bobby-apples · 4 months
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Papamin and Son Yuji
(Pose Ref for first one on my Insta)
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pseudowho · 3 months
"Hey, Nanamin!"
Kento looked over his newspaper, to the bubblegum boy gleaming into the staffroom. Kento hummed, his cover-all noise for greeting, confirmation, disapproval, etc.
"I'm buying us lunch today. Know anywhere good to eat?" Yuuji bubbled, pulling his wallet out with a flourish.
Kento frowned, firm in his chastisement. "You should save your money, Itadori-kun. You don't buy lunch when you're with me. It's wasteful, frankly, for someone with minimal income such as yourself. You should be more sensible with your money."
Yuuji's bottom lip puckered, but he remained bright and doubled down. "It's just, you buy lunch every time I'm on a mission with you, and-- and I'm really grateful, it's just that today--"
"I appreciate the offer." Kento stood, clipped, moving over to you, witnessing the exchange from your place by the coffee machine.
Kento turned away from Yuuji, pouring another coffee. "But it isn't necessary. I don't expect you to be offering to buy an adult lunch, when you should be building some savings. When you have time, I can talk you through what sorts of savings accounts you can--"
"Ahhh no no no Nanamin it's okay, I...I'm good. It's okay. I'm...I'm good." Yuuji deflated, his rainbows muting. "I'll uh...I'll see you after you eat, then, yeah?"
Yuuji closed the door. You tippy-tapped your fingers on the counter, looking shrewdly at Kento as he washed his used mug. You mused aloud.
"Yuuji hasn't got a dad." Silence. Splashing water. You sipped your coffee. "Hasn't got a grandfather either." Kento bristled, wondering as to your meaning, placing his mug upside down to drain.
"I assume you have a poin--"
"It's Father's Day." Kento froze. His brain whirred. "You buy your Father lunch on Father's Day to show you appreciate him--"
"Please excuse me." Kento walked to the staffroom door, frantically paddling below a smooth surface. The door closed, clicking politely. You heard Kento's steps speed up as he ran down the corridor, hearing him growing fainter as he called in the distance:
"Itadori-kun. Come back! Itadori-kun! Buy me lunch!"
Kento's fingers itched to reach for his card in his favourite coffee shop, clenching his fists instead as Yuuji counted out his cash. Kento couldn't deny, sat at the window with a casse-croute, that seeing Yuuji's face light up with the joy of gift-giving, made it all exquisitely worth it.
Yuuji's joy was fragile. He broke the silence over his panini.
"...I'm sorry it's not much."
"It's perfect. This is my favourite meal. I'm..." Kento broke off, his voice thick, his mind lost somewhere in the bustling crowds beyond the window. Yuuji brimmed with pride.
"...thank you, Yuuji."
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bananami · 9 months
A little couple's trivia with Nanami proves that he knows you all too well.
I did use the term wife and she/her pronouns just as a brief cw. The whole thing is just fluff. Nanami is in love with you. That's the whole things.
(I am delulu and in love with this man. Hope this helps us all heal. He is alive and well and no one can convince me otherwise. Also I love including Gojo's dumbass in everything. Also Yuji is a sweetheart and Nanami's son basically.)
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"Please?" You're practically begging your husband, who doesn't seem to be budging.
"Why not?"
"Yeah Nanamin-"
"Don't call me that." Nanami cuts Gojo off immediately.
"But Yuji calls you that!"
"That's different." He glares at the white haired man like he's trying to eviscerate him with just his eyes. "And I'm not playing some stupid game just to prove how well I know my wife." He tries to pay attention to the paperwork in front of him again, wanting to finish it before 5pm. Because there was no way he was working overtime again today.
"Scared?" Gojo baited him. "Afraid I'm gonna ask you a question that's just too hard?"
"Gojo, there is nothing you could ask me about my wife that I wouldn't be able to answer."
A few of the students sat around watching the two go back and forth, inevitably waiting for Nanami to either get so annoyed that he walked away, or to take the bait. They hoped for the latter.
"Prove it! Or you forfeit your marriage."
"That's not how that works."
"C'mon Nanamin, it's just a game." Yuji gives the blonde sorcerer a sincere smile, hoping to lighten the mood and sway his decision just a bit.
"Don't call him Nanamin, Yuji- OW." Gojo is cut off as Nanami reaches over and smacks him in the head with the papers in his hand.
"Don't tell him what to do." Nanami sighs and rubs at his temple. He looks at the clock, then at you. It's the look in your eyes that gives way to his final decision. "Fine. You have until that clock reads 5, and then I'm taking my wife and we're going home."
Gojo wastes no time. "Who is your wife's favorite person? And think before you say yourself because-"
"Itadori. Next question."
"I'm your favorite person?!" Yuji jumps from his seat, latching his arms around you for a hug. It's obvious from the way that you smile and hug him back that Nanami is probably definitely right. You had a soft spot for the kid since you met him, playfully telling everyone that you and Nanami had basically adopted him since he arrived at Jujutsu High. Nanami would probably never verbalize it, but you could tell he felt the same about the boy.
"Ok, ok. Next question." Gojo thought hard before coming up with it. "How does your wife take her coffee?"
"She doesn't drink coffee."
"Yes she does, I bring her some like every morning."
"And she gives that coffee to me because she doesn't like it."
"You're telling me I've been buying you coffee this entire time?"
"I make her tea every morning when we get to work. You hand her the coffee, we trade cups. I don't understand how you've stared right at us when we do it and you somehow haven't noticed."
"Ok, then what tea does she drink?"
"Earl Grey, three sugars, a little bit of milk at the top. She'll say she's ok with English Breakfast or Lady Earl Grey if they're out of the regular. She's not, she's just being polite. She'll drink half and throw it away when she thinks no one is looking."
Gojo groans, not having as much fun as he thought he was going to at the beginning of all of this. "And I just bet you have a contingency plan for when your wife doesn't get her tea, don't you?"
"Of course I do," he ignores the even louder groan from Gojo, "I walk across the street to the cafe that sells her favorite pastries and I buy her five because I know that she'll want to share with her students and she'll try to split one with me even if I refuse. They have teabags they leave out so long as you're ordering something. Earl Grey, always in stock."
"Adorable." Gojo rolls his eyes.
"You're so smart, Nanamin!" Yuji jumps in. "Let me ask one! What's her favorite color?"
"Yuji, that's too easy."
"Ohhhh, mine too," Yuji says, "why yellow?"
"Because it's-" Nanami stops mid-sentence and looks at the clock, like it will give him an excuse. Almost. "We don't need to worry about the why, that wasn't the original question."
Gojo perks up, clearly realizing he'd struck a nerve. And he was ready to work it. The red dusting across Nanami's cheeks told him everything he needed to know. "Are you embarrassed, Nanami?"
"Shut up, Gojo."
"Or do you just not know the answer? It's ok if you don't, I guess you just don't know your wife as well as you thought you did."
"If you don't stop talking, I'm going to tell everyone about the one time in high school when you and Geto got caught in the-"
"OK!" Gojo turns back to the students and motions them toward the door. "Time to go! Don't you all have something better to do? Go be little trouble makers somewhere. Go TP Yaga's lawn or something. Get out of here."
He'd ushered everyone out except Yuji, who stayed behind to wait for you and Nanami. The boy shyly looked away as you kissed Nanami's cheek before standing up, stating you just needed to grab your bag before you could leave.
Yuji waited for you to exit the room before he asked. "Is it because of your hair?"
Nanami sighs. "What makes you think that?"
Yuji just shrugs. "She loves you. Answers don't always need a complex reason."
Nanami can't help the smile that graces his face. "You're a smart kid sometimes, you know that?"
"That's why I'm her favorite!" His goofy nature is back in an instant. "Can I come over for dinner again tonight?"
"Of course you can."
"Can I stay over?"
"If you'd like to."
"Can I pick the movie we watch?"
"Don't push your luck."
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courtneedsleep · 2 months
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an afternoon stroll 🌆
please help me decide what i should draw next: chiropractor! nanami or nanami in a soaked, d r i p p i n g suit…
edit: soaked nanami is posted
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nissou · 8 months
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Papamin 💛
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I’m just a kid (and life is a nightmare)
dad!Nanami & kid!Yuji
commissioned this amazing piece from @yuutaguro for chapter two of my teen papamin au in which Nanami reluctantly adopts Yuji right after graduating from Jujutsu High and leaving the sorcerer world! [chapters 1-3 on ao3]
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Everything had been going so well. Nanami would begin his office job on Monday, the same day that Yuji’s school year started. He had just taken Yuji to buy his uniform, and a shiny new backpack. It wasn’t until he was going back over the supply list and dress code that the trouble started.
“Yuji, you have to cut your hair! It’s not me, it’s the school’s stupid rule.”
Yuji stuck out his tongue and ran around the table, avoiding Nanami’s grasp. “Don’t wanna!” He shouted back.
“I know! But you have to anyway!” Nanami chased him back around the other side. “It’s not up for debate!”
Nanami stopped running and covered his face with his hands, taking deep breaths. The kid was driving him crazy. Hell, he agreed with him. He probably would’ve been just as pissed about cutting his hair at that age, but damn if it wasn’t frustrating on the other side. “Look, I’m sorry the dress code is annoying. I am! But you’re gonna get in trouble if we don’t tame that pink mop on your head!” God, I sound like my dad, Nanami thought glumly.
Yuji flung himself around the corner and peeked out. “But I don’t wanna , Nanaminnn!!”
“I know.” He gave a long sigh. “Can you tell me why?”
“I wanna look like you!”
“You- what?” Nanami was thrown for a loop. Yuji could barely see through his hair at this point, it looked nothing like… oh no. Nanami skidded into the bathroom and stared in the mirror. Yuji came hurtling behind him, just barely able to peek over the countertop on his tiptoes.
“See, Nanamin? We’re the same!”
The kid had a point. Nanami stared at his face, noticing for the first time that he had let his hair get quite long. It just didn’t seem like a priority, not after…well. He shook his head, tossing the long shock of blonde hair out of his eyes. Yuji peered up at him, looking annoyingly smug.
“See, you see?”
“Yeah, I see, Yuji.” Maybe it was time that he matured his look. At least a little. “I guess I have a mop up there too, huh?” He couldn’t help but chuckle at the way Yuji imitated his nod. “I have an idea for how we can fix this.”
Everyone in the barbershop couldn’t help but smile at the strange pair that walked in, the serious, blonde teenager and his hyper, pink-haired companion.
“Awww, is this your little brother?” The receptionist cooed.
“Uh, no, this is my…Yuji.” Nanami cringed at himself, but the kid holding his hand beamed.
“Yeah, I’m his Yuji!!”
The two boys politely requested the same haircut, and Nanami went first to reassure Yuji. “See? Doesn’t hurt at all, okay? Bet you’re gonna look cooler than me.”
Nanami watched himself in the mirror as the barber went to work. It wasn’t like he was attached to his look or anything, at least he told himself so. But change was weird. By the end of it, he could see more of his forehead than he had in years. He looked older, like a salaryman.
“What do you think, kid?” Yuji looked at him thoughtfully.
“You look like a grown-up, Nanamin!”
“Yeah, I guess I do.” He laughed. “Your turn, Yuji. Think you can be brave?”
“Yeahh! Brave like you!” Yuji slid into the seat and reached out a hand, which Nanami held tight.
By the end of it, Nanami’s hair was slicked into a deep side part, with a few stubborn strands escaping into his eyes. Yuji’s hair still spung up at all angles. It suited him, though. And more importantly, fit the school dress code.
Nanami took Yuji out to their favorite bakery on the way home as a reward. The boy eagerly gobbled down a pink-frosted doughnut with extra sprinkles while Nanami sipped coffee with a slice of lemon cake. “We did well today, huh kid?”
Yuji nodded proudly with a faceful of frosting. “Yeah, we did great! And we still look the same as each other!”
Nanami squinted at him, but couldn’t bring himself to burst the kid’s bubble. “We sure do. Maybe we could switch places, and you could go into work for me!”
Yuji doubled over with laughter. “No way Nanamin!”
“You sure? I could go to school for you, do all your homework…” he teased.
Yuji appeared to be considering the offer, then shook his head, still giggling. “Nuh-uh!”
“Ah, well.” Nanami pretended to sigh. “Worth a try.”
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rahuratna · 3 months
Suited up
More fatherly goodness from the gentleman sorcerer, Nanami Kento. This time, featuring Ino!
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Ino was excited. Not in the usual sense, when he had a mission with Nanami lined up. Today was different. Today would be the day he nailed that sweet, sweet grade one sorcerer recommendation from his mentor, the sorcerer he admired the most.
Ino had been watching, you see. He couldn't do without his own signature ski mask, as that was completely necessary for the functioning of his unique cursed technique. There were other things he had taken note of, however, that might be worth a change.
For starters, the suit. No matter where the mission, whether in the sparkling heart of Tokyo or in the depths of the most squalid sewer, Nanami would always appear in his impeccable and tasteful suit. Tailored to perfection, sitting perfectly at the wrist and ankles, comfort and flexibility reserved at no expense to the clean, fitted outline on the powerful frame they enclosed, Nanami's suits were a thing of beauty.
Then, the handkerchief. Nanami never went without. There was always a clean square of linen, folded in a perfect square, in one of his pockets. Nanami had used his handkerchief to help Ino mop blood off his face once, and, although the cloth had been ruined, Ino knew that the threadcount on that little square made it more valuable than the entirety of his baggy shirt and trousers.
Of course, there were the shoes. Nanami's sturdy leather brogues, hand sewn and always polished to high shine, saw a lot of wear. Of course they would, considering the speed and power of the sorcerer who wore them. But no matter how soiled and worn they were by the end of the mission, the care invested in their restoration was evident. Nanami would show up the next day with his shoes back in such good condition you could see your reflection in them.
Then, there was the way he wore his tie, the way he combed his hair, the coveted wristwatch. But there would be time enough to speculate on those things later. For now, Ino would be satisfied to see Nanami's reaction to his own get up.
The mission was straightforward. They had been assigned to clear out an old warehouse on the docks near the harbour. A curse infestation had been reported in the area, probably triggered by the recent wage protests the dock workers had engaged in due to cutbacks. Of course, Ino's affinity for crowd control would come in handy, and so, he had been dispatched with Nanami as a two-man team.
As he stood on the sidewalk not far from his apartment, Ino shifted from one foot to the other, still growing accustomed to the outfit he had on. As a grade two sorcerer, he earned a fair salary. He'd saved up for a month or two to splurge out on these clothes.
He had invested in a good tailor and had a dark grey suit made to fit. He wore a black polo shirt beneath and the best leather belt he could find. His socks were polyester, but comfortable enough and wouldn't slip or bunch inside his new black leather shoes. Ino had neatly combed and parted his hair, using a high hold pomade that gave a shine he wasn't sure he liked. It would prevent his hair from going haywire when he had to use his ski mask, though. And he had a handkerchief, of course. Bought cheaply in a pack of five because he'd been in a rush, but who would be looking that closely, anyway?
A dark sedan pulled up to the kerb where he waited and Ino felt a clench of nervous anticipation in his stomach. Would Nanami approve of his new look? Had he gone overboard? Did he look like some kind of copycat freakshow now? Steeling himself, Ino opened the rear door and slid inside, sending a tense greeting to the experienced sorcerer who sat beside him.
Nanami greeted him back and then stopped short. Sweating slightly, Ino kept his gaze straight ahead as Nanami's eyes travelled from his perfectly combed hair down to his new shoes. Ino coughed slightly and fidgeted with his belt.
"So ... any ideas on how we should tackle the warehouse?"
Nanami regarded him in silence for a moment, before pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose and tapping his fingers on his knee, as he sometimes did when he was thinking deeply about something.
"We'll approach as we usually do. I'll go in and guage the strength of the spirits before making a tactical retreat. We perform a second sweep, with you flanking me. Then we use your targeted attacks to hone in on any remaining curses that may be concealing themselves."
"Got it."
There was a short spell of silence.
"That's a fine suit you have on."
"You think so?"
Ino released a breath he had been holding, elation swelling in his chest.
"It is." Nanami paused. "Having said that, there are a few pointers I'd like to give you, as you've chosen to dress in this manner today."
"You will?"
Ino could barely contain his excitement now. Nanami nodded and folded his arms.
"Yes. For starters, have you worn those shoes before today?"
"Uh, no. Didn't want them to ... you know. Get all dusty and stuff before the mission."
"Place your feet against the seat in front of you right now and bend your toes."
"Like this."
Nanami demonstrated, and Ino followed suit, slower due to his confusion.
"Leather always needs to be broken in. I've been wearing these shoes for close to a year now. And I alternate between pairs, so that I minimize wear and tear and allow the leather to rest, especially if I've been out in wet weather. If you go in as you are, the new leather will not have had time to take on the shape of your feet. You'll be in some discomfort a few hours in."
"For real?"
Balancing in his seat, the younger sorcerer hurriedly began to rock his feet back and forth against the seat in front of him, wondering how he couldn't have noticed how stiff the leather was. He could thank his lucky stars that Nanami had forewarned him.
"There's more, Ino."
"There is?"
"That pomade you have on your hair ... it's going to form stiff peaks as you perspire inside the ski mask. Next time, opt for a softer styling wax."
"Ohhh, damn. I didn't know that."
Nanami now reached across and ran his fingers along the hem of Ino's jacket, then grabbed one of his sleeves and tugged.
"Oh dang, what is it?"
"I'd also advise you to lose the jacket when you go into combat. I ask my tailor to perform a specific type of stitching that allows for more freedom of movement. You're going to need to remove the jacket if you want to move freely and effectively."
Ino's bubble of excitement was rapidly deflating. He'd wanted so badly to impress Nanami today, but all he'd succeeded in doing was showing off his inexperience and making himself look like some kind of desperate wannabe. He cleared his throat and straightened his posture, giving Nanami his signature bright smile and thumbs up. He hoped that he had somehow concealed how embarrassed he was feeling.
"Thanks Nanami. I promise I won't let you down today!"
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By the end of the day, Ino was feeling a lot less chipper. Scratch that, he was feeling downright miserable.
The mission had started off promisingly. They'd found the warehouse infested with cursed spirits, some of them rather powerful. After drawing the bulk of the spirits out into the open, Nanami had retreated as planned, so that Ino could use his Reiki to shield himself from attacks and move swiftly between the raging curses.
This was where Ino's problems had started.
Due to the huge amount of cursed energy he burned through, and the highly physical nature of his technique, Ino perspired a lot in combat. His baggy clothing normally allowed ample air circulation around his body, letting him cool down faster, but the polo shirt and the thicker material of his new trousers did no such thing. 
As sweat poured down to sting his eyes, Ino was hyper aware of how the soaking material clung uncomfortably to his chest and back, how his legs felt like they were encased in a damp, restricting vice.
The leather shoes had started out comfortable enough thanks to the stretching Nanami had had him perform, but even they lost elasticity over time. Sore red ridges had been rubbed into his ankles and the area around his toes felt as if it had been chafed raw.
To add insult to injury, a vat of putrid fluid, that had been lying stagnant for God knew how long, had been upended all over Ino by one of the cursed spirits, ruining any chance he'd had of salvaging some dignity and completely ruining his outfit. Somehow, Nanami had dodged the spray of fluid and darted towards the offending spirit, ending it with a deadly, but elegant stroke of his blade. 
Ino had given it his all, of course. He'd fought with every ounce of determination he possessed, and they'd eventually decimated the spirits that infested the warehouse. At great cost to his body and dignity, of course. His muscles were screaming because of the unnatural strain he'd put them through, and his shoulder throbbed where a spirit had grabbed him and damn near dislocated it.
By the time they left the warehouse, Nanami was striding along at his usual pace, suit spotless, collar open, cufflinks gleaming, hair stylishly dishevelled, while something that looked like a veritable swamp monster hobbled along at his side, emitting feeble groans now and then.
"Y - Yeah?"
"Take off those shoes now."
"But - "
"Do as I say."
The shoes came off with a very distinct and soggy noise. Undaunted, Nanami reached for them and scooped them up so that they hung from the fingers of one hand. He then went down on one knee, facing away from Ino.
"Get on."
" ... what?"
"Climb on. Your can't make it all the way to the car in this condition."
"But - but I'm filthy, Nanami! I'll get this smelly shit all over your clothes!"
"Don't worry about that. The dry cleaners I frequent are excellent and ... accustomed to my requests by now."
With a great deal of reluctance, the young sorcerer climbed onto his senior's back, head flopping forward in sudden exhaustion when Nanami lifted him in piggy-back fashion. They made their way back to where the car awaited them.
"How do you do it?"
"Do what?"
"How do you manage to look like ... you know. Like you can do anything you put your mind to. And why in a suit, of all things?"
The strong shoulders beneath Ino's chin jerked in a small huff of amusement.
"I'm not sure what you mean, but I suppose experience is the best teacher. I've been on my fair share of missions. I know what to expect and plan accordingly. As to why I wear a suit, well ... "
His voice trailed off, but Ino remained silent, aware that if he stayed like this he might probably hear something that would give him greater insight into the man he admired above all others.
"Hmm. I suppose, it was something I learned when I worked as a salaryman. In society, the clothes you wear define who you are. They speak to others of your personality, your preferences, the way you want to be perceived and your standing in a certain social setting. I chose my clothes so that I would blend in. I wanted ... an ordinary life. A life that would let me pursue ordinary goals and let me retire in comfort."
"But you came back. Back to being a sorcerer, I mean."
"It wasn't that I missed this life. It wasn't that I wanted to be a sorcerer either. But my talent for working efficiently, and working hard, was best put to good use in a manner where I could help others."
"But you still kept the suit?"
"Indeed. The suit reminds me of who I am, at heart. I've never wanted more than a regular life. I never will want more. If I have to exorcise spirits looking like I used to as a salaryman, then so be it. Let the spirits experience my effort, my work ethic, my real and very ordinary self."
There was a long silence, broken only by the sound of Nanami's footsteps on the damp paving stones that led to the car park. Ino gave a weak chuckle.
"Ordinary? You know, I think I can get behind that."
"You can?"
"Yeah. I'm pretty much a regular guy too. But you know, Nanami ... "
The younger man's voice trailed off, and for a moment, Nanami thought he had drifted off into an exhausted sleep. Then Ino spoke again.
"I don't think you give yourself enough credit. There's a reason I wanna be like you, more than other sorcerers. If being a run-of-the-mill guy means always choosing to put other people first, if it means choosing to do what you feel is right, and if it means ... that when you're gone, someday in the future, people will always remember the things you taught them and miss you like hell, then you wouldn't call yourself that ordinary, would you?"
Nanami was quiet for a long time after that.
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Ino had never felt greater relief than when he was able to shower at Jujutsu Tech later that night, sling on a clean tracksuit and receive some treatment from Ieiri for his bruised and twisted shoulder. Feeling far more human, he made his way down to the foyer, wondering what he could have for a late-night snack.
To his surprise, Nanami was waiting for him.
"You're still here? I thought you'd have left already."
Namami held up a small bag.
"You left your jacket behind in the car."
"Ah." Ino scratched the back of his head. "Thanks. But I don't think I'll be wearing that again."
"Understandable. But, if you like, I can take you to my tailor to make some ... additions to your regular work clothes. You can still look your best, even while comfortable, you know."
Ino brightened considerably at this.
"Oh? I never thought of that."
"And I suppose you're hungry after the mission. We can go and get fried chicken and beer."
Whooping slightly, the younger sorcerer loped happily out the front doors, before stopping and glancing back at Nanami sheepishly.
"Uh, I'm kinda broke right now after splashing out on that suit ... "
"I'm paying."
"Now we're talking!"
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otterlis · 7 months
♡ the proudest moment for me is telling others that you are my son ♡
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♡ papamin!au my beloved
♡ genre: pure fluff
♡ lenght: ~0,6K
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Kento didn't really plan to take a nap.
He was sitting in front of the TV, Yuuji curled up against his side as they watched Gravity Falls - well, Yuuji watched it. It was their afternoon tradition. They came back home, did the homework, watched some TV before they got hungry and then they cooked dinner together.
Today wasn’t much different, but after a tiring day at work Kento was absolutely exhausted. Too many pointless meetings and dumb arguments with his coworkers resulted in a throbbing headache and red, tired eyes. Relaxing against the soft pillows, Kento thought it wouldn’t hurt to close his eyes for a moment and rest. He wouldn’t fall asleep, right? Naps weren’t really his thing.
Then, as soon as the first episode of the show started, he just straight up passed out.
To him, it felt like a few seconds. A longer blink, if you will. That’s why he was so confused when he shifted and suddenly he couldn’t feel Yuuji’s tiny body pressed against his side. His eyes shot open and he sat straight up as the panic settled in.
‘Yuuji?’, he called out, looking around the room. It was already dark and he could barely make out anything. As he turned around on the couch, Kento noticed soft light pouring out through the kitchen door, accompanied by a few soft grunts of annoyance. He quickly made his way over, stopping in his tracks as soon as he saw the scene before him.
Yuuji was standing on top of the kitchen chair, Kento’s big apron hanging around his tiny body, the straps tangled around his legs. His face was concentrated, the tip of his tongue sticking out, as he tried hard to slice the cucumber that stubbornly rolled away from him with every attempt.
At least he’s using the child-friendly knife, Kento thought with relief. He quietly stepped inside of the kitchen, trying not to startle the boy.
‘What are you doing, Yuuji?’, he asked.
‘Oh, Nanamin!’, Yuuji exclaimed happily, almost falling off the chair as he tried to turn around with the apron tangled between his legs. Luckily, Kento had quick reflexes. This wasn’t the first time this happened, either. ‘I’m making us dinner!’
‘Hm?’, Kento hummed, looking away from the boy he held in his arms and back at the counter. Indeed, there were two plates prepared - there was a ham sandwich, a cheese stick and a few cherry tomatoes on both of them, but coincidentally the one on the right had also a few candies hidden behind the food.
‘I wanted some cucumber too, but it kept rolling away!’, Yuuji added, crossing his arms with frustration. Kento couldn’t help but smile, a warm, cozy feeling spreading across his chest.
‘You did great’, he praised the boy, setting him back up on the chair. He grabbed the rowdy cucumber and set it back on the cutting board, his other hand wrapping around Yuuji's wrist to guide his movements and cut up the vegetable. They boy cheered as they finally defeated the green stick of doom and placed a few slices on each of the plates.
‘Let’s go eat in the living room!’, Yuuji exclaimed, climbing down the chair and slipping out of the apron. He grabbed his plate and quickly run out of the kitchen, trying to cover up the sweets with his tiny hand. Kento chuckled as he picked up his own dinner, turning off the light and following the boy with a smile still etched on his face.
Sure. This one time Kento could pretend he didn’t see any candies on Yuuji’s plate.
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It is not flesh and blood, but the heart which makes us fathers and sons — Johann Freidrich von Schiller
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ellis jjk fanfic debut?????
inspired by a lovely prompt by @dahldahlbills ♡
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ch6sos · 2 months
♥︎ imagine like.... nanami being stuck in his home office at midnight, overworking himself—but then his lil son baby yuuji comes & "disturbs" him </3
fluff warning if you want to cry i'd recommend you read this
kento let out a deep sigh, feeling the exhaustion of sitting in his office chair for what seemed like hours. he had barely moved, except for the occasional stand to stretch his legs and arms.
he sat there, closing his eyes for a moment, until the sound of the door opening jolted him back to reality. as he quickly opened his eyes, he was met with the sight of his eight-year-old yuuji, clad in dinosaur pajamas, rubbing his sleepy eyes.
"why are you still awake, hm?" kento frowned, instantly feeling yuuji climb onto his lap, wrapping his arms around him like a koala clinging to a tree.
"papa, why aren't you sleeping?" yuuji deflects the question, concern evident in his voice. kento let out a soft hum and removed his reading glasses, his expression thoughtful as he considered his response.
"sorry, bubba, i can't. i still have some paperwork to finish," kento says as he ruffles the top of yuuji’s pink hair. he then leans in to give him a soft kiss on the top of his head.
yuuji muttered, “work is shit,'" which caused kento to widen his eyes in surprise. he turned to yuuji with a slightly panicked expression.
"yuuji, don't say that! where did you even hear that from?" kento gently scolded, a slightly disappointed look on his face as he furrowed his brow.
yuuji noticed the look of disappointment on kento’s face, his eyes quickly transforming into a pleading, puppy-dog expression as he started to frown. “i heard it from you, papa, when you were talking on the phone…"
kento couldn't help but mentally facepalm himself, feeling a mix of frustration and affection. he let out a small sigh before gently rubbing yuuji’s cheek, allowing him to fidget around with his keyboard as he tried to contain his own amusement.
"don't say that ever again, okay? it's a very, very bad word. you can't say bad words until you're... old enough to." kento runs his fingers through yuuji's hair.
"fineee..." yuuji whined, but he continued to fidget with the keyboard, typing in random letters. he then laughed as he heard the noise of the keys clacking.
"enjoying yourself, bubba?" kento asks, chuckling as he watches yuuji have fun with typing gibberish on his computer. he was glad he had a whole separate tab open.
"i'm just like you!" yuuji flashed a mischievous grin as he snatched kento’s blue light glasses and mug, raising the mug to his lips in jest before setting it down. then, he settled in front of the keyboard, his fingers moving nimbly across the keys, mirroring the focused and determined look of his father when he's at work.
"ha ha, very funny." kento chuckled as he peppered yuuji’s face with soft, gentle kisses. yuuji pretended to be grossed out, but couldn't help but let out soft giggles as the small kisses tickled him.
a little while later, yuuji began to gradually relax. he remained seated on his father's lap and slowly started to drift off to sleep, feeling the comforting embrace of his father's arms.
as kento continued to work on some remaining paperwork, one of his hands rested on the keyboard, while the other hand gently moved up and down yuuji’s back, soothing him into a peaceful slumber.
kento himself began to get affected by sleep, as it was reaching to his eyes. he found himself yawning, his eyes struggling to keep open, and his typing began to slow down.
he then surrenders to the embrace of sleep, with yuuji nestled in his arms. his reading glasses are slightly askew, his hand still resting on the keyboard, and his mouth slightly open. his office chair is pushed back a little, and despite the slight discomfort of the chair, just watching his son peacefully drift off in his lap never fails to lull him to sleep.
This is how Jujutsu Kaisen ends by the way I am Gege
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mishietishie · 3 months
Papamin Headcanons
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T/W: Fluff, bad grammar, pregancy mention, kinda short, gender of the baby not specified, girldad Nanami mention
This is kind of a continuation of my Nanami dating headcanons
Okay so ever since he heard that you're pregnant with his child, he has been over the moon ever since! He's always dreamed of having a little family with you and that dream is becoming a reality!!
Boy or girl? Doesn't matter to him, he'll cherish the baby no matter what!! (girldad Papamin would go SO HARD THOUGH!!! His little princess who's got him wrapped around her little chubby finger❤️)
He'd be so weak for the baby UAAGHHHH!!! Buying them the CUTEST onesies and clothes to take pictures of them with, buying them toys and stuffed animals like crazy! He'd get them everything their little heart desires if you didn't stop him :(((
He's been trying his hardest to save up enough money to retire early so you guys can move to Maleysia with your little family :(((
He definetly carries a picture of you and your children in his wallet, his protecting talisman!
If your child ever turns out to be a jujutsu sorcerer like you both, he will never allow them to attend Jujutsu Tech for their own safety
He wants atleast two children, but he'd never force you to!
Whenever it's cold outside, he makes sure your child is extra warm dressed with a cute scarf, mittens and a cute beanie or earmuffs to keep their little ears warm!
If you don't have time to go to parent teacher conferences, he'll gladly go to see how well his little one is doing in school! They're smart like papa after all
(when your child's first word wasn't 'papa', he was sulking about it for a couple of days)
He insisted onto making a picture book with all of your child's accomplishments, no matter how 'little' they are! First time crawling? Into the picture book! First time eating icecream? Into the picture book! (he has a digital copy of the picture book that he looks at whenever he is on a mission so he can always remember why he is fighting. To come back home to his little family 🥰)
When your child becomes a toddler and can have sorta decent conversations, he'll sometimes sneak in a little dad joke
"Papa? Papa, I'm hungry!"
"You're hungry? I thought you were (C/N)?" (child's name. Also, dad jokes have my heart, could you tell?)
Sometimes when Nanami makes a certain expression and your child's in the same room as him, they'll copy his facial expression 100% (AND YOU CANNOT TELL ME OTHERWISE!!!)
Thank you for reading till the end!~
Back to Nanami's Master List?
Back to the JJK Master List?
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sexlapis · 5 months
just thinking about papamin again :( and how little yuji would make him a scrappy, adorable paper tie with a poem about how he is the best father in the whole wide world 🥺🥺 and nanami would seriously wear it one time to work despite the odd looks he got bc uhmm why is he wearing a paper tie? but nobody said anything bc…well, he’s stoic, serious nanami (and it was kinda cute).
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thinkofmehoney · 1 month
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“A Place for You to Rest”
⇢ Summary: Choso asks Nanami to teach him how to cook, so he can prepare a meal for Yuji. He gets frustrated when he can’t do it perfectly, feeling the pressure of trying to be the best older brother for Yuji after the death of his younger brothers. But Nanami sees this, and when the anxiety it’s getting the best out of Choso, he’s right there to help him.
⇢ contents: NOT SHIP CONTENT!, slice of life, found family, fluff and angst, emotional hurt/comfort, Choso needs a hug, Nanami is a good dad, insecure Choso, canon compliant
⇢ notes: in this au Nanami is like 40, Choso is a half curse so he’s still 150 but appears early 20’s, and Yuji is 10. I haven’t really thought much about details but I’ll probably do it in another occasion!
Ao3 link is in the title
⇢ word count: 1.3k app
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“Is it like this?” Choso asked, a little unsure as he roughly chopped onions. He looked really focused, almost stressed.
Nanami observed his movements, and he spoke with the gentle, fatherly tone that characterized him. “Try to slice them in finer pieces. Like this”
Nanami chopped another onion with ease, he has learned to enjoy cooking with the years, ever since he realized that cooking meant he would spent time eating delicious food with his little family.
Choso looked, trying to mimic Nanami’s controlled movements. He frowned at the onion, “I’m trying, but I just… Can’t manage to get it right.”
Choso was starting to sweat and he hasn’t even started to cook the actual meal yet. He asked Nanami for guidance on how to cook, because he didn’t really knew how and also because he wanted to make Yuji’s lunch for school tomorrow.
Choso wanted to be useful, he didn’t want to just live off of Yuji’s dad, the least he could do was to learn how to cook properly. In this way, he hoped he could feel more comfortable too, after all, Nanami wasn’t his dad, so Choso was only living there because he was Yuji’s half-human half brother.
Being the observant man he was, Nanami could notice the way Choso clumsily and hastily chopped the onions. Not because he wasn’t capable of doing it right, but because he was too frustrated.
“Choso, hey, slow down.” He adviced, he didn’t knew if it was the onion, but Choso’s eyes slowly filled with tears.
“I-I can’t, I have to get this ready for Yuji, and you should’ve been sleeping fifteen minutes ago for work if it wasn’t for me.” He desperately explained.
“Kid, calm down, or else you-“ Thump
“Ouch!” Choso dropped the knife on the counter after cutting the tip of his finger.
With a hand on his back, Nanami quickly guided him to the sink to rinse and cool down the wound. It was nothing really, he wasn’t even human after all, he could heal that little cut in a few seconds.
But the way Nanami carefully rinsed it, taking care of him like Choso’s father never did, made him feel warm and safe, like if there was nothing to worry about, because his dad was there for him.
Except, of course, Nanami wasn’t his dad.
“I told you, kid, those knifes are really sharp.” He reprimanded him softly, he used some paper towels to wrap his finger. “Hold this tightly, okay?”
Choso just nodded, looking down at his hands. He didn’t had any words left to say, a little taken aback by the cut.
Nanami sighed, crossing his arms on his chest, leaning back on the kitchen isle. “Now, what is it?”
Confused, Choso tried to answer. “What?”
Nanami gave him a knowing look, and Choso felt like he had been caught. “Choso, you’re the calmest person I’ve ever met in my life. Why are you so distressed?”
Choso only looked at him, trying to hold his gaze, but his lower lip quickly formed a pout, tears filled his eyes. “I just… I just wanted to learn how to cook…”
He sniffed, holding his wounded finger and letting his tears fall. “I want to make sure I can cook a proper meal if Yuji is hungry.” He sobbed softly. “I want to be a good brother.”
Nanami’s eyes softened, seeing Choso crying and holding his injured finger made him look so small, just like when Yuji was even littler. He uncrossed his arms, speaking softer now.
“Choso, you are a good brother to Yuji, you’ve always been.” He tried to comfort him.
Choso sniffed, roughly trying to wipe his incessant tears with his sleeves. “I just… I want to protect him, to be useful.” He cried. “He said he wanted to cook with me, b-but I didn’t know how, I was too embarrassed to say so… So instead I told him I’ll cook with him tomorrow.” he explained, looking at Nanami.
Nanami felt like it was deeper than that, it was more than just wanting to be able to cook with Yuji. He knew that Choso’s younger brothers died some years ago, and that it affected him greatly.
Choso felt like he had to be the best, that perfection had to be his starting point. But even if he didn’t believe it, he was still human, and humans weren’t perfect.
Nanami took a step closer, tilting his head to see him better. “Choso, I can see how much you’re struggling, but you have to take it easier on yourself.” He sighed, it was difficult to see Choso so hurt.
He continued. “I know you’ve been through some painful moments, kid. I know you feel that losing your brothers was your fault.”
Choso opened his mouth, about to say something when Nanami shook his head. “It wasn’t your fault, Choso. But you’re carrying a heavy burden on your shoulders. You’re doing your best now with Yuji, both him and I can see that.”
Choso looked up at Nanami, feeling like he would never stop crying after this. He didn’t know how much he needed to hear that until now.
Nanami continued. “Yuji looks up to you, Choso. Not because you’re perfect, but because you’re there for him, you’re willing to learn and to grow for his sake and that shows how much of a good brother you are.”
He hoped his words could comfort him at least a bit, and they did. Choso nodded, still trying to wipe those tears. Nanami just gave him a soft smile and extended his arms at him. “Come here.”
Choso looked at him for a moment, and then immediately let himself be hugged by Nanami. He felt protected in such a warm hug—like everything might actually be alright.
He hugged him back, letting himself cry on his shoulder, and for a moment, Choso simply let himself be held. He buried his face into Nanami’s shoulder, his tears soaking into the fabric of his shirt. He didn’t care; it was the comfort he’d been craving for so long.
“Thank you, dad.” He didn’t even had time to think about what he said when the word had already slipped out of his lips. His eyes widened, trying to separate from the hug. “I-I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean to-“
But to his surprise, Nanami pulled him in again, into a protective hug, gently patting his back. “It’s okay.” he murmured reassuringly, almost like a coo. “If you want to call me that, it’s okay.”
Choso’s eyes widened and filled up with tears again, he felt so relieved that Nanami accepted him. He’s never had an actual father figure before, and he didn’t know he craved one so bad until now.
“Dad…” For the first time, he felt like he belonged somewhere, it wasn’t just him and Yuji against the world, now he knew that there was someone that could take care and protect them too. “Thank you… thank you so much.” he cried
Nanami chuckled, caressing Choso’s hair. “You’re welcome.” He looked down at him. “To be honest… I would’ve been upset if after all these years you didn’t consider me as a part of your family.”
They both laughed at that, and after a few minutes, Choso felt more calmed. Nanami patted his back comfortingly, and held the onion and knife again.
“I’ll show you an easier way to do this, okay? We’ll do this together, it doesn’t have to be perfect.”
Choso nodded, holding the knife and the onion too. “Alright, dad. I’ll do my best.”
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thank you for reading!! reblogs are greatly appreciated! <3
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pseudowho · 5 months
Papamin's Big Day
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When your first baby was 8 weeks old, she was booked in for her routine vaccinations. You were anxious, tense about seeing your tiny baby in pain.
Kento took the event very seriously indeed. He read all of the latest medical guidance on what to expect before, during and after the vaccinations. He stocked the house with two different types of newborn pain relief. He bought your favourite snacks, certain you'd be stressed and upset.
He booked three days off work, to be there on the day, and for the potential 48 hours of fever afterwards. He reassured you, constantly; the gentle, sincere reassurance of man used to far more stressful situations.
"Darling, she'll be absolutely fine," Kento mumbled into the top of your hair, one enormous hand stroking your trembling back, while the other held your tiny daughter, asleep in her car seat, "She'll hardly feel a thing. She won't remember a thing."
The Nurse was friendly, sweet, and experienced. You twisted your hands as she handed you information leaflets, and Kento nodded, calm and impassive, as she told him all the information he already knew. As the Nurse prepared the three injections, Kento turned to you, one great hand squeezing your thigh.
"I'll hold her?" He asked, and you nodded, mouth puckered as Kento kissed your forehead again. He reached two hands into the car seat, your tiny baby looking so dwarfed in his palms as he lifted her out onto his lap, gently undressing her as she scrunched, squeaking, cradled on his thighs. Kento shushed her, lifting her to his chest, nuzzling his nose into her hair. The picture of calm.
"Alright then! All ready, mummy and daddy?" The Nurse chirped, approaching with a sterile tray of vaccinations. You steeled yourself. Kento nodded, brisk.
It was all over in under ten seconds. Three swift needles, two to one thigh, and one to the other. Your baby girl's pain reaction was delayed for a moment, before she shrieked, a confused little cry, a cacophony of appalled tiny wails.
"Oh-- oh baby, my baby, come here," you cried, your face scrunched as you scooped her into your arms, cradling her under your chin, and bopping her around the room with bum-pats and shushes.
A few moments of tiny newborn cries passed...until you heard one heaving, strangled sob behind you. You turned round to Kento.
Kento stood, shaking as he faced the window, one arm wrapped across his chest to hold his elbow, the other hand cupping his face. You heard barely suppressed sniffles, and quiet gruff breaths.
"Kento, are you--...are you crying?"
"No, no, I'm-- I'm fine," Kento wept, sliding tears away with long fingers. Another sob wracked across his broad shoulders, more tears spilling down his face, sobbing again when his daughter wailed another pained cry.
The Nurse looked from Kento, to you, to Kento, silent as the grave. You walked slowly over to Kento, whose tears began to slow, giving his daughter a watery smile when she looked up at him with a quizzical, tearstained face.
Kento scooped her into his arms, drying his tears on her tiny velvet head. You rubbed Kento's arm, squeezing it, trying to stop your heart from bursting, with a little smile.
"Kento, do you...should we...go and get you a sandwich?" Kento sniffled, giving his daughter a kiss, nodding his thanks to the Nurse.
"Yes, uh...yes. I'd like that. Sorry."
"Don't...dont be sorry."
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bananami · 6 months
A Day in the Nanami Household
a/n: this one is for the anon that asked for more papamin content. i went full domestic house, wife (gn), and kids. clearly im delusional and have thought about this way too much. and i didn't proof read it. sue me. i would do ungodly things to marry and have children with this man.
They go one of two ways: perfectly smooth or absolute chaos. On mornings that things go according to plan you and Kento get up earlier than the kids to have coffee or tea. Some mornings Kento will even order breakfast to the house (a scone and croissant that you'll split between the both of you, five glazed munchkins for Nobara, a chocolate donut for Yuji, and a blueberry muffin for Megumi). Megumi is usually the first one up and will make his own way downstairs to where he knows you and Kento will be sitting on the couch watching the morning news. He's usually still tired and will curl his little body up on one of your laps and probably fall back asleep for another twenty minutes or so. Nobara is typically the next to wake up and Yuji will almost always have to be dragged out of bed. If the kids aren't being too difficult they'll get dressed easily and eat breakfast quickly and without complaint. Kento will help buckle them into their booster seats and kiss you goodbye before getting in his own car to drive to work. Nobara and Yuji will almost always laugh, make kissing noises, or yell eeeewwww!! from the back of the car, while Megumi waves goodbye to Kento until he can no longer see his dad's car. He'll always ask "is dad going to work?" and you'll always answer yes, and Yuji or Nobara will always follow up with "can I go to work with dad?" and you'll always answer no. They'll get out of the car easily, without any push back or crying, and you'll demand a hug and kiss from each of them. Yuji will cling on the longest, and he'll always add in that he's really really gonna miss you today.
On rougher mornings, you or Kento are typically already running behind. The both of you can tell it isn't going to be a good morning when one of the kids comes down complaining about something or when no one wakes up on their own. You have to practically bribe them to get up and get ready for school. Nobara will hate every hair style Kento tries to do on her, and finally he'll give up and ask to trade kids with you. Megumi's eyes will be watery all morning and he'll stop you every five minutes to whisper "can I stay home with you today?" and it'll break your heart every time to tell him no. Some days you do break and keep him home, and Kento will make fun of you for breaking so easy. The breakfast he ordered ahead will be delayed or cancelled altogether, so you'll have to make breakfast. And then of course all three of them want something completely different to eat, Yuji wants eggs and bacon, and Nobara wants pancakes, and Megumi wants cereal (oh and also to stay home *cue waterworks*). Everyone will get a poptart and be happy about it. If he has time, Kento will usually offer to drive the kids to school because he can see you growing frustrated, especially if one of them is sick or Megumi is having separation anxiety. Really bad mornings is when one of them is sick and crying, one is throwing a fit over not wanting to go to school, and the other is running around the living room refusing to put their shoes on because they think it's funny. Kento will use his dad voice, and that's usually where they all fall in line. From there, they'll get in the car, you'll help buckle them in, and you'll make sure you give your husband a kiss before he leaves. Megumi will try and ask one last time to stay home.
Kento works from home two out of three days of the week. It's those days that you two are able to work in any moments of intimacy. Those are your favorite days. Kento takes an hour lunch break. Sometimes you'll eat lunch, sometimes you are lunch (Kento hates when you describe it this way). Sometimes you just force him to cuddle with you on the couch (those are usually after the bad mornings). When Megumi wins the morning fights and gets to stay home, he sticks to your side the whole day. He'll ask to be picked up, or constantly be holding your hand, or he'll wrap his arms around your leg and make it near impossible for you to get anything done around the house. You've brought it up to his therapist and she assures you it's natural for him to have those moments given the situation you and Kento adopted him from. That reminder to yourself usually has you cuddling with him instead on the sofa all day. But he likes the days that Kento is also home because he likes to make lunch for him with you. Kento acts like those are the best lunches ever, you 'lie' and say Megumi made it all by himself, and Megumi lights up from the praise he gets from his dad after.
Sometimes, on days where the rest of the week has been really hard, Kento will cash in a day of PTO or use a sick day to stay home with you. He'll say it's because he wants to help you out around the house, but it's almost always because he just misses spending time with you without the kids around, as selfish as that may seem. Nothing will get done around the house. You'll spend all day in bed or on the couch watching tv, sometimes you'll step out for a lunch date together, and you're only rule with one another is that you don't talk about the kids unless it's absolutely necessary. At some point Kento will attempt to seduce you and you're not sure why you say attempt because he absolutely will. On more than one occasion the two of you have almost been late to pick up the kids. Their favorite days are when you and Kento are both there to pick them up.
Yuji is usually the first one jumping into the car and throwing himself at the both of you, yapping on and on about his day at school. The three of them like to listen to whatever four songs they're currently hyperfixated on on repeat the whole ride home. And they'll sing them loudly and really badly until you pull into the drive way. Nobara will jump out of the car and run straight upstairs to take a bath because she doesn't like to smell bad and she needs to immediately wash the school germs off of her. Kento or you will start on dinner or make the decision to order in if neither of you feel up to cooking. The kids always want pizza or Asian food if you choose to order in. While one of you cooks, the other sits down with the kids to do homework. Kento is better at it and much more patient with them when it comes to homework, so you usually opt to cook.
Nobara is a total daddy's girl. For at least an hour a night she will lay on Kento's chest while he reads or sits on his iPad. But when he gets up to get everyone ready for bed she immediately is switching sides, asking for you to help her pick out her school clothes and braid her hair so it's curly in the morning. Then when it's time to tuck them in, she'll switch sides once again, demanding that Kento carry her to bed and check all the dark spots of her room for monsters. Kento will make a show of it, which you'll call him a dork for later. Megumi will sit up in his bed patiently waiting for the both of you to come in and say goodnight all the while Yuji is jumping up and down on his own bed stating that he is not tired and can't go to sleep just yet. Some nights it takes a while to get Yuji to settle down. More often than not, Yuji wakes up in the middle of the night crying (the night terrors are apparently also an expected symptom of his trauma prior to the adoption), and if he doesn't get up to come to lay in yours and Kento's bed then Megumi will get up and you'll find them laying in Yuji's twin together the next morning.
Every single night, you and Kento spend at least an hour together talking about your days or just relaxing in each other's company. You two debrief and plan for tomorrow together, or if it's Friday you plan out the weekend and when you'll make time for just the two of you. Kento is the perfect father and husband, and you never fail to remind him of this every night. And it doesn't matter how chaotic the mornings start because the nights always end the same way, with the two of you (and sometimes Yuji) laying together in awe of the life you built together.
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courtneedsleep · 2 months
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two cuties and a criminal 🌷
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thoughtssvt · 8 months
words of wisdom
innocence protection program pt. 3
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yuuji is having trouble asking questions in school and nanami gives him a word of advice
Yuuji was never one to ask questions. He never felt the need to. He liked learning what was interesting, but he mainly just liked seeing his friends every day. It posed a problem the older he got. He found himself interested in very little when it came to learning and eventually he began missing important instructions to his assignments.
He felt left behind, looking around seeing all his classmates seeming to know what to do inherently. He tried his best, he really did. He tried hard to pay attention in class so he wouldn't get left behind anymore. He tried to blend in even if he didn't know what was going on, raising his hand to answer a question that sounded like gibberish, earning some soft snickers from his fellow classmates. His ears burned bright red as the teacher called on someone else. He hated feeling left behind, but more than anything he hated everyone finding out that he was behind.
So he never raised his hand again.
Even if he couldn't complete his projects, let alone his classwork. Unbeknownst to him that the teacher had contacted Nanami in concern of his disinterest.
“Are you doing alright in school, Yuuji-kun? You haven't come to me for help in a while,” Nanami said nonchalantly as if he was asking what Yuuji wanted for lunch the next day. He looked at the boy with a neutral stare, seeing the nervousness in his son, Yuuji averting his eyes, pulling the covers up to his nose, socked feet fiddling under the blanket. “It’s okay to ask questions, you know that, right?” Nanami started again, this time more direct.
Yuuji wilted at his father’s words, though shock shone through more than anything. “You think it’s okay to ask questions?” Yuuji whispered softly.
“Of course I do. Questions are important, I ask my coworkers a lot of questions when I’m at work," Nanami confirmed.
“Aren’t you worried that you’re gonna look stupid?” The boy sat up, the conversation taking an interesting turn.
Nanami ruffled his hair, letting a soft chuckle leave his nose. The feelings Yuuji was going through were more than familiar to him. “I used to, yes,” he nodded his head as he reminisced his early adolescence. “But do you know what I learned?” He quirked his brow at his son, continuing when Yuuji shook his head. “I learned that I would rather look stupid for a second than feel stupid for the rest of my life.” A soft smile spread across Kento’s lips as he watched the light bulbs flicker on in Yuuji’s head. “Asking questions are important. You shouldn’t feel bad for wanting to learn more, alright?”
The next day Yuuji made it a point to try it at least once. At least one question out of the many he knew he would have throughout the day. He trusted Nanami, but he was still nervous, unsure if asking questions was as helpful as Nanami set it out to be.
From then on it was as if Yuuji’s thoughts were only filled with questions. He was amazed with how one question made so many things click into place. Nanami watched as Yuuji’s grades improved and, most importantly, how much more excited he was to go to school.
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A/N : I actually had this exact conversation with my nephew a few weeks ago so I thought it was fitting to write about it. I hope you enjoyed! feel free to use my ask box for any requests!
Innocence Protection Program masterlist
The Small Spaces Between Infinity masterlist
a dad gojo and kid megumi series
Jujutsu Daycare master
an au where the jujutsu high students are young children attending jujutsu daycare
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