#Parasitic cone
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dream-world-universe · 2 months ago
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Mt Ngauruhoe, New Zealand: Mount Ngauruhoe is a volcanic cone in New Zealand. It is the youngest vent in the Tongariro stratovolcano complex on the Central Plateau of the North Island and first erupted about 2,500 years ago. Although often regarded as a separate mountain, geologically, it is a secondary cone of Mount Tongariro. Wikipedia
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orofeaiel · 10 months ago
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Small Ground Cones - a species of parasitic plant native to western North America from British Columbia to northern California, which grows in wooded areas.
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persephonaae · 1 year ago
Trick or Treat!
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I hope you’re not a manzanita shrub because you’re getting a California ground cone
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extinctionstories · 9 months ago
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It was never a common species, the blue-grey warbler that locals called the jack pine bird. A belated discovery among American birds, it was undescribed by science until the mid 19th century—and then, known only on the basis of a single specimen. The bird's wintering grounds in the Caribbean would eventually fulfill the demands of collectors and museums, but the intricacies of its lifecycle remained a mystery for decades, the first nest only found in 1903. As the already-rare bird became rarer, people could only guess at why. There were just so few birds to look for, their breeding habitat inscrutable amidst the dense, impassable woodland of their Midwestern home. The one clue was the most apparent thing about the bird: its affinity with the jack pine (Pinus banksiana).
Over time, more nests were found—not in the eponymous trees, as might be expected for a songbird, but on the ground at their feet. Data points converged, leading to the realization that not only did the bird nest almost exclusively in proximity to the scrubby pines, but only utilized trees that fell within a specific range: new growth, between five and fifteen feet tall, with branches that swept shelteringly close to the ground. Subsequently, it would be noticed that the greatest volume of specimen collection for the bird had corresponded with years in which historically significant wildfires had impacted the Midwest—fires that, for decades afterwards, had been staunchly suppressed. The pieces fell into place, like jack pine seeds, whose cones open only under the heat of a blaze.
With the bird's total population having dwindled to the low hundreds, a program of prescribed burns, clearcutting, and replanting was instituted, with many acres of land purchased and devoted to the preservation and maintenance of suitable breeding habitat. Concurrently, efforts were made to protect the vulnerable bird against brood parasitism by the brown-headed cowbird.
When the first federal list of protected species was put forward in 1966, the name of the small grey warbler was inscribed beside birds such as the Kauai ʻōʻō and the Dusky Seaside Sparrow.
The ʻōʻō, last of the genus Moho, would be removed from the list in 2023 due to extinction, after thirty-six years without a sighting.
The endling Dusky Seaside Sparrow, a male named Orange Band, would die of old age in captivity in 1987, with his species being delisted three years later.
in 2019, fifty-two years after the creation of the Endangered Species Protection Act, the name of Kirtland's warbler, too, was removed from the list: it had been determined that, with a population now numbering nearly 5000, the jack pine bird could be considered safely stable.
Conservationists continue to work to preserve the breeding habitat of Kirtland's Warbler in the midwestern US, as well as its winter roosts in the Bahamas and neighboring islands (though selective logging has replaced actual burning in recent years, due to the dangers posed by unpredictable fires). It's the kind of effort that it takes to undo the damage we've caused to the planet and its creatures—the kind of hope that we need, to not give up on them, or on ourselves.
The title of this piece is Prescribed Burn (Kirtland's Warbler). It is traditional gouache on 18x24" watercolor paper, and is part of my series Conservation Pieces, which focuses on efforts made to save critically endangered birds from extinction.
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tahthetrickster · 9 months ago
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it’s literally only been like 3 weeks since she weaned the jellybeans and when she was in for her spay they discovered she was already a week pregnant again. please slut-shame her.
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get fucking fixed idiot
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semisomnosres · 9 months ago
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I'll try to throw in a little bit of lore
A mysterious disease that only the Norisu clan could resist at the cost of their lives. Unfortunately, it was not possible to completely eradicate it and it terrorizes the city to this day, and only a ninja, thanks to the mask, can fight monsters without being absorbed by this filth. The disease is called the “Sorcerer’s Curse”; in ancient Japan it was believed that all illnesses and misfortunes were the fault of demons/yokai/punishment of the gods and other evil spirits. It all started with the fact that one of the first infected was mistaken for an evil sorcerer who cast a curse on everyone, which was completely wrong, but rumors spread like wildfire, and somehow, imperceptibly, this name stuck. (The First already has a shitload of things to do, he is one of those people who, if he could, would not blink so that he could work more, but coming up with an adequate name and then accustoming people to it is clearly not what he wants to spend his time on.)
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Mutated beasts appeared just as unexpectedly along with the infection. Ugly, evil, hungry creatures, wreaking chaos and eating everyone they find. They usually live and hunt in their own territory, but at the same time they have the audacity to sneak into the city to hunt. The curse had a strong impact on the environment, poisoning the land for years and changing it over so many years so that some places resemble nightmares. (For example: Trees that look like a trypophobic hell, boiling swamps where even the steam burns to the point of pain, living pieces of meat growing straight from the ground and other delights that an adequate person would not want to see in person)
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It’s relatively safe within the city, except for moments of monster attacks (which a ninja can handle) and shitty weather: hail of icy needles, acid rain season, etc. This is already common and people have adapted to such conditions over so many years. But there are also truly dangerous places where only a ninja or a complete idiot would go. (the level with the swamp from Dark Souls says hello)
From time to time, Randy has to go there voluntarily (forcibly), because only there can he get ingredients for some drugs (like those cones for creating smoke bombs) Infected people - It is quite easy to distinguish from animals - by preserved human features, personal belongings, hair, and the ability to speak humanly (but usually it turns out something incoherent, or the infected person repeats the same word) Over time, their consciousness and body will change more and more: they will begin to forget about themselves, become more aggressive and experience constantly incessant pain from body deformation and insatiable hunger (The speed of development of the virus depends on the person, some can retain their sanity and control over their actions to the last, while others They immediately break down and begin to attack those around them)
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Although there are difficult situations, it will be possible to reverse the transformation, but there is an exception. - if they eat a person, or simply taste blood, then they are immediately classified as beasts and belong to extermination. (there is another point of infection, which I will talk about a little later). As in the canon, they are also called Abominations, but for a slightly different reason. In origa, their breath simply stinks, here the unpleasant odor appears due to the decomposition of cells by parasites. They smell like rotten meat in swamp soil and metal.
Logically, I decided to make changes in the approach to battles. (combat medics) They also use weapons/magic, etc., but in the original the ninja has a choice of how hard and how deep he will push the nunchucks into someone’s insides, there are more choices of poisons and types of heals.
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Another idea is that it depends on the character of the ninja whether the treatment will be painless or even the feeling of an injection will be the same as being hit with a knife
And I will mention a person who has an important role in the city - McFist. As a true smart-ass capitalist, he managed to make money from the epidemic. (And more precisely, selling all sorts of devices for home protection, umbrellas against acid rain, alarms, etc. And his second profitable industry is the funeral home) Not to say that he is a straight-up villain here, he rather has the vibe of an annoying neighbor. It infuriates him that a ninja, in the heat of fulfilling his duties, can (accidentally) ruin some of his stores, and the ninja is annoyed that it’s up to him to clean up the consequences of some of his awesome ideas (for example, he will build a plant right near the borders of the city, where in the end the pipeline became for monsters highway directly to the city sewer system.)
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bogleech · 1 year ago
your posts about speculative vampires are so much fun and have inspired me. I’m gonna make a slug or some other sort of mollusk that is a leech for my oc world. Like, does a scrape with a beak or radula, then attaches with mucus and absorbs the blood through skin? Idk the realisticness of this. Point is I’m having a lot of fun thank you tumblr user bogleech
It's highly realistic, because it exists! ...Just not on land yet!
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There's a few different sea snails that drink the blood of fish while the fish are asleep or otherwise distracted, always with a really long proboscis, and they do use a specialized radula to drill through the scales and flesh! This species Colubraria reticulata also has a crazy number of different toxins it injects! It has an anesthetic and an anticoagulant, which are common to vampiric animals, but it's not strong enough to really "suck" the blood out so it also has a drug that raises blood pressure, which means as Tommy Leung's Parasite of the Day puts it the fish's own body pumps the blood INTO the snail! It also has a compound that temporarily impairs healing because fish can close up wounds THAT fast, and finally, it has a venom similar to that of cone snails, but not enough to be deadly; only enough that it probably just keeps the fish sleeping deeper :) I wish there was a vampiric slug, in the ocean or otherwise, but I don't know of any! I don't know why!
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coochiekrab · 2 months ago
"we'd like to see Kuri naked. please."
whip-pans to a photograph of kuri shaven bare bc she had many parasites at some point.
like think of that photo of a husky shaven bare bc the vet had issues with getting ticks off of him bc of how thick the fur was
Kuri canonically gets a lion cut when she does chemo for easy bathing. Wears a cone and everything
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smalltimidbean · 10 months ago
WYD WHEN DA GANG PULL UP?! - Go dumpster diving, most likely kjfdghk (silly)
Hehe so many sillies!!! And many sillies making new friends, yippee!!! Thank you for drawing them!!!
drew some stuff involving my sillies + @smalltimidbean 's clone ocs :D
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ive been meaning to draw those two for a while,,, + I think Babs would get along with them :]
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I love the dessert-themed clones so much <3 they all seem so sweet !! (Pun Intended)
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seabeck · 10 months ago
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From today!
Left to right: either a chocolate lily or a speckled (probably the latter), a gall (I got an ID on it but idr), aster (not blooming but maybe soon?), pacific sideband, a big carpenter ant (a guard/drone), variegated trailing blackberry, beetle, dense flowered rein orchid (finally got an ID!!), ground cone (parasitic plant)
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plant-taxonomy-showdown · 1 year ago
Phylum Round 1
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Pine Trees vs A Different Type of Green Algae!
Pinophyta or Coniferophyta (conifers): pines, firs, spruces, sequoias, cedars, junipers, larches, cypresses, kauri, yews — if it has cones and needles rather than leaves and fruit, it’s probably a conifer! (Other gymnosperms — plants that bear seeds but not fruit — are the cycads, the ginkgo-like plants, and the gnetophytes.) Most are trees, but some are shrubs; conifers are especially prominent in boreal forests near the Arctic Circle, which store 1/3 of Earth's terrestrial carbon.
Chlorophyta (big category of green algae less closely related to land plants): I wasn't sure I was going to have anything interesting to say about these guys, but I was so wrong! With over 4,000 known species, chlorophytes are extremely diverse. Most live in fresh water, but some live in the ocean or on land. Some live in extreme environments, like deep sea hydrothermal vents, hypersaline lakes, deserts, and the arctic. Some have mutualistic relationships with animals like mollusks or sponges or cnidarians, and others have mutualistic relationships with fungi, forming lichen. While plants are known for being autotrophs (creating their own food), some chlorophytes are heterotrophs -- they get their nutrition from other organisms, either as parasites or otherwise. Some are pathogens.
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lensman-arms-race · 4 months ago
Which Skibidi Toilet characters should you eat?
Delicious, a delicacy:
Regular Skibidi Toilets: steam them in their shells, and extract the roe from the cistern for an excellent tangy spread. The organs also make great sausages.
Regular Camera units: If you boil the head until the casing is soft, you can crack it open and eat the camera within. The lenses will acquire a jelly-like consistency and can be used like aspic. Don't forget to harvest the transmission fluids and coolants from the main body - you can boil this down to a sticky reduction that tastes not unlike barbecue sauce. The best-kept secret? Boil down their coats; they reduce to a membrane that you can use for sausage casings. If you bag a Camera unit carrying a Baba Booey button, look for the detonators nearby - the explosives make a lovely hot peppery sauce.
Decent snacks:
Regular and large Speaker units: Their bodies are full of nicely chewy wires. Inside the head you can find the speaker-cone. Pull that out and stuff it with wires, then you can fold them over into something like pierogi. Large speakers obviously give you more bang for your buck; their heads contain multiple cones.
Large Camera units: Their heads and bodies are mostly tough and gamey; an acquired taste. However, you can harvest the film inside the reels on their head and use it like tagliatelle pasta, or like seaweed. Grind up the microphone for a nutmeg-like spice.
Edible if you're desperate:
Regular TV units: You must remove or drain the teleport circuit before cooking, otherwise it will explode from the heat. Removing it is preferred; if you can harvest the black fog within, you can use it to make a sauce that tastes not unlike hoisin. Thoroughly boil the head to remove the hazardous sharpness from the glass; it should acquire a soft, slightly sticky crunch a bit like sugar candy. Makes an intriguing alternative to seaweed wrap for sushi rolls (try making them with Skibidi roe).
Partially edible:
Acid tank Skibidi Toilets: Remove the tanks entirely. Don't let any of the contents get onto the meat; it's like trying to make meringue with egg whites contaminated by yolk. Just doesn't work.
Astro Toilets: Same as Skibidi Toilets but it's so much more effort to break into their shells.
Technically edible:
Secret Agent: As with any human, the tastiest part is the 'web' of flesh between the thumb and forefinger. It's not worth it, though - eating the Secret Agent is not recommended. His meat is oddly grey-green and oily for a human, and he'll re-appear a week later while you are tormented with memories that shouldn't be in your head.
Skibidi Kitty: Cat meat is unpleasant tasting. Plus, how could you?
Probably toxic:
Skibidi parasites: the meat of the 'tongue' appendage causes hallucinations if ingested, with variable side effects. The parasite is safe to eat with the tongue removed, but is tough as old boots.
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pleistocene-pride · 26 days ago
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Eumicrotremus orbis, better known as the pacific spiny lumpsucker or pacific spiny lumpfish is a species of bony fish in the family Cyclopteridae which inhabit the Northern Pacific coast of North America from Washington state, to the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, as well as the Bering Sea, the Chukchi Sea, and around northern Japan. The tend to be found in near shore waters up to 500ft (150m) in depth, where they dwell around eelgrass beds, rocky reefs, kelp patches, bays, ship wrecks, docks, harbors, and other aquatic structures. They tend to live alone or in small groups and feed upon various slow moving invertebrates such as worms, small crustaceans, and mollusks. They are even know to occasionally pick the parasites off other fish, a behavior that has lead these lumpfish along with there relatives (particularly the atlantic lumpsucker) to be kept as a form of biological parasite control on fish farms. Pacific spiny lumpsuckers are themselves preyed upon by cod, sablefish, sculpins, and lancefish. Reaching 1 to 7 inches (2.5 to 18cms) in length, Pacific spiny lumpsuckers are a globular-shaped fish with a wide mouth, large lips, protruding eyes, squared dorsal fin, rounded caudal fin, and thin, transparent pectoral fins. The lumpsucker's pelvic fins have evolved into a large, fringed suction cup, allowing it to attach to surfaces like rocks or kelp. This sucker also compensates the fish for its lack of gas bladder, also they are poor swimmers they tend to set motionless and use camouflage to avoid detection. They do not have scales, instead the body of the fish is covered in cone-shaped plates, called tubercles. They may vary in color from green to yellow to brown to red to orange. Spawning occurs in shallow warmer waters from July to October with females laying around 200 orange spherical eggs in a sheltered hole. After the eggs are laid they are guarded and cared for by the male until hatching some 3 to 8 weeks later.
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th3-0ther1d10ts · 3 months ago
*Fatal then Transforms into Black's form in the fnf song 'Finale' (Picture below) and grabs Peppino hard and throws him into the air*
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( @th3-0ther1d10ts
*Fatal reappears in front of Peppino, transforming back into his regular form*
Mission accomplished, I hurt Gustavo and distracted th3-idiots*. 🩶
(* Fatal references my old main account, that being @th3-idiots2024 )
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*Peppino was.... nowhere to be found*
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pokepuff2988 · 5 months ago
You know the hyper-fixation hitting different when you make them Pokemon teams.
King Candy (Fairy): I made him a fairy type trainer, as the fairy type is often associated with sweets and other such foods. The fairy type also tends to fit his aesthetic, of shine, frills and pin- SALMON, i mean salmon. There is no other reason why he's this type (🏳️‍🌈).
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Slurpuff: It's literally the "Meringue Pokemon", a french dessert / candy. It's also pink and white, and has a general silly vibe to it.
Grimmsnarl: Fairy/Dark type to cross-over with Turbo's team, and shiny to match colour themes more. Probably makes more sense on Turbo's team than it does here, but I wanted to have atleast one Pokemon the same on each team. Fantasy vibes, so kinda fits with the King idea? I feel King Candy could get away with that one as part of the disguise.
Alcremie: The "Cream Pokemon". Essentially same reasons as Slurpuff, to fit with the whole candy sweet thing. (I feel like he'd have the Salted Cream variant, red and white, but I couldn't figure out how to change it on the website)
Rapidash: Fantasy vibes, but also because of Skittles, the uni-candy-corn that was going to be King Candy's familiar/pet before being scrapped from the movie. (also, the hair looks like taffy and the horn like one of those Oreo ice cream cones)
Mawile: Large teeth and metal, huh? Themes of eating and deception? Pretending to be something you're not? Sweet face, but vicious? Never heard of that before. (CYBUG CANDY CYBUG CANDY CYBUG-)
Dachsbun: Last food based fairy type? Again, fits same role as Slurpuff and Alcremie, to sell the disguise.
Non-fairy/ Other options: Mimikyu (fairy, disguise, vibes too creepy for KC), Mr. Mime (fairy, jester, vibes too creepy for KC), Vespiquen (royalty), Bisharp (knight), Nidoking (royalty), and Politoed (described as leader of frogs)
TURBO (Dark): I made Turbo a Dark type trainer, as the Dark type is all about trickery, disguise, thievery and dirty tactics, which Turbo exemplifies. Also, the Dark type is generally seen as the """Evil""" type.
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Weavile: The fastest dark type (excusing any legendaries or special forms), which I feel Turbo would value greatly on his team. The red and the smug face also hint to his design.
Zoroark: Oh, so your whole thing is disguises and you're literally the "Illusion Fox Pokemon"? AND you're red? On the team.
Grimmsnarl: Fairy/Dark to cross over with King Candy's team, and shiny to match colour themes more. Personally, I think Morgrem fits Turbo more (a short asshole), but the shiny of Grimmsnarl fits more and I don't believe Turbo would be caught dead with anything considered inferior, like a not-fully-evolved Pokemon. Only the best for the king, after all.
Sharpedo: FAST. It's a torpedo, and it's described as "the bully of the fear" and as being to "swim at speeds of up to 75 mph" which, while not as fast as a race car, true, is still pretty fast, and I think he's admire that.
Spiritomb: Something something death imagery, something something back from the dead, something something your misdeeds will not go unpunished.
Thievul: THIEF >:( Getting his grubby hands all over Sugar Rush, all over that code that's not his. Also red and also Thievul deserves more love.
Non-dark / Other options: Revaroom (CAR POKEMON. WHY AREN'T YOU DARK TYPE), Rotom (Possessing and transforming machines, like a virus...maybe I should've made him a ghost type trainer-), Parasect (TURBO IS THE FUNGUS /ref but also parasite themes and bug), Bisharp (Vibes mainly, also Pawniard looks like him), Rapidash (speed, and to pair with KC), Gengar (creepy smile glowing eyes wombo combo), Mimikyu (disguise, somehow didn't fit the vibe?), Banette (something about something from your childhood being replaced by something horrible. also, yellow eyes and teeth), Darkrai (something about childhood nightmares) and Hypno (yellow? i dunno, i'm a Hypno fan, I gotta get her in somehow).
Let me know what Pokemon you think King Candy or Turbo fit best :)
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dearestones · 8 months ago
Neutrophil Squad x F! Immune Cell Reader Before Dating Headcanons
Warnings: N/A
@hellowiamadrawer Request: Hi again, if it's okay could I have some headcanons of how the female reader (can be an immune cell or regular cell) met the neutrophil squad (4989, 2048,2626 and ofc 2001) before they started dating?
U-2001 probably met you when you were both newly matured neutrophils while in the middle of combat. While he's a skilled neutrophil, that doesn't mean that he's infallible.
In the middle of gutting a bacteria with one of his many knives, he forgets that he shouldn't leave his back wide open. As his receptor pings in urgency, he tries to turn around, knife in hand and at the ready, but is still slow to react.
Luckily for him, 2001 is not alone. Despite the bloodbath and carnage that decorates the middle of the bloodstream, you are there to protect him. Like him, you're not a seasoned veteran, but you are spry and full of life. The instant you recognize that your teammate is in trouble, you leap him and immediately annihilate the scum that dared to hurt another immune cell.
After a brief acknowledgement of your valiant efforts, the both of you go back into your attack positions and stave off the continuing infection.
For many cycles afterwards, you don't talk, but acknowledge each other. Respect grows between you and you can on him to step in whenever a bacterium or parasite proves too much and vice versa.
It isn't until the both of you end up being critically injured and sent to the infirmary that you and 2001 finally have a conversation that doesn't require the use of your combat skills and bloodlust.
Between the two of you, your warrior's bond far exceeds everything and allows you to build your relationship from mutual trust and respect.
You meet U-2048 when he's busy trying to flirt with various civilian cells. While he definitely has the looks for a cliche Casanova type, he isn't that great with his words.
As an immune cell, he already has points docked for attractiveness because of his inherent bloodlust that comes with the territory, so that rule out most civilians. But, he also has points docked for being rather too forward or too coy with his advances.
He will never admit it, but he can never find the right balance when trying to woo possible love interests.
With you, though, he's a strong conversationalist. Despite his apparent interest in trying to go for various other cells, he always find time to relax and joke around you. Here, all his corny puns and pick up lines actually sound smooth and not like he rehearsed them many times in the mirror like he was still a myelocyte.
Eventually, those pick up lines begin to grow more and more true. It starts as something small. Innocuous. Something he can plausibly deny as being a product of inebriation or deliberate teasing.
However, as time goes on, he becomes more bold and more willing to take risks.
In the end, this culminates in an impromptu confession where he is no longer afraid of possible rejection or making his feelings known.
Whether or not you reject him, he'll be fine. All he wants is to show you that he can be truthful and honest about his feelings.
Getting to know U-2626 is a unique experience. He's level headed and rational, compassionate and loyal. Although his hair masks his eyes, and thus, many of his expressions, you can tell that he's always pleased to see you.
It's his smile, his laugh, and his mannerisms that make him intriguing. He's an engaging character who's always keen to make you giggle at his jokes or the stories about his teammates that he made you swear you wouldn't tell anyone.
He's a sweet companion, a friend to you at your lowest, darkest moments. Attentive and kind, he's always there with a mug of steaming green tea and a cone of glucose should you ever need it.
Furthermore, he's while he's great at conversation, he's also a good listener. It doesn't matter if you want to complain or to pass the time by talking about the trivial. He lives for them all because he can spend time with you.
As a result, it's because of these conversations that the both of you come to realize that the both of you hold each other in a positive regard. So much so that it's not long before the both of you are in a relationship—much to the bemusement and fond exasperation of your coworkers. 
With U-4989, you know you’re always in for a ride. 
You know that most of 4989’s improvised weapons are against regulation, but you can’t help indulging him in his whimsical creations that do, more often than not, actually get the job done. You wouldn’t be giving up your standard issued weapons any time soon, but seeing 4989 go after bacteria with a sign for glucose sweets or a pan filled with various nutrients never fails to make you smile. 
It’s all adventure and adrenaline with the both of you. It’s almost like the world is constantly colliding and spinning faster and faster, never stopping. From the amusing to the horrifying, the both of you face life’s challenges and hardships with laughter spilling from your mouths and joy in your souls. 
For a good while, you thought you were just good friends with him, but then he starts making things for you. Sometimes, it’s weapons. Other times, neat little trinkets that don’t often have a functional purpose, but look pretty in your dorm room. Each and every time, without fail, you thank him and you watch as his large eyes grow wide and his cheeks become saturated with the color of an eosinophil’s uniform. 
You grow to love this cute, bashful side of 4989. 
Unfortunately, he isn’t always the best with words, often favoring physical affection and action. 
That’s more than fine by you. 
Really, it’s fine if he wants to take the lead in other aspects of this burgeoning relationship, but it’s you who steps up and tells him that you would like to be official. 
Again, his eyes bulge wide open and he looks shocked, but in the end, he accepts. 
Every day, from then on, he’s always at your side, fiddling with something new and making sure that you have the nicest of his creations. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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