#Parfum laundry original
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cleolinda · 2 years ago
This does not spark Joy (Dior, 2018 & 2019)
PREVIOUSLY ON: Jean Patou's Joy (1930) was voted the Scent of the Century, but for some mysterious reason, it's not manufactured anymore.
Dior fucking killed Joy.
I won't bury the lede here at all. It was Dior. And I love a good Dior, don't get me wrong. But in August 2018, LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton (which owns every damn thing, including Sephora and half the brands in it) bought the Jean Patou company (which had already changed hands twice). More importantly, they bought the name "Joy." And, somehow, their subsidiary Parfums Christian Dior had their own Joy, complete with Jennifer Lawrence ad campaign, ready to release two weeks later.
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For a while, Designer Parfums was at least allowed to manufacture and sell Jean Patou's Joy in France. But now, according to the Patou website, the company's fragrances "are no longer in production." When "authorized outlets" run out, they're out. Because apparently, it was that important for Dior to keep anyone else from using the name "Joy."
So what did they replace the Scent of the Century with?
I had heard that Joy by Dior Intense was a huge improvement on the initial Joy by Dior (which infuriated fragrance aficionados itself by existing, clearly), and I'm glad I tried it first, because if I had started with the original ("original") Dior, I would have punched a wall. But let's start with that: I kept trying Dior Joy #1 over and over because I couldn't remember what it smelled like. It is literally, in the literal sense of literally, forgettable. I tried it one more time today in order to write this paragraph, and: it's soapy white musk. Which upset me initially, I remember now, because I'm just really not a fan of soapy/laundry white musk, but that's on me; I've seen user reviews that do really like Joy by Dior. On me, it's just bubblebath froth, eventually a sweet citrus that peeks up from under it, and a drydown that adds some vanilla to that. That's joyous, I guess?
What I will say is, unlike the other perfume that made me think of bubble baths, it didn't give me a panic attack, so it's got one up on Chanel. But it's just... was this necessary? Did we not have enough soapy white citrus-vanilla musks in the world? At the time, I was just asking myself this rhetorically, but then I kept reading up on the Dior Joy(s). As Victoria at Bois de Jasmin points out, the actual fragrance is a copy of yet another perfume:
The result is that Dior Joy is Allure Lite. The rose and jasmine are folded into a sandalwood accord reminiscent of Chanel’s fragrance. From the top notes to the drydown, Joy follows the course of Allure, but in a softer, more transparent interpretation. The mandarin peel dusted with sugar, the rose blended with the lemony jasmine, a touch of apricot and orange blossom that melt into the sandalwood and custard-like vanilla. Even the same contrast between the sweet citrus and creamy woods is maintained.
Mark Behnke at Colognoisseur:
[Dior perfumer François Demachy] chose to create a mash-up of two huge best-sellers. The citrus opening is straight out of Chanel Allure and the floral heart is Dior J'Adore. In other words, it is just a re-tread.
I won't say that Joy Intense (Dior #2) is more like Jean Patou's, but at least it has less of a soapy musk opening. Let's compare the notes:
Joy by Dior (2018): White musk, Grasse rose, Grasse jasmine, mandarin orange, patchouli, bergamot, cedar, sandalwood.
Joy by Dior Intense (2019): Neroli, bergamot, Grasse jasmine, Grasse rose, vanilla, patchouli, musk, sandalwood.
[Note: Grasse, "the perfume capital of the world," is a region in France famous for its role in the history of French perfume; it is especially known for jasmine and roses. "Grasse rose," "May rose," and "Rose de Mai" all refer to Rosa x centifolia. "Grasse jasmine" is Jasminum grandiflorum, as opposed to, say, the licorice-friendly jasmine sambac.]
Further info from dior.com:
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Get the absolute fuck out of here with this BOTTLE and this LOGO, what are you even doing. I did not even know a perfume could eat crackers
Joy by Dior, per the official website:
JOY by Dior Eau de Parfum is a bright smile, and a pure concentration of joy in a bottle. A juicy, vibrant top note gives way to an enveloping white heart of flowers and musks, just like a soft caress.
Again, I hated Dior's first Joy when I first put it on, but that's my own bias. It was just sheer disappointment that they centered this on synthetic white musk—you vaulted the Scent of the Century for this?
The "Intense" version:
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Oh well if there’s a star on the bottom I guess I’m not mad anymore??
JOY by Dior Eau de Parfum Intense is a new olfactory burst, a scent of joy wherein flowers celebrate and explode in all their faceted beauty. The dazzling light of the juicy Citrus blends with the colorful shine of Rose and Grasse Jasmine, and is heightened by an enveloping woody echo of Sandalwood tinged with Vanilla. The fragrance results in a floral firework.
Fuck the actual fuck outta here. "Firework" my ass. It's fine, I guess. It smells like vanilla lemonade and some jasmine on me, with a pleasant lingering drydown. Not just the smell of lemonade, but sort of the feeling of happiness you get when drinking a sugary glass of it on a hot summer day. Don't ever say I don't try to be fair. And it's 1000% better without the white musk. I honestly wouldn't mind wearing this under a different name, but it's just so adequate. I put on Jean Patou's Joy, even a diminished Joy, and it was a revelation. I put on the Dior, even the "good" version, and it smells like copying what the popular girls wear in hopes that they’ll like you. Thank God they didn't stuff some Ambroxan in there while they were at it. The only reason Dior didn't dupe some trendy note from Baccarat Rouge 540 is because Francis Kurkdjian didn't work for them yet. What the fuck are you people doing.
Back to Colognoisseur:
[It] is puzzling why Dior would make the decision to produce a new perfume with the same name of a masterpiece. The cynic in me says because they’ve unleashed their market research staff and found out most consumers have no idea there is a previous classic perfume called Joy. [...] Joy by Dior is a good perfume put together via the perfume assembly line of focus groups and market research; as cynical as it gets in other words.
This is absolutely my take as well. I wore Jean Patou on one hand and Dior's Joy Intense on the other and compared how they unfolded in real time, and what struck me most at that point was how gourmand-adjacent the Dior is. Not entirely so, but the vanilla lemonade I get is far more in line with the cupcake and burnt sugar notes (WHICH I LIKE!) that fragrance brands have put in everything since Mugler’s Angel, rather than just let a floral be good—superlative—at being a floral. But the marketing department says that the Costliest Perfume in the World isn’t on trend in the 21st century; we can charge plenty for something simpler, more predictable, more pandering.
My other take is that Dior's Joy perfumes are formulated to inevitably be cheaper than Jean Patou's Joy, even what Joy was at the end of the company's life. I have smelled at least a Platonic shadow of the Costliest Perfume in the World, and (I don't care how much Grasse jasmine Dior claims is in theirs) this ain't it. I don't blame François Demachy; he was given a brief and he did his job. The man made not one but two versions of Hypnotic Poison. He has done more interesting things than this. Dior’s Joy has "cash grab" written all over it and it's not even bad. It's just WHY. Why would you DO THIS. I am going to stay mad and die mad about this. Jesus Christ. You can't even, like, gently reformulate the Jean Patou, put out the Demachy versions as flanker fragrances, and market them all? You have four kinds of Poison RIGHT NOW and you can’t figure this out?
And I wore these three perfumes for three weeks, I want you to know that. I alternated them day by day, sometimes wearing two at a time to compare. I gave them all many, many chances. And besides the fact that I personally don't like white musk very much, the two Dior Joys are not bad. They're not! They're just accessories to a minor act of cultural vandalism, is all. Imagine taking Botticelli's The Birth of Venus and saying, we're going to throw this out so we can have a photographer recreate it with Jennifer Lawrence. Everyone's wearing Dior Spring/Summer 2023 designs (including Venus). It actually looks pretty cool, I guess. Great, so we don't need the Botticelli anymore? When does the trash get picked up, Tuesday?
Even Disney doesn't vault its animated movies anymore after it remakes them as live action. Maybe I can scrape up enough couch change to buy a bottle of Real Actual Joy and some DVDs before anyone else gets some big ideas.
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thebeautycove · 2 months ago
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Catching sensations. Paradox. Provocation. Transgression. Audacity. Innovation. Freedom. All’s fair in the fragile Universe of Seduction. This fragrance trilogy is the final evidence.
Captare sensazioni. Paradosso. Provocazione. Trasgressione.  Audacia. Innovazione. Libertà. Tra primordi e futuro. Tutto è lecito nel fragile universo della seduzione. Questa ultima trilogia ne è la prova.
Nessuno spazio alla banalità nella tavolozza olfattiva di BORN TO STAND OUT. 
Ennesima prova evidente, le ultime tre creazioni del marchio sudcoreano fondato e diretto da Jun Lim: Naked Laundry, L’Animal, Filthy Musk. Tre concept olfattivi che sfidano certe paludate convenzioni in nome di una sperimentazione audace, trasgressiva, profondamente innovativa.
Tra purezza e peccato, candore e malizia, pudore ed erotismo questa trilogia mette in scena una sensualità provocatoria, mai narrata, nel fragile universo della seduzione.
• NAKED LAUNDRY - Come ai tempi della nonna, un'innocenza non priva di malizia e astuzia. La freschezza un po' d'antan delle aldeidi, frizzanti sfumature citrine e la sensazione di camiciole bianche ben lavate e stese al sole in un mattino di primavera. Poi affiora, nel calore del giorno, la premura degli accenti ambrati accostati con cura, per un repentino effetto lusinga, alla gentilezza della mimosa, alla ghiotta nuance di caramello e miele. Nelle profondità di legni ambrati e fava tonka si nasconde infine una dolcezza lattea soffice e muschiata, un abbraccio amorevole, carico di sensualità. Sofisticato candore, disarmante tentazione. Lolita docet. Creata da Maxime Exler.
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• L'ANIMAL - Impulso primordiale, il lato wild, molto wild, della personalità. Istinto, audacia e una innata sensibilità/attitudine alla provocazione, senza imbarazzo e tabù alcuno. Potente l'apertura con rum, calda e alcolica, definita in carattere dalla sfumatura speziata densa di noce moscata e prontamente alleggerita dalla soffice soavità della mandorla. Intimità presto raggiunta nel silenzio degli sguardi, tattile, carnale, intrisa di mistero. È un invito a perpetuare carezze e abbracci l'accordo che si leva nel prosieguo, di suede, eliotropio, mughetto, sa di pelle ardente e arrendevole. Irresistibile, irrequieta, animalica la scia restituisce un'intrigante combinazione di miele legni di gaiac e sandalo e tanta afrodisiaca satisfaction nel giogo della vaniglia. Creata da Cécile Matton.
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• FILTHY MUSK - Per chi osa oltre ogni possibile convenzione. Jus complesso e viscerale, definitivo nel rendersi così personale, qui i muschi, origine della sensazione nettezza, candore, pulizia, mutano attitudine, si distendono in modo inusuale, provocano la pelle restituendo un effetto olfattivo 'sporco', di rude trasgressione, di corpi accaldati su fresche lenzuola percalle, di orme odorose profonde e persistenti. Chi ama sperimentare esperienze olfattive non standardizzate, troverà qui il next level del muschio, un'inedita espressività dentro imprevedibili accostamenti aromatici. Attraente l'invito iniziale di ananas e miele, quasi un abbaglio prima di perdersi nelle falde terrose, misteriose di muschio animale, patchouli, noce moscata a cui si giustappone la gentilezza leggera e sensuale del gelsomino. Come solenne richiamo a percepire la profonda connessione con gli elementi, nell'accordo finale svettano note poderose di muschio, zibetto, tonka, ambra grigia, una natura satura, selvaggia, ribelle, che prende il sopravvento e confida nel tempo tutta la sua energia e la sua compiuta bellezza. Creata da Margaux Le Paih-Guérin.
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Eau de Parfum 50ml, 100ml. In selezionati p.v.
©thebeautycove  @igbeautycove
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years ago
The laundry hamper [M]
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Gender of the Reader: female
Word Count: 2.2k 
Rating: 18+
Genre: Smut
AU: College AU!; Roommates2Lovers AU!; Friends2Lovers! AU
Warnings: Dirty Language + slight Dirty Talk; sweet and shy but naughty Jungkookie; Mentions of Masturbation in the shower; Scent/Smelling-Kink; Panty-Sniffing; Masturbation; slight Voyeurism; Teasing; Petnames; soft sub! Jungkook & dom! Reader undertones; Mentions of mutual Masturbation; Mentions of 69-Position 
Summary: Jungkook has a crush on you since you moved together for college but the poor boy is way too shy to confess his feelings to you... rather he would search through your laundry hamper to get a shirt which smells after your very personal scent and tries to calm his racing heart... and other nerves. He didn’t thought to get catched by the person who already stole his whole heart in the most embarrassing situation...
A/N: Happy first year friendship anniversary with my dearest @borathae​!! I love you to death my sweetheart and I thought today would be the perfect occasion to finally finish this Oneshot I started 10 months ago and waited to get finished until today on my IPad... especially because you  was the person who gave me the inspiration to write this idea... I hope you like it!! 
Status: halfway edited bc I was stressed I wouldn’t finish it on right time- 
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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He knows it's bad and that he shouldn't do it. Well... honestly, already before this thought, which is haunting him since two weeks, he wasn't any kind of "well mannered" anymore. ...before you apologized for taking so much space with your shower untensils in the shower basket and then decided, to take your Shampoo, Conditioner and Bodylotion to your room.
The thing you didn't know was that you took with this decision, Jungkook's one and only opportunity to properly jerk off, with you.
God, just when the poor boy thinks about it... the thought alone gives him a rosy-red blush all over his cheeks, which almost reachs his ears and leave him completely flustered and ashamed.
How to explain it... your quiet, adorably awkward and super shy roommate, who has a crush on you since two years (or even longer!) tend to use your hair shampoo as a little "fantasy kick". How could he resist the opportunity to smell something so familiar which reminds him of you, so close?
How he used it you ask yourself?
While he was showering, he sniffed on the opened lid of the shampoo bottle like a fucking dog in his rut and jerked off to the smell of English Wild Roses. Yeah, even Jungkook himself is absolutely sure that he reached a whole new level of freakiness. Who else jack themself off while sniffing on a damn hair shampoo bottle?!
Jungkook has simply a thing for scents... especially for everything that smells like you. Whenever something of you comes in contact with his nostrils, he immediately pops a boner.
Really, it's not funny anymore when you feel that your dick is going hard just from getting a whiff of your crush's parfum when they're passing by.
Anyway, not your parfum or shower utensils are giving Jungkook a problem now, it's much more your laundry hamper which suddenly developts a really strong seductive affect on him.
Both of you having a seperate laundry hamper in the shared bathroom and also a laudry bag in your room. It's easier to have these two opportunities to put your laundry than walking always with an arm full of dirty clothes through the whole apartement.
Especially when friends of the other person are over and a pair of Kook's boxer briefs or one of your bra's found their way to the floor, unnoticed. Okay, 'unnoticed' as long as one of your friends are yelling that there is dirty underwear in the hallway. Of course not without dropping some stupid and teasing comments.
Yeah, it's really better for Jungkook's and your own peace to have a laundry bag in your room and a laundry hamper in the bathroom. Even when Kookie wouldn't mind it at all to be the one who would've found your lingerie...
...and that's the point. Since this one incidence with your dessous, Jungkook is haunted by countless absolutely filthy and indecent thoughts. At first he was still able to control them and to shove them away into the last corner of his mind. But after you took your shower stuff with you to your room, these fantasies returned really, really fast and his interest in your laundry hamper grew endlessly.
It absolutely didn't help that he pretty aware of the fact that you showered just a half an hour ago.
You made yourself ready to go to the movies with some of your friends. That means, he would be completely alone for the next few hours with the clothes you've worn before and are now own your very personal scent. How the hell should he survive this silently for him screaming seduction?!
Okay, okay, even when he'd took something off your hamper... just as a hypothetisch thought... it would be definitely only something completely innocent, like a shirt or something else. Really, he just loves to smell your wonderful personal scent. It's calming his wild racing heart... and in some way his unsatisfied desires as well.
Once again he takes a glimpse through the slightly opened bathroom door into the hallway which leads to the front door. Everything is silent, he is indeed completely alone in the apartement.
Now or never. Maybe he should take one of your worn out T-Shirts you always wear for house chores and isn't one of your favourite piece of clothing anymore. Maybe then you wouldn't notice that's even gone... for a longer time.
He shouldn't debate any longer before he reverses his opinion and pull back... he would slap himself if he'd let such an opportunity slip through his fingers unused...
As soon as he opens the lid of your laundry hamper, all his 'good and pure resolutions' are thrown out of the next bathroom window. Hebshould have guessed it, he should have known it... that your underwear is the last thing you take of your body before showering. Well, in conclusion, your panties are the first piece of cloth which is greeting Jungkook's eyes.
He's gulping harshly. Fuck, his brain knows that what he's doing here is bad and dirty, that he shouldn't do it... but his body and especially his dick is literally screaming and begging him to reach out for exactly this piece of lingerie.
Those tiny little wheels starts turning in Jungkook's head when he scans through your latest outfit. He remembers which Sweater and Sweatpants you wore. How could he forget those cute socks with this adorable avocado print on them.
...but no Bra.
Fuck... Jungkook can't explain himself why he finds the thought of you, being so comfortable in your shared apartement and around him, that you decided to not wear a bra underneath and let your tits bounce around freely, so god damn attractive...
Before he even realized it, his greedy hand took your used panties already out of the laundry hamper and lets the soft fabric slip through his fingertips.
It's a plain black cotton panty with a lacey border which has a beautiful flower pattern. Others would say it's boring, unspectacular underwear but for Jungkook it's already beautiful and beyond belief sexy lingerie. To imagine that you walk casually around in those panties everyday... Jungkook feels how his dick is already leaking precum in his boxer briefs.
With every second he holds this pair of panties in his hands, his poor, needy cocks hardens even more in his grey sweats. He gulps again. He shouldn't do it... but your panties are tempting him and his short patience.
Before he can control what he's doing, his nose is already buried in this piece of cloth and takes a deep breath.
If his other hand wouldn't already disappeared beneath his waist band and squeezed the base of his cock, he would've already blown his load right here in his sweats.
He's panting, his breath fast and ragged, trying to take as much as possible of your intoxicating scent into his lungs when he yanks his sweatpants down to his knees and lays his hand in a firm grip around his red, swollen and angrily leaking cock. He's literally dripping, so it doesn't take long until his whole palm is lubed thoroughly with his own precum.
Jungkook's mind is clouded, he can't built any proper thought anymore, your delicious smell makes him salivating and he knows, he feels it in every fiber of his body, that he already got addicted to the smell of your panties... your pussy.
He can't believe that you smell so good, like that fucking good that he almost blew his load already in his pants. Untouched.
His mind is spiralling, dirty thoughts get exceeded by even more filthier ones, every secret and forbidden fantasies which he hold under control for so, so long are crashing down on him.
God, what would he do to be the lucky person who gets you on top of him, queening him, his whole face buried into your pussy, your juices smearing all over his chin and cheeks and getting a good whiff of your perfect cunt first hand. He would happily die between your legs, suffocated by your thighs which you would've squeeze so tightly around his head that it would literally crushed him. He would die as the happiest man in the whole universe.
To imagine how you'd whine, whimper and growl at him... praising him for doing so good, pleasuring you so well, tugging at his locks because you can barely handle the pleasure you receive from his tongue and lips...
His fist goes faster and faster, his wrist will hurt so bad in the exam tomorrow... but that's Jungkook tiniest problem right now, he needs to cum so fucking bad, his balls are already hard and tight, feeling like they would burst if he wouldn't cum and time soon.
"Tz, tz, tz... what do we have here? I didn't thought you'd be such a naughty boy as someone who's so sweet and shy, Jungkook... sniffing your roommates panties and jerking off to them...", you snicker and smirk, even though bis back is still facing you. The later flinchs noticeably and lets a surprised and equally terrified yelp out, almost jumping around to you.
He's trying to save to situation and his pride, throwing your panties back into your open laundry hamper and pulling his pants up as quick as possible.
"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod, I am so, so, so, so sorry, it will never happen again, I am so sorry that you have such a disgusting roommate like me, I am so sorry, I didn't knew you'd come back so early again- oh fuck... I am so sorry, I am a disaster", Jungkook chokes out in a trembling voice and glassy eyes, a tiny little sob leaves him as well. He is truly ashamed and mortified to death.
Your heart breaks when you look at him, he looks so sorry and embarrassed, he couldn't look at himself in the mirror again. Slowly you start to shake your head 'no'.
"Oh Jungkookie, I didn't mean to shame you... I... I just was a little surprised to catch you here in the bathroom... having a little fun time with yourself... I realized halfway to the cinema that I forgot my wallet and I came back to get it... then I saw you and just wanted to tease you a little bit... ah shit- I think I just messed the things up as well... okay okay, stupid question from a stupid person who has a big, fat crush on you since months, if not even years... wouldyoumindmetohelpyoutocum?", you ramble nervously, now are your cheeks equally beet-red.
Jungkook's eyes shoot up to your face, your red cheeks, your big, questioning eyes and your lip biting is sending a new rush of exitement down to his softening cock, making him harden all over again.
"W-What? ...what?? You- you too? I-I am crushing on you since we moved in together and now you're telling me that you- ...oh my god, yes... yes... yes please... please help me. I am so needy and horny right now and your pant- you always smelled so good and it's driving me crazy... I am so horny for you, Y/N."
Jungkook couldn't control his blabbering mouth anymore, everything is just blurting out of him with such a force like the Niagara Waterfall.
You sigh in relieve and a bright smile is forming on your lips as you walk over to your crush and lay both of your hands on his cute and round cheeks, so you can look each other into the eyes.
"Jungkook, I would like to ask you if you're comfortable with the thought of me kissing you before I will... devour you?"
Just to hear the two words 'devour you' out of your mouth made his knees almost buckle. His head is moving by itself, nodding vehemently. But to his confusion you're shaking your head no.
"Babyboy, I need your verbal confirmation. Consent is key, alright?", you say in a gently yet firm voice.
Oh God, you'll be his death... calling him 'Babyboy' alone made a whimper slips past his lips which is why you hum very appreciately.
"Oh God, yes, yes, yes... please... please kiss me and devour me, Mistress- ugh, s-sorry, I- I didn't mean to say that", Jungkook coughs out all flustered again, don't dare to look you in the face.
Such a good, perfect babyboy he is already for you.
"Don't be shy, Baby... I like the title you gave me. When you like it, you can continue to address me with 'Mistress'. ...what about we change our location to your or my bedroom? I'd love to let you smell and taste my pussy... not just through worn fabric. I would take great care of your aching cock... I saw how swollen, red and leaking it was already. What about you eat me out while I take your cock into my mouth and jerk you off with the panties I wear right now. Hm, sounds good?
Jungkook's head is already spinning again when your lips finally meet, your mouth and tongue already taking the control over him and devouring him.
Yes, you'll be definitely the death for him.
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produsenparfumlaundryblr · 2 years ago
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PELUANG USAHA BISNIS PARFUM LAUNDRY / AGEN DISTRIBUTOR HARGA PABRIK JUAL PEWANGI LAUNDRY MODAL WANGI Peluang Bisnis Parfum laundry dari Surga Pewangi adalah cara yang bagus bagi siapa saja yang ingin terjun ke industri wewangian. Dengan Produk Parfum laundry, Anda dapat menciptakan aroma unik untuk pengusaha laundry yang akan membuat pakaian pelanggan mereka berbau wangi dan tahan lebih lama. Selain itu, Usaha Pewangi Laundry adalah cara yang bagus untuk menghasilkan uang dengan menjualnya secara b2b (business to business) ke banyaknya usaha laundry kiloan atau perseorangan Tips Membuka Bisnis Parfum Laundry 1. siapkan modal sesuai kemampuan 2. Jangan Tergiur dengan Produk Murah namun kualitas dibawah standar 3. siapkan perlengkapan seperti rak/ etalase, botol spray, botol kemasan, gelas takar 4. tempat yang strategis itu baik tapi tidak harus (bisa di rumah) Analisa Pelaku Usaha Pewangi Laundry, Bahan Sabun, Bibit Parfum & Pelicin Khusus Laundry Pewangi laundry sangat diperlukan oleh usaha laundry, selain itu juga sebagai salah satu produk penunjang bisnis. Seseorang yang memiliki potensi kerja sama dengan memenuhi kebutuhan usaha laundry dan produk pewangi laundry dapat menjadi peluang bisnis yang sangat menguntungkan Biasanya, pengusaha parfum laundry hanya menghitung berapa gepok uang tunai yang akan diterimanya dengan menghitung volume parfum yang dimiliki Namun Demikian, Tidak Sedikit Juga Pelaku Usaha Parfum Laundry kurang Memperhatikan Kualitas dalam memproduksi Parfum Laundry. Sehingga mencoba- coba menjual Parfum Ekonomis Yang Di Bandrol Cukup Murah. Tapi Akankah Anda Masih Tetap Memilih Parfum Ekonomis Padahal Anda Tidak Tahu Secara Pasti Apa Isinya? Atau Anda Akan Lebih Memilih Untuk Menggunakan Parfum Original Meski Harus Mengeluarkan Biaya Lebih Besar? Cara Jual Pewangi Laundry dan Deterjen Hasil Juta an Untuk menjual pewangi laundry dan deterjen pembersih, mulailah dengan mensurvei pasar lokal Anda untuk melihat merek dan jenis apa yang populer. Selanjutnya, kembangkan strategi pemasaran #parfum #laundry #parfumlaundry #bisnisparfum laundry #usahapewangilaundry #surgapewangi #surgapewangilaundry #peluangbisnis https://www.instagram.com/p/CjTx3DotXXg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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masberdi · 3 years ago
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Parfum aroma baccarat tersedia untuk disemprotkan di badan atau pakaian laundry. Aroma bacarat ini memiliki aroma yang fresh kalem khas manis membuat pemakainya tampil elegan dan penuh percaya diri, parfum yang original 💯% tanpa campuran membuat aroma ini lebih kuat dan tahan lama bisa digunakan untuk pria/wanita untuk kegiatan di ruangan/luar ruangan bisa juga untuk ibadah menambah kekhususan dalam ibadah dan melaksanakan sunah Rasulullah dengan memakai wewangian, youk order!!! #laundry #laundrykiloan #parfumlaundry #baccarat #parfumbaccarat #jakarta #bogor #bekasi #depok #tangerang #tangsel (di Bandar Deterjen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVfmhC0vBE-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jujuraid · 5 years ago
Kebutuhan parfum tidak pernah menurun. Parfum sudah menjadi kebutuhan sehari – hari yang tidak bisa ditinggalkan. Sehingga, hal ini membuat peluang usaha yang menjanjikan jika ingin membuka bisnis rumahan.
Bisnis parfum original murah, bisa menjadi pandangan bisnis yang bagus. Tidak membutuhkan modal yang banyak, kakak bisa membukanya di rumah. Target pasar yang pertama bisa dimulai dari tetangga, teman, keluarga dan orang – orang sekitar.
Ada hal yang harus kakak perhatikan ketika membuka bisnis parfum original murah, yaitu memperhatikan kualitas dari parfum yang di jual. Kualitas tentu saja berasal dari bahan – bahan yang digunakan ketika membuat parfum.
Baik parfum laundry maupun refill, haruslah berkualitas agar menghasilkan wangi yang tahan lama. Mau tahu lebih lanjut mengenai bisnis parfum original murah ? Yuk, Langsung saja KLIK tautannya dan simak penjelasan selengkapnya yaa ^^
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years ago
10 Toxic Ingredients to Avoid in Personal Care Products
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/10-toxic-ingredients-to-avoid-in-personal-care-products/
10 Toxic Ingredients to Avoid in Personal Care Products
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It’s hard to narrow this list down to just 10 toxic personal care ingredients since unfortunately there are SO many. Even products that claim to be “paraben-free,” “clean,” or “all-natural” often hide toxins in their ingredients list. Ironically, sometimes these hidden ingredients are toxic chemicals that are some of the worst offenders!
Over a number of years we’ve gradually made the switch to much healthier, more natural cleaning and personal care brands, one product at a time.
And when I couldn’t find them, I made them!
Doesn’t the FDA Have It Covered?
It’s a common misconception that skincare ingredients must be proven safe and effective before they’re allowed on the market. Even worse, the FDA doesn’t have the authority to ban skincare ingredients that show strong evidence of being dangerous or deadly. Talcum powder is the perfect example.
Products that contain talc (aka talcum powder) include makeup and some baby powders. Talcum powder is frequently contaminated with cancer-causing asbestos. Johnson and Johnson paid millions over this issue, and the lawsuits just keep rolling in (so far there are 15,500 lawsuits).
It’s obvious the item should be pulled from shelves, right? Nope. Baby powder is still being sold in stores, still being sprinkled on baby’s genitals, and still causing harm for some. The FDA and government oversight agencies usually don’t pull the plug on toxins in skincare, so we all have to stay on top of what’s in our products.
Many companies have caught on to the fact that consumers want safe, natural products for their families. While this is driving positive change, not everything is as it seems. Since the beauty industry is largely self-regulated, skincare companies can dress up labels with natural-looking colors and terms like “vegan” and “all-natural” — all while still hiding a bunch of toxins in the ingredients list.
Just Because We Can’t Pronounce It…
I always read the ingredients list on skincare products, but just because I can’t pronounce it doesn’t mean an ingredient is necessarily bad.
For example, alpha tocopherol may sound like a toxic chemical, but it’s actually the antioxidant vitamin E. Shea butter is listed as the tongue twister (butyrospermum parkii) on skincare labels.
When in doubt, do some research!
Top 10 Toxins to Avoid in Personal Care Products
This is not an exhaustive list by any means but it helps weed out the top offenders. Typically if a product has one of these ingredients (or more) I can be pretty sure there’s a lot of other toxins in there too.
1. Fragrances
While they may smell pretty, masculine, or calming, fragrances hide a dirty secret. A lot of dirty little secrets! Companies aren’t required to disclose the chemicals that make up their fragrances (and sometimes they don’t even know themselves).
The chemists who create fragrances have over 3000 chemicals to work with. Many of these fragrance chemicals are derived from petrochemicals that are known allergens and hormone and endocrine disruptors. These toxic ingredients can hide under the terms fragrance or parfum and don’t have to be listed on the label.
Here are products to watch out for that often contain fragrance:
Air fresheners and scented candles (no, not skincare, but worth mentioning!)
Perfume, body spray, and cologne
Shampoo and conditioner
Haircare products
Body wash, hand soap, and bar soap
Bubble bath
Face wash
Makeup remover
Face treatments and cleansers
2. Petroleum
Petroleum jelly, petrolatum, mineral oil… these are all names for the same ingredient. Often found in lotions and balms labeled “healing” to skin, petroleum jelly is actually a highly refined byproduct of the oil industry. Oil companies didn’t want the sludge at the bottom of the oil rigs to go to waste, so it was refined and sold as a skin protectant.
As an oil industry derivative, petroleum is not eco-friendly or sustainable, and it isn’t so skin friendly either. A 2011 study in the Journal for Women’s Health found petroleum in cosmetics contains toxic hydrocarbons.
The researchers went on to say there’s strong evidence these “mineral oil hydrocarbons are the greatest contaminant of the human body.” The toxins accumulated in the women’s body fat and were also found in their breastmilk.
Hydrocarbons and toxins aside, petroleum forms a non-breathable layer on skin. While this layer locks in skin’s natural moisture, it can also prevent it from healing. Petroleum also dries out and blocks pores.
3. Phthalates
There are over a dozen types of phthalates used in personal care products to improve their fragrance and pliability. Some phthalates have very little or no safety studies to show if they’re harmful, while others are linked with some serious health concerns.
A 2010 article in the journal Alternative Medicine Review pointed out some major problems with these chemicals. The scientists at Made Safe also weigh in on the issue.
Here are some of the top health issues linked with phthalates:
Neurological disorders
Cancers and breast cancer
Developmental and reproductive toxicity
Sperm damage
Altered genital development in boys
Testicular dysgenesis
Asthma and allergies
Fibroids (these can occur in the uterus)
Reproductive system disruption
Endocrine system disruption
Phthalates are often found in:
Fragrances and perfumes (see the above list for products containing fragrances)
Hairspray and hair care products
Nail polish
4. Parabens
This common preservative has been detected in virtually all Americans. As more research is done, scientists are finding more and more problems with this common preservative.
Parabens can mimic estrogen and cause hormone disruption. Certain parabens can also cause breast cancer and issues with reproduction and development according to 2012 research in the Journal of Applied Toxicology.
Researchers published a 2019 study in Environmental Science and Pollution Research International finding that over 23% of the women with cancer had parabens in the diseased endometrial tissue, compared to only 2% in the control group.
Also, a 2019 study from the International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health examined the effect of parabens on birth outcomes. Baby girls born to pregnant women with paraben exposure had significantly lower birth weights.
Parabens are commonly found in:
5. Aluminum
Scientists don’t understand how aluminum is absorbed through the skin. Not a statement that gives me a lot of confidence in aluminum as a skincare ingredient! Aluminum is found in Alzheimer’s patients’ brains and is thought to contribute to brain dysfunction, Parkinson’s disease, and neurological disease, according to a 2014 report by the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety.
Although research has not proven a link between aluminum and specific brain disorders it IS known to be toxic to the brain. Aluminum is also suspected to play a role in breast cancer.
Products that commonly have aluminum include:
Anti-perspirant deodorants
Nail polish
6. PFOAS, PFC’s and Teflon Chemicals
There are thousands of fluorinated chemicals in our food, water, and cosmetics. Known as PFCs or PFASs they were originally intended to replace PFOAs (which are confirmed toxins). The CDC found that these perfluorinated chemicals have already contaminated nearly everyone in the US and they’re now a global problem.
Teflon and PFC manufacturer’s replaced the chemical with a new one they dubbed “GenX.” However, safety studies show it probably isn’t any better.
Rats exposed to GenX Teflon had more preterm births, low birth weights, and delayed puberty. When rats were exposed to high doses of the chemical they gasped in pain, had seizures, and dropped dead within hours.
Both animal and human studies have linked fluorinated compounds (like PFCs, PFASs and the phased out PFOAs) with a laundry list of health issues. Here are some of the big ones:
Cancerous tumors
Kidney disease
Liver degeneration
Uterine polyps
Liver damage
Immune system damage
Reproductive system damage
It’s thought that these chemicals aren’t well absorbed through skin, but when applied around the eye and lip area they’re much more likely to enter the body. Unfortunately PFASs are most often used in eye products and are even found in lip products.
There are well over a dozen PFASs found in cosmetics so it’s impossible to list them all. However, if a product has the letters “fluoro” in the ingredients list, then it’s a perfluorinated chemical.
Here are some cosmetic products that may contain perfluorinated chemicals:
Eye shadow
Brow liner
Eye liner
Lipstick and lip liner
Face moisturizers
Eye cream
Shaving cream
7. Vitamin A (Retinyl Palmitate or Retinoic Acid)
Although vitamin A is essential to a healthy body, the synthetic version, retinyl palmitate… not so much. When retinyl palmitate is applied to skin that’s then exposed to sunlight it may cause skin damage. Some studies have also shown strong skin irritation and sensitivity.
In animal studies, mice rubbed with retinyl palmitate lotion and exposed to UV rays had faster tumor formation. According to a 2012 report from the National Toxicology Program, tumors and cell mutation formed at very low doses. The same report warned that high amounts of synthetic vitamin A in cosmetics and food can contribute to birth defects.
Pregnancy Concerns
The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM) has cautioned that skincare products with vitamin A can increase birth defects when used before or during pregnancy.
Women who had more than 4.5 grams a day of vitamin A from all sources (food, supplements, and cosmetics) had a 3.5 times higher risk of giving birth to a child with birth defects than mothers who had only 1500 mg synthetic vitamin A.
Too Much Vitamin A Can Equal Bone Problems
Not only does synthetic vitamin A contribute to skeletal birth defects, but it can contribute to osteoporosis as well. VKM recommends older women and those at increased risk of fracture and osteoporosis should reduce their use of synthetic vitamin A.
According to VKM, it’s estimated about 10% of older women exceed the max safe amount of synthetic vitamin A just from food and supplements. Since vitamin A is often found in anti-aging creams, these are more likely to be used by the same group of women they’re most likely to harm.
Here are cosmetic and skincare products that may contain retinyl palmitate or retinoic acid:
Anti-aging creams and lotions
Facial moisturizer
Liquid  and powder foundation
Brow liner
Makeup remover
8. Polyethylene Glycols and Polysorbate (PEGs)
PEG, the same active ingredient in a popular laxative, is widely used in cosmetics. There are hundreds of versions of PEG chemicals in skincare products and most are backed by very little to no safety data. However, the biggest concern with PEGs is the toxins they may carry with them.
PEGs are frequently contaminated with 1,4 dioxane. Several health agencies have reported 1,4 dioxane probably causes cancer and it’s been linked with breast cancer and tumors in the liver, gallbladder, nose, lungs, and skin.
Not only do PEGs likely bring along a cancer-causing chemical, but they also enhance the penetration of other potentially harmful chemicals. PEGs are used by skincare formulators to soften and open up the skin’s pores to the other ingredients in a product. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, any toxins in the product get a free ride through our skin’s barrier thanks to the PEGs.
Here are products that may contain PEGs:
Facial moisturizer and serums
Hand cream and lotions
Brow liner
Hair serum and gel
Shaving cream
Shampoo and conditioner
Body and face scrubs
Face masks
Makeup bronzer or highlighter
9. Triclosan
The FDA spoke out against the antibacterial ingredient triclosan and in 2017 banned its use in certain products, including hand sanitizer and certain soaps.
However, triclosan is still found in everything from body wash and toothpaste, to clothing and toys. The chemical is thought to contribute to deadly antibiotic resistance and negatively affect thyroid health. Triclosan can damage the endocrine system and reproductive hormone function even at very low doses.
In his 2018 article, “Triclosan and Cancer Risk: Is There a Link?,” Dr. Kistler references the potential dangers of triclosan. There’s evidence triclosan may play a role in several different types of cancer and the FDA is currently conducting further studies on the subject. Not only is triclosan bad for us, but it’s known to be toxic to water-life.
Special Concern for Pregnant Mamas
A 2014 report presented at the American Chemical Society found some disturbing evidence in the pregnant women studied. The researchers found triclosan in all of the pregnant women’s urine samples and in half of the babies’ umbilical cord blood.
It was clear triclosan passes from mom to unborn baby. This can lead to serious problems since there’s growing evidence triclosan can lead to development and reproductive issues.
Many manufacturers have phased triclosan out of their products (thankfully!), but it’s still around. Here are products that may contain triclosan:
Hand and body soap
Foundation, mascara, and other types of makeup
10. Methylisothiazolinone (MIT)
This preservative was named “allergen of the year” by the American Contact Dermatitis Society. Not an award I’d want to win!
Government agencies in Europe, Germany, Japan, and Canada have limited its use because of safety concerns. However, the US doesn’t seem fazed and it’s still widely used here with fewer restrictions than our international neighbors.
Safety reports done by the US research group, Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR), determined MIT wasn’t harmful when used under certain amounts. However, CIR research is funded by the Personal Care Products (PCP) Council, a group of over 600 major cosmetic and chemical companies.
MIT is strongly linked with skin sensitization and irritation, the main reason why it is restricted in other countries. A 2002 study in the Journal of Neuroscience also found MIT is highly toxic to brain neurons and recommended further safety research.
Here are products which may contain the preservative methylisothiazolinone:
Face moisturizers
Shampoo and conditioner
Hair gel, mousse, and other hair products
Bronzer and highlighter
Foundation and primer
Body wash
What to Do About Toxic Ingredients
It can be overwhelming and scary to look at lists like this, but it doesn’t have to be. Companies have come a long way in providing safer options. Plus, I know where you can find plenty of natural and safe DIY skincare, soap, lotion, and makeup recipes! 🙂
Confession though: As my kids get older, I don’t always have time to make DIY recipes! This is why I started a personal care product line of my own! My hope is it helps every family make the switch to non-toxic (and even healthy!) products they can trust.
As moms, we can reverse the trend and educate ourselves to avoid potentially toxic ingredients and make natural, safer products the norm!
Check your bottles… do you recognize any of these ingredients? What are your favorite natural products to make or use instead?
This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Scott Soerries, MD, Family Physician and Medical Director of SteadyMD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.
Article Sources:
AAFP. (2017). FDA Finalizes Ban on Triclosan, Other OTC Antiseptics. Retrieved from https://www.aafp.org/news/health-of-the-public/20171222triclosanban.html
ACS. (2014). Pregnant women and fetuses exposed to antibacterial compounds face potential health risks. Retrieved from https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/pressroom/newsreleases/2014/august/pregnant-women-and-fetuses-exposed-to-antibacterial-compounds-face-potential-health-risks.html
Adams, R. (2016). Petroleum Jelly May Not Be As Harmless As You Think. Retrieved from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/vaseline-petroleum-jelly_n_4136226?guccounter=1
Andrews, D. (2018). Is Teflon in Your Cosmetics? Retrieved from https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/contents/is-teflon-in-your-cosmetics/
Barr, L., Metaxas, G., Harbach, C., Savoy, L., &  Darbre, P. (2012). Measurement of paraben concentrations in human breast tissue at serial locations across the breast from axilla to sternum. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jat.1786
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Chempoint. (N.D.). KATHON™ CG/ICP II. Retrieved from https://www.chempoint.com/products/dupont/kathon-cg-icp-isothiazolinone-microbiocide/kathon-cg-icp-preservative/kathon-cg-icp-ii
Concin, N., Hofstetter, G., Plattner, B., Tomovski, C., Fiselier, K., Gerritzen, K., Semsroth, S., Zeimet, AG., Marth, C., Siegl, H., Rieger, K., Ulmer, H., Concin, H., & Grob K. (2011). Evidence for cosmetics as a source of mineral oil contamination in women. Journal of Women’s Health. 20(11), 1713-9. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2011.2829
Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR). (2014). Amended Safety Assessment of Methylisothiazolinone  as Used in Cosmetics. Retrieved from http://www.cir-safety.org/sites/default/files/mthiaz092014FR_final.pdf
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Environmental Working Group.(N.D.). 1,4, Dioxane. Retrieved from https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/ingredient/726331/1%2C4-DIOXANE/#
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Source: https://wellnessmama.com/426233/toxic-ingredients/
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foxy-mademoiselle · 5 years ago
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17 Aphrodisiac Scents + Perfume
1. Vanilla | The perfume: Shalimar By Guerlain
This powdery vanilla scent is a sexy classic. It's not candy-sweet, either. Inspired by the love of an Indian Emperor for his wife (for whom the Taj Mahal was built), this delicious fragrance starts fresh and light, with lemon and bergamot, and reveals itself to be sensual and soft, with base notes of vanilla and incense.
2. Doughnut & Black Licorice | The perfume: Demeter Fragrance Library's Licorice
This library of singular scents (everything from fresh laundry to Hello Kitty-inspired fragrances) has something for everyone, including your guy. Not sure you want to douse yourself in licorice? Lather up with the licorice bath and shower gel, or add a few drops of the Angel Food bath oil to your next bubble bath.
3. Orange | The perfume: Boss Orange
This scent from Hugo Boss will have his senses tingling, with top notes of sweet apple and soft florals that give way to orange blossom. The base includes sandalwood, olive wood and creamy vanilla, another male favorite.
4. Chocolate | The perfume: Serendipity 3 Serendipitous
This perfume has some serious chocolate notes with hints of vanilla and orange (both of which are also arousing fragrances).
5. Lily of the Valley | Lily of the Valley by Yardley of London
This is a watery floral scent that's cool and fresh. Lily of the Valley combines with pink peony and freesia for a subtle floral he won't be able to resist. Creamy musk and white amber lend some sex appeal to the scent, and grapefruit and ginger keep it fresh, not overwhelming.
6. Bergamot | The perfume: Love on the Run x Seduce
Seduce him with this deeply penetrating blend of bergamot and woodsy Damascus rose, caressed by sweet, sultry jasmine undertones. This fragrance also contains Estratetraenol, a romantic and cuddly pheromone that enhances both emotional and physical intimacy. That means it’s power packed and ready for intimacy.
7. Wild yam | The perfume: Morning Glow
This fragrance is made from pheromones that are vegan and are derived from the wild yam root, and contains a fresh bouquet of ylang ylang, sensual jasmine, citrusy apple blossoms, freesia, and deep purple violets. Undertones of soft white musk will keep him mesmerized from morning to night. 
8. Rose Oil | The perfume: Pacifica Spray Perfume, Persian Rose
This blend sets sweet and sultry vanilla absolute, with honey-jasmine notes and a touch of fruitiness, against a deep and beautiful base of tea. Pacifica Spray uses a blend of Bulgarian rose, subtle violet, myrrh, and delicate fruit as a nod to the floral Empire of the Persians, the Kings of perfume in the 9th century.
9. Sandalwood | The fragrance: Santal Majuscule by Serge Lutens Eau De Parfum Spray
Woodsy notes with scents of cacao, damask rose, and sandalwood, this one can be worn by both sexes. This is a long-lasting fragrance that has a woodsy, spicy scent created through a combination of notes, including sandalwood and cacao.
10. Lavender | The perfume: L'Occitane Lavender Eau de Cologne
Lavender Eau de Cologne has a light, breezy scent, underlined by subtle woody notes. This vibrant cologne is a celebration of summer that captures the sunshine and brightness of Haute-Provence.
11. Cinnamon | The perfume: Demeter Cinnamon Bun Cologne Spray
12. The scent: Jasmine | Byredo Flowerhead Eau de Parfum
A floral fragrance that opens with notes of Angelica seeds, Sicilian lemon and lingonberry with middle notes of wild jasmine sambac, dewy tuberose, and rose petals.
13. Clary Sage | The perfume: Arvedikas Clary-sage Natural Solid Perfume
This gorgeous fragrance is made with special blends of natural essential oils, Jojoba oil, natural beeswax, natural herbs, and natural aromatic compounds to give long-lasting fragrance
14. Patchouli | VIKTOR&ROLF Flowerbomb
Warm and sweet gourmands, with notes of jasmine, orange blossom, and patchouli. Deep amber, woody, and patchouli notes combine with warm vanilla and praline notes to complete a truly addictive fragrance.
15. Ylang Ylang | The perfume: Chanel No. 5
One of the most classic fragrances one could buy, a blend of aldehydes and florals like rose, ylang-ylang, jasmine, lily of the valley and iris, layered over a warm, woody base of vetiver, sandalwood, vanilla, amber and patchouli.
16. Musk | The perfume: Eau De Musk
Kiehl's Original Musk Oil is believed to have been created in the 1920s at the "Kiehl Apothecary." Discovered in a vat labeled, "Love Oil" in the late 1950s, this fragrance, Musk Eau de Toilette Spray, was re-introduced in 1963.
17. Spicy | The perfume: NEST Indigo
A spicy blend of Moroccan tea, Kashmir wood, and black cardamom with sexy hints of wild fig and bergamot. These notes combine to create a captivating fragrance that transitions well from day to evening. A perfect fragrance as the weather begins to chill.
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superstartvnews · 5 years ago
This Mother's Day is unlike any that we've celebrated before. If you recognize a mom who has their kids home with them immediately , you recognize that social distancing has thrown the difficulties of parenting into focus. That goes double, or triple, if you are a single parent. Even within the best-case scenarios, many folks are separated from our own parents by miles or high-risk medical conditions. We can't bring your family together. for several parents who are struggling, we will not even offer to swing by and do a load of laundry. What we do have are 15 gift ideas to assist the oldsters in your life work from home, keep their coffee warm, or leave running with their kids. For more ideas, inspect our guides to the simplest gift ideas for brand spanking new parents, best kid podcasts or the simplest kid tablets. 1-Michael Kors Women's Jet Set Item Crossbody Bag Product description Michael Kors Jet Set Item Large East West Cross-body is crafted in beautiful and durable saffiano finished leather and finished with polished hardware. This larger size cross-body is lined in Michael Kors custom logo fabric and features a spacious padded open slip pocket on the back wall and an open slip pocket on the front wall. It has a fully zippered top closure and is accented with Michael Kors iconic logo. It has a single leather and chain adjustable shoulder and cross-body strap. It measures approximately 9.25 inches (L) x 6.25 inches (H) x 2.25 inches (W) and has an MSRP of $278.00. Shop At Amazon amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "superstartv06-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B07DKHC9DM"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "8fa5fed3a0bcd060b77eff0c5aa88de0"; 2-L'Occitane Anti-Aging Divine Cream for a Youthful and Radiant Glow, 1.7 oz Product Description Discover the ultimate anti-aging skin care collection, enriched with immortelle essential oil, helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, for luminous and smoother looking skin. Start your routine with the Immortelle Divine Foaming Cleansing Cream. This cleansing foam gently cleanses the face and removes impurities leaving the skin fresh and glowing with beauty. Next, apply the Immortelle Divine Youth Oil. The Immortelle Divine Youth Oil, made with 7 plant oils, has a light, silky texture with a non oily finish, that melts into the skin beautifully. Then gently pat Immortelle Divine Eyes around the delicate eye area. This silky gel-cream with immortelle essential oil targets puffiness, dark circles, and crow’s feet. Finish your routine by applying Immortelle Divine Cream. This moisturizer comprised of immortelle essential oil and a complex of seven ingredients of natural origin helps fight visible signs of aging and leaves skin incredibly nourished. It helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles for luminous and smoother-looking skin. This kit includes: Divine Cream 1.7 oz., Divine Cleansing Foam 4.2 oz., Immortelle Divine Eyes 0.1 fl. oz., Immortelle Divine Youth Oil 0.5 fl. oz. Shop At Amazon amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "superstartv06-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B075S8Y3V5"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "71a198e78cd8598b0bf1e17750c7c070"; 3-Estee Lauder Blockbuster Holiday Make Up Gift Set w/Train Case - Smoky Noir Product description This is the gift you've been waiting for. Est�e Lauder's biggest, most beautiful collection includes 23 Pure Color Envy shades (including two full-size lipsticks), Est�e Lauder's #1 Repair Serum and so much more, all in a deluxe travel case. Deluxe eye palette with 16 best-selling Pure Color Envy Sculpting EyeShadow shades: Dark Ego #1, Currant Desire #3, Captivating Cocoa #1, Strong Currant, Fiery Saffron #5, Currant Desire #4, Ominous, Savage Storm #5, Untamed Teal #1, Currant Desire #2, Quiet Power, Audacious Nude, Untamed Teal #3, Captivating Cocoa #4, Untamed Teal #5, Rebel Metal #5 3 Pure Color Envy Blush Shades: Luminizer, Rosy Glow and Sculpting Bronzer, 2 Pure Color Envy Sculpting Lipsticks in Insolent Plum and Dynamic (full sizes), 2 Pure Color Envy Sculpting Lip Glosses in Berry Provocative and Plum Jealousy (full sizes),Sumptuous Extreme Lash Multiplying Volume Mascara in Black (full size), Advanced Night Repair Synchronized Recovery Complex II, 1 oz. (full size), Advanced Night Micro Cleansing Foam, 1.7 oz, Revitalizing Supreme + Cell Power Creme, 0.5 oz, Modern Muse Le Rouge Eau de Parfum Travel Spray, 0.14 oz, Travel case.                              Shop At Amazon amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "superstartv06-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B01M24RKNK"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "287ea6013059c15f2d6292c89a91337b"; 4-GODINGER SILVER ART Airplane Shaker on Stand Product description The airplane shaker on a stand, by Go dinger Silver Art, is an eye catching and whimsical addition to any bar. It works like any drink mixer; however, the airplane design makes the drink you pour all the more interesting Shop At Amazon amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "superstartv06-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00EEQMVTE"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "7a261371b7ae1edeb4423bace5876ece"; 5-Teabloom Complete Tea Set - Stovetop Safe Glass Teapot with 12 Flowering Teas, Tea Warmer, 4 Double Wall Teacups & Removable Glass Infuser for Loose Leaf Tea - Celebration Flowering Tea Gift Set TEABLOOM REINTRODUCES THE ART OF TEA Teabloom's Celebration Blooming Tea Set makes Teatime Timeless. Each set contains an exquisite 34 oz. hand-blown Glass Teapot specially crafted from lead free glass. Its crystal clear shape and glass lid allow you to witness the flowering bloom unfurling within. In addition to the teapot, you'll also get a tea infuser for loose leaf teas, a glass tea warmer to place under your teapot, and four 3.4 oz. crystal-clear double-walled glasses. But the real magic is inside the canister where you'll find 12 special Flowering Teas. Teabloom fuses the finest Grade AA Green Tea Leaves with exqusite flowers. This unique combination is then hand sewn into small clusters by tea artisans after being blended 5 times with Jasmine. The aromatic scent and flavor competes only with the beauty unfolding before your eyes as the tea cluster unfurls into a beautiful flower in the teapot. Not only do you get the aroma, taste and beauty of a delicious cup of flowering tea, but you'll also reap the health benefits. Because no filters or tea bags are used with Teabloom's flowering teas, all the antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols are preserved. Each tea flower arrives individually sealed in a foil pouch to protect its freshness and each one can be used up to three times in 24 hours. So one tea bloom essentially gives you 15 cups of delicious green tea. Each Celebration Gift Set comes with brew instructions so you can enjoy the perfect cup of tea. It's as simple as unwrapping your choice of Flowering Tea, placing the tea ball into the teapot, adding boiling water and watching the magic happen. A beautiful, aromatic flower will unfold its petals while steeping in the water, creating delicious tasting tea before your eyes. Teabloom's Celebration Tea Pot and double walled thermal glasses are as functional as they are beautiful. Because they are made of hand-blown Borosilicate glass, they're easy to care for. They are able to handle extreme temperatures without cracking, even if you're going from the refrigerator to the stovetop. Borosilicate glass is dishwasher safe, microwave safe and much more thermal resistant than most glassware. Give Teabloom's Celebration Gift Set the next time you want to make a marvelous memory as timeless as our tea. Shop At Amazon amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "superstartv06-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B01IFBPX7A"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "2d334e8112baa1d59b0d51abda29c519"; 6-Instant Pot Duo 7-in-1 Electric Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Steamer, Saute, Yogurt Maker, and Warmer, 6 Quart, 14 One-Touch Programs Best Selling Model: America’s most loved multi cooker, built with the latest 3rd generation technology, the microprocessor monitors pressure, temperature, keeps time, and adjusts heating intensity and duration to achieve desired results every time Cooks Fast and Saves Time: The Instant Pot Duo multi-cooker combines 7 appliances in one: pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, steamer, sauté pan, yogurt maker and warmer – and cooks up to 70% faster Consistently Delicious: 14 one-touch Smart Programs put cooking ribs, soups, beans, rice, poultry, yogurt, desserts and more on autopilot – with tasty results Easy to Clean: Fingerprint-resistant stainless steel lid and components and accessories are dishwasher safe Plenty of Recipes: Free Instant Pot app on iOS and Android devices is, loaded with hundreds of recipes for any cuisine to get you started on your culinary adventure. Millions of users provide support and guidance in the many Instant Pot online communities Advanced Safety Protection - The 10+ built-in safety features, including Overheat Protection, Safety Lock and more to ensure safe pressure cooking Most Popular Size Capacity: 6-quart large capacity cooks for up to 6 people – perfect for families, and also great for meal prepping and batch cooking for singles and smaller households amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "superstartv06-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00FLYWNYQ"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "b231ca2cd9cb8963471ff28089c3ebd0"; 7- 7-Skagen Womens Signatur Slim Mother-of-Pearl Color: Rose Gold Imported 36mm case, 16mm band width, mineral crystal, Quartz movement with 2-hand analog display, imported.. Round stainless steel case, with a pink dial.. Rose Gold, stainless steel mesh band. Water resistant up to 30m: Will withstand splashes in water amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "superstartv06-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B07G188YYP"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "b03f9bc9dfdeabca2e406ebb0beaa238"; 8- -Gem Stone King Sterling Silver Blue Sapphire and White Diamond Tennis Bracelet Jewelry for Women's 2.05 cttw Fully Adjustable Up to 9 Inch PERFECT - Showcase your sophistication with our Natural Blue Sapphire and White Natural Diamonds 925 Sterling Silver Adjustable bracelet. this bracelet is a modern take on classic style making it perfect for all occasions and gift giving. MADE OF REAL SOLID 925 STERLING SILVER - This Bracelet is made of solid 925 sterling silver, with 925 Stamp. This composition makes this bracelet extremely tough making it suitable for everyday use. Every piece passes rigorous inspection. So you can buy with confidence. ADJUSTABLE LENGTH. Don’t you hate when you buy a bracelet and it keeps falling off your wrist? Good news—with our adjustable closure, you can easily fit this bracelet to your personal size. QUALITY MEETS STYLE. Providing quality pieces that satisfy our customers is our primary goal, which is why our jewelry passes extensive quality checkpoints before being shipped to you. Each piece is constructed from high quality materials at a price point that works for you, because everyone deserves a piece of luxury. Gemstones may have been treated to improve their appearance or durability and may require special care. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "superstartv06-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B07121GDF8"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "7f659b5d48149a540588733dd181a201"; 9- Vector Robot by Anki, A Home Robot Who Hangs Out & Helps Out, With Amazon Alexa Built-In Vector is a companion made to hang out and help out. Powered by ai and advanced robotics, he's alive with personality and engaged by sight, sound, and touch. Vector is voice-activated and will answer questions, take photos for you, time dinner, show you the weather, and more. Voice features are currently English language only. If you choose to set up Alexa on your vector, you'll be able to: set reminders, control smart home devices like lights, speakers, and thermostats, and so much more. Vector can independently navigate and self-charge. He recognizes people and avoids obstacles. Vector is an updating platform, Cloud connected via Wi-Fi so he's always learning and updating with new skills and features. Requirements: a compatible iOS or Android device and the free vector app for set up only. Check compatibility at Anki.Com/devices. Includes 1 Vector robot, 1 cube, 1 charger (USB power adapter not included). There are some Alexa features Vector will not support like playing songs from streaming music services via Spotify, SiriusXM, Pandora, etc. But we'd rather you connect your tunes to an external smart speaker so Vector can show off his dance moves While Anki has ceased product development and manufacturing, Anki has stated that it will provide long term support to maintain the operation and functionality in the existing products and apps. A self-serve Help Center to assist in getting the most out of your product has been implemented by Anki. Regretfully there are no agents available but Anki has indicated that they will be monitoring cloud operations for Anki accounts and Vector. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "superstartv06-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B07G3ZNK4Y"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "462b36dedc2e889a5f8ec66df1a92cd8"; 10- New Balance Women's Zante v4 Fresh Foam Running Shoe Product description The sleekest ride of Fresh Foam continues to deliver smooth for the speedy. Engineered and designed for those seeking a swifter pace, a fresh foam midsole delivers soft cushioning with every step. A bootie construction and HypoSkin upper create a snug midfoot fit while an engineered mesh vamp lets the toes play for efficiency. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "superstartv06-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B075R3RDNW"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "4b17ce3eafec50f6fbf3871b190dc957"; 11- Beachbody Shaun T's Insanity MAX:30 Base Kit - DVD Workout INSANITY MAX:30 is Shaun T's latest workout The craziest 30 minutes of your day for the best results of your life Includes 12 Workouts on 10 DVDs, MAX OUT Guide, Nutrition to the MAX Also includes MAX OUT Calendar, AB MAXIMIZER Calendar, No Time to Cook Guide No equipment required amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "superstartv06-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00OVI9UW6"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "0bb69c49318ca258068502ce39351a27"; 12- Hydro Flask Travel Coffee Flask - Multiple Sizes & Colors Newly produced Hydro Flasks do not feature a registered trademark symbol next to the logo Keeps beverages cold up to 24 hours and hot up to 6 hours when using the lid BPA-free and phthalate-free; 18/8 food-grade stainless steel Comes with a Hydro Flip lid to help reduce spills; lid not leakproof Features a new slip-free and dishwasher safe powder coating, along with a lifetime warranty amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "superstartv06-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00VKLOJL4"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "24fa4c29dae7c42fcc6497466332cee7"; 13- Survivor Filter PRO - Virus and Heavy Metal Tested 0.01 Micron Water Filter for Camping, Hiking, and Emergency. 3 Stages - 2 Cleanable 100,000L Membranes and a Carbon Filter for Family Preparedness BEST INDEPENDENTLY TESTED FILTRATION LEVEL ON THE MARKET: Tested at Multiple USA labs to show Log 5 Removal 99.999% of Protozoa (Cryptosporidium, Giardia and Parasites) Log 5 Removal 99.999% of tested VIRUS (Phi X-174), STAPH and BACTERIA. 99.5% Mercury and 93% Lead Removal which Matches or Exceeds Most Home Systems. Just Ask us for Copies of our Tests! TRIPLE FILTRATION TO 0.01 MICRONS TO REMOVE VIRUS, BACTERIA, PARASITES and REDUCE MOST HEAVY METALS, TASTE and CHEMICALS: thanks to Dual Hollow Fiber Membrane (Ultra Filters) and Carbon Filtration - 20 times more efficient than the competition at 0.2 microns and none of the Competition Comes Close with Our Heavy Metal Removal. PLUS - SURVIVOR FILTER SATISFACTION GUARANTEE and LIFETIME WARRANTY: if you don't love your Survivor Filter PRO, simply return it and we will refund 100% of your purchase. SUPER FAST FLOW RATE OF 500 ml. (17 OZ) PER MINUTE: can be used directly from fresh water source, pumped into attached cup, OR pumped into any portable hydration pack. Perfect for filtering large jugs of water for the whole family! BUILT OF QUALITY MATERIALS: Shell is ABS Material (Same Material Used on Car Bumpers), Polysulfone Medical Grade Ultra Filter (Same Material Used in Visors of Apollo Astronauts), Food Grade Activated Carbon and Handle Contains Steel Bar Inside for Extra Support. BPA Free, Comes with all internal filters and tubing, detachable Drinking Cup, Travel Bag, Detailed instructions and How to Use Manual. SURVIVOR FILTER LIFETIME WARRANTY: Survivor Filter is based in North America and we cover all manufacturing and other defects with our Lifetime Warranty. If you ever run into any problems with any of our products simply contact us and we will work to make it right. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "superstartv06-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00QFXGSIY"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "1acdea2921028a2a8b14b7f08b77c437"; 14- Pendleton Roll Up Blanket, Black Butte 100% Wool; 100% Nylon Made in US 100% pure virgin wool blanket, sturdy 100% nylon back Made in the USA Includes attached carrying handle amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "superstartv06-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00BTJJ62O"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "cd203c6511ac4c3b4fbd182610157d39"; 15- UGG Women's W Mirabelle Slipper 100% Natural Wool Fiber Imported Dyed Sheep, Fur Origin: United States/United Kingdom/Spain/Ireland/Australia Rubber sole Shaft measures approximately not_applicable from arch Heel measures approximately 0.5 inches" Indoor/ Outdoor amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "superstartv06-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B0792M6YWH"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "057a364e972c9dce0c0aabebe906004d";
0 notes
malodorousmalcontent · 6 years ago
Sucreabeille Review Part 3
Hey y'all, guess who's back on their bullshit! Yeah, that's right, it's me. A lil' backstory: once upon a time, the owner of Suc offered me a coupon to explore her scent catalogue, and through various circumstances, I ended up coming into ownership of, at this point, thirty-fricken-four different scents of theirs. And i'm gonna review all of 'em, dang it.
So, with that out of the way, today i'll be going over Liquid Gold, Belladonna, Big Damn Heroes, Cersei, Stay Sexy, Shiny, Margaery Tyrell, and The Mountain.
LIQUID GOLD (PERFUME OIL) || Zanzibar spice, lavender fields, bergamot black tea.
IN THE BOTTLE: Smells like a smooth, elegant base with some tang to it and a bit of a floral buzz.
ON THE SKIN: This is lovely - definitely evokes the color gold when I give it a sniff. It’s an elegant, warm, grown-up scent: smooth, a touch tangy, and strangely... Wheaty? Yeasty? ...Earthy? It's hard to describe. On top of that is a beautiful hint of floral that smells almost fizzy. If I close my eyes and sniff it, I feel like i'm standing on rolling hills of golden grain with flowers in the distance. It reminds me of Alkemia's Silken Tent in how mature and stately it smells, despite not actually smelling like it.
Going over the notes, i'm certain that the zanzibar spice is responsible for that earthy quality, and the gentle, smooth, elegant, slightly tangy sweetness is from the bergamot tea - it's the exact same note from You're in a Cult, which I could pick out of a lineup if I had to. The lavender - that gentle floral sparkle - is detectable, but far from overwhelming, like it's just a scent being carried on a warm breeze. The phrasing 'lavender fields' is apt.
On the dry down, the 'tea' part of the bergamot tea comes out more and gives the scent a faint bitterness, and it stays like that until it fades to nearly-nothing around the 4 hour mark. It also wears fairly close to the skin.
RATING: 4.7/5. This is in my top three Suc scents, but i'm docking it a teensy bit for fading kinda fast.
BELLADONNA (PERFUME OIL) || A freshly picked red rose, old leather, white musk.
IN THE BOTTLE: Cold, black, kinda wet leather. Very chlorine-smelling.
ON THE SKIN: This is all leather and musk to me. It's a deep, cold, black leather smell - the kind that I frequently think of as smelling like inky-black rain. It's a strange, empty scent, that's pretty reminiscent of chlorine, as mentioned before. In my notes I described it as 'a haunting scent for the dead'. If you've smelled Alkemia's The Raven - it's very reminiscent of that. (I've said the same thing in my review of Suc's Let's Be Bad Guys - if they don't share the same leather note, they're certainly very similar!)
Combined with the musk note, this scent ends up smelling like old books: musty, dusty, hardback leather book covers. At no point do I smell anything remotely rose-like - though I do get the teensiest bit of stemmy green-ness.
Dries down to... Well, basically the same scent, honestly. I was hoping the rose would come out more, but it's still inky leather and musk. It had some okay sillage when wet, and five and a half hours later + one scrubbing with dish soap, I can still clearly detect it on my wrist.
RATING: 3/5. I wish I picked up on the rose more, and i'm not wild about the musk, but I've got a soft spot for that inky black leather smell.
BIG DAMN HEROES (PERFUME OIL) || Rain, salt spray, green fig, warm meadow sun.
IN THE BOTTLE: Fresh-scented soap, with a little green-ness.
ON THE SKIN: This smells kinda like a beachy-scented suave brand conditioner. Mellow, pretty, refreshing-smelling soap. The thing at the forefront is definitely a mixture of the rain and the salty spray, which ends up just smelling like, well, saltwater - but not necessarily oceanic saltwater, so much as tap water mixed with salt. There's a touch of green-ness, but it less stands out as its own note and more just blends in with everything else.
After about three hours, it fades enough that I have a hard time telling the difference between my skin and the scent. It did have a lot of sillage, though, and it smelled really nice from a distance - refreshing, and I could detect some sweetness from the fig.
In my notes, I originally described it as smelling like this image looks, and... Yeah, basically.
RATING: 2.5/5. Nothing particularly special to me.
CERSEI (PERFUME OIL) || White thyme, freshly ground black pepper, black jasmine, amber.
IN THE BOTTLE: Hardcore dry herbs with a little bit of floral underneath it, barely detectable.
ON THE SKIN: First time I tried this, my immediate thought was, holy crap, why does this smell exactly like oregano of all things? Dried oregano, specifically. I'm now fairly certain it's the thyme + black pepper combination, as I have another scent with those same notes (Shiny, but we'll get to that), that starts off almost the same. I don't detect anything that reads jasmine-y, or even floral, to me, and after about ten minutes of wear, I get an extremely subtle sweetness from the amber.
On the drydown, I start getting a hint of something that smells kinda... Minty? All notes are present as it wears on, though the thyme definitely mellows out some.
Has a whole lotta sillage, and it wears strongly on my wrist for a pretty dang long time.
RATING: 2/5. I don't particularly care for the thyme + black pepper combination, and I wish the other notes came through more.
STAY SEXY (PERFUME OIL) || Tahitian vanilla, rich honey, fresh grapefruit.
IN THE BOTTLE: Zingy, poppy grapefruit. Makes me think of neon yellows, pinks and purples. I like!
ON THE SKIN: I had a weird experience with this. The first time I ever wore it, it smelled almost exactly like Hexennacht's Daemon on me - like super sweet bubblegum. (Daemon does not normally go bubblegummy, but it sure as heck did on me - you can read more about that here.) This is not, logically, an issue, since Stay Sexy is kind of... A bubblegummy scent. Has some very sweet, tangy notes. The problem is, since it smelled so similar to a scent that I had not liked, because Daemon was not supposed to smell like that... I, by association, didn't like this.
The good news is, after a super long period of rest, it's gotten better.
It starts out bubblygummy still, but the grapefruit quickly comes out more and gives the scent a lovely bright and sour edge. The vanilla and honey still make it sweet and foody, but not cloyingly so, and the honey isn't overwhelming, which i'm so so thankful for - strong honey scents are, mm, unpleasant to me. Here, it just blends with the vanilla really well.
On the drydown, it becomes a smooth, creamy vanilla scent that I actually really like. It's sort of simple, but this would probably be nice to layer with things. Decent sillage - I could detect it faintly from a distance when it's wet. Disappears around the 4 hour mark.
RATING: 3.5/5. Objectively not bad smelling - in fact, i'd even say I like it - but it's simple in a way that doesn't quite interest me.
SHINY (PERFUME OIL) || Grapefruit, bergamot, white thyme, dalmation sage, black pepper.
IN THE BOTTLE: Kinda subdued herbs and something that smells dirty/earthy.
ON THE SKIN: He-eey, white thyme and black pepper, guess what this smells liiike :^)
Forreal though, when I first tried this, it had the same Oregano™ smell as Cersei, but after a good long while of rest, that's calmed down a little, though it still smells like some extremely buzzy herbs. There's also an undercurrent of citrus to it that I managed to pick up on a blind sniff, though I did have to be really concentrating to notice it.
On the drydown, hey, there's that subtle minty smell again! 90% sure it's the thyme after getting it in two different scents. Aaaand... Yep, stays that way for the next three hours, at which point it disappears. Basically? Cersei, but with some very faint citrus, and slightly less oregano-y. Maybe I just amp herbaceous smells real hard. Wears pretty close to the skin.
RATING: 2.5/5. Not wild about this one, but it gets half a point for having detectable citrus.
MARGAERY TYRELL (PERFUME OIL) || A freshly popped bottle of champagne; ripe, juicy peach; crisp cotton sheets; an English rose garden; moonlight pomegranate; herbaceous sage; neroli.
IN THE BOTTLE: Mmmm not good. Something very... It's weird, it's like acrid and chemical-y. Makes me think of the smell of bile, but cleaner.
ON THE SKIN: This was pretty when I first tried it. Sparkly champagne, a little soapy from the cotton sheets, a little peachy, ever-so-faintly floral... Bright, fizzy with a smooth undercurrent, and femme. I liked it a lot.
And then resting happened, and, what the hell?
I put it on, and it quickly went very, very bad on me. Like. I hate to use words like this to describe a scent, but it was acrid in a way that brings 'burning garbage' or 'vomit' to mind. I'm fairly certain it's a combination of the champagne, the sage, and maybe the peach - I've noticed some peach notes tend to go this kind of acrid on me in other scents, but it's more subtle than this. This is like... A perfect storm of bad. Which is unfortunate.
After five minutes, the sage note dries down, so it's better, but not great. In my notes, I called it 'slightly rancid champagne; champagne and piss'. After 30 minutes, it finally becomes something wearable: champagne and very faint peach, with a bit of laundry detergent... But it's also extremely light. I can barely smell it.
RATING: 1/5. The dry-down is okay, if not nearly nonexistent, but boy. Boy those first 30 minutes are hellish.
THE MOUNTAIN (EAU DE PARFUM) || Amber, a pint of oatmeal stout, pure golden honey.
IN THE BOTTLE: Hard to place. Almost smells like gingerbread - warm, sweet, and a little spicy, but it's kinda faint.
ON THE SKIN: I knew I would love this, and hey! What a surprise, I do. More than I even expected to, actually. The oatmeal stout note is killer: genuinely smells like warm, comforting, buttery oatmeal with brown sugar, cinnamon, and a little splash of booze. The honey's super subtle--hooray--but detectable, complimenting the oatmeal stout beautifully, giving it that honey tang.
And then it starts to dry down, and, oo la la, that amber. Resinously sweet, a little earthy, a little spicy. Gives this scent some complexity without losing the comforting foody notes from earlier.
This scent is rich, warm, a little creamy, and just... Tasty. I really, really like it. It wears strong on my wrist, but doesn't have a ton of sillage, and was still faintly detectable the morning after I put it on, so. Good longevity.
RATING: 5/5. The good stuff. Another top 3 scent from Suc.
And thats, woof, another part down. Next part should be the final one (unless I like, decide to divide it in half or something idk), and will feature: Nightshade; Sansa; Three-Eyed Raven; Papa's Waffles; Embalming Fluid; Bohemian; Briar Rose; Firefly; Troll Food; and Strawberry Milkshake.
...maybe I should divide that in half. Hm. We'll see.
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jujuraid · 5 years ago
Kebutuhan parfum tidak pernah menurun. Parfum sudah menjadi kebutuhan sehari – hari yang tidak bisa ditinggalkan. Sehingga, hal ini membuat peluang usaha yang menjanjikan jika ingin membuka bisnis rumahan.
Bisnis parfum original murah, bisa menjadi pandangan bisnis yang bagus. Tidak membutuhkan modal yang banyak, kakak bisa membukanya di rumah. Target pasar yang pertama bisa dimulai dari tetangga, teman, keluarga dan orang – orang sekitar.
Ada hal yang harus kakak perhatikan ketika membuka bisnis parfum original murah, yaitu memperhatikan kualitas dari parfum yang di jual. Kualitas tentu saja berasal dari bahan – bahan yang digunakan ketika membuat parfum.
Baik parfum laundry maupun refill, haruslah berkualitas agar menghasilkan wangi yang tahan lama. Mau tahu lebih lanjut mengenai bisnis parfum original murah ? Yuk, Langsung saja KLIK tautannya dan simak penjelasan selengkapnya dari kami yaa ^^
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