but I wanted desperately to contribute something. I hope you don’t mind this one is under the wire! Eventually I will post a cleaned up version on AO3, but in the meantime I hope you enjoy!
Prompt: “I’ve never not wanted you”
“You have to come to dinner tonight. Mum has invited another suitor and we are all going to want to watch the bloodbath.” Ron’s mouth was full of curry, so it was hard to make out exactly what he meant, but the gist was an invite for dinner.
Harry scowled in response and pushed his food away from him, suddenly having lost his appetite.
“When will Molly stop? After Ginny has killed someone?”
Ron gave a barking laugh. “Maybe. It’s hard to stop a determined Weasley though.”
“So, who is more determined? Molly to marry Ginny off or Ginny to resist?” Harry wondered out loud, still staring at his noodles as if they had offended him.
Shrugging, Ron reached over and helped himself to Harry’s discarded lunch. “Mum just wants Ginny to be happy. Wizards marry pretty young in our world and everyone else has mostly coupled off,” Ron pointed his chopsticks at Harry. “Well, except you mate.”
Harry frowned.
“I’ve been busy,” he finally said, and Ron gave a series of nods.
“Of course. Ridding the world of unstoppable evil and what not. I’m sure that’s why Mum is focused on Ginny and not you.”
“That’s a bit of a double standard, isn’t it?” Harry asked, irritated at the way the conversation had changed. The last thing he wanted to talk about was his sorry dating life. Or Ginny’s for that matter.
“The entire wizarding world is a double standard innit? Best to just make the best to just make the best of it and enjoy the show.”
Harry merely gave a small noise of assent, turning back to his noodles to find them completely gone. He looked up at Ron’s sheepish look.
“I thought you were done.”
Avoiding the floo network entirely, Harry opted to apparate to the Burrow, pausing outside the familiar door to collect his thoughts.
Using his free hand, he smoothed down his shirt and jeans, his other hand grasping the bottle of red wine Arthur had mentioned he liked the last time they had dined together at Grimmauld Place. He rose his hand to knock, but the door swung open before his fist even made contact.
“Harry! You’ve come to save me!” Harry was rather unprepared for the sight of Ginny, fresh faced and beautiful, greeting him at the door and found himself unable to say much of anything other than a grumbled hello as he shoved the bottle of wine at her.
She was wearing a simple black cotton dress that hugged her waist and flared out at the bottom. Her hair was down and bouncing around her shoulders. He gestured stupidly at his ears.
“You are wearing the earrings.”
She gave a tinkling laugh and pushed her hair behind her ear so he could see more clearly the diamond studs that he had given her last Christmas. “I’ve practically never taken them off. They are gorgeous. Probably one of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten.” She smiled at him sincerely and he felt his heart rate accelerate uncomfortably.
“I’m glad you like them so much.” He smiled back at her and they remained that way, smiling at each other silently before Ginny was called rather abruptly from the other room.
She gave a grimace in response. “She’s invited Ernie Macmillan over can you believe it? Him and Hermione are currently fighting over some horribly boring historical fact in the other room and she expects me to marry this man?” She rolled her eyes and Harry gave a weak laugh in response.
Learning up, she gave him a light kiss on the cheek, her hand resting on his arm. “It’s so lovely to see you, Harry. Please feel free to rescue me from inane conversation as you see fit.”
She floated away and he stood there struck rather dumb for a few moments.
Following the trail of voices from the entryway, Harry entered the living area to various greetings. It appeared he was one of the last to arrive and he grabbed a butterbeer and joined in where Ron and George were huddled together by the fireplace.
“I think the formula is off. People shouldn’t be incapacitated. Just unconscious for a short while.”
George shook his head. “They are fine if you just poke them—Harry! You’ve come to join us!” George gave him a broad smile that Harry couldn’t help but reciprocate.
“Is this for something you’ve already invented, or you have created something else to wreak havoc on the wizarding public?”
“Harry my dear boy, I’m not sure why it can’t be both,” George said sincerely causing Harry to snort into his bottle.
Ginny’s laughter brought their attention to where she was standing in the center of the room with Ernie.
Ron frowned. “Maybe mum actually found a winner.”
They watched as Ginny laughed again at something Ernie said, her hand placed on his arm.
“Apparently he works with Percy. Probably in the Department of who has the biggest stick up their arse,” George laughed to himself.
Harry frowned as he watched Ernie with his patrician features and pedigree push a tendril of crimson hair behind Ginny’s ear causing her to blush.
“What did that bottle do to you mate?” Ron joked and Harry looked down at the tight grip he was maintaining on his butterbeer. He loosened his grip and stretched his fingers.
Molly’s appearance in the room quieted most conversations as she herded everyone into the dining area where amazing smells were wafting. It required gymnastics in order for everyone to get into the magically enhanced room.
“No no Ginny. Don’t sit there. Sit over here by Ernie,” Molly smiled warmly at the tall boy. Ernie smiled back in a way that made Harry’s hand flinch towards his wand, imagining all the new curses he had recently mastered in his second year auror training.
“Mum it took me straining my hop to even get a seat. I’m going to stay right here,” she turned to Harry who suddenly realized how close she was. “You are ok with that right Harry?” Her eyes widened slightly and he managed to cotton on.
“Er yes sorry Molly. Ginny is fine here.” She gave him a brilliant smile and nudged his shoulder with hers.
“I think I’ve lost some of my brain cells.” Harry had to resist flinching as he felt her breath brush his hair as Ginny leaned over and whispered to him.
He gave a tight-lipped smile. “You seemed rather fond of this one,” he whispered in return to her causing her to wave a hand at him dismissively.
“I’m just trying to be nice. If I hex this one she will just bring in someone worse. I heard Malfoy was keen,” she gave a dramatic shiver, her impish smile telling another story.
Harry felt a rush of relief he tried not to analyze. “Molly can keep on bringing by all the unsuitable young men of the English wizarding world if it means I get to sit next to you.” The words are soft and filled with way too much feeling and for one frightening heartbeat he wished he could take them back.
She remained silent, grabbing a dinner roll form the passed tray and fidgeting with it between her hands. “Harry, you shouldn’t say such things to me,” she finally said mildly, refusing to look at him. “I might start getting ideas.”
Impulsively he reached for one of her hands, forcing her to drop the bread. He pulled her hand under the table and squeezed it gently.
They sat with hands clasped under the table, but otherwise ignoring each other, answering direct questions but otherwise staying mostly silent. Harry thought he saw Ginny’s face was rather shiny and he wondered what he looked like. Probably pale white and sickly.
“Ginny, how goes the season? Should I be placing my Harpy’s bets now?” Ernie asked Ginny directly causing her to drop Harry’s hand and inhale shakily.
“Oh, I’m just reserve for now. But a bet on the Harpies is always a safe bet,” Ginny gave a wicked smile causing the table to collectively give a ruckus laugh.
“Ernie, you know Ginny is the youngest reserve chaser in the league,” Molly boasted, and Harry noticed Ginny resist rolling her eyes.
“Mum, I’m so glad you support my career choice now.” The words were biting but the soft look in her eyes made Harry think Ginny actually meant them.
Harry stole a look at Justin. To his disgust the boy was looking at Ginny rather starry eyed. It isn’t like Harry could blame him; a similar look frequently graced his own face.
He was rather sick of it all though. The constant parade of unworthy men being thrust at Ginny.
The rather petulant thought that Molly had never asked him to be one of those unworthy men flew through his brain unhelpfully. Perhaps everyone had given up on the possibility of him and Ginny ever making it work.
They had made it work though. For a few blissful months they had been something new and delicate and untouchable. Frequently Harry thought back to some of those times. Of walks around the school, hands clasped and of breathless goodbyes leaving them both wanting and late for class.
Ever since the war Harry had been trying to pick up the pieces, but it had been hard and often he had found himself rather aimless. Without even realizing it, he had found that he had pulled back on all the ties that bound him-rarely coming by the Burrow, never seeing friends other than around the office and busying himself with work and tracking down rogue Death Eaters.
He had finally looked up and while he had stayed in the same spot, everyone else had moved on. Ron had ditched the aurors and found his calling with George in the joke shop. Hermione had proven herself immensely capable apart from him in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.
And Ginny had graduated from Hogwarts and immediately absconded to Harpy training camp.
Unfortunately, in all his chosen one lessons with Dumbledore, the wise wizard had never told him what happens after the bad guy has been slain. What happens to the chosen one when he’s done being chosen?
In this instance it seemed as if Harry was doomed to sit there and watch as everyone he loved moved on without him. Bitterly he looked down at the roast on his plate, moving the discarded pees around with his fork.
“You gonna finish that?” Harry looked up to find he was almost done at the table, Ron leaning over him, fork in hand.
Scowling, Harry pushed his plate towards Ron who tucked in happily. “Ernie left a bit ago,” Ron said, in between bites. Harry’s eyes snapped up at that.
“Why would I care whether or not Ernie had left?” Harry snarked at him, frowning when Ron paused his eating to give Harry a knowing look.
“Either way, Ginny is in the backyard if you want to talk to her,” Ron scooped up some mashed potatoes. “Or not.” He shrugged.
Harry pushed away from the table and paused in front of the living room. He could hear the rest of the Weasley’s making their normal noises and he hesitated before joining, his eyes straying to the backyard where Ron had said Ginny was.
Whatever gravitational pull Ginny had made the decision for him as Harry turned and slipped out the door.
She was silhouetted against the starry sky, the light of the moon reflecting off her hair in a way that made his throat dry. He approached her slowly and she turned at his footsteps, giving him a warm smile.
“I came out to get some fresh air,” she told him unnecessarily and he plopped down next to her, his arm brushing hers. “These family gatherings can be a lot,” she said, her voice so quiet he could barely hear her, but that’s probably more to do with the quick sound of his heartbeat in his ears.
Feeling that same impulsive urge he had felt during dinner that let him hold her hand, he lifted his arm up and over her shoulders. They both froze at the contact, but before he could regret it, she leaned in, setting her head on his shoulder.
“Where did Ernie go?” Harry asked eventually, that familiar monster roaring in his chest.
Ginny leaned even further into his side. “He got an owl, had to go into the office.” Her hair brushed against his neck and he caught a whiff of her comforting flower scent that hadn’t changed since sixth year.
“Did you want him to stay?” He asked her, the darkness giving him some sort of courage.
She shook her head. “Not really. He wasn’t as bad as the other’s, but he’s not really who I want,” she said, voice low and husky.
Finally, she sighed deeply and pulled away, pulling her knees under the skirt of her dress and into her stomach.
“At least he seemed to want me,” she mumbled, and Harry took a deep breath, tired of always waiting for the right moment.
“I’ve never not wanted you, Ginny.”
Amazingly, the words didn’t sound weak or pathetic out loud like they did in his head. Instead, all he felt was relief.
The sound of a sharp intake of breath was the only indication that he had been heard. Summoning his Gryffindor courage, he looked up at Ginny. She was staring at him, eyes wide.
“You want me?” She asked finally, incredulously.
He ran a hand through his hair nervously. “Watching your mum parade those boys in front of you has been a special kind of hell for me Gin. I miss you.” They aren’t the most eloquent words, but they are the ones he had.
“Then why didn’t you say anything, you stupid arse?” Ginny finally spit out and Harry let out a choke of laughter.
“I’m an idiot?” He told her helpfully and she shook her head, a fond smile on her face.
“Can you come closer Harry? I need to smack you,” she laughed, and Harry obliged, scooting back towards her until there was no space between them, his body tingling in anticipation.
“So no more set ups from your mum?” He asked, moving his face toward hers so close he could feel each breath she took, could count the freckles on her face from just the soft light of the stars.
“Harry I can confidently tell you I will no longer let my mum dictate my romantic life from here on out,” she giggled and Harry fought the smile that threatened to climb up his cheeks.
“Harry,” she said, drawing his attention back to her and her lips.
“I’ve never not wanted you to kiss me,” she said before closing the small gap between them, her soft, sweet lips under his. Suddenly all the pining and scowling became worth it as he rolled them over, her body under his, molding to each other as if reminding him that they’ve done this before.
As he kissed and kissed her, lips trailing down her neck, he sent a silent thank you to whatever work emergency had claimed Ernie’s attention. Tonight and forever Ginny was his. And he set about showing her over and over.
“Ernie Macmillan? Really?” Ron took a noisy bite of his biscuit.
“I don’t know what you are talking about, Ronald,” Molly tutted, waiving her wand so the corresponding feather duster would wipe down the windows properly.
“I just want you to know that I know what you did,” Ron shrugged, gesturing out the window Molly was cleaning to where Harry and Ginny were clearly engaged in some unwholesome activities.
Molly smiled at the image the pair made before closing the curtain and turning back towards her youngest son.
“Don’t you have your own home?” He lifted his hands in surrender before leaving the room. Molly watched as he disappeared from view. Really, what was she supposed to do? Let them pine away for each other forever? No, she did the right thing. She did feel a little bad poor Ernie would have to go all the way into work to find that emergency cauldron bottom situation wasn’t quite the emergency that ministry owl had made it seem. But the boy had gotten a home cooked meal for dinner so he surely made out alright.
Smiling one more time to herself, a very satisfied Molly Weasley set about cleaning dishes, brainstorming how she might next get Percy to dinner along with that nice young man Oliver Wood.
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Dream SMP High School AU
pt 1
so many people loved this AU so here’s my little ficlet on the TA’s adventures! This one is SBI centric and we’ve also got some Tubbo and Ranboo!
(based of this post)
On the third day of school, Teacher-Assistant assignments are posted. Ms. Puffy treks through the halls smiling at new bright-eyed freshman and shakes her head at the hoard of hopeful seniors following behind her to the library where the list is posted. 
“Everyone will get to take a look! Mr. Minecraft and I worked extensively on the list and there will be no changes! The teachers and I are so excited to help foster your growth as a-” Puffy tried to give her inspirational speech but was cut off by the shrieks of joy, excitement, terror, anger, and every other emotion high strung teenagers could have. 
Tubbo walked straight up to her, “I got Sam right?” while the other kids were crowding the list beyond hopeful for their advisor Tubbo knew he would be Sam since he took every computer science class in his freshman year.
“If I told you no would you believe me?” Puffy winked, Tubbo shook his head with a laugh and started off toward the science wing. Unfortunately for him, a familiar screech made him spin on his heel. 
“WHAT THE FUCK” Puffy stiffened, took a deep breath, and located the voice as one TommyInnit. In a few angry strides he was towering over her as he began screeching. “I requested Wilbur, or even big man Philza, or hell, I probably could’ve made do with Sam and Tubbo! But Wastaken’s shit class? What do you take me for? Wilbur doesn’t even have a fuckin’ TA this year? You’d better change me right the hell now if you know what’s good for you.” 
Puffy sighed, she knew this was coming. “Tommy, Mr. Minecraft and I went over this, and we really think you can grow a lot with Dre- Mr. Wastaken this year. You truly have knack for physics and we think your creativity will add to his class. Trust me here Tommy, this is gonna be a great year!” Puffy tried to keep a calm smile on her face, but her saving grace was Wilbur himself coming up to her. 
Wilbur looked disheveled, it was writing season for the fall musical after all, but he had a massive grin as he approached the pair. “Pufffayyy! How will I repay you, or was it Philza? God do I have to give my condolences to Dream but a year with no TA is a good year for me! Say- Tommy! You ready for physics?” Wilbur clapped the shorter boy on the back with a teasing grin. Wilbur would poke fun at Tommy but he truly wanted the world for his favorite student. Puffy wasn’t going to be the one to tell Tommy it was actually Wilbur who had the idea of putting Tommy with Dream, Wil was always telling everyone he could that Tommy would be great and he was determined to let him shine even if it meant living TA-less for a year. 
“Wilbur you have to let me switch I cannot lose senior year to physics.” Tommy faked a gag but Wilbur was quick to chime in, “Oh no, you’re doing it. But my door is always open you know. Also you should be happy- isn’t the physics classroom one door down from the computer science room?” Wilbur always knew how to get Tommy’s attention elsewhere.  
“It is... speaking of which, Tubbo, we have to go set up our TA studies next to each other!” Tommy turned on his heel, nodding to his best friend as the two bolted through the hallway towards the science wing.
“You sure about this Wil?” Puffy glanced as the library which now had the teachers looking at their own pair-ups. One physics teacher looked less than excited. 
“The world isn’t ready for TommyInnit. Hell, Tommy isn’t ready, but he’s gonna do big things. Trust me Puffy.” Wilbur said with a grin, heading over to congratulate Dream on his new understudy. 
On the other side of the school Philza sat with a different senior.
“Ranboo my boy, I promise you this year’s going to be great! Mate, you’re one of the brightest students in this school. And trust me, Techno’s a great guy. He likes to have the reputation but he’s a real softie once you get to know ‘em! I wouldn’t assign you to him if I didn’t believe in you!” Phil placed a reassuring hand on the anxious senior in front of him. 
Ranboo’s voice was shakier than normal, “I-I just- it’s only my second year here. I barely know where the english classroom is! Also, I didn’t take advanced english here so how will I even be any help? Doesn’t Mr. Blade hate all the non AP students?” Ranboo rambled but Phil knew he was just nervous. 
“Everything happens for a reason mate, now go on down and pick a study wing with the other TA’s. It’s your senior year! It’s gonna be great.” Ranboo gave him a slight nod, thanking him for his time as he scurried out of Phil’s office. Phil couldn’t deny the Ranboo and Techno pair up was his idea, last year he saw something in Ranboo that was so innately intelligent and bright he knew Ranboo’s thoughtful ideas could impress anyone, even “The Blade” as the students called Techno. 
Phil yawned, he was exhausted and it was only day three of the school year. Just as he was about to dive into paperwork he go a call from the front office manager saying he had guests. With a sigh he got up, giving slight waves to his teachers as they made their way through the office to pickup paperwork and whatnot he noticed two familiar figures sitting directly across from each other. As he entered the main office both stood up.
“Phil, the newbie? Kid hasn’t even passed my class how am I supposed to make a TA out of him?-”
“TommyInnit? Tommy-freaking-Innit. Is this a joke? What’s your play here?-”
They both stopped, looking at the other. 
“Dream.” They greeted each other curtly. 
It was always a funny sight seeing the two interact. AP Physics and AP English were known as the two most challenging, and iconic classes in the school- and their teachers held themselves to that standard. Many compared the two, debating who was the better teacher, with the better class content, or more rigorous academics, but honestly Philza wouldn’t have it any other way. Dream and Techno pushed each other in the best way possible, and the students always benefited from their competitive nature. 
“I see you two saw the TA assignments.” Phil mused, beckoning them down back to his own office. The two scuffled for who got to walk directly behind him but Techno took the lead. 
“So, as I understand, you’re both reasonably confused with your seniors, but trust me: those are two of the brightest students here, and they’ll both impress you as the year goes on.” Phil laughed at himself at their similarities, deciding he could play into the competitiveness of the two teachers in front of him. Phil continued, “Now, before either of you start I’ve got this to say. Ranboo and Tommy are both gifted in their subjects. Techno, I know you haven’t taught Ranboo everything he knows but that kid will give you a run for your wits, and I trust that you can shape him into a great scholar. Dream, you’ve got Tommy. I’m assuming Wil has already explained Tommy’s capability, your job is to inspire him. Both of you have two of the best kids in my school, and you better appreciate it. I would hate to see either of you drop the ball.” Phil leaned back in his chair, watching the two think his statement over.
Dream was the first to speak up, “I never drop the ball.”
Techno scoffed, “Good luck with Tommy, this Ranboo kid sounds pretty great anyways.”
This got Dream in the game, “Tommy’ll be double the student you could make Ranboo.”
“That so? Not with your teaching.” Techno shot back playfully. 
And just like that, Phil knew Dream and Technoblade would give their students the best education they could, he just hoped the kids could hang with the crazy teachers in front of him. 
“Did this day feel like the length of a month or just me?” Puffy slumped into the chair across from Phil. Phil answered, “it felt liked a month. But I just know this year’s gonna be good.” Puffy nodded in agreement. 
“Glad you’re feeling good, ‘cuz I’m 99% sure Tubbo’s programming a device to hack the school intercom. And I cannot deal with another week of Wii Shop music playing over our loudspeakers like last year.” Puffy laughed, but there was a clear wince in her tone.
“God that kid’s unstoppable isn’t he.” Phil pinched the bridge of his nose. Almost like clockwork a familiar tune started blaring over the intercom. Phil and Puffy jumped from their desks, headed straight to the comp sci room.
That’s part one! Mostly just setting stuff up but it was still pretty fun! I’ll probably get a taglist going for this series so message me or send an ask if you want updates! Also, there will probably be some spin-off style parts including DNF or KarlNap but those will have warnings for those not interested. 
Thanks! <3
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arctic-whispers · 4 years
Please stop embarrassing yourself. Being an Americaboo isn't funny, cute, cool or whatever you think it may be. The truth is, it makes you look very desperate for attention and sad.
????? lmfao wot ?????
I’m British and am quite proudly(?) so 😂 I’m not an “Americaboo” - if this is im reference to my post the other day about the citizenship test thing I only posted that because I thought it was ironic that I failed my own country’s (the first time at least .. the other ones I passed) and passed another country’s :/ would’ve posted the same thing if it were Ireland or Australia or any other country lmfao. Oh and to clarify as to why I did the US one and not the Irish or Australian etc - it’s because I took Politics a level and one the topics was about American Politics and I’d heard there were references to politics in the civics test. Just thought it’d be interesting to see how they overlapped or whatever lmfao
Do I find America interesting? Yes. Would I like to visit? Sure. Do I want to be American?? No. Because I love my country and I’m British. I’m not entirely sure what else to say on this matter, tbh, except mind your own business- especially when you’re judging someone you (most likely) don’t based on a few posts that you’ve clearly misinterpreted xoxo
This bit is for anyone else reading this - please don’t assume you know someone based on their tumblr account because people don’t post everything about themselves, naturally. The image of someone is gonna be different depending on the app innit. Like if one were to look at my Facebook and compare it to my Instagram and Twitter and Tumblr they’d likely get a different perspective and picture. I’m not entirely sure I’m getting my point across here because I’m not the best with words. But, to summarise ig I’m kinda trying to say that people aren’t exactly as they appear online & one shouldn’t be so quick to make snap judgements on people..
If this ask was intended as a kind message to save me from some kinda embarrassment, then I apologise for my sharp tone in this. However, to assume that I am an Americaboo or smth because I posted about doing a practice civics test - out of curiosity - and a few posts back I mentioned doing a fake accent is a bit of a stretch mate lmfao... an interest in a culture or country does not automatically translate to obsession or a want to be a part of that country or culture. I am happily English/British & have no intention of gaining citizenship anywhere else to be perfectly honest.
And on that note I’m off to bed because it’s 1am here :))
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afirethatcannotdie · 8 years
Fake fic game thing: "I'll Let You Stay (If You Do Something I Like)"
this is a fic where harry’s doing this solo backpacking ~~finding himself~~ trip. he’s already been to paris, where he drank plenty of wine and kissed a handsome french guy in a club, and he got high in amsterdam and had a long philosophical chat with the girl in the grocery store when he was buying chocolate chip cookies. he touched the berlin wall and went to the checkpoint charlie museum and ate really good pretzels.
and then he gets to his hostel in prague and it’s late at night and he crawls into the nearest bed he sees. and he gets woken up in the middle of the night by a guy shaking him awake, and he can’t really make sense of anything.
“you’re in my bed, mate,” the guy says. “hello? d’you even speak english?” 
“i do,” harry grumbles, “but i’m asleep.”
“well you’re in my bed. so where am i supposed to sleep?”
“just get in with me,” harry says, already turning back to the wall. “but no funny business.”
so when he wakes up, he’s got a boy in his bed and it takes him a couple seconds to wonder if he slept with him last night; it wouldn’t be the first time. but no, the guy assures him in response to harry’s unasked question, they didn’t sleep together.
“i’m louis,” he says, shaking harry’s hand. “figure that’d be good to know now that we’ve spent a night together.”
“harry. pleasure.” 
louis gets out of bed and leaves for a shower. harry doesn’t see him again until later that night, his legs exhausted from a full day of exploring, when harry’s in the communal kitchen cooking his dinner.
“hi,” louis says when he strolls in, peering down at the pot curiously, “what are you making?”
“spag bol,” harry says, and for the first time he gets a good look at louis. he’s a bit shorter, but he’s got this energy that seems to make up for his height. he’s handsome, sharp cheekbones and bright blue eyes. the kind of guy harry wishes he could spend a night with for real.
“make me some, will you?” louis asks, pulling up a stool at the counter and watching harry work. harry’s too taken aback by his boldness to do anything but nod. after all, louis let him share his bed; he owes him.
“sorry about last night,” harry says, stirring the pasta idly. “didn’t know it was your bed.”
“s’okay. i actually slept better last night than i have in weeks.” he looks a bit sheepish as he says it.
they share dinner and talk about the common aspects of their lives and what they’re doing in prague. (“not drinking enough beer, that’s for sure,” is what louis says.) it turns out that louis was supposed to go on a trip with his boyfriend, but two weeks before they left he found out the boyfriend was cheating on him.
“so i said, fuck him, and went off on me own. it’s freeing, innit? to do something by yourself?”
harry smiles, watching the way louis’ face lights up at that. “it is, yeah.”
“hey, you fancy getting a drink when we’re done here?”
when they get back to the room later that night, both a bit tipsy, they find out that the room is still short a bed. “just share with me again,” louis says, tugging his wrist down to pull him in with him. “it’ll be fine.”
harry grins, and when he wakes up in the morning, it’s to his arms wrapped around louis’ waist. 
they carry on like this for three more days: daily adventures followed by nights out, secrets passed between each other and hundreds of laughs shared. louis is captivating, the way he launches into adventures with no fear and tells dumb jokes that make harry giggle endlessly. “i’m leaving for barcelona tomorrow,” louis confesses over breakfast in a low tone on that final day. “i already booked the flight last week.”
harry looks crestfallen; obviously louis had to leave at some point, but he doesn’t want it to be now. there’s something there between them, unacknowledged and heavy. at a club that night, four stories high and rainbow flashing lights distorting his vision, he pulls louis to him, grinding up against him. they stay like this for an entire song, harry trailing his lips along louis’ neck, until louis turns in his arms and leans forward to kiss him. he tastes of beer and the sugary pastries they had for dessert, and harry never wants to kiss anyone else.
“come with me,” he begs, arms looped around harry’s neck and lips pressed against his jaw. “come to barcelona. we can drink wine and eat tapas and have sex on the balcony of the hotel room.”
there’s no question that harry says yes.
send me a fake fic title and i’ll tell you the fic i’d write for it!
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