#Papa Calum Hood
confusionmeisss · 1 year
oh oh oh!! look at my girls fits for summer luau & fourth of july!! she soo cute! 💛❤️
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10k Masterlist
a hero, a liar (ao3) - bellawritess luke/ashton T, 10k
Summary: Ashton’s never met Spiderman. Well, never until right now. Never until Spiderman lands on the pavement in front of Ashton.
AM (ao3) - Migs Michael/Luke E, 10k
Summary: 5 Seconds Of Summer consists of Michael Clifford, Ashton Hemmings and Calum Hood. Luke Hemmings is the youngest Hemmings brother.
and i fell for the lie that i told (ao3) - jbhmalum calum/ashton T, 10k
Summary: “If Calum is being honest — and Calum is always honest — it starts out as something completely innocent.”
In which cashton get annoyed at the paps for always being there on their coffee runs and so they start to fuck with them. And the fans. And basically the entire world. Calum really shouldn’t be that surprised when he starts catching feelings.
OR: 5 times Calum and Ashton pretend to be a couple in front of the cameras, and 1 time they are one, for nobody but themselves.
angels choking on their halos (ao3) - aliciaxadrienne michael/luke M, 10k
Summary: Fame and notoriety mean nothing when the dead are coming back to life. Or; the zombie apocalypse happens at the worst possible time and things go haywire.
are we something to each other (or are we just blowing smoke?) (ao3) - bellawritess michael/ashton, luke/calum T, 10k
Summary: A startled laugh escapes Michael, and he gently pushes against Ashton’s chest, though his hand lingers as if for a moment he considers holding Ashton in place instead. “You’re lame. And you’re not kissing me like that in front of your friends. I’m a respectable fake boyfriend, I don’t believe in gratuitous PDA.”
Come Thru (ao3) - bitchnluke luke/ashton E, 10k
Summary: Luke was used to being a playboy bunny, and he loved the pampered life of a playboy bunny. So yeah, you could say he was a spoilt brat. One day, his daddy tells him he is no longer his daddy, and that he has a new one. That his new daddy was the CEO of playboy bunny, which happened to be the owners nephew, Ashton Irwin. His old daddy tells him to go make Ashton loosen up and have fun.
dancing with the demons (holy spirit, holy spirit) (ao3) - softirwin michael/calum, luke/ashton T, 10k
Summary: “You’re kind of a shitty demon,” he tells Calum, who scowls.
“Fuck you,” he says. “You’re kind of a shitty angel.”
“Oh, dude, I know,” Michael agrees.
angel/demon au
Epoch (ao3) - lourrygum michael/luke E, 10k
Summary: But Michael’s in a band, of course. He hasn’t spent over two months in his own home in over four years and he definitely hasn’t spent up to that amount of time anywhere else. L.A.’s the only place where they’d stuck around long enough to stop getting lost often enough to have to spend fifteen minutes on Google maps figuring out where the hell they were. And even then, they only stayed for around six weeks. It’s not like six weeks isn’t enough to meet someone, but it’s definitely not enough to start to like them and date them and continue to like them enough to put an effort into the long-distance thing.
or, michael’s parents are worried, luke wants to help, calum can’t lie, and ashton knows best
Full of Love I Can’t Control (ao3) - pitypartyof1 calum/ashton E, 10k
Summary: In which Ashton and Calum tend bar at The Ballard Firehouse in Seattle, WA in 1993. Ashton wants to play drums and find his soulmate. Calum just wants to make it big and find a way for Ashton to love him without the lights.
Heart’s Citizen (ao3) - lookingforhope calum/ashton E, 10k
Summary: Being truth to yourself might be scary. Being truth to yourself im front of the world might be even scarier. Ashton helps Calum to do both things.
How I Met Your Father (ao3) - milecgv michael/calum, luke/ashton T, 10k
Summary: Calum promises to tell his kids the story of how he met their Papa Michael.
The one where Daddy Calum tells his little kids a special bedtime story.
It’s Just A Bunch Of Hocus Pocus (ao3) - onceuponatime michael/calum N/R, 10k
Summary: “Ashton’s grin spreads, almost splitting his face in half and Michael starts to feel a little afraid. “I dare you to break in to the old Hood house.”
Michael scoffs, standing from Luke’s lap and popping his spine. Breaking into the old Hood house isn’t that much of a dare. All the kids from Salem do it at least once, and Michael had his turn when he was like, ten. He’s a little disappointed in Ashton; he thought he could do better than that. He’s a little embarrassed for him, too, if he thought that going into that house would phase anyone over the age of twelve. “That’s it?” Michael asks, staring at Ashton with a dead expression.
“Ah, ah,” Ashton says with a glint in his eye. “You gotta break into the Hood house, and you have to video yourself lighting the Black Flame Candle.””
Michael brings Calum back from hell as the result of a Halloween bet
let me love you - @sup3rbloom​ (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) luke/ashton T, 10k
Summary: Luke Hemmings is a rockstar with a troubled past. He’s struggling with an alcohol addiction and a career that’s going downhill, but Calum isn’t giving up on him. Calum suggests Luke a fake boyfriend to help keep the bad press away. That’s where Ashton comes in, Ashton who is an embodiment of sunshine. Luke’s hesitant due to his failed past relationships, but he agrees, because he knows this is what he needs to save his career.
Loose Tongue (ao3) - jbhmalum calum/ashton M, 10k
Summary: 5 times calum wears skirts that keep getting shorter on tour and 1 time ashton does something about it
over and under (ao3) - kaleidoscopeminds luke/calum E, 10k
Summary: “We really need to stop doing this.”
“I know.”
Luke says he won’t do this again.
They both agree they won’t do this again when they’re dressed, in Luke’s living room and not his bedroom, when Calum’s about to leave to see his other friends and Luke’s going to the studio to write.
It’s easy to agree not to do it again when Calum’s not touching him.
Something Better (ao3) - notonguexwithbutt michael/luke M, 10k
Summary: “It’s like Luke is trying to say so many things with one look and somehow Michael is understanding them all. Or is he? Because to him it looks like Luke is saying 'push me up against a wall and fuck me’ or maybe it’s something more like 'do something, I dare you.’ Or maybe Michael’s just really turned on by the sight of his best friend covered in sweat and staring at him with dark, dilated eyes.”
Luke gets his wisdom teeth removed and feels quite affectionate and honest in the haze of his anesthesia. Later, he’s embarrassed about the things he confessed to Michael, so Michael does what he can to even out the field.
stretch and flex (ao3) - kaleidoscopeminds luke/calum E, 10k
Summary: What he didn’t really account for was Luke Hemmings, lead singer, being too fucking attractive for his own good.
When he first looked the band up properly Calum thought he was hot, for sure, all blonde curls and wide shoulders and unassuming smile. But he wasn’t really prepared for just how good looking he is up close; how expressive his face is, how nice his voice is, how fucking incredible his ass is. Training him is like torture, watching him get sweaty and breathless, stretching and massaging him, seeing him in a tank top and various other stages of undress.
He'd probably manage it fine, he is somehow a professional, if it weren't for the fact that Calum’s pretty sure Luke is actually starting to rile him up on purpose, wearing increasingly ripped or tiny shirts, and often asking Calum to correct his form for him when Calum’s almost positive he knows exactly how he should be performing the exercise.
He’s almost constantly flustered by this man. And it’s starting to make him shit at his job.
The Day the World Ended (ao3) - insomniacwriter17 ot4 T, 10k
Summary: “Reports state that people are experiencing incredibly high fevers, intense pain all over the body, and a state of delirium. Government officials have issued a warning: if you feel ill, seek medical attention immediately. If you do not feel ill, stay inside if at all possible and make sure to wash your hands often.”
wait for me in the sky (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum T, 10k
Summary: Calum and Luke sit next to each other on a long flight.
you’ve got stars, they’re in your eyes (ao3) - lifewasradical luke/calum T, 10k
Summary: Calum leaves 5 Seconds of Summer.
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sunshineeashton · 6 years
Papa’s Finally Home - C.H.
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Words - 3,035
Warnings - None? Fluff! Like sickening fluff! Theres a few suggestive sentences. This might be awful?
“Papa! Papa! Papa!” Two small children with relatively dark curly hair squeal, running up to the tall, dark, handsome man.
“Ros! Fletch! Hey bubbas! Missed you so much! Missed you both so so much”. Reaching down to bring his two children into his arms, he pulls them close to his chest breathing in their achingly familiar scent that he’s missed for months now. Blinking quickly to rid the unshed tears that spring to his eyes. Unable to find a big enough gap in the touring schedule, meant he had been unable to spend more than a few hours with his favourite humans, having to wait it out until the end of tour to finally come home. He knows its early when he finally lets himself into their home and that his two kiddos are going to be more than a little stroppy later in the day, but at this moment he could care less.
Finally tearing himself away from Roseline and Fletcher, who instantly latches onto his hand, he stands back up to full height reaching for his wife, Matilda Hood. Tilly leans into him automatically and presses a long awaited kiss to his plush lips. He ducks his head down, applying more pressure into the kiss and releasing his hold on Fletchers hand to wrap his arm around his gorgeous wife. He feels his boy wrap himself around his leg, refusing to let go of his daddy now that he’s finally home. Laughing breathlessly against each others mouths, Tilly pulls away to grin happily up at him. Falling back down on the heels of her feet, she grasps her hands together.
“Righto kiddos! Brekkie and then Papa is whisking you off for the day!”, rushing towards the kitchen, Ros nearly trips over poor Duke, before he goes skidding over to Fletcher who’s still a bit unsteady on his feet. He’d started walking a few weeks before the end of tour and Tilly had made sure to catch every step he took on film to send to Calum. But seeing his mini me in the flesh take shaky steps is a whole other story. His heart fills with pride and admiration for the little boy who pushes himself back off the floor when he tumbles over.
Bending back down he scoops up his other child, nuzzling his face in his fur while Tilly chases after the kids to start on breakfast.
“Hi boy! Missed you too gramps!” Putting Baby Grandpa back on solid ground, he picks up his abandoned bags carrying them up the stairs to the safety of his and Tilly’s bedroom. Dumping them near the wardrobe, he sees a few of his shirts and jumpers lying around. Smiling knowingly to himself, he quickly changes out of his airplane clothes, throwing on a soft t-shirt and some jeans. Tushing back downstairs to his family, he leans lazily against the doorframe to the kitchen, grinning at the sight before him. Little Fletch sitting happily in his highchair, munching on his bowl of fruit, while Roseline and Tilly are stood together by the stove making what smells like pancakes. Spotting her husband, Tilly turns towards him, “Come on C! Stop lurking in the doorway. Kids wanted your favourite this morning!”.
“Yeah Papa! Pancakes and chocolate!”, Ros says, waving the kid sized spatula atound in the air.
“Mmmm, i hope its your Mama’s recipe Ros. That one is the best!”, he mumbles this as he sways towards his girls, grin ever so present on his face.
“Of course it is. Vegan pancakes are my speciality and you should know that Hood!”.
All 4 of them are laughing, giggling breathlessly and Calum feels this contentment lay in his chest at the sounds. He’s finally back on solid ground, home. Cal scoops Roseline up onto his hip, even though she is getting far too big to do so without a small groan. He tugs Tilly into his other side, mindful of the whisk in her hand. Pressing a long kiss to her temple, he breaths her in. Takes a moment to relish in the fact that he’s home with his favourite people - his family and he’s here to stay for a while. He’s broken out of his train of thought by a gasp.
“Fletcher Fox! Baby boy, no no”, Tilly looses her grip on his t-shirt, arm around outstretch towards Fletcher before Calum is stepping around her, “Hey bud! You know your not supposed to feed Gramps any food baby boy!”.
Cal had already popped Roseline back on her feet, by the time he had made his way over to Fletcher and Duke, who was happily munching on a piece of strawberry. Reluctant to take the fruit off Duke and risk getting nibbled, he opted for picking his mini me out of his highchair instead, settling him on his hip before picking up the nearly empty bowl, “You finished bud?”.
Fletcher nods extravagantly - “Papa no more”.
“Okay okay. That’s fine buddy, but don’t go feeding Duke any more, alright?”.
“Kay”, Fletch tucked his face into his Papa’s neck, grasping his t-shirt in his tiny fists. After that, they all sat down to eat breakfast together, Ros sitting as close to her father as she could, while Fletch refused to be put back down, clinging on to Calum every time he tried. So, he sat on Cals lap, stealing a piece of pancake here and there and dipping his chubby fingers in the melted chocolate. The clock read 8:30am by the time they had all stuffed theirselves full and he knew Tilly needed to head out soon. So with a quick few kisses at the door (more like 10 minutes of snogging away from the kids) he ushered her out of the house for her girls day, promising that he’d got everything under control. After finally getting Fletcher cleaned up and helping both of his kids into clean clothes for the day (after a argument with Ros about her being a big girl and could dress herself) he buckles them into their car seats; sitting himself in the drivers seat he turns towards them, “Right kiddos! You know how me and your Mama have been together for a long time?”.
Ros stretches her arms out wide to either side of her body, “Yeah Papa, so so so long”.
“Well it’s our special day tomorrow and Mummy thinks that i’ve got nothing special planned cause i’ve been away on tour. But i need yours and Fletch’s help to pick some things out for her. You wanna help Papa?”, he reaches out his hands towards his children, both of them clutching a few fingers.
“Flowers?”, grinning at his boy, he nods his head vigorously which causes both of his kids to yelp happily.
“Mama want sunflowers?”, she’s squirming excitedly in her seat, clearly happily about the new development.
“Yeah, sunflowers Ros. I’ve had a bunch already put together for us, so all we’ve got to do is go and collect them in a little while princess. But first, how does the park sound?”.
Screams of joy are heard from the back seat of the car, so with one final check to make sure his babies are secure in their car seats, he settles himself into the drivers seat, turns the ignition on and away they go to their favourite park. Carefully placing Fletcher on his hip, he grabs Roseline’s hand and skilfully locks the car on the first try. Grinning excitedly down at Ros, she squeals with excitement when she registers what her daddy is saying to her, “Come on Princess, race you to the swings”.
And just because he’s the best Papa ever and has little Fletch on his hip, he lags just slightly behind, letting Roseline jump around excitedly when she reaches the swings first.
A few hours later, when both children are absolutely worn out from the excitement of the park and spending time with Daddy, the family of three step into a beautifully decorated shop, breathing in the smell of nature. Smiling at the woman behind the desk, Cal mutters his name, smiling even wider when the woman brings out a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers, with a few others of Tilly’s favourites hidden within. Shifting Fletcher onto his other hip, he grips both his son and daughter with one hand, while the other reaches for the flowers. Handing them over, she reaches towards a free loose flowers, giving one to each of the sleepy children, who smile softly at the woman, both of them muttering a quiet thank you when prompted. Shifting Fletch slightly, he grins at the lady, “Thank you so much, these are beautiful. Say thank you bubbas and goodbye. Lets head home yeah”.
Pulling up outside of your shared home, he scoops up a sleeping Fletch and tugs a sleepy Ros up the drive, all while holding the flowers. Too busy getting his sleepy children in the house, he misses your car already parked in the driveway. Hearing the door open and Cal trudge down the hallway and up the stairs, Tilly stretches up off the sofa and makes her way towards the noise. Seeing the back of Calum disappear into the kids shared bedroom, she notices the bouquet of sunflowers sitting on the table top. Humming her appreciation of the yellow flowers, she picks the bouquet up brining it closer to her face to get a whiff of the stunning flowers. Turning towards the creek in the stairs, she grins up at her husband who furrows his eyebrows at the sight of the flowers in her hands - “You weren’t supposed to see those yet”.
She giggles lightly at him, tripping over her own feet to meet him at the foot of the stairs, “C, you’re ruining your reputation buying me pretty flowers you know”.
He grins right back at her, “I ruined my reputation the first time i laid my eyes on you and then ruined it a second time when we got married and then I definitely ruined it when we create those beautiful children upstairs”.
By the end of his declaration, he had wrapped his hands around his wife, pulling her flush to his chest. Similarly, she had wrapped her arms around his neck, still clutching at the pretty flowers.
“Missed you bubba. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to touch you at all. Love you so much”, she mumbles quietly under her breath.
“I Love you too Dove. Love you ridiculous amounts Mrs Hood. 7 years together tomorrow and I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together”, he’s grinning bashfully at her, brushing his nose gently against hers. She presses up onto her toes, while pressing down on the back of his head gently to press their mouths together. Moulding their lips with one another’s, they kiss for a while. He runs his tongue against her bottom lip, slipping his tongue into her mouth when she gives him permission. Their tongues battle it out for dominance, Calum easily overpowering her while tugging her impossibly closer to his body. Unwillingly pulling away from her beautifully red and swollen lips, he smiles lazily at Tilly, “Come on, let’s go cook some ridiculous fancy dinner and drink a bottle of that ridiculous expensive wine that you seem to like so much and then I’m taking you to bed to get properly reacquainted my love”.
Giggling excitedly at her husband, she tugs him down for another kiss before sauntering away from him towards the kitchen; still hiding her smile in her flowers. Setting the flowers to the side, she grabs another one of their vases out and reaches up towards the cupboard that holds the proper flower food. Before she can grab hold of it, Calum presses flush against her back reaching up himself to grab hold of the item. Pressing a small kiss to the back of her neck, once, twice and a third time before pulling away. While Tilly busies herself sorting and arranging her flowers, Cal opens up the fridge to see what he can sort out for dinner. Turning around to face her, he catches himself grinning at her; so in love with everything she does. “Dove? Pizza good for dinner? I know it’s not the most healthiest but its quick and easy and the kids will love it”.
She places the vase with the pretty sunflowers in on top of the kitchen table before making her way over to Cal, muttering quietly, “Yeah that’s fine bubs”.
“Everything alright?”, as he tugs her back into the safety of his arms.
“Missed you. So much. Just exhausted, can’t wait to get into bed with you later”.
Placing his hand on the side of her neck, he uses his thumb to push gently at the jaw causing her to raise her head to look up at him, seeing a small grin taking over his features, “Love you Dove. Oh! How was your day sweetheart?”.
“It was good, really enjoyed it but couldn’t wait to get home to my husband and kids. Can’t believe you kicked me out the first day your home!”, she’s grinning so he knows she’s only teasing him but he plays along with her, “Only wanted to see the children, didn’t even really miss you”. They fall into a heavy laughter knowing full well that Cal is lying, having told her everyday he’d been away how much he wished he was back with her, at home with their children. His other hand, the one not holding her jaw had fallen to the curve of her back, slowly descending as he presses his lips to hers. Letting him love on her for a few minutes, Tilly reluctantly moves back and away from him, “Go and wake the kids you pest and i’ll get the pizza’s in the oven”. With one last kiss for the time being, he pats her bum twice before making his way upstairs to Roseline Joy and Fletcher Fox. The two out of three things that had completely changed his life for the better. His family. When they had found out just a few weeks after they had gotten married that they were pregnant with Ros, Tilly had been the one that was excited. Excited at the prospect of starting a family with the love of her life. But Calum, Cal had been more nervous and unsure on his feelings. Falling in love wasn’t something he even thought would happen again to him, let alone be married and now apparently be expecting a baby. He had been irrational at the time, ran off to Ashton to express his feelings before coming back home a few hours later with a strikingly familiar bouquet of sunflowers and too many apologies falling from his lips. His eyes were clearly red rimmed. She understood. Tilly always understood and waited while he muttered how scared he was to bring a new life into this world. His world. But they got through those 9 months. Together. There was a few bumps in the road but they always listened to one another and now looking at his biggest baby curled up next to her brother, he felt his heart soar with love and affection for them.
“Mummy”, “Mama”, came the shouts from the kids once they were awake enough to venture downstairs to the kitchen. Excited squeals were heard when Cal had whisper how there was pizza cooking before two sets of footsteps could be heard tumbling through the house. Home. He couldn’t be proud of himself, and Tilly. They had created a life that they had both always desired and found each other along the way. Soulmates.
Once the pizza’s were through cooked, Tilly had made an exception for the night and allowed the family of four to trudge through into the living room, to curl up on the sofa’s with each other and enjoy their food. Cal and Fletch sat on one end of the sofa, curled tightly towards one another as Calum switched between taking bites from his own pizza and feeding Fletcher his. While Ros and Tilly sat on the other end, giggling at the TV show on the telly while munching happily. This was his life now Cal thought as he watching his family. He could go off on tour happily if he could come back to this every single time. It made it easier. Knowing he had a purpose and a drive to go out there and perform and sing his heart out for his family who were waiting back at home for him. It was obviously a struggle. Going weeks, months without seeing his family was hard. But the few times they did fly out to visit him and stay for a few weeks made up for that. He could show them around the cities they were playing in and get to see his two children messing around with his brothers, while his wife gossiped with their girls. This was his family. And he wouldn’t change it for the world. They’d fallen asleep that night, right there on the sofa. Tilly and Cal lying curled into one another, their hands grasped tightly together. While Fletcher Fox had crawled his way to stuff his face into Calum’s neck, all of them giggling quietly when small quiet snores could be heard from the little monster, Calum’s huge hand sprawled safely across his back. And Roseline, Ros had tried to stay awake longer, longing to catch up with her father and hear every fascinating story he had to share, but she had nodded off next to her mother while Cal was in the middle of story about how Uncle Lu and Uncle Mike pranked Uncle Ash so many times. He’d stopped talking once he’d notice the silence in the house, Ros no longer giggling quietly at his story. Looking up towards Tilly, who was someplace between sleep and awake, he stretched over to press a quick kiss to the corner of her mouth before tucking his own face into her neck and drifting off to sleep himself. No longer need to dream as his life was exactly what he wanted it to be
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wastelandcth · 3 years
Father’s Day - cth
summary: calum celebrates another father’s day with his crazy family.
author’s notes: hello! welcome back to the doves! it’s been so much fun to be able to write them again, i missed them so much. 
warnings: the doves are too cute for their own good. 
masterlist || request || more doves
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“Happy papa day!” Eloise squealed as she ran over to Calum, “I can’t believe you’re so old now, papa!”
“It’s not his birthday, Elly,” Charlie frowned, walking in after his four-year-old sister, “It’s just a day where we celebrate him!”
“Oh,” Eloise mumbled, looking up at her dad confused, “So you don’t have two birthdays?”
Calum chuckled, shaking his head and crouching down to pull his excited four-year-old into his arms. Eloise always loved special days like Mother’s Day, Valentine’s day, and as of recent, Father’s day. Ever since Dovey had mentioned what he’d wanted to do that day in front of the kids, Eloise hasn’t stopped asking about Calum’s special day and what he wanted to do. Every day at breakfast she’d ask Calum how many days were left until it was time to celebrate and every night when Calum was tucking her in she’d tell him about how excited she was for him. Calum, who would love every day trying to make sure his daughter always was as happy and excited for life as she’d been that day, couldn’t have asked for a better present than a whole day with his family.
“No, El,” Calum chuckled and shook his head, standing up and bouncing Eloise on his hip, “But it does mean that I get to chose what we do today!”
“What did you decide on, bub?” Dovey asked and smiled as she handed Charlie his water bottle, “Or is it a surprise like last year?” she smirked.
Calum had always gotten to pick what the family did on Father’s Day. His first holiday as a dad was spent pushing a seven-month-old in a stroller around the beach, not the brightest idea, but the sun was warm and baby Charlie had been giggly. The year before had been spent across the ocean and far from home, the Hood family hiding away in the privacy of a rental home in Sydney. Every year, Calum got to pick what he wanted to do with his family and this year had been no different. All he wanted to do was see the smile on his kids’ faces and the look of adoration on his wife’s face. The only reason he’d told Dovey his idea this time around was because they would need to pack for the kids and make sure they both had time off of work to do so.
“I was thinking we could go to the lake?” Calum grinned, looking as the two kids gasped and cheered.
They’d been to the lake plenty of times, enjoying the summer breeze and sun while the water outside the usual place they rented shone. It was the place where Calum had caught his first fish with Charlie, both of them too squeamish to do much about it besides throw it back into the water. He’d taken Dovey and Duke there years before their two kids had arrived, the snowy mountaintops hiding them away from the peering eyes of the world. And they’d even gone to the lake for Eloise’s second birthday, the giggling toddler splashing the day away by the shore as their friends and family enjoyed a barbecue in the April sunshine. Calum couldn’t think of a better place to spend a few days away, and maybe Father’s day was the perfect excuse to ditch town and hide away in their special cabin.
Dovey, who was the most amazing wife and Calum still wondered how he’d gotten so lucky, had already packed and stored their weekend bags away in the car. Her dramatic gasp and giggled that joined the children made Calum’s heart race and even if this day was all about him, he had her to thank for it. Without Dovey, he would’ve never become a father and would’ve never had two kids currently attached to his hip as he packed some snacks for their ride up to the lake. She’d changed his life the second she’d told him she was pregnant and ever since that moment, Calum Hood had never been happier to be alive. He was a father and that’s all that ever really mattered, sure he still loved the band and going out to create music, but being able to come home and see his kids was so much better. He was there for the food days where they’d both talks his ear off about school or something exciting they did with their mom and he was there for the bad days when stuffy noses and clogged ears meant he’d have one of them on his chest snoring the day away. He was a father and nothing would ever top that for him.
“Papa?” Charlie asked as he looked out at the passing scenery, “Is Duke my older brother?”
“What makes you say that, bud?” Calum asked with a chuckle, his eyes moving up to the rearview mirror to look at his son.
“Well mama always calls him your baby and he was here before me and Elly,” Charlie shrugged, patting the old dog’s head who was happily snoring away on his lap, “I think it’d be cool if he was my brother.”
“Well, then I guess he is, in a way, your brother.”
“Yes, Eloise?”
“Is he my brother too?”
The questions continued for much of the journey up to the lake, each kid taking a turn to ask Calum a question and giggle at his response. That was one part of parenthood that Calum hadn’t realized would be his favorite. He rarely used to love answering questions, years of interviews with the same five questions being thrown at them making him numb, but his kids could ask him the same question all day long and he’d happily answer it to hear their giggles or the hum they gave as they thought it over. But as the sunshine high in the sky and the fresh air floated in through the open sunroof, the two kids quieted down until all they let out were quiet snores.
It wasn’t until the car pulled into the driveway of the familiar cabin that Calum had finally felt at ease. The past couple of months had been hectic and Calum was glad to finally let loose and not have to worry about anything but spending time with his family. He carried the two sleeping kids into the living room, laying them both down before helping Dovey with the bags from the car. The two of them unpacked and made a quick lunch for everyone while the kids napped and it wasn’t until the morning sun was high in the sky that they heard the snores fade and be replaced by giggles.
“Papa, can we color your hair?” Eloise asked excitedly, the toothy grin she gave Calum a weakness she knew and used often.
“What color are we thinking this time around, sweets?” Calum asked and chuckled as he helped the little one change into her favorite orange swimsuit, “Maybe pink again?”
“No! Charlie and I want green!”
“And yellow, papa!” Charlie nodded, his legs swinging off the side of the bed as Dovey slathered him with sunscreen, “And red like Uncle Ash!”
“Maybe once we get back home we can do that, yeah?” Calum chuckled and nodded, “It’ll look so cool!”
The rest of the day was spent with one another, with a lot of laughs and giggles from everyone. It was spent lounging by the lake and taking in the sun, making piles of sand into a tiny city while Eloise and Charlie fought over where the dog store would be. It was having a barbecue on the porch and drinking sweet lemonade while Calum told the kids the latest story in Luke’s new puppy adventures. If Calum could’ve imagined the perfect Father’s day, it would’ve been that day. All he needed was his wife, his two kids, Duke who’d been snoring inside all day, and the beautiful view of the lake from outside the living room. He’d been lounging on the couch, listening to Dovey retell the story of how she and Calum had met all those years ago to the two kids who’d hung on her every word.
“But now your papa and I have to clean up that bathroom that you all made a mess in,” Dovey teased, her eyes meeting Calum’s who only smirked, “Why don’t you two watch a movie with Duke, yeah?”
“Happy Father’s Day, Dove.” Dovey whispered and smiled, her lips pressing up against Calum’s as her arms pulled him in between her spread legs, “You’re an amazing daddy,” she teased.
“Yeah?” Calum chuckled and kissed her shoulder, her skin warm against his wandering lips, “Glad you think so, baby girl.”
“Mhm, of course, I do,” Dovey breathed out, her head tilting back as Calum’s lips traveled from her shoulder to her neck, “Maybe we should make you a father again.”
Calum chuckled softly and pulled Dovey’s hips closer to his, both of them groaning at the feeling of the other against them, “We both know that’s not happening anytime soon lovebug.”
“Ugh, yeah no, the thought of pushing another child out of me has me wanting to push you out of this bathroom,” Dovey teased and giggled as she squeezed Calum’s hips with her thighs.
“And on my special day?” Calum teased, smirking as his hands found their way up to the soft flesh on Dovey’s chest, giving them both a soft squeeze.
“Cal-“ Dovey whimpered out, groaning as she heard the inevitable sound of Eloise opening doors to look for them both, “She’s your kid,” she huffed and shook her head.
“Fuck, you stay right there and don’t move. I’ll be back soon.”
Soon, Dovey learned was pretty much never. 
As she walked out of the bathroom, with the pit in her stomach still burning and her thighs squeezing together to find relief, she hasn’t expected to find Calum and their two kids snoring on the couch. The sun and the dip in the cool lake had tired them out and Dovey couldn’t help but snap a picture of her family. They were crazy and sometimes things got chaotic, tears were shed and giggles were echoed throughout a home they’d built. It was chaos and love and everything Dovey could ever ask for. She pulled a blanket over the three snoring bodies, each one mimicking the other’s squishy cheeks and drooling mouth before pressing a kiss to Calum’s forehead.
“Happy Father’s day, Thomas.”
taglist: @hoodhoran @moonlightcriess @mxgyver @calpops @karajaynetoday @notlukehemmo @calumrose @devilatmydoor @lowkeyflop  @notinthesameguey @hemmo1996-5sosvevo @2fangirl4u @multistann @wiiildflowerrr @himbohood
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calpops · 4 years
the decorations | c.h.
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Welcome to the first installment of 12 dates with calmas! There will be one blurb every day through Christmas! Happy holidays if you celebrate and good times to you all! ♥️
You and Calum go decoration shopping in an attempt to make your daughter’s first Christmas perfect. Shoutout to @notinthesameguey for such a fun idea, everyone go give Blanca some much deserved love!
1.3k words
dates with cal masterlist
Copyright © 2020 calpops. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format (translations included).
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“Cal, look,” you say and grab your husband’s attention as you pull an ornament from its hook in the aisle. Calum turns to gaze at you, your five month old daughter snuggled into his arms. Mila is half awake, her eyes barely open as her head rests against Calum’s chest. Her baby carrier is in the cart but neither of you are prone to using it, always opting to have her in your arms where it feels she’s the safest. Calum raises his eyebrows in question at the ornament in your hand and strides across the aisle as Mila yawns.
“What is it?” Calum asks as he scans the item in question with a sweeping gaze. Gold and glitter adorn the ornament and a space in the middle leaves him confused.
“It’s for a family photo,” you inform and toss it into the cart without any further question or information. Calum grins at your antics and takes a peek into the cart you’ve both been mindlessly filling all morning. Everything from garland to window clings of snowflakes to ornaments to endless strings of lights to wall hangings and wreaths are buried amongst each other in the cart. “Are we missing anything?”
“I’m pretty sure we have half the store in our cart,” Calum says around a laugh and takes a small step closer to you as he watches your nose crinkle and eyebrows furrow in thought. You bite your lip for a moment and Calum knows how far gone your thoughts are taking you—to the other half of the store yet to be bought.
“It’s our baby’s first Christmas. I want it to be perfect,” you finally say and close the slight distance between you, Calum and Mila. Your hand reaches up to stroke Mila’s cheek and your eyes soften as she gazes at you with a little smile. “Besides, we’ve never decorated the house before. We have a lot of catching up to do.”
Calum simply nods, knowing how important Mila’s first Christmas is to you, also feeling the same amount of importance in his own heart. You and your daughter are everything to him. Your first Christmas as a family shines in the distance with string lights and glitter filled ornaments. Calum knows all that is in the cart are just accessories to the day, that the most important thing is being together. But the shine of happiness and awe in your eyes at Christmas decor convinces him the rest is worthwhile, even down to the napkin holders and Christmas collar for Duke.
“Should we get anything for the yard?” you ask next as you wander down another aisle with Calum and Mila following. “We could get the inflatable Santa… or is that too tacky?”
Calum huffs out a laugh at the serious contemplation on your face as your eyes scan yard ornaments and lights. “Sweetheart, we’re buying matching pajamas for you, me, Mila and Duke; I think we’re well past tacky.”
“Yeah?” you ask with a light smile and slowly reach for the jolly looking Santa to not so inconspicuously put it among all of the other decorations much to Calum’s amusement. “Stockings!” You blurt out as the looked past but very much needed staple of Christmas enters your thoughts. “We don’t have stockings yet.”
“We can fix that,” Calum promises and bounces Mila slightly as she starts to stir in his arms. “I think there’s one empty spot in there for them.”
You smirk around a giggle at Calum’s slight teasing and lead your family down a few more aisles to find a wall of stockings to choose from. Mila calms as Calum continues to soothe her and sway where you both stand in inspection of the different designs. Your hand holds one of Mila’s, your voice coos to her as she settles and you ask her opinion on any stocking that catches your eye.
“Do you like this one, lovebug?” you ask with a white knit one in hand. When Mila doesn’t respond you shake your head. “Me either.” You place it back with the others and keep searching.
“Up there,” Calum says and gestures with a nod of his head. The ones he points out are too high up for you to grab. You give him a pointed look and reach out for Mila instead of stockings. He laughs and reluctantly hands her to you; the only disagreements you get in lately over who gets to hold her. For being five months she’s still small and having her in your arms reminds you of that fact. She fits so perfectly into your hold that anytime she’s in your arms it takes your breath away for just a moment. She’s been growing, the difference between her days in the incubator to being three months and now five still strike you. But she remains tiny and precious in your hold. A rush of people pass you, your back turning to them to keep Mila from being in the fray as Calum reaches up to grab the stockings he pointed out. He brings them down to your eye level with a proud smirk and tilts his head as he awaits your approval.
You immediately smile at the stockings in his hand and bounce with Mila in your arms to make her adjustment to your hold to her liking. She lets out a small little noise as she settles and the people pass by without incident. You give the stockings another once over and watch as Calum shuffles his feet and his cheeks grow pink.
“Little bears?” you ask with fondness in your tone, the stockings fuzzy with little ears on the top and cute little faces on the upper third.
“For momma bear, papa bear and baby bear,” he explains with a little giggle that makes your chest grow with warmth. His bashful explanation makes your heart flutter and heat creep through you; the world of parenting still relatively new, the small quirks and new titles not losing their allure. Calum’s eyes grow wide for a second and he quickly turns to grab another off the wall. “And dog bear,” he quickly adds on so as to make sure the entire family is included.
“They’re perfect,” you praise and give Calum a chaste kiss on the cheek as Mila makes a small noise that you both take as approval and a plea to go home.
Once you do get home, Mila is put in her bassinet for a nap and you’re both faced with endless bags of decorations you turn to Calum.
“Are sure it’s enough?”
Calum laughs. “I think we’ll make do.”
“You think her first Christmas will be perfect?”
“Of course,” he says and pulls you to him, hands running up and down your arms to soothe you. “She’s got you. Can’t get any better than that.”
You giggle at Calum’s cheesy but heartfelt statement and settle into his arms, laying your head against his chest just like Mila does. “Now all we have to do is decorate, get presents, wrap the presents, make sure she watches all the classic Christmas movies”—Calum cuts off your rambling list by running his fingers through your hair and easing the perfectionism in you.
“What’s this really about?” Calum asks, knowing that there’s an underlying reason for seeking perfection.
You feel caught, your husband’s innate ability to see through you like stained glass never failing to catch up. You sigh and pull back so you can look him in the eyes.
“My parents never cared enough to have a good Christmas. I just want Mila to have better.”
Calum nods his understanding, eyes gone glossy and soft as he gazes at you. “I promise she will. And I promise that you will have the best Christmas too.”
With Calum’s promise and the rationale that just being with your family will make the day perfect you settle back into his arms and hold onto his words and love.
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Tagged: @rosecolouredash @irwinkitten @golden-hood @who-do-you-love-5sos @caswinchester2000 @wildflowergrae @cuddlemecalx @malumsmermaid @babylon-corgis @outerspaceisbetterthannothing @mariellelovescupcakes @xhaileyreneex @gosh-im-short @feliznavidaddycal @loveroflrh @findingliam-o @flowerthug @g-l-pierce @talkfastromance4 @cashtonasfuck @sc0ttish-wildfl0wer @wastedheartcth @calumscalm @notinthesameguey @lukesfuckingbeard @myloverboyash @treatallwithkindness @haikucal @wiildflower-xxx @calum-uncrowned @egyptiangoldhood @drarryetcetera @another-lonely-heart @megz1985 @idk-harry @dinosaursandsocks @wildflower-cth @idontneedanyone @everyscarisahealingplace @myfavfanficsever @stormrider505 @karajaynetoday @333-xx @calumshpod @calumsphile @calumrose @justhereforcalum @grreatgooglymoogly @calumance @ashhhbeee @chicken-ona-stick @wish-you-were-here-hood @mantlereid @hemmingslftv @homeofpoetry @shamelessfangirl-3
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calumhoodsx · 3 years
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Calum Hood uploaded a photo
happy international doggo day Dukey. Papa loves u. 
💗1,1M likes ✍ 45K comments
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aquarius-hood1996 · 5 years
Dad!Calum getting Flowers
Seven months ago you found out that Calum and you were going to be parents. You two tried to conceive for a while and almost after a year you got the positive result you two had hoped for. Pregnancy was not easy either, especially with Calum being on promo tour for the first few months after you found out. He barely knew about your little one before he had to leave. The first time he didn’t like going on tour (at least apart from when he first met you). But thankfully he somehow got Mali to fly out and help, being excited to meet her little nephew and be with you as "Protection“ as Calum jokingly worded it.
The first few month’s while Calum was gone morning sickness was hitting you quite hard and you were thankful once you hit the six month mark that it vanished. Still your body had a hard time adjusting to your Baby. Calum did everything in his power to make you feel as comfortable and pretty as possible (even while being thousand miles away in Europe). You were really lucky to have him by your side. So you even tried your best to make him feel good about being the possible best soon to be Dad there was while he was away. Thankful for even having his brothers help you set up some surprises.
It was quite known that Calum loved to receive flowers and you loved to gift them to him. So for every new month or major step stones during the pregnancy you decided to gift him flowers with little updates. All messages written from his soon to be sons perspective. Calum absolutely loved it and the boys loved writing messages in his son’s words while he was with them.
You originally planed to do that while he was away but just kept going when he came back because you enjoyed it (and never go tired of seeing the shine in Calums eyes when he read the messages. His smile wide on his face and cheeks very evident.)
You really hoped that your son ended up at least looking like his dad. And indeed he did. Tai Ari Hood was the carbon copy of his father as baby.
You also had considered different options on how to get your little bubba on earth side as best a possible and ended up with deciding for a home birth. Calum supporting you all the way through it especially for the last 24 hours the birth ended up lasting. It was pain but also joy to finally have little Tai in both of your arms. You were so happy laying in your own bed after being checked, cleaned up and the midwife left. Now it was finally just you, Cal and your sweet but fuzzy Tai. Counting all his ten fingers and all ten of his toes. One of the best part was seeing Calum with your little newborn while having first skin to skin contact. Seeing little Tai starting to adjust and noticing his papa while laying on his (Calums) chest.
You watched them for a while before wanting to take a picture of the two. And once you were done an idea came to your mind and you waited for Cal to hand you Tai and go take a shower before making another order.
It didn’t take him long. Only in some shorts before getting back to you. Giving you a kiss on the head.
"Don’t you want to sleep, love?“
"Hm, I can’t.“ You watched your little one. Holding his little hand in yours and playing a bit with his fingers.
"Why is that?“ When you looked at Cal, his eyebrows were furrowed and he generally looked concerned. You smiled at him.
"Because I just had your baby and he looks so much like you that I can’t stop admiring him.“ You teased while Cal groaned and layed his head on yours. Placing a few kisses against your head.
"You are truly amazing.“ He whispered to you just before the door bell rang and you two looked at each other.
"Who is that?“
"Could be the boys?“
"No way. I haven’t told anybody so no one except our midwife should know.“ Calum left the room while a cheeky grin appeared on your face. You knew it weren’t the boys and you couldn’t wait for him to see the two flower bouquets that were just delivered for him.
"Well let’s see how Daddy reacts to our little surprise, Tai.“ You whispered to your baby. The same smile playing on your lips when Calum came back with both bouquets. One being of pink hydrangeas and sweet peas and the other one being an arrangement of colourful carnations, orange gerbera, pink rose and lilies.
His smile even brighter than you imagined and the look of pure love in his eyes. He placed them on the window sill before getting back on the bed and first placing a soft kiss on your sons head, whispering a small thank you to him before placing a longer kiss one on your lips. You could feel that he couldn’t stop smiling.
"I’m so in love with you.“
"I love you, too." And in the corner of your eye you could see the two cards from the bouquets with the writing on them:
//Hey Papa! I’m finally here and can’t wait to cuddle and play with you. I love you. – Tai//
//My lover! Thank you for giving me our wonderful bubba and congrats on being officially a dad. I love you endlessly Papa Hood. - Much love, Baby Momma Hood//
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rebelwith0utacause · 4 years
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Don’t ask me why I did this because I have no fucking clue. 🤡
Disclaimer: I’m not religious nor do I pretend to (want to) understand religions. His expression just reminded me of this, so I used it for comedic (clowning) purposes.
Edit: Credit to momma and papa Hood for Calum’s face and @ashtonspolkadots for the photo.
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maluminspace · 4 years
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Genre: Fluff 
Pairings: Ashton Irwin/Calum Hood
Word Count: 3.8k
Requested: @mermaidcashton​
For hogwarts!sos please can you do care of magical creatures professor Calum who goes out in the middle of the night to take care of a sick animal and astronomy professor Ashton sees through his telescope? 🥺
Trigger Warnings: strong language, injured animal, blood, reference to the death of a family member, grieving
A/N: This is a very late birthday present, I’m sorry wifey! Also, thank you to @irwinkitten​ and @h0tsos​ for all of your help ❤️
As the last of Ashton’s students disappeared from the main balcony of the astronomy tower, the professor contemplated going back to his sleeping quarters to rest. It seemed like a shame to waste such a beautiful night, though. The sky was clearer than it had been in weeks and the balmy summer breeze made him so reluctant to go back indoors.
Deciding to make the most of the beautiful evening, Ashton stepped over to his telescope that he’d yet to pack away and aimed it at a random point in the sky, smiling as he spotted some notable stars and important constellations. He’d been teaching Astrology at Hogwarts for over five years now and studying it over all for three times that, yet he still seemed to learn something new or find a new appreciation for something every time he looked through his telescope.
Ashton was just in the middle of following a shooting star when an animalistic shriek broke the peaceful silence. He automatically aimed his telescope towards the sound, gasping when he noticed movement near the edge of the Forbidden Forest.
He focused the lense to get a clearer of view of who or what was lurking there. His chest tightened as he found himself watching his fellow teacher, Professor Calum Hood, struggle with some dark creature he couldn’t quite make out from that distance. The animal looked to be in distress, though and Calum was having a hard time holding it and reaching for his wand. 
Not for the first time, Ashton cursed the fact that disapparating wasn’t possible within Hogwarts castle and its grounds as he quickly darted for the stairs. The Care of Magical Creatures teacher needed assistance and Ashton was determined to be the one to give it to him. He took the steps two at a time in his haste to help his colleague.
Once he reached the bottom of the stairs, Ashton flung open the heavy door of the Astronomy tower and set off at a run across one of the castle’s many lawns. Another shriek rang out from the edge of the Forbidden forest and the Astronomy teacher quickened his pace, intent upon reaching Calum before the animal he was treating attracted the attention of anything worse.
By the time Ashton reached his colleague, the creature in his arms was almost hysterical, it’s screeches reaching an almost deafening volume.
“What can I do to help?” The Astronomy professor asked as he skidded to halt in front of his colleague. 
Calum looked up at him, undeniable panic burning in his chocolate brown eyes. “Can you grab the bottle of calming draught from my pocket for me? I can’t reach it and hold him still at the same time.”
Nodding determinedly, Ashton dropped to his knees beside his fellow professor and tentatively reached towards the nearest pocket of Calum’s robes. The Care of Magical Creatures professor held the flailing animal to one side, away from Ashton so that he could retrieve the bottle unhindered. 
“Just gently place the bottle between his lips and pour it in, we need to get him to be quiet before I take him to my hut.” Calum explained, the concern in his voice all too obvious as he struggled with the animal in his arms. 
It was only in that moment, that Ashton realised what the creature actually was - a baby thestral. His insides squirmed a little. The winged, skeletal horse-like animals had always given him such a melancholy feeling. Perhaps it was because only people that had seen death could see them. That fact  alone alone was enough to make someone dislike them. For a moment, Ashton had to fight with his loathing of thestrals in order to carry out the simple action his fellow professor had asked him to carry out.
“Please Ashton…” Calum begged, his dark eyes so wide and tearful that all of Ashton’s fear and hatred for thestrals dulled to an almost insignificant level.  
The Astronomy teacher reached out, gently holding the baby thestral’s bottom jaw steady with one of his large hands, before tipping the contents of the tiny bottle into its mouth.
It took only a few seconds for the calming potion to start working. The Thestral stopped thrashing it’s skeletal legs and curled up quietly in Calum’s arms, nestling its tiny snout against one of his muscular biceps.
In the sudden silence, all that Ashton could hear was Calum’s panting breaths and the pounding of blood in his own ears. 
“Thank you.” The slightly younger teacher whispered as he carefully hugged the creature in his arms closer to his chest. “I need to get this little guy bandaged up before his parents find him and tear me apart.”
“I thought that Thestrals were peaceful creatures?” Ashton queried, struggling to his feet so that he could help Calum stand up with the baby Thestral.
The Care of Magical Creatures professor nodded thoughtfully, rising to his feet. “They are but they’re incredibly protective of their young. Even though they’re very intelligent creatures, I’m not sure they’d understand that I’m trying to help this little one, they'll think I’m hurting him because he’s scared.” 
The passion in Calum’s eyes and voice stirred something inside of Ashton, like the faint attraction he’d always had for his colleague was slowly growing into an undeniable force. “Is there anything I can do to help?” He asked, fighting to keep his voice even and professional.
Calum nodded, the warm evening breeze jostling his bleached blonde curls. “I could use your help bandaging up his leg, if you’re not busy.”
Maybe it was Ashton’s imagination, but he could have sworn that Calum's cheeks heated up in a blush, turning slightly pink as though he was melting a bit. There was no time to focus on that, though, as a high pitched shriek rang out from the depths of the forest. “I’m guessing that’s mama or papa thestral trying to find their baby, huh?”
Calum groaned in response before gesturing towards the hut that served as his living quarters. It was still widely referred to as ‘Hagrid’s Hut’, even though the half giant hadn’t inhabited it for many years now. In fact, it’d been Calum’s home for over three years and had belonged to at least two other teachers prior to his appointment as the Care of Magical Creatures professor. It had been repaired and rebuilt after the battle of Hogwarts, restored to all of its rustic glory by devoted witches and wizards who had devoted years of their lives to repairing and improving the Castle and her grounds after she was left so devastated by Voldemort and his death eaters.
Despite the threat of possibly been torn apart by angry flying skeleton horses, Ashton couldn’t help but watch Calum. The determination in the Care of Magical Creatures’ expression was almost enough to make Ashton fall fully in love. He’d always found Calum attractive, often stealing lingering glances at him across the school grounds and offering tentative smiles whilst sitting at the teachers’ table in The Great Hall most evenings. Seeing him like this, though…in his element doing something that he’s so passionate about added a whole new level to the feelings that had been bubbling inside the older man for quite some time. 
Fortunately, it only took a few minutes to reach Calum’s hut. As much as Ashton liked that the tradition of it being called ‘Hagrid’s Hut’ kept the names of one of the most loved teachers in Hogwarts’ History in people’s minds, it did belong to Calum now.
Once they were safely inside, Calum laid the baby thestral on the circular dining table in the little kitchen area. “There’s a box of muggle first aid equipment in that corner next to the armchair, will you bring it to me, please?” He asked, not sparing Ashton a glance as he focused on the injured animal.
“Can’t you fix it with magic?” Ashton asked curiously, still loitering uselessly near the front door.
Calum gently lifted one of the creature’s wings, revealing a nasty gash on one of the thestral’s tiny  front legs. “Yes, but the spell to heal him completely would take far too long, I’m just going to have to patch him up the best I can and then bandage the leg up. At least then he can go back to his family and I can check on him again in a few days.”
Without asking any more questions, Ashton headed over to the corner of the sitting room that Calum had indicated. The box of bandages was sitting between the large armchair and the wall. He quickly grabbed it and headed back to the table where Calum was uttering a healing spell, pointing his wand directly at the gash on the thetral’s leg.
Ashton had never really gotten the hang of healing spells. He could fix very minor cuts and bruises but that’s as far as his skills in that area stretched. It only made him more in awe of Calum as the younger man easily closed up the inner tissue of the thestral’s leg. 
Another, more panicked sounding screech rang out from the Forbidden Forest. It sounded closer this time and Ashton wondered just how quickly the dark creatures could move through the dense woodland. 
“Shit…” Calum sighed as he grabbed one of the bandages and a little bottle of ointment from the first aid box Ashton had retrieved for him. “They’re gonna find him in a matter of minutes and I still need to apply this antiseptic ointment and bandage the leg up. I don’t have time to close the skin fully and if it gets infected, this lil’ guy could get seriously ill!”
The worry in Calum's voice spurred Ashton into action. Even though he knew very little about healing wounds magically or using muggle equipment, he could at the very least, be a helpful assistant. “What do you need me to do?” He asked, stepping closer to the table.
“Can you just hold his leg still please? This ointment is gonna sting a bit so he might wriggle.” The younger man replied. “As soon as I��ve bandaged him up we can put him back at the edge of the forest so his parents can find him.”
As if on cue, another blood curdling screech rang out from the Forbidden Forest. The parents of the little thestral in front of him sounded even closer now and a stab of fear pierced Ashton’s chest as he carried out the orders Calum had given him. He could tell by the little beads of sweat springing up over his colleague’s brow and the slight trembling in his hands that Calum was nervous and perhaps a little scared, too.
Regardless of the emotions he was trying so hard to keep under control, Calum worked quickly and efficiently to bandage up the baby thestral’s leg before letting out a deep sigh of relief. “Okay, I need to get him back to the forest.” 
Without hesitation, Ashton rushed to the front door whilst Calum carefully picked up the thestral. “I can manage now, if you wanna head back.” The younger man smiled, although his lingering anxiety about the current situation was still more than obvious in his voice and expression.
“I have nowhere else to be. Let me help you.” Ashton insisted, allowing his colleague to leave the hut first before following him to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. 
“Wait here.” Calum instructed, his tone firm but kind. “I’m gonna take him a little way in so that he’s not too exposed until his mama gets to him.”
Part of Ashton wanted to argue that Calum shouldn’t do that alone. If the parents were closer than expected, they could attack the other professor and Ashton wouldn’t be there to help. “I’d rather stay close to you, just in case you need my help.” 
A flicker of something like fondness flashed across Calum’s face for a moment before he simply nodded in acceptance of the older man’s offer. 
Even though he was slightly shocked that Calum hadn’t put up a fight, Ashton willingly followed his colleague into the forest. It always amazed the astronomy teacher just how much darker everything became once you slipped beneath the dense canopy of twisted trees. As the castle with it’s distant flickering lights, the warm glow from Calum’s hut and the moonlight disappeared behind gnarled branches and thick leaves, Ashton lit the tip of his wand, stepping a little ahead of Calum so that they could both see where they were going. “How far into the forest do we need to go?” He asked after a moment of silence, trying not to sound too afraid.
Calum let out a weak chuckle as he scanned their surroundings. “Not far, there’s a little clearing just through here, this little guy’s parents should find him easily enough if I leave him there.”
It was kind of strange to Ashton, thinking about leaving a defenseless young creature in such a dark and unpredictable place, but there was not an ounce of doubt in his mind that Calum knew what he was doing.
A moment later, the two professors reached the little clearing that Calum had mentioned. A slither of moonlight broke through a gap in the trees, just enough to illuminate the small space. 
“Put out your light and stay back.” Calum instructed as he placed the thestral down next to the raised root of a particularly tall tree. “I wanna wait to make sure his parents find him before anything less friendly does.”
Ashton had always known that the forbidden forest was the home to a whole bunch of unsavory creatures but right now, it was difficult for him to imagine anything less friendly than an angry, protective thestral. Despite this, he did as he was told and crouched behind a tree trunk to wait for his colleague.
Once the baby thestral was laid safely on the grass, Calum jogged over to where he’d left Ashton and crouched down next to him. The Astronomy teacher wasn't sure just how intentional it was, but Calum was suddenly impossibly close to him, pressed against his side as he watched the injured creature intently.
Before Ashton could even begin to fathom a way of finding out if Calum had meant to get so close, the baby thestral let out a sad cry. Even with his limited knowledge of the creatures, Ashton knew that the baby was calling for its parents and despite his caring instinct, the sound lit a spark of fear into the older man. That feeling only grew when the sound of hooves thudding against the earthy ground and the rustling of leaves being brushed aside by folded, batlike wings, started to grow louder.
Just a few seconds later, two large, very disgruntled looking thestrals trotted out into the clearing. One of them headed straight for the baby, dipping its head until its snout nudged that of the infant’s. The other creature stood in front of its mate and the baby, it’s sunken eyes scanning the surroundings and searching for any lingering threat. 
For a heart-stopping moment the larger thestral looked directly at Ashton, it’s black eyes boring directly into his as it snorted threateningly. In an automatic and subconscious act of fear, he curled his fingers around Calum’s hand, gripping it tightly. It was only a second later, when the Care of Magical Creatures professor glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, that Ashton realised what he’d done.
Embarrassment flooded through the older man as he immediately let go of Calum’s hand and shuffled away from him a little.
Silently, Calum reached out and tangled his fingers through Ashton’s, a tiny, shy smile playing at the corners of his lips. She whispered a quiet “shh” before gesturing towards the edge of the forest in the direction they'd just come from. “We need to move quickly and quietly, yeah?”
Ashton nodded, obeying Calum’s words without a moment’s hesitation. He remained vividly aware of the younger man’s strong, reassuring grip on his hand through the few minutes it took them to get out of the Forbidden Forest and back to the open grounds of the castle.
Once they stepped out into the lighter air and softer ground of one of Hogwarts’ sweeping lawns, Ashton expected Calum to drop his hand, having spent the last couple of minutes convincing himself that the Care of Magical Creatures professor just wanted to keep Ashton safe in the dangerous forest. That never happened, though. Calum kept his fingers interlocked with his colleagues, even though the slight blush his cheeks deepened a little when Ashton glanced down out their entwined hands.
“I’m sorry you got scared back there.” Calum muttered, seemingly trying to address their physical connection indirectly. “That’s why I didn’t think you should go in there with me, Thestrals can be pretty scary when they feel threatened.”
Ashton dropped his gaze, realising that perhaps he was a little reckless, following Calum into unfamiliar territory and dealing with potentially dangerous creatures perhaps wasn’t the smartest move at all. “I just didn’t like the idea of you being in there alone, I’d never have forgiven myself if something bad had happened to you and I wasn’t there to help.”
Calum smiled softly as he leaned in closer and rested his head on the raven-haired man’s shoulder. “You’re a sweet guy, Ashton.” He whispered. “I can’t believe you ran all the way from the castle to come and help me.”
“Like I said…” Ashton replied with a tiny huff of laughter. “I just hate the thought of anything bad happening to you.” 
The younger man lifted his head just enough to meet Ashton’s gaze. “We barely even talk outside of staff meetings and stuff, I’m a little shocked that you came all the way down here with such urgency.” He explained, his dark, contemplative eyes never leaving Ashton’s. “I’m really glad you did, though.”
Not wishing to get into a full-blown conversation about his shyness and lack of ability to flirt with anyone he finds attractive, Ashton simply forced an awkward smile. “I know I should have tried harder to talk to you more, I just…”
“I’m pretty shy too.” Calum chuckled nervously, tightening his grip on Ashton’s hand. “So I get it… and I appreciate you coming to help me. It’s lucky for me that you can see thestrals.”
An unbidden stab of pain burst through Ashton’s chest as he remembered the reason why he can see the dark creatures at all. Something of his sudden surge of emotions must have shown on his face because Calum stopped walking and pulled him into a tight, comforting hug. “I’m sorry...I had no right to say that to you, it was insensitive and stipid!”
“It’s okay.” Ashton sniffed, not even realising that tears had sprung to his eyes until he’d tried to speak. “It’s just…”
“You don’t have to tell me.” Calum whispered gently, stroking Ashton’s jet black curls softly. “I'm so sorry I even brought it up.”
Even though he rarely talked about the loss of his most beloved family member, Ashton felt the inexplicable need to tell Calum the whole story. “It was my grandpa.” He sniffed, burying his face into the younger man’s shoulder. “He’d been sick for a long time but when the time came, I wanted to be there for him. I was thirteen, but I refused to leave his bedside until he’d passed.”
Calum hushed the Astronomy teacher quietly, continuing to stroke his hair as Ashton sobbed softly. “I’m really sorry, Ash. That must have been so tough. I'm sure he appreciated you staying with him, though… You two must have been really close.”
Ashton nodded. “We were. I used to visit him in the school holidays and we’d go for walks along the beach near where he lived. If no one else was around he’d use magic to create pretty sparkling patterns in the sand or to make the seaweed and shells dance.” He let out a watery laugh before pulling back to look Calum in the eye. 
“That’s adorable.” Calum grinned, although there was a tinge of sadness to his expression. “I’m so glad you have all of those happy memories with him.”
Despite feeling a bit silly that he was still so upset by the loss of his grandfather so many years ago, Ashton felt somehow closer to Calum, like maybe this outpouring of emotion was needed to show a little vulnerability. It suddenly hit him, as he stared into the younger man’s deep brown eyes, that Calum must have a heartbreaking story too. “I’m sorry that you must have had a similar situation…”
Calum lifted a hand to cradle Ashton’s cheek. “I don’t want to talk about mine.” He whispered. “Not yet, anyway. Yours was loving and you have happy memories to comfort you, so let's end the conversation there for now, yeah?”
It wasn’t really a question, more of a plea. Ashton had no intention of pushing Calum to talk about anything he didnt feelcomformatable discussing. He nodded, allowing a tiny smile to tug at the corners of his mouth. “Can I still walk you back to your hut, though? I kinda wanna make sure you’re safe at home before I head back to the castle.”
Calum let out a small chuckle. “I was really hoping you’d want to come inside for a bit. I have some butterbeer and a whole bag of honeydukes sweets that I’ve been meaning to break into. I could definitely use some help getting through those if you’re up for it. It's not like you have to get up early for your classes, is it?” He laughed openly, his beautiful eyes sparkling with a note of mischief that Ashton had never seen there before.
“Are you teasing me for the fact that all of my classes are at night, Professor Hood?” He smirked, embracing the slightly brighter turn in conversation. 
The Care of Magical Creatures teacher simply quirked an eyebrow before he continued pulling Ashton towards his little hut. “Perhaps… Anyway, let me feed you sugary treats and tell you about some of my creatures that are a bit less macabre before I kiss you goodnight and send you back off to your lonely Astronomy Tower.”
That hint of mischief was still there and Ashton’s heart beat faster in his chest as he allowed Calum’s promise of a goodnight kiss to echo in his mind.
Tag list: @dietcokecalum​ @byxthexway​ @afuckingunicornn​ @painkillerash​ @moonchildsblack​ @calumbbyyy​ @h0tsos​ @loveroflrh​ @sexgodashton​ @megz1985​ @myfalsedevotion​ @aulxna​ @honeyedlashton​ @tea4sykes​ @ghostofmashton​ @fairyintheglass​ @cashworthy​ @cashtonasfuck​ @opheliaaurora23​ @5sosnsfw​ @wildmichaelflower​ @wildfl0wer-meg​ @irwinkitten​ @cxddlyash​ @wildmalumflower​ @cashtonasff5sos​ @iovehemmings​ @lowpowermodex​ @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles​ @celticclifford​ @5-secondsofcolor​ @queer-5sos​ 
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A Dream Within a Dream
This was too short for me to post on Wattpad and I was doing some writing exercises to help keep the juices flowing. So this is the result. 
Calum really wants to pop the question. But will fate be nice to him? Will he get a different end than his parents? 
Calum Hood x BlackOC
No applicable warnings. It’s just all fluff. 
The piano echoes throughout the house. Alana barely hears the clink of the plates as she cleaned up from dinner. Calum had cooked and she agreed to clean. Normally, Calum would’ve helped regardless. He would’ve scraped the plates. He would’ve held both glasses in his hands, waiting for more space to clear on the counter before adding them to her dwindling pile. He would’ve taken up the dishrag next to her and dried a fork for three minutes while he listened to her talk about the day. 
But there was something heavy on his soul. He cleared his plate, brought the glasses into the kitchen and then disappeared to the back of the house. He had been quiet all day. When he woke up, he didn’t talk hardly at all. Calum didn’t talk a lot to begin with. But there was a certain noise that he made, a hum while he got ready, or him singing lowly as he played music over the speakers. Him narrating what he was doing to Duke, that was always fun to listen too. The way he explained in-depth the ins and outs of the bass to his little dog.  The day was just silent though. He didn’t offer much even if Alana brought up the topic. There seemed to be no words that Calum could muster for long. 
Alana knows, beyond just a bad day, that something is wrong when the first note strikes the house from the piano. The bass, even if it played a melancholy rhythm, even if it sounded like the instrument was croaking out tears meant a better sign than the piano. Her heart aches, listening to the sobering twinkles swelling throughout the house.  What was it about today? She hadn’t missed his birthday. It was coming up in 8 days. They didn’t normally do much for Valentine’s Day. Things were great at Christmas and New Year. He had spent most of the time with his family. 
Alana sets the last cup into the drying rack and sighs. She’ll let the dishes sit there, drying her hands on a towel. Not even the suction of the drain taking down all the dirty water registers like it normally does. Duke sits at the edge of the kitchen, his big eyes turned down a bit. He knows something is wrong too. Alana squats, scratching at the top of his head. “I don’t know, bub. I don’t know what’s gotten into Papa. I hope we can get it out of him.”
Duke just watches as she stands. The floor is cold, a slight chill finally taking over now that January has settled in. The wood doesn’t make a sound under her feet, no creaks. Alana takes a small moment and finds a sweatshirt in the bedroom. It’s his old Drop Dead one. She unearthed from the depths of his closet while doing some spring cleaning a few months back. 
Alana finds her hair scarf, settled on top of the dresser. Unraveling it, she folds it diagonally and then folds it longwise, making it into a makeshift headband. The loose space buns at the top of her bed, bunch up a little but it’s fine. She knows she’s been wearing the style out but she needs to stretch it out for a couple more days until she could properly wash it. Which was going to be after dinner, though, now that will wait for tomorrow. Calum worries her. 
From the entryway of the music room, she watches him huddled into the corner, his back facing her. Alana knows she won’t be heard if she tries to interject now. So she pads over softly to the couch and settles down. Duke hops onto it and settles in her lap. Both of them watch Calum, his head low on his neck. His eyes are closed. His fingers slide over the keys with feeling, not a lot of thought. 
He’s dawned in a t-shirt and his compression tights with basketball shorts over them. The blue’s fading just a little, as the hair grows out and she wants to trace the hairline with her nails. She wants to kiss across his neck. She wants to crawl into the space between the piano and his lap and just settle there, hold him tight in her arms until all the sadness is gone. Alana really wants to crawl into his chest and pluck anything heavy on his heart. She wants to follow the cavity up, stopping to kiss his eyes and then settle into his mind and dust away those dark corners. 
If she could pull the anxiety and pain from the inside and knock it out his ears, she would. If she could sweep it all up and throw it away for him, she would. She’d do anything to see this man smile. He repeats a refrain twice, she only catches it halfway through and then the notes echo into the still air. The clock in the room ticks and it’s the only sound. Not even Duke’s tag are clinking. “Sorry, off day,” Calum finally says and shuts the lid over the keys. 
“Anything I can do to help?”
Calum shrugs. There’s something about fate, about seeing what happened to his parents that make him so scared of failing at love. Alana sets Duke onto the bench and stands before gesturing to his lap. “Mind if I take a seat?”
Normally, he would laugh at this. Maybe he’d even wiggle his eyebrows at her and make a dirty joke in return. He even sees her waiting, wishing for the chuckle to leave him but it never does. “I don’t mind.”
She straddles his lap, arms snaking around his shoulders. Their gazes meet, dark brown meeting dark brown. Her nails lightly trace over his neck. “I’m always here if you ever want to talk,” she assures. “Always.”
Calum buries his face into her shoulder. His arms are tight around her waist. He knows she is. He knows she’d go through hell and high water for him. He just doesn’t want to fuck things up. He thinks about the ring, the way it’s hidden in the drawer at the desk right across from them. But god, he doesn’t want to fuck it up. His parents were in love but that marriage didn’t last. There was no recipe to life, no list of instructions. No one knew what marriages would last. 
He just doesn’t want the same fate. He wants kids with her. He wants to grow old. He wants to have his little girl sitting between his legs while he does her hair. He wants to take his little boy out to the park, kicking around the soccer ball. He wants to be there for all the birthday cakes, to watch every single birthday candle flicker out. He wants to be there for the first steps. He wants to be there for their first word. He wants to there for everything. He just doesn’t want to fuck it up. He can’t fuck it up. Not with Alana. Not with her. 
He turns his head, lips brushing over her neck as he speaks. “I love you.”
She hums, hands pressing into his shoulders. “I love you, baby.” Her lower back is pressed slightly into the cover the keys and it definitely hurts but she doesn’t move. Not for the moment at least. The haunting cry of the piano plays in her ears still. She wraps Calum’s head up in her arms, pressing him into her body. She hums as if that squeeze whatever is plaguing his soul out of him. As if that will bring back her smiling boy. It is the only shot she has though. 
Calum inhales, smelling mostly her faint shea and hibiscus body wash. Her flesh is warm against his lips for sure. He takes in the slight pink undertone to her black skin. It reminds him of twilight when the sky is mostly black but there’s a moment where the purple of the setting sun hasn’t quite faded. It reminds him of being in the car and watching the trees blurring by as the car glides over the asphalt. It reminds him of sitting outside, sometimes after a game, and reveling in the feeling of being small in the universe, of being normal. 
Alana rests her cheek against the fading blue of his hair. “I was tempted to change your name in my phone to Blueberry.” She’s not sure why the thought falls over her lips but she lets it linger before another one falls out of her mouth. “Now I want blueberry muffins.”
“We could go get some,” Calum offers, his voice low and wispy. “And while I object to the name change, it is kind of funny.”
“If you feel up for it, sure,” Alana returns, her arms falling and brushing her fingers over his back. 
He really likes the feeling of being in her arms though. How secure she makes him feel. Maybe he won’t meet the same fate as his parents. Maybe things could be different for him. Calum straightens but not before kissing her smooth cheek. “Let’s go.”
Alana climbs off his lap, the sweatshirt falling and just barely covering her ass. Her current shorts have hitched up and she straightens them. Alana’s not sure whether to curse her thighs or to bless them. She was not blessed with boobs, all of that went to the thighs. Shopping for tops was easy, her size straight forward no matter what. It was a terrible time finding any jeans that fit over her round ass and solid thighs. 
Calum wiggles his fingers for her to take and stop fussing with her shorts. “Just change them if they bother you that much.”
“Either I need to lose the ass or you need to buy bigger sweatshirts so I’m not hanging out for the world to see.”
He didn’t want to smile. She had what everyone in this town wanted and she had it naturally. “You say that but if you lose too much of it, you’d be begging for it to come back.”
Alana releases his hand, taking a side step into the bedroom. “No one told you to be right all the time,” she huffs. It’s a quick change into some cycling shorts before the pair ventures for the front door. 
She can hear Duke at her heels. She looks up to Calum before reaching for the leash. He nods and she grins. They won’t be gone long but it wouldn’t hurt to bring him along. She clips the leash into his collar and they set out. Duke gets to sit in her lap and watch the world fly by him as Calum drives. At every light, Calum takes her hand and kisses a different knuckle. 
Calum didn’t think people were doomed in the debate between nature versus nurture. He didn’t think that being raised in a certain household meant that someone would be defenseless and finding themselves in the same thing all over again. He just wasn’t sure how to learn from their mistakes. What could he do that would be different?
Alana and he had their disagreements. He had a hard time communicating. A really hard time trusting that even if she didn’t get what he was saying, she would listen and she would do her best to try to understand. It led to a lot of misunderstandings. The irony never ceased to piss Calum off a little. His wanting to open up but being afraid of being misunderstood landed him in a lot of positions of being misunderstood. 
She had a hard time of trying to please everyone. She said yes to a lot of things just because she couldn’t confront others and she was always stretched thin. It made an already difficult situation of Calum constantly traveling, even more difficult when she had planned well into the months sometimes. It had, at the begining of the relationship, started to make Calum feel secondary. He wanted a partner that kept fairly busy, that understood his schedule. But not so busy that there was no time for the two of them. 
They had worked well through most of it. But sometimes, when Calum just wanted time with her, she was off doing everything under the sun. And when she asked what was wrong, Calum still shut her out. Was he doing it right now? Was he too far focused on not fucking something up that he was fucking it up? In the parking lot of the bakery, nearing it’s closing time, Calum takes her hand. “I’m terrified of fucking this up,” he admits. 
She furrows her brow. “Fucking what up?”
“Us. I’m don’t want to mess this up. I don’t want to get a divorce. I don’t want us to ever get into a position where we feel like we can’t resolve it. I don’t want that.”
“Divorce? Baby, just take a breath.” She watches for his chest expanding, his inhale and she watches for the exhale. “Can’t divorce if we’re not married. They’ll be some arguments, ya know. Some things will require some extra work from the both of us. We’ll just keep learning on how to communicate with each other.”
“I want to marry you. I just don’t want my parent's fate.”
Alana smiles, cupping his cheeks in her hands.  Her chest flutters and her skin is clammy. Her ears, she can’t believe her ears. “You wanna marry me?”
“Of course, angel.”
“I want to marry you too.” She can’t tell if this is a proposal or not. She knows Calum is a romantic and he couldn't possibly do this without a ring. 
Calum stretches up, just a little to press their lips together into a kiss. “You’ll know when I propose for real,” he promises. Duke lets out a small bark and they break away from each other. The small dog’s intrigue is captured by a bird passing the front windshield. 
With blueberry muffins obtained, they settle back into the house. The couch fills in around them as they sink. Alana sits with her legs crossed next to Calum. “Weren’t you going to wash your hair today?”
“It’s gonna take too long now. I’ll do it in the morning.” 
A crumb of the muffin clings to the side of her mouth and Calum takes his thumb to brush it away. “Can I help again?” He enjoys the shampooing, working diligently at her scalp. He gets to play in her hair and she can’t fuss either.
“Yeah.” Alana reaches up to clear the crumbs from the side of his mouth as well. “Wanna deep condition together? I doubt you’ve done it since I forced you to the last time.” Her nails trail over his scalp. 
It did make his hair feel really soft. So he nods. “Why not. Why do you do it again? Why should I?”
“You dyed your hair. So it requires more moisture than before. Deep conditions help keep your hair soft and moisturized. I do it because my hair is really coarse and more fragile the drier it is. Same outcome just different reasons.”
In bed, Calum looks at a picture of the ring he bought. Part of him worries. “What do you think about a ring like this?”
Her gasp is soft and she sits up. “It’s gorgeous.” She takes his phone zooming in to see the details. The way standing up there’s a heart right under the main stone. She stares at it with a little bit of blur from her tears. Calum throws his arm around her waist, finding her cheek illuminated from the screen of his phone. The awe on her face is enough to ease Calum’s fears. Maybe he won’t fuck this up. 
Alana hums at the slight scratch at her scalp. Calum’s fingers work in circles and he grins watching the way her eyes flutter shut. “I always loved going to the hair salon but only for the shampooing. Hated being their all day.”
Calum hums. The wafts of her shampoo fragrance, between a hint of fruity and floral, settle into his nostrils. They stand in front of the bathroom mirror and Calum just watches her. The way content washes over her face and settles into a smile around her full lips. It’s moments like this that turn Calum into a sucker. He can’t help but want to kiss her when they share moments like this, where they communicate in just the simplest of touches. 
He settles her back into the small folding chair and she reclines her head back. The detached shower head already rests in the basin of the tub from her rinsing out the hot oil treatment. Calum tests the water on his hand first, finding the right mix of warmer water with the cool before rinsing the shampoo out. 
It’s quick when Calum bends down to kiss her forehead, working to get the shampoo from the back of her head too. She reaches up, one hand cupping his forearm. For the moment, it’s like he tattooed her hand onto his skin with the way her skin matches the ink already etched into his skin. 
And he wonders for a moment he wonders what her initials would look like etched amongst the assortment. With the shampoo completely rinsed, Calum reaches for the jar of her conditioner situated onto the counter already. “Comb from the ends up,” Alana reminds.
He nods. “Aye, Captain.”
She snorts, tapping at his thigh before she stands and moves the chair for him. “Shut up.” The joke is a good sign. It means he’s feeling better. Calum double checks he has the appropriate amount of product for the first section. With the curt nod, he applies it to her strands. He’s gently combing through her ends and slowly works his way to the roots. Occasionally there’s a particular stubborn snag or knot and she works it out, attempting to show him the right way to go about it. 
Soon all four sections are detangled and clipped up. “You got the hang of it,” Alana notes as Calum slides the plastic cap onto her head. 
“Have a great teacher.”
“I’m flattered. Your turn.” 
Calum situates in front of the sink while she runs the water of his close crop. It’s only a minute before he’s situated into the same chair as her, holding the towel around his neck. She rummages for a moment before finding a small white packet. “I can’t use yours,” he pouts for a second. 
“I’m using the same one as last time. You liked it and it says for color-treated hair.”
“But then I won’t smell like you.”
Alana shakes her head. “We’ll use the same leave-in conditioner then. How about that?”
“That works.” It’s not too long before he too has his strands lathered in covered in a black plastic cap. Alana will wash his out first since his hair is significantly shorter. Right as she clears away the already used products, Calum pulls her into his lap. He taps the end of her nose. 
“The plastic cap is a look, angel,” he grins. 
“Yeah, I bet.”
Calum’s hair is rinsed first and she puts just a little leave-in conditioner onto his strands. Her deep condition still has another twenty minutes to go. “Want a snack? Still have two blueberry muffins left,” Calum offers. 
“Yes, please,” she grins, slightly sidetracked by her phone, situated still in the bathroom. Calum nods. His feet are carrying him away from the kitchen. Why does it feel so right to do this right now? He finds the ring, still tucked into the drawer of his desk in his music room and pockets it. He travels back up into the kitchen, peeking to see that she’s still on her phone. 
The box still holds the two muffins. It’ll be a little messy, at least for the box but he slips the small velvet box into the container with the two muffins. She doesn’t even blink when Calum holds one muffin and holds the box out to her. He takes a bite, his stomach knotting. “Thanks, baby.” She finally casts her gaze down, fingers already tracing the edge of the last muffin when she spots the navy blue box. 
“Not hungry?” Calum asks, shocked at the way his voice doesn’t waver.
“What is this?” Alana takes the whole bakery box and pulls the ring box out. 
“Oh.” His voice finally croaks and he takes a moment to clear his throat. But it’s too late. The emotions have already broken the damn. “I wanted to ask this for a while. And yesterday, I hit the wall. It had been so invisible to me because why would I buy a ring four months ago and not ask then. But when you said you wanted to marry me too. I knew I couldn’t wait much longer.”
He takes a breath and takes the box from her hand. He cracks open the top and the same ring from last night stares back up at her. It’s even more breathtaking in person. “So, Alana Rya Jones, after three years together, being my North Star when I truly thought I’d be lost at sea, and dealing with me being everywhere in the world but at home and still loving me, will you marry me?”
Her hands finally leave her gaped mouth and she nods. The tears run down her cheeks. “Yes, I’ll marry you.” 
Calum slips the ring onto her finger. He feels the trembles in her hands and rubs her back as they embrace. The sob echoes a little followed by Calum’s soothing shushes. “Angel,” he coos and she continues to shake. 
“It’s not--,” she hiccups for a moment. “They’re happy tears I swear.”
They face each other, pulling away from the hug. Calum sees the smile on her face, even if the tears are still rolling. “I love you.” He loves her more than he has words for, more than he can put into anything verbal--no sound, no lyrics will encapsulate it. 
“I love you.” She wipes the tear and kisses him. Her heart flutters. It’s the same Calum, the same kiss, but also is not. It’s not the same because she is his and he is hers in an entirely different way. 
Calum rinses her deep condition out. “Can I twist it too?”
“Of course.” 
They move their camp to the living room. Calum settles into the couch and she sits between his thighs. He has a towel draped over his lap too just to keep the cushions dry. Alana’s already explained her twist out routine and as she hands Calum the various products, leave-in, comb, curling cream, and oil, she makes sure to do so with her left hand. The ring reflects in the high noon rays. 
“Do you mind if I take a picture?” she asks. 
“I don’t mind.” Calum gently guides her head back, fingers holding the strands separate. He kisses her forehead and then she returns to her previous position so he can finish the twist. She finds her phone and angles it up a little, posing with her chin resting in her left hand. The ring faces out. Calum’s attention is zeroed in on the twist but she snaps a photo. 
“Shit,” he mumbles at the too loose twist. He unravels it before starting over. He’s not as skilled at her. He’s watched her do it without a mirror and he’s sure it’s just a matter of time. She’s been doing it for eight years now and he’s only tried it a handful of times. 
“You’re going good, baby.”
“It was too loose. Gonna try again. I think when I kissed you I let it go a little.”
“It’s in the back anyway,” she laughs, looking at the recording phone. “No one will know if one twist is a little loose.”
“I’ll know.”
She commends the drive to get it perfect and ends the recording. It’s another half hour before Calum finishes and he knows it would’ve taken her less time. But he’s proud of his work. He snaps a photo in the bathroom lighting and instantly posts it to his Instagram story. It’s in the bathroom that she notices the mess of the muffin container and jewelry box. She rearranges it like Calum did, but this time with the box in the center and snaps a quick photo. 
Calum’s phone dings with a notification. He doesn’t pay any mind and helps clean up the towels and the hair left behind. He even has to get Duke to give up the fight on the last hand towel too so he can start the load of laundry. It takes a bride but Duke immediately lets it go for the treat. Alana finds Calum, on his way out of the laundry room and wraps herself around his waist. 
“You made me blubber like a baby.” She knows it’s not hard but she likes to think she’s tough. A happy dog, or a beautiful sunset usually spark her tears. 
“But for a good reason,” Calum counters. She can’t deny that. 
There’s a wave, as she calls her mother, who already knew the question would be happening soon since Calum had conspired with her about the ring and sizing. It’s not until he gets off the phone with Alana’s mother that he ever gets a chance to check his own. There are a couple missed calls but tons of texts. His groupchat with the guys has exploded, which isn’t hard to do when the most consistent thread is just of memes, and he grins at how excited his friends are. 
When Calum checks his Instagram, the notifications are a mess to read and he spies the posts that started it all. He swipes through the photo of her staring at the camera, with the ring on her finger, the video of him about the twist and the muffin box with the ring box inside. Get you a man who can do both. Learn the wash day routine and propose. Alt Caption: I cried into his chest for like half an hour (I know because he proposed while I waiting on my deep condition to finish) and I really don’t have any words besides I am so incredibly lucky to love and be loved by such a caring man. Yes, he proposed by using my love of baked goods and hiding the box in with last muffin. Yes, it might’ve been in the middle of our bathroom. But hell no, I wouldn’t ask for it any other way. I just can’t believe it’s real. I, from the bottom of my mushy heart, love you, Calum. 
Alana listens from the living room, her book in hand. Hearing the piano plucked to life. She waits, pausing at the end of her paragraph. The keys are played in faster succession than the day before. The lethargic wail that once shook the house turns into something cheery. The keys sound like they are dancing. Never jumping in front of the other but happily following the lead. 
Her book forgotten she follows the chipper notes down to the music room. She watches from the doorway. Calum’s sitting up straighter, hands bouncing along the keys. Her entrance is quiet and the bench creaks just a little when she settles down next to Calum. She makes sure to keep out of the way, watching his fingers move so deftly. His eyes are closed, a feeling guiding him rather than meticulous thought. The progression comes to a twinkling end. Alana rests her head onto his bicep.
“I’m still not the greatest,” he offers. “I’ve just been messing around mostly in the studio.”
“You sounded lovely playing. Loved even your sad song.” There’s a moment of silence and Calum wraps his arm around her shoulders. She taps at one of the keys, intrigued. 
Calum’s voice breaks the silence. “Nothing to do this weekend?” 
“I made a note to say no to plans to hang out with you.”
The smile is soft against his lips, but she notices the crinkles around his eyes. “Want a crash course?”
“You’d teach me?”
He nods. Her grin is infectious. “Of course, I would.” Calum gets her situated, standing behind the bench. His chin hovers over her shoulder, his chest almost brushing along her back. Calum’s voice is smooth and low as he explains the keys. He guides her hands for a moment, instructing when to press down on the pedal and which one. 
“When did they put a motor into a piano?” she questions. 
The comment sends Calum into a fit of giggles, burying his face into her shoulder. “t’s always been this way, angel.”
“I don’t buy it. But what’s next?”
“Now you play,” he manages to get out after collecting himself. The first time is a little clunky, her still getting comfortable with the keys. Alana cringes hearing how bad it sounds but attempts the chords a second time. Calum’s hand direct less and slowly he removes them, watching her play. It’s not perfect but it’s good and his heart soars. His attempts at teaching her the bass went well, but she always opted to watch him play because he was much better at it. 
Alana won’t lie. She had wanted to learn the piano since she was a little girl but her mother couldn’t afford the lessons or the keyboard. So she put the dream sit up on a shelf, thinking she’d get to it someday. She knew Calum knew how to play but that shelf felt a little higher up and she was always doing something. Calum was always doing something, so the dream sat, and not once was it dusted off. Until now.
Calum pulls out his phone and records just a few seconds of her hands on the keys, working through the chord progression a third time, much smoother than the other two attempts. Alana pauses, looking out the window that the piano faces. “I’ve always wanted to learn the piano.”
Calum, in the midst of his draft, stops and watches her. “You could’ve told me. I could’ve taught you.”
“Part of it felt silly.”
With one arm wrapped around the front of her chest, Calum kisses her temple. “It’s never silly. We can have lessons, okay?”
She kisses his forearm. “Okay, thank you, baby.”
I can’t say get you a man who does both. But I can say that two dreams are coming true today: Alana learning the piano and her becoming my wife-to-be. This is only the first lesson but I’m already incredibly proud of her. Today’s only the first stop on our engagement but she’s made me a lucky man and I adore her from the bottom of my mushy heart. I love you, angel. (And yes, I might’ve proposed to her in the middle of the bathroom floor. But to be fair, I have no excuse except I really wanted to ask her at the moment, so I did.)
Alana reads Calum’s post, yet again, buried in the sheets of their shared bed. “We’re nothing but cornballs.”
“Only corny for you.”
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singt0mecalum · 5 years
Not gonna lie, if Calum ever took me home to meet his parents and as soon as I stepped through the door, I’d forget about his dumb ass and fall in love with the Hoods. 😩 oh all the chunky baby pics of Calum and the embarrassing stories his papa would tell.
Oh fat mood. They seem like they’d be a dream ugh. Like you’d automatically click with Joy and David and then y’all would spend the evening chatting away and Calum can’t get a word in edgewise. But like he wouldn’t care because his heart would be all soft over how well you’d be getting along with his parents and all he could ever want for his future partners relationship with his family is happening right in front of him. And he’d stay with a light blush covering his cheeks as the pull out all the pictures of Calum’s adolescence years and tell all the embarrassing stories and it’s all just so soft and ugh I want this.
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softforcal · 6 years
Can u plz write a head cannon abt dad!cal and idk if you’ve seen that pic of cal and duke he put on his story(the one that got us all fucked up) but instead of duke it’s his lil toddler girl and its so cute and I have all the feels just any cute dad!cal fluff really
fam this picture though
Tumblr media
imma make this connected to my Dad!Cal HC here
-okay so Cal is super protective of his baby girl
-he keeps her to himself most of the time, not really taking pictures of her for insta or anything
-on very rare occasions one of the guys will get a pic of Cal being adorable with his little princess
-the fandom died when they got a picture of Cal lying outside next to the pool with his Princess passed out on his chest and duke cuddled into his side
-soft moments
-but Cal is protective as fuck, which i’ve already said but imma say it again
-like people know that if they see Cal out and about and he has his baby with him, they should not take pictures
-but Calum tries to be more open about it, even agreeing to bring his baby to an interview one day because you are super busy and Cal is in between baby sitters because the last one ‘was too smiley’
-(yeah Cal is super particular about who takes care of his baby when you and him are busy and most baby sitters don’t last more than a month)
-your Princess’s uncles calling her Lil Hood
-the fandom having a huge freak out about the interview and the band calling her Lil Hood only to find out that Cal for sure made an insta and took that URL the day his baby was born
-so Lil Hood has her own insta and no posts because… well, Cal is protective
-and fans are anxiously waiting for the first Lil Hood post
-fans everywhere jump to their phone when it buzzes with a notification that ‘Lil Hood made a post and hasn’t posted in a while’
-fans like pain. and crying when they see the pic is normal
- Cal in a black shirt, beautiful bicep on full display while he cradles Lil Hood against his chest
-dressed in a little pink tutu she is the cutest little muffin ever
-the caption: ‘Daddy’s Little Princess.”
-so we’re talking full fandom meltdown
-because 1: holy fuck they are both beautiful and Lil Hood already has the cutest little tuffs of curly black hair just like her papa
-and 2: Cal is opening up. he’s getting more comfortable sharing his Princess with the world.
-and 3: Calum is the hottest dad in the whole world.
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flannelpunkcalum · 6 years
How cute would it be, if Baby Hood was born around Christmas and Cal announced it with a picture of the baby in a christmas stocking 😭😭😭 Like you would be home already and he had full on photoshoot with the baby in your livingroom. Baby was so content that they didn’t mind what papa was doing.
you’re like “oh so you won’t sleep at 2 am but you’ll drop off at 10 am? I see how it is” but you’re teasing and Calum’s on his stomach trying to get a perfect shot of your baby sleeping on a Christmas present (and they absolutely recreate it when your child grows up adfasdf)
But like can you imagine any better way to spend the holidays? with a new baby and a partner who loves you (choose your own adventure on being married or no) and your families there together and you’re all just overcome with love? Laughing at your baby goggling at a Christmas ornament and giving them a little kiss on the noggin at New Year’s? GOD I just want a sweet little family 
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survey1000 · 6 years
95. “Educate your eyes, and the world will come into focus.” - Eddie Ross
Shot of whiskey, or a bottle of Smirnoff? Smirnoff please! Would you consider yourself an adventurous person? To a certain extent, all depends really. Have you ever snuggled with someone you weren’t dating? Yeah. What were you doing at 11 pm last night? Sleeping. How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking? LOL. Quite often haha.
Are you doing this because you’re bored? Yeah pretty much lol. Would you consider yourself heartless? Unfortunately not. Do you ever wish you were the opposite sex? Maybe around a certain time of each month lol. If you could go on ONE DATE with any celebrity, who would it be? Calum Hood or Ashton Irwin. Have you ever been afraid of being underwater? Yeah, I’m not much of a swimmer so being underwater usually isn’t ideal for me haha. Would you ever scuba dive in shark infested waters if you had the chance? Fuck no lol. If you woke up and no one was home, would you wonder where everyone is? All depends on the time. Have you ever been drunk at work? Yeah, but I wasn’t working. One of the bars in town is really close to my work. Have you ever hit a parked car with your car? Yup lol. If you just drank 15 beers, what would you be doing? I wouldn’t even be able to drink a half of one, can’t stand the taste. What would you do if your girlfriend or boyfriend didn’t like your friends? That would really suck, tbh. Have you ever slept on the floor with someone you like? No, but I have slept on the floor before tho lol. Have you ever woken up next to someone and were freaked out? Nope. Would you take a road trip with your friends? Well yeah! Which do you prefer: french toast, bagels, or cereal? French toast, yummy! Do you prefer light or dark haired? On me? A mixture of both, on a guy? Doesn’t really matter. Do you have photos up around your room, of you? Nope. If you’re extremely quiet, what does that mean? I’m tired, pissed off, angry or sad. Do you have a hard time controlling your emotions? All depends on my mood. Ever been suspended from school? Hehe, only once. Does it make you mad when people stare at you? I wouldn’t say mad, but annoyed if anything ... or paranoid lol. Do you prefer pens or pencils? Pens. Have you ever read any of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books? Yeah, I’ve read the majority of the teenage ones. Last person you were in the car with? Mom. What time did you wake up this morning? 4:25am. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? No, not really. How tall are you? 5′5″ How many drugs are in your system? Just my prescribed ones. What foreign language do / did you study? Core French. Do you own sunglasses? Yeah, prescription ones. Where is the next place you will travel to? I don’t know, good question. Do you say sexy a lot? Not very often. Do you want to cut your hair? No, I just had it cut lol. Do you have empty bottles of alcohol hidden somewhere? Nope. Do you miss anyone? Yeah, there’s a few people. Think back to your most recent relationship — Serious or not? Was it worth it? That one was my first one, about 5 (almost 6) years ago, wasn’t very serious, and definitely not worth it cause it didn’t last a week because he was an ass lol. Who was the last person in your bed? Me. Don’t tell me lies, so is the last person you texted attractive? My Papa? Umm sure? Just not for me lol. Where is the person you last kissed at this moment? Fuck knows, and don’t care lol. Have you ever sneaked someone over to your house? Nope. Is it okay if you kiss people when you’re single? Yeah, as long as you’re both single, who cares? Do you think it’s possible that you could move on from someone, and then redevelop feelings for them? Yeah. How’s your hair right now? In a messy ponytail. Do you only wish the best for your ex? I wish for him to grow up and mature, so yeah in a way I guess. How are things between you and the person you like? Well, he’s my friend’s brother, and I really only see him at work ... soo ... What were you doing at 4 AM last night? Still sleeping for another 25 minutes lol. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to sleep last night? My mom and little sister. What time did you decide to get out of bed today? 4:25am, had to go to work for 5am. Did you straighten your hair this morning? No, but I did this afternoon for Christmas Eve/Nana’s birthday supper. When was the last time you laughed really hard? Not sure, maybe a few days ago? What do you hear right now? WWE on the TV. If you were breaking up with your girlfriend/boyfriend, what would you most likely say? Not in a current relationship. Do you think that once people get married, they eventually fall “out of love”? Not everybody. Some people are lucky and others not so much. Ever had a near death experience? Well I almost drowned a few years ago, but my friend was with me that could swim so I was very lucky. Where’s your cell phone? Right next to me. What is the last thing you thought about? Where my cell phone was lol. Do you regret anything? There’s a lot of things that I wish that I did differently, but I’m working on putting those things in the past where they belong. Who would you like your next “fling” to be with? At this point, I don’t see myself getting into a relationship at all. I’ve basically given up all hope on that. Are you slowly drifting away from someone close? Oh probably. When was the last time you saw the person you last kissed? I think its been a few weeks actually. Surprising because he usually comes into my work almost everyday. Do you like your phone? Yeah. Last alcohol beverage? Smirnoff ice. Have you ever slept in a bed with the opposite sex? My cousin when we were younger. If you had to move in with a friend, which one would you pick? Either Bekah or Ashlee. What do your friends call you? Michelle, Shell, or Meeshy. Who was the last person to go to the movies with you? Bekah I think? Either her or Sarah. Are you currently fighting with someone? Nope. Last time you had butterflies in your stomach? A few days ago. Do you mainly use your house phone or your cell phone? Cell phone. Is there an empty place in your heart? Yeah. Do you count down the days till anything? Yeah, Christmas, birthdays, and vacation/days off. Are you looking forward to something as of right now? Tomorrow, Merry Christmas! Have you ever been called a tease? Not that I can remember. What are your chances of getting with your crush? I would say anywhere between 0-0.5%. Are any of your friends so close that you consider them family? Yes <3 Anyone told you a secret this week? Not that I can remember. Do you hate anyone? Mhm, for very good reasons. Last time you wore the opposite sex’s clothing? Right now, I bought a Superman shirt in a men’s size lol. What do you want in your life right now? Money please. When was the last time you laughed so hard you thought you were going to cry? Good question. Do you trust people easily? Not in the slightest lol. Proud of anything right now? Yeah. Have anything on your mind? Just the usual. Favourite type of music? Rap. What band/group have the most lyrics that represent you? Eminem or Linkin Park. Pass or fail a drug test if you took one right now? Pass. Do you drive? Yup. Own a car? Yup. Best season? Autumn. Who’s your best friend/s? Bekah and Ashlee. Would you rather sing or dance? Can’t really do either lol. One thing you really want to learn? Fluent French. What’s your favourite tv channel? Not sure, I don’t watch much TV that much. Name your favourite programs? WWE, Big Bang, and any crime shows/documentaries, What are you doing this summer? Working. How many times have you been on a plane? 0 and more than likely will stay that way lol. One thing you wish for? Happiness. Do you get jealous easy? No. What colour is your hair? Dark brown with blonde highlights. What night club plays the best songs to dance to? Not sure, I don’t really go out to bars. Made up with anyone recently after an argument? No. Missing anyone right now? Yeah. Do you use MSN? Used to.
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avanjogia1-blog · 7 years
Now or Never //Avan and Calum
The time was now or never if Avan was ever gonna tell Calum his feelings it had to be now before he officially moved to Fiji something he didn’t want him to do. After was now at plane waiting for Calum he tapped his foot nervously. This was something he should have did a long time ago but he kept coming up with dumb reason to push it off but today he wasn’t he couldn’t they were gonna be stuck on a plane together he would have nowhere to run. 
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roseyblushess · 7 years
tag meme
whoa I din’t know that this was gonna happen :’) tagged by @pinkhomega
Name: amber
Nicknames: amb, bambi, ambie, daddy, papa
Gender: female
Star sign: scorpio
Height: 5.2
Sexuality: bisexual
Hogwarts house: Slytherin
Dream trip: I wanna go to Australia so bad, ik that they have bIG ASS spiders but i wanna go. Also going to England
Avg hours of sleep: weekends: the minimum of 1, weekdays 8
Why i made a tumblr: because I’ve heard about it and I wanted to see what it was about and then I got addicted so I’m stuck here now :)
Dog or cat person: cat !!
When i made my blog: I honestly don’t remember :/
Followers: 120 :’))
Reason for my url: i’m obsessed with calum hood whoOPS!!
I will tag @dusktillholland @tiemeupspidey @malumplaylist
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