#Pasadena ArtNight
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formeryelpers · 1 year ago
Pasadena ArtNight, Pasadena, CA 91101
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Love ArtNight in Pasadena. It happens twice a year, once in March and again in October. ArtNight is a free evening of art, music, and entertainment at multiple venues across Pasadena. It’s a wonderful opportunity to visit the smaller art venues that tend to be overlooked. The participating organizations vary every time and the programming changes as well. It’s amazing how many arts and cultural institutions there are in Pasadena, probably more than any city its size. I still haven’t made it to every venue, even though I’ve been attending ArtNight for years.
Free shuttles are available to take you to different parts of Pasadena. The event starts at 6 PM and lasts till 10 PM. Some food trucks also participate.
In March 2024, the following organizations participated:
Alkebu-Lan Cultural Center (hip hop dance performances, capoeira demonstrations)
Armory Center for the Arts
Artworks Teen Center
City Hall
Jackie Robinson Community Center (live music, art exhibits)
Lineage Performing Arts Center
Muse-ique at the Pasadena Senior Center
Norton Simon Museum
Parson's Nose Theater
Pasadena City College
Pasadena Museum of History
Pasadena Public Library Jefferson Branch
Pasadena Unified School District (student artwork)
Red Hen Press
Remainders Creative Reuse (gallery show, live music, free art activities)
Shumei Arts Council
The Gamble House with California Art Club
USC Pacific Asia Museum
5 out of 5 stars
By Lolia S.
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ajcabalu · 5 months ago
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I searched for pictures of every place I've lived not counting where I currently live. #home
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longlistshort · 7 years ago
Har Mar Superstar- How Did I Get Through The Day?
Things to do in Los Angeles this weekend (10/12-10/15/17)-
Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile are performing a live set free at Amoeba Records (buy their record for a guaranteed spot)
MOCA Grand Avenue is hosting the world premiere of James Benning's film Readers with Benning in person and a reading by Rachel Kushner (free)
Downtown Art Walk returns with galleries open late (maps available at 634 S.Spring Street)
Angelo De Augustine is playing at the Bootleg Theater with Avi Buffalo and Madison Cunningham
Sound of Ceres, Vinyl Williams, HOTT MT and Pavo Pavo are playing at The Satellite
Julia Lucille, Moses Nesh, Melaena Cadiz and Jess Williams are performing at Junior High
Har Mar Superstar is opening for The Afghan Whigs at The Fonda Theatre
ArtNight Pasadena returns with free admission to the museums, gallery openings, music, and performances, all around the area- with free shuttle buses to get to the different destinations
There are still tickets available to see Father John Misty at The Greek Theatre with Weyes Blood opening
The TransNation Film Festival begins today and runs all weekend
The free film at Santa Monica Pier this week is Hidden Figures
The 12th Annual Pasadena ArtWalk has art activities, a juried art show and sale, performances, restaurant promotions and more (free)
Flying Lotus (in 3D) and Thundercat are performing outside at Hollywood Forever
The Getty is hosting Off The 405 x Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA with a performance by Helado Negro, a DJ set and performance by Maria Chavez, and an installation by Krysten Cunningham
Galantis are playing at  The Greek Theatre with The Him and Pat Lok opening
Rainer Maria are playing at The Echo with Olivia Neutron-John opening
It's the second day of the Santa Fe Art Colony's annual open house- a great chance to check out the artists' work and the space itself (free)
As part of Red Bull Music Academy's programming- artist Ryoji Ikeda will present a composition in collaboration with 100 automobile owners that will constitute the world's largest synth orchestra (free but RSVP)
Annie Hart is playing at The Hotel Cafe with Madeline Kenney and Sophia Knapp
Sun Kil Moon is playing at The Regent Theater
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hosiephoto · 6 years ago
- piano spheres: vicki & scot ray perform in boston court at artnight pasadena responding to the artwork of christine nguyen @artnight_pasadena @seamoonshe @bostoncourtpasadena #artnightpasadena #bostoncourtpasadena #music #art #sonyrx100m3 #photography #photographer #videography #videographer #pasadena #hosiephoto (at Boston Court Pasadena) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo5nRNqhHNu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fn42tv0pafnp
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reinix · 7 years ago
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Curiouser and curiouser. ☕ (at ArtNight Pasadena)
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sofunsd · 7 years ago
十月份真的是個忙碌月,南加各地除了持續進行的啤酒節、南瓜田和萬聖節活動外,在聖地牙哥還有ㄧ拖拉庫的兒童優惠活動,ㄧ到週末小編我就有活動選擇困難症、有時還得頻頻趕場,真的是要玩樂沒在怕累的啊! 這週末在鄰近的橙縣和洛杉磯活動也是當精采,有韓國文化節、真相電影節、日本文化節、起司美食節、藝術之夜、小鎮鄉村嘉年華等,ㄧ起來看看吧!
☀周末去哪 Fun?SOFUN 帶您漫遊OC & LA~
Annual Silverado Country Fair and Folk Festival (10/14-15)(OC) 
這週末在橙縣的Silverado 小鎮將舉辦ㄧ年一度的「Silverado鄉村博覽會和民俗節」! 這個隱藏在橙縣 Silverado 峽谷的小鎮鄉村嘉年華會也舉辦到第47個年頭了,兩天的活動將重現1800年代的Sliverado小鎮風貌 ,從現場音樂、美食、手工藝等都呈現一種復古懷舊的氛圍,還有專屬於兒童的pumpkin patch、蒸汽龐克服裝比賽、啃玉米比賽吃西瓜比賽等,活動甚至還開放Silverado古代監獄、讓遊客可以把朋友/小孩關起來、擁有特製的江洋大盜通緝海報喔! 成人票價6美元,4-12歲孩童票價3美元,3歲以下免費入場。
時間: Oct 14 Sat 10:00 am- 10:00 pm | Oct 15 Sun, 10:00 am- dusk
地點: Silverado Community Center & Fairgrounds, 27641 Silverado Canyon Rd, Silverado, Ca
網站: http://www.silveradocountryfair.org/
OC Japan Fair(10/13-15)(OC)
這週末在橙縣Costa Mesa市的橙縣博覽活動中心將舉辦為期三天的第八屆「橙縣日本文化節」,現場攤位超過60餘攤,預計將有三萬多名參與,可說是大洛杉磯地區最大、最真實展現日本傳統文化的盛會。除了有豐富多元的參展攤位如日系彩妝、茶道、電玩、武術、零食、夜市娛樂、手工藝攤位外,當然還有如壽司、拉麵、章魚燒、烏龍麵、咖哩、串燒等美食攤位喔! 舞台表演節目包括週五(10/13)的Che’ Nelle、ˊ週六(10/14)的Layla Lane 、 Sunplaza Nakano-kun & Papala Kawai等知名藝人的表演,另外還有Cosplay show、火影忍者秀(Naruto Show)、日本太鼓表演等。對日本傳統文化有興趣的朋友可別錯過這難得的機會喔!
時間: Oct 13 Fri, 5:00 pm-11:00pm |  Oct 14 Sat, 12: 00 pm-5:00 pm  |  Oct 15 Sun, 10:00 am-5:00pm
地點: 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, California 92806(OC Fair Event Center)
網站:  http://www.oc-japanfair.com/
票價: ㄧ般票價8 元,6歲以下孩童和65歲以上年長者免費。停車8元/次。
Oozefest III (10/14)(OC)
起司控的朋友們請注意了,這週末在橙縣的網紅起司美食節又來囉! 網羅了南加20多種創意起司料裡,漢堡、薯條、披薩、可頌麵包、起司冰淇淋、起司蛋糕等各種鹹點甜點通通都給它牽絲,分分秒秒挑戰你的視覺與味覺,ㄟ不可諱言的熱量也爆表囉! 南加的知名餐廳Mess Hall Canteen、Churned Creamery、Creamistry、Slapfish 等都會參加起司美食節,而如 Green Cheek, Smog City, Four Sons 和 Good Beer等當地精釀啤酒廠也都會替活動調製特別的啤酒。活動共有3:30pm 和 7:30 pm兩個場次可以選擇,VIP票價75元起。
時間:Oct 14 Sat,  15:30 to 19:30
地點: 2800 N Main St, Orange, CA 92868, USA
網站: oozefestival.com
The 44th LA Korean Festival(10/12-15)(LA)
過去幾年韓流風靡全球,而在洛杉磯舉辦的洛杉磯韓國文化節也舉辦到第44屆了,團結的洛杉磯韓裔居民總是在ㄧ年一度的文化節時總是會齊聚一堂,���今年韓國節就有300個韓國商家參展、預計現場會湧進40萬民民眾熱烈慶祝。會場會提供許多韓國傳統街頭小吃、如韓式綠豆煎餅、辣炒年糕、炸年糕串、韓式燒肉、螺旋薯棒等,還有許多fusion菜餚,色香味俱全,完全掌握民眾的五感;表演方面除了有韓國傳統的面具舞(Tongyeong Mask Dance)、武術表演、走鋼絲雜技之外,還有許多K-pop團體和大勢明星如眾人熟知的Heo Gak、As If、Baby J、Kim Min Soo等,平常看這些團體門票可都不便宜,來韓國文化節卻可以免費欣賞,迷哥迷姐們怎能錯過這難得的機會? 具體表演時間請上官網。
時間:Oct 12 Thur,  17:00 to  Oct 15 Sun, 23:00
地點:3911 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90037, USA
網站: lakoreanfestival.org/en
2017 ArtNight Pasadena(10/13)(LA)
如果想要來個深度藝術之旅的話,洛杉磯帕薩迪那藝術之夜讓大家有機會可以免費參觀帕薩迪那的18個大小博物館,如Norton Simon Museum、Pacific Asia Museum和 Pasadena Museum of California Art這些博物館都有參與,主辦單位還安排shuttle方便大家往返各個地點,現場當然也少不了美食餐車方便民眾填飽肚子。去年此活動就有28000人參與喔! 具體多個活動地點請見網站。
時間: Oct 13 Fri, 18:00 to 22:00
地點:490 E Union St, Pasadena, CA 91101, USA
網站: http://www.artnightpasadena.org/
手冊下載: http://www.williamsongallery.net/artnight/2017/fall/ArtNight_Fall2017.pdf
Kids Space pumpkin festival(10/14-15)(LA)
洛杉磯Pasadena 的 Kidspace 每年都會在Brookside Park (Kidspace Children’s Museum 門前) 辦南瓜慶典,今年已經辦到第23個年頭囉~裡頭應有盡有,如小小動物農場、騎馬、跳跳屋、臉部彩繪、汽球藝術、萬聖節裝扮遊行和pumpkin patch等,保證可以讓孩子們充分放電、玩到不想回家。活動免費入場,部分設施需購買Tickets始可參與。
時間: Oct 14 Sat to Oct 15 Sun,   9:30 a.m. – 5:00  p.m.
地點: 480 N Arroyo Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91103
網站: lwww.kidspacemuseum.org/
Awareness Film Festival (-10/15)(LA)
不同於一般的電影節,每年在洛杉磯舉辦的「真相電影節」(Awareness Film Festival) 希望大眾意識到世界上��在發生的問題,讓電影不只是只具娛樂功能、透過電影工作者的努力帶領民眾關心諸如環保生態、政治、弱勢族群、精神醫療等多元議題。電影類型包括精選的各國紀錄片、短片、劇情片、音樂視頻、學生創作短片等,部分演員和製作人也將會參與映後Q&A,有興趣的民眾可先上官網選取感興趣的議題參加喔!
時間: Oct 5 thur Oct 15 Sun, 請洽官網查詢各影片放映時間
地點 : 1000 W Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90015 (L.A. Live Theaters)
網站: https://www.awarenessfestival.org/
票價: 12-15不等
☀Movie of the week 週末電影推薦!
» 英倫對決 The Foreigner(10/13)
東方功夫巨星成龍VS.英倫特務龐德皮爾斯布洛斯南。東西方兩大動作巨星,加上【007首部曲:皇家夜總會】大導演馬丁坎貝爾執導,整部片中展現成龍一貫的鐵血英雄肉搏戰,帥氣的資深007龐德皮爾斯布洛斯南的高貴氣質,是 一部難得的動作片。
電影講述了一個英國唐人街小餐館老闆關玉明(成龍飾)的女兒(梁佩詩 飾)在恐怖襲擊中不幸遇難,而有關部門的不作為更使他悲憤莫名。為給女兒討回一個公道,他拒絕了林寶儀(劉濤 飾)的挽留,獨自踏上向恐怖組織以牙還牙的復仇之路。此時,關鍵人物漢尼斯(皮爾斯布洛斯南 飾)的出現,揭開了一個錯綜複雜的大陰謀!
» 我要為你呼吸Breathe(10/13)
熱愛冒險、擁抱生命的暖男羅賓(安德魯加菲 飾),結識了年輕貌美的黛安娜(克萊兒芙伊 飾),雙雙認定彼此是生命中的摯愛而結婚���但就在黛安娜懷孕的同時,羅賓竟然罹患小兒麻痺症造成頸部以下全身癱瘓,連呼吸都得倚靠機器,身心大受打擊的羅賓一心求死解脫,但黛安娜卻堅持羅賓和她要一起陪伴兒子長大。殘酷的命運雖然不斷考驗著他們,但黛安娜不離不棄的愛卻給了羅賓活下去的勇氣,讓他重獲新生,甚至一家人共同走遍世界各地,活出驚奇又精彩的人生!
» 忌日快樂Happy Death Day
☀ONgoing! OC /LA Fun不停
The OC Film Fiesta (-10/15)(OC)
橙縣Santa Ana的第八屆橙縣電影節在這週末仍將持續放映。電影節將連續兩週在Santa Ana的多個戲院播映,電影類型呈現了OC的文化多樣性、有傳奇人物、革命家、浪漫主義者…..特別是週五晚上開幕式為Catherine Gund和Daresha Kyi帶來的新紀錄片「CHAVELA」,介紹LGBTQ ranchera的傳奇人物Chavela Vargas充滿激情和動盪的一生。電影節主要著墨在西裔美籍電影工作人員和墨西哥新興導演的作品,眾多導演和製片人也將親臨放映戲院,等待與影迷進行映後QA講座。單場票價成人10元、 學生軍警和Santa Ana居民5元。有興趣的民眾請洽官網查詢各影片放映時間。
時間: Fri, Oct 6, 2017, 8:00 PM –Sun, Oct 15, 2017, 10:00 PM
地點: Various Locations in Santa Ana, CA
網站: http://www.masamedia.org/ocfilmfiesta2017/
Mickey’s Halloween Party (~10/30)(OC)
很快地小朋友最愛的鬼節要逼近了,大部分的萬聖節都很驚悚,但每年長達一個多月迪士尼米奇萬聖節派對(Mickey’s Halloween Party)可是一個大人小孩都喜歡的 溫馨活動喔! 大人小孩都可以打扮各種喜歡的卡通人物,在園區內跟米奇、公主們打招呼拍照,園內不定期有萬聖節活動,像是恐怖人物大遊行、Trick or Treat 要糖活動,連晚上的煙火秀都將有可愛搞怪的小鬼們喔~!門票依時段不盡相同,詳情請見官網。時間: 9/20 – 10/30,  09:00  am- 9:00 pm
地點: 1313 Disneyland Dr, Anaheim, CA 92802, USA
網站: disneyland.disney.go.com 
Irvine Park Railroads Pumpkin Patch(10/3-10/31)(OC)
南加的爸爸媽媽應該都對橙縣爾灣的Irvine Regional Park耳熟能詳吧! 裡頭應有盡有,有playground、有小火車、小馬場、小動物園,還可以走trail、騎腳踏車、腳踏船,是南加溜小孩或和三五好hang out的好去處。而到了秋天,整個Irvine Regional Park也變身成為超大型南瓜樂園,玉米迷宮、跳跳屋、hay rides、臉部彩繪、套套樂、越野車競賽、panning for gold、小小孩也可進去的鬼屋等等,再加上常設的遊樂設施,絕對讓孩子們玩到拉不走! 前陣子因南加森林大火而暫時關閉,這週起又重新開放囉! 大家趕緊找時間上去玩吧! 停車費週間$ 3 / per vehicle, 週末 $5, holidays $7 ,請盡量提早出發,以避免入園時大排長龍的車陣。
時間: now to Oct 31, Weekdays 10:00 am- 5:00 pm & Weekends 10:00 am-6:00 pm
地點: 1 Irvine Park Rd, Orange, CA 92869, USA
網站: http://www.irvineparkrailroad.com/events/pumpkin-patch/
票價: ticketㄧ張5元,每種遊樂設施約需1-2張。
Spooky Science@ Discovery Cube (~10/31)(OC)
在橙縣Santa Ana的Discovery Cube在10月也舉辦了應景特展「Spooky Science」,讓孩子們到怪物學院跟各個怪物學習毛骨悚然的科學課程吧! 整個特展會有許多食屍鬼、地精的布置,孩子們可以學習如何做現在最流行的slime、看看科學怪人Frankenstein的實驗室裡最新的范德格拉夫發電機(Van de Graaff generator) 、還有怪獸學院的talent show等等,所有的Spooky Science展示的project都圍繞著發展孩子們STEM的核心能力概念去設計,非常適合學齡期的孩子去一探究竟喔!
時間: now to Oct 31, every day 10:00 am- 5:00 pm
地點: 2500 N. Main Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705
網站: http://oc.discoverycube.org/event/spooky-science/
Knott’s Scary Farm(-10/31)(OC)
Knott’s Scary Farm號稱南加規模最大、最驚悚的萬聖節恐怖樂園。這裡白天是老少皆宜的溫馨主題樂園,但在萬聖節期間夜晚就會搖身變成令人害怕尖叫的恐慌樂園。好幾萬呎的園區內有 13個鬼屋/恐怖迷宮和陰森表演,1000 多種躲在遊樂場每個角落的怪物。從世界著名的鬼城街到充滿邪惡小丑的木板路區域,在Knott’s Scary Farm裡,噩夢永遠不會結束。記得,你表現得越害怕,他們就越喜歡嚇你喔~每天票價與開放時間不同,詳情請見官網。
時間: Sep 21 to Oct 31
地點: 8039 Beach Blvd, Buena Park, CA 90620, USA
網站: https://www.knotts.com/play/scary-farm
票價:  40元起
Oktoberfest (~10/29)(OC)
慕尼黑啤酒節(又稱「十月節」,德語:Oktoberfest)是每年九月末到十月初在德國的慕尼黑舉行,也是慕尼黑一年中最盛大的活動。如果去不了德國慕尼黑也沒關係,來南加橙縣的Hungtington Beach舉辦的慕尼黑啤酒節體驗一下也是很不錯的選擇。 由Hungtington Beach的德裔居民舉辦的慕尼黑啤酒節長達一個多月、活動也相當豐富,被德國世界雜誌選為世界其他城市所舉辦的最棒且最多元的慕尼黑啤酒節(BEST&Most DIVERSE OKTOBERFEST) ,遊客可以與來自德國的Oom-Pah-Pa樂隊吃飯、一起吃道地的德國香腸、漢堡、Strudel,椒鹽脆餅等,當然還要搭配著知名的德國啤酒Bratwurst囉! 其他活動還有喝啤酒大賽、臘腸狗競跑、德國傳統的雞舞、還有特別設計給小朋友的Kinderfest或設計給成人的成人之夜等等,活動相當多元。有興趣的朋友們在這段期間抽空去體驗看看喔!
時間: Sep 10 Sun to Oct 29 Sun, 詳細活動時刻表請見官網
地點 : Old World German Village, 7561 Center Ave., Huntington Beach, CA 92647
網站: http://www.oldworld.ws/oktoberfest-orange-county.html
Hello Kitty Pumpkin Patch (-10/31)(OC)
來自日本的Hello Kitty和她的朋友們竟然在橙縣自己的南瓜田? 原來這是日本三麗鷗公司(Sanrio)和爾灣的田中(Tanaka)農場的合作案,讓Sanrio的卡通人物包括凱蒂貓(Hello Kitty)、大眼蛙(Keroppi)、巧克貓(Chococat) 、美樂蒂(My Melody) 和帕恰狗(Pochacco)擔任Tanaka 農場大使一整年。Tanaka農場的pumpkin patch預計從九月三十日開放至十月底,會有petting zoo、玉米迷宮貨車,U-pick蔬果花園、拖曳車巡禮,而在10月的每個週末都將舉行秋天收獲節(Fall Harvest Festival),除了上述的活動外,在加上臉部彩繪、騎乘沙灘越野車、挖土機體驗、各式crafts、農場美食、還可以體驗農場最有名的射南瓜(Pumpkin Cannon Shoots)活動喔!聖地牙哥的迷粉們準備週末來去爾灣採南瓜吧!!
地址: 5380 3/4 University Dr, Irvine, CA 92612
時間:-10/31,每天 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
官網: http://www.tanakafarms.com/
Gray Matter Museum of Art ArtSocial(~12/7)(OC)
在Costa Mesa的Gray Matter Museum of Art在這週日開始舉辦一系列的多媒材藝術課程,讓當地藝術家的才華能夠有所發揮。此系列課程由 Costa Mesa市的Recreation Division贊助,數十種的藝術課程、藝術展覽和交流活動會持續至年底。此外,除了向大眾展示Costa Mesa和橘郡的在地藝術工作者的作品外,這些藝術工作者也願意發揮所長、開設針對一般大眾和兒童的各式藝術課程,如水彩、攝影、陶瓷、纏繞藝術、瑜加課等等。早上班每班40美元,材料費15美元;課後班每班35美元,材料費15美元;晚上課程每班40美元,3天用品費用14美元。有興趣的朋友可上官網查詢各班報名事項。
時間:  Sep 3 Sun, 10:00 am  to Dec 7 Thu, 8:00 pm
地點:  Gray Matter Museum of Art, 485 East 17th Street #101, Costa Mesa, CA 92627
網站:  http://gmmaca.org/events/
週末去哪FUN?帶你漫遊 Orange County & LA(10/12-10/15) 十月份真的是個忙碌月,南加各地除了持續進行的啤酒節、南瓜田和萬聖節活動外,在聖地牙哥還有ㄧ拖拉庫的兒童優惠活動,ㄧ到週末小編我就有活動選擇困難症、有時還得頻頻趕場,真的是要玩樂沒在怕累的啊! 這週末在鄰近的橙縣和洛杉磯活動也是當精采,有韓國文化節、真相電影節、日本文化節、起司美食節、藝術之夜、小鎮鄉村嘉年華等,ㄧ起來看看吧!
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foryourart · 7 years ago
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Thursday, October 12
Agnes Varda: Ulysse, Blum & Poe (Culver City), 10am–6pm.
Talk: Gallery Talk: The Art of Looking—Carlos Almaraz, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 12:30pm.
School of Music Visiting Artist Series: Trey Spruance, CalArts (Valencia), 2–4pm.
Garden Talk & Sale - A Garden of Surprise and Allure, The Huntington (San Marino), 2:30pm.
Latin American Film Series: "Unrest, Distance, and the Future": "Neighboring Sounds", Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara), 5:30pm.
A Dream within a Dream, MADE by Millworks (Long Beach), 6–9pm. 
Artist and scholar walkthroughs: Elena Shtromberg, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 6pm.
Dougall Paulson: Auraform, Blackman Cruz (Hollywood), 6pm.
Mark So: Readings 54, for Manfred, MOCA Grand Avenue (Downtown), 6pm.
S. LEE ROBINSON: Message and Intention, Keystone Art Space (Lincoln Heights), 6–10pm.
Rotem Reshef: Time Traveler, TALL WALL SPACE | UNIVERSITY OF LA VERNE (La Verne), 6–8pm.
Michael Christopher Brown – Cuba After Fidel, Annenberg Space for Photography (Century City), 6:30pm. 
Masks and the Uncanny, in Africa and Beyond, The Getty (Brentwood), 7pm.
Talk: Curator Walkthrough of "A Universal History of Infamy" with José Luis Blondet, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7pm. Sold out.
A Conversation with artist John Rosewall, Gallery 825 (West Hollywood), 7–9pm.
James Benning: Readers World Premiere, MOCA Grand Avenue (Downtown), 7pm.
Writing Now Presents: Chris Kraus, CalArts (Valencia), 7:30–10pm.
EJ Hauser: seekers/beasts, AWHRHWAR (Highland Park), 8–10pm.
Open House Dance Concert, CalArts (Valencia), 8–10pm. Also October 13.
Karen Finley: The Expanded Unicorn Gratitude Mystery, REDCAT (Downtown), 8:30pm. Through October 15. 
Friday, October 13
Conference - The Rise of the Newspaper in Europe and America, 1600–1900, The Huntington (San Marino), 8:30am. Also October 14.
We Wanted a Revolution: Black Radical Women, 1965–85, California African American Museum (Downtown), 10am–5pm. 
Director's Walkthrough, USC FIsher Museum of Art (Downtown), 11:30am–12:30pm.
Skirball After Hours, Skirball Cultural Center (Brentwood), 6–10pm.
Kon Trubkovich: Vigil, Moran Bondaroff (West Hollywood), 6–8pm. 
LAND's Feast of the Immortals, 627 South Carondelet Street (MacArthur Park), 6–11pm.
Pasadena ArtNight, various locations (Pasadena), 6–10pm.
African Masks from June Harwood Collection (Silent auction) and "Sharpener" (Faculty Exhibition), Pasadena City College Art Galleries (Pasadena), 6–10pm.
Los Angeles Poverty Department’s Movie Nights at the Museum: Pull of Gravity, Skid Row History Museum and Archive (Downtown), 7pm.
Art Party For Days Of Rage Housing Rights Protests, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 7–10pm.
CRAFT CLUB: MINIATURE ISLET TERRARIUM, Museum of Latin American Art (Long Beach), 7–8:30pm. $10–15. 
Film: Creepshow, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm.
Art Garfunkel in Conversation, Grand Performances (Downtown), 7:30pm.
Canadian Stage Helen Lawrence, CAP UCLA (Westwood), 8pm. Also October 14.
Cyril Kuhn: The Return of Puppyman, Bozo Mag (Highland Park), 8–11pm.
CalArts Weekend, CalArts (Valencia), all day. $45–80.
Saturday, October 14
Katie Herzog: Rubbing the Internet Archive: Coffee and Donuts with the Artist, Klowden Mann (Culver City), 10am–12pm.
David Lamelas: The Other Side, Maccarone (Downtown), 10am–6pm.
Fernando de Szyszlo, Latin American Masters (Santa Monica), 11am–6pm. 
Family Fun Weekend, Annenberg Space for Photography (Century City), 11am–3pm. 
J. Millay & Jonathan Monk, LEADAPRON (West Hollywood), 12–5pm.  
Santa Fe Art Colony 28th Annual Open Studios, Santa Fe Art Colony (Downtown), 12–6pm. Also October 15. 
Project Management Workshop, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 12–3pm. $24–30.
Aztlán: A Sense of Place, dA Center for the Arts (Pomona), 12–4pm. 
Off the 405 x Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA—Helado Negro, Getty Center (Brentwood), 1–9pm.
SSP Community Council Meeting, Side Street Projects (Pasadena), 1–2pm.
PMCA 1234: Second Saturday Spotlight Talk, Pasaena Museum of California Art (Pasadena), 2pm.
The Insanity Principle, High Desert Test Sites (Joshua Tree), 2–4pm.
Franklin Williams Artist Walk-through, Parker Gallery (Los Feliz), 3pm.
Gerardo Monterrubio, Craft in America Center (Miracle Mile), 4–6pm.
HUGO CROSTHWAITE: In Memoriam: Los Angeles, MUSEUM OF SOCIAL JUSTICE (Downtown), 4–6pm.
The Great Wall of Los Angeles: Judith F. Baca's Experimentations in Collaboration and Concrete, CSU Northridge Art Galleries (Northridge), 4–7pm.
Kim Dingle: Yipes, Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects (Culver City), 5–7pm.
Kiwis in LA Art Show & Wine Tasting, Santa Monica Art Studios (Santa Monica), 6–10pm.
BEN SLEDSENS: Before the crow crows, NINO MIER GALLERY (West Hollywood), 6–8pm.
DBA, Big Pictures Los Angeles (Mid-City), 6–9:30pm.
CAFAM's Gala & Silent Auction, Craft and Folk Art Museum (Miracle Mile), 6–9pm. $200. 
Franscesc Ruiz Abad: Copy to Learn, Learn to Copy, The Lodge (East Hollywood), 6–9pm.
DIA DE LOS MUERTOS X, Cactus Gallery (Frogtown), 6–9pm. 
Replete Repeat Repeat Replete, DAC Gallery (Downtown), 6–9pm.
Duty of Care, Collective Arts Incubator (Highland Park), 6–8pm.
Art of Science/Science of Art: Frankenstein 200, El Camino College Marsee Auditorium (Torrance), 6–9pm. $5–10.
Closing for The Seer & The Stones, Infinity (West Adams), 7–10pm.
Dcypher, Lucas Raynaud, Hero, and Collin Salazar, Gabba Gallery (Koreatown), 7–11pm.
Sayre Gomez: Déjà Vu, Ghebaly Gallery (Downtown), 7–10pm.
Wanda Koop: In Absentia and Josh Callaghan: Legacy, Night Gallery, 7–10pm.
Below the Underground: Renegade Art and Action in 1990s Mexico/Más abajo que el underground: arte renegado y acción en el México de los noventa, Armory Center for the Arts (Pasadena), 7–9pm.
Wild Beast Concert Series: CalArts Alumni Big Band, CalArts (Valencia), 7:30pm.
Sunday, October 15
L.A. GOAL for the Inside Out Productions Open House & Annual Art Show, L.A. Goal (Culver City), 10am–5pm.
16th annual Art + Design Open Market, One Colorado (Pasadena), 10am–3pm.
California Mexicana: Missions to Murals, 1820–1930, Laguna Art Museum (Laguna Art Museum), 11am–5pm. 
Film: Found in Translation Film Program: No Walls, Only Bridges, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
Design Your Own Monster Youth Workshop, 356 Mission (Downtown), 1–4pm.
Artist talk: Rotem Reshef: Time Traveler, TALL WALL SPACE | UNIVERSITY OF LA VERNE (La Verne), 1–3pm.
Beautiful Parts, CSUN Art Gallery (Northridge), 2–4pm.
Talk & Book Signing - The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt’s New World, The Huntington (San Marino), 2:30pm.
Red Bull Music Academy Presents: Ryoji Ikeda: A [for 100 cars], 131 South Olive Street (Downtown), 3–7pm. 
In Person: Professor Katherine Manthorne, Laguna Art Museum (Laguna Beach), 3pm.
Social Media For Artists, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 4–7pm. $48–60.
Beyond Words: Jack Kerouac's On the Road at 60!, Beyond Baroque (Venice), 4:30pm.
Dwayne Moser, Reserve Ames (Mid-City), 5–7pm.
Open workshop: Unbound Recollections: Yair Agmon and Hagar Cygler, American Jewish University (Bel Air), 7pm.
Dr. Victoria Reuveni: Orgasmic Yoga, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 7–10pm. $20.
Here/There, FM Fine Art Gallery (Fairfax).
Monday, October 16
HDTK: California Buckwheat, Copper Mountain Mesa Community Center (Joshua Tree), 7pm.
Wark Lecture - Seeing and Knowing: Visions of Latin American Nature, ca. 1492–1859, The Huntington (San Marino), 7:30pm.
Double Vision: Recent Films by Janie Geiser, REDCAT (Downtown), 8:30pm. $6–12.
Tuesday, October 17
Laurel Atwell: Exquisite Corpse, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 10:30am–1:30pm. $20.
Film: Mummy, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
CURATORS IN CONVERSATION: Karen Cordero and Laura Mart, Skirball Cultural Center (Brentwood), 2pm.
Bookmaking Workshop, USC Fisher Museum of Art (Downtown), 5:30–8:30pm.
RE:IN FORCE, MART LA (Hollywood), 6–8pm. 
Suzanne Hudson, USC Roski School of Art (Downtown), 6–8pm.
The "Concrete" in Poetry and Art, The Getty (Brentwood), 7pm.
Screening: Let It Fall: Los Angeles 1982–1992 with director John Ridley, California African American Museum (Downtown), 7–10pm.
Two Films by Sarah Minter: Nadie es Inocente and San Frenesi, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30pm.
Talk: Art + Tech: Stan Douglas and Michael Govan in Conversation, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm. Sold out.
Nevins Lecture - Founding Gardeners, The Huntington (San Marino), 7:30pm.
Chamber Music Concert - Camerata Pacifica, The Huntington (San Marino), 7:30pm.
Wednesday, October 18
Painting with Nan Rae, The Huntington (San Marino), 11am–3pm. $50.
Tour and Critical Discussion, USC Fisher Museum of Art (Downtown), 2–4pm.
Curator Tour: Visual Voyages, The Huntington (San Marino), 5pm. $15.
FOWLER OUT LOUD: DAEUN JUNG, Fowler Museum (Westwood), 6–7pm.
Artist Talk: Hellen Ascoli | Artist as Mediator, Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara), 6pm.
Cosimo Cavallaro: Unidentified Space, Manhattan Beach Art Center (Manhattan Beach), 6–8pm.
A Conversation with David Lamelas, Kristina Newhouse, and Jonathan T.D. Neil, Sprüth Magers (Miracle Mile), 6:30pm.
LECTURE: HEATHER SHIREY ON PIERRE VERGER, Fowler Museum (Westwood), 7–8pm.
Journalism in Mexico: A Deadly Occupation, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30pm.
Music: Art & Music: Chicano Batman, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm. Sold out. 
Max Maslansky Book Launch, STORIES BOOKS (Echo Park), 7:30pm. 
LMAO: Comedy Show, Fais Do Do (West Adams), 8–11pm.
Ellen Cantor: Pinochet Porn, REDCAT (Downtown), 8:30pm. $6–12.
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janamonji · 5 years ago
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#artnight (at Pasadena Museum of History) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3gY_yUBAhR/?igshid=1k7oga8sfmsd2
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formeryelpers · 1 year ago
USC Pacific Asia Museum, 46 North Los Robles Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91101
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I visited the Pacific Asia Art Museum a few years ago, during ArtNight, and returned again during another ArtNight. I don’t think anything in the permanent collection changed between the two visits. But there is a gallery with rotating exhibits. During my recent visit, they had an exhibit of current Chinese American artists called Another Beautiful Country. It was a multimedia exhibit with quite a few video art installations, b/w family photos taken in China, a display of objects and menus from the artist’s mom’s Chinese restaurant, etc.
The permanent collection has pottery, a Samurai outfit, Indian illustrated manuscripts, wood objects from Papua New Guinea, Chinese furniture and clothing, Korean masks, etc. There’s a room with interactive exhibits for kids, and a small gift shop.
It's a small museum but the building (resembling a Chinese imperial palace) is stunning. It’s a historic landmark that was built in 1926. The Chinese garden/inner courtyard features a small pool and decorative carvings. Unfortunately, the public isn’t allowed upstairs.
General admission is $15, $12 for students and senior, and free on the second Sunday of the month. Every Thursday is a pay what you wish day.
Norton Simon is a much bigger museum with much more Asian art. But Pacific Asia Art Museum has a wider variety of Asian art objects and has contemporary Asian art. Norton Simon does not.
4 out of 5 stars
By Lolia S.
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artofdawn · 6 years ago
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Set up and ready for Art Night at the Pasadena Public Library. We're in the Reference & Business Wing. #artnight (at Pasadena Public Library) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuxTFK5BAO7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y8mjpbycabv2
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horatorastudios · 6 years ago
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#lunchhour and #kickstarter update! Bitch got my money! #hoe #paid #paidpromote All being told come 1230PM PST and #shero #sheroCon and #Pasadena #ArtNight!⠀ https://buff.ly/2J0Nq3s⠀ #peanutbutter and #jelly sandwiches. Don't ask. — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2TBLySz
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artofjosecabrera · 6 years ago
Quick look inside @artnight_pasadena this Friday from 6pm - 10pm. Come by! #artnight #pasadena #pasadenapubliclibrary #bilingualbooks #art #losangeles #dinosaurs #dinosaurart #printsforsale #prints #poster Pasadena Public Library 285 E. Walnut St., Pasadena (at Pasadena Public Library) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo2AGShn_L9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1679xr4pn8yph
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pasadenachamber · 7 years ago
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Del Frisco's before Art Night in Pasadena. @delfriscosgrille_pasadena_ @pasadena_restaurant_week @southlakeavenue #pasadena #chamberofcommerce #chamber #pasadenachamber #artnight (at Pasadena, California)
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hosiephoto · 7 years ago
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ArtNight Pasadena, Fall ‘17 #pasadenaartnight #artnightpasadena #pasadena #art #sonyrx100m2 #photography #photographer (at ArtNight Pasadena)
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flowerpeppergallery · 8 years ago
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The Opening Reception for Adventure Awaits by Yetis & Friends is TODAY Friday from 6 pm to 9 pm👍🏻Come celebrate with Nana, Cody and their Yetis & friends for their 1st Solo Show🎉We do have a Cash & Carry wall, which is pictured here💖If you adopt any Yeti on this wall today during the Opening, you could take the Yeti home with you✌🏻️Online order from this wall will be shipped out this coming Monday or Tuesday🌟 Gallery address: 121 E Union Street, Pasadena CA 91103✨Neighbor parking structure: 150 E Holly Street, Pasadena CA 91103🎨
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gwenthelagirl · 8 years ago
16 Awesome Things To Do in LA in March
March is known for a lot of things – it’s the month that “comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” It’s also the month that every basketball fan looks forward for March Madness. But there’s even more to do for basketball fans and those who like to party on St. Patrick’s Day, here are 16 awesome things to do in LA in March. Fit. Fresh. Fuel: March 1 If you’re goal this spring is to get up,…
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