#Paragon Popcorn Machines
madmanandhenchlad · 6 months
MadMan Break
Theo almost expects a fake out. Haha just kidding. Just one of Lu's pranks.
"-And I want a block wide memorial fountain. 911 levels, with a statue."
"-there has to be another way!"
Above him the skyship dissolves into a ball of fire.
[it will take .9 seconds for the sound to reach him on the ground, 2 seconds before he feels any heat from the explosion.]
His brother is gone. He lies in the dirt where Cavalcade dropped him.
[flexion teardrop fracture: anteroinferior aspect of a cervical vertebral body due to flexion of the spine along with vertical axial compression.]
Feedback from Luke's communicator drills high-pitch into his head.
"A Paragon of the masses, Ha! I will rise up as the true ideal man, and see how they genuflect as they did to that false hero."
[Legal name Calvin Caid. Chemical engineer, creator of combat drug Rancor-]
"-What are the masses but mud to be ground underfoot, fuel to be burned for those who deserve it?"
[-terrible taste in literature.]
"Your Aegis league has stood against the progress of great men for too long. But I doubt you will stand for anything now." A massive hand wraps around his throat and hoists him up. His vision whites out from the pain of his fractured spine.
Caid's injector cuffs click as another vile is emptied into his bloodstream. His grip tightens.
[Rancor: half life of 3 minutes in the human body. Potency decreases with extended use.]
"We are The Catalyst. With the alien technology you fools have suppressed the world will spring forward, with me as the fountainhead!" The raw cold air causes condensation to drift from his mouth on every word. 
[Body temperature elevates an average of .8 degrees per 100mg dose.]
Theo struggles to turn his head. LadySupream is dodging blasts and not doing well. The two of them are all that's left of Aegis and He's. Still. Talking.
"It must be unexpected, Covert. For a moment you stood among a pantheon of near gods-"
He hears her yell and fall as one of LazerFace’s bolts rips through her.
Theo's hand struggles up, grabs the larger man's wrist. 
[Movement will compound his fracture.]
Caid's head tilts. 
His neck is so thick, Theo couldn't wrap both hands around it. 
Shut him up.
Caid begins to laugh.
"-and yet it is you, weak, mortal, powerless, who will survive them all. At least until I have Wraith dig what I want out of your head-"
[Dunning–Kruger effect: a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities.]
"You- don't know-." Theo's voice is quiet and strained at first. 
“By all means,” Caid gloats, lifting him higher. “Enlighten me.”
"-what you don't know."
He commands the mechanics of Caid's armband to activate. It hisses as the drug floods through the injectors. One dose, two, five in total. Steam rises off Theo's skin.
"You're prateing,” Caid’s hands seize around his throat. It wont stop Theo’s words from flowing out, even if they are choked and inaudible. “You reveal your own ignorance but worse, you are distracting me.” 
[He and Luke throw popcorn at the TV when they watch the Sopranos.]
Chunks of ship are plummeting into the snow around them. Some might be useful.
"A demonstration. To end your deluded monologuing!"
Caid’s fingers feel like nothing now and Theo bends two of them them backwards balisticly. His legs buckle as he hits the ground but the pain inhibiting properties are already taking effect.
"You think you destroyed some figurehead? Some symbol? You are incapable of the fundamental cognition required to even miscalculate! Knowledge is power. And you- witless, greedy, proudly callous-"
Cavalcade punches him in the face. He lets the fist connect and grabs the man's other cuff. This one has a full 10 doses.
[You killed my baby brother!]
He commands the machine, 1000 milligrams pump into Caid's wrist.
"-are powerless."
He can almost hear the man's heart beat stutter as his eyes roll back. 
He falls, presumably dead. He doesn't care.
He reaches out with his power and feels for the spark of working electric current. Stumbling through the snowdrifts he plants his hands and feels the circuit boards spring to life. 
[This is a part of the ship's navigation equipment and sonar.]
"The construction of an emergency vehicle is a simple matter. Implanting coordinates for my inevitable period of comatose and paralyzation will require more finesse. Observe," he speaks to no one now. 
He twists the structure with his will. Digging out a space to stuff his broken body inside.
[No propulsion system]
"A propulsion system consists of a source of mechanical power, and a propulsor. Even the vibration of a string is only a type of propulsion."
He warps the vessel once more. Then pushes himself upright.
"You! Lazerface! Chemical oxygen-iodine designs are an outdated concept!"
A beam of light streaks passed him. He ducks into the vessel.
[LSD-wave propulsion: a high energy pulse is focused on a solid surface surrounded by gas. The breakdown of gas causes an expanding shock wave which absorbs laser energy at the shock front. Expansion of the hot plasma behind the shock front during and after the pulse transmits momentum to the craft.]
It rings like a gong. Gforce slams him down. Even near-lethal amounts of Cavalcade's drug isn't enough to keep him conscious. He finally, mercifully, blacks out.
0 notes
thesilkenlair · 4 years
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(Casey Here!)
As much D&D as I play, you'd imagine I would eventually get around to illustrating some of their most iconic monsters! Which is to say, the ones that I personally find the most iconic. Which is to say, the ones I memorized when I was reading my dad's monster manual at age nine. Purple worm - Sandworms never go out of style. I've seen a lot of rad designs for this bugger over the editions, but I favor the slightly less reptilian older takes for this particular critter. It's kinda basic, but sometimes that's what you want. It's like a shark or a crocodile: Just flat out unchanged across the ages. Hook horror - I've heard it rumored that Gygax used a small Gigan figure to represent this monster. I can't verify that, but it definitely sounds right. Hook horrors are one of the very first things you meet when you play around in the caves, and they kind of remind me of the Father Deep monsters of the Hork Bajir homeworld that way. Mind flayer - Mind flayers! Basically, take all of your Dracula conventions and dip them in a fresh coat of Lovecraft. There's that old "decadent aristocratic upper caste system who literally eats the poor, but still somehow comes across as less evil than the actual real life 1%" setup that will never stop being relevant. Though personally, I see mind flayers as the first alternative for folks who want to play that monster-who-feels-the-urge-to-eat-their-friends-but-refuses-to-do-it shtick but don't want to deal with vampire baggage. You know, the furry option! ... Slimy? Rubbery? Do we have a word for anthro-cephalopods? I'm only a casual furry. Gelatinous cube - I'm not apologizing for giving this one a slot. Froghemoth - So, back when I participated in my very first long-term campaign, I played a druid. You've met Talia before. Naturally, I was chomping at the bit for the day I finally got to turn her into a froghemoth, and celebrated the day my wish was finally granted and she was allowed to chug human-supremacist-cultists like popcorn. Yeah, okay, the froghemoth is one of the classic vore-monsters. But it's a charming design in its own right. Kind of a freaky Hanna Barbara critter, like you'd see Space Ghost fighting. No matter how many artists draw it, they can never shake that inherent goofiness that third edition tried so hard to purge. I would probably cram them somewhere onto Fronterra if I was sure they were public domain. As is, I'm 99% certain that this is what Visser Three turned into when he ate Elfangor. Tarrasque - D&D's original kaiju! Kind of just takes the name and nothing else when it comes to its mythological origins, but I don't mind. The Tarrasque is that endgame "let's test the players" final boss monster... Or at least it's supposed to be. My DM reskinned it for our final Pathfinder session, and one of the PCs still nearly killed it in a single turn. Also, he let Talia turn into one, so maybe Pathfinder is just bullshit? Regardless, the Tarrasque has one of those simple, iconic designs. I've heard rumors it was based on the concept art for Fallout's deathclaws, and like the Gigan-figure, I can't verify this in any way. With its reptilian features, twin horns, spiny carapace and grabby fingies, it has an undeniable lizardlike quality that I can't help but find charming. Kinda feels like a more refined version of Zilla? Though for an insatiable eating machine, I notice a lot of artists give it very little belly to work with. Come on, this guy eats entire cities! Give him somewhere to put it! Rust monster - An icon of icons, the rust monster! Drawing its origin from a bizarre Chinese "dinosaur" toy, later designs have made it more insectoid in appearance, but never feeling QUITE like anything Earthly. It's the four limbs. Between the four limbs and the tail, it's hard to tell if it's an arthropod mimicking a vertebrate or the other way around. I'm pretty sure this is part of what inspired my ossaderm creatures for Fronterra. Also, Ryla can turn into one in our campaign. I have no shortage of havoc to wreak when the opportunity comes. Behir - Dragons in D&D are kind of... extra. Godlike beings, paragons of whatever personality trait they represent. Whenever there's something uber powerful in D&D, it gets compared to dragons. It makes them kind of unapproachable. Behirs provide all the essentials of a dragon - Serpentine body, scaly skin, horns, sapience, breath weapon, taste for human flesh - wrapped up in a smaller, weirder, IMO cooler package. You know, your Lambton Worms. A lot easier to port in and out of adventures, a lot less of an event when they show up, but still a formidable force in their own right. I like the behir. The behir knows how to taunt me just the right amount. Bulette - Another Chinese "dinosaur" figure monster, the bulette is actually another one I associate with Talia. Whenever we faced a problem that didn't have a glaringly and immediately obvious solution, she would turn into a bulette, whether it was for beating up robots, digging through obstacles, trampling smurfs, navigating labyrinths, distracting slashers with cute dog tricks... it was kind of her signature form. But shenanigans aside, the bulette is just an excellent monster. While the "land shark" shtick may be common, there's a lot more going on with the bulette's design. It's rumored to be a mad wizard's creation, as he combined a snapping turtle with an armadillo and mixed in a helping of demon blood to taste. Personally, I always considered that to be a neat little rumor to flesh out the world, but never assumed it to be true. The bulette just feels too naturalistic for that. Like some kind of protomammal or crocodylomorph, or weird triassic monstrosity. Magic and demons and dragons and so on DO affect the ecosystem. I always figured the bulette was just something that evolved to compete in this new biosphere. Owlbear - This one, on the other hand, I fully believe the "mad wizard was bored" explanation. Another chinasaur critter, the owlbear is frequently made fun of. What makes it scarier than a regular bear? It can't fly, so why have owl parts at all? Why trade fangs for a beak in what is at best a latural move? Well, first of all, fuck you, owls are creepy motherfuckers, and that alone is enough to justify it. But secondly, that's part of its charm. Besides some improved vision, the owl DOESN'T make it more dangerous. What makes the owlbear dangerous is that it's an insane, Frankensteinian monstrosity roaming uncontrolled through the wilderness! It doesn't need weaponry, its sheer temperament is enough to make it a worthy opponent. Sure, the practical threat might not be hugely above that of a bear, but storytelling isn't about numbers. Any asshole can go outside and get eaten by a bear. The owlbear is part of this world. The owlbear is a reminder of what magic can do. Someone somewhere actually made this thing, for whatever reason, and now the world is irrevocably changed because of it. Owlbears go beyond practicality. They bring the lore! Also, bears don't have very good eyesight, so the big owl eyes probably make them better hunters. Flumph - Is that a Japanese-style martian? Do we just have aliens in D&D? Dear lord, I love them! Okay, the flumph has got a sizable hatedom. And that hatedom can eat my ass, because the flumph is precious and perfect just the way it is! Flumphs are designed as a sort of sidekick-type creature. They're not very good fighters, but they bring knowledge and lore to the table. Whether they're aliens from some far off star, seeking your aid to prevent catastrophe, or psionic natives of the Underdark eager to bask in your positivity and hopefully stick it to the tyrants they're forced to share real estate with. My group generally treats them as straight up aliens, benevolent but strange. Course, we're all pretty strange, so we get along just fine. Otyugh - Okay so, the aberration creature type implies that this is something from another world that doesn't belong. And yet otyughs, which are aberrations, are an essential part of this world's ecosystem? Okay, I can buy the idea that an alien organism adapted to our world and is now a key part of it. Fronterra's got a TON of that. It just feels like after a point, the otyugh would be considered a beast? Otyughs are great. Every ecosystem needs a decomposer, and every fantasy story needs at least one dive into the sewers. Otyughs provide both, and are intelligent enough to keep the plot moving if it hits a snag. There's always going to be garbage, refuse, carrion, decay, things that need to be broken down and processed. Carrion crawler - The carrion crawler is pretty similar to the otyugh in that it's technically not considered a beast, and therefor must have its origins elsewhere, but feels so integrated into the ecosystem that it just feels like it belongs. They usually can't talk, so they're not just reskinned otyughs, but I still consider them pretty essential. Otyughs find a singular spot where waste is dumped and shovel it down at their leisure, while carrion crawlers skulk through the tunnels, actively seeking their food. The crawler got one of the most radical redesigns on the transition from second to third edition, but I can't really choose a single favorite. The oldschool tentacle-faced cutworm looks like it could be a real animal, while the googly-eyed Halloween decoration feels like it could be from another world, merely having set up shop here. Could there name apply to two wholly different creatures? If so, then I'm not sure which one mine would be considered. I kinda mashed them together into something that doesn't quite feel like either. But I like it for what it is. Maybe I'll sneak it onto Fronterra. Aboleth - Tentacled, telepathic sea creatures who turn humans into slimy minions, who remember everything their race has ever seen, and who are always plotting something behind the scenes. Yeah, the aboleths really crank up the Lovecraft elements. Actually, between the mind flayers, the flumphs and the aboleths, even the most oldschool D&D covered quite a few essential Lovecraftian bases. The flayers are your corrupt yet still recognizable humanoids who can be considered truly evil, the flumphs are benevolent-yet-bizarre guardians who know more than you, and the aboleths are the truly unknowable, sinister intellects. The fact that they can barely function on land honestly only adds to that, IMO. They're inherently difficult for a party to reach, and they offer some nice underwater adventure seeds. Not enough adventures go underwater. There's this perception that the ocean is bad for storytelling because so many writers lack the creativity to make it work. I wanna run an underwater adventure now. Beholder - Icon of icons! THE D&D monster! The beholder! Paranoid, jumpy, always five steps ahead and twenty steps perpendicular! Beholds are fun in just about every way. Between their wacky, diverse designs, their elaborate lairs, their eccentric personalities, their bizarre powers, you're never gonna run out of fun with beholders. Remorhaz - It's always been a thing that bothered me with environment-based monsters. Why does the ice monster who lives in the cold use ice as a weapon? Aren't most of the things it encounters going to be resistant to the cold? Sure, a cone of cold will still kill a polar bear, but a lot of the monsters in the tundra are outright immune to cold. A while dragon's not going to get much use out of its breath weapon fighting frost worms and frost giants. That's one reason the remorhaz sticks out to be. We have an icy tundra beast whose insides are a scorching furnace, which it can intensify and weaponize as it sees fit. Which also conveniently explains why its design - a sort of cobra-esque centipede - invokes warm-weather creatures, despite its icy environment. It's a nice subversion of the usual tropes, plus it's just a memorable, cool looking critter to begin with. On a smaller note, the remorhaz feels like a good loophole for Ryla's "no cold weather morphs" rule. Turning into something elementally affiliated with ice is no good, but a non-magical monster that survives the cold by superheating its insides? That seems perfectly viable to me!
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thecorteztwins · 6 years
Fanfic suggestion: Inhumans let not-so-evil-now Uncle Max babysit Luna, and he ended up to fight against Fabian who tried to kidnap her again
(OOC: Great idea, anon! I hope I did Max’s dialogue here well. I’m tagging @docgold13, @esteicy-blogand @sammysdewysensitiveeyes for Maximus content, hope they enjoy too if they choose to read it!)
The Royal Familywould probably never truly trust Maximus again…but they did, atleast, understand he was loyal to his family. Well, sort of.Basically, no one was allowed to harm them but him. He’d evensacrificed himself for them and their kind before, most recently atthe hands of Vox. He got better, of course. But still, thegesture did not go unrecognized.Thus, in this time ofemergency, during which he could not accompany his fellow Inhumansinto battle because of some complicated reasons, he was entrustedwith watching Luna. Entrusted, of course, with the caveat of apower-inhibiting ankle bracelet. Which was absurd, both because hispowers could not effect Luna in the first place, and because thething would be child’s play to reverse-engineer. But, he decided notto; it would probably behoove him in the future if they went onthinking that THIS was all it took to keep his psychic prowess underliteral lock and key.Luna herself was no trouble. She seemedmildly worried about him, but not to the degree that most childrenwould be of an obviously unstable and proven dangerous man who hadkidnapped her before and tried to kill members of her family. Indeed,she seemed no more upset about it than, oh, say, someone might beabout having to grow up in a soundproof prison or being experimentedon in-utero; sure it sucked sometimes, but in a normal way. Nothingout of the ordinary to object to.Besides, he’d worry abouther intelligence if she WASN’T a wee bit concerned and on thoselittle tippy toes of hers. Of course no one was as smart as he was,but he couldn’t picture anyone related to him being that dumbeither.Well, ok, maybe Gorgon.
Since he was currentlyin a state of grace with his oft-so-suspcious family members, hedecided that he would, for the moment, not disappoint them, andsettled in beside his niece to observe some rather fascinating Earth“cartoons”.At least, he thought it was going to be“cartoons”. That was what she had liked the last time he hadspent any significant time with her. But now she claimed that was“for little kids” and changed the channel to something sheexplained to him as being a “reality show”. It was, in aword, fascinating. The Inhumans had long called him mad, yet he was aparagon of sanity and temperance compared to the wild ilk that rantedand raved upon this program! He did not know what manner of maniacal“reality” that these strange and deranged humans were meant torepresent, but he was HOOKED! And learning so many new words! Like“dtf” and “thot” and “it’s a Jersey thing”!He wasso entranced that he didn’t even notice that Luna actually seemedmuch less interested in this than she had in her cartoon. Indeed, sheactually downright disliked it. But some of the older kids atBraddock Academy had said her favorite shows were for babies, andthis show had been rated “for mature audiences only” in the TVguide…Oh well. Uncle Maximus seemed to like it, and sheconsidered that a good thing. It meant he was kept distracted. Shecould keep an eye on his hands, and on his emotions. Herfamily may have left her with him. But she considered it to be atleast a little the other way around. She was watching him. She wasold enough. She was mature enough. They must think so, right?Shewouldn’t let them down.But she also couldn’t take anotherminute of this show. Luna was not a fan of people shouting and beingangry with each other over stupid misunderstandings. If she wantedthat, she could just look to her own family. Maybe that was why itwas called a “reality” show. “I’m going to make somepopcorn,” she told Uncle Maximus, and got up. He did not respond,nor did his eyes break from the screen as an over-muscled orange manheld back a screeching, half-dressed woman from attacking another.Nor did he at first notice when a screech from the kitchen joinedin.“Luna?” he said, when it cut to commercial at last.“Luna, if you are going to prepare the popped corn, I’d like thekind with the caramel candy coating, sucrose is an essential fuel forthe brain—”And then finally, the screams registered. Ohdear. If the microwave had exploded, primitive beastly human-madething that it was, then surely he, Maximus, master of the machines,genius of all things mechanical, would be blamed! This wasdisastrous! He must swoop to the rescue and prove his worth as thebest of those who sit upon babies!He rushed into the kitchen,skidding comically on the linoleum as he halted before theunexpected—and unwelcome—view of an equally unexpected andunwelcome guest. Fabian Cortez, secondary bane to theAmaquelin-Maximoff union (the primary being Maximus himself, ofcourse, the only one who mattered!) was standing over poor littleLuna, menacing her like the big dunderheaded ginger brute hewas!“Uncle Maximus!” said Luna, “He’s fighting mypower! I don’t know how, but he—”The distraction was allthat Fabian needed to throw off Luna’s abilities entirely; forcinghis way through her control, he clasped a pair of bracers around hertiny wrists. Maximus didn’t need to be a genius, let alone thegreatest mind in all the multiverse like he was, to guess that therewere power-inhibitors, just like his own ankle bracelet.“Ithought you might have developed powers since the last time we met,”said Fabian, “What luck for me—it’s a set that I have muchexperience with. My own sister was a psychic, you see, an empath justlike you. It gave me much practice in resisting such abilities.Maximus can attest, I am not an easy man to manipulatetelepathically; in order to do it himself, he first needed to trickme into boosting his powers. They were not enough on their own.Remember that, Maximus? Not that it would matter now even if you werethe most potent mind on the planet; I cased this situation thoroughlybefore arriving, I know about your little fashion bracelet.”“AndI’m sure it was you who arranged for the rest of the Inhumans to bepreoccupied at the moment,” said Maximus. It was not a question.But Fabian answered it with his smug smile,“Indeed. Youfancy yourself the most clever one around, Maximus; time to show mehow clever you really are,” he drew the struggling Luna to his sidewith one hand, and aimed a very large, very unpleasant-looking gun atMaximus with the other,“…by not getting in my way.Believe me, that would be the smart thing to do.”“Believeyou?” Maximus arched an eyebrow even as he put both his hands up,“Fabian, really now, we both know that’s about the most fatallystupid thing that anyone can do.”“You know what I meant,”Fabian snapped irritably. He wanted to be out of here as fast aspossible. The gun made a very unpleasant sound. Like it might begetting ready to do something even more unpleasant yet.Maximussmiled, “Well, I can tell you’re going to shoot me now. That’sfine. I’ve died before; we both know it doesn’t last. And I can goout delighted knowing all the alarms you’re going to trip. What nastysurprises are in store for you, Lord Cortez! Unfortunately, littleLuna will probably share your fate, given how you’re hauling her withyou like a piece of designer luggage, but personally it’s worth it tome to let you go anyway. No offense, Luna dear, but Ahura was alwaysmy favorite.”“Alarms? Ha!” Fabian scoffed proudly, “Itook them all out on my way in! How else do you think I got herewithout you noticing?”“Oh my, you silly man,” Maximussmirked, “What a fool you are! You are dumb. You are really reallydumb, for real. There aren’t just alarms here to keep you out—thereare alarms to keep ME in. And can you just IMAGINE what they entail?I can. Now, I’m picturing one PARTICULIARLY scrumdiddlyumptiousscenario in my mind that Karnak would have cooked up to stifle mywould-be escape, and how absolutely HILARIOUS it would be happeningto someone lacking Inhuman physiology—like, say, you—so if youplease, shoot me now while this is still my last thought.”Heclosed his eyes, still smiling. And was not surprised at all when,rather than blowing him to bits, he instead felt Fabian’s hand grabaround his wrist.“Nice try, Maximus—but if you want me toshoot you, that tells me that you have something up your sleeve tobackfire on me for exactly that! Maybe you installed some kind offorce shield into your inhibitor? Whatever—you’re my guide now! Youhelp me past these alarms, and in return, you get to live. Thistime.”“Never!” Maximus faked protest, “My loyalty maybe to myself first, Fabian Cortez, but it is still to my familysecond!”“This is loyalty to yourself!” Fabiancountered, “And how loyal have THEY been to you, locking you uponce more?!”“Don’t do it, Uncle Maximus!” sobbed Luna,and then began begging Fabian not to shoot him either. Clever girl,she must have picked up what her wiley old fox of an uncle had inmind and was going along with it. What a splendid little actress!Maximus was proud, she clearly got that from him. “Fine—butsweeten the deal,” he said, “Give me my life AND my freedom. Idon’t want to be here when they get back and find Lunagone.”“Fine,” snorted Fabian, and Maximus didn’t needto be a mind-reader to know full-well that the ginger Judas was justgoing to kill him when he was finished. Or at least, that waswhat he thought.Maximus, of course, had other plans.—“Last one,” said Maximus, cranking the dialthat had been carefully hidden behind the portrait of Agon and Rhyndain the entry hallway. “There. Now, about my reward.”“Indeed,”Fabian cackled, and aimed the gun at Maximus’s face, as expected.Asalso expected, the front door opened at that moment to reveal thefull Inhuman Royal Family and several attendents…all of themlooking very pissed off. Fabian’s jaw dropped, and the gunwas pulled from his hands in an instant by one long lock of Medusa’sendless scarlet hair, while another lock whisked Luna away from hisside and into his mother’s arms. A targeted seismic stomp from Gorgonknocked him off his feet, and a single karate chop from Karnakfinished the job…though sadly not Fabian’s life.Oh well,Maximus reflected, can’t have everything.“Maximus, what’sgoing on?” Crystal asked, stepping forward as Karnak next disabledLuna’s manacles,“We thought YOU had escaped.”“Oh,I know,” Maximus grinned, “See, I knew that you’d doubtlesslyinstalled a bunch of alarms to alert you if I tried to escape…and,more importantly a SECONDARY set of alarms to alert you if I disabledthe first set!”“So you tricked Cortez into making youdisable the first set…thus setting off the second set, ensuring wewould come to the rescue,” Karnak said, putting it together. Lunaconfirmed this, relaying all that she had seen. Oddly, she lookedconfused when Maximus thanked her for her participation in theruse!“So….can I have this off now?” he stuck out hisfoot and pointed to the ankle bracelet. Again, he could disable ithimself…but he wanted to see what they said.
Alas, Black Bolt’sface said it all.Maximus crossed her arms, pouted, and usedhis newfound human lingo,“Thot.”
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secretcinema3 · 6 years
The Killer Elite
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Cinema is the stuff dreams are made of, all our romantic reveries and daydreams come to life, a projection of the perfect world we'd love to be living in, full of excitement and happy endings. Or it would be if it wasn't for one little problem: not all our dreams are so wholesome. In fact some are downright scary. And nothing gets at the malign impulses lurking in our subconscious quite like cinema. It's something filmmakers have known since the earliest days; audiences love the vicarious thrill of illicit acts just as much as wholesome ones.
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Which brings us to the horror and fascination we have with those who disobey the most serious of all the Ten Commandments. As Ernest Hemingway once observed, ''when a man is still in rebellion against death he has pleasure in taking to himself one of the Godlike attributes, that of giving it. This is one of the most profound feelings in those men who enjoy killing.'' What he neglected to mention was the pleasure an audience often experiences, whether it's in the bullring or the cineplex, while watching this rebellion against death. It's a primeval experience, a ritualistic act, one that connects cinema to ancient rites and religious transfiguration. The cinematic killer enacts our hidden desire to kill and our hidden relief that the victim is someone else. They die for us, so we don't have to. They kill for us, so we don't have to. So whether it's the serial killer, the vigilante or the hitman, the killer is always with us, haunting our dreams, charming our worst instincts, hunting us down with remorseless determination. Here are five of the more memorable of cinema's most troubling and enduring residents.
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1. Speaking of Hemingway, his short-story The Killers was the basis for one of the great noirs of the 1940s. Two hitmen (Charles McGraw and William Conrad) arrive in the small town of Bedford to kill someone called 'the Swede'. As they move in on the local diner, their long coats and hats, the anonymous suit of the professional killer, add to the silhouetted menace. Inside they wait for the Swede to arrive, ordering food and talking to the owner and the one customer (Hemingway surrogate Nick Adams). McGraw and Conrad are impeccably hard-boiled here, barely-restrained violence embedded in every seemingly mundane exchange, voices oozing sullen condescension and contrariness. The levels of big city contempt Conrad gets into the line: ‘‘They all come here and eat the big dinner’’ is something else. They’re school bullies codified as angels of death, talking down to grown men (‘Town’s full of bright boys’), blood as cool as lizards. The film goes on to tell us why the Swede (Burt Lancaster) has ended up here but it starts with this recreation of the original story in all its noirish brilliance.
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2. We can't talk killers without talking Hitchcock. Killers were one of specialties and I could pick five clips from him alone. In the end I chose Bruno Anthony from Strangers On A Train. It's an incomparable performance from Robert Walker, the killer as psychopath, victim and charmer all in one. When Bruno stalks the young woman at the carnival Hitchcock invests the innocence of rides and signs (’Magic Isle’/‘Tunnel of Love’) with foreboding, all that darkness surrounding the bright fantasy world. We see the normal predatory desires of young men juxtaposed against the murderous kind following them. (Watch Bruno relishing the popcorn, appetites aroused by the prospect of the kill). But Hitchcock was always trying to implicate us in his murderous schemes, manipulating us to identify with killers, and here as Bruno murders the young woman Hitch lowers her body into our laps, presents her to us as a sacrificial offering in the dark reflection of her fallen glasses. We’ve got what we wanted all along, our true desires revealed. We’re no different to Bruno, really, his body distorted and demonic now in the visionary frame (within-a-frame) of those most Hitchcockian of glasses.
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3. It's hard to imagine the western without killers. The gunslinger, the outlaw and the gun-for-hire were staples of pretty much every western ever made. So an enormous wealth of ornery so-and-sos in black hats to choose from then. I've gone for an Italian take on this most American of genres. Surely few killers have ever had a cooler (or better soundtracked) entrance than blue-eyed Frank in Sergio Leone's Once Upon A Time In The West. We’ve just watched the McBain family brutally gunned down. One child remains, rushing out of the house, stopping abruptly as he sees the bodies of his family lying in the dirt. (This moment, the point-of-view camera rushing towards the door, then the close-up of the child’s face as Morricone’s heart-stopping music erupts is as thrilling as it gets). The mystery gunmen emerge from the brush, five faceless bringers of death, long coats billowing in the dust as they approach. Then the camera pans slowly forward and around to the leader’s face. It’s Henry Fonda, paragon of liberal justice in films like The Grapes of Wrath and Twelve Angry Men. Surely he won’t shoot the child? ‘What are we going to do with this one Frank?’ Frank spits on the ground, on our expectations, on his own reputation. Fuck that Henry Fonda. You think you know someone? ‘Now that you’ve called me by name,’ he replies. But this is just an excuse. Frank’s cold blue eyes have already told us what’s going to happen next.
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4. Not all movie killers are human, of course. Monsters, alien creatures and pissed-off animals have all menaced mankind over the years. Most of these can be explained by the unpredictability of nature or our instinctual fear of the unknown. Movies where we imagine being preyed upon by our own technology, on the other hand, are harder to explain. John Carpenter's Christine is a good example of this. In Stephen King's original book the car was haunted. In the film, however, it has no discernible reason for turning on humanity. It's just bad and it wants to kill us. Of course, it might be the culture that’s haunted, the dream of 50s America going sour in the 80s night, the eerie, mocking sound of doo-wop in the air. ‘You ain’t mad are ya?’ asks doomed bully Moochie Welch prompting the car’s headlights to explode like solar flares. Oh yes, Christine’s mad all right, mad as hell. (It’s a 1958 Plymouth Fury after all). Mad all the big-finned promise of the American Dream has been betrayed. Or maybe the murderous car represents the auto destruction of a society destroying itself, especially with machines. Techno-phobia was clearly in the air in 1983. Maybe Christine travelled back from the same future depicted the following year in The Terminator, where all our machines have finally risen up against us. 
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5. And finally, a more recent phenomenon is the rise of the female killer. A staple of exploitation movies and comic books, the female killer has been gradually making her way into the mainstream as trash aesthetics and comic book sensibilities take over popular culture. Girls kicking ass is a win-win for everyone, female empowerment meets geek boy fantasy in an unholy alliance. Tarantino has something to do with it, as did TV shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. However, these killers tended to be wronged women on revenge missions or weak-armed but pretty girls not entirely convincing at running. But not always, and not anymore. Take the brutal elegance of Charlize Theron’s Cold War spy in last year’s Atomic Blonde. It’s still fantasy material, from bath scenes to lesbian sex, but the stunning, visceral one-take stairwell fight may well be a greater argument for equality than a whole library of feminist texts. The female body is no longer a weakness, the urge (and capacity) to kill no longer an unnatural consequence of some man’s brutality. Skill, stamina and force have equalised the contest. Hemingway’s assumption that only man could be ‘in rebellion against death’ by ‘taking to himself one of the Godlike attributes, that of giving it’ is old hat. There’s a new God in town now, and she’s taking no prisoners. 
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elcolmadonyc · 5 years
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10 Best Paragon Popcorn Machine Popular Products The Secrets of Best Paragon Popcorn Machine Revealed If you intend to utilize your machine often inside your organization, then it is far better find a more expensive one which is of more durable construction.
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getmarketresearch · 7 years
A popcorn maker (also called a popcorn popper) is a machine used to pop popcorn. Since ancient times popcorn has been a popular snack food, produced through the explosive expansion of kernels of heated corn (maize). Commercial large-scale popcorn machines were invented by Charles Cretors in the late 19th century. Many types of small-scale home methods for popping corn also exist. Scope of the Report: This report focuses on the Popcorn Makers in North America market, especially in United States, Canada and Mexico. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, countries, type and application. Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers Gold Medal Products Cretors Nostalgia Electrics Great Northern Popcorn Presto Paragon-Manufactured Fun West Bend Severin Wabash Valley Farms Snappy Popcorn REMACOM Sanyei Corporation ITO Magic Seal VERLY Mei Yu Orbit Electrodomestic Skyline Home Appliances Market Segment by Countries, covering United States Canada Mexico Market Segment by Type, covers 20 Cups Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into Home Use Commercial Use There are 15 Chapters to deeply display the North America Popcorn Makers market. Chapter 1, to describe Popcorn Makers Introduction, product type and application, market overview, market analysis by countries, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force; Chapter 2, to analyze the manufacturers of Popcorn Makers, with profile, main business, news, sales, price, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017; Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with profile, main business, news, sales, price, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017; Chapter 4, to show the North America market by countries, covering United States, Canada and Mexico, with sales, revenue and market share of Popcorn Makers, for each country, from 2012 to 2017; Chapter 5 and 6, to show the market by type and application, with sales, price, revenue, market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2012 to 2017; Chapter 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the segment market in United States, Canada and Mexico, by manufacturers, type and application, with sales, price, revenue and market share by manufacturers, types and applications; Chapter 10, Popcorn Makers market forecast, by countries, type and application, with sales, price and revenue, from 2017 to 2022; Chapter 11, to analyze the manufacturing cost, key raw materials and manufacturing process etc. Chapter 12, to analyze the industrial chain, sourcing strategy and downstream end users (buyers); Chapter 13, to describe sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers etc. Chapter 14 and 15, to describe Popcorn Makers Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source
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gordanladdskitchen · 7 years
9 Best Oil for Popcorn Machine to Pop Movie Theater Quality Popcorns
A home popcorn maker and branded popcorn kernels are the perfect combos to cook your favorite snack. In a flash, you’ll have freshly cooked lovable popcorn for movie night. However, if you desire the classic movie theater popcorn taste, make it a majestic trio. Adding the best oil for popcorn machine will enrich the flavor of popcorns and make your movie marathon viewing more delightful.
In this post, we will go through the type of popcorn oil and which is the best oil for popcorn machine. Also, we’ll be reviewing the top 3 popcorn oil and select the best ones you should buy. Let’s get into it!
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List of Best Oil for Popcorn Machine
Oil Is the Secret of Movie Theater Popcorn
Type of Oils for Popcorn Machine
The go-to oil: Coconut Oil
The low-fat oil: Canola Oil
The healthier oil: Olive Oil
The nutty oil: Peanut oil
The mild-flavored oil: Sunflower Oil
The Top 3 Popcorn Oil Reviews
Snappy Popcorn White Coconut Oil, 1 Gallon
Paragon Coconut Popcorn Oil, 1 Gallon
Great Northern Popcorn Oil with Butter Blend, 1 Gallon
Our Pick
Secret to Tasty Popcorn
List of Best Oil for Popcorn Machine
Editor Rating
Snappy Popcorn 1 Gallon White Coconut Oil, 1 Gallon
Paragon Coconut Popcorn Popping Oil (Gallon
Great Northern Popcorn Premium Movie Theater Butter Topping, Gallon
Snappy Popcorn Colored Coconut Oil, 1 Gallon
Snappy Popcorn 1 Gallon Snappy Pure Peanut Oil No Color Added, 128 Fl Oz
Great Northern Popcorn Premium Yellow Coconut Popcorn Popping Oil, Gallon
Butter Flavored Coconut Oil by Franklin’s Gourmet Popcorn. 30 oz Tub
Wabash Valley Farms Real Theater Popcorn Popping Oil, 16-Ounce Jars (Pack of 3)
Snappy Popcorn Butter Burst Oil , 1 gallon( 128 fl oz)
*For more information about NCS (Net Customer Satisfaction) grade, please click here. (Price range: $ = $1 - $10 / $$ = $11 - $25 / $$$ = $26 - $50 / $$$$ = $51 - $75)
Oil Is the Secret of Movie Theater Popcorn
You may not be aware that some of the most delicious movie popcorns you line up for are popped without butter. The ‘cooks’ refrain from using butter because there is a tendency to produce soppy popcorn. They’d rather go for the lighter cooking oil.
Haven’t you noticed that sometimes popcorn with butter is greasier? That’s the reason why oil is chosen over butter when preparing popcorns. Oil does not dry out popcorn while cooking nor does it weigh it down.
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9 Best Oil for Popcorn Machine to Pop Movie Theater Quality Popcorns August 23, 2017
Type of Oils for Popcorn Machine
The go-to oil: Coconut Oil
The movie-style coconut oil popcorn is the vendors’ choice in movie theaters and sports arenas. Their popcorn “sell like hotcakes” because of its incredible taste. Coconut popcorn oil contains fat, but popcorn aficionados won’t mind because there are bits of vitamins and minerals present too.
Popcorns cooked in coconut oil are moist, rich in flavor and blends well with plenty of salt. Coconut oil is what makes popcorn at the movies one-of-a-kind.
The low-fat oil: Canola Oil
Another kind of oil that sellers are using to produce popcorn that tastes very similar to popcorn cooked with coconut oil is canola oil. The main consideration is that canola oil has low-fat content and far fewer calories. Canola oil may be the healthiest oil for popcorn.
The only snag is that canola oil burns quickly. You might end up with crunchy but black popcorn. The oil is the low-fat version of coconut oil. However, you need to set the temp at low heat and monitor your kettle while popping the kernels.
The healthier oil: Olive Oil
Can you use olive oil to make popcorn? Yes, you can. This oil has a tinge of the Mediterranean style where their dishes are regarded as healthy food. Olive oil makes the dishes more super healthy. Olive oil is inseparable from salad dressing, but it is a good option to cook popcorn, too. However, others complain that using olive oil gives popcorn a salad-ty taste.
The nutty oil: Peanut oil
Not all peanut oils have peanut taste but are rather tasteless. If it’s the peanut flavor you are after, try the unfiltered peanut oil for your popcorn. On the other hand, the highly refined peanut oil makes popcorn extra fluffy and with fewer calories. Before using peanut oil, be sure you’re not allergic to peanuts otherwise it will trigger a reaction. The unrefined varieties of peanut oil usually cause the allergic reaction.
The mild-flavored oil: Sunflower Oil
Sunflower oil is sometimes used in cooking popcorn. Perhaps it started as an experiment and discovered that sunflower oil adds a very slight nutty flavor to popcorn. Sunflower oil has a preservative effect on food and therefore you’d expect your popcorn to stay fresh longer. Other oils do not have that characteristic, though.
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The Top 3 Popcorn Oil Reviews
Snappy Popcorn White Coconut Oil, 1 Gallon
The White Coconut Oil variant of Snappy is absolutely the oil that can deliver the authentic taste of movie theater popcorn. The gallon size will produce large a ton of popcorn goodness.
This top selling popcorn oil is 100% pure and refined. The use of the oil is not limited to popcorn popping but is actually one of the best oils for frying and baking. It’s ideal for high-heat cooking although you need not use it in large measures.
The oil is unscented. You won’t smell or taste even a hint of coconut. Some users found several uses other than cooking. The oil is superb to mix with organic food as well as coffee. Stocking up won’t be a waste of budget because it’s a multi-purpose oil meant for everything. No refrigeration needed.
But if the deliberation is simply on great tasting popcorn, this snow-white oil is the ‘true’ winner.
Snappy Popcorn 1 Gallon White Coconut Oil, 1 Gallon
List Price: $22.99
Price: $22.76
You Save: $0.23
Rating / Grade
Editor Rating
NCS Grade*
Paragon Coconut Popcorn Oil, 1 Gallon
This non-hydrogenated coconut oil is a best seller oil from Paragon suited for a popcorn machine. Popcorn vendors prefer this oil because it produces golden-colored popcorn that is rich in flavor and aroma.
Popcorn buffs will also enjoy a healthy snack as it is basically pure coconut oil with beta carotene to bring out the color. Adding butter flavored oil topping or Flavacol seasoning makes for a good popcorn oil recipe
The oil isn't greasy at all and the popcorn smell alone is very appetizing. Unlike other oils that sometimes cause stomach upset, the Paragon Coconut Popcorn Popping Oil won’t have any of that effect.
The shelf life of the one-gallon pure coconut oil can last up to 2.8 years or 144 weeks. It’s way beyond the expiry date. Since it’s not only oil for a popcorn machine, use it for cooking other meals or dishes. Enjoy popcorn cooking all year round.
Paragon Coconut Popcorn Popping Oil (Gallon)
List Price: $23.99
Price: $23.99
Rating / Grade
Editor Rating
NCS Grade*
Great Northern Popcorn Oil with Butter Blend, 1 Gallon
Butter lovers will have a super treat with this premium popcorn oil butter. The oil is blended with a buttery additive to magnify the great taste of butter. It’s oil that works essentially as a butter topping
The oil does not contain the unwanted trans-fat that are usually present in most buttery toppings have. It preserves the great buttery flavor movie goers love about popcorn.
This butter topping is for the health conscious too. It’s gluten-free, no MSG, no dairy, and no eggs. There are no tree nuts or peanuts that cause an allergic reaction to some.
Pour some into an atomizer and spray the oil as an added flavor topping. If you’re cooking in a Dutch oven, heat up 2-3 tablespoon of the popcorn oil before pouring the kernels. Once popped, top it again with the oil.
Users need to use the right amount during popping otherwise the popcorn becomes greasy which is the natural tendency in popcorn laced with butter.
Great Northern Popcorn Premium Movie Theater Butter Topping, Gallon
List Price: $22.95
Price: $22.95
Rating / Grade
Editor Rating
NCS Grade*
Our Pick
We go through hundreds of products listing at Amazon and also study the ratings left by previous buyers to find the best oil for popcorn machine for you. Besides that, we also calculate the overall net customer satisfaction (NCS) grade because we want to see how happy is the previous buyers with their purchase of the product.
From our finding, we can say that Snappy Popcorn, Paragon and Great Northern Popcorn Company are the best oil for popcorn machine brands. These brands are popular and received many excellent ratings for their products.
Also, the Snappy Popcorn Coconut Oil, Paragon Coconut Popcorn Popping Oil and Great Northern Popcorn Butter Topping score favorably for the ratings as well as the NCS grade compare to the rest. We believe that you would find these oil for popcorn machine a good buy too.
Secret to Tasty Popcorn
Experience the movie theater quality popcorn at home by cooking them with the best oil for popcorn machine. It’s fine to indulge in your favorite snack on movie night as if you’re inside the movie house. The secret to great tasting popcorn has been revealed. It’s the oil that counts!
The post 9 Best Oil for Popcorn Machine to Pop Movie Theater Quality Popcorns appeared first on Gordan Ladd's Kitchen.
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cityfoodequipment · 7 years
New & Used Restaurant Equipment: Paragon TP-8 Theater Pop 8 oz. Commercial Popcorn Machine #Paragon http://ift.tt/2w38KKQ http://ift.tt/2uSODR0
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runningshoes88 · 8 years
Popcorn Machine supplies - Coconut Oil popcorn popping
Popcorn Machine supplies – Coconut Oil popcorn popping
Popcorn Machine supplies Coconut Oil for Popcorn Popping – gallon Paragon’s clean cooking coconut Oil. Makes golden popcorn. Better tasting in flavor and aroma. Does not require refrigeration. Get great theater-quality taste with Paragon’s coconut oil.This non-hydrogenated coconut oil is refined, bleached, and deordorized (RBD) and possesses properties that make it unique among edible oils. It…
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dwatcharaph-blog · 8 years
Find the low prices on Coffee Makers Compare ratings and examine reviews on Clothing stores to find best deals plus discount offers At: . There are many deals onCoffee Makers in the Shops online, therefore research before you buy. Whether you are searching for Coffee Makers, Can help you save money with online discounts and coupons on affordable selections - find a Coffee Makers that is best for you.
Coffee Urns Percolators
Espresso Machines
Soda Makers
Electric Pressure Cookers
Blenders Juicers
Disney Frozen Snowflake Waffle Maker
SPT 1.8 l Multi-Temp Intelligent Electric Kettle in Red
Cuisinart Round Classic Waffle Maker
Nostalgia Vintage Collection 59 in. Popcorn and Concession Cart
Bella 12-Cup Switch Coffee Maker in Purple
Hamilton Beach Toaster Oven
Sencor Robust Full-Metal Body with Metal Gears Stand Mixer in Pastel Yellow
Excalibur Heavy Duty Metallic Finish 5 Tray Food Dehydrator in Stainless Steel
LEM Mighty Bite #8 Grinder in Aluminum
Avanti 0.7 cu. ft. 700-Watt Countertop Microwave in Black/Stainless Steel
BLACK+DECKER Cordless Electric Kettle
Paragon Premium Professional 6 and 8 oz. Popcorn Stand in Black
Excalibur 1/8 in. Fruit and Vegetable Slicer in Stainless Steel
Presto 5 Qt. Multi-Cooker
La Cafetiere 6-Cup Stovetop Espresso Maker in Polished Aluminum
Sharp 1.5 cu. ft. Over the Counter Microwave in Stainless Steel with Sensor Cooking Technology
Tribest Greenstar Gold Twin Gear Juicer
Rachael Ray 6-Cup Whistling Teakettle in Orange
Frigidaire 2.2 cu. ft. Countertop Microwave in Stainless Steel
Excalibur Heavy Duty Metallic Finish 9 Tray Food Dehydrator in Stainless Steel
AROMA 20-Cup Digital Rice Cooker in Stainless Steel
KitchenAid 30 in. 2.0 cu. ft. Over the Range Microwave in Black Stainless with Sensor Cooking
Rosewill 1400-Watt Oil-Less Low Fat Air Fryer in Black
BLACK+DECKER 12-Cup Programmable Coffee Tea in Stainless Steel
Great Northern Matinee Movie 8 oz. Popcorn Popper Machine in Black
GE 30 in. 1.6 cu. ft. Over the Range Microwave in Stainless Steel
Keurig Green Mountain Keurig Plus Series K200 Brewer in Black
Westin 9 in. Food Slicer
Rosewill 6 Slice Toaster Oven Broiler with Drip Pan in Black
Keurig K300 2.0 Single Serve and 4-Cup Carafe Brewer in Black
Paragon Theater Pop 6 oz. Popcorn Machine
Nesco Jerky Xpress Food Dehydrator
BonJour Coffee and Tea 27 oz. Harmony Glass Teapot
George Foreman 5 Serving Removable Plate Grill in Black
Old Dutch 20 oz. Cast Iron Osaka Teapot in Blue
Great Northern 8 oz. Replacement Drop-Down Popcorn Kettle for Popcorn Poppers
Westinghouse 1.1 cu. ft. 1000-Watt Countertop Microwave in Black
Paragon Thrifty Pop 4 oz. Popcorn Machine
Bunn Velocity Brew 10-Cup Original Home Coffee Maker
NuWave Oven Pro Plus with Extender Ring Kit in Black
Proctor Silex 8-Speed Blender Plastic Jar in White
Great Northern All-Star GNP-400 4 oz. Red Popcorn Machine & Cart
Sunbeam 12-Speed Stand Mixer
Samsung 2.1 cu. ft. Over the Range PowerGrill Microwave with Sensor Cook in Stainless
Creative Home Sphere 12-Cup Tea Kettle with Stainless Steel in Metallic Smoke
Tayama 8-Cup MICOM Digital Rice Cooker in Stainless Steel
Oster Beehive 2-Speed Blender with 6-Cup Glass Jar in Blue
Maytag 30 in. W 2.0 cu. ft. Over the Range Microwave in White with Sensor Cooking
GE 0.7 cu. ft. Small Countertop Microwave in White
BonJour Coffee & Tea Stainless Steel 6-Cup Stovetop Espresso Maker
George Foreman 60 sq. in. Grill in Black
SPT Multi-Cooker Shabu-Shabu and Grill
Panasonic 2.2 cu. ft. Countertop Microwave in Black Built-In Capable with Sensor Cooking and Inverter Technology, Black
GE 1.1 cu. ft. Countertop Microwave Oven in Slate
Ninja Professional Blender
Magic Chef 1.6 cu. ft. Countertop Microwave in Stainless Steel
SPT 1.7 Liter Cordless Electric Kettle in Stainless Steel
Old Dutch 22 oz. Cast Iron Tora Tea Kettle in Matte Black
Ninja Master Prep Professional Blender
Chantal 1.7 qt. Enamel-On-Steel Vintage Tea Kettle in Glossy Black
KALORIK 3-Tier Food Steamer
Sencor Slim Hand Blender with 17 oz. Beaker in Pastel Red
Nesco Digital Hand Mixer in Stainless Steel
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SPT 2-Slice Countertop Oven
This toaster oven is very unique in it's ability to fit into the smallest kitchens. It takes up much less counter space than a typical toaster oven at 9 3/4" wide. Use for baking, toasting, reheating and even broiling. It's stylish, modern design fits in beautifully with today's modern kitchens.
4 slice toaster oven with stainless steel front
Large 12 l capacity fits 2 slices of pizza or 4 slices of bread
Choose between bake, broil and toast function
30 minute timer, oven signals and automatically shuts off when baking time is complete
Tempered glass door
900-Watt power, 120-Volt 60 Hz
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Product Depth (in.) 11.6 Product Height (in.) 13.4 Product Width (in.) 9.75 Details Color/Finish Stainless steel front with black Cabinet Color/Finish Family Stainless Features Bake,Broiler,Built-In Timer,On Indicator Light Product Weight (lb.) 7.7lb Returnable 90-Day Temperature Control Preset Wattage (watts) 900 Warranty / Certifications Certifications and Listings ETL Classified ENERGY STAR Certified No Manufacturer Warranty 1 Year Limited Warranty
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Rerate Posts
Waffle Makers
Rice Cookers
Indoor Grills
Blenders Juicers
Single Serve Brewers
Paragon Theater Pop 4 oz. Popcorn Machine
KALORIK Indoor Electric Pressure Cooker and Smoker in Black and Stainless Steel
Elite Cuisine 2 Qt. Cool Touch Deep Fryer with Timer in White
Farberware Classic 1.1 cu. ft. 1000-Watt Countertop Microwave Oven in Stainless Steel/Black
Elite Platinum 8 qt. Digital Pressure Cooker with Non-Stick Pot in Silver
Paragon 1911 Originals Medium Popcorn Cart in Black and Chrome
KitchenAid 30 in. 1.9 cu. ft. Over the Range Convection Microwave in Stainless Steel with Sensor Cooking
Oster 1.1 cu. ft. 1000-Watt Countertop Microwave in White
Samsung 30 in. W 1.8 cu. ft. Over the Range Microwave in Black Stainless with Sensor Cooking
Elite 4 oz. Popcorn Popper Tabletop
KitchenAid 14-Cup Programmable Coffee Maker with Glass Carafe in Contour Silver
Old Dutch 41 oz. Cast Iron Orimono Teapot in Black/Gold
Zojirushi 3.8 l Air Pot Stainless Steel Beverage Dispenser
BonJour 8-Cup Ami-Matin Unbreakable French Press in Red
Tayama 8 Cups Uncooked Rice Cooker with Steam Tray in White
BLACK+DECKER 5-Cup Coffee Maker Glass Carafe in White
Disney Frozen Olaf Mini Waffle Maker
Chard Number 8 Cast Iron Food Grinder in Silver
Sencor Slim Hand Blender with 17 oz. Beaker in Pastel Lime Green
Elite 8.5 qt. Slow Cooker in Red
Tayama 10-Cup MICOM Multi-Functional Rice Cooker in Stainless Steel
Old Dutch 2.5 qt. Solid Copper Tea Kettle with Brass Handle
KitchenAid All Metal Grain Mill Attachment for Stand Mixers
BLACK+DECKER 4-Slice Toaster Oven in Stainless Steel
Chard Number 8 400-Watt Electric Food Grinder in Stainless Steel/Black
SodaStream 440 ml Cooking Light Sparkling Lemon Ginger Drink Mix (Case of 4)
Elite 6 qt. Pressure Cooker in Stainless Steel
AROMA NutriWare Extra Large Digital Food Dehydrator
Creative Home Avalon 12-Cup Tea Kettle in Stainless Steel
SodaStream 440 ml Cranberry Raspberry Zero Calorie Drink Mix (Case of 4)
Krups 4.5 L Deep Fryer
KitchenAid 1.4 cu. ft. Built-In Convection Microwave in Stainless Steel
Keurig Green Mountain Keurig Plus Series K200 Brewer in Turquoise
SPT 3.6-Liter Hot Water Dispensing Pot with Dual-Pump System
Cuisinart Smart Stick Variable Speed Hand Blender with Potato Masher in Stainless Steel
Westinghouse 0.6 cu. ft. Microwave Oven in White
Oster Beehive 2-Speed Blender with 6-Cup Glass Jar in Red
AROMA 20-Cup Cooked Digital Cool-Touch Rice Cooker and Food Steamer in Stainless Steel
Paragon 100 qt. Warming Merchandiser
Keurig Green Mountain Keurig Plus Series K425 Brewer in Sandy Pearl
StoreBound Dash 14 in. Family Size Skillet in Red
Creative Home Alexa 12-Cup Tea Kettle with Stainless Steel in Metallic Cobalt Blue
Creative Home Satin Splendor 11-Cup Tea Kettle with Stainless Steel in Metallic Blue
DeLonghi Icona 57.5 oz. Electric Kettle in Red
Whirlpool 30 in. W 1.9 cu. ft. Over the Range Convection Microwave in Black Ice
Tribest Sedona Combo Food Dehydrator with 2-Stage Sequential Timer
Chef'sChoice International Professional VariTilt Electric Food Slicer
Elite Platinum 6-Slice Toaster Oven Broiler in White
Tribest Citristar Citrus Juicer
Paragon Professional Large Popcorn Cart in Black
Frigidaire 30 in. 1.6 cu. ft. Over the Range Microwave in Stainless Steel
Sharp 1.1 cu. ft. Over the Range Convection Microwave in White
LG Electronics 1.7 cu. ft. Over the Range Convection Microwave in Stainless Steel
Nesco 30-Cup Stainless Steel Coffee Urn
Haier 0.7 cu. ft. Countertop Microwave Black
Rosewill Double Layer Insulated Stainless Steel Pot Double Wall Electric Tea Water Kettle, 1.5 l
BLACK+DECKER 3-Cup Rice Cooker
Cuisinart Digital 3-Liter Deep Fryer
Nesco Digital 530-Watt Rectangular Food Dehydrator
Westin Wheat Grass Juicer
SPT 1.7 Liter Cordless Electric Kettle with Temperature Display
Great Northern 8 oz. Replacement Drop-Down Popcorn Kettle for Popcorn Poppers
Great Northern Popcorn Time Popcorn Popper Machine with Cart in Black
Chef'sChoice 1-3/4 Qt. Electric Kettle
Copco 1 qt. Stainless Steel Carafe
Rosewill 2 lb. Programmable Bread Maker with Automatic Fruit and Nut Dispenser
BLACK+DECKER Spacemaker Thermal Carafe Coffee Maker in Black with Stainless Steel
Tribest Sedona Classic Digital Food Dehydrator
KALORIK Quick Slice Electric Knife Carving Set in Black
Elite Platinum 7-in-1 Infinity Cooker
Old Dutch 5.7 in. Cast Iron Tetsubin Warmer in Matte Black
Elite 6 qt. Digital Pressure Cooker
GE Profile 2.1 cu. ft. Over the Range Microwave in Stainless Steel with Sensor Cooking
Fagor LUX 4 Qt. All-in-One Multi Cooker Champagne
Elite Platinum 8.5 qt. Slow Cooker in Stainless Steel
KitchenAid 27 in. 1.4 cu. ft. Built-In Microwave Oven in Black Stainless
BLACK+DECKER Wide Mouth 10-Cup Food Processor in Black
Sharp 1.1 cu. ft. Countertop Microwave in Smooth Black
Panasonic FlashXpress Toaster Oven in White
Summit Appliance 0.9 cu. ft. Built-In Microwave in Stainless Steel
BLACK+DECKER 7 Qt. Slow Cooker in Geo Beige
SPT 4.2 L Hot Water Dispenser with Dual-Pump System
RCA 1.6 cu. ft. Over the Range Microwave in Stainless Steel
Nesco Food Grinder with #10 Head in Black/Stainless Steel
Tayama Non-Stick Electric Grill in Black
Tribest 16 oz. Apollo Personal Blender
Sencor Hand Blender Quiet DC Motor with Reduced Vibration in Solid Green
Cuisinart Popcorn Maker
Old Dutch 37 oz. Cast Iron Sakura Teapot in Red
Chantal 1.8 Qt. Enamel-On-Steel Classic Loop Tea Kettle in Onyx
Bella Linea 12-Cup Coffee Maker in Chrome
GE Adora 1.9 cu. ft. Over-the-Range Sensor Microwave Oven in Slate
Elite Gourmet 6-Cup Rice Cooker with Steam Tray
Frigidaire Gallery 30 in. 1.7 cu. ft. Over the Range Microwave in White
Weston 6-Tray Food Dehydrator
Nostalgia Retro Series 50's-Style Round Belgian Waffle Maker in Red
Great Northern Lincoln Tabletop Popcorn Popper Machine
Keurig Green Mountain Keurig Plus Series K200 Brewer in Black
Presto Dehydro Electric Food Dehydrator with Adjustable Temperature Control
Zojirushi Neuro Fuzzy Rice Cooker and Warmer
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Cuisinart Mini-Prep Plus 4-Cup Food Processor
Kitchen style. Finished with brushed metallic to add a touch of elegance. The Mini-Prep Plus 4-Cup Processor has a large 4-cup bowl to handle bigger tasks. A fashionable fit for any kitchen.
Exclusive auto-reversing smartpower blade
Touchpad controls
Chops or grinds
Touchpad controls are Easy-to-use and easy to clean
Instruction / recipe book
Work bowl cover
Limited 18-month warranty
BPA free
Product Depth (in.) 5.38 Product Height (in.) 9.94 Product Width (in.) 7.63 Details Appliance Type Processor Blade Material Stainless Steel Blade Material Stainless Steel Color/Finish Stainless steel Color/Finish Family Stainless Look Detachable Spindle Yes Dishwasher Safe Parts Yes Full-Size Feed Tube Yes Locking Lid Yes Number of Speeds 2 Product Weight (lb.) 3.4lb Pulse Control Yes Returnable 90-Day Touchpad Controls Yes Voltage (volts) 120 Wattage (watts) 600 Weighted Base Yes Work Bowl Material Plastic Warranty / Certifications Certifications and Listings 1-UL Listed ENERGY STAR Certified No Manufacturer Warranty 18-month limited
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Slow Cookers
Coffee Urns Percolators
Mixers Attachments
Electric Kettles
Deep Fryers
Cuisinart 5.5-Quart Stand Mixer, Red
Sharp 1.1 cu. ft. Over the Range Convection Microwave in White
Omega Commercial 48 oz. Blender
West Bend Indoor Grill with Non-Stick 15 in. x 11 in. Cooking Surface
KitchenAid 5-Speed Immersion Blender
Old Dutch DuraCopper Europa Tea Kettle, 1.7 Qt. /1.6 L
Samsung 30 in. 2.1 cu. ft. Over the Range Microwave in Stainless Steel with Sensor Cooking and Ceramic Enamel Interior
KitchenAid 5-Speed Blender in Silver
Paragon Premium Theater Popcorn Stand in Red
Hamilton Beach Smoothie Smart 40 oz. Blender
Bunn My Cafe Single Serve Cartridge Automatic Brewer in Stainless Steel
Cuisinart Elite Collection 4-Cup Chopper/Grinder in Black
Chefman 6 Qt. Slow Cooker with Die-Cast Insert in Stainless Steel
Nostalgia Vintage Collection Dispensing Popcorn Cart
Chard Number 8 400-Watt Electric Food Grinder in Stainless Steel/Black
Cuisinart 8-Cup Rice Cooker
Oster 6-Cup Rice Cooker in Red
KALORIK Heart Shape Waffle Maker in Red/Stainless Steel
BonJour Teapots Prosperity 42 oz. Glass Teapot in French Lavender
Elite Popcorn Trolley 8 oz
Excalibur Deluxe Metallic Finish 9 Tray Food Dehydrator in Stainless Steel
IMUSA 8-Cup Rice Cooker
Zojirushi Premier Air Pot Beverage Dispenser
BonJour Coffee 8-Cup Maximus French Press in Truffle
KALORIK Multi-funtion Digital Rice Cooker in Black
Elite 14 oz. Blender in Green
KitchenAid Juicer and Sauce Attachment (Slow Juicer) for Stand Mixers
Sencor Slim Hand Blender with 17 oz. Beaker in Pastel Red
Panasonic 1.6 cu. ft. Countertop Microwave in White, Built-In Capable with Sensor Cooking and Inverter Technology, White
Tayama 6-Cup Electric Stainless Steel Cordless Kettle
Great Northern Black Foundation 8 oz. Full Popcorn Popper Machine with Cart
Rosewill Infrared 12 l Halogen Convection Oven
Andis 4-Cup Coffee Maker in Black
KitchenAid Food Grinder Attachment for Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer
George Foreman 2 Serving Classic Grill
TRU 1.25 Qt. Double-Crock Slow Cooker Buffet
Gaggia 110-Volt Semi-Automatic Espresso and Cappuccino Machine in Brushed Stainless Steel
Total Chef Miracle Mixer Deluxe 500 ml Blender
Chantal 1.8 Qt. Classic Loop Tea Kettle in Stainless Steel
Hamilton Beach Toaster Oven
BLACK+DECKER 175 Watt Hand Mixer in White
DeLonghi Pump Driven Espresso/Cappuccino Maker
Chard Number 5 400-Watt Electric Food Grinder in Stainless Steel/Black/Gray
Pulp Ejection XL Juicer in Black
RCA 0.7 cu. ft. Countertop Microwave in White
RCA 1.6 cu. ft. Over the Range Microwave in Stainless Steel
SPT 3-Cup Rice Cooker/Steamer
Fagor LUX 6 Qt. All -in-One Multi Cooker, Champagne
SodaStream 440 ml Sparkling Diet Energy Drink Mix (Case of 4)
Elite 5 qt. Slow Cooker with Dipper
Nesco Gardenmaster 8-Tray Food Dehydrator in White
Maytag 30 in. W 2.0 cu. ft Over the Range Microwave Hood in Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel
Great Northern Princeton Tabletop Popcorn Popper Machine
Excalibur 9 Tray Food Dehydrator in Black
Oster 5 Qt. Food Steamer in White
Copco 2 qt. Lancet Pump Pot in Black
Elite Platinum 12-Cup Programmable Coffee Maker in Black
Great Northern Roosevelt Full Popcorn Popper Machine and Cart
BLACK+DECKER 12-Cup Mill N Brew in Red
KitchenAid Nespresso 5-Cup Espresso Maker in Sugar Pearl Silver
Elite Gourmet 1.5 qt. Mini Slow Cooker in Stainless Steel
Maytag 30 in. W 1.9 cu.ft. Over the Range Convection Microwave in Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel
Creative Home Savanah 12-Cup Tea Kettle with Brushed Stainless Steel
Excalibur 9 Tray Food Dehydrator in Black
AROMA Hot H20 X-Press Water Kettle
La Cafetiere 6-Cup Stovetop Espresso Maker in Polished Aluminum
BLACK+DECKER 4-Slice Bezel Toaster Oven
Panasonic 1.2 cu. ft. Countertop Microwave in White with Sensor Cooking
BLACK+DECKER Power Pro Food Processor
Euro Cuisine 8 in. Belgium/Traditional Waffle Maker
Ninja Coffee Bar with Stainless Steel Carafe
Old Dutch 30 oz. Cast Iron Teapot Yorokobi in Blue/Silver
Samsung 1.1 cu. ft. Countertop Microwave in Stainless Steel with Ceramic Enamel Interior
Sencor Hand Blender with 5 Included Accessories in Solid Yellow
Chantal 1.7 Qt. Enamel-On-Steel Vintage Tea Kettle in Chili Red
LG Electronics 1.5 cu. ft. Countertop Microwave in Stainless Steel with Sensor Cooking
SPT 1.7 Liter Cordless Electric Kettle in Stainless
Sunbeam 12-Speed Stand Mixer
SodaStream Fountain Jet Home Soda Maker Starter Kit in Black
Presto Hot Air Corn Popper-Fountain
Creative Home Symphony 10-Cup Tea Kettle with Stainless Steel in Green
Sharp 1.1 cu. ft. Over the Range Convection Microwave in Stainless Steel
GForce 7-Cup Illuminated Glass Kettle with Blue LED Light
Old Dutch 37 oz. Cast Iron Sakura Teapot in Red
Elite Cuisine 6-Slice Toaster Oven Broiler with Rotisserie
George Foreman 4 Serving Fix Plate Grill in Platinum
Copco Camden 1.5 qt. Tea Kettle in Red
AROMA 120-Volt Super Pot 3-in-1 Indoor Grill
Westinghouse 1.1 cu. ft. 1000-Watt Countertop Microwave in Stainless Steel Front Black Body
Presto 185 sq. in. Electric Skillet with Glass Cover
Ninja Nutri Ninja Blender with Auto-IQ in Stainless Steel
Great Northern 8 oz. Replacement Popcorn Kettle for Popcorn Poppers
BLACK+DECKER 12-Speed Blender
Waring Pro Die-Cast Extra Large Capacity Food Slicer 10 in. Blade
Proctor Silex Programmable 12-Cup Coffeemaker
Sharp Carousel 2.2 cu. ft. 1200-Watt Countertop Microwave in Black with Sensor Cooking
Elite Multi-Function 16-Cup Rice Cooker with LCD Display and Control Panel
Waring Pro Popcorn Maker with Melting Station in Red
Great Northern Roosevelt Tabletop Popcorn Popper Machine
LEM 20 lbs. Capacity Stainless Steel Manual Mixer
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philsmovement · 9 years
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netbiztoday · 9 years
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