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birdsittingtoronto · 3 months ago
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Look Who's Back! December just got chirpier with Magnus, the Congo African Grey, boarding with us at Bird Sitting Toronto!
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beaningeneraldenial · 1 year ago
These past two weeks have felt like months
I really thought I hadn't updated in months, so I speedran half of it lol
We only have one more chapter left, ya'll. This is so sad but also so happy of an event for me :,)
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l3irdl3rain · 2 years ago
One bad thing I can think of about teaching parrots to talk: I was parrotsitting for my friend and her bird likes to announce people coming into the room by going "He's here"
Came into the kitchen for a glass of water one night and almost fucking shit myself when I heard someone quietly whisper "He's here" until I realized it was the bird
Yeah, but also this isn’t detrimental for the bird at all, just the unsuspecting human.
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necronatron · 4 years ago
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I have to let you know about this one little person I love with all my heart.
She’s my friend’s budgie who comes over frequently for parrotsitting when my friend and her mum are away. Her name is Effy and she is the most chaotic budgie I have ever met (or seen, as a matter of fact.) And not just that but she’s incredibly intelligent but at the same time, dumb as a brick. Her alignment is chaotic dumbass. She’s also the most casual and open individual I know, I absolutely adore her.
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She is positively chicken. If I had to explain her personality, it would be “a tiny lesbian who tries to annoy everyone but can’t because she’s too cute, and pretends not to care about other people or attention but secretly needs both”. She’s cage-free most of the time, she’s only inside when she wants to eat or it’s time to sleep and she goes in on her own. Now what you would not expect is such a tiny being making such a gigantic ruckus. She wants to make a mess wherever she goes, an absolute monstrosity. She once got into our plants despite us trying to cover them as best as possible and she just threw away the rags, went under the table or just shredded the paper that was covering them to get to the soil.
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She’s someone who will make sure to annoy you for her own amusement. If you’re eating, she will basically fly into your mouth or land in a bowl of soup. If you’re taking a shower, she’ll follow you into the bathroom and land in soap. If you’re trying to take a nap, she’ll fly over to you, bite your feet and scream into your ear. If you’re cooking, she’ll land on your shoulder and bite you if you try to remove her. She also randomly chooses her favourite people so you can never know when she’ll give you a kiss or tear your skin off. If you’re giving literally anyone else attention, such as your Guinea pigs, a dog or your fish, she will lose her mind and will scream. She will also make sure she antagonises those who had been given attention. She knows that the Guinea pigs who go for pigsitting at my friend’s house are terrified of her and she will make sure she lands near them or on them and scares them away. “How dare someone take away the attention that is rightfully mine.”
Whenever she’s at my place, she loves to stand on my laptop’s screen and either listen to my music and sing along or hang upside down and watch the video in question. She particularly loves watching Markiplier and Jacksepticeye. I was watching Mark play Alien: Isoliation and she would hang upside down like in the picture below, and just watch. She also loves Kars.
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Another thing she loves doing is staring at the aquarium. She was good friends with our old goldfish (they lived for a solid 15 years but sadly passed away due to a tumour) and she would sometimes just hang out on the wires behind the aquarium and stare at the fish while the goldfish would come over and react to her while she talked.
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But one of my favourite personality traits of hers is the fact that she genuinely cares. Budgies don’t often communicate verbally (aka with words, like humans, but they can be taught to understand words), but they do communicate with sounds and body language. They, like a lot of non-human animals, have very high intelligence for detecting small changes in posture and tones. (”Instinct”; instinct is intelligence, the ability to consciously understand concepts without needing to individually learn them; just like a human can instinctively figure out the meaning of certain foreign words while subconsciously analysing correlation but consciously understanding them.) Just like when a dog reacts to your emotional distress, it’s because they noticed that distress in your body language, and they empathetically try to console you. Yes, your dog cares about you and so do many other social animals. That’s why dogs are incredibly good service workers. They are much better and faster at detecting minor changes than humans. I was seriously distressed one time when I was at my friend’s place because my Mum wasn’t picking up her phone (she was in fact downstairs in the same house without me knowing and she left her phone in the car) so I freaked out and tried to hide it as best as possible. I decided to go to the bathroom and Effy immediately flew over to my shoulder. I didn’t want her to go into the hall so I moved her back on her cage and a second later she was already back on my shoulder. She got really close to my cheek and refused to leave, she knew I was really distressed and she tried consoling me. This is not her usual behaviour, this happened the moment I started getting really stressed.
So yeah, tiny dinosaur Satan but a Satan who cares nonetheless.
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chapin68 · 5 years ago
I’m not babysitting but I’m #parrotsitting 😁 Feeding Pepe. Alimentando a Pepito. (at Gardena, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B82SVzVB7M1/?igshid=2uhq7nf1f9bz
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kimscrittercare · 7 years ago
Gigi us a sweet little bird! #kimscrittercare #minneapolispetsitter #minneapolis #parrotsofinstagram #conure #petbird #parrotsitting https://ift.tt/2KOUIn4
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parrotiny · 8 years ago
Andrew and Neil get a parrot
Neil, chilling on the couch with parrot on his shoulder watching exy Andrew: this is not how it works, what.. is this a fever dream.. we got it literally yesterday.. what kind of Disney Princess bullshit is this Neil: can you get me a water bottle I don't wanna move the thing Andrew: oh wow
parrot: fuck you Neil Neil: what the actual hell Andrew: feeds the parrot a seed
parrot, within a week of living with them: I'm fine Neil: weird Andrew, silently: this is it. finally. I can kill him now and I would be in the right
Neil: maybe we should give it a name? Andrew: we should let it name itself since it can talk Neil: I don't think that's a good id- parrot: Shut up Neil Andrew: perfect
Neil coming home to ugly German Schlager Music playing: what... what's going on Andrew standing in the kitchen, staring at the parrot in the living room: quiet, it will only dance to this song
Neil: we should teach it some useful words Andrew: say stickball Neil: what Andrew: Kevin will come and parrotsit next week Neil: say stickball, s t i c k-b a l l
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birdsittingtoronto · 3 months ago
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Look Who's Back!
Bird Sitting Toronto is chirping with joy thanks to Hubert and Brody! 🐤❤️
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beaningeneraldenial · 1 year ago
The ending has arrived! WoooO! It's been a good run with this bad boy but now it's time to return to my other fics that I've been ignoring :D
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birdsittingtoronto · 4 months ago
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Look Who's Back!
Cheeks the Conure is ready for a November full of fun at Bird Sitting Toronto! 🎉🐦
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birdsittingtoronto · 2 months ago
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Look Who's Back!
Welcoming Barfi the Pionus to our flock for a January filled with chirps and cheer at Bird Sitting Toronto! 
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birdsittingtoronto · 2 months ago
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 Look Who's Back!
December just got chirpier with Hubert and Brody at Bird Sitting Toronto! 🎉🐦
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beaningeneraldenial · 1 year ago
It's been a month and I paid for it dearly. Look, the angst jumped at me and wouldn't leave me until I wrote it! It just happened! (Some serious angst in the second segment, please read with caution <3)
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beaningeneraldenial · 2 years ago
Oh, no worries! Actually this is a perfect opportunity for me to announce that I changed the title for Xisuma's Experience in Babysitting! (I am very guilty of not updating on Tumblr oops) My accounts are MurtoK on wattpad and quotev but Beaningeneraldenial on Ao3 and Tumblr –I say as much in my bio on here and Quotev I believe. The original title for this work was indeed "Xisuma's Experience in Parrotsitting" but I changed it to "Xisuma's Parrotsitting" for simplicity! (And so I could make that awesome book cover, the original title wouldn't fit lol)
The last thing Xisuma expected today was to get a phone call from Parrot's school. It hasn't even been a week and that boy is already getting himself in trouble with not just the students but also the staff. Sighing, Xisuma promises the teacher on the other end of the line that he'll be there in ten minutes and hangs up with a veil of disappointment falling over his shoulders.
It's a short walk to the school and Xisuma collects every bit of information he can about the situation as he rings the buzzer next to the gate. There is a teacher standing at the top of the stairs, looking down at him like he has done the worst crime ever. That is probably one of the teachers Parrot swore at.
Xisuma can't help the dread that comes up his spine. What sort of lie can he make up to cover for the kid? Actually, he could blame most of the violence on Xanthus; say his brother's habits have rubbed off on the boy.
That… could be convincing. Maybe.
------- Read more on Ao3! :D -------
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beaningeneraldenial · 1 year ago
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beaningeneraldenial · 1 year ago
Hello hello, we have children menaces in this house–
It's been a while since I posted, hasn't it? Well, I have returned with a lot of plot and a lot of story >:D
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